Friday, February 21, 2014



At its base, ownership means rights of control.

It helps to have the ability to control too, but ownership means
rights of control.

If I have the right to control something, others have the duty to
let me control it.

Duties and rights are fair chosen, they are negotiated between
parties to mutual satisfaction.

In the absence of others, rights and duties have no meaning.

For every right there is a duty and for every duty there is a

You have a right to have duties, and you have a duty to have

Social justice is a fair chosen operating balance of duties and

Standard Adore stuff...

Ownership of a cognition means that you have the rights of control
over what to do with that cog, including talking about it with others or
forgetting it entirely.

Ownership can be taken away in at least two ways.

First simply by lack of fair exchange, even if the giving party
doesn't put any limitations on what you can do with the cog, the cat
that you still owe them in fair exchange, means the cog isn't quite

You buy a car with a promise to pay at a later date. Sure the car
is yours to drive, but if you don't pay, they can come take the car
back, so the car isn't really fully yours until the debt of havingness
is paid.

In the same way a preclear feels that the Master, auditor and C/S
have a lien of sorts on his case gain, until he can fully exchange for

Knowing he is getting something for free will kill a session, but
paying money is only a token, and for preclears that realize this,
paying money is not enough.


Second ownership can be given away by agreement.

You go down to Alan Walter's Dallas Knowledgism Center and you sign
up to receive your Codes auditing. But before they will give it to you,
you must sign a non disclosure agreement, not only for the Codes that
you find about yourself, but also the tech they used to find them.

Thus the final result, your understanding of your most basic Codes,
do not belong to you to do with as you see fit.

And your actions in life are constrained by the enforced agreements
you had to make to get the auditing.

You notice how in the Church NO ONE EVER TALKS ABOUT THEIR CASE,

That's by agreement, but it's enforced by threat of expulsion, from
the 'only game going'.

I remember vividly once at Flag I was suicidal and holding my head
in my hands in my head at the Fort Harrison, really at the end of my
last thread of string, and this high toned guy came up to me and tried
to help.

A few minutes later, get got up to leave after having said to me:


I looked at that, and tried to apply it, and over the years it has
molted to something different in my space having to do with ANDS, but
the point is the next day I saw the guy in Ethics talking about his
egregious violation of the agreement to not sharing cogs or reality with
anyone else.

Later someone came up to me and told me that what he had done was
NOT OK, their favorite term for being conscious and originating a
communication of worth, and that I shouldn't solicit, nor allow others,
to help me by giving me cogs.

I never forgot that lesson, OWNERSHIP OF COGS BELONGS TO THE GIVER
NOT THE RECEIVER. At that moment I decided never to allow my
understandings of life to be owned by anyone for any reason, no matter
what the consequences.

It's not that help is bad, its that help with strings is bad.

I mean just how low does your pride level have to be that you will
sell a part of your soul in self constraints just to get your pride

Certainly it might make sense in some things to have trademark
secrets and non disclosure agreements.

And certainly you were not FORCED to get your Codes from the
Knowledgism group, maybe you could have gotten them elsewhere.

And in any case, need does not bestow right, so just because you
NEED your codes to function again in the spiritual world, doesn't mean
anyone else has a duty to give them to you, nor help you get them
yourself, and so they are free to attach whatever strings or indentured
servitude for the rest of time they wish, to the delivery of the
services you want, need and request of them.

This is simple good business sense.

And its a great way to own people, to get them to do your bidding,
and keep them from giving away the secrets of their tech so that their
income doesn't crash because suddenly just anyone can produces a cleared

How does that make you feel?


Homer Wilson Smith Clean Air, Clear Water, Art Matrix - Lightlink
(607) 277-0959 A Green Earth, and Peace, Internet, Ithaca NY Is that too much to ask?
Wed Mar 20 11:36:21 EDT 2013
HomerWSmith-L mailing list

Wednesday, February 19, 2014



We define native state as utter non manifestation and unimpingeable

That means only you wake you up.

Native state has been called the Static, the Void, Source, and the
Big Snooze by various religions.

The primary function of the static is to create the apparancy of
kinetics in spacetime whiles.

Spacetime whiles are holographic projections of space and time in
the zero dimensional substrate called consciousness, in which the
apparances of kinetics can play out their course.

This is the form of manifestation and are engaged in for the
purpose of fun.

Fun is the other side of the coin to peace.

Because the static is cause, in order to get kinetics to persist in
the eyes of its beholders, static must confuse the subject of cause by
casting apparent cause out into the kinetic.

Thus those in the world of kinetics consider that cause is all
around them, outside of them, coming from others, other places, other
things, other times.

Since OUT THERE is itself a holographic illusion, so is any
cause that is presumed to be OUT THERE.

From the static's point of view two electrons repel each other
because the static moves them apart. Static is cause and electrons are
both the effect of the static. There is no cause BETWEEN the electrons,
and electrons have no cause over each other.

From the kinetic's point of view the two electrons push each other
apart because, both are cause over each other, and thus both are also
effect of each other.

Thus the static casts (apparent) cause out into its kinetic
creations, all the while (actually) maintaining cause itself.

The static is thus acting as a third party to all of kinetic
existence, making two kinetic events happen as if they caused each other
without outside influence.

Since the static adds a level of complexity to the causal structure
that makes things go in the world of kinetics, Occam's Razor tells us
not to consider it. Occam tells us that cause in the kinetic world is
sufficient to explain changes in the kinetic world, and thus no one
considers the static while in the kinetic world.

This is necessary to keep the true source of cause confused and
thus the kinetic world persisting.

However the only way to assign cause to other things in the kinetic
world, is to ALSO assign oneself, while walking in the kinetic world, as
an effect.

Thus one can be impinged upon.

An impingement is an expected or unexpected causal wave coming in
to us, apparently without our intention, that changes our state directly
or forces us to change our own state to compensate.

In the kinetic world, desire is separated from accomplishment by
time, during which is a dance of effort designed to bring out the
desired state.

The dance of effort is computed from what we know about the rules
of the game, the laws of the universe, and what exactly it is we want.


In the kinetic world, you can't just light a fire by wanting it any
more, thus one has to DO various specific things to bring the fire

If you fail to bring the fire about in a timely manner, then you
lose the game of survival.

The kinetic world is mostly a game of survival, a game of anti
entropy against an ever spreading sea of entropy.

Entropy is unuseful energy, that eventually renders the entire
universe diffuse and constant in all directions.

The sun is a huge momentary concentrated source of anti entropy,
and as it radiates out into spacetime, it too heads in the direction of
final dispersement.

However while on their way to the abyss, some of the rays of the
sun hit the Earth, and are gathered into useful pools of anti entropy
called plants and animals. And thus life and civilization goes on,
trying to keep the light of life alive as long as possible.

That is the game of survival.

Certain kinds of anti entropy is quite capable of collecting and
concentrating other energy, which would otherwise head out into the
void, into greater pools of useful energy than itself, thus for a while,
the game of survival is afoot, through profit and affluence of margin
against failure.

We call this process and the margin it creates civilization.

Impingements of importance then are between sources of entropy and
anti entropy.

You have a silo full of corn (anti entropy) and it gets hit by
lightning burning it to the ground (entropy). Your hard won anti
entropy is now useless.

To deal with these impingements your game of survival demands that
you impinge back on the universe and build a better and stronger silo.

Thus the game of survival is a game of impingement and counter

Some impingements are pro survival, you get a good rain storm and
things grow.

Some impingements are contra survival, you get too much rain and
everything rots.

Or you have too little rain, and everything dies. That's a lack of
needed impingement!

Thus, as in all games, there is too much impingement and too little
impingement both of which are contra survival.

A motivator is a moment of non optimum impingement, too much or too

An overt is also a moment of non optimum impingement on your part
against something else, too much or too little, either accidental or

The effort to survive then is directed at optimizing impingement so
there is not too much nor too little.

Too little rain can be optimized by irrigation, you don't get
impinged upon enough by the rain, so you impinge back and move a river
to run through your land, or you build water storage tanks to hold
excess rain for times of less.

Impingement and counter impingement is the game of life directed at
bringing about a continuing optimum impingement all around.

So the sun impinges on the Earth and pushes plants into existence.

Animals, acting like a slow fire to plants, impinge on the plants
by eating them, converting their stored energy into motion, namely sow
and reap cycles of more plants. This is the process of consumption and

As long as the sun continues to impinge calmly on the Earth, and as
long as plants grow, and animals tend to their plants properly, and
produce more than they consume and don't pollute their own living
spaces, or war with each other unnecessarily or without class, this game
can go on for a very long time indeed.

Such a scene produces ample free time to do some great art.

In the end life itself is art in motion, and what gets painted or
written as music and art are probably just expressions of life, stories
told of glories past, present and future, that are not immediately
useful to the body maybe, but are certainly useful to the heart, mind
and soul.

If only as inspiration to keep the game going when the going gets

The basic impingement is the first creation of conscious light in
the body of the static, the awakening of dreamtime.

But then dreamtime is itself a tapestry of stories told of
impingement designed to confuse the original and only source of true
impingement which is the static itself.

When a person complains about the world or some condition, he is
complaining about some part of that tapestry of impingement.

A psychosomatic condition is an impingement, originally wanted,
but possibly no longer useful. Reevaluation of salient truths
surrounding that condition will lead to recovered and better control
over it.

A somatic is state of being victimized.

One audits being victimized in tandem with victimizing, either
accidentally or intentionally, on all flows, to relieve the burden of
both to all parties involved.

Problems within one's self, indecisions, self doubts, oscillations,
equivocations, two desires opposed, are all a form of inner impingement
against oneself. Two sides of one's self impinging against the other,
"NO!", "YES!", "NO WAY!", "Yes WAY!".

By maintaining awareness of the true source of impingement and how
it works, one can rewrite how impingement works in your life and in the
life of the AllThatIs.

This results in reoptimizing the games of life, and maximizing the
fun of being here and lost as hell.

This is what auditing is about.

"Who or what is cause around here and why is it such an asshole?"


Homer Wilson Smith The Paths of Lovers Art Matrix - Lightlink
(607) 277-0959 KC2ITF Cross Internet Access, Ithaca NY In the Line of Duty

Sat May 5 02:06:47 EDT 2007

Homer Wilson Smith Clean Air, Clear Water, Art Matrix - Lightlink
(607) 277-0959 A Green Earth, and Peace, Internet, Ithaca NY Is that too much to ask?
HomerWSmith-L mailing list

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

ADORE231 (fwd)

Hash: SHA1


The most powerful truth on the planet is the way to get rid of
something is to perfectly duplicate having made it in the first place,
and then perfectly duplicate how one made it persist after having made
it in the first place.

The way out is the way in.

Practice coming in, puts you out.


The Creator can become the Creature at will.

The Creature can become the Creator at will.

The way for the Creature to become the Creator is for the
Creature to BE the Creator becoming the Creature.

Practice becoming the Creature is practice being the Creator.

The reason the Creature is not able to become the Creator, is
because the Creature is unwilling to become the Creature.

Dig it and don't leave it."



- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
Homer Wilson Smith The Paths of Lovers Art Matrix - Lightlink
(607) 277-0959 KC2ITF Cross Internet Access, Ithaca NY In the Line of Duty

================ ====================
Tue Feb 18 03:06:02 EST 2014
Send mail to saying help
================== ===================
Learning implies Learning with Certainty or Learning without Certainty.
Learning across a Distance implies Learning by Being an Effect.
Learning by Being an Effect implies Learning without Certainty.
Therefore, Learning with Certainty implies Learning, but
not by Being an Effect, and not across a Distance.

Version: GnuPG v1.4.5 (GNU/Linux)

HomerWSmith-L mailing list

Monday, February 17, 2014

ADO11 (fwd)

Hash: SHA1


ADO - 11
24 December 1993

Copyright (C) 1993 Homer Wilson Smith
Redistribution rights granted for non commercial purposes.

There are two broad classes of Withholds.


A Withhold is something that you know and others don't.

A Positive Withhold is something you wanted to communicate to
another but were unable to. They didn't get the communication anyhow.

A Negative Withhold is something you wanted to NOT communicate to
another but were unable to. They got the communication anyhow.

A MISSED WITHHOLD is a Positive or Negative Withhold that has been
restimulated but not pulled. That means the guy was reminded about it,
felt bad about it, but failed to complete his intention on it to have it
known or not known, and so it gets buried again along with newly created

There are three broad classes of Missed Withholds.


A Close Calls Missed Withhold is when a communication was almost
received but it wasn't OR when a communication was almost NOT received
but it was. It was a close call, regardless of which way it turned out.

A Wonders Missed Withhold is when the being can not determine if
the communication was received or not. He is left WONDERING.

A Still Knows Missed Withhold is when the being knows that the
communication WAS received, but later he wonders if the receiver still
knows or still remembers receiving it. There is also a Still Doesn't
Know Missed Withhold which is when the being knows that the
communication WAS NOT received, but later he wonders if the receiver
still doesn't know.

A Positive Close Call is when you try to communicate to someone and
they almost receive it but you know they don't.

A Positive Close Call is also when you try to communicate to
someone and they almost DON'T receive it but you know they do.

A Positive Wonders is when you try to communicate to someone and
you can't determine if they received it or not.

A Positive Still Knows is when you try to communicate to someone
and you know they got it, but later you wonder if they still have it.

A Positive Still Doesn't Know is when you try to communicate to
someone and you know they didn't get it, but later you wonder if they
still don't know.

A Negative Close Call is when you try to NOT communicate to someone
and they almost receive it but you know they don't.

A Negative Close Call is when you try to NOT communicate to someone
and they almost don't receive it but you know they did.

A Negative Wonders is when you try to NOT communicate to someone
and you can't determine if they received it or not.

A Negative Still Knows is when you try to NOT communicate to
someone and you know they recieved it anyhow, but later you wonder if
they still know it.

A Negative Still Doesn't Know is when you try to NOT communicate to
someone and you know they didn't receive it, but later you wonder if
they still don't know.


================ ====================
Sat Feb 15 03:06:02 EST 2014
Send mail to saying help
================== ===================
Learning implies Learning with Certainty or Learning without Certainty.
Learning across a Distance implies Learning by Being an Effect.
Learning by Being an Effect implies Learning without Certainty.
Therefore, Learning with Certainty implies Learning, but
not by Being an Effect, and not across a Distance.

Version: GnuPG v1.4.5 (GNU/Linux)

HomerWSmith-L mailing list



SCI - 18

Copyright (C) 1992 Homer Wilson Smith
Redistribution rights granted for non commercial purposes.

It is reasonable to ask what can be expected from auditing or the
application of clearing technology.

There are two basic End Phenomena or E/P's that should accompany
every session and the over all journey of going clear.

Sometimes Church representatives or even auditors or C/S's will
tell you that you have to be patient. That it takes time for auditing
to work, that you can't judge whether you are making case gain until you
give it a chance.

It is fair at that point to ask, 'How much of a chance?'

What ever they say you must take counsel within yourself to
consider if their answer is acceptable to you before you start, and then
you should keep track of whether their predictions are coming true on
schedule as your auditing proceeds.

If you find that they say, 'well give it 4 intensives (4x12 =
48hours)' and then after 48 hours nothing of import seems to be
happening, and you ask them again and they say, 'well give it another 4
intensives', you probably should consider twice what you are doing.

Now some registrars (Church reps trying to sell you auditing) will
try something very sneaky with you. They will say, 'Well you know
auditing works very deeply, and not always in noticeable ways, and you
may not notice as you go along that any BIG change is happening. But
years down the road you will look back on yourself and you will see that
you are no longer the same person that you were.'

Fine, do this, and then years down the road see if you are the same
person, and if you are ask for your money back.

Or they will tell you about the 'long road to OT', which is really
funny because the road to OT is exactly about 3 feet long, it's just
that everyone insists upon getting there via Timbuktu. Church
registrars will be more than happy to charge you all along the way.

Watch out for people whose income is proportional to how long it
takes you to walk that road, even if it is through Timbuktu.

So there is a lot of room for scam here, because people's cases are
fixated on NO CHANGE anyhow, so they will buy the message of HOPE rather
than RESULTS, and they will be more than comfortable laying down $12,000
for 4 intensives, knowing that they don't have to have anything really
big happen until at least the 40th hour or so.

Frankly I have exactly zero sympathy for this.

When you put your money down for auditing it is like an investment.

At the moment your money changes hands, BEFORE you receive your
service, your net worth has just taken a dive to the tune of however
much you have forked over.

Now perhaps you can claim that your assets have merely moved over
from cash to inventory, counted as hours of auditing still to be
delivered, so your net worth really hasn't gone down at all.

Fine, but the moment you start getting auditing you are using those
hours up, so you had better have something to show for it once it's

Now what you are buying in auditing is increased ability.

Ability to be healthy, communicate, remember, imagine, invent,
create, produce, make a living, and face your eternal future without
cringe, flinch or dread.

Life consists of production and consumption, profit consists of
producing more than you are consuming. The world is one large source of
exothermic reactions (little work in, lots of results out) and if you
can't produce more than you are consuming then you are a sinking ship on
your way to make room for those who can.

You survive by consuming, producing and trading.

By handing money over for auditing you are handing over hard earned
work credits, they represent production of ergs or joules or value
however you wish to count it. If you do not get value in return for
your money you have gotten the poor end of the deal.

Now maybe you don't want to measure your net worth in terms of
dollars or material things. Perhaps you should also get a brain and
realize that you need to eat to survive long enough to enjoy all those
other non material things. Thus net worth and affluence is measured in
some sense by the ability to produce, trade and consume material things,
accountrements of survival.

But there are surely other assets not so material, like well being,
or peace, or being able to engage in a fearless future. These too are
worth some work credits, when it comes down to it.

How much is it worth to you to no longer be afraid of death, your
own or those you love?


To see your cat go under the tire of a car and be able to say
"Wonderful! Well done!".


How much would it be worth to you to know exactly how
long you will spend in hell after you die before you let your
self out?


So when you invest in auditing you are handing over a sizable chunk
of your net worth AS AN INVESTMENT with full expectation of return to
exceed your outlay.

That means your net worth should go UP after each investment, not
down. I don't care how you measure that net worth, or what your coin of
the realm may be, but what ever it is you had better have more of it
after an auditing investment cycle, or else you just made a bad

Any farmer knows how to plant an ear of corn to make 10, so any
auditor should be able to do at least the same with your case and free
theta count.

Now the purpose of auditing is to produce case gain, and there is a
specific end phenomenon to each auditing action, at least there is a
point at which you know you have WON rather than lost in this game of
auditing. At that point, usually you end off the session for another
day and another process.

And another dollar.

When someone invests in a stock and it proceeds to take a nose
dive, you don't hold on to it, do you? You get rid of it and cut your
losses short.

You don't hang on to it for 4 months or $12,000 worth of auditing.
You get rid of it.

Doing otherwise is called ESCALATION OF COMMITTMENT.

You think you have already invested this much in a wrong decision,
you can't quit now, so you invest more...

So its the same with auditing. If you haven't gotten gains during
the very first session that make you comfortable with your net worth
situation, then you have not gotten a good first session and you should
go get another auditor or C/S.

Enjoy the sound of their whine about not giving them enough of a
chance to produce valuable change in your outlook, but enjoy that sound
from an increasing distance.

If after 4 intensives and $12,000 you are still wondering if this
is doing anything for you, you ought to get a new self, because you are
really too stupid to help.

So there are two E/P's that override all other considerations in
case gain. Each E/P is contained in every other conceivable E/P, and
every E/P you will ever have in auditing or in life can be checked for
these two E/P's to see if they are worth the time and money you spent on

The first E/P is this,

'KNOWS that clearing technology is a good thing and ought to be

If you can feel this after every session then you know you have
received what you should have, and what is possible, with today's high
speed processing.

The second E/P pertains to your overall track in the universe
coming in, and your over all track getting out. It is the final E/P of
all E/P's, the final release state and the final reason for getting
auditing. It is the highest possible state that anyone can attain, and
it must be reflected in some measure in all lower states attained or
case gain made.

If you are not making this E/P in some measure in every session,
then you are not on the route out.

This E/P is,

'Willing, interested and able to be here, and able to remain.'

This might not at first seem very sensible. There is a lower
harmonic mimicry of this state called apathy. The person is so low tone
that they have no protest about being here, and they are able to remain
solely because they can't get out.

Barring this false acceptance of what one can not stand, the only
condition that anyone could ever complain about with regard to
themselves or their case can be summed up in one line,

'Unwilling to be here and unable to leave'.

The opposite of this of course is,

'Willing to be here, and able to remain or leave at will.'

Many people get into auditing because it promises to lead the way
out of this universe. Ron has said that this planet is an egress
terminal for this universe at this time. And right he is.

The problem is that people who are running on an unwillingness to
be here, figure they are going to get out and never come back. They
aren't sure how they got here in the first place, but they don't care as
long as they get out and don't ever have to think about it again.

That's called ELSE-WHERE-NESS, or wanting to be elsewhere.

Now the fact's are a being chose to be here, so he had some reason
for coming in. Before he came in he was out, so he clearly had free
choice in the matter. Therefore the address of auditing MUST be towards
recovering for the individual why he chose to come in, why he WANTED to
to be here.

Once he has that he can get out.

Outness INCLUDES, no IS, a willingness to come in.

Cuz that's what outness does, create and enter an inness.

So those who get into Scientology or auditing solely because they
want to get out, never get out. Clearing technology can never help you
get out of something except by helping you recover your willingness to
come in.

But then you CAN get out, so its ok.

However you might decide to stay in.

You can get out of anything you are happy you came in to.

Thus what we are looking for in auditing or any form of real help,
is a recovery of the ability to come in, and a willingness to come in
and STAY in for a while.

OUTness drips with the beauty and aesthetic of being IN.
no matter how horrible being in is.

There is an aesthetic to horrow that needs to be contacted and
mastered as Creative Artist again.

You will find that early on the track some beings were quite ready
to come in, but they had a hard time staying in. They kept waking up
out of their own dream, it was too ludicrous. This was actually a major
problem and resulted in the present situation where some people guard
very closely their inability to get out because they don't want to

But the only way they could stick themselves in, was to hide that
they had wanted to come in in the first place. Remembering where you
really are will wake you up out of any dream.

So they hid their choice and willingness in the matter of coming
in, making it SEEM like they only wanted out, all so that they could
stay in.

If this confuses you, good, that will help you stay in, which is
what you wanted.

There are too many naked girls here in this dream to want to leave.

Even if we all are hanging from crosses and them above us.

So the purpose of auditing is clearing up these confusions and
INABILITIES that a thetan has on the subject of coming in, staying in,
getting out, being unable to stay in, getting stuck out, getting stuck
in, etc., by auditing his DECISIONS to make it so and his reasons for
those decisions.

Part of this is handled on the Interiorization-Exteriorization
Rundown, but really the whole address of auditing pertains to it.

One is not only stuck in a body, but also a life, an identity, a
language, a set of abilities, a country, a planet, a solar system, a
galaxy, a universe and a time stream.

Each one had considerations of coming in, and getting out.

Each one started off with willingness to be here and not being able
to remain, decaying eventually down to unwillingness to be here and
unable to get out.

So look, if you are going to put down your hard earned cash for
auditing, please judge your auditing by sensible guidelines. If you are
the poorer for it after it is done, and I mean EACH SESSION, then don't
get more. Just go find another auditor or pick up the cans and solo.

You do have an E-meter, right?


Homer Wilson Smith Clean Air, Clear Water, Art Matrix - Lightlink
(607) 277-0959 A Green Earth, and Peace, Internet, Ithaca NY Is that too much to ask?
HomerWSmith-L mailing list

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

ADORE552 (fwd)

Hash: SHA1


The purpose of clearing is to clear postulates.

The purpose of clearing postulates is to optimize game invention
and play and maximize action.

All created, non static, non native state, conditions in existence
are caused by postulates in present time.

Postulates are cause, by clearing postulates one clears case and
body conditions and allows the pc to rearrange his beingness and

Clearing charge is of secondary importance, as charge does not
cause conditions, postulates do. Charge is itself caused by two
postulates in opposition.

I want - I can not have
I do not want - I must have.

I want *AND* I do not want...

Clearing charge without clearing the postulates underlying the
charge will not clear conditions or free the pc, or if it does, the
underlying postulates will simply charge it right up again.

It is however almost impossible to clear charge without to some
extent making the pc aware of the postulates underlying the charge, but
the incident will not remove completely until the postulates are spotted
and blown.

Once a postulate in an area is blown, the pc is then free to place
other newer postulates in that area for the future.

Without postulates in place there can be no action or game play or

But one can not put a new postulate in place until the older
postulate is blown, one can not override older existing postulates with
newer different ones, that just creates more charge.


- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
Homer Wilson Smith The Paths of Lovers Art Matrix - Lightlink
(607) 277-0959 KC2ITF Cross Internet Access, Ithaca NY In the Line of Duty

Thu Dec 6 11:39:57 EST 2007

================ ====================
Wed Feb 5 03:06:01 EST 2014
Send mail to saying help
================== ===================
Learning implies Learning with Certainty or Learning without Certainty.
Learning across a Distance implies Learning by Being an Effect.
Learning by Being an Effect implies Learning without Certainty.
Therefore, Learning with Certainty implies Learning, but
not by Being an Effect, and not across a Distance.

Version: GnuPG v1.4.5 (GNU/Linux)

HomerWSmith-L mailing list

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

ADORE232 (fwd)

Hash: SHA1


If one looks at the R3R command,

"Move through to the end of the incident",

Then there is some meaning to the datum,

"The way out is the way through."

One certainly doesn't want the pc to move TO the end of
the incident bypassing everything in between, so in this sense
move through means to move to the next moment of time and the next
and the next touching all of them along the way.

On the other hand this is not the usual definition of
the word 'through', and can be misused out of context.

Moving 'through' things is certainly not the basic way
to as-is them.

If one has a mass for example, one as-ises it through permeation, one
goes IN to the mass, dons it, wears it, expands to its every corner and
beyond, fills it. One doesn't drill a hole in it and go through it
leaving it behind one.

Thus the senior datum is: the way to as-is anything is to go INTO it
fully and willingly.

One runs out-int by running the times the being went INTO things,
that gets him out. The way IN is the way out.

Even in running R3R, the idea is to get the pc to ENTER
the incident. Then when he is in the center of it, he can expand
to beginning and end and finally see his way out of it.

Thus "the way out is the way in" is a senior datum to
'the way out is the way through.'

Of course LRH didn't say this, so all of the above is wrong.

Everyone chooses their own fate.


- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
Homer Wilson Smith The Paths of Lovers Art Matrix - Lightlink
(607) 277-0959 KC2ITF Cross Internet Access, Ithaca NY In the Line of Duty

================ ====================
Tue Feb 4 03:06:02 EST 2014
Send mail to saying help
================== ===================
Learning implies Learning with Certainty or Learning without Certainty.
Learning across a Distance implies Learning by Being an Effect.
Learning by Being an Effect implies Learning without Certainty.
Therefore, Learning with Certainty implies Learning, but
not by Being an Effect, and not across a Distance.

Version: GnuPG v1.4.5 (GNU/Linux)

HomerWSmith-L mailing list

Monday, February 3, 2014

SESSIO12 (fwd)

Hash: SHA1



"Get the effort to Love."
"Get the effort to Not Love."
"Get the effort to Hate."
"Get the effort to Not Hate."

"Get the effort to Love and Hate."
"Get the effort to Love and Not Hate."
"Get the effort to Hate and Not Love."
"Get the effort to Not Hate and Not love."

Also run on Laugh and Cry.

Run Determinism:

"Who or what are you bound and determined to Create at all costs?"
"Who or what are you bound and determined to Destroy at all costs?"

Run on other items of choice, start, stop, continue, survive etc.

These are all late on the chain but will unravel the taffy to a
new level.


- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
Homer Wilson Smith Clear Air, Clear Water, Art Matrix - Lightlink
(607) 277-0959 A Green Earth and Peace. Internet Access, Ithaca NY Is that too much to ask?

================ ====================
Mon Feb 3 03:06:02 EST 2014
Send mail to saying help
================== ===================
Learning implies Learning with Certainty or Learning without Certainty.
Learning across a Distance implies Learning by Being an Effect.
Learning by Being an Effect implies Learning without Certainty.
Therefore, Learning with Certainty implies Learning, but
not by Being an Effect, and not across a Distance.

Version: GnuPG v1.4.5 (GNU/Linux)

HomerWSmith-L mailing list

Sunday, February 2, 2014

ADORE740 (fwd)

Hash: SHA1


I am not an OT, and I have no OT powers and I don't want any.

In Monica Pignotti <> wrote:
> Interesting, Homer. So, in other words, you balk at proving your
> claims and slam anyone with a modicum of critical thinking skills as

Our prime directive protocol demands that we prove to people that
THEY have OT powers and can use them, not that *I* have them.

In fact I wouldn't even try to help someone who didn't adhere
strongly to that directive. IF I were to help someone get back OT
powers, and they were to demonstrate them to others, the forces that be
would not only come after them, but come after me for being the source.
That would stop me from being able to help those in need.

Someone who can create OT's is a much more powerful weapon of war
than any particular OT that is created.

If you can't see the wisdom of this, I can't help you.

> but you are more than willing to take money from
> people gullible enough to beg you and pay you to teach them something
> you have not proven. I appreciate your honesty, though.

I insist on return survival for any service that I offer people,
particularly if it takes a lot of time, unless they are a charity case.

As do you.

You see we are aren't after the clueless, we don't show our wares
in our store front, too dangerous, not just for us, but for them.

We are after the people who already have a hint that they are OT in
an OT prison of their own making. They may have doubts, but they don't
need proof that something is up.

They suspect or outright know they are dreaming and want help
waking up.

The proof will improve their certainty that they are dreaming, and
from there it's mainly a matter of auditing out the intent to go to
sleep in a dream.

The 'I am proud to be MEST' cases are not ready to go lucid and
would be nothing but trouble if given the demonstration they seek,
ranging from total insanity to death. Maybe not all, but one is enough,
and since we can't tell who that one might be that goes crazy, the
directive forbids us to demonstrate to anyone.

I don't need to show someone that *I* am out of prison (which I am
not), to show them that they ARE in an OT prison, and that they put
themselves there, and that they can get themselves out.

That's a very valuable win, even though it is still below
'demonstrating' anything. Tone soars, one stops worrying about death,
ability to feel returns, and one's future becomes very different.

Its actually just a few short hours of processing and going over
the proof to do that.

From there on out, its a matter of actually getting them out of
prison. Now they might ask, well Homer if you can't fix your own car,
how do you expect to fix mine?

Fair question, and sometimes I won't be able to. But I have found
many others to be very accessible to their own cases where I am not.
Thus I find auditing others sometimes easier than auditing myself.

In fact I started out on this whole trek as a prove it case
meatball myself, and frankly we are just too far gone to help in this

But most others that come to me and are accessible, never got that
low, and so they just want some help recovering what they already have.
For me its mostly a matter of permission and letting them itsa, and
recover in a safe space.

I tell them right up front though, no demonstrations of OT powers,
even to me, my body can't handle it.


> Monica
> Proud to be a PROVE IT CASE

- --
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
Homer Wilson Smith The Paths of Lovers Art Matrix - Lightlink
(607) 277-0959 KC2ITF Cross Internet Access, Ithaca NY In the Line of Duty
Sun Apr 4 14:09:10 EDT 2010

================ ====================
Sun Feb 2 03:06:02 EST 2014
Send mail to saying help
================== ===================
Learning implies Learning with Certainty or Learning without Certainty.
Learning across a Distance implies Learning by Being an Effect.
Learning by Being an Effect implies Learning without Certainty.
Therefore, Learning with Certainty implies Learning, but
not by Being an Effect, and not across a Distance.

Version: GnuPG v1.4.5 (GNU/Linux)

HomerWSmith-L mailing list