Usual disclaimers about adult fantasy apply...
Sometimes when a heavy somatic turns on and won't run, or you just
feel the presence of another being or cluster of beings, running the
basic NOTS command works well.
In dreams, noxious dream characters can be made to behave
themselves, or puddled outright if they persist with the two basic NOTS
commands, 'what are you?" and 'who are you?'
These commands work so well that simply asking a cute sexy dream
character what their name is will harm them unintentionally. The
beautiful mockup starts to go ugly and falls to pieces from the inside
Imagine a world that was so fragile that any attempt to get into
good communication with someone resulted in a destructive as-isness of
Talk about sadness.
Maybe now we might understand better the present world of total no
real communication between anyone at any time.
Its just an effort to continue as we are.
"It's better to BE than to be in communication!"
Run it R3SC as a Service Facsimile Computation.
Anyhow many dream characters won't relieve with the two basic
commands and neither will other beings one is in conflict with in
present time, either incarnate or disincarnate.
Especially the beings with more arm muscle than you, who can pin
you down.
Done right however, NOTS will handle thugs on the street, if you
have the balls.
There is no qualitative difference between sleep dreams and the
waking state. Maybe the rules are a bit stiffer in the waking state but
beyond that its the same gig.
In all cases one has to continue the question set until one gets to
the right question or set of questions.
Remember the F/N doesn't occur on getting the right ANSWER to the
question, the F/N occurs on getting the right QUESTION.
The mark of an OT is the ability to ask a question without needing
to get an answer.
The answer, if the being is even still around, can be mostly
irrelevant after that.
Get the right question and the being goes eyes wide, then still and
unmoving, and then no longer a problem.
The Question IS the Answer necessary to resolve the case.
Here is the important point.
The pc and Being are in a locked down relationship to each other,
This is why there is a chronic problem of long duration, why the
Being is a problem to the pc, and the pc is a problem to the Being.
A relationship means a set of two identities, beingnesses, of two
"WHAT AM I's?", one on each side of the relationship.
The relationship is locked down, because it is being handled by
perfectly balanced force, mental effort if you will, rather than by
An as-isness consists of the exact question that separates,
clarifies, and resolves the two different identities on each side of the
Thus for example running "What are you?" on a Being only gets one
side of the relationship. You also need to run "What am I?".
Thus one spots what the Being is being, and then one spots what YOU
are being, and the relationship between the two of you, and the
condition can go poof, very fast.
Next time you get a strong fast moving somatic, get the idea of who
or what would intend to cause you this somatic (the Being what), and who
or what would be the effect of this Being (the YOU what.)
Spot the Being being what it is being, an then spot yourself being
what you are being. Back and forth if necessary until smiles and
Anyhow the basic question set starts with what and who, but
continues by observation from there to more powerful and deeper
Run them as you will, but don't leave them out if the being is
still bugging you.
The E/P is not vanishment of the other being, or the other being
going away necessarily, but a repaired co symbiotic relationship between
the two you.
Who works for who, and who pays who what and for what.
Or if its a play relationship, which team and which position in the
team each member is on.
Get this straightened out on every being around you, and you will
have your job (life) back again.
If the being really wants to ninja, tell them to remain on eternal
standby until given direct orders to attack, and then use them wisely
like guard dogs.
Remember the ANSWER is not important, only the question. Answers
are gravy. Don't TR3 the question insisting on an answer. Just run
each question to no change, then move to the next one. The Being will
often tell you indirectly what the question is you ought to be asking,
or shake or nod their heads if you are getting closer or further away
from the right question.
The only question that may need some kind of correctness of answer
is the HOW MANY ARE YOU, you want it in orders of magnitude, 10, 100's,
1000's, 10,000's, 100,000's, millions, 10 millions, 100 millions, on up
to the quintillions if necessary. Any self respecting ghoul is at least
100 trillion each. You can learn to count these very quickly in dreams
against entire armies of ghouls coming at you, and if you go too high,
they will stop, shake their heads, until you go lower and get it right.
The relief they show is palpable.
Once any being catches on what you are up to, they will help
you as best they can.
So here is a good array of basic NOTS questions.
Only against against someone who is bugging you.
Who are you? Who am I?
How are you? How am I?
What are you What am I?
Where are you? Where am I?
When are you? When am I?
Why are you? Why am I?
Which are you? Which am I?
How many are you? How many am I?
Are you? Am I?
What is your name? What's my name?
Who do you work for? Who do I work for?
What is your job? What's my job?
How much do they pay you? How much do they pay me?
What is your intent? What's my intent?
What is your desire? What is my desire?
What is your purpose? What is my purpose?
How can you serve me? How can I serve you?
Do you want to work for me? Do you want me to work for you?
Add to taste.
Eye to eye can puddle a BT all by itself, but is absolutely necessary
for difficult thug type beings, who taunt and mock your question asking.
Also try "Thank you for being in my dream!"
You can run that to good effect on everyone in your dream.
If a being is hurt or needs repair, don't call upon Jesus or Allah,
call upon the High US or the AllThatIs to bring the dead back to life or
make the sick well.
"What is your relationship to me?" "What is my relationship to
It's a two way flow.
If you get a clear answer, acknowledge and give it a moment to see
if that is sufficient. If not continue.
If the being starts to chortle, laugh evilly, and mock you with
questions in return "Yeah yeah I know, who am I, HAHAHAHA!", keep at it
until you get the question that makes them go eyes wide.
If the being gives you a question you haven't thought of or asked
before, ask it and then the other side also. Don't assume that because
the being taunted you with it, it isn't the right question.
You don't have to puddle them, they just have to behave, and not
bother you or anyone else again.
Sometimes 'You are a BT!', 'You are a Being!' or 'You are real
people!' said Tone 40 is quite enough to get them to behave, they KNOW
their jig is up.
Another one is "Are you people?" "Am I people?", meaning a real
live human conscious unit.
On the how many question, expect answers ranging from 1 to 100's of
trillions. Beings in the latter range will need to get the right range
of numbers before they will respond to anything.
Sometimes answers are necessary, such as in the 'How many are you?'
Assess for 1's, 10's, 100's, 1000's, ... trillions, 10's of trillions,
100's of trillions, quadrillions etc, until eyes wide.
Be able to count to at least a decillion. ...quadrillion,
quintillion, sextillion, septillion, octillion, nonillion, decillion.
Some times beings like to be assessed in quadbillions.
A quad billion is a billion, billion, billion, billion, or 10**36
or one nonillion.
You gotta be able to do this in your sleep, so learn it well.
If you can't conceive that a being could be a cluster of 100's of
trillions of beings, you probably are one.
That's why the 'how many am I?' question is so important. The pc
has sided and clustered with many other beings in his wars against those
others he fell into 'relationships' with on the other side of the two
way comm channel.
Thus there are clusters on both sides of the relationship, the pc
will be part of one of them.
Homer Wilson Smith The Paths of Lovers Art Matrix - Lightlink
(607) 277-0959 KC2ITF Cross Internet Access, Ithaca NY In the Line of Duty
Wed Dec 28 22:37:53 EST 2005
Homer Wilson Smith Clean Air, Clear Water, Art Matrix - Lightlink
(607) 277-0959 A Green Earth, and Peace, Internet, Ithaca NY Is that too much to ask?
HomerWSmith-L mailing list
Thursday, January 30, 2014
Monday, January 27, 2014
((My comments in double parentheses - Homer))
From Excalibur Revisted
ACT - 66
30 June 1994
Copyright (C) 1982 Geoffrey Filbert
Redistribution rights granted for non commercial purposes.
1. Check for any BT's (E-meter, theta perceptics, intention,
pressure areas, telepathy is HOW) on and in:
a. Body Surfaces (WHERE)
b. Body inside
c. In the thetan's space (Approximately 40' x 60' (feet))
d. On thetan
2. Run Incident II, then Incident I ((ON BT not yourself!)), until
BT or BT's have gone and are released. Then check for additional
Incidents I's and II's until dry (on the meter).
3. Return to step 2 ((sic, he means 1) to find new ones to run.
Use ruds ((ARC breaks, PTP's, Missed Withholds, Evaluation and
Invalidation etc.)) while running if necessary. There is an effort to
stop and hurry on ((in)) Incident I.
4. When complete, get the exact date and run both of the incidents
on self. ((Check if you have the incident, and also don't forget to run
it all 5 flows, you to others, others to you, others to others, and you
to yourself, and others to themselves. Co excused withholds on
Incidents I and II are the reason they stick HARD to preclear.))
5. If a bog, do Milazo Pack. ((Reference to a list of CLASSES of
clustering type incidents, hot, cold, explosions, electrical, radiation,
etc., and also various listed Volcano names if I remember correctly.))
Write down some "mutual associations" ((in the bank)). Regarding each
one on this list, FIND THE INCIDENT THAT MADE THEM ONE, and run that.
Then run OT III Incident II and I after that cluster is broken up.
Occasionally, BT's will have an incident that made them one, other than
Incident II, thus this action.
((This is a coy reference to the declustering procedures of NOTS
which is new OT IV, V, VI and VII. Turns out that clustering of BT's is
a major thing that needs to be handled big time, and is handled on the
next 4 OT levels above OT III. The preclear on OT III is not supposed
to know about this other kind of clustering, as the idea is to run only
those BT's that were clustered specifically by Incident II.
The Milazo Pack, don't know the source of the name, is a list of
different general classes of clustering incidents that have been found
on cases, the most common of which are drug, explosion, electrical, and
radiation type incidents, but any kind of highly destructive incident
will be found on clusters keeping them stuck together. The stuckness is
the result of confusing who is who during the incident and a common
intention, or question amongst the clustered beings during the incident.
Incident II is itself the first and King Pin Clustering incident
that the preclear is concerned about on OT III. Drug clusterings are
handled on new OT IV, and the remaining cluster types of incidents are
handled on new OT V, VI and VII. The idea is that you can't clear a BT
if he is clustered to another being, or to billions.
So you have to break up the cluster first by finding its central
clustering incident, the incident where they became 'one'.
Once a cluster is broken up you then clear each of the individual
BT's by running them through their primary reviv, which on OT III is
Incident II, and on higher levels is whatever it turns out to be. They
are stuck in the incident because they are BEING something in the
incident and dramatizing at life from that point of view. Thus to them
they seem to be there and then, still in the incident as if it is
happening in present time. You want to break them apart from this
assumed beingness, so that they can stop looking at the world through
the memory image of the bad times, usually from the point of view of
something other than what they really were in the incident when it
originally happened, which is why it's so aberrative.
For example, say a BT was crucified. Rather than run out the
incident from the point of view of hanging on a cross, which would end
the pain of the incident forever, he jumps, IN THE INCIDENT, from the
guy hanging on the cross to one of the soldiers driving in the nails.
Now he no longer feels like he is being crucified, but he tends to
dramatize nailing things, and so he is still in the incident
He thinks its cool to be a soldier who spends his time crucifying
enemy legions etc. He thinks he is in present time, because he is
acting IN present time, crucifying present time people, but he is acting
FROM a moment in the past. He is seeing the world through his own
engram, all the while parking himself in it by being out of valence in
This is the quiet insanity of which society is made.
So you want to find out what he is being, or thinks HE IS, and then
find out who or what he really is, which ultimately is just 'ME'.
On NOTS (new IV, V, VI, VII) this is done in part with,
1. "What are you (being)?"
2. "Who are you (really)?"
3. "How many are you?"
This gets them to spot what they thought they were, and also to
cognite who they really are ('me') and they go clear and leave.
On OT III, it is assumed the primary clustering incident is
Incident II. So you run the cluster through Incident II to break it up,
then you run each separate BT on Incident I to clear it.
A cluster that is broken up can break up into individual BT's and
more clusters. These sub clusters may also be made of individual BT's
and more sub clusters. The layering of clustering within clustering
goes quite deep, but not forever. Eventually you get them all into
individual BT's
You can clear a whole fog of small BT's in one swoop by running
them all as a declustered group through Incidents II and I and they
blow. Since a single cluster can contain millions if not billions of
big and small and elemental BT's, it is not expected that you will have
to run all of them individually. However the significant clusters and
BT's will have to broken up and run individually.
When a big Cluster blows, you can get a whole fountain of BT's
blowing off and saying good bye that lasts like a subtle light shower
coming out of the back of your head for hours.))
Incident II: Dates approximately 75 million years ago, Earth years,
location Earth, named TEGIAC ((Teegeack)) at that time (meaning planet
of sorrow), which involved 33 planets of this sector, each with
populations of 80 to 200 BILLION PER PLANET. EXENN ((Xenu)), the ruler,
and "Renegades" decided to solve overpopulation as follows, but was
halted and placed in a mountain trap after over 5 years of war.
officer was, loyal either to Xenu or the Earth Hubbard freedom fighters
team.)) If the latter (sic, means first) two, start at their being
picked up and shot, and if from another planet, frozen in an ice cube,
transported (flying saucer), taken to mountain, a volcano always, H-BOMB
INSTRUCTION "GO TO THE PILOT", who says "HE'S ((meaning the Pilot))
There are 26 to 29 days of implanting (the Clearing Course and OT
II, God and Devil material, reasons for this being done, helicopters,
etc.) that need not be run.
ISLANDS (8 to a cluster).
((How is a BT like a Dole's Pineapple? Both were packaged in
If a Loyal Officer, the sequence is SURPRISE at being shot, placed
in the volcano. Use meter to determine(*) ((if a Loyal Officer,
resident of Earth or resident of another planet)) and determine volcano.
Watch for earlier beginning (i.e. pulled in for a tax audit), run
only up to the "HE'S MOCKING IT UP" as BT's can go into 'free fall',
spin and get sick of the 29 days implanting, with pneumonia and death
being the IMPLANTED phenomena of free fall ((should it occur)), in
addition to insomnia.
Coltus, the reigning planet, Hubbard a part of the "rescuing force
that put an end to it".
Don't force or push them ((BT's)) off, and answer the BT's
questions. There were probably not any good or bad guys in the
incident, although Hubbard insists the sector to have been a cultural
desert since. Very SP BT's can usually be brought around with adept 2WC
((Two-way Communication)), Charm, Ruds, but if not use Power Processing
on the rare hard core.
((By the way, you probably don't stand much of a chance of even
contacting this incident or BT's without running OT II thoroughly and
well. If OT II doesn't run then I would look into earlier out points on
the Bridge, false Clear declares and attests, etc.))
Incident 1: Dates 4 QUADRILLION YEARS AGO (which is 15 zeros or
4,000 trillion years ago.
Volcano List
Hawaii Pacific Ocean
MT Hood Pacific NW
MT Baker Pacific NW
MT Rainier Washington
MT Etna Mediterranean
MT St. Helens Washington
MT Erebus Antarctica
MT Fuji Japan
MT Everest Himilayas - Nepal and Tibet
MT Kilimanjaro Northeastern Africa
Las Palmas Canary Islands off NE Africa
MT Shasta California
MT Vesuvius Italy
MT Krakatoa Indonesia
MT Pelee Martinique
MT McKinley Alaska
Volcanos also existed New Zealand
at these locations then, Philippines
but no longer Mexico
South America
North Dakota
Note: These were the most common locations. 600 others volcanoes
did and do exist, which I did not list.
You clear up that a BT is a body thetan. The instructions are self
explanatory. Basically, the reason they ((your pc)) are doing this (OT
III Rundown)) is to ((get them)) where they won't be confused with
hundreds of different thoughts, so that they can have some peace and
quiet, and so they won't be other- determined. After they have run all
these remnants of folks out by telepathic auditing on them, they attain
the state of 'Freedom from overwhelm, and a return of full
self-determinism.' One cleans off those 4 areas in the order listed.
((Other thoughts, peace and quiet, other-determined, and overwhelmed.))
It is generally underrun, it is rarely overrun. What you have been
doing all the way up the Bridge is breaking these clusters apart. With
Expanded Dianetics (XDN, Evil Purposes), Grades and all the previous
auditing, you have been taking these ((clusters and BT's)) off. About
1/2 of the BTs come off and leave and go live their own lives by doing
the lower Bridge right, and the other 1/2 come off here by doing OT III
correctly. So, if you don't do the lower Bridge correctly on someone,
and they do a real good job on OT III, they will get about 1/2 of it
((Turns out, only about 1/3 of it is done. 1/3 on Lower Bridge,
1/3 on OT III, and 1/3 on new NOTS.))
It is pretty wild material to run, and the gains of it are beyond
description. It is not a crazy idea at all. The irony of it is that it
happened alot, more than once. It is listed as an event that happened
75 million years ago. It probably happened to the preclear dozens of
times. So watch out for your dates.
After OT III, you do NOT do ((old)) OT VII, and then put them on OT
III again, like the churches do.
((Before NOTS came along, which is NEW OT IV, V, VI and VII, there
was OLD OT IV, V, VI and VII, which are probably now new OT VIII, IX, X
and XI. They stuck four NOTS levels in there between OT III and old OT
IV because no one was making it, including LRH.
Turns out people were having a hard time with OT III, so they would
do OT III as best they could, then they would do old OT VII, which was
meant to rehabilitate Projection of Intention. You needed to be able to
audit BT's by INTENDING them to go through their incidents, but if your
ability to project intention was weak, you couldn't audit the BTs!. So
you did old OT VII after OT III, and then you came back and did OT III
again which was called OT IIIx on the second pass.
Then you went on to old OT IV, V, VI and VII doing VII again in the
After OT III you do NOT do OT VII, and then put them on OT III
again, like the churches do. You do OT IV which is included here.
After they have done that they have attained the state of Certainty of
Self as an ((Immortal)) Being, and Freedom from Uncertainty of Self.
Geoffrey Filbert
Excalibur Revisited.
Homer Wilson Smith Clean Air, Clear Water, Art Matrix - Lightlink
(607) 277-0959 A Green Earth, and Peace, Internet, Ithaca NY Is that too much to ask?
HomerWSmith-L mailing list
From Excalibur Revisted
ACT - 66
30 June 1994
Copyright (C) 1982 Geoffrey Filbert
Redistribution rights granted for non commercial purposes.
1. Check for any BT's (E-meter, theta perceptics, intention,
pressure areas, telepathy is HOW) on and in:
a. Body Surfaces (WHERE)
b. Body inside
c. In the thetan's space (Approximately 40' x 60' (feet))
d. On thetan
2. Run Incident II, then Incident I ((ON BT not yourself!)), until
BT or BT's have gone and are released. Then check for additional
Incidents I's and II's until dry (on the meter).
3. Return to step 2 ((sic, he means 1) to find new ones to run.
Use ruds ((ARC breaks, PTP's, Missed Withholds, Evaluation and
Invalidation etc.)) while running if necessary. There is an effort to
stop and hurry on ((in)) Incident I.
4. When complete, get the exact date and run both of the incidents
on self. ((Check if you have the incident, and also don't forget to run
it all 5 flows, you to others, others to you, others to others, and you
to yourself, and others to themselves. Co excused withholds on
Incidents I and II are the reason they stick HARD to preclear.))
5. If a bog, do Milazo Pack. ((Reference to a list of CLASSES of
clustering type incidents, hot, cold, explosions, electrical, radiation,
etc., and also various listed Volcano names if I remember correctly.))
Write down some "mutual associations" ((in the bank)). Regarding each
one on this list, FIND THE INCIDENT THAT MADE THEM ONE, and run that.
Then run OT III Incident II and I after that cluster is broken up.
Occasionally, BT's will have an incident that made them one, other than
Incident II, thus this action.
((This is a coy reference to the declustering procedures of NOTS
which is new OT IV, V, VI and VII. Turns out that clustering of BT's is
a major thing that needs to be handled big time, and is handled on the
next 4 OT levels above OT III. The preclear on OT III is not supposed
to know about this other kind of clustering, as the idea is to run only
those BT's that were clustered specifically by Incident II.
The Milazo Pack, don't know the source of the name, is a list of
different general classes of clustering incidents that have been found
on cases, the most common of which are drug, explosion, electrical, and
radiation type incidents, but any kind of highly destructive incident
will be found on clusters keeping them stuck together. The stuckness is
the result of confusing who is who during the incident and a common
intention, or question amongst the clustered beings during the incident.
Incident II is itself the first and King Pin Clustering incident
that the preclear is concerned about on OT III. Drug clusterings are
handled on new OT IV, and the remaining cluster types of incidents are
handled on new OT V, VI and VII. The idea is that you can't clear a BT
if he is clustered to another being, or to billions.
So you have to break up the cluster first by finding its central
clustering incident, the incident where they became 'one'.
Once a cluster is broken up you then clear each of the individual
BT's by running them through their primary reviv, which on OT III is
Incident II, and on higher levels is whatever it turns out to be. They
are stuck in the incident because they are BEING something in the
incident and dramatizing at life from that point of view. Thus to them
they seem to be there and then, still in the incident as if it is
happening in present time. You want to break them apart from this
assumed beingness, so that they can stop looking at the world through
the memory image of the bad times, usually from the point of view of
something other than what they really were in the incident when it
originally happened, which is why it's so aberrative.
For example, say a BT was crucified. Rather than run out the
incident from the point of view of hanging on a cross, which would end
the pain of the incident forever, he jumps, IN THE INCIDENT, from the
guy hanging on the cross to one of the soldiers driving in the nails.
Now he no longer feels like he is being crucified, but he tends to
dramatize nailing things, and so he is still in the incident
He thinks its cool to be a soldier who spends his time crucifying
enemy legions etc. He thinks he is in present time, because he is
acting IN present time, crucifying present time people, but he is acting
FROM a moment in the past. He is seeing the world through his own
engram, all the while parking himself in it by being out of valence in
This is the quiet insanity of which society is made.
So you want to find out what he is being, or thinks HE IS, and then
find out who or what he really is, which ultimately is just 'ME'.
On NOTS (new IV, V, VI, VII) this is done in part with,
1. "What are you (being)?"
2. "Who are you (really)?"
3. "How many are you?"
This gets them to spot what they thought they were, and also to
cognite who they really are ('me') and they go clear and leave.
On OT III, it is assumed the primary clustering incident is
Incident II. So you run the cluster through Incident II to break it up,
then you run each separate BT on Incident I to clear it.
A cluster that is broken up can break up into individual BT's and
more clusters. These sub clusters may also be made of individual BT's
and more sub clusters. The layering of clustering within clustering
goes quite deep, but not forever. Eventually you get them all into
individual BT's
You can clear a whole fog of small BT's in one swoop by running
them all as a declustered group through Incidents II and I and they
blow. Since a single cluster can contain millions if not billions of
big and small and elemental BT's, it is not expected that you will have
to run all of them individually. However the significant clusters and
BT's will have to broken up and run individually.
When a big Cluster blows, you can get a whole fountain of BT's
blowing off and saying good bye that lasts like a subtle light shower
coming out of the back of your head for hours.))
Incident II: Dates approximately 75 million years ago, Earth years,
location Earth, named TEGIAC ((Teegeack)) at that time (meaning planet
of sorrow), which involved 33 planets of this sector, each with
populations of 80 to 200 BILLION PER PLANET. EXENN ((Xenu)), the ruler,
and "Renegades" decided to solve overpopulation as follows, but was
halted and placed in a mountain trap after over 5 years of war.
officer was, loyal either to Xenu or the Earth Hubbard freedom fighters
team.)) If the latter (sic, means first) two, start at their being
picked up and shot, and if from another planet, frozen in an ice cube,
transported (flying saucer), taken to mountain, a volcano always, H-BOMB
INSTRUCTION "GO TO THE PILOT", who says "HE'S ((meaning the Pilot))
There are 26 to 29 days of implanting (the Clearing Course and OT
II, God and Devil material, reasons for this being done, helicopters,
etc.) that need not be run.
ISLANDS (8 to a cluster).
((How is a BT like a Dole's Pineapple? Both were packaged in
If a Loyal Officer, the sequence is SURPRISE at being shot, placed
in the volcano. Use meter to determine(*) ((if a Loyal Officer,
resident of Earth or resident of another planet)) and determine volcano.
Watch for earlier beginning (i.e. pulled in for a tax audit), run
only up to the "HE'S MOCKING IT UP" as BT's can go into 'free fall',
spin and get sick of the 29 days implanting, with pneumonia and death
being the IMPLANTED phenomena of free fall ((should it occur)), in
addition to insomnia.
Coltus, the reigning planet, Hubbard a part of the "rescuing force
that put an end to it".
Don't force or push them ((BT's)) off, and answer the BT's
questions. There were probably not any good or bad guys in the
incident, although Hubbard insists the sector to have been a cultural
desert since. Very SP BT's can usually be brought around with adept 2WC
((Two-way Communication)), Charm, Ruds, but if not use Power Processing
on the rare hard core.
((By the way, you probably don't stand much of a chance of even
contacting this incident or BT's without running OT II thoroughly and
well. If OT II doesn't run then I would look into earlier out points on
the Bridge, false Clear declares and attests, etc.))
Incident 1: Dates 4 QUADRILLION YEARS AGO (which is 15 zeros or
4,000 trillion years ago.
Volcano List
Hawaii Pacific Ocean
MT Hood Pacific NW
MT Baker Pacific NW
MT Rainier Washington
MT Etna Mediterranean
MT St. Helens Washington
MT Erebus Antarctica
MT Fuji Japan
MT Everest Himilayas - Nepal and Tibet
MT Kilimanjaro Northeastern Africa
Las Palmas Canary Islands off NE Africa
MT Shasta California
MT Vesuvius Italy
MT Krakatoa Indonesia
MT Pelee Martinique
MT McKinley Alaska
Volcanos also existed New Zealand
at these locations then, Philippines
but no longer Mexico
South America
North Dakota
Note: These were the most common locations. 600 others volcanoes
did and do exist, which I did not list.
You clear up that a BT is a body thetan. The instructions are self
explanatory. Basically, the reason they ((your pc)) are doing this (OT
III Rundown)) is to ((get them)) where they won't be confused with
hundreds of different thoughts, so that they can have some peace and
quiet, and so they won't be other- determined. After they have run all
these remnants of folks out by telepathic auditing on them, they attain
the state of 'Freedom from overwhelm, and a return of full
self-determinism.' One cleans off those 4 areas in the order listed.
((Other thoughts, peace and quiet, other-determined, and overwhelmed.))
It is generally underrun, it is rarely overrun. What you have been
doing all the way up the Bridge is breaking these clusters apart. With
Expanded Dianetics (XDN, Evil Purposes), Grades and all the previous
auditing, you have been taking these ((clusters and BT's)) off. About
1/2 of the BTs come off and leave and go live their own lives by doing
the lower Bridge right, and the other 1/2 come off here by doing OT III
correctly. So, if you don't do the lower Bridge correctly on someone,
and they do a real good job on OT III, they will get about 1/2 of it
((Turns out, only about 1/3 of it is done. 1/3 on Lower Bridge,
1/3 on OT III, and 1/3 on new NOTS.))
It is pretty wild material to run, and the gains of it are beyond
description. It is not a crazy idea at all. The irony of it is that it
happened alot, more than once. It is listed as an event that happened
75 million years ago. It probably happened to the preclear dozens of
times. So watch out for your dates.
After OT III, you do NOT do ((old)) OT VII, and then put them on OT
III again, like the churches do.
((Before NOTS came along, which is NEW OT IV, V, VI and VII, there
was OLD OT IV, V, VI and VII, which are probably now new OT VIII, IX, X
and XI. They stuck four NOTS levels in there between OT III and old OT
IV because no one was making it, including LRH.
Turns out people were having a hard time with OT III, so they would
do OT III as best they could, then they would do old OT VII, which was
meant to rehabilitate Projection of Intention. You needed to be able to
audit BT's by INTENDING them to go through their incidents, but if your
ability to project intention was weak, you couldn't audit the BTs!. So
you did old OT VII after OT III, and then you came back and did OT III
again which was called OT IIIx on the second pass.
Then you went on to old OT IV, V, VI and VII doing VII again in the
After OT III you do NOT do OT VII, and then put them on OT III
again, like the churches do. You do OT IV which is included here.
After they have done that they have attained the state of Certainty of
Self as an ((Immortal)) Being, and Freedom from Uncertainty of Self.
Geoffrey Filbert
Excalibur Revisited.
Homer Wilson Smith Clean Air, Clear Water, Art Matrix - Lightlink
(607) 277-0959 A Green Earth, and Peace, Internet, Ithaca NY Is that too much to ask?
HomerWSmith-L mailing list
Friday, January 24, 2014
ADORE567 (fwd)
Hash: SHA1
Various social taboos arise from long ago experiences that were
catestrophic. Taboos against eating the dead for example.
Problem is the guy just died of something, so if you eat him, you
might catch it etc. But what if the guy died in battle? Eating the
brains of your enemies was thought to convey strength to the victor.
But once a taboo is in place, its tends to become overarching, and
thus there is collateral damage, namely the more harmless things that
get condemned along with it.
Sexual intercourse between parent and child leads to really really
bad genetics that threaten the entire species. So taboos arise that
people should be virgins when they marry, meaning they haven't had sex
with their parents etc.
Lots of collateral damage there.
Most families have zero sexual contact with their kids, which means
zero training, zero being with each other while the parents are having
sex, zero participation on the part of the kids etc. Some kids grow up
without ever being told they are going to have a period one day.
And most kids learn to masturbate on the street, and certainly
never in concert with their parents doing the same.
They can fish together but can't whack off together without getting
thrown in jail or an orphanage.
Kids learn about things my mimicking parents, and participating in
things with parents, eating, playing, working, sleeping, creating,
whatever, but never sex.
With sex, the kid is supposed to not know about it AT ALL until they
are 18, and then suddenly with no prior experience to judge behavior or
gain skills from, be able to operate in a highly sexual world.
In the northern world you can look at naked kids, and you can look
at naked 18 year olds, but Lord save you if you set eyes on a naked 13
year old.
People know that once a girl has reached 18, she is no longer
desirable, so who cares if you look at her.
Animals kept in cages for breeding that have to live in their own
excrement, once let out, never learn to do their business outdoors. The
feeling of poop and smell of urine between their paws is 'natural' to
Children who are never taken care of by their parents never learn
to take care of their children,
And children who are not taught proper sexual relationships never
learn how to properly sexually relate, or teach their childen how to do
the same.
With eating, sleeping, fishing, talking and all the other
activities of life, the child learns by DOING with their parents.
With sex, the child is lucky to get a diagram and few words, or a
whack if he touches himself or if he takes his clothes off with a
neighbor's daughter.
Thus we have the plague personality, so named by Reich, who is SO
suppressive to sex and physical contact they will go insane if anyone
around them tries to be free about it.
The result then of social taboos about sex, about nudity, and most
particularly about sexual exposure and outright training during childhood,
creates a vast wake of collateral damage, that has nothing to do with
genetic health.
In fact it harms genetic and family health because once the kid hits
18, they have no clue who or what or how to have sex with. And the NEED
has been so suppressed that it explodes all over the place and they start
having sex with anything that moves with sad consequences from unwanted
children to broken marriages.
Many people get married ONLY because they are so horny they are
going to kill themselves if they don't get laid, but they also need a
licence to screw. So they get married, screw like rabbits until it
wears off, realize they been screwing a cow, then divorce, usually after
a few children have been born.
Most people are quite nuts by the time their tits and hair grow in,
and that's about all that can be said about it.
If they ever get near the charge on it in auditing, they will
probably blow right out of their heads and about 12 universes on out.
Certainly their mockups will turn on again, but guess how old they
will be?
But once you can mock it up, you don't need to DO it with your
children, have intercourse that is, and then there can be sexual
relating and training between parent and child, without the child losing
their virginity, getting some disease, or going blind.
And the child hits breeding age a fully mature sexual being who has
their sexual drives under control and well honed for the right partner.
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
Homer Wilson Smith The Paths of Lovers Art Matrix - Lightlink
(607) 277-0959 KC2ITF Cross Internet Access, Ithaca NY In the Line of Duty
Sat Jan 12 01:53:09 EST 2008
================ ====================
Fri Jan 24 03:06:01 EST 2014
Send mail to saying help
================== ===================
Learning implies Learning with Certainty or Learning without Certainty.
Learning across a Distance implies Learning by Being an Effect.
Learning by Being an Effect implies Learning without Certainty.
Therefore, Learning with Certainty implies Learning, but
not by Being an Effect, and not across a Distance.
Version: GnuPG v1.4.5 (GNU/Linux)
HomerWSmith-L mailing list
Hash: SHA1
Various social taboos arise from long ago experiences that were
catestrophic. Taboos against eating the dead for example.
Problem is the guy just died of something, so if you eat him, you
might catch it etc. But what if the guy died in battle? Eating the
brains of your enemies was thought to convey strength to the victor.
But once a taboo is in place, its tends to become overarching, and
thus there is collateral damage, namely the more harmless things that
get condemned along with it.
Sexual intercourse between parent and child leads to really really
bad genetics that threaten the entire species. So taboos arise that
people should be virgins when they marry, meaning they haven't had sex
with their parents etc.
Lots of collateral damage there.
Most families have zero sexual contact with their kids, which means
zero training, zero being with each other while the parents are having
sex, zero participation on the part of the kids etc. Some kids grow up
without ever being told they are going to have a period one day.
And most kids learn to masturbate on the street, and certainly
never in concert with their parents doing the same.
They can fish together but can't whack off together without getting
thrown in jail or an orphanage.
Kids learn about things my mimicking parents, and participating in
things with parents, eating, playing, working, sleeping, creating,
whatever, but never sex.
With sex, the kid is supposed to not know about it AT ALL until they
are 18, and then suddenly with no prior experience to judge behavior or
gain skills from, be able to operate in a highly sexual world.
In the northern world you can look at naked kids, and you can look
at naked 18 year olds, but Lord save you if you set eyes on a naked 13
year old.
People know that once a girl has reached 18, she is no longer
desirable, so who cares if you look at her.
Animals kept in cages for breeding that have to live in their own
excrement, once let out, never learn to do their business outdoors. The
feeling of poop and smell of urine between their paws is 'natural' to
Children who are never taken care of by their parents never learn
to take care of their children,
And children who are not taught proper sexual relationships never
learn how to properly sexually relate, or teach their childen how to do
the same.
With eating, sleeping, fishing, talking and all the other
activities of life, the child learns by DOING with their parents.
With sex, the child is lucky to get a diagram and few words, or a
whack if he touches himself or if he takes his clothes off with a
neighbor's daughter.
Thus we have the plague personality, so named by Reich, who is SO
suppressive to sex and physical contact they will go insane if anyone
around them tries to be free about it.
The result then of social taboos about sex, about nudity, and most
particularly about sexual exposure and outright training during childhood,
creates a vast wake of collateral damage, that has nothing to do with
genetic health.
In fact it harms genetic and family health because once the kid hits
18, they have no clue who or what or how to have sex with. And the NEED
has been so suppressed that it explodes all over the place and they start
having sex with anything that moves with sad consequences from unwanted
children to broken marriages.
Many people get married ONLY because they are so horny they are
going to kill themselves if they don't get laid, but they also need a
licence to screw. So they get married, screw like rabbits until it
wears off, realize they been screwing a cow, then divorce, usually after
a few children have been born.
Most people are quite nuts by the time their tits and hair grow in,
and that's about all that can be said about it.
If they ever get near the charge on it in auditing, they will
probably blow right out of their heads and about 12 universes on out.
Certainly their mockups will turn on again, but guess how old they
will be?
But once you can mock it up, you don't need to DO it with your
children, have intercourse that is, and then there can be sexual
relating and training between parent and child, without the child losing
their virginity, getting some disease, or going blind.
And the child hits breeding age a fully mature sexual being who has
their sexual drives under control and well honed for the right partner.
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
Homer Wilson Smith The Paths of Lovers Art Matrix - Lightlink
(607) 277-0959 KC2ITF Cross Internet Access, Ithaca NY In the Line of Duty
Sat Jan 12 01:53:09 EST 2008
================ ====================
Fri Jan 24 03:06:01 EST 2014
Send mail to saying help
================== ===================
Learning implies Learning with Certainty or Learning without Certainty.
Learning across a Distance implies Learning by Being an Effect.
Learning by Being an Effect implies Learning without Certainty.
Therefore, Learning with Certainty implies Learning, but
not by Being an Effect, and not across a Distance.
Version: GnuPG v1.4.5 (GNU/Linux)
HomerWSmith-L mailing list
adore255.memo (fwd)
The world is a chinese finger trap.
You are not here because you are a bad person.
You are not here because you are a good person.
You are here because you are a creative person.
Figure out your way in, and you will have figured out your
way out.
Homer Wilson Smith The Paths of Lovers Art Matrix - Lightlink
(607) 277-0959 KC2ITF Cross Internet Access, Ithaca NY In the Line of Duty
================ ====================
Fri Jan 24 00:06:02 EST 2014
Send mail to saying help
================== ===================
Learning implies Learning with Certainty or Learning without Certainty.
Learning across a Distance implies Learning by Being an Effect.
Learning by Being an Effect implies Learning without Certainty.
Therefore, Learning with Certainty implies Learning, but
not by Being an Effect, and not across a Distance.
Homer Wilson Smith Clean Air, Clear Water, Art Matrix - Lightlink
(607) 277-0959 A Green Earth, and Peace, Internet, Ithaca NY Is that too much to ask?
Clear-L mailing list
HomerWSmith-L mailing list
The world is a chinese finger trap.
You are not here because you are a bad person.
You are not here because you are a good person.
You are here because you are a creative person.
Figure out your way in, and you will have figured out your
way out.
Homer Wilson Smith The Paths of Lovers Art Matrix - Lightlink
(607) 277-0959 KC2ITF Cross Internet Access, Ithaca NY In the Line of Duty
================ ====================
Fri Jan 24 00:06:02 EST 2014
Send mail to saying help
================== ===================
Learning implies Learning with Certainty or Learning without Certainty.
Learning across a Distance implies Learning by Being an Effect.
Learning by Being an Effect implies Learning without Certainty.
Therefore, Learning with Certainty implies Learning, but
not by Being an Effect, and not across a Distance.
Homer Wilson Smith Clean Air, Clear Water, Art Matrix - Lightlink
(607) 277-0959 A Green Earth, and Peace, Internet, Ithaca NY Is that too much to ask?
Clear-L mailing list
HomerWSmith-L mailing list
Wednesday, January 22, 2014
ADORE60 (fwd)
Hash: SHA1
Peace will not come until
Sorrow has had its say.
Peace will not stay until
ALL of sorrow has had its day.
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
Homer Wilson Smith Clean Air, Clear Water, Art Matrix - Lightlink
(607) 277-0959 A Green Earth and Peace. Internet Access, Ithaca NY Is that too much to ask?
================ ====================
Wed Jan 22 03:06:02 EST 2014
Send mail to saying help
================== ===================
Learning implies Learning with Certainty or Learning without Certainty.
Learning across a Distance implies Learning by Being an Effect.
Learning by Being an Effect implies Learning without Certainty.
Therefore, Learning with Certainty implies Learning, but
not by Being an Effect, and not across a Distance.
Version: GnuPG v1.4.5 (GNU/Linux)
HomerWSmith-L mailing list
Hash: SHA1
Peace will not come until
Sorrow has had its say.
Peace will not stay until
ALL of sorrow has had its day.
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
Homer Wilson Smith Clean Air, Clear Water, Art Matrix - Lightlink
(607) 277-0959 A Green Earth and Peace. Internet Access, Ithaca NY Is that too much to ask?
================ ====================
Wed Jan 22 03:06:02 EST 2014
Send mail to saying help
================== ===================
Learning implies Learning with Certainty or Learning without Certainty.
Learning across a Distance implies Learning by Being an Effect.
Learning by Being an Effect implies Learning without Certainty.
Therefore, Learning with Certainty implies Learning, but
not by Being an Effect, and not across a Distance.
Version: GnuPG v1.4.5 (GNU/Linux)
HomerWSmith-L mailing list
ADORE577 (fwd)
Hash: SHA1
Theta Bop <> wrote:
> There is not the slightest shread of evidence for any of these claims-
You mean YOU have never seen any. Please stop considering us
idiots that can't see through your pitiful efforts at logical treason.
At this point you would be thrown out of any debate for criminal
dharma treason.
> though I had never heard of the Murder Rundown. One thing I noticed is
> that Scientologists tend to become very angry people.
They can, it has to do with the unbalance of motivators and overts.
If you run out the overts of a person, and not the motivators, they
become overladen with remaining motivators and start wanting to commit
overts again (anger, no sympathy etc) to balance the load.
If you run out motivators on a person, and not the overts, they
become overladen with remaining overts and feel very guilty and start to
pull in motivators to balance the load.
Auditing should be a 4 flow process, but Book One for example was a
1 flow process, run the motivators only, so people felt guilty and
started to pull in more motivators to balance.
In the Church, too much attention is on pulling overts, and people
feel ashamed to have motivators to run, so the overts get run, the
motivators stay in place, and you get an anger case seeking to overt on
others again to balance the motivators 'he doesn't have'.
> The church has killed on many occasions, with various degrees if
> deliberateness. OT magic pixie dist would be a good way to do this and
> not get caught.
> Why not do so?
I hate repeating myself. No one in the Church has that ability.
OT powers up to OT VIII are reserved for power in one's own
universe, and perhaps power in a shared universe with another OT.
Moving the marble in the shared physical universe is not part of
the bridge at that point, nor is killing any one.
Anyone who can kill at a distance is probably no where near
associated with the Church any more.
The people in the Church who try to kill people are dramatizing 007
licence to kill, they are neither clear nor OT.
Many people come into the church only because they want
licence to kill and to overwhlem.
OT's are more likely to spend their time messing around with
elections by globally projecting intentions to vote one way or another.
Having physical magic powers is not what will make you happy.
Having inner certainty and proof that you are a timeless eternal
being will. What power then flows will flow.
If you are being robbed, you would more likely get the guy
to change his mind through projection of intention, than try to
kill him as if you had a gun to defend yourself.
This is why many people who are going OT VII, stop carrying guns as
self protection because they see it is in fundamental conflict with
trying to be able to deal with life with thought reason and group mind,
rather than force.
The point is you made the universe along with everyone else, you
assigned yourself game playing powers, and if you can't move the marble
its because you chose to not be able to, long long ago.
In the past you have been able to kill at a distance, I assure you,
and you regretted it, and finally became disgusted with the power and
yourself, and you decided to become a body which has very little in the
way of power and can't remember it's detested past, and now you want
proof. You see how silly that is?
"YOU CHOSE, what proof did you leave behind you now?" - Adore
If you want power back, you will need to first get back the ability
to LIMIT your abilities, so you can duplicate the original act of
limitation that defined your present power set, which will vanish that
limitation returning you to native state.
Then you can redefine your power set by limiting yourself back down
to where you can move the marble, but not a mountain say or whatever you
Too much power means no game, but in any case:
Power comes with total responsibility for no power.
- --
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
Homer Wilson Smith The Paths of Lovers Art Matrix - Lightlink
(607) 277-0959 KC2ITF Cross Internet Access, Ithaca NY In the Line of Duty
Thu Apr 17 01:14:02 EDT 2008
================ ====================
Tue Jan 21 03:06:02 EST 2014
Send mail to saying help
================== ===================
Learning implies Learning with Certainty or Learning without Certainty.
Learning across a Distance implies Learning by Being an Effect.
Learning by Being an Effect implies Learning without Certainty.
Therefore, Learning with Certainty implies Learning, but
not by Being an Effect, and not across a Distance.
Version: GnuPG v1.4.5 (GNU/Linux)
HomerWSmith-L mailing list
Hash: SHA1
Theta Bop <> wrote:
> There is not the slightest shread of evidence for any of these claims-
You mean YOU have never seen any. Please stop considering us
idiots that can't see through your pitiful efforts at logical treason.
At this point you would be thrown out of any debate for criminal
dharma treason.
> though I had never heard of the Murder Rundown. One thing I noticed is
> that Scientologists tend to become very angry people.
They can, it has to do with the unbalance of motivators and overts.
If you run out the overts of a person, and not the motivators, they
become overladen with remaining motivators and start wanting to commit
overts again (anger, no sympathy etc) to balance the load.
If you run out motivators on a person, and not the overts, they
become overladen with remaining overts and feel very guilty and start to
pull in motivators to balance the load.
Auditing should be a 4 flow process, but Book One for example was a
1 flow process, run the motivators only, so people felt guilty and
started to pull in more motivators to balance.
In the Church, too much attention is on pulling overts, and people
feel ashamed to have motivators to run, so the overts get run, the
motivators stay in place, and you get an anger case seeking to overt on
others again to balance the motivators 'he doesn't have'.
> The church has killed on many occasions, with various degrees if
> deliberateness. OT magic pixie dist would be a good way to do this and
> not get caught.
> Why not do so?
I hate repeating myself. No one in the Church has that ability.
OT powers up to OT VIII are reserved for power in one's own
universe, and perhaps power in a shared universe with another OT.
Moving the marble in the shared physical universe is not part of
the bridge at that point, nor is killing any one.
Anyone who can kill at a distance is probably no where near
associated with the Church any more.
The people in the Church who try to kill people are dramatizing 007
licence to kill, they are neither clear nor OT.
Many people come into the church only because they want
licence to kill and to overwhlem.
OT's are more likely to spend their time messing around with
elections by globally projecting intentions to vote one way or another.
Having physical magic powers is not what will make you happy.
Having inner certainty and proof that you are a timeless eternal
being will. What power then flows will flow.
If you are being robbed, you would more likely get the guy
to change his mind through projection of intention, than try to
kill him as if you had a gun to defend yourself.
This is why many people who are going OT VII, stop carrying guns as
self protection because they see it is in fundamental conflict with
trying to be able to deal with life with thought reason and group mind,
rather than force.
The point is you made the universe along with everyone else, you
assigned yourself game playing powers, and if you can't move the marble
its because you chose to not be able to, long long ago.
In the past you have been able to kill at a distance, I assure you,
and you regretted it, and finally became disgusted with the power and
yourself, and you decided to become a body which has very little in the
way of power and can't remember it's detested past, and now you want
proof. You see how silly that is?
"YOU CHOSE, what proof did you leave behind you now?" - Adore
If you want power back, you will need to first get back the ability
to LIMIT your abilities, so you can duplicate the original act of
limitation that defined your present power set, which will vanish that
limitation returning you to native state.
Then you can redefine your power set by limiting yourself back down
to where you can move the marble, but not a mountain say or whatever you
Too much power means no game, but in any case:
Power comes with total responsibility for no power.
- --
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
Homer Wilson Smith The Paths of Lovers Art Matrix - Lightlink
(607) 277-0959 KC2ITF Cross Internet Access, Ithaca NY In the Line of Duty
Thu Apr 17 01:14:02 EDT 2008
================ ====================
Tue Jan 21 03:06:02 EST 2014
Send mail to saying help
================== ===================
Learning implies Learning with Certainty or Learning without Certainty.
Learning across a Distance implies Learning by Being an Effect.
Learning by Being an Effect implies Learning without Certainty.
Therefore, Learning with Certainty implies Learning, but
not by Being an Effect, and not across a Distance.
Version: GnuPG v1.4.5 (GNU/Linux)
HomerWSmith-L mailing list
Sunday, January 19, 2014
Subject: YouTube blocks access to controversial video | EFFector
The ultimate issue is, if I say something and you don't like it,
and YOU riot, and then YOU get everyone to claim *I* incited you to
riot, you can then ultimately silence anything, anyone says that you
don't like.
Notice that's: You did it, but I CAUSED you to do it by cursing
your stupid God or something.
Negative responsibility in otherwords.
Pretty soon, one can not only not criticize our own government, but
all other foreign governments as well.
Truth is, America is terrified of the Muslims, and is willing to
propitiate their kamikaze ways to maintain our own safety.
Thus we can not speak our minds nor our hearts, let some
Muslim riot causing untold damage.
This 'you incited me to riot' crap, acts like the spoiled brat
approach to putting a deep freeze over freedom of commentary,
caricature, humor, even sharp witted sarcasm or down right expression of
hatred and contempt.
Thus, the irresponsibilty of the rioters and faithlessness of
America, acts to make America more like them and less like America.
As I remember guys like Hitler, Stalin, Lenin and Pol Pot did the
same thing to their populace, "You speak - You die."
At least they didn't blame it on the rioters that responded to
our speech.
Expressed contempt for Hitler is fine, but expressed contempt for a
Muslim is not?
Patriotism is love for the constitution, not for the nut jobs in
power or the particular wars they are pushing to line their own pockets.
"The greatest freedom of all is the freedom from terrorism." -
Newt Gingrich
At what cost dear Sir, a life in a prison cell working hard to pay
the guards to keep you safe from terrorism in your prison cell?
Whatever happened to EARNING respect the old fashioned way?
Homer Wilson Smith Clean Air, Clear Water, Art Matrix - Lightlink
(607) 277-0959 A Green Earth, and Peace, Internet, Ithaca NY Is that too much to ask?
On Thu, 20 Sep 2012, Dick Furnas wrote:
> The latest EFF Newsletter. Let me know if you would prefer I did not forward
> these to you.
> -D
> Begin forwarded message:
>> From: "EFFector List" <>
>> Date: September 20, 2012 12:57:51 PM EDT
>> To: Richard Furnas <>
>> Subject: YouTube blocks access to controversial video | EFFector 25.26
>> Reply-To: "EFFector List" <>
Fri Sep 21 14:14:49 EDT 2012
Homer Wilson Smith Clean Air, Clear Water, Art Matrix - Lightlink
(607) 277-0959 A Green Earth, and Peace, Internet, Ithaca NY Is that too much to ask?
HomerWSmith-L mailing list
Subject: YouTube blocks access to controversial video | EFFector
The ultimate issue is, if I say something and you don't like it,
and YOU riot, and then YOU get everyone to claim *I* incited you to
riot, you can then ultimately silence anything, anyone says that you
don't like.
Notice that's: You did it, but I CAUSED you to do it by cursing
your stupid God or something.
Negative responsibility in otherwords.
Pretty soon, one can not only not criticize our own government, but
all other foreign governments as well.
Truth is, America is terrified of the Muslims, and is willing to
propitiate their kamikaze ways to maintain our own safety.
Thus we can not speak our minds nor our hearts, let some
Muslim riot causing untold damage.
This 'you incited me to riot' crap, acts like the spoiled brat
approach to putting a deep freeze over freedom of commentary,
caricature, humor, even sharp witted sarcasm or down right expression of
hatred and contempt.
Thus, the irresponsibilty of the rioters and faithlessness of
America, acts to make America more like them and less like America.
As I remember guys like Hitler, Stalin, Lenin and Pol Pot did the
same thing to their populace, "You speak - You die."
At least they didn't blame it on the rioters that responded to
our speech.
Expressed contempt for Hitler is fine, but expressed contempt for a
Muslim is not?
Patriotism is love for the constitution, not for the nut jobs in
power or the particular wars they are pushing to line their own pockets.
"The greatest freedom of all is the freedom from terrorism." -
Newt Gingrich
At what cost dear Sir, a life in a prison cell working hard to pay
the guards to keep you safe from terrorism in your prison cell?
Whatever happened to EARNING respect the old fashioned way?
Homer Wilson Smith Clean Air, Clear Water, Art Matrix - Lightlink
(607) 277-0959 A Green Earth, and Peace, Internet, Ithaca NY Is that too much to ask?
On Thu, 20 Sep 2012, Dick Furnas wrote:
> The latest EFF Newsletter. Let me know if you would prefer I did not forward
> these to you.
> -D
> Begin forwarded message:
>> From: "EFFector List" <>
>> Date: September 20, 2012 12:57:51 PM EDT
>> To: Richard Furnas <>
>> Subject: YouTube blocks access to controversial video | EFFector 25.26
>> Reply-To: "EFFector List" <>
Fri Sep 21 14:14:49 EDT 2012
Homer Wilson Smith Clean Air, Clear Water, Art Matrix - Lightlink
(607) 277-0959 A Green Earth, and Peace, Internet, Ithaca NY Is that too much to ask?
HomerWSmith-L mailing list
Friday, January 17, 2014
ADORE25 (fwd)
Hash: SHA1
On Sat, 16 Dec 2000 18:57:03 -0700, Thetan-in-Human-form
<> wrote:
>Hey Homer:
>FUCK YOU, big time asshole.
>It's been years... has the tech freed you yet?
Define 'freed'.
Where before I was inexorably moving downhill, I am now moving
I have seen some of the end state I seek, not there yet, kind of
stuck swimming around the tar much of time.
But I can move in the tar now, where before I couldn't.
Unfortunately there seem to be other things swimming around in
the tar with me.
You know I would much rather be able to make pleasure at will
than move the marble at will.
But its hard not to live in fear, terror, worry and anxiety as
long as one is nailed in a body.
Being able to live willingly and fearlessly is far more important
than being able to move the marble or demonstrate the inane to the
People figure that if one could move the marble, throw a lot of
force around, then one would be 'safer' in this universe, sort of a
superman. They seek power as a solution to fear and unwillingness.
They believe that willingness to be here comes from power.
Truth is power comes from willingness to be here.
Willingness comes from wisdom and perception of beauty in things
as they are, which results from understandings.
The end of flinch. Now THAT's power eh?
With that willingness comes all the power one could want, one
uses that power to breath the universe into existence as it is, with
every breath that one takes.
Putting the mountain there is much more important than being able
to move it.
God is much to busy putting the mountain where it is to be
bothered moving it, don't you see?
The NEED TO CHANGE external things in order to be happy is an
Using power to change external things in order to be happy is
putting power at the beck and call of aberration.
Happiness must come first with understandings, then external
change will follow.
================ ====================
Fri Jan 17 03:06:02 EST 2014
Send mail to saying help
================== ===================
Learning implies Learning with Certainty or Learning without Certainty.
Learning across a Distance implies Learning by Being an Effect.
Learning by Being an Effect implies Learning without Certainty.
Therefore, Learning with Certainty implies Learning, but
not by Being an Effect, and not across a Distance.
Version: GnuPG v1.4.5 (GNU/Linux)
HomerWSmith-L mailing list
Hash: SHA1
On Sat, 16 Dec 2000 18:57:03 -0700, Thetan-in-Human-form
<> wrote:
>Hey Homer:
>FUCK YOU, big time asshole.
>It's been years... has the tech freed you yet?
Define 'freed'.
Where before I was inexorably moving downhill, I am now moving
I have seen some of the end state I seek, not there yet, kind of
stuck swimming around the tar much of time.
But I can move in the tar now, where before I couldn't.
Unfortunately there seem to be other things swimming around in
the tar with me.
You know I would much rather be able to make pleasure at will
than move the marble at will.
But its hard not to live in fear, terror, worry and anxiety as
long as one is nailed in a body.
Being able to live willingly and fearlessly is far more important
than being able to move the marble or demonstrate the inane to the
People figure that if one could move the marble, throw a lot of
force around, then one would be 'safer' in this universe, sort of a
superman. They seek power as a solution to fear and unwillingness.
They believe that willingness to be here comes from power.
Truth is power comes from willingness to be here.
Willingness comes from wisdom and perception of beauty in things
as they are, which results from understandings.
The end of flinch. Now THAT's power eh?
With that willingness comes all the power one could want, one
uses that power to breath the universe into existence as it is, with
every breath that one takes.
Putting the mountain there is much more important than being able
to move it.
God is much to busy putting the mountain where it is to be
bothered moving it, don't you see?
The NEED TO CHANGE external things in order to be happy is an
Using power to change external things in order to be happy is
putting power at the beck and call of aberration.
Happiness must come first with understandings, then external
change will follow.
================ ====================
Fri Jan 17 03:06:02 EST 2014
Send mail to saying help
================== ===================
Learning implies Learning with Certainty or Learning without Certainty.
Learning across a Distance implies Learning by Being an Effect.
Learning by Being an Effect implies Learning without Certainty.
Therefore, Learning with Certainty implies Learning, but
not by Being an Effect, and not across a Distance.
Version: GnuPG v1.4.5 (GNU/Linux)
HomerWSmith-L mailing list
Thursday, January 16, 2014
ADORE614 (fwd)
Hash: SHA1
"Prime directive: Do not demonstrate super normal powers to those
who don't have them unless necessary for the greater good.
Mere demonstration as evidence that such things exist to a
incredulous crowd will NOT result in the greater good dreamed of.
OS 1 means Operating Sovereign in universe 1, your own personal
OS 2 means Operating Sovereign in universe 2, your shared universe
amongst invite only friends, power peers.
OS 3 means Operating Sovereign in universe 3, the shared universe
we call the physical universe.
Sovereignty means 'You want it, you got it.'
Desire is Sovereign. Appreciation is for winners.
Majesty is the sovereign desire that desire not be sovereign for a
while." - Adore
In the theory of life and livingness that allows exteriorization to
take place, called Theory 2, there is no space and time, thus there is
no space or time separating beings, most of whom are asleep in a kind of
non lucid dreamtime during their normal lives of manifestation.
It's kind of like everyone is in the same bed dreaming that they
are in many different places and they never even heard of each other.
Each being is occupying a viewpoint of dimension, a place from
which to look out into illusory or holographic 3 or more dimensional
space and time.
A viewPOINT from which to view dimension. They are a scalar
viewport of the static, with static on one side of the window and
dimensional conscious experiences of space time and objects on the
As a viewport of the static, all beings are at the same place,
connected to the static. As lookers looking out at conscious dream
time, they are all looking at different scenes that seem to place them
in different places to look from and to look at.
Thus a group of beings looking at a tree, think they are looking at
the same tree from different viewpoints in the space of the tree, when
in fact they are looking at different objects (personal renditions of
the tree) from the same true viewpoint connected to static.
Thus they are multiple viewpoints on the same scalar nowhere,
looking at different renditions of a space time tree.
In that sense everyone who has ever been, is now or ever will be is
HERENOW where the static is.
With his own mockups, only he can see them, but in the shared
universe, everyone's personal mockups are the same albeit from different
viewpoints, and locked onto each other through resonance.
The resonance takes place via the static at source, not via the
dream of space and time.
Each scene that the thetan views contains data in it declaring
where it is being looked at from. Every object has an implied
viewpoint. But that implied viewpoint is IN THE SPACE of the object and
is not the true viewpoint of the scalar.
Although it looks like other beings are OUT THERE because their
symbols (avatars) are out there (bodies), in fact all beings are on the
same scalar point. If you can get the idea of a zero dimensional
'place' that has no size, is neither big nor small, yet encompasses the
AllThatIs, you are getting close.
Since everyone is on the same scalar, telepathy becomes obvious as
beings are natively already half each other. The outward facing half is
the individual, the inward facing half is the static ground that
connects them causally into a operating whole.
Telepathy is not something that travels outwardly across space and
time to another being's symbol or avatar. Symbol to symbol
communication in this universe is limited by the speed of cause (light)
and takes eons to cross the universe.
Light moves like an ant through cold molasses when it comes to the
distances it has to travel to get from here to there of any
Telepathy is direct being to being communication via direct being
to being contact via the static that connects them, that short circuits
space and time altogether. Since the two beings are on the same scalar,
they might as well BE each other the contact is so close. In fact one
half of them, the source side IS shared between them. All beings are
conjoined twins at source.
The other half, the conscious side looks outward into maya.
Thus half the being is the ONE, and the other outward looking half
part of the MANY.
When a being fully exteriorizes from spacetime, the illusions of
space time move away from him leaving him naked as an orientation point
connected to source.
He can no longer pretend he is a symbol amongst many.
So when he is exterior, what is he going to be most interested in,
other symbols out in the maya, or other beings WHO ARE RIGHT WITH HIM
THERE who are also exteriorized?
Part of what keeps a being interior is the horrible feeling that
outside of space and time he is alone. There is no more terrible a joke
than to think that the only way to find unaloneness is to be imprisoned
in a jail cell (body) with others in their own jail cell and nothing but
two tin cans with a string between them to communicate with.
When one is being an orientation point it is much easier to contact
other beings in the same state no matter where they are pretending to be
in maya.
So the first attention of an exterior being is NOT to try to
communicate magically with others who are still being symbols,
particularly not across illusory space and time. First attention rather
should be spent breaking through the aloneness, feeling around in the
scalar for others wishing to open a communication to you.
Thus first demonstrations of power are always inward towards
other's in the same state. Once two or more beings get connected while
exterior across what ever distances, they can then practice their second
universe abilities until proficient.
At that point, AS A GROUP MIND, they will be able to start
operating on their 3rd universe abilities, create hyena food out of thin
air, whatever.
All beings are conjoined at Source.
So just remember that some being acting like a hyena out there in
maya, is a conjoined twin of yours and is your brother or sister just
like everyone else.
This is the foundation of Class.
"Class is an attitude that ALL should live forever and be my
friend." - Adore
Run to full E/P.
E/P: Opening of 2nd universe channels between exterior beings,
freeing up attention stuck on most detested terminals,
End of aloneness.
- --
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
Homer Wilson Smith The Paths of Lovers Art Matrix - Lightlink
(607) 277-0959 KC2ITF Cross Internet Access, Ithaca NY In the Line of Duty
Tue Aug 12 18:29:14 EDT 2008
================ ====================
Thu Jan 16 03:06:02 EST 2014
Send mail to saying help
================== ===================
Learning implies Learning with Certainty or Learning without Certainty.
Learning across a Distance implies Learning by Being an Effect.
Learning by Being an Effect implies Learning without Certainty.
Therefore, Learning with Certainty implies Learning, but
not by Being an Effect, and not across a Distance.
Version: GnuPG v1.4.5 (GNU/Linux)
HomerWSmith-L mailing list
Hash: SHA1
"Prime directive: Do not demonstrate super normal powers to those
who don't have them unless necessary for the greater good.
Mere demonstration as evidence that such things exist to a
incredulous crowd will NOT result in the greater good dreamed of.
OS 1 means Operating Sovereign in universe 1, your own personal
OS 2 means Operating Sovereign in universe 2, your shared universe
amongst invite only friends, power peers.
OS 3 means Operating Sovereign in universe 3, the shared universe
we call the physical universe.
Sovereignty means 'You want it, you got it.'
Desire is Sovereign. Appreciation is for winners.
Majesty is the sovereign desire that desire not be sovereign for a
while." - Adore
In the theory of life and livingness that allows exteriorization to
take place, called Theory 2, there is no space and time, thus there is
no space or time separating beings, most of whom are asleep in a kind of
non lucid dreamtime during their normal lives of manifestation.
It's kind of like everyone is in the same bed dreaming that they
are in many different places and they never even heard of each other.
Each being is occupying a viewpoint of dimension, a place from
which to look out into illusory or holographic 3 or more dimensional
space and time.
A viewPOINT from which to view dimension. They are a scalar
viewport of the static, with static on one side of the window and
dimensional conscious experiences of space time and objects on the
As a viewport of the static, all beings are at the same place,
connected to the static. As lookers looking out at conscious dream
time, they are all looking at different scenes that seem to place them
in different places to look from and to look at.
Thus a group of beings looking at a tree, think they are looking at
the same tree from different viewpoints in the space of the tree, when
in fact they are looking at different objects (personal renditions of
the tree) from the same true viewpoint connected to static.
Thus they are multiple viewpoints on the same scalar nowhere,
looking at different renditions of a space time tree.
In that sense everyone who has ever been, is now or ever will be is
HERENOW where the static is.
With his own mockups, only he can see them, but in the shared
universe, everyone's personal mockups are the same albeit from different
viewpoints, and locked onto each other through resonance.
The resonance takes place via the static at source, not via the
dream of space and time.
Each scene that the thetan views contains data in it declaring
where it is being looked at from. Every object has an implied
viewpoint. But that implied viewpoint is IN THE SPACE of the object and
is not the true viewpoint of the scalar.
Although it looks like other beings are OUT THERE because their
symbols (avatars) are out there (bodies), in fact all beings are on the
same scalar point. If you can get the idea of a zero dimensional
'place' that has no size, is neither big nor small, yet encompasses the
AllThatIs, you are getting close.
Since everyone is on the same scalar, telepathy becomes obvious as
beings are natively already half each other. The outward facing half is
the individual, the inward facing half is the static ground that
connects them causally into a operating whole.
Telepathy is not something that travels outwardly across space and
time to another being's symbol or avatar. Symbol to symbol
communication in this universe is limited by the speed of cause (light)
and takes eons to cross the universe.
Light moves like an ant through cold molasses when it comes to the
distances it has to travel to get from here to there of any
Telepathy is direct being to being communication via direct being
to being contact via the static that connects them, that short circuits
space and time altogether. Since the two beings are on the same scalar,
they might as well BE each other the contact is so close. In fact one
half of them, the source side IS shared between them. All beings are
conjoined twins at source.
The other half, the conscious side looks outward into maya.
Thus half the being is the ONE, and the other outward looking half
part of the MANY.
When a being fully exteriorizes from spacetime, the illusions of
space time move away from him leaving him naked as an orientation point
connected to source.
He can no longer pretend he is a symbol amongst many.
So when he is exterior, what is he going to be most interested in,
other symbols out in the maya, or other beings WHO ARE RIGHT WITH HIM
THERE who are also exteriorized?
Part of what keeps a being interior is the horrible feeling that
outside of space and time he is alone. There is no more terrible a joke
than to think that the only way to find unaloneness is to be imprisoned
in a jail cell (body) with others in their own jail cell and nothing but
two tin cans with a string between them to communicate with.
When one is being an orientation point it is much easier to contact
other beings in the same state no matter where they are pretending to be
in maya.
So the first attention of an exterior being is NOT to try to
communicate magically with others who are still being symbols,
particularly not across illusory space and time. First attention rather
should be spent breaking through the aloneness, feeling around in the
scalar for others wishing to open a communication to you.
Thus first demonstrations of power are always inward towards
other's in the same state. Once two or more beings get connected while
exterior across what ever distances, they can then practice their second
universe abilities until proficient.
At that point, AS A GROUP MIND, they will be able to start
operating on their 3rd universe abilities, create hyena food out of thin
air, whatever.
All beings are conjoined at Source.
So just remember that some being acting like a hyena out there in
maya, is a conjoined twin of yours and is your brother or sister just
like everyone else.
This is the foundation of Class.
"Class is an attitude that ALL should live forever and be my
friend." - Adore
Run to full E/P.
E/P: Opening of 2nd universe channels between exterior beings,
freeing up attention stuck on most detested terminals,
End of aloneness.
- --
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
Homer Wilson Smith The Paths of Lovers Art Matrix - Lightlink
(607) 277-0959 KC2ITF Cross Internet Access, Ithaca NY In the Line of Duty
Tue Aug 12 18:29:14 EDT 2008
================ ====================
Thu Jan 16 03:06:02 EST 2014
Send mail to saying help
================== ===================
Learning implies Learning with Certainty or Learning without Certainty.
Learning across a Distance implies Learning by Being an Effect.
Learning by Being an Effect implies Learning without Certainty.
Therefore, Learning with Certainty implies Learning, but
not by Being an Effect, and not across a Distance.
Version: GnuPG v1.4.5 (GNU/Linux)
HomerWSmith-L mailing list
Wednesday, January 15, 2014
ACT77 (fwd)
Hash: SHA1
((My comments in double parentheses - Homer))
ACT - 77
14 September 1994
Copyright (C) 1994 Homer Wilson Smith
Redistribution rights granted for non commercial purposes.
If you take Filbert's model of things, some very interesting
results happen in session, that might unjam some of you.
Dianetics tends to assume there is only one universe, and when you
go looking for 'earlier similar' incidents, you are going to be looking
for them in THIS ONE RUN THOUGH THIS UNIVERSE in your past.
We can model this 'one run through' idea really easily. Let's say
we model the time line of the present universe with its various
incidents in the following fashion.
Run 1 <------1A-------1B-----1C--------1D-------->
The 1 simply means this is our first and only run, and A, B, C and
D mark various events that fall on a chain of earlier similar incidents
across many life times, like going to school.
Incident 1D is your experience with school in this life, 1C is an
earlier similar incident going to school 10 life times ago, etc, back to
incident 1A which happened 20 million years ago on Aletrelix where
'school' was invented (probably by you) and which is basic on the chain.
Finding these incidents and running them would be the normal course
of action for a standard Dianetic session, and if the incidents were
heavy enough the pc would be expected to fully reviv incident 1A while
it blew. That of course would be the end of the chain.
Now let's take a look at the same diagram from Filbert's point of
view. He says that we have traveled through this Physical Universe
universe a number of times. There was a first time, and there will be a
last, and we are somewhere in the middle. There are possibly "time
off's" for rest and relaxation at the end of each pass, and maybe even
during the middle of each pass which we will ignore for the moment.
OK, now here is the point.
Each time through the universe we make complete recordings in the
theta universe of our travails and we take those recordings with us into
our next run through.
Except for this addition, everything works like Hubbard set out in
Dianetics. You get an engram, incident 1A say, and later you get
another similar engram which becomes incident 1B etc, and a standard
Dianetic chain is built up.
So the next time through the universe, on run 2, you are going
through what is essentially the same universe, EXCEPT THAT YOU ALREADY
Thus when you run into incident 2A you tend to have slightly
different reactions to it than you did the first time (when you were
actually clear). Thus what you DO during the second run will be
slightly altered from what you did during run 1. Thus as beings pass
through run 2 of the universe, they change it a bit and at the end of
run 2, the universe of run 2 is a bit different from run 1.
Then of course they do run 3, and now they have the accumulated
aberrations of both run 1 and run 2 to contend with, so run 3 also gets
altered from run 2, and so it goes.
After 5 runs through the universe, the 5th run universe is quite
different in detail from the first run, but still tracking very closely
in general history. Both will have New York Cities, but New York in run
5 will be suffering from having been built by beings who are burdened
with 4 prior runs of aberration, while the New York in run 1 won't be.
Thus run 5 universe might be a bit duller than run 1.
Now then this leads to the following diagram of what is recorded in
the pcs bank.
Run 5 ------5A-------5B-----5C--------5D---*PT*->
Run 4 ------4A-------4B-----4C--------4D-------->
Run 3 ------3A-------3B-----3C--------3D-------->
Run 2 ------2A-------2B-----2C--------2D-------->
Run 1 ------1A-------1B-----1C--------1D-------->
Say the being is somewhere around *PT* in run 5 and he is in
session trying to run out incident 5D of going to Cornell during the
Vietnam War. The usual thing to do is look for earlier similar
incidents, namely 5C, 5B and 5A, but for some reason the pc can't find
any and the session won't run. Sound familiar?
This might be because the auditor is asking for earlier similar
incidents IN THE SAME UNIVERSE. But look, the guy also has EARLIER
SIMILAR UNIVERSES too, doesn't he? And frankly incident 4D is probably
a lot closer in similarity to incident 5D than incident 5C is!
Incident 4D is in fact the SAME INCIDENT at 5D, differing perhaps
widely in specific details but not in broad over all general details.
So you start asking for earlier similar universes rather than
earlier similar incidents, and suddenly the pc is giving you multiple
versions of the incident 5D, namely 4D, and you go 'earlier' and he
gives you 3D, and then 2D and then finally 1D. Bang that is basic on
the chain of earlier similar UNIVERSES. Then he can go back down the
time line of universe run 1 to 1C, 1B and 1A and find the REAL basic on
the chain!
What you may find as you run this earlier similar universe stuff,
is that while you are auditing incident 5D, the pc starts to run the D
chain rather than the 5 chain, and suddenly revivs all five D incidents
at once. If you invalidate that there could be 5 different TRUE
versions of the same incident, you will stop the progress of the pc.
By the way I was running this tonight solo on
"Withhold on Interiorization."
================ ====================
Wed Jan 15 03:06:01 EST 2014
Send mail to saying help
================== ===================
Learning implies Learning with Certainty or Learning without Certainty.
Learning across a Distance implies Learning by Being an Effect.
Learning by Being an Effect implies Learning without Certainty.
Therefore, Learning with Certainty implies Learning, but
not by Being an Effect, and not across a Distance.
Version: GnuPG v1.4.5 (GNU/Linux)
HomerWSmith-L mailing list
Hash: SHA1
((My comments in double parentheses - Homer))
ACT - 77
14 September 1994
Copyright (C) 1994 Homer Wilson Smith
Redistribution rights granted for non commercial purposes.
If you take Filbert's model of things, some very interesting
results happen in session, that might unjam some of you.
Dianetics tends to assume there is only one universe, and when you
go looking for 'earlier similar' incidents, you are going to be looking
for them in THIS ONE RUN THOUGH THIS UNIVERSE in your past.
We can model this 'one run through' idea really easily. Let's say
we model the time line of the present universe with its various
incidents in the following fashion.
Run 1 <------1A-------1B-----1C--------1D-------->
The 1 simply means this is our first and only run, and A, B, C and
D mark various events that fall on a chain of earlier similar incidents
across many life times, like going to school.
Incident 1D is your experience with school in this life, 1C is an
earlier similar incident going to school 10 life times ago, etc, back to
incident 1A which happened 20 million years ago on Aletrelix where
'school' was invented (probably by you) and which is basic on the chain.
Finding these incidents and running them would be the normal course
of action for a standard Dianetic session, and if the incidents were
heavy enough the pc would be expected to fully reviv incident 1A while
it blew. That of course would be the end of the chain.
Now let's take a look at the same diagram from Filbert's point of
view. He says that we have traveled through this Physical Universe
universe a number of times. There was a first time, and there will be a
last, and we are somewhere in the middle. There are possibly "time
off's" for rest and relaxation at the end of each pass, and maybe even
during the middle of each pass which we will ignore for the moment.
OK, now here is the point.
Each time through the universe we make complete recordings in the
theta universe of our travails and we take those recordings with us into
our next run through.
Except for this addition, everything works like Hubbard set out in
Dianetics. You get an engram, incident 1A say, and later you get
another similar engram which becomes incident 1B etc, and a standard
Dianetic chain is built up.
So the next time through the universe, on run 2, you are going
through what is essentially the same universe, EXCEPT THAT YOU ALREADY
Thus when you run into incident 2A you tend to have slightly
different reactions to it than you did the first time (when you were
actually clear). Thus what you DO during the second run will be
slightly altered from what you did during run 1. Thus as beings pass
through run 2 of the universe, they change it a bit and at the end of
run 2, the universe of run 2 is a bit different from run 1.
Then of course they do run 3, and now they have the accumulated
aberrations of both run 1 and run 2 to contend with, so run 3 also gets
altered from run 2, and so it goes.
After 5 runs through the universe, the 5th run universe is quite
different in detail from the first run, but still tracking very closely
in general history. Both will have New York Cities, but New York in run
5 will be suffering from having been built by beings who are burdened
with 4 prior runs of aberration, while the New York in run 1 won't be.
Thus run 5 universe might be a bit duller than run 1.
Now then this leads to the following diagram of what is recorded in
the pcs bank.
Run 5 ------5A-------5B-----5C--------5D---*PT*->
Run 4 ------4A-------4B-----4C--------4D-------->
Run 3 ------3A-------3B-----3C--------3D-------->
Run 2 ------2A-------2B-----2C--------2D-------->
Run 1 ------1A-------1B-----1C--------1D-------->
Say the being is somewhere around *PT* in run 5 and he is in
session trying to run out incident 5D of going to Cornell during the
Vietnam War. The usual thing to do is look for earlier similar
incidents, namely 5C, 5B and 5A, but for some reason the pc can't find
any and the session won't run. Sound familiar?
This might be because the auditor is asking for earlier similar
incidents IN THE SAME UNIVERSE. But look, the guy also has EARLIER
SIMILAR UNIVERSES too, doesn't he? And frankly incident 4D is probably
a lot closer in similarity to incident 5D than incident 5C is!
Incident 4D is in fact the SAME INCIDENT at 5D, differing perhaps
widely in specific details but not in broad over all general details.
So you start asking for earlier similar universes rather than
earlier similar incidents, and suddenly the pc is giving you multiple
versions of the incident 5D, namely 4D, and you go 'earlier' and he
gives you 3D, and then 2D and then finally 1D. Bang that is basic on
the chain of earlier similar UNIVERSES. Then he can go back down the
time line of universe run 1 to 1C, 1B and 1A and find the REAL basic on
the chain!
What you may find as you run this earlier similar universe stuff,
is that while you are auditing incident 5D, the pc starts to run the D
chain rather than the 5 chain, and suddenly revivs all five D incidents
at once. If you invalidate that there could be 5 different TRUE
versions of the same incident, you will stop the progress of the pc.
By the way I was running this tonight solo on
"Withhold on Interiorization."
================ ====================
Wed Jan 15 03:06:01 EST 2014
Send mail to saying help
================== ===================
Learning implies Learning with Certainty or Learning without Certainty.
Learning across a Distance implies Learning by Being an Effect.
Learning by Being an Effect implies Learning without Certainty.
Therefore, Learning with Certainty implies Learning, but
not by Being an Effect, and not across a Distance.
Version: GnuPG v1.4.5 (GNU/Linux)
HomerWSmith-L mailing list
Tuesday, January 14, 2014
ADORE356 (fwd)
Hash: SHA1
Kevin Brady ( wrote:
>FreeSolo is just one technique, and it's entity handling. I wouldn't ever
>recommend handling anything that way, unless the person perceived an entity
>to handle.
I am sorry, you are quite right, still got the wrong
web page. I wanted the one on rising needle auditing.
No entities here.
Actually in looking over the page again, it seems to be to be
spot on, not sure one needs to do anything but audit entities, or
being entities etc.
Ron said, "Things persist to the degree they are not
granted life."
Engrams are just BT's in restim. I guess its just a matter of
Any consideration, AESP I come up with, I always check whose
it is.
Anyway I remember talking to freesolo about it, now there's a
lady. And perhaps I just extracted the rising needle tech from our
I tend to audit beings exclusively, either me or others,
so I forgot that this page goes over the heads of most.
"You are a BT!"
"You are beautiful."
"Hey buddy, can you give me some help?"
"How many are you?"
"Who are you?"
"What are you?"
"When are you?"
"Where are you?"
Also run with '... am I?' on each of the above questions, when
auditing another BT.
I have known I am part of a cluster for a long time, and when I
am auditing 'me', I am really always auditing 'us.' Life gets very
dead for me when I don't acknowledge 'us'. It gets VERY alive when I
- --
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
Homer Wilson Smith The Paths of Lovers Art Matrix - Lightlink
(607) 277-0959 KC2ITF Cross Internet Access, Ithaca NY In the Line of Duty
Fri Jul 28 00:35:47 EDT 2006
================ ====================
Tue Jan 14 03:06:02 EST 2014
Send mail to saying help
================== ===================
Learning implies Learning with Certainty or Learning without Certainty.
Learning across a Distance implies Learning by Being an Effect.
Learning by Being an Effect implies Learning without Certainty.
Therefore, Learning with Certainty implies Learning, but
not by Being an Effect, and not across a Distance.
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HomerWSmith-L mailing list
Hash: SHA1
Kevin Brady ( wrote:
>FreeSolo is just one technique, and it's entity handling. I wouldn't ever
>recommend handling anything that way, unless the person perceived an entity
>to handle.
I am sorry, you are quite right, still got the wrong
web page. I wanted the one on rising needle auditing.
No entities here.
Actually in looking over the page again, it seems to be to be
spot on, not sure one needs to do anything but audit entities, or
being entities etc.
Ron said, "Things persist to the degree they are not
granted life."
Engrams are just BT's in restim. I guess its just a matter of
Any consideration, AESP I come up with, I always check whose
it is.
Anyway I remember talking to freesolo about it, now there's a
lady. And perhaps I just extracted the rising needle tech from our
I tend to audit beings exclusively, either me or others,
so I forgot that this page goes over the heads of most.
"You are a BT!"
"You are beautiful."
"Hey buddy, can you give me some help?"
"How many are you?"
"Who are you?"
"What are you?"
"When are you?"
"Where are you?"
Also run with '... am I?' on each of the above questions, when
auditing another BT.
I have known I am part of a cluster for a long time, and when I
am auditing 'me', I am really always auditing 'us.' Life gets very
dead for me when I don't acknowledge 'us'. It gets VERY alive when I
- --
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
Homer Wilson Smith The Paths of Lovers Art Matrix - Lightlink
(607) 277-0959 KC2ITF Cross Internet Access, Ithaca NY In the Line of Duty
Fri Jul 28 00:35:47 EDT 2006
================ ====================
Tue Jan 14 03:06:02 EST 2014
Send mail to saying help
================== ===================
Learning implies Learning with Certainty or Learning without Certainty.
Learning across a Distance implies Learning by Being an Effect.
Learning by Being an Effect implies Learning without Certainty.
Therefore, Learning with Certainty implies Learning, but
not by Being an Effect, and not across a Distance.
Version: GnuPG v1.4.5 (GNU/Linux)
HomerWSmith-L mailing list
Monday, January 13, 2014
There are many on this list that continue to insist that God does
not design and orchestrate badness.
Adore on the other hand says that everything is orchestrated in a
grand tapestry of good and bad.
The villager of course wants God to save him from the volcano, but
the true God will be creating the Volcano AND villager in a complete
scene that plays out however it does.
The villager of course won't take kindly to this, but God considers
most of his prayers to be spam anyhow.
Because God is the Creator of EVERYTHING, 'from the Word came
everything that came.'
God as creator creates these games for HIMSELF to play. It
wouldn't make any sense for God to stick some lowly creature into the
path of his volcano, but stick "HIMSELF" in that path pretending to be a
lowly creature, oh now THAT'S an idea!
Imagine how pissed off that God-become-creature is going to be at
It is God having fun with himself at his own expense.
So he creates this world called 'Killer Pit', fills it with
supernova, asteroids, earth quakes, plague, pestilence, famine, war,
insanity, fear and women, and then jumps in to play the game.
Now Phil says there is no humor to war and suffering, but of course
there is no humor to any joke until you get the joke.
The joke resides in the mechanism of how the God sticks himself in
the scene and proceeds to get eaten by everything that moves.
If he doesn't see the mechanism, if he instead is operating the
mechanism in the direction of doing himself in without any longer
knowing it, of course he wouldn't get the joke, it will all be death and
damnation to him.
He will resent the idea that it is a joke and will in fact try to
crucify anyone claiming it is a joke in an effort to get them to take it
back. "Oh you think this is funny eh, we'll show you funny...!"
So you shouldn't be talking about these things unless you yourself
are well versed in the mechanism yourself. You don't want the whole
dream stopping their play to come wipe you out of existence, so they can
go back to their game of wiping each other out.
Being stuck in the mechanism and being oblivious that it is a
mechanism, the best the God can do is learn the rules of play, never
forget them, evolve as things pressure him to, and probably lose in the
end anyhow.
"Life treats love like the ocean treats sand castles in the sand."
The God as creature tries to be good and tries to make sure a whole
litany of things must never ever happen again.
He propitiates his God as incomprehensible because he is taught
that God is the father and he is the son, but no father in his right
mind would ever do this to his son.
No, but God as father would do it to himself as son!
Life is not for children, it is for adult play only, even if its
adult Gods playing at being innocent victim children.
OK, so where is the joke that heals all the suffering and misery
and sorrow?
The cycle of Divine Orchestration (True design) is
The mechanism of transit from love to sorrow is the same mechanism
of transit from sorrow to laughter.
The way in is the way out.
Once one sees how one gets into the dream and sticks oneself there
and WHY, one can reoperate that mechanism or not at will, and stop
operating it convulsively.
Where it does operate convulsively, one can spot it, and rather
than continuing it, making it worse, one can chill it out, thus
unsticking oneself from that particular part of the nightmare.
Now the primary mechanism of course is the consideration -
observation flip flop we have discussed previously at length.
As Eternal Immutable Unmovable Orientation Point the God creates a
space/time scene with lots of adversaries in it, symbols to the
orientation point. Symbols have mass, meaning and mobility.
The God then reverses his view, jumping into the scene, BECOMES one
of the symbols with mass, meaning and mobility, considers the space/time
scene Eternal, Immutable and Unmovable, and hence makes it his
Orientation Point, namely the AllThatIs.
The God then take inventory of all his adversaries, senses the
danger he is in, flinches, runs, and of course they come after him and
eat him for dinner.
The dream goes solid the moment you consider the *NEED* to *DO*
anything about the dream.
DOING is *FORCE* exercised against mass in motion to change
its motion.
Both the mass and the force are put there by prior postulate and
consideration, which are actual cause, so of course using later force
which is only apparent cause, to DO something about things already
created by actual cause does not work, and can not work out of the gate.
Force is action, and action is always fight. Using force and
coralled already existing mass to fight other unwanted masses impinging
with force.
If he just held still, without flinch, his adversaries would ride
right through him. But he would have to be the Orientation Point again,
and not a symbol in the dream scene.
If he holds onto being the symbol to defend himself in any way, or
to offend others coming at him, he will suffer the fate of the symbol.
The symbol doesn't HAVE to get taken down, the God can just have
everything ride through him and his symbol, as both he and them are now
not solid. But all considerations of danger and flinch would be gone
before that.
The joke applies to war in this way.
War is basically the effort to make others be nothing by shooting
them with solidities. But before a solid bullet will harm an enemy
solider, THEY have to be solid too!
But the minute you intend that another become solid so you can harm
them with a solidity, you become solid too, and so you can be and will
be harmed in return.
Justice is instant because justice reigns at all times.
The more you try to convince another they are solid, must run, must
flinch, must DO something about the predicament you are trying to put
them into, the more you fall down into that level also, often to
convince them its true for them too!
"Yo, stupid, I am solid, what makes you think you aren't?"
So who ends up solid now? Not them.
All kinds of ways to fall into this trap.
Any joke to be found anywhere around here?
J.O.K.E. means Justice of Kindship Excaliper.
Ex Caliper means Without Measure, beyond measure.
What that means, is that the only thing that will ever make up for,
wipe away, or assuage the suffering you have seen or experienced is
getting the joke mechanism that created it all.
The humor of the joke will balance the sorrow of the loss.
The two together will blow off as laughter and tears of love
and appreciation,
"Halcyon is High Appreciation for Ludicrous Demise." - Adore.
High appreciation includes willingness to have had it all happen in
the first place, it was a damn good joke after all, a blooming masterpiece
actually, and thus the whole cycle becomes WORTHWHILE, even though it
doesn't look like it while in it.
This is the worthwhileness of unworthwhileness.
J.O.Y. means the Joke's On You.
The sorrow and humor HAVE to balance each other perfectly, so there
will be nothing left.
This results in high appreciation for ludicrous demise, it will
have been worthwhile, you will be glad you did it, and be willing and
able to do it again, and you won't be carrying around with you, any
more, all these 'must not happens' or 'must not happen agains.'
No lessons learned, no jokes will you be spared.
Not even a memory or a warning will be left.
Interiorization is a kind of pulling away from areas of sorrow and
jokes that are too big to feel.
But if run completely, the incident of loss will erase to where it
never happened at all. The universe ends this way, when the circle of
friends are all holding hands again laughing and crying their way to
absolute peace.
Eternal Omni Awesome Peace.
But long before that, once you get the joke and are free of the
mechanism operating without your consent, you are able and willing to
appreciate others still engaging in the mechanism of doom as a play put
on by them for your enjoyment.
The beauty and warmth of their tragi-comedy production is heroic
and oceanic.
Homer Wilson Smith The Paths of Lovers Art Matrix - Lightlink
(607) 277-0959 KC2ITF Cross Internet Access, Ithaca NY In the Line of Duty
HomerWSmith-L mailing list
There are many on this list that continue to insist that God does
not design and orchestrate badness.
Adore on the other hand says that everything is orchestrated in a
grand tapestry of good and bad.
The villager of course wants God to save him from the volcano, but
the true God will be creating the Volcano AND villager in a complete
scene that plays out however it does.
The villager of course won't take kindly to this, but God considers
most of his prayers to be spam anyhow.
Because God is the Creator of EVERYTHING, 'from the Word came
everything that came.'
God as creator creates these games for HIMSELF to play. It
wouldn't make any sense for God to stick some lowly creature into the
path of his volcano, but stick "HIMSELF" in that path pretending to be a
lowly creature, oh now THAT'S an idea!
Imagine how pissed off that God-become-creature is going to be at
It is God having fun with himself at his own expense.
So he creates this world called 'Killer Pit', fills it with
supernova, asteroids, earth quakes, plague, pestilence, famine, war,
insanity, fear and women, and then jumps in to play the game.
Now Phil says there is no humor to war and suffering, but of course
there is no humor to any joke until you get the joke.
The joke resides in the mechanism of how the God sticks himself in
the scene and proceeds to get eaten by everything that moves.
If he doesn't see the mechanism, if he instead is operating the
mechanism in the direction of doing himself in without any longer
knowing it, of course he wouldn't get the joke, it will all be death and
damnation to him.
He will resent the idea that it is a joke and will in fact try to
crucify anyone claiming it is a joke in an effort to get them to take it
back. "Oh you think this is funny eh, we'll show you funny...!"
So you shouldn't be talking about these things unless you yourself
are well versed in the mechanism yourself. You don't want the whole
dream stopping their play to come wipe you out of existence, so they can
go back to their game of wiping each other out.
Being stuck in the mechanism and being oblivious that it is a
mechanism, the best the God can do is learn the rules of play, never
forget them, evolve as things pressure him to, and probably lose in the
end anyhow.
"Life treats love like the ocean treats sand castles in the sand."
The God as creature tries to be good and tries to make sure a whole
litany of things must never ever happen again.
He propitiates his God as incomprehensible because he is taught
that God is the father and he is the son, but no father in his right
mind would ever do this to his son.
No, but God as father would do it to himself as son!
Life is not for children, it is for adult play only, even if its
adult Gods playing at being innocent victim children.
OK, so where is the joke that heals all the suffering and misery
and sorrow?
The cycle of Divine Orchestration (True design) is
The mechanism of transit from love to sorrow is the same mechanism
of transit from sorrow to laughter.
The way in is the way out.
Once one sees how one gets into the dream and sticks oneself there
and WHY, one can reoperate that mechanism or not at will, and stop
operating it convulsively.
Where it does operate convulsively, one can spot it, and rather
than continuing it, making it worse, one can chill it out, thus
unsticking oneself from that particular part of the nightmare.
Now the primary mechanism of course is the consideration -
observation flip flop we have discussed previously at length.
As Eternal Immutable Unmovable Orientation Point the God creates a
space/time scene with lots of adversaries in it, symbols to the
orientation point. Symbols have mass, meaning and mobility.
The God then reverses his view, jumping into the scene, BECOMES one
of the symbols with mass, meaning and mobility, considers the space/time
scene Eternal, Immutable and Unmovable, and hence makes it his
Orientation Point, namely the AllThatIs.
The God then take inventory of all his adversaries, senses the
danger he is in, flinches, runs, and of course they come after him and
eat him for dinner.
The dream goes solid the moment you consider the *NEED* to *DO*
anything about the dream.
DOING is *FORCE* exercised against mass in motion to change
its motion.
Both the mass and the force are put there by prior postulate and
consideration, which are actual cause, so of course using later force
which is only apparent cause, to DO something about things already
created by actual cause does not work, and can not work out of the gate.
Force is action, and action is always fight. Using force and
coralled already existing mass to fight other unwanted masses impinging
with force.
If he just held still, without flinch, his adversaries would ride
right through him. But he would have to be the Orientation Point again,
and not a symbol in the dream scene.
If he holds onto being the symbol to defend himself in any way, or
to offend others coming at him, he will suffer the fate of the symbol.
The symbol doesn't HAVE to get taken down, the God can just have
everything ride through him and his symbol, as both he and them are now
not solid. But all considerations of danger and flinch would be gone
before that.
The joke applies to war in this way.
War is basically the effort to make others be nothing by shooting
them with solidities. But before a solid bullet will harm an enemy
solider, THEY have to be solid too!
But the minute you intend that another become solid so you can harm
them with a solidity, you become solid too, and so you can be and will
be harmed in return.
Justice is instant because justice reigns at all times.
The more you try to convince another they are solid, must run, must
flinch, must DO something about the predicament you are trying to put
them into, the more you fall down into that level also, often to
convince them its true for them too!
"Yo, stupid, I am solid, what makes you think you aren't?"
So who ends up solid now? Not them.
All kinds of ways to fall into this trap.
Any joke to be found anywhere around here?
J.O.K.E. means Justice of Kindship Excaliper.
Ex Caliper means Without Measure, beyond measure.
What that means, is that the only thing that will ever make up for,
wipe away, or assuage the suffering you have seen or experienced is
getting the joke mechanism that created it all.
The humor of the joke will balance the sorrow of the loss.
The two together will blow off as laughter and tears of love
and appreciation,
"Halcyon is High Appreciation for Ludicrous Demise." - Adore.
High appreciation includes willingness to have had it all happen in
the first place, it was a damn good joke after all, a blooming masterpiece
actually, and thus the whole cycle becomes WORTHWHILE, even though it
doesn't look like it while in it.
This is the worthwhileness of unworthwhileness.
J.O.Y. means the Joke's On You.
The sorrow and humor HAVE to balance each other perfectly, so there
will be nothing left.
This results in high appreciation for ludicrous demise, it will
have been worthwhile, you will be glad you did it, and be willing and
able to do it again, and you won't be carrying around with you, any
more, all these 'must not happens' or 'must not happen agains.'
No lessons learned, no jokes will you be spared.
Not even a memory or a warning will be left.
Interiorization is a kind of pulling away from areas of sorrow and
jokes that are too big to feel.
But if run completely, the incident of loss will erase to where it
never happened at all. The universe ends this way, when the circle of
friends are all holding hands again laughing and crying their way to
absolute peace.
Eternal Omni Awesome Peace.
But long before that, once you get the joke and are free of the
mechanism operating without your consent, you are able and willing to
appreciate others still engaging in the mechanism of doom as a play put
on by them for your enjoyment.
The beauty and warmth of their tragi-comedy production is heroic
and oceanic.
Homer Wilson Smith The Paths of Lovers Art Matrix - Lightlink
(607) 277-0959 KC2ITF Cross Internet Access, Ithaca NY In the Line of Duty
HomerWSmith-L mailing list
ADORE927 (fwd)
Hash: SHA1
Existence consists of the AllThatIs.
The AllThatIs is a Multi Being.
The AllThatIs consists of an infinite number of infinite GodSouls
or beings (conscious units).
Each GodSoul has two facets, the Many and the One.
The Many are connected together by the One.
Consider a plate of glass with circles etched on one side.
Each circle is a GodSoul, one of many.
The other side is nothing but glass, which is the One, the
substrate that connects the many together.
Each circle is the rendition zone, the consciousness, of the
GodSoul wherein is rendered a conscious experience of the created
apparent world of multi dimensional space, time, matter, energy and
A dream is any rendition in consciousness of any being.
Neither the One nor the Many are created, but are co eternal.
The sum totality of all GodSouls is called The HIGH US.
Each one of the Many has at it's command the full power of the One.
Renderings of space, time and dimension in the conscious rendition
zone of each being are subject to creation, survival and destruction.
The GodSoul itself is not.
That which is perceived is subject to the cycle of action as
perceptions are renditions of apparent space and time.
The perceiver is not subject to the cycle of action, as perception
is sourced from Eternity which has no space, nor time, and thus no
change in which a cycle of action could take place.
A GodSoul has two different but related functions.
They are variously called:
God Soul
Author Character
Creator Creature
One Many
The way for a GodSoul to become a God side being, is to BE the God
side being designing and BECOMING the Soul side being.
In this way the GodSoul can choose which side of his functionality
he wishes to operate.
Beings can operate either their God side or their Soul side on a
gradient scale ranging from total God side to total Soul side, from
Static to Spiritual Death on the tone scale, or anywhere in between.
The God side being operates on the tone scale from Sovereignty down
to Apparencies are Reality.
400.0 Sovereignty (Static)
320.0 Life that is not being anything
160.0 Volition, Coexistence
120.0 Individuality (GodSouls)
110.0 Awareness
100.0 Truth
90.0 Decency
80.0 Ideas
75.0 Ethics
70.0 Aesthetics
60.0 Inspiration
50.0 Agony
45.0 Amusement
40.0 Serenity of Beingness
30.0 Postulates
28.0 Considerations
26.0 Apparencies are Reality
The Soul side being operates from Apparencies are Reality down to
Spiritual Death.
26.0 Apparencies are Reality
25.0 Flows (Kinetic)
24.0 Universes
22.0 Opinions
21.0 Games (Spirit of Play)
20.0 Action
-400.0 Spiritual Death
It is the purpose of clearing to salvage or recover a Soul side
being from it's decent towards Spiritual Death, back to operation as a
God side being.
The God side being is then free to design his future as a Soul side
being again.
Clearing clears postulates and considerations envesseling the
static of the God side being in the kinetic of the Soul side being.
Clearing returns the Soul side being to a lucid dream state in all
of life.
The Soul side being descends down the tone scale from Apparencies
are Reality towards Spiritual Death while dealing with incoming
The error is to deal by not dealing.
Any one being will be playing a chord of many different positions
on the tone scale on both sides of the divide at Apparencies are
Although most people are solidly somewhere in the bottom half of
the tone scale, some person may have 50 percent of his attention up at
Inspiration, Agony and Amusement, and the other 50 percent down at
despair trying to figure out the joke.
The descent from above Apparencies are Reality to below is called
the Consideration/Observation flip flop.
Above Apparencies are Reality the GodSoul knows things are created
in the postulation and consideration of them.
Postulates and considerations are CAUSE.
Below Apparencies are Reality the GodSoul believes that things
exist independent of postulation or consideration.
Postulates and considerations are EFFECT.
Those are his postulates and considerations about the causal
efficacy of postulates and considerations.
Reality is what the being believes is true, actuality is what is
The God side being deals in actualities, most of which are the
creation of apparencies or virtual realities.
The Soul side being deals in the virtual realities so created.
The God side being knows that actualities are created virtual
The Soul side being believes that virtual realities are
Since Spiritual Death is below Apparencies are Reality, Spiritual
Death is an apparency, not an actuality.
A God side being can create in the mere conception of things
Sovereignty means you want it, you got it.
The creation of one thing does not in any way depend upon the
creation of any other thing. Thus a God side being can feel good or bad
without reason.
However a God side being also has a taste for chase, thus it can
conceive of limitations to its ability to create in the mere conception
of things.
Thus the God side being, through sovereign conception, can conceive
and create a dreamtime of non sovereign conception for a while.
This provides chase through time via conditions.
The word condition means two things.
It means the state you are in, and it also means the limitations
imposed upon you with regards to changing from state to state.
If you want a car, you can't just have a car, you have to get a
job, get a bank account, work to earn money and put it in the bank
account, and you have to eat, sleep, and go to work 1735 times before
you have enough money to buy the car.
You see that's a whole dance you have to go through between your
conception of a car and having a car.
That's called chase, and chase takes place in a time while through
And if you break your leg while working and end up in the hospital
you may never get your car.
Chase comes in two forms, dance and games.
The possibility of failure turns a dance into a game.
A while is a span of time that has a beginning, a middle and an
A start, a change, and a stop.
All whiles are finite.
However whiles can be very long and can have whiles within whiles
to very great depths. But once a top level while is done, it is gone as
if it never existed, no lessons learned, nothing retained, and the
static slate is pristine clean to start anew.
The view outward into any being's rendition is a view through all
the whiles the being is presently still in no matter how many levels in
he is.
A being chooses which while within while to perceive through
tuning, from the vantage point of being able to see all of them.
The function of the God side being is to post (create), don (adorn
itself with), and operate (adore) packages of postulated and considered
conditions (limitations) on its own awareness and abilities.
"Adoration is operation. If you adore something, operate it."
These packages allow the God side being to create games for itself
as a Soul side being for its own enjoyment or fun.
The function of the Soul side being is to play the games created by
itself as a God side being, via self created and fair chosen adornments
of limitation or condition.
Notice all limitations are conditions, and all conditions are
All postulates and considerations are postulates of limitation, as
one has started to say 'things are this way and not that way'.
The pristine static has no such issue.
The God side being operates as cause from SOURCE, EXISTENCE AND
CONDITIONS, and the Soul side being operates mostly as effect from
The Soul side being can operate as cause only within the alotted
constraints of the existence and conditions put upon itself as a God side
A postulate is a posted beingness, a color-form of creation without
significance as to what it is, what it is used for, where it came from
or who created it.
Spot some color around you, that's a color form.
The term color-form refers to any conscious experience at all
including vision, sound, touch, taste, smell, thought, emotion, effort
and anything else one can be conscious of, minus any import that might
be attached to it.
A posted beingness is called an as-isness.
Posted beingnesses, or postings, are created from a timeless state
and do not persist on their own in time.
Postulates have the power of Eternity behind them.
A consideration is an addition of significance to a posted
beingness which adds a first level of alter-is or change into the
Change creates time, and thus a postulate + consideration pair
start time and persist through time until retracted.
Significance is any kind of 'know about' added to a postulate, what
it is, what it is used for, what caused it, what it can cause, where it
came from.
Most significance of import is about casted cause between posted
To cast means to assign from yourself to another, to cast out from
yourself onto another.
The static casts the apparency of cause from itself out onto the
The static creates a wall and a ball and causes the ball to bounce
off of the wall thus creating the illusion that the wall has cause over
the ball.
In truth the static retains cause over the wall and the ball at all
times and causes them to interact AS IF the wall has cause over the
All casted cause is illusory, as the eternal static retains true
cause over all temporal kinetics at all times.
Doubt is self casting. :)
If you can see it, it is a postulate.
If you 'know what it is', that is a consideration.
Postulates altered by considerations, called alter-ising, create a
persisting package in time, called an isness, which is then not-ised to
make sure it never disappears.
Thus a not-isness is the persisting apparent non existence of an
is-ness that has been not-ised.
Not-isness is created by covering an is-ness with effort, mental
force, blackness and invisibility.
Beings like to not-is things they detest and believe they can't get
rid of, so they never have to think about them again.
Beings also like to not-is things they adore and can never replace,
which guarantees they will never lose the adored thing.
You can't lose what you do not know is there anymore.
The ultimate in persistence results from the utter invisibility and
apparent non existence of the not-ised item.
If the being can hide it well enough, he can keep it around
Persistence in time is caused by alter-ising an as-isness, thus
producing a persisting isness, and then to really make sure it persists,
covering the isness in not-isness so that it apparently vanishes.
All aberration is the effort to vanish a creation through
not-isness rather than as-isness.
Not-isness produces a non existence in reality only.
As-isness produces a non existence in actuality.
Truly disappearing a creation takes 3 steps.
As-is and thus vanish the not-isness (force) on the item.
As-is and thus vanish the alter-isness (considerations) on the item.
As-is and thus vanish the postulate of the item.
One as-ises anything by creating it as it is, and letting go.
As-isness is attained via perfect duplication of original
postulation or consideration.
GodSouls operate by putting something there, or unputting something
Putting something there corresponds to creating a postulate,
consideration or not-isness, or all three.
Un putting something there corresponds to uncreating a not-isness,
consideration or postulate.
Putting is posting.
Unputting is unposting.
GodSouls can form postulate groups, wherein a postulate made by any
one GodSoul is immediately and automatically made by all other GodSouls
in the group in their own rendition zones.
If A puts something there, B will automatically put it there also.
But if B puts something there, A will automatically put it there also.
So if A puts something there, this causes B to put it there, which
then feeds back and causes A to put it there also.
In this way A knows that B got it.
The duplicates made by the other GodSouls, resonate back to the
originating GodSoul, thus locking in the creation, and verifying that
everyone got it right.
This is co resonance.
When a GodSoul postulates something, it appears in his rendition
zone, his consciousness.
A rendition zone is a place where postulates are rendered, namely
your consciousness.
Rendition zones are used to view dimensions, and objects in those
dimensions, but rendition zones have no dimension themselves.
Q1: Theta has the ability to create space and locate objects in
that space. - LRH, The Q's.
Although each GodSoul has his own rendition zone for his postings,
the automatic duplication across the rendition zones of all other
GodSouls in the group creates the illusion that there is only one
rendition zone shared amongst them all.
This ultimately allows them to engage in the idea of a single
objective external multi dimensional universe that they are all part of.
The above notwithstanding, all renditions remain personal dreams
amongst many co dreamers, each with their own rendition.
The 'singleness' of all rendition zones in a postulate group is an
illusion born of instantaneous resonation and synchronization of the
renderings between them.
Thus many GodSouls, each with their own rendition of a creation,
can none the less resonate their rendition across all others in the
resonance group so that the renditions of all act as one.
Thus GodSouls can consider they are all looking at one object from
different viewpoints, when in fact they are looking at different
objects, namely their own renditions of that object, from the same
viewpoint, the scalar static.
Scalar means zero dimensional, without dimension.
Thus if one GodSoul moves his rendition of an object, everyone
else's rendition of that object moves also, automatically and
There is no time lag, as rendition synchronization is a function of
the timeless eternal substrate that connects all the God sides together.
The apparency of space and time exist ONLY in renditions, and in
this universe, all renditions ARE renditions of space and time and the
objects in them.
Since the underlying substrate of the rendition is spaceless and
timeless, all awareness of space and time and anything in space or time
is a dream.
The renditions are kept in sync via communication channels between
GodSouls that connect between them in Eternity.
This is the function of the One that connects all the Many
All connections between GodSouls via rendered spacetimes in the
shared rendition zones is an apparency only.
They are virtual connections between beings, that are actually
carried by the hard wired connections that connect all GodSouls together
in Eternity.
If two dreamers are talking to each other over a phone, it may look
like the voice is carried out over the phone lines from one dreamer to
the other through their space time rendition, but in truth the voice is
carried directly from dreamer to dreamer via the back channel operating
in Eternity between them, that synchronizes their two dreams, to make it
seem like the cause travels outwardly through the dreams, from dreamer
to dreamer.
All cause between two different beings that looks like it travels
from Soul side to Soul side, is actually carried from God side to God
Soul side to Soul side causation is a reality.
God side to God side causation is an actuality.
One purpose of the rendition zone is to virtualize dimension, and
objects located in those dimensions, and apparent cause between such
objects that are rendered.
The rendition and perception of dimension however is dimensionless.
The AllThatIs is a hologram for dimension, which hologram itself
has no dimension.
As the concept of size applies only to things which have dimension
and extension in each dimension, the concept of size does not apply AT
ALL to the AllThatIs.
Thus in actual fact there is no big nor small, just a lot of
holographic images of big and small rendered in each GodSoul's rendition
zone (his consciousness).
In truth there are only 3 causes operating.
1.) The outgoing cause between the GodSoul and the creation of his
posted color-forms.
2.) The incoming cause between the posting and the GodSoul's
perception of his own posting, allowing him to verify with perfect
certainty that what got created is what he postulated.
The ability of continuous reverification is called Self
Self luminousness means nothing lights your consciousness,
it is self lighting.
Beings like to think that everything they create in their
rendition zones is made of something different, paper, plastic,
metal, wood etc.
In truth everything rendered in a rendition zone is made of the
same thing called ZEV.
ZEV stands for Zero Emission Visuals, a fancy technical term for
self luminous consciousness.
Like a TV set showing a car, some part of the image looks like
rubber, and another like metal or plastic etc. But in truth the whole
rendering is made of glass and phosphors, including the sun that shines
on the car. The TV doesn't need the sun to display the image of the car
because the TV screen is self luminous.
Soul side beings like to pretend that they can see their color
forms because they are 'lit' by some other color form like the sun, or a
light bulb emitting photons.
In truth color forms are self lighting, just as dreams or
imagination are, what lights the conscious experience of grass and what
lights the sun are the same thing, they are both self lighting.
A God side being doesn't need to have anything light anything, the
world glows in the dark for him with no other lumination at all.
To a God side being, even the physical universe is his imagination
syncing with a shared rendering, and he doesn't need anything
else to light his imagination.
3.) The cross cause between GodSouls NOT through their rendition
zones but directly between them that allows them to share any given
postulate by co resonation.
The speed of virtual cause outward through the various shared
spacetime renderings of a GodSoul group is whatever they say it is, in
this universe it is the speed of light.
The speed of actual cause directly between GodSouls is
instantaneous as there is no dimension or extension for the cause to
A dimension is a direction of extension.
Extension is how long that direction is.
The purpose of rendition zones is to render the apparency of
dimension, objects in those dimensions, and cause between those objects.
These create a virtual playing field, with virtual players called
avatars, and games to keep everyone interested.
Beings like to indentify themselves with one or more objects,
usually bodies, in their rendition zone and call those objects
themselves, or relate to others via those bodies.
Thus bodies act as an avatar.
Soul side players deal with each other via their rendered avatars.
God side beings deal with each other via direct perception of each
other's true cause through the back channel connecting them.
Soul side beings deal with each other via indirect perception of
each other's virtual cause through the front channel of their rendition
Soul side beings can only see other Soul side beings via the front
channel if they are manifesting (rendering).
God side beings can see other God side beings via the back channel
whether they are manifesting or not.
In a GodSoul group, the originator of a postulate remains tagged on
the postulate, so any GodSoul knows who originated the creation, but any
GodSoul can immediately MATCH a postulate made by another with his own,
thus taking control of the postulate.
By agreement, taking responsibility OVER any postulate, via
matching, results in control over that postulate regardless of who first
made it.
Since GodSouls can only form groups via unanimous decision to do
so, all GodSouls are responsible FOR anything made by anyone, as one
GodSoul could not make a postulate in another's rendition zone or
dreamtime with out the invite and permission to do so.
Thus all GodSouls are fully responsible for their own condition, as
they let others into their dreamtime with full knowing willing cause and
full awareness of the possible general consequences of allowing others
to postulate in their canvas.
All GodSouls are also fully repsonsible for the condition of all
other GodSouls in the group as any GodSoul can take responsibility OVER
the creations of any other GodSoul and thus change it if they wish.
Thus if another is in a condition, everyone would have had to
approve of that condition for it to remain there.
The postulate that postulates do not work, works.
Thus it is possible for a GodSoul group to unanimously postulate
that no one is fully responsible for their own condition let alone
another's, and then forget they have done so, so it can't easily be
This creates the state of innocent victim, blame and guilt.
One blames another for being victimized, and then either the blame
is not accepted, or one decides the blame was in error or excessive, and
the blame comes back at one as guilt.
GodSouls form GodSoul groups in order to co create.
The purpose of creation is to trade in expressions of discovery.
The purpose of creation is the communication of art.
Game is art.
Each originator places their postulates on the virtual shared canvas
of all rendition zones in the group, and others either change what is
placed there to enhance it, or add their own postulates to increase the
The universe you see around you is such a shared canvas.
This one is for adults only.
The Soul side beings called humans, live with judgement because
there are more ways to harm than to help. The ultimate judgement is not
about intention but whether the action helped or harmed.
To live without judgement of self or others is to proclaim one's
self free from vulnerability and the consequences of right and wrong,
good and bad, love and hate and the beauty and ugly of life.
Such freedom would be the full God side of a GodSoul.
The Soul side will forever remain in need of and be subjected to
judgement as long as it remains a Soul side being.
The route to becoming a God side being, is to look at the
limitations and conditions that bind the GodSoul to vulnerability and
thus judgements of right and wrong, value and worthlessness, outcomes
and consequences.
For each judgement one looks at the conditions and limitations that
demand that judgement be made, and ask 'What would I be like if I were
not bound by such limitations or conditions.'
Certainly no longer human.
Not INhuman which is an abomination, but UNhuman which is Divinity,
a Divinity that neither calls after us nor turns us away no matter who
we are or what we have done.
Do not expect such Divinity however from GodSouls still bound to
And understand that the free God side being might as easily find
humor in your travails as sympathy or commiseration.
As for help and whose side Divinity is on, Divinity is way more
interested in keeping the game going than taking sides to help one side
win, no matter what side it is.
The day the good guys start to win, God help them, because Divinity
will be shipping arms to the bad guys.
The God side being is interested in PLAY, the Soul side being longs
only to WIN.
The way for the Soul side being to BECOME the God side being is for
the Soul side being to BE the God side being, designing and BECOMING the
Soul side being.
Only for those that dare.
For the future you create shall be your own.
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
Homer Wilson Smith Clean Air, Clear Water, Art Matrix - Lightlink
(607) 277-0959 A Green Earth, and Peace, Internet, Ithaca NY Is that too much to ask?
Fri Jan 18 19:31:07 EST 2013
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Sun Jan 12 03:06:02 EST 2014
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Learning implies Learning with Certainty or Learning without Certainty.
Learning across a Distance implies Learning by Being an Effect.
Learning by Being an Effect implies Learning without Certainty.
Therefore, Learning with Certainty implies Learning, but
not by Being an Effect, and not across a Distance.
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Existence consists of the AllThatIs.
The AllThatIs is a Multi Being.
The AllThatIs consists of an infinite number of infinite GodSouls
or beings (conscious units).
Each GodSoul has two facets, the Many and the One.
The Many are connected together by the One.
Consider a plate of glass with circles etched on one side.
Each circle is a GodSoul, one of many.
The other side is nothing but glass, which is the One, the
substrate that connects the many together.
Each circle is the rendition zone, the consciousness, of the
GodSoul wherein is rendered a conscious experience of the created
apparent world of multi dimensional space, time, matter, energy and
A dream is any rendition in consciousness of any being.
Neither the One nor the Many are created, but are co eternal.
The sum totality of all GodSouls is called The HIGH US.
Each one of the Many has at it's command the full power of the One.
Renderings of space, time and dimension in the conscious rendition
zone of each being are subject to creation, survival and destruction.
The GodSoul itself is not.
That which is perceived is subject to the cycle of action as
perceptions are renditions of apparent space and time.
The perceiver is not subject to the cycle of action, as perception
is sourced from Eternity which has no space, nor time, and thus no
change in which a cycle of action could take place.
A GodSoul has two different but related functions.
They are variously called:
God Soul
Author Character
Creator Creature
One Many
The way for a GodSoul to become a God side being, is to BE the God
side being designing and BECOMING the Soul side being.
In this way the GodSoul can choose which side of his functionality
he wishes to operate.
Beings can operate either their God side or their Soul side on a
gradient scale ranging from total God side to total Soul side, from
Static to Spiritual Death on the tone scale, or anywhere in between.
The God side being operates on the tone scale from Sovereignty down
to Apparencies are Reality.
400.0 Sovereignty (Static)
320.0 Life that is not being anything
160.0 Volition, Coexistence
120.0 Individuality (GodSouls)
110.0 Awareness
100.0 Truth
90.0 Decency
80.0 Ideas
75.0 Ethics
70.0 Aesthetics
60.0 Inspiration
50.0 Agony
45.0 Amusement
40.0 Serenity of Beingness
30.0 Postulates
28.0 Considerations
26.0 Apparencies are Reality
The Soul side being operates from Apparencies are Reality down to
Spiritual Death.
26.0 Apparencies are Reality
25.0 Flows (Kinetic)
24.0 Universes
22.0 Opinions
21.0 Games (Spirit of Play)
20.0 Action
-400.0 Spiritual Death
It is the purpose of clearing to salvage or recover a Soul side
being from it's decent towards Spiritual Death, back to operation as a
God side being.
The God side being is then free to design his future as a Soul side
being again.
Clearing clears postulates and considerations envesseling the
static of the God side being in the kinetic of the Soul side being.
Clearing returns the Soul side being to a lucid dream state in all
of life.
The Soul side being descends down the tone scale from Apparencies
are Reality towards Spiritual Death while dealing with incoming
The error is to deal by not dealing.
Any one being will be playing a chord of many different positions
on the tone scale on both sides of the divide at Apparencies are
Although most people are solidly somewhere in the bottom half of
the tone scale, some person may have 50 percent of his attention up at
Inspiration, Agony and Amusement, and the other 50 percent down at
despair trying to figure out the joke.
The descent from above Apparencies are Reality to below is called
the Consideration/Observation flip flop.
Above Apparencies are Reality the GodSoul knows things are created
in the postulation and consideration of them.
Postulates and considerations are CAUSE.
Below Apparencies are Reality the GodSoul believes that things
exist independent of postulation or consideration.
Postulates and considerations are EFFECT.
Those are his postulates and considerations about the causal
efficacy of postulates and considerations.
Reality is what the being believes is true, actuality is what is
The God side being deals in actualities, most of which are the
creation of apparencies or virtual realities.
The Soul side being deals in the virtual realities so created.
The God side being knows that actualities are created virtual
The Soul side being believes that virtual realities are
Since Spiritual Death is below Apparencies are Reality, Spiritual
Death is an apparency, not an actuality.
A God side being can create in the mere conception of things
Sovereignty means you want it, you got it.
The creation of one thing does not in any way depend upon the
creation of any other thing. Thus a God side being can feel good or bad
without reason.
However a God side being also has a taste for chase, thus it can
conceive of limitations to its ability to create in the mere conception
of things.
Thus the God side being, through sovereign conception, can conceive
and create a dreamtime of non sovereign conception for a while.
This provides chase through time via conditions.
The word condition means two things.
It means the state you are in, and it also means the limitations
imposed upon you with regards to changing from state to state.
If you want a car, you can't just have a car, you have to get a
job, get a bank account, work to earn money and put it in the bank
account, and you have to eat, sleep, and go to work 1735 times before
you have enough money to buy the car.
You see that's a whole dance you have to go through between your
conception of a car and having a car.
That's called chase, and chase takes place in a time while through
And if you break your leg while working and end up in the hospital
you may never get your car.
Chase comes in two forms, dance and games.
The possibility of failure turns a dance into a game.
A while is a span of time that has a beginning, a middle and an
A start, a change, and a stop.
All whiles are finite.
However whiles can be very long and can have whiles within whiles
to very great depths. But once a top level while is done, it is gone as
if it never existed, no lessons learned, nothing retained, and the
static slate is pristine clean to start anew.
The view outward into any being's rendition is a view through all
the whiles the being is presently still in no matter how many levels in
he is.
A being chooses which while within while to perceive through
tuning, from the vantage point of being able to see all of them.
The function of the God side being is to post (create), don (adorn
itself with), and operate (adore) packages of postulated and considered
conditions (limitations) on its own awareness and abilities.
"Adoration is operation. If you adore something, operate it."
These packages allow the God side being to create games for itself
as a Soul side being for its own enjoyment or fun.
The function of the Soul side being is to play the games created by
itself as a God side being, via self created and fair chosen adornments
of limitation or condition.
Notice all limitations are conditions, and all conditions are
All postulates and considerations are postulates of limitation, as
one has started to say 'things are this way and not that way'.
The pristine static has no such issue.
The God side being operates as cause from SOURCE, EXISTENCE AND
CONDITIONS, and the Soul side being operates mostly as effect from
The Soul side being can operate as cause only within the alotted
constraints of the existence and conditions put upon itself as a God side
A postulate is a posted beingness, a color-form of creation without
significance as to what it is, what it is used for, where it came from
or who created it.
Spot some color around you, that's a color form.
The term color-form refers to any conscious experience at all
including vision, sound, touch, taste, smell, thought, emotion, effort
and anything else one can be conscious of, minus any import that might
be attached to it.
A posted beingness is called an as-isness.
Posted beingnesses, or postings, are created from a timeless state
and do not persist on their own in time.
Postulates have the power of Eternity behind them.
A consideration is an addition of significance to a posted
beingness which adds a first level of alter-is or change into the
Change creates time, and thus a postulate + consideration pair
start time and persist through time until retracted.
Significance is any kind of 'know about' added to a postulate, what
it is, what it is used for, what caused it, what it can cause, where it
came from.
Most significance of import is about casted cause between posted
To cast means to assign from yourself to another, to cast out from
yourself onto another.
The static casts the apparency of cause from itself out onto the
The static creates a wall and a ball and causes the ball to bounce
off of the wall thus creating the illusion that the wall has cause over
the ball.
In truth the static retains cause over the wall and the ball at all
times and causes them to interact AS IF the wall has cause over the
All casted cause is illusory, as the eternal static retains true
cause over all temporal kinetics at all times.
Doubt is self casting. :)
If you can see it, it is a postulate.
If you 'know what it is', that is a consideration.
Postulates altered by considerations, called alter-ising, create a
persisting package in time, called an isness, which is then not-ised to
make sure it never disappears.
Thus a not-isness is the persisting apparent non existence of an
is-ness that has been not-ised.
Not-isness is created by covering an is-ness with effort, mental
force, blackness and invisibility.
Beings like to not-is things they detest and believe they can't get
rid of, so they never have to think about them again.
Beings also like to not-is things they adore and can never replace,
which guarantees they will never lose the adored thing.
You can't lose what you do not know is there anymore.
The ultimate in persistence results from the utter invisibility and
apparent non existence of the not-ised item.
If the being can hide it well enough, he can keep it around
Persistence in time is caused by alter-ising an as-isness, thus
producing a persisting isness, and then to really make sure it persists,
covering the isness in not-isness so that it apparently vanishes.
All aberration is the effort to vanish a creation through
not-isness rather than as-isness.
Not-isness produces a non existence in reality only.
As-isness produces a non existence in actuality.
Truly disappearing a creation takes 3 steps.
As-is and thus vanish the not-isness (force) on the item.
As-is and thus vanish the alter-isness (considerations) on the item.
As-is and thus vanish the postulate of the item.
One as-ises anything by creating it as it is, and letting go.
As-isness is attained via perfect duplication of original
postulation or consideration.
GodSouls operate by putting something there, or unputting something
Putting something there corresponds to creating a postulate,
consideration or not-isness, or all three.
Un putting something there corresponds to uncreating a not-isness,
consideration or postulate.
Putting is posting.
Unputting is unposting.
GodSouls can form postulate groups, wherein a postulate made by any
one GodSoul is immediately and automatically made by all other GodSouls
in the group in their own rendition zones.
If A puts something there, B will automatically put it there also.
But if B puts something there, A will automatically put it there also.
So if A puts something there, this causes B to put it there, which
then feeds back and causes A to put it there also.
In this way A knows that B got it.
The duplicates made by the other GodSouls, resonate back to the
originating GodSoul, thus locking in the creation, and verifying that
everyone got it right.
This is co resonance.
When a GodSoul postulates something, it appears in his rendition
zone, his consciousness.
A rendition zone is a place where postulates are rendered, namely
your consciousness.
Rendition zones are used to view dimensions, and objects in those
dimensions, but rendition zones have no dimension themselves.
Q1: Theta has the ability to create space and locate objects in
that space. - LRH, The Q's.
Although each GodSoul has his own rendition zone for his postings,
the automatic duplication across the rendition zones of all other
GodSouls in the group creates the illusion that there is only one
rendition zone shared amongst them all.
This ultimately allows them to engage in the idea of a single
objective external multi dimensional universe that they are all part of.
The above notwithstanding, all renditions remain personal dreams
amongst many co dreamers, each with their own rendition.
The 'singleness' of all rendition zones in a postulate group is an
illusion born of instantaneous resonation and synchronization of the
renderings between them.
Thus many GodSouls, each with their own rendition of a creation,
can none the less resonate their rendition across all others in the
resonance group so that the renditions of all act as one.
Thus GodSouls can consider they are all looking at one object from
different viewpoints, when in fact they are looking at different
objects, namely their own renditions of that object, from the same
viewpoint, the scalar static.
Scalar means zero dimensional, without dimension.
Thus if one GodSoul moves his rendition of an object, everyone
else's rendition of that object moves also, automatically and
There is no time lag, as rendition synchronization is a function of
the timeless eternal substrate that connects all the God sides together.
The apparency of space and time exist ONLY in renditions, and in
this universe, all renditions ARE renditions of space and time and the
objects in them.
Since the underlying substrate of the rendition is spaceless and
timeless, all awareness of space and time and anything in space or time
is a dream.
The renditions are kept in sync via communication channels between
GodSouls that connect between them in Eternity.
This is the function of the One that connects all the Many
All connections between GodSouls via rendered spacetimes in the
shared rendition zones is an apparency only.
They are virtual connections between beings, that are actually
carried by the hard wired connections that connect all GodSouls together
in Eternity.
If two dreamers are talking to each other over a phone, it may look
like the voice is carried out over the phone lines from one dreamer to
the other through their space time rendition, but in truth the voice is
carried directly from dreamer to dreamer via the back channel operating
in Eternity between them, that synchronizes their two dreams, to make it
seem like the cause travels outwardly through the dreams, from dreamer
to dreamer.
All cause between two different beings that looks like it travels
from Soul side to Soul side, is actually carried from God side to God
Soul side to Soul side causation is a reality.
God side to God side causation is an actuality.
One purpose of the rendition zone is to virtualize dimension, and
objects located in those dimensions, and apparent cause between such
objects that are rendered.
The rendition and perception of dimension however is dimensionless.
The AllThatIs is a hologram for dimension, which hologram itself
has no dimension.
As the concept of size applies only to things which have dimension
and extension in each dimension, the concept of size does not apply AT
ALL to the AllThatIs.
Thus in actual fact there is no big nor small, just a lot of
holographic images of big and small rendered in each GodSoul's rendition
zone (his consciousness).
In truth there are only 3 causes operating.
1.) The outgoing cause between the GodSoul and the creation of his
posted color-forms.
2.) The incoming cause between the posting and the GodSoul's
perception of his own posting, allowing him to verify with perfect
certainty that what got created is what he postulated.
The ability of continuous reverification is called Self
Self luminousness means nothing lights your consciousness,
it is self lighting.
Beings like to think that everything they create in their
rendition zones is made of something different, paper, plastic,
metal, wood etc.
In truth everything rendered in a rendition zone is made of the
same thing called ZEV.
ZEV stands for Zero Emission Visuals, a fancy technical term for
self luminous consciousness.
Like a TV set showing a car, some part of the image looks like
rubber, and another like metal or plastic etc. But in truth the whole
rendering is made of glass and phosphors, including the sun that shines
on the car. The TV doesn't need the sun to display the image of the car
because the TV screen is self luminous.
Soul side beings like to pretend that they can see their color
forms because they are 'lit' by some other color form like the sun, or a
light bulb emitting photons.
In truth color forms are self lighting, just as dreams or
imagination are, what lights the conscious experience of grass and what
lights the sun are the same thing, they are both self lighting.
A God side being doesn't need to have anything light anything, the
world glows in the dark for him with no other lumination at all.
To a God side being, even the physical universe is his imagination
syncing with a shared rendering, and he doesn't need anything
else to light his imagination.
3.) The cross cause between GodSouls NOT through their rendition
zones but directly between them that allows them to share any given
postulate by co resonation.
The speed of virtual cause outward through the various shared
spacetime renderings of a GodSoul group is whatever they say it is, in
this universe it is the speed of light.
The speed of actual cause directly between GodSouls is
instantaneous as there is no dimension or extension for the cause to
A dimension is a direction of extension.
Extension is how long that direction is.
The purpose of rendition zones is to render the apparency of
dimension, objects in those dimensions, and cause between those objects.
These create a virtual playing field, with virtual players called
avatars, and games to keep everyone interested.
Beings like to indentify themselves with one or more objects,
usually bodies, in their rendition zone and call those objects
themselves, or relate to others via those bodies.
Thus bodies act as an avatar.
Soul side players deal with each other via their rendered avatars.
God side beings deal with each other via direct perception of each
other's true cause through the back channel connecting them.
Soul side beings deal with each other via indirect perception of
each other's virtual cause through the front channel of their rendition
Soul side beings can only see other Soul side beings via the front
channel if they are manifesting (rendering).
God side beings can see other God side beings via the back channel
whether they are manifesting or not.
In a GodSoul group, the originator of a postulate remains tagged on
the postulate, so any GodSoul knows who originated the creation, but any
GodSoul can immediately MATCH a postulate made by another with his own,
thus taking control of the postulate.
By agreement, taking responsibility OVER any postulate, via
matching, results in control over that postulate regardless of who first
made it.
Since GodSouls can only form groups via unanimous decision to do
so, all GodSouls are responsible FOR anything made by anyone, as one
GodSoul could not make a postulate in another's rendition zone or
dreamtime with out the invite and permission to do so.
Thus all GodSouls are fully responsible for their own condition, as
they let others into their dreamtime with full knowing willing cause and
full awareness of the possible general consequences of allowing others
to postulate in their canvas.
All GodSouls are also fully repsonsible for the condition of all
other GodSouls in the group as any GodSoul can take responsibility OVER
the creations of any other GodSoul and thus change it if they wish.
Thus if another is in a condition, everyone would have had to
approve of that condition for it to remain there.
The postulate that postulates do not work, works.
Thus it is possible for a GodSoul group to unanimously postulate
that no one is fully responsible for their own condition let alone
another's, and then forget they have done so, so it can't easily be
This creates the state of innocent victim, blame and guilt.
One blames another for being victimized, and then either the blame
is not accepted, or one decides the blame was in error or excessive, and
the blame comes back at one as guilt.
GodSouls form GodSoul groups in order to co create.
The purpose of creation is to trade in expressions of discovery.
The purpose of creation is the communication of art.
Game is art.
Each originator places their postulates on the virtual shared canvas
of all rendition zones in the group, and others either change what is
placed there to enhance it, or add their own postulates to increase the
The universe you see around you is such a shared canvas.
This one is for adults only.
The Soul side beings called humans, live with judgement because
there are more ways to harm than to help. The ultimate judgement is not
about intention but whether the action helped or harmed.
To live without judgement of self or others is to proclaim one's
self free from vulnerability and the consequences of right and wrong,
good and bad, love and hate and the beauty and ugly of life.
Such freedom would be the full God side of a GodSoul.
The Soul side will forever remain in need of and be subjected to
judgement as long as it remains a Soul side being.
The route to becoming a God side being, is to look at the
limitations and conditions that bind the GodSoul to vulnerability and
thus judgements of right and wrong, value and worthlessness, outcomes
and consequences.
For each judgement one looks at the conditions and limitations that
demand that judgement be made, and ask 'What would I be like if I were
not bound by such limitations or conditions.'
Certainly no longer human.
Not INhuman which is an abomination, but UNhuman which is Divinity,
a Divinity that neither calls after us nor turns us away no matter who
we are or what we have done.
Do not expect such Divinity however from GodSouls still bound to
And understand that the free God side being might as easily find
humor in your travails as sympathy or commiseration.
As for help and whose side Divinity is on, Divinity is way more
interested in keeping the game going than taking sides to help one side
win, no matter what side it is.
The day the good guys start to win, God help them, because Divinity
will be shipping arms to the bad guys.
The God side being is interested in PLAY, the Soul side being longs
only to WIN.
The way for the Soul side being to BECOME the God side being is for
the Soul side being to BE the God side being, designing and BECOMING the
Soul side being.
Only for those that dare.
For the future you create shall be your own.
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
Homer Wilson Smith Clean Air, Clear Water, Art Matrix - Lightlink
(607) 277-0959 A Green Earth, and Peace, Internet, Ithaca NY Is that too much to ask?
Fri Jan 18 19:31:07 EST 2013
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Sun Jan 12 03:06:02 EST 2014
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Learning implies Learning with Certainty or Learning without Certainty.
Learning across a Distance implies Learning by Being an Effect.
Learning by Being an Effect implies Learning without Certainty.
Therefore, Learning with Certainty implies Learning, but
not by Being an Effect, and not across a Distance.
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