Friday, April 29, 2016

HOM61B (fwd)

Hash: SHA1


More needs to be said about this.

Acceptance is acceptance with expectation of vanishment.

Resignation is acceptance with expectation of persistence.

At the high tone level, acceptance is good and resistance is bad,
because resistance leads to persistence.

At the human levels, acceptance is very bad, as it is apathy, and
resistance is at least an effort to fight back.

Thus acceptance and resignation are higher and lower harmonics of
each other. Resignation is a kind of enforced acceptance, you had
better accept this, because you can't get rid of it.

Like the old prayer '... Lord help me accept the things I can not

Thus when you start talking about acceptance as a necessary part of
clearing, one needs to be VERY certain one doesn't get the preclear into
resignation, for the process will go nowhere fast.

One does this by word clearing very carefully, acceptance with
expectation of vanishment not persistence.


- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
Homer Wilson Smith The Paths of Lovers Art Matrix - Lightlink
(607) 277-0959 KC2ITF Cross Internet Access, Ithaca NY In the Line of Duty

On Tue, 6 Jul 2010, wrote:

> Hash: SHA1
> The issue of acceptance and resistance goes deeper.
> I used to complain 'somatics yak yak yak' and Speaker would go
> "Accept them and they will vanish".
> That used to just cave me in and I finally figured out this was
> because it wasn't true.
> PRIOR to the somatics was something that could have been accepted
> but was in fact resisted. THAT then caused the somatics to turn on.
> All the acceptance of the somatics in the world will not vanish the
> somatics, they just turn on harder.
> One needs instead to go earlier before the somatics to find
> the item that was not accepted that resulted in the somatics,
> THEN the somatics release.
> Homer
> Clearing Archive Roboposter ( wrote:
>> I find a semantic problem with the idea that one one needs to accept
>> something in order to vanish it.
>> If something is persisting, then it is being resisted.
>> What is there to accept? Once it is accepted, it is gone, there is
>> nothing there to accept.
>> Thus if one finds oneself 'accepting' something, one is clearly
>> still resisting it because its persisting long enough for you to
>> be 'accepting' it.
>> Acceptance is a state, its not a transitive verb. You don't
>> accept THINGS, as there are not things in the state of acceptance.
>> If the thing is there to be accepted, then its there because
>> its persisting and is being resisted.
>> Resistence is transitive. You resist SOMETHING and it persists.
>> Acceptance is non transitive. You are in a state of acceptance
>> because all things have vanished, not because you 'accepted them'
>> but because you stopped resisting them.
>> Not resisting is not the same as accepting.
>> Homer
>> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
>> Homer Wilson Smith The paths of lovers Art Matrix - Lightlink
>> (607) 277-0959 cross in Internet Access, Ithaca NY
>> the line of duty.
>> ================ ====================
>> Thu Mar 25 18:13:11 EST 2004
>> Send mail to saying help
>> --
>> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
>> Homer Wilson Smith The paths of lovers Art Matrix - Lightlink
>> (607) 277-0959 cross in Internet Access, Ithaca NY
>> the line of duty.
> - --
> - ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Homer Wilson Smith The Paths of Lovers Art Matrix - Lightlink
> (607) 277-0959 KC2ITF Cross Internet Access, Ithaca NY
> In the Line of Duty
> ================ ====================
> Tue Jul 6 03:06:03 EDT 2010
> Send mail to saying help
> Version: GnuPG v1.2.7 (GNU/Linux)
> iD8DBQFMMtXcURT1lqxE3HERAm2QAJwKA94JcAslSV2+IWnfhu75e05QrACfd42f
> s+bm1lVF1NUpI/ncOdbyA4Y=
> =/HjR
> _______________________________________________
> Homerwsmith-l mailing list
Tue Jul 6 12:35:22 EDT 2010

================ ====================
Fri Apr 29 12:06:01 EDT 2016
Send mail to saying help in body
=========== ===============
Learning implies Learning with Certainty or Learning without Certainty.
Learning across a Distance implies Learning by Being an Effect.
Learning by Being an Effect implies Learning without Certainty.
Therefore, Learning with Certainty implies Learning,
but not by Being an Effect, and not across a Distance.

Version: GnuPG v1.4.5 (GNU/Linux)

HomerWSmith-L mailing list

Thursday, April 28, 2016

ADORE415 (fwd)

Hash: SHA1


"This dream ends forever when the circle of friends are all holding
hands again." - Adore

"The only thing that lives forever are people and peace." - Adore

"No one lives forever where there is time.

"Everyone lives forever where there is no time." - Adore

A long time ago, before this dream began, you were all at a huge
slumber party at the end of the last dream.

You remember slumber parties as a kid, everyone was there, you have
snacks, share good times, have a few pillow fights,

And then everyone realizes it is time to call the end, everyone is
done 'swatting flies and swapping lies(1)'. They curl up, arms and legs
groped and looped around one another in a huge pile and slowly go to

As they are lying there, as One as they can get, absolutely
everyone is completely and totally content, happy and at peace with
themselves, each other and the AllThatIs, with what has been, and what
might be.

Then somewhere in the middle of the Brahman Night, someone giggles
and says with an impish smile that would melt the coldest of hearts,

"Hey everyone wake up, I got a great idea, you want to play a

One by one everyone wakes up to the hushed whispering, planning and
taking up of sides, and eventually there is this great big unanimous

One hundred trillion years later, everyone finds themselves in the
middle of World War II, black fighting white, fighting green, fighting
red, with some cyans and magentas thrown in for the mix.

Pick your color according to whatever side you chose up.

There is only one rule in the game, you can do anything you want to
anyone, as long as you remember that one day, at Game's End, you are
*ALL*, each and every one, going to be back in another slumber party
just like the one that started this game, giggling and swatting flies
and swapping lies.

This is Operating Class.

Class is the alloy of the Chalice, Class holds the AllThatIs

"Class is an attitude, that everyone should live forever and be my

"Desire is Sovereign.

"Appreciation is for winners." - Adore

Auditing then is for moments of broken Class.

Broken class consists of broken ownership and bonding with
other beings FOREVER.

E/P Early arrival at slumber party.


(1) Tom Paxton, Talking Vietnam Pot Luck Blues 1971

======================= ========================
Posted: Thu Apr 28 23:51:58 EDT 2016
Send mail to saying help
================== ===================
Learning implies Learning with Certainty or Learning without Certainty.
Learning across a Distance implies Learning by Being an Effect.
Learning by Being an Effect implies Learning without Certainty.
Therefore, Learning with Certainty implies Learning but
Not by Being an Effect, and not across a Distance.

Version: GnuPG v1.4.5 (GNU/Linux)

HomerWSmith-L mailing list

ADORE642 (fwd)

Hash: SHA1


So tonight I want to talk about physical significance.

Physical significance is the model we build of the world according
to the evidence we receive from it via our senses.

For example, say I put a Rubiks Cube on a glass table under a lamp,
and in the background is a clock telling the exact time and date and also
the GPS coordinates of the building I am in.

Then at some point I have two different people take two different
pictures of the cube from two different viewpoints at different
distances and angles to the cube. Each picture has a view of the cube
and the GPS clock in the background as a space time stamp.

After the pictures are taken they are developed and handed to us as
'evidence' about the nature of the cube.

The first thing we notice is that each picture of the cube has an
implied viewpoint, something which is missing from the cube itself. An
implied viewpoint means you can tell where the picture was taken FROM by
looking at the cube in the picture.

There is no way to tell where the pictures were taken from by
looking at the cube itself, because objects do not contain the data of
where they are being looked at from.

But the picture of the object certainly shows data not only about
the object but also about the viewpoint the picture was taken from.

The cube is ALL OF IT, from all angles and distances at once, each
of the two pictures however is a picture from only one angle and one
distance. Thus by looking at the picture alone one can tell WHERE the
picture was taken from.

As an aside, the fact that the picture has the quality of an
implied viewpoint and the original cube doesn't, means that picture of
cube and the cube itself are two different objects.

The next thing we want to notice about the two pictures is they
show the same time and location on the clock in the background.

The last thing we notice about the two pictures, is that although
both are of a cube, the images are very different.

The one taken from the left can see parts of the cube that the one
on the right can't and visa versa. Since the cube has 6 sides with 6
different colors, each picture will contain an image of 3 sides and 3
different colors, but each picture has A DIFFERENT set of 3 sides and

While one picture may show top, front and left, the other will show
top, front and right.

Thus the evidence from two different viewpoints is conflicting.

So what is the physical significance of this set of evidence
contained in the two pictures? What does it all mean about what is
*ACTUALLY* out there?

We call the pictures the LOOK LIKE, and the 'actually out there'

More formally the look-like is the reality, what is real to the
observer, and the is-like is the actuality, the true truth of the

The process of building up evidence (look like) into a physical
significance (is like) is the ability to compute back from the many look
likes to the implied is like.

For a person who only has contact with the pictures, he has no
direct contact with the cube itself, so must compute backwards from the
pictures, the look like, to what the cube must actually be like, which
is the is like.

So this is pretty easy, we see from the clock on the wall in each
picture that the pictures were taken at the same place and time, so we
establish that it is probably the same cube that is being photographed
in both images.

This is a trust issue after all, the clock on the wall could have
been messed with between pictures, but for the moment we assume it
wasn't. Thus if the clock says that the time and location are the same
for each picture, then we assume they are.

Secondly, although the images are different, they are consistent
with a cube that has 6 sides and 6 different colors. The left picture
can only see the top, front and left, and they are red, green and blue,
and the right picture can only see the top front a and right, and they
are red, green and yellow.

From this we can integrate the two pictures and come up with a more
complete whole, although we still can't see the bottom or back.

On the other hand if we were allowed to take multiple pictures of
the cube, multiple angles at the same time including from underneath the
glass table, we could get images of all sides that would agree with each
other where they overlapped, and finally compute back that the cube
indeed had six sides colored red, green, blue, yellow, orange and white.

This last analysis is what we derive from the photographic
evidence, namely that there is an actual cube out there in space and
time, and we can tell exactly where it is, how many sides it is, and
what colors they are.

Life is very much like this, we see the physical universe through
the pictures of our consciousness, and as we move around we get to see
it from many different viewpoints.

In this sense 'truth' is relative to your viewpoint of the moment,
but integrating over all the viewpoints we can come up with a complete
picture is not relative. That means anyone doing the same thing should
come up with the same final analysis, even if they never visited the
exact same viewpoints that we did.

All it takes is 3 different viewpoints on the cube to determine the
whole cube, and it doesn't matter exactly what those 3 viewpoints are as
long as they are widely enough separated from each other.

This makes 'sense' to us because we believe there is one and only
one actual space and time out there, and there is one and only one
actual specific cube in that space and time with one and only one set of
colors on it in specific locations, and anyone viewpointing around that
cube had better come up with the same integration of evidence, is like,
as everyone else.

Anyone who doesn't come up with the same is like clearly broke and
probably dangerous to himself and everyone else.

This universe depends on people being right about it, because it is
an eat or be eaten world, and if you see a ball where there is
'actually' lion, and you go to play with the ball, it will be the lion
having the ball.

Thus this universe tends to weed out those who are 'mind broke'
either because they can not perceive correctly, take accurate snapshots,
or because they can't integrate the snapshots properly into a complete
and CORRECT whole, all of which are forms of 'mind broke.'

Their learning machine isn't working properly, either from errors
in the processes of perception, objectification, cognition, logic,
motivation or execution of action.

You see the whole idea of 'CORRECTNESS' implies that there is one
and only one answer to the question 'What is it?', and anyone coming up
with the wrong answer is on his way out.

You want to know 'what is it?' because you want to know what it can
do, and how it can help or harm your survival, and what you can do about
it. People that misidentify things are a serious source of trouble.

In an eat or be eaten universe, one can surmise that those that
have survived for a very long time, have done so because they were more
often right than wrong, everyone else has long since been eaten usually
before breeding, so their broken genetic lines have died off.

That means after 4 billion years of evolution, survival machines
are pretty right about things most of the time.

For those genetic lines that have developed being eaten AFTER
breeding tend to benefit their own species BY being eaten.

The grass benefits from being by the cow because of the manure.

Sometimes someone will be found to be surviving but not on his own
merits, that is. he is being taken care of by others who can think correctly
for him, but these are an exception and if allowed to breed, will
eventually swamp the world with beings that can not take care of
themselves, who are being taken care of by beings who can not take care
of themselves!

As soon as welfare is cut from a deeply welfared society, the whole
thing just dies over night. Only the able remain standing and there
may not be enough of them to survive themselves.

Sometimes the very fabric of civilization, its institutions,
machines, working processes, the accumulated built in wisdom of the on
going structure itself, is enough to keep everyone going. Take
civilization away and its abilities, and all the people in it wonder
what to do?

LOTS of people wear eye glasses who haven't clue one how
they work or why, nor how to build them should eye glass factories
suddenly cease to exist. Worse many of these people couldn't
survive at all without them in the wild.

Thus civilizations can become 'effete' where the vast majority
stand on the shoulders and insight of a very few.

We call that the John Galt syndrome after Any Rand's book, Atlas

People who are working properly will in fact quarantine people who
aren't, because if a person is mistaking a lion for a ball, he might
mistake you for a lion! That wouldn't be good for you, and so you and
society make sure to weed out those who can't come to solid agreement as
to how things are.

Thus the one and only world comes to make sense to everyone and
everyone has pretty much the same physical significance attached to the
external world derived from properly integrating their many viewpoints
and snapshots.

Wrongnesses will tend to grow but only where being right
or wrong doesn't really affect survival, in which case who cares?
Some people think was created 10,000 years ago, and others think
it was 12 billion. Who cares?

One has to be careful with this though, as subtle wrongnesses may
not have an effect on immediate survival in present time, but suddenly
come to a head down the road pushing the person or civilization it self
into a cataclysmic non survival.

Survival is most greatly guaranteed by affluence of rightness, and
correct functioning of the learning machine, even if it seems to be in
areas of apparent no interest to survival itself in present time.


Now let's go back a moment to where we had two people taking two
photos of the cube at the same time, and this time let's place a third
person between the two who also takes a picture at the same time.

Let's say when we compare all three snapshots, the left and right
one's agree that the top is red, but the middle one says the top is

Again we compare the clock and location in all 3 pictures which
claims they are all at the same time of the same cube in the same place,
but there it is, the middle one says the top is white, and the other two
say it is red.

Before we even try to ask which picture is right, we must ask, how
can this be?

It is easy to assume that the minority report is wrong and the
majority report is right, perhaps the middle person has a faulty camera
or something.

Surely it is more likely that one camera failed at that instant
than that two did.

But if the two cameras on left and right failed, then the middle
one, the minority report, is right.

If all one has access to is the look likes provided by the
pictures, then there is no way to know! One can only bet.

Worse what happens if we inspect the cameras to within an inch of
their lives, and in fact swap them so the middle is now on the left, and
we take 3 more pictures, and still the new middle one says top is white
and the other two say its red.


What is the physical significance of these evidentiary facts?

They don't make 'sense', which means that we are used to those
things which we sense about the world to integrate into a SINGLE version
of how things are out there, namely a cube is a cube, and it's top can't
be both red and white at the same time.

But couldn't it look red from two viewpoints and white from another?

What would we conclude if EVERY picture take of the cube from
a different viewpoint showed it had completely different colors.

How would we integrate our evidence then into a sensible physical

Is it possible that the nature of the cube depends on what
viewpoint we are viewing it from?

That would explain it, but how can we reconcile that with the idea
that there is one cube out there that is as it is independent of
anyone looking at it.

It is fine for all the LOOK LIKES to be different, but how
in nature's name can the IS LIKE be dependent on the LOOK LIKE?

The IS LIKE is supposed to be cause and the look like is

How can it be that the is like is effect and the look like is

How can the nature of WHAT IS VIEWED, change according to WHERE IT

Worse say that photos from different viewpoints not only disagreed
as to the color, but disagreed as to the shape! Some showed a cube,
others a rectangle, and others showed a rhomboid?

Holy cow batman, which is it?

Chaos would reign, unless we were willing and able to live with the
idea that a cube by itself is meaningless, and that an object only has
specific definition or qualities in relation to the viewer of the
object, and WHAT object it ends up looking like depends on the viewpoint
of that viewer.

Worse we have assumed a stable space and time in which this chimera
of an object exists.

Imagine that when every photograph was taken at the same time, not
only did a different object show up, but the clock read a different time
and different location!

Well how could the pictures have been taken at 'the same time' if
the clock in the picture was reading 3 different times?

Could it be that 'what time it is' ALSO depends on where you are
looking at AND where you are looking from!

And if perceptions of space and time are relative to where you are,
then concepts of how much space or time separate two different events,
and whether things happen at the same time or not, become relative to
the viewpoint from which they are seen.

Does this not imply that each viewpoint has its own universe to

Do we not have to give up the concept of a common universe?

Wouldn't that mean we are all alone to our selves and our viewpoint
and its 'minority report'?

If so how could anyone ever communicate to anyone else, and share
their interactions within a 'common universe'.

Is it possible that even though the exact where and when of events
in the universe change from viewpoint to viewpoint, that there may still
be a common thread conserved across all viewpoints?

But if where and when are not the common connecting thread what is?

Doesn't where and when DEFINE WHAT IS?

Apparently not, but if things are not defined uniquely by space and
time, what are they defined by then?

How about causality, FOLLOWINGNESS, ORDER in space and time.

And so we enter the world of special relativity.

If the where and when of things can change dramatically with
viewpoint, and what does NOW mean anyhow?

There are two kinds of relativity, the second is actually easier to
understand the physical significance of it, and that is general

General relativity deals with how gravity affects the reported
where and when of events depending on where you are relative to a mass
like the planet Earth.

The first kind of relativity is special relativity, and it deals
with how wheres and whens are affected not only by where your viewpoint
is, but by how fast it is moving relative to the where and when you are
trying to take a picture of.

This would be very much like two observers taking a picture of the
cube from the exact same spot, but one observer is motionless relative
to the cube, and other is moving very fast. Even though the pictures are
taken at the same time and the same place relative to each other, the
pictures OF the cube will show different wheres and whens for the cube!

In truth not only will the PICTURES show different things, but when
one computes back to the IS LIKE, the moving observer gets a whole
different answer than the motionless observer about the nature of the

To be continued...


- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
Homer Wilson Smith The Paths of Lovers Art Matrix - Lightlink
(607) 277-0959 KC2ITF Cross Internet Access, Ithaca NY In the Line of Duty
Fri Feb 6 14:31:57 EST 2009

================ ====================
Wed Apr 27 12:06:02 EDT 2016
Send mail to saying help in body
=========== ===============
Learning implies Learning with Certainty or Learning without Certainty.
Learning across a Distance implies Learning by Being an Effect.
Learning by Being an Effect implies Learning without Certainty.
Therefore, Learning with Certainty implies Learning,
but not by Being an Effect, and not across a Distance.

Version: GnuPG v1.4.5 (GNU/Linux)

HomerWSmith-L mailing list

Tuesday, April 26, 2016


Hash: SHA1


Have jealous girlfriend.

Seeking mistress.


- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
Homer Wilson Smith Clean Air, Clear Water, Art Matrix - Lightlink
(607) 277-0959 A Green Earth, and Peace, Internet, Ithaca NY Is that too much to ask?

======================= ========================
Posted: Tue Apr 26 15:40:09 EDT 2016
Send mail to saying help
================== ===================
Learning implies Learning with Certainty or Learning without Certainty.
Learning across a Distance implies Learning by Being an Effect.
Learning by Being an Effect implies Learning without Certainty.
Therefore, Learning with Certainty implies Learning but
Not by Being an Effect, and not across a Distance.

Version: GnuPG v1.4.5 (GNU/Linux)

HomerWSmith-L mailing list
Clear-L mailing list
HomerWSmith-L mailing list


Hash: SHA1


"To be or not to be, that is the question.

Whether t'is nobler in the mind to suffer the slings and arrows of
outrageous fortune..."


"Oh come on Shakespear, chill out dude and take your meds."


- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
Homer Wilson Smith Clean Air, Clear Water, Art Matrix - Lightlink
(607) 277-0959 A Green Earth, and Peace, Internet, Ithaca NY Is that too much to ask?

======================= ========================
Posted: Tue Apr 26 15:45:14 EDT 2016
Send mail to saying help
================== ===================
Learning implies Learning with Certainty or Learning without Certainty.
Learning across a Distance implies Learning by Being an Effect.
Learning by Being an Effect implies Learning without Certainty.
Therefore, Learning with Certainty implies Learning but
Not by Being an Effect, and not across a Distance.

Version: GnuPG v1.4.5 (GNU/Linux)

HomerWSmith-L mailing list


Hash: SHA1


Have jealous girlfriend.

Seeking mistress.


- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
Homer Wilson Smith Clean Air, Clear Water, Art Matrix - Lightlink
(607) 277-0959 A Green Earth, and Peace, Internet, Ithaca NY Is that too much to ask?

======================= ========================
Posted: Tue Apr 26 15:40:09 EDT 2016
Send mail to saying help
================== ===================
Learning implies Learning with Certainty or Learning without Certainty.
Learning across a Distance implies Learning by Being an Effect.
Learning by Being an Effect implies Learning without Certainty.
Therefore, Learning with Certainty implies Learning but
Not by Being an Effect, and not across a Distance.

Version: GnuPG v1.4.5 (GNU/Linux)

HomerWSmith-L mailing list

ADORE835 (fwd)

Hash: SHA1


I think the point of this posting below is that getting out of a head
doesn't prove you aren't a head, it could be a hallucination.

Even if the body died and you were out of your head, it could
still be that your body was in fact alive, but hallucinating
that it was dead.

So people are in a quandry about what experience they could have
that would prove to them that the world was a dream.

The answer probably lies more in contact with eternality and native
state and the concomittant choices to start dreaming, than anything they
could experience in the dream.

They have to RECOGNIZE themselves as Source again of their present time
experiences to really get out of the proof market.


- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
Homer Wilson Smith The Paths of Lovers Art Matrix - Lightlink
(607) 277-0959 KC2ITF Cross Internet Access, Ithaca NY In the Line of Duty

On Tue, 11 Jan 2011, wrote:

> Hash: SHA1
> The physical universe (PU) owns us.
> We think we are MADE of it.
> We think nothing is certain unless the PU agrees with us even
> though we can NEVER be certain of the PU. Allowing a perfect
> uncertainty, the PU, to control and define your own perfect certainties,
> our own existence as conscious units, is ludicrous.
> And worse we have been relegated to being a process in a little
> piece of the PU, our brain.
> This *I* stuff is hallucinatory nonsense.
> And we believe we die once our little piece of the PU stops
> functioning.
> And we need to eat other little pieces of the PU and make THEM stop
> functioning just so we can continue functioning ourselves.
> Worse we were born to desire to be immortal, but our view of
> ourselves as a process in the PU has crushed that desire into oceanic
> sorrow, which we are not big or powerful enough feel any more, and which
> has finally become 'What sorrow?'
> People feel the PU exists because there is something they are
> experiencing which they feel they could not make themselves, and only
> something like the PU could make them experience it.
> They thus use THEIR OWN experience to prove to themselves that
> something other than themselves, is causing them to experience it.
> Hunger, pain, crushing loneliness and loss, and need for sleep.
> I eat the apple and the hunger goes away.
> The apple sure TASTES actual. But it is in fact the actuality of
> your conscious experience of eating the apple that is then projected
> onto the non existent PU.
> Your sense of actuality comes from YOU and YOUR SELF LUMINOUS
> CONSCIOUSNESS, why would you then attribute your sense of actuality
> to something that you haven't clue whether it exists or not?
> You believe things exist not because you ran into the physical
> universe, but because you ran into YOU!
> What people are feeling is the horror of wondering if they are made
> of the PU. They feel that they could only feel that horror if they WERE
> made of the PU.
> Thus doubt becomes self casting.
> Consider the following experiments in telepathy.
> Say you and Goober decide to prove to the world that telepathy
> exists. You and Goober will sit in two different rooms, and you will
> think of various numbers and Goober will receive them, but nothing will
> be written down. You do this experiment and it works well, and both you
> and Goober come out smiling at the end of the experiment.
> But everyone around you watching the experiment are not happy at
> all, as you haven't proven anything to THEM, and THEY will say you
> haven't proven anything to yourselves either.
> Say you think the number 5, and Goober gets it and thinks back at
> you the same number. That proves to you he got it right? Well how
> exactly do you know the second 5 that came from Goober actually came
> from him? Can you really be sure where your thoughts come from, maybe
> you were just sending and receiving answers to and from yourself.
> So this time we make Goober write down the numbers he receives from
> you and and show them to you at the end of the experiment. Assuming you
> can remember what numbers you sent him and in what order, your socks
> will probably go electric when what he has written down matches your
> transmission exactly.
> But again no one else will be impressed, they have no way of know
> what numbers you really sent to Goober, or if he got them, all they know
> is that you claim they are the same as what Goober wrote down, they have
> no reason to trust your claim that they are right.
> So this time you write down your number before you transmit it to
> Goober, and he writes it down when he receives it, and then later the
> both of you compare numbers and they match.
> Now the military is interested.
> But has anything changed, really changed in what is going on?
> In the first case two people are enjoying a clear telepathic
> communication to each other, and in the last case they are still
> enjoying a clear telepathic communication to each other.
> But in the last case we have what we call end to end physical
> universe verification of the communication line. This makes everyone
> else happy, or nervous as hell depending on your viewpoint of the
> matter.
> Notice Goober could have simply come over and said what the numbers
> you sent him were, and you could say yes or no according to whether he
> was right. But no one would buy that.
> For other's to buy it, you would have to tell someone other than
> Goober, and he would have to tell someone other than you, and THOSE TWO
> would have to tell each other for anyone to be impressed at a claimed
> match.
> But even then only the extra two observers know for sure what they
> were told and what they told each other, and everyone ELSE is still in
> wonder cuz the two researchers could be lying, hallucinating or
> dreaming.
> One might have the two researchers publicly speak the numbers AT
> THE EXACT SAME TIME so everyone could hear that they weren't in
> collusion with each other, but writing it all down on cards that can't
> lie or hallucinate makes things easier. Then everyone can come and
> compare the cards themselves long after the experiment is done.
> The point is that without some PU record AT EACH END of the event,
> source and destination, no one can be sure the event happened, probably
> not even you and Goober!
> So one night you are sitting alone, and you get this thought that
> you should go meet Goober at a bar two days hence in a city 2000 miles
> away for both of you.
> The bar's name is the Ok Coral.
> You don't call Goober and he doesn't call you, but you get on an
> airplane and end up at the OK Coral on time, and sure enough there is
> Goober.
> You talk for a while, and then Goober tells you why he had you come
> so far, he has a car with a flat that needs changing, that's been lying
> fallow on the street from years before when he first visited the OK, and
> he needed your help to change the tire. So you both go to the car and
> neither one of you can move the lug nuts alone. But together you make
> them move and the tire gets changed.
> Notice goober didn't need YOU, he needed YOUR BODY. The sum
> totality of why Goober wanted you to show up was because of your
> physical universe component. The whole rest of you, everything that is
> not PU, is totally useless to him.
> He has a PU problem that only a PU presence can solve.
> And if its not a PU problem, who cares?
> Now say another time happens, and you receive a message from Goober
> to meet you at the OK Coral again, but this time, to not bring your
> body.
> So you go to sleep, exteriorize, and move across country to the OK
> Coral and lo and behold Goober has done the same thing. So the two of
> you, with no physical attachments in sight, have a good evening laughing
> and joking about the car thing, and wouldn't it be great if we didn't
> need bodies to get things done, and when it is over you both fly home as
> spirits, reenter your bodies and wake up.
> It doesn't even occur to you to call Goober on the phone to VERIFY
> that this all actually happened.
> But did it?
> So you remember that while you were at the OK this second time as
> spirits, Goober told you about a present he had left for you in a hidden
> area in your home. You go to find it and sure enough it is right where
> he said it was. It was a birthday gift he hid as a child during an
> earlier birth day party at your house, it had been there for 30 years
> unbeknownst to anyone.
> Does that increase the liklihood of the spirit meeting at the OK
> Coral being actual rather than delusory?
> If so, do you see how you are DEFINING your existence and
> experiences as meaningful and actual only if they affect the PU somehow?
> But what happens if the PU is itself a dream?
> How can the dreamer define the truth of his existence using one of
> his own dreams?
> Say one night you get a spirit call from Goober again to go out
> amongst the stars and play a game of backgammon. You meet Goober out
> around Orion, and the two of you co resonate a card hall into existence
> with pretty lights, drinks, good food, waitresses, car hops and the
> rest, and you play backgammon all night in this SHARED DREAM.
> Dawn comes, such as it is on Orion, and you both dissolve the dream
> and head for home.
> Did this happen?
> Does it make it more likely that it happened if you call up Goober
> on the PU phone and trade stories?
> If the stories match exactly, does that prove with perfect
> certainty that the meeting happened?
> If the PU is just a dream, why does it have more authority than the
> co dream you and Goober created out in the astral stars that night?
> Does the fact that EVERYONE agrees to the PU mean that it is
> somehow a better dream to verify if you had direct spirit to spirit
> contact with someone?
> Or worse do you consider that the only reason you would WANT to
> have any contact with anyone at all was to deal with a PU issue, as all
> other issues were not important enough to deal with?
> Is the PU your sole source of important issues?
> Is anything you do that is not end to end verified by a PU
> interaction simply unworthy of comment because it can't or didn't affect
> one of your PU issues?
> Would the PU feel violated or left out if you and another
> had a spiritual transaction that had no effect on the PU whatsoever?
> Is the only thing worth believing in, the existence of PU issues
> and importances, and the fact that something did something about them?
> Does the PU tell you 'I am the only thing that is important, and
> all else is nothing?'
> Does the PU say "You are made of me, and when you are gone, I will
> live on?"
> So how then does one prove to oneself that one has an existence
> independent of the PU?
> Does getting out of your head prove that?
> If so, do you immediately go back into doubt again if you enter
> back into your head, or visit another head?
> If not, why does the fact that you are in a head now, indicate to
> you that you are just a head?
> You could say, yes but if I get out and then get back in, I would
> have the memory of having been out to give me evidence I am not a head.
> And if you lose that memory through age or forgetfulness or
> amnesia, do you suddenly start worrying about being a head again?
> Have you ever been out of your head?
> Did you prove it with end to end PU verification?
> If not does it matter?
> It is ironic, is it not, that we would depend on PU verification to
> prove to ourselves that we are not made of the PU and that the PU in
> fact may not exist at all except as a dream, in the infinite minds of
> God units.
> Does the fact that I 'got out of my head', visited over there in
> the PU, and came back and reported here in the PU, what I saw over there
> in the PU, make it more likely that I am not made of the PU or that the
> PU may be MY dream instead me being its dream?
> Would the PU cry tears if you stopped defining the problems
> of your life by PU problems looking for PU solutions?
> Homer
> - ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Homer Wilson Smith The Paths of Lovers Art Matrix - Lightlink
> (607) 277-0959 KC2ITF Cross Internet Access, Ithaca NY
> In the Line of Duty
> Sat Feb 27 01:25:10 EST 2010
> ================ ====================
> Tue Jan 11 03:06:02 EST 2011
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> Homerwsmith-l mailing list
Tue Jan 11 13:51:10 EST 2011

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Tue Apr 26 12:06:01 EDT 2016
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=========== ===============
Learning implies Learning with Certainty or Learning without Certainty.
Learning across a Distance implies Learning by Being an Effect.
Learning by Being an Effect implies Learning without Certainty.
Therefore, Learning with Certainty implies Learning,
but not by Being an Effect, and not across a Distance.

Version: GnuPG v1.4.5 (GNU/Linux)

HomerWSmith-L mailing list

Sunday, April 24, 2016


Hash: SHA1


Look, it is very simple.

The protection of artists' income through copyright is not worth
the creation of a totalitarian police state.

We are talking about a world where every posting is moderated,
traceable, and chargeable.

Those that cry, "But without copyright there will be no more
art!" are lying for their own control purposes.

They aren't the art creators.

Those that cry "But the artists deserves some recompense for his
work!" are speaking the truth in a false cause.

They aren't the art creators either.

We are talking about the power hungry control freaks, who are
jumping on yet another bandwagon, along with child pornography, drugs,
crime and terrorism, in order to put in place the police state they so

It has NOTHING to do with protecting the artists.

It has everything to do with controlling one and all for their
own personal benefit.

Don't let the power hungry con you into providing a police state
to help them 'protect the helpless'.

It just ain't so.

It is ok to have child pornography.

It is ok to have drugs.

It is ok to have crime.

It is ok to have terrorism.

It is ok to have free copy ability.

It is NOT OK to have a police state.

If you had a world with a police state big enough so that there
was NO child pornography, NO drugs, NO crime, NO terrorism, and NO
copyright violations, would you want to live in that world?

Think about it.


- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
Homer Wilson Smith Clear Air, Clear Water, Art Matrix - Lightlink
(607) 277-0959 A Green Earth and Peace. Internet Access, Ithaca NY Is that too much to ask?

================ ====================
Sat Apr 23 12:06:01 EDT 2016
Send mail to saying help in body
=========== ===============
Learning implies Learning with Certainty or Learning without Certainty.
Learning across a Distance implies Learning by Being an Effect.
Learning by Being an Effect implies Learning without Certainty.
Therefore, Learning with Certainty implies Learning,
but not by Being an Effect, and not across a Distance.

Version: GnuPG v1.4.5 (GNU/Linux)

HomerWSmith-L mailing list

Thursday, April 21, 2016

ADORE808 (fwd)

Hash: SHA1


> The preclear is then asked to invent a problem of comparable
> magnitude to that person. He is asked to do this many many times.

The person is a terminal not a problem.

The preclear has a problem WITH that terminal.

The preclear may say mother is a problem, but mother is a terminal
with whom they HAVE a problem.

Mother probably also has a problem back with the preclear.

So problems are usually two way ridges.

An example of a problem might be lack of desired co operation.

Thus inventing a problem of comparable magnitude involves first
inventing terminals of comparable magnitude, and then inventing problems
WITH those terminals of comparable magnitude (seriousness, difficulty

Also inventing problems the other terminal could have with the
preclear as problems are a two way flow.

Concentration on inventing problems without first inventing terminals
to have the problem with, or at least indicating existing terminals one is
inventing the problem about, will not work, as one can not confront a
problem, one can only confront a terminal with whom one has a problem.

It is mocking up the MASS and living energy of the TERMINAL that makes
the process work. One doesn't want to experience the mass and living
energy of the terminal one has a problem with, thus these unconfronted
masses and energies become bigger than the preclear. He sees the pretty
girl, his spine lights up and he has to run.

Mocking up the mass and living energy of the terminal brings the
preclear's confront and ability to create mass and living energy back up
to a par with the terminal he is having problems confronting. You can't be
scared of a pretty girl if YOU can mock her up 10 times bigger and 100
times prettier than she really is.

The preclear is stuck in a 'nothing could be prettier'. Bang, girl

Looking for earlier similar problems, as in running rudiments at
start of session, won't work either for the same reason unless one
first looks for earlier TERMINALS with which one had earlier similar

You want to start session but the preclear's parking meter is about to
run out of time and he needs to go put another quarter in it. His problem
is not with the meter, but the POLICE FORCE, you see? Running that
earlier similar can get interesting. Running parking meters earlier
similar will miss the point and the charge on his case.

Without mocking up the terminal the problem will not run out.

Time spent mocking up the present, past, future or invented terminal
in good detail, is more important than time spent mocking up the problem
in detail.


Hash: SHA1

Must do and must not happen again form the basic dicom of
this universe of entrapment.


Page 144

"Unfortunately for the world of action, it will be discovered that
one who can confront everything, does not have to handle anything. In
support of this is offered that Scientology process "Problems of
Comparable Magnitude".

In this particular process the individual being processed is asked to
select a terminal with which he has had difficulty. In that the
definition of a terminal is a 'live mass' or something that is capable of
causing, receiving or relaying communication, it will be seen that
terminals are quite ordinary people in the problem category of anyone's

The person is then asked to invent a problem of comparable
magnitude to that person. He is asked to do this many many times.

It is found midway in the process that he is willing to do something
now about the problems he is having with that person. But at the end
of the process a new and strange thing is found to occur. The individual
no longer feels that he MUST do something about the problem.

Indeed, he can simply confront or regard or view the problem with
complete equanimity. Now an almost mystic quality enters this when it is
discovered that the problem in the physical universe about which he has
been worried often ceases to exist out there. In other words, the
handling of a problem seems to be simply the increase of ability to
confront the problem, and when the problem can be totally confronted it no
longer exists. This is strange and miraculous."

Has anyone ever attained Grade I?

For real?

Lot of phoney certs out there hanging on walls....


- - ------------------------------------------------------------------------
Homer Wilson Smith The Paths of Lovers Art Matrix - Lightlink
(607) 277-0959 KC2ITF Cross Internet Access, Ithaca NY In the Line of Duty

Fri Oct 22 13:46:28 EDT 2010

================ ====================
Thu Apr 21 12:06:01 EDT 2016
Send mail to saying help in body
=========== ===============
Learning implies Learning with Certainty or Learning without Certainty.
Learning across a Distance implies Learning by Being an Effect.
Learning by Being an Effect implies Learning without Certainty.
Therefore, Learning with Certainty implies Learning,
but not by Being an Effect, and not across a Distance.

Version: GnuPG v1.4.5 (GNU/Linux)

HomerWSmith-L mailing list

Wednesday, April 20, 2016

PROOF35 (fwd)

Hash: SHA1


So far we have determined a number of salient points about symbols
and referents.

Both symbols and referents are actualities, objects, the first used
to refer to the second. Neither is a priori more or less actual than
the other. People can however use symbols to refer to referents so
heavily and exclusively that they lose sight that the symbol is its own
object worthy of study itself.

Second, because symbols and referents are both actual objects, both
have qualities of their own that may have nothing to do with each other
except that some of the qualities in the symbol may be used to refer to
some of the qualities of the referent.

For example a referent 'red plastic ball' may be made of plastic,
but it certainly is not red. The symbol in our consciousness is red.
Now we use that red symbol to refer to light waves bouncing off the ball
of certain frequency, but that connection between red consciousness and
light of a given frequency is in fact arbitrary.

Take an X-Ray picture of a star for example, where the various
frequencies of X-rays are delineated by colors of the rainbow so we can
see them. Red now refers to low frequency X-rays, and violet to high
frequency X-rays.

Now some astronomer looking at such a picture might point to a star
in the image and say "Hey I found a red star!'. But there is no way
that star is red. The quality of the symbol has been ascribed to the
referent, and now the referent is being described via the qualities of
the symbol, 'red stars' etc.

The quality of the symbol can have little to do with the quality of
the referent other than arbitrary assignment. When you start describing
the quality of the referent by the quality of the symbol you have
started down the road to confusion.

We do this all the time in normal life. We see a car and we say
'That car is red!'. No way is that car red in any possible sense of the
word, but the picture in our consciousness sure is.

Of course this kind of merging the qualities of the symbol with the
quality of the referent doesn't normally lead to trouble as we all know
that underlying 'red car' is the actual meaning 'this car reflects light
of a certain frequency'. The translation from 'red' to 'frequency' in
our minds becomes automatic, and so we get along with the misnaming.

The quality of redness is not even vaguely similar to the quality
of reflecting light of a certain frequency.

Redness is a quality of being of our conscious picture.

Reflecting light of a certain frequency is a quality of relation
between the car and light waves.

So unless we are careful to understand this process, the trip to
perdition can be swift and sure.

For example that 'red car' we see out there is also seen to be
sitting in a 3 dimensional space. We can SEE the space no? We can SEE
the 3 dimensions, right?

But anything we SEE in our consciousness is at best a SYMBOL for an
alleged referent. So if the car is not red just because we see red,
perhaps space is not dimensional just because it looks dimensional to
our consciousness.

In other words just because we see red, doesn't mean there IS red
OUT THERE, there may be something, but its association with redness in
our consciousness is an arbitrary hook together.

Just so with space. Just because we SEE space in our conscious
picture of the car, doesn't mean there is actual space OUT THERE. What
the true nature of the referent is, might be very different from what
our symbol looks like, or non existent altogether.

We see space in dreams, but surely there is no actual space there,
except as a in our conscious picture.

Now one might possibly claim that, that the world is not a dream,
and thus since we see a symbol of something in our consciousness,
SOMETHING must exist out there as the referent.

My point is that deriving the NATURE of the referent by the NATURE
of the symbol is a philosophical mistake of vast proportions.

Further if we can concede that the symbols might exist in our
consciousness without any actual existing referents at all (such as in
imagination, hallucination or a sleep dream), then our conclusion that
because we see space there must be space is completely wrong.

(A dream is a panoply of symbols implying referents where there are
in fact no actual existing referents, a virtual reality.)

It makes sense to us however that if symbols and referents do share
some qualities, that the qualities they share in common should be used
to refer to each other.

So if the car out there has dimensionality, and our conscious
pictures of the car also have 'dimensionality', it makes sense that the
dimensionality of our conscious pictures be used to refer to the
dimensionality of the car out there.

The point is that the existence of dimensionality in our symbolic
consciousness does not itself provide proof of dimensionality in the

The word interpretation means the ability to translate from symbol
to referent. One looks at the symbol and from the symbol we interpret
what the referent must be like.

Interpretation of words, pictures, data, all of which are symbols
for actual referents, is an important part of daily life and successful

Now some people will say that our conscious pictures are our
interpretation of the physical universe, we see space in our
consciousness because that is our brain's interpretation of its data
coming from the the actual external universe.

But that is backwards you see, they are claiming the symbol is an
interpretation of the referent!

It is true that the electronic data received through the senses
in the brain is a symbol for the alleged external referent, and
the brain certainly has a right to interpret its symbolic data to mean
that the referent then really does have space.

But the brain then RERENDERS that interpretation as a picture of
space in our consciousness which is yet another symbol for the referent.
- From our point of view WE then interpret that the referent has space
because our conscious symbol of it does.

They say we see space in our conscious symbol because there IS
space in the referent!

But in fact we believe there IS space in the referent because we
see space in our conscious symbols of things!


- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
Homer Wilson Smith The Paths of Lovers Art Matrix - Lightlink
(607) 277-0959 KC2ITF Cross Internet Access, Ithaca NY In the Line of Duty

================ ====================
Wed Apr 20 12:06:02 EDT 2016
Send mail to saying help in body
=========== ===============
Learning implies Learning with Certainty or Learning without Certainty.
Learning across a Distance implies Learning by Being an Effect.
Learning by Being an Effect implies Learning without Certainty.
Therefore, Learning with Certainty implies Learning,
but not by Being an Effect, and not across a Distance.

Version: GnuPG v1.4.5 (GNU/Linux)

HomerWSmith-L mailing list

ADORE119 (fwd)

Hash: SHA1


I had what is probably my strongest 'Bugs and Babes' dream of my
life last night.

For many years my dreams have alternated out of control between
frivolous self aware dreams, and very heavy depressing 'lost and lonely
dreams'. Usually I am at Cornell, no friends, no family (parents dead
in truth), nothing to do, and no reason to turn one way or another to go
do something. It's a bad state usually accompanied by an inability to

In these dreams, girls in particular were unapproachable, I would
make advances and they would just turn away in fear, anger, disgust or
disinterest. This pattern in my dreams was in fact the same pattern as
my real life for most of my growing up and school years.

Then somewhere a while back I discovered one night in a dream how
to get dream girls to like me, I turned my back towards them and asked
them to scratch it! Then when they were done I rubbed their back a bit
in return, and we were friends.

Now that might sound stupid, but that one little discovery marked
the turn around not only in my dream life but in my real life. It
created a sense of hope in my that my dream life could be a desirable
place and thus so could my real life.

I knew I had gained control over the beings in my dreams, I could
get them to like me and make the dreams good times instead of bad times.
That created a HUGE soar in tone, even if I still couldn't do it in the
waking world.

From that time on, my dreams have started to climb up hill into
higher highs and deeper and more terrifying lows. No longer suffering
from the lost and lonely and no where to turn dreams, I was now either
lying in bed with babes or lying in bed with bugs.

The bug/spider/parasite/worms/snakes under the skin dreams always
have the lesson of "you get what you resist." If you tense up and worry,
the little bugs stick to you like glue and dig in deeper. If you relax
and let them in, they slide off and fall to the ground or just vanish.

The babe dreams went from searching hopelessly for someone, anyone
who would look in my direction and not run, to having them all around
me, rubbing their tits agasinst me, and not being able to get rid of

What I learned here was that if I went LOOKING for babes, I usually
found dead empty rooms with dark dirty walls and no life. But if I just
sat down and 'expected' them to show up, they did!

Usually :)

In the past few weeks the bugs parts of my dreams have gotten
really serious, but for the most part I have been learning and operating
the lessons each dream affords, getting an A or a B at worst. Sometimes
I can't get rid of the bugs under my skin, but I just let them be and go
on with the dream anyhow, I mean doesn't everyone have bugs under their

Pretty bugs.

Now these dreams cycle from babes to bugs to babes to bugs over and
over again as the days go by. They can get to be pretty predictable as
the charge blows off and the pleasure/pain thing runs out.

But the past week was an unusually long run of babes without a bug
in site. Gorgeous babes, beautiful beaches, wonderful music,
exquisitely intelligent and humorous entertainment at some theater in
the stars, I have no clue where it is, kind of thing.

Just night after night of this stuff, and you'd think I would be
happy, and of course I am. But time's a passing and I sometimes get the
feeling that I want to get on with the lessons you know, waking life
still sucks rocks, and I need to get to that point where dreams and the
waking state merge, and babes just don't do it for me, as there aren't
any lessons in it that work in the real world. In the real world bugs
may come out of the wood work, but babes, nah I don't think so.

So two nights ago I am lying in bed doing a dream flight plan,
thinking about what I should be doing in dreams, what I WANT to learn
most, I kind of ask the AllThatIs to help me with my session goals, so I
try to set some for each night's dream time. It rarely works, but I try

Then I started thinking about how I kind of really wanted to get on
with the bugs again and I wanted to know how I could possibly force the
bugs to show up when the place was dripping with babes.

So then I had this thought that scared the living daylights out of
me. I thought, you know Homer when you went looking for babes, there
never were any, but the moment you sat down in a dream chair and waited
for them, they came!

So maybe if you sit down in another dream chair and wait for the
spiders they will come too!

Now you know, I KNEW I was right, and this is the kind of thing
that sends the chills up and down my spine, because I CAN'T STAND THE

I mean I can relax to where they aren't chewing into my skin too
far, but I can't quite let them go the way I can the worms, the snakes
and the parasites.

So I am lying in bed, electric fear running up and down my spine,
because I KNOW I have just discovered the secret to infinite spiders,
and I start thinking and picturing myself in the dream to be. Ok, there
I am in the chair, and suddenly I begin to see their legs bending around
the door jams, and coming across the ceiling and the floor and walking
up the chair legs.


I know I would try "You are a BT!", but I also know it doesn't work
very well on spiders. So I have only a few minutes left of waking time
to figure out another flight plan for these babies.

Suddenly I think to myself, say to the spiders, all of them all at
once "Start Laughing! Keep Laughing!"

In my mind I can feel all the spiders stop dead in their tracks and
start to twitter away, banging their little legs on the walls in

Then they laugh harder and harder and lose their grip and fall onto
the floor rolled up into little balls on their backs holding their
bellies with their legs because they are laughing so hard. Others are
pounding the floor as hard as they can begging for the laughter to stop.

Then one by one each spider goes poof! and becomes a small
disembodied thetan smile that drifts off into the ozone never to be seen

THAT made me smile.

It also kept me awake for another 3 hours just thinking about it.

OK, so I had this all planned out, it was safe to go to sleep
again, I was all prepared.

That night did I dream of spiders?

Nope, nothing but babes as far as the eye could see.


What a down. Actually it was a very sweet set of dreams, filled
with joy and sorrow about people I loved and lost and have no clue who
the hell they are. But I loved them dearly if that counts to anyone.

But during one of those dreams, near the end, way off in the
distance was a store window, and down across that window crawled one
single lone black spider. He was totally harmless, but I saw him and I
KNEW that the time was upon me again. For the next night.

So last night I go to bed remembering that lone scout of the night
before, fully prepared to meet the spiders and run something of use on
them to learn my next lesson.

Did I run into spiders? No.

I ran into Bees from Hell.

When I was a kid my father was knocking down a hornets nest in
Maine one summer, and he told me to stay clear, which I didn't. The
whole nest came after me and I got stung about 10 times. The incident
wasn't as bad as it might seem, or maybe I have submerged it, but it has
always been unrunnable.

Anyhow last night I am minding my own business in a dream and out
of the blue comes this little cloud of 10 sparks of white light held
together by a thin web of irridescent filaments connecting them all

I know immediately from the sound that they are bees, more like
wasps or hornets, but I will call them bees here in this posting.

And they were *MEAN*.

They come right for my face and surround me, with the force and
speed you would expect of a squadron of jet aircraft, and suddenly there
are hundreds of them all over my body, inside my shirt, and pants and

Then to my utter horror, two or three of them take up residence IN
EACH EAR, deep inside. The buzzing and vibration of their wings was so
strong I thought I would go crazy from the sound and feeling of it.

I looked in a dream mirror and I could see them in my ears, and I
could see them and feel them crawling all over my body.

It was God Awful.

Now these weren't Earthly bees, these were bees from hell, they not
only had stingers but could also bite, and pulled off chuncks of skin
when they did. They were big and ugly and wicked looking.

I managed to not get stung by a single one of them, but I did get
bit by a few.

So lesson time. First I am trying "You are a BT!" Then "You are a

It didn't do a THING.

I don't know, maybe they didn't understand Englsh.

((Actual data is,

"Point accusatively at the entity letting them KNOW you know:

You are a BT/Cluster/Demon.
What are you (being)?
Who are you (really)?"

Run to release.

The missing command was

"How many are you?"

If they can't count it, count it up for them, into the 100's of
trillions if necessary. When you get it, they go eyes wide and chill
out. Also important to hold their eyes while running above, or else
they don't get the comm.

Last command if all else fails is

"You are real people!"
"You can be free."

that usually stops them cold. ))

So then I feel them crawling under my shirt and pants, and I really
didn't want to annoy them, because I knew that if one stung me, my
reaction would set off all the others and I would be dead.

So I slowly start taking off my shirt, and hundreds and hundreds of
more bees start showing up from the area of my belly. And I take off my
pants and I am standing there quite naked with these things crawling all

At that point I gave up, I knew I didn't know what to do about them
using clearing technology. So I slowly walked towards the ocean waves
and entered the water which pushed off the bees, until I was above my
head and all the bees had gone.

Then I woke up.

With my eyes still closed, I could still feel and see the
*CONFUSION* of forces and masses and vibrations of the incident. They
were all beginning to pack in tight behind the wall of blackness that I
live in during my waking live. I could see how my efforts to get up and
go, ran into the counter forces of the incident and other incidents
still to be run. Eventually after running this thing out for about an
hour while still in bed, the blackness becomes a thick concrete covering
with no ability to discern what is on the other side at all.

But I know that the next dream will open up the next lesson that I
need to learn. I failed this one, I had to use a 'solution' to get rid
of the bees. I get a C for not freaking out and getting stung, not
going crazy from the sound of 3 bees in each ear I couldn't see. God
imagine getting stung in the ear drums?

But I still failed the lesson, and those bees will be back.

Maybe if I can get the Bees and the Spiders to come at the same
time, they could have it out with each other instead of me.

Christ, I watch too much PBS.

((A reference to the wasp and the tarantula.))


======================= ========================
Posted: Wed Apr 20 14:58:19 EDT 2016
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================== ===================
Learning implies Learning with Certainty or Learning without Certainty.
Learning across a Distance implies Learning by Being an Effect.
Learning by Being an Effect implies Learning without Certainty.
Therefore, Learning with Certainty implies Learning but
Not by Being an Effect, and not across a Distance.

Version: GnuPG v1.4.5 (GNU/Linux)

HomerWSmith-L mailing list

Monday, April 18, 2016

ADORE426 (fwd)


Ralph Hilton ( wrote:
>If God made pigs and pigs make shit, can God be said to be a shit?


Thus if God made chemistry and chemistry made consciousness, then
God can not be said to be conscious as God is not made of chemistry.

Thus if God made space and time, and thus has no space or time
himself, and consciousness is a spacetime gizmo (machine), then God can
not be said to be conscious, because consciousness is a mechanical
creation of God, and God is not mechanical.

It can be reasonably doubted that there are two kinds of
consciousness, mechanical consciousness arising from spacetime mechanics
and non mechanical consciousness existing outside of space and time.

Most meatballs think that consciousness is chemistry bubbling away
at 98.6.

On the other hand if consciousness is not made of chemistry, if
consciousness is in fact not made of space or time, then consciousness
comes from the same roots of dimensionlessness that God does, and thus
it is quite reasonable to postulate that maybe God is conscious.

In fact one can reasonably wonder if all conscious units are not
God in carnation, in dreamtime.

Which is the first thing ever said (not by me) that makes any
sense on the subject of the relation between God and Soul.

Creature IS creator in carnation.


>Ralph Hilton

HomerWSmith-L mailing list

WANT (fwd)

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There is a WANT and a WANT NOT.

This produces a PROBLEM.

The problem consists of a POSITIVE and a NEGATIVE.

The positive is a want for the presence of something.

The negative is a want for the absence of something.

The somethings are not positive or negative, the presence
or absence of the somethings are positive and negative.

Negative means to negate the existence of.

We are not looking for a positive and negative item or something,
we are looking for a positive and negative ATTITUDE for two different

Want for an absence is a want not for a presence.

Want for an absence is resistence to a presence and resistence
of those who do not want an absence along with you.

Want for a presence is resistence to an absence and resistence
of those who do not want a presence along with you.

This is the basic game.

It is the definition of a problem, something to be solved, fought
against or for, and won or lost.

It produces a game that can not be won and can not be lost.

This is because the being puts his own power into both sides.

As he wins and becomes stronger he puts more power into the opposite
side and so starts to lose. As he loses and becomes weaker he puts less
power into the opposite side and so starts to win. The equilibrium is the
state you find him in.

There is also denial of the problem.

This is a NO PROBLEM.

This is audited as a NO WANT and a NO WANT NOT.

Tremendous power is in this.

The somatics go through the center of attention, through the bridge of
the noise down through the teeth into the back of the throat where it
manifests as sickness, stuffed noses, sore throats, throat tics, coughs
and sneezes. It is the center of not saids, not thinking about, not
feeling, not knowing, and not looking.

It continues down the back of the neck which controls the speaking,
breathing, sighing and jaw motions, and down the spine to the area right
below the heart about half way down. It continues to the very rump of the
spine and ends at the cocyx. It also encompasses the hips and is in
involved in every action and decision to get up and go do something.

"Pining is unsighable bitter noble melancholia, usually on the subject
of not (non) operating divine operating religions."


- - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Homer Wilson Smith News, Web, Telnet Art Matrix - Lightlink
(607) 277-0959 SunOS 4.1.4 Sparc 20 Internet Access, Ithaca NY

================ ====================
Sat Apr 16 12:06:01 EDT 2016
Send mail to saying help in body
=========== ===============
Learning implies Learning with Certainty or Learning without Certainty.
Learning across a Distance implies Learning by Being an Effect.
Learning by Being an Effect implies Learning without Certainty.
Therefore, Learning with Certainty implies Learning,
but not by Being an Effect, and not across a Distance.

Version: GnuPG v1.4.5 (GNU/Linux)


======================= ========================
Posted: Mon Apr 18 15:12:50 EDT 2016
Send mail to saying help
================== ===================
Learning implies Learning with Certainty or Learning without Certainty.
Learning across a Distance implies Learning by Being an Effect.
Learning by Being an Effect implies Learning without Certainty.
Therefore, Learning with Certainty implies Learning but
Not by Being an Effect, and not across a Distance.

Version: GnuPG v1.4.5 (GNU/Linux)

HomerWSmith-L mailing list

Friday, April 15, 2016


Hash: SHA1

Per request, here is a grep for the word ' sync' through out the
archives, a subject mentioned for a long time but probably first formally
discussed in adore721.memo called TICK TOCK.

Postings prior to adore300 listed below probably are NOT talking about
sync in this sense, but some other sense.


homer/NATIVE.memo: Allowing a back and forth on it allows the being to get into sync
homer/adore124.memo:experiments to see how real they are, how in sync they are with their
homer/adore127.memo:nothing of the sort, only that something is synchronizing the various
homer/adore127.memo:where one sees them. The effort to synchronize vision and touch is an
homer/adore127.memo:don't sync properly. Things had better 'BE' where you see them!
homer/adore145.memo: This synchronization of projections is not done because there is
homer/adore145.memo:because the process of inward DIRECT connection and synchronization
homer/adore145.memo:will help keep it around and locked in sync.
homer/adore19.memo:and in synchrony, each giving the other purpose, and when one closes
homer/adore307.memo: It could be independent synchronicity.
homer/adore315.memo:postulates, waves that weren't quite in sync with his original scene,
homer/adore316.memo:>> his postulates, waves that weren't quite in sync with his original
homer/adore357.memo: Sometimes the auditing gets out of sync with the alternating
homer/adore357.memo:flows and the needle stops working. Get back into sync with the flows
homer/adore359.memo:item, SOME item, NO item... get in sync with it. THEN if it doesn't
homer/adore361.memo: Never go past an item without having checked for
homer/adore440.memo: SYNC
homer/adore440.memo:'sync' or synchronization between auditor and flow.
homer/adore440.memo:is out of sync.
homer/adore440.memo:is out of sync.
homer/adore440.memo: When auditing out of sync, no reads will happen, no charge will
homer/adore440.memo:it again. When you get out of sync just repeat the item that didn't
homer/adore440.memo: NO HELL - read in sync
homer/adore440.memo: HELL - read in sync
homer/adore440.memo: NO HELL - no read out of sync
homer/adore440.memo: NO HELL - no read out of sync
homer/adore440.memo: HELL - no read out of sync
homer/adore440.memo: HELL - no read out of sync
homer/adore440.memo: NO HELL - read in sync
homer/adore440.memo: HELL - read in sync
homer/adore440.memo: Auditing can go out of sync for many reasons, don't worry about
homer/adore440.memo:it, but do get it back in sync again, don't just leave the process
homer/adore490.memo: Getting in tempo and sync with the flows are important.
homer/adore550.memo:remaining in sync with the alternating blowoff between them.
homer/adore601.memo: Remember that staying in sync with the flow is imperative to run
homer/adore604.memo: Run alternately, get in sync with the alternating flows
homer/adore615.memo:MAKE it read by getting into sync with it, with
homer/adore615.memo: until it gets into sync, then continue to run it until flat with
homer/adore615.memo:fully comprehend sync, he may get into sync with his whole bank and
homer/adore616.memo:the NO and SOME sync and using an E-meter to watch the rhythm, so I
homer/adore616.memo:oscillation in sync by running NO ITEM and SOME ITEM.
homer/adore630.memo: Reword and run to taste, making sure to lock onto and maintain sync
homer/adore632.memo: Thus, taking care to maintain sync with flows, we might run,
homer/adore632.memo:will fall nicely when in sync with the NO flow, and will fall nicely
homer/adore632.memo:when in sync with the SOME flow, and will rise in between. Back and
homer/adore640.memo: Remember to run the NO or NOT versions also, in sync with the back
homer/adore643.memo: It is the invariant that allows us all to sync with each other so
homer/adore664.memo:find the right item and its opposite, and make sure to get into sync
homer/adore707.memo:until you get in sync with the big one.
homer/adore71.memo: Phase and body sex can and does get out of sync with each other.
homer/adore71.memo:a body that is physically out of sync with their spirit, and get it
homer/adore71.memo: Bodies and phase in this case are full time out of sync naturally.
homer/adore710.memo:you see it, and so how come we have an in sync conscious experience of
homer/adore710.memo:consistent theory as to how this synchronicity could happen, namely that
homer/adore710.memo:whole new synchronization mechanism that connects the two of us so we
homer/adore710.memo:can render in sync with each other, 'see the same thing at the same
homer/adore710.memo:having synced up into one virtual pen, can be moved and controlled by
homer/adore721.memo: SYNC
homer/adore721.memo:they are running you slightly out of sync as you are following their
homer/adore721.memo: So the issuing of running suppressed dicoms is getting into sync
homer/adore721.memo: SYNC AGAIN
homer/adore721.memo:tock out of sync with it, that is is go tock tick in sync with it.
homer/adore721.memo: OUT OF SYNC
homer/adore721.memo: Each cycle of the preclear being out of sync with the flows of the
homer/adore721.memo:he is pretty much continuously out of sync with them and thus sinking
homer/adore721.memo:some love IN SYNC with the dicom as he is actually ticking it. In this
homer/adore721.memo: IN SYNC
homer/adore721.memo:constantly going out of sync with the dicom through no immediate fault
homer/adore721.memo: Spot a tick tick tick in sync
homer/adore721.memo: Spot a tock tock tock in sync
homer/adore721.memo: Spot a tick tick tick in sync
homer/adore721.memo: Spot a tock tock tock in sync
homer/adore721.memo: Spot a tick tick tick in sync
homer/adore721.memo:of sync. Reads stop happening, pc can't spot instances of the items, pc
homer/adore721.memo: Notice how the auditor got the pc back in sync by running the same
homer/adore721.memo:session, the auditor and preclear MUST follow in sync.
homer/adore721.memo:each item, until sync is reestablished.
homer/adore721.memo:the pc in sync enough to get the thing to run. As running goes on, sync
homer/adore721.memo:the sync of the auditor automatically, if the dicom jerks him around.
homer/adore721.memo: Notice the preclear rather than going glum, realized the sync was
homer/adore721.memo: Dicoms can go out of sync for any number of reasons, many of which
homer/adore721.memo:the pc remaining in sync and reporting on the dicom, not the auditor!
homer/adore721.memo:how you got the item, but if no run, double call until in sync.
homer/adore801.memo:runs first, and staying in sync is critical to really running the two
homer/adore806.memo: If you lose sync between NO and SOME, the item will dry up and
homer/adore806.memo:then the SOME item again, back and forth and stay in SYNC with the flows
homer/adore862.memo:> teachings were not in sync with the church.
homer/adore876.memo: Always run the 'Not know something" first, but sync is important.
homer/adore876.memo:in a row, back and forth until you get into sync with the preclear's
homer/adore876.memo:flows again. If you do not know about sync by now, you shouldn't be
homer/adore876.memo:running this on another, can use a meter to stay in sync with the
homer/adore876.memo: Run it back and forth, get the rhythm, get the sync, and the
homer/adore889.memo:each incarnated GodSoul (conscious unit), synchronized with each other
homer/adore890.memo:moves in sync with it, giving the illusion that there is one ball, and
homer/adore892.memo: The syncing and co resonation of renditions does not happen via the
homer/adore892.memo:created universes and keep them instantly in sync with each other,
homer/adore924.memo:> sync'd nicely with your article.
homer/adore924.memo:>> Reword and run to taste, making sure to lock onto and maintain sync
homer/adore927.memo:illusion born of instantaneous resonation and synchronization of the
homer/adore927.memo: There is no time lag, as rendition synchronization is a function of
homer/adore927.memo: The renditions are kept in sync via communication channels between
homer/adore927.memo:in Eternity between them, that synchronizes their two dreams, to make it
homer/adore929.memo:are synced with other players so that the illusion of one reality shared
homer/adore934.memo:of sync, repeat last command again, or double each one until needle
homer/adore934.memo: The auditor, in running a process on a preclear, must sync with the
homer/adore934.memo:the sync and stay in sync as best he can to keep the needle reading.
homer/adore934.memo:auditor's NO and SOME will go out of sync.
homer/adore934.memo:the auditor in sync again, even if the bank process is acting like a
homer/adore934.memo: It is such a joy to get in sync with the bank and just watch the
homer/adore934.memo: The following is an example of a process starting off in sync,
homer/adore934.memo:going out of sync, and then being brought back into sync by the auditor,
homer/adore934.memo:way too slow on answers to keep in sync with the bank process, which is
homer/adore934.memo:wrong question every now and then, and that means THAT is his sync
homer/adore934.memo: If the process and the auditor get out of sync, the auditor must
homer/adore934.memo:get back into sync by doing what he did last again.
homer/adore934.memo: NO NO? read Sync finally established again.
homer/adore950.memo: We call the basic cause of synchronization RESONANCE, so that
homer/adore968.memo:the outward dream, and the many dreams are synchronized perfectly
homer/adore968.memo:and they are synchronized via the One that connects them all above space
homer/hom2.memo: I believe that desire and truth are co synchronous and
homer/hom59.memo: Synchronicities or meaningful coincidences suddenly
homer/otpower:projections could lock onto each other, go into sync, and begin to act
homer/otpower: Of course they would have had to will the syncing to take place,
homer/otpower:such a resonant co synchronization between all the beings in it.
homer/otpower:to cease projecting in sync with others, is itself an OT ability.
homer/roland2: SYNC
homer/roland2: Sync is critical.
homer/roland2:talk about NO ITEM AND SOME ITEM in sync with his bank, the flows will
homer/roland2:read, one can try running NO ITEM, SOME ITEM, getting it in sync as
homer/roland2: Each time the process bogs down, check sync, and if still no go,
homer/sess:of a counter sync with the banks efforts that are dramatizing the thing
homer/session: Sometimes needles were out of sync, left hand meter would be rising
homer/session.memo: Sometimes needles were out of sync, left hand meter would be rising
homer/you8.memo: Remember that staying in sync with the flow is imperative to run

======================= ========================
Posted: Fri Apr 15 17:07:51 EDT 2016
Send mail to saying help
================== ===================
Learning implies Learning with Certainty or Learning without Certainty.
Learning across a Distance implies Learning by Being an Effect.
Learning by Being an Effect implies Learning without Certainty.
Therefore, Learning with Certainty implies Learning but
Not by Being an Effect, and not across a Distance.

Version: GnuPG v1.4.5 (GNU/Linux)

HomerWSmith-L mailing list