>> If God is conscious, then not only is his consciousness not made of
>>matter, energy, space and time, neither is ours.
SP Bill:
> That doesn't follow. If God were conscious and created us (as well as the
> rest of everything) - there is no reason he couldn't have created us any
> way he wanted.
This asserts the fallacy that functionality above space and time
mechanics, can be replicated using space and time mechanics.
Mechanical analogues can be created that act AS IF they were the
real thing, like a doll that says 'I am hungry' when you pull it's
string, but it doesn't feel anything.
Zero dimensional functionality can not be replicated at all in
multidimensional space time mechanics.
Robots that are programmed to act AS IF they feel pain, will never
in fact act the same way as entities that do feel pain, because pain
itself is causal, and you can't make something that feels pain out of
parts that don't.
And parts that don't feel pain will always act as if they don't
feel pain, no matter how much you make sure they say 'Ouch!' at the
right times.
In fact state determined space time machines can't replicate non
state determined spiritual entities at all come to think of it, except
at very shallow layers.
At a deeper level the whole idea that anything could CREATE
anything is itself absurd.
Thus what exists now has existed forever and will continue to exist
The something which exists now, can never create anything new that
doesn't already exist, it can only change state into possibly newer
Space and time are glow in the dark illusions displayed in the body
of God, which is immutable and eternal. The light show comes and goes,
but nothing of material import changes, the pixels remain eternal and
immutable whether they are off or on.
The move from unmanifestation to manifestation is not an act of
CREATION of something that wasn't there before. True Something is
always conserved. The preexisting sleeping something merely changed
state to become aware of light shows.
Thus God could not have created the soul, nor anything else for
that matter, and thus God and Soul must be One and co eternal.
Mon Apr 6 14:53:26 EDT 2009
Homer Wilson Smith Clean Air, Clear Water, Art Matrix - Lightlink
(607) 277-0959 A Green Earth, and Peace, Internet, Ithaca NY Is that too much to ask?
HomerWSmith-L mailing list
Monday, June 30, 2014
Thursday, June 26, 2014
To expect has two dichotomous meanings.
To expect means to demand with expectation of accomplishment.
To expect means to predict what effect you will be of the future.
The first is a causal definition, the second is a waiting to be an
effect and can do nothing about it definition.
KP was a one of a kind obnoxious poster on a.c.t for many years, he
had a tendency to claim everyone was hallucinating but himself and even
taught me some things about name calling.
He had a process called UCP or Universal Clearing Process.
UCP was a good process and probably vital tech within a greater
context of a working body of technology.
However KP claimed that UCP was a one shot clear process, meaning
it was the only process one needed to clear either others or oneself,
and all other processes should be eschewed.
Similarities to TROM and Time Breaking of Dennis Stephens is
It went something like this.
1.) Where have you been? Compare to 2 and 3.
2.) Where are you? Compare to 1 and 3.
3.) Where could you be? Compare to 1 and 2.
The word 'where' was defined wider than simply a spatial location
but more along the lines of the word 'How'.
I and everyone else on a.c.t eventually got sick of KP and we voted
and uninvited him from the a.c.t list. He then created his own at
alt.ucp which remains to this day a barren wasteland of delusive
hallucinators and KP sycophants.
UCP is a good process, for a while, but not at the expense of
destroying or making criminally insane the use of any other process.
You think "Keeping Scientology Working" is bad, you haven't seen
"Keeping UCP Working."
Below is my spoof on KP and UCP, my process is a workable process
for those that are 'where it is on the bridge' to run it.
Notice the process is run as questions which we don't do any more.
Questions kill.
It should be translated into the "Get the idea of" form.)) - Homer
I have discovered a new unlimited one shot process that consists of
2 questions that will take everyone all the way up the bridge.
Each question is run until no interest, then the other question is
run, which should then open up interest on the first question, back and
forth etc.
They are:
"Where are you?"
"What do you expect of your future?"
Anyone who doesn't agree with this is a Mank Waster and a
Hallucive Delucinator.
Homer :)
Homer Wilson Smith The Paths of Lovers Art Matrix - Lightlink
(607) 277-0959 KC2ITF Cross Internet Access, Ithaca NY In the Line of Duty
HomerWSmith-L mailing list
To expect has two dichotomous meanings.
To expect means to demand with expectation of accomplishment.
To expect means to predict what effect you will be of the future.
The first is a causal definition, the second is a waiting to be an
effect and can do nothing about it definition.
KP was a one of a kind obnoxious poster on a.c.t for many years, he
had a tendency to claim everyone was hallucinating but himself and even
taught me some things about name calling.
He had a process called UCP or Universal Clearing Process.
UCP was a good process and probably vital tech within a greater
context of a working body of technology.
However KP claimed that UCP was a one shot clear process, meaning
it was the only process one needed to clear either others or oneself,
and all other processes should be eschewed.
Similarities to TROM and Time Breaking of Dennis Stephens is
It went something like this.
1.) Where have you been? Compare to 2 and 3.
2.) Where are you? Compare to 1 and 3.
3.) Where could you be? Compare to 1 and 2.
The word 'where' was defined wider than simply a spatial location
but more along the lines of the word 'How'.
I and everyone else on a.c.t eventually got sick of KP and we voted
and uninvited him from the a.c.t list. He then created his own at
alt.ucp which remains to this day a barren wasteland of delusive
hallucinators and KP sycophants.
UCP is a good process, for a while, but not at the expense of
destroying or making criminally insane the use of any other process.
You think "Keeping Scientology Working" is bad, you haven't seen
"Keeping UCP Working."
Below is my spoof on KP and UCP, my process is a workable process
for those that are 'where it is on the bridge' to run it.
Notice the process is run as questions which we don't do any more.
Questions kill.
It should be translated into the "Get the idea of" form.)) - Homer
I have discovered a new unlimited one shot process that consists of
2 questions that will take everyone all the way up the bridge.
Each question is run until no interest, then the other question is
run, which should then open up interest on the first question, back and
forth etc.
They are:
"Where are you?"
"What do you expect of your future?"
Anyone who doesn't agree with this is a Mank Waster and a
Hallucive Delucinator.
Homer :)
Homer Wilson Smith The Paths of Lovers Art Matrix - Lightlink
(607) 277-0959 KC2ITF Cross Internet Access, Ithaca NY In the Line of Duty
HomerWSmith-L mailing list
Tuesday, June 24, 2014
Adore makes the following definitions.
A Postulate: a posted beingness. (AS-IS)
A Consideration: an added significance usually of a relation
between two or more posted beingness. (ALTER-IS)
Remember color forms as a kid? They had this black board and a
whole mess of bright vinyl color forms that you could put up on the
board and they would stick.
Well the board is the void.
The vinyl color forms are creations, these are postulates, posted
beingnesses, no time, no change, no significance, just IS. You post
them to the board and they IS.
Now on the real board the color forms would stay put once you put
them there, so this analogy breaks down at this point because in the
static void, if you post a color form, it will vanish shortly thereafter
unless you make a consideration about it.
A consideration is an added significance usually but not always
relating two posted beingnesses to each other.
A significance is who or what created it, when it was created, why
it was created, where it was created, what it is used for, what its
purpose is, what it is, whether it is good or bad etc.
When a thetan first puts up a color form it just IS. It isn't
ANYTHING in particular. He puts up a few of these, and they keep
vanishing as fast as he puts them up. Then he does something
different, he adds significance to a couple of them.
He says "This color form is an ashtray, and that color form is a
cigarette, and the ashtray is USED to hold the ashes that come off the
cigarette and the ashes are CAUSED by the cigarette burning which was
caused by this color form I'm gonna call a match over here."
There is a process in Scn that has to do with simply naming
objects. This is because, although names can be completely arbitrary
and mean nothing, usually they signify the considerations that have
been placed on an object.
You say "This is a car", and wham its use, purpose, history,
future, problems, concerns etc all come up to the mind. These are the
added significances to the pure unadulterated color form that has been
labeled a car.
By running this process for a while, pretty soon the
significances begin to as-is, and the pure color form is left behind,
and pretty soon IT begins to as-is and you get a vanishment of the
image in the pc's space.
Book and Bottle does this to some pc's, you say pick up the
bottle, they say "What bottle?"
Hubbard wrote in the PABs something like the following scale.
Native State KNOW Nothing created
AS-IS Not KNOW Color form posted, vanishing truth
ALTER-IS Know About Significance added
ISNESS Result Persisting truth
NOT-IS Not Know About Denial of persisting truth.
SUB ISNESS Wrong Know About Persisting falsehoods
Native state isn't 'KNOW' in the sense of consciousness-of, or in
the sense of know about, it is KNOW HOW TO, able to, natively capable,
in the sense that the native quiescing God is fully capable of
exercising all of its abilities at any time although none are being
exercised at that moment. Those abilities ARE the ability to engage in
as-is, alter-is, not-is and is.
The state of as-isness is when the static makes its first color
form, posts its first beingness, experiences its first consciousness-of
color form.
This color form, perceived without added significance is a vanishing
truth, because it is what IS, and it won't hang around for long. It's
just the way things work. This mechanism is not even created or
considered into existence, it is the basic operating mode of the static
and its first creation.
The as-is state is called NOT KNOW because the static is no
longer in the quiescent potential state of total KNOW. It has begun
to manifest perceivable color forms and thus to limit itself.
The state of alter-is is when the static has a few as-is color
forms going and starts to add significances to them, what they are, what
they are used for, which causes what, why he created them. The static
begins to KNOW ABOUT it's color forms. All know about is created,
fabricated just as the color forms are.
These added significances add change, and therefore time, into the
scene, thus we get 'dreamtime'.
To the degree that the static forgets that the added
significances are created arbitrarily and to the degree that the
static chooses to BELIEVE that these significances are actually true,
to that degree do the altered color forms begin to persist "on their
own" through time.
He's still making them but they seem to be making themselves, its a
good illusion.
Persistence is an as-is color form altered with significance that
is considered to be TRUE.
These significances are called persisting truths. They are a lie in
that they are an alteration of the original as-is color forms, but they
are truth in that they are the original significances added onto the
color forms that makes them persist, so although they are not a true
as-isness, they are a true is-ness, you see?
It is important to note that the significances added onto the color
form are arbitrarily chosen, the color form that got called an ashtray
could just have easily gotten called a hockey puck in another round of
Thus persisting truths are 'true' only in that they are indeed the
first significance added to the object, not that they have any
fundamental rightness.
After the static has created a persisting scene of color forms and
persisting truths added onto them, it can then engage in further
It can either engage in denial of what it knows about, that is
pretending that it doesn't know, which is not-isness. Or it can invent
further significances to confound the original significances put on the
Where at first he said "This is an ashtray used to hold ashes made
by me", he later says "This is a paper weight made by Joe".
Both not-isness and these second added significances are then
called persisting falsehoods.
So in order to make something really persist the being needs to do
4 things called the persistence sandwich.
1.) AS-IS, create an as-is color form
2.) ALTER-IS, add a persisting truth to it
3.) NOT-IS, deny the persisting truth
4.) ALTER-IS add another persisting truth which is therefore
a persisting falsehood.
The being at 4.) thinks he is at 2.) and thus gets into a lot of
trouble when he tries to undo it.
To vanish any manifesting condition of existence then, one must
bring the pc back to the original persisting truth of color form plus
added significance, then to separate these as both independent and
arbitrary creations, at which point both will become vanishing truths
and return to non manifestation.
In theory this is true for both physical universe masses and for
mental masses in the preclear's mind.
Remember each being has his own version of the PU, there isn't just
ONE that all share, there is a common agreement that makes them all the
same across all beings inside it, but each being has his own copy. It
is a fantastic alter-is just to claim there is only one PU!
It is generally accepted that we don't want to vanish physical
universe masses, violating the laws of conservation of matter and
energy would have dire consequences on the balance of the universe.
Instantaneously removing one marble from the atmosphere of earth
would cause a collapsing atmospheric shock wave that could be felt
around the planet by any seismographic instrument.
But it is desirable to vanish the mental masses that a pc has
accumulated over this life and many lives.
In the physical universe we only want to find better and original
persisting truths so that we can leave the masses standing but not be so
lost about them.
This we call science.
In the pc we certainly do not want to only bring the pc to a
persisting truth where the masses still stand. We want a full vanishing
truth where the masses disappear completely and forever.
This we call auditing.
Homer Wilson Smith Clean Air, Clear Water, Art Matrix - Lightlink
(607) 277-0959 A Green Earth and Peace. Internet Access, Ithaca NY Is that too much to ask?
Homer Wilson Smith Clean Air, Clear Water, Art Matrix - Lightlink
(607) 277-0959 A Green Earth, and Peace, Internet, Ithaca NY Is that too much to ask?
HomerWSmith-L mailing list
Adore makes the following definitions.
A Postulate: a posted beingness. (AS-IS)
A Consideration: an added significance usually of a relation
between two or more posted beingness. (ALTER-IS)
Remember color forms as a kid? They had this black board and a
whole mess of bright vinyl color forms that you could put up on the
board and they would stick.
Well the board is the void.
The vinyl color forms are creations, these are postulates, posted
beingnesses, no time, no change, no significance, just IS. You post
them to the board and they IS.
Now on the real board the color forms would stay put once you put
them there, so this analogy breaks down at this point because in the
static void, if you post a color form, it will vanish shortly thereafter
unless you make a consideration about it.
A consideration is an added significance usually but not always
relating two posted beingnesses to each other.
A significance is who or what created it, when it was created, why
it was created, where it was created, what it is used for, what its
purpose is, what it is, whether it is good or bad etc.
When a thetan first puts up a color form it just IS. It isn't
ANYTHING in particular. He puts up a few of these, and they keep
vanishing as fast as he puts them up. Then he does something
different, he adds significance to a couple of them.
He says "This color form is an ashtray, and that color form is a
cigarette, and the ashtray is USED to hold the ashes that come off the
cigarette and the ashes are CAUSED by the cigarette burning which was
caused by this color form I'm gonna call a match over here."
There is a process in Scn that has to do with simply naming
objects. This is because, although names can be completely arbitrary
and mean nothing, usually they signify the considerations that have
been placed on an object.
You say "This is a car", and wham its use, purpose, history,
future, problems, concerns etc all come up to the mind. These are the
added significances to the pure unadulterated color form that has been
labeled a car.
By running this process for a while, pretty soon the
significances begin to as-is, and the pure color form is left behind,
and pretty soon IT begins to as-is and you get a vanishment of the
image in the pc's space.
Book and Bottle does this to some pc's, you say pick up the
bottle, they say "What bottle?"
Hubbard wrote in the PABs something like the following scale.
Native State KNOW Nothing created
AS-IS Not KNOW Color form posted, vanishing truth
ALTER-IS Know About Significance added
ISNESS Result Persisting truth
NOT-IS Not Know About Denial of persisting truth.
SUB ISNESS Wrong Know About Persisting falsehoods
Native state isn't 'KNOW' in the sense of consciousness-of, or in
the sense of know about, it is KNOW HOW TO, able to, natively capable,
in the sense that the native quiescing God is fully capable of
exercising all of its abilities at any time although none are being
exercised at that moment. Those abilities ARE the ability to engage in
as-is, alter-is, not-is and is.
The state of as-isness is when the static makes its first color
form, posts its first beingness, experiences its first consciousness-of
color form.
This color form, perceived without added significance is a vanishing
truth, because it is what IS, and it won't hang around for long. It's
just the way things work. This mechanism is not even created or
considered into existence, it is the basic operating mode of the static
and its first creation.
The as-is state is called NOT KNOW because the static is no
longer in the quiescent potential state of total KNOW. It has begun
to manifest perceivable color forms and thus to limit itself.
The state of alter-is is when the static has a few as-is color
forms going and starts to add significances to them, what they are, what
they are used for, which causes what, why he created them. The static
begins to KNOW ABOUT it's color forms. All know about is created,
fabricated just as the color forms are.
These added significances add change, and therefore time, into the
scene, thus we get 'dreamtime'.
To the degree that the static forgets that the added
significances are created arbitrarily and to the degree that the
static chooses to BELIEVE that these significances are actually true,
to that degree do the altered color forms begin to persist "on their
own" through time.
He's still making them but they seem to be making themselves, its a
good illusion.
Persistence is an as-is color form altered with significance that
is considered to be TRUE.
These significances are called persisting truths. They are a lie in
that they are an alteration of the original as-is color forms, but they
are truth in that they are the original significances added onto the
color forms that makes them persist, so although they are not a true
as-isness, they are a true is-ness, you see?
It is important to note that the significances added onto the color
form are arbitrarily chosen, the color form that got called an ashtray
could just have easily gotten called a hockey puck in another round of
Thus persisting truths are 'true' only in that they are indeed the
first significance added to the object, not that they have any
fundamental rightness.
After the static has created a persisting scene of color forms and
persisting truths added onto them, it can then engage in further
It can either engage in denial of what it knows about, that is
pretending that it doesn't know, which is not-isness. Or it can invent
further significances to confound the original significances put on the
Where at first he said "This is an ashtray used to hold ashes made
by me", he later says "This is a paper weight made by Joe".
Both not-isness and these second added significances are then
called persisting falsehoods.
So in order to make something really persist the being needs to do
4 things called the persistence sandwich.
1.) AS-IS, create an as-is color form
2.) ALTER-IS, add a persisting truth to it
3.) NOT-IS, deny the persisting truth
4.) ALTER-IS add another persisting truth which is therefore
a persisting falsehood.
The being at 4.) thinks he is at 2.) and thus gets into a lot of
trouble when he tries to undo it.
To vanish any manifesting condition of existence then, one must
bring the pc back to the original persisting truth of color form plus
added significance, then to separate these as both independent and
arbitrary creations, at which point both will become vanishing truths
and return to non manifestation.
In theory this is true for both physical universe masses and for
mental masses in the preclear's mind.
Remember each being has his own version of the PU, there isn't just
ONE that all share, there is a common agreement that makes them all the
same across all beings inside it, but each being has his own copy. It
is a fantastic alter-is just to claim there is only one PU!
It is generally accepted that we don't want to vanish physical
universe masses, violating the laws of conservation of matter and
energy would have dire consequences on the balance of the universe.
Instantaneously removing one marble from the atmosphere of earth
would cause a collapsing atmospheric shock wave that could be felt
around the planet by any seismographic instrument.
But it is desirable to vanish the mental masses that a pc has
accumulated over this life and many lives.
In the physical universe we only want to find better and original
persisting truths so that we can leave the masses standing but not be so
lost about them.
This we call science.
In the pc we certainly do not want to only bring the pc to a
persisting truth where the masses still stand. We want a full vanishing
truth where the masses disappear completely and forever.
This we call auditing.
Homer Wilson Smith Clean Air, Clear Water, Art Matrix - Lightlink
(607) 277-0959 A Green Earth and Peace. Internet Access, Ithaca NY Is that too much to ask?
Homer Wilson Smith Clean Air, Clear Water, Art Matrix - Lightlink
(607) 277-0959 A Green Earth, and Peace, Internet, Ithaca NY Is that too much to ask?
HomerWSmith-L mailing list
Sunday, June 22, 2014
ACT53 (fwd)
Hash: SHA1
((My comments in double parentheses - Homer))
ACT - 53
11 March 1994
Copyright (C) 1994 Homer Wilson Smith
Redistribution rights granted for non commercial purposes.
> Dear Homer, > > I understand why you say that good (by itself)
always loses, >because it is generally unwilling or unskilled in the use
of force, >which is evil's stock in trade. Thus, in matches involving
force, >evil nearly always wins. Hence LRH's emphasis on ability to use
force >in PDC. > > It's like WWII or Desert Storm. We had to be
willing to use >force to put a stop to tyranny (evil).
It has nothing to do with force. Force is merely an effort to
elsewhere the evil out of existence, rather than salvage the units.
Life is like a peculiar game of chess where in when you take another
piece he becomes YOUR piece working on your side of the game.
Force is often the effort to DESTROY the other peice in the absence
of the ability to locate and audit the other piece.
To locate means to CAUSATIVELY PUT THERE and willing to HAVE BE.
The sum totality of the reason that Good fails is the inability and
un willingness to locate in time and space, the Evil that it wishes to
fight and win against. Good considers in fact that the Evil is locating
the Good, in coming after the Good and making it run and making it pay
attention to the Evil when it would rather be raising daiseys.
If you can PLACE Evil THERE willinglly and knowingly, you can place
it somewhere else, and move it around, and frankly make it come to
session and pay for it. Anything that is out of control is not being
placed where it is by the being for whom it is out of control. The
being thus becomes placed and hounded by what he is unwilling to place
"What are the aesthetics of opposing Evil?"
The chain of unconfronted unwillingness goes back to Nemesis One.
"Tell me something you are willing to locate." (Repetitively)
"What are you not willing to locate?" (List and Null on meter only)
This subject of LOCATING the opposition is OT VIII.
It's mainly a matter of willingness and the ability to span space
and time, to put yourself HERE, and to put your opposition THERE and to
maintain the space and time between you without pulling an elsewhereness
to get rid of the opposition or failing that, to leave the game
You can operate whatever you are WILLING to PUT THERE.
The ONLY way you can really have something come after you is to
make yourself unwilling to have it be there after you willingly put it
there. It's the old 1st postulate, 2nd postulate game again.
It has nothing to do with force, it has to do only with willingness
TO BE HERE and HAVE IT BE THERE which is a function of Beauty and
Sovereign Desire.
"What is the Beauty of Evil?" (List and Null on meter only.)
As I said, the basic on the chain of OT VIII is Nemesis One.
OT VIII is defined here as power on all 8 dynamics, including
matter, energy, space and time both subjective and objective. Marble
The Bible calls Nemesis One, Behemoth. Only "he that made him can
approach unto him." Job 40:19
================ ====================
Sun Jun 22 03:06:02 EDT 2014
Send mail to saying help
================== ===================
Learning implies Learning with Certainty or Learning without Certainty.
Learning across a Distance implies Learning by Being an Effect.
Learning by Being an Effect implies Learning without Certainty.
Therefore, Learning with Certainty implies Learning, but
not by Being an Effect, and not across a Distance.
Version: GnuPG v1.4.5 (GNU/Linux)
HomerWSmith-L mailing list
Hash: SHA1
((My comments in double parentheses - Homer))
ACT - 53
11 March 1994
Copyright (C) 1994 Homer Wilson Smith
Redistribution rights granted for non commercial purposes.
> Dear Homer, > > I understand why you say that good (by itself)
always loses, >because it is generally unwilling or unskilled in the use
of force, >which is evil's stock in trade. Thus, in matches involving
force, >evil nearly always wins. Hence LRH's emphasis on ability to use
force >in PDC. > > It's like WWII or Desert Storm. We had to be
willing to use >force to put a stop to tyranny (evil).
It has nothing to do with force. Force is merely an effort to
elsewhere the evil out of existence, rather than salvage the units.
Life is like a peculiar game of chess where in when you take another
piece he becomes YOUR piece working on your side of the game.
Force is often the effort to DESTROY the other peice in the absence
of the ability to locate and audit the other piece.
To locate means to CAUSATIVELY PUT THERE and willing to HAVE BE.
The sum totality of the reason that Good fails is the inability and
un willingness to locate in time and space, the Evil that it wishes to
fight and win against. Good considers in fact that the Evil is locating
the Good, in coming after the Good and making it run and making it pay
attention to the Evil when it would rather be raising daiseys.
If you can PLACE Evil THERE willinglly and knowingly, you can place
it somewhere else, and move it around, and frankly make it come to
session and pay for it. Anything that is out of control is not being
placed where it is by the being for whom it is out of control. The
being thus becomes placed and hounded by what he is unwilling to place
"What are the aesthetics of opposing Evil?"
The chain of unconfronted unwillingness goes back to Nemesis One.
"Tell me something you are willing to locate." (Repetitively)
"What are you not willing to locate?" (List and Null on meter only)
This subject of LOCATING the opposition is OT VIII.
It's mainly a matter of willingness and the ability to span space
and time, to put yourself HERE, and to put your opposition THERE and to
maintain the space and time between you without pulling an elsewhereness
to get rid of the opposition or failing that, to leave the game
You can operate whatever you are WILLING to PUT THERE.
The ONLY way you can really have something come after you is to
make yourself unwilling to have it be there after you willingly put it
there. It's the old 1st postulate, 2nd postulate game again.
It has nothing to do with force, it has to do only with willingness
TO BE HERE and HAVE IT BE THERE which is a function of Beauty and
Sovereign Desire.
"What is the Beauty of Evil?" (List and Null on meter only.)
As I said, the basic on the chain of OT VIII is Nemesis One.
OT VIII is defined here as power on all 8 dynamics, including
matter, energy, space and time both subjective and objective. Marble
The Bible calls Nemesis One, Behemoth. Only "he that made him can
approach unto him." Job 40:19
================ ====================
Sun Jun 22 03:06:02 EDT 2014
Send mail to saying help
================== ===================
Learning implies Learning with Certainty or Learning without Certainty.
Learning across a Distance implies Learning by Being an Effect.
Learning by Being an Effect implies Learning without Certainty.
Therefore, Learning with Certainty implies Learning, but
not by Being an Effect, and not across a Distance.
Version: GnuPG v1.4.5 (GNU/Linux)
HomerWSmith-L mailing list
Thursday, June 19, 2014
ADORE519 (fwd)
Hash: SHA1
This idea that the way to live is to ignore the story of the I is
I do it differently.
I pretend I have a huge audience sitting in a movie theater
watching my life unfold as the main character in the drama.
And drama it shall be.
I ask myself, is the audience rooting for me, are they booing me
in disgust, or are they leaving in boredom?
In each moment I ask myself, what can I do now to enhance my
audience's experience of this movie called Homer's life?
Get them involved, get them to take sides, get them to partake of
the dilemmas, get them into conflicts they never conceived of before.
I try to give my audience its monies worth, keep them on the edge
of their seats, and give them one hell of good happy ending they will
never forget, and leave them wide awake and inspired.
For I am AUTHOR.
Ignoring the character, indeed.
"Is there any intelligent life on Earth?"
"Yes but we just stopped to refuel."
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
Homer Wilson Smith The Paths of Lovers Art Matrix - Lightlink
(607) 277-0959 KC2ITF Cross Internet Access, Ithaca NY In the Line of Duty
Wed Jun 20 22:11:53 EDT 2007
================ ====================
Thu Jun 19 03:06:02 EDT 2014
Send mail to saying help
================== ===================
Learning implies Learning with Certainty or Learning without Certainty.
Learning across a Distance implies Learning by Being an Effect.
Learning by Being an Effect implies Learning without Certainty.
Therefore, Learning with Certainty implies Learning, but
not by Being an Effect, and not across a Distance.
Version: GnuPG v1.4.5 (GNU/Linux)
HomerWSmith-L mailing list
Hash: SHA1
This idea that the way to live is to ignore the story of the I is
I do it differently.
I pretend I have a huge audience sitting in a movie theater
watching my life unfold as the main character in the drama.
And drama it shall be.
I ask myself, is the audience rooting for me, are they booing me
in disgust, or are they leaving in boredom?
In each moment I ask myself, what can I do now to enhance my
audience's experience of this movie called Homer's life?
Get them involved, get them to take sides, get them to partake of
the dilemmas, get them into conflicts they never conceived of before.
I try to give my audience its monies worth, keep them on the edge
of their seats, and give them one hell of good happy ending they will
never forget, and leave them wide awake and inspired.
For I am AUTHOR.
Ignoring the character, indeed.
"Is there any intelligent life on Earth?"
"Yes but we just stopped to refuel."
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
Homer Wilson Smith The Paths of Lovers Art Matrix - Lightlink
(607) 277-0959 KC2ITF Cross Internet Access, Ithaca NY In the Line of Duty
Wed Jun 20 22:11:53 EDT 2007
================ ====================
Thu Jun 19 03:06:02 EDT 2014
Send mail to saying help
================== ===================
Learning implies Learning with Certainty or Learning without Certainty.
Learning across a Distance implies Learning by Being an Effect.
Learning by Being an Effect implies Learning without Certainty.
Therefore, Learning with Certainty implies Learning, but
not by Being an Effect, and not across a Distance.
Version: GnuPG v1.4.5 (GNU/Linux)
HomerWSmith-L mailing list
Tuesday, June 17, 2014
Hash: SHA1
So you take your preclear into session and start running
"Tell me about your future".
"Tell me about your present."
"Tell me about your past."
"Get the idea of a future."
"Get the idea of a present."
"Get the idea of a past."
The first 'Tell me' group gets him into CREATED, the second 'Get
the idea of' group gets him into CREATING also. There are a LOT more
futures, presents and pasts than he has ever actually had.
It is the conceived scarcity of available future/present/past
triads that gets him so stuck in the one and only one he has.
You can actually get him unstuck from his present
future/present/past, by getting him to conceive and thus create
completely other futures, presents and pasts.
Anyhow, back to this posting and "Tell me about your future."
On the first command, he says "What future?"
OK, so he is a "What future?" case, and probably a Black V to boot,
meaning he "cant" mockup anything.
The Black V has no future, the future is WHAT he can't mockup.
(Oh he can mockup alright, his future is what he IS mocking up,
black invisible stone, dead forever for free.)
The ability to create a future depends upon the ability to mockup
what you want in full 4D stereo surround sound, touch, taste, smell and
vision, force, mass and motion, and impress it upon the MEST universe.
So no mockups means no future, at least of his own creating.
And no future means no mockups.
What little he has of a future ends at a black wall of the grave
with worms eating out his eyeballs.
Maybe you get him to mock that up until his back track starts to
turn on, which of course is the record of all past deaths to end all
Watch it though, if he's not getting maws and teeth, other's and
his own, he isn't running the process, but instead ducking into safer
parts of the bank containing death by crucifixion, war, fire, disease,
crushing, starvation, suffocation, thirst, skinning, boiled alive,
buried alive, earthquakes, tsunamis, lightning, tornadoes, volcanos,
nuclear anihilation, radiation poisoning, planetary collisions, and suns
going nova.
So you say,
"Thank you, tell me about your future."
He says "Dim and grim."
Well good, dim means he can't see it very well because he's a Black
V, and grim means long slow demise via force.
He has given you two very good items to audit later, after the
present inventory process is done.
But first you have to find their opposites.
So when you finally go to run the process, you ask your preclear
what the opposites of dim and grim are.
Say he says, "Bright and grin."
Well the first one is obvious, but not a preclear in the world will
tell you the opposite of grim is grinning, but indeed the opposite of
seriousness is humor.
The thing is your preclear can't comprehend a life made of humor,
he can only comprehend constantly running to avoid the blade on the
slice and dice wheel of the meat grinder called life the physical
He is still trying to get better within the context of that meat
grinder and its grand finale of the worms in his grave eating his eyes.
He figures that much is given, so 'getting better' is constrained
by what can be done inside that meat grinder.
Dying forever anyhow no matter what he does.
But your preclear WILL NOT get better within that context for long,
for he is PTS to everything that will eat him alive knocking at his door
PTS means Potential Trouble Source, a person who will rollercoaster
because he is trying to make the suppressive wrong, in this case, those
things that are out to kill him.
So to really get better and stay better he HAS to find a context
outside of the meat grinder wherein humor and freedom are the reigning
And then perhaps he might get up the gumption to enter the meat
grinder again with a better more grateful attitude even while knowing he
will be sliced and diced in the end for a worm gourmet.
Grateful for the opportunity to play the meat grinder game, FOR A
Only the best play it, no one wins, its how many rounds you went
that are written on your tombstone.
Anyhow with the 4 items in hand, you can start running a process
that will help him exteriorize from the present spacetime based context
into an eternal one, and then come back in with more equipoise and
willingness to be here.
"Get the idea of dim."
"Get the idea of bright."
"Get the idea of grim."
"Get the idea of grin."
The reason we don't ask him to 'Tell me about it' in between is
because if he doesn't want to talk about it, he shouldn't be forced or
cajoled into talking about it, as it will kill his havingness, and when
he wants to talk about it, he will. Then he will talk about all the
stuff he didn't talk about too, if its still important.
The intra session withholds do not slow session down or even intra
program and being able to withhold is part of the ability to take full
It is sufficient for the preclear to simply say 'There are things I
am not talking about.' and the session will go just fine, and finally
end in a flood of blab later down the road.
Once he finds the underlying charge to what he doesn't want to talk
about, the grin so to speak will come out, then the later grim will be
relatable with eternal good humor.
Part of the problem is he has everyone ELSE's considerations on
many of the things he has done, degraded, detestable, perverted,
criminal etc. No feel good there.
But they won't erase with those attitudes even if he talks about
He has to see the eternal beauty to things, no matter how
detestable they are from the present viewpoint, and then he can have fun
making the auditor throw up and feel really good about himself after he
has dumped it all out on the table.
The end phenomenon of all auditing is self respect.
No self respect, no auditing.
And by self respect we DO NOT mean no longer a sinner, but instead
we mean I never sinned.
Auditing is not a game of confession and repentance, its a game of
confession to grand artistry, worthwhile being, no matter how
'unworthwhile' it seemed at the time it was going on.
In side of every "thats not funny" there is a joke hiding waiting
to be found.
That's what jokes are, moments of good humor wrapped in dark
wrappers of 'thats not funny!'
If the very fabric of consciousness is ridiculous, then how much
more so is any pretense of seriousness painted on its surface?
These may be pearls you do not throw before swine, because the
swine will take you to task for them, so you had better be able to live
these ideas yourself before you go giving a pig a pearl necklace for its
Pigs not withstanding, the result of auditing is regained self
respect, the final E/P being Master of Respect.
"Oh Gorgeous and most ExCaliper Lord,
Master of Magnificence and Respect..."
High Prayer from Adore.
A Master of Respect can see the magnificence of the mess in life,
and respect not only the mess but everything in the mess as WORTHWHILE.
"MESS means Magnificent Examples of Shames and Shambles." - Adore
And by worthwhile we DO NOT MEAN worthwhile because we learned
That is lessons learned, and they are a yoke around the neck.
Imagine wagging your finger at God and telling him there are things
he can create that he shouldn't?
The whole purpose of the MEST universe, and the war for men's
minds, is the eradication of self respect in its entirety.
A worthwhile game for a God, eh?
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
Homer Wilson Smith Clean Air, Clear Water, Art Matrix - Lightlink
(607) 277-0959 A Green Earth, and Peace, Internet, Ithaca NY Is that too much to ask?
======================= ========================
Posted: Tue Jun 17 22:43:40 EDT 2014
Send mail to saying help
================== ===================
Learning implies Learning with Certainty or Learning without Certainty.
Learning across a Distance implies Learning by Being an Effect.
Learning by Being an Effect implies Learning without Certainty.
Therefore, Learning with Certainty implies Learning but
Not by Being an Effect, and not across a Distance.
Version: GnuPG v1.4.5 (GNU/Linux)
HomerWSmith-L mailing list
Hash: SHA1
So you take your preclear into session and start running
"Tell me about your future".
"Tell me about your present."
"Tell me about your past."
"Get the idea of a future."
"Get the idea of a present."
"Get the idea of a past."
The first 'Tell me' group gets him into CREATED, the second 'Get
the idea of' group gets him into CREATING also. There are a LOT more
futures, presents and pasts than he has ever actually had.
It is the conceived scarcity of available future/present/past
triads that gets him so stuck in the one and only one he has.
You can actually get him unstuck from his present
future/present/past, by getting him to conceive and thus create
completely other futures, presents and pasts.
Anyhow, back to this posting and "Tell me about your future."
On the first command, he says "What future?"
OK, so he is a "What future?" case, and probably a Black V to boot,
meaning he "cant" mockup anything.
The Black V has no future, the future is WHAT he can't mockup.
(Oh he can mockup alright, his future is what he IS mocking up,
black invisible stone, dead forever for free.)
The ability to create a future depends upon the ability to mockup
what you want in full 4D stereo surround sound, touch, taste, smell and
vision, force, mass and motion, and impress it upon the MEST universe.
So no mockups means no future, at least of his own creating.
And no future means no mockups.
What little he has of a future ends at a black wall of the grave
with worms eating out his eyeballs.
Maybe you get him to mock that up until his back track starts to
turn on, which of course is the record of all past deaths to end all
Watch it though, if he's not getting maws and teeth, other's and
his own, he isn't running the process, but instead ducking into safer
parts of the bank containing death by crucifixion, war, fire, disease,
crushing, starvation, suffocation, thirst, skinning, boiled alive,
buried alive, earthquakes, tsunamis, lightning, tornadoes, volcanos,
nuclear anihilation, radiation poisoning, planetary collisions, and suns
going nova.
So you say,
"Thank you, tell me about your future."
He says "Dim and grim."
Well good, dim means he can't see it very well because he's a Black
V, and grim means long slow demise via force.
He has given you two very good items to audit later, after the
present inventory process is done.
But first you have to find their opposites.
So when you finally go to run the process, you ask your preclear
what the opposites of dim and grim are.
Say he says, "Bright and grin."
Well the first one is obvious, but not a preclear in the world will
tell you the opposite of grim is grinning, but indeed the opposite of
seriousness is humor.
The thing is your preclear can't comprehend a life made of humor,
he can only comprehend constantly running to avoid the blade on the
slice and dice wheel of the meat grinder called life the physical
He is still trying to get better within the context of that meat
grinder and its grand finale of the worms in his grave eating his eyes.
He figures that much is given, so 'getting better' is constrained
by what can be done inside that meat grinder.
Dying forever anyhow no matter what he does.
But your preclear WILL NOT get better within that context for long,
for he is PTS to everything that will eat him alive knocking at his door
PTS means Potential Trouble Source, a person who will rollercoaster
because he is trying to make the suppressive wrong, in this case, those
things that are out to kill him.
So to really get better and stay better he HAS to find a context
outside of the meat grinder wherein humor and freedom are the reigning
And then perhaps he might get up the gumption to enter the meat
grinder again with a better more grateful attitude even while knowing he
will be sliced and diced in the end for a worm gourmet.
Grateful for the opportunity to play the meat grinder game, FOR A
Only the best play it, no one wins, its how many rounds you went
that are written on your tombstone.
Anyhow with the 4 items in hand, you can start running a process
that will help him exteriorize from the present spacetime based context
into an eternal one, and then come back in with more equipoise and
willingness to be here.
"Get the idea of dim."
"Get the idea of bright."
"Get the idea of grim."
"Get the idea of grin."
The reason we don't ask him to 'Tell me about it' in between is
because if he doesn't want to talk about it, he shouldn't be forced or
cajoled into talking about it, as it will kill his havingness, and when
he wants to talk about it, he will. Then he will talk about all the
stuff he didn't talk about too, if its still important.
The intra session withholds do not slow session down or even intra
program and being able to withhold is part of the ability to take full
It is sufficient for the preclear to simply say 'There are things I
am not talking about.' and the session will go just fine, and finally
end in a flood of blab later down the road.
Once he finds the underlying charge to what he doesn't want to talk
about, the grin so to speak will come out, then the later grim will be
relatable with eternal good humor.
Part of the problem is he has everyone ELSE's considerations on
many of the things he has done, degraded, detestable, perverted,
criminal etc. No feel good there.
But they won't erase with those attitudes even if he talks about
He has to see the eternal beauty to things, no matter how
detestable they are from the present viewpoint, and then he can have fun
making the auditor throw up and feel really good about himself after he
has dumped it all out on the table.
The end phenomenon of all auditing is self respect.
No self respect, no auditing.
And by self respect we DO NOT mean no longer a sinner, but instead
we mean I never sinned.
Auditing is not a game of confession and repentance, its a game of
confession to grand artistry, worthwhile being, no matter how
'unworthwhile' it seemed at the time it was going on.
In side of every "thats not funny" there is a joke hiding waiting
to be found.
That's what jokes are, moments of good humor wrapped in dark
wrappers of 'thats not funny!'
If the very fabric of consciousness is ridiculous, then how much
more so is any pretense of seriousness painted on its surface?
These may be pearls you do not throw before swine, because the
swine will take you to task for them, so you had better be able to live
these ideas yourself before you go giving a pig a pearl necklace for its
Pigs not withstanding, the result of auditing is regained self
respect, the final E/P being Master of Respect.
"Oh Gorgeous and most ExCaliper Lord,
Master of Magnificence and Respect..."
High Prayer from Adore.
A Master of Respect can see the magnificence of the mess in life,
and respect not only the mess but everything in the mess as WORTHWHILE.
"MESS means Magnificent Examples of Shames and Shambles." - Adore
And by worthwhile we DO NOT MEAN worthwhile because we learned
That is lessons learned, and they are a yoke around the neck.
Imagine wagging your finger at God and telling him there are things
he can create that he shouldn't?
The whole purpose of the MEST universe, and the war for men's
minds, is the eradication of self respect in its entirety.
A worthwhile game for a God, eh?
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
Homer Wilson Smith Clean Air, Clear Water, Art Matrix - Lightlink
(607) 277-0959 A Green Earth, and Peace, Internet, Ithaca NY Is that too much to ask?
======================= ========================
Posted: Tue Jun 17 22:43:40 EDT 2014
Send mail to saying help
================== ===================
Learning implies Learning with Certainty or Learning without Certainty.
Learning across a Distance implies Learning by Being an Effect.
Learning by Being an Effect implies Learning without Certainty.
Therefore, Learning with Certainty implies Learning but
Not by Being an Effect, and not across a Distance.
Version: GnuPG v1.4.5 (GNU/Linux)
HomerWSmith-L mailing list
Hash: SHA1
In a universe consisting of
1.) Source
2.) Existence
once the being descends to conditions, he is no longer able to
create things in the mere conception of things.
He has to suffer conditions on how and what he does, in order to
get to where he is going.
In order to survive, he has to DO something SPECIFIC. You see?
This begins the level of games, which consists of purposes,
freedoms and barriers.
Purposes are havingness, things that the preclear wants, but which
he has now relegated to having to DO something to get them.
In other words he has to create A, B, C, and D in order to get to
E, he can't just create E directly in the mere conception of E.
This places time and chase between A and E and gives him a game,
which if he postulates it seriously, he can lose or fail.
He goes out hunting, and comes back with squat.
Eventually he starves to death.
Below conditions then, havingness becomes a function of doingness,
and doingness is computed from wantingness and knowingness.
For the scientologese impaired, we say that having comes from
doing, which is computed from wanting and knowing.
In otherwords, he computes what to do from what he wants to have,
and what he knows about how to get it.
If he doesn't know, he has to learn, which is a whole other sub
cycle of doingness before he can get on with his original goal.
Learning is the process of study which is the doingness, resulting
in having more knowing than he had before.
The being thus becomes a question answer machine, seeking the
answer to what should he do, from what he wants, and what he knows.
We write this as
The 3 basic questions of his question answer machine are
What do I want?
What do I know?
What should I do (to get what I want)?
Since doing is action, namely effort/force and mass/energy in
motion, if his question answer machine is working well your preclear
will be in a state of happy high action.
If his question asking process is failing routinely on him, then he
will be in glum, watching and waiting for his ship to sink.
Serious games are merely games he can lose.
Maybe lose some for a while, maybe some forever.
How much he can lose them and how serious those losses are may be
open to question but, as always, it is only a matter of what he has
postulated and created for himself in this particular arena or playing
A space time game stream.
The most serious games, are those whose loss means a loss of the
ability to have any more games ever again.
Once you starve to death, no more hunting. You get it?
Once the preclear is into forevers and nevers, he is well on his
way out as a spirit.
Thus it behooves us to understand the worst possible levels of
serious games, play and loss.
When a new preclear walks in the door, his greatest problem is a
massive lack of understanding of how bad off he really is, he has lost
sight of the purposes, freedoms, and barriers, and of his original
design intent in the games he is having problems with.
And if he gets a clue too fast, he can fall over dead within 24
So upfront auditing can and should be simply a personal awareness
inventory so he can see again the pickle he is really in, on a gradient
scale he can withstand.
The first thing we note is he is scared out of his wits, stuck in a
must run, can't run, called despair.
A little lower is terror and horror, which is waiting to be eaten,
and a little lower is numb, being eaten.
The bank is a record of every time he failed to survive, it is
every possible way to die or go unconscious across trillions of years.
The bank is basically a lot of muck thrown into his question answer
engine, he can't get answers any more and he can't even get the
questions either!
Thus one has to be very careful about how one approaches these
problems of life because it is very tempting simply to ask him some
questions and try to get some answers.
But he is completely unable to ask a question any more, without
having his bank ask it for him, and there are no straight lines in the
So the first thing we notice is your preclear has two basic flows
on fear.
He is afraid OF things.
He is afraid FOR things.
And he can be afraid of and for the same thing!
Mommy comes to mind.
For example, without question, he is afraid of his body, and he is
afraid for his body.
So to get a personal inventory of everything that causes him fear,
it is very tempting simply to ask him
"What are you afraid of?"
"What are you afraid for?"
But this throws him directly into his question answer engine and
his bank will happily slam answers out to you that merely give him a
whopping headache and more losses on the game of finding out,
It doesn't help that he is deadly afraid of finding out!
The LAST thing his bank wants to know about is his bank!
One might consider that it would soften the blow, to balance the
questions with their opposite:
"What are you NOT afraid of?"
"What are you NOT afraid for?"
That will give him some cognitions and solace, but will still cause
the question answer engine to crunch around hard, with all its muck
caught between the gears, and do him little good in the end.
Further more the above processes audit him at the level of CREATED,
namely the past.
They may look like they are asking about the present, but mommy
goes into the deep past and so the reason he is afraid of or for mommy
is more a matter of the past than it is of the present.
He believes that he is suffering in the present because of what he
has done in the past, everything in present time is karma to him.
What is ACTUALLY wrong with him is his concept of the future, so
auditing the future is much more lucrative than auditing the past, but
he considers his future is ruined because of the past.
In fact the only thing that connects his future to his past, is his
own present time CAUSE in the present.
Adore calls this cause 'present time operational wizardry', meaning
not even he knows how he is doing it.
But long before he can finally see HOW he is connecting the future
to the past, he first must see THAT he is doing this, and on what
So, we never deal with how, we deal with WHAT.
But we never get to WHAT by asking WHAT!
Dig it and don't leave it.
So your job as an auditor is to address his cause in the present
that connects his future to his past, no matter what the past or future
were or are, and once that cause stops doing its thing, his future will
straighten out on its own.
For one we do not want to audit with questions, and for two we do
not want to audit the past per se, so we can rewrite the above processes
into a very powerful set of COMMANDS that produce the desired result.
"Get the idea of being afraid of something."
"Get the idea of not being afraid of something."
"Get the idea of being afraid for something."
"Get the idea of not being afraid for something."
Of course you can put "Tell me about it" in between each command,
if you are a mind to, but he will, he will. Better to leave the tell me
about it out of it.
Once you get near the right item he will start blabbing about the
thing until its all gone.
Then you approach the entire warp core of the question answer
engine by auditing its primary items, having, doing, wanting and
"Get the idea of not having something.
"Get the idea of having something"
"Get the idea of not wanting something."
"Get the idea of wanting something."
"Get the idea of not knowing something."
"Get the idea of knowing something."
"Get the idea of not doing something."
"Get the idea of doing something."
Across many days of this, either solo or dual, the responsibility
for his own case will surface, and you can then start into cleaning it
But without the personal inventory done, his personal integrity
will be out, he WON'T KNOW THAT HE DOESN'T KNOW, and that will stop most
other auditing cold.
E/P is knows his question answer engine can be repaired, and knows how
to proceed to do it. Life repair is available but not done.
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
Homer Wilson Smith Clean Air, Clear Water, Art Matrix - Lightlink
(607) 277-0959 A Green Earth, and Peace, Internet, Ithaca NY Is that too much to ask?
======================= ========================
Posted: Tue Jun 17 22:34:20 EDT 2014
Send mail to saying help
================== ===================
Learning implies Learning with Certainty or Learning without Certainty.
Learning across a Distance implies Learning by Being an Effect.
Learning by Being an Effect implies Learning without Certainty.
Therefore, Learning with Certainty implies Learning but
Not by Being an Effect, and not across a Distance.
Version: GnuPG v1.4.5 (GNU/Linux)
HomerWSmith-L mailing list
Hash: SHA1
In a universe consisting of
1.) Source
2.) Existence
once the being descends to conditions, he is no longer able to
create things in the mere conception of things.
He has to suffer conditions on how and what he does, in order to
get to where he is going.
In order to survive, he has to DO something SPECIFIC. You see?
This begins the level of games, which consists of purposes,
freedoms and barriers.
Purposes are havingness, things that the preclear wants, but which
he has now relegated to having to DO something to get them.
In other words he has to create A, B, C, and D in order to get to
E, he can't just create E directly in the mere conception of E.
This places time and chase between A and E and gives him a game,
which if he postulates it seriously, he can lose or fail.
He goes out hunting, and comes back with squat.
Eventually he starves to death.
Below conditions then, havingness becomes a function of doingness,
and doingness is computed from wantingness and knowingness.
For the scientologese impaired, we say that having comes from
doing, which is computed from wanting and knowing.
In otherwords, he computes what to do from what he wants to have,
and what he knows about how to get it.
If he doesn't know, he has to learn, which is a whole other sub
cycle of doingness before he can get on with his original goal.
Learning is the process of study which is the doingness, resulting
in having more knowing than he had before.
The being thus becomes a question answer machine, seeking the
answer to what should he do, from what he wants, and what he knows.
We write this as
The 3 basic questions of his question answer machine are
What do I want?
What do I know?
What should I do (to get what I want)?
Since doing is action, namely effort/force and mass/energy in
motion, if his question answer machine is working well your preclear
will be in a state of happy high action.
If his question asking process is failing routinely on him, then he
will be in glum, watching and waiting for his ship to sink.
Serious games are merely games he can lose.
Maybe lose some for a while, maybe some forever.
How much he can lose them and how serious those losses are may be
open to question but, as always, it is only a matter of what he has
postulated and created for himself in this particular arena or playing
A space time game stream.
The most serious games, are those whose loss means a loss of the
ability to have any more games ever again.
Once you starve to death, no more hunting. You get it?
Once the preclear is into forevers and nevers, he is well on his
way out as a spirit.
Thus it behooves us to understand the worst possible levels of
serious games, play and loss.
When a new preclear walks in the door, his greatest problem is a
massive lack of understanding of how bad off he really is, he has lost
sight of the purposes, freedoms, and barriers, and of his original
design intent in the games he is having problems with.
And if he gets a clue too fast, he can fall over dead within 24
So upfront auditing can and should be simply a personal awareness
inventory so he can see again the pickle he is really in, on a gradient
scale he can withstand.
The first thing we note is he is scared out of his wits, stuck in a
must run, can't run, called despair.
A little lower is terror and horror, which is waiting to be eaten,
and a little lower is numb, being eaten.
The bank is a record of every time he failed to survive, it is
every possible way to die or go unconscious across trillions of years.
The bank is basically a lot of muck thrown into his question answer
engine, he can't get answers any more and he can't even get the
questions either!
Thus one has to be very careful about how one approaches these
problems of life because it is very tempting simply to ask him some
questions and try to get some answers.
But he is completely unable to ask a question any more, without
having his bank ask it for him, and there are no straight lines in the
So the first thing we notice is your preclear has two basic flows
on fear.
He is afraid OF things.
He is afraid FOR things.
And he can be afraid of and for the same thing!
Mommy comes to mind.
For example, without question, he is afraid of his body, and he is
afraid for his body.
So to get a personal inventory of everything that causes him fear,
it is very tempting simply to ask him
"What are you afraid of?"
"What are you afraid for?"
But this throws him directly into his question answer engine and
his bank will happily slam answers out to you that merely give him a
whopping headache and more losses on the game of finding out,
It doesn't help that he is deadly afraid of finding out!
The LAST thing his bank wants to know about is his bank!
One might consider that it would soften the blow, to balance the
questions with their opposite:
"What are you NOT afraid of?"
"What are you NOT afraid for?"
That will give him some cognitions and solace, but will still cause
the question answer engine to crunch around hard, with all its muck
caught between the gears, and do him little good in the end.
Further more the above processes audit him at the level of CREATED,
namely the past.
They may look like they are asking about the present, but mommy
goes into the deep past and so the reason he is afraid of or for mommy
is more a matter of the past than it is of the present.
He believes that he is suffering in the present because of what he
has done in the past, everything in present time is karma to him.
What is ACTUALLY wrong with him is his concept of the future, so
auditing the future is much more lucrative than auditing the past, but
he considers his future is ruined because of the past.
In fact the only thing that connects his future to his past, is his
own present time CAUSE in the present.
Adore calls this cause 'present time operational wizardry', meaning
not even he knows how he is doing it.
But long before he can finally see HOW he is connecting the future
to the past, he first must see THAT he is doing this, and on what
So, we never deal with how, we deal with WHAT.
But we never get to WHAT by asking WHAT!
Dig it and don't leave it.
So your job as an auditor is to address his cause in the present
that connects his future to his past, no matter what the past or future
were or are, and once that cause stops doing its thing, his future will
straighten out on its own.
For one we do not want to audit with questions, and for two we do
not want to audit the past per se, so we can rewrite the above processes
into a very powerful set of COMMANDS that produce the desired result.
"Get the idea of being afraid of something."
"Get the idea of not being afraid of something."
"Get the idea of being afraid for something."
"Get the idea of not being afraid for something."
Of course you can put "Tell me about it" in between each command,
if you are a mind to, but he will, he will. Better to leave the tell me
about it out of it.
Once you get near the right item he will start blabbing about the
thing until its all gone.
Then you approach the entire warp core of the question answer
engine by auditing its primary items, having, doing, wanting and
"Get the idea of not having something.
"Get the idea of having something"
"Get the idea of not wanting something."
"Get the idea of wanting something."
"Get the idea of not knowing something."
"Get the idea of knowing something."
"Get the idea of not doing something."
"Get the idea of doing something."
Across many days of this, either solo or dual, the responsibility
for his own case will surface, and you can then start into cleaning it
But without the personal inventory done, his personal integrity
will be out, he WON'T KNOW THAT HE DOESN'T KNOW, and that will stop most
other auditing cold.
E/P is knows his question answer engine can be repaired, and knows how
to proceed to do it. Life repair is available but not done.
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
Homer Wilson Smith Clean Air, Clear Water, Art Matrix - Lightlink
(607) 277-0959 A Green Earth, and Peace, Internet, Ithaca NY Is that too much to ask?
======================= ========================
Posted: Tue Jun 17 22:34:20 EDT 2014
Send mail to saying help
================== ===================
Learning implies Learning with Certainty or Learning without Certainty.
Learning across a Distance implies Learning by Being an Effect.
Learning by Being an Effect implies Learning without Certainty.
Therefore, Learning with Certainty implies Learning but
Not by Being an Effect, and not across a Distance.
Version: GnuPG v1.4.5 (GNU/Linux)
HomerWSmith-L mailing list
God's first thought upon waking up from native state was "This is
too good to be true."
He's been worried about it ever since.
The real hidden standard is can you face your future with
assuredness, aplomb, equanimity, poise, eternal good humor, honor,
dignity, self possession, and peace?
Can you face your eternal future without fear or worry, or hatred
or anger, and without whistling past the graveyard?
Can you even conceive of 'my future is endlessly beautiful'?
With everyone else hanging on their crosses begging to die?
The guy who has a problem with getting better probably has a
problem with BEING better.
You see?
He is worried about not being worried any more.
That scares the hell out of him.
How human is that?
He worries that perhaps you can have too much peace.
He considers that he lost his sovereignty, but he can't recompose a
sovereign intent to do so if only for a while.
He is not sure he WANTS to.
Thus he considers something or someone CAUSED him to lose his
sovereignty, which puts him at effect.
This creates an ARC break with being an effect, rather than a
love affair, and thus also an ARC break with cause, namely the cause
that put him at detested effect. He considers that he didn't choose,
that he didn't consider, that his consderations are not cause.
That IS non sovereignty.
He gets stuck at fear of worsening and being an effect because of
his intent to return in like kind to the one who put him there.
He is trying to make what caused him to be an effect into an effect
itself, to punish, teach a lesson, to just get rid of FOREVER AND EVER
AMEN, and that dramatization to make another cause into an effect, is
enough to cement into place his postulate that he is in fact an effect
of a cause greater than he is.
The more forever he wants to make this other cause into an effect,
the more forever he remains an effect due to his own postulate that he
is an effect of another cause, hates it, and must DO something about it.
Thus hells last exactly as long as people dramatize forevers and nevers.
Then he figures that should he regain his sovereignty back again,
by hook or by crook, and considering the auditor in front of him,
probably by accident, there will still be his original opponent, his
Nemesis One, ready to kick him back into the abyss again.
He has mustered up a lot of power, energy and force over the
matter, preparing and trying to fight that which 'put him at effect'.
Thus his concept of regaining his sovereinty is a little like
busting out of jail, better to be armed to the teeth and firing away, in
case the jail is surrounded by guards ready to throw you back in.
Sovereignty is the ability to create power or not at will, that IS
power and ability.
So he has all this power and fight mocked up about having lost his
sovereignty and now he is armed to the teeth with more power and fight
to shoot his opponent should he break free, lest his opponent have a
moment's free thought to jail him again.
He thinks he doesn't know WHAT jailed him the first time, so he
figures he will need time to figure it out, take it all in, once he is
out of jail.
He's gotta look around him, see if he even recognizes the land
scape, what jail he is in etc, just a microsecond or two, but that's too
much time if the opponent is watching and well armed you see? I mean he
lost the last time around, he's in jail now right? Just so, he figures
this opponent is bigger and faster than him and WAITING for him to break
out, with an eye on him 24x7.
This is of course entirely insane as insanity is the effort to stop
what you consider you didn't start.
How can sovereignty lose sovereignty through anything except
No one caused him to lose his sovereignty, he CHOSE, and not under
duress, nor a power fight nor anything at all, it was in fact a quiet
choice made in the middle of the void, no fan fare, no fireworks, no
nothing actually, he just kind of slid into it on purpose, like a drag
racer puts his car into first and lazy's out onto the circuit.
And this is the way he will regain his sovereignty believe it or
not, no WOW, no marvel, no surprise, no delight, no gratefullness, no
thankyous, no kudos, just a quiet choice to undo a quiet choice.
Take the car out of first and put it into neutral and let it coast
to an eternal standstill.
"Sovereignty is perfectly happy, alone, forever and beyond
The law of Saviors is,
If you are grateful for having been saved, you aren't."
Now that is poise, self possession, and self esteem at the top.
If he messes up clutching the transition back to sovereignty he
may laugh his head off for a month, but that's a red tag.
Back to Qual, learn how to operate the clutch smoothly, in and out
of sovereignty.
Homer Wilson Smith The Paths of Lovers Art Matrix - Lightlink
(607) 277-0959 KC2ITF Cross Internet Access, Ithaca NY In the Line of Duty
Mon Feb 5 01:57:01 EST 2007
Homer Wilson Smith Clean Air, Clear Water, Art Matrix - Lightlink
(607) 277-0959 A Green Earth, and Peace, Internet, Ithaca NY Is that too much to ask?
HomerWSmith-L mailing list
God's first thought upon waking up from native state was "This is
too good to be true."
He's been worried about it ever since.
The real hidden standard is can you face your future with
assuredness, aplomb, equanimity, poise, eternal good humor, honor,
dignity, self possession, and peace?
Can you face your eternal future without fear or worry, or hatred
or anger, and without whistling past the graveyard?
Can you even conceive of 'my future is endlessly beautiful'?
With everyone else hanging on their crosses begging to die?
The guy who has a problem with getting better probably has a
problem with BEING better.
You see?
He is worried about not being worried any more.
That scares the hell out of him.
How human is that?
He worries that perhaps you can have too much peace.
He considers that he lost his sovereignty, but he can't recompose a
sovereign intent to do so if only for a while.
He is not sure he WANTS to.
Thus he considers something or someone CAUSED him to lose his
sovereignty, which puts him at effect.
This creates an ARC break with being an effect, rather than a
love affair, and thus also an ARC break with cause, namely the cause
that put him at detested effect. He considers that he didn't choose,
that he didn't consider, that his consderations are not cause.
That IS non sovereignty.
He gets stuck at fear of worsening and being an effect because of
his intent to return in like kind to the one who put him there.
He is trying to make what caused him to be an effect into an effect
itself, to punish, teach a lesson, to just get rid of FOREVER AND EVER
AMEN, and that dramatization to make another cause into an effect, is
enough to cement into place his postulate that he is in fact an effect
of a cause greater than he is.
The more forever he wants to make this other cause into an effect,
the more forever he remains an effect due to his own postulate that he
is an effect of another cause, hates it, and must DO something about it.
Thus hells last exactly as long as people dramatize forevers and nevers.
Then he figures that should he regain his sovereignty back again,
by hook or by crook, and considering the auditor in front of him,
probably by accident, there will still be his original opponent, his
Nemesis One, ready to kick him back into the abyss again.
He has mustered up a lot of power, energy and force over the
matter, preparing and trying to fight that which 'put him at effect'.
Thus his concept of regaining his sovereinty is a little like
busting out of jail, better to be armed to the teeth and firing away, in
case the jail is surrounded by guards ready to throw you back in.
Sovereignty is the ability to create power or not at will, that IS
power and ability.
So he has all this power and fight mocked up about having lost his
sovereignty and now he is armed to the teeth with more power and fight
to shoot his opponent should he break free, lest his opponent have a
moment's free thought to jail him again.
He thinks he doesn't know WHAT jailed him the first time, so he
figures he will need time to figure it out, take it all in, once he is
out of jail.
He's gotta look around him, see if he even recognizes the land
scape, what jail he is in etc, just a microsecond or two, but that's too
much time if the opponent is watching and well armed you see? I mean he
lost the last time around, he's in jail now right? Just so, he figures
this opponent is bigger and faster than him and WAITING for him to break
out, with an eye on him 24x7.
This is of course entirely insane as insanity is the effort to stop
what you consider you didn't start.
How can sovereignty lose sovereignty through anything except
No one caused him to lose his sovereignty, he CHOSE, and not under
duress, nor a power fight nor anything at all, it was in fact a quiet
choice made in the middle of the void, no fan fare, no fireworks, no
nothing actually, he just kind of slid into it on purpose, like a drag
racer puts his car into first and lazy's out onto the circuit.
And this is the way he will regain his sovereignty believe it or
not, no WOW, no marvel, no surprise, no delight, no gratefullness, no
thankyous, no kudos, just a quiet choice to undo a quiet choice.
Take the car out of first and put it into neutral and let it coast
to an eternal standstill.
"Sovereignty is perfectly happy, alone, forever and beyond
The law of Saviors is,
If you are grateful for having been saved, you aren't."
Now that is poise, self possession, and self esteem at the top.
If he messes up clutching the transition back to sovereignty he
may laugh his head off for a month, but that's a red tag.
Back to Qual, learn how to operate the clutch smoothly, in and out
of sovereignty.
Homer Wilson Smith The Paths of Lovers Art Matrix - Lightlink
(607) 277-0959 KC2ITF Cross Internet Access, Ithaca NY In the Line of Duty
Mon Feb 5 01:57:01 EST 2007
Homer Wilson Smith Clean Air, Clear Water, Art Matrix - Lightlink
(607) 277-0959 A Green Earth, and Peace, Internet, Ithaca NY Is that too much to ask?
HomerWSmith-L mailing list
From Wiki on Descartes.
> Skepticism[edit]
> Many philosophical skeptics and particularly radical skeptics would
> say that indubitable knowledge does not exist, is impossible, or has not
> been found yet, and would apply this criticism to the assertion that the
> "cogito" is beyond doubt.
This is of course nuts.
Certainty that certainty is impossible or does not exist is absurd.
Uncertainty exists.
Certainty is different than uncertainty.
A nothing could not wonder if it was a nothing or something.
I doubt I am, therefore I am.
It seems to be fashionable amongst the intellectually effete, to
claim that "I doubt everything."
One then asks them, do you doubt that?
They will answer yes. Which of course means maybe they do not
doubt everything. Certainly. So the issue then is to spot those
possible perfect certainties, and determine 'how would I know if they
were perfect certainties,' precious and few that they are.
But they will say that doubting everything, including doubting
whether they doubt everything, is at least consistent. Are they
Be that as it may, illogical consistency is not a mental virtue and
ends up in death and disaster if applied to actual existence which
certainly is.
In the end such arguments pretend to say something deep, everything
is doubtable, but in the end merely state self denying propositions,
like "this statement is false."
If I say "All dogs are animals, Joey is a dog, but Joey is not an
animal," then what have I said? Nothing. No information or knowledge
is conveyed. CERTAINLY.
Logic is King, logic is the ethics of language, thought and all
knowledge, even the subject of logiclessness.
For if you say 'Such and so *IS* logicless' you have invoked
the logic of IS and IS NOT to say so.
So let's cut the crap.
A mind that lives with self denying propositions is a mind that
does not work and is not in contact with actuality which is as it is and
isn't as it isn't.
It is the certainly perceived nature of personal agency, existence
and our direct perception of conscious color form around us that GIVES
us the idea of what IS means and a complete and only description of it,
because the first quality of consciousness is that it IS. That
description of IS, which we perceive in our conscious isness, is:
IS means IS
IS does not mean IS NOT
IS NOT does not mean IS
Or put another way
IS is IS
IS is not IS NOT
IS NOT is not IS
And that is *ALL* there is to logic and what is says and is about.
Only true actual existences follow the above rules, and
consciousness and self awareness is one of those actual existences.
Certainty of OTHER consciousnesses other than our own is frought as
other's consciousness can not be directly perceived as we can directly
perceive our own consciousness.
Any knowledge learned by indirect perception is merely a theory
based on evidence and model.
Indirect perception means learning about A by looking at B under
the assumption that B is causally related to A and therefore may
theoretically convey some data about A if one studies B enough.
For more on Learning, Certainty, Causality and Consciousness, see
The Proof at
Thu Oct 24 17:02:02 EDT 2013
Homer Wilson Smith Clean Air, Clear Water, Art Matrix - Lightlink
(607) 277-0959 A Green Earth, and Peace, Internet, Ithaca NY Is that too much to ask?
HomerWSmith-L mailing list
From Wiki on Descartes.
> Skepticism[edit]
> Many philosophical skeptics and particularly radical skeptics would
> say that indubitable knowledge does not exist, is impossible, or has not
> been found yet, and would apply this criticism to the assertion that the
> "cogito" is beyond doubt.
This is of course nuts.
Certainty that certainty is impossible or does not exist is absurd.
Uncertainty exists.
Certainty is different than uncertainty.
A nothing could not wonder if it was a nothing or something.
I doubt I am, therefore I am.
It seems to be fashionable amongst the intellectually effete, to
claim that "I doubt everything."
One then asks them, do you doubt that?
They will answer yes. Which of course means maybe they do not
doubt everything. Certainly. So the issue then is to spot those
possible perfect certainties, and determine 'how would I know if they
were perfect certainties,' precious and few that they are.
But they will say that doubting everything, including doubting
whether they doubt everything, is at least consistent. Are they
Be that as it may, illogical consistency is not a mental virtue and
ends up in death and disaster if applied to actual existence which
certainly is.
In the end such arguments pretend to say something deep, everything
is doubtable, but in the end merely state self denying propositions,
like "this statement is false."
If I say "All dogs are animals, Joey is a dog, but Joey is not an
animal," then what have I said? Nothing. No information or knowledge
is conveyed. CERTAINLY.
Logic is King, logic is the ethics of language, thought and all
knowledge, even the subject of logiclessness.
For if you say 'Such and so *IS* logicless' you have invoked
the logic of IS and IS NOT to say so.
So let's cut the crap.
A mind that lives with self denying propositions is a mind that
does not work and is not in contact with actuality which is as it is and
isn't as it isn't.
It is the certainly perceived nature of personal agency, existence
and our direct perception of conscious color form around us that GIVES
us the idea of what IS means and a complete and only description of it,
because the first quality of consciousness is that it IS. That
description of IS, which we perceive in our conscious isness, is:
IS means IS
IS does not mean IS NOT
IS NOT does not mean IS
Or put another way
IS is IS
IS is not IS NOT
IS NOT is not IS
And that is *ALL* there is to logic and what is says and is about.
Only true actual existences follow the above rules, and
consciousness and self awareness is one of those actual existences.
Certainty of OTHER consciousnesses other than our own is frought as
other's consciousness can not be directly perceived as we can directly
perceive our own consciousness.
Any knowledge learned by indirect perception is merely a theory
based on evidence and model.
Indirect perception means learning about A by looking at B under
the assumption that B is causally related to A and therefore may
theoretically convey some data about A if one studies B enough.
For more on Learning, Certainty, Causality and Consciousness, see
The Proof at
Thu Oct 24 17:02:02 EDT 2013
Homer Wilson Smith Clean Air, Clear Water, Art Matrix - Lightlink
(607) 277-0959 A Green Earth, and Peace, Internet, Ithaca NY Is that too much to ask?
HomerWSmith-L mailing list
Monday, June 16, 2014
Hash: SHA1
Your preclear is a deprived child.
Deprived of spiritual succor.
No succor is no auditing.
Succor is help via two way communication between live beings and
themselves on any and every possible subject of interest.
A LOT of later life auditing therefore has to focus on inhibited,
no and refused giving and receiving of succor, help in the form of
communication, in early life.
Auditing about NO auditing.
Help is not food and shelter, no matter how much your parents
insist it is. Help is CO COMMUNICATION on any and every subject ever
known to man and then some.
If its not communication, it isn't help no matter how warm,
comfortable and tasty it is, it is only an effort to keep the slave
alive but still enslaved to ignorance, lies, deceit and SILENCE.
Some parents take very good care of their slaves.
Healthy as hogs, crazy as loons.
Who now benefits from the silence of your anguish?
Auditing doesn't have to be fancy rundowns done on a meter that
won't read anyhow and which then acts mostly as an excuse to not talk
about anything.
Auditing is simply full disclosure and two way communication on any
and every subject of upset and confusion to the preclear.
Auditing starts at the first moment a preclear can communicate and
be communicated at, to or with by any means whatsoever.
In other words the first sessions start around conception and
assumption of the body, or before.
You will find on every preclear entire areas of material, both bad
and good, that he simply never talked about with anyone, period.
And when he doesn't talk about something to anyone, he stops
talking about these things to himself too.
So they become GONE, where they run him from the inside.
Life and death struggles build charge, and unless it is all erased
as life goes along, through two way communication, confession and
apology, the unspoken buries deep within the being as shock, catatonia
and oblivion and he is no longer free to live with willingness and joy.
Find who he didn't talk things out with, and what he didn't talk
out with them, and you will find the submerged despair charges that are
keeping him down, and powering his present time crippling
psychotraumatic state.
Parents don't want to find out, so they don't want their children
finding out.
The reason parents don't want to find out, is they are afraid the
knowledge will kill them.
Then who will take care of the child?
So a child with a fresh mind is a very dangerous thing to a parent.
Truth can be construed as child abuse by the insane.
They will SAY they are worried about the child, and doing it for
the child, so they suppress every subject of import, but they are doing
it to keep themselves out of an internal hell forever that they can not
escape except by skirting around the whole track skeletons in their own
closets, and the graveyard they call their minds.
And they breed without a license, out of season and for the wrong
Watch out for those that "Oh Posh!" the concept, you do not want
them in your Orgs, as they will MAKE SURE no one finds out anything
about anything.
Probably the main thing anyone doesn't want to find out is how hard
they can laugh and cry.
Real laughter has a price, torrential tears.
Real tears have a price, torrential laughter.
LRH once said that a dangerous auditor is one who is afraid to find
The only thing more dangerous is the auditor who pretends he isn't
afraid of anything, he will make sure no one looks at anything he might
be afraid of.
It's easy to test an auditor who truly isn't afraid of finding out
about anything.
They glow in the dark.
Since they are rare, a little honest trepidation in your auditor is
a good sign.
You will have more confidence going into the tiger's lair with
someone who is somewhat nervous too, and can share the tears and the
laughter of your travail.
And make no mistake about it, travail it has been.
Your amnesia of this and past lives is TRAUMATIC amnesia.
The primary purpose of your preclear's psychosomatic state is his
effort to get others to worry about him, more than they are worrying
about themselves.
The preclear just fell off Mount Everest, and some person will be
telling him 'You are always making mountains out of mole hills.'
Get the preclear to spot those people in his childhood whom he just
couldn't get to worry about him, no matter how much blood he was leaking
out of how many wounds, physical, emotional, mental or spiritual.
A being can not-is, make nothing of, nail out of existence, or
discount anything.
Remember a being can make nothing out of both eternity and infinity
in one blink, you think he can't make nothing of any travail you might
hand him?
Find the one doing so, and then the preclear's own overts along
this same line in this and previous existences.
Oblivion is made of "mole hills" too "unimportant" to mention.
With enough suppression of co communication on desire, justice,
duties and rights, intimacy and vulnerability, dependency, independency,
and fair chosen exchange, eventually the preclear fails to bring up the
most awesomely egregious and serious things.
A Child will first try to handle his purveyors of injustice by
forthright means, then failing that, by physical, mental, emotional or
spiritual force (attempted murder), and then failing that, he will condemn
himself to spiritual death in unexpressed resentment, covert hostility
towards himself and others leading to further decline into ruin, disaster,
and oblivion.
His worst childhood illness will have been an effort to change all
that discount being heaped on him. It might have worked for a while,
Lord save him, but then it doesn't work, so the engram contains the same
irritant person both as Golden Ally and as Darkest Foe.
Scientology calls foes SP's, Suppressive Parents or Persons.
You can always tell an SP by how you feel around them, and what
hell and death you aren't talking about with them.
They do not want you talking, that's it.
It is here you will find much of your preclear's murderous rage
sitting in a petrified AND of love and hate.
He complains he can't remember his past or his whole track, but he
can't remember the moment he decided to put into operation his service
facsimile ploy to get worried attention from his suppressive care
givers, by making himself sick, dead and dying until they noticed and
gave a damn.
So what do you expect?
He needs to remember what happened between the ages of 1 and 2, and
not a hundred quintillion years ago.
But the service facsimile itself which he used at age 2 to make and
keep himself sick, injured or disabled is so old there are not numbers
to count the age.
They don't call it the Rock of Ages for nothing.
But he USED it in THIS LIFE to survive against insurmountable odds
at an early age when parental force and might made right, and his
significant others always ended up 'right' and 'winning'.
So good auditing will span both periods of time involved,
alternating between near present, when he last keyed it in, and near
forever ago, when the original loss happened.
Thus what he can 'remember' in this life, is all the garbage in his
service fac chain collapsed in on his body like a concrete coffin,
mostly stuff done to him, a lot of it pure implant template from the
beginning of time, stolen from others long ago, or taken from clusters
of other beings in his present body make up.
Some memory.
Every possible way to die and STILL not have anyone give a damn.
Except perhaps one poor miserable ally he had a LONG time ago that
cried at his death, and never let him down.
And yes he has done that to others, been the Golden Ally to others,
giving them the key to lock themselves into needing sympathy forever
more and the crippling sick, dead or dying conditions to get it.
The good Lord can't save him from that one, only he can.
Spot the words in the tears of the Golden Ally, all of them Grand
"Don't leave me, stay with me, hang on, it will be OK, everything
will be alright, I will take care of you, I will love you forever, I
will never forget you..."
Watch movie death scenes, and write down all the phrases people say
to the dying one, you will get a pretty complete image of early
templates on how to mess people up permanently.
Holder phrases help keep the BANK here with him, in an effort
to get the PEOPLE in the bank here with him too.
So every time he starts to fail in life, he pulls in all this
death, with allies crying over him, to bolster his confidence. :)
"The only way to survive in this place is to be sick, dead or
dying, because otherwise no one gives a damn, and everyone else is out
to kill me!"
How sick do you have to be for others to actually want to help you
get better?
That is actually exactly how sick he is, but he hasn't yet found
the exact OTHER that it will work on. Trying it on similar others in
this life time produces a luke warm result, then a negative reaction.
They start off becoming his Golden Ally valence but then react to being
sucked into the drama by becoming his Darkest Foe valence.
How bad off do you have to be to get others to lift a single
finger and not just wag it at you?
Once you get better, then what happens with them?
And when he gives this kind of sympathy based on permanent loss of
fragile, unique and precious affinities, to others who are in trouble or
dying, he sticks them with a real package of 'help', which in their next
lives they will use when they need their courage bolstered. They figure
the only way to survive is the way to HIM, which is into the death
engram they last knew him in.
In order to have him, they have to bury themselves in the death
where they last had him and he gave a damn!
A lot of promises are made by the Golden Ally during a death
engram, and the preclear holds onto the death in order to hold onto the
promise of succor.
And the unwittingness of all this help turned harm, would be beyond
the pale, except that far enough down the whole track, Golden Ally
sympathy and it's phrases are all in template implants where they knew
damn well what they were doing creating this kind of thing to stick
others into memories of death (which can kill you), by offering sweet
affinity and help in the engram.
But its all tears with no laughter.
They are not false and covert crocodile tears, but the raw truth
is the Ally didn't cry enough, or her laughter would have blown the
scene apart in the joy of awesomely infinite love.
Sometimes the only evidence we have, is that laughter at the bottom
of our sorrow, that we are not just a bag of chemicals.
The bank is wicked.
It's all part of the Villain, Victim, Hero triangle.
What is hidden is: IT IS THE DESIRE FOR THE HERO that sticks the
being in the victim valence!
The failed Hero's plaintive cries, pleadings and professions of
love in the engram, act as a call back to the exact worst moment of
villainization wherein the victim died anyhow.
The hero proved his love by trying and failing anyhow.
The victim feels sorry for putting the hero through it.
Anxiety is 'maybe I should run'.
Fear is must run.
Despair is can't run.
Numb is waiting to die.
You need to recover the preclear's ability to experience despair,
get honest with it, face up to it rather than run away down the tone
scale into numbness of the heart and below, and start talking about his
problems, overts, upsets, and offensive and defensive service fac
The primary subjects to audit are eating, death and sex, and all of
their causal tendrils that reach out on the 8 dynamics into the past,
present and future.
He may hate his mother for forcing him to eat his peas (2nd
dynamic), but he also hates having to work and produce peas on the farm
(3rd dynamic), and he hates mankind because all they do is eat peas (4th
dynamic), and hell, peas are part of the 5th dynamic and hell, who would
want to live in a universe where peas even existed (6th).
We audit eating, death and sex in that order, because in this
universe, DNA survives by eating other DNA, so it is an eat or be eaten
Making a living pretty much involves making someone or something
else not make a living, you see?
Eating thus gives rise to the problems and losses of causing death
and being caused death, which then gives rise to the need for sex and
If you can see eating, death and sex as an 8 dynamic survival
engine, or meat grinder if you will, running on a carrier wave of horror
and sorrow, you will get some idea on how much charge the being has on
these subjects.
Once a being has handled all his charge on eating, death and sex,
in this and all possible past, present and future lives, he is pretty
much an 6 dynamic clear on dynamics 1 through 6.
There are higher dynamics but they probably are not dog eat dog
Some however may be go-to-hell-forever universes, so auditing
The dynamics are:
1.) Self
2.) Family
3.) Groups
4.) Mankind
5.) Life forms, plants and animals
6.) Physical universe, MEST and force.
7.) Spirits, postulates, considerations.
8.) The Infinite, Static/Kinetic Cause/Effect
But mother and father were primary auditors, and throw two bad
auditors into the child's holocaust of charge on 8 dynamics, and then
miss his own similar overts as a parent and auditor in previous
existences and universes, and you will have the unauditable preclear in
front of you.
He wants to get better but "Can't".
What he "can't" do is talk, feel and express freely about something
to someone that he desperately wanted and needed to.
Bring up him uptone from Numb, through despair, fear, anxiety (that
worry he so values in others,) covert hostility, and unexpressed
resentment, and where will you find him?
Flaming No Sympathy.
As the discount and make nothing of blows off for the first time in
"Mole hill? I'll mole hill YOU!..."
A mole hill the original villain will presumably never forget.
Only his own self grace and his love for the villain will save them
both from his immortal revenge in the end.
Without self grace, the villain is toast and the preclear will
never recover his love or well being.
It is here you will find his 'Must never happen agains', and "Must
always happen agains".
Along with his stuck power package of "can't causes and must causes
(can't stop causing)".
Tied up in endless charge, all he can cause is his service fac
condition, what's in the engram, and he can't stop causing that to save
his life.
That is the sum total anatomy of why and what he can't cause and
can't stop causing, and what he has no sense of responsibility for
having fair chosen any of it.
"Who me?"
Recovering that choice will recover the preclear and his memory.
"Yep me! Man am I cool!"
Restoring your preclear's willingness in this hornet's nest of
death and damnesia is an interesting enterprise and the laborer
(auditor) is well worthy of their hire.
And so don't become a parent unless you are ready to audit a God in
carnation running away from hell forever by seeking pretenses of death
forever in bodies.
But if you do it well, they WILL return the favor.
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
Homer Wilson Smith Clean Air, Clear Water, Art Matrix - Lightlink
(607) 277-0959 A Green Earth, and Peace, Internet, Ithaca NY Is that too much to ask?
======================= ========================
Posted: Mon Jun 16 18:17:44 EDT 2014
Send mail to saying help
================== ===================
Learning implies Learning with Certainty or Learning without Certainty.
Learning across a Distance implies Learning by Being an Effect.
Learning by Being an Effect implies Learning without Certainty.
Therefore, Learning with Certainty implies Learning but
Not by Being an Effect, and not across a Distance.
Version: GnuPG v1.4.5 (GNU/Linux)
HomerWSmith-L mailing list
Hash: SHA1
Your preclear is a deprived child.
Deprived of spiritual succor.
No succor is no auditing.
Succor is help via two way communication between live beings and
themselves on any and every possible subject of interest.
A LOT of later life auditing therefore has to focus on inhibited,
no and refused giving and receiving of succor, help in the form of
communication, in early life.
Auditing about NO auditing.
Help is not food and shelter, no matter how much your parents
insist it is. Help is CO COMMUNICATION on any and every subject ever
known to man and then some.
If its not communication, it isn't help no matter how warm,
comfortable and tasty it is, it is only an effort to keep the slave
alive but still enslaved to ignorance, lies, deceit and SILENCE.
Some parents take very good care of their slaves.
Healthy as hogs, crazy as loons.
Who now benefits from the silence of your anguish?
Auditing doesn't have to be fancy rundowns done on a meter that
won't read anyhow and which then acts mostly as an excuse to not talk
about anything.
Auditing is simply full disclosure and two way communication on any
and every subject of upset and confusion to the preclear.
Auditing starts at the first moment a preclear can communicate and
be communicated at, to or with by any means whatsoever.
In other words the first sessions start around conception and
assumption of the body, or before.
You will find on every preclear entire areas of material, both bad
and good, that he simply never talked about with anyone, period.
And when he doesn't talk about something to anyone, he stops
talking about these things to himself too.
So they become GONE, where they run him from the inside.
Life and death struggles build charge, and unless it is all erased
as life goes along, through two way communication, confession and
apology, the unspoken buries deep within the being as shock, catatonia
and oblivion and he is no longer free to live with willingness and joy.
Find who he didn't talk things out with, and what he didn't talk
out with them, and you will find the submerged despair charges that are
keeping him down, and powering his present time crippling
psychotraumatic state.
Parents don't want to find out, so they don't want their children
finding out.
The reason parents don't want to find out, is they are afraid the
knowledge will kill them.
Then who will take care of the child?
So a child with a fresh mind is a very dangerous thing to a parent.
Truth can be construed as child abuse by the insane.
They will SAY they are worried about the child, and doing it for
the child, so they suppress every subject of import, but they are doing
it to keep themselves out of an internal hell forever that they can not
escape except by skirting around the whole track skeletons in their own
closets, and the graveyard they call their minds.
And they breed without a license, out of season and for the wrong
Watch out for those that "Oh Posh!" the concept, you do not want
them in your Orgs, as they will MAKE SURE no one finds out anything
about anything.
Probably the main thing anyone doesn't want to find out is how hard
they can laugh and cry.
Real laughter has a price, torrential tears.
Real tears have a price, torrential laughter.
LRH once said that a dangerous auditor is one who is afraid to find
The only thing more dangerous is the auditor who pretends he isn't
afraid of anything, he will make sure no one looks at anything he might
be afraid of.
It's easy to test an auditor who truly isn't afraid of finding out
about anything.
They glow in the dark.
Since they are rare, a little honest trepidation in your auditor is
a good sign.
You will have more confidence going into the tiger's lair with
someone who is somewhat nervous too, and can share the tears and the
laughter of your travail.
And make no mistake about it, travail it has been.
Your amnesia of this and past lives is TRAUMATIC amnesia.
The primary purpose of your preclear's psychosomatic state is his
effort to get others to worry about him, more than they are worrying
about themselves.
The preclear just fell off Mount Everest, and some person will be
telling him 'You are always making mountains out of mole hills.'
Get the preclear to spot those people in his childhood whom he just
couldn't get to worry about him, no matter how much blood he was leaking
out of how many wounds, physical, emotional, mental or spiritual.
A being can not-is, make nothing of, nail out of existence, or
discount anything.
Remember a being can make nothing out of both eternity and infinity
in one blink, you think he can't make nothing of any travail you might
hand him?
Find the one doing so, and then the preclear's own overts along
this same line in this and previous existences.
Oblivion is made of "mole hills" too "unimportant" to mention.
With enough suppression of co communication on desire, justice,
duties and rights, intimacy and vulnerability, dependency, independency,
and fair chosen exchange, eventually the preclear fails to bring up the
most awesomely egregious and serious things.
A Child will first try to handle his purveyors of injustice by
forthright means, then failing that, by physical, mental, emotional or
spiritual force (attempted murder), and then failing that, he will condemn
himself to spiritual death in unexpressed resentment, covert hostility
towards himself and others leading to further decline into ruin, disaster,
and oblivion.
His worst childhood illness will have been an effort to change all
that discount being heaped on him. It might have worked for a while,
Lord save him, but then it doesn't work, so the engram contains the same
irritant person both as Golden Ally and as Darkest Foe.
Scientology calls foes SP's, Suppressive Parents or Persons.
You can always tell an SP by how you feel around them, and what
hell and death you aren't talking about with them.
They do not want you talking, that's it.
It is here you will find much of your preclear's murderous rage
sitting in a petrified AND of love and hate.
He complains he can't remember his past or his whole track, but he
can't remember the moment he decided to put into operation his service
facsimile ploy to get worried attention from his suppressive care
givers, by making himself sick, dead and dying until they noticed and
gave a damn.
So what do you expect?
He needs to remember what happened between the ages of 1 and 2, and
not a hundred quintillion years ago.
But the service facsimile itself which he used at age 2 to make and
keep himself sick, injured or disabled is so old there are not numbers
to count the age.
They don't call it the Rock of Ages for nothing.
But he USED it in THIS LIFE to survive against insurmountable odds
at an early age when parental force and might made right, and his
significant others always ended up 'right' and 'winning'.
So good auditing will span both periods of time involved,
alternating between near present, when he last keyed it in, and near
forever ago, when the original loss happened.
Thus what he can 'remember' in this life, is all the garbage in his
service fac chain collapsed in on his body like a concrete coffin,
mostly stuff done to him, a lot of it pure implant template from the
beginning of time, stolen from others long ago, or taken from clusters
of other beings in his present body make up.
Some memory.
Every possible way to die and STILL not have anyone give a damn.
Except perhaps one poor miserable ally he had a LONG time ago that
cried at his death, and never let him down.
And yes he has done that to others, been the Golden Ally to others,
giving them the key to lock themselves into needing sympathy forever
more and the crippling sick, dead or dying conditions to get it.
The good Lord can't save him from that one, only he can.
Spot the words in the tears of the Golden Ally, all of them Grand
"Don't leave me, stay with me, hang on, it will be OK, everything
will be alright, I will take care of you, I will love you forever, I
will never forget you..."
Watch movie death scenes, and write down all the phrases people say
to the dying one, you will get a pretty complete image of early
templates on how to mess people up permanently.
Holder phrases help keep the BANK here with him, in an effort
to get the PEOPLE in the bank here with him too.
So every time he starts to fail in life, he pulls in all this
death, with allies crying over him, to bolster his confidence. :)
"The only way to survive in this place is to be sick, dead or
dying, because otherwise no one gives a damn, and everyone else is out
to kill me!"
How sick do you have to be for others to actually want to help you
get better?
That is actually exactly how sick he is, but he hasn't yet found
the exact OTHER that it will work on. Trying it on similar others in
this life time produces a luke warm result, then a negative reaction.
They start off becoming his Golden Ally valence but then react to being
sucked into the drama by becoming his Darkest Foe valence.
How bad off do you have to be to get others to lift a single
finger and not just wag it at you?
Once you get better, then what happens with them?
And when he gives this kind of sympathy based on permanent loss of
fragile, unique and precious affinities, to others who are in trouble or
dying, he sticks them with a real package of 'help', which in their next
lives they will use when they need their courage bolstered. They figure
the only way to survive is the way to HIM, which is into the death
engram they last knew him in.
In order to have him, they have to bury themselves in the death
where they last had him and he gave a damn!
A lot of promises are made by the Golden Ally during a death
engram, and the preclear holds onto the death in order to hold onto the
promise of succor.
And the unwittingness of all this help turned harm, would be beyond
the pale, except that far enough down the whole track, Golden Ally
sympathy and it's phrases are all in template implants where they knew
damn well what they were doing creating this kind of thing to stick
others into memories of death (which can kill you), by offering sweet
affinity and help in the engram.
But its all tears with no laughter.
They are not false and covert crocodile tears, but the raw truth
is the Ally didn't cry enough, or her laughter would have blown the
scene apart in the joy of awesomely infinite love.
Sometimes the only evidence we have, is that laughter at the bottom
of our sorrow, that we are not just a bag of chemicals.
The bank is wicked.
It's all part of the Villain, Victim, Hero triangle.
What is hidden is: IT IS THE DESIRE FOR THE HERO that sticks the
being in the victim valence!
The failed Hero's plaintive cries, pleadings and professions of
love in the engram, act as a call back to the exact worst moment of
villainization wherein the victim died anyhow.
The hero proved his love by trying and failing anyhow.
The victim feels sorry for putting the hero through it.
Anxiety is 'maybe I should run'.
Fear is must run.
Despair is can't run.
Numb is waiting to die.
You need to recover the preclear's ability to experience despair,
get honest with it, face up to it rather than run away down the tone
scale into numbness of the heart and below, and start talking about his
problems, overts, upsets, and offensive and defensive service fac
The primary subjects to audit are eating, death and sex, and all of
their causal tendrils that reach out on the 8 dynamics into the past,
present and future.
He may hate his mother for forcing him to eat his peas (2nd
dynamic), but he also hates having to work and produce peas on the farm
(3rd dynamic), and he hates mankind because all they do is eat peas (4th
dynamic), and hell, peas are part of the 5th dynamic and hell, who would
want to live in a universe where peas even existed (6th).
We audit eating, death and sex in that order, because in this
universe, DNA survives by eating other DNA, so it is an eat or be eaten
Making a living pretty much involves making someone or something
else not make a living, you see?
Eating thus gives rise to the problems and losses of causing death
and being caused death, which then gives rise to the need for sex and
If you can see eating, death and sex as an 8 dynamic survival
engine, or meat grinder if you will, running on a carrier wave of horror
and sorrow, you will get some idea on how much charge the being has on
these subjects.
Once a being has handled all his charge on eating, death and sex,
in this and all possible past, present and future lives, he is pretty
much an 6 dynamic clear on dynamics 1 through 6.
There are higher dynamics but they probably are not dog eat dog
Some however may be go-to-hell-forever universes, so auditing
The dynamics are:
1.) Self
2.) Family
3.) Groups
4.) Mankind
5.) Life forms, plants and animals
6.) Physical universe, MEST and force.
7.) Spirits, postulates, considerations.
8.) The Infinite, Static/Kinetic Cause/Effect
But mother and father were primary auditors, and throw two bad
auditors into the child's holocaust of charge on 8 dynamics, and then
miss his own similar overts as a parent and auditor in previous
existences and universes, and you will have the unauditable preclear in
front of you.
He wants to get better but "Can't".
What he "can't" do is talk, feel and express freely about something
to someone that he desperately wanted and needed to.
Bring up him uptone from Numb, through despair, fear, anxiety (that
worry he so values in others,) covert hostility, and unexpressed
resentment, and where will you find him?
Flaming No Sympathy.
As the discount and make nothing of blows off for the first time in
"Mole hill? I'll mole hill YOU!..."
A mole hill the original villain will presumably never forget.
Only his own self grace and his love for the villain will save them
both from his immortal revenge in the end.
Without self grace, the villain is toast and the preclear will
never recover his love or well being.
It is here you will find his 'Must never happen agains', and "Must
always happen agains".
Along with his stuck power package of "can't causes and must causes
(can't stop causing)".
Tied up in endless charge, all he can cause is his service fac
condition, what's in the engram, and he can't stop causing that to save
his life.
That is the sum total anatomy of why and what he can't cause and
can't stop causing, and what he has no sense of responsibility for
having fair chosen any of it.
"Who me?"
Recovering that choice will recover the preclear and his memory.
"Yep me! Man am I cool!"
Restoring your preclear's willingness in this hornet's nest of
death and damnesia is an interesting enterprise and the laborer
(auditor) is well worthy of their hire.
And so don't become a parent unless you are ready to audit a God in
carnation running away from hell forever by seeking pretenses of death
forever in bodies.
But if you do it well, they WILL return the favor.
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
Homer Wilson Smith Clean Air, Clear Water, Art Matrix - Lightlink
(607) 277-0959 A Green Earth, and Peace, Internet, Ithaca NY Is that too much to ask?
======================= ========================
Posted: Mon Jun 16 18:17:44 EDT 2014
Send mail to saying help
================== ===================
Learning implies Learning with Certainty or Learning without Certainty.
Learning across a Distance implies Learning by Being an Effect.
Learning by Being an Effect implies Learning without Certainty.
Therefore, Learning with Certainty implies Learning but
Not by Being an Effect, and not across a Distance.
Version: GnuPG v1.4.5 (GNU/Linux)
HomerWSmith-L mailing list
Hash: SHA1
Case consists of wanting to kill a LOT of people.
We call this the Kill Wish.
Your preclear may be parked in a valence that can't imagine the
idea, but that thing is unauditable.
This valence is also a solution to a problem with the kill wish,
trying to put it on hold for a while or forever, while continuing to
carry it out anyhow at a compulsive covert level.
It is powered by GPMs between opposing Nemesis One's, MANY of them,
and gets one involved in offense and defense FOREVER, and the resulting
collateral damage, doubts, and switching sides or playing both sides at
the same time.
To understand GPMS, you have to understand the following four
items, along with total no responsibility for *EITHER* side:
Fragile, unique, precious and FOREVER.
Collateral damage gets one into anger and regret cycles, which then
lead to fall and redemption cycles.
The underlying structure of all persistence in this universe is
altering will and won't into can and can't.
Auditing can't is auditing a dead brick wall.
Auditing won't may open the door if you are good enough as an
This is because can't is devoid of responsibility for condition,
whereas won't includes will and motivation, desire and purpose,
intention and volition, awareness, truth, decency, ethics and
Can and can't are unauditable because there is no life in them,
they just 'are' for inscrutible reasons.
People think Chinamen are inscrutible.
Ask a preclear someday why he can't..., and you will find real
Will and won't are auditable, because they are made of the living
lightning of self aware cause with purpose and motivation.
Scott Gordon's process:
"Spot a condition.
Get the idea the condition may serve a purpose.
Get the idea of trying to DO something about that condition."
Serve a purpose? Huh?
"As you can be content with and accept things as they are, they
will not exist. That is absolute." - LRH
The only absolute is a full vanishment.
Allen Hacker, speaker for Acceptance Services used to say that he
helped people accept things to make them better, but that people needed
a lot of semantic adjustment to operate that acceptance.
I used to nag him about the name of his organization, because I
found it attrocious.
"Accept, accept, resistence is futile, you WILL be assimilated." -
Yorg the Borg.
Hacker finally said he would change the name of his outfit, but
wouldn't tell us what it was. I haven't heard from him since.
I eventually solved the problem for him with the following two
Acceptance with expectation of persistence is resignation.
Acceptance with expectation of vanishment is as-isness.
The first is means to accept something ELSE putting it there, which
goes no where except to the bottom of the sea.
The second is accepting YOU putting it there.
So when you audit, you need to audit in the direction of the second
meaning of acceptance, but trust me, that meaning is UTTERLY alien to
your average wog who is wearing a universe on his face like a mud pack
because he has been 'accepting' things for a squadrillion years.
"Lord, give me the power to accept the things I can not change..."
Now you want him to accept things to fix it all?
Well the first kind of acceptance is alloyed with resistence
through and through.
The second kind of acceptance is resistence free.
Just remember to a wog 'resistence free' means abject bottom of the
sea of apathy.
And yes, the only difference between the bottom and top is a sense
of choice.
Which is why we audit WILL AND WON'T, and NEVER EVER EVER CAN and
CAN'T, for who knows where those abilities and disabilities come from,
you see?
*HE* certainly had nothing to do with them :)
If you discuss these matters with your preclear, he will look at
you in SHOCK at the idea that all this stuff around him, from the
universe he lives in, to the pain in his nose is a DECISION.
A forgotten decision.
Which he DECIDED to forget.
Decision, choice, intention, will and motivation born of the ethics
of aesthetics, are the archstone of existence.
Pull them and the whole Cosmic edifice will fall like fairy dust.
If you can't put 'decided' meaningfully in front of the item, it
won't audit because it won't be true.
Try running "Recall a time when you didn't decide for something to
be there, but there it was anyhow.", and see how far you get.
You know, on someone you detest who has a lot of karmic revenge
coming his way, maybe YOU.
Your preclear is a decision SOURCE.
Everything in existence was decided by someone, and if its in your
dream, YOU decided that someone else could decide things into your
So preclears can decide the general if not the specific, but only
if he decides to decide the general and not the specific.
"Ok, Goober is going to make a mess of my space, what mess I have
no clue, but I am sure it will be a good mess... :)"
Wham, you just gave Goober free license to create anything in your
space he wants.
Thus your preclear can have suprise and delight.
And so we have semantic adjustment, which is basically changing all
can and cants into wills and wonts.
Semantic adjustment is a very interesting subject because people
don't believe in it AT ALL.
Boy will they roll their eyes at you, and get up and walk out of
the room, the moment you start talking about this stuff.
The guy can accept that he is being crucified 'against his will'
for no good reason. That makes 'sense' to him you, the universe is bad
so OF COURSE it does bad things to you.
But try to get him to wrap his wits around the idea of his own fair
chosen design in the matter, and he will take to crucifying YOU.
They simply can't conceive the level, nature and willingness of a
cause that would engage in so much self deceit, let alone a Cosmic All
that REQUIRED self deceit just to keep things around (in time).
Let alone a Cosmic All where the fabric of self deceit was made of
the fabric of awareness, truth, decency, ethics and aesthetics.
Grace in other words.
Self deceit is born of self Grace, because self deceit is the only
way we can be here in time for a while, and share our self love with
others via lies of ludicrous demise.
They can't understand that the decency of the character is not the
decency of the author.
That a decent author will write decent stories which will NOT have
only decent people in them.
So there has to be some seriously decent indecencies to make the
story decent.
You get this?
But pure gratuitous indecency to no greater purpose is not decent
But redeemable indecency, ah well, now the story is afoot.
The Author's game is:
How bad can you make it, and still have it all turn out OK in the
In a finite while of course :)
The author that makes it the worst and the longest wins the Nobel
Prize for writing the story you would most want to visit again.
Then when the story ends, ALL the actors, having shed their
character, and recovered their co-author status, can bow on the stage at
the end of time, and receive the applause equally for all, with the
cries of 'Encore!'.
"This dream ends forever when the Circle of Friends are all holding
hands again..." -Adore
Bowing to an appreciative audience we presume, and hitting each
other on the heads in a pillow fight to end all pillow fights, before
the Big Snooze and the Mother of All says one Last Goodnight to all of
Never to have known each other before, but always to know each
other again.
So we start off with a little symantic adjustment to add
responsibility for condition into their descriptions of their own
ludicrous demisings.
People are constantly driving themselves downtone by the way they
describe their own states.
"This is driving me crazy!"
Can you adjust that into something closer to the truth?
If all you did was change every "I can't" into a "I won't", and
then find out and reevaluate why, you would start the process of
miracles happening in your life as a matter of course.
(Eyes roll...) \ Will is a miracle in itself.
Can and can't, well who knows where they came from, they are an
anti-miracle out of the gate.
Ability without will is death.
Ability powered by will is eternal life.
So we have 3 item pairs here
Each one is modified by MUST and MUST NOT.
Can't cause is must not cause, must not create, must not be able.
Can't destroy is must cause, must create, must be able.
So he has a persisting somatic or condition that he CAN'T make go
Or he's a Black V and can't mockup anything.
The persisting somatic described as a can't make go away, is
The can't make mockups is MUST NOT CAUSE, MUST NOT CREATE, MUST NOT
So this can be run with a very simple global process that will
work miracles on many within a few minutes.
Spot this's and that's:
"Get the idea of MUST CAUSE THIS".
"Get the idea of MUST NOT CAUSE THAT".
"Must cause, must not cause, must cause, must not cause."
Run with cause, create and able and their dicoms.
Here's the magic, any must cause has underlying it a prior
must not cause.
So if the chronic somatic won't release (must cause), spot the
prior chronic no somatic or nothing there that powers it.
He is keeping his attention on what won't go away, in order
to make sure something else bigger stays away for good.
This process will go a LONG ways toward producing the E/P:
"Awareness of Truth, and the Way to Personal Freedom."
The truth? Can't = Won't .
Can't get rid of = must cause.
Can't make = must not cause.
The Way? Semantic adjustment from Can't to Won't using must cause
and must not cause along with the others, spotting the intention,
volition, purpose, aesthetics, ethics, decency, truth, and awareness.
That E/P by the way can't be gotten any other way.
Since the Church does not have the above process nor anything like
it, it will never have Awareness of Truth and the Way to Personal
My opinion.
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
Homer Wilson Smith Clean Air, Clear Water, Art Matrix - Lightlink
(607) 277-0959 A Green Earth, and Peace, Internet, Ithaca NY Is that too much to ask?
======================= ========================
Posted: Mon Jun 16 18:15:39 EDT 2014
Send mail to saying help
================== ===================
Learning implies Learning with Certainty or Learning without Certainty.
Learning across a Distance implies Learning by Being an Effect.
Learning by Being an Effect implies Learning without Certainty.
Therefore, Learning with Certainty implies Learning but
Not by Being an Effect, and not across a Distance.
Version: GnuPG v1.4.5 (GNU/Linux)
HomerWSmith-L mailing list
Hash: SHA1
Case consists of wanting to kill a LOT of people.
We call this the Kill Wish.
Your preclear may be parked in a valence that can't imagine the
idea, but that thing is unauditable.
This valence is also a solution to a problem with the kill wish,
trying to put it on hold for a while or forever, while continuing to
carry it out anyhow at a compulsive covert level.
It is powered by GPMs between opposing Nemesis One's, MANY of them,
and gets one involved in offense and defense FOREVER, and the resulting
collateral damage, doubts, and switching sides or playing both sides at
the same time.
To understand GPMS, you have to understand the following four
items, along with total no responsibility for *EITHER* side:
Fragile, unique, precious and FOREVER.
Collateral damage gets one into anger and regret cycles, which then
lead to fall and redemption cycles.
The underlying structure of all persistence in this universe is
altering will and won't into can and can't.
Auditing can't is auditing a dead brick wall.
Auditing won't may open the door if you are good enough as an
This is because can't is devoid of responsibility for condition,
whereas won't includes will and motivation, desire and purpose,
intention and volition, awareness, truth, decency, ethics and
Can and can't are unauditable because there is no life in them,
they just 'are' for inscrutible reasons.
People think Chinamen are inscrutible.
Ask a preclear someday why he can't..., and you will find real
Will and won't are auditable, because they are made of the living
lightning of self aware cause with purpose and motivation.
Scott Gordon's process:
"Spot a condition.
Get the idea the condition may serve a purpose.
Get the idea of trying to DO something about that condition."
Serve a purpose? Huh?
"As you can be content with and accept things as they are, they
will not exist. That is absolute." - LRH
The only absolute is a full vanishment.
Allen Hacker, speaker for Acceptance Services used to say that he
helped people accept things to make them better, but that people needed
a lot of semantic adjustment to operate that acceptance.
I used to nag him about the name of his organization, because I
found it attrocious.
"Accept, accept, resistence is futile, you WILL be assimilated." -
Yorg the Borg.
Hacker finally said he would change the name of his outfit, but
wouldn't tell us what it was. I haven't heard from him since.
I eventually solved the problem for him with the following two
Acceptance with expectation of persistence is resignation.
Acceptance with expectation of vanishment is as-isness.
The first is means to accept something ELSE putting it there, which
goes no where except to the bottom of the sea.
The second is accepting YOU putting it there.
So when you audit, you need to audit in the direction of the second
meaning of acceptance, but trust me, that meaning is UTTERLY alien to
your average wog who is wearing a universe on his face like a mud pack
because he has been 'accepting' things for a squadrillion years.
"Lord, give me the power to accept the things I can not change..."
Now you want him to accept things to fix it all?
Well the first kind of acceptance is alloyed with resistence
through and through.
The second kind of acceptance is resistence free.
Just remember to a wog 'resistence free' means abject bottom of the
sea of apathy.
And yes, the only difference between the bottom and top is a sense
of choice.
Which is why we audit WILL AND WON'T, and NEVER EVER EVER CAN and
CAN'T, for who knows where those abilities and disabilities come from,
you see?
*HE* certainly had nothing to do with them :)
If you discuss these matters with your preclear, he will look at
you in SHOCK at the idea that all this stuff around him, from the
universe he lives in, to the pain in his nose is a DECISION.
A forgotten decision.
Which he DECIDED to forget.
Decision, choice, intention, will and motivation born of the ethics
of aesthetics, are the archstone of existence.
Pull them and the whole Cosmic edifice will fall like fairy dust.
If you can't put 'decided' meaningfully in front of the item, it
won't audit because it won't be true.
Try running "Recall a time when you didn't decide for something to
be there, but there it was anyhow.", and see how far you get.
You know, on someone you detest who has a lot of karmic revenge
coming his way, maybe YOU.
Your preclear is a decision SOURCE.
Everything in existence was decided by someone, and if its in your
dream, YOU decided that someone else could decide things into your
So preclears can decide the general if not the specific, but only
if he decides to decide the general and not the specific.
"Ok, Goober is going to make a mess of my space, what mess I have
no clue, but I am sure it will be a good mess... :)"
Wham, you just gave Goober free license to create anything in your
space he wants.
Thus your preclear can have suprise and delight.
And so we have semantic adjustment, which is basically changing all
can and cants into wills and wonts.
Semantic adjustment is a very interesting subject because people
don't believe in it AT ALL.
Boy will they roll their eyes at you, and get up and walk out of
the room, the moment you start talking about this stuff.
The guy can accept that he is being crucified 'against his will'
for no good reason. That makes 'sense' to him you, the universe is bad
so OF COURSE it does bad things to you.
But try to get him to wrap his wits around the idea of his own fair
chosen design in the matter, and he will take to crucifying YOU.
They simply can't conceive the level, nature and willingness of a
cause that would engage in so much self deceit, let alone a Cosmic All
that REQUIRED self deceit just to keep things around (in time).
Let alone a Cosmic All where the fabric of self deceit was made of
the fabric of awareness, truth, decency, ethics and aesthetics.
Grace in other words.
Self deceit is born of self Grace, because self deceit is the only
way we can be here in time for a while, and share our self love with
others via lies of ludicrous demise.
They can't understand that the decency of the character is not the
decency of the author.
That a decent author will write decent stories which will NOT have
only decent people in them.
So there has to be some seriously decent indecencies to make the
story decent.
You get this?
But pure gratuitous indecency to no greater purpose is not decent
But redeemable indecency, ah well, now the story is afoot.
The Author's game is:
How bad can you make it, and still have it all turn out OK in the
In a finite while of course :)
The author that makes it the worst and the longest wins the Nobel
Prize for writing the story you would most want to visit again.
Then when the story ends, ALL the actors, having shed their
character, and recovered their co-author status, can bow on the stage at
the end of time, and receive the applause equally for all, with the
cries of 'Encore!'.
"This dream ends forever when the Circle of Friends are all holding
hands again..." -Adore
Bowing to an appreciative audience we presume, and hitting each
other on the heads in a pillow fight to end all pillow fights, before
the Big Snooze and the Mother of All says one Last Goodnight to all of
Never to have known each other before, but always to know each
other again.
So we start off with a little symantic adjustment to add
responsibility for condition into their descriptions of their own
ludicrous demisings.
People are constantly driving themselves downtone by the way they
describe their own states.
"This is driving me crazy!"
Can you adjust that into something closer to the truth?
If all you did was change every "I can't" into a "I won't", and
then find out and reevaluate why, you would start the process of
miracles happening in your life as a matter of course.
(Eyes roll...) \ Will is a miracle in itself.
Can and can't, well who knows where they came from, they are an
anti-miracle out of the gate.
Ability without will is death.
Ability powered by will is eternal life.
So we have 3 item pairs here
Each one is modified by MUST and MUST NOT.
Can't cause is must not cause, must not create, must not be able.
Can't destroy is must cause, must create, must be able.
So he has a persisting somatic or condition that he CAN'T make go
Or he's a Black V and can't mockup anything.
The persisting somatic described as a can't make go away, is
The can't make mockups is MUST NOT CAUSE, MUST NOT CREATE, MUST NOT
So this can be run with a very simple global process that will
work miracles on many within a few minutes.
Spot this's and that's:
"Get the idea of MUST CAUSE THIS".
"Get the idea of MUST NOT CAUSE THAT".
"Must cause, must not cause, must cause, must not cause."
Run with cause, create and able and their dicoms.
Here's the magic, any must cause has underlying it a prior
must not cause.
So if the chronic somatic won't release (must cause), spot the
prior chronic no somatic or nothing there that powers it.
He is keeping his attention on what won't go away, in order
to make sure something else bigger stays away for good.
This process will go a LONG ways toward producing the E/P:
"Awareness of Truth, and the Way to Personal Freedom."
The truth? Can't = Won't .
Can't get rid of = must cause.
Can't make = must not cause.
The Way? Semantic adjustment from Can't to Won't using must cause
and must not cause along with the others, spotting the intention,
volition, purpose, aesthetics, ethics, decency, truth, and awareness.
That E/P by the way can't be gotten any other way.
Since the Church does not have the above process nor anything like
it, it will never have Awareness of Truth and the Way to Personal
My opinion.
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
Homer Wilson Smith Clean Air, Clear Water, Art Matrix - Lightlink
(607) 277-0959 A Green Earth, and Peace, Internet, Ithaca NY Is that too much to ask?
======================= ========================
Posted: Mon Jun 16 18:15:39 EDT 2014
Send mail to saying help
================== ===================
Learning implies Learning with Certainty or Learning without Certainty.
Learning across a Distance implies Learning by Being an Effect.
Learning by Being an Effect implies Learning without Certainty.
Therefore, Learning with Certainty implies Learning but
Not by Being an Effect, and not across a Distance.
Version: GnuPG v1.4.5 (GNU/Linux)
HomerWSmith-L mailing list
Case consists of wanting to kill a LOT of people.
We call this the Kill Wish.
Your preclear may be parked in a valence that can't imagine the
idea, but that thing is unauditable.
This valence is also a solution to a problem with the kill wish,
trying to put it on hold for a while or forever, while continuing to
carry it out anyhow at a compulsive covert level.
It is powered by GPMs between opposing Nemesis One's, MANY of them,
and gets one involved in offense and defense FOREVER, and the resulting
collateral damage, doubts, and switching sides or playing both sides at
the same time.
To understand GPMS, you have to understand the following four
items, along with total no responsibility for *EITHER* side:
Fragile, unique, precious and FOREVER.
Collateral damage gets one into anger and regret cycles, which then
lead to fall and redemption cycles.
The underlying structure of all persistence in this universe is
altering will and won't into can and can't.
Auditing can't is auditing a dead brick wall.
Auditing won't may open the door if you are good enough as an
This is because can't is devoid of responsibility for condition,
whereas won't includes will and motivation, desire and purpose,
intention and volition, awareness, truth, decency, ethics and
Can and can't are unauditable because there is no life in them,
they just 'are' for inscrutible reasons.
People think Chinamen are inscrutible.
Ask a preclear someday why he can't..., and you will find real
Will and won't are auditable, because they are made of the living
lightning of self aware cause with purpose and motivation.
Scott Gordon's process:
"Spot a condition.
Get the idea the condition may serve a purpose.
Get the idea of trying to DO something about that condition."
Serve a purpose? Huh?
"As you can be content with and accept things as they are, they
will not exist. That is absolute." - LRH
The only absolute is a full vanishment.
Allen Hacker, speaker for Acceptance Services used to say that he
helped people accept things to make them better, but that people needed
a lot of semantic adjustment to operate that acceptance.
I used to nag him about the name of his organization, because I
found it attrocious.
"Accept, accept, resistence is futile, you WILL be assimilated." -
Yorg the Borg.
Hacker finally said he would change the name of his outfit, but
wouldn't tell us what it was. I haven't heard from him since.
I eventually solved the problem for him with the following two
Acceptance with expectation of persistence is resignation.
Acceptance with expectation of vanishment is as-isness.
The first is means to accept something ELSE putting it there, which
goes no where except to the bottom of the sea.
The second is accepting YOU putting it there.
So when you audit, you need to audit in the direction of the second
meaning of acceptance, but trust me, that meaning is UTTERLY alien to
your average wog who is wearing a universe on his face like a mud pack
because he has been 'accepting' things for a squadrillion years.
"Lord, give me the power to accept the things I can not change..."
Now you want him to accept things to fix it all?
Well the first kind of acceptance is alloyed with resistence
through and through.
The second kind of acceptance is resistence free.
Just remember to a wog 'resistence free' means abject bottom of the
sea of apathy.
And yes, the only difference between the bottom and top is a sense
of choice.
Which is why we audit WILL AND WON'T, and NEVER EVER EVER CAN and
CAN'T, for who knows where those abilities and disabilities come from,
you see?
*HE* certainly had nothing to do with them :)
If you discuss these matters with your preclear, he will look at
you in SHOCK at the idea that all this stuff around him, from the
universe he lives in, to the pain in his nose is a DECISION.
A forgotten decision.
Which he DECIDED to forget.
Decision, choice, intention, will and motivation born of the ethics
of aesthetics, are the archstone of existence.
Pull them and the whole Cosmic edifice will fall like fairy dust.
If you can't put 'decided' meaningfully in front of the item, it
won't audit because it won't be true.
Try running "Recall a time when you didn't decide for something to
be there, but there it was anyhow.", and see how far you get.
You know, on someone you detest who has a lot of karmic revenge
coming his way, maybe YOU.
Your preclear is a decision SOURCE.
Everything in existence was decided by someone, and if its in your
dream, YOU decided that someone else could decide things into your
So preclears can decide the general if not the specific, but only
if he decides to decide the general and not the specific.
"Ok, Goober is going to make a mess of my space, what mess I have
no clue, but I am sure it will be a good mess... :)"
Wham, you just gave Goober free license to create anything in your
space he wants.
Thus your preclear can have suprise and delight.
And so we have semantic adjustment, which is basically changing all
can and cants into wills and wonts.
Semantic adjustment is a very interesting subject because people
don't believe in it AT ALL.
Boy will they roll their eyes at you, and get up and walk out of
the room, the moment you start talking about this stuff.
The guy can accept that he is being crucified 'against his will'
for no good reason. That makes 'sense' to him you, the universe is bad
so OF COURSE it does bad things to you.
But try to get him to wrap his wits around the idea of his own fair
chosen design in the matter, and he will take to crucifying YOU.
They simply can't conceive the level, nature and willingness of a
cause that would engage in so much self deceit, let alone a Cosmic All
that REQUIRED self deceit just to keep things around (in time).
Let alone a Cosmic All where the fabric of self deceit was made of
the fabric of awareness, truth, decency, ethics and aesthetics.
Grace in other words.
Self deceit is born of self Grace, because self deceit is the only
way we can be here in time for a while, and share our self love with
others via lies of ludicrous demise.
They can't understand that the decency of the character is not the
decency of the author.
That a decent author will write decent stories which will NOT have
only decent people in them.
So there has to be some seriously decent indecencies to make the
story decent.
You get this?
But pure gratuitous indecency to no greater purpose is not decent
But redeemable indecency, ah well, now the story is afoot.
The Author's game is:
How bad can you make it, and still have it all turn out OK in the
In a finite while of course :)
The author that makes it the worst and the longest wins the Nobel
Prize for writing the story you would most want to visit again.
Then when the story ends, ALL the actors, having shed their
character, and recovered their co-author status, can bow on the stage at
the end of time, and receive the applause equally for all, with the
cries of 'Encore!'.
"This dream ends forever when the Circle of Friends are all holding
hands again..." -Adore
Bowing to an appreciative audience we presume, and hitting each
other on the heads in a pillow fight to end all pillow fights, before
the Big Snooze and the Mother of All says one Last Goodnight to all of
Never to have known each other before, but always to know each
other again.
So we start off with a little symantic adjustment to add
responsibility for condition into their descriptions of their own
ludicrous demisings.
People are constantly driving themselves downtone by the way they
describe their own states.
"This is driving me crazy!"
Can you adjust that into something closer to the truth?
If all you did was change every "I can't" into a "I won't", and
then find out and reevaluate why, you would start the process of
miracles happening in your life as a matter of course.
(Eyes roll...) \ Will is a miracle in itself.
Can and can't, well who knows where they came from, they are an
anti-miracle out of the gate.
Ability without will is death.
Ability powered by will is eternal life.
So we have 3 item pairs here
Each one is modified by MUST and MUST NOT.
Can't cause is must not cause, must not create, must not be able.
Can't destroy is must cause, must create, must be able.
So he has a persisting somatic or condition that he CAN'T make go
Or he's a Black V and can't mockup anything.
The persisting somatic described as a can't make go away, is
The can't make mockups is MUST NOT CAUSE, MUST NOT CREATE, MUST NOT
So this can be run with a very simple global process that will
work miracles on many within a few minutes.
Spot this's and that's:
"Get the idea of MUST CAUSE THIS".
"Get the idea of MUST NOT CAUSE THAT".
"Must cause, must not cause, must cause, must not cause."
Run with cause, create and able and their dicoms.
Here's the magic, any must cause has underlying it a prior
must not cause.
So if the chronic somatic won't release (must cause), spot the
prior chronic no somatic or nothing there that powers it.
He is keeping his attention on what won't go away, in order
to make sure something else bigger stays away for good.
This process will go a LONG ways toward producing the E/P:
"Awareness of Truth, and the Way to Personal Freedom."
The truth? Can't = Won't .
Can't get rid of = must cause.
Can't make = must not cause.
The Way? Semantic adjustment from Can't to Won't using must cause
and must not cause along with the others, spotting the intention,
volition, purpose, aesthetics, ethics, decency, truth, and awareness.
That E/P by the way can't be gotten any other way.
Since the Church does not have the above process nor anything like
it, it will never have Awareness of Truth and the Way to Personal
My opinion.
Homer Wilson Smith Clean Air, Clear Water, Art Matrix - Lightlink
(607) 277-0959 A Green Earth, and Peace, Internet, Ithaca NY Is that too much to ask?
HomerWSmith-L mailing list
Case consists of wanting to kill a LOT of people.
We call this the Kill Wish.
Your preclear may be parked in a valence that can't imagine the
idea, but that thing is unauditable.
This valence is also a solution to a problem with the kill wish,
trying to put it on hold for a while or forever, while continuing to
carry it out anyhow at a compulsive covert level.
It is powered by GPMs between opposing Nemesis One's, MANY of them,
and gets one involved in offense and defense FOREVER, and the resulting
collateral damage, doubts, and switching sides or playing both sides at
the same time.
To understand GPMS, you have to understand the following four
items, along with total no responsibility for *EITHER* side:
Fragile, unique, precious and FOREVER.
Collateral damage gets one into anger and regret cycles, which then
lead to fall and redemption cycles.
The underlying structure of all persistence in this universe is
altering will and won't into can and can't.
Auditing can't is auditing a dead brick wall.
Auditing won't may open the door if you are good enough as an
This is because can't is devoid of responsibility for condition,
whereas won't includes will and motivation, desire and purpose,
intention and volition, awareness, truth, decency, ethics and
Can and can't are unauditable because there is no life in them,
they just 'are' for inscrutible reasons.
People think Chinamen are inscrutible.
Ask a preclear someday why he can't..., and you will find real
Will and won't are auditable, because they are made of the living
lightning of self aware cause with purpose and motivation.
Scott Gordon's process:
"Spot a condition.
Get the idea the condition may serve a purpose.
Get the idea of trying to DO something about that condition."
Serve a purpose? Huh?
"As you can be content with and accept things as they are, they
will not exist. That is absolute." - LRH
The only absolute is a full vanishment.
Allen Hacker, speaker for Acceptance Services used to say that he
helped people accept things to make them better, but that people needed
a lot of semantic adjustment to operate that acceptance.
I used to nag him about the name of his organization, because I
found it attrocious.
"Accept, accept, resistence is futile, you WILL be assimilated." -
Yorg the Borg.
Hacker finally said he would change the name of his outfit, but
wouldn't tell us what it was. I haven't heard from him since.
I eventually solved the problem for him with the following two
Acceptance with expectation of persistence is resignation.
Acceptance with expectation of vanishment is as-isness.
The first is means to accept something ELSE putting it there, which
goes no where except to the bottom of the sea.
The second is accepting YOU putting it there.
So when you audit, you need to audit in the direction of the second
meaning of acceptance, but trust me, that meaning is UTTERLY alien to
your average wog who is wearing a universe on his face like a mud pack
because he has been 'accepting' things for a squadrillion years.
"Lord, give me the power to accept the things I can not change..."
Now you want him to accept things to fix it all?
Well the first kind of acceptance is alloyed with resistence
through and through.
The second kind of acceptance is resistence free.
Just remember to a wog 'resistence free' means abject bottom of the
sea of apathy.
And yes, the only difference between the bottom and top is a sense
of choice.
Which is why we audit WILL AND WON'T, and NEVER EVER EVER CAN and
CAN'T, for who knows where those abilities and disabilities come from,
you see?
*HE* certainly had nothing to do with them :)
If you discuss these matters with your preclear, he will look at
you in SHOCK at the idea that all this stuff around him, from the
universe he lives in, to the pain in his nose is a DECISION.
A forgotten decision.
Which he DECIDED to forget.
Decision, choice, intention, will and motivation born of the ethics
of aesthetics, are the archstone of existence.
Pull them and the whole Cosmic edifice will fall like fairy dust.
If you can't put 'decided' meaningfully in front of the item, it
won't audit because it won't be true.
Try running "Recall a time when you didn't decide for something to
be there, but there it was anyhow.", and see how far you get.
You know, on someone you detest who has a lot of karmic revenge
coming his way, maybe YOU.
Your preclear is a decision SOURCE.
Everything in existence was decided by someone, and if its in your
dream, YOU decided that someone else could decide things into your
So preclears can decide the general if not the specific, but only
if he decides to decide the general and not the specific.
"Ok, Goober is going to make a mess of my space, what mess I have
no clue, but I am sure it will be a good mess... :)"
Wham, you just gave Goober free license to create anything in your
space he wants.
Thus your preclear can have suprise and delight.
And so we have semantic adjustment, which is basically changing all
can and cants into wills and wonts.
Semantic adjustment is a very interesting subject because people
don't believe in it AT ALL.
Boy will they roll their eyes at you, and get up and walk out of
the room, the moment you start talking about this stuff.
The guy can accept that he is being crucified 'against his will'
for no good reason. That makes 'sense' to him you, the universe is bad
so OF COURSE it does bad things to you.
But try to get him to wrap his wits around the idea of his own fair
chosen design in the matter, and he will take to crucifying YOU.
They simply can't conceive the level, nature and willingness of a
cause that would engage in so much self deceit, let alone a Cosmic All
that REQUIRED self deceit just to keep things around (in time).
Let alone a Cosmic All where the fabric of self deceit was made of
the fabric of awareness, truth, decency, ethics and aesthetics.
Grace in other words.
Self deceit is born of self Grace, because self deceit is the only
way we can be here in time for a while, and share our self love with
others via lies of ludicrous demise.
They can't understand that the decency of the character is not the
decency of the author.
That a decent author will write decent stories which will NOT have
only decent people in them.
So there has to be some seriously decent indecencies to make the
story decent.
You get this?
But pure gratuitous indecency to no greater purpose is not decent
But redeemable indecency, ah well, now the story is afoot.
The Author's game is:
How bad can you make it, and still have it all turn out OK in the
In a finite while of course :)
The author that makes it the worst and the longest wins the Nobel
Prize for writing the story you would most want to visit again.
Then when the story ends, ALL the actors, having shed their
character, and recovered their co-author status, can bow on the stage at
the end of time, and receive the applause equally for all, with the
cries of 'Encore!'.
"This dream ends forever when the Circle of Friends are all holding
hands again..." -Adore
Bowing to an appreciative audience we presume, and hitting each
other on the heads in a pillow fight to end all pillow fights, before
the Big Snooze and the Mother of All says one Last Goodnight to all of
Never to have known each other before, but always to know each
other again.
So we start off with a little symantic adjustment to add
responsibility for condition into their descriptions of their own
ludicrous demisings.
People are constantly driving themselves downtone by the way they
describe their own states.
"This is driving me crazy!"
Can you adjust that into something closer to the truth?
If all you did was change every "I can't" into a "I won't", and
then find out and reevaluate why, you would start the process of
miracles happening in your life as a matter of course.
(Eyes roll...) \ Will is a miracle in itself.
Can and can't, well who knows where they came from, they are an
anti-miracle out of the gate.
Ability without will is death.
Ability powered by will is eternal life.
So we have 3 item pairs here
Each one is modified by MUST and MUST NOT.
Can't cause is must not cause, must not create, must not be able.
Can't destroy is must cause, must create, must be able.
So he has a persisting somatic or condition that he CAN'T make go
Or he's a Black V and can't mockup anything.
The persisting somatic described as a can't make go away, is
The can't make mockups is MUST NOT CAUSE, MUST NOT CREATE, MUST NOT
So this can be run with a very simple global process that will
work miracles on many within a few minutes.
Spot this's and that's:
"Get the idea of MUST CAUSE THIS".
"Get the idea of MUST NOT CAUSE THAT".
"Must cause, must not cause, must cause, must not cause."
Run with cause, create and able and their dicoms.
Here's the magic, any must cause has underlying it a prior
must not cause.
So if the chronic somatic won't release (must cause), spot the
prior chronic no somatic or nothing there that powers it.
He is keeping his attention on what won't go away, in order
to make sure something else bigger stays away for good.
This process will go a LONG ways toward producing the E/P:
"Awareness of Truth, and the Way to Personal Freedom."
The truth? Can't = Won't .
Can't get rid of = must cause.
Can't make = must not cause.
The Way? Semantic adjustment from Can't to Won't using must cause
and must not cause along with the others, spotting the intention,
volition, purpose, aesthetics, ethics, decency, truth, and awareness.
That E/P by the way can't be gotten any other way.
Since the Church does not have the above process nor anything like
it, it will never have Awareness of Truth and the Way to Personal
My opinion.
Homer Wilson Smith Clean Air, Clear Water, Art Matrix - Lightlink
(607) 277-0959 A Green Earth, and Peace, Internet, Ithaca NY Is that too much to ask?
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