Monday, December 26, 2011



The basic prime directive on demonstrating OT powers is

OT = Operating Thetan, paranormal powers.

"If you want to be accepted by people, don't do anything that exceeds
their acceptance level."

So what you demonstrate is relative to the crowd you live in,
that includes the whole planet, its space alien lords, and who knows
what demons and deities on higher planes that might be looking in.

First rule is don't miss withholds. If you come across as
KNOWING SOMETHING, they WILL crucify you. Hell *I* will crucify you
as my basic modus operandi is "to crucify anyone who makes a claim to
wisdom, let us see now how close they are to their God."

If it were safe to demonstrate OT powers, they would be widely
available and demonstrated. The very fact that so few have them and
even fewer want anyone to know that they do have them is absolute
testimony to how dangerous it has been to have these powers, use them
and let others know.

The people who don't have such powers and are the most eager to
receive proof from others are the one's who were the most involved in
making such powers and demonstrations dangerous and thus are the least
worthy of having such demonstrations.

They are "What power? What past life? What overt?" cases.

Thus don't ignore the hecklers, *THEY* are the ones who created
the problem in the first place.

Those seeking proof of the *EXISTENCE* or possibility of OT
powers want that proof so they can crush it out of existence.

Telepathy in particular will miss withholds on criminal or
governmental elements (same thing) as they will wonder if you know or
not what they are up to.

Telekinesis, telepathy, remote viewing are all basic weapons of
war, each side will want you to be their lab rat to find out why you
can do it and no one else can. You become a matter of significant
national security to them as your powers can benefit their criminal

It's one thing to demonstrate powers that no one will take
seriously, but demonstrate something serious and to the point, and you
won't last long.

If you can move the marble on the table, you can kill someone at
10 feet. *ANYONE* knowing this will become very afraid of you, lest
they anger you, as they know how much THEY would love to kill someone
with their minds, and soon they will take to scheming how to kill you
first before you kill them. Of course they will worry if you know
because you are telepathic, so that will speed the process of your

Or they will pick on your loved ones who do not have power to
keep you at bay.

First they will try to enslave your powers to their ends. Then
they will try to imprison you so no one can use your powers. Then
they will try to kill you as you are just too dangerous to have

OT powers no longer are available because of the danger of having
them. It's that simple actually, there is no inability, just superior

If you want to have them back, you need to solve the Prime
Directive first, which is basically how to have power, use it, and
have it not be more dangerous that it is worth.

OT powers make the person who has them dangerous, that is a good
thing, but BEING dangerous is itself a danger to the being, the
solution to date has been to not be dangerous by not having powers.

This is the 'schmoo effect', just how undangerous to I have have
to be in order to be safe?

Once a Prime Directive is in place in a being, powers will start
coming back automatically. The thetan is sitting on the volcano like
some guy sitting on the top of Pandora's Box trying to keep it closed.
Once the prime directive is in place, the guy can get off the box, and
it will start to open on its own accord letting everything out.

The Prime Directive Rundown can open Pandora's Box faster than
the pc wants it opened, so don't mess around with this stuff, either
do it for real or don't do it.

"What power would you have?"
"What would you do with it?"


Homer Wilson Smith Clean Air, Clear Water, Art Matrix - Lightlink
(607) 277-0959 A Green Earth and Peace. Internet Access, Ithaca NY Is that too much to ask?

Homer Wilson Smith The Paths of Lovers Art Matrix - Lightlink
(607) 277-0959 KC2ITF Cross Internet Access, Ithaca NY In the Line of Duty

Tuesday, December 20, 2011



Phil Scott ( wrote:

> YOU have dreamed up your construct to screw with on these issues,
>and thats fine.
> Its just that once outside of the entire cluster fuck, all that
>thinking and figuring blows away like junk mail....and one sees all those
>wasted trees and stamps.

The idea is that people are already stuck in a mind set, i.e.
desire plus view of the cosmic all, which acts as sort of a jail cell to
their desire.

By giving them a different construct, it creates cracks in their
own jail cell, allowing light to shine through. Doesn't matter if they
accept the new construct or no construct etc, it matters that their
original one have a crack in the wall.

Your approach is to run processes on them until the constructs

My approach is to offer other plausible alternative constructs
until their false certainty in any of them cracks. Then they can let go
and look, probably even run your processes better.

I approach existence and clearing like any scientist, we observe,
we make models, we see if the models make predictions, if so, we look
for those phenomenon too, if we find them, we continue along that path.
Oh yeah and we use Occam's razor to shave in the morning.

There are perfect certainties along this path, I AM, I WANT, I KNOW
and I DO, and I find that useful as a standard of certainty against
which to compare all other ideas. With a standard of perfect certainty,
one can no longer get stuck with 'certainties' that are 'false'.

The whole idea of a perfect certainty is an anathema to a sinking
being. He can't handle them at all because of the perfect 'false'
certainties he is shunning.

The perfect certainty that perfect certainty is impossible or
useless is a symptom of a broke, beaten and cowardly mind.

I AM is certainty of I AM. To denigrate this amazing fact as
aggrandizing the supremity of the ego is suppressive and one would have
to question the motives of anyone who might do so.

Ayn Rand's book Anthem told the story of two children trying to
find the word they had forgotten because it didn't exist in the language
any more, the word "I".

Whatever the nature and intent of the AllThatIs, consciousness of
"I AM!" is certainly part of it, and a good and highly desirable part of

From this certainty of "I AM" comes The Proof that the I-AM is not
a state determined space/time multi dimensional machine such as
envisioned by the meatballs.

We use standard meatball theory to prove it!

Now admittedly the individual I-AM is not the AllThatIs, and
admittedly the whole perception of 'I' may be drenched in illusion, and
delusions about illusions, but the I is not a nothing, and the illusions
are more indication that the I is a something, as a nothing can't have
illusions, and the more we contemplate these things, the more the false
certainties fall away and the mind is free to see what is as it is.


Is that aggrandizing existence? Shame on me.

Fun models to play with are not intended to replace existing mental
jail cells, but to break them open by giving the being a datum of
comparable magnitude so he ceases to hold onto one as if it was the only
one in the world.

The world however is a co-dream shared by many dreamers, lucid and
not, we do survive this life, even if not on Earth, consciousness did
not arise out of MEST, and consciousness is not merely a process in MEST

Illusions of MEST and dimensionality arose out of consciousness, we
think there is space because we see space, and such things do not fit in
the meatball model at all, but do fit in the dreamball model, and hence
scientifically the model is useful.

There can't be an ultimate downside to having a model that is more
accurate than not. Even the model that all models are useless is a
model and thus wind between the ears, arrogant, conceited and vain all
rolled up into one.


Homer Wilson Smith The Paths of Lovers Art Matrix - Lightlink
(607) 277-0959 KC2ITF Cross Internet Access, Ithaca NY In the Line of Duty

Sunday, December 18, 2011



Dreamballs know that meatballs exist, but it would seem that
meatballs have no idea that dreamballs are walking among them.

A dreamball is someone who believes that the world is a dream.

A dream is when you see something in your consciousness but there
is no external actuality to match it. Dreams are hallucinations of a
sort, so is imagination except one knows one is doing it, but in both
cases there is a conscious experience with out an external referent.

So a dreamball believes that the world is a dream now, a co dream
among many dreamers dreaming together about an external space and time
that doesn't actually exist, it just isn't out there. It never has
been, and never will be, because it CAN'T BE.

Existence is zero dimensional, not multidimensional, there
just is no room for space and time :)

Dreams of space and time however do not take up any space or time,
so they can fit.

Thus when you are 'walking down the street' you aren't actually
going anywhere, you are re rendering the universe around you to make it
look like you are moving and everything is still.

So when you are asleep at night, and you see an apple, you think ah
there is an apple. If you are hungry in the dream you eat the apple,
and it tastes and feels just fine, and the hunger goes away.

But there is no actual apple, only a dream apple and dream hunger.
Why does eating the apple make the hunger go away? Because the dreamer
has set it up that way, knowingly or unknowingly, he could have just as
easily made the hunger go away without eating anything.

Ever run out of gas in a dream car and the car won't go?

Then with a little muster, you make the car go without gas?

What are you doing moving around in a car, why not just be where
you want to be?

Here is where the meatball says "Yeah sure, but that is just a

Well the waking state is just a dream too, except it is a bit more
involved. In the first place it is usually pretty easy to wake up out
of sleep dream, but have you ever wanted to stay IN a sleep dream but
couldn't, you kept waking up. Remember how annoying that was?

So this dream is designed to make sure you can't wake up out of it,
mostly through the mechanism of pain and hunger.

In this dream you do not have the ability to just make hunger go
away, and you HAVE to eat the apple to do so.

We can ask why and the meatball will say because the waking state
has actual causation taking place out there where the apple and your
body are.

The sleep dream doesn't have those causations, because in the sleep
dream there IS no out there, even though it might look like there is.

Hunger is our greatest evidence that in the waking state, there is
an actual OUT THERE, which has real causation over our consciousness.

In the sleep dream, our consciousness has causation over the
illusory out there, but in the waking state, the actual out there has
causation over our consciousness.

This makes the illusion very strong that we ARE our body, and that
our consciousness is a process in the brain.

Clearly our consciousness can not be a process in anything we are
dreaming, imagining, or hallucinating, because we had to be conscious
FIRST BEFORE we could dream, imagine or hallucinate something.

But we believe strongly that our body existed before we became
conscious as a child, and we believe that no matter how hard we try, we
can not over come our hunger without eating, and that is 'because' our
body is actual and out there, and so is it's hunger, and so we need
something else that is out there and actual, namely food, to appease
that hunger.

We have all tried and failed utterly to appease hunger with mere
imaginings, or to appease it directly by simply making the hunger go
away,, and having failed, we KNOW there is something bigger than us,
something that is making us, that our very existence AS A CONSCIOUSNESS
depends upon, that is not itself just our consciousness.

And we assign that something to the body and the out there world
that our consciousness shows us.

But we haven't done good science in the matter.

And here is where the vested person becomes a problem to us,
because he demands proof that the world is a dream, but he can't even
prove to himself that other's exist.

All peers are unpeer reviewed.

His vestment shows not only in the virulence with which he attacks
dreamballs, but in his inability to simply admit that the dreamball
theory is MORE DESIRABLE than the meatball theory.

You would rather be God become Soul, than an incipient carrion
dweller would you not?

But the vested meatball will not admit that the dreamball theory is
more desirable, and thus you can not get him to make an honest
investigation into the possibility it might be true.

He will instead grab the first piece of anything that indicates
that the dreamball theory can't be true, and say 'See I told you so, you
dream balls are all delusional, I don't have to bother with you any

Well that is him and his eternal future he isn't bothering with any
more, you see?

And anyhow it is the meatball who has fallen into delusion about
illusion, he now believes that because he SEES space there must BE
space. Illusions of space and time and external causation between
external objects have become actual for him.

This is "Apparencies are actuality" on the tone scale at 26.0.

Above 26.0, the being knows he is dreaming, and that he is making
the dream.

Below 26.0 he is sure he is not dreaming, and that he is made of
what he sees in his dream, MEST.

Above 26.0 he knows that SPIRIT is dreaming MEST.

Below 26.0 he believes that MEST is dreaming SPIRIT.

So dreamballs need to be alert to this charade and not go PTS to

The vested meatball SAYS he wants to know the truth, in fact he

It is a long hard road out of this dream to the next one up, most
people make it only by dying. This dream was designed this way by
messing with your sense of causation until you believed with all your
body, heart, mind and soul, that causation lies OUT THERE, and IT MADE
YOU and IT WILL UNMAKE YOU if you don't eat, take care of your body or

Try to not breath for a while, and see how far you get.

Try to not eat for a while, or not sleep.

Eating however is special, because breathing and finding shelter is
generally pretty easy, but eating is hard work. Thus much of the
resentment against life as a meatball is eating or being eaten.

Thus it is with hunger, rather than sleep, breathing, and shelter,
that the strongest mechanism was laid in that convinced you that you are
a made being, made by something outside of your consciousness, that has
more cause than you do, and in fact any cause you think you have is an
illusion given to you by your brain which has all the actual cause, as a
state determined machine, that like falling dominoes, can only go where
it can only go.

This was all designed (by you) so you would give up thinking about
waking up, so you could stay here. The price tag was mortality.

And for those who haven't had time enough for love, mortality is a
bottomless sea of endless sorrow.

Some meatballs have claimed that without mortality there would be
no love. They have looked upon the face of God and found a blank stare.

Other meatballs complain bitterly how the term meatball is it self
a term of disrespect. And so it may be, unless one wishes to respect
the criminal deceivers, cheaters and tellers of lies, who would drag you
down with them.

The AUTHOR/CREATOR can respect the worst but don't expect

In any case, I have already given a name of deep respect to all
people both adorable and abominable, the GodSoul.

So if they are going to act instead like an AssSoul, and dramatize
negative mentation on the subject, well let them be called meatballs
then. Know them for what they are and what they will do and how
they will behave, for those born on death row will have left
the majority of their decency far behind long ago.


So in the end you paid a pretty penny to be here on the ball floor
of hell with your friends.

Most religions try to give people some kind of faith, faith in this
sense, is that in between place where a person continues to believe all
the stuff about external cause, so he won't wake up, but nonetheless
believes that when he dies he will continue to exist.

It just doesn't make any sense that you could BE a brain and
continue to exist after the brain is dust in the wind.

It also doesn't make any sense that a being's consciousness could
be interfaced with a brain during life, and then de interfaced after
death, although a LOT of people believe just this. Unfortunately
science tends to refute it, so the more educated people become, the less
they can hold onto this idea.

Thus the person's mind shuts down on the matter, but he manages to
stay in the dream and yet look forward to something after the dream is

What we are trying to do here, is to get the person to at least
consider that he is dreaming, the first sparks of lucidity that he is
not a brain, that the brain and its shenanigans are just dream stuff, so
that he can understand why and how he will exist after the dream ends.

That way his mind doesn't need to shut down and he can continue to
be an intelligent being looking forward to a beautiful and desirable
eternity again.

Eternity is when the dream of time ends.


Homer Wilson Smith The Paths of Lovers Art Matrix - Lightlink
(607) 277-0959 KC2ITF Cross Internet Access, Ithaca NY In the Line of Duty
Tue Jan 26 21:07:33 EST 2010

Saturday, December 17, 2011



((Difficult and technical, not meant to be an easy read, for
meatballs in any case, as their thinking apparatus is not yet FDA
approved prime boeuf.))

In the first part of this series we defined the concept of

Learning is a process, meaning a series of changes in state, in one
or more sequential objects in space and time.

Such sequential objects in space and time, that are causally
related to each other, is called a causal pathway.

Data is carried along a causal pathway from original referent to
symbol of final authority.

Thus we can say that a causal pathway IS a process of learning, by
each symbol along the way, about the referents before it.

And any causal pathway is a process of learning from original
source of data to final edifiant (one who is edified).

Source = referent, edifiant = symbol.

Thus the process of cause and effect traveling in space and time
along a causal pathway, IS learning, and the process of learning IS
cause and effect.

Now remember from original papers, that there are two kinds of
qualities an object can have, qualities of being and qualities of

Qualities of being, the object has alone, and qualities of
relation, the object has because of its relation to other objects.

There are many ways two objects can be related to each other, an
incomplete list would be: spatial (next to), temporal (before/after),
material (heavier than), energetic (faster than), and causal (father of,
cause of etc.)

There are many different qualities that belong to each group of
spacial, temporal, material energetic and causal qualities of relation.

The only quality of relation of importance to learning, is the
quality of causal relation.

A quality of causal relation is simply how A affected B to change
state. That causal relation is in BOTH quality sets describing A and B.

It is a quality of A that A caused B to change state, and it is a
quality of B that A caused B to change state.

The reason that causal relations are the only quality of importance
to learning, is because if A has any qualities at all that do not affect
its ability to change B's state, then B can never know about them.

B can only respond to the qualities of A that can causally affect
B, namely A's qualities of causal relation.

When A causes B to change state, the original nature of A may have
no similarity with the final changes in state in B.

Thus renditions (in B) are *SYMBOLIC* and may bear no resemblance
to what they symbolize (in A).

For example if A is big and fat and standing on a scale (B), the
scale will read 312 and go BEEP!

There is no 312 and no BEEP anywhere in A, so one has to interpret
the changes in B to find the corresponding qualities in A that caused
the result in B.

The 312 and BEEP in B we call a RENDIITON of A's nature in B's
RENDITION ZONE, namely the scale's dial and sound apparatus. Most of
the scale per se is left unaffected, only some of it changes state as a
result of A.

From the rendition in B's nature, we then try to interpret back to
A's nature.

Rendition is a theory in forward motion, and interpretation is a
theory in reverse motion.

If the nature of A affects the nature of B, then the new nature of
B, the rendition in B, is evidence for the rendering nature of A that
rendered B into B's new state. The rendering nature of A, A's ability
to change B, is a theoretical model for how the change in B came to be.

Thus if the theory is workable, then A creates a rendition of its
nature in B. That's the theory of how B got there, of how A affected B,
in forward motion.

And if the theory is workable, from the rendering in the nature of
B, we can interpret back to to the nature of A. That's the theory in
reverse motion.

A rendition or rendering of an object is a symbolic recreation of
that object's nature later in time in ANOTHER DIFFERENT OBJECT.

Referent and symbol are two different objects always separated in
time and often separated in space, where referent and symbol are
connected by a causal pathway between each other.

An interpretation of a symbolic object is a reconstruction of the
nature of the original referent from which the symbolic rendition was


To render means to create a rendition of.

Thus A renders its nature in a rendition in B.

Rendering has two related usages, verb and noun.

1.) Rendering is the process of A rendering its nature in the
rendition zone of B.

2.) A is the rendered. B is the rendering.

The rendition zone is the exact place in B where A was rendered.

To interpret means to theoretically recreate the nature of A from
the rendition in B.

An interpretation of B is such a recreation of the nature of A,
from the rendition in B.

Interpreting refers to the process of recreating the nature of A
from the rendition in B.

Rendition produces the symbol from the referent.

Interpretation produces (recovers) the referent from the symbol.

In the language of algebra, where y = f(x) and:

r = referent
s = symbol
R = Rendition
I = Interpretation

Then we have:

s = R(r) or

Symbol = Rendition(referent) (rendition of referent).

r = I(s) or

Referent = Interpretation(symbol) (interpretation of symbol).

The domain of any function are the valid inputs to that function.

The range of any function are the valid outputs of that function.

Rendition and interpretation are functions, or operators.

Referents and symbols are operands.

The domain of rendition is referents.

The range of rendition is symbols.

The domain of interpretation is symbols.

The range of interpretation are referents.

We beat this matter to the bone because the wages of sin is
meatballhood and death, thinking that what sees is made of what it sees.

Sin is confusing symbol for referent, rendition for interpretation.

Only through a full confession and repentence can a man be born
again into the Kingdom of Consciousness AS consciousness, not as meat.


Homer Wilson Smith The Paths of Lovers Art Matrix - Lightlink
(607) 277-0959 KC2ITF Cross Internet Access, Ithaca NY In the Line of Duty
Sun May 22 14:56:50 EDT 2011

Thursday, December 15, 2011



In husk <> wrote:
> So, when Tom Cruise says, "Scientologists are the only ones who know
> what to do at an accident," that may be true, but if Tom has reached
> Grade 5, he wouldn't care and wouldn't help.

Remember God and Soul are dicoms, they are two operating facets of
the same being. Thus there is agreement within them, namely to engage
in each other, but there is also disagreement between them once they do

The God function does not create an agreeable world for the Soul
function, because if the Soul agreed with everything, it wouldn't do

Thus as God, the being creates DISAGREEABLE worlds for him self as
Soul, so he has something to go out and fight.

Nirvana and fighting are like opposites of some kind.

The God wishes to create a game of play, when he wins or loses he
loses the GAME and has to create another game. Gods have gotten into
states wehre they CAN'T create more games, thus the game itself becomes

Therefore while the human (usually resenting the game) tries to win
the game inside the game, the God is always trying to maintain the game
which means never winning nor losing the game INSIDE the game.

Through auditing and application of basic truth, (not necessarily
Scn), the being ceases to be human on a gradient scale back to his own
god hood, game creator state.

The being's motivations change from wanting to win the game, to
wanting to play the game. Rather than a desperate desire to make all
the bad go away, they want to improve the tapestry of good and bad.

The God wants a good fight, the Soul wants to end the fight by
winning the fight but would prefer never to have had to fight in the
first place.

The good character in a story would NEVER create evil to fight, but
the good Author would.

So goodness for the creator is not goodness for the creature,
particularly when the creature IS the creator after he creates the story
and jumps into character either good or bad, its may be random, at the

Now you also have to understand something else, bodies and thetans
are also dicoms.

The thetan vanishes things by duplicating them, doing them again,
the body can't stand that, the body learns NEVER to do that again and
tries to heal.

When a body breaks his arm, the body certainly does not go about
breaking it again to heal it, that's insane.

But a thetan, if he mocks up something like a broken arm, and he
tries to never to that again and hopes that it will heal on its own, it
never will, because thetan creations, don't heal on their own, they only
'heal' (vanish) through making them again and then letting go, putting
their attention elsewhere.

So the thetan has to make the broken arm twice in order to as-is it
and get rid of it. The body hates this.

Now let's take a composite of body and thetan, and the body gets
hurt. The thetan inside the body needs to duplicate the incident, mock
it up over and over again until there is nothing left OF HIS FACSIMILE
of the incident. The body cringes at the thought.

But if the thetan tries to do what the body is doing, not-is the
pain, THAT HARMS THE BODY DOUBLY because now there are two things trying
to pretend the incident never happened.

That's why when a body/thetan composite gets hurt, the thetan must
run out his own cringe on the matter until he has no more charge on it,
and then the body can heal at its natural rate, and even faster with a
thetan in it because thetan energy can help the body heal faster than
the body can alone.

Thus a thetan clear of the incident in question, can audit the body
to heal from the incident much faster than a body can heal alone, and
way way faster than a body with a nutcase thetan stuck in it that hasn't
or won't clear the incident for himself.

Now remember all of the Grades are meant only to be key-outs, so
for a while the being is very high up there. But high up there means
not in contact with a body, at least emotionally. So a problems release
won't have any problems, until his body starts to claim him back and say
'hey don't forget about me, you love me, you gotta take care of me, I am
hungry, poor me, when you gonna find that job you been promising me

The thetan high from auditing, who has indeed seen a higher state,
meaning closer to the God motivation rather than the Soul motivation,
CHOOSES to come back down into the body saying 'Yeah ok, don't worry I
will take care of you' and gets to work again. But to take care of your
body you gotta take care of all your friends too and your children and
mates, and your groups, and mankind and higher dynamics, and pretty soon
the being is all enmired in FAIR CHOSEN problems again.

So that's important, because he now has some sense of
responsibility for his problems, and he can remember the higher state of
not giving a damn about taking sides, and he can stay out of the deeper
levels of being driven by drama down at co-miseration, sacrifice,
sympathy, propitiation, making amends, must help, anger and worry.

A being who has seen his own god hood again, meaning his own
responsibility for games, is ABLE to not help and not worry about it.

They don't HAVE to help.

But they CAN help.

What they will do though may not be obvious to a normal human who
still has no repsonsibility for his own descent from games creator to
games player, games master to games cheater.

The normal human expects to be helped by those who can, if you CAN
help you have a DUTY to help.

The fully responsibile person will do triage between those
screaming for help and his basic goals which improve the tapestry of
existence on a much wider level. His goal is not to get rid of
suffering, but to enhance the number of dischord -> resolve sequences in
life. You can't have a resolve without having a dischord, so the master
musician/artist/author is at work again.

So a normal human is sitting over here suffering a discord,
screaming for a resolve, and the higher being is over there
orchestrating discord resolve sequences forever for free. High enough
it doesn't cost a god anything to create a game. Will the higher being
come over and offer a resolve to the suffering normal?

The higher being is creating discord resolve sequences so that
normals can find their own discords and resolves. The normal got
himself into his discord, is it the job the higher being to give him a

Remember in all probability the higher being either himself used to
be a normal, or is on his way down to becoming a normal. The fastest
way to become a normal is to start to take care of one.

Sympathy = I AM YOU.

That's how people got into their body,


So when you are addressing a higher level being, done Grades right,
near clear, you must address their basic goals, and see how you can help
them and be helped by them. They won't sacrifice themselves to you
though that's a church specialty trying to get you to sacrifice back.

>> ? ? Remember Gods as Humans *HATE* Gods as Gods.
> So Scientology tech can create clears, but it is not in their best
> interest to do so.

Dunno about Scientology(TM) tech.

That sounds like an oxymoron to me.

Theory and practice are two very different things.

Clearing is there to be done, and someday we should be able to do

For those that depend on the SAME pc coming back forever, no,
clearing is counter productive, he becomes too busy getting munged up
all over again in new games.

But if you have a long line of pc's, you clear them, and then you
never see them again as they are off doing what they want to do most.

Maybe they come back and visit you for a while, or send you a
postcard from whereever hell and high water, er I mean heaven, they are
involved with.

The only difference between someone chasing his basic purposes, is
he loves his problems again, he's cherry picking his way into a glorious
future. When he first came into auditing, he hated all his problems, as
they were irrelevant wastes of time, and when he tried to conceive of a
glorious future, all he could get was Black sticky tar, obsidian
glass and crazy glue.

> When Jason Beghe said that there were no f__ing clears he was
>both correct and wrong. Clear was possible, but Scientology no longer
>would create any clears. He truly was ripped off of millions of
>dollars because the tech to make him clear wasn't delivered.

I can't say what is going on in the Church, but corruption,
temptation and seduction is rife below Power Grade V (ability to handle
power), and frankly I wouldn't bet on it being handled even then. They
get up near power release but then they mess with the protocols, bending
them towards game WINNING ends rather than game PLAYING ends, and the
power goes out the tubes with consequences and regret.

Power comes from the desire to create and play a game, not to win

Any inside power you have inside a game trying to win is forked off
from the outside power you bring to creating and playing the game in the
first place.

No outside power = no inside power.

That is why people who have no sense of responsibility for being in
a game, can't play them very well.

"I didn't create this game, or I didn't choose to enter it," are
both total game killers as you just got no energy to hit back with.

Energy to hit back with inside the game comes from the outside
energy that was used to enter the game in the first place.

Regret is the retro jets that people shoot themselves out the tubes

On the other hand the definition of clear keeps changing, the
higher we get the lower we see we are.

Any number of hours however directed at running out the not know on
basic purpose should in theory return a being to full throttle in life,
even if a bit wobbly and crazy, and I don't mean out the tubes. He
won't be a 'sitting still waiting and wondering case' either.

His basic OT abilities were used to create the game of his basic
purpose, and then limit himself to where he can play the game. The
GAME, the CHASE, is more important to the OT than winning the purpose,
no matter how grand it is.

Thus you want magic tricks, but the game itself by definition
disallows them.

The highest magic trick is the ability to have what you want in the
mere conception of things.

You can move the marble because you can make the marble,

And the spacetime it is in and the people demanding proof.

The next highest magic trick is the ability to NOT HAVE what you
want in the mere conception of things, but being able to chase them
through time.

So some twit of a wise acre goes up to a serious out the top OT and
demands that he prove he is OT and move the football with his mind.

By mistake the OT has his attention on the twit's desires at that
moment, and suddenly an entire space opens up, a complete football field
appears, complete with 100 megawatt lights, roaring crowds, the
thunderous footsteps of two seriously bad ass opposing teams, and a
marching band of the prettiest girls you ever saw, and the OT says,
"There are you satisfied now?"

The wise acre says "No, you didn't move the football!"

>> ? ? Higher tone, the being probably says oh screw it, I can keep me and
>> my friends interested in existence without having bodies of our own.
>> They become managers of humanity through a projection of intention
>> process, guiding others towards their goals or not from a higher
>> viewpoint of what is going on and why.
> This implies that exterior thetans have power over those in a body.
> Do the thetans which are being controlled have knowledge that they are
> under control.

Projection of intention is not control by force. Although it can
fall into wars of that, this is in part where it all went to hell.

A being who is sensitive can tell that an intention is not his, in
olden times warriors took their commands from their superiors by
telpathy. It wasn't words, that's too slow, even telepathic words, it
was simply intentions. Turn right, shoot, look over your back etc.

Beings can try to use projection of intention to their own ends, in
dreams I can just think 'take your shirts off' and all the babes will.
Do they want to? Probably, so they do, but they did it on my asking
them to through the project of intention. Those that don't want to take
their shirts off may start to, but then swerve from the intention, so I
try harder and harder and eventually either I win and they are very
unhappy, or I lose and give it up.

Eventually I learned that the lightest intentions are the best, as
they only happen when everyone agrees. Its quite ok to give another an
intention he might not have thought of, and if it benefits him, he will
be very happy to do it, even not knowing where it came from. He will
say 'God gave him the idea', which is VERY different than 'God told me
what to do.'

Everyone walking around has begged God to project an intention into
them showing them what to do.

Direct such prayers to the High Us, God is not one being.

Well God, us, wants us to project intentions into others to help
them know what to do.

So pray not to God to do things for you, but to show you how to
get others to do things for themselves.

But intentions high up where this works, work to create games to
play, not to win them. Once the game is created, it by definition
already has rules which intentions can not break. Otherwise the game
would disintegrate the first time someone tried to win by cheating.

> Thanks Homer,
> It is actually refreshing to learn that these beliefs can be benign
> whereas crimes of Hubbard and Miscavage are separate. I have asked
> similar questions before and have been met with, "buy the book and
> learn for yourself." It is refreshing to have someone share their
> belief system without hostility.

The problem is finding which book and which tapes.

Anything from 1949 to 1955 is worth it.

Anyhow, I am me, not Hubbard, and there may have been a number of
Hubbard walk ins, I have no clue, and none of them would have liked me.
So I am sure all of them are rolling over in their graves every time I
open my mouth.

So please don't take what I say as indicative of Hubbard or the
Church or Churchies.

They are MY opinions that I came to myself, that I do believe
are in close align with some Hubbard at some time in some book or
another, but probably only by accident, eh :)

Jesus, if the Church ever thought I was talking for them, they
would throw an abercrombian fitch.


Homer Wilson Smith The Paths of Lovers Art Matrix - Lightlink
(607) 277-0959 KC2ITF Cross Internet Access, Ithaca NY In the Line of Duty
Tue Apr 6 18:02:32 EDT 2010

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

SANDR (fwd)

Hash: SHA1


The good guy tries to change the bad guy but does not want to be the
bad guy. Thus the good guy separates off from being the bad guy into
being only the good guy.

The bad guy wants to harm the good guy but not harm himself, so he
separates off from the good guy into being only the bad guy.

The OT is able to set up both a good guy and a bad guy and let them
go at it with each other, all the while being both.

In being both there is no pain, as pain comes from separation and

This is a miraculous state, way beyond most people at this time.


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Tuesday, December 13, 2011



The meatball class God critter is an interesting being.

Gods can really make themselves ugly relative to an actual truth,
it's almost hard to behold.

They talk about science as if they know any, they make assertions
of things they can't possibly know, and they generally act like a rude
interruption at a serious affair.

Just stick anyone of these clowns in a scientific symposium, and
let them present their position.

"No one has demonstrated proof of God, therefore God does not

Given it enough time have we, I suppose.

These forlorn creatures, with big vocal cords, and born to live
once and then never love again, have two basic problems.


Their first problem is they believe in OUT THERE. They believe
there IS an out there, and they believe that the source of causation is
out there.

In the out there world, certain rules of discernment apply, we call
this the scientific method with its various verifiabilities and

And yes, the rules of discernment like to see peer review, but for
one the absence of peer review doesn't make something wrong, nor does
its presence make something right.

Some of the greatest scientific work was done by lone individuals
hundreds of years before the rest of the world stopped laughing at them.

Usually however it is a matter of probabilities, and work that is
peer reviewed in general follows the opinion of the majority report.

That the existence of peers are themselves unpeer reviewed, is

How can you use a peer to review the existence of peers, if you
haven't proven a peer exists yet?

Who will peer review the existence of the first peer?

Ultimately you are alone with your truth.

And with the ultimate truths, you will have no peers to review.

The main problem then is this idea that everything of import comes
from out there, and thus the out there model of discernment applies. If
they would only learn that model well and stop confusing supporting
evidence with proof, they might do better even in their own fields of
scientific inquiry.

Remember that most of the nitwit posturing 'science' on a.r.s. are
bigoted fools, who probably have little or nothing to do with actual
science. And if they do, we are all in very serious trouble.

The problem comes in when they seek for the existence of God.

Because everything of causal import is OUT THERE, so must God be.

They miss the illogic of thinking that God made space and time, and
yet that same God is somehow to be found out there in space and time.
They want God to show some evidence for his existence, and they look out
there in vain for evidence.

You have to remember that the rules for discernment for learning
about anything in the out there world demand that one can never see the
thing directly but can only theorize about its nature based on its
causal effects!

Call that the Machine Uncertainty Principle if you will.

The poor mortal meatball is trying to learn about the dog by
looking at the dog poop.

That is never going to give proof of the dog, and neither will it
ever give proof of God.

In other words you can never learn about God by studying humanity,
the physical universe, or anything you think God created.

At least not with perfect certainty, no matter how much
'supporting' evidence you are drowning in.

At best you can form a bet and act on it.

Anyhow we are all dreaming, and out there simply just does not
exist, any more than it exists in a sleep dream.

Well what is it that is dreaming you say? You are, not your brain,
when you wake up enough levels, your brain vanishes with the last dream
you woke up from, leaving only you to be with your experience.

The physical universe is an exquisite theory brought asunder by one
ugly fact, consciousness.

The meatball will say that their consciousness is just a process in
a mechanical medium, the brain, and that their emotional heart is the
tick tock of electronic chemical or metal wheels.

Because the meatball thinks that everything is made of parts, the
more he tries to trace the cause of his own consciousness inside his
brain, the more he runs into parts with space between them, and each
part is more parts with space between them, until he gets to a
fundamental part that doesn't have any parts within parts any more.

In present *THEORY* those would be the quarks and the leptons like
the electron.

Physicists conceive those as point sources of cause, there just
aren't any more particles within particles once you get to that level,
they surmise.

If you get enough quarks and leptons together you can build just
about anything including a meat brain.

As the being starts to zoom in on the center of his consciousness,
the space he is considering that his consciousness takes up inside his
brain gets smaller and smaller, until there just isn't enough brain
inside that space to account for what he sees going on in his mind and
conscious life.

But by the time your meatball has gotten down to a fundamental part
inside his brain he has bypassed his consciousness entirely, because he
thinks his consciousness is a PROCESS AMONG MANY PARTS of the brain.

In other words he considers that his consciousness itself is not a
fundamental part, but a non zero size, spatial arrangement of parts
interacting with each other via cause and effect. A machine or sub
machine in other words.

He has to expand out from the dead center of his brain big enough
to encompass enough parts within the brain to be able to account for the
functional complexity of his conscious life.

How much of his brain does he have to encompass to account for the
full functioning of his consciousness?

And is it enough?

So this leads us to the second major problem of the poor fellow
meatball, he is under the spell of the complexity of function and
structure theorem.

That theorem says that complexity of function must causally rest on
complexity of structure.

That's a complex way of saying that if something can DO something
complex, it must BE complex, made of lots of parts, interacting with
others parts via cause and effect across a space time distance.

In other words the more a machine can do on the outside, the more
complex the machine must be on the inside.

This is pretty easy to see, take an electron, it has spin, charge,
mass, position, velocity and quantum state. But that's it.

Certainly no consciousness, self awrareness, love, pain, shame
memory, will, intent, volition, purpose or sense of personal agency.

An electron is very simple, not utterly simple, but basically
simple, it can only do a few things.

So one day if an electron were suddenly to sit and whistle dixie in
4 part harmony, scientists and meatballs alike would take serious
notice. That's just too much complexity of function being displayed and
not enough complexity of structure to explain it.

Another example that really bothers the meat and cheese crowd is
the red box that exists for an infinite time, and then one day in the
middle of infinite time, it changes state to green.

If the 'box' is just a patch of red, and it changes state to green,
there HAS to be a reason this happened.

That reason is either going to be an internal reason, something
inside the box suddenly changed state, and we are going to have to trace
THAT down too, or something impinged upon the box from the outside
causing it to change state.

Since the box has been red for an INFINITE amount of time, and the
turns green for the rest of INFINITE time, you can't even claim there
was some clock inside the box, because there is nothing to discriminate
one moment infinitely far way from the past from another moment also
infinitely far away from the past.

So the cause of the change from red to green can't be, well its
time came up for the change, like some timer was counting down and when
it got to zero the red changed to green.

But that change in state can't come from nothing, because nothing
is not enough complexity of structure to account for the complexity of
function of changing from red to green.

Now each person has an idea of how complex or not they think they
are as a conscious being, some people think they are pretty simple as
far as their consciousness and its abilities go, and others think they
are very complex.

We all know the brain is complex, but is it complex enough to
account for the complexity of our conscious beingness AND take care of
the physical body at the same time?

Or maybe he has a conscious experience that he sees very clearly
can't be explained by a machine, by a space time gizmo gizmo, at all.

He gets the idea that love and shame can not of force and mass be

Force and mass don't give a damn, he does. Since you can't make
something out of nothing, you can't make something that cares, out of
parts that don't.

This might violate a lot of new age crystal gazer nonsense that the
whole can be bigger than the sum of its parts, but actually when it
comes to machines, the whole can't do anything that at least one of its
parts can't do also in some uncorralled fashion.

Take a simple pocket watch for example, it keeps time because of
the causal pathways inside it from wound up spring, energy source,
through an oscillating escapement mechanism, the balance wheel, ending
at the hands on the dial face indicating how much time has gone by.

The truth is though if you take the watch apart, some of its parts
also have the quality of timingness. Every part is made of parts which
are made of atoms, which are made of electrons which are vibrating back
and forth KEEPING TIME.

The fundamental forces that drive a spring back and forth when you
pull or push on it and then let go is a way of keeping time.

All a pocket watch has done is harness the already existing
function of timingness of the parts inside it, to make it a macro level
event useful to humans rather than a micro level event useful to no one.

Thus we get a simple theorem out of this, the sole purpose of a
complexity of parts is to instantiate one or more of the functions of
the parts themselves at a more macro level.

Same thing for the biggest meanest super computer ever built, it
can add because the simplest of electrical forces can add. The job of
the complexity builder then is to translate the abilities of the parts
into the abilities of the whole in a more useful way.

But how are you going to make pain out of force and mass in motion?

There is a difference between will and mass, between force and

Electrons may repel each other in close proximity, but they don't
CARE, they don't HURT.

If none of the particles in a machine can feel pain, then the
machine as a whole can't feel pain.

A machine can be programmed to ACT like it feels pain, to say OW!
every time the O key is hit on the keyboard, but is anything there
actually feeling pain?

So at some point the being has an epiphany out of all this and he
sees that the mechanics of OUTHERENESS are not all there is to his
world, as he has a conscious life too.

He also sees that mechanics and consciousness are dicoms.

Machines are dead, blind, live in the dark and can never be certain
of anything including their own existence, and can only act like it
gives a damn if programmed to do so.

Consciousness is alive and self luminous, perfectly certain of its
own existence, and gives a damn and knows it.

Machines have no idea if cause exists, unless they are told
it does. And they could never discover for themselves if cause
existed, and couldn't even come up with the idea because machines
can't SEE cause.

Running on cause and effect is insufficient to witnessing
cause and effect.

At best a machine can record and note a correlation between events,
but correlation, even perfect correlation is not perfect certainty of
causation except to massively bogus minds.

Consciousness has perfect certainty that personal agency exists.

There couldn't BE perfect certainty of color and self without
causation going on between perceiver and perceived. That causation can
be seen directly, not by looking at effects supposedly correlated to
theoretical causes.

Failing such an epiphany the meatball will consider that there is
NOTHING in his mere conscious experience that would teach him anything
OF IMPORT about the nature of the ALLTHATIS, because everything of
import comes from OUT THERE which includes his brain, which relative to
the center of his consciousness, is also OUT THERE.

So when you try to approach the subject of God with this guy, you
have a problem. He looks out there for God, sees nothing and says
"Whew! had me worried there for a moment you did" and goes on
believing God doesn't exist.

Now of course he has God conceived of as a conscious being separate
from himself who made him against his will and who is mostly concerned
with good and bad behavior.

"Love me you little piece of shit or I will send you to hell

What kind of God is this?

Good news is, being a separate being from the soul, such a God
remains forever a theory, and a false one at that.

Two different objects can never be certain of each other.

Bad news is, the soul IS God, and thus we have a problem with the
external rules of discernment.

How can you use EXTERNAL rules of discernment when the observer is
trying to learn about itself!

Looking out there won't find you anything, and once you find
something, IT WILL BE YOU.

But what are you going to do about those that insist on peer

You say "I have seen the truth, we are all God in carnation."

They say "Prove it, he who makes the extraordinary claim has the
burden of proof, put up or shut up!" Like Occam's razor that's a lot of
nonsense, but its touted religiously, I mean scientifically, by those
who are terrified you might be right.

You say, I can't prove it, you have to see it for yourself.

They say "You are hallucinating and brainwashed."

We will leave it up to the reader as a home work assignment to work
out who bears the burden of proving you are brainwashed.

Now to a meatball, it is absolutely inconceivable to them that
there might be something to know about in you that could possibly be of
import to anyone including you.

In other words if you didn't find it by looking for it out there,
then it is either false, or utterly unimportant.

At first they said it wasn't true.

Then they said it wasn't important.

Then they said they knew it all along.

That's the journey from incipient carrion to God in carnation.

There are those that would go so far as to say that consciousness
is a mere epiphenomenon of the brain, that causation travels through the
brain and not consciousness, and that consciousness can't actually
affect anything because it merely displays what is going on.

Of course the mere fact that we are TALKING about consciousness,
implies that consciousness has seen itself and decided to talk about it!

That happened without cause and effect?


And if one argues that consciousness did not see itself, but that
the brain machinery saw it and started taking about it, well the machine
HAD to learn about the consciousness by being an effect of it, so of
course consciousness HAS CAUSE, including cause over matter, energy,
space and time.

To know about consciousness is to be the effect of consciousness,
and if you are the effect of it, IT IS CAUSE over you at the moment of
that learning.

But once you spot your I AM, I CARE, I AM AGENT and I GIVE A DAMN,
and I hate meatballs to pieces, you will get over the idea that
consciousness isn't agent instantly.

So one has to ask, if there is something that created space and
time, where are we going to look for it?

You would think that if you were God in carnation, that there would
be some shred of evidence left behind that you were.

Exercising paranormal powers won't prove anything, and they won't
come until you contact your own fountainhead of source anyhow.

But the thing you would long for most would be something that was
spaceless and timeless and was you all rolled into one.

Eternal, immutable, indestructible and at absolute peace.

Oh yes, and beyond thank you or endless gratitude, which ain't

Gratefulness is a kind of hysteria born of irresponsibility for
doing well.

Absolute peace is absolute smug.

So how much weller can you do than eternality with the ability to
wake up and get lost in a dream with others any time you want, with a
hundred trillion heavens and hells alternating along the way.

That's what you want, and that's what meatballs want, but they
can't admit it, too lost in the sour grapes of thinking they can't have

It's painful to a meatball to even think of what he really wants,
if he ever gets momentarily really real about.

But once you had that experience of eternality within yourself, and
you are once again in contact with the CHOICE you made to manifest
yourself in space and time, that the ocean flows because of you, and
everyone else who chose to be here, you would KNOW something that can't
be proven to any one else without them also having the same experience.

Basically the only way to prove to another that you are not
brainwashed is to prove them that they were, namely believed they were
meat, and made of out there!

What's more insane, a human that thinks it is God, or a God that
thinks it is human?

But you know the very self luminousness of your present time
consciousness is evidence enough of a spaceless timeless process
creating and maintaining your space time (dreamtime) existence.

The whole physical universe is a light picture burning off the face
of God.

But its a bit hard to see, and you would have to study the proof
long and hard. You would have to come to understand what a self
symbolizing event is and how it leads to self lumination, and I have
kind of given up on getting people to do that so we won't go there.

But that is what you would have to do, observe a spaceless timeless
part of your own consciousness, and you would have all the evidence you
will ever need that 1.) we are all God incarnation, and 2.) you are an
eternal being lost in illusions of temporality, immortality, mortality
and out thereness.

And once you have done that, you can start rebuilding your power
packages again, and start playing around with the various magics of
outthereness, and practice with others of your own level with good

But you see the problem is when you are dealing with others, they
are God too. And they don't want to know they are God, and that is why
they don't. And frankly its not just a friendly little game of let's
pretend we are not God for while and have a good time. No, this time it
was forever, they don't want to know about it FOR GOOD.

That's a serious forever in there.

So some piece of meat comes up to you and says 'Prove it!', you
might as well give it up right there, because he doesn't want to know,
and he doesn't know that he doesn't want to know.

If he did want to know, merely reminding him the world was a dream
would be enough to return some measure of clarity, lucidity, and

Only the scientist needs the proof.

He is protecting a death directed state like you wouldn't believe,
until YOU finally come up to realizing you don't want to know either.

There are lots of happy high tone people running around all
claiming the glories of God and eternal life, and all the more power to
them, but most of it is 100 percent superficial.


When they get a little deeper into the truth they have discovered,
they begin to realize to their infinite horror that they are a God in
hell, and they gave up long ago ever getting out.

(They have eternality and immortality confused.)

A few life times later you find them alone in a dark alley with
only an empty bottle to their name. You say 'Hey I thought we were all
God in carnation!" They will say, "Yeah I know, go away, that's the

So much for proving this to people, the science of religion can get
very beaten down by the very nature of a God being in trouble, seeking
death through illusions of mortality, by becoming what he made and
claiming it made him, then dying as it, as death comes to all compound
things, made of constituency, arrangement and process.

NOTHING made of parts interacting via cause and effect across a
space time distance stays together forever.

Thus "death is inherent in all compound things, seeking ye
diligently then for thy salvation." - Lord Buddha

If consciousness is a process in space time, then consciousness
is on death row.

However the truth is consciousness is a non process that is
conscious OF dreams of constituency, arrangement and process in space

Dreams of machines, space time gizmos.

Consciousness is not made of anything it is conscious of, and
consciousness is not an arrangement of parts, as where consciousness
comes from, there is no space time to have parts in.

But that is what you are trying to do, build a bridge between
religion and science. The Gods in trouble hope you never do, but
science is the only thing that will finally figure out the correct
religion, how we did it and why.

But don't look to the science found in the halls of academentia and
lower learning.

Two thousand years ago, both science and religion were failed

Today science has grown up and has become a very successful

That may seem rough, but take a look at what physics has given us.

Atom bombs and cell phones.

Well, physicists aren't all bad.

They gave us the cell phone so when the bombs drop, we can call up
our loved ones kiss our sorry asses goodbye.

But if science has evolved into a monstrosity, religion remains an

It may be science that gave us the ability to terminate the world,
but it is religion that wants to destroy it.

So between the two headed Goliath of religion and science, goes

You need to understand science cold, so you can understand religion
from the center of your GodSoul to the outer reaches of the AllThatIS.

None of which is OUT THERE.


Homer Wilson Smith The Paths of Lovers Art Matrix - Lightlink
(607) 277-0959 KC2ITF Cross Internet Access, Ithaca NY In the Line of Duty
Fri Apr 30 23:07:58 EDT 2010

Monday, December 12, 2011



> > > Religion is based upon a faith that magical moments have
> > > actually occurred, and that they can or will again.
> > Wow, does this guy have an MU.
> >
> > Homer
> >
> What is the MU (misunderstanding) here?
> Carol

That religion is fundamentally faith based.

Perhaps one could get enough of a pure definition of faith to make
it right, but the general definition of faith is belief without
evidence, belief based on desire etc.

If one sees God, one has all the scientific evidence that one

Seeing God or seeing space/time, what's the difference?

Seeing myself is all I need to know that I exist with perfect
certainty. Getting others to agree is irrelevant.

Getting others to see God also, may be a problem, that they can't
replicate the experiment doesn't invalidate one's own experiment.

There is an inner world and an 'outer world'. Most think that the
world displayed in consciousness, the physical universe, is more actual
than the consciousness that experiences it, or the source of that
consciousness. They in fact believe that the outer world IS the source
of that consciousness. That's sort of like pulling a balloon inside out
and claiming to have a handle on the all that is.

The world displayed on the conscious TV screen is not the source or
cause of the existence of the TV screen.

The virtual reality seen in the VR helmet, is never the source and
cause of the VR helmet.

The outer world has no evidence for its objective existence at all
in fact, but most meatballs can't be that honest, although a few will
admit it.

Once conscious units start to seek honestly for evidence that other
conscious units exist besides themselves, they ultimately give up
searching in the outer dream world that pretends to such actuality, and
start seeking it through the inner world. Those still lost in looking
outwardly for truth will never get it.

They are what is meant by a lost soul, they define where and what
they are by what they see in their outward dream.

There is no truth in outthereness of any kind.


Homer Wilson Smith The Paths of Lovers Art Matrix - Lightlink
(607) 277-0959 KC2ITF Cross Internet Access, Ithaca NY In the Line of Duty

Sat Jun 17 19:18:04 EDT 2006

Tuesday, December 6, 2011



In the english language actual and real pretty much mean the same
thing, they are listed as synonyms in the dictionary.

Hubbard first started to use 'real' to mean what was real to the
pc, meaning what the pc thought was real, and could relate to. For
example in early times pagan Gods were very real to the person, but
may have had no existence in truth, actuality.

Things could also be very UNreal to a pc, charge, engrams, past
lives etc, and with little relation to actual truths of the matter.

He also used reality to mean coalesced existence in the form of
MEST which became real (existent) by virtue of agreements.

Because Scn holds that persistence in time, and thus reality, is
based on an original AS-IS-NESS altered by lies to form a persisting
IS-NESS, reality then became tainted as it was an alter-is from the
original AS-IS. The orginal AS-IS and the native state before it then
became to be considered untainted and called ACTUAL, or ACTUALITY.
Basic Truth in other words.

Thus came the distinction between actuality and reality.

Both words in English mean what truely exists.

But in Scn, MEST is illusory and doesn't in fact truely exist at
all, except as a misconceived mockup. This view is also true in other
religions as well.

Thus TRUTH is not MEST but the source of MEST, namely Source and
conscious units, everything else is illusion.

But this illusion is very real to most people, so real in fact
that they consider it actual. They bang their fists on tables thus
proving that it is not a dream. That they can do the same in dreams
escapes them.

In Scn reality is an experience, something can be more or less
real to a person, but this does not affect the truth of it, its

Thus actuality refers to the original ACT of creation, which is
the as-isness, and reality, which is tainted by the lies of time and
persistence, refers to the pc's experience of actuality, namely what
he considers is actual whether it is or not.

If you come from a philosophical background where things actually
are pretty much as they seem to be, then reality and actuality are
going to be the same for you.

But if you come from a background where things are very different
than they seem to be, then reality and actuality are miles apart,
sometimes 180 degrees opposed to each other.

This is the view of Scn, of clearing practitioners in general,
and of my postings to this forum.


- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
Homer Wilson Smith The Paths of Lovers Art Matrix - Lightlink
(607) 277-0959 KC2ITF Cross Internet Access, Ithaca NY In the Line of Duty

Sat Jul 22 00:35:41 EDT 2006

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Tue Dec 6 03:06:03 EST 2011
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Version: GnuPG v1.2.7 (GNU/Linux)

Homerwsmith-l mailing list

Saturday, December 3, 2011




BEINGNESS is an assigned constellation of goals, abilities and

Ability includes knowledge and power.

When a being enters a game, he tends to decay.

He trades his original beingnesses for later ones as he sashays
down the GPM ladder.

You don't get stuck in a game by being able to play.

Each one of these changes in BEINGNESS result from direct
application of OT power natural to BEING.

The purpose of auditing is to get the pc to start changing his
BEINGNESS again in an upwards direction, and perhaps eventually give
up this GPM nonsense altogether. But there will always be games to
play and powers and abilities to have and not have.

Not have is the key. What ability could you NOT HAVE?

Thus when a pc wants to change his power set one has to ask why?

Winning too often?
Losing too often?

He can change his power set at any time by changing his BEINGNESS
but will only change his beingness in the direction of better play.

He may start off complaining that he wants to win more often, and
that is fair enough, but as he readjusts his BEINGNESS he will start
complaining he wants a challenge, that is now he wants to lose more

Optimum play is in between win and lose.

Playing is not winning and not losing.

Sometimes its nice to win and get on with the next screen, some
times it's nice to lose, hone those skills some more.

Nothing like the glory of a good come back.

When he finds his power set in an optimum place, he will be a
well and happy being, and no longer be interested in messing around
with his power set.

If his original goal and ability set find anathema in having a
human body to take care of or operate through, well then he will need
to adjust until he no longer has those responsibilities.

The Prove It! case has a problem with their present ability set,
they want to know if more exists. Often they are meatballs in self
conception and don't want to be. They look to you to provide proof
that there is more to be had, but if you show them, they end up
doubting it later anyway.

Even if they have an ascension experience OF THEIR OWN, they
STILL end up doubting it anyway. So its wasted effort to prove
ability per se to anyone.

Show them a game they can play with 100 percent involvement,
and they will forget all about wanting proof of something more.

And in the end, happiness is what counts, not ability. Yes it is
impossible to be happy as a mortal, but they have long ago concluded
it was impossible to happy as an immortal. Death forever is a
solution to hell forever. How many flip flops have they done on that

So you have your work cut out for you on the Prove it case.

Beyond that the guy who knows that ability is there to be had for
the taking but is always tied to the design of the game that he wants
to play, well they are easy to audit and a pleasure to boot.


Homer Wilson Smith The Paths of Lovers Art Matrix - Lightlink
(607) 277-0959 KC2ITF Cross Internet Access, Ithaca NY In the Line of Duty

Sun Feb 18 17:50:51 EST 2007

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Sat Dec 3 00:06:06 EST 2011
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Homer Wilson Smith The Paths of Lovers Art Matrix - Lightlink
(607) 277-0959 KC2ITF Cross Internet Access, Ithaca NY In the Line of Duty
Clear-L mailing list

Wednesday, November 30, 2011



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> So my next steps would seem to be erasing the 'powerful' valence (so that it
> will no longer lead me to do things that I (my 'higher self') regrets too
> much), then erase the 'weak' valence. So that's my plan.

Higher Self has no regrets, all is designed with pride and majesty

Erase what has regrets, but only after you stop regretting regretting
and see the humor and beauty to it all. The idea that cause flows from
being to being is in fact wrong. Overts and motivators both are a lie.

Erasure only takes place upon recongnition of perfect art and humor.

One does not get rid of what one doesn't want. One only erases what is
too cool to let be any longer. Put it back in the vault of potential
manifestation for another day.

If it ain't cool, you are stuck with it man.

> But these things would seem to be (pacticularly the 'powerful' identity)tied
> up with the GPM legs, so I was wondering if anyone has any processes that
> would handle that?

Spot and poof stupid considerations.

Particularly those of 'must not happen again *FOREVER*'.

Also anything to do with error, mistake, accidents, surprise and

If you don't get the joke to it, it won't erase, if you do get the
joke to it, it will erase, that is absolute.

And that's High Cool.

> I will see if I can find the GPM processes in 'SuperScio'. I would also
> think of looking to the beginning of a particular 'valence' to see what
> started it (probably unsucessful opposition of the previous GPM leg), and
> also various other valence processes, like those given to me by the Pilot a
> while ago.

What started it was you engaging in class and tapestry, artful dodge,
writing a comedy-tragedy that only the audience can appreciate. You
become free when you can as-is your stuck condition in the actor and can
become the audience again.

The audience *APPRECIATES* what happened.

The actor regrets.

Run appreciation and regret.


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Wed Nov 30 03:06:02 EST 2011
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Version: GnuPG v1.2.7 (GNU/Linux)

Homerwsmith-l mailing list

Tuesday, November 29, 2011


07/28/10 Wednesday 02:21am EST


Ted Mayett said:
> However, due to these discussions these past months, I'm pleased that
> my dreams sometimes are more vivid, more real you might say.

Dreams become more 'real' under a number of circumstances.

1.) Each dream is a lesson in flinch and cringe.

Learn the lessons, and the next dream lesson in line will start to
appear. Dreams come in cycles of hells and heavens, solve the hells,
and you get the heavens. However heavens tend to lead to the next hell.

Walking through an endlessly beautiful city, eventually leads to
total enmest.

Swimming in an endlessly beautiful swimming pool or ocean, leads to
snakes and things with 1000's of teeth that you can't see in the water
nipping at your bones. Gotta become orientation point and make them
swim elsewhere or in formation with you, but not attack you. They make
good body guards if you can get it right.

But dark waters still scare the day lights out of me.

Er dream lights...

2.) Treating other beings in dreams as actual conscious units,
elemental or BT though they may be, goes a long ways to increasing the
ARC in the dream which includes R.

Start by talking to or interviewing them, Hey you know we are
dreaming? Or walk around and say to everyone you pass, Thanks for being
in my dream!

Tell them a joke, see if you can get them to laugh, love or cry.
Pretty soon they will be telling you jokes that will startle you out of
the dream.

Jesus, that thing was more alive than I am!

By the time you are running NOTS on the bastards that like to pick
you up by the back of your underpants, and throw you against the wall,
dreams will have become very real.

You also learn how to pass through walls as an added bonus, again a
lesson in flinch.

NOTs is New era dianetics for Operating Thetans.

"Who are you, what are you, how many are you?" until friendly or

Never ask a friendly being their name, it will puddle them, as its
too close to who are you, what are you, how many are you.

Never look them too deeply in the eyes, or ask them complicated
questions, they fall apart, usually into entheta, ugly disgusting stuff.

On the other hand if its a bastard trying to stick its finger up
your ass every time you try to fly into the air, well asking for its
name, rank and serial number is pretty close to NOTS. No need to
puddle, get how many and they just start behaving and smiling again.

It's fun to watch them count up on their own, once they 'get it'.

When they start to mock your auditing efforts by mimicking you
before you can say the command, you know they are real, and you better
count them up into the 100 trillions, because they ain't going to
respond to 2 or 3. The more number of beings there are in a composite
cluster, the more real they can act and withstand a good conversation.

And/or be obnoxious and over power you with force.

I have been passing lessons in my dreams for so long now, that they
have become kind of boring sometimes. Used to be bugs then babes, then
bugs, then babes. Sometimes interspersed with volcanoes, mega tornadoes,
rising waters, tsunamis, and atomic explosions.

Hell I can make the tsunamis rise and fall at will now, its all
fear based. You see a wave that's a little bit big, then it becomes
bigger and bigger, then each one after that is REALLY big and wiping out
everything, and pretty soon you are holding onto the roof stops of sky
scrapers hoping the water doesn't wash you away.

Great fun, once you know you can stop it just by ceasing to worry
about it. Or perhaps you continue to worry about it just to scare
everyone else in the dream, that's fun too.

As for the bugs and babes, I learned to make the bugs laugh, or I
would simply relax out completely and not worry about them being very
still, now they leave me alone, and I learned to not go looking for
babes, I sit down exactly where I am, and they appear out of the aether
and wrap themselves around me. God I love tits.

Lesson? If you fear the bug and try to run away, it will come
after you with all the power and speed and SOLIDITY you fear it has.
It's your bug, how can you run away from it? If you just relax, let
them crawl and buzz all over you, the bees and electric tarantulas in
particular, they just go away. I been up to over my head in bugs at
times, like a hurricane of beetles and grasshoppers, I just close my
eyes, and let it happen. I can feel them hitting my body and and
burying me, but when it's over and I open my eyes, its just an infinite
expanse of bugs, big deal.

A single cringe and a million stingers are in you in a flash.

The best ones are when bees are crawling around in my ear canals,
the buzz gets really loud, and their feet, well its really an experience
that can't be missed.

As for babes, if you postulate you have to go looking for babes,
you have pre postulated you don't have any. Which rules? This is a
hard one, because in dreams babes CAN come out of the wood work, no
matter how dark and rotten and crawling with worms the cellar you are in
is, but in this dream, babes have to come from somewhere, EVERYTHING has
to come from somewhere, and you have to BE someplace they are allowed to
go. They won't just show up in your apartment.

Unfortunately, in this world babes still hate me, hook, line and
sinker, I guess I am still a bug to them, so when they do find me, they
go running screaming for the thought police. 'Eek that guy over there
looked at me!'

So dream life can be way happier than this life.

Used to be girls hated me in dreams too, talk about suicidal
depression, I couldn't get my own mother to love me if my life depended
on it.

But I learned to scratch their backs, and that warmed them up, and
pretty soon they would sit closer and let me scratch more.

That was a miracle! I had learned to turn a total ongoing life
long nightmare into a significant heaven.

That was a major change for me, it was the first time I actually
learned something in a dream that changed the overwhelming depression
about girls in dreams. I mean it had been a life long problem of
continuous rejection dream after dream after dream.

Suddenly that was gone.

Or I would reach out and squeeze a boob and they would throw an
abercrombian fitch, kind of like on, what's that place, oh yeah Earth.

Then one day I asked one, who was having a horrid reaction to being
copped, why it upset her so, and she said "I don't want to be aroused".

I said OK, and started to consider them more real as beings than
before. I started to take particular pains to touch them in non
arousing ways. Babies touch mothers tits all the time without creating
a sexual frenzy. It can be done, scientific proof is at hand.

Ok, somehow things went from very bad on that subject, to girls get
upset now if I don't squeeze the boobies, kind of like a dog that comes
up and wants to be pet and you don't. You know they lie on their backs
spread their legs and say 'Scratch me *HERE*', usually dead center in
the slapping zone.

However sometimes if one of these girls is too warm to me, I ask
them if they are the Devil. If they turn into a demon, the answer is
yes :) Lots of sucubi and incubi in this lot :)

And now I can get whole rooms of girls to take off their blouses
just by issuing the thought.

If they don't want to, and its a forced kind of thing, it doesn't
work very well, I have to put EFFORT into the thought to make it happen.
If they want to though, or aren't opposed, the lightest thought just
gives them permission and away the shirts go.

They giggle, they look nervous, then relieved, they look around to
others who are doing it first, its a group reaction kind of thing. Much
easier to get 100 girls to take their shirts off than one.

Remember that the next time you are in physics class.

Truth is girls hate covering their boobs, although Earth Girls
rarely will admit it, but then most of them rarely admit much of
anything, as most are demons anyhow :)

Just joking, but really, scientists think they have found cold
absolute zero in outer space. They really aren't looking very hard are

Lesson? Cold = Hatred born of Sorrow, Fear and Jealousy.

If that doesn't indicate and open the door to warmth, ask if a

Demons are just giggling inside from hideous joy.

But at least it ain't cold!

But the best dreams are when I am dreaming that I am sleeping, or
lying on a couch listening to a musical I never heard before, or on a
beach just lazying in the sun, because sometimes I get sick of dream
action. It's exhausting climbing mountains that grow bigger with every
step, or chasing after something, or trying 'to get home'.

I also hate it to pieces when I am walking along a path and
suddenly it bends up into the sky and back over my head.

Or when I find that outside actually has a ceiling and walls, and
really I am still inside.

Try to get outside while inside can become a major problem for me.
Sometimes I gotta just chill out and say 'around that corner will be a
door that actually leads out.'

I also hate these endless cities where every outside is just
another courtyard surrounded by buildings.

Or when the fucking stairs don't go anywhere, or end up in a door
too small (tight vaginal retentive bitch, mother was).

But usually I can just wave my hands and the doors grow to proper
sizes, or the hill comes down and is climbable.

The only real dreams left of the lesson type are the killer lessons
of this life that I don't seem to be able to learn, like the disparing
suffocating harrowing loneliness that I suffered at Cornell and
Hotchkiss, and the utter utter utter purposelessness that I presently
live in.

Much of it is failed crying.

"Everything is going to die one day, everything is going to leave
me, and I will never see them again."

That's enough to create a Black V out of any God.

Black V is one who can't mockup anything in their imagination.

I can sit for HOURS in squirming pain and not be able to have or
create one single interesting thought beyond black ugly nothingness.

My cats are teaching me to cry (audit last days), and that tends to
blow the hysterical nothingness of my present life for a while.

Crying will solve any boredom, for sorrow is love.

But getting to the sorrow can be hard. (Audit future losses, not
past losses, last goodbyes and first hellos).

But its endless, the pit of oblivion and nothingness, that I live

I used to fear death, now I fear endless life.

I think this state is the inbetween lives state I am in, and it
won't resolve on this life time incidents.

Mortality is a solution to a detested immortality which was a dodge
from eternal beatitude. I have seen it, know it is there, but I can't
keep it if I get it from drugs, and I haven't been able to get it
without the drugs. Acid and pot in particular.

I used to do drugs to solve it, the infinite monotony, alcohol,
cigarettes, pot, speed, acid, cocaine, antihistamines you name it.

Acid showed me I could be where I wanted to be without the drugs,
but being drug free for 15 years trying to get there has been a
herculean feat of failure after failure.

We are climbing the mountain, but we are not getting to the top.

And the purposelessness and lack of interest in ANYTHING is really
something else.

Don't come here, you don't want to be here. Find another route.

But I must say the pot and acid in dreams are out of this world.

And so is the music.


Homer Wilson Smith The Paths of Lovers Art Matrix - Lightlink
(607) 277-0959 KC2ITF Cross Internet Access, Ithaca NY In the Line of Duty

Homer Wilson Smith The Paths of Lovers Art Matrix - Lightlink
(607) 277-0959 KC2ITF Cross Internet Access, Ithaca NY In the Line of Duty
Wed Jul 28 02:24:33 EDT 2010

Thursday, November 24, 2011



>> Thus operating as an OT is most effective when done so as a group.

Wilka miriaM ( wrote:

You're asking me? I just channel this crap.

It comes from the analogy of a story with many Authors and many

Even if each Author takes full responsibility for only one
character, the Author can not enhance the story of his one character
without changing the story of other Characters, thus running afoul of
the efforts of other Authors trying to enhance the story of their own
characters too.

Thus Authors have to work together so the story gets enhanced for
all characters.

The OT operates by adjusting the entire matrix of space/time, the
whole STORY gets adjusted, past, present and future. When more than one
are doing this, it will causes cosmic ridges and failures unless they
dance together.

Because the OT is adjusting the entire space/time matrix, even if
only just a wee bit at a time, there is no propagation delay because
propagation only applies to causes working within the space/time stream.

The human tries to cause big changes in his small area of

The OT tries to make small changes in the AllThatIS.

The human has to exert an effort to make a postulate happen.

The OT merely has to see how a story can be improved, so it is.

The OT can bring business to his door, but the human has to get up
and ANSWER the door.

Thus merely running

"What makes for a good story?"
"What makes for a bad story?"

is enough to bring the OT changes into place, as the answers
tumble out of the matrix into the OT's view and appreciation.

The OT doesn't have to DO anything, his mere understanding of the
better story is sufficient cause.

Hey if you want to have OT powers you might as well have OT
powers, right?

The one caveat is, that the OT way to KNOW that new understanding,
is to first NOT KNOW IT on purpose for a while.


Homer Wilson Smith The Paths of Lovers Art Matrix - Lightlink
(607) 277-0959 KC2ITF Cross Internet Access, Ithaca NY In the Line of Duty