Monday, October 31, 2011



CB Willis ( wrote:
>Homer Wilson Smith ( wrote:
>> Perception of certainty in fact is direct perception of *PERFECTION*,
>>and that leads right into the mind of God.

>Are you saying now there are other minds, i.e. the mind of God, or are you
>saying you are God? It sounds like you're saying the first and that your
>experience leads you from point A to point B [the mind of God].

I am mixing modes of thought and engaging in real bad metaphors
put through the blenders.

If God is defined as the All That Is, my present model is that
God consists of

1.) Source which is the mechanical causal ground of things that
are, which includes the holographic projection mechanism and the
respository for data and universes etc. It is not conscious, it is
the causal ground of conscious units, and connects them together if
there is more than one.

2.) Conscious units, which are the view port between Source and
manifestation. They are the lens through which internal unmanifest
data and universes are projected out onto the view screen of their
conscious color form to become manifest data and universes through the
process of 'casting'. "Source sources, only when Will casts."

3.) The view screen of our conscious color form itself, upon
which data and universes are manifested and viewed by the conscious
unit view port.

What is displayed on the viewport screen is a virtual reality of
implied external matter, energy, space and time. It is a dream of
such, no more, no less. Source sources, what source is not.

Attempts to learn about the virtual reality are destined to use
dream machines to measure dream events. They give rise only to
theories which can never be certain because one can only experience
the dream, not what the dream represents in the way of external
universe. There is no proof the external universe is actually there,
and in fact it isn't.

Thus the quest for perfect certainty in the study of the virtual
reality is impossible. However one CAN find perfect certainties if one
studies the viewport and its ability to see itself and its manifesting
color forms. Thus perfect certainty is a fundamental OPERATING PART of
the make up of the Source - Conscious Unit - Color Form triad. because
it is impossible to be conscious-of with out being certain-of whether
one notices this with certainty or not. Thus by studying the nature of
perfect certainty, one is studying the mechanism by which the All That
Is manifests and knows it manifests.


>- CBW

Homer Wilson Smith Clear Air, Clear Water, Art Matrix - Lightlink
(607) 277-0959 A Green Earth and Peace. Internet Access, Ithaca NY Is that too much to ask?

Friday, October 28, 2011



The term prime directive is taken from the Star Trek series where
the federation had a rule to not interfere in the evolution of evolving
planets no matter what. When they did, all sorts of bad things
happened, and weird solutions were put in place to fix it, often worse
than if they had left things alone.

Electra started this stuff on the Prime Directive by saying
essentially, do not demonstrate OT powers to those who do not have them,
especially only to prove to others that they exist or that you have
them. The consequences she warned were dire. It seemed to bring the
jackals out in force. Contempt and ridicule are their cat call.

The basic theory is that OT power is used to limit OT power, so of
course if we are OT's we are using OT power in present time to not be
OT's, the magic of no magic.

One imagines that abuse of OT power could lead to limitation of OT
power, and thus one wants to find those moments of abuse, what 'prime
directive' was disobeyed, or even blindly followed, what prime
directive's produced insufferable conflicts, and at what point did one
give up on having a prime directive other than to have no prime
directive or to eventually create the prime directive to have no power
at all!

Every change in power status, indicates a change in prime

Thus auditing what one would do if one had powers of various kinds,
is very constructive. One eventually comes to certainty of power even
if one still can't quite exercise any of it. At least one chills out
about being in jail. Then one has the equanimity to look and see and
possibly clean up the mess of power in its own good time.

Because it deals with power, the prime directive rundown is a
powerful rundown, not to be cast as pearls before swine.

Know them by their cat calls of contempt and ridicule.


08/18/08 Monday 5:55pm EST

I wrote the below long ago, it's way too busy and complex.

The simpler and more obvious a process is, the more OT it is, as it
addresses personal responsibility for the matter directly.

Running a prime directive rundown should be sweetly simple and to
the point. So forget the below.

The end phenomenon is not having total power, but aware of power
and a comfortable balance between your present prime directive rundown
and the powers and abilities that you have.

In other words some powers you should have and use, other powers
you should have and not use except when, and even other powers you just
should not have at all, not necessary because you can't be trusted but
because of harm it would bring to loved one's should someone set out to
tempt you to use them.

Better to not know than to be able to have the information tortured
out of you, I always say. Particularly if they go to torture your loved
ones to get YOU to talk to act.

Here is the PRIME DIRECTIVE RUNDOWN in present time.


"What power or ability could you have?

"How could you help with it?

"How could you harm with it?"

E/P Prime Directive understood and in force, and power in balance
with constraint, and in control because of it.



SCI - 35

Copyright (C) 1992 Homer Wilson Smith
Redistribution rights granted for non commercial purposes.

The Prime Directive is actually very interesting to any one seeking
serious spiritual or thetan powers.

One hypothesis is that the fact that you do not now have such
powers is itself evidence of your own personal Prime Directive in force.

An ironic result of this would be that those who 'do not have or
believe' in a prime directive or who can not conceive of one, will never
get spiritual powers because they are denying responsibility for the one
they presently have in force and are holding themselves back with.

So this leads to an interesting experiment in spiritual hacking
that could be called the Prime Directive Rundown.

The first thing you would do is to write down your own personal
Prime Directive in as complete detail as possible, leaving room to add
to it during the auditing process. Don't expect to do this rundown in
one sitting, it may take months to finish, especially if you run it in
the background.

You then, preferably with an E-meter if you are within the Church,
or an A-meter if you are out, audit the following items on your own
understanding of your own Prime Directive.

This can be done solo or with another.

1.) Out communication cycles, or incomplete communication cycles on
the subject of power, having power, using power, keeping power, giving
power away, taking power away, losing power etc. You can run the items
from Expanded Gita in Creation of Human Ability, waste, accept under
duress, desire and be able to take or leave alone power or anything to
do with power or ability.

Power is conceived of as any existing or imaginable ability on the
physical, emotional, mental or spiritual planes.

By the way Power as an item is not in Expanded Gita, but of course
should be.

2.) Problems with power, including goals and opposition
goals, terminals and opposition terminals.

3.) Overts and withholds, missed withholds, mutual withholds,
withheld motivators, and co-excused withholds on power.

4.) Affinity, Reality, Communication, Understanding breaks on
Beingness, Doingness, Havingness, Experience breaks on power.
Knowledge, Responsibility, Control, Livingness breaks on power.
Mood, Rhythm and Harmony breaks on power.
Curious about, Desire, Enforce, Inhibit, No, Refused power.
Source of power, and Cause of Power.

5.) Make wrongs, make rights, make guilty, make innocent,
dominate, escape domination, survive, succumb on power.

Attention should be paid to agreements to abide by a Prime
Directive and breaks in those agreements, and the events leading up to
deciding to have a Prime Directive, the powers involved, the
consequences of those powers etc.

And special attention should be given to DECISIONS you made on
power especially incomplete decision cycles, and decisions about

No one is ever going to get power back until they run this stuff
flatter than a one sided pancake, so why wait?

The End Phenomenon of this rundown would NOT be return of total
power, but might something more like,

1.) attainment of a satisfactory, self determined balance of power
and no power growing into the future,

2.) Fully operational and understood personal Prime Directive in

3.) Confidence that once can use one's fair chosen power with in
the operating parameters of one's fair chosen Prime Directive.


Homer Wilson Smith The paths of lovers Art Matrix - Lightlink
(607) 277-0959 cross in Internet Access, Ithaca NY the line of duty.

Monday, October 24, 2011



A being in a body can not rest for long.

The call of duty and the impingement of life and survival
necessities force him to get up and do something constructive towards
those ends.

A body that is wounded needs to rest in order to heal. This can
be counter to the need to get up and go in order to survive.

But a body can also suffer from psychosomatic woundings that are
a result of the thetan body conflict going on between the two.

Psychosomatic woundings can be every much as wounding as physical
trauma. Cancers, lukemias, allergies, asthmas, environmental
sensitivities etc are all examples of this category.

Since they are being caused by what the thetan is DOING to the
body, one has to ask, should one heal them by doing or by not doing?

Acute psychosomatic woundings can heal in miraculous time once
the being stops causing them. So sometimes just getting a being to DO
something other than hurt the body can itself be a cure.

Chronic long term psychosomatic woundings can also heal in
miracle time, but often need an exact indication of whats going on to
get the being to stop hurting the body. This is where auditing comes

Now work towards survival itself can be wounding, particularly if
the being has installed psychosomatic damage in the channels of
control. The more the guy works, the sicker he becomes.

It can even get to a point where SLEEP makes him ill, because the
psychomatic damage takes place during sleep where it is uncontrolled
and rampant. At least when he is awake he can WATCH himself do it,
when he is asleep its 8 or more hours of damage with no respite.

A common example of this is when a child decides to go to sleep
to forget some trauma going on in his life, and succeeds in doing so.
Forever afterwards sleep becomes an effort to forget charged events,
and thus of course sleep hurts the body because the concommittant
effort to forget kills it.

It takes a LOT of effort directed at the back of the brain and
awareness systems to shut out a memory for good.

Black V's are dead men walking.

So a being in a state of life threatening chronic psychosomatic
damage has to decide whether to do or not do, and if to do, what to

He can't work normal survival channels because they make him

He can't just be still and do nothing, an effort to rest, because
that doesn't stop the damage either, its on automatic. And he is
getting further and further behind in his survival needs which starts
to drive him to hysteria and desperation.

So he turns to auditing which is a fix and repair detour to
getting on with survival.

Now most people who come into auditing are doing well in life,
they have charge around them but its not in restimulation, and so
periodically when it does get restimulated, they have reactions which
they would like to overcome.

Thus they sit down at the auditing table, the auditor quickly
gets an F/N on ruds, and then selectively starts to probe the
quiescent charge around the being for something that can be
restimulated, cleared and thus erased.

Auditing is like precision surgical bull bait.

After such actions the being has more free theta which is now
his, to enjoy life with, and has less fear of reaction because
he knows there is one less source of reaction hiding in his space to
dramatize him when it gets triggered.

But the other guy who is in a chronic state of damage is in a
very different state. He sits down at the table, and his TA is at
5.5. He can't float any ruds because his condition is a present time
problem of long duration that needs to be solved NOW or he won't
survive at all, particularly if its stopping him from working.

Now work itself might be some of the source of his chronic
restimulation, he might be very off purpose, at the end of a long GPM
opposing himself, and thus surviving in life by essentially throwing
his time in life away.

Maybe he gets to eat, but nothing real gets done and beings hate
that, subsistence level hand to mouth survival.

He may still be around or associated with the beings that came into
conflict with his originals goals that gave him purpose to live. In
this case he is under persistent present time suppression. He may even
WORK for such people and thus himself continuously be enhancing his
degraded being status.

Or maybe he LOST the beings that gave him purpose to live, and now
without them, he can't win.

In the first case, spotting the SP's in his environment can help
him get out from under their suppression of invention. The SP can be
very specific or very wide like 'the public at large'. He can stop
working for them, throw off the yoke of burden, and suddenly go very
free and become an easy to audit case.

In the second case, you have a deeper problem to solve, he has to
rehab his desire and confidence that he can rebuild his team and get on
with it.

If he lost his entire team, then everyone else he has been living
around is almost assuredly indifferent, unable to rise to, or opposed to
his goals or they would already have become a new team, and thus he will
be found to be PTS to everyone.

In any case the chronic somatic case and the easy to F/N case are
two completely different cases and need to be approached in different

The easy to F/N case just needs his next thing restimulated and
erased. The auditor doesn't have to know how to fix the case because
the guy is already fixed, he just needs preventative maintenance.

The chronic somatic case needs his entire present time
rehabilitated and handled, and no charge on his case will be available
to view until that is done. This takes an auditor who knows the
anatomy of ascent and descent upside down, forwards and backwards.


Homer Wilson Smith The Paths of Lovers Art Matrix - Lightlink
(607) 277-0959 KC2ITF Cross Internet Access, Ithaca NY In the Line of Duty

Sat Sep 9 23:09:32 EDT 2006

Sunday, October 23, 2011



We describe the true nothing there at the top of the tone scale as
nothing there.

We describe the apparent 'nothing there' at the bottom of the tone
scale as 'nothing there'.


A God can create himself as anything.

Your preclear longs for the days of walking in limitless undying

He can do that.

But if he is is going to love again as a God, he will have to learn
how to hate and regret again like a God too.

And, in the end how to feel nothing at all, as only a God can.

Either as ultimate truth, or as ultimate lie.

This is the emotional curve that takes a being from the beginning
of time at the top of the tone scale, to the end of time at the bottom,
and which echos itself over and over in every loss, both large and
small, in between.

The cycle of feeling starts at native state with nothing there.

It then enters ecstatic love at first isness.

It then falls down through hate and no sympathy at second isness,
to regret.

From there it sinks out of sight, finally and permanently to
'nothing there' again, total and utter not-isness, at the bottom of the
tone scale.

A God can and would do that to himself.

For a while :)

Nothing there is the birth place of the Gods at the top, and
'nothing there' is the dying place of the Gods at the bottom.

The final burial ground.

So if you are walking in 'nothing there,' tread softly, for how
many souls are there, beneath your feet?

The only difference between the top and the bottom, is at the top
the God is free to put something there, and at the bottom he isn't.

The bottom is ENFORCED top.

The whole thing is held together by beauty, admiration and humor.

The humor of ludicrous demise.

The humor is hidden in the brilliance, simplicity and intelligence
of the mechanism of descent.

The mechanism of descent is not seen on the way down, except by
others high enough to see it, but is seen on the way back up.

Thus salvation from nothing there or 'nothing there' is a matter of

Understandings about nothing there and something there.

In particular the way to get rid of bottom scale 'nothing there' is
NOT to try to put something there, but to put 'nothing there' some more.

That's because the 'nothing there' at the bottom is an apparency of
nothing there, it is in actuality a lot of something there in the form
of force, effort, mass, blackness, and invisibility, not to mention the
many something theres that it is trying to cover.

The way to vanish any something there is to put it there some more,
until it's true as-isness appears, then let go of it and make something

Thus the way to get rid of the apparency of 'nothing there' at the
bottom is to put more 'nothing there.'

As you audit the 'nothing there' in this way, your preclear becomes
aware it is very much something there, mega tons worth of it, and
eventually, as the 'nothing there' vanishes, the something theres it was
designed to cover start to surface.

At which point the surfacing something theres are handled the same
way, put more of them there, let the significances drain off until a
pristine as-isness is clear, then let it go.

Your preclear has the top of the tone scale confused with the

The top of the tone scale is truly nothing there.

The way to 'get rid' of native state nothing there, is to indeed
put something there (first isnesses).

But then your preclear has tried to get rid of those something
theres, first by putting more OTHER something theres (second isnesses),
then failing that, by putting 'nothing there' using bottom scale forms
of effort, force, mass, blackness and invisibility.

THEN, God forgive him, and Lord save him, he tries to get rid
of the bottom scale 'nothing theres' by putting something there.

But he can't, he has 50 percent of his beingness putting the
original top scale something theres, then he's got the remaining 50
percent of this beingness trying to cover them with bottom scale
'nothing theres.'

With what energy now will he resist the bottom scale 'nothing
theres' by putting more something theres?

The way out of a top scale heaven nothing there is to put something

The way out of a bottom scale hell 'nothing there,' is to put MORE
nothing there.

You don't solve a Black V case by forcing him to peer into the
darkness to see what is there, or to put something ELSE there anyhow.

You find out what he can see, even vaguely then you make sure
he can't see even that.

You turn a Black V case into a Black Infinity case, and the he will
suddenly see how it works, and become an infinity case that can see

A being can lose utterly.

This is how he does it.

This is the mechanism.

You think spirits have it bad, it's the same for animals.

There is nothing sadder than seeing a starving animal trying to

He is using methods to handle top scale nothing theres, to solve
bottom scale 'nothing theres.'

That's it, that's all there is.

He is trying to put something there, instead of more 'nothing

If he can't CREATE what is killing him, he can't remove it and
become independent of it again.

One has to see it work both going down and going back up to
appreciate it.

High appreciation for ludicrous demise, powers the dance of
existence from top to bottom, via the dwindling spiral of creation,
survival and destruction at the bottom of the sea.

It can be turned around at any time.

It can and will be turned around for everyone at some point before
the end of the present while.

It shouldn't be turned around too early, people enjoy their games.

The mechanism of descent is the only mechanism there is, it is not
a mistake and, for a totally self responsible being, couldn't be any
other way.

But descent can get out of control as understandings wane and
darken, and no one is left to audit or be audited.

It can become impossible, through those lack of understandings, to
turn any of it around for anyone, until understandings arise again,
through prime postulates, in one or more beings who can help.

God help you if you are the only one during such a time of rebirth.

A prime postulate is a positive or negative postulate that is
issued by beings, independent of any thing going on before, in the
present or after.

Prime postulates therefore can help or harm equally well.

Prime postulates are like a major roll of the dice affecting how
the present turns into the future.

However that may be, the while WILL end one day, all significances
will vaporize into humor, all something theres will return to nothing
there at native state, and all will be free to create again.

Humor and peace are not a REWARD for those that make it go right or
are 'deserving', humor and peace are home to all.

The fewer that hang out worrying about the descending and what to
do about them, the easier it becomes for them to wake up from their

We all know instinctively how it works.


Our artful dodge is well arted.

These understandings get covered not only by the being's own fair
chosen not-isness, but by the postulates of everyone else to the effect
that others will 'never make it out'.

No one can confront the damned, so everyone not-ises them too,
which makes it worse for them.

You can postulate for others too, so watch it, forevers kill.

Postulating or considering that someone else is or might be
unhelpable forever makes things worse for them.

Considering that someone is unhelpable makes YOU unhelpable.

You are your brother's keeper, and I don't care WHO it is, that
person is your brother.

You don't have to be the one that helps them, you just have to know
that one day they will be helped and will come to help others.


That forever worry about others, keeps the worrier in and
descending too, because they can't confront leaving the damned behind

It is an untenable failure in self to be unable to help another, it
doesn't matter whether you love them or hate them.

A dog pc is someone who can't be helped.

A dog auditor is someone who can't help.

A dog auditor is someone who can't blow the not-isness off a case.
and who can't deal with the revealed second isnesses of hate,
no-sympathy and regret.

A dog auditor is someone who handles second isnesses with
not-isness, and then handles not-isness with third isnesses.

What's a third isness?

I haven't a clue, but it ain't going up.

There may be no such thing as a dog pc, but the dog house is filled
with dog auditors.

Mostly all barking at each other.

Help powered by love and good humor is worthwhile, but help powered
by drama is a death trap for both, helper and helpee.

Drama means seriousness, PERMANENCE, importance and pain.

So you do not want to wait around for the end of the while (time)
before you turn yourself and your friends around.

The days of love await your return *NOW*.


Homer Wilson Smith The Paths of Lovers Art Matrix - Lightlink
(607) 277-0959 KC2ITF Cross Internet Access, Ithaca NY In the Line of Duty
Sun Oct 23 23:07:03 EDT 2011


Hash: SHA1


We describe the true nothing there at the top of the tone scale as
nothing there.

We describe the apparent 'nothing there' at the bottom of the tone
scale as 'nothing there'.


A God can create himself as anything.

Your preclear longs for the days of walking in limitless undying

He can do that.

But if he is is going to love again as a God, he will have to learn
how to hate and regret again like a God too.

And, in the end how to feel nothing at all, as only a God can.

Either as ultimate truth, or as ultimate lie.

This is the emotional curve that takes a being from the beginning
of time at the top of the tone scale, to the end of time at the bottom,
and which echos itself over and over in every loss, both large and
small, in between.

The cycle of feeling starts at native state with nothing there.

It then enters ecstatic love at first isness.

It then falls down through hate and no sympathy at second isness,
to regret.

From there it sinks out of sight, finally and permanently to
'nothing there' again, total and utter not-isness, at the bottom of the
tone scale.

A God can and would do that to himself.

For a while :)

Nothing there is the birth place of the Gods at the top, and
'nothing there' is the dying place of the Gods at the bottom.

The final burial ground.

So if you are walking in 'nothing there,' tread softly, for how
many souls are there, beneath your feet?

The only difference between the top and the bottom, is at the top
the God is free to put something there, and at the bottom he isn't.

The bottom is ENFORCED top.

The whole thing is held together by beauty, admiration and humor.

The humor of ludicrous demise.

The humor is hidden in the brilliance, simplicity and intelligence
of the mechanism of descent.

The mechanism of descent is not seen on the way down, except by
others high enough to see it, but is seen on the way back up.

Thus salvation from nothing there or 'nothing there' is a matter of

Understandings about nothing there and something there.

In particular the way to get rid of bottom scale 'nothing there' is
NOT to try to put something there, but to put 'nothing there' some more.

That's because the 'nothing there' at the bottom is an apparency of
nothing there, it is in actuality a lot of something there in the form
of force, effort, mass, blackness, and invisibility, not to mention the
many something theres that it is trying to cover.

The way to vanish any something there is to put it there some more,
until it's true as-isness appears, then let go of it and make something

Thus the way to get rid of the apparency of 'nothing there' at the
bottom is to put more 'nothing there.'

As you audit the 'nothing there' in this way, your preclear becomes
aware it is very much something there, mega tons worth of it, and
eventually, as the 'nothing there' vanishes, the something theres it was
designed to cover start to surface.

At which point the surfacing something theres are handled the same
way, put more of them there, let the significances drain off until a
pristine as-isness is clear, then let it go.

Your preclear has the top of the tone scale confused with the

The top of the tone scale is truly nothing there.

The way to 'get rid' of native state nothing there, is to indeed
put something there (first isnesses).

But then your preclear has tried to get rid of those something
theres, first by putting more OTHER something theres (second isnesses),
then failing that, by putting 'nothing there' using bottom scale forms
of effort, force, mass, blackness and invisibility.

THEN, God forgive him, and Lord save him, he tries to get rid
of the bottom scale 'nothing theres' by putting something there.

But he can't, he has 50 percent of his beingness putting the
original top scale something theres, then he's got the remaining 50
percent of this beingness trying to cover them with bottom scale
'nothing theres.'

With what energy now will he resist the bottom scale 'nothing
theres' by putting more something theres?

The way out of a top scale heaven nothing there is to put something

The way out of a bottom scale hell 'nothing there,' is to put MORE
nothing there.

You don't solve a Black V case by forcing him to peer into the
darkness to see what is there, or to put something ELSE there anyhow.

You find out what he can see, even vaguely then you make sure
he can't see even that.

You turn a Black V case into a Black Infinity case, and the he will
suddenly see how it works, and become an infinity case that can see

A being can lose utterly.

This is how he does it.

This is the mechanism.

You think spirits have it bad, it's the same for animals.

There is nothing sadder than seeing a starving animal trying to

He is using methods to handle top scale nothing theres, to solve
bottom scale 'nothing theres.'

That's it, that's all there is.

He is trying to put something there, instead of more 'nothing

If he can't CREATE what is killing him, he can't remove it and
become independent of it again.

One has to see it work both going down and going back up to
appreciate it.

High appreciation for ludicrous demise, powers the dance of
existence from top to bottom, via the dwindling spiral of creation,
survival and destruction at the bottom of the sea.

It can be turned around at any time.

It can and will be turned around for everyone at some point before
the end of the present while.

It shouldn't be turned around too early, people enjoy their games.

The mechanism of descent is the only mechanism there is, it is not
a mistake and, for a totally self responsible being, couldn't be any
other way.

But descent can get out of control as understandings wane and
darken, and no one is left to audit or be audited.

It can become impossible, through those lack of understandings, to
turn any of it around for anyone, until understandings arise again,
through prime postulates, in one or more beings who can help.

God help you if you are the only one during such a time of rebirth.

A prime postulate is a positive or negative postulate that is
issued by beings, independent of any thing going on before, in the
present or after.

Prime postulates therefore can help or harm equally well.

Prime postulates are like a major roll of the dice affecting how
the present turns into the future.

However that may be, the while WILL end one day, all significances
will vaporize into humor, all something theres will return to nothing
there at native state, and all will be free to create again.

Humor and peace are not a REWARD for those that make it go right or
are 'deserving', humor and peace are home to all.

The fewer that hang out worrying about the descending and what to
do about them, the easier it becomes for them to wake up from their

We all know instinctively how it works.


Our artful dodge is well arted.

These understandings get covered not only by the being's own fair
chosen not-isness, but by the postulates of everyone else to the effect
that others will 'never make it out'.

No one can confront the damned, so everyone not-ises them too,
which makes it worse for them.

You can postulate for others too, so watch it, forevers kill.

Postulating or considering that someone else is or might be
unhelpable forever makes things worse for them.

That forever worry about others, keeps the worrier in and
descending too, because they can't confront leaving the damned behind

It is an untenable failure in self to be unable to help another,
it doesn't matter whether you love them or hate them.

There may be no dog pc's, but the dog house is filled with dog

Help powered by love and good humor is worthwhile, but help powered
by drama is a trap for both, helper and helpee.

Drama means seriousness, PERMANENCE, importance and pain.

So you do not want to wait around for the end of the while (time)
before you turn yourself and your friends around.

The days of love await your return *NOW*.


- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
Homer Wilson Smith The Paths of Lovers Art Matrix - Lightlink
(607) 277-0959 KC2ITF Cross Internet Access, Ithaca NY In the Line of Duty

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Posted: Sun Oct 23 23:07:03 EDT 2011
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Hash: SHA1


There is a difference between support for the possibile truth of
something, and perfect certainty that something is true.

Evidence is support for the possible truth of something.

Proof is a perfect certainty that something is true.

Evidence is an observation, and as such it is true that evidence
can prove existential statements true, and universal statements false.

Existential Statement:

"Daisies exist" can be proven by one observation of a single daisy.

Universal Statement:

"All Daisies are white" can be disproven by one observation of a
black daisy.

But evidence that a universal statement is true is not proof.

And evidence that an existential statement is false, is not proof.

Thus by defining evidence = proof, one denies the ability to
distinguish between mere evidence and actual proof which can be used by
scammers to imply they have proof when they only have supporting

The claim that "Keith exists now" is an existential statement and
can be proven by one observation that he exists now. But only keith can
observe himself, thus only Keith can know for sure if he exists now.

The claim that "Keith existed 20 life times ago" is a universal
statement and thus can not be proven with any number of observations in
present time.

The reason is that the past can not be observed directly, and thus
only observations of things in the present can be offered as evidence
for Keith's existence in the past.

But THAT depends on the idea that present objects are causally
related to events in the past so that one can use present objects, or
their state, as evidence for the past.

But THAT depends on the idea that the past ALWAYS gives rise to
such present objects, or that present objects are ALWAYS given rise to
by the past. Footprints are ALWAYS caused by someone walking by.

And those are universal statements.

The truth of universal statements are not subject to proof, only to
supporting evidence of their possibility.

Keith's foot print in the mud now, does not and can never prove
with perfect certainty that Keith walked by here yesterday.

The law requires 'beyond reasonable doubt' in 'proving' people
guilty, but it is evidential only because it is always about the past,
who *DID* what.

True proof would be 'beyond a shadow of a doubt' which is a perfect

Thus those that like to confuse evidence with proof are like the
crooked lawyer who tells his jury that the evidence they have provided
is proof the defendant is guilty.

It's always bogus at an absolute level, and those that fall for it,
and those that engage in it are alike unworthy of polluting the air with
their breath.


- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
Homer Wilson Smith The Paths of Lovers Art Matrix - Lightlink
(607) 277-0959 KC2ITF Cross Internet Access, Ithaca NY In the Line of Duty
Mon Feb 14 17:05:57 EST 2011

================ ====================
Sun Oct 23 03:06:02 EDT 2011
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Version: GnuPG v1.2.7 (GNU/Linux)

Homerwsmith-l mailing list

Friday, October 21, 2011


Hash: SHA1


Trauma is unhealingness in body, heart, mind or soul.

Unhealingness is the result of protest of, resistence to and
irresponsibility for both sides of the event. The body has a harder
time healing than the being, but the limits of healingness of the body
have not yet been tapped, as the body is infested with the being who
is unhealed from 27 universes ago. Along with about 400 trillion
other sub beings packed in for the ride by the pc.

Trauma can only persist in the presence of postulates to that
effect, I am victimized, tramatized, permanently harmed and this ain't

Seriousness is anti humor.

Dramatization is seriousness, permanence, importance and pain.

Unhealingness is dramatization of how serious and forever it all is.

PERMANENT LOSS, I will never be the same.

The being has been involved in very deep anger/regret cycles,
blame and despair that have put him into total solidity on the matter of
hurt and harm. He has felt he has been permanently harmed, and he has
tried to permanently harm others in return, and then regretted it

No humor there you see, and thus no healing.

This leads to eternal separation from others, and ultimately from
oneself if that's possible.

Healing can only take place once the following items
have been handled fully, along with all subservient items.


E/P, able to create ludicrous demise at will, forever for free.

Remember you want the ANDS, not the ORS.

You want the times he and another blamed each other at the same
time, and regretted it at the same time and either did or did not give
full apology at the same time.

Failed apologies are a whole science unto themselves. For
example two beings can offer heartfelt apologies to each other,
somehow get the idea that the other being didn't get it or rejected
it, and then withdraw the apologies for ever more after having already
given them! And they both do this simultaneously.

Try to audit that out of a case.

If it is between mother and son, you want the being as son and
mother blaming each other, and you want the being as mother and son
blaming each other in prior or future existence.

This stuff forms obsidian glue and sinks like a stone into
oblivion. This is WHY no one can remember the early years and why
they live their lives as a Black V.


- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
Homer Wilson Smith The Paths of Lovers Art Matrix - Lightlink
(607) 277-0959 KC2ITF Cross Internet Access, Ithaca NY In the Line of Duty

Mon Jul 17 20:21:29 EDT 2006

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Fri Oct 21 03:06:02 EDT 2011
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Clear-L mailing list

Thursday, October 20, 2011


Hash: SHA1


There is:

As-isness which leads to vanishment.

Alter-ising which leads to persistence.

Is-ness which IS persistence.

Not-ising which leads to a persisting apparency of vanishment
called a not-isness.

As-isness is the moment of creation without significance, which
leads to a vanishing truth. He takes his attention off of it for a
moment, and bang it is gone as if it had never been. It can't impinge
upon him later when he isn't looking, because it isn't there any more.

Alter-ising is the addition of significances to an as-isness,
leading to a persisting truth.

Further alter-ising is the addition of contradictory significances
to an already existing persisting truth, leading to a persisting lie.
The lie persists powered by the original underlying persisting truth.

Is-ness is the perception of persisting truth or persisting lies.

Not-ising is the addition of effort, force, mass, blackness, and
invisibility to an Is-ness to create the apparency of nothing there.

First the shape and form of mama is created with no significance
that it is a mother. That is an as-isness.

Then all the significances of motherhood and motherly love,
support, and nurturance are added on, co dependencies are established
and interactions start to take place in time. That is alter-isness

Then mother starts to turn out to be slightly less than ideal, and
layers of hate and regret are added on. That is further alter-isness
taking place.

Eventually mother dies, and there is no feeling about her at all.
That is not-isness taking place.

The continuous alternating love and hate, sympathy and no sympathy
for mother are covered in nothing there.

The vanishing truth is the shape and form of mother.

The persisting truth is love, based upon the original as-isness of
shape and form of mother, and the added significances of ideal

The persisting lies is hate and death (nothing there), based upon
added contradictory significances of un-ideal motherhood.

Eventually the person just stops thinking about mother, which
completes the process of debonding, creating a final physical,
emotional, mental and spiritual nothing there.

The incident is perceived as 'nothing there', but is a powerful
something there, covered in black but powered by the underlying and
original love.

Any detested mother can be run back to a lovely mother.

Auditing can end off there, we do not need to as-is her, nor do we
want to.

The apparency of nothing there is called a ridge.

A ridge consists of two sides, one side is something there, the
other side is nothing there. The being, facing the nothing there side,
thinks there is nothing there. Ridges only run by creating both sides
at the same time.

A ridge is an AND, there is something there AND there is nothing
there; ridges must be run as an AND, or they won't run out. Ridges are
not created by alternating between something there and nothing there,
which is an OR. Ridges are created by creating BOTH something there AND
nothing there at EXACTLY the same time, which is an AND.

This is called mental isometrics and is the death of a being.

If the preclear is surrounding something from all sides, and
not-ising it from all sides, the nothing there will be on the outside of
the sphere, and the something there will be in the center, compressed to
a point.

Any event or idea can be compressed or spatially warped until it is
unrecognizable, without in any way diminishing the integrity of the
event or idea. Once the suppression releases from the event or idea,
they will spring back to their own normal size, shape and nature.

Thus trying to 'squish' something out of existence does not work.

It may get it so small you can't see it any more, but it maintains
its original power to kick you in the face anytime you put your
attention on it or near it.

Once made these things are indestructible until as-ised fully
without suppression or alteration as they were originally made.

Further it is much easier to render sensory perceptions invisible,
all black, or nothing there, but very much harder to fully render the
EFFORT and the force in the event into apparent non existence. Thus
your preclear is surrounded by ridges that he can no longer see, hear,
feel, taste or smell, that can none the less kick him in the face any
time they want, or he runs into them in the dark.

Notis-ness is sticky, once made it persists 'on its own'. It needs
to be duplicated exactly as it is being created, to be run out.

Since a not-isness is a moment of not thereness, the preclear can
not find these moments by hunting around for them analytically, by
ransacking his memory for a time he chose to forget something or nail
something out of existence.

He is nailing out of existence a memory, you think the memory of
doing so will survive or be easily accessible in stead?

However not-isness is also repetitively convulsive, it needs to
happen over and over again in present time with a certain periodicity in
order to maintain itself. Otherwise it would vanish on its own accord
after a long time.

Thus if one sits in session waiting for a not-isness flow to
happen, it will, usually under the guise of doing something else
'constructive', a substitute goal.

The preclear can't sit still, he keeps getting the itch to get up
and go and DO something. THAT effort to do something is the one he is
using to not-is the thing he doesn't want to know about. Prevented from
doing the substitute, the not-isness starts to break open in pain, but
not release.

One forgets A by trying to remember B.

One tries to not think about A by thinking about B, etc.

One tries to not feel A by feeling B.

One tries to forget failure at A by trying to succeed with B.

One tries to not know, be, do, or have A, by knowing, being, doing,
or having B.

For example his efforts to think about B will grind against his
efforts to NOT THINK about A and thus keep them in place. The more he
thinks about B, the more he is making sure he never thinks about A

Thinking about B lays down mass on NOT thinking about A, so the
more he thinks about B, the further A gets buried away from him and the
harder it is to get it back once he gives up nonsensing about B.

It is a still mind indeed that can spot a not-isness flow for what
it is, an effort to make nothing of something, to nail something out of
existence FOREVER, often by making something else.

The way to not create A is to create B convulsively.

The FOREVER is scary because these are immortal flows and the
preclear has debonded for good with his apparent immortality in time.

That is why your preclear is in a mortal meat body, so he can live
the pretense that it will all end one day in total nothing there.

He wants to BE NOTHING, and the body promises that to him at
Death's End.

It's a last ditch effort to live a sham, in place of awareness of
the disgrace and ignominy of what he lost as an immortal being.

His immortal time stream is not only in a state of ruin, but is
also in a state of permanent disaster.

It couldn't be any other way, ALL time streams go to hell after a
while if they go on too long.

That is why peace rests in eternality, being above space and time,
and not immortality, which is being stuck in a single time stream

Your preclear has been seeking oblivion ever since his most present
immortality went to hell.

He may never recover his original standing, other's may never
forgive him while they are still in the same time stream too.

Your preclear's only salvation MAY be to return to eternality, and
start a new time stream, where he can mess up again a fresh.

Since everyone in your preclear's present time stream is going
through the same decay, they will eventually all become as disgraced as
he conceives himself to be, and maybe they will finally come to forgive
each other. But it may be a long time.

On the other hand, maybe your preclear will just stand up one day
and say 'To hell with this, no one is pure before source, the High Us
forgives the High Us, and so I forgive you, and you will forgive me in
return, as that is the absolute power of the forgiveness of the High US,
for the High US, by the High US.'

That is why prayers made in the name of the High-US don't work,
your preclear's conception of the High-US is polluted with a few
detested terminals that your preclear wishes were not part of the
High-US, so the prayer is not to the FULL HIGH-US and it falters.

All it takes is one exception to the preclear's sense of bonding,
just one debondee, and your preclear will be a 'Davey Jones' Locker'
case a few million years hence.

Dead Meat.

A most detested terminal is another being which causes the preclear
to refuse to be part of the High-US because the detested terminal is
part of the High-US.

That's like refusing to get on a bus because your worst enemy is on
the bus too.

The preclear first supplicates the rest of the High-US to kick the
detested terminal out of the High-US FOREVER, to debond permanently with
the miscreant, which of course fails because it can't happen anyhow, and
then, feeling unsupported, the preclear refuses to be part of the
High-Us himself.

Which of course fails because it can't happen, but your preclear is
pretending with all his life force that it can happen and has.

Your preclear is 'out of here'. Where is he going to go?

So with a little auditing your preclear figures all this out and
maybe he says something like:


Some people can not handle being forgiven. They haven't admitted
they are guilty yet. They will be most detested terminals on other
people's track.

However, no one walked away from The War clean.

"You lost your High Masters, and you blamed your High
Apprehentices, and now no one is pure before source." - Adore

But presently all this drama is covered in convulsive self
perpetuating not-isness flows. This results in what happened
on the spiritual plane, trying to repeat itself as history on the
physical plane.

You think atomic war is bad.

Atomic wars are for a while.

What we are talking about here was FOREVER.

Or so it was wished.

And attempted spiritual murder counts as murder, even if the
preclear lucks out in the end when the while ends in spite of himself.

Only forgiveness forever though can melt the FOREVER.

If the preclear would only be there with the convulsive flow of
not-isness when it happens and RECOGNIZE IT AS SUCH, it would lessen in
power and force, and eventually the preclear would be able to smoothly
interrupt it when it happens again, thus reducing it to zero.

There is a pattern to auditing convulsive not-isness flows.

Watch it, they are big, like the ocean moving all at once.

The service fac sits like a 40,000 ton cap of stone on the basic
purpose of the being.

You had better know what you are doing if you are going to remove
that cap and let the well spring gusher free.

The last time people were free was before The War.

At first the not-ising convulses on its own during the day and the
preclear has no clue.

Then the not-ising convulses and the preclear notices it AFTER the
fact, way too late, but the preclear says 'I saw that!' and DOES NOTHING
MORE. He is now aware of what that particular convulsion looks like.

"Remember the battle and do nothing more." - Bible

Then the not-ising convulses and the preclear wakes up into it as a
convulsion somewhere in the middle of it, and can continue it willfully
and let it off smoothly. This reduces the power of the automatic flow
to the degree, and for the period, that the pc controls it consciously
and ends it off smoothly under his control.

Then the not-ising convulses and the preclear wakes up into it
earlier and earlier after it starts, until finally the preclear can wake
up into the convulsion AT its start and then BEFORE it starts.

At that point he can say 'Oh Phooey with this!', and the not-isness
convulsion will be no more.

It is the purpose of the auditor to restimulate, under auditor
control, the start of a not-isness convulsion that is going on
periodically anyhow, that the preclear does not know about, so that the
preclear can begin to see it when it happens and run it out.


Case is the sum total illogical efforts to survive.

Case consists of:

The effort to vanish via not-isness rather than as-isness.

The effort to persist via as-isness rather than not-isness.

Case is compounded by questions and answers, particularly wrong

Question asking causes continuance of persistence.

Question asking is the effort to determine how to alter-is or
not-is a condition in order to vanish it.

Question asking is usually of the form, 'What should I DO about

Case consists of events of the application of all of the above.

Each event contains wrong answers to the following questions in the
following order, cementing the event into permanent persistence.


Each question higher on the scale hides the answers to the
questions lower on the scale.

Thus one needs to run when before where, where before how, how
before who, who before why, and why before what.

When the what is fully gotten, the event will erase.

These questions can and must be run around and around from top to
bottom many times before an event will fully clear.


Spot SOME event. Spot NO event.

When a some or no event or its masses or entities have been spotted
and is reading well on the meter run,

Is there a when? Is there a NO when?
Is there a where? Is there a NO where?
Is there a how? Is there a NO how?
Is there a who? Is there a NO who?
Is there a why? Is there a NO why?
Is there a what? Is there a NO what?

Exact wording it not important, but the running of SOME and NO in
sync is utterly important.

The above are worded as questions, but if you can stay away from
questions you will be better off, because questions cause persistence of
the bank. The bank is MADE of questions, and thus questions restimulate
the whole bank.

Asking questions is an invitation to operate your full bank, the
whole thing all at once.

If SOME and NO won't run on an item that is obviously charged, use
SOME and REFUSED instead of NO until NO reads again.

This process will pick up areas of stone and obsidian glass that
need to be opened up with REFUSED until they start flowing back and
forth again with SOME and NO.

The pc doesn't want to know about it, he really doesn't, and you
are trying to help him know about it again.

Remember he gave up FOREVER, and tried his best to condemn himself
and everyone else to nothing there forever.

He can have nothing there forever, but not in time, only out of
time, only in Aeternum (latin: Eternity).

And there is a LOT of something there between where he is now at
the bottom of time, and where he wants to be outside of time.

It is your job to pull him up from the apparency of nothing there,
through millions of years of detested something theres, up through
adored something theres, up to the true nothing there that made all the
adored and detested something theres worth while.

It is the while you are auditing from beginning to end, the cycle
of creation, survival and destruction.

Notice destruction does not mean vanishment.

Destruction means buried at the bottom of the sea entombed in all
the something theres he said were nothing theres.

Creation, survival and destruction are simply as-isness, isness and
not-isness, with alter-isness providing the mechanism every step of the

It starts with peace, moves into love, love becomes hate, and hate
becomes death.

How do you turn death back into peace?

You audit the WHILE.

You audit the FOREVERS out of the while.

Whiles only persist because everyone is wishing off forevers, first
on others, then on themselves in regret.

Only the good feel guilty.

Only sad eyes cry forever.

Find the good humor, find the sad eyes, and you will find the
forevers that need to be run.

Once the while is gone, all that is left is omni awesome humor and
peace forever for free.

Until he creates another while.

But that's another story.


- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
Homer Wilson Smith The Paths of Lovers Art Matrix - Lightlink
(607) 277-0959 KC2ITF Cross Internet Access, Ithaca NY In the Line of Duty

======================= ========================
Posted: Thu Oct 20 23:44:45 EDT 2011
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Version: GnuPG v1.2.7 (GNU/Linux)

Homerwsmith-l mailing list

Wednesday, October 19, 2011


Hash: SHA1 wrote:
> The main contribution that each OT needs to make to asylum Earth
>is to remove himself and his postulates from the Dharma Pool of cause
>that keeps everyone locked into their condition.

Dharma Pool of Cause:

Dharma means the ultimate law of all things and individual right
conduct in conformity with that law.

The first part, the ultimate law of all things, can be loosely
translated as you gets what you wants, and you get what you put your
attention on and what you put your attention on not putting your
attention on.

The second part, individual right conduct in conformity with that
law, loosely translates as Awareness of Truth and The Way to Personal
Freedom and Integrity, with emphasis on 'The Way'.

The Dharma Pool is the persisting matrix of unright conducts that
causes the continued persistences of non freedom and out integrity.
The basic unright conduct is a persisting postulate.

When A does B harm, B makes the postulate that A harmed him, and
A makes the postulate that A harmed B. Both suffer from this. This
forms a Karmic connection between them that resides in the Dharma
Pool, which could also be called the Karma Pool.

Either one can break the connection by taking back his postulate,
as-ising it completely, and the other will also vanish his postulate,
automatically and without much awareness of why or what's going on.
The burden will simply lift and bother him no more. If he's smart he
may figure out why, if he's not, he won't care, he will just feel

A and B are in each other's Dharma Pool. B may be in C's Dharma
Pool, but A and C are not.

Once your own Dharma Pool is cleaned up, you are free to leave,
as no 'postulated debts' hold you to remain. Other's need to work out
their own Dharma Pool in good time, so you do not need to and SHOULD
NOT remain to 'help them'.


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Wed Oct 19 03:06:03 EDT 2011
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Version: GnuPG v1.2.7 (GNU/Linux)

Homerwsmith-l mailing list

Tuesday, October 18, 2011




There is:

Native state - no manifestation

As-isness - manifestation but no significance or know about

Alter-ising - adding significance (know about)

Is-ness - persistence resulting from alter-ising as-isness

Not-ising - covering an is-ness in effort, force, mass, blackness and
invisibility, producing an apparency of vanishment and as-isness.

Native state and as-isness are top of the tone scale.

Isness is middle of the tone scale, spirit of play.

Not-isness is bottom of tone scale, leading to spiritual death.

Anything a being can KNOW, BE, DO or HAVE, he can also NOT KNOW,

Top scale he can not know, not be, not do or nor have via
as-isness, resulting in total vanishment and native state, or basic
truth, which is "nothing there", or no manifestation.

Basic truth is what is true before any created truths or conscious
manifestations are created.

Basic Truth is eternal and the same for all.

Created truths are temporal and different for all, except as they
agree to share them in common playing fields (universes).

Bottom scale he can not know, not be, not do or nor have via
not-isness, (effort, force, mass, blackness and invisibility), resulting
in the apparency of total vanishment, the apparency of native state and
basic truth, but is only the apparency of nothing there.

A not-isness is something there covered in black or invisility in
order to look like a nothing there.

Bottom scale is ENFORCED top scale.

All aberration is enforced native state.

Enforced means he thinks he doesn't have a choice about it.

Native state is naturally not know, not be, not do, not have, not
create, not be responsible for, not control, no affinity, no reality (no
agreement), no communication, and no understanding, because there is
nothing yet created to relate to.

Bottom scale is top scale entombed in mass, forgetfulness,
occlusion, oblivion and non existence.

Top scale he has not yet created.

Bottom scale he can't create, but considers he is being created, if
he has any consciousness to consider with left.

Top scale he has a choice about nothing there.

Bottom scale he doesn't have a choice about nothing there, or so he
thinks, as he has covered all the something there with not-isness.

Avichi means the hell of enforced 'nothing there'.

He can't put anything there.

If he would simply PUT NOTHING THERE via conscious not-isness,
rather than resist the apparent nothing there by trying to put something
there and failing, it would all start to come apart and he would come up
scale again into a world of forgotten and occluded something theres.

In between top scale and bottom scale he can engage in KNOW, BE, DO
and HAVE via facility in as-isness, alter-ising and ISNESS.

This would be games and spirit of play.

For example he can BE an elephant.

Being an elephant is an isness.

An isness is an as-isness adorned (altered) with significances.

Significances are:

"When is it?" (Time and duration)
"Where is it?" (Location)
"How is it?" (How is it being created?)
"Who is it?" (What beings are involved in it?)
"Why is it?" (Why was it created?)
"What is it?" (What is it's first and primary significance?)

For the purposes of this bulletin we will add two more, but they
are subsumed under the others above.

"What is it used for?" (Why?)
"Who uses it?" (Who?)

So your preclear is being an elephant.

If he were to simply be the big grey mass that formed an elephant,
he would be being an as-isness, and it would vanish as the first breeze
took his attention off of it.

(This is hard to do in the physical universe because he is BEING a
body LOOKING at an elephant, but get him out of his body where he can BE
the elephant, and vanishment for him becomes real easy.

We are not trying to vanish the physical universe, we are trying to
vanish his involvement in the physical universe up to a point, and
certainly vanish everything in his personal universe that is unwanted
and no longer under his absolute control.

So we apply these principles first to our own universe, then to a
shared universe between two beings, then more beings, then maybe
eventually everyone.

But he would be a total God at that moment, for if a God is
distracted for even a moment from a universe, it WILL cease to exist FOR
HIM. But it will continue to exist for others, only less hard by just
that amount added to it by a being who is in it.

He could get others to as-is their own copy and involvement in the
universe too, but only by coming back into the universe, being them, and
getting them to as-is it. But we have strong agreements to not do that,
people like their game even when they hate it.)

So there is your pc being a big grey mass that may look like an
elephant to you, but to him its a meaning free as-isness.

Oops, there it goes, as he makes a small pink mass.

But if he is being the big grey mass that is "an ELEPHANT," that
had a mother and a father who created it, that was born in India, eats
hay, leaves poops, has tusks for ivory, and is useful as a work animal,
is hard to get on, which has another little elephant hanging on to its
tail, which he then has to take care of and feed every night, well then
he has covered the as-isness of the big gray mass in so many
significances that the original gray mass as-isness has become
alter-ised into an ISNESS that has persistence in space and time, no
matter how much he tries to take his attention OFF of it!

The persistence of the elephant is such that it can step on him and
crush him to death.

That's *PERSISTENCE* because it can out persist him!

His own body is out persisting him.

The persisting world consists of layers of meaningful significances
covering a foundational panoply of meaningless as-isnesses.

New born babies are prone to seeing the world in as-isnesses,
adding significances over time solidifies it for them so they can no
longer get out.

Every time they wail, another layer of imprisoning significance has
just been laid down on them, either about the world around them, or
their own self in the world.


There is a very simple process to run on new people that can have
very deep and immediate effects.

The process, without any indoctrination or explanation, gets the
preclear to spot an object and name it.

That's it.

By naming it, the preclear is doing a touch assist on the ball of
signicances that go with the object.

Auditor: "Spot an Object"
Preclear: "Ok"
Auditor: "Good, name it."
Preclear: "It's a couch."
Auditor: "Good. Spot an Object."

After doing this for a while the preclear will have an epiphany
reperception of the world consisting of a layer of meaningful
significance on top of a layer of meaningless as-isness.

He will stop thinking the significances are the thing, and take
back responsibility for creating significances in order to cause things
to persist beyond the time his attention is on them.

One can extend the process if necessary to the following:

"Spot an object."
"Name it." ***NEVER NEVER EVER USE "What is it?"***
"What is it used for?"
"Who or what uses it?"

That will take him out into the reticulum of signficances holding
the whole world together for him.

A reticulum is a web of connections of signficances that spreads
out from each object to connect to almost every other object.

What's a broom?

A broom is used to clean the house of dirt by a maid.

What's a maid? What's a house? What is dirt?

You see how the reticulum of signficances spreads out almost

The first intent of the process is to process the physical universe
only, but if you wish to process both objective and subjective
actualities, then change the first command to:

"Spot something."

"Something" should be taken to mean "some what" or "some one."

Run on all parts of the body, its sub systems, and super systems,
and any and all somatics or masses, or pictures or phenomenon that turn
on, including other beings and their manifestations.

E/P: Preclear sees how he is creating the persisting world via the
continuous creation of and repsonse to significances and is again in
conscious willing control of doing so.

Run enough, the preclear will be able to zone out to where he can
perceive the world free of any significances at all, and have to rebuild
his state, significance by significance, to operate in the world again.

He is operating in a transitional state between native state and
manifestation, without adding on the significance layer necessary to
render the world of manifestation functional and operational in time.

Without significance, time does not move as there is no reason for
it to.

Peace is significance free.

Say your preclear is in native state.

Is he worried, no, he is in unfathomable peace.

He creates a manifestation, adds a significance to it, gets all
excited and worried about it, and then not-ises it in the hopes it will
go away.

But now he is forever bothered by a black mass that he is desperate
to get rid of as it follows him EVERYWHERE.

He knows there is a significance hidden in the black mass, but
doesn't know what it is.

He wants TO KNOW THE SIGNIFICANCE so bad, he is unwilling to not
know it more for a while.


It is that needing to know what did him in, that is doing him in.

He can know, but he needs to NOT KNOW for a while, in order to stop
being done in, because it ain't the hidden significance that is doing
him in, its the needing to know what it is, and yet also feeling he dares
not know at the same time lest it do him in again.

That dare not know is why he not-ised it in the first place, for
fear it would do him in. But it was the wanting to know after the fact
of not knowing it, that actually started the process of doing him in.

You can feel the forces of the 'wanting to know/dare not know'
tearing you up inside.

Chill it out with not know and being significance free for a while.

You will know it again.

You see in native state he didn't know the significance because he
hadn't created it yet. Yet he was at peace.

Then he creates it and covers it, and now he is all hysterical
about not knowing what the significance is.

If you could bypass all the not-isness and then finally knowing,
and just go back to native state without ever knowing what the
signficance was, would you remain crazy wanting to know?

This is why when people go up the pole and end up in native state
not knowing everything for a while, they are drawn back down into their
black masses, because the call to know all these signifiances that they
are not knowing, is just too strong. They have to know them again for a
while, before they will be willing to not know them again forever in a
true native state.

That's fine, but the only way to regain knowing for a while a
significance you have chosen to not know with force and mass is to not
know it some more for a while.

Then you can know it for a while.

Then you can let it go forever as if it never were.


Homer Wilson Smith The Paths of Lovers Art Matrix - Lightlink
(607) 277-0959 KC2ITF Cross Internet Access, Ithaca NY In the Line of Duty
Sun Oct 16 18:08:46 EDT 2011


YOU 10


You are bigger than the world.

The basic game then is to bring to the world that part of you that
is bigger than the world, and not yet in the world.

To bring something new to the world.

You are bigger than the world in terms of the space and time needed
to encompass it.

Your consciousness is a zero dimensional rendition of the
apparently multidimensional dream reality, called the physical universe.

The physical universe is computer graphics, a conscious rendition,
in the mind of God, the High US.

A conscious rendition is a painting of space and time that itself
does not take up space or time.

Just because there is perspective of space and time in a painting
doesn't mean there is depth in the painting.

Just so, conscious renditions of space and time do not themselves
take up any space or time.

Thus your consciousness may (thankfully) not be immortal, but it
certainly is eternal.

Immortality, living forever without choice in a single space time
game stream, is not desirable.

Infinite time is hell forever.

There is no infinite time, there is only an infinite number of
different finite whiles.

Eternality, coming from, and living above space and time where one
can source and join or not join space time game streams at will, for
ever for free, and rest as long as you like inbetween, is desirable.

You do not come from the world.

The world comes from you, the conscious High US.

You are also bigger than the world in your ability to create and
originate things to do.

Except for clearable aberrations, anyone can out create the world,
as the existing world is merely what everyone has already brought to the

The universe is not a buffet of all the possible things you can do
in the world.

It's a pot luck dinner.

What is here, is what people have brought here to do.

You needn't eat their food, let them eat yours.

They need something new to chew on.

Many children, first starting out, look to the world to give them
an idea of what they want to do in life.

They consider the world to be their list of opportunities, the
ultimate job listing.

They visit all the churches, all the science labs, all the art
galleries and music halls, all the market places, all the government
halls, all the coffee shops of philosophy, religion, science, art and
business, all the places of social concourse, looking, looking, looking
for something that interests them, for something they can do for the
rest of their lives, to make for themselves that oh so precious living.

They are trying to find a preexisting receptor site in the world
for themselves where they can fit in and function and thus contribute
and provide for other's and themselves.

But the basic purpose of a child lies not in what others have
already done, although the child certainly can learn for a while through
mimicry, harmony and counterpoint to others and what others have already

The basic purpose of a being is to bring something NEW to the
world, sourced from that part of himself that is bigger than the world
and not yet manifested in the world.

Yes there may be some willies.

The slave masters do not like anything new, there are no laws
written yet to control, tax, or use it to their own ends.

But too much agreement and devotion to what other's have done will
lead to an existence of dwindling life, dissatisfaction,
meaninglessness, and unfullfillment.

For the originators of what already exists were doing something

But their followers are not.

Are you happy?

Are you doing something meaningful in life?

Are you fullfilled and satisfied at the end of every day?

Smug as hell about how good life is?

Or are you sacrificing yourself to another's cold pot of stew?

Happiness, meaning and fullfillment come from ORIGINATION of the
new, not from agreement with the old.

If everyone does only what already exists, the world becomes old
pretty quick.

Oldness is death.

Newness is life.

Anything new is better than nothing new, even if it is just new for


"Get the idea of nothing new.
"get the idea of something new.
"get the idea of nothing old.
"Get the idea of something old.

E/P, something worthwhile to be, do, have, know and create.


Homer Wilson Smith The Paths of Lovers Art Matrix - Lightlink
(607) 277-0959 KC2ITF Cross Internet Access, Ithaca NY In the Line of Duty
Thu Jan 1 19:06:57 EST 2009

Monday, October 17, 2011


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ADO - 15
27 March 2005

Copyright (C) 2005 Homer Wilson Smith
Redistribution rights granted for non commercial purposes.


There are two broad goals that can be pursued in any universe.

They are,

The goal to create a persistence.

The goal to create a vanishment.

"What do you wish to make persist?"

"What do you wish to make vanish?"

One then begins to dramatize these goals.

To dramatize means to "BRING DRAMA TO".

Drama means "seriousness, importance, *PERMANENCE* and pain."

"What do you wish to make persist *FOREVER*?"

"What do you wish to make vanish *FOREVER*?"

Forevers violate the space/time WHILES in which things are created
and are the sole source of aberration and charge.

The only things which are forever are people and peace.

Trying to make someone live forever or go to heaven or hell forever
is trying to make someone or something persist forever.

Trying to make someone die forever is trying to make someone vanish

"Everyone lives forever where there is no time.

No one lives forever where there is time. " - Adore

Eternality is timeless immortality, not temporal immortality, which
is a hell of magnitude, no eternal sleep.


In the beginning of a universe most beings are bent on making
things persist. It is hard to get things to persist and a lot of
effort, intelligence and beauty are invested in doing so.

They would consider themselves opposed by anyone trying to make
things vanish. Such a vanisher would be an SP (Suppressive Person) to
them, to whom they were PTS (Potential Trouble Source, roller coasters,
loses gain, dives down the tone scale to get better etc.) The vanisher
SP would be trying to unmock them and their persistences.

Later in the universe, people begin to change their minds, they
consider there is too much persistence, they may want to create some new
persistences but there is too much old persistence in the way, or maybe
they want to end it all and go back to Big Snooze (native state) for a
while, so they take up vanishing things.

Perhaps they join the Church of Scientology which was mocked up to
unmock things, and they audit people helping them to vanish old unwanted
persistences, they become Professional Class IV Vanishers.

It is hard to get things to vanish, and a lot of effort,
intelligence and beauty is invested in doing so.

Such people would consider themselves opposed by anyone trying to
make things persist. Such a persister would be an SP to them, and to
whom they were PTS. The SP would be trying to mock them up, get them to
remain stuck in mud etc.

Unmocking is only a problem to those trying to mock up.

Mocking up is only a problem to those trying to unmock.

During the change over period from universe creation to universe
removal or upgrade, a lot of people who were persisters become
vanishers, thus their concept of who or what an SP is changes with them.

This can have serious effects.

If a single person in a group changes from persister to vanisher,
he will suddenly find himself opposed by his whole group, and all his
prior friends become SP's to him.

But look at it from the group's point of view. They are all still
trying to persist, but their member is now trying to help them vanish
things, so the group considers the single member similar to the many
SP's on the track that have tried to unmock them early on.

Last thing you want to do is restimulate someone's Nemesis One and
have him overlay it on you!

He's been hunting his Nemesis One for *EONS* and now he's found it,
you! You want that?

Much of the disaffection between Scientologists and family members
can be explained in this way. The scientologist is trying to vanish,
but the family members are still trying to persist.

Vanishers give persisters the willies.

Persisters attribute this not only to the scientologist trying to
'help' them, but to the whole oraganization behind him.


Offering to 'help' someone change from persistence to vanishment is
an insult, invalidation and wrong item for them. It will only make them
howling mad at you.

Now part of the problem is that Scientology was DEFINED as the
science of vanishing, of unmocking, to wit: "the science of knowing how
to know answers to questions." - PXL.

But during the persistence phase, people don't want to know, they
don't want to vanish, they want to mockup unconfrontable mysteries and
unknowables so they can have a game and get sucked down to the bottom of
the tone scale in peace.

THEY WANT TO GET LOST, they are tired of seeing home around every

It's an interruption, you see, of their sovereign desire.

They are tired of waking up half way down the tone scale (fear)
"Damn lost another one to as-isness!"

Its like the movie ending right in the middle just when it was
getting good.

That means during the persistence phase we don't need to know how
to unmock things, we need to know how to mock them up and get them to
persist like rock, tar, amber, and crazy glue, until we can't get rid of
them no matter what.

That's what most persisters are trying to do, HAVE forever.

Their favorite havingness is Obsidian Glass.

Then during the vanishment phase we need to know how to undo all
this stuff.

So no problem, Scientology actually encompasses both sides of the
dicom, because if you know how to know answers to questions, you
certainly know how to NOT know answers to questions!

So if we define Scientology as the science of knowing how to know
and not know answers to questions, then we have a complete subject.

The point then is when you approach a particular person to 'help
them', you first have to determine which side of the fence they are on.

Are they a persister or a vanisher, or someone on the verge of
shifting over?

If they are a persister you help them persist.

If they are a vanisher you help them vanish.

If they are on the verge, you help them see both sides and make a
SELF DETERMINED decision about which side of the fence they want to be
on, and then you help them accordingly.

Sometimes a persister doesn't know he could be a vanisher, and a
vanisher doesn't know he could be a persister. So giving them a little
education on the matter gives them a better view of their possibilities,
and they can determine for themselves which side they wish to befriend
at the time.

because if you do, you can only do so by being on the other side of the
fence from them.

That makes you their SP, which then makes them your SP.

PTSness results from trying to make the SP wrong.

For a persister, making the SP wrong is trying to make a vanisher
into a persister.

For a vanisher, making the SP wrong, is trying to make a persister
into a vanisher.

Both merely end up howling mad at each other.

To run this, list for who or what makes you howling mad.

Then spot in this conflict the various goals on either side to
persist or vanish, and how they are locking up with each other

You will come to know what charge is.


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Homer Wilson Smith The Paths of Lovers Art Matrix - Lightlink
(607) 277-0959 KC2ITF Cross Internet Access, Ithaca NY In the Line of Duty

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Mon Oct 17 03:06:02 EDT 2011
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Sunday, October 16, 2011

ADORE287 (fwd)

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LRH talked about 8-8008, attaining infinite ability, by taking
the infinite ability of the MEST universe and reducing it to zero, and
the zero ability of the thetan and increasing it to infinity.

Yet little auditing addresses the issue of infinite charge.

The reality set that says we "live but once and die and that's it
bud," leads to infinite charge.

Specificially it leads to a loss of an infinite future, or more
correctly an infinite number of finite futures (whiles). You don't
want one girl friend forever, you want an infinite number of girl
friends for a while.

Get the idea of "girl friends never more," that's infinite

The charge created is not infinite in a static sense. However,
while mortal, the charge created in present time will always be bigger
than the pc.

Thus no matter how big the pc gets, the charge will always be
bigger than he. This scares the daylights out of the pc, he spreads
his wings to fly and gets crushed down without mercy, which makes him
feel regaining his immortality is impossible.

This state of the pc's charge always being bigger than the pc is
called the bank going up the bridge with the pc. Pc gets lots of
auditing and wins, bank is still bigger than he is, and there is no
end in sight period.

He gets disheartened, feels auditing works but will take forever

He becomes a squirrel trying to find a route that will make the
forever pass by faster and cheaper.

Well that's because the proper reality sets are not being
audited, in particular the mortal reality set, either his own or
others. Other's infinite charge will overwhelm him just as his own

"Jesus Christ, look at all those meatballs!"

Bam, he's stuck, he just can't wrap his wits around infinite
charge, either his own or others.

That's why auditors who haven't ever been in this state can't
audit it, and can't help but ridicule it instead. Don't even bother
going to them, if they have never been in the state, they can't help
you out of it, they will just make you worse.

If you can't mockup being a meatball, you can't confront a
meatball. If you can't confront a pc, you can't help him, end of

Of course there is no immortality to regain, timelessness is the
core nature of the being, of course he is going to 'live forever', but
not in time where forevers are detested, even pleasurable ones. (Spot
a detested pleasurable forever, until real on this point and why.)

"Everyone lives forever where there is no time.
No one lives forever wheer there is time.
Hurry is a waste of time.
The hurry of impending mortal doom obscures the hurry
of impending eternal doom.
J.O.K.E. means Justice Of Kindship Excaliper. " - Adore.

The issue then is regaining his perspective on how he creates the
mortal reality set, regaining it in such a way that he doesn't
automatically make more charge the bigger he gets.

Remember a native state being is a total knowingness. That doesn't
mean he knows everything, it means he knows how to create anything. Theer
is no teaching him how to create. That's just built in, and part
of that built in is the mechanism of humor.

There is no creation without humor, and there is no humor
without creation.

Native State is the Imp Soul.

So humor is not a secondary thing. It is the driving impulse
behind manifestation.

Native state can create jokes forever for free, so once you get
him back to this area, it will lock on and flow. But he won't be a
human being any more.

He has to see the humor to the joke. This is a matter of

LRH said that admiration was the universal solvent, this is true,
it is admiration of humor that does the trick.

Admiration = High Appreciation of Ludicrous Demise.

You *CAN'T* be happy in a one and only single while. People
without infinite futures don't have a present time either. The best
they can do is spend their one and only single while digging a grave
for them to cry themselves to death in at the end of the dig.

That is in fact the entirety of what your meatball is doing,
preparing a grave for himself of one kind or another.

It is a matter of understanding the joke, it is not a matter of
force. Using force to throw off a mortal bank will merely result in
infinite charge crushing you back down again.

Struggle or throwing a fit won't get you there.

Getting the joke is more like getting a nervous cat to come to
you and sit in your lap.

The pc has the qualms about laughing and crying.

Particularly never ending laughter and crying.

The pc has the qualms about locking onto Source point, and
flowing creation again.


Go to a funeral.

Try VERY hard not to laugh or cry.

E/P laughter and tears until absolute peace (and potential power
to create again.)


- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
Homer Wilson Smith The Paths of Lovers Art Matrix - Lightlink
(607) 277-0959 KC2ITF Cross Internet Access, Ithaca NY In the Line of Duty

Wed Sep 14 01:49:06 EDT 2005

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