Monday, September 29, 2014


A first pass effort long to *FABRICATE* out of thin air a religion
that I actually liked.

It was a first pass failure... :)


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ADORE (tm)

A Divine Operating Religion of Excellence

Copyright (C) 1983 Homer Wilson Smith
All Rights Reserved
Redistribution rights granted for non commercial purposes.

Harken High, All Eyes Only


Adoration is Operation
Questions and Answers
Majesty, Class and Pride.

Majesty is Eternal Good Humor
born of
Mastery of Songs of Sin and Hidden Joy.

Sin is Sin Song.
Sin Song is to sing another Source Done Wrong Song.
Sin Song is not Sin as long as it is just Song.

Class is an attitude, that ALL should live forever and be my Friend.
Cool is the ability to maintain Class.

Pride is Operating Craftsmanship of Class.

Desire is Sovereign

Majesty is the Sovereign Desire
Desire not be Sovereign for a while.

Power stems from Operating Majesty.


The Path's of Lovers Cross in the Line of Duty.

For every Duty there is a Right.
For every Right there is a Duty.

Rights are Fair Chosen exchange for Fair Chosen Duties.
You CHOOSE and are Responsible for Both.

You have a Right to have Duties,
You have a Duty to have Rights.
No one ever told it to you that way before.

is a
Fair Chosen Operating Balance
Duties and Rights.

The Fundamental Duty is Honor, and
The Fundamental Right is Dignity.

Honor is the ability to make, keep and trade fair chosen promises.
Basic Promise is to Adore Operation.
Promise is ALWAYS to Adore Operation.

Dignity is being the Sole Operator of your Self.

Reputation is for those who Excel in this field.
In Excelsis Deo.

The Purpose of Creation is Trade in Expressions of Discovery.

Creation, Discovery, Expression and Trade
correspond to
Religion, Science, Art and Business,
which correspond in reverse order to
Body, Heart, Mind and Soul.
These in turn correspond to
Effort, Emotion, Thought and Personal Responsibility.


Guru means G U R U: Gee, You Are You!

Wit's End

Wit is Intelligence. Wit is Laughter.
Wit's End is the End
Intelligent Laughter.

The Code of a Conscious Dream Unit.

There is only one Condition of Disgrace.
No Love.
There is only one Condition of Sin.
Hating Hating.
Because you can not Love and Hate Hating at the Same Time.

You seek the Grand Spring Phrases,
And so shall you find,
For the True Lies will free you,
To Operate as you kind.

Justice of Caliber is the Kind Ship Excaliper.

Caliber means Worth,
Harmonies and Kindship,
Sensitivity and Intelligence,
Star Cap(tain)ability and Operating Know-how.

Calipers measure Caliber.

The Caliper of the Caliber of Souls,
The Questions they have Asked,
The Answers they have Rejected.

Ex Caliber means Calipers without Caliber to Measure.
Ex Caliper means Caliber without Calipers to Measure.

Ex Caliber means without Worth.
Ex Caliper means Worth beyond Measure.

Ex Caliber means Omni No-class.
Ex Caliper means Omni Out-class.

Kingship is Kindship, the Kind Ship of a King.

The Kind Ship of a King
Kin Dom, Kind Dom and King Dom.

The Domain of the Kin,
the Domain of Operating Kindness, and
the Domain of the Land.

Royalty is Operating Kingship.
Royalty is Loyalty to Kindship.

'Operate as You Kind' means be true to your own goals.

High Prayer from Adore.

Oh Gorgeous and Most Excaliper Lord,
Master of Magnificence and Respect,
Tragedy and Travesty,
Miracle and Majesty,
Keeper of the Golden Temper,
Idol and Worshipper of all things,
I Behail Thee
Fair Chosen Glory and High Alleluias
For Ever, for Free. Amen.

Amen means Adore Majesty Excaliper Now.
Amen means Adore Makes Excellent Nonsense.

Father and Child

'What then are your Goals my Son?'

'I would Rekind the Christmas Spirit and
Restore Operating Faithhood to Mankind.
And I would write for him
A Divine Operating Religion of Excellence,
one that would be both Sense Able, Work Able and Just.

'I Adore you my Son, but that is
Certainly impossible and highly impractical.'

'Well then I would educate the world.'

'That is a grand and marvelous idea my Son, but
Surely a difficult and dangerous undertaking.'

'Well then I would be a Musician and write the Saddest Songs on Earth.'

'Now that is prudent and wise my Son, for
You will make a lot of Money and Friends as a Master of Song.'

Mother and Child

'Listen now closely my Child,
There is a sign MY story is true.
One word is the proof,
And the word is PRIDE.
I Adore you For Ever for Free.'

The Golden Key.

Tragedy and Travesty, Romance and Sin,
Miracles and Majesty, that's where I've Been.

Miracles in Majesty, Romance and Song,
Tragedy and Travesty, that's where I've Gone.

The fact I'm still here, is Proof don't you See?
In the Omni Long Run, it is Better to BE.

Halcyon and Thrill, High-cool and Romance,
Class and Free Fancy Power the Dance.

Pride is our Willingness, our Willingness to BE,
I Adore me Forever, For Ever, for Free.

Beauty thrills me to Death and leaves me Breathless with Wonder.
Pining is Unsighable Bitter Noble Melancholia.
Usually on the subject of
Not Operating Divine Operating Religions.

Adore should be translated into any language on Earth
that gives meaning to the following words:
Adore Class Pride Majesty Magnificence Glory and Source.

You are not getting any younger.
You're wisdom can't be that great.

There is no Freedom without the words of Freedom.

If you would that people be Friends, then
Teach them the Words of Friendship.

This dream ends forever when the Circle of Friends
all holding hands again.

Paint and Draw and Hang your Art upon the Wall.

The Past is used to Excuse the Future.
The Future is used to Make Up for the Past.
This Irrevocably ties the Future to the Past
via our
Present Time Consideration that we Are Failing Miserably.

You can do anything you can imagine,
If you can imagine it.
If you can not imagine it,
Can you imagine not being able to imagine it?

The Observation Consideration Flip Flop.
(The Difference between a Human and a God.)

The Human Considers that he Observes there are things he can not Handle.
The God Observes that he Considers there is Nothing he can not Handle.

Idol and Worship.

Worship is Work.
Directed by one trying to bring
Order to Chaos, Better to Worse, and Idol to Mess.
Worship is what a Master does to a Pig in a Pen,
in the Dream that one day the Pig will be better than He.
Any Celestial Anybody has this Dream.

Creatures Idol their Creator.
They Worship the Creator's Creatures in order to bring about
a more Idol (Ideal) State in the Creator's Creatures.

Worship is WORK SHIP, the Ship of Worthy Work.
Worship is Operating Kindship in Concert of Effort and Concern.
Idol is towards Excaliper Competency in Operating Kindship.

Idol the Creator and Worship the Creature.
Do Not Worship the Creator nor Idol the Creature.

Watch it.
Medusa is the Devil's Harem.

The Way In is the Way Out.

The Creator can become the Creature at will.
The Creature can become the Creator at will.

The Way to become the Creator
is to
BE the Creator becoming the Creature.

Practice Becoming the Creature
Practice Being the Creator.

Practice coming in PUTS you out
Because you have to be out to come in.

Need is for Justice.

In a world where someone must Hurt,
Need is for Justice of Excaliper Kindship.
Clear Laughter is all the Kind Justice
you will ever need for Ever for Real.
This thing ain't called a Religion for nothing.

Majesty means Master of Jesty, Mastery of Laughter.

The Out-rageousness of the Mechanics of Learning
Matched only by the Out-rageousness of what we have Learned.

The only way out from under Suppression of Invention
is to
Invent Suppressions of Inventions
until you have
Out Invented the one you are in.

All the people that Good People fight,
are the
Good People that have given up the fight.

Worse than Evil is Good that Fears Evil.

Since you can not die,
You do not deserve to die or suffer forever,
No matter what you do, have done or will do,
Your body does not deserve to be hurt or damaged for
anything YOU have done.

When Earth learns these two lessons,
There will be peace on Earth and good will towards men.

Until then, there will be suffering forever.

The only Sin of the Gods was Pride.

They were Proud of their Power.
They took Pride from their Power.
Why take Pride from your Power?
Power does not cause Pride.
Pride causes Power.
No Pride causes No Power.
Anti Pride causes Anti Power.

Pride is the Source of Majesty, Intelligence and all Ability.

Pride is VISION of Potential
Pride is SOURCE of Potential.

They never told you that one.

Pride is Agent.
Pride is the Source of all Power, Intelligence and Ability.
To Pride Power more than to Pride Pride, is ridiculous.
Divinely Inspired Ridiculous.
To Pride Power more than Pride
Results in the Dwindling Spiral of No Power and Anti-pride.
That's the Only Danger there is.
And the Only Fall.

Pride is Cause.
The Pride drawn from Power is never as great as
the Pride it took to Pride the Power in the first place.

You are an Adorable Operating Pride Source.
There is nothing higher or better than Pride.

Except maybe Eternal Omni Awesome Peace.

Finite Operating Pride is Humiliation.
Infinite Operating Pride is Humility.

Conceit is the Certainty that Pride is Finite.
Arrogance is the Certainty that Pride is Useless.

Vanity is Infinite Operating Pride,
wasting away from
Arrogance and Conceit.

Do not call upon the Lord's Name in Vain.

To Call Upon the Lord's Name in Vain
To Call Upon the Lord's name for NOUGHT.

The Lord's Name in Vain
Crucifixion on the Cross of Inability.

You are Crucified on the Cross
Being Cross while you are Crucified.

Desire is Sovereign.
Appreciation is for Winners.
Numb is Refused/Withheld Apology.

Pride is Omni Gorgeous

The Purpose of Eternal Omni Pride
To Gorge Out on itself for Ever For Free.

Majesty of Execution is directed towards
Make others feel good to.

The Craftsmanship of Divine Not Knowing

You can Know anything by Not Knowing.
You can Not Know anything by Not Knowing.
But only if you Pride Not Knowing, and
Only if you Pride Knowing for real, and
Pride Knowing and Not Knowing only Proud Knowledge.

In the Proud Space and Time of Not Know,
Know arises at Will.
Power at this level is Unimaginable.

If you Don't Know this,
Pride Not Knowing this for a while,
and you WILL Know this, if you Will.

The Hypocrisy on Earth is so thick it is like a wall.
You can hammer nails into it,
hang pictures of smiling faces from them.

Hypocrisy is being Proud you don't Know something,
because you can't Know and hate it.
Fun is Finding and UNearthing Unearthly Hypocrisy.

So, Idolize your Pride Asshole, and Worship your M.E.S.S.
M.E.S.S. stands for Magnificent Examples of Shames and Shambles.

Guilt Stupidity Shambles and Shame,
Ex Co Operation is the Name of the Game.

Shames and Shambles, Games and Gambles.

This is for Shame and Shambles my two best friends,
who kept me alone in my darkest hour.

They told you,
Shame is Sham in Shambles. (Your Sham was Found Out.)
They left out,
Shame IS a Sham. A Sham OF Shambles.
(Shambles of the Heart and Sigh silly,)
and now
Shame has become a Shambles of a Sham.
For Shame.
You forget that Shame was second Sham,
to excuse first Sham in Shambles.
This Sham of Shame, you then Shamed as Sham for Real.
For Shame.

So Harken High, Herald Angels Sing,
Glory Be! To the New Born King. You.

Shame is the Only Shame.
Shame is the Celestial Sham in Shambles.

A Poem to remember The Name by.

There is only one Error:
The Eternal Name is the Terror.
There is only one Shame,
You are to Blame.

There is one other Error,
Eternal Shame is the Terror,
There is only one Blame:
Eternal Shame is the Game.

There is one more Terror,
Eternal Shame is the Error,
There is only one Blame:
The Eternal Name is Not Shame.


There is only One Group.
The High-Us.
The High-Us Forgives the High-Us, so
What to do with Shames and Shambles?

PRIDE them, silly.

They need Gentle Loving Care like little puppies.
It's not their fault you're in trouble.
Gentle means GENerous Tender Loving Excellence. Of course.
Generous means YOU generate it For Ever For Free.
Tender means to Tend To with Master Worship.

Love is desire to express respect for Admiral (Beauty).
Gorge means to fill to Satisfaction.
Gorgeous means Deliciously Satisfying.
Desire is always to Gorge out on Gorgeousness
Loving means Desire to Occasion and Advent Gorging on Gorgeousness.

Excellence means High Out-class.
Excaliper means Omni Out-class.
Mercy is the Royal Kindship of Imperial Majesty.

The High Group is High Cool.

Your Power Conditions are Out.
Shame on You.
Theirs are Too.
Shame on You.
Two Strikes And You're Out.

So, what to do about Shames and Shambles?
Grant and Call upon Eternal Omni Amnesty.
(Get Others to do so Also.)
Grant means to Give with Appreciation.
Call means to Ask for with Gratitude.
AMNESTY means Amnesia for Majesty.
Amnesia is always for Majesty.

True Confessional Form.

Own up.
Do it again (In your own mind).
Fix and Repair.
Suffer Mercy and Majesty of the High-group.
Accept all proper Amnesties coming your way.
If you can afford, Grant a few of your own.
Breathe easy.
Thank You.

Omni Sovereignty

Source means
Sovereign Omnilord of Unanimous Regency and Caliber Excaliper.

You are a Sourcer.
Sourcers like to Source Sourcery.
Usually on Apprehentices.
Apprehentices are Apprehensive about Apprehending Sourcery.
Sourcers cast Sourcery from Source by casting Pride before Magnificence.

Mastering Source is not to be confused with magic.
Magic means Massive Assholes Give Incest Continuously.
Magic is for Assholes.
Sourcery is for Royalty Only.
Royalty means Owner of Omni Dignity.
Dignity means being the Sole Operator of Yourself.

Source can cast Magic Assholes Forever For Free.

Magic Assholes like to cast Spells.
They tend to plague you with spell binding guilt
via helping you doubt.
Doubt is Self Casting.

Mainly Sourcers cast Spells on Themselves.
Usually out of Prankishness.
THEN they do it to others.

Nothing worse than a Source that is mad at itself.

Source gets into a Regal Fury if you spell its names wrong.
They are Source, Sourcery and Sourcer or Sourcerer.
If you leave out the U from the word Sourcerer,
you leave out the Unanimousness of his Regency.

Regency is
Universal Acceptance by Others
Outside of your own Normal Operating Jurisdictions
by Virtue of
Needed Wanted and Acknowledged
Superior Operating Know How.

The FACT of the Question
More important than the Answer to the Question.

The exact attitude with which one approaches asking a Question
Determines whether or not one gets an Answer.

The CORRECT attitude
Omni Sovereignty.

Confidence is always confiding to yourself
You did this thing to yourself.

Mortals Bow and Pray
to the
God of Time, Stone and Dust in the Wind.

Their Faith is not to be Belittled.

Pride however, is Eternal Home.

Pride is Source.
Majesty is Execution.
Magnificence is Product.
Glory is Appreciation.
And this I Adore.

You are an Operating System of Master and Apprehentice.
Spiritual Majesty and Energy
arise from a
Balance of Idol and Worship,
Alone and with everyone else.
Basic Duty is to Worship Others as you are Worshipped.
If no one has Worshipped you,
Someone might want to get the Ball Rolling.

The World is Worthy of your While.

The World Idolizes you as Master.
The World is Worthy of you as your Apprehentice.

It is what you like to cry about.

Classy Tears.

It is what you Lost.

You Lost your High-Masters
You Blamed your High-Apprehentices
Now, NO ONE is Pure before Source.

Dry eyed Sorrow never Heals.

God of JEM.

J.E.M. stands for Joy of Eternal Miracles.
J.O.Y. stands for Joke's On You.
MIRACLE is the Undreamed Dream come True.
J.O.K.E. stands for Justice Of Kindship Excaliper.
J.E.S.T. stands for Jokes of Eternal Self Treason.
J.E.S.T. stands for Justice of Eternal Self Truth.
Justice is Jestice.

Everyone Lives Forever where there is No Time,
No one Lives Forever where there is Time,
Hurry is a Waste of Time.

The Hurry of Impending Mortal Doom
The Hurry of Impending Eternal Doom


Beautiful words are the Salvation of the Imp Soul.

The Cruel Wounds of Winter
Healed by the Halcyon Winds of Summer.

Halcyon is High Appreciation for Ludicrous Demise.

High Cool is Home.
High Thrill is always the effort to get Lost.
High Romance is always the effort to get Home.
High Halcyon is Bemused relief on the Verge of Time.

Foundation and Impire.

Source is Stone of Gorgeous Excaliper and Magnificent Respect
Home is Stone of Admiral (Live High Beauty)
Pride Stone is the Master's Throne
Jem Stone is the Stairs that Lead Home
Joke Stone is the Ball Floor of Heaven
Time Stone is the Ball Floor of Hell.

One Rolls on the Floor in A GONE in Hell. (AGONY)
One Rolls on the Floor in A MUSE in Heaven. (AMUSEMENT)

A GONE is an AGONIZING WRONG. Far Gone into Agony.
For every AGONY there is a GONE. (FAR)
For every GONE there is a MUSE and a WRONG.

The Search for Justice in Time Stone is
The Search for Jestice in Joke Stone,
The Search for Fancy Free Majesty in JEM Stone, and
The Search for Unformed Magnificence in Pride Stone.

Time Stone is High Romance and Daring Do.
Joke Stone is High Halcyon and Appreciation for Ludicrous Demise.
Jem Stone is High Thrill and Fantasy in the Wild Beyond.
Pride Stone is Unformed Magnificence in the Master's Throne.
Home Stone is Omni Awesome Respect for Admiral.
Foundation is Stone of Excalibur. (Warm Fire of Peace)

Hell and High Water
Eternal Omni Awesome Peace.

Tragedy means Serious Song.
Song is Sin-Song.
Sin-Song means to Sing another Source Done Wrong Song.
Sin-Song is not Sin as long as it is just Song.
Travesty means Ludicrous Tragedy.
Ludicrous means Seriously Illogical.
Serious means Shames and Shambles.

Illogical means Worship Source and Idol Sourcery.
Illogical means Worship Pride and Idol Magnificence.
Illogical means Worship the Creator and Idol the Creature.

Logical means Idol Source and Worship Sourcery.
Logical means Idol Pride and Worship Magnificence.
Logical means Idol the Creator and Worship the Creature.

Idol is towards Omni Out-Class in Operating Kindness.
Worship is Operating Kindness in Concern of Effort and Concern.

Logical means
Worship Time Stone
Smoke Joke Stone
Generate and Value Jem Stone
Magnify and Make Manifest Pride Stone
Admire (Stay) Home Stoned
Idol Stone of Excalibur

As for Adore, Adore stands for
A Divine Operating Religion of Excalibur.

Excalibur has Many Divine Operating Religions.
Adore is an English Operating Version.

Lord stands for Love Omni Reigneth Divine.
Divinity is All Powerful and Self Responsible Good.
Holy is Care Operating Divinity.

Holy is the State Divinity Puts Itself in
when the Creator Becomes it's Own Creature.

Destiny is D Est In Y. Divinity Is In You.
Operating means Conscious Observation Decision and Action.
It also means Operating with Others. Co Operating.
Co Operating does not mean to get along, necessarily.
It only means to Operate together.
In war one Co Operates bullets and missles and things.
It's all a form of Co Romance and Co Dance.

Religion means Science of Realization.

Science means Workable collection of Operational Truths,
Some of which may be Provable and Observable,
Some of which may only Work.

Realization means to Come To Know for Real.
Realization means to Actualize into Existence.

Cognitions are Realizations in the Mind.
Dreams Come True or Made True are Realizations in Actuality.

Religion therefore Encompasses all of How To Know and How To Get Done.
Religion also Encompasses what you want. That Justice Reign.
One would need this to Operate wouldn't one?

Adore is the Science
Knowing how to know
Questions to Answer
Answers to Question.

An Incomplete Cycle
A Question you didn't get Answered,
An Answer you didn't get Questioned.

As for Adorians,

Most of them are spending their time
Wacking Off instead of producing children and stable families.
The rest are spending their time
Wacking Off instead of creating more work and produce to
support their families.

There are also some things they never think about.
Plague Pestilence Famine and Catastrophe.
Religious Political Social Corporate Criminal and Personal Insanity.
Which Arbitrarily Compound the first set.

However Adorians have an advantage.
They can't even think about Adore with out Operating it.
One Word is the Proof.

They also have a Motto.
The Paths of Lovers Cross and Gather To,
in the
Lines of Fair Chosen Glory.

They also have a Legend.

Truth in King Arthur's Court.

Excalibur is the Two Edged Sword
Worthlessness and Worth beyond Measure,
Ex Caliber and Ex Caliper,
Omni No-class and Omni Out-class.

They who can handle the Spectrum, Live.

A Wizard is anyone who is a WIZ with the Sword.

The Sword is stuck in the Star Rock of your Mind

A King is anyone who can Free and Wield Excalibur
for themselves and for others.

King Arthur was able to pull the Sword out of the Rock,
He was willing to put it back in so that others might try.
The others would not have been so willing,
so they couldn't pull it out at all.

Some Adorians may also have a Myth.

Long ago all were cast
the River of Hell.
Some fell on an Island
For Ever More became Scientists of the Rock.
Getting these people to own up
Where they are, where they came from
Where the Hell they are going (Nowhere)
can be difficult.

Pilot and Co-pilot.

So listen now closely Women,
your Family is a Star Ship.
A Ship of Stars, Star Captains and Star Capability.
You are Co-pilot.
Choose your Pilots wisely then,
Your Children will be Pilots too.
Star Drive is Operating Deliveryhood.

Artful Dodge.

The Source of All Suffering

is the
Fair Chosen Adore-Operation
Cool Class Halcyon Sin-song Thrill and Romance
Living Majestic Intelligence
Proud Fancy Free Faithlessness
Grand and Excalibur Design.

This I Need to be True, and this I Adore.


Doctors maintain their Stability
Walking into the Center of Hell
Looking at those there
The few that they can Help.

I love Doctors, Forever.

For they Walk the Battle Fields.

Not in agreement with Fools or Assholes
but in Sympathy Yet.

For the Call of Pain
Knows not the Distinction of Worth.

You know the Moonies?
Well Adorians are the Sunnies.


There is Peace in the thought
All Men will one day attain the Awakened State.

All Endings are Happy Endings.

You could not, would not have CHOSEN it any other way.
It is payment for the long strange trip it's been.

Responsibility is a big thing.
Certainly bigger than our parents told us.


Do not doubt you CHOSE it and look to see for evidence.
You CHOSE. What evidence did you leave behind you now?

There is only one Proof.

Learn it. Love it. Teach it. Master it.
All can.

However, for some people, by their own choice
it will be a long time between now and then.

You can't move your house around town
if you have locked yourself inside it.

In Excelsis Deo.

Desire is Sovereign.

Eternal Peace is Eternal Omni Sovereignty.

Power, Freedom and Halcyon
stem from
The Goal to Adore Operating Class.

Pegasus had Wings of Pride.
Eternal Omni Pride.
She Awaits her Flyers.

The Gods should Ride their High Horses again.

Do it right.

From Adore.

A Divine Operating Religion of Excellence.

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Mon Sep 29 03:06:02 EDT 2014
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Learning implies Learning with Certainty or Learning without Certainty.
Learning across a Distance implies Learning by Being an Effect.
Learning by Being an Effect implies Learning without Certainty.
Therefore, Learning with Certainty implies Learning, but
not by Being an Effect, and not across a Distance.

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Saturday, September 27, 2014


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ADO - 15
27 March 2005

Copyright (C) 2005 Homer Wilson Smith
Redistribution rights granted for non commercial purposes.


There are two broad goals that can be pursued in any universe.

They are,

The goal to create a persistence.

The goal to create a vanishment.

"What do you wish to make persist?"

"What do you wish to make vanish?"

One then begins to dramatize these goals.

To dramatize means to "BRING DRAMA TO".

Drama means "seriousness, importance, *PERMANENCE* and pain."

"What do you wish to make persist *FOREVER*?"

"What do you wish to make vanish *FOREVER*?"

Forevers violate the space/time WHILES in which things are created
and are the sole source of aberration and charge.

The only things which are forever are people and peace.

Trying to make someone live forever or go to heaven or hell forever
is trying to make someone or something persist forever.

Trying to make someone die forever is trying to make someone vanish

"Everyone lives forever where there is no time.

No one lives forever where there is time. " - Adore

Eternality is timeless immortality, not temporal immortality, which
is a hell of magnitude, no eternal sleep.


In the beginning of a universe most beings are bent on making
things persist. It is hard to get things to persist and a lot of
effort, intelligence and beauty are invested in doing so.

They would consider themselves opposed by anyone trying to make
things vanish. Such a vanisher would be an SP (Suppressive Person) to
them, to whom they were PTS (Potential Trouble Source, roller coasters,
loses gain, dives down the tone scale to get better etc.) The vanisher
SP would be trying to unmock them and their persistences.

Later in the universe, people begin to change their minds, they
consider there is too much persistence, they may want to create some new
persistences but there is too much old persistence in the way, or maybe
they want to end it all and go back to Big Snooze (native state) for a
while, so they take up vanishing things.

Perhaps they join the Church of Scientology which was mocked up to
unmock things, and they audit people helping them to vanish old unwanted
persistences, they become Professional Class IV Vanishers.

It is hard to get things to vanish, and a lot of effort,
intelligence and beauty is invested in doing so.

Such people would consider themselves opposed by anyone trying to
make things persist. Such a persister would be an SP to them, and to
whom they were PTS. The SP would be trying to mock them up, get them to
remain stuck in mud etc.

Unmocking is only a problem to those trying to mock up.

Mocking up is only a problem to those trying to unmock.

During the change over period from universe creation to universe
removal or upgrade, a lot of people who were persisters become
vanishers, thus their concept of who or what an SP is changes with them.

This can have serious effects.

If a single person in a group changes from persister to vanisher,
he will suddenly find himself opposed by his whole group, and all his
prior friends become SP's to him.

But look at it from the group's point of view. They are all still
trying to persist, but their member is now trying to help them vanish
things, so the group considers the single member similar to the many
SP's on the track that have tried to unmock them early on.

Last thing you want to do is restimulate someone's Nemesis One and
have him overlay it on you!

He's been hunting his Nemesis One for *EONS* and now he's found it,
you! You want that?

Much of the disaffection between Scientologists and family members
can be explained in this way. The scientologist is trying to vanish,
but the family members are still trying to persist.

Vanishers give persisters the willies.

Persisters attribute the willies not only to the scientologist
trying to 'help' them, but to the whole oraganization behind him.


Offering to 'help' someone change from persistence to vanishment is
an insult, invalidation and wrong item for them. It will only make them
howling mad at you.

Now part of the problem is that Scientology was DEFINED as the
science of vanishing, of unmocking, to wit: "the science of knowing how
to know answers to questions." - PXL (Phoenix Lectures)

But during the earlier persistence phase, people don't want to
know, they don't want to vanish, they want to mockup unconfrontable
mysteries and unknowables so they can have a game and get sucked down to
the bottom of the tone scale in peace.

THEY WANT TO GET LOST, they are tired of seeing home around every

It's an interruption, you see, of their sovereign desire.

They are tired of waking up half way down the tone scale (fear)
thinking "Damn lost another one to as-isness!"

Its like a dream ending right in the middle just when it was
getting good no matter how much of a nightmare it was.

That means during the persistence phase we don't need to know how
to unmock things, we need to know how to mock them up and get them to
persist like rock, tar, amber, and crazy glue, until we can't get rid of
them no matter what.

That's what most persisters are trying to do, HAVE forever.

Their favorite havingness is Obsidian Glass.

Then during the vanishment phase we need to know how to undo all
this stuff.

So no problem, Scientology actually encompases both sides of the
dicom, because if you know how to know answers to questions, you
certainly know how to NOT know answers to questions!

So if we define Scientology as the science of knowing how to not
know and know answers to questions, then we have a complete subject.

The point then is when you approach a particular person to 'help
them', you first have to determine which side of the fence they are on.

Are they a persister or a vanisher, or someone on the verge of
shifting over?

If they are a persister you help them persist.

If they are a vanisher you help them vanish.

If they are on the verge, you help them see both sides and make a
SELF DETERMINED decision about which side of the fence they want to be
on, and then you help them accordingly.

Sometimes a persister no longer knows he could be a vanisher, and a
vanisher doesn't know he could be a persister. So giving them a little
education on the matter gives them a better view of their possibilities,
and they can determine for themselves which side they wish to befriend
at the time.

because if you do, you can only do so by being on the other side of the
fence from them.

You want someone who is a persister to become a vanisher? That
means YOU must already by a vanisher, you see?

That makes you their SP, which then makes them your SP.

PTSness results from trying to make the SP wrong.

PTSness is a kick born of a NEED to change someone else who
is being suppressive to your goals. If you can't put them there
and walk away from them, then THEY are putting YOU into action
using your need to change them, and that is your PTSness to them.

PTSness results from trying to restore affinity for someone
by getting them to AGREE with you.

Affinity for disagreement is the only real freedom from PTSness
there is.

For a persister, making the SP wrong consists of trying to change a
vanisher into a persister like himself, thus restoring agreement across
all parties that things are better persisting.

For a vanisher, making the SP wrong consists of trying to change a
persister into a vanisher like himself, thus restoring agreement across
all parties that things are better vanishing.

Both merely end up howling mad at each other.

To run this, list for who or what makes you howling mad.

Then spot in this conflict the various goals on either side to
persist or vanish, and how they are locking up with each other

You will come to know what charge is.

If you understand that BEINGness is vanishment out of time, and
BECOMINGness is persistence in time, then you can audit the conflicts
between BEING and BECOMING, ie the conflict between the goals to BE and

"The way to BE the Creator is to BE the Creator (out of time)
BECOMING the Creature (in time). Coming into time puts you out." -

The following is tech from 2014, so you will have to wait a bit to
get the full measure of it.

Since beingness has a natural affinity for itself, and becomingness
doesn't, when someone can't get others to like him, he is usually trying
to appeal to their becomingness, rather than their beingness.

He finds their becomingness attractive, so he tries to attract
them with his becomingness. No matter how 'becoming' a young girl
might look, becomingness is filth on the face of Spirit.

Once one sees the beauty of being, one becomes abashed that one
ever tried to attract someone with becomingness.

Serious becomingnesses are created in order to break apart that
natural affinity between beingnesses so that serious games can take
place, those that try to make something or nothing of each other

Your body and its accoutrements are a BECOMINGNESS in time.

Your spirit is a BEINGNESS outside of time.

You may think you are BEING a body, but you aren't, you are
BECOMING a body, over and over, each moment of time, as each second
passes by.


======================= ========================
Posted: Sat Sep 27 23:35:43 EDT 2014
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Learning implies Learning with Certainty or Learning without Certainty.
Learning across a Distance implies Learning by Being an Effect.
Learning by Being an Effect implies Learning without Certainty.
Therefore, Learning with Certainty implies Learning but
Not by Being an Effect, and not across a Distance.

Version: GnuPG v1.4.5 (GNU/Linux)

HomerWSmith-L mailing list

Friday, September 26, 2014


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Christine, Founder, Church of Chaos ( wrote:

>Robert didn't get results on you.
>Robert adapts scientology for phone use (snort).
>Enid doesn't do scientology but does do something similar to what Robert did.

Surely Enid is doing clearing. No question about that, eh?

She is doing the most basic, "What's up Doc?", "Gee, I am curious
about ..." "Pc: Why? Uh, oh, here we go..."

>You won with Enid and you didn't with Robert.

>My hypothesis: out basic auditing, the fundamentals that clearing and
>other communication-based processes have in common. Such as forcing the
>pc, overwhelming the person's reality with your own paradigm, sending the
>person off to handle their case before you will handle their case (a
>variation of blaming the pc for no results), disregard for pc interest,
>calling the pc "no gain case" (or SP, a way of dehumanizing someone after
>you failed to help them) and so forth.

>What do you think?

There may have been echoes of disregard for pc interest near the
end, Robert was bent on auditing something I had brought up that I
knew was unreachable. He wasn't able to take No from me.

But none of the above was a main why we didn't make it.

Have you ever put a drop of water on a red hot spoon? It forms a
little cushsion of steam and floats on it, thus the water doesn't
touch the spoon at all and so it doesn't boil, it just floats around
on its cushion. Then slowly it warms up, and finally disintegrates
into a raging boil and blows off with violence.

Well my case is like the hot spoon, and I am the drop of water, I
can't touch my case, because it forms this protective cushion of steam
that I can't get through to touch the charge. The charge is there,
but its just not touchable, it is held out of reach. I can run it if
I can touch it, but I can't touch it.

Enid knows how to get me into the crack where suddenly I can
touch the charge and wham it starts to boil off in a frenzy. Robert
simply did not know how to do that, neither did anyone else in any of
my auditing, and no where is this ability taught in anything that LRH
ever wrote that I read. As I said, I doubt even Enid could say how
she does it, she just KNOWS how to do it.

So basically I would say that Robert was simply out of his league
with me, too much charge, and no innate sixth sense on how to audit
me. His rote procedures which work fine on those who can contact
their spoon, just did not work on me.

After the fact of that failure, fire fights between pc and
auditor, and desperation on the part of both to stay in session and
keep trying, led to other outnesses perhaps that blew further auditing
off. I have very little charge on any of that.

Robert has an *EXCELLENT* comm cycle, if I knew he had a process
I could run, I would jump in the chair again faster than he could
blink his eyes.

First I would make him world clear "No", though.


================ ====================
Fri Sep 26 03:06:01 EDT 2014
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Learning implies Learning with Certainty or Learning without Certainty.
Learning across a Distance implies Learning by Being an Effect.
Learning by Being an Effect implies Learning without Certainty.
Therefore, Learning with Certainty implies Learning, but
not by Being an Effect, and not across a Distance.

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HomerWSmith-L mailing list


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Richard Platek \(Lion\) ( wrote:
>There is little difference in terms of "effect" between a suspected Bear
>outside the tent, and a "Real" bear outside the tent. I find this amazing,
>and educating. There should be difference between a suspected Bear and a
>REAL Bear. Okay, small potatos.

So that makes you a "What's the difference?" case.

What is the difference between an actual bear and a virtual reality

I suggest you run that until you get it.

It's the difference between life and death.

>> Study the hologram until you understand actuality, reality,
>> illusion and delusion about illusion completely.

>L: I am very open to the suggestion. What understanding do you think I
>might gain, beyond the understanding I have now?


What's the difference if consciousness arises out of matter,
engery, space, and time, or if ILLUSIONS of matter, energy, space and
time arise out of consciousness?


======================= ========================
Posted: Fri Sep 26 14:34:56 EDT 2014
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================== ===================
Learning implies Learning with Certainty or Learning without Certainty.
Learning across a Distance implies Learning by Being an Effect.
Learning by Being an Effect implies Learning without Certainty.
Therefore, Learning with Certainty implies Learning but
Not by Being an Effect, and not across a Distance.

Version: GnuPG v1.4.5 (GNU/Linux)

HomerWSmith-L mailing list


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"Love is all we know of heaven, and sorrow all we need of hell." -

But sorrow IS love, love burdened by considerations.

Love is hello, sorrow is goodbye.

Love is hello forever, sorrow is goodbye forever.

Thus sorrow, the ability to cry freely and deeply for those that
you love BEFORE they are gone, and for those you will never know, is the
gateway to love and to heaven.

Heaven is not happiness, heaven is freedom of emotion, heaven is
like the ocean waves in the wind, coming in with love and going out with
sorrow, over and over again.

Hell is nothingness, no ocean, no depth, no sorrow, no love.

They call it avichi.

A conscious coma, alive but emotionally dead.

If you refuse to cry, you refuse to love.

If you refuse to love, you refuse to cry.

If you are shamed of your crying, you are ashamed of your love.

If you are ashamed of your love, you are ashamed of your crying.

PTSness is your worry about those who would interrupt your sorrow
with ridicule or hysteria.

Who is to be ashamed now, those that cry or those that can't?

PTS means YOU become a Potential Trouble Source. The SP,
Suppressive Person, is one who can neither love nor cry. The intent of
the suppressive is to destroy facility in intimacy, intimacy with
yourself and those you have loved and will love again through all of
time into the next.

Things are not alright, things will not be alright, unless you can
love and cry freely, as deep as the river runs.

Fear of sorrow is fear of love.

Fear of love is fear of sorrow.

Mock up last days.

How will it be on that last day?

Say goodbye now.

Say hello now.

Say goodbye now.

Say hello now.

This process will run forever, never miss an opportunity to let the
sorrow flow into love, and the love flow into sorrow. Cry now, so you
can love later.

Excess of joy weeps. Excess of sorrow laughs.

Eventually one sees that our love is SO DEEP that it could
never have been anything less than eternal and immutable.

Be proud of the depth of your love, of the depth of your loss.

When you scream out in sorrow, you are screaming out your love.

Do not let infinite love and caring become a problem to you.

Even the littlest kittie is a full instantiation of the infinite.

Run to completion: the ocean free to roll in and roll out, in all
it's unfathomable depth and glory, in your heart.

Surrender and hope that it carries you away utterly to a better
place where Truth reigns and shallowness of existence is no more.

Don't worry, its only your own infinite heart that carries you

Depth of sorrow and love is all you need of proof.

Don't disparage those that demand it, show them the proof they dare
not know.

Once free to cry and love again your physical pains will vanish and
your purpose will once again align with the Cosmic All, the Cosmic Lover
who cries and laughs for itself through all Eternity.


======================= ========================
Posted: Fri Sep 26 14:13:05 EDT 2014
Send mail to saying help
================== ===================
Learning implies Learning with Certainty or Learning without Certainty.
Learning across a Distance implies Learning by Being an Effect.
Learning by Being an Effect implies Learning without Certainty.
Therefore, Learning with Certainty implies Learning but
Not by Being an Effect, and not across a Distance.

Version: GnuPG v1.4.5 (GNU/Linux)

HomerWSmith-L mailing list

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

ADO5 (fwd)

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ADO - 5
23 May 1993

Copyright (C) 1993 Homer Wilson Smith
All Rights Reserved

Ever audit a pc where your sessions go like this,

Aud: 'Do you have an upset?'
Pc: 'Yes'
Aud: 'Ok, what is it?'
Pc: 'I don't know.'
Aud: 'Ok, Do you have a problem?'
Pc: 'Yes'
Aud: 'Ok, what is it?'
Pc: 'I don't know.'
Aud: 'Ok, have you committed an overt?'
Pc: 'Yes, but don't ask me what it is because I don't know!'
Aud: 'Ok, I got that, do you have a withhold?'
Pc: 'Yes, but I don't know what it is,
does this auditing stuff really work?"
Aud: 'Ok, thank you, end of session (no I guess not)'

Well the problem with this pc is that he has a MISSED withhold.

A missed withhold is not something he did that the auditor failed
to find out about, a missed withhold is something that someone ELSE did
that charged up the withhold that the pc had.

There are 3 kinds of missed withholds.

1.) A CLOSE CALL missed withhold. That is when someone almost
finds out about what you did, and you KNOW they almost found out about
it, but you KNOW they didn't, it was a close call. This makes the pc
forever afterwards wary and careful and withdrawn, because no one was
supposed to come close to finding out about it at all. So obviously the
pc has to watch his step more closely, and so he does. For the rest of

2.) A WONDER missed withhold. This is when someone almost finds
out about what you did but you are left wondering if they know or not.
Or maybe they DO something like give you a dirty look, or fail to invite
you to a party or something that makes you wonder if they found out you
been sleeping with their mate. The wonder makes you ransack your memory
and facsimiles for the rest of time trying to find some sign that they
really do know, or some final proof that they don't so that you can
forget it and let it go. It's a 'still don't know if they know.' (A
facsimile is a memory mental image picture, taken at the time of the
incident. Heavy facsimiles are engrams which contain pain and
unconsciousness, and secondaries which contain loss or threat of loss.
If you remember things with pictures, you are looking at facsimiles.)

3.) A STILL KNOWS missed withhold. This is when you did something
to someone a LONG time ago and they knew about it then, but you sort of
hope they have forgotten about it. As time wears on you wonder if they
still know, or care or hold it against you. This makes you constantly
watch how they interact with you for the slightest hint that they
remember what you did.

The second two kinds of missed withholds are particularly nasty as
they tie up the person's attention in eternal wonder and suppression of
wonder; a kind of thinking, thinking, thinking that they can never
discuss with anyone or tell them what they are worried about.
Eventually they just try to forget it, but it continues to go on in a
subterranean fashion for the rest of time.

The common denominator of most missed withholds therefore is DON'T

This is what the I DON'T KNOW case doesn't know, he doesn't know if
THEY know!.

Now once this all gets buried your pc becomes a bear to audit,
because all he will ever answer is 'I don't know.' You can't get him to
move around on this track to find answers to questions, because he is
totally fixated right at the moment the withhold was missed still
wondering if what he saw the person do was sufficient to conclude that
they found out or not.

The problem with this is that what your preclear actually did and
is withholding always happened BEFORE the moment it was missed, often
LONG before. Since the ability to remember depends absolutely on the
ability to travel freely on your track, if your pc is stuck at a later
moment than the moment of the overt, he won't be able to remember the
overt, even though he is still trying with all his life to figure out if
OTHERS know about it!

So if you ask him 'What have you done?' he will say 'I don't know.'

That gives him a loss. You see any time you ask a pc a question
that he can not answer, you give him a loss, and not only does auditing
not take place, but charge builds up and the case goes down hill.

So in general when you ask your pc a question and he says 'I don't
know' you have given him a loss. Too much of this will cause your pc to
lose hope. ((No shit Sherlock.))

It can also get very frustrating for the auditor who begins to
suspect the pc of intentionally withholding, or not trying hard enough,
and eventually the auditor comes to consider the pc a dog pc, which is a
High Crime.

Now the truth is, the pc is not lying, he's not even being evasive,
he is merely answering a different question than the one you are asking.

He is answering the question 'Did they find out?'

So asking him what he did is a waste of time, in fact asking him
ANYTHING is a waste of time because the only question he can answer is
'Did they find out?'

So how do you audit this on your pc or in yourself?

Well you take up his case right at the point he is already at.

Aud: 'Did they find out?'
Pc : 'I don't know.
Aud: 'Thank you.'

And this gives the pc a WIN rather than a loss.

You see the pc actually answered the auditing question, he was
answering it all along, you were just too dumb to ask the right
question, and now that you have asked the right question and he has
answered it, correctly in fact, its a WIN rather than a LOSS and already
case gain will begin being made and the TA will move again. (TA = Tone
Arm, a part of the E-meter which measures changes in resistance in the
body. A stuck TA means no case gain. A TA that moves over time means
case gain is being made. Specifically the TA moves up as mental mass
builds up looking for the answer, and then the TA 'blows down' when the
answers are found. This up and down motion is called TA action.)

So you gotta realize that a missed withhold has a certain anatomy.
There is the overt and the withhold of course, but later there are
people that DO things that make the pc wonder if they know or not. The
MISSED part of the missed withhold is what OTHER people did to make the
pc wonder.

The pc in present time may no longer know what it is he did, he
probably won't if it is a past life overt being missed in this life.
But he sure as hell will know WHO is missing it and HOW.

So you run it like this.

Aud: 'Well now, can you tell me what you did?'
Pc: 'No, I don't have any idea.
Aud: 'Well good, that's just fine.'

(This is not a loss, because NO is a correct answer to CAN YOU?)

Aud: 'Do you think you withheld this thing?'
Pc : 'Oh sure of course, I wouldn't be this messed up if I hadn't.'
Aud: 'Well good, I got that.'

Aud: 'So can you tell me WHO missed this thing on you?'
Pc: 'Well, that's kind of hard, I am not sure I remember.'
Aud: 'Ok, well who or what makes you uncomfortable about yourself
when you are around them, you know who makes you feel like squirming
Pc: 'Oh well that's easy, gorgeous girls, they always make me feel
like a boogie, you think I did something wrong to pretty girls?'
Aud: 'Well that's for you to tell me, but what I really want to
know is do you think that pretty girls might be missing this withhold on
you, whatever it is?'
Pc: 'Oh hell, sure, that's obvious, every time I see a pretty girl
I just want to wither and die.
Aud: 'Ok, good, now what is it about pretty girls that makes you
think they might know about what you did, or even just makes them sense
something about you that tells them you might have done something.
Pc: 'Oh well that's easy, they are so gorgeous and sure of
themselves, so confident, and I am such a toad, I can't stand the light
of day lest someone see just how ugly I am. I figure anyone that pretty
would know I had done something horrible to be in the situation I am in.
And they LOOK at me with that look, with those big beautiful eyes, as if
they can't believe I am allowed to walk around free. Sheesh they keep
the squirmies in total restimulation 24 hours a day.'
Aud: 'Ok, good, now do you think that this is a CLOSE CALL, a
WONDER or a STILL KNOWS missed withhold with these girls?'
Pc: 'Oh its a WONDER alright, they can't possibly NOT know what
it is I did, except I can't really imagine how they would have found out
because I don't even know what it is myself, unless they have some 6th
sense or something, or maybe pretty girls just know these things! I
mean all they would have to do is look at me and they would know, right?
I can feel it inside me.'
But you know its also a STILL KNOWS, because maybe I and they
knew what I did in a past life, and since I don't remember it any
more I am hoping no one else will remember it either! It's like
I am hiding in this life, and hope they are hiding too, so no one
can remember anything about anyone!
Aud: 'Ok good, now can you tell me what it might have been that
you did that these pretty girls are missing on you?'
Pc 'Uh, no I have no idea, but it sure is alive...'
Aud: 'Ok that's fine, now perhaps you can tell me WHO ELSE has or
is missing this withhold on you.
Pc: 'Uh, well God and angels and things. You know they are
supposed to be everywhere and know everything. Sometimes I think that
might be true in which case I know that at least somebody knows what I
have done, that's a relief even if it is just God, and I pray that He
will let me find out what it is too. Then other times I don't believe
in God, or I wonder if He is such a good guy after all, and suddenly I
am not so sure if anyone knows anything about me at all. Its really
hard swinging back and forth between "they all know and nobody knows".'
Aud: 'Good, now is this ...'
Pc: 'Oh its a WONDERS all right, I wonder if an all knowing God
exists and therefore I wonder if I have been found out.
Aud: 'Ok, so can you tell me anyone else that might be missing a
withhold on you.'
Pc: 'Hmmm.....well men, yes, strong virile men, jocks, sports
men, good soldiers, yes that's it, strong and brave people willing to
fight and die for their country, people in the military are always so
happy doing their duty, I am such a coward and a wimp. Maybe I
committed some war crime last life, maybe I betrayed my country, lost
all my friends, the girls wouldn't talk to me, you know... I don't
know... sure feels like it though... Jeeze maybe...Oh, God! No. Oh, I
don't want to know about this, Oh God... Jesus Christ, Oh God, I got a
picture here, I think I was part of the German High Command. Hold on
here a second, the picture is moving, yes, we were plotting to give
information to the Americans to help defeat Hitler and the German Army.
And somehow I was caught and given a summary trial of some sort. They
took me to a village and walked me through the crowds who were yelling
'traitor' at me and throwing stones and garbage at me, and they brought
me before my commanding officer. He told me what a horrible man I had
been and a disgrace to my friends, and then they took me out back and
shot me in a ditch. There was a young girl standing there, on a
balcony. She must have been my age, I could see her very clearly, she
was the most beautiful girl I had ever seen, and she was looking right
at me with those big beautiful blue eyes with a look that said 'How
could you!' As I was dying I thought to myself, 'I did this for you, to
end this evil endless war'. But I knew I had betrayed my country, my
father land, and I died not knowing if I had done the right thing.
Jesus, you know I still don't know if I did the right thing, but at
least this time I was born as an American. No wonder I can't stand
pretty girls looking at me, HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!'

So now you see the pc is coming closer to what the withhold might
be, because he is freer to move on the track, because the stuck points
of charge at the MISSED part of the withhold have been released.

So this is how you audit an 'I don't know' case, including yourself
if you are having trouble soloing.

Don't go after the withhold, go after who has or is missing it, and
what they did or are doing to miss it, and whether it is a CLOSE CALL, a

The pc will run this kind of auditing very easily, his present time
is full of 'being missed' episodes, and eventually he will simply FALL
into the overt that brought it all on. You won't even have to ask for
it. He will HAND it to you like a hot potato.

You could just run it muzzled with,

'Is something being missed on you?'
'Who or what is missing it on you?'
'What makes you think they might know?'
'Is it a CLOSE CALL, WONDERS or STILL KNOWS kind of miss?'

I believe this will get your cases moving again.


================ ====================
Tue Sep 23 03:06:01 EDT 2014
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Learning implies Learning with Certainty or Learning without Certainty.
Learning across a Distance implies Learning by Being an Effect.
Learning by Being an Effect implies Learning without Certainty.
Therefore, Learning with Certainty implies Learning, but
not by Being an Effect, and not across a Distance.

Version: GnuPG v1.4.5 (GNU/Linux)

HomerWSmith-L mailing list


Hash: SHA1


ACT - 20
5 October 1993

Copyright (C) 1993 Homer Wilson Smith
Redistribution rights granted for non commercial purposes.

Been running,

'How sick do you have to be before other's will try to make you

'How well do you have to be before other's will try to make you

Cognition 1:

People with heavy duty psychosomatic conditions live their lives in
the well/sick, better/worse band that gets them as much help and
cooperation as they can from other's, without killing themselves trying to
get it.

Cognition 2:

In withdrawing from being able to be a soldier to fight for the
government, I have also withdrawn from being able to be a soldier to
fight against the government.

Thus by ruining my body to make myself worthless to those who would
have sent me to Vietnam, I have also made myself worthless to American
freedom fighters, should it ever come to a revolution, God forbid.

In reading the constitution it becomes clear that the price of
freedom is eternal vigilance. NOT vigilance over them over there, but of
US over here.

A close and thoughtful reading of the Declaration of Independence,
the US Constitution, it's amendments, and the US Bill of Rights, will
show you that we actually have a DUTY to be forever vigilant, armed and
prepared to go to war AGAINST our own government should it ever overstep
its bounds.

It is actually our highest duty to God, if there is one. For what
more precious thing has been entrusted to man than the government of man?


SOMEONE ALREADY ELECTED INTO OFFICE. Many people miss this, looking
instead for just more 'foreign others' within our borders, trying to 'do
us in' or agitate others into doing us in, but rarely do we look for one
of 'us', and never someone already part of the government who would
bring us down.

This is NOT what the constitution had in mind when it mentioned ALL
ENEMIES FOREIGN OR DOMESTIC. By domestic it meant duly elected officials.

No one else has any power, right? So everyone else is just a noise
maker. The DANGEROUS enemies of the Constitution then would be those
elected officials that had managed to get themselves elected into power
though the stupidity, laziness, sloth and suicidal tendencies of the
electorate, officials who none the less had evil intentions towards our
health, happiness and freedom.

These connivers in power however would of course prefer that you
pay attention to and worry about the noise makers who were NOT in power,
so that the government can then get its people chasing their tails and
shadows of bad guys until the cows come home. All the while the people
in power plan and plot the very enslavement of the American way of life.

Back to the point.

In rendering myself useless to avoid being sent to a war I didn't
want to go to, I have also rendered myself useless to my own highest
duty, which is to take my own government out should the need ever arise.


This is actually a new thought to me, and also a new thought that
such a duty to be physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually
prepared to go to war AGAINST my own government should the need arise,
is a HIGHER duty than going to war FOR my government should that need
arise too.

They never taught you that in high school, now did they?

In this universe, everything is a war. Things may seem peaceful,
but if you aren't fighting something, you are losing.

You don't have to be fighting SOMEONE, it can be asteroids coming
in on the Earth or erosion in the arable lands, but if you aren't
fighting something, you might as well be wasting away.

Part of the purpose of government is to coordinate these various
wars of society on a grand scale. Sometimes war is against other
societies, other governments, other people, mostly war is against the
physical universe and the sands of time.

When the governments of the world are doing their job right, then
these fightings go well and humanity progresses. When governments do
not do their job well, things start to go down hill. It is at this time
that it becomes necessary to fight the government itself.

Thus every day when you wake up you have some decisions to make,
and at least one of them is, do I go to war FOR my government today, or
do I go to war AGAINST my government today?

Either way you are a soldier, man.

Are you A.W.O.L.?


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Posted: Tue Sep 23 15:04:33 EDT 2014
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Learning implies Learning with Certainty or Learning without Certainty.
Learning across a Distance implies Learning by Being an Effect.
Learning by Being an Effect implies Learning without Certainty.
Therefore, Learning with Certainty implies Learning but
Not by Being an Effect, and not across a Distance.

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HomerWSmith-L mailing list

Current and the E-meter

dornford ( wrote:

Some information regarding electrical conduction through the

The body conducts electricity through electrochemical ion
transport. This is different from conduction through a wire. In a
wire, the amount of current that flows is proportional to the voltage
accross the wire, and inversely proportional to the resistance of the
wire ("Ohm's law").

In an electrochemical system, as the voltage between electrodes
is increased, current at first scarecely flows at all, adn then, when
a critical voltage is reached, the current rapidly increases until it
reaches a plateau. It stays at this plateau, typically, until a new
break point is reached, at whcich point the current once again
increases rapidly. When current flows at one of these plateaus,
chemical actions occur at the electrodes. For example, the first
plateau reached will be one at which oxygen is reduced at one
electrode and something is oxudized at the other. Later, CO2 will be
reduced, and later still, salt will dissociate.

Oxygen is reduced at about 650mV of potential. More potential is
needed to make the other reactions work.

In the body there are many potential conduction paths, though all
of then a re electrochemical in nature. The lymph and the blood are
essentially salt water, and they will need about a volt and a half to
conduct significantly. The skin is oily and contains many membranes,
and will mostly act as a resistor - it won't itself conduct well. The
bones are mostly inorganic crystaline material with embedded ionic
conductive material. However the nerves are apparently designed to be
good conductors. We know that they support potential differences of
about 100 mV before they conduct, much less than the rest of the body.
One might assume that if they did not conduct better than the rest of
the body, they could scarcely work at all!

We can therefore expect that small currents within the body will
tend to be conducted by the nerves primarily.

The nerves themselves consist of long filaments attached to
central bodies in the brain and spinal cord. They have many
interconnections between each other, and these connections themselves
behave rather like zener diodes - they conduct in spikes when the
potential accross them exceeds a certain level. but not otherwise.
Nerves seem to communicate by the timing of the electrical pulses
between them, not the magnitude of the pulses.

This means that the average potential between nerves is going to
be affected by the communication between them. A continuous current
flowing up one nerve and down another is going to generate a varying
voltage as the nerves either connect or don't.

In the case of the emeter, the cans are normally held by the
hands in such a way that the maximum number of nerve endings are in
contact with the cans. The hands have among the highest density of
nerve endings in the body. The curent flow between the cans is going
to predominantly pass through the nerves up to the brain and accross
the brain interfaces, and back down to the other hand. In the case of
one hand electrodes, the current will flow up one set of nerves and
back down the adjacent set. Since there are millions of these nerves
carrying the already small current, the voltage will be modulated by
the average nerve connections in the brain.

Hence the emeter will essentially measure the degree of nerve
connection in the brain. It will respond to the electrical activity
in the brain, in other words.

It is fortunate that this is so, and no doubt was not at all
foreseen by either LRH or any of the people who developed lie
detectors or similar equipment. However it turns out to be an elegant
way of monitoring brain activity, at least in the aggregate.

All the rules of emeter operation - like instant reads, f/ns and
so on, are empirical. LRH and others merely observed the correlations
and codified them. This is not to negate their validity at all.

Incidentally, neural research has shown that the brain can
respond prior to receiving a stimulus, a phenomenon not presently
allowed by physics.


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Mon Sep 22 00:06:02 EDT 2014
Send mail to saying help
================== ===================
Learning implies Learning with Certainty or Learning without Certainty.
Learning across a Distance implies Learning by Being an Effect.
Learning by Being an Effect implies Learning without Certainty.
Therefore, Learning with Certainty implies Learning, but
not by Being an Effect, and not across a Distance.

Homer Wilson Smith Clean Air, Clear Water, Art Matrix - Lightlink
(607) 277-0959 A Green Earth, and Peace, Internet, Ithaca NY Is that too much to ask?
Clear-L mailing list
HomerWSmith-L mailing list



>> Separation is a key component of persistence, separation between
>> things, between the being and his mockups, the being and other beings,
>> between cause and effect, and between everything that is and 'God'.

>My present reality is that both OT and victim are individuations. The
>individuation is from "God."


An issue is what is an OT?

(OT means Operating Thetan, a being at maximum spiritual capacity.)

Is an OT a super human victim still running on human motivations to
survive and protect his body and loved ones with super powers?

A super human Superman if you will?

Or is the OT the game designer that then jumps in and plays one of
his own characters, any character good or bad.

This is the Designer OT, the Author/Creator.

The *MOTIVATIONS* of the Designer OT are way different than the
motivations of the Super Human OT.

The game designer OT wishes to continue the game, the game player
wishes to win the game, and failing that, to destroy it.

The victim runs from the volcano, the OT puts the volcano and the
victim there, and then becomes the victim to enjoy the game.

The victim will always fight for his side of the game, the OT may
fight for the losing side if he is moved at all, to keep the game going.

Games that end are a LOSS to a Designer OT.

The superman OT will try to be the Villan or Hero in the Victim,
Villan, Hero triangle.

The designer OT will invent Victim, Villan, Hero triangles forever
for free and play the real good one's out periodically.

Ramificatoins may be unacceptable to mortals...

I believe that usually once set in motion, games are allowed to
play themselves out with maybe a few 'resets' along the way when the
whole game goes to hell too early.

Players then become game designers for a while, rethink how this
game should be adjusted to continue it, make adjustments and then all
jump back in again taking up where they were a short while back before
the game ended prematurely.

Resets are hard to audit and harder to believe in, but mostly act
as a distraction. Once recognized for what they are, they aren't part
of the problem any more other than the being expanding out to take
momentary responsibility for the entire game again closer to present
time than one might have imagined.

The OT's that we were long ago when we first descended into things,
fought wars of good and evil with each other etc, were more like super
humans playing the game full tilt, and less like the game designers who
made the game in the first place.

We have had enough of super human's fighting wars for good and
evil, the magic of no magic has squelched that for good in this cycle.

I at least, am more trying to rehab the game designer OT whose only
proof of existence will be the game you are in at the time of play :).

"Invent a game". - LRH


Homer Wilson Smith The Paths of Lovers Art Matrix - Lightlink
(607) 277-0959 KC2ITF Cross Internet Access, Ithaca NY In the Line of Duty

Fri Dec 30 15:00:45 EST 2005

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