Hash: SHA1
Ted (ted_crammer@hotmail.com) wrote:
>You know Moldy, I never once felt like that, not in the faintest. I owed
>him nothing. Had I ended up owing Hubbard anything I would have been
>less myself and less effective in helping others. So I wonder, is there
>a particular class of people that you are referring to who were duped
>into owing their eternal survival to Hubbard?
I was one of these, haunted by the feeling that I was being helped
because I couldn't help myself.
This was drilled into our dear little heads early on, auditor plus
pc is bigger than the bank etc, pc can't do it alone etc.
But the real underlying issue was total irresponsibility for
condition, I was being 'helped' out of a condition that I had no clue
how I got there, nor no clue how the help got there either etc.
I was being helped out of a condition I had not created by help
that I had not nor could not have created.
I remember when I first got into Scn I had this overwhelming
feeling of a near miss, of a close call, that Scn might never have
existed, and I would have gone to my grave being a mortal meatball.
I never had the feeling 'Ah there you assholes are, what the fuck
took you so long'.
Instead Scn exceeded my expectations, it was not expected, and thus
became an over awing surprise, and thus one that I naturally felt
indebted too.
Now as people make case gain, they recover their responsibility for
condition, and for the help that helps them, and this awe begins to melt
into humor. But this never happened with me as I was a total NCG in the
Church and after, and to this day I still suffer from 'where the hell am
I, how did I get here, and where am I going'.
I am still a "lost cause," literally.
My issue of total irresponsibility has not been dented, in 30,000
hours of solo dual auditing.
I can see how I am making myself worse, I can see how the trap
works, but I can not see how I got into the trap, or what it will be
like to be out.
In fact it terrifies me.
And that is how I feel about my future, terror and numb.
Or Sorrow and Horror.
As long as the total irresponsibility for condition persists, then
I will naturally feel indebted to anyone that solves this for me, helps
me in other words, and this results in an ARC break that will last
forever, and thus makes me not want auditing.
You can't go free forever and owe someone something forever.
Thus the help one gets must not leave one owing. But surely the
meager payment we make to auditors does not repay it.
Nor does paying it forward by auditing others after.
So help has to eventually be in the direction of not needing help,
and never having needed help in the first place. It becomes a nice game
to play, with the auditor gaining as much from the pc as the pc gains
from the auditor.
Some auditors charge 100 per hour to audit a pc.
I charge 100 per hour to be audited by the next stupid
auditor in line bringing me stupid auditing questions.
"How do you feel about your future?"
E/P is "future is endlessly beautiful".
======================= http://www.clearing.org ========================
Posted: Mon Aug 31 19:41:19 EDT 2015
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================== http://www.lightlink.com/theproof ===================
Learning implies Learning with Certainty or Learning without Certainty.
Learning across a Distance implies Learning by Being an Effect.
Learning by Being an Effect implies Learning without Certainty.
Therefore, Learning with Certainty implies Learning but
Not by Being an Effect, and not across a Distance.
Version: GnuPG v1.4.5 (GNU/Linux)
HomerWSmith-L mailing list
Monday, August 31, 2015
ADORE636 (fwd)
Hash: SHA1
Now a child can go two ways.
Either he can learn from his experience with his parents NOT to do
that to his children, or he can become overwhelmed by the abuse and make
it right and so abuse his children in the same way that he was abused.
Some children have been so abused by fundamentalist religions that
they have become 'What abuse?' cases.
The golden rule says don't do to others what you don't want done to
you, but the abuse case runs on do to others what has been done to you.
There isn't much of anyone home in these cases, they are zombie
zoners on a roll, with engrams as wheels.
When they speak, they say the same things over and over again,
without actually listening to their own words or parsing them to see if
they have any meaning or logical consistency.
It's fine to say that all that comes from God is good.
It's fine to say that man is inherently bad.
It is not then fine to say that God made man, for that makes God
culpable for man's badness.
If you have had this burned into your brain with electricity and
1.) All that comes from God is good.
2.) Man came from God
3.) Man is bad.
Then that is how it is, even though as a whole it doesn't make
sense. The bank will hand out 1, 2 or 3 depending on the context of the
conversation, and never spot a lack of continuity across all of them.
IF you try to make such a bank notice the incongruity of its
various positions, it will claim you are playing word games.
If a scientist creates a killer virus and lets it free on the world
knowing it may do irreparable harm, do we blame the virus or the
If that same scientist creates a slightly larger viral organism
called a child, and it proceeds to rape, kill and suck blood, and not
necessarily in that order, do we blame the scientist or the child?
If a man creates a killer frankenstein, knowing that the creation
may harm others, do we hold the creation guilty and the creator
Thus many religious people are simply mind broke, they can't think
clearly, and while they claim that one must love God, they HATE their
God but can't admit it. They are in unexpressed resentment and covert
hostility even unto themselves.
It is instructive to ask a person how HE would have made the world
if given the chance.
Would he create beings against their will and permission, give them
an explosive blend of ignorance and free will, dump them into the
thunderdome called Killer Pit together, and let them have at it?
Would he consider it makes sense to let his creatures exercise
their free will at the expense of the innocent and trust worthy, in
order to test the quality of the guilty and the tempers of the not so
Would he consider that beings were born in sin, due to the sins of
their fathers or ancestors?
Would he not hold the parents accountable for the sins of their
Now there are two kinds of people in the world.
There are those that consume more than they produce, and those that
produce more than they consume.
Some people knowingly consume more than they produce, we call these
criminals, they take the production of others, render it into nought,
and then do it all over again.
It is one thing to reap what you sow, but a criminal reaps what
other's sow, living at the expense of others against the other's will.
Other people are trying to be good and produce more than they
consume, but somehow manage to fail consistently regardless of their
best intentions. They sow and sow and sow and nothing ever comes of it.
It is like they are planting their seeds in a toxic waste dump and don't
know it.
Some have said that the second kind of people are PTS (suppressed)
by the first kind of people.
(PTS means Potential Trouble Source, someone who is under
the influence of an SP, Suppressive Person or Parent, and who is
prone to accidents, sickness and bad judgments.)
Other's have said that sometimes people of the first ilk regret
their evil ways and become people of the second ilk.
In either case both kinds of people are a severe problem to the
existence of the rest of productive consumers.
The Sun/Earth system is a gigantic endothermic storage battery for
useful energy. Endothermic means it stores energy like a rechargable
The energy is stored in the plants that grow and convert sunlight
plus CO2 into their carbon based structures, releasing O2 into the
atmosphere for the animals to breath.
This is a kind of UNburning, thus there is more energy stored in
the final product than before the product was made.
This is the sowing and storage process.
Animals then come along and eat the plants turning their stored
energy back into action. This reaping and burning of what was sown,
consumes the O2 in the atmosphere and the carbon in the plant and
recreates the lower energy CO2, to start the whole cycle over again.
Plants consume photons and CO2 and produce carbon stalks and
Oxygen. This is UN burning.
Animals consume carbon stalks and Oxygen and produce CO2. This is
straight forward burning, just as if you burned a piece of paper.
Animals are a slow fire to the plant kingdom.
Thus all life is a continous pattern of sow and reap cycles fed by
the sun. Unburn and burn.
Now plants are supposed to consume more than they produce because
they are the storage mechanism for the system to work.
But when an animal consumes more than it produces, you have a
criminal or an invalid.
Because animals are intelligent, at least the human being is
allegedly so, it is assigned the duty of consuming IN ORDER TO SOW, thus
guaranteeing future food to reap.
Because of the endothermic nature of the plant storage system, one
kernel of corn can give rise to a whole stalk of corn with many ears and
thousands of kernels.
If the farmer has to eat 100 kernels of corn to allow him to sow
one kernel to produce 1000 kernels of corn, clearly he is reaping a
profit at the end of the sow and reap cycle.
The profit is not made when the excess corn is sold to another for
a markup, the profit is already made once the corn has been reaped.
If instead the farmer eats, gives away, or wastes 10,000 kernels of
corn for each kernel he plants, and still only reaps 1000, he is now
down 9000 kernels of corn gone forever.
That is consuming more than you produce.
Every breath you take in life must produce more than you consume or
you are on your way out, and probably dragging down others with you.
In your early life, you are not expected to produce more than you
consume, a baby is an investment on the part of the parents who expect
a return later in life when the body is grown and able.
Babies like plants are sort of "endothermic."
They consume much and deliver little, but unlike a plant who stores
energy in the form of carbon, the baby stores knowledge, kill and
training, so he can go out and produce later.
Thus one accumulates a debt to those who raised you until you are
able to repay it in spades.
Since every being is invested in by every member of society the
debt extends out from one's immediate family to everyone around you.
And once that debt is being paid off, you have to start investing in
your own children and THEIR future also.
This is in part why it's no ok to hurt yourself even if you don't
hurt others, because in hurting yourself you ARE hurting the others that
invested in you, or who will depend upon you later, which one way or
another is everyone.
Thus nature expects one to profit mightily in life because one has
been consuming mightily all along.
Note the profit is not being taken from others, thus lowing their
potential for survival, but from the Sun/Earth system which is here to
give you all the profit and sow and reap cycles you can stand, at least
in abundant times. However if you create a dust bowl around you, either
intentionally or accidentally, then you may starve to death as your
plants wither and die.
You can destroy a rechargable battery though misuse.
Society suffers a lot of costs that don't produce any actual
return, they are a kind of insurance against disaster that only gives
back when a disaster strikes which may be never.
Protections against any future contingency, including terrorism and
foreign attack, can burden the sow and reap profit margin during tough
times to a point where engagement in life is no longer viable.
Thus your life debt increases, and your life gets worse along with
the lives of those around you who depend on you, even those who don't
exist yet.
How many wars can you fight, how many walls can you build, how many
munitions can you store up, and still educate, and care for your kids
and old ones, and produce enough affluence of CORN to get you through
the vagaries of the solar cycles?
You can't eat bombs.
You can't even eat the dead bodies of your enemies.
But its the enemy who usually starts it, so we have no choice in
the matter.
Affluence of survival factors is the only guarantee of survival in
a world of no guarantees. When affluence of bombs and armaments becomes
more important than affluence of winter stores, then you know you are on
the way out.
You need to find a better way to deal with your enemies.
On the other hand the world is full of criminals, who have no
intent to share with you, but who feel you have the greener side of the
grass and who are willing to die to kill you off so their people can eat
at the expense of yours.
Natural competition and animal territoriality is driven insane by
the insanity of the cowboy riding the animal (thetan and body).
The whole world can be destroyed by this insanity.
And if the bombs start dropping, can't it be said that SOMEONE
should have been killed or deactivated with prejudice just prior?
- - ------------------------------------------------------------------------
Homer Wilson Smith The Paths of Lovers Art Matrix - Lightlink
(607) 277-0959 KC2ITF Cross Internet Access, Ithaca NY
homer@lightlink.com In the Line of Duty http://www.lightlink.com
Sun Jan 25 17:52:01 EST 2009
================ http://www.clearing.org ====================
Fri Aug 28 12:06:02 EDT 2015
WEB: http://www.clearing.org
BLOG: http://adoretheproof.blogspot.org
FTP: ftp://ftp.lightlink.com/pub/archive/homer/adore636.memo
Send mail to archive@lightlink.com saying help in body
=========== http://www.lightlink.com/theproof ===============
Learning implies Learning with Certainty or Learning without Certainty.
Learning across a Distance implies Learning by Being an Effect.
Learning by Being an Effect implies Learning without Certainty.
Therefore, Learning with Certainty implies Learning,
but not by Being an Effect, and not across a Distance.
Version: GnuPG v1.4.5 (GNU/Linux)
======================= http://www.clearing.org ========================
Posted: Mon Aug 31 19:35:25 EDT 2015
Send mail to archive.com saying help
================== http://www.lightlink.com/theproof ===================
Learning implies Learning with Certainty or Learning without Certainty.
Learning across a Distance implies Learning by Being an Effect.
Learning by Being an Effect implies Learning without Certainty.
Therefore, Learning with Certainty implies Learning but
Not by Being an Effect, and not across a Distance.
Version: GnuPG v1.4.5 (GNU/Linux)
HomerWSmith-L mailing list
Hash: SHA1
Now a child can go two ways.
Either he can learn from his experience with his parents NOT to do
that to his children, or he can become overwhelmed by the abuse and make
it right and so abuse his children in the same way that he was abused.
Some children have been so abused by fundamentalist religions that
they have become 'What abuse?' cases.
The golden rule says don't do to others what you don't want done to
you, but the abuse case runs on do to others what has been done to you.
There isn't much of anyone home in these cases, they are zombie
zoners on a roll, with engrams as wheels.
When they speak, they say the same things over and over again,
without actually listening to their own words or parsing them to see if
they have any meaning or logical consistency.
It's fine to say that all that comes from God is good.
It's fine to say that man is inherently bad.
It is not then fine to say that God made man, for that makes God
culpable for man's badness.
If you have had this burned into your brain with electricity and
1.) All that comes from God is good.
2.) Man came from God
3.) Man is bad.
Then that is how it is, even though as a whole it doesn't make
sense. The bank will hand out 1, 2 or 3 depending on the context of the
conversation, and never spot a lack of continuity across all of them.
IF you try to make such a bank notice the incongruity of its
various positions, it will claim you are playing word games.
If a scientist creates a killer virus and lets it free on the world
knowing it may do irreparable harm, do we blame the virus or the
If that same scientist creates a slightly larger viral organism
called a child, and it proceeds to rape, kill and suck blood, and not
necessarily in that order, do we blame the scientist or the child?
If a man creates a killer frankenstein, knowing that the creation
may harm others, do we hold the creation guilty and the creator
Thus many religious people are simply mind broke, they can't think
clearly, and while they claim that one must love God, they HATE their
God but can't admit it. They are in unexpressed resentment and covert
hostility even unto themselves.
It is instructive to ask a person how HE would have made the world
if given the chance.
Would he create beings against their will and permission, give them
an explosive blend of ignorance and free will, dump them into the
thunderdome called Killer Pit together, and let them have at it?
Would he consider it makes sense to let his creatures exercise
their free will at the expense of the innocent and trust worthy, in
order to test the quality of the guilty and the tempers of the not so
Would he consider that beings were born in sin, due to the sins of
their fathers or ancestors?
Would he not hold the parents accountable for the sins of their
Now there are two kinds of people in the world.
There are those that consume more than they produce, and those that
produce more than they consume.
Some people knowingly consume more than they produce, we call these
criminals, they take the production of others, render it into nought,
and then do it all over again.
It is one thing to reap what you sow, but a criminal reaps what
other's sow, living at the expense of others against the other's will.
Other people are trying to be good and produce more than they
consume, but somehow manage to fail consistently regardless of their
best intentions. They sow and sow and sow and nothing ever comes of it.
It is like they are planting their seeds in a toxic waste dump and don't
know it.
Some have said that the second kind of people are PTS (suppressed)
by the first kind of people.
(PTS means Potential Trouble Source, someone who is under
the influence of an SP, Suppressive Person or Parent, and who is
prone to accidents, sickness and bad judgments.)
Other's have said that sometimes people of the first ilk regret
their evil ways and become people of the second ilk.
In either case both kinds of people are a severe problem to the
existence of the rest of productive consumers.
The Sun/Earth system is a gigantic endothermic storage battery for
useful energy. Endothermic means it stores energy like a rechargable
The energy is stored in the plants that grow and convert sunlight
plus CO2 into their carbon based structures, releasing O2 into the
atmosphere for the animals to breath.
This is a kind of UNburning, thus there is more energy stored in
the final product than before the product was made.
This is the sowing and storage process.
Animals then come along and eat the plants turning their stored
energy back into action. This reaping and burning of what was sown,
consumes the O2 in the atmosphere and the carbon in the plant and
recreates the lower energy CO2, to start the whole cycle over again.
Plants consume photons and CO2 and produce carbon stalks and
Oxygen. This is UN burning.
Animals consume carbon stalks and Oxygen and produce CO2. This is
straight forward burning, just as if you burned a piece of paper.
Animals are a slow fire to the plant kingdom.
Thus all life is a continous pattern of sow and reap cycles fed by
the sun. Unburn and burn.
Now plants are supposed to consume more than they produce because
they are the storage mechanism for the system to work.
But when an animal consumes more than it produces, you have a
criminal or an invalid.
Because animals are intelligent, at least the human being is
allegedly so, it is assigned the duty of consuming IN ORDER TO SOW, thus
guaranteeing future food to reap.
Because of the endothermic nature of the plant storage system, one
kernel of corn can give rise to a whole stalk of corn with many ears and
thousands of kernels.
If the farmer has to eat 100 kernels of corn to allow him to sow
one kernel to produce 1000 kernels of corn, clearly he is reaping a
profit at the end of the sow and reap cycle.
The profit is not made when the excess corn is sold to another for
a markup, the profit is already made once the corn has been reaped.
If instead the farmer eats, gives away, or wastes 10,000 kernels of
corn for each kernel he plants, and still only reaps 1000, he is now
down 9000 kernels of corn gone forever.
That is consuming more than you produce.
Every breath you take in life must produce more than you consume or
you are on your way out, and probably dragging down others with you.
In your early life, you are not expected to produce more than you
consume, a baby is an investment on the part of the parents who expect
a return later in life when the body is grown and able.
Babies like plants are sort of "endothermic."
They consume much and deliver little, but unlike a plant who stores
energy in the form of carbon, the baby stores knowledge, kill and
training, so he can go out and produce later.
Thus one accumulates a debt to those who raised you until you are
able to repay it in spades.
Since every being is invested in by every member of society the
debt extends out from one's immediate family to everyone around you.
And once that debt is being paid off, you have to start investing in
your own children and THEIR future also.
This is in part why it's no ok to hurt yourself even if you don't
hurt others, because in hurting yourself you ARE hurting the others that
invested in you, or who will depend upon you later, which one way or
another is everyone.
Thus nature expects one to profit mightily in life because one has
been consuming mightily all along.
Note the profit is not being taken from others, thus lowing their
potential for survival, but from the Sun/Earth system which is here to
give you all the profit and sow and reap cycles you can stand, at least
in abundant times. However if you create a dust bowl around you, either
intentionally or accidentally, then you may starve to death as your
plants wither and die.
You can destroy a rechargable battery though misuse.
Society suffers a lot of costs that don't produce any actual
return, they are a kind of insurance against disaster that only gives
back when a disaster strikes which may be never.
Protections against any future contingency, including terrorism and
foreign attack, can burden the sow and reap profit margin during tough
times to a point where engagement in life is no longer viable.
Thus your life debt increases, and your life gets worse along with
the lives of those around you who depend on you, even those who don't
exist yet.
How many wars can you fight, how many walls can you build, how many
munitions can you store up, and still educate, and care for your kids
and old ones, and produce enough affluence of CORN to get you through
the vagaries of the solar cycles?
You can't eat bombs.
You can't even eat the dead bodies of your enemies.
But its the enemy who usually starts it, so we have no choice in
the matter.
Affluence of survival factors is the only guarantee of survival in
a world of no guarantees. When affluence of bombs and armaments becomes
more important than affluence of winter stores, then you know you are on
the way out.
You need to find a better way to deal with your enemies.
On the other hand the world is full of criminals, who have no
intent to share with you, but who feel you have the greener side of the
grass and who are willing to die to kill you off so their people can eat
at the expense of yours.
Natural competition and animal territoriality is driven insane by
the insanity of the cowboy riding the animal (thetan and body).
The whole world can be destroyed by this insanity.
And if the bombs start dropping, can't it be said that SOMEONE
should have been killed or deactivated with prejudice just prior?
- - ------------------------------------------------------------------------
Homer Wilson Smith The Paths of Lovers Art Matrix - Lightlink
(607) 277-0959 KC2ITF Cross Internet Access, Ithaca NY
homer@lightlink.com In the Line of Duty http://www.lightlink.com
Sun Jan 25 17:52:01 EST 2009
================ http://www.clearing.org ====================
Fri Aug 28 12:06:02 EDT 2015
WEB: http://www.clearing.org
BLOG: http://adoretheproof.blogspot.org
FTP: ftp://ftp.lightlink.com/pub/archive/homer/adore636.memo
Send mail to archive@lightlink.com saying help in body
=========== http://www.lightlink.com/theproof ===============
Learning implies Learning with Certainty or Learning without Certainty.
Learning across a Distance implies Learning by Being an Effect.
Learning by Being an Effect implies Learning without Certainty.
Therefore, Learning with Certainty implies Learning,
but not by Being an Effect, and not across a Distance.
Version: GnuPG v1.4.5 (GNU/Linux)
======================= http://www.clearing.org ========================
Posted: Mon Aug 31 19:35:25 EDT 2015
Send mail to archive.com saying help
================== http://www.lightlink.com/theproof ===================
Learning implies Learning with Certainty or Learning without Certainty.
Learning across a Distance implies Learning by Being an Effect.
Learning by Being an Effect implies Learning without Certainty.
Therefore, Learning with Certainty implies Learning but
Not by Being an Effect, and not across a Distance.
Version: GnuPG v1.4.5 (GNU/Linux)
HomerWSmith-L mailing list
Thursday, August 27, 2015
ADORE872 (fwd)
Hash: SHA1
Your preclear has a case.
Case consists of desire and view in opposition.
Desire is the creative thrust of his basic purposes.
Natively a being creates in the mere conception of things.
View is the constellation of postulates the being has made about
the AllThatIs, that limit and direct his desire.
Unlimitedness is native.
All postulates are postulates of limitation.
All creation is creation of limitation.
Desire then becomes his pursuit of basic purposes through time
towards a final havingness, in other words a game.
A game is 1.) a matrix of freedoms which are native, 2.) intrinsic
purposes which are also native, 3.) barriers which are postulated, and
4.) instrumental purposes which are also postulated.
Intrinsic purposes are those things which are fundamentally
valuable for their own sake without further say so. For example peace
and pleasure.
Instrumental purposes are those things which are valuable only
because they lead to intrinsic valuables through the matrix of
conditions set up by the game.
We chase the intrinsic via the instrumental.
Intrinsic purposes are things like attaining pleasure and avoiding
Instrumental purposes are getting a good education or job which
provides survival, because non survival leads to pain.
The primary barrier is time which places time between desire and
havingness, but provides chase between the two, which has a desirability
of its own.
When view is balanced, it provides an optimum playing field, and
game to play. The being is happy playing, winning and losing, and lives
at Spirit of Play.
When view is not balanced, either towards to many wins, or to many
losses, the being is no longer happy, as playing becomes overwhelmed by
winning or losing.
Both winning and losing mean END OF PLAY, end of game, end of time.
People cry when they win because they have lost the game.
Happiness is PLAY.
Sorrow is loss of game through winning or losing.
Who is harder to audit, the guy who won the Olympics or the guy who
lost the Olympics?
They may be two different kinds of sorrow, but sorrow they be.
Play is entries in one's appointment book far into the future.
Sorrow is an empty appointment book.
Happiness is looking into one's appointment book with promise of
future pleasure.
Sorrow is looking into an empty appointment book with downcast
Happiness is a plethora of operating connections with others.
Sorrow is no more connections forever for free.
A connection is an operating flow of affinity, agreement,
communication and understandings between beings or things.
A connection exists where ever there is
Harmony, Accord, and co-communication. (Adore)
Affinity, Reality, Communication and Understanding (Scientology)
Affection, Comprehension, Communication, and Communion (Meta
A shock is a moment in time when one runs into an unexpected
counter postulate that stops one from forward motion towards one's
goals, leaving one bewildered, incredulous, indecisive and unable to
decide which way to go or what to do next.
The stop produces a return to native state, a moment of
When one's chase is serious, shock is painful.
View becomes polluted, unbalanced, through shock.
View is setup through native desire to be susceptible to loss,
resulting in unrecoverable surprise and thus shock.
When a being experiences a moment of shock, a moment of stop, from
which he cannot recover his sense of responsibility, he will change
directions and go somewhere else than where he was originally going.
Both his desire and his view become clouded with further
limitations and impossibilities that lower the optimum level of play.
His Spirit of Play becomes less.
Eventually he becomes serious, and then criminal, he gets others to
play for him, and then counter productive, he plays to lose, to get rid
of the game before he loses it anyhow, and then apathetic as he goes
through the motions of play because he has to.
People are in shock about being alive.
"What?!!! I am alive?!!! Who the F*** ordered that?!!!"
People are in shock about being a body.
"What?!!! I am a body?!!! How the hell did that happen?!!!"
If a shock won't run, it is probably under the duress of a bigger
shock. Find the bigger earlier/later shock and it will run.
Remember the preclear has shocks at the Eternal, Immortal and
Mortal levels.
Thus he has shocks in the future too.
Immortal means forever within a single time stream.
Eternal means forever outside of time.
If a mortal shock won't run, scout the immortal area. If the
immortal area won't run, scout the eternal area.
The first shock will run like wildfire. Watch it.
Thus auditable case consists of moments of
Balanced desire and view -> shock -> polluted desire and view.
The result of pollution of desire and view is Q&A, meaning changing
course to something else.
Q&A means Question and Answer and refers usually to an improper
mode of auditing wherein the auditor changes the question every time he
gets a new answer from the preclear, rather than continuing with the
same question until he gets all answers to it.
In our case here, Q&A means changing the question because one
failed to get the answer one needed. Thus one gives up, and changes
The question would be "How do I get what I desire?", followed by an
"I can't", followed by "Well I don't actually desire that, I desire
this, so we will chase this instead."
Some people's whole lives are a circus of astounding acrobatics of
Q&A, because every time they get stopped no matter how weakly, they
change direction rather than handle the stop and get on with the
original purpose.
These people make you feel like you are in kind of a whirlpool.
That's them going around in circles never getting anywhere but smaller
and smaller.
The pollution of desire is the alloying of original desire with
other lesser desires in order to keep going at any cost, even if in the
opposite direction one started in.
Pollution of view consists of further postulates of limitation,
barriers, debasements and the futile vanity (failed attempt in vain) of
taking responsibility for the stop, that then make it impossible to
recover from the shock.
These are called God Postulates, because the being creates them
during the moment of shock from a native, if painful, point of view,
thus they have absolute power over his future.
He thinks they are true because he observes they are true, when in
fact they are true only because he considers they are true.
Running into a God Postulate is like running into a spiritual wall
of failure. You bounce off it, so there you have your proof that its
true, clear observation of failure.
The being has a choice at that moment, to believe his observation,
or be with the wall until it turns back into a consideration, at which
point he can drop the conception, and the barrier of limitation will
vanish in the mere deconception of it.
As the being sits with the wall, feeling his bruises, the charge of
the shock flows out like a huge flow of energy, IF the being lets it.
As the energy flows away, the wall changes from a forgone
conclusion of limitation, back into a consideration, and returns under
the control of the being's sovereign desire.
Once the being considers that the wall is an observation and not a
consideration, the charge that he builds up on the loss prevents him
from being with the wall enough to unconsider it.
As the charge runs out, the being recreates HIS connection to the
wall. It becomes HIS wall again, he starts to own the wall again,
rather than the wall owning him, and when his reconnection is complete,
he can drop it or leave it in place, but now its his wall operating
under his sovereign command.
At this time he has restored his God Postulate to its proper place
AS a God Postulate, and the joke is he won't be able to keep it around
unless he goes into shock about it and falls away from it again.
All pollution of desire and view is through this mechanism of the
God Postulate. Polluted view is merely original view alloyed with
negative God Postulates pretending to be observations of "its just the
way things are".
Thus all pollution of desire and view is auditable.
Even if one has to run 'unauditability' once in a while :)
Auditing is the process of locating these moments of shock, and
recovering the before and after desire and view, and any possible pre
setups that existed from native state, and through the erasure of the
polluted views, restore a strong unalloyed desire and ability set
producing forward motion again in Spirit of Play that is as strong or
stronger than the original before shock moment.
If the original desire can not be recovered fully for practical
reasons, a bigger better one can always be put in place.
He may never be able to have what he once wanted, but it will fall
away as insignificant compared to what he WANTS NOW!
You see?
Thus people who failed miserably and recover, go higher than those
that always had a good time playing.
Small games may come a cropper, but when recovered, bigger games
So don't ever let your preclear tell you 'Its too late to get
Happiness in the end is not the ability to win every previous game
the preclear once attempted, time has moved on, there are new games and
new playing fields aborning every day all of which are BIGGER AND BETTER
than the old bitter ones.
You don't have to WIN THE PAST to attain operating happiness and
spirit of play in the present, you have to be able to win the present
and the future.
Native state doesn't have to win any game at all to be happy. It
has to be ABLE to win any game, which it can if it sets it up that way.
But if it set it up that losses were to happen, then it becomes a win
that you are able to create a loss.
But that was then, this is now, its not time for the games of then
any more, so get on with the games of now, eh? You do not HAVE to set
yourself up for more endless losses, if you operate from native state
with some rationality rather than from shock.
Case persists because of the effort to as-is shock by not-ising it.
It is as simple as that.
The effort to make nothing out of something or the effort to make
something out of nothing by covering it in black.
You can vanish any created thing you wish, but not by covering it
in heavy effort, black, invisibility and pretending it isn't there,
because it always will be there just a bit, to bite you later through
the steel and concrete clouds of obscurity, obfuscation and oblivion.
The least absolute there is, is oblivion, there will always be
something inscrutable shining through. The 'WHAT IT IS' will forever
elude you, even while it bites you in the ass or your face over and over
That's the upside of oblivion.
Notice the way to audit NOT-ISNESS is to run not-isness, not to run
as-isness. If you have covered something in black, you do NOT look
inside the black to see what it is. You replicate the covering in black
by covering it more in black until the black vanishes naturally when you
let go of making more of it.
Spot NO not-isness
Spot SOME not-isness
To spot means to get the idea of.
Duplication of the not-ising process will result in a visible
is-ness. Then get the alter-isness off the is-ness through the same
procedure of altering it more, and you will be left with an as-isness.
Spot NO alter-isness.
Spot SOME alter-isness.
The as-isness will vanish on its own the next time a pretty girl
walks by.
Spot NO pretty girl.
Spot SOME pretty girl.
Yes even girls need to spot pretty girls too.
A pretty anything will do.
The 3 levels of shock are:
1.) The Lock level, consisting of reminders of loss.
2.) The Secondary level, consisting of actual moments of loss, loss
of games, unique preciousness and survival assets, through permanent
death, departure or reversal.
Secondaries are moments of anger, fear, despair, sorrow, pity and
apathy. Secondaries can happen long BEFORE the loss happens, during
first awareness that the loss WILL happen.
3.) The Engram level, consisting of moments of physical injury and
unconsciousness to the body or the spirit.
These 3 levels tend to correspond to thought, emotion and heavy
Emotion buries the thought, and effort buries the emotion.
Thus sorrow will bury what he lost, and engrams will bury the
Thus a heavily charged case will seem like 'nothing there'.
But most will have some awareness that they lost something or did
wrong in their 'long ago'.
Below these three case levels is a level of pure shock, independent
of any particular event that has ever gone on.
By running the pure shock level, the entire case is run out at core
and falls away without need for inspection of particulars.
However running the pure shock level is almost impossible without
running a lot of the other 3 levels in round robin order.
There are a couple of things to know about running case.
One needs to run the secondary level, before the engram level will
open up, and then one needs to run the engram level before more
secondary level will open up.
Thus after running much effort (engram ridges), one suddenly finds
oneself crying about everything and anything. Then it dries up until
the next layer of force, effort, pain and unconsciousness is run out.
Running locks can be useful, but running pleasure moments will work
better. By touching the good points in life, one is dropped into the
sorrows and losses much faster.
If there ARE any good moments in life for your preclear.
Good moments in life consist mostly of moments of strong connection
between beings, moments of clear and unrestrained relating.
To relate means to communicate about what is important to one.
Relationships consist of relating.
Where relating is blocked due to upsets and withholds, just so is
the relationship blocked.
When a relationship is more blocked than not, it tends to end.
When the relationship gets seriously upset, each party will debond
and disown each other as peers in the static.
Then you get wars of death and damnation.
Relating depends on connection, comm lines built of affinity,
reality, communication and understandings over which one can operate,
transmit and receive relatingnesses.
Connection takes place on the physical, emotion, mental and
spiritual levels and results in good operation and being fully
comfortable and trusting around another being.
Trust and respect is critical because intimacy is in part the
relating of vulnerabilities.
Vulnerability leads into the 'take care of' chain.
The vast proportion of life is the desire and goal to take care of
and take responsibility over the survival of others, and to have them do
the same for you.
Watch out, the desire to take care of something FOREVER, is a
violation of the sovereign while in which everything exists.
You can take care of anything for a while, but never forever.
Same thing for yourself.
Upsets are often the result of contempt and betrayal of respect and
ReSpect means to see again, namely willingness and desire to see
Much loss is built around the "I will never see you again" chain.
Or worse the, "I don't ever WANT to see you again" chain.
So of course he is a black V, and can't see anything, if he did see
something it would be his ocean of everyone and everything he would
never see again.
A body can only cry so fast, a few gallons a minute.
One can relate or express anything, feel anything, and communicate
anything on a clear connection, and it is these connections that make
life worthwhile.
When all connections are broken or severed there is no reason to go
left or right, forward or backward, as the only reason to GO ANYWHERE is
to find and operate a working connection, a working productive
relatingness (relationship).
When all connections are gone, people cry themselves to sleep,
become catatonic or kill themselves.
Sorrow is not about the past, sorrow is about the future.
Charge builds when sorrow is not cried and expressed.
Dry eyed sorrow, UNEXPRESSED sorrow, never heals.
Thus one wants to find those moments in the past when sorrow was
not expressed, but it won't be at the moment of loss, but at the moment
of first awareness that the loss could or would happen.
First awareness of IMPENDING death, departure or reversal of
affinity is critical.
All of the sorrow that needs to be found is about the future, about
things that haven't happened yet, even if that moment of first awareness
of future loss is now in the past.
A preclear's first awareness that his mother WOULD die someday,
even if would be 80 years in the future, is a much heavier incident than
his sorrow on the day she actually did die.
Now that the preclear is 30, his first awareness in the past at 5
years old that his mother WILL die in another 10 or 20 years is where
the charge lies, even if mother is still alive now!
The preclear is building up charge all during the time she is still
If a person can not find sorrow in his past, he needs to find it in
his future.
Spot a present time pet, and imagine how it will be on the last day
with that pet.
Get the words, the feelings, the love, the sorrow.
No sorrow means no love, no love means no sorrow.
Suppress sorrow and one suppresses the love with it, because sorrow
is merely love in inversion.
NEVER EVER lose a chance to cry when it comes, and not feel it out
completely until its gone for the moment.
Like fine wine, sorrow must be savored to the last drop.
It will come back, as love always comes back if you let it.
How much can you love?
How much can you cry?
How big are the oceans?
Every time you suppress sorrow about the future, you suppress love
and you get worse. You block a connection before it gets broken.
Every time you feel sorrow and release it completely, you get
better. The connection goes co eternal.
Eventually you will find the laughter of Eternal life and love at
the bottom of that ocean of tears.
The world of Sabe is the world of immortal sorrow.
The world if Dura is the world if eternal laughter.
People feel small.
They feel their sorrow is bigger than they are.
And if their sorrow is bigger than they are, then so is their love,
and so the person feels (wrongly that) both must be corralled
(controlled) lest the two together DO something uncontrolled.
People are afraid of their sorrow, it wrinkles up their faces,
humiliates them, makes them wail, feel vulnerable and out of control.
It's this last thing that worries people and makes others ridicule
those who don't stay in control.
But mainly people are terrified of how oceanic sorrow can be, they
get into it a bit too deep, and they just KNOW they are being carried
away by an overwhelming undertow in a bottomless ocean that dwarfs them.
Surrender for a while is the only answer.
Once they let go and let the power take them where it will, they
finally see that their sorrow is their own enormous love.
That's when the laughter starts and they see the ludicrousness of
their own demise.
Then they get the idea that they aren't small at all, they just
care too much. And thus they recover some of their size, enormity
That laughter at the bottom of the well of sorrow, is God's promise
and gift to those who are honest with themselves, and with others, about
their love, and cry it out fully, holding nothing back, as holding back
sorrow is holding back love, which makes you smaller, less than oceanic.
And when the sorrow breaks into laughter, laugh it out fully.
Even at the funeral.
Those who aren't laughing, aren't loving.
No tears, no life.
And less life afterwards.
Excess of joy weeps, excess of sorrow laughs.
And since we all are God in carnation, that's a lot of love, a lot
of laughter and a lot of tears.
Vulnerability is that cross over point at the bottom of the well of
tears, between sorrow and love, and wondering if the light will ever
How deep do you dare to go into sorrow, to find the light of
Eternal love?
Sanity is keeping those connection lines open even if nothing flows
on them any more. You don't turn the radio off just because your friend
at the other end doesn't answer you.
And for heaven's sake, when someone or something dies, don't say
good bye.
Say hello, and send them your sorrow, they will receive it as love.
For no one ever goes anywhere else but HERE.
And maybe, just maybe, if you do it right, you can keep that
connection line open and flowing for real, across the trans life time
Wouldn't that be a hoot?
Better than moving the marble on the table, eh?
But the price is willingness to flow the full power of your being
and your FEELING across that line.
If you shut down who and what you are, you shut down the reach of
your connection lines.
After a while, they can barely travel around in this life, let
alone into the next.
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
Homer Wilson Smith The Paths of Lovers Art Matrix - Lightlink
(607) 277-0959 KC2ITF Cross Internet Access, Ithaca NY
homer@lightlink.com In the Line of Duty http://www.lightlink.com
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Learning implies Learning with Certainty or Learning without Certainty.
Learning across a Distance implies Learning by Being an Effect.
Learning by Being an Effect implies Learning without Certainty.
Therefore, Learning with Certainty implies Learning,
but not by Being an Effect, and not across a Distance.
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Your preclear has a case.
Case consists of desire and view in opposition.
Desire is the creative thrust of his basic purposes.
Natively a being creates in the mere conception of things.
View is the constellation of postulates the being has made about
the AllThatIs, that limit and direct his desire.
Unlimitedness is native.
All postulates are postulates of limitation.
All creation is creation of limitation.
Desire then becomes his pursuit of basic purposes through time
towards a final havingness, in other words a game.
A game is 1.) a matrix of freedoms which are native, 2.) intrinsic
purposes which are also native, 3.) barriers which are postulated, and
4.) instrumental purposes which are also postulated.
Intrinsic purposes are those things which are fundamentally
valuable for their own sake without further say so. For example peace
and pleasure.
Instrumental purposes are those things which are valuable only
because they lead to intrinsic valuables through the matrix of
conditions set up by the game.
We chase the intrinsic via the instrumental.
Intrinsic purposes are things like attaining pleasure and avoiding
Instrumental purposes are getting a good education or job which
provides survival, because non survival leads to pain.
The primary barrier is time which places time between desire and
havingness, but provides chase between the two, which has a desirability
of its own.
When view is balanced, it provides an optimum playing field, and
game to play. The being is happy playing, winning and losing, and lives
at Spirit of Play.
When view is not balanced, either towards to many wins, or to many
losses, the being is no longer happy, as playing becomes overwhelmed by
winning or losing.
Both winning and losing mean END OF PLAY, end of game, end of time.
People cry when they win because they have lost the game.
Happiness is PLAY.
Sorrow is loss of game through winning or losing.
Who is harder to audit, the guy who won the Olympics or the guy who
lost the Olympics?
They may be two different kinds of sorrow, but sorrow they be.
Play is entries in one's appointment book far into the future.
Sorrow is an empty appointment book.
Happiness is looking into one's appointment book with promise of
future pleasure.
Sorrow is looking into an empty appointment book with downcast
Happiness is a plethora of operating connections with others.
Sorrow is no more connections forever for free.
A connection is an operating flow of affinity, agreement,
communication and understandings between beings or things.
A connection exists where ever there is
Harmony, Accord, and co-communication. (Adore)
Affinity, Reality, Communication and Understanding (Scientology)
Affection, Comprehension, Communication, and Communion (Meta
A shock is a moment in time when one runs into an unexpected
counter postulate that stops one from forward motion towards one's
goals, leaving one bewildered, incredulous, indecisive and unable to
decide which way to go or what to do next.
The stop produces a return to native state, a moment of
When one's chase is serious, shock is painful.
View becomes polluted, unbalanced, through shock.
View is setup through native desire to be susceptible to loss,
resulting in unrecoverable surprise and thus shock.
When a being experiences a moment of shock, a moment of stop, from
which he cannot recover his sense of responsibility, he will change
directions and go somewhere else than where he was originally going.
Both his desire and his view become clouded with further
limitations and impossibilities that lower the optimum level of play.
His Spirit of Play becomes less.
Eventually he becomes serious, and then criminal, he gets others to
play for him, and then counter productive, he plays to lose, to get rid
of the game before he loses it anyhow, and then apathetic as he goes
through the motions of play because he has to.
People are in shock about being alive.
"What?!!! I am alive?!!! Who the F*** ordered that?!!!"
People are in shock about being a body.
"What?!!! I am a body?!!! How the hell did that happen?!!!"
If a shock won't run, it is probably under the duress of a bigger
shock. Find the bigger earlier/later shock and it will run.
Remember the preclear has shocks at the Eternal, Immortal and
Mortal levels.
Thus he has shocks in the future too.
Immortal means forever within a single time stream.
Eternal means forever outside of time.
If a mortal shock won't run, scout the immortal area. If the
immortal area won't run, scout the eternal area.
The first shock will run like wildfire. Watch it.
Thus auditable case consists of moments of
Balanced desire and view -> shock -> polluted desire and view.
The result of pollution of desire and view is Q&A, meaning changing
course to something else.
Q&A means Question and Answer and refers usually to an improper
mode of auditing wherein the auditor changes the question every time he
gets a new answer from the preclear, rather than continuing with the
same question until he gets all answers to it.
In our case here, Q&A means changing the question because one
failed to get the answer one needed. Thus one gives up, and changes
The question would be "How do I get what I desire?", followed by an
"I can't", followed by "Well I don't actually desire that, I desire
this, so we will chase this instead."
Some people's whole lives are a circus of astounding acrobatics of
Q&A, because every time they get stopped no matter how weakly, they
change direction rather than handle the stop and get on with the
original purpose.
These people make you feel like you are in kind of a whirlpool.
That's them going around in circles never getting anywhere but smaller
and smaller.
The pollution of desire is the alloying of original desire with
other lesser desires in order to keep going at any cost, even if in the
opposite direction one started in.
Pollution of view consists of further postulates of limitation,
barriers, debasements and the futile vanity (failed attempt in vain) of
taking responsibility for the stop, that then make it impossible to
recover from the shock.
These are called God Postulates, because the being creates them
during the moment of shock from a native, if painful, point of view,
thus they have absolute power over his future.
He thinks they are true because he observes they are true, when in
fact they are true only because he considers they are true.
Running into a God Postulate is like running into a spiritual wall
of failure. You bounce off it, so there you have your proof that its
true, clear observation of failure.
The being has a choice at that moment, to believe his observation,
or be with the wall until it turns back into a consideration, at which
point he can drop the conception, and the barrier of limitation will
vanish in the mere deconception of it.
As the being sits with the wall, feeling his bruises, the charge of
the shock flows out like a huge flow of energy, IF the being lets it.
As the energy flows away, the wall changes from a forgone
conclusion of limitation, back into a consideration, and returns under
the control of the being's sovereign desire.
Once the being considers that the wall is an observation and not a
consideration, the charge that he builds up on the loss prevents him
from being with the wall enough to unconsider it.
As the charge runs out, the being recreates HIS connection to the
wall. It becomes HIS wall again, he starts to own the wall again,
rather than the wall owning him, and when his reconnection is complete,
he can drop it or leave it in place, but now its his wall operating
under his sovereign command.
At this time he has restored his God Postulate to its proper place
AS a God Postulate, and the joke is he won't be able to keep it around
unless he goes into shock about it and falls away from it again.
All pollution of desire and view is through this mechanism of the
God Postulate. Polluted view is merely original view alloyed with
negative God Postulates pretending to be observations of "its just the
way things are".
Thus all pollution of desire and view is auditable.
Even if one has to run 'unauditability' once in a while :)
Auditing is the process of locating these moments of shock, and
recovering the before and after desire and view, and any possible pre
setups that existed from native state, and through the erasure of the
polluted views, restore a strong unalloyed desire and ability set
producing forward motion again in Spirit of Play that is as strong or
stronger than the original before shock moment.
If the original desire can not be recovered fully for practical
reasons, a bigger better one can always be put in place.
He may never be able to have what he once wanted, but it will fall
away as insignificant compared to what he WANTS NOW!
You see?
Thus people who failed miserably and recover, go higher than those
that always had a good time playing.
Small games may come a cropper, but when recovered, bigger games
So don't ever let your preclear tell you 'Its too late to get
Happiness in the end is not the ability to win every previous game
the preclear once attempted, time has moved on, there are new games and
new playing fields aborning every day all of which are BIGGER AND BETTER
than the old bitter ones.
You don't have to WIN THE PAST to attain operating happiness and
spirit of play in the present, you have to be able to win the present
and the future.
Native state doesn't have to win any game at all to be happy. It
has to be ABLE to win any game, which it can if it sets it up that way.
But if it set it up that losses were to happen, then it becomes a win
that you are able to create a loss.
But that was then, this is now, its not time for the games of then
any more, so get on with the games of now, eh? You do not HAVE to set
yourself up for more endless losses, if you operate from native state
with some rationality rather than from shock.
Case persists because of the effort to as-is shock by not-ising it.
It is as simple as that.
The effort to make nothing out of something or the effort to make
something out of nothing by covering it in black.
You can vanish any created thing you wish, but not by covering it
in heavy effort, black, invisibility and pretending it isn't there,
because it always will be there just a bit, to bite you later through
the steel and concrete clouds of obscurity, obfuscation and oblivion.
The least absolute there is, is oblivion, there will always be
something inscrutable shining through. The 'WHAT IT IS' will forever
elude you, even while it bites you in the ass or your face over and over
That's the upside of oblivion.
Notice the way to audit NOT-ISNESS is to run not-isness, not to run
as-isness. If you have covered something in black, you do NOT look
inside the black to see what it is. You replicate the covering in black
by covering it more in black until the black vanishes naturally when you
let go of making more of it.
Spot NO not-isness
Spot SOME not-isness
To spot means to get the idea of.
Duplication of the not-ising process will result in a visible
is-ness. Then get the alter-isness off the is-ness through the same
procedure of altering it more, and you will be left with an as-isness.
Spot NO alter-isness.
Spot SOME alter-isness.
The as-isness will vanish on its own the next time a pretty girl
walks by.
Spot NO pretty girl.
Spot SOME pretty girl.
Yes even girls need to spot pretty girls too.
A pretty anything will do.
The 3 levels of shock are:
1.) The Lock level, consisting of reminders of loss.
2.) The Secondary level, consisting of actual moments of loss, loss
of games, unique preciousness and survival assets, through permanent
death, departure or reversal.
Secondaries are moments of anger, fear, despair, sorrow, pity and
apathy. Secondaries can happen long BEFORE the loss happens, during
first awareness that the loss WILL happen.
3.) The Engram level, consisting of moments of physical injury and
unconsciousness to the body or the spirit.
These 3 levels tend to correspond to thought, emotion and heavy
Emotion buries the thought, and effort buries the emotion.
Thus sorrow will bury what he lost, and engrams will bury the
Thus a heavily charged case will seem like 'nothing there'.
But most will have some awareness that they lost something or did
wrong in their 'long ago'.
Below these three case levels is a level of pure shock, independent
of any particular event that has ever gone on.
By running the pure shock level, the entire case is run out at core
and falls away without need for inspection of particulars.
However running the pure shock level is almost impossible without
running a lot of the other 3 levels in round robin order.
There are a couple of things to know about running case.
One needs to run the secondary level, before the engram level will
open up, and then one needs to run the engram level before more
secondary level will open up.
Thus after running much effort (engram ridges), one suddenly finds
oneself crying about everything and anything. Then it dries up until
the next layer of force, effort, pain and unconsciousness is run out.
Running locks can be useful, but running pleasure moments will work
better. By touching the good points in life, one is dropped into the
sorrows and losses much faster.
If there ARE any good moments in life for your preclear.
Good moments in life consist mostly of moments of strong connection
between beings, moments of clear and unrestrained relating.
To relate means to communicate about what is important to one.
Relationships consist of relating.
Where relating is blocked due to upsets and withholds, just so is
the relationship blocked.
When a relationship is more blocked than not, it tends to end.
When the relationship gets seriously upset, each party will debond
and disown each other as peers in the static.
Then you get wars of death and damnation.
Relating depends on connection, comm lines built of affinity,
reality, communication and understandings over which one can operate,
transmit and receive relatingnesses.
Connection takes place on the physical, emotion, mental and
spiritual levels and results in good operation and being fully
comfortable and trusting around another being.
Trust and respect is critical because intimacy is in part the
relating of vulnerabilities.
Vulnerability leads into the 'take care of' chain.
The vast proportion of life is the desire and goal to take care of
and take responsibility over the survival of others, and to have them do
the same for you.
Watch out, the desire to take care of something FOREVER, is a
violation of the sovereign while in which everything exists.
You can take care of anything for a while, but never forever.
Same thing for yourself.
Upsets are often the result of contempt and betrayal of respect and
ReSpect means to see again, namely willingness and desire to see
Much loss is built around the "I will never see you again" chain.
Or worse the, "I don't ever WANT to see you again" chain.
So of course he is a black V, and can't see anything, if he did see
something it would be his ocean of everyone and everything he would
never see again.
A body can only cry so fast, a few gallons a minute.
One can relate or express anything, feel anything, and communicate
anything on a clear connection, and it is these connections that make
life worthwhile.
When all connections are broken or severed there is no reason to go
left or right, forward or backward, as the only reason to GO ANYWHERE is
to find and operate a working connection, a working productive
relatingness (relationship).
When all connections are gone, people cry themselves to sleep,
become catatonic or kill themselves.
Sorrow is not about the past, sorrow is about the future.
Charge builds when sorrow is not cried and expressed.
Dry eyed sorrow, UNEXPRESSED sorrow, never heals.
Thus one wants to find those moments in the past when sorrow was
not expressed, but it won't be at the moment of loss, but at the moment
of first awareness that the loss could or would happen.
First awareness of IMPENDING death, departure or reversal of
affinity is critical.
All of the sorrow that needs to be found is about the future, about
things that haven't happened yet, even if that moment of first awareness
of future loss is now in the past.
A preclear's first awareness that his mother WOULD die someday,
even if would be 80 years in the future, is a much heavier incident than
his sorrow on the day she actually did die.
Now that the preclear is 30, his first awareness in the past at 5
years old that his mother WILL die in another 10 or 20 years is where
the charge lies, even if mother is still alive now!
The preclear is building up charge all during the time she is still
If a person can not find sorrow in his past, he needs to find it in
his future.
Spot a present time pet, and imagine how it will be on the last day
with that pet.
Get the words, the feelings, the love, the sorrow.
No sorrow means no love, no love means no sorrow.
Suppress sorrow and one suppresses the love with it, because sorrow
is merely love in inversion.
NEVER EVER lose a chance to cry when it comes, and not feel it out
completely until its gone for the moment.
Like fine wine, sorrow must be savored to the last drop.
It will come back, as love always comes back if you let it.
How much can you love?
How much can you cry?
How big are the oceans?
Every time you suppress sorrow about the future, you suppress love
and you get worse. You block a connection before it gets broken.
Every time you feel sorrow and release it completely, you get
better. The connection goes co eternal.
Eventually you will find the laughter of Eternal life and love at
the bottom of that ocean of tears.
The world of Sabe is the world of immortal sorrow.
The world if Dura is the world if eternal laughter.
People feel small.
They feel their sorrow is bigger than they are.
And if their sorrow is bigger than they are, then so is their love,
and so the person feels (wrongly that) both must be corralled
(controlled) lest the two together DO something uncontrolled.
People are afraid of their sorrow, it wrinkles up their faces,
humiliates them, makes them wail, feel vulnerable and out of control.
It's this last thing that worries people and makes others ridicule
those who don't stay in control.
But mainly people are terrified of how oceanic sorrow can be, they
get into it a bit too deep, and they just KNOW they are being carried
away by an overwhelming undertow in a bottomless ocean that dwarfs them.
Surrender for a while is the only answer.
Once they let go and let the power take them where it will, they
finally see that their sorrow is their own enormous love.
That's when the laughter starts and they see the ludicrousness of
their own demise.
Then they get the idea that they aren't small at all, they just
care too much. And thus they recover some of their size, enormity
That laughter at the bottom of the well of sorrow, is God's promise
and gift to those who are honest with themselves, and with others, about
their love, and cry it out fully, holding nothing back, as holding back
sorrow is holding back love, which makes you smaller, less than oceanic.
And when the sorrow breaks into laughter, laugh it out fully.
Even at the funeral.
Those who aren't laughing, aren't loving.
No tears, no life.
And less life afterwards.
Excess of joy weeps, excess of sorrow laughs.
And since we all are God in carnation, that's a lot of love, a lot
of laughter and a lot of tears.
Vulnerability is that cross over point at the bottom of the well of
tears, between sorrow and love, and wondering if the light will ever
How deep do you dare to go into sorrow, to find the light of
Eternal love?
Sanity is keeping those connection lines open even if nothing flows
on them any more. You don't turn the radio off just because your friend
at the other end doesn't answer you.
And for heaven's sake, when someone or something dies, don't say
good bye.
Say hello, and send them your sorrow, they will receive it as love.
For no one ever goes anywhere else but HERE.
And maybe, just maybe, if you do it right, you can keep that
connection line open and flowing for real, across the trans life time
Wouldn't that be a hoot?
Better than moving the marble on the table, eh?
But the price is willingness to flow the full power of your being
and your FEELING across that line.
If you shut down who and what you are, you shut down the reach of
your connection lines.
After a while, they can barely travel around in this life, let
alone into the next.
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
Homer Wilson Smith The Paths of Lovers Art Matrix - Lightlink
(607) 277-0959 KC2ITF Cross Internet Access, Ithaca NY
homer@lightlink.com In the Line of Duty http://www.lightlink.com
Wed Jul 13 12:42:54 EDT 2011
Sat Jul 23 15:01:45 EDT 2011
================ http://www.clearing.org ====================
Thu Aug 27 12:06:01 EDT 2015
WEB: http://www.clearing.org
BLOG: http://adoretheproof.blogspot.org
FTP: ftp://ftp.lightlink.com/pub/archive/homer/adore872.memo
Send mail to archive@lightlink.com saying help in body
=========== http://www.lightlink.com/theproof ===============
Learning implies Learning with Certainty or Learning without Certainty.
Learning across a Distance implies Learning by Being an Effect.
Learning by Being an Effect implies Learning without Certainty.
Therefore, Learning with Certainty implies Learning,
but not by Being an Effect, and not across a Distance.
Version: GnuPG v1.4.5 (GNU/Linux)
HomerWSmith-L mailing list
Hash: SHA1
(I only use foot plates now, so much better than cans, two large
rectangular aluminmum pie plates available at any grocery store.)
Again I set up two meters, two Mark V's this time, one right handed
and one left handed, so the two dials were very close to each other in
the middle, and the TA arms were easy to reach with both hands.
Cans to the left hand meter were in my right hand, cans to the
right hand meter were in my left hand.
Quite a difference in response. Right hand cans (left hand meter)
often read earlier and deeper. I would see the left hand meter needle
go zooming into a fall, and then the right hand meter would follow
slowly lackadasically later. Reads that were instant on the left hand
meter were very latent on right hand meter.
Sometimes needles were out of sync, left hand meter would be rising
slowly and right hand meter would be falling slowly.
I have a feeling my right brain (left hands) is a bit over audited,
as the left hands is the hands I solo with. I may have been doing
better when I was using two hands, but I can't write that way only voice
Most of my solo was two handed for many years until recently when I
found that I could single hand solo and write things to good effect.
Now I wonder.
In using two meters, eyes are rarely aimed at just one, thus
periphery vision comes into play. I can assess 'left brain, right
brain' and notice each meter read alone in turn.
Two meters also made the session more lively, because when one
wasn't reading, the other one would be. With one meter it would be
considered a no read. When I nailed something, often one meter would do
the blow down, and then the other would follow sort of as an after
Ta was a bit higher on one than the other. Session was about
service facs, computations, domination and suppresed
earlier/other/higher universes.
Lots of mass and tension on throat and face over this.
Sun Aug 2 15:37:44 EDT 2015
================ http://www.clearing.org ====================
Wed Aug 26 12:06:01 EDT 2015
WEB: http://www.clearing.org
BLOG: http://adoretheproof.blogspot.org
FTP: ftp://ftp.lightlink.com/pub/archive/homer/session.memo
Send mail to archive@lightlink.com saying help in body
=========== http://www.lightlink.com/theproof ===============
Learning implies Learning with Certainty or Learning without Certainty.
Learning across a Distance implies Learning by Being an Effect.
Learning by Being an Effect implies Learning without Certainty.
Therefore, Learning with Certainty implies Learning,
but not by Being an Effect, and not across a Distance.
Version: GnuPG v1.4.5 (GNU/Linux)
HomerWSmith-L mailing list
Hash: SHA1
(I only use foot plates now, so much better than cans, two large
rectangular aluminmum pie plates available at any grocery store.)
Again I set up two meters, two Mark V's this time, one right handed
and one left handed, so the two dials were very close to each other in
the middle, and the TA arms were easy to reach with both hands.
Cans to the left hand meter were in my right hand, cans to the
right hand meter were in my left hand.
Quite a difference in response. Right hand cans (left hand meter)
often read earlier and deeper. I would see the left hand meter needle
go zooming into a fall, and then the right hand meter would follow
slowly lackadasically later. Reads that were instant on the left hand
meter were very latent on right hand meter.
Sometimes needles were out of sync, left hand meter would be rising
slowly and right hand meter would be falling slowly.
I have a feeling my right brain (left hands) is a bit over audited,
as the left hands is the hands I solo with. I may have been doing
better when I was using two hands, but I can't write that way only voice
Most of my solo was two handed for many years until recently when I
found that I could single hand solo and write things to good effect.
Now I wonder.
In using two meters, eyes are rarely aimed at just one, thus
periphery vision comes into play. I can assess 'left brain, right
brain' and notice each meter read alone in turn.
Two meters also made the session more lively, because when one
wasn't reading, the other one would be. With one meter it would be
considered a no read. When I nailed something, often one meter would do
the blow down, and then the other would follow sort of as an after
Ta was a bit higher on one than the other. Session was about
service facs, computations, domination and suppresed
earlier/other/higher universes.
Lots of mass and tension on throat and face over this.
Sun Aug 2 15:37:44 EDT 2015
================ http://www.clearing.org ====================
Wed Aug 26 12:06:01 EDT 2015
WEB: http://www.clearing.org
BLOG: http://adoretheproof.blogspot.org
FTP: ftp://ftp.lightlink.com/pub/archive/homer/session.memo
Send mail to archive@lightlink.com saying help in body
=========== http://www.lightlink.com/theproof ===============
Learning implies Learning with Certainty or Learning without Certainty.
Learning across a Distance implies Learning by Being an Effect.
Learning by Being an Effect implies Learning without Certainty.
Therefore, Learning with Certainty implies Learning,
but not by Being an Effect, and not across a Distance.
Version: GnuPG v1.4.5 (GNU/Linux)
HomerWSmith-L mailing list
Re: ADORE101 / Question?????
Hash: SHA1
Correct, these are templated implants, so each person has their own
concept of good and evil/bad, and who is good or evil.
Mere opposition between parties might suffice to cause each to think
the other is bad.
Like one wants to put up a park and the other wants to put up a
parking lot.
But two foot ball teams INVITE each other in to the game so
they CAN fight. They hardly consider each other evil.
But beyond that you have to figure out what core good and core evil
mean, and if they even exist.
For example there are those that are sensitive to other's pain
and act accordingly. Then there are those who are more separated and
thus act more selfishly at other's expense.
Then there are those who have declared you an enemy, perhaps because
they think you have declared them an enemy first, and thus they fair
game you, and you fair game them.
Evil is who we wish didn't exist.
We didn't invite it in, and we would invite it out FOREVER if we could.
Where the invite is missing or denied you have a serious problem in the
What wouldn't, couldn't, shouldn't you EVER invite into your dream?
An entire rundown could be built around:
"Get the idea of inviting something or someone into your dream."
"Get the idea of not inviting something or someone into your dream."
E/P returned sense of responsibility for and control over preclear's
condition and increased ability and willingness to put things there and
not put things there.
Adore says,
"Worse than evil is good that fears evil.
Even assholes take a break once in a while, the petty good never
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
Homer Wilson Smith Clean Air, Clear Water, Art Matrix - Lightlink
(607) 277-0959 A Green Earth, and Peace, Internet, Ithaca NY
homer@lightlink.com Is that too much to ask? http://www.lightlink.com
> Homer,
> I have been thinking about this post from yesterday:
> "It is good to do good to good.
> " It is good to do evil to evil."
> What do you mean by the above?
> What do you mean by evil?
> I see two sides to looking at this?
> Is it evil to take out (shoot) a lunatic with a machine gun shooting up a school?
> Or is that good?
> The other side is:
> Doing evil to evil will create a non life games condition.
> Which only creates a downward dwindling spiral into a no win- everyone lose-
> condition.
> >
> >
> > DICOM = DIchotomy of Comparable and Opposite Magnitude.
> >
> > People have themselves wrapped up in dicoms like meatballs inside a
> > tortilla.
> >
> > "It is good to do good to good.
> > It is good to do evil to evil.
> > It is evil to do evil to good.
> > It is evil to do good to evil."
> >
> > "Love loves love.
> > Love hates hate.
> > Hate hates love.
> > Hate loves Hate."
> >
> > Run the tortilla by spotting:
> >
> > "Spot some love loving love.
> > Spot some love hating hate.
> > etc.
> >
> > Also don't forget odd tortilla items that may not make immediate
> > sense:
> >
> > "Spot some love hating love.
> > Spot some hate hating hate."
> >
> > Run until deep fried in butter and golden brown.
> >
> > Homer
> >
> >
> > - ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> > Homer Wilson Smith The Paths of Lovers Art Matrix - Lightlink
> > (607) 277-0959 KC2ITF Cross Internet Access, Ithaca NY
> > homer@lightlink.com In the Line of Duty http://www.lightlink.com
> >
> > ================ http://www.clearing.org ====================
> > Sat Aug 22 12:06:01 EDT 2015
> > WEB: http://www.clearing.org
> > BLOG: http://adoretheproof.blogspot.org
> > FTP: ftp://ftp.lightlink.com/pub/archive/homer/adore101.memo
> > Send mail to archive@lightlink.com saying help in body
> > =========== http://www.lightlink.com/theproof ===============
> > Learning implies Learning with Certainty or Learning without Certainty.
> > Learning across a Distance implies Learning by Being an Effect.
> > Learning by Being an Effect implies Learning without Certainty.
> > Therefore, Learning with Certainty implies Learning,
> > but not by Being an Effect, and not across a Distance.
> >
> > Version: GnuPG v1.4.5 (GNU/Linux)
> >
> > iD8DBQFV2J3pURT1lqxE3HERAsNHAJ4nA2TjMT27y9fkDKdPPkUD8m6QQgCgo0lW
> > oG5Ph/2KgFPrNTzh8t8Wjm8=
> > =RJ6y
> > -----END PGP SIGNATURE-----
> > _______________________________________________
> > HomerWSmith-L mailing list
> > HomerWSmith-L@mailman.lightlink.com
> > http://mailman.lightlink.com/mailman/listinfo/homerwsmith-l
- --960497328-2071121994-1440704271=:8806--
======================= http://www.clearing.org ========================
Posted: Thu Aug 27 15:37:51 EDT 2015
Send mail to archive.com saying help
================== http://www.lightlink.com/theproof ===================
Learning implies Learning with Certainty or Learning without Certainty.
Learning across a Distance implies Learning by Being an Effect.
Learning by Being an Effect implies Learning without Certainty.
Therefore, Learning with Certainty implies Learning but
Not by Being an Effect, and not across a Distance.
Version: GnuPG v1.4.5 (GNU/Linux)
Hash: SHA1
Correct, these are templated implants, so each person has their own
concept of good and evil/bad, and who is good or evil.
Mere opposition between parties might suffice to cause each to think
the other is bad.
Like one wants to put up a park and the other wants to put up a
parking lot.
But two foot ball teams INVITE each other in to the game so
they CAN fight. They hardly consider each other evil.
But beyond that you have to figure out what core good and core evil
mean, and if they even exist.
For example there are those that are sensitive to other's pain
and act accordingly. Then there are those who are more separated and
thus act more selfishly at other's expense.
Then there are those who have declared you an enemy, perhaps because
they think you have declared them an enemy first, and thus they fair
game you, and you fair game them.
Evil is who we wish didn't exist.
We didn't invite it in, and we would invite it out FOREVER if we could.
Where the invite is missing or denied you have a serious problem in the
What wouldn't, couldn't, shouldn't you EVER invite into your dream?
An entire rundown could be built around:
"Get the idea of inviting something or someone into your dream."
"Get the idea of not inviting something or someone into your dream."
E/P returned sense of responsibility for and control over preclear's
condition and increased ability and willingness to put things there and
not put things there.
Adore says,
"Worse than evil is good that fears evil.
Even assholes take a break once in a while, the petty good never
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
Homer Wilson Smith Clean Air, Clear Water, Art Matrix - Lightlink
(607) 277-0959 A Green Earth, and Peace, Internet, Ithaca NY
homer@lightlink.com Is that too much to ask? http://www.lightlink.com
> Homer,
> I have been thinking about this post from yesterday:
> "It is good to do good to good.
> " It is good to do evil to evil."
> What do you mean by the above?
> What do you mean by evil?
> I see two sides to looking at this?
> Is it evil to take out (shoot) a lunatic with a machine gun shooting up a school?
> Or is that good?
> The other side is:
> Doing evil to evil will create a non life games condition.
> Which only creates a downward dwindling spiral into a no win- everyone lose-
> condition.
> >
> >
> > DICOM = DIchotomy of Comparable and Opposite Magnitude.
> >
> > People have themselves wrapped up in dicoms like meatballs inside a
> > tortilla.
> >
> > "It is good to do good to good.
> > It is good to do evil to evil.
> > It is evil to do evil to good.
> > It is evil to do good to evil."
> >
> > "Love loves love.
> > Love hates hate.
> > Hate hates love.
> > Hate loves Hate."
> >
> > Run the tortilla by spotting:
> >
> > "Spot some love loving love.
> > Spot some love hating hate.
> > etc.
> >
> > Also don't forget odd tortilla items that may not make immediate
> > sense:
> >
> > "Spot some love hating love.
> > Spot some hate hating hate."
> >
> > Run until deep fried in butter and golden brown.
> >
> > Homer
> >
> >
> > - ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> > Homer Wilson Smith The Paths of Lovers Art Matrix - Lightlink
> > (607) 277-0959 KC2ITF Cross Internet Access, Ithaca NY
> > homer@lightlink.com In the Line of Duty http://www.lightlink.com
> >
> > ================ http://www.clearing.org ====================
> > Sat Aug 22 12:06:01 EDT 2015
> > WEB: http://www.clearing.org
> > BLOG: http://adoretheproof.blogspot.org
> > FTP: ftp://ftp.lightlink.com/pub/archive/homer/adore101.memo
> > Send mail to archive@lightlink.com saying help in body
> > =========== http://www.lightlink.com/theproof ===============
> > Learning implies Learning with Certainty or Learning without Certainty.
> > Learning across a Distance implies Learning by Being an Effect.
> > Learning by Being an Effect implies Learning without Certainty.
> > Therefore, Learning with Certainty implies Learning,
> > but not by Being an Effect, and not across a Distance.
> >
> > Version: GnuPG v1.4.5 (GNU/Linux)
> >
> > iD8DBQFV2J3pURT1lqxE3HERAsNHAJ4nA2TjMT27y9fkDKdPPkUD8m6QQgCgo0lW
> > oG5Ph/2KgFPrNTzh8t8Wjm8=
> > =RJ6y
> > -----END PGP SIGNATURE-----
> > _______________________________________________
> > HomerWSmith-L mailing list
> > HomerWSmith-L@mailman.lightlink.com
> > http://mailman.lightlink.com/mailman/listinfo/homerwsmith-l
- --960497328-2071121994-1440704271=:8806--
======================= http://www.clearing.org ========================
Posted: Thu Aug 27 15:37:51 EDT 2015
Send mail to archive.com saying help
================== http://www.lightlink.com/theproof ===================
Learning implies Learning with Certainty or Learning without Certainty.
Learning across a Distance implies Learning by Being an Effect.
Learning by Being an Effect implies Learning without Certainty.
Therefore, Learning with Certainty implies Learning but
Not by Being an Effect, and not across a Distance.
Version: GnuPG v1.4.5 (GNU/Linux)
Monday, August 24, 2015
ADORE789 (fwd)
Hash: SHA1
08/30/10 Monday 3:41pm EST
Many universes consist of games.
These universes are space-time game streams.
Games consist of 5 layers of involvement.
1.) Game creators
2.) Game players
3.) Game pieces
4.) Game umpires
5.) Game spectators.
Each of the above can be broken, not functioning right.
Thus we have
1.) Game creators and Broken game creators
2.) Game players and Broken game players
3.) Game pieces and Broken game pieces
4.) Game umpires and Broken game umpires
5.) Game spectators and Broken game spectators.
Games generally are formed of teams and thus are built around an
innate pecking order of command and control.
Broadly speaking game beings can become broken in two different
One, they can be broken in the play itself, a soldier in the field
gets hit by a bomb and ends up permanently in the hospital. He is out
of that game for a while.
Spectators get hurt all the time in car races etc.
Two, they can break themselves, the same soldier in the field gets
sick of his high command whose moral compass seems to be backwards, and
one way or another the soldier renders himself useless so he can't be in
the game any more.
Generally a being has one role in any particular game, but he may
be trying to play more than one role in the same game which may or may
not lead to confusion, consternation or disaster.
A being can be confused as to which role they are playing.
He may think he is a piece when in fact he is a broken player, he
may think he is a player when in fact he is a broken piece.
That said, every person is involved in many different games in
life, in all different roles, he is thus a complicated constellation of
game creator, player, piece, umpire and spectator according to the game
he has his attention on at the moment, which is probably more than one.
For example a commander in chief may be a main game player in a
war, and under him he has his generals to whom are delegated authority
to make their own moves.
As such each delegate becomes a sub player under the main player.
Just so the generals delegate to captains, sergeants, lieutenants,
and privates.
Although the private apparently has no one under him in that
particular game, and thus is the ultimate piece, he will be found to be
creating, playing, umpiring, being a piece and spectating in many bigger
or smaller games of life, along side the one he is playing in the war.
And even as a private, he still has his own free will to determine
what should be done at a local level to forward the purpose of his main
player, and thus he operates as a micro sub player even while being a
The piece fair chooses the player he wishes to serve, and the
player fair chooses the game creator whose game he wishes to play.
Each role has free will to operate as they kind.
Thus although the piece is 'taking orders' from the player and
serves the player's broader purposes, such apparent subservience is fair
chosen, and the piece is also free to generate orders for himself in the
direction of those same purposes.
We say apparent subservience because the player is actually
subservient to the piece's desire to play for him. Without pieces, the
player can not play.
Thus the piece idolizes the player, and the player worships the
If a piece bones up on his skills, devotion, vigilance and
attention to be ever ready to act on behalf of his player, the piece's
life can be greatly rewarded by the player.
We call this being on purpose.
The reward is feeling good and having strong reason to get up in
the morning.
If the piece goofs up in his game play, his life can be made to
deteriorate by his game player, and eventually the piece will take to
messing up his own ability to operate in order to get his game player to
leave him alone.
If you can't find reason to get up in the morning or are
chronically sick, near dead or dying, you might want to consider
reopening negotiations with your game player or find a new one.
Game players can be pretty rough on game pieces even when they are
going well.
Devotion keeps the piece aligned with his game player, even if the
game player is more broken than not.
The game creator doesn't give a damn what the piece does, the game
player does.
Thus the ultimate God is not a God of behavior, but the game player
immediately senior to the piece IS, where behavior is translated to
performance in the game. Thus the player will tend to judge the piece
according to the fruit of his tree, and forgive pecadillos accordingly.
The umpires judge game players, not game pieces.
Umpires report to the game creator or owner at the time.
No one judges game creators except themselves and their cohort
peers with whom they may be in some kind of competition for admiration.
Game creators are author's, game players and pieces are characters.
Virtue for the creator is not virtue for the creature.
Virtue for the author is not virtue for the character.
A good story contains both good and bad characters.
The rehabilitation then of any being in any universe is the
rehabilitation of all game roles from broken to fully operational across
all games in all universes the being is involved in as creator, player,
piece, umpire or spectator.
Sometimes in order to rehab the broken piece, the piece has to roll
up his sleeves and rehab his broken player.
And likewise the player may have to rehab his broken game creator.
In the meanwhile the umpire is off having a beer at the pub.
Everyone will get around to him eventually too.
======================= http://www.clearing.org ========================
Posted: Mon Aug 24 16:05:02 EDT 2015
Send mail to archive.com saying help
================== http://www.lightlink.com/theproof ===================
Learning implies Learning with Certainty or Learning without Certainty.
Learning across a Distance implies Learning by Being an Effect.
Learning by Being an Effect implies Learning without Certainty.
Therefore, Learning with Certainty implies Learning but
Not by Being an Effect, and not across a Distance.
Version: GnuPG v1.4.5 (GNU/Linux)
HomerWSmith-L mailing list
Hash: SHA1
08/30/10 Monday 3:41pm EST
Many universes consist of games.
These universes are space-time game streams.
Games consist of 5 layers of involvement.
1.) Game creators
2.) Game players
3.) Game pieces
4.) Game umpires
5.) Game spectators.
Each of the above can be broken, not functioning right.
Thus we have
1.) Game creators and Broken game creators
2.) Game players and Broken game players
3.) Game pieces and Broken game pieces
4.) Game umpires and Broken game umpires
5.) Game spectators and Broken game spectators.
Games generally are formed of teams and thus are built around an
innate pecking order of command and control.
Broadly speaking game beings can become broken in two different
One, they can be broken in the play itself, a soldier in the field
gets hit by a bomb and ends up permanently in the hospital. He is out
of that game for a while.
Spectators get hurt all the time in car races etc.
Two, they can break themselves, the same soldier in the field gets
sick of his high command whose moral compass seems to be backwards, and
one way or another the soldier renders himself useless so he can't be in
the game any more.
Generally a being has one role in any particular game, but he may
be trying to play more than one role in the same game which may or may
not lead to confusion, consternation or disaster.
A being can be confused as to which role they are playing.
He may think he is a piece when in fact he is a broken player, he
may think he is a player when in fact he is a broken piece.
That said, every person is involved in many different games in
life, in all different roles, he is thus a complicated constellation of
game creator, player, piece, umpire and spectator according to the game
he has his attention on at the moment, which is probably more than one.
For example a commander in chief may be a main game player in a
war, and under him he has his generals to whom are delegated authority
to make their own moves.
As such each delegate becomes a sub player under the main player.
Just so the generals delegate to captains, sergeants, lieutenants,
and privates.
Although the private apparently has no one under him in that
particular game, and thus is the ultimate piece, he will be found to be
creating, playing, umpiring, being a piece and spectating in many bigger
or smaller games of life, along side the one he is playing in the war.
And even as a private, he still has his own free will to determine
what should be done at a local level to forward the purpose of his main
player, and thus he operates as a micro sub player even while being a
The piece fair chooses the player he wishes to serve, and the
player fair chooses the game creator whose game he wishes to play.
Each role has free will to operate as they kind.
Thus although the piece is 'taking orders' from the player and
serves the player's broader purposes, such apparent subservience is fair
chosen, and the piece is also free to generate orders for himself in the
direction of those same purposes.
We say apparent subservience because the player is actually
subservient to the piece's desire to play for him. Without pieces, the
player can not play.
Thus the piece idolizes the player, and the player worships the
If a piece bones up on his skills, devotion, vigilance and
attention to be ever ready to act on behalf of his player, the piece's
life can be greatly rewarded by the player.
We call this being on purpose.
The reward is feeling good and having strong reason to get up in
the morning.
If the piece goofs up in his game play, his life can be made to
deteriorate by his game player, and eventually the piece will take to
messing up his own ability to operate in order to get his game player to
leave him alone.
If you can't find reason to get up in the morning or are
chronically sick, near dead or dying, you might want to consider
reopening negotiations with your game player or find a new one.
Game players can be pretty rough on game pieces even when they are
going well.
Devotion keeps the piece aligned with his game player, even if the
game player is more broken than not.
The game creator doesn't give a damn what the piece does, the game
player does.
Thus the ultimate God is not a God of behavior, but the game player
immediately senior to the piece IS, where behavior is translated to
performance in the game. Thus the player will tend to judge the piece
according to the fruit of his tree, and forgive pecadillos accordingly.
The umpires judge game players, not game pieces.
Umpires report to the game creator or owner at the time.
No one judges game creators except themselves and their cohort
peers with whom they may be in some kind of competition for admiration.
Game creators are author's, game players and pieces are characters.
Virtue for the creator is not virtue for the creature.
Virtue for the author is not virtue for the character.
A good story contains both good and bad characters.
The rehabilitation then of any being in any universe is the
rehabilitation of all game roles from broken to fully operational across
all games in all universes the being is involved in as creator, player,
piece, umpire or spectator.
Sometimes in order to rehab the broken piece, the piece has to roll
up his sleeves and rehab his broken player.
And likewise the player may have to rehab his broken game creator.
In the meanwhile the umpire is off having a beer at the pub.
Everyone will get around to him eventually too.
======================= http://www.clearing.org ========================
Posted: Mon Aug 24 16:05:02 EDT 2015
Send mail to archive.com saying help
================== http://www.lightlink.com/theproof ===================
Learning implies Learning with Certainty or Learning without Certainty.
Learning across a Distance implies Learning by Being an Effect.
Learning by Being an Effect implies Learning without Certainty.
Therefore, Learning with Certainty implies Learning but
Not by Being an Effect, and not across a Distance.
Version: GnuPG v1.4.5 (GNU/Linux)
HomerWSmith-L mailing list
Sunday, August 23, 2015
ADORE101 (fwd)
Hash: SHA1
DICOM = DIchotomy of Comparable and Opposite Magnitude.
People have themselves wrapped up in dicoms like meatballs inside a
"It is good to do good to good.
It is good to do evil to evil.
It is evil to do evil to good.
It is evil to do good to evil."
"Love loves love.
Love hates hate.
Hate hates love.
Hate loves Hate."
Run the tortilla by spotting:
"Spot some love loving love.
Spot some love hating hate.
Also don't forget odd tortilla items that may not make immediate
"Spot some love hating love.
Spot some hate hating hate."
Run until deep fried in butter and golden brown.
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
Homer Wilson Smith The Paths of Lovers Art Matrix - Lightlink
(607) 277-0959 KC2ITF Cross Internet Access, Ithaca NY
homer@lightlink.com In the Line of Duty http://www.lightlink.com
================ http://www.clearing.org ====================
Sat Aug 22 12:06:01 EDT 2015
WEB: http://www.clearing.org
BLOG: http://adoretheproof.blogspot.org
FTP: ftp://ftp.lightlink.com/pub/archive/homer/adore101.memo
Send mail to archive@lightlink.com saying help in body
=========== http://www.lightlink.com/theproof ===============
Learning implies Learning with Certainty or Learning without Certainty.
Learning across a Distance implies Learning by Being an Effect.
Learning by Being an Effect implies Learning without Certainty.
Therefore, Learning with Certainty implies Learning,
but not by Being an Effect, and not across a Distance.
Version: GnuPG v1.4.5 (GNU/Linux)
HomerWSmith-L mailing list
Hash: SHA1
DICOM = DIchotomy of Comparable and Opposite Magnitude.
People have themselves wrapped up in dicoms like meatballs inside a
"It is good to do good to good.
It is good to do evil to evil.
It is evil to do evil to good.
It is evil to do good to evil."
"Love loves love.
Love hates hate.
Hate hates love.
Hate loves Hate."
Run the tortilla by spotting:
"Spot some love loving love.
Spot some love hating hate.
Also don't forget odd tortilla items that may not make immediate
"Spot some love hating love.
Spot some hate hating hate."
Run until deep fried in butter and golden brown.
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
Homer Wilson Smith The Paths of Lovers Art Matrix - Lightlink
(607) 277-0959 KC2ITF Cross Internet Access, Ithaca NY
homer@lightlink.com In the Line of Duty http://www.lightlink.com
================ http://www.clearing.org ====================
Sat Aug 22 12:06:01 EDT 2015
WEB: http://www.clearing.org
BLOG: http://adoretheproof.blogspot.org
FTP: ftp://ftp.lightlink.com/pub/archive/homer/adore101.memo
Send mail to archive@lightlink.com saying help in body
=========== http://www.lightlink.com/theproof ===============
Learning implies Learning with Certainty or Learning without Certainty.
Learning across a Distance implies Learning by Being an Effect.
Learning by Being an Effect implies Learning without Certainty.
Therefore, Learning with Certainty implies Learning,
but not by Being an Effect, and not across a Distance.
Version: GnuPG v1.4.5 (GNU/Linux)
HomerWSmith-L mailing list
Friday, August 21, 2015
ADORE727 (fwd)
Hash: SHA1
> Can you explain this to Scientologists?
Yes easily, if they are really scientologists and not just carrion
looking for a job.
There is as-isness, the moment of creation and vanishment. The
creation vanishes once the being takes his attention off the creation,
but time hasn't been created yet, so they are the same moment. Hard to
put into words as anything timeless is.
Anyone can do this with a mockup.
There is Alter-isness, which is the act of altering one's awareness
of the truth about the creation, which then causes it to persist because
one is no longer free to take one's attention off of it entirely.
For example the idea that one has a mockup that someone ELSE
created without his permission is enough to morbidly fixate the
attention of the creator on his creation because now he thinks he didn't
create it and who the hell did!
It is a violation of sovereignty and puts the being on high alert,
and now he doesn't WANT to get rid of the creation, because he is using
it as proof that his sovereignty was violated and something else very
dangerous is in the universe that can create things for him. Creates
monster feelings and vibrations.
That is one way to alter-is something into unwilling persistence.
Another way is simply to consider that one must DO something
about the creation in order to get rid of it, that's vanish A by
creating B. Got bugs? Get Raid.
This idea that he must DO something about the creation, means he
has to create MORE to uncreate what was already created, which creates
the conception of time, powered by the idea that the original creation
is STILL THERE, so of course it is.
Thus anything he attacks or runs away from remains persisting
by definition of the power of the postulate that IT IS.
There is Is-ness, which is the persisting apparencies of existence
composed of all the altered creations that have ever been made that have
not yet been re as-ised.
One re as-ises something by recovering the exact moment and place
the creation was first created and alter-ised, only this time one
forgoes the alter-is, at which point one can take one's attention off it
and it vanishes.
However most beings have forgotten how to re as-is things, or they
don't believe it is possible. Instead they try to not-is them, which
means throwing black mental mass and force at the creation to make it
appear to not be there.
Thus a not-isness is a pretended re as-isness.
The vanishment brought about by true uncreation is not the same as
the apparent vanishment of the NO and REFUSED.
"All case results from the effort to vanish creations via
not-isness rather than as-isness."
It's technical, but any Scner who can't grok the terminology is not
a Scner but an imposter.
======================= http://www.clearing.org ========================
Posted: Fri Aug 21 15:17:05 EDT 2015
Send mail to archive.com saying help
================== http://www.lightlink.com/theproof ===================
Learning implies Learning with Certainty or Learning without Certainty.
Learning across a Distance implies Learning by Being an Effect.
Learning by Being an Effect implies Learning without Certainty.
Therefore, Learning with Certainty implies Learning but
Not by Being an Effect, and not across a Distance.
Version: GnuPG v1.4.5 (GNU/Linux)
HomerWSmith-L mailing list
Hash: SHA1
> Can you explain this to Scientologists?
Yes easily, if they are really scientologists and not just carrion
looking for a job.
There is as-isness, the moment of creation and vanishment. The
creation vanishes once the being takes his attention off the creation,
but time hasn't been created yet, so they are the same moment. Hard to
put into words as anything timeless is.
Anyone can do this with a mockup.
There is Alter-isness, which is the act of altering one's awareness
of the truth about the creation, which then causes it to persist because
one is no longer free to take one's attention off of it entirely.
For example the idea that one has a mockup that someone ELSE
created without his permission is enough to morbidly fixate the
attention of the creator on his creation because now he thinks he didn't
create it and who the hell did!
It is a violation of sovereignty and puts the being on high alert,
and now he doesn't WANT to get rid of the creation, because he is using
it as proof that his sovereignty was violated and something else very
dangerous is in the universe that can create things for him. Creates
monster feelings and vibrations.
That is one way to alter-is something into unwilling persistence.
Another way is simply to consider that one must DO something
about the creation in order to get rid of it, that's vanish A by
creating B. Got bugs? Get Raid.
This idea that he must DO something about the creation, means he
has to create MORE to uncreate what was already created, which creates
the conception of time, powered by the idea that the original creation
is STILL THERE, so of course it is.
Thus anything he attacks or runs away from remains persisting
by definition of the power of the postulate that IT IS.
There is Is-ness, which is the persisting apparencies of existence
composed of all the altered creations that have ever been made that have
not yet been re as-ised.
One re as-ises something by recovering the exact moment and place
the creation was first created and alter-ised, only this time one
forgoes the alter-is, at which point one can take one's attention off it
and it vanishes.
However most beings have forgotten how to re as-is things, or they
don't believe it is possible. Instead they try to not-is them, which
means throwing black mental mass and force at the creation to make it
appear to not be there.
Thus a not-isness is a pretended re as-isness.
The vanishment brought about by true uncreation is not the same as
the apparent vanishment of the NO and REFUSED.
"All case results from the effort to vanish creations via
not-isness rather than as-isness."
It's technical, but any Scner who can't grok the terminology is not
a Scner but an imposter.
======================= http://www.clearing.org ========================
Posted: Fri Aug 21 15:17:05 EDT 2015
Send mail to archive.com saying help
================== http://www.lightlink.com/theproof ===================
Learning implies Learning with Certainty or Learning without Certainty.
Learning across a Distance implies Learning by Being an Effect.
Learning by Being an Effect implies Learning without Certainty.
Therefore, Learning with Certainty implies Learning but
Not by Being an Effect, and not across a Distance.
Version: GnuPG v1.4.5 (GNU/Linux)
HomerWSmith-L mailing list
Wednesday, August 19, 2015
ADORE473 (fwd)
Hash: SHA1
Michael (mickel1234@blueyonder.co.uk) wrote:
>I can see that, so it is a process of extraction then? from all the things
>that got us into our present situations, as a person extracts themselves
>from all this stuff they become more aware of their Spiritual nature and do
>not rely on mind pictures anymore, or should I say are not controlled or at
>the effect of the mind.
On learns through life that being unable is good for one.
This needs to be unlearned at every point we learned it.
Every lock, secondary, engram is a moment of learning, postulates
made to commit to that learning, all of which needs to be unlearned.
The bank is held in place by dramatizing the learning we did
during the incidents that are in chronic restim. We call this being
in the winning valence (even if it is our own to gain sympathy), and
that 'learning' of how to win needs to be as-ised.
This has nothing to do with physical universe learning, which is an
intentional game of learning, this has to do with spiritual ability,
which comes as a total knowingness which doesn't have to be taught how
to operate properly.
The total knowingness knows very well how to operate and how to
screw itself to the nearest tree. Everything learned by the total
knowingness about how to operate is a nail in its cross.
So don't confuse the thetan and body, the thetan gets better by
unlearning, the body gets better by learning. Two different worlds, two
different games.
Sat Mar 24 01:28:45 EDT 2007
================ http://www.clearing.org ====================
Wed Aug 19 12:06:01 EDT 2015
WEB: http://www.clearing.org
BLOG: http://adoretheproof.blogspot.org
FTP: ftp://ftp.lightlink.com/pub/archive/homer/adore473.memo
Send mail to archive@lightlink.com saying help in body
=========== http://www.lightlink.com/theproof ===============
Learning implies Learning with Certainty or Learning without Certainty.
Learning across a Distance implies Learning by Being an Effect.
Learning by Being an Effect implies Learning without Certainty.
Therefore, Learning with Certainty implies Learning,
but not by Being an Effect, and not across a Distance.
Version: GnuPG v1.4.5 (GNU/Linux)
HomerWSmith-L mailing list
Hash: SHA1
Michael (mickel1234@blueyonder.co.uk) wrote:
>I can see that, so it is a process of extraction then? from all the things
>that got us into our present situations, as a person extracts themselves
>from all this stuff they become more aware of their Spiritual nature and do
>not rely on mind pictures anymore, or should I say are not controlled or at
>the effect of the mind.
On learns through life that being unable is good for one.
This needs to be unlearned at every point we learned it.
Every lock, secondary, engram is a moment of learning, postulates
made to commit to that learning, all of which needs to be unlearned.
The bank is held in place by dramatizing the learning we did
during the incidents that are in chronic restim. We call this being
in the winning valence (even if it is our own to gain sympathy), and
that 'learning' of how to win needs to be as-ised.
This has nothing to do with physical universe learning, which is an
intentional game of learning, this has to do with spiritual ability,
which comes as a total knowingness which doesn't have to be taught how
to operate properly.
The total knowingness knows very well how to operate and how to
screw itself to the nearest tree. Everything learned by the total
knowingness about how to operate is a nail in its cross.
So don't confuse the thetan and body, the thetan gets better by
unlearning, the body gets better by learning. Two different worlds, two
different games.
Sat Mar 24 01:28:45 EDT 2007
================ http://www.clearing.org ====================
Wed Aug 19 12:06:01 EDT 2015
WEB: http://www.clearing.org
BLOG: http://adoretheproof.blogspot.org
FTP: ftp://ftp.lightlink.com/pub/archive/homer/adore473.memo
Send mail to archive@lightlink.com saying help in body
=========== http://www.lightlink.com/theproof ===============
Learning implies Learning with Certainty or Learning without Certainty.
Learning across a Distance implies Learning by Being an Effect.
Learning by Being an Effect implies Learning without Certainty.
Therefore, Learning with Certainty implies Learning,
but not by Being an Effect, and not across a Distance.
Version: GnuPG v1.4.5 (GNU/Linux)
HomerWSmith-L mailing list
Tuesday, August 18, 2015
ADORE607 (fwd)
Hash: SHA1
Ball of Fluff <getoffmyass@fluffentology.com> wrote about Scn:
> I personally prefer "applied religious philosophy".
When people tell me "God doesn't exist"! I tell them to try
redefining the word until it does exist.
Words really get in the way here, "Scn is NOT a religion"! well
define religion. And then go to a dictionary and see if ANY of the
definitions apply etc.
What Scn is as defined by Hubbard is the *SCIENCE* of knowing how
to know answers to questions.
That assumes that all questions are answerable.
I prefer to look at it as a scientifically developed theory of
anatomy and approach.
We have an underlying theory of what a thetan is, an omni operating
lord god almighty, along with all his buddies, an idea of the anatomy of
the mess they got themsevles into, and an approach to reoptimzing his
games for him which HE created WITH THEM.
Thus we have asserted a theory which leads to predictions as to
outcomes from various approaches, experiments, doingnesses, and it
remains up to us to take those approaches and use them, or invent more
of our own and refine the theory, or toss it entirely.
As I have said, if consciousness is a process in meat, then past
lives and OT powerz are all bunk.
On the other hand if the apparency of MEST is a process in
consciousness, the world is a dream, then the very existence of the
world in your consciousness is direct evidence of your own shared
The whole intent and direction of auditing then it get the pc to
take responsibility over the things that he thinks made him, until he
gets that he made them.
Then he can control them.
Primary items are space and time and objects in space and time.
Another big primary item is other beings in his dream, he let
them in!
Your average mortal if asked if he created space and time will say
no. He will in fact say that space and time and energy created him, as
the processes in the brain had to evolve before he could be conscious.
So he has elected his entire alleged external universe as cause
over his very existence, which makes him almost 100 percent effect.
I mean how much more effect can you be than to be made and then
destroyed by something else?
About the most cause you can be in that scenario is to sqawk and
complain about it, but never be able to DO anything about it.
Created you were, destroyed you will be, that is absolute in their
world view.
It comes from thinking that the universe is a space time mechanism,
and that consciousness is a process in one of those mechanisms, the
Scn merely tries to point out to the pc that you don't know if the
physical universe exists, it COULD be all a co shared dream in the mind
of zillions of beings, in which case who made who?
In that case 'God' is a multi I AM being, indulging in co shared
dreams with itself.
Mortals however have a hard time imagining that if there is no
space or time in fact, then whatever was left over couldn't possibly
have the ability to be conscious and create dreams OF space and time.
How can something without any space or time create anything or even
exist at all.
You gotta have something (eternal) to make something (temporal),
and without space time matter or energy, you have something that is
enough of a SOMETHING to make anything else.
It's a big problem to them.
======================= http://www.clearing.org ========================
Posted: Tue Aug 18 14:46:45 EDT 2015
Send mail to archive.com saying help
================== http://www.lightlink.com/theproof ===================
Learning implies Learning with Certainty or Learning without Certainty.
Learning across a Distance implies Learning by Being an Effect.
Learning by Being an Effect implies Learning without Certainty.
Therefore, Learning with Certainty implies Learning but
Not by Being an Effect, and not across a Distance.
Version: GnuPG v1.4.5 (GNU/Linux)
HomerWSmith-L mailing list
Hash: SHA1
Ball of Fluff <getoffmyass@fluffentology.com> wrote about Scn:
> I personally prefer "applied religious philosophy".
When people tell me "God doesn't exist"! I tell them to try
redefining the word until it does exist.
Words really get in the way here, "Scn is NOT a religion"! well
define religion. And then go to a dictionary and see if ANY of the
definitions apply etc.
What Scn is as defined by Hubbard is the *SCIENCE* of knowing how
to know answers to questions.
That assumes that all questions are answerable.
I prefer to look at it as a scientifically developed theory of
anatomy and approach.
We have an underlying theory of what a thetan is, an omni operating
lord god almighty, along with all his buddies, an idea of the anatomy of
the mess they got themsevles into, and an approach to reoptimzing his
games for him which HE created WITH THEM.
Thus we have asserted a theory which leads to predictions as to
outcomes from various approaches, experiments, doingnesses, and it
remains up to us to take those approaches and use them, or invent more
of our own and refine the theory, or toss it entirely.
As I have said, if consciousness is a process in meat, then past
lives and OT powerz are all bunk.
On the other hand if the apparency of MEST is a process in
consciousness, the world is a dream, then the very existence of the
world in your consciousness is direct evidence of your own shared
The whole intent and direction of auditing then it get the pc to
take responsibility over the things that he thinks made him, until he
gets that he made them.
Then he can control them.
Primary items are space and time and objects in space and time.
Another big primary item is other beings in his dream, he let
them in!
Your average mortal if asked if he created space and time will say
no. He will in fact say that space and time and energy created him, as
the processes in the brain had to evolve before he could be conscious.
So he has elected his entire alleged external universe as cause
over his very existence, which makes him almost 100 percent effect.
I mean how much more effect can you be than to be made and then
destroyed by something else?
About the most cause you can be in that scenario is to sqawk and
complain about it, but never be able to DO anything about it.
Created you were, destroyed you will be, that is absolute in their
world view.
It comes from thinking that the universe is a space time mechanism,
and that consciousness is a process in one of those mechanisms, the
Scn merely tries to point out to the pc that you don't know if the
physical universe exists, it COULD be all a co shared dream in the mind
of zillions of beings, in which case who made who?
In that case 'God' is a multi I AM being, indulging in co shared
dreams with itself.
Mortals however have a hard time imagining that if there is no
space or time in fact, then whatever was left over couldn't possibly
have the ability to be conscious and create dreams OF space and time.
How can something without any space or time create anything or even
exist at all.
You gotta have something (eternal) to make something (temporal),
and without space time matter or energy, you have something that is
enough of a SOMETHING to make anything else.
It's a big problem to them.
======================= http://www.clearing.org ========================
Posted: Tue Aug 18 14:46:45 EDT 2015
Send mail to archive.com saying help
================== http://www.lightlink.com/theproof ===================
Learning implies Learning with Certainty or Learning without Certainty.
Learning across a Distance implies Learning by Being an Effect.
Learning by Being an Effect implies Learning without Certainty.
Therefore, Learning with Certainty implies Learning but
Not by Being an Effect, and not across a Distance.
Version: GnuPG v1.4.5 (GNU/Linux)
HomerWSmith-L mailing list
ADORE469 (fwd)
Hash: SHA1
Run The Final Process on mother and child.
Replace is, with could be, would be, should be, might be etc.
Run trans life from beginning of time to end of time, all universes.
Spot the best mother there is.
Spot the worst mother there is.
Spot the best mother there has ever been.
Spot the worst mother there has ever been.
Spot the best mother there will be.
Spot the worst mother there will be.
Spot the best mother you have ever had.
Spot the worst mother you have ever had.
Spot the best mother you have.
Spot the worst mother you have.
Spot the best mother you will ever have.
Spot the worst mother you will ever have.
Spot the best mother you have ever been.
Spot the worst mother you have ever been.
Spot the best mother you are.
Spot the worst mother you are.
Spot the best mother you will have.
Spot the worst mother you will have.
Spot your true mother in this life time (not the valences she
was stuck in).
Spot your true child in this life time.
How could you rewrite this life time to bring out the
true both of you's when it first went wrong?
E/P Mother and child best friends again, and willing to hold hands.
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
Homer Wilson Smith The Paths of Lovers Art Matrix - Lightlink
(607) 277-0959 KC2ITF Cross Internet Access, Ithaca NY
homer@lightlink.com In the Line of Duty http://www.lightlink.com
Wed Mar 14 02:02:46 EST 2007
================ http://www.clearing.org ====================
Mon Aug 17 12:06:02 EDT 2015
WEB: http://www.clearing.org
BLOG: http://adoretheproof.blogspot.org
FTP: ftp://ftp.lightlink.com/pub/archive/homer/adore469.memo
Send mail to archive@lightlink.com saying help in body
=========== http://www.lightlink.com/theproof ===============
Learning implies Learning with Certainty or Learning without Certainty.
Learning across a Distance implies Learning by Being an Effect.
Learning by Being an Effect implies Learning without Certainty.
Therefore, Learning with Certainty implies Learning,
but not by Being an Effect, and not across a Distance.
Version: GnuPG v1.4.5 (GNU/Linux)
HomerWSmith-L mailing list
Hash: SHA1
Run The Final Process on mother and child.
Replace is, with could be, would be, should be, might be etc.
Run trans life from beginning of time to end of time, all universes.
Spot the best mother there is.
Spot the worst mother there is.
Spot the best mother there has ever been.
Spot the worst mother there has ever been.
Spot the best mother there will be.
Spot the worst mother there will be.
Spot the best mother you have ever had.
Spot the worst mother you have ever had.
Spot the best mother you have.
Spot the worst mother you have.
Spot the best mother you will ever have.
Spot the worst mother you will ever have.
Spot the best mother you have ever been.
Spot the worst mother you have ever been.
Spot the best mother you are.
Spot the worst mother you are.
Spot the best mother you will have.
Spot the worst mother you will have.
Spot your true mother in this life time (not the valences she
was stuck in).
Spot your true child in this life time.
How could you rewrite this life time to bring out the
true both of you's when it first went wrong?
E/P Mother and child best friends again, and willing to hold hands.
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
Homer Wilson Smith The Paths of Lovers Art Matrix - Lightlink
(607) 277-0959 KC2ITF Cross Internet Access, Ithaca NY
homer@lightlink.com In the Line of Duty http://www.lightlink.com
Wed Mar 14 02:02:46 EST 2007
================ http://www.clearing.org ====================
Mon Aug 17 12:06:02 EDT 2015
WEB: http://www.clearing.org
BLOG: http://adoretheproof.blogspot.org
FTP: ftp://ftp.lightlink.com/pub/archive/homer/adore469.memo
Send mail to archive@lightlink.com saying help in body
=========== http://www.lightlink.com/theproof ===============
Learning implies Learning with Certainty or Learning without Certainty.
Learning across a Distance implies Learning by Being an Effect.
Learning by Being an Effect implies Learning without Certainty.
Therefore, Learning with Certainty implies Learning,
but not by Being an Effect, and not across a Distance.
Version: GnuPG v1.4.5 (GNU/Linux)
HomerWSmith-L mailing list
Saturday, August 15, 2015
ADORE756 (fwd)
Hash: SHA1
In article
a poster wrote about comments made by Richard Ford. The poster
> Homer is quite right, you use strawmen... You have refused and still
> refuse till this day to engage in any serious discussion or
> investigation about these matters.
Richard Ford is being a BT, a Body Thetan or Cluster.
Run the following, point at him accusatively, holding his eyes at
all times with yours, and say:
What are you?
Who are you?
How many are you?
1 trillion? 10 trillion? 100 trillion? more?
You are real people!"
Repeat any line that produces standstill, eyes wide or cooperation.
The how many question may have to go up into the 10**50 or higher.
He has only one point he is making to us.
If all this stuff is true, how come we can't/won't give him
evidence on the matter via demonstration of paranormal 'powers'.
For him that evidence would have to be physical plane evidence
only, weapons of war stuff, as he himself couldn't stand the light of
emotional, mental or spiritual plane evidence that he couldn't share or
use to dominate others.
Now that is fine, but I don't have physical plane powers, except
make myself sick almost at will, and I won't have those powers until my
spiritual, mental and emotional plane powers come to full fruition.
Lots and lots of evidences for those, sometimes I have to slap them
down like bugs crawling all over my inner space.
It's a top down process.
Now if and when I do get physical plane powers, in this or some
future life, the question remains whether Richard Ford would pass any
enforced security test of the time on the matter.
He certainly wouldn't now.
Approach is everything, contempt doesn't cut. No one OWES him a
demonstration. Nor does anyone owe him being quiet, although we do
admonish against claiming to have physical plane powers in public unless
you are prepared to demonstrate.
As for physical evidence, lots of people have evidence, but it is
not replicatable because of the danger to being that able in this
universe at this time. No matter how OT a person is, there are millions
of ex carnate beings way more OT than he is who would like to keep him
on his cross.
That RICHARD FORD has zero evidence of any kind giving him an
inkling of the possibility of a spiritual world, indicates his own
shallowness and possible opposition to eternal life.
There are no chronic innocent victims here, and to live a whole
life, do all those drugs, have all those near death experiences, all
those sleep dreams, all those tears and laughter at the bottom of the
well, all that blinding love and guilt, and not have one single inkling
that this life may not be all that is, is just so shallow as to be
It's mostly a light and emotional shut off case.
======================= http://www.clearing.org ========================
Posted: Sat Aug 15 22:32:54 EDT 2015
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Learning implies Learning with Certainty or Learning without Certainty.
Learning across a Distance implies Learning by Being an Effect.
Learning by Being an Effect implies Learning without Certainty.
Therefore, Learning with Certainty implies Learning but
Not by Being an Effect, and not across a Distance.
Version: GnuPG v1.4.5 (GNU/Linux)
HomerWSmith-L mailing list
Hash: SHA1
In article
a poster wrote about comments made by Richard Ford. The poster
> Homer is quite right, you use strawmen... You have refused and still
> refuse till this day to engage in any serious discussion or
> investigation about these matters.
Richard Ford is being a BT, a Body Thetan or Cluster.
Run the following, point at him accusatively, holding his eyes at
all times with yours, and say:
What are you?
Who are you?
How many are you?
1 trillion? 10 trillion? 100 trillion? more?
You are real people!"
Repeat any line that produces standstill, eyes wide or cooperation.
The how many question may have to go up into the 10**50 or higher.
He has only one point he is making to us.
If all this stuff is true, how come we can't/won't give him
evidence on the matter via demonstration of paranormal 'powers'.
For him that evidence would have to be physical plane evidence
only, weapons of war stuff, as he himself couldn't stand the light of
emotional, mental or spiritual plane evidence that he couldn't share or
use to dominate others.
Now that is fine, but I don't have physical plane powers, except
make myself sick almost at will, and I won't have those powers until my
spiritual, mental and emotional plane powers come to full fruition.
Lots and lots of evidences for those, sometimes I have to slap them
down like bugs crawling all over my inner space.
It's a top down process.
Now if and when I do get physical plane powers, in this or some
future life, the question remains whether Richard Ford would pass any
enforced security test of the time on the matter.
He certainly wouldn't now.
Approach is everything, contempt doesn't cut. No one OWES him a
demonstration. Nor does anyone owe him being quiet, although we do
admonish against claiming to have physical plane powers in public unless
you are prepared to demonstrate.
As for physical evidence, lots of people have evidence, but it is
not replicatable because of the danger to being that able in this
universe at this time. No matter how OT a person is, there are millions
of ex carnate beings way more OT than he is who would like to keep him
on his cross.
That RICHARD FORD has zero evidence of any kind giving him an
inkling of the possibility of a spiritual world, indicates his own
shallowness and possible opposition to eternal life.
There are no chronic innocent victims here, and to live a whole
life, do all those drugs, have all those near death experiences, all
those sleep dreams, all those tears and laughter at the bottom of the
well, all that blinding love and guilt, and not have one single inkling
that this life may not be all that is, is just so shallow as to be
It's mostly a light and emotional shut off case.
======================= http://www.clearing.org ========================
Posted: Sat Aug 15 22:32:54 EDT 2015
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================== http://www.lightlink.com/theproof ===================
Learning implies Learning with Certainty or Learning without Certainty.
Learning across a Distance implies Learning by Being an Effect.
Learning by Being an Effect implies Learning without Certainty.
Therefore, Learning with Certainty implies Learning but
Not by Being an Effect, and not across a Distance.
Version: GnuPG v1.4.5 (GNU/Linux)
HomerWSmith-L mailing list
eco14.memo (fwd)
Hash: SHA1
There is something called a royalty hour, its when an author or
artist spends an hour writing something, and then he sells it to a
mass market that keeps on buying it forever. Thus he has a steady
stream of income even though in theory he isn't doing anything any
He spends 10 minutes writing a hit song, or 1 year writing a best
selling novel, that continues to sell for 50 years, and he lives off
the royalties he receives from those sales.
So the one year he spent writing the book can be chalked up to just
so many royalty hours of work, as they lead to collecting royalty
payments later even when he isn't working.
Now a farmer planting corn has no such leisure, every year he has
to go out and do it all over again. There is no royalty hour here, you
sow for an hour, and you reap, then its gone, so you have to sow again
for another hour, for the rest of your life.
The farmer however has the advantage of multiple return on his
work, he may use 1000 seed of corn to plant a corn field but he gets
back 100,000 seed of corn. Because the sow and reap cycle is inherently
exothermic, he gets back many times his return on investment.
The artist or writer however usually spends a lot more writing the
book in the first year than he gets during the first sale, so he depends
on his royalty hours to deliver him his multiple return on investment in
later years.
Now one is not saying that one way is better or more right than
another, its merely the way things are, its an artifact of the free
market system operating under the conditions of the physical universe
where the sow and reap cycles take place.
Human considerations about good or bad or how things should be, are
all irrelevant.
But the physical universe can change, it has very little interest
in humans per se, and where royalty hours may be quite lucrative at one
time, they may be a death sentence at another.
Just so with copyrights, which are an effort to protect and
maximize the royalty hours of the people who are interested in them.
At one time copyrights were enforceable, so people took advantage
of that and the kind of art that was produced was the kind of art that
lent it self to royalty hours, as was the kind of business that grew up
around it, publishers, producers, lawyers etc.
This was neither right nor wrong, it was just how things were, the
climate was right for this kind of growth.
But now the physical universe is changing again, and the
enforceability of certain kinds of copyrights on certain kinds of
royalty hours is vanishing. Some may complain that this is not 'right',
but it is neither right nor wrong, it just is, the physical universe
doesn't care about right and wrong, it provides the playing ground and
those that can survive do, and those that can't don't.
One can resist the change, but there is no future in that.
That leads only to petrification and death.
======================= http://www.clearing.org ========================
Posted: Sat Aug 15 22:25:48 EDT 2015
Send mail to archive.com saying help
================== http://www.lightlink.com/theproof ===================
Learning implies Learning with Certainty or Learning without Certainty.
Learning across a Distance implies Learning by Being an Effect.
Learning by Being an Effect implies Learning without Certainty.
Therefore, Learning with Certainty implies Learning but
Not by Being an Effect, and not across a Distance.
Version: GnuPG v1.4.5 (GNU/Linux)
HomerWSmith-L mailing list
Hash: SHA1
There is something called a royalty hour, its when an author or
artist spends an hour writing something, and then he sells it to a
mass market that keeps on buying it forever. Thus he has a steady
stream of income even though in theory he isn't doing anything any
He spends 10 minutes writing a hit song, or 1 year writing a best
selling novel, that continues to sell for 50 years, and he lives off
the royalties he receives from those sales.
So the one year he spent writing the book can be chalked up to just
so many royalty hours of work, as they lead to collecting royalty
payments later even when he isn't working.
Now a farmer planting corn has no such leisure, every year he has
to go out and do it all over again. There is no royalty hour here, you
sow for an hour, and you reap, then its gone, so you have to sow again
for another hour, for the rest of your life.
The farmer however has the advantage of multiple return on his
work, he may use 1000 seed of corn to plant a corn field but he gets
back 100,000 seed of corn. Because the sow and reap cycle is inherently
exothermic, he gets back many times his return on investment.
The artist or writer however usually spends a lot more writing the
book in the first year than he gets during the first sale, so he depends
on his royalty hours to deliver him his multiple return on investment in
later years.
Now one is not saying that one way is better or more right than
another, its merely the way things are, its an artifact of the free
market system operating under the conditions of the physical universe
where the sow and reap cycles take place.
Human considerations about good or bad or how things should be, are
all irrelevant.
But the physical universe can change, it has very little interest
in humans per se, and where royalty hours may be quite lucrative at one
time, they may be a death sentence at another.
Just so with copyrights, which are an effort to protect and
maximize the royalty hours of the people who are interested in them.
At one time copyrights were enforceable, so people took advantage
of that and the kind of art that was produced was the kind of art that
lent it self to royalty hours, as was the kind of business that grew up
around it, publishers, producers, lawyers etc.
This was neither right nor wrong, it was just how things were, the
climate was right for this kind of growth.
But now the physical universe is changing again, and the
enforceability of certain kinds of copyrights on certain kinds of
royalty hours is vanishing. Some may complain that this is not 'right',
but it is neither right nor wrong, it just is, the physical universe
doesn't care about right and wrong, it provides the playing ground and
those that can survive do, and those that can't don't.
One can resist the change, but there is no future in that.
That leads only to petrification and death.
======================= http://www.clearing.org ========================
Posted: Sat Aug 15 22:25:48 EDT 2015
Send mail to archive.com saying help
================== http://www.lightlink.com/theproof ===================
Learning implies Learning with Certainty or Learning without Certainty.
Learning across a Distance implies Learning by Being an Effect.
Learning by Being an Effect implies Learning without Certainty.
Therefore, Learning with Certainty implies Learning but
Not by Being an Effect, and not across a Distance.
Version: GnuPG v1.4.5 (GNU/Linux)
HomerWSmith-L mailing list
Friday, August 14, 2015
ADORE229 (fwd)
Hash: SHA1
The issues of attractiveness are important to any case.
People love their cats more than their own bodies or themselves.
For men, attractiveness starts between mother and son. Men get
their first warm fuzzies about their own body from their mothers. If
their mother's look upon them with disgust or frigidity, its going to be
hard slogging later. This can even affect the development of the body
so it BECOMES unattractive.
A man with a chronic defensive or offensive service fac in
operation is going to be pretty much crippled in appearance and
Some men can also be sent into higher planes of consciousness by
some stellar 'illegally pretty' girls. The shock of the higher plane,
along with the shock that the girl 'has it' and the man doesn't can send
the man into a permanent dwindling spiral of inferiority.
The man is actually experiencing himself, but its under the control
of the pretty girl, and when the pretty girl walks away, the man loses
it. That makes the man 'needy' which is a negatory to the girl, so its
self enforcing.
Men also have a hard time finding their own bodies attractive, as
they are men, and men aren't supposed to find men attractive maybe, I
dunno. It just seems to be that there are lots and lots of attractive
girls in the world, but the men all look like boogies to me, except for
a very few which I note with due exception. Sometimes I get the feeling
that if *I* were a girl looking for an attractive man I would kill
myself from the scarcity.
On the other hand I find that girls tend to not be as sensitive to
physical attractiveness as men are. Men and women are not the same in
this regard. If I wanted to be chauvanistic about it, I could say that
women depend on men's ABILITY more than men depend on women's ability,
so women have evolved to be attracted to ability rather than exquisite
looks, and men have bred and selected women who have the exquisite
looks. So things have gone different directions between them.
Lights = beauty, brights = intelligence.
"Daughters get their lights from their father's brights.
Daughters get their brights from their father's lights.
Son's get their lights from their mother's brights.
Son's get their brights from their mother's lights."
When young you find the pretty girls hanging out with jocks, dumb,
ugly, but strong as hell. Well that's an ability, namely to protect the
girl from attack. Later some of them figure out that being smart and
having a lot of money is better than being strong, but the guys are
still ugly.
Once in a while you will find a women who isn't trying to fulfill a
survial dependency who will fall in love with some Adonis worthy of her
Anyhow many men, who understand physical attractiveness all too
well, but have no real clue what attracts women about men, have the
distinct feeling that they as men could never be as attractive to a
women as the women is to them, that puts them into an instant permanent
out exchange.
The sensitivity to attractiveness in men, if its like with me, is
so well tuned that a man will tell you immediately whether a women is
positive, zero or negative. Looking at a negative women is like
listening to noise all day long, looking at a positive women is like
listening to good music. One is chronic pain, the other is chronic
pleasure :)
In other languages the woman says to the man "Your face
is easy on my eyes."
Pretty girls to a man are like comfort food, they melt his body,
they make it peaceful, they *HEAL* it, they give it reason to live, to
go into first gear and get to work, they make him feel like he can deal
with anything, face any future, give his life.
Ugly women make him want to kill himself now.
If one runs into a truely interstellar girl like I did with one
Rachel many years ago in 1985, it will take the man right up face to
face with God and light and beauty forever for free. He might even
cough up a religion like ADORE to deal with the ascension experience and
resulting crash. Hell this girl glowed in the dark from behind when I
didn't even know it was her! And she wouldn't give me the time of day.
"Dedication to Adore,
For Rachel, whose Gorgeous ExCaliper and Magnificent Respect
inspired it all, and whom I Adore for EVER, for FREE."
Later in the Forgotten Book of the Dead, the dark side of Adore,
"Dedicated to the MAG BODS who spit and kicked dirt in my face
until I knew they were right.
Gorgeous JAPs don't date Christian Wimps because her meat is
Kosher, and his meat is crucified."
MAG = Magnificent, JAP = Jewish American Princess
Now if the man looks at himself but doesn't feel he is positive to
himself in his own eyes, he can't imagine that any women would find him
positive either. This leads to a permanent depression about women,
because he figures women will feel about him the way he feels about
negative women and that is just death to him.
It is permanent hopelessness, lost the race before out of the gate.
So he tries to 'make up for' not being attractive by ...., you fill
in the blank with any substitute for attractiveness that might yet
attract a girl anyhow.
If his life experience is that EVERY women he looks at, smiles at,
or says hello to gives him 'A go away you slime ball before I scream for
the police or call my dyke buddies to beat you up', then after a while
he becomes non functional, won't go outside, won't socialize, won't do
anything with his life. Mostly he is just waiting to die to get it over
He lives in a world where saying "Hi" to a pretty girl is the same
as goosing her from behind. And lots of girls feel that way, they are
TERRIFIED of men, won't look them in the eyes, and won't say Hi to
random men passing on the street, except in the movies.
When these girls die and their whole life passes before their
eyes, they will see an awful log of sidewalk cracks.
The man will see an awful lot of find 'em ... forget 'em.
When he does go outside, he lives for the brief moments when some
pretty thing does smile at him and return his hello, it will make is
whole day, restore his faith in life for a few hours. But it won't ever
lead anywhere, because he knows this pretty thing smiles at everyone.
Its still a win though for him. He wishes all of womanhood were like
If the only peace he finds in his life are sleep dreams of pretty
girls that bring him healing and peace, then his dream world becomes
more real and important than his waking world. Of course in his dream
world his own body *SOMETIMES* looks more positive in dream mirrors than
in the real world, so he holds onto the possibility that he could look
that way in the real world too someday.
Many people will bring up the issue, but what about the being
inside the body? Isn't there an attraction there too?
Uh well, what is a being doing inside a body in the first place.
OK, some quick thoughts.
Most pretty girls have bodies that AS WORKS OF BEAUTY AND ART are
far and away superior to anything that the being in the body will ever
produce or create as an artist in their lives.
Rachel to me was way beyond any art that exists on this planet,
including the 5 great piano concertos that move me so that I am also
learning to play them.
I mean music moves me, but Rachel *SENT* me to places of candy land
and star drive that I had no clue existed before. She opened up the
face of God itself to me.
The being in the body was a putz. Almost no one home, at least no
one that would talk to me :) I tended to find that over the years, the
prettier the girl, the more air headed they were. Once in a while I
would find depth in a pretty girl, but mostly the deep ones where the
ones that needed bags over their heads.
I figured eventually there was a correlation, and I should figure
out what it was before I died in this life :)
You see rather than HAVE a life, this kind of guy forms a
substitute life of trying to figure out why he doesn't have a life, so
perhaps he can warn others in the future to not make the mistakes he
The point is that I have yet to run into ANY being that had as
strong an effect on me as pretty BODIES have. Usually the beings in the
bodies were a detraction from the beauty of the body.
Many years later when I finally figured out 'what is was with
girls', namely fear and jealousy, I was able to start digging a few
females out of their nonsense, and they became of positive value, as
beings, to me.
They're still ugly though.
And THEY hate it as much as I do.
In fact they hate me for even being interested in 'pretty girls',
the very ones they wish they were.
So you get it from both sides.
You get whapped by the pretty girls for looking at them, and you
get whapped by the ugly girls for looking at the pretty girls too!
- - ------------------------------------------------------------------------
Homer Wilson Smith The Paths of Lovers Art Matrix - Lightlink
(607) 277-0959 KC2ITF Cross Internet Access, Ithaca NY
homer@lightlink.com In the Line of Duty http://www.lightlink.com
- - ---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Sat, 21 Feb 2004 02:12:16 -0400
From: David DeAngelo <ddeangelo@doubleyourdating.com>
To: shimon <shimon@adore.com>
Subject: The Secret Reason Men FAIL With Women
The Secret Reason Men FAIL With Women
- - --------------------------------------------------
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As you can probably imagine, I interact with a
lot of guys who are having problems with women. And
one of the things that I've noticed is that almost
every guy that is "failing" with women has an EXCUSE
- - - a "good reason" why things aren't "working" for
I have come to believe that most guys who aren't
succeeding with women carry around a "Secret Excuse"
for why they're not succeeding... a Secret Excuse
for failure.
For some it's their height, for some it's their
age, for some it's their income... and for some
guys, it's a reason outside of themselves... maybe
it's the place that they live, or where they work.
What's YOUR Secret Excuse for why you don't
succeed with women at the level you'd like to?
If you can, stop right now and write down your
own personal Secret Excuse for failing with women.
Then, see if you can figure out where that Secret
Excuse came from. Did something happen in your life
that led you to believe that your Excuse was REALITY?
Did you have a particularly traumatic event happen
that led you to your excuse?
Here's the most interesting part of this
particular phenomenon... NO MATTER HOW "PRIVATE"
OR "PERSONAL" your Secret Excuse is, IT'S VERY
And guess what?
I guarantee you that there are MANY, MANY guys
in this world that have overcome your very same
situation and gone on to succeed with women.
I think that the "Secret Excuse" is our way
as guys of making it easier to avoid facing
But the PROBLEM with a Secret Excuse isn't
the excuse itself... it's the fact that most guys
don't know how to OVERCOME their Secret Excuse.
Secret Excuses can wire themselves into our
minds so deeply that we don't even realize the
effects that they're having.
If you believe that women won't feel attracted
to you because you're, say, overweight, then you
won't even TRY to meet women. You'll just assume
that it's no use.
This leads to even worse problems, like fear
of going out, fear of talking to people, etc.
When you decide that there is some big reason
that is preventing you from even the POSSIBLITY
of success with women, it begins to affect
EVERYTHING in your life.
So what's the solution to this MAJOR cause of
failure for men?
I'd say that this is at LEAST a two step
1) You need to identify your own "Secret Excuse",
and you need to look around to find examples of
men who have overcome the very same "obstacle",
and who have gone on to succeed with women. This
will provide you with some real-life evidence
that what you're dealing with is not final and
2) You need to get an education about women and
what makes them feel the emotion of ATTRACTION
for men.
It really amazes me that you can walk into a
bookstore and find a thousand books on computers,
but ZERO books on what causes women to feel an
instant SEXUAL ATTRACTION for a man.
But it's true.
One of the reasons that I've put so much time,
research, effort, experimentation, and dedication
into figuring out this area of life and experience
is because I really want to be able to explain it
better than anyone, and help guys get this part
of their lives handled.
If you want a WORLD CLASS education about
women, dating, and ATTRACTION, then I recommend
that you invest in my Advanced Dating Techniques
CD/DVD program.
In that program, you'll learn literally HUNDREDS
of different concepts, strategies, and step-by-step
techniques for making women feel ATTRACTION.
You'll learn everything from how and why women
behave the way they do, to how women test men and
how to "pass" every test, to how to walk, talk,
behave, and communicate so you increase the
attraction that women feel for you.
I guarantee two things:
1) You will learn DOZENS of things you didn't know,
and haven't heard before ANYWHERE. I'm not kidding
at all about this. I've pulled together information
from many different areas... from science to
statistics to my own personal experiences getting
to know guys who are VERY successful with women and
testing what I learned from them. I'll tell you
right now, this stuff will make you open your eyes
and say "wow".
2) You will be thrilled with what you learn, and
you'll get more dates with more women. I guarantee
it. In fact, I BETTER than guarantee it. I'll send
this program to you MY RISK, and if you don't like
it, just send it back to me and don't pay. I really
feel that this is the way things should be - you
ONLY should pay for and keep things that you get
value from. And think about it, if you don't get
value, then why should you have to pay...? This
offer is 100% serious, and it's "no hassle".
Bottom line: Go order your copy. Let me help
you get on the FAST TRACK to success with women...
instead of staying on the SLOW TRACK.
The program is here (and make sure you go
listen to and watch the samples on this page):
...and if you haven't downloaded your copy of my
online eBook "Double Your Dating", then you really
need to get that handled. You can go download it to
your computer right now, and be reading it in
literally a few minutes from right now. It's here:
I'll talk to you again soon.
Your Friend,
David D.
P.S. If you'd like to send me a Success Story,
Question, or Comment, follow these guidelines:
1) Keep it short and to the point. Two paragraphs
2) Tell me what's working for you before you ask
your question. I appreciate all of the "Your
stuff is great" and "I don't need to tell you how
well your stuff works" comments, but the fact is
that I DO need to hear all of the specifics...
because this helps other guys to see what's
working in different situations.
3) If you have a Success Story, write "Success
Story" in the subject line of the email. I read
these first.
4) At the end of the email, give me your initials
and tell me where you're from.
5) Send it to me at:
...don't just hit "reply" to this email. Thanks!
- - --------------------------------------------------
Copyright 2004 David DeAngelo Communications
Inc., All Rights Reserved. Double Your Dating
and David DeAngelo are trademarks of David
DeAngelo Communications Inc. You agree to all of
the following by accepting and reading this: You
understand this to be an expression of opinions
and not professional advice. It is only to be
used for personal entertainment purposes. You are
solely responsible for the use of the ideas,
concepts, and content and hold David DeAngelo
Communications Inc. and all members and affiliates
harmless in any event or claim. If you are under
the age of 18, please go to the link at the end
of this e-letter to stop receiving it or send
mail to "DDMI" 3960 Howard HughesPkwy, 5th Floor
Las Vegas, NV 89109.
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Learning implies Learning with Certainty or Learning without Certainty.
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Therefore, Learning with Certainty implies Learning,
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Posted: Fri Aug 14 16:43:11 EDT 2015
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Learning implies Learning with Certainty or Learning without Certainty.
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Learning by Being an Effect implies Learning without Certainty.
Therefore, Learning with Certainty implies Learning but
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Version: GnuPG v1.4.5 (GNU/Linux)
HomerWSmith-L mailing list
Hash: SHA1
The issues of attractiveness are important to any case.
People love their cats more than their own bodies or themselves.
For men, attractiveness starts between mother and son. Men get
their first warm fuzzies about their own body from their mothers. If
their mother's look upon them with disgust or frigidity, its going to be
hard slogging later. This can even affect the development of the body
so it BECOMES unattractive.
A man with a chronic defensive or offensive service fac in
operation is going to be pretty much crippled in appearance and
Some men can also be sent into higher planes of consciousness by
some stellar 'illegally pretty' girls. The shock of the higher plane,
along with the shock that the girl 'has it' and the man doesn't can send
the man into a permanent dwindling spiral of inferiority.
The man is actually experiencing himself, but its under the control
of the pretty girl, and when the pretty girl walks away, the man loses
it. That makes the man 'needy' which is a negatory to the girl, so its
self enforcing.
Men also have a hard time finding their own bodies attractive, as
they are men, and men aren't supposed to find men attractive maybe, I
dunno. It just seems to be that there are lots and lots of attractive
girls in the world, but the men all look like boogies to me, except for
a very few which I note with due exception. Sometimes I get the feeling
that if *I* were a girl looking for an attractive man I would kill
myself from the scarcity.
On the other hand I find that girls tend to not be as sensitive to
physical attractiveness as men are. Men and women are not the same in
this regard. If I wanted to be chauvanistic about it, I could say that
women depend on men's ABILITY more than men depend on women's ability,
so women have evolved to be attracted to ability rather than exquisite
looks, and men have bred and selected women who have the exquisite
looks. So things have gone different directions between them.
Lights = beauty, brights = intelligence.
"Daughters get their lights from their father's brights.
Daughters get their brights from their father's lights.
Son's get their lights from their mother's brights.
Son's get their brights from their mother's lights."
When young you find the pretty girls hanging out with jocks, dumb,
ugly, but strong as hell. Well that's an ability, namely to protect the
girl from attack. Later some of them figure out that being smart and
having a lot of money is better than being strong, but the guys are
still ugly.
Once in a while you will find a women who isn't trying to fulfill a
survial dependency who will fall in love with some Adonis worthy of her
Anyhow many men, who understand physical attractiveness all too
well, but have no real clue what attracts women about men, have the
distinct feeling that they as men could never be as attractive to a
women as the women is to them, that puts them into an instant permanent
out exchange.
The sensitivity to attractiveness in men, if its like with me, is
so well tuned that a man will tell you immediately whether a women is
positive, zero or negative. Looking at a negative women is like
listening to noise all day long, looking at a positive women is like
listening to good music. One is chronic pain, the other is chronic
pleasure :)
In other languages the woman says to the man "Your face
is easy on my eyes."
Pretty girls to a man are like comfort food, they melt his body,
they make it peaceful, they *HEAL* it, they give it reason to live, to
go into first gear and get to work, they make him feel like he can deal
with anything, face any future, give his life.
Ugly women make him want to kill himself now.
If one runs into a truely interstellar girl like I did with one
Rachel many years ago in 1985, it will take the man right up face to
face with God and light and beauty forever for free. He might even
cough up a religion like ADORE to deal with the ascension experience and
resulting crash. Hell this girl glowed in the dark from behind when I
didn't even know it was her! And she wouldn't give me the time of day.
"Dedication to Adore,
For Rachel, whose Gorgeous ExCaliper and Magnificent Respect
inspired it all, and whom I Adore for EVER, for FREE."
Later in the Forgotten Book of the Dead, the dark side of Adore,
"Dedicated to the MAG BODS who spit and kicked dirt in my face
until I knew they were right.
Gorgeous JAPs don't date Christian Wimps because her meat is
Kosher, and his meat is crucified."
MAG = Magnificent, JAP = Jewish American Princess
Now if the man looks at himself but doesn't feel he is positive to
himself in his own eyes, he can't imagine that any women would find him
positive either. This leads to a permanent depression about women,
because he figures women will feel about him the way he feels about
negative women and that is just death to him.
It is permanent hopelessness, lost the race before out of the gate.
So he tries to 'make up for' not being attractive by ...., you fill
in the blank with any substitute for attractiveness that might yet
attract a girl anyhow.
If his life experience is that EVERY women he looks at, smiles at,
or says hello to gives him 'A go away you slime ball before I scream for
the police or call my dyke buddies to beat you up', then after a while
he becomes non functional, won't go outside, won't socialize, won't do
anything with his life. Mostly he is just waiting to die to get it over
He lives in a world where saying "Hi" to a pretty girl is the same
as goosing her from behind. And lots of girls feel that way, they are
TERRIFIED of men, won't look them in the eyes, and won't say Hi to
random men passing on the street, except in the movies.
When these girls die and their whole life passes before their
eyes, they will see an awful log of sidewalk cracks.
The man will see an awful lot of find 'em ... forget 'em.
When he does go outside, he lives for the brief moments when some
pretty thing does smile at him and return his hello, it will make is
whole day, restore his faith in life for a few hours. But it won't ever
lead anywhere, because he knows this pretty thing smiles at everyone.
Its still a win though for him. He wishes all of womanhood were like
If the only peace he finds in his life are sleep dreams of pretty
girls that bring him healing and peace, then his dream world becomes
more real and important than his waking world. Of course in his dream
world his own body *SOMETIMES* looks more positive in dream mirrors than
in the real world, so he holds onto the possibility that he could look
that way in the real world too someday.
Many people will bring up the issue, but what about the being
inside the body? Isn't there an attraction there too?
Uh well, what is a being doing inside a body in the first place.
OK, some quick thoughts.
Most pretty girls have bodies that AS WORKS OF BEAUTY AND ART are
far and away superior to anything that the being in the body will ever
produce or create as an artist in their lives.
Rachel to me was way beyond any art that exists on this planet,
including the 5 great piano concertos that move me so that I am also
learning to play them.
I mean music moves me, but Rachel *SENT* me to places of candy land
and star drive that I had no clue existed before. She opened up the
face of God itself to me.
The being in the body was a putz. Almost no one home, at least no
one that would talk to me :) I tended to find that over the years, the
prettier the girl, the more air headed they were. Once in a while I
would find depth in a pretty girl, but mostly the deep ones where the
ones that needed bags over their heads.
I figured eventually there was a correlation, and I should figure
out what it was before I died in this life :)
You see rather than HAVE a life, this kind of guy forms a
substitute life of trying to figure out why he doesn't have a life, so
perhaps he can warn others in the future to not make the mistakes he
The point is that I have yet to run into ANY being that had as
strong an effect on me as pretty BODIES have. Usually the beings in the
bodies were a detraction from the beauty of the body.
Many years later when I finally figured out 'what is was with
girls', namely fear and jealousy, I was able to start digging a few
females out of their nonsense, and they became of positive value, as
beings, to me.
They're still ugly though.
And THEY hate it as much as I do.
In fact they hate me for even being interested in 'pretty girls',
the very ones they wish they were.
So you get it from both sides.
You get whapped by the pretty girls for looking at them, and you
get whapped by the ugly girls for looking at the pretty girls too!
- - ------------------------------------------------------------------------
Homer Wilson Smith The Paths of Lovers Art Matrix - Lightlink
(607) 277-0959 KC2ITF Cross Internet Access, Ithaca NY
homer@lightlink.com In the Line of Duty http://www.lightlink.com
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Date: Sat, 21 Feb 2004 02:12:16 -0400
From: David DeAngelo <ddeangelo@doubleyourdating.com>
To: shimon <shimon@adore.com>
Subject: The Secret Reason Men FAIL With Women
The Secret Reason Men FAIL With Women
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As you can probably imagine, I interact with a
lot of guys who are having problems with women. And
one of the things that I've noticed is that almost
every guy that is "failing" with women has an EXCUSE
- - - a "good reason" why things aren't "working" for
I have come to believe that most guys who aren't
succeeding with women carry around a "Secret Excuse"
for why they're not succeeding... a Secret Excuse
for failure.
For some it's their height, for some it's their
age, for some it's their income... and for some
guys, it's a reason outside of themselves... maybe
it's the place that they live, or where they work.
What's YOUR Secret Excuse for why you don't
succeed with women at the level you'd like to?
If you can, stop right now and write down your
own personal Secret Excuse for failing with women.
Then, see if you can figure out where that Secret
Excuse came from. Did something happen in your life
that led you to believe that your Excuse was REALITY?
Did you have a particularly traumatic event happen
that led you to your excuse?
Here's the most interesting part of this
particular phenomenon... NO MATTER HOW "PRIVATE"
OR "PERSONAL" your Secret Excuse is, IT'S VERY
And guess what?
I guarantee you that there are MANY, MANY guys
in this world that have overcome your very same
situation and gone on to succeed with women.
I think that the "Secret Excuse" is our way
as guys of making it easier to avoid facing
But the PROBLEM with a Secret Excuse isn't
the excuse itself... it's the fact that most guys
don't know how to OVERCOME their Secret Excuse.
Secret Excuses can wire themselves into our
minds so deeply that we don't even realize the
effects that they're having.
If you believe that women won't feel attracted
to you because you're, say, overweight, then you
won't even TRY to meet women. You'll just assume
that it's no use.
This leads to even worse problems, like fear
of going out, fear of talking to people, etc.
When you decide that there is some big reason
that is preventing you from even the POSSIBLITY
of success with women, it begins to affect
EVERYTHING in your life.
So what's the solution to this MAJOR cause of
failure for men?
I'd say that this is at LEAST a two step
1) You need to identify your own "Secret Excuse",
and you need to look around to find examples of
men who have overcome the very same "obstacle",
and who have gone on to succeed with women. This
will provide you with some real-life evidence
that what you're dealing with is not final and
2) You need to get an education about women and
what makes them feel the emotion of ATTRACTION
for men.
It really amazes me that you can walk into a
bookstore and find a thousand books on computers,
but ZERO books on what causes women to feel an
instant SEXUAL ATTRACTION for a man.
But it's true.
One of the reasons that I've put so much time,
research, effort, experimentation, and dedication
into figuring out this area of life and experience
is because I really want to be able to explain it
better than anyone, and help guys get this part
of their lives handled.
If you want a WORLD CLASS education about
women, dating, and ATTRACTION, then I recommend
that you invest in my Advanced Dating Techniques
CD/DVD program.
In that program, you'll learn literally HUNDREDS
of different concepts, strategies, and step-by-step
techniques for making women feel ATTRACTION.
You'll learn everything from how and why women
behave the way they do, to how women test men and
how to "pass" every test, to how to walk, talk,
behave, and communicate so you increase the
attraction that women feel for you.
I guarantee two things:
1) You will learn DOZENS of things you didn't know,
and haven't heard before ANYWHERE. I'm not kidding
at all about this. I've pulled together information
from many different areas... from science to
statistics to my own personal experiences getting
to know guys who are VERY successful with women and
testing what I learned from them. I'll tell you
right now, this stuff will make you open your eyes
and say "wow".
2) You will be thrilled with what you learn, and
you'll get more dates with more women. I guarantee
it. In fact, I BETTER than guarantee it. I'll send
this program to you MY RISK, and if you don't like
it, just send it back to me and don't pay. I really
feel that this is the way things should be - you
ONLY should pay for and keep things that you get
value from. And think about it, if you don't get
value, then why should you have to pay...? This
offer is 100% serious, and it's "no hassle".
Bottom line: Go order your copy. Let me help
you get on the FAST TRACK to success with women...
instead of staying on the SLOW TRACK.
The program is here (and make sure you go
listen to and watch the samples on this page):
...and if you haven't downloaded your copy of my
online eBook "Double Your Dating", then you really
need to get that handled. You can go download it to
your computer right now, and be reading it in
literally a few minutes from right now. It's here:
I'll talk to you again soon.
Your Friend,
David D.
P.S. If you'd like to send me a Success Story,
Question, or Comment, follow these guidelines:
1) Keep it short and to the point. Two paragraphs
2) Tell me what's working for you before you ask
your question. I appreciate all of the "Your
stuff is great" and "I don't need to tell you how
well your stuff works" comments, but the fact is
that I DO need to hear all of the specifics...
because this helps other guys to see what's
working in different situations.
3) If you have a Success Story, write "Success
Story" in the subject line of the email. I read
these first.
4) At the end of the email, give me your initials
and tell me where you're from.
5) Send it to me at:
...don't just hit "reply" to this email. Thanks!
- - --------------------------------------------------
Copyright 2004 David DeAngelo Communications
Inc., All Rights Reserved. Double Your Dating
and David DeAngelo are trademarks of David
DeAngelo Communications Inc. You agree to all of
the following by accepting and reading this: You
understand this to be an expression of opinions
and not professional advice. It is only to be
used for personal entertainment purposes. You are
solely responsible for the use of the ideas,
concepts, and content and hold David DeAngelo
Communications Inc. and all members and affiliates
harmless in any event or claim. If you are under
the age of 18, please go to the link at the end
of this e-letter to stop receiving it or send
mail to "DDMI" 3960 Howard HughesPkwy, 5th Floor
Las Vegas, NV 89109.
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