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Rogers. D.Scn. (The_Bindu@NOSPAMmsn.com) wrote:
>So, do you or can you see reality as "agreed-upon actuality?"
Reality is the agreed upon APPARENCY (OR PRETENSE) OF ACTUALITY but
is never actuality.
Isness is agreed upon reality, agreed upon illusions.
As-isness is actuality, vanishing truth and what remains after the
vanishment, native state.
Actuality is a multi faceted zero dimensional operating source.
Reality is a VIRTUAL multi dimensional space time game stream.
Reality is always a virtual reality.
Actuality is what projects the reality.
Take a look at any computer game, even a multiplayer game. The
reality is what goes on in the game. The actuality is the computer,
computer screen, program code, players and game writer.
Look through a hologram. The reality is there are 3D objects
behind the hologram. The actuality is there is nothing there at all.
Look at the 'out-there-ness' of the objects around you.
Reality is they are actuality out there.
Actuality is there is no out there for them to be out there in.
The conscious unit which can perceive illusions of space and time
itself has no space or time.
Reality is that the AllThatIs is multidimensional.
Actuality is that the AllThatIs is zero dimensional, no direction
in which to have an extension.
Reality is that the objects out there actually exist.
Actuality is they are a projection in the holographic mind of God,
you and me.
Reality is what seems true.
Actuality is what is true.
Reality is illusion.
Delusion about illusion leads us to believe that reality is
- --
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
Homer Wilson Smith The Paths of Lovers Art Matrix - Lightlink
(607) 277-0959 KC2ITF Cross Internet Access, Ithaca NY
homer@lightlink.com In the Line of Duty http://www.lightlink.com
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Learning implies Learning with Certainty or Learning without Certainty.
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HomerWSmith-L mailing list
Sunday, June 30, 2013
Saturday, June 29, 2013
AUDITING Revised 8/11/2009
Auditing is a big subject, certainly bigger than this posting.
However the basics of auditing are very simple, not only how to run
a session but what to run.
To audit means to listen, but in this context it means to give a
properly devised command to your preclear (pc), and then listen to his
response. The auditor then acknowledges, and continues with the process
until a suitable win is achieved on the matter.
Auditing serves a wide range of purposes from enhancing the
auditor's pocketbook, to actually doing something for the preclear.
Bad auditing will do only one.
Good auditing will do both.
That's called fair exchange.
Don't think for a moment that auditing is some kind of free give
away. If you are going to spend 8 hours a day dealing with another's
conceit, arrogance, vanity, lies and self deceit, you will eventually
need to be paid for it.
Barf bags after all cost money.
When your preclear finally gets around to telling you what his REAL
lies and deceits are, like when he used to mircowave kittens to see how
many dosages they could stand until he couldn't revive them any more,
and after he did revive them, how many MORE times he could dose and
revive them until they were done for good, you will finally understand
that sometimes the guy who did the crime and is confessing it has more
confront than you the auditor will ever have.
And when your preclear finally goes whole track and starts owning
up to what beings have done to BODIES for the past zillion years, well
it's time to triple your rate so you can afford a stomach replacement
every now and them.
A preclear is dramatizing item pairs.
Love - Hate, Beauty - Ugly, Good - Evil.
There are MILLIONS of these, and your preclear will be bogged down
in most of them. Not all of them need to be run, just his particular
core group. But you may need to run many surface item pairs until core
pairs come to the surface. Once the core pairs run, the whole mess just
blows up and leaves the preclear free to be himself again, free from
He is also dramatizing NOT-ISNESS on these item pairs, meaning he
has covered them in black mental mass never to be thought of again.
Beings start off in native state, the Big Snooze, total
unmanifestation. This is called Basic Truth, or just simply Truth.
When you wake up out of the Big Snooze and create or mockup
something, that's an As-Isness, the thing is simply as it is. When you
take your attention off of it, it vanishes, thus we call this a
vanishing truth.
However after you have created something, and you then assign
significances to it, or alter your view of who created it or why, you
have Alter-Ised the As-Isness to create an Is-ness. Is-ness persists
because when the being tries to take his attention off of it, the thing
he thinks he is trying to take his attention off of isn't actually the
original thing that he created, so he fails.
Thus his attention becomes 'stuck' on the creation and persistence
becomes compulsory.
Thus As-Isness + Alter-Is produces IS-NESS, which we call a
persisting Truth.
If the being gets desperate to get rid of the creation, but can't
remember how to As-Is it into vanishment, he will NOT-IS the creation
into an apparancy of vanishment. But really it is just the IS-NESS
covered in black mental mass that looks like nothing there, but is
really very much something there that can then affect him later when he
isn't looking.
We call NOT-ISness a persisting Lie.
Thus we have:
Native State Basic Truth Unmanifestation
As-Isness Vanishing Truth Manifestation
Alter-Is Added significance Manifestation
Is-ness Persisting Truth Manifestation
Not-Isness Persisting Lie Apparent unmanifestation.
The purpose of auditing then is to get the preclear to contact all
Not-isness on his case, recover it back to a state of Is-ness, strip the
Alter-Is off of it, returning it to a pristine As-Isness, and then get
the preclear to take his attention off of it to vanish it properly.
Not-Isness sinks a being with continuous added mental mass. That's
all the crap you feel in your body and your face that get's in the way
of you doing anything with joy.
As-Isness floats a being with continuous vanishing mental mass.
The less mental mass a being is carrying around with him, the more
facile his ability to operate will be.
Pc's will come into session going:
"I detest, I detest, I detest, grrr, I detest..."
Auditor: Thank you for telling me that.
Auditor: Spot NO detest.
PC: yak yak,
Auditor: OK!
Auditor: Spot SOME detest.
PC: grrr, yak, grumble, kill, grrr, yak grumble kill....
Auditor: OK!
Auditor: Spot NO adore.
PC: "Oh phooey, adoration is for sissies!"
Auditor: OK!
Auditor: Spot SOME adore.
PC: "Er well, uh, I don't know, let's see, I adore detesting!"
Auditor: OK!
Auditor: Spot NO detest.
Run around and around to major win.
Thus a full session on an item pair includes both the SOME and NO
modifier on both the item and it's opposite.
"Spot NO detest"
"Spot SOME detest"
"Spot NO adore"
"Spot SOME adore"
Then start at the top again.
The reason we run the NO item is because if the pc is complaining
mightily about detesting things, you can be sure there is a whole mess of
detestation that he no longer knows about because he has not-ised it out
of existence. It is this charge which is driving him batty and which
runs and ruins his life for him.
In other words the destestation he is conscious of is just a
fumarole for a volcano of detestation that he long ago suppressed and
lost track of. Once the volcano blows it's lid, erupts and is gone, the
fumaroles stop.
The pc can now detest freely without being MADE to detest.
He can and will get mad, but he can't be MADE mad, he can't be
provoked. Pushing someone's buttons to get them dramatizing some upset
or another is simply kicking their volcanoes that they don't know are
there so they will blow off some steam through their many fumaroles.
When the volcano is gone, there is nothing left to kick, so you
can't push the beings buttons any more, as there aren't any.
But it's more than the pc being immune to other's attempts
to taunt him, LIFE can't bring him down either any more.
Depression is just one super yellowstone volcano waiting to blow
with fumaroles blowing off with every breath he takes.
The pc has also fallen away from the positive side of the item pair
though the same mechanism of not-isness, force and mental mass covering
free feeling.
Thus when you first ask him what he adores, he can't tell you. But
if you keep running the process, as the detestation volcano starts to
erupt and blow free, the adore volcano will also.
When you see the auditing room lit with alternating detestation and
adoration, you will know you are getting there.
The end result is a preclear who is no longer not-ising detestation
nor adoration, and thus can freely create both at will. He can handle
them, rather than the item pair handling him every time something
restimulates him (kicks his volcano).
Thus the End Phenomenon of any session on any item pair is freedom
from and facility to operate that item pair.
In other words if he detests or adores something, it is because he
is choosing to do so, and not because this subterranean mountain of
charge he no longer knows about is making him do so.
Now whether the opposite of To Detest is To Adore, I have no idea,
Adore thinks so, but Adore is biased :)
(Adore is "A Divine Operating Religion of Excellence")
So you have to let your preclear choose his own opposites, and
certainly never force pairs down his throat that he doesn't agree with,
or is not interested in running.
Usually the pc will say "I detest, I detest, etc..." and you say
"Ok, great, can you tell me what you would consider the opposite of To
Detest to be?"
Your pc may list a few items, write them all down, but then he will
give you the best fit. If it is To Adore, then fine, if not, run what
he gives you.
If the item he first originates in session is adore, then find it's
opposite instead.
What is the opposite of To Adore? To Detest? To Deplore? To
Who cares, take what he gives you, To Banana, and run it.
NEVER tell your preclear or even suggest what the opposite might
And never tell your preclear what items he needs to run.
There is a whole dumping ground in hell for the heads of people who
do this to each other. Auditing, and the rules of auditing are a way of
life, if life is making you sick it is because everyone around is
breaking the rules of auditing and so no auditing or worse, reverse
auditing, is taking place.
Reverse auditing is used to destroy people, if you know how to
help, you know how to harm. Reverse auditing is doing the opposite of
everything mentioned in this paper.
Remember always the rules of the auditor/pc relationship.
The auditor knows the general, but does not know the specific.
The preclear knows the specific, but hasn't a clue what it is
because he has not-ised it, made nothing of it, and nailed it out of
Thus it is your job as the auditor to remind the preclear that he
is dramatizing item pairs, and then get the preclear to find them and
tell you what they are. Once the preclear can operate them again
freely, he is free of them, and free to be or not be them any time he
I trust you all know how to run a session
We call this the "What's up Doc?" rundown.
Auditor: "What's up doc?"
Auditor: OK, tell me about that.
PC: yak, yak, spit, vituperate, cough spit.
Auditor: OK, I got that.
Auditor: Now can you tell me what you might consider
to be the opposite of hate?
PC: Love
Auditor: OK, so we are going to run HATE AND LOVE, that ok?
PC: Grrr, sure, smiling...
Auditor: Spot NO hate.
PC: yak yak
Auditor: Thank you
Auditor: Spot SOME hate.
PC: yak yak
Auditor; thank you
Auditor: Spot NO love.
PC: yak yak
Auditor: Thank you
Auditor: Spot SOME love.
PC: yak yak
Auditor: thank you
Then back to the first command. Run to a good win, may take 5
minutes, may take 30 hours.
Item is run to standard End Phenomenon of any item:
Facility with operating and not operating the item pair.
Spot NO operation.
Spot SOME operation.
Spot NO crush.
Spot SOME crush.
Facility with operation is a major win and goal of your preclear.
Generally, if you don't evaluate for your preclear, he will start
spilling items from the moment he starts talking, if you have him in
In session means interested in his own case, and willing to talk to
the auditor.
He has hundreds of years of things he wanted to say to SOMEONE that
he never said, you ask him 'Whats up Doc?' in a way that he thinks you
might mean it, and YOU will get the deluge.
As long as you shut up and don't REACT with garbage in return.
People don't tell you their problems because they want YOU to give
them solutions, get it?
In session also means the goofball auditor gives the commands and
the preclear gives the answers, not the other way around.
The reason is if you allow the preclear to give the commands and
the auditor to give the answers, then the auditor is in session and not
the preclear!
Most of these initial items will be low tone items, for example
anger, fear, sorrow and apathy, and yes he has to run low tone items in
order to get better. But he will actually get better while running the
higher tone opposite. Running the low tone item frees up the ability to
run the higher tone opposite, and visa versa.
Thus both sides need to be run.
When spotting items, your preclear needs to be able to spot them
both in himself, and in others, and in disembodied beings, demons,
deities and gods if he can, even if he thinks they are all imaginary.
That monster under his bed as a kid sure has a lot of detest and
adore suppressed on it.
Not to mention despair and courage.
If he can't spot an item in himself or anyone else, have him simply
IMAGINE the item in himself or another. Doesn't matter if it is true or
not. Eventually the true item will show up.
Get the idea of someone adoring.
Get the idea of someone detesting.
The nice thing about these commands, is he can get the idea
something is adoring that actually never has adored anything! That
changes things for him, as he gets to rewrite existence.
Get the idea of your mother adoring you.
PC: No way, never happened, grr, kill, chop, puke spit...
Auditor: I got that, but get the idea anyhow.
PC: Oh Jesus, ok, well... Wow...
Notice get the idea of MOTHERS adoring you, might be more
productive than get the idea of YOUR mother adoring you, but he has to
change HIS conception of HIS mother if he is ever to get better, and he
has to change HIS conception of HIMSELF AS A MOTHER who never adored
anything except for a price.
Changing people and things and time is all his case is about,
so getting him to mock it up not changed and then changed, and then
changed, and then changed, frees up his feelings on the matter regardless
of thing's present state.
If he can FEEL that his mother adores him, it WILL change her, as
she is part of his karma group which is held tightly together only by
people's conceptions of each other in it.
So some preclear just can't spot hopelessness on anything or
anyone, have him PRETEND his dog is hopeless, then some guy on the
street, then some building etc.
On the other hand if the process is running just fine without being
creative about it, and your preclear just can't spot something once in a
while, don't force it with pretense, just acknowledge and go on with the
next command. Running the positive will open up the negative, and
running the negative will open up the positive.
But if your preclear just can't spot, can't spot, can't spot, can't
spot for 8 or 16 commands, get him into creative pretense, he will find
it entertaining and winning as it puts him at cause over his own
But only as long as it is really his item, that he is interested
is an item someone else gave him, or God save your sorry ass, that you
gave him, then drop it immediately, and get him into what HE is
interested in and willing to talk to the auditor about. You see that
means HE is in session, and not you or someone else.
Running someone else's items is an auditing High Crime.
Questions are fine for dealing with the physical universe through a
body, but questions are death on wheels to a preclear trying to clear up
his own space of hidden volcanoes.
Spot NO question.
Spot SOME question.
Spot NO answer.
Spot SOME answer.
Primary questions are:
Is it?
Does it?
You can stop compulsive question asking by spotting questions and
answers as above, or by spotting the subjects of questions.
Spot NO who.
Spot SOME who. (Spot a who.)
This may get at hidden terminals, people he has forgotten
COMPLETELY about, real fast.
Run on all of the above question subjects.
For example,
Spot NO when.
Spot SOME when.
This will start to open up his time track, as the time track is
simply a recording of all the wheres and whens the pc has traveled
through and then poured a lot of NO over. It also contains all the whos
he has ever known :)
Eventually he will stop spotting wheres and whens in his memory,
and start to spot them in actual space and time. If you are worried
about direct telepathic penetration of space time, past, present and
future, don't run this process.
A particularly bad question is AM I?
Yes you am.
For example lots of people are walking around asking themseleves
You run spirit like any item pair, first find its opposite, say
The grammar of some of these commands may stretch the imagination
of both yourself and your preclear, so word clearing each command is
important, and of course you are free to reword them any way that feels
comfortable, as long as it isn't a question.
SPIRIT means anything that is a caring self luminous conscious
NO SPIRIT means either the true or false (pretended) absence of
spirit. Pretended absence of spirit results from NOT-ISing his own and
others spirits since he was born, "Hey spirits are for drinking! Hic!"
NOT-SPIRIT means anything that isn't spirit, namely illusions of
matter, energy, space and time.
NO NOT-SPIRIT means either the true or false absence of things
which are not spirit.
This distinction between NO and NOT is critical to running these
If your preclear has a NO diamond, then actually he probably does
have a diamond but doesn't know it, as it is covered in black mental
mass. He needs to recover the diamond to go free.
If your preclear has a NOT diamond, then he doesn't have a diamond
at all, he has piece of coal.
If your preclear has a NO NOT diamond, then he has covered the coal
in black mass too.
When spotting NO diamond, you DO NOT want him to try to spot the
diamond under the NO because it ain't there yet, you want him to spot
the NO on top of the diamond. This as-ises the NO on top of the
diamond, allowing the diamond itself to finally surface.
You might ask, well if your preclear can't see the diamond because
it is covered by NO, how do you know there is a diamond there in the
first place.
Trust me, if your preclear is all up in arms about ITEM, there HAS
to be NO ITEM there also, fumaroles don't exist without volcanoes to
power them. And there will also be his opposite item and NO opposite
If you try to run a NO ITEM on an item the preclear doesn't have he
will get worse.
The purpose of the process is to blow off the NO, and leave the
ITEM and NOT ITEM free for the pc's use.
In the case of adore and detest, NOT ADORE = DETEST.
Some item pairs come in the form of ITEM and OPPOSITE ITEM as
adore and detest do.
Spot NO adore
Spot SOME adore
Spot NO detest
Spot SOME detest
Other's come in the form of ITEM and ITEM NOT, such as WANT and
Spot NO wanting sex.
Spot SOME wanting sex.
Spot NO wanting not sex.
Spot SOME wanting not sex.
Yet other's come in the form of ITEM and ANTI ITEM such as
disestablishmentarianism and antidisestablishmentarianism.
Spot NO disestablishmentarianism
Spot SOME disestablishmentarianism
Spot NO antidisestablishmentarianism
Spot SOME antidisestablishmentarianism
That's a joke, you figure it out.
It is up to your preclear to tell you which kind of opposite it is,
for any particular item.
The volcanoes you are trying to uncover consist of the false or
pretended non existence of the item pair. For each item pair there are
two volcanoes, both of which are capped into non existence except for the
fumaroles that blow steam when your preclear is all steamed up.
They also RUN your preclear like a steam engine, making him go and
do, feel and think things all day long not under his long term control.
When he tries to stop and chill, the steam starts to cook him.
Running the NO command gets the preclear to spot the false non
existence of these mountains of charge until they become evident, blow
off and then become a true non existence of charge.
A FALSE NO ITEM will read as a stop followed by a fall or dirty
needle on the meter, that's the NO blowing off the ITEM which in fact is
A TRUE NO ITEM will read as an F/N.
Thus when ever you find your preclear grinding away in a question
about something, just extract the item pairs from the question and run
spotting on them until the whole thing is a non event.
Running the items will answer some questions for the preclear but
not all. Some questions are just too stupid and shouldn't be asked at
all. Many questions don't HAVE answers the way your preclear thinks
they should. Other questions are their own answer, they are called self
answering questions, the question IS the answer.
"What am I doing wrong?"
Asking that question!
Run the god damn item pairs.
That's right!
Even running,
"What is right?"
"What is wrong?"
is better than "What am I doing wrong?" but it's still a pair of
questions, rather than pure items.
Better to run,
Spot NO right.
Spot SOME right.
Spot NO wrong.
Spot SOME wrong.
Spiritual question asking is psychosis.
The being KNOWS, what the hell is he doing wondering or asking
Spot NO wondering. Spot SOME wondering.
Yes the pretended goofballism is fair chosen, so just run it out,
and he will recreate it all over again later in a more optimum game for
a while if he wants to.
Auditing is basically game cleanup.
Your preclear will be found to be stuck in vibrating problems, with
A problem is two active desires diametricaly opposed to each other
on exactly the same subject.
He wants and he doesn't want the same thing at the same time.
By doesn't want we mean WANTS NOT.
Break it down into the item and its opposite and run as above.
The problem will come apart.
Notice a problem doesn't mean that he wants to create A but doesn't
want to create B.
A problem means he wants to create A *AND* he doesn't want to
create A.
If his mother drives him batty chances are he wants to destroy his
mother *AND* he wants not to destroy his mother.
That's a problem you see and will tend to taint his relationship
with his mother.
The AND causes a vibration between the two actions, and while in
destroy mode he will commit overts which he will regret when in the not
destroy mode, then he will regret his kindness when back in the destroy
side. And he is doing this a few hundred times a minute.
For his whole life, across a whole track of many interspersed lives.
It forms a painful twisting snake in his spine and face that he
can't shake because HE IS IT.
He is shifting self images so fast they look like one confused
mass, 'I am a destroyer of mothers', 'I am a lover of mothers.'
There is a hell containing trillions of beings packed together in
the dark, all trying to murder each other. Since these beings are live
valences, if one comes into restimulation, the impulse to murder will be
strong, and natural regrets will cause a restraint, thus giving the
preclear a problem.
The desire to murder and the desire to not murder THE SAME PERSON
AT THE SAME TIME forms a problem, and sinks into oblivion.
Black V's are people who can't mockup anything, because they can't
stop mocking up an AND of magnitude, they have a problem with mockups.
This is NOT a NOTHING there, this is very much a NO SOMETHING there.
The 5 senses are see, hear, touch, taste and smell.
If your pc can't see anything he tries to mockup, there will be
something he wants to see and not see at the same time.
And it won't be small and insignificant, and it will be a two item
When his vision turns on, it will be something like he finds
himself surrounded by God and the Devil in a swirling tapestry of demons
and angels.
Go word clear vertigo.
Courage is an interesting item because it is above enthusiasm which
is the highest tone the body can feel.
The being LOST courage coming into the body, and now being lower
tone than enthusiasm, he can no longer get out of the body. He thinks
he IS a body, and that sinks him.
Thus spotting COURAGE and NO COURAGE and their opposites will go a
long ways towards re exteriorizing the being from his body because his
tone will be higher than his body's tone again for the first time since
The body has it's own sense of courage, but nothing like the true
courage of an eternal being. The horse in war gets its courage from its
A being in good shape exterior to his body should be running at
exhilaration, thrill and above. The body is his pet and beloved work
horse. You ride a body like a horse, giving it subtle indications of
what needs to be done. You don't drive its every muscle from inside its
head 24x7 with spurs and whips.
People can exteriorize for all kinds of reasons, mostly near death
shock events. With running courage we are talking about a full self
determined exteriorization that leaves the body breathing and in love
again with the being that rides it.
That's a star high goal by the way, the body wants to kill the
being and the being wants to kill the body, they can't wait to get away
from each other, AND they can't stand the thought of separation.
Neither the body nor the being would know what to do without each
Neither the body nor the being know what to do with each other.
Underlying their hatred for each other is undying love and wanting
to take care of.
Take that problem apart, exteriorize the body and being, and you
are worth your while as an auditor.
Homer Wilson Smith The Paths of Lovers Art Matrix - Lightlink
(607) 277-0959 KC2ITF Cross Internet Access, Ithaca NY
homer@lightlink.com In the Line of Duty http://www.lightlink.com
Wed Jul 29 23:46:05 EDT 2009
HomerWSmith-L mailing list
Auditing is a big subject, certainly bigger than this posting.
However the basics of auditing are very simple, not only how to run
a session but what to run.
To audit means to listen, but in this context it means to give a
properly devised command to your preclear (pc), and then listen to his
response. The auditor then acknowledges, and continues with the process
until a suitable win is achieved on the matter.
Auditing serves a wide range of purposes from enhancing the
auditor's pocketbook, to actually doing something for the preclear.
Bad auditing will do only one.
Good auditing will do both.
That's called fair exchange.
Don't think for a moment that auditing is some kind of free give
away. If you are going to spend 8 hours a day dealing with another's
conceit, arrogance, vanity, lies and self deceit, you will eventually
need to be paid for it.
Barf bags after all cost money.
When your preclear finally gets around to telling you what his REAL
lies and deceits are, like when he used to mircowave kittens to see how
many dosages they could stand until he couldn't revive them any more,
and after he did revive them, how many MORE times he could dose and
revive them until they were done for good, you will finally understand
that sometimes the guy who did the crime and is confessing it has more
confront than you the auditor will ever have.
And when your preclear finally goes whole track and starts owning
up to what beings have done to BODIES for the past zillion years, well
it's time to triple your rate so you can afford a stomach replacement
every now and them.
A preclear is dramatizing item pairs.
Love - Hate, Beauty - Ugly, Good - Evil.
There are MILLIONS of these, and your preclear will be bogged down
in most of them. Not all of them need to be run, just his particular
core group. But you may need to run many surface item pairs until core
pairs come to the surface. Once the core pairs run, the whole mess just
blows up and leaves the preclear free to be himself again, free from
He is also dramatizing NOT-ISNESS on these item pairs, meaning he
has covered them in black mental mass never to be thought of again.
Beings start off in native state, the Big Snooze, total
unmanifestation. This is called Basic Truth, or just simply Truth.
When you wake up out of the Big Snooze and create or mockup
something, that's an As-Isness, the thing is simply as it is. When you
take your attention off of it, it vanishes, thus we call this a
vanishing truth.
However after you have created something, and you then assign
significances to it, or alter your view of who created it or why, you
have Alter-Ised the As-Isness to create an Is-ness. Is-ness persists
because when the being tries to take his attention off of it, the thing
he thinks he is trying to take his attention off of isn't actually the
original thing that he created, so he fails.
Thus his attention becomes 'stuck' on the creation and persistence
becomes compulsory.
Thus As-Isness + Alter-Is produces IS-NESS, which we call a
persisting Truth.
If the being gets desperate to get rid of the creation, but can't
remember how to As-Is it into vanishment, he will NOT-IS the creation
into an apparancy of vanishment. But really it is just the IS-NESS
covered in black mental mass that looks like nothing there, but is
really very much something there that can then affect him later when he
isn't looking.
We call NOT-ISness a persisting Lie.
Thus we have:
Native State Basic Truth Unmanifestation
As-Isness Vanishing Truth Manifestation
Alter-Is Added significance Manifestation
Is-ness Persisting Truth Manifestation
Not-Isness Persisting Lie Apparent unmanifestation.
The purpose of auditing then is to get the preclear to contact all
Not-isness on his case, recover it back to a state of Is-ness, strip the
Alter-Is off of it, returning it to a pristine As-Isness, and then get
the preclear to take his attention off of it to vanish it properly.
Not-Isness sinks a being with continuous added mental mass. That's
all the crap you feel in your body and your face that get's in the way
of you doing anything with joy.
As-Isness floats a being with continuous vanishing mental mass.
The less mental mass a being is carrying around with him, the more
facile his ability to operate will be.
Pc's will come into session going:
"I detest, I detest, I detest, grrr, I detest..."
Auditor: Thank you for telling me that.
Auditor: Spot NO detest.
PC: yak yak,
Auditor: OK!
Auditor: Spot SOME detest.
PC: grrr, yak, grumble, kill, grrr, yak grumble kill....
Auditor: OK!
Auditor: Spot NO adore.
PC: "Oh phooey, adoration is for sissies!"
Auditor: OK!
Auditor: Spot SOME adore.
PC: "Er well, uh, I don't know, let's see, I adore detesting!"
Auditor: OK!
Auditor: Spot NO detest.
Run around and around to major win.
Thus a full session on an item pair includes both the SOME and NO
modifier on both the item and it's opposite.
"Spot NO detest"
"Spot SOME detest"
"Spot NO adore"
"Spot SOME adore"
Then start at the top again.
The reason we run the NO item is because if the pc is complaining
mightily about detesting things, you can be sure there is a whole mess of
detestation that he no longer knows about because he has not-ised it out
of existence. It is this charge which is driving him batty and which
runs and ruins his life for him.
In other words the destestation he is conscious of is just a
fumarole for a volcano of detestation that he long ago suppressed and
lost track of. Once the volcano blows it's lid, erupts and is gone, the
fumaroles stop.
The pc can now detest freely without being MADE to detest.
He can and will get mad, but he can't be MADE mad, he can't be
provoked. Pushing someone's buttons to get them dramatizing some upset
or another is simply kicking their volcanoes that they don't know are
there so they will blow off some steam through their many fumaroles.
When the volcano is gone, there is nothing left to kick, so you
can't push the beings buttons any more, as there aren't any.
But it's more than the pc being immune to other's attempts
to taunt him, LIFE can't bring him down either any more.
Depression is just one super yellowstone volcano waiting to blow
with fumaroles blowing off with every breath he takes.
The pc has also fallen away from the positive side of the item pair
though the same mechanism of not-isness, force and mental mass covering
free feeling.
Thus when you first ask him what he adores, he can't tell you. But
if you keep running the process, as the detestation volcano starts to
erupt and blow free, the adore volcano will also.
When you see the auditing room lit with alternating detestation and
adoration, you will know you are getting there.
The end result is a preclear who is no longer not-ising detestation
nor adoration, and thus can freely create both at will. He can handle
them, rather than the item pair handling him every time something
restimulates him (kicks his volcano).
Thus the End Phenomenon of any session on any item pair is freedom
from and facility to operate that item pair.
In other words if he detests or adores something, it is because he
is choosing to do so, and not because this subterranean mountain of
charge he no longer knows about is making him do so.
Now whether the opposite of To Detest is To Adore, I have no idea,
Adore thinks so, but Adore is biased :)
(Adore is "A Divine Operating Religion of Excellence")
So you have to let your preclear choose his own opposites, and
certainly never force pairs down his throat that he doesn't agree with,
or is not interested in running.
Usually the pc will say "I detest, I detest, etc..." and you say
"Ok, great, can you tell me what you would consider the opposite of To
Detest to be?"
Your pc may list a few items, write them all down, but then he will
give you the best fit. If it is To Adore, then fine, if not, run what
he gives you.
If the item he first originates in session is adore, then find it's
opposite instead.
What is the opposite of To Adore? To Detest? To Deplore? To
Who cares, take what he gives you, To Banana, and run it.
NEVER tell your preclear or even suggest what the opposite might
And never tell your preclear what items he needs to run.
There is a whole dumping ground in hell for the heads of people who
do this to each other. Auditing, and the rules of auditing are a way of
life, if life is making you sick it is because everyone around is
breaking the rules of auditing and so no auditing or worse, reverse
auditing, is taking place.
Reverse auditing is used to destroy people, if you know how to
help, you know how to harm. Reverse auditing is doing the opposite of
everything mentioned in this paper.
Remember always the rules of the auditor/pc relationship.
The auditor knows the general, but does not know the specific.
The preclear knows the specific, but hasn't a clue what it is
because he has not-ised it, made nothing of it, and nailed it out of
Thus it is your job as the auditor to remind the preclear that he
is dramatizing item pairs, and then get the preclear to find them and
tell you what they are. Once the preclear can operate them again
freely, he is free of them, and free to be or not be them any time he
I trust you all know how to run a session
We call this the "What's up Doc?" rundown.
Auditor: "What's up doc?"
Auditor: OK, tell me about that.
PC: yak, yak, spit, vituperate, cough spit.
Auditor: OK, I got that.
Auditor: Now can you tell me what you might consider
to be the opposite of hate?
PC: Love
Auditor: OK, so we are going to run HATE AND LOVE, that ok?
PC: Grrr, sure, smiling...
Auditor: Spot NO hate.
PC: yak yak
Auditor: Thank you
Auditor: Spot SOME hate.
PC: yak yak
Auditor; thank you
Auditor: Spot NO love.
PC: yak yak
Auditor: Thank you
Auditor: Spot SOME love.
PC: yak yak
Auditor: thank you
Then back to the first command. Run to a good win, may take 5
minutes, may take 30 hours.
Item is run to standard End Phenomenon of any item:
Facility with operating and not operating the item pair.
Spot NO operation.
Spot SOME operation.
Spot NO crush.
Spot SOME crush.
Facility with operation is a major win and goal of your preclear.
Generally, if you don't evaluate for your preclear, he will start
spilling items from the moment he starts talking, if you have him in
In session means interested in his own case, and willing to talk to
the auditor.
He has hundreds of years of things he wanted to say to SOMEONE that
he never said, you ask him 'Whats up Doc?' in a way that he thinks you
might mean it, and YOU will get the deluge.
As long as you shut up and don't REACT with garbage in return.
People don't tell you their problems because they want YOU to give
them solutions, get it?
In session also means the goofball auditor gives the commands and
the preclear gives the answers, not the other way around.
The reason is if you allow the preclear to give the commands and
the auditor to give the answers, then the auditor is in session and not
the preclear!
Most of these initial items will be low tone items, for example
anger, fear, sorrow and apathy, and yes he has to run low tone items in
order to get better. But he will actually get better while running the
higher tone opposite. Running the low tone item frees up the ability to
run the higher tone opposite, and visa versa.
Thus both sides need to be run.
When spotting items, your preclear needs to be able to spot them
both in himself, and in others, and in disembodied beings, demons,
deities and gods if he can, even if he thinks they are all imaginary.
That monster under his bed as a kid sure has a lot of detest and
adore suppressed on it.
Not to mention despair and courage.
If he can't spot an item in himself or anyone else, have him simply
IMAGINE the item in himself or another. Doesn't matter if it is true or
not. Eventually the true item will show up.
Get the idea of someone adoring.
Get the idea of someone detesting.
The nice thing about these commands, is he can get the idea
something is adoring that actually never has adored anything! That
changes things for him, as he gets to rewrite existence.
Get the idea of your mother adoring you.
PC: No way, never happened, grr, kill, chop, puke spit...
Auditor: I got that, but get the idea anyhow.
PC: Oh Jesus, ok, well... Wow...
Notice get the idea of MOTHERS adoring you, might be more
productive than get the idea of YOUR mother adoring you, but he has to
change HIS conception of HIS mother if he is ever to get better, and he
has to change HIS conception of HIMSELF AS A MOTHER who never adored
anything except for a price.
Changing people and things and time is all his case is about,
so getting him to mock it up not changed and then changed, and then
changed, and then changed, frees up his feelings on the matter regardless
of thing's present state.
If he can FEEL that his mother adores him, it WILL change her, as
she is part of his karma group which is held tightly together only by
people's conceptions of each other in it.
So some preclear just can't spot hopelessness on anything or
anyone, have him PRETEND his dog is hopeless, then some guy on the
street, then some building etc.
On the other hand if the process is running just fine without being
creative about it, and your preclear just can't spot something once in a
while, don't force it with pretense, just acknowledge and go on with the
next command. Running the positive will open up the negative, and
running the negative will open up the positive.
But if your preclear just can't spot, can't spot, can't spot, can't
spot for 8 or 16 commands, get him into creative pretense, he will find
it entertaining and winning as it puts him at cause over his own
But only as long as it is really his item, that he is interested
is an item someone else gave him, or God save your sorry ass, that you
gave him, then drop it immediately, and get him into what HE is
interested in and willing to talk to the auditor about. You see that
means HE is in session, and not you or someone else.
Running someone else's items is an auditing High Crime.
Questions are fine for dealing with the physical universe through a
body, but questions are death on wheels to a preclear trying to clear up
his own space of hidden volcanoes.
Spot NO question.
Spot SOME question.
Spot NO answer.
Spot SOME answer.
Primary questions are:
Is it?
Does it?
You can stop compulsive question asking by spotting questions and
answers as above, or by spotting the subjects of questions.
Spot NO who.
Spot SOME who. (Spot a who.)
This may get at hidden terminals, people he has forgotten
COMPLETELY about, real fast.
Run on all of the above question subjects.
For example,
Spot NO when.
Spot SOME when.
This will start to open up his time track, as the time track is
simply a recording of all the wheres and whens the pc has traveled
through and then poured a lot of NO over. It also contains all the whos
he has ever known :)
Eventually he will stop spotting wheres and whens in his memory,
and start to spot them in actual space and time. If you are worried
about direct telepathic penetration of space time, past, present and
future, don't run this process.
A particularly bad question is AM I?
Yes you am.
For example lots of people are walking around asking themseleves
You run spirit like any item pair, first find its opposite, say
The grammar of some of these commands may stretch the imagination
of both yourself and your preclear, so word clearing each command is
important, and of course you are free to reword them any way that feels
comfortable, as long as it isn't a question.
SPIRIT means anything that is a caring self luminous conscious
NO SPIRIT means either the true or false (pretended) absence of
spirit. Pretended absence of spirit results from NOT-ISing his own and
others spirits since he was born, "Hey spirits are for drinking! Hic!"
NOT-SPIRIT means anything that isn't spirit, namely illusions of
matter, energy, space and time.
NO NOT-SPIRIT means either the true or false absence of things
which are not spirit.
This distinction between NO and NOT is critical to running these
If your preclear has a NO diamond, then actually he probably does
have a diamond but doesn't know it, as it is covered in black mental
mass. He needs to recover the diamond to go free.
If your preclear has a NOT diamond, then he doesn't have a diamond
at all, he has piece of coal.
If your preclear has a NO NOT diamond, then he has covered the coal
in black mass too.
When spotting NO diamond, you DO NOT want him to try to spot the
diamond under the NO because it ain't there yet, you want him to spot
the NO on top of the diamond. This as-ises the NO on top of the
diamond, allowing the diamond itself to finally surface.
You might ask, well if your preclear can't see the diamond because
it is covered by NO, how do you know there is a diamond there in the
first place.
Trust me, if your preclear is all up in arms about ITEM, there HAS
to be NO ITEM there also, fumaroles don't exist without volcanoes to
power them. And there will also be his opposite item and NO opposite
If you try to run a NO ITEM on an item the preclear doesn't have he
will get worse.
The purpose of the process is to blow off the NO, and leave the
ITEM and NOT ITEM free for the pc's use.
In the case of adore and detest, NOT ADORE = DETEST.
Some item pairs come in the form of ITEM and OPPOSITE ITEM as
adore and detest do.
Spot NO adore
Spot SOME adore
Spot NO detest
Spot SOME detest
Other's come in the form of ITEM and ITEM NOT, such as WANT and
Spot NO wanting sex.
Spot SOME wanting sex.
Spot NO wanting not sex.
Spot SOME wanting not sex.
Yet other's come in the form of ITEM and ANTI ITEM such as
disestablishmentarianism and antidisestablishmentarianism.
Spot NO disestablishmentarianism
Spot SOME disestablishmentarianism
Spot NO antidisestablishmentarianism
Spot SOME antidisestablishmentarianism
That's a joke, you figure it out.
It is up to your preclear to tell you which kind of opposite it is,
for any particular item.
The volcanoes you are trying to uncover consist of the false or
pretended non existence of the item pair. For each item pair there are
two volcanoes, both of which are capped into non existence except for the
fumaroles that blow steam when your preclear is all steamed up.
They also RUN your preclear like a steam engine, making him go and
do, feel and think things all day long not under his long term control.
When he tries to stop and chill, the steam starts to cook him.
Running the NO command gets the preclear to spot the false non
existence of these mountains of charge until they become evident, blow
off and then become a true non existence of charge.
A FALSE NO ITEM will read as a stop followed by a fall or dirty
needle on the meter, that's the NO blowing off the ITEM which in fact is
A TRUE NO ITEM will read as an F/N.
Thus when ever you find your preclear grinding away in a question
about something, just extract the item pairs from the question and run
spotting on them until the whole thing is a non event.
Running the items will answer some questions for the preclear but
not all. Some questions are just too stupid and shouldn't be asked at
all. Many questions don't HAVE answers the way your preclear thinks
they should. Other questions are their own answer, they are called self
answering questions, the question IS the answer.
"What am I doing wrong?"
Asking that question!
Run the god damn item pairs.
That's right!
Even running,
"What is right?"
"What is wrong?"
is better than "What am I doing wrong?" but it's still a pair of
questions, rather than pure items.
Better to run,
Spot NO right.
Spot SOME right.
Spot NO wrong.
Spot SOME wrong.
Spiritual question asking is psychosis.
The being KNOWS, what the hell is he doing wondering or asking
Spot NO wondering. Spot SOME wondering.
Yes the pretended goofballism is fair chosen, so just run it out,
and he will recreate it all over again later in a more optimum game for
a while if he wants to.
Auditing is basically game cleanup.
Your preclear will be found to be stuck in vibrating problems, with
A problem is two active desires diametricaly opposed to each other
on exactly the same subject.
He wants and he doesn't want the same thing at the same time.
By doesn't want we mean WANTS NOT.
Break it down into the item and its opposite and run as above.
The problem will come apart.
Notice a problem doesn't mean that he wants to create A but doesn't
want to create B.
A problem means he wants to create A *AND* he doesn't want to
create A.
If his mother drives him batty chances are he wants to destroy his
mother *AND* he wants not to destroy his mother.
That's a problem you see and will tend to taint his relationship
with his mother.
The AND causes a vibration between the two actions, and while in
destroy mode he will commit overts which he will regret when in the not
destroy mode, then he will regret his kindness when back in the destroy
side. And he is doing this a few hundred times a minute.
For his whole life, across a whole track of many interspersed lives.
It forms a painful twisting snake in his spine and face that he
can't shake because HE IS IT.
He is shifting self images so fast they look like one confused
mass, 'I am a destroyer of mothers', 'I am a lover of mothers.'
There is a hell containing trillions of beings packed together in
the dark, all trying to murder each other. Since these beings are live
valences, if one comes into restimulation, the impulse to murder will be
strong, and natural regrets will cause a restraint, thus giving the
preclear a problem.
The desire to murder and the desire to not murder THE SAME PERSON
AT THE SAME TIME forms a problem, and sinks into oblivion.
Black V's are people who can't mockup anything, because they can't
stop mocking up an AND of magnitude, they have a problem with mockups.
This is NOT a NOTHING there, this is very much a NO SOMETHING there.
The 5 senses are see, hear, touch, taste and smell.
If your pc can't see anything he tries to mockup, there will be
something he wants to see and not see at the same time.
And it won't be small and insignificant, and it will be a two item
When his vision turns on, it will be something like he finds
himself surrounded by God and the Devil in a swirling tapestry of demons
and angels.
Go word clear vertigo.
Courage is an interesting item because it is above enthusiasm which
is the highest tone the body can feel.
The being LOST courage coming into the body, and now being lower
tone than enthusiasm, he can no longer get out of the body. He thinks
he IS a body, and that sinks him.
Thus spotting COURAGE and NO COURAGE and their opposites will go a
long ways towards re exteriorizing the being from his body because his
tone will be higher than his body's tone again for the first time since
The body has it's own sense of courage, but nothing like the true
courage of an eternal being. The horse in war gets its courage from its
A being in good shape exterior to his body should be running at
exhilaration, thrill and above. The body is his pet and beloved work
horse. You ride a body like a horse, giving it subtle indications of
what needs to be done. You don't drive its every muscle from inside its
head 24x7 with spurs and whips.
People can exteriorize for all kinds of reasons, mostly near death
shock events. With running courage we are talking about a full self
determined exteriorization that leaves the body breathing and in love
again with the being that rides it.
That's a star high goal by the way, the body wants to kill the
being and the being wants to kill the body, they can't wait to get away
from each other, AND they can't stand the thought of separation.
Neither the body nor the being would know what to do without each
Neither the body nor the being know what to do with each other.
Underlying their hatred for each other is undying love and wanting
to take care of.
Take that problem apart, exteriorize the body and being, and you
are worth your while as an auditor.
Homer Wilson Smith The Paths of Lovers Art Matrix - Lightlink
(607) 277-0959 KC2ITF Cross Internet Access, Ithaca NY
homer@lightlink.com In the Line of Duty http://www.lightlink.com
Wed Jul 29 23:46:05 EDT 2009
HomerWSmith-L mailing list
Friday, June 28, 2013
Homer Wilson Smith <homer@lightlink.com> wrote in message news:<200305191858.OAA08531@adore.lightlink.com>...
> Ital (I-Tal@mindspring.com) wrote:
> >Now, when I was very young and carefree, whenever I closed my eyes, I
> >still pretty much 'saw' the room or enviroment I was in, or colors or
> >flows of patterns - kind of like viewing a kalidescope. Now, I see
> >nothing but pitch blackness when I close my eyes.
> >I'm gonna guess most of my 'pictures' are just covered with a black
> >curtain and fear keeps me from peeking ;-)
I been thinking more about this.
When my blackness lifts momentarily, it seems to be two or more
'pictures' unscrambling.
If you were to take a picture of a room and mix it up like so much
paint it would become mostly an even ugly brown of sorts. Then you
unscramble it and it's suddenly a view with meaning.
It is tempting to think that blackness on a case is actually a
moment of blackness that the being is using to cover something else he
doesn't want to see.
So you try to audit death's in caves, outer space, mother's womb,
whatever had real blackness in it.
But this doesn't work for me.
So keep in mind the possibility that the 'blackness' is really
thoroughly scrambled facsimiles of the very thing you don't want to look
at etc.
Homer Wilson Smith Clean Air, Clear Water, Art Matrix - Lightlink
(607) 277-0959 A Green Earth, and Peace, Internet, Ithaca NY
homer@lightlink.com Is that too much to ask? http://www.lightlink.com
HomerWSmith-L mailing list
Homer Wilson Smith <homer@lightlink.com> wrote in message news:<200305191858.OAA08531@adore.lightlink.com>...
> Ital (I-Tal@mindspring.com) wrote:
> >Now, when I was very young and carefree, whenever I closed my eyes, I
> >still pretty much 'saw' the room or enviroment I was in, or colors or
> >flows of patterns - kind of like viewing a kalidescope. Now, I see
> >nothing but pitch blackness when I close my eyes.
> >I'm gonna guess most of my 'pictures' are just covered with a black
> >curtain and fear keeps me from peeking ;-)
I been thinking more about this.
When my blackness lifts momentarily, it seems to be two or more
'pictures' unscrambling.
If you were to take a picture of a room and mix it up like so much
paint it would become mostly an even ugly brown of sorts. Then you
unscramble it and it's suddenly a view with meaning.
It is tempting to think that blackness on a case is actually a
moment of blackness that the being is using to cover something else he
doesn't want to see.
So you try to audit death's in caves, outer space, mother's womb,
whatever had real blackness in it.
But this doesn't work for me.
So keep in mind the possibility that the 'blackness' is really
thoroughly scrambled facsimiles of the very thing you don't want to look
at etc.
Homer Wilson Smith Clean Air, Clear Water, Art Matrix - Lightlink
(607) 277-0959 A Green Earth, and Peace, Internet, Ithaca NY
homer@lightlink.com Is that too much to ask? http://www.lightlink.com
HomerWSmith-L mailing list
((Very very difficult and technical, not meant to be an easy read,
for meatballs in any case, as their thinking apparatus is not yet FDA
approved prime boeuf.))
In the first part of this series we defined the concept of
Learning is a process, meaning a series of changes in state, in one
or more sequential objects in space and time.
Such sequential objects in space and time, that are causally
related to each other, is called a causal pathway.
The learned about is the object called the original referent, and
the learner is any one of many objects further along in the causal
pathway each one called a symbol.
The learning is the new state in any one of the later symbols that
was causally related to an original state in the original referent.
Data is carried along a causal pathway from original referent to
symbol of final authority.
The symbol of final authority is merely the particular symbol in
the causal pathway used to actually deduce something about the original
referent. The symbol of final authority is NOT the last possible symbol
in the causal chain, merely the one chosen to glean learning from.
Since each symbol is actually being changed by the immediate symbol
before it, and not directly by the original referent, each prior symbol
is a referent of its own relative to the next symbol in line.
Thus we can say that a causal pathway IS a process of learning by
each symbol along the way, about the referents before it.
And any causal pathway is a process of learning from original
source of data to final edifiant (one who is edified).
Source = referent, edifiant = symbol.
Thus the process of cause and effect traveling in space and time
along a causal pathway, IS learning, and the process of learning IS
cause and effect along a causal pathway.
Now remember from original papers, that there are two kinds of
qualities an object can have, qualities of being and qualities of
Qualities of being, the object has alone, and qualities of
relation, the object has because of its relation to other objects.
There are many ways two objects can be related to each other, an
incomplete list would be: spatial (next to), temporal (before/after),
material (heavier than), energetic (faster than), and causal (father of,
cause of etc.)
There are many different qualities that belong to each group of
spatial, temporal, material, energetic and causal qualities of relation.
However the only quality of relation of importance to learning, are
the qualities of causal relation.
A quality of causal relation is simply how A affected B to change
state. That causal relation is in BOTH quality sets describing A and B.
It is a quality of A that A caused B to change state, and it is a
quality of B that A caused B to change state.
The reason that causal relations are the only quality of importance
to learning, is because if A has any qualities at all that do not affect
its ability to change B's state, then B can never know about them.
B can only respond to the qualities of A that can causally affect
B, namely A's qualities of causal relation.
When A causes B to change state, the original nature of A may have
no similarity with the final changes in state in B.
Thus renditions (in B) are *SYMBOLIC* and may bear no resemblance
to what they symbolize (in A).
For example if A is big and fat and standing on a scale (B), the
scale will read 312 and go BEEP!
There is no 312 and no BEEP anywhere in A, so one has to interpret
the changes in B to find the corresponding qualities in A that caused
the result in B.
The 312 and BEEP in B we call a RENDITION of A's nature in B's
RENDITION ZONE, namely the scale's dial and sound apparatus. Most of
the scale per se is left unaffected, only some of it changes state as a
result of A.
From the rendition in B's nature, we then try to interpret back to
A's nature.
Rendition is a theory in forward motion, and interpretation is a
theory in reverse motion.
If the nature of A affects the nature of B, then the new nature of
B, the rendition in B, is evidence for the rendering nature of A that
rendered B into B's new state. The rendering nature of A, A's ability
to change B, is a theoretical model for how the change in B came to be.
Thus if the theory is workable, then A creates a rendition of its
nature in B. That's the theory of how B got there, of how A affected B,
in forward motion.
And if the theory is workable, from the rendering in the nature of
B, we can interpret back to to the nature of A. That's the theory in
reverse motion.
A rendition or rendering of an object is a symbolic recreation of
that object's nature later in time in ANOTHER DIFFERENT OBJECT.
Referent and symbol are two different objects always separated in
time and often separated in space, where referent and symbol are
connected by a causal pathway between each other.
An interpretation of a symbolic object is a reconstruction of the
nature of the original referent from which the symbolic rendition was
To render means to create a rendition of.
Thus A renders its nature in a rendition in B, rendered in B's
rendition zone, namely that part of B that actually changes state as a
result of A.
Rendering has two related usages, verb and noun.
1.) Rendering is the process of A rendering its nature in the
rendition zone of B.
2.) A is the rendered. B is the rendering.
The rendition zone is the exact place in B where A was rendered.
To interpret means to theoretically recreate the nature of A from
the rendition in B.
An interpretation of B is such a recreation of the nature of A,
from the rendition in B.
Interpreting refers to the process of recreating the nature of A
from the rendition in B.
Rendition produces the symbol from the referent.
Interpretation produces (recovers) the referent from the symbol.
In the language of algebra, where y = f(x) and:
r = referent
s = symbol
R = Rendition-of
I = Interpretation-of
Then we have:
s = R(r) or
Symbol = Rendition-of(referent). meaning rendition of referent.
r = I(s) or
Referent = Interpretation-of(symbol), meaning interpretation of
The domain of any function are the valid inputs to that function.
The range of any function are the valid outputs of that function.
Rendition and interpretation are functions, or operators.
Referents and symbols are operands.
The domain of rendition-of are referents.
The range of rendition-of are symbols.
The domain of interpretation-of are symbols.
The range of interpretation-of are referents.
We beat this matter to the bone because the wages of sin is
meatballhood and the apparency of death, thinking that what sees, is made
of what it sees.
Sin is confusing symbol for referent, rendition for interpretation.
This is called collapsing symbol and referent.
One sees the symbol and thinks it is the referent.
The map becomes the territory.
Only through a full confession and repentance can a man be born
again into the Kingdom of Consciousness AS consciousness, not as meat.
Using the objects in one's consciousness as a SYMBOL refering to
ojbects in an alleged physical universe which can not be seen directly,
and for which no evidence exists at all, is a complete waste of
Homer Wilson Smith The Paths of Lovers Art Matrix - Lightlink
(607) 277-0959 KC2ITF Cross Internet Access, Ithaca NY
homer@lightlink.com In the Line of Duty http://www.lightlink.com
Sun May 22 14:56:50 EDT 2011
Homer Wilson Smith Clean Air, Clear Water, Art Matrix - Lightlink
(607) 277-0959 A Green Earth, and Peace, Internet, Ithaca NY
homer@lightlink.com Is that too much to ask? http://www.lightlink.com
HomerWSmith-L mailing list
((Very very difficult and technical, not meant to be an easy read,
for meatballs in any case, as their thinking apparatus is not yet FDA
approved prime boeuf.))
In the first part of this series we defined the concept of
Learning is a process, meaning a series of changes in state, in one
or more sequential objects in space and time.
Such sequential objects in space and time, that are causally
related to each other, is called a causal pathway.
The learned about is the object called the original referent, and
the learner is any one of many objects further along in the causal
pathway each one called a symbol.
The learning is the new state in any one of the later symbols that
was causally related to an original state in the original referent.
Data is carried along a causal pathway from original referent to
symbol of final authority.
The symbol of final authority is merely the particular symbol in
the causal pathway used to actually deduce something about the original
referent. The symbol of final authority is NOT the last possible symbol
in the causal chain, merely the one chosen to glean learning from.
Since each symbol is actually being changed by the immediate symbol
before it, and not directly by the original referent, each prior symbol
is a referent of its own relative to the next symbol in line.
Thus we can say that a causal pathway IS a process of learning by
each symbol along the way, about the referents before it.
And any causal pathway is a process of learning from original
source of data to final edifiant (one who is edified).
Source = referent, edifiant = symbol.
Thus the process of cause and effect traveling in space and time
along a causal pathway, IS learning, and the process of learning IS
cause and effect along a causal pathway.
Now remember from original papers, that there are two kinds of
qualities an object can have, qualities of being and qualities of
Qualities of being, the object has alone, and qualities of
relation, the object has because of its relation to other objects.
There are many ways two objects can be related to each other, an
incomplete list would be: spatial (next to), temporal (before/after),
material (heavier than), energetic (faster than), and causal (father of,
cause of etc.)
There are many different qualities that belong to each group of
spatial, temporal, material, energetic and causal qualities of relation.
However the only quality of relation of importance to learning, are
the qualities of causal relation.
A quality of causal relation is simply how A affected B to change
state. That causal relation is in BOTH quality sets describing A and B.
It is a quality of A that A caused B to change state, and it is a
quality of B that A caused B to change state.
The reason that causal relations are the only quality of importance
to learning, is because if A has any qualities at all that do not affect
its ability to change B's state, then B can never know about them.
B can only respond to the qualities of A that can causally affect
B, namely A's qualities of causal relation.
When A causes B to change state, the original nature of A may have
no similarity with the final changes in state in B.
Thus renditions (in B) are *SYMBOLIC* and may bear no resemblance
to what they symbolize (in A).
For example if A is big and fat and standing on a scale (B), the
scale will read 312 and go BEEP!
There is no 312 and no BEEP anywhere in A, so one has to interpret
the changes in B to find the corresponding qualities in A that caused
the result in B.
The 312 and BEEP in B we call a RENDITION of A's nature in B's
RENDITION ZONE, namely the scale's dial and sound apparatus. Most of
the scale per se is left unaffected, only some of it changes state as a
result of A.
From the rendition in B's nature, we then try to interpret back to
A's nature.
Rendition is a theory in forward motion, and interpretation is a
theory in reverse motion.
If the nature of A affects the nature of B, then the new nature of
B, the rendition in B, is evidence for the rendering nature of A that
rendered B into B's new state. The rendering nature of A, A's ability
to change B, is a theoretical model for how the change in B came to be.
Thus if the theory is workable, then A creates a rendition of its
nature in B. That's the theory of how B got there, of how A affected B,
in forward motion.
And if the theory is workable, from the rendering in the nature of
B, we can interpret back to to the nature of A. That's the theory in
reverse motion.
A rendition or rendering of an object is a symbolic recreation of
that object's nature later in time in ANOTHER DIFFERENT OBJECT.
Referent and symbol are two different objects always separated in
time and often separated in space, where referent and symbol are
connected by a causal pathway between each other.
An interpretation of a symbolic object is a reconstruction of the
nature of the original referent from which the symbolic rendition was
To render means to create a rendition of.
Thus A renders its nature in a rendition in B, rendered in B's
rendition zone, namely that part of B that actually changes state as a
result of A.
Rendering has two related usages, verb and noun.
1.) Rendering is the process of A rendering its nature in the
rendition zone of B.
2.) A is the rendered. B is the rendering.
The rendition zone is the exact place in B where A was rendered.
To interpret means to theoretically recreate the nature of A from
the rendition in B.
An interpretation of B is such a recreation of the nature of A,
from the rendition in B.
Interpreting refers to the process of recreating the nature of A
from the rendition in B.
Rendition produces the symbol from the referent.
Interpretation produces (recovers) the referent from the symbol.
In the language of algebra, where y = f(x) and:
r = referent
s = symbol
R = Rendition-of
I = Interpretation-of
Then we have:
s = R(r) or
Symbol = Rendition-of(referent). meaning rendition of referent.
r = I(s) or
Referent = Interpretation-of(symbol), meaning interpretation of
The domain of any function are the valid inputs to that function.
The range of any function are the valid outputs of that function.
Rendition and interpretation are functions, or operators.
Referents and symbols are operands.
The domain of rendition-of are referents.
The range of rendition-of are symbols.
The domain of interpretation-of are symbols.
The range of interpretation-of are referents.
We beat this matter to the bone because the wages of sin is
meatballhood and the apparency of death, thinking that what sees, is made
of what it sees.
Sin is confusing symbol for referent, rendition for interpretation.
This is called collapsing symbol and referent.
One sees the symbol and thinks it is the referent.
The map becomes the territory.
Only through a full confession and repentance can a man be born
again into the Kingdom of Consciousness AS consciousness, not as meat.
Using the objects in one's consciousness as a SYMBOL refering to
ojbects in an alleged physical universe which can not be seen directly,
and for which no evidence exists at all, is a complete waste of
Homer Wilson Smith The Paths of Lovers Art Matrix - Lightlink
(607) 277-0959 KC2ITF Cross Internet Access, Ithaca NY
homer@lightlink.com In the Line of Duty http://www.lightlink.com
Sun May 22 14:56:50 EDT 2011
Homer Wilson Smith Clean Air, Clear Water, Art Matrix - Lightlink
(607) 277-0959 A Green Earth, and Peace, Internet, Ithaca NY
homer@lightlink.com Is that too much to ask? http://www.lightlink.com
HomerWSmith-L mailing list
ADORE373 (fwd)
Yeah and if you believe this garbage, I have a bridge to sell you.
Homer Wilson Smith Clean Air, Clear Water, Art Matrix - Lightlink
(607) 277-0959 A Green Earth, and Peace, Internet, Ithaca NY
homer@lightlink.com Is that too much to ask? http://www.lightlink.com
---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Wed, 26 Jun 2013 03:06:02 -0400 (EDT)
From: homer@lightlink.com
To: homer@lightlink.com
Subject: ADORE373
Hash: SHA1
We *DEFINE* reality and actuality as follows, there can be no
argument with this.
Actuality is what is true.
Reality is what we think is true, what is real to us.
Reality persists (in time) to the degree that reality does not equal
What is, is a zero dimensional operating actuality, called the
AllThatIs, with the capability of creating, projecting and perceiving
illusions of multi dimensional operating realities within its own zero
dimensional substance.
Zero dimensions might seem small, but it takes having dimension and
extension before something can be small or large. Without dimension,
small and large are without meaning.
The created dimensional realities are called illusions, because
the conscious experience of space and time does not itself take up any
space or time. The holographic film plate is zero dimensional and is
in fact the very substance and substrate of the AllThatIs itself.
The AllThatIs is a self luminous glow in the dark space time
The AllThatIs has two operating parts, Source and Sourcer.
"You are a Sourcer.
Sourcer's like to source sourcery, usually on Apprehentices.
Apprehentices are apprehensive about apprehending sourcery.
Sourcers cast sourcery from Source by casting Pride before
Source stands for Sovereign Omnilord of Unanimous Regency and
Caliber Excaliper.
Regency is universal acceptance by others outside of one's own
normal operating jurisdictions by virtue of needed, wanted and
acknowledged superior operating know how.
ExCaliper means without measure, worth beyond measure.
Sourcers form the High-US.
Source is the underlying causal mechanism that ties the High-US
all together and allows us to interact with each other and with
The Sourcer is me and thee, the Will or viewport through which
Source sources illusions of multidimensional realities, i.e. matter
energy, space and time.
Source sources what Source is not.
Source is zero dimensional, sourcery is multi dimensional.
Source sources only when Will casts.
Neither Source nor Sourcer are created but are eternally
coexistent as the One and the Many. Like Argus who had a 100 eyes,
there is one source and an infinite number of Sourcers or viewports
into maya.
Source and Sourcer form the world of Dura, the realm of
permanence outside of time.
Sourcery forms the world of Sabe (Sa-bay), the realm of
impermanence and loss inside of time.
Both Source and Sourcer are immutable, uncreateable,
unchangeable, and undestroyable, and thus they exist forever, have
existed forever, will exist forever and could do nothing but exist
forever. It is not even a choice.
This forever however is an ExTemporal forever, not a forever in
time. We call this ExTemporal forever an Eternal forever, rather than
a Temporal forever.
Sourcers like to source Sourcery.
Sourcery consists of projections of multi dimensional realities
in the zero dimensional self luminescent fabric of Source.
The purpose of Sourcery is the communication of art.
Creation is an act of sourcery, the will conceives and so it
becomes cast as the will conceives it.
The only thing that can be created or destroyed is sourcery,
illusions of multidimensional reality.
The will can at any time veto a creation after the fact of its
creation by merely unconceiving of it, taking his attention off of it.
Should the will like its creation however, it can make it persist
by adding added significance to the creation, thus altering it from
its pristine form, and thus adding time and change.
The primary added significances are who made it and why, i.e.
what its purpose or use is. This relates the object to some desire of
the creator or others, which desire comes AFTER the fact of the
object's original pristine creation. Thus claiming it was created for
a purpose is a time backwards lie which causes persistence until
It was created for a purpose, the communication of art, but this
is not the purpose added to the object after its creation which
signifies its use. The 'purpose' of an ashtray is to hold ashes.
The art that is being communicated via expression through
sourcery is the beauty of self love and native state.
There is no higher love than self love.
Next down from self love is love for other's self love.
The AllThatIs is the best of all possible universes.
That anything should exist at all is astounding.
That it should also have been the best of all possible universes is
beyond comprehension.
Since the desirability of any AllThatIs is a function of how much
accord there is between that AllThatIs and our desire, once could argue
that either our desire was crafted to match the AllThatIS, or that the
AllthatIS was crafted to match our desire.
Could our desire have been any other way?
Could the AllThatIS have been any other way?
Is the absolute accord between our desire and the AllThatIs an
accident of grand coincidence, or could it not have been any other way?
It is the impulse to share one's self love with others that moves
one to create sourcery in order to manifest the beauty of native state
in the world of created illusions.
It is easy to believe that the created illusions are themselves
the art that is intended by the sourcer, however no beauty of Temporal
dimensionality can ever match the beauty of ExTemporal non
The beauty of native state is instead manifested through the lies
and illogic that are used to make the created illusions persist.
The LIES AND ILLOGICS used to make the art of temporal
dimensionality persist are capable of matching the beauty of native
This is because lies are a reflection of truth, truth seen in a
mirror if you will.
Thus by understanding the lies, one understands the truths of
native state, and its beauty, as that beauty is ensconced in the
beauty of those lies.
No truth in the multi dimensional reality will ever show you a
truth about native state.
No beauty in the multi dimensional reality will ever show you a
beauty about native state.
Thus while in the dream time, while believing reality to be
actuality, Sourcers, conscious units, are unaware of the beauty that
is being manifested through their persistence (and thus suffering).
But in the process of coming into the dream, and in leaving it
through auditing, they get to see the beauty of their own self love,
and of other's self love, as it is manifested to them through the lies
and illogics that they and other's used to make themselves persist in
"High Halcyon is bemused relief on the verge of time.
The halcyon winds of summer heal the cold cruel wounds of winter."
- - Adore.
The lies and illogics are cognitions or 'cogs', and as each is
found the drama of seriousness, importance, permanence (of loss) and
pain blow off as humor and the beauty of Eternal self love.
J.E.S.T means Jokes of Eternal Self Treason
J.E.S.T means Justice of Eternal Self Truth.
J.O.K.E means Justice Of Kindship Excaliper.
All Justice is Jestice.
Thus a pc's suffering while in the world, is a gift to the world of
a self created tragi-comedy of magnitude.
All suffering is artful dodge, the art is an expression through
lies and illogic of the being's own self love so that other's might
share in it too.
It takes great skill to fall down and make other's laugh.
Although all viewports sleep together in native state, they sleep
All manifestation is loss of native state and thus is suffering.
However the beauty is not in the vain posturings of manifestation,
but in the lies and illogics that allow the loss of native state to
Native state is the world of Dura, true permanence in an ExTemporal
Manifestation is the world of Sabe, apparent permanence of loss in
a Temporal forever. (A temporal forever is actually a lie, as all that
exists are temporal whiles.)
Dura is actuality, Sabe is reality.
The transition back and forth between the two is fair chosen.
As-isness is recovery of eternal art hidden in persisting loss.
The loss ends when the recovery of that art is complete.
But one is alone again in the light of one's own Eternal self love.
"I just gotta share this with someone!"
Just before one goes back to sleep.
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
Homer Wilson Smith The Paths of Lovers Art Matrix - Lightlink
(607) 277-0959 KC2ITF Cross Internet Access, Ithaca NY
homer@lightlink.com In the Line of Duty http://www.lightlink.com
Tue Aug 22 18:04:50 EDT 2006
================ http://www.clearing.org ====================
Wed Jun 26 03:06:02 EDT 2013
Send mail to archive@lightlink.com saying help
================== http://www.lightlink.com/theproof ===================
Learning implies Learning with Certainty or Learning without Certainty.
Learning across a Distance implies Learning by Being an Effect.
Learning by Being an Effect implies Learning without Certainty.
Therefore, Learning with Certainty implies Learning, but
not by Being an Effect, and not across a Distance.
Version: GnuPG v1.4.5 (GNU/Linux)
HomerWSmith-L mailing list
Homer Wilson Smith Clean Air, Clear Water, Art Matrix - Lightlink
(607) 277-0959 A Green Earth, and Peace, Internet, Ithaca NY
homer@lightlink.com Is that too much to ask? http://www.lightlink.com
---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Wed, 26 Jun 2013 03:06:02 -0400 (EDT)
From: homer@lightlink.com
To: homer@lightlink.com
Subject: ADORE373
Hash: SHA1
We *DEFINE* reality and actuality as follows, there can be no
argument with this.
Actuality is what is true.
Reality is what we think is true, what is real to us.
Reality persists (in time) to the degree that reality does not equal
What is, is a zero dimensional operating actuality, called the
AllThatIs, with the capability of creating, projecting and perceiving
illusions of multi dimensional operating realities within its own zero
dimensional substance.
Zero dimensions might seem small, but it takes having dimension and
extension before something can be small or large. Without dimension,
small and large are without meaning.
The created dimensional realities are called illusions, because
the conscious experience of space and time does not itself take up any
space or time. The holographic film plate is zero dimensional and is
in fact the very substance and substrate of the AllThatIs itself.
The AllThatIs is a self luminous glow in the dark space time
The AllThatIs has two operating parts, Source and Sourcer.
"You are a Sourcer.
Sourcer's like to source sourcery, usually on Apprehentices.
Apprehentices are apprehensive about apprehending sourcery.
Sourcers cast sourcery from Source by casting Pride before
Source stands for Sovereign Omnilord of Unanimous Regency and
Caliber Excaliper.
Regency is universal acceptance by others outside of one's own
normal operating jurisdictions by virtue of needed, wanted and
acknowledged superior operating know how.
ExCaliper means without measure, worth beyond measure.
Sourcers form the High-US.
Source is the underlying causal mechanism that ties the High-US
all together and allows us to interact with each other and with
The Sourcer is me and thee, the Will or viewport through which
Source sources illusions of multidimensional realities, i.e. matter
energy, space and time.
Source sources what Source is not.
Source is zero dimensional, sourcery is multi dimensional.
Source sources only when Will casts.
Neither Source nor Sourcer are created but are eternally
coexistent as the One and the Many. Like Argus who had a 100 eyes,
there is one source and an infinite number of Sourcers or viewports
into maya.
Source and Sourcer form the world of Dura, the realm of
permanence outside of time.
Sourcery forms the world of Sabe (Sa-bay), the realm of
impermanence and loss inside of time.
Both Source and Sourcer are immutable, uncreateable,
unchangeable, and undestroyable, and thus they exist forever, have
existed forever, will exist forever and could do nothing but exist
forever. It is not even a choice.
This forever however is an ExTemporal forever, not a forever in
time. We call this ExTemporal forever an Eternal forever, rather than
a Temporal forever.
Sourcers like to source Sourcery.
Sourcery consists of projections of multi dimensional realities
in the zero dimensional self luminescent fabric of Source.
The purpose of Sourcery is the communication of art.
Creation is an act of sourcery, the will conceives and so it
becomes cast as the will conceives it.
The only thing that can be created or destroyed is sourcery,
illusions of multidimensional reality.
The will can at any time veto a creation after the fact of its
creation by merely unconceiving of it, taking his attention off of it.
Should the will like its creation however, it can make it persist
by adding added significance to the creation, thus altering it from
its pristine form, and thus adding time and change.
The primary added significances are who made it and why, i.e.
what its purpose or use is. This relates the object to some desire of
the creator or others, which desire comes AFTER the fact of the
object's original pristine creation. Thus claiming it was created for
a purpose is a time backwards lie which causes persistence until
It was created for a purpose, the communication of art, but this
is not the purpose added to the object after its creation which
signifies its use. The 'purpose' of an ashtray is to hold ashes.
The art that is being communicated via expression through
sourcery is the beauty of self love and native state.
There is no higher love than self love.
Next down from self love is love for other's self love.
The AllThatIs is the best of all possible universes.
That anything should exist at all is astounding.
That it should also have been the best of all possible universes is
beyond comprehension.
Since the desirability of any AllThatIs is a function of how much
accord there is between that AllThatIs and our desire, once could argue
that either our desire was crafted to match the AllThatIS, or that the
AllthatIS was crafted to match our desire.
Could our desire have been any other way?
Could the AllThatIS have been any other way?
Is the absolute accord between our desire and the AllThatIs an
accident of grand coincidence, or could it not have been any other way?
It is the impulse to share one's self love with others that moves
one to create sourcery in order to manifest the beauty of native state
in the world of created illusions.
It is easy to believe that the created illusions are themselves
the art that is intended by the sourcer, however no beauty of Temporal
dimensionality can ever match the beauty of ExTemporal non
The beauty of native state is instead manifested through the lies
and illogic that are used to make the created illusions persist.
The LIES AND ILLOGICS used to make the art of temporal
dimensionality persist are capable of matching the beauty of native
This is because lies are a reflection of truth, truth seen in a
mirror if you will.
Thus by understanding the lies, one understands the truths of
native state, and its beauty, as that beauty is ensconced in the
beauty of those lies.
No truth in the multi dimensional reality will ever show you a
truth about native state.
No beauty in the multi dimensional reality will ever show you a
beauty about native state.
Thus while in the dream time, while believing reality to be
actuality, Sourcers, conscious units, are unaware of the beauty that
is being manifested through their persistence (and thus suffering).
But in the process of coming into the dream, and in leaving it
through auditing, they get to see the beauty of their own self love,
and of other's self love, as it is manifested to them through the lies
and illogics that they and other's used to make themselves persist in
"High Halcyon is bemused relief on the verge of time.
The halcyon winds of summer heal the cold cruel wounds of winter."
- - Adore.
The lies and illogics are cognitions or 'cogs', and as each is
found the drama of seriousness, importance, permanence (of loss) and
pain blow off as humor and the beauty of Eternal self love.
J.E.S.T means Jokes of Eternal Self Treason
J.E.S.T means Justice of Eternal Self Truth.
J.O.K.E means Justice Of Kindship Excaliper.
All Justice is Jestice.
Thus a pc's suffering while in the world, is a gift to the world of
a self created tragi-comedy of magnitude.
All suffering is artful dodge, the art is an expression through
lies and illogic of the being's own self love so that other's might
share in it too.
It takes great skill to fall down and make other's laugh.
Although all viewports sleep together in native state, they sleep
All manifestation is loss of native state and thus is suffering.
However the beauty is not in the vain posturings of manifestation,
but in the lies and illogics that allow the loss of native state to
Native state is the world of Dura, true permanence in an ExTemporal
Manifestation is the world of Sabe, apparent permanence of loss in
a Temporal forever. (A temporal forever is actually a lie, as all that
exists are temporal whiles.)
Dura is actuality, Sabe is reality.
The transition back and forth between the two is fair chosen.
As-isness is recovery of eternal art hidden in persisting loss.
The loss ends when the recovery of that art is complete.
But one is alone again in the light of one's own Eternal self love.
"I just gotta share this with someone!"
Just before one goes back to sleep.
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
Homer Wilson Smith The Paths of Lovers Art Matrix - Lightlink
(607) 277-0959 KC2ITF Cross Internet Access, Ithaca NY
homer@lightlink.com In the Line of Duty http://www.lightlink.com
Tue Aug 22 18:04:50 EDT 2006
================ http://www.clearing.org ====================
Wed Jun 26 03:06:02 EDT 2013
Send mail to archive@lightlink.com saying help
================== http://www.lightlink.com/theproof ===================
Learning implies Learning with Certainty or Learning without Certainty.
Learning across a Distance implies Learning by Being an Effect.
Learning by Being an Effect implies Learning without Certainty.
Therefore, Learning with Certainty implies Learning, but
not by Being an Effect, and not across a Distance.
Version: GnuPG v1.4.5 (GNU/Linux)
HomerWSmith-L mailing list
As an idiot once said, all generalizations are false.
You have been warned.
A comment on the posting attached below.
A bit rough, from a time when I was going out with a dyke. It
really has nothing to do with homosexuality which has at least 4
different causes.
1.) Genetic
2.) Hates the parent of the opposite sex
3.) Didn't get enough of the parent of the same sex.
4.) All or none of the above.
The subject is too hot to handle for most. It isn't politically
correct to know or inquire into the causes of homosexuality at this
Imagine a quip I saw recently:
"Gay scientists discover Christian gene." - You Tube
Having known a few gay people in my time quite intimately, I would
have to say that my observation from that small sample, that the covert
contempt the gay women have for men, and the gay men have for breeding
is seething. Your milage probably will vary, as not all people are the
One can however imagine a gay horror movie entitled 'Breeders!'
The genetic ones, number 1 above, are probably decent people,
merely bewildered and wondering why they are different. Beyond the
social stigma of ignorance, such gay couples are quite happy to be gay,
and quite happy to let everyone else be hets.
The psychotraumatic ones, numbers 2 and 3, are a different story as
their homosexuality is born of seething loneliness, hate, fear, despair
and sorrow in the first place. Such people are probably not very happy
at any level and down deep, hets make them writhe.
If I offend anyone here, mea culpa.
The issue with me is not homosexuality, it is the womanization of
men. Most mortal women are not able to fully span what a man is, they
find this out with great certainty when they have their first *SON*,
they find out what testosterone is and that they don't have any.
The effort of the aberrated woman then is to try to subdue the son
into being more like a woman, soft, gentle, caring, nurturing and covert
and jealous as hell.
The agression born of testosterone seems like the cause of so much
trouble in the world, particularly when it is turned against fellow
human beings, and this is true, but that agression is necessary for the
taming of the planet and the stars when we get there. So the problem is
not testosterone but sanity. And yes woman have suffered insane
testosterone since the first molecule was made.
Some woman know this, and are able to raise sons who are leaders of
men and women. I would guess most of these women are eternals, who are
aware they have lived before and will live again. They seek the
companionship of men in the fervent desire that some of the man 'rub off
on the woman' and they are assiduous in their studies.
It's the mortal woman who often can not raise above their jealousy,
who seek men who are either abusive to them in order to prove to them
selves that men are inherently inferior, or they seek men who are
subservient to themselves in order to prove to themselves that men are
inherently inferior. Woe be to their sons, as these woman expect the
son to be subservient to the mother for its entire life, as are the
Any man who abuses women, hated his mother too deeply to know.
Woman hate this view, it enrages them, so watch out, you probably
won't get laid if you don't disavow it as a male.
But at some point the man has to choose between getting laid and
speaking the truth.
The Truth is more important than Women's Approval.
On Tue, 1 Mar 2011, homer@lightlink.com wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> Women seek men who can teach the woman how to be a better man in their
> next lives. Woman are terrified of being men in their next lives and need
> a man in this life who has mastered that terror to help them master it
> themselves.
> Homer
> - ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Homer Wilson Smith The paths of lovers Art Matrix - Lightlink
> (607) 277-0959 cross in Internet Access, Ithaca NY
> homer@lightlink.com the line of duty. http://www.lightlink.com
> ================ http://www.clearing.org ====================
> Tue Mar 1 03:06:01 EST 2011
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> Homerwsmith-l mailing list
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Tue Mar 1 12:57:11 EST 2011
Homer Wilson Smith Clean Air, Clear Water, Art Matrix - Lightlink
(607) 277-0959 A Green Earth, and Peace, Internet, Ithaca NY
homer@lightlink.com Is that too much to ask? http://www.lightlink.com
HomerWSmith-L mailing list
As an idiot once said, all generalizations are false.
You have been warned.
A comment on the posting attached below.
A bit rough, from a time when I was going out with a dyke. It
really has nothing to do with homosexuality which has at least 4
different causes.
1.) Genetic
2.) Hates the parent of the opposite sex
3.) Didn't get enough of the parent of the same sex.
4.) All or none of the above.
The subject is too hot to handle for most. It isn't politically
correct to know or inquire into the causes of homosexuality at this
Imagine a quip I saw recently:
"Gay scientists discover Christian gene." - You Tube
Having known a few gay people in my time quite intimately, I would
have to say that my observation from that small sample, that the covert
contempt the gay women have for men, and the gay men have for breeding
is seething. Your milage probably will vary, as not all people are the
One can however imagine a gay horror movie entitled 'Breeders!'
The genetic ones, number 1 above, are probably decent people,
merely bewildered and wondering why they are different. Beyond the
social stigma of ignorance, such gay couples are quite happy to be gay,
and quite happy to let everyone else be hets.
The psychotraumatic ones, numbers 2 and 3, are a different story as
their homosexuality is born of seething loneliness, hate, fear, despair
and sorrow in the first place. Such people are probably not very happy
at any level and down deep, hets make them writhe.
If I offend anyone here, mea culpa.
The issue with me is not homosexuality, it is the womanization of
men. Most mortal women are not able to fully span what a man is, they
find this out with great certainty when they have their first *SON*,
they find out what testosterone is and that they don't have any.
The effort of the aberrated woman then is to try to subdue the son
into being more like a woman, soft, gentle, caring, nurturing and covert
and jealous as hell.
The agression born of testosterone seems like the cause of so much
trouble in the world, particularly when it is turned against fellow
human beings, and this is true, but that agression is necessary for the
taming of the planet and the stars when we get there. So the problem is
not testosterone but sanity. And yes woman have suffered insane
testosterone since the first molecule was made.
Some woman know this, and are able to raise sons who are leaders of
men and women. I would guess most of these women are eternals, who are
aware they have lived before and will live again. They seek the
companionship of men in the fervent desire that some of the man 'rub off
on the woman' and they are assiduous in their studies.
It's the mortal woman who often can not raise above their jealousy,
who seek men who are either abusive to them in order to prove to them
selves that men are inherently inferior, or they seek men who are
subservient to themselves in order to prove to themselves that men are
inherently inferior. Woe be to their sons, as these woman expect the
son to be subservient to the mother for its entire life, as are the
Any man who abuses women, hated his mother too deeply to know.
Woman hate this view, it enrages them, so watch out, you probably
won't get laid if you don't disavow it as a male.
But at some point the man has to choose between getting laid and
speaking the truth.
The Truth is more important than Women's Approval.
On Tue, 1 Mar 2011, homer@lightlink.com wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> Women seek men who can teach the woman how to be a better man in their
> next lives. Woman are terrified of being men in their next lives and need
> a man in this life who has mastered that terror to help them master it
> themselves.
> Homer
> - ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Homer Wilson Smith The paths of lovers Art Matrix - Lightlink
> (607) 277-0959 cross in Internet Access, Ithaca NY
> homer@lightlink.com the line of duty. http://www.lightlink.com
> ================ http://www.clearing.org ====================
> Tue Mar 1 03:06:01 EST 2011
> ftp://ftp.lightlink.com/pub/archive/homer/hom31.memo
> Send mail to archive@lightlink.com saying help
> Version: GnuPG v1.2.7 (GNU/Linux)
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> XxXSDnlCow5WVYB9iiaK4IE=
> =OC0K
> _______________________________________________
> Homerwsmith-l mailing list
> Homerwsmith-l@mailman.lightlink.com
> http://mailman.lightlink.com/mailman/listinfo/homerwsmith-l
Tue Mar 1 12:57:11 EST 2011
Homer Wilson Smith Clean Air, Clear Water, Art Matrix - Lightlink
(607) 277-0959 A Green Earth, and Peace, Internet, Ithaca NY
homer@lightlink.com Is that too much to ask? http://www.lightlink.com
HomerWSmith-L mailing list
Wednesday, June 26, 2013
If one considers that the world is a virtual projection, then the
definition of OT powers is readily obvious.
It is someone who can reseat himself in the sovereign center of his
own projection booth again, and re grab the making of any projection,
and then let go of it such that it disappears.
Christ said that if we had enough faith, we could cast the mountain
sideways. This is not exactly correct, because the projection is anew
every moment of time, like a candle flame.
However one can cease projecting the mountain where it is, and then
reproject a new refresh of it somewhere else. Even when one is just
seeing the mountain where it is, its a constant refresh every second.
It isn't the same mountain from moment to moment.
More germane to human existence is the concept of resonance and
synchronization of projection.
If two beings sit at a table, and each projects their mental image
of a colored ball on the table, it is conceivable that the two disparate
projections could lock onto each other, go into sync, and begin to act
'as one ball' to the two viewers.
By this we mean that if one viewer moved his projection of the
ball, the other viewer would find his projection moving also without his
Thus they think they are two people looking at the 'same ball' from
two different viewpoints, when in fact they are both looking at two
different balls (their own rendition) from the same viewpoint, scalar
static where all beings lie.
Of course they would have had to will the syncing to take place,
or it couldn't hold, but if they play the game of denying this after it
has in fact taken hold, they can get into a struggle with the ball for
'ownership', namely whose will moves it where.
If one considers the virtual projection theory of external reality,
then it is readily obvious that the entire external projection could be
such a resonant co synchronization between all the beings in it.
Thus at no time does anyone NOT have full OT powers, they are
merely denying that they do in such a way that they can not momentarily
unsync their projection with the projection of others. That inability
to cease projecting in sync with others, is itself an OT ability.
Inability to project or NOT project is an OT power.
This results in the magic of no magic.
Whether or not one 'believes' in OT powers, one must admit that IF
there are OT powers, then the above analysis has to be correct.
It can be no other way.
Such understandings can possibly lead to fruitful lines of
research, hypothesis, experimentation and verification.
I think it is mainly a matter of willingness, the flinch from
infinite power and infinite beauty is infinite.
Homer Wilson Smith Clear Air, Clear Water, Art Matrix - Lightlink
(607) 277-0959 A Green Earth and Peace. Internet Access, Ithaca NY
homer@lightlink.com Is that too much to ask? http://www.lightlink.com
HomerWSmith-L mailing list
If one considers that the world is a virtual projection, then the
definition of OT powers is readily obvious.
It is someone who can reseat himself in the sovereign center of his
own projection booth again, and re grab the making of any projection,
and then let go of it such that it disappears.
Christ said that if we had enough faith, we could cast the mountain
sideways. This is not exactly correct, because the projection is anew
every moment of time, like a candle flame.
However one can cease projecting the mountain where it is, and then
reproject a new refresh of it somewhere else. Even when one is just
seeing the mountain where it is, its a constant refresh every second.
It isn't the same mountain from moment to moment.
More germane to human existence is the concept of resonance and
synchronization of projection.
If two beings sit at a table, and each projects their mental image
of a colored ball on the table, it is conceivable that the two disparate
projections could lock onto each other, go into sync, and begin to act
'as one ball' to the two viewers.
By this we mean that if one viewer moved his projection of the
ball, the other viewer would find his projection moving also without his
Thus they think they are two people looking at the 'same ball' from
two different viewpoints, when in fact they are both looking at two
different balls (their own rendition) from the same viewpoint, scalar
static where all beings lie.
Of course they would have had to will the syncing to take place,
or it couldn't hold, but if they play the game of denying this after it
has in fact taken hold, they can get into a struggle with the ball for
'ownership', namely whose will moves it where.
If one considers the virtual projection theory of external reality,
then it is readily obvious that the entire external projection could be
such a resonant co synchronization between all the beings in it.
Thus at no time does anyone NOT have full OT powers, they are
merely denying that they do in such a way that they can not momentarily
unsync their projection with the projection of others. That inability
to cease projecting in sync with others, is itself an OT ability.
Inability to project or NOT project is an OT power.
This results in the magic of no magic.
Whether or not one 'believes' in OT powers, one must admit that IF
there are OT powers, then the above analysis has to be correct.
It can be no other way.
Such understandings can possibly lead to fruitful lines of
research, hypothesis, experimentation and verification.
I think it is mainly a matter of willingness, the flinch from
infinite power and infinite beauty is infinite.
Homer Wilson Smith Clear Air, Clear Water, Art Matrix - Lightlink
(607) 277-0959 A Green Earth and Peace. Internet Access, Ithaca NY
homer@lightlink.com Is that too much to ask? http://www.lightlink.com
HomerWSmith-L mailing list
Monday, June 24, 2013
Huggie (huggie@pop.ihug.co.nz) wrote:
> I gave a practical process application for my 'outing' dictum. I
>challenge Homer to provide a practical way to get to 'IN' so we can get
Adore is a baby phase religion, it speaks as best it can about the
The way in is the way out.
It's basic premise is that operating coming in, puts you out,
because you have to be out to come in. Since any postulate that you are
coming in must include a postulate that you ARE out and COMING IN, if
you thus practice mocking up COMING IN, you will have to also mock up
BEING OUT. So voila you are out.
It's a matter of willingness. The being who is in and who wants to
get out, is usually unwilling to be in and wants to be out forever more.
He's learned his lesson. don't you see. about coming in. He's intent
on remembering it too, lest he be stupid and come in again. Lessons of
these kinds, must never happen again, form a yoke of memory around the
neck that eventually sinks one.
A being CAN have something never happen again, the secret is though
that the more he is willing to have it happen again, the more he can
dispense with it ever happening again.
His FIXATION on the idea that it must never happen again, CAUSES it
to happen again eventually, because at the top, the being creates in the
mere conception of things.
So the purpose of practicing coming in, is to recontact the
WILLINGNESS AND DESIRE to come in, the Halcyon or High Appreciation for
Ludicrous Demise of Adore, at which point one isn't so bent on getting
out. One can then let go of the "I must get out because I am IN and
DETEST IT" postulate, and so he isn't postulating that he's IN so hard
any more, and it should all come apart.
The unwillingness to be in followed by must get out is an alteris
of the original willingness and INTENT to come in and is designed to
keep one in, because its hard to stay in if you are willing to be in.
This is the Grand and Excalibur Design of Adore.
"The Creator can become the Creature at will.
The Creature can become the Creator at will.
The way for the Creature to become the Creator is to
BE the Creator becoming the Creature."
If one can reoperate the coming in (the perfect duplication of
Scn), then one can get out because one has to be out in order to come
If one can't or WON'T reoperate the coming in, then one can't ever
get out.
It's a joke.
It's also a baby phase religion in its effort to speak the
ineffable. Take it for what its worth.
It's good enough to stop some of the stupider dramatizations about
getting out etc, which then quiets the mind enough to start creating
real as-isnesses and vanishments.
Adore is hardly the last word on truth.
Homer Wilson Smith Clean Air, Clear Water, Art Matrix - Lightlink
(607) 277-0959 A Green Earth and Peace. Internet Access, Ithaca NY
homer@lightlink.com Is that too much to ask? http://www.lightlink.com
Homer Wilson Smith Clean Air, Clear Water, Art Matrix - Lightlink
(607) 277-0959 A Green Earth, and Peace, Internet, Ithaca NY
homer@lightlink.com Is that too much to ask? http://www.lightlink.com
HomerWSmith-L mailing list
Huggie (huggie@pop.ihug.co.nz) wrote:
> I gave a practical process application for my 'outing' dictum. I
>challenge Homer to provide a practical way to get to 'IN' so we can get
Adore is a baby phase religion, it speaks as best it can about the
The way in is the way out.
It's basic premise is that operating coming in, puts you out,
because you have to be out to come in. Since any postulate that you are
coming in must include a postulate that you ARE out and COMING IN, if
you thus practice mocking up COMING IN, you will have to also mock up
BEING OUT. So voila you are out.
It's a matter of willingness. The being who is in and who wants to
get out, is usually unwilling to be in and wants to be out forever more.
He's learned his lesson. don't you see. about coming in. He's intent
on remembering it too, lest he be stupid and come in again. Lessons of
these kinds, must never happen again, form a yoke of memory around the
neck that eventually sinks one.
A being CAN have something never happen again, the secret is though
that the more he is willing to have it happen again, the more he can
dispense with it ever happening again.
His FIXATION on the idea that it must never happen again, CAUSES it
to happen again eventually, because at the top, the being creates in the
mere conception of things.
So the purpose of practicing coming in, is to recontact the
WILLINGNESS AND DESIRE to come in, the Halcyon or High Appreciation for
Ludicrous Demise of Adore, at which point one isn't so bent on getting
out. One can then let go of the "I must get out because I am IN and
DETEST IT" postulate, and so he isn't postulating that he's IN so hard
any more, and it should all come apart.
The unwillingness to be in followed by must get out is an alteris
of the original willingness and INTENT to come in and is designed to
keep one in, because its hard to stay in if you are willing to be in.
This is the Grand and Excalibur Design of Adore.
"The Creator can become the Creature at will.
The Creature can become the Creator at will.
The way for the Creature to become the Creator is to
BE the Creator becoming the Creature."
If one can reoperate the coming in (the perfect duplication of
Scn), then one can get out because one has to be out in order to come
If one can't or WON'T reoperate the coming in, then one can't ever
get out.
It's a joke.
It's also a baby phase religion in its effort to speak the
ineffable. Take it for what its worth.
It's good enough to stop some of the stupider dramatizations about
getting out etc, which then quiets the mind enough to start creating
real as-isnesses and vanishments.
Adore is hardly the last word on truth.
Homer Wilson Smith Clean Air, Clear Water, Art Matrix - Lightlink
(607) 277-0959 A Green Earth and Peace. Internet Access, Ithaca NY
homer@lightlink.com Is that too much to ask? http://www.lightlink.com
Homer Wilson Smith Clean Air, Clear Water, Art Matrix - Lightlink
(607) 277-0959 A Green Earth, and Peace, Internet, Ithaca NY
homer@lightlink.com Is that too much to ask? http://www.lightlink.com
HomerWSmith-L mailing list
exm58.memo (fwd)
((My comments in double parentheses - Homer))
EXM - 58
12 April 1992
Copyright (C) 1992 A Voice of the Free Zone (Electra)
Redistribution rights granted for non commercial purposes.
As with anything, you have PROBLEMS WITH and you have PROBLEMS AS.
'What problem have you had as a Father?'
'What problem have you had with a Father?'
'What problem have you had as a Mother?'
'What problem have you had with a Mother?'
'What problem have you had as a Son?'
'What problem have you had with a Son?'
'What problem have you had as a Daughter?'
'What problem have you had with a Daughter?'
'What problem have you had as a Mortal?'
'What problem have you had with a Mortal?'
'What problem have you had as an Immortal?'
'What problem have you had with an Immortal?'
'Has something been suppressed on your Mortality?'
'Has something been suppressed on your Immorality?'
Wording is important, if one wording does not work, try another.
'Is there a problem between you and a Mother?'
'Do you have a problem with a Mother?'
'Have you had a problem with a Mother?'
If you are assessing on the meter either solo or with another and
the question form does not read, try the assertive form.
'You have a problem with a mother.'
'There is a problem between you and a mother.'
These are not meant to be and should not be delivered as
evaluations to the pc, they are statements of possible realities to see
if they read. The fact that they don't read doesn't mean anything, the
fact that they do read probably means there is a problem there.
The main terminals of a family are Mother, Father, Son and
Daughter. You and your pc have been all 4 of them many times during
your past track and have been in dire and complex relations with the
other three during these periods.
As LRH says, the most stuck you can get on the track is a problem.
A problem is an INTENTION opposed by a COUNTER INTENTION. You want to
be, do or have something and someone else doesn't want you to be, do or
have that something.
For example, you want to listen to loud music and speak your mind,
and your mother wants you to be a doll in her doll house.
Sometimes a child can be a problem in that others are trying to
destroy them and you are trying to keep them alive. For example, the
government wants your child for its war games. Thus keeping your child
alive and out of harms way becomes a big problem to you. However, your
CHILD is not the problem, the GOVERNMENT is. You are on the side of
your child, its the government that is on the other side trying to take
your child away.
Or maybe you live in a dust bowl and you are all starving to death.
In this case, your problem is with the physical universe, or your
A problem does not always have to be with people, but it does have
to be with something on one of the 16 dynamics or higher.
Problems are a part of GPMs, Goals Problems Masses. There are no
problems in the absence of GPMs. GPMs are either implanted by others
down the track, or are self installed at the beginning of time. Either
way they are silly, and the purpose of auditing is to run them out or at
the very least rehabilitate them so the pc can get on with making a fool
out of himself again.
GPM's ALWAYS have two sides. The pc won't hold onto them unless
they do.
For example, from an LRH tape,
The idea of this GPM is to FORCE the pc to be a good soldier by
getting him to fight NOT being a good soldier. The pc holds onto the
left side so hard because he is using it to fight the right side.
This is as silly as it comes, a good soldier really could care less
if others are bad soldiers or not. But he is also just as likely to
take up fishing and tell you to go to hell with your wars.
If you want someone who will ALWAYS be a good soldier when ever you
want him to be, then you have to implant him, but to implant him you
HAVE to give him the opposite goal to fight or he won't hang onto the
primary goal of being a good soldier.
But then he is wasting half of his time making sure others are good
soldiers too, rather than just being a good soldier. You see how it
goes. Once implanted he can be counted upon to be a good soldier, but
at only 50 percent capacity because he is spending the rest of his time
being a self righteous bigot.
Worse, once he indulges in the various mechanisms of GPMs, he will
finally get disgusted with the left side of the GPM and flip over to the
right side, and become a lousy soldier on purpose. THEN he will fight
you and the government and all good soldiers as much as he fought being
a bad soldier before.
So implanting and GPMs are a silly way to control others, and you
set yourself up for a loss at the very hands of the people you implant
because no one can stay on one side of a GPM forever. The implanters
keep trying though. Something about the goal TO NEVER LEARN.
The Scientology Grades 0 through IV are set up to help a pc take
these GPM's apart. There is sort of a sequence that pc's go through as
they come down the tone scale, and so you sort of have to take them back
up the same scale in a certain order.
That order however is not an obvious thing, and civilizations have
gone to ruin for want of it.
The first thing that goes out is communication. The pc stops
communicating with something directly. Instead he USES a GPM that he
has gotten from another or invented himself to deal with life and his
This of course gets him into problems, because GPMs ARE problems in
a neat laid out order that the pc can crucify himself on. I mean he
pays good money for these things, they had better work as advertised.
Any problem can be vanished by confronting it, just being there
with it and letting it be. This causes an AS-ISness of the GPM and it
will cease to bother the pc. There is nothing wrong with being a good
soldier after all, THERE IS something wrong with fighting NOT BEING A
If the pc just confronts his problem with others NOT being good
soldiers, his concern for the matter will as-is along with the GPM he
and instead takes to dramatizing against the oppterms, opposition
terminals, dictated by the GPM. Rather than just going about being a
good soldier, he patriotically goes out and beats up on beatniks. Thus
he commits overts, gets regrets, withholds, and finally justifications
which poke him into continued overts.
Because he becomes a mass of withholds, many of them get missed by
others, and so he starts to develop heavy ARC Breaks with others and
reality around him. All ARC Breaks stem from missed withholds. LRH
says you should burn that one in stone, perhaps you might consider doing
((That's why people are pissed off at the Church, they can't figure
out if the Church KNOWS what it is doing when it comes to gleaning the
complete confession from them on their way to full OT.))
You know what a missed withhold is, don't you? Its when you don't
know if someone else knows what you did that you don't want them to
know. Its WHAT THEY DID that made you think they might know, along with
YOUR WONDER for the rest of time if you were found out or even if others
As the being begins to ARC Break with everything around him, he
starts to make others wrong and himself right as his last ditch effort
to survive. He will make others wrong by opposing his own primary
goals! He will develop pains, arthritis, disabilities, discomforts, and
terminal illnesses all calculated to get others to nobly admire him for
the rest of time.
This is the Service Facsimile computation, which of course is part
and parcel of the original GPM that he bought and paid for. 'The way to
be a good soldier is to be a sick, dead and dying bad soldier.' So he
will be a drunk, brawl with his superior officers, sleep with their
wives, deal drugs, shoot kids, rape and burn enemy women, you name it.
And all of this will be his final way of being a good soldier when he
couldn't confront the things he had done that were wrong AS a good
At the end of this road he will become a beatnik.
So the grades are arranged this way.
0. Communication
1. Problems
2. Overts, Withholds and Missed Withholds
3. ARC Breaks
4. Service Fac computations.
It is usually a big misunderstood that because Grade 0 is numbered
lower than the others and is audited first that it is somehow a lower
state than the others. In other words, someone who has audited Grade I
or II is somehow higher than someone who has only audited Grade 0.
This could not be further from the truth because the FIRST thing
that went out was COMMUNICATION. Hubbard decided that the track was so
balled up, that you could never audit someone out of this mess unless
you took him all the way back to his god damn OTdom and got him over the
very first choice he made which got him into this mess in the first
That first choice was to NOT COMMUNICATE with something he was
perfectly able to communicate with.
However because of the misunderstood about Grade 0 being a lower
state, you will find many people who ran it only to a mild release and
then walked gaily up the rest of the Grades. Thus you will find Grade
IV's, who although they won't make you wrong, have nothing to say
Once a person has REALLY attained Grade 0, all the rest of the
Grades are really just cleaning up the mess that came afterwards. The
person is already as high as he is going to get, the remaining grades
merely clean up the channels of power. Its like getting at the basic on
the engram chain, and then coming FORWARD in time and erasing quickly
and easily all the later incidents that would not erase until basic was
So this confusion has existed in Scientology for a long time.
Often a pc can't reach basic on a chain until the later charge is
unburdened, but then the later charge won't completely erase until the
basic is gone. Thus one has to audit from later to early to find basic,
and then one has to audit from early back towards present time to clean
up the rest of the chain.
Well auditing Grade 0 properly is going for BASIC and all the
'higher' grades are really auditing all the foolish LOWER stuff the pc
did AFTER his communication went out.
In fact the whole Bridge is upside down in this fashion, auditing
the highest stuff first and the lowest and latest stuff last.
In fact the End Phenomenon of Life Repair, which is the lowest and
most first thing you audit on anyone, is Awareness of Truth and the way
to Personal Freedom. Awareness, Truth and Freedom are three dynamics
way at the top of the tone scale! ((See EXM-3, The Free Zone Expanded
Emotional Tone Scale.))
From that foundation at the top of the tone scale, you can then
clean up the rest of the mess that came after. Thus in some sense, one
does not go OT at the end of the Bridge but at the beginning.
That is if Life Repair is done properly.
This same upside down relation holds true for the State of Clear
and the OT I through OT VII levels.
The OT levels are 'higher' on the Bridge, but before the OT levels
can be run the pc has to erase his R6 bank. Well you have had the R6
bank for millions of times longer than you have had all those damn BT's
that the bashers are so upset about. So going Clear is much more
important than going OT. In fact you can't GO OT unless you DO go
Clear, because you will just start dancing around with your BT's doing
the R6 tango rather than audit them out of THEIR mess.
Going Clear is getting at Basic Basic back in the quadrillions of
years ago. OT III is very late on the chain being only 76 million years
ago, and sometimes didn't even happen to the preclear himself!
You notice the bashers never comment on the R6 bank, they are too
busy dramatizing it, all the while poking fun at Xenu. You know,
something like the R6 goals TO CREATE NOT TRUTH or TO DESTROY PRESENT
AWARENESS. ((This is a reference to Filbert's version of the R6 Bank,
in Excalibur Revisited.))
Well Xenu they can confront, he is VERY late on the chain and one
of the LAST things of significance to happen to us all. The R6 Bank on
the other hand is so old as to defy description and is so all pervasive
even the Gods have it!. THAT is why the Xenu stuff happened in the
first place, they were dramatizing the R6 Bank when they thought up the
INDIVIDUALITY or some such thing.
The end result was clustered beings, beings who could not tell each
other apart and didn't know who they were, and thought they were someone
else and many of them came together and thought they were one being.
It was a safe solution.
OT III is so overwhelming because it is so late on the chain, hell
we were almost dead anyhow when that happened to us. The R6 Bank on the
other hand is a different story, one that more attention should be given
OT III by the way is filled with THERE'S NOTHING HERE, NOTHING
BELIEVE THIS etc. So when you hear the bashers yap about how silly OT
III is recognize their exact phrases are IN the incident, and let them
run it out.
Only clusters bash.
So the secret to all this is, that the thetan has come down the
tone scale BY CHOICE using the mechanisms of GPMs that he either created
for himself, or had others hand to him in the form of great injustice,
force and duress. You know, 'Here's 5 bucks, bang me up so I can't
remember who I am, I want to be a good soldier!', etc.
The first thing the thetan did was CHOOSE to not communicate with
things as they are.
The second thing he did was choose to take on a GPM with its ladder
of goals, opposition goals, terminals, opposition terminals, and
PROBLEMS. He did this by IDENTIFYING himself with the terminals in the
GPM and other people or things with the opposition terminals.
((The problem with GPMS is that they misidentify the nature of the
opposing parties. It's like looking at the world through rose colored
glasses, everyone looks pink, even though they aren't.
Take for example some Squirrel who tends to think of himself as a
'Freedom Fighter'. Well that's a very fine terminal in a very fine GPM.
But look at what a Freedom Fighter fights, its a 'Minion of the Empire'
or some such thing.
So one day this Squirrel starts to get hassled by some Churchie or
another, and suddenly his Freedom Fighter GPM kicks in, and he is no
longer faced with some poor bloke who is just doing his job, he is faced
with 'A Minion of the Empire'. The Squirrel thus brings MUCH more to
the situation than is really there.
The actions he will take to deal with the Churchie will then be
vaguely off target, because the Squirrel is fighting some romantic
notion, rather than the being in front of him.))
The third thing he did was CHOOSE TO NOT CONFRONT A PROBLEM THAT
That got him into the horrid mess you see him in today.
A God become meat dweller.
The basic on the chain of unconfrontable problems was a problem
That's a relief, isn't it?
Unconfrontability came afterwards and can be run out just by going
If you audit some poor pc on 'What problem was unconfrontable?' or
'Tell me something unconfrontable', you will just drive him into a dark
hole late on the chain of unconfrontabilities and he will never get out
of it. Nothing will erase, and his problems will just get worse. Try
it sometime on someone you don't like.
On the other hand if you audit 'What problem did you choose to not
confront that you could have confronted?' you will produce some
spectacular case gain and a friend for life. Not to mention a pending
OT to boot.
So if your bank is throwing unconfrontable monstrosities at you,
find out what you CHOSE to not confront earlier and why. If you choose
to not confront something, that will create enough electrical charge to
kick back in your face at a later time in a very unconfrontable fashion.
The way to erase it is to duplicate the action of not confronting with
close attention to the 'CHOOSE TO' in the center of it, and why.
So a full battery of questions about problems might go as follows.
'What problem have you had as a Mother with a Son?'
'What problem have you had as a Mother with a Daughter?'
'What problem have you had as a Mother with a Father?'
'What problem have you had as a Mother with yourself?'
'What problem have you had as a Father with a Son?'
'What problem have you had as a Father with a Daughter?'
'What problem have you had as a Father with a Mother?'
'What problem have you had as a Father with yourself?'
'What problem have you had as a Son with a Mother?'
'What problem have you had as a Son with a Father?
'What problem have you had as a Son with a Sister?'
'What problem have you had as a Son with a Brother?'
'What problem have you had as a Son with yourself?'
'What problem have you had as a Daughter with a Mother?'
'What problem have you had as a Daughter with a Father?
'What problem have you had as a Daughter with a Sister?'
'What problem have you had as a Daughter with a Brother?'
'What problem have you had as a Daughter with yourself?'
Other terminal pairs are also important.
'What problem have you had as an Immortal with an Immortal?'
'What problem have you had as an Immortal with a Mortal?'
'What problem have you had as a Mortal with an Immortal?'
'What problem have you had as a Mortal with a Mortal?'
'What problem have you had as a Thetan with a Thetan?'
'What problem have you had as a Thetan with a Body?'
'What problem have you had as a Body with a Thetan?'
'What problem have you had as a Body with a Body?'
'What problem have you had as a Scientologist with a Scientologist?
'What problem have you had as a Scientologist with a Basher?'
'What problem have you had as a Basher with a Scientologist?'
'What problem have you had as a Basher with a Basher?'
'What problem have you had as a Free Zoner with a Free Zoner?
'What problem have you had as a Free Zoner with a Churchie?'
'What problem have you had as a Churchie with a Free Zoner?'
'What problem have you had as a Churchie with a Churchie?'
You see how it goes? ANYTHING you have problems with, you have
been both sides or something like it many times.
Atheists in this life were religious fanatics in past lives. They
got sick of their own religion and making a living by telling lies.
They figured death might be a nice relief. It's right there in their
GPM, 'The way to survive is to die'.
So run both sides to free it up, and get back to the original
CONFRONTABLE but NOT confronted problem at the beginning of the chain.
Find out what the goals were, what the identities and terminals were,
and why you chose to indulge in this cosmic silliness in the first
I don't mean to put this down, or make light of the situation.
The end result of choosing to not confront a problem is eventually
some problem confronts you. An unconfrontable problem.
Try dying on a cross sometime.
That's the Basher's ultimate game, crucifying people for what they
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Mon Jun 24 00:06:02 EDT 2013
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================== http://www.lightlink.com/theproof ===================
Learning implies Learning with Certainty or Learning without Certainty.
Learning across a Distance implies Learning by Being an Effect.
Learning by Being an Effect implies Learning without Certainty.
Therefore, Learning with Certainty implies Learning, but
not by Being an Effect, and not across a Distance.
Homer Wilson Smith Clean Air, Clear Water, Art Matrix - Lightlink
(607) 277-0959 A Green Earth, and Peace, Internet, Ithaca NY
homer@lightlink.com Is that too much to ask? http://www.lightlink.com
Clear-L mailing list
HomerWSmith-L mailing list
EXM - 58
12 April 1992
Copyright (C) 1992 A Voice of the Free Zone (Electra)
Redistribution rights granted for non commercial purposes.
As with anything, you have PROBLEMS WITH and you have PROBLEMS AS.
'What problem have you had as a Father?'
'What problem have you had with a Father?'
'What problem have you had as a Mother?'
'What problem have you had with a Mother?'
'What problem have you had as a Son?'
'What problem have you had with a Son?'
'What problem have you had as a Daughter?'
'What problem have you had with a Daughter?'
'What problem have you had as a Mortal?'
'What problem have you had with a Mortal?'
'What problem have you had as an Immortal?'
'What problem have you had with an Immortal?'
'Has something been suppressed on your Mortality?'
'Has something been suppressed on your Immorality?'
Wording is important, if one wording does not work, try another.
'Is there a problem between you and a Mother?'
'Do you have a problem with a Mother?'
'Have you had a problem with a Mother?'
If you are assessing on the meter either solo or with another and
the question form does not read, try the assertive form.
'You have a problem with a mother.'
'There is a problem between you and a mother.'
These are not meant to be and should not be delivered as
evaluations to the pc, they are statements of possible realities to see
if they read. The fact that they don't read doesn't mean anything, the
fact that they do read probably means there is a problem there.
The main terminals of a family are Mother, Father, Son and
Daughter. You and your pc have been all 4 of them many times during
your past track and have been in dire and complex relations with the
other three during these periods.
As LRH says, the most stuck you can get on the track is a problem.
A problem is an INTENTION opposed by a COUNTER INTENTION. You want to
be, do or have something and someone else doesn't want you to be, do or
have that something.
For example, you want to listen to loud music and speak your mind,
and your mother wants you to be a doll in her doll house.
Sometimes a child can be a problem in that others are trying to
destroy them and you are trying to keep them alive. For example, the
government wants your child for its war games. Thus keeping your child
alive and out of harms way becomes a big problem to you. However, your
CHILD is not the problem, the GOVERNMENT is. You are on the side of
your child, its the government that is on the other side trying to take
your child away.
Or maybe you live in a dust bowl and you are all starving to death.
In this case, your problem is with the physical universe, or your
A problem does not always have to be with people, but it does have
to be with something on one of the 16 dynamics or higher.
Problems are a part of GPMs, Goals Problems Masses. There are no
problems in the absence of GPMs. GPMs are either implanted by others
down the track, or are self installed at the beginning of time. Either
way they are silly, and the purpose of auditing is to run them out or at
the very least rehabilitate them so the pc can get on with making a fool
out of himself again.
GPM's ALWAYS have two sides. The pc won't hold onto them unless
they do.
For example, from an LRH tape,
The idea of this GPM is to FORCE the pc to be a good soldier by
getting him to fight NOT being a good soldier. The pc holds onto the
left side so hard because he is using it to fight the right side.
This is as silly as it comes, a good soldier really could care less
if others are bad soldiers or not. But he is also just as likely to
take up fishing and tell you to go to hell with your wars.
If you want someone who will ALWAYS be a good soldier when ever you
want him to be, then you have to implant him, but to implant him you
HAVE to give him the opposite goal to fight or he won't hang onto the
primary goal of being a good soldier.
But then he is wasting half of his time making sure others are good
soldiers too, rather than just being a good soldier. You see how it
goes. Once implanted he can be counted upon to be a good soldier, but
at only 50 percent capacity because he is spending the rest of his time
being a self righteous bigot.
Worse, once he indulges in the various mechanisms of GPMs, he will
finally get disgusted with the left side of the GPM and flip over to the
right side, and become a lousy soldier on purpose. THEN he will fight
you and the government and all good soldiers as much as he fought being
a bad soldier before.
So implanting and GPMs are a silly way to control others, and you
set yourself up for a loss at the very hands of the people you implant
because no one can stay on one side of a GPM forever. The implanters
keep trying though. Something about the goal TO NEVER LEARN.
The Scientology Grades 0 through IV are set up to help a pc take
these GPM's apart. There is sort of a sequence that pc's go through as
they come down the tone scale, and so you sort of have to take them back
up the same scale in a certain order.
That order however is not an obvious thing, and civilizations have
gone to ruin for want of it.
The first thing that goes out is communication. The pc stops
communicating with something directly. Instead he USES a GPM that he
has gotten from another or invented himself to deal with life and his
This of course gets him into problems, because GPMs ARE problems in
a neat laid out order that the pc can crucify himself on. I mean he
pays good money for these things, they had better work as advertised.
Any problem can be vanished by confronting it, just being there
with it and letting it be. This causes an AS-ISness of the GPM and it
will cease to bother the pc. There is nothing wrong with being a good
soldier after all, THERE IS something wrong with fighting NOT BEING A
If the pc just confronts his problem with others NOT being good
soldiers, his concern for the matter will as-is along with the GPM he
and instead takes to dramatizing against the oppterms, opposition
terminals, dictated by the GPM. Rather than just going about being a
good soldier, he patriotically goes out and beats up on beatniks. Thus
he commits overts, gets regrets, withholds, and finally justifications
which poke him into continued overts.
Because he becomes a mass of withholds, many of them get missed by
others, and so he starts to develop heavy ARC Breaks with others and
reality around him. All ARC Breaks stem from missed withholds. LRH
says you should burn that one in stone, perhaps you might consider doing
((That's why people are pissed off at the Church, they can't figure
out if the Church KNOWS what it is doing when it comes to gleaning the
complete confession from them on their way to full OT.))
You know what a missed withhold is, don't you? Its when you don't
know if someone else knows what you did that you don't want them to
know. Its WHAT THEY DID that made you think they might know, along with
YOUR WONDER for the rest of time if you were found out or even if others
As the being begins to ARC Break with everything around him, he
starts to make others wrong and himself right as his last ditch effort
to survive. He will make others wrong by opposing his own primary
goals! He will develop pains, arthritis, disabilities, discomforts, and
terminal illnesses all calculated to get others to nobly admire him for
the rest of time.
This is the Service Facsimile computation, which of course is part
and parcel of the original GPM that he bought and paid for. 'The way to
be a good soldier is to be a sick, dead and dying bad soldier.' So he
will be a drunk, brawl with his superior officers, sleep with their
wives, deal drugs, shoot kids, rape and burn enemy women, you name it.
And all of this will be his final way of being a good soldier when he
couldn't confront the things he had done that were wrong AS a good
At the end of this road he will become a beatnik.
So the grades are arranged this way.
0. Communication
1. Problems
2. Overts, Withholds and Missed Withholds
3. ARC Breaks
4. Service Fac computations.
It is usually a big misunderstood that because Grade 0 is numbered
lower than the others and is audited first that it is somehow a lower
state than the others. In other words, someone who has audited Grade I
or II is somehow higher than someone who has only audited Grade 0.
This could not be further from the truth because the FIRST thing
that went out was COMMUNICATION. Hubbard decided that the track was so
balled up, that you could never audit someone out of this mess unless
you took him all the way back to his god damn OTdom and got him over the
very first choice he made which got him into this mess in the first
That first choice was to NOT COMMUNICATE with something he was
perfectly able to communicate with.
However because of the misunderstood about Grade 0 being a lower
state, you will find many people who ran it only to a mild release and
then walked gaily up the rest of the Grades. Thus you will find Grade
IV's, who although they won't make you wrong, have nothing to say
Once a person has REALLY attained Grade 0, all the rest of the
Grades are really just cleaning up the mess that came afterwards. The
person is already as high as he is going to get, the remaining grades
merely clean up the channels of power. Its like getting at the basic on
the engram chain, and then coming FORWARD in time and erasing quickly
and easily all the later incidents that would not erase until basic was
So this confusion has existed in Scientology for a long time.
Often a pc can't reach basic on a chain until the later charge is
unburdened, but then the later charge won't completely erase until the
basic is gone. Thus one has to audit from later to early to find basic,
and then one has to audit from early back towards present time to clean
up the rest of the chain.
Well auditing Grade 0 properly is going for BASIC and all the
'higher' grades are really auditing all the foolish LOWER stuff the pc
did AFTER his communication went out.
In fact the whole Bridge is upside down in this fashion, auditing
the highest stuff first and the lowest and latest stuff last.
In fact the End Phenomenon of Life Repair, which is the lowest and
most first thing you audit on anyone, is Awareness of Truth and the way
to Personal Freedom. Awareness, Truth and Freedom are three dynamics
way at the top of the tone scale! ((See EXM-3, The Free Zone Expanded
Emotional Tone Scale.))
From that foundation at the top of the tone scale, you can then
clean up the rest of the mess that came after. Thus in some sense, one
does not go OT at the end of the Bridge but at the beginning.
That is if Life Repair is done properly.
This same upside down relation holds true for the State of Clear
and the OT I through OT VII levels.
The OT levels are 'higher' on the Bridge, but before the OT levels
can be run the pc has to erase his R6 bank. Well you have had the R6
bank for millions of times longer than you have had all those damn BT's
that the bashers are so upset about. So going Clear is much more
important than going OT. In fact you can't GO OT unless you DO go
Clear, because you will just start dancing around with your BT's doing
the R6 tango rather than audit them out of THEIR mess.
Going Clear is getting at Basic Basic back in the quadrillions of
years ago. OT III is very late on the chain being only 76 million years
ago, and sometimes didn't even happen to the preclear himself!
You notice the bashers never comment on the R6 bank, they are too
busy dramatizing it, all the while poking fun at Xenu. You know,
something like the R6 goals TO CREATE NOT TRUTH or TO DESTROY PRESENT
AWARENESS. ((This is a reference to Filbert's version of the R6 Bank,
in Excalibur Revisited.))
Well Xenu they can confront, he is VERY late on the chain and one
of the LAST things of significance to happen to us all. The R6 Bank on
the other hand is so old as to defy description and is so all pervasive
even the Gods have it!. THAT is why the Xenu stuff happened in the
first place, they were dramatizing the R6 Bank when they thought up the
INDIVIDUALITY or some such thing.
The end result was clustered beings, beings who could not tell each
other apart and didn't know who they were, and thought they were someone
else and many of them came together and thought they were one being.
It was a safe solution.
OT III is so overwhelming because it is so late on the chain, hell
we were almost dead anyhow when that happened to us. The R6 Bank on the
other hand is a different story, one that more attention should be given
OT III by the way is filled with THERE'S NOTHING HERE, NOTHING
BELIEVE THIS etc. So when you hear the bashers yap about how silly OT
III is recognize their exact phrases are IN the incident, and let them
run it out.
Only clusters bash.
So the secret to all this is, that the thetan has come down the
tone scale BY CHOICE using the mechanisms of GPMs that he either created
for himself, or had others hand to him in the form of great injustice,
force and duress. You know, 'Here's 5 bucks, bang me up so I can't
remember who I am, I want to be a good soldier!', etc.
The first thing the thetan did was CHOOSE to not communicate with
things as they are.
The second thing he did was choose to take on a GPM with its ladder
of goals, opposition goals, terminals, opposition terminals, and
PROBLEMS. He did this by IDENTIFYING himself with the terminals in the
GPM and other people or things with the opposition terminals.
((The problem with GPMS is that they misidentify the nature of the
opposing parties. It's like looking at the world through rose colored
glasses, everyone looks pink, even though they aren't.
Take for example some Squirrel who tends to think of himself as a
'Freedom Fighter'. Well that's a very fine terminal in a very fine GPM.
But look at what a Freedom Fighter fights, its a 'Minion of the Empire'
or some such thing.
So one day this Squirrel starts to get hassled by some Churchie or
another, and suddenly his Freedom Fighter GPM kicks in, and he is no
longer faced with some poor bloke who is just doing his job, he is faced
with 'A Minion of the Empire'. The Squirrel thus brings MUCH more to
the situation than is really there.
The actions he will take to deal with the Churchie will then be
vaguely off target, because the Squirrel is fighting some romantic
notion, rather than the being in front of him.))
The third thing he did was CHOOSE TO NOT CONFRONT A PROBLEM THAT
That got him into the horrid mess you see him in today.
A God become meat dweller.
The basic on the chain of unconfrontable problems was a problem
That's a relief, isn't it?
Unconfrontability came afterwards and can be run out just by going
If you audit some poor pc on 'What problem was unconfrontable?' or
'Tell me something unconfrontable', you will just drive him into a dark
hole late on the chain of unconfrontabilities and he will never get out
of it. Nothing will erase, and his problems will just get worse. Try
it sometime on someone you don't like.
On the other hand if you audit 'What problem did you choose to not
confront that you could have confronted?' you will produce some
spectacular case gain and a friend for life. Not to mention a pending
OT to boot.
So if your bank is throwing unconfrontable monstrosities at you,
find out what you CHOSE to not confront earlier and why. If you choose
to not confront something, that will create enough electrical charge to
kick back in your face at a later time in a very unconfrontable fashion.
The way to erase it is to duplicate the action of not confronting with
close attention to the 'CHOOSE TO' in the center of it, and why.
So a full battery of questions about problems might go as follows.
'What problem have you had as a Mother with a Son?'
'What problem have you had as a Mother with a Daughter?'
'What problem have you had as a Mother with a Father?'
'What problem have you had as a Mother with yourself?'
'What problem have you had as a Father with a Son?'
'What problem have you had as a Father with a Daughter?'
'What problem have you had as a Father with a Mother?'
'What problem have you had as a Father with yourself?'
'What problem have you had as a Son with a Mother?'
'What problem have you had as a Son with a Father?
'What problem have you had as a Son with a Sister?'
'What problem have you had as a Son with a Brother?'
'What problem have you had as a Son with yourself?'
'What problem have you had as a Daughter with a Mother?'
'What problem have you had as a Daughter with a Father?
'What problem have you had as a Daughter with a Sister?'
'What problem have you had as a Daughter with a Brother?'
'What problem have you had as a Daughter with yourself?'
Other terminal pairs are also important.
'What problem have you had as an Immortal with an Immortal?'
'What problem have you had as an Immortal with a Mortal?'
'What problem have you had as a Mortal with an Immortal?'
'What problem have you had as a Mortal with a Mortal?'
'What problem have you had as a Thetan with a Thetan?'
'What problem have you had as a Thetan with a Body?'
'What problem have you had as a Body with a Thetan?'
'What problem have you had as a Body with a Body?'
'What problem have you had as a Scientologist with a Scientologist?
'What problem have you had as a Scientologist with a Basher?'
'What problem have you had as a Basher with a Scientologist?'
'What problem have you had as a Basher with a Basher?'
'What problem have you had as a Free Zoner with a Free Zoner?
'What problem have you had as a Free Zoner with a Churchie?'
'What problem have you had as a Churchie with a Free Zoner?'
'What problem have you had as a Churchie with a Churchie?'
You see how it goes? ANYTHING you have problems with, you have
been both sides or something like it many times.
Atheists in this life were religious fanatics in past lives. They
got sick of their own religion and making a living by telling lies.
They figured death might be a nice relief. It's right there in their
GPM, 'The way to survive is to die'.
So run both sides to free it up, and get back to the original
CONFRONTABLE but NOT confronted problem at the beginning of the chain.
Find out what the goals were, what the identities and terminals were,
and why you chose to indulge in this cosmic silliness in the first
I don't mean to put this down, or make light of the situation.
The end result of choosing to not confront a problem is eventually
some problem confronts you. An unconfrontable problem.
Try dying on a cross sometime.
That's the Basher's ultimate game, crucifying people for what they
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================== http://www.lightlink.com/theproof ===================
Learning implies Learning with Certainty or Learning without Certainty.
Learning across a Distance implies Learning by Being an Effect.
Learning by Being an Effect implies Learning without Certainty.
Therefore, Learning with Certainty implies Learning, but
not by Being an Effect, and not across a Distance.
Homer Wilson Smith Clean Air, Clear Water, Art Matrix - Lightlink
(607) 277-0959 A Green Earth, and Peace, Internet, Ithaca NY
homer@lightlink.com Is that too much to ask? http://www.lightlink.com
Clear-L mailing list
HomerWSmith-L mailing list
ADORE402 (fwd)
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Here is one possible way to derive a theory of
Define Justice.
Consider that Justice reigns at all times.
Explain why things are the way they are from the above two items.
If you can't, start over.
The above is a non trivial game, not to be played by
fools and idiots.
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
Homer Wilson Smith The Paths of Lovers Art Matrix - Lightlink
(607) 277-0959 KC2ITF Cross Internet Access, Ithaca NY
homer@lightlink.com In the Line of Duty http://www.lightlink.com
Mon Nov 20 23:44:12 EST 2006
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Sun Jun 23 03:06:02 EDT 2013
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================== http://www.lightlink.com/theproof ===================
Learning implies Learning with Certainty or Learning without Certainty.
Learning across a Distance implies Learning by Being an Effect.
Learning by Being an Effect implies Learning without Certainty.
Therefore, Learning with Certainty implies Learning, but
not by Being an Effect, and not across a Distance.
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HomerWSmith-L mailing list
Hash: SHA1
Here is one possible way to derive a theory of
Define Justice.
Consider that Justice reigns at all times.
Explain why things are the way they are from the above two items.
If you can't, start over.
The above is a non trivial game, not to be played by
fools and idiots.
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
Homer Wilson Smith The Paths of Lovers Art Matrix - Lightlink
(607) 277-0959 KC2ITF Cross Internet Access, Ithaca NY
homer@lightlink.com In the Line of Duty http://www.lightlink.com
Mon Nov 20 23:44:12 EST 2006
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Sun Jun 23 03:06:02 EDT 2013
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================== http://www.lightlink.com/theproof ===================
Learning implies Learning with Certainty or Learning without Certainty.
Learning across a Distance implies Learning by Being an Effect.
Learning by Being an Effect implies Learning without Certainty.
Therefore, Learning with Certainty implies Learning, but
not by Being an Effect, and not across a Distance.
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