Monday, April 30, 2012
Rogers. D.Scn. ( wrote:
>Ron might very well have already had this, but I think CBR was the one to
>articulate this basic. It's an additional element. Not only does a thetan
>mock up a games paradigm (a universe) and then enter it, the thetan
>postulates that universe as a "not-self." Becomes self-determinedly
>dominated by that postulate upon interiorization into the universe. Becomes
>self-modified by that postulate as long as participation in the universe
>continues. Probably applies to the entire universe, but PARTICULARLY to the
>interiorization into a playing piece. Takes on a "not-self" attribute that
>is obviously going to be basic on amnesia and "being a body," right?
Further the thetan identifies with one side of a dicom item as
'self' and enemies out the other side. Its the postulate that the other
side must not exist, must never have existed, and must never exist
again, and that I didn't invite it into the game in the first place, and
my job is to make you not exist forever and ever amen, so we can enjoy
our football field for what it was intended to be used for, planting
flowers", is what sticks the being in his fair chosen cement shoes.
You see good people would never have created evil people to fight,
so of course good never wins and eventually becomes evil.
You can't win over what you won't PUT THERE.
You become what you resist if you lose to it, but the only way to
to win over evil, to vanquish evil, to stop evil, to stop anything is to
start it again, perfect duplicate. If the being, couldn't, wouldn't or
shouldn't start evil again, then he can only stop it, and he goes insane
at that moment, totally devoted to destroy etc, and the irresponsibility
for condition, fixation on stop without operating start etc, sinks him
forever more into what he is fighting. He closes terminals with it,
eventually feels sorry for it, no matter how evil it is, those sad eyes
and all, and finally becomes it.
No sympathy -> Sympathy -> Propitiation -> Becoming it.
Total responsibility is holding onto all three corners of start ->
change -> stop at the same time, thats pan determinism.
Once a being let's go of start and slides all the way to only stop,
or let's go of stop and fixates at start, then he's a goner, actually a
persister, which is the same thing as a goner :)
He's gone into sticking around forever and ever.
Miracles and Majesty, Romance and Sin,
Tragedy and Travesty, that's where I've Been.
Tragedy and Travesty, Romance and Song,
Miracles in Majesty, that's where I've gone...
One can rehab both the *GAME* and being in the game at all, by
"Who or what could you fight/not fight?"
Or in present day tech:
Spot NO fighting.
Spot SOME fighting.
E/P is able to mockup a fight and take either side and make
the fight continue.
Continuing a fight might seem like a bad thing, but its better than
losing a fight you see, and from a high enough perspective its better than
winning a fight too, because the game ends, the spectators leave, and the
football field is empty.
Perhaps excessive boredom is too many empty fields.
OT's like to PLAY first, lose or win second.
Hard for a human to comprehend considering the seriousness of
the games he is presently playing.
Homer Wilson Smith The Paths of Lovers Art Matrix - Lightlink
(607) 277-0959 KC2ITF Cross Internet Access, Ithaca NY In the Line of Duty
Homer Wilson Smith Clean Air, Clear Water, Art Matrix - Lightlink
(607) 277-0959 A Green Earth, and Peace, Internet, Ithaca NY Is that too much to ask?
Sunday, April 29, 2012
SCI - 37
17 March 1994
Copyright (C) 1994 Homer Wilson Smith
Redistribution rights granted for non commercial purposes.
The FACT IS, it doesn't matter if supernatural powers are a scam,
if we merely ASSUME that they exist, it is quite clear that no one in
their right mind would ever demonstrate them to a broad public audience
unless he wanted to change the face of civilization over night.
Now that happens to be the down to Earth truth, and anyone who
doesn't agree with it clearly has a few screws loose, and just as
clearly doesn't have very much power himself.
They can continue to use words like 'paranoid' and 'conspiracy
theory', and they can continue to assert that the National Security
Agency of every country in the world would have no interest at all in
your ability to throw sparks 100 feet or move matter with with your
attention, but you know, they would be wrong, and they KNOW they would
be wrong, and they KNOW no one who has such powers is going to
demonstrate them unless he is planning to take over the place
completely, so why bother talking to these assholes?
Because I want to know what their true agenda is....
You know its not like they even agree with you and say 'Well Homer
you have a very good point there, if *I* could move marbles dependably,
and even throw them across a room with my mind, I certainly wouldn't
want anyone to know I could do that, but please I NEED to know if you
can do it, I SWEAR ON ADORE I won't tell anyone.'
Nope, instead they say 'Oh Posh, there is no danger to
demonstrating these powers, you just want to hide behind the fact that
you can't do it.'
Now the fact is, that an OT once told me that once a being IS able
to kill people with postulates, he ought to go do it a few times just to
make sure it works properly, so that the day it is needed he will be
sure he knows how to use it. I asked, well how do you know who to
practice on? He said, when you have the power, its easy to figure out.
He pointed out that there are no laws against killing people by
postulate or mental power, and even if there were the law of the sky is
higher than the law of the land. He also pointed out that an OT can
often cause a death by causing the person to cause himself an accident
rather than using brute OT force against the person.
I pressed him on the subject of WHO one would practice this on, and
he gave me a question to audit,
"Is there anyone on the planet or in any universe anywhere that
needs killing right now?"
I would add that you should List and Null this to a Blowdown F/N
item, and then execrate the bastard. (Look it up. Use the Archaic
definition that comes from Ex Sacred.)
Do it with Class, or you may build up regrets.
And whatever you do, do NOT break the law of the land in these
matters, lest you wish to start an all out war against your self and
your loved ones, which you will not win.
SCI - 37
Copyright (C) 1992 Homer Wilson Smith
Redistribution rights granted for non commercial purposes.
Hubbard mentions that there are 3 universes of concern to the
preclear on his journey up the Scientology Bridge.
You have had, have lost and can regain spiritual power in each of
these three universes.
The first universe is your own personal universe.
The second universe consists of the personal universes of others.
The third universe is the common universe we all share called the
physical universe.
Spiritual power in your own universe consists of things like being
able to make and see 3 dimensional moving mockups clearly, have an
accurate and facile memory, being aware of your basic purpose in life
and having lots of free flowing energy to apply to it.
Spiritual powers involving other's universes would involve things
like being able to see other people's pictures, telepathy, and the
ability to project intention into others.
Spiritual powers over the physical universe would be things like
the ability to exteriorize from your body, being able to move physical
objects at will or telekinesis, being able to create and destroy
physical universe objects at will or materialization and
dematerialization and the ability to move forwards and backwards in time
or even perpendicular to any given time line to another time line either
already existing or one of your own creation.
Each of these powers would be demonstrable to the person who has
them and to the people that they effect.
Powers within one's own universe in general only effect oneself,
and so would be most evident to oneself. However increased energy,
imagination, well being etc would be obvious to others around you so its
not that there would be no evidence at all for these things if you had
really attained them.
Powers between yourself and other's universes such as telepathy of
course would be very obvious to those who could communicate this way,
and would probably be verifiable to some extent by those who were
looking on.
Powers between yourself and the external physical universe would of
course be the easiest to verify to external on lookers.
These various powers return to the preclear pretty much in the
order discussed here. First he brings order and control to his own
universe, then, along with others who are doing the same, he begins to
extend his control and intention outwards towards others and their
personal universes. Lastly he regains ability over his involvement in
the physical universe, and eventually over the physical universe itself.
None of this is religious dogma that you are expected to believe
with out evidence. It is all conjecture however until you manage to do
it yourself or can observe someone else do it.
The underlying theory contains a rather clearly laid out route by
which you co created universes with other beings, complete with powers
in all 3 universes, and then you lost those powers, took them away from
yourself in fact as things went wrong. The theory also contains a
rather thorough explanation of how to regain those powers to a point
where you can have them or not have them at will.
People who end up merely BELIEVING this stuff never manage to be
able to DO it, because belief is a violation of certainty, and certainty
is the only workable truth. You don't have to know why some technique
works at first, you only have to use it to see that it does, but if the
technique works it can only be because it is based in truth, and if it
is indeed based in truth, then one day when your sight is clear enough
you will be able to see with certainty those truths that the technique
was based upon.
Thus one does not ask you to have faith, except perhaps to follow
FOR A WHILE in the steps of others who claim it all works. The evidence
you seek should be forthcoming all along the path, you needn't wait to
the very end before it all suddenly dawns on you. It helps to know the
theory cold so that you can check each part of it out against your
observed facts as you go along, and also so that you can derive your own
techniques and test them out, and add to the body of knowledge that we
are all using to regain mastery over and exit from enslavement and
imprisonment in this universe.
There is nothing wrong with being in this universe as long as you
are here on your own self determinism. We are not trying to escape this
universe never to come back, but to bring the light of day back in where
before there was only darkness.
Thus we can turn our prison into a home.
That would be the final irony for our tormentors, now wouldn't it?
Homer Wilson Smith Clean Air, Clear Water, Art Matrix - Lightlink
(607) 277-0959 A Green Earth, and Peace, Internet, Ithaca NY Is that too much to ask?
Thursday, April 26, 2012
Hash: SHA1
On Fri, 14 Aug 1998, Christine wrote:
>> Men become exactly and only what women operate them as
> Responsibility dump.
You can have an effect on others.
That is part of the warp and woof of the postulates in this universe.
It's easy to dismiss the Adorian point of view by saying
'responsibility dump' because it looks like the man blaming the woman.
But the other side of the coin is woman taking responsibility for how
men turn out because they can and do have an effect, much larger than they
know, admit or want. For women to say they don't have an effect over how
men turn out is a much bigger responsibility dump, its the responsibility
dump of a creator rather than of a creature.
Eventually the man must take responsibility for being the
effect of the woman, but Adore holds the mother as responsible
over her children, it is she that is expected to be pan determined
over her creation, not just plop and drop and run from the consequences,
and it is the woman who is supposed to teach the man about being
a man and taking responsibility over being a man.
Your position that Adore is a 'responsibility dump' is true
to the point of being nonsense.
All teachers/auditors/creators must take full responsibility for the
outcome of their efforts. It's fine to say 'responsibility dump!' when
the pc blames the auditor for a failed session, but its also a
'responsibility dump' when the auditor says "Hey its the pcs fault, I had
nothing to do with it."
Adore says that we are all totally responsibile for everything, not
just in wish but in truth. How that could be is beyond most people at
this time, but nonetheless that is Adore's stance.
LRH says that when someone says its your fault, and you don't accept
responsibility for it, whether or not you 'did it', its a low tone denial
of pan determinism. - Advanced Procedure and Axioms.
The Adorian viewpoint is not wrong and is more useful than the
prevailing viewpoint of most women that they had nothing to do with it.
That's the auditor/creator blaming the pc.
The blame cycles between mother and son are an early and fruitful
point of case entrance. Children learn by mimickry.
Child Mimickry
Woman Harmony
Man Counterpoint
God New Beat
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Thu Apr 26 03:06:02 EDT 2012
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Wednesday, April 25, 2012
Since an as-isness is a perfect replication of what was originally
created, if one has handed out responsibility to lots of vias and causal
terminals like other beings etc, then one must hand it all out again
just as one did before in order to retract it all.
Taking back responsibility means re delegating responsibility back
out correctly to everyone involved.
You are taking back responsibility for DELEGATING RESPONSIBILITY,
assigning cause to other beings. Thus you can take back your
The being who is saying "I did it all" is refusing
responsibility for delegation of responsibility and cause.
The thetan dying at the bottom of the tone scale is going first
"You did this all to me!" and then "I am doing this all to myself!"
Neither as-ises, because the actual web of lies is more complex
than he is capable of spotting.
For example if a thetan has a headache, and he is melded with 3
grippers, 1700 cooties from hell, and a couple of Black Guard of the
Devil, but he's numbed it all out so all he has is the pain, it won't work
to just claim 'I am causing the headache' mainly because he has no clue
any more HOW he is causing the headache.
Yes his resistance and fear are ultimately causing the headache,
but he gets so introverted that he thinks all he is resisting
is the pain, and he tries to accept it and it won't vanish! It just
gets worse in face.
The pain is the RESULT of his semi subconscious resistances, so
if he accepts the result of resistance he will merely get more of it.
He has to spot what he is really resisting, and they are POWERFUL
BUGGERS, many times more powerful than him, if he got into an arm
wrestling match with just one of these guys he would lose his arm with the
match, and once he gets what is really going on, they will vanish and with
it the pain.
By the way if the thetan at the bottom of the tone scale would simply
stop positing why he is in trouble, even by trying to take responsibility
for everything, he would start bubbling back up the tone scale to where he
could properly redistribute cause again to ultimately retract it all back
again at the top of the tone scale.
Homer Wilson Smith I would rather die poor Lightlink Internet
(607) 277-0959 KC2ITF than suffer the patronage Ithaca, NY of bigots and pinheads.
Homer Wilson Smith Clean Air, Clear Water, Art Matrix - Lightlink
(607) 277-0959 A Green Earth, and Peace, Internet, Ithaca NY Is that too much to ask?
Hash: SHA1
Since an as-isness is a perfect replication of what was
originally created, if one has handed out responsibility to lots
of vias and causal terminals like other beings etc, then one must
hand it all out again just as one did before in order to retract it all.
The thetan dying at the bottom of the tone scale is going first
"You did this all to me!" and then "I am doing this all to myself!"
Neither as-ises, because the actual web of lies is more complex
than he is capable of spotting.
For example if a thetan has a headache, and he is melded with 3
grippers, 1700 cooties from hell, and a couple of Black Guard of the
Devil, but he's numbed it all out so all he has is the pain, it won't work
to just claim 'I am causing the headache' mainly because he has no clue
any more HOW he is causing the headache.
Yes his resistence and fear are ultimately causing the headache,
but he gets so introverted that he thinks all he is resisting
is the pain, and he trys to accept it and it won't vanish! It just
gets worse in face.
The pain is the RESULT of his semi subconscious resistences, so
if he accepts the result of resistence he will merely get more of it.
He has to spot what he is really resisting, and they are POWERFUL
BUGGERS, many times more powerful than him, if he got into an arm
wrestling match with just one of these guys he would lose his arm with the
match, and once he gets what is really going on, they will vanish and with
it the pain.
By the way if the thetan at the bottom of the tone scale would simply
stop positing why he is in trouble, even by trying to take responsibility
for everything, he would start bubbling back up the tone scale to where he
could properly redistribute cause again to ultimately retract it all back
again at the top of the tone scale.
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
Homer Wilson Smith I would rather die poor Lightlink Internet
(607) 277-0959 KC2ITF than suffer the patronage Ithaca, NY of bigots and pinheads.
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Wed Apr 25 03:06:02 EDT 2012
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Homerwsmith-l mailing list
Sunday, April 22, 2012
>Homer wrote:
>> You been there, done that. You did get out, you have gotten out
>>numerous times, it was too sad the ending of it all, so you dove
>>back in. Rehabbing the times you got out and decided to dive back
>>in is imperative to going full OT.
RVH wrote:
>Do you mean the PU or creation generally, as opposed to "not being" as Static?
>I want out of the PU, not existence itself.
That's for you to determine. The PU definitely. How high you went
is for you to tell me. The point is you went high enough to *DECIDE*
freely to turn it around lest you go too far out and never come back.
This happens in any game that we don't want to end, it starts to
end, we have won it, and we pretend we didn't and take a dive for the
worse just to keep it going. Then again and again.
4 times later we are complaining about how we never win.
Loosing too much comes after winning too much and a lot of love.
But its all intentional.
>Maybe the problem is that in order to experience any thing it has to be created
>from Static, which is totally balanced. Therefore, for example, in order to experience
>something pleasurable something unpleasurable also has to be experienced.
Blecch. The only reason anyone has to experience pain is to
experience humor.
There is *LOTS* of pleasure without pain.
The pain however forms the basis of the joke.
The pain doesn't balance the humor, the pain *IS* the joke.
The humor, once the joke is seen, washes the pain away.
The pain is humor in reverse polarity. The pain releases AS humor,
and once the pain is gone, the laughter fades, and peace regains.
The joke is thinking there is no justice and wondering why there is
Justice reigns at all times, it can not but otherwise than reign.
Justice doesn't mean that bad guys get theirs in the end, that's
two wrongs make a right.
Justice means, if you want something, and you intend that it exist,
and you get it, then you deserve what you get exactly as you wanted it.
The correct E/P to any somatic release is "Christ I deserved what I
got!" Not because you were bad, not because you did someone in,, but
because you violated YOUR truth and YOUR sovereignty EXACTLY as YOU
determined to do so. Justice is exactly and only getting what you want
exactly and only as you wanted it.
"Spot a Justice"
"Spot an Injustice"
If it doesn't turn on hysterical laughter, you are in over your
Like anyone isn't.
>The alternative is not that desireable - to not experience, and remain unmanifest
>as static. If this is the case, and I have suspected it is for a long time, then maybe
>I should just shut the f..k up and accept the unpleasant along with the pleasant.
Acceptance = apathy.
Rejectance = humor = vanishment.
You don't have to hurt to feel orgasm do you? You don't have to
break a leg to enjoy sex? It's nonsense. You don't need black to
appreciate white, you may not CONSIDER that there is white, but there
will be white and you will appreciate it.
Besides, if you are really bent on having differences, all it takes
is a little color to realize there is also white.
Look, *THIS* universe is a universe of conflicts, of things trying
to survive while the entropy of the expanding universe destroys all in
its path. This universe is its own bull dozer, and you are trying to
build sand castles.
Take a gander at the enterprise you have taken on.
*ANY* game you play here you are going to ultimately lose, there is
nothing that can be protected or built forever. In 10 billion years it
is *All* going to be Dust in the Wind as the color form board is erased
for the next cycle of finger painting.
Joy can be brought to any game and any tone, no matter how badly
you are losing, as long as you are playing willfully and don't mind
Tones are a kind of action, they have nothing to do with pain or
You can enjoy running away, or you can hate running away, both are
fear. It's a matter of 'ARE YOU THERE ON YOUR OWN DETERMINISM." If fear
were so bad, no one would go near a roller coaster.
People can add a whole hell of a lot of considerations onto losing,
like mainly that they loose parts of themselves when they loose their
little light picture of a body, so they take loosing very seriously
because loosing parts of self violates sovereign desire.
But its all a lie, sovereign desire can not be violated, even if it
wants to, and it doesn't want to, all it can do and all it ever wants to
do is play with ILLUSIONS of violation of sovereign desire.
That's its roller coaster.
Each person is an arcade game writer who has become his own
characters on purpose a little too much. He thinks he is his light
picture, and once the little color form doll dies that's it for him.
The minute an OT does this to himself he swamps himself with
infinite charge of infinite loss of infinite self, and he becomes solid
as a rock. It takes guts to do that to yourself, guts however come easy
to an infinite omni operating lord god almighty. You see?
The problem is DOING IT AGAIN, now *THAT* takes guts because we are
these little fragile creatures weighed down by the load of an infinite
bomb of tears, and the only way out is the way in, which means we can
not reach out to become what we were unless we reach out to become what
I can't say that often enough or strong enough.
Once you can come in again, you can also decide not to, but talk
about danger, who the hell knows what you are going to stick yourself
with next time.
Better to stay in this time.
OT's are very dangerous with themselves, they just can't stand it
when games end, they will go to every extreme to make sure it doesn't.
The solutions to this one problem alone are legion, and are the main
burden the being carries.
But once you point that out to them, pop, they are on their way out
again. It is almost impossible to stay in a game. It's hard to get
out, impossible in fact, until you get it just right, then poof, you
can't come back, can't even figure out how you managed to stay in that
A few millions years down the road, once you are done laughing
yourself to sleep about it, you might pick up the pieces and start to
build a new game that will never end. Not.
The one thing that peace does not have is humor.
It is the quest for humor, that is the driving force behind peace's
movement into manifestation.
It's not that peace is dissatisfied, it is emensely satisfied,
infinitely satisfied, satisfied beyond all human understanding, but it
wants to share this satisfaction once in a while with others, and that
manifests as these descent and ascent cycles into fear and laughter, via
logic and illogic, lies and truth.
The truth is too weird, a normal garden variety human can not
conceive it. Whatever they conceive just ain't it.
Once that dawns on them, and their minds come to rest about what's
it all about, cuz they don't know, and now they know they don't know,
the stuff starts to break open and the joke shines forth.
But its easy enough to press the matter:
"Who or what made the world and why?"
If you like your answer, you got the truth. If you don't like it,
you don't.
Don't expect to run this in a day.
>I really dont believe this. Could everyone be mistaken about this? I'm doing my
>best to find out, which is why I have looked/am looking at so many areas of tech.
Yeah I don't believe one needs to suffer in order to enjoy either.
It's a bogus justification, making a virtue out of a horrible
necessity. Minds in apathy do this.
One only has to suffer to experience humor, the release of fear.
It's like you got peace at one end, and anger, fear, sorrow and
apathy at the other, and then there is the transition between.
"High Cool is Home.
Thrill is always the effort to get Lost,
Romance is always the effort to get Home.
Halcyon (Humor) is bemused relief on the verge (of time).
It's the humor that makes it all worthwhile.
It's what you like to cry about, Classy Tears."
>> Audit hurry. Hurry and relief are dicoms.
>The hurry of impending mortal doom is because at this stage I cannot guarantee
>I will be in a position to continue with tech that works in my next life.
Life is like a prison. We all want to get out, but we don't want
to leave our friends behind. When someone dies, we cry because they got
out of prison and left us behind.
While we are here, we consider that no way would we have ever
chosen to be here. So we fear death, BECAUSE WE FEAR LIFE, we are safer
alive nailed to our present carrion crucifix, because once we die, WHO
KNOWS what hell hole me might end up in.
Being a baby in the arms of a psycho mother is the pits.
That's the FEAR talking.
You know the drill.
You getting this picture yet?
>I dont
>want to spend half my next life looking for tech that works before getting on
>with it.
Well if you post it to the internet, then actually once you are old
enough to type and read, you will have it again.
That's why I put The Proof on the internet.
>> You want to get out to a place where you never would come in again,
>>or never would have come in in the first place.
>> The only out there is that is real, is the out that led you in.
>Could this be false data?
If so, then you did not knowingly and willing create or enter the
situation you are in. That is a violation of total responsibility.
Now you have a choice.
Which is better.
To wake up in hell having chosen to do so as a practical joke on
yourself of magnitude which you can't quite remember.
Or to wake up in hell having been put here against your will and
without your knowing by god knows what?
>> You WANTED TO COME IN. Is this the out you would like to return to?
OK. This is called an ARC Break with Source.
It's a form of Sin Song,
"Sin Song means to sing another Source done wrong song. Sin Song
is not Sin as long as it is just Song."
It means you are pissed as hell, burned actually, by your present
state, and you wish it had never happened and you can't see *ANYTHING*
making it up to you, and all you can hope for is to get out and make
sure you never come back, and then forget it, after perhaps helping a
few of your buddies out and pushing a few of your enemies back in.
But that involves learning a lesson you will never forget, lessons
make good yokes around your neck that eventually sink you to the bottom
of the sea.
However you are right, no further good thing will ever make up for
the bad thing that has occurred. So what are you going too do?
Adore says, Find the Joke.
"Laughter is all the Kind Justice there is and all the Justice you
will ever need forever for real.
This thing ain't called a religion for nothing."
You see, the *ONLY* thing that will resolve your burn with Source,
is finding the Joke, then you will be glad it happened, and you will
remember why you crafted it in the first place.
"High Halcyon is High Appreciation for Ludicrous Demise."
Notice the word LUDICROUS. It comes from LUDERE meaning game.
Ludicrous Demise results from Beautiful Illogic. Lies in others
Notice I said BEAUTIFUL Illogic.
This is hand crafted with PRIDE by the OT as he designs his own
demise into the valley of death.
"Pride is Operating Craftsmanship of Class".
"Class is an attitude, that *ALL* should live forever and be my
"Cool is the ability to maintain Class."
"This must be the valley of death, everyone looks at me like I am a
part of their nightmare!!"
Trying to make up for that burn, is a nonconfront of that burn, its
a moving away to something better, which creates time, and distance and
further separation from the moment of coming in and the artistic sense
of humor that inspired it.
The burn can not be made up for. The burn can only be resolved
with humor which is the universal solvent.
Not OTHER humor, but humor to the burn itself.
God is not a God of Love, God is a God of Fear and Laughter, and
you are that God.
Creation is a joke that encodes the beauty of Eternal peace in the
MECHANISM of pretended and apparent Eternal Loss.
That mechanism is beautiful illogic.
"The purpose of Creation is to Trade in Expressions of Discovery."
The only discoveries of any intrinsic worth are the discoveries of
wisdom leading to humor leading to resolution of the burn. All else is
instrumental to these intrinsic goals.
>> Once you were out, where would you go after you were rested for
>>a trillion years?
>Not the PU for me, but some higher level of experience. Can't I just mock up
>my own universe and have it just the way I want it.
Yes you can have anything you want.
That's the point. You been there, did that, bought the tee shirt.
Then you went on to more adult entertainment.
>Exactly, this is what I want, and this is why I have been jumping from tech
>to tech. This wimpy stuff is for girls (sorry, no offence to our female subscribers)
Don't get me started on girls.
Closets and collars come to mind.
Homer Wilson Smith Clean Air, Clear Water, Art Matrix - Lightlink
(607) 277-0959 A Green Earth, and Peace, Internet, Ithaca NY Is that too much to ask?
Saturday, April 21, 2012
SCI - 21
Copyright (C) 1992 Homer Wilson Smith
Redistribution rights granted for non commercial purposes.
The subject of proof is a big one. So for the moment I wish to
post a poetic cop out to your question, but I promise to keep it under
Do OT's have superhuman powers?
I would presume so.
What are they?
Anything you can imagine, including the creation of universes,
people in those universes, and the ability to become those people in
those universes asking questions about OT.
Can these powers be demonstrated?
Yes, certainly some of the more physical powers surely can be
Should they be demonstrated?
That would depend on the individual OT who had them and who had to
be accountable for the effects that demonstrating his powers would have.
You mentioned SHOCK in your question about OT's coming to visit
your place out of their body and reporting back to you what they had
The awareness characteristic scale puts shock at -16,
-14 Delusion
-15 Hysteria
-16 Shock
-17 Catatonia
-18 Oblivion
Thus causing any form of shock to a populace at large could hardly
be considered good for a civilization.
Hubbard taught us to do everything on a gradient scale, which means
little by little, not all at once. Therefore enormous displays of
unquestionable demonstrations were frowned upon by Hubbard.
I would tend to agree.
It is very dangerous to demonstrate power to those who do not have
Those who have power know this.
Those who do not have power, don't know this.
What can you do?
Now here is the cop out, if you are serious about getting proof of
power I would instead audit you on the subject of power until some power
opened up in you. It needn't be actual abilities to move rocks or
things, but you would get a clear idea that what ever power you desire
is available and in fact you would settle back down into being
comfortably able to NOT have power for a while, or at least until you
were more ready for it.
Just consider what would happen to you if you had the ability to go
anywhere on the planet and see anyone doing anything they were doing,
and you could kill anyone with an electrical spark to the brain or
heart. (Nipping, History of Man).
Now the auditing question would be something like,
'Tell me what would happen over time if you had this power?'
The correct E/P of this process would be an experience of power
opening up inside yourself, certainty that power exists, and a settling
out of your willingness to have or not have power as you wished.
Another process for handling people's problems with proof, would
'What evidence do you have that you are not an OT?'
'What evidence do you have that you are an OT?'
What this will turn up are quite a number of false certainties
that people are walking around in that prevent the possibility of
believing in OT. Once they see that these false certainties are just
not supportable, the possibility OPENS UP that OT is possible, and they
can approach it again with a new look.
The point is that if someone is an OT and no longer believes this,
they clearly have chosen to prove to themselves down the whole track
that they are not an OT and neither is anyone else.
For you to then go and present them with incontrovertible proof
that they are wrong, would merely open up a very old wound, an OT wound,
that would probably severely hurt the person or his body.
So although I am truly copping out on a direct answer to your
question, for reasons that I believe to be justified, I am at the same
time presenting you with auditing procedures that you can use on
yourself or someone else to set off a spark of power within your own
space and to open the door to your own further private investigations
free from the harrasment of others.
Others who wish you to prove your powers, wish so because they hope
you have none, or because they want you to use them to take care of
People who demand proof often have a hidden agenda.
Proof is available that THEY have power, not that other's already
have it.
Proof is available for that too but no one with power would be
likely to prove it unless it was part of a larger world changing plan to
do so. In which case they would do it anyhow on their own schedule and
not because someone ask them to.
Here are some more auditing questions to run solo or co audit:
'What would you do with power?'
'What would you not do with power?'
'Why should you have power?'
'Why should you not have power?'
By the way the Power Processes of the Church (Grade V) deal with
just this subject. They are held confidential because when run properly
they cause a person to revivify some of the worst moments on his track.
People have little problem with believing in past lives when they
are reliving one as if it were now.
Before such a reviv it may be hard to get real on anything in the
memory, because so much energy is being directed at keeping this one set
of memories at bay.
The power processes by the way are NOT held confidential in the
field and are in fact used in routine auditing as they go quickly and
directly to the center of the case.
If the case is ready for it.
The Power Processes were developed by Ron Hubbard in tandem with
John McMaster at Saint Hill to help crack seriously resistive cases.
John McMaster was Scientology's first confirmed clear, and left the
Church in the early 70's or so.
He made many tapes that are circulating around the field that add a
deep insight to the inner workings of Ron and Scientology, not all bad.
He remained a devoted clearing practitioner until the end, he died
last year.
Homer Wilson Smith This file may be found at
Posted to usenet newsgroup:
Homer Wilson Smith Clean Air, Clear Water, Art Matrix - Lightlink
(607) 277-0959 A Green Earth, and Peace, Internet, Ithaca NY Is that too much to ask?
Friday, April 20, 2012
Kevin Brady ( wrote:
>Ouch. Well, I can understand how you'd be pissed if you feel that help has
>been refused from those you consider qualified to help. As even Hubbard
>understood, the only reason clearing practitioners run into real trouble is
>failure to deliver the results they promise.
The real item is:
Failure to grant beingness to the seriousness of the problem, and
blaming the *PC* for failure to handle it together with the auditor.
"Pc will not unburden if he auditor has no regard for the possible
severity of the problem." - Hubbard APA
My C/S at the Org didn't want be back in his HGC due to 'my
performance as a pc'.
Harry Palmer said I was weird, and not to teach anyone The Proof
because it would destroy their game.
Well maybe that's true, the proof did destroy every game I had,
"Hey Harry you wanna audit me on the proof?"
I wanted to pay for one intensive, see how it went, they insisted
on 4, $12,000 dollars. Middle of first intensive I walked out, never to
Have you ever walked away from $10,000 of auditing waiting for you?
PC's can easily handle the failure of auditing to produce results
as long as the auditor does not blame the pc and the pc does not blame
the auditor, but both just accept the fact that neither knows what they
are doing.
They may eventually part ways, but they will part as friends and
continued collaborateurs in discovery.
It's ok to not know what you are doing, how else are we going to
learn? Its the false fact that we know it all, that this procedure
ALWAYS works, and if it doesn't then YOU must be an SP etc. These wrong
why's will produce an irrevokable ARC break between pc and auditor as
long as they continue.
As for Alan, he has said he wouldn't have me enturbulating his
noodle farm, but mostly he has refused to audit me because I won't sign
my rights to commmunicate for the rest of eternity over to him in a non
disclosure agreement. No big deal, Alan hasn't a clue anyhow, so no
loss there.
>For my part, part of the reason I'm trying to integrate "psych" viewpoints
>into my current investigations, and my unwillingness to accept "bt/cluster"
>things as being actual solutions, is because those who espouse those routes
>HAVE failed to help, dodging the actual charge on the case in an effort to
>skip past it and attribute everything to Xenu and his many minions. Getting
>really significant about personae and ostensible "whole track" events just
>seems a dead-end, wrong-track way, to me... so I take sage words from that
>direction with a grain or ten of salt. It's humorous to me when people who
>are dramatizing ser-facs (refusing help) try to get those they aren't
>helping to accept their justifications about "confidential" tech type
>"reasons" for failure of lower tech solutions to work. It's a sell-job of
>people who just won't roll up their sleeves and discharge the case that's
>there, instead searching for illusionary case that, of course, discharges
>with the greatest of ease (after all, it was just mocked up).
You gotta go where you gotta go. But next time you get bogged down
because you have made too much case gain and your BT's haven't try this.
Forget about Xenu and OT III, that evals for everyone and pisses
everyone off.
Picture yourself in a huge auditorium with no lights and you are at
the podium and you have no idea if anyone is in any of the seats.
Then just ask out loud, ok, anyone want some auditing?
Then audit in the dark for a while whoever or whatever comes up.
It can produce amazing results when done at the right moment.
>> For the rest I am gone.
>Forever? (don't hit me!)
I abandoned class as an attitude long ago.
Permanent separation is so much cleaner.
Adore is for the birds.
Wed Apr 11 03:04:50 EDT 2007
Homer Wilson Smith Clean Air, Clear Water, Art Matrix - Lightlink
(607) 277-0959 A Green Earth, and Peace, Internet, Ithaca NY Is that too much to ask?
Sunday, April 15, 2012
Dangerous... (The posting appended below).
It's workability is in accurately knowing who to kill and when.
The whole bank is made of a whole track of wanting to kill,
killing, failing to kill, regretting killing, not killing, failing to
not kill and regretting not killing.
That's there is in the bank, being the cause of death and being
effect of death.
90 percent of it is trying to kill with a thought, bullets came
later, much of it is trying to kill others by killing oneself, through
sympathy guilt etc. This is the key to the service fac and grade 4
computation that keeps the whole bank caved in on oneself.
Unfortunately the whole bank doesn't have enough force to kill a thetan,
and the being has to keep his body alive anyhow to see if his ploy is
working on others...
A suicide mission is defined as a mission that one will probably
not come back from, or one which one knows, as part of the plan, that
they won't come back.
Kamikaze is not much different, whether the guy wears a coat of
explosives and harms others by 'blowing himself up', or the guy sets off
the ammo dump from deep inside it, where he harms himself by 'blowing
others up.' In the end they both get blown up, you see?
Or the guy who saves a comrade or his troop by throwing himself on
a grenade. The end is all the same, good guy dies, but other good guys
live and/or bad guys die in greater number.
There are 50 ways to leave your lover, and probably lots more ways
to leave your life.
But it is still unclear to me when Adore says 'The purpose of life
is Kamikazee', whether Adore means to kill or simply to undertake a
suicide mission, which may end up oneself dead, but not involve actually
killing others, except in the long term effects that enlightenment might
have upon the corrupt and already death directed.
You might get killed publishing the proof for example.
No violence out, lots of violence in.
So the suicide mission can be physical, emotional, mental or
Remember Adore says that divinity doesn't give a damn, it won't
turn you away no matter who you are or what you have done, but neither
will it call after you, no matter how innocent, if you go the wrong
So the guy who commits suicide because he's trying to get people to
feel sorry for him, well the Lord won't.
But neither will the Lord hate those that kill others instead,
hopefully in a sane cause.
The law of the sky has different rules than the law of the land.
The law of the land says you can only kill during a time of war.
The law of the sky says yeah, so, and?
Meaning we are always at war whether we know it or not.
Legal war and religious war are two very different things.
Bigots like to make over over whose messiah has the bigger dick,
but they are just self assholes who can't stand the smell of other's
shit and who think that God hates along side with them. Any maybe they
do as most God's are lesser unholinesses pretending to be Divinity
itself. Such God's thrive on people AGREEING with them.
True divinity doesn't give a rat's ass about any of it, divinity
gives you the playing field and the abilities to do what you wish with
them, including create consequences or not as you are all moved in the
game creation process.
Remember everyone is responsible for their own condition, so no
matter what you are doing to him, HE had to let you into his dreamtime
knowing full well the possible consequences, and thus HE is culpable for
anything done to him by anyone else.
And down deep if these wrongs stick to him, (don't heal, lesson
learned) he is guilty himself of the same or worse, either earlier or
Like a cat waiting for a bird, he waits for a wrong to come in so
he can feel absolved for the wrong he did earlier.
Guilt is patient in that way.
"Patient as hell, as a patient in hell." -Adore
But that cycle turns to stone, don't you see, and sinks the person
in time forever more, and it is all that does.
That's because the wrong that comes in to him has to be SOLID in
order to really wrong him, and he has to be SOLID too, in order to be the
effect of it.
So solid he becomes, a stone in time (MEST).
"If timestone be tombstone, then let wisdom be epitaph."
"Mortals bow and pray to the God of Time, Stone, and Dust in the
Wind. Their *FAITH* is not to be belittled.
Eternal Pride however is Eternal Home." - Adore
The primary spiritual war is between the sane and the insane,
between eternal life and eternal death, between the integrity of the
High US, and the disintegrity of the High Them.
The bigot is stuck in a game against the High Them.
The High Us is not quite sure what the word THEM means.
Remember the Adorian Scale of Discount that goes from 'NO problem'
at the bottom to 'I can't imagine what a problem is', at the top.
Anyhow the underlying idea was not to waste one's death, to not die
in a meaningless way...
Only a warrior would have the concern though.
Every soldier has to consider the wasting of his life balanced
against the wasting of enemy lives. The soldier that is trying to come
home, no matter what, is not a good soldier. You go to war NOT to
come back, because if you come back someone else didn't.
The good soldier is always looking for a way to maximize enemy
losses via suicide missions or kamikaze, not sure the difference if we
consider all four planes of battle,
If he manages to come back from the suicide mission, he probably
didn't take out enough of the enemy, so he lives to try again another
day, confident in the sure knowledge of his death before the war is
over, and just so the more he kills the sooner it will be over.
Not every warrior lives by those rules, but those that do are a
For zombie zoners, both their life and death's are meaningless in
every way.
Again one can kill bodies with bullets, or one can kill ideas with
ideas. It doesn't have to be about physical violence, but it does have
to be about life and death.
About time(stone) and eternity.
Homer Wilson Smith Clean Air, Clear Water, Art Matrix - Lightlink
(607) 277-0959 A Green Earth, and Peace, Internet, Ithaca NY Is that too much to ask?
On Sun, 15 Apr 2012, Jane Elizabeth Staller wrote:
> well, what do you think of it? ;)
>>> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
>>> Date: Sat, 14 Apr 2012 03:06:03 -0400 (EDT)
>>> From:
>>> Reply-To:
>>> To:
>>> Subject: ADORE586
>>> Hash: SHA1
>>> "If you have to die, take one of the enemy with you.
>>> The Good Lord will not love you for suicide.
>>> "The Good Lord will not hate you for kamikaze." -Adore.
>>> If we wish to choose the moment and manner of our births, should we
>>> also not choose the moment and manner of our deaths?
>>> Do we only kill when the government orders us to do so?
>>> Do we always kill when the government orders us to do so?
>>> Is that what Gabriel is looking for on our resume, when we get to
>>> the Pearly Gates?
>>> Homer
>>> - ------------------------------------------------------------------------
>>> Homer Wilson Smith The Paths of Lovers Art Matrix - Lightlink
>>> (607) 277-0959 KC2ITF Cross Internet Access, Ithaca NY
>>> In the Line of Duty
>>> Thu May 1 20:18:21 EDT 2008
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>>> Sat Apr 14 03:06:02 EDT 2012
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Sun Apr 15 19:05:23 EDT 2012
Homer Wilson Smith Clean Air, Clear Water, Art Matrix - Lightlink
(607) 277-0959 A Green Earth, and Peace, Internet, Ithaca NY Is that too much to ask?
Hash: SHA1
Kathie Lynch ( wrote:
>Hi Homer,
>Thanks for answering my question. What I've been saying all along is that
>competition in a 2D is ok if it's light and in the spirit of play. Games on
>every dynamic would be more fun that way. Wouldn't it be great if nations
>could operate in a non-serious, non-aberrative way? That seems even hard to
>imagine in this day and age. Damn!! Most 2D's can't even operate that way!
>Oh well, someday. We'll just make sure ours do!
>Thanks for your communication.
Dramatization contains 4 components,
Seriousness, permanence, importance and pain.
People don't get along because they see others causing permanent
losses to the world, so they attack back by causing permanent losses
themselves to the causers of permanent losses.
It gets quite insane when one group of religious bigots tries to
help their God by doing in another group of people.
Religious bigotry is 'I am going to Heaven and you are going to
Hell because my God/Doctrine/Lineage is better than yours.
Hell FOREVER is a form of permanence, as is Heaven forever.
Nothing is forever except people and peace. So really if one
just looks to where people are dramatizing forevers, one will see the
serious games they are playing where winning is more important than
That is cause of all the strife (unhappy game playing) there is
amongst people.
Spirit of Play falls downtone into Spirit of Winning and further
down into Spirit of Losing.
================ ====================
Sun Apr 15 03:06:02 EDT 2012
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Homerwsmith-l mailing list
Thursday, April 12, 2012
BT means Body Thetan, one of a class of beings that are composited
into and around the body of a human composite.
Homer says:
> IT's a BT.
> "What are you?"
> "Who are you?"
> "HOW MANY ARE YOU?" In the gobzillions perhaps.
BT says:
>It's amazing what Homer will do, rather than face himself.
>Why he insists on attempting to infect other people with his
>obsessions, only the Boogie man (men, "gobzillions of them perhaps")
>under his bed, knows (know) for sure.
Fair enough, but I am just reporting the facts Jack.
My dream life is very rich and complex, and I enjoy the time I
spend with both the positive and negative beings in those dreams.
Most of my dream beings are very simple beings, they pretend to be
full fledged humans, and if I interact with them properly they do a
pretty good job. But don't ask them what their name is, as they start
to disintegrate.
Now really I don't want to disintegrate anyone in general, but my
dreams are full of highly negative beings, who like bullies, try to
invade, control, interrupt, or outright rape, murder or cause mayhem.
Kind of like 3rd grade lunch time on the play ground.
It has taken me years to learn how to deal with these negative
beings in my dreams.
At first I could never remember the NOTS questions, but eventually
I got it down to a science:
1.) Get eye contact and HOLD IT, don't let them look away.
2.) Point a finger at them accusatively "You are a BT!"
For example perhaps I am taking a leak in a bathroom in the dream,
and there is always someone who wants to come over and tickle my dick
while I am tinkling. This really pisses me off, and "you are a BT!"
usually gets rid of them.
Now they know I know and that 'handles' about 95 percent of the
problem children. Once they are 'found out', they chill out, they stop
following me around trying to stick a finger up my ass, and they go off
and play nicely with others.
But the remaining 5 percent don't.
So then I have to continue, often for many repetitions:
3.) What are you? What am I?
4.) Who are you? What am I?
It is not necessary to get answers from them, just asking the
questions repeatedly with eye contact eventually gets them to slow down
and stop being a nuisance.
Eventually they go eyes wide, stop moving, and if I continue they
'puddle', melt into a puddle of color on the floor of the dream.
But then there are still the remaining ones, these are the guys that
as soon as I point a finger at them they start mocking me "You are a BT,
what am I, who am I, hahahahahahah!" Sometimes its entire crowds of them,
gangs of deliquent assholes all out of have a lot of fun at my expense.
Often they look like ghouls, just like out of the TV horror movies,
night of the living dead etc.
Skin falling off, body parts hanging loose, but they are hard nuts
to crack. And they are intelligent, originative, and *MEAN*.
For these I learned to continue with:
"How many are you?"
Now some of the simpler ones will suddenly stop in their tracks and
count up, 1 2 4 6 8 11! I will say "You are 11 of you? and they nod,
smile and go off and play nicely with others.
Sometimes in a crowd of approaching hostiles I have to be fast on
my feet, I pick the nearest or meanest and try to handle first, while
the others are approaching, pretty soon they all get interested in what
I am doing to one of them which slows them down, and that gives me more
time to handle each in turn until all hostiles are handled.
Sometimes just for fun I will be in a large public area with lots
of people walking around and I will point at each one, get their eye
contact and say "Thank you for being in my dream!"
I get huge smiles from them out of that.
Or if I am horny I just put the idea into each female that walks by
that they really do want to take their shirt off and throw it away.
It's interesting, trying to get them to do something they don't want
to do naturally is almost impossible, it gets into a struggle of wills,
but if they already want to do it, the slightest "Everyone will now take
their shirt off", gets me a LOT of booby.
It starts a permission chain, one gets the idea they have permission to do
it, and then the others see the first and they do it to. Those that don't
want to don't, but you would be suprised how much girls detest wearing
Jewelry yes, clothes no.
OK back to the negative assholes, ghouls.
Many won't count up for me. I have to count for them.
I do it just like an e-meter, are you 1, 10, 100, 1000 on up?
One night I had a dream where a whole pack of ghouls was mocking me
"Yeah yeah I am a BT, go fuck you!" and approaching me, and I started
yelling at them
"How many are you?
100? 1000? 10000? 100000? one million? 10 million? 100
million? 1 billion? 10 billion? 100 billion? 1 trillion? 10
Suddenly a ripple went through the whole crowd like I had just said
something dangerous. They all hesitated their approach for a moment,
all in unison, so I said "100 trillion".
They all instantly went eyes wide, and stood perfectly still, all
the forward movement went out of them.
And I went on my merry way in the dream, having "learned a
Lesson was some beings are very large clusters, and if you get it
even vaguely close, their dramatization starts to break apart.
Now there are still a few remaining that I have not been able to
handle at all. I have used 'How can I serve you? How can you serve
me?' to some avail, but others, particularly the serious demon class
beings with sinews of stone, I just have to walk right into them and
absorb them into my body, which works after a fashion but leaves me
feeling sick. They are no longer out there bothering me, but they are
inside me now struggling around making me nauseous. Not a good
The last remaining few I can't control at all, they get me in a
half nelson with wing and tail, and I am done for, usually I just wake
up from horror.
I have added
"You are real people!"
to the end of the command set, it is particularly effective against
the crowds of ghouls counting into the 100 trillions or more.
Now those are the facts, thousands and thousands of well done dream
science experiments during night time dreaming have demonstrated a whole
class of dream rules.
I await peer review of my work, if the peers can prove to me
they exist.
Whether the dream rules work in the real world is very open to
question, and whatever interpretation one wants to put on the results as
to 'why' they work in dreams is anyone's guess but my own.
Brainwashing by Hubbard is just as good as any.
But for me, if it seems like a being, talks like a being, acts like
a being, smells like a being, then I *ASSUME* it is a being, because if
I don't, the invalidation tends to make things go away back into dead
And frankly I have enough dead nothing in my waking time.
Thu Aug 9 02:17:17 EDT 2007
Homer Wilson Smith Clean Air, Clear Water, Art Matrix - Lightlink
(607) 277-0959 A Green Earth, and Peace, Internet, Ithaca NY Is that too much to ask?
Wednesday, April 11, 2012
One way to tell that the symbol and referent are two different
objects, is if the symbol has qualities that the referent doesn't have.
For example you are in a car on a road at an intersection, looking
at a map of the area. You see the intersection on the map labeled with
the names of the roads, and you know where you are.
In this case the map is the symbol and the actual roadways are the
The symbolic map is made of paper with color and ink denoting the
roadways, the referent roads themselves are made of tar and asphalt.
Clearly in this case no one could ever mistake the map for the
territory, or the symbol for the referent.
However let's take a subtler example.
Find yourself a small coffee table and a red plastic ball like the
ones kids like to play with in pools.
First check the ball out all over, push it, poke it, bite into it,
blecch, yep made of plastic all right, then put the ball on the table
and sit down facing it.
Now the first thing one might think is that one is looking at a red
plastic ball. But that's a confusion between symbol and referent. The
two have been smushed together into one object.
So let's notice something.
If you close your eyes, the red ball disappears from your field
of view, but the plastic ball is still out there on the table right?
"If A and B are objects, and A changes and B doesn't, then A is
not B, i.e. A and B are two *DIFFERENT* objects."
So immediately we can conclude that the 'red ball' and the
'plastic ball' are two different objects.
The 'red ball' that we see is a conscious color form projected in our
consciousness. It is much like the picture of the Empire State Building
projected on the plasma display of the cockpit. The "plastic ball" that
remains even after the 'red ball' is gone, is a whole nother object out
there on the table which exists whether we see it or not.
So its pretty clear here that the 'red ball' which we see in our
consciousness when our eyes are open is its own object that is different
from the 'plastic ball' out on the table, which exists whether we see it
or not.
TWO different objects, both actual.
The red ball is in fact being used as a symbol for the plastic ball
on the table. We can change the symbol, make it come and go, by opening
and closing our eyes, or looking away, but the plastic ball remains
unchanged. Thus the symbol and the referent are not the same object. We
have two different objects, one used to represent the other.
Notice also that the red ball is RED. Now we tend to associate
redness in consciousness with a certain frequency of light, but clearly
there is nothing about light that is 'red'.
Redness in consciousness is a symbol for the external referent of
light of a particular frequency.
Light has qualities such as energy, speed, direction, amplitude and
frequency, which do not apply to conscious color forms.
Conscious color forms have qualities like redness and an implied
viewpoint which do not apply to light. An implied viewpoint means the
symbol includes in it where it is being viewed from.
So we have two different objects, red color form, and light, which
have very different qualities from each other, almost none of which
overlap except that they both exist, yet one can be used very effectively
as a symbol for the other with little confusion.
So from this we can conclude that symbols don't have to be all that
similar in nature to what they symbolize in order to be useful as symbols.
Words are a perfect example, the word 'ball' is VERY different than a
ball, yet we do just fine using one to symbolize the other.
Another thing we need to notice is that the symbols we use to refer
to referents can pretty well be chosen arbitrarily. For example the word
'blog' could just as easily be used to refer to ball, as long as we all
agree to the relationship. Since its an arbitrary assignment between
symbol and referent, its just a matter of agreement between people to use
symbols and referents the way they do.
As another example of this, there is clearly nothing RED about light
of any frequency. Thus we could just as easily see green or blue where we
now see red, and we would never know the difference.
In fact what I see when looking at the ball may be what you would
call green and what you see may be what I would call blue, but we both
call it red by agreement.
As long as we see the same color in ourselves when we see the same
frequency, and as long as we both call it the same word when we talk to
each other about it, it doesn't matter if you or I see the same color when
looking at the same frequency!
There is no way to know if someone else sees the same color that we
do, because no one can see into anyone else's consciousness than their
OK, so now let's do this same experiment in a sleep dream.
We are sound asleep and lo and behold we find a red plastic ball on
the floor next to a small coffee table.
Again we pick it up, push it, poke it, bite it, blecch sure tastes
like plastic to me, and put it on the table.
Then we sit down and we look at it.
Now having done this experiment while wake, we study the red ball on
the table for any differences between what we see now and what we saw when
we were awake.
And there are none. Looks just like the other red ball down to the
last detail.
But what of the plastic ball?
In the waking state we say there is a red ball acting as a symbol for
a plastic ball acting as the referent.
But in the dream, is there a plastic ball?
No of course not, if there were, when we woke up, the plastic ball
would go poof and that would violate the laws of conservation of energy
and momentum.
You see red conscious color forms can come and go at the will of the
conscious unit, but plastic can't.
Besides there is no plastic in sleep dreams, because there is no
ANYTHING in sleep dreams except the symbols in conscious color form
pretending that there is.
The symbols are actual in the dream, but the implied referents
aren't. They just aren't there in the dream. In the dream the plasma
display shows the city in complete detail, but there is no city down
So the non lucid dreamer doesn't realize he is dreaming and he
worries about the plastic ball implied by the red ball in his conscious
The lucid dreamer, realizes that the red ball in his conscious
picture is all there is, and there is no plastic ball at all in the dream.
The lucid dreamer realizes that the symbols in his conscious pictures
are more important than the implied referents because the implied
referents don't exist at all! They never did.
Notice this has nothing to do with other dreamers being in the dream
with him. Any number of conscious dream units can get together and share
a co dream, a shared virtualization, a panoply of symbols with non
existent referents.
For these co dreamers the symbol IS the referent, the symbol is used
to symbolize itself! The symbol is what is important.
The map hasn't become confused with the territory, the map IS the
territory for real as there IS no other territory!
Now some non lucid dreamer still fixated on non existent referents
like the plastic ball, could come along in the dream and say "Well what
difference does it make whether this is a dream or not, I still have to go
to school, eat, sleep, fight war, die etc."
Well he thinks he has to do all these things because he still
believes in the referents that don't exist. The kind of referents he is
worried about are external physical universe objects that he didn't ask
for, didn't make, can't get rid of, and certainly can't control.
They in fact control him, in fact he is MADE OF THEM, if he thinks he
is a body!
Talk about inverted. The conscious unit that perceives the conscious
symbol thinks it is made of the referent! That's like the pilot looking
at the plasma display and thinking HE IS THE CITY!
So you try to wake him up a bit, you don't want him to leave the
dream, but you do want him to know it IS a dream, namely a world of
symbols with non existing referents.
Then he can stop worrying about all those dangerous referents and
perhaps try his hand at casting some symbols around by force of will
alone, rearrange the dream to suit his needs, instead of it rearranging
Pretty soon illegally pretty girls are popping out of the walls and
falling all over him, each vying for his attention, "touch me! touch me!"
You see, the world is a better place for being lucid.
So this material is important, as the 'waking' state is a dream
state also.
Homer Wilson Smith Clean Air, Clear Water, Art Matrix - Lightlink
(607) 277-0959 A Green Earth, and Peace, Internet, Ithaca NY Is that too much to ask?
Tuesday, April 10, 2012
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johngeorge <> wrote:
> Wou;dn't a non-dualistic way of thinking be the premise that all is
> true, since there is no opposite of truth?
Non dualism is just another form of dualism.
Dualism - Non Dualism.
It's insisting on one side of the dicom, non dualism.
Dualism is the truth.
There may be unity underlying the dualisms, love and hate are both
made of the same 'stuff', but the stuff exists to create dualities.
Thus a proper life of unity AND dualism is indicated.
Which in the end is dualism.
The purpose of the One is to manifest the Many.
The purpose of Source is to cast Source onto Not Sources.
- --
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
Homer Wilson Smith The Paths of Lovers Art Matrix - Lightlink
(607) 277-0959 KC2ITF Cross Internet Access, Ithaca NY In the Line of Duty
Mon Jul 7 00:52:15 EDT 2008
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> The preclear is then asked to invent a problem of comparable
> magnitude to that person. He is asked to do this many many times.
The person is a terminal not a problem.
The preclear has a problem WITH that terminal.
The preclear may say mother is a problem, but mother is a terminal
with whom they HAVE a problem.
Mother probably also has a problem back with the preclear.
So problems are usually two way ridges.
An example of a problem might be lack of desired co operation.
Thus inventing a problem of comparable magnitude involves first
inventing terminals of comparable magnitude, and then inventing problems
WITH those terminals of comparable magnitude (seriousness, difficulty
Also inventing problems the other terminal could have with the
preclear as problems are a two way flow.
Concentration on inventing problems without first inventing terminals
to have the problem with, or at least indicating existing terminals one is
inventing the problem about, will not work, as one can not confront a
problem, one can only confront a terminal with whom one has a problem.
It is mocking up the MASS and living energy of the TERMINAL that makes
the process work. One doesn't want to experience the mass and living
energy of the terminal one has a problem with, thus these unconfronted
masses and energies become bigger than the preclear. He sees the pretty
girl, his spine lights up and he has to run.
Mocking up the mass and living energy of the terminal brings the
preclear's confront and ability to create mass and living energy back up
to a par with the terminal he is having problems confronting. You can't be
scared of a pretty girl if YOU can mock her up 10 times bigger and 100
times prettier than she really is.
The preclear is stuck in a 'nothing could be prettier'. Bang, girl
Looking for earlier similar problems, as in running rudiments at
start of session, won't work either for the same reason unless one
first looks for earlier TERMINALS with which one had earlier similar
You want to start session but the preclear's parking meter is about to
run out of time and he needs to go put another quarter in it. His problem
is not with the meter, but the POLICE FORCE, you see? Running that
earlier similar can get interesting. Running parking meters earlier
similar will miss the point and the charge on his case.
Without mocking up the terminal the problem will not run out.
Time spent mocking up the present, past, future or invented terminal
in good detail, is more important than time spent mocking up the problem
in detail.
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Must do and must not happen again form the basic dicom of
this universe of entrapment.
Page 144
"Unfortunately for the world of action, it will be discovered that
one who can confront everything, does not have to handle anything. In
support of this is offered that Scientology process "Problems of
Comparable Magnitude".
In this particular process the individual being processed is asked to
select a terminal with which he has had difficulty. In that the
definition of a terminal is a 'live mass' or something that is capable of
causing, receiving or relaying communication, it will be seen that
terminals are quite ordinary people in the problem category of anyone's
The person is then asked to invent a problem of comparable
magnitude to that person. He is asked to do this many many times.
It is found midway in the process that he is willing to do something
now about the problems he is having with that person. But at the end
of the process a new and strange thing is found to occur. The individual
no longer feels that he MUST do something about the problem.
Indeed, he can simply confront or regard or view the problem with
complete equanimity. Now an almost mystic quality enters this when it is
discovered that the problem in the physical universe about which he has
been worried often ceases to exist out there. In other words, the
handling of a problem seems to be simply the increase of ability to
confront the problem, and when the problem can be totally confronted it no
longer exists. This is strange and miraculous."
Has anyone ever attained Grade I?
For real?
Lot of phoney certs out there hanging on walls....
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
Homer Wilson Smith The Paths of Lovers Art Matrix - Lightlink
(607) 277-0959 KC2ITF Cross Internet Access, Ithaca NY In the Line of Duty
Fri Oct 22 13:46:28 EDT 2010
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Tue Apr 10 00:06:06 EDT 2012
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Homer Wilson Smith Clean Air, Clear Water, Art Matrix - Lightlink
(607) 277-0959 A Green Earth, and Peace, Internet, Ithaca NY Is that too much to ask?
Clear-L mailing list
Friday, April 6, 2012
part of the game. In the world of universality they seem kind
of silly and selfish.
This is in a way the difference between capitalism and communism.
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We have written that quality of product is guaranteed only
by competition. Without competition you get
1.) Shoddy products
2.) High prices
3.) No after market support
4.) No or negative warranties (you bring it back we won't sell to
you again.)
Only competition, the desire to take away market share from the other
producers, brings about better products, lower prices, more customer
support, and excellent no questions asked warranties.
Historically trade secrets have been an ace up the sleeve to help
people compete with each other. Someone gets an idea, and starts to
produce it, but doesn't want the others to know lest they up stage them,
and they hope to be better able to compete because they keep the
ingredients of their special sauce a secret.
This is the American Way, no one would think to do it any other way.
Coke, McDonald's, you name it, all have their secret ingredients that
prevent others from making the same or even a better product.
So what's going to happen in the group mind when there are no more
secrets? Will competition amongst members go away, will the group mind
rot, go complacent, take up Hubbardian Orthodoxy? Will group minds remain
in competition with other group minds to guarantee their own survival thus
guaranteeing separation also?
In a group mind, someone makes something, and bang everyone has
it, they not only have the product they have the method to make the
product, so now everyone can potentially make it. So where is there
room for competition?
Well others can now stand on the work already done and add to it of
course and enhance it in a never ending game of leapfrog, seeing who can
out class who.
But they will have to do it without secrets. Fame and proper
attribution and an affluent life consisting of the best of the best will
of course be the results of everyone's hard work. That isn't so bad is
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
Homer Wilson Smith Clear Air, Clear Water, Art Matrix - Lightlink
(607) 277-0959 A Green Earth and Peace. Internet Access, Ithaca NY Is that too much to ask?
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Fri Apr 6 03:06:02 EDT 2012
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Consciousness is a constellation of functions belonging to the
conscious unit, the self aware agent being who is aware of the 4
fundamental qualities of himself.
The constellation of functions are
The looker is the self aware agent I-AM of the conscious unit.
This is the same I as the I AM, I WANT, I KNOW and I DO.
The I-AM is God in carnation.
God is the AllThatIS and is a multi I-AM being.
The looked through is the illusion of space and time that
separates the looker from the looked at.
The looked at is the panoply of conscious experiences,
color-forms, that surround the being. Looked ats include any
conscious experience at all, not just visual, including, sound, taste,
smell, feeling, emotion, thought, ideas etc.
The term 'color-form' applies to any conscious experience, not
just visual. A color-form is any space time arrangement of conscious
experiences or looked ats.
Anything the being is conscious of, anything at all, is a looked
at, a color form, and a conscious experience. All three terms mean
exactly the same thing.
The dictionary has many definitions of consciousness, we are only
interested in the first one,
Consiousness: 1.) The state or condition of being conscious.
Conscious: 1.) Having an awareness of one's own existence,
sensations, thoughts and one's environment.
All consciousness is consciousness-of.
Aware: 1.) Conscious
Sentient: 1.) Conscious
Sentient howver comes from 'sense', and is used to refer to sense
For example we don't usually consider a rock sentient, in that it
has little in the way of ability to sense impingements and respond to
Some plants however, such as the mimosa will fold up instantly
upon being touched, and the morning glory will bloom only during the
early sun.
Surely they are 'sensitive' and can sense their environment, but
are they sentient?
Do we care if the enemy robot army is 'aware' of us?
A machine will surely record a symbol in its memory bank
representing that it has sensed your existence, but is this sentience?
A machine trying to be aware of itself, will only produce an
endless stream of symbols representing the existence of prior symbols,
none of which are sure. Thus whatever sentience a machine has, it
isn't certainty.
Consciousness however has a sentience that includes certainty of
When you see red, you KNOW you see red, no question about it.
A machine can be impinged upon and record that impingement, but
it can never see what it is that impinged upon it. The original
source of the impingement is long gone in space and time by the time
the causal messenger wave crosses that space and time and hits the
This is why when you look up at the sky, the stars you see are
many millions of years old, and what you see is long gone and no more.
The 'star' may still be there, but not the star you are seeing,
and in many cases the star in toto is long gone and doesn't exist any
more at all, even though there it is shining in the sky.
This is because the causal messenger wave, light, takes time to
travel from the edge of the universe to where you are, sometimes
across billions of years.
By the time the message gets to you, your lover is long dead.
In fact just because you see the star now doesn't mean the star
ever existed at all, because God could easily have created the entire
universe 6000 years ago as if it had been here for billions of years.
Thus the universe may have been created with that star light already
in transit, never having been emitted by an actual star.
Not only is any universe creator quite capable of doing this, 50
percent of the American population believes just this, the Earth and
the universe it is in is 6000 years old, created to appear 15 billion.
Ok, so this is the problem with machine sentience, machine
learning, a machine can only receive an impingement from a causal
messenger wave traveling at a finite speed across space and time.
Further the idea that the resulting impingement was sourced by a
*STAR* is an enormous tortuous trail of theory and speculation, and
deductive logic, no certainty there, only tests of time etc.
This is all very different than a conscious unit looking at a red
conscious experience and knowing it is seeing red.
The red conscious experience, as a looked at, is not lit by
anything except itself, and does not emit anything across the looked
through to the looker.
No photons, no causal messenger wave, yes there is an impingement
on the looker from the red, but the looker can see what impinged on
him by looking AT THE RED DIRECTLY.
You see a machine can't do that.
A machine can never look at nor know for sure the source of any
impingement at all.
A conscious unit can.
This is because with the machine there is space and time imposed
between machine and source, thus rendering them two different objects.
The machine learns about the source (A) by looking at itself (B).
You can never have certainty about A by looking at B.
This is the necessary fate of any two different objects, neither
will ever see the other directly, they can only see each other
indirectly via looking at each other's impingements in themselves.
In a machine the looker knows about the looked at only by looking
at the looker and deducing back to a possible looked at.
Causation remains forever a theory to a machine.
A conscious unit however can see the red directly, the source of
its impingement. In a conscious unit, the looker knows about the
looked at by looking directly at the looked at.
This produces perfect certainty that not only does the looked at
exist, but also cerrtainty of its nature (red) and the fact that is
was the source of the felt impingement! Certainty of causation is a
miracle found only in conscious units.
This can happen because in a conscious unit, looker and looked at
are not separated by a space time distance and thus are not two
different objects.
The seeer and the seen are one and the same.
The looker and the looked at are one and the same object and
There is no time between the arising of the seen and the seeing
of it, because the seen IS the seeing of it.
That means the I-AM is whatever it sees. Hubbard said you can be
what you see. Truth is you are what you see, but the illusion of
separation, the looked through, divides the I-AM looker from the red
looked at. The I-AM is here, and the red is out there.
Here and there are illusions.
As are now and then.
Delusion, which is rock solid belief in the illusion, leads to
the dwindling spiral of consciousness.
Where else would you expect a belief in non existent separation
to get you?
There is no space time distance between I-AM's either.
Operating as a machine the consciousness has located itself in a
'body' with 'sense organs' that pick up impingements from the alleged
physical universe.
Thus consciousness has fallen down to assigning its conscious
experiences, of which it can be certain, to events in the physical
universe of which is can not be certain.
The conscious experience is relegated to a mere symbol for the
alleged actual physical universe referent.
Worse the conscious unit has collapsed symbol and referent and
habitually thinks there is only the referent. The conscious unit has
forgotten that it is seeing the physical universe through a TV screen,
namely itself, and thinks it sees the physical universe directly.
The conscious unit thinks the TV screen is a clear glass window,
into the physical world.
Thus the conscious unit will say things like photon's have color,
like redness.
Photons, even if they did exist, which they don't, except as
dream machines, have numerous qualities, speed, frequency, energy,
momentum, but they don't have redness or color as part of their
quality set.
Any physicist will tell you this, then quickly skip over the
question of what then does have the quality of redness?
Conscious experiences however, being perceived directly in the
spaceless timeless dimensionless medium of consciousness itself, do
not have speed, frequency, energy or momentum, but guess what, they
have color, redness, for example.
This is very hard to discuss with a meatball, they just won't
have it. They can't uncollapse the certain symbol from the uncertain
They need to be certain of the referent, so they usurp the
certainty of their own conscious symbol and assign it to the referent.
That's like a living conscious unit looking at a rock and saying
'You are alive and I am not'.
What do you expect to happen to a being who assigns away his
certainty of his own existence to things of which he can't possibly be
In collapsing their color form experience with the alleged
physical universe, they have assigned their certainty of the symbol to
the referent!
Thus they are certain the physical universe exists, but think
consciousness is merely a process in the brain.
This produces an inverted being, he is 'certain' of what he can't
be certain of, and not certain of what he can be certain of.
Collapsing symbol and referent and assigning the qualities of the
symbol to the referent has its uses in game play, but when it becomes
an irreversible stance of the mind, the being can be considered to be
What is more insane, a man that thinks it is a God, or a God that
thinks it is a man?
What is more insane, a dimensionality that thinks it is non
dimensional, or a non dimensionality that thinks it is dimensional?
What is more insane, a machine that thinks it is a conscious
unit, or a conscious unit that thinks it is a machine?
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
Homer Wilson Smith The Paths of Lovers Art Matrix - Lightlink
(607) 277-0959 KC2ITF Cross Internet Access, Ithaca NY In the Line of Duty
Thu Feb 8 01:50:06 EST 2007
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