Thursday, June 30, 2016


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A Tone Arm is the indicator on a resistance meter that indicates
the resistance of the subject holding the cans.

A normal healthy resistance indicator is about 5000 ohms to 12000
ohms. When a being gets near a forgotten area of charge, the TA goes up
to 100,000 ohms or more. When the area reveals itself and releases it's
charge, the TA comes back down to the healthy range.

Sometimes a being will be found to have a chronically high TA, 24
hours a day, which means they are always in session and not able to find
the right item to audit.

The following may help to solve the High TA case.


High TA is caused by mental mass.

Mental mass is the same thing as physical mass, except it is mental
mass, and it provides resistance to awareness, intention (will) and

A will trying to operate its attention while buried in mental mass
can't function, it can't move through the mass.

Mental mass is caused by problems.

A problem is a self determined inability to decide between two or
more mutually exclusive courses of action. To go left, or to go right.

These problems are called ORS.

A problem can also be a self determined decision to choose BOTH of
two incompatible courses of action, to go left AND right at the same

These problems are called ANDS.

A problem can also be a conflict of intentions between two
different beings, one wants to put up a park, the other wants to put up
a parking lot.

Lastly a problem can simply be a quandry about how to solve
something in the physical universe, like build a bridge, or find the
roots of an equation in mathematics.

Not all problems are aberrative unless they become chronically
unsolvable. ORS and ANDS are particularly bad for the psyche, conflicts
with others are a part of life, but if they become part of life and
death, then they can become heavily charged with mental mass.

A problem can be a problem in wanting, being, doing, knowing, or

Problems often manifest as questions.

What is it?

What is causing it? (Why is it?)

What should I *DO* about it?

Do I want to do A or do I want to do B?

An aberrative problem consists of wanting and not wanting the same
thing at the same time.

I want to do A. No I do not want to do A, I want to do B. No I do
not want to do B, I want to do A.

I want to do A AND I do not want to do A.

I want to do B AND I do not want to do B.

This vibration between wanting and not wanting or opposing the same
thing at the same time creates mental mass.

It is possible for a clear to create problems of his own choice and
not create mass. However non clears tend to dramatize seriousness at
their problems, and in particular at their inability to solve them.

Eventually the indecision becomes suppressed and forgotten, the
being will be found to be off doing something else, and the mental mass
buries itself out of sight, but makes his space heavier, thicker and
more resistive.

Generally beings do not intend to forget problems forever, they
intend to give them a rest and come back to them later, but then they
never do. This is called Q&A, which means litterally means question and

But technically Q&A means changing the question every time you get
an answer rather than continuing to ask the same question until ALL
answers to that question are found. By changing the question every time
a new answer arises, one misses all the other answers to any question in
the series, and thus understanding remains forever incomplete.

Example of Q&A:

Auditor: "Tell me a problem"

PC: "Well I don't get along with my mother."

Auditor: "OK, Tell me about your mother"

PC: "Well she is an alcoholic and drinks too much."

Auditor: "OK, Tell me about alcoholism."

This kind of line of questioning might seem to make sense but it is
death on wheels to your preclear.

An example of non Q&A:

Auditor: "Tell me a problem"

PC: "Well I don't get along with my mother."

Auditor: "OK, tell me a problem"

PC: "I smoke too much"

Auditor: "OK, tell me a problem"

PC: "I hate sex"

Now that might seem to open up a lot of areas without cleaning them
up, but the auditor is writing each one down, looking for a complete
list of problems the preclear is having, and then taking up the one that
is the most charged. It won't be a COMPLETE complete list of course,
but you get what you can, and then come back to it later and more
problems will show up.

Notice the auditor does NOT ask the preclear "What problems do you
have?" for that is a question, and questions are also death to a

Now let's say that 'I smoke too much' was the item with the
greatest meter read or energy on it when the preclear offered it.

Example of Q&A:

Auditor: "Ok, tell me about smoking too much."

PC: "Well it helps my anxiety"

Auditor: "OK, tell me about your anxiety..."

and away we go towards making a totally crazy preclear.

Example of non Q&A:

Auditor: "Tell me about smoking too much"

PC: "It helps me with my anxiety."

Auditor: "OK, tell me about smoking too much."

PC: "Well I started when I was 3."

Auditor: "OK, tell me about smoking too much."

Eventually the preclear runs out of answers, and the meter dries
up, and the auditor ends that item as completed, then takes up the
greatest reading problem for the next item.

This will get to the core problems on a case very fast, the ones
that need to be handled that all the rest are sitting on. Once the core
problems are found and handled, the auditor then is free to back up the
line, item by item, and flatten them all. To flatten means to check for
charge or interest and run until nothing more is found or the preclear
is happy about it all.

The problem with the preclear is not that he has problems, but that
he doesn't know what they are any more.

By the way if all you did on accessible people was charge for your
services running the above process properly, you would have quite a
practice going in short order.

Notice the auditor doesn't have to know how to solve any of the
preclear's problems, not one of them, and every time the preclear asks
the auditor for a solution, the preclear just put the auditor in
session! The auditor response is to simply redirect the preclear back
to the session and continue on with it.

Once the preclear FINDS OUT WHAT HIS PROBLEMS ARE, he will solve
them himself. The unknown-ness of the problem is the problem, and thus
knowing the core problem becomes its own solution.

An auditor who offers solutions to a preclear's problems, even if
begged to do so, should be fired for breach of trust.

You are auditing a GodSoul after all, and no one can tell a GodSoul
what the proper solution to his core problems are.

The ultimate in Q&A is to ask your preclear what questions he is or
has been asking, and then when he gives you one, try to get him to
answer it!

I don't recommend it, but if you wanted to try it out some day,
simply run:

Auditor: "Tell me a question you have."

PC: "Where did I come from?"

Q&A Auditor: "OK, tell me about where you came from."

Non Q&A Auditor: "OK, tell me a question you have."

As with problems, when the preclear finds his core questions, they
will start to answer themselves, and all the others will fall into line.

Q&A in this context means the preclear has gone off and started
looking for answers to OTHER questions and killing himself in the
process, because he failed to handle his core questions properly, mostly
a matter of confront, as the answers were self obvious, the question
itself was the answer, and trying to find the answer then created a
problem which didn't exist.

The preclear KNOWS what he is doing here, he chose it after all,
and then he turns it into a question and ruins himself from there on

Since he already knows the correct answer to his question and is
pretending he doesn't, any OTHER answer he finds to the question will,
by definition, be a wrong answer, and so he starts racing down time
seeking a wrong indication, and he comes to feel there is only doom at
the end of time waiting for him.

Which there is, as the correct answer exists in time BEFORE the
question that he is now trying to 'answer'.

He hopes to find the answer in the future you see? It's already
there in the past before he created the question TO COVER THE ANSWER as
an act of self treason.

This is a huge practical joke he has played on himself as a God,
and only a GodSoul could appreciate the ludicrous demise that resulted.

J.E.S.T. means Jokes of Eternal Self Treason
J.E.S.T. means Justice of Eternal Self Truth

If the preclear feels the need to get an answer to a technical
question (how much ram does my computer hold), he can then seek out a
consultant, one who knows more about his questions that he does, but
never an auditor.

The kinds of questions that are killing the preclear anyhow are the
kinds of questions that only the preclear knows the answers to, and if
the auditor dares to try and answer them for the preclear, the auditor
will almost assuredly be handing out a wrong indication. Most often the
core questions are themselves subtle nonsense, and the answer to them is
to drop them entirely. Giving an answer to such a question simply
continues the nonsense, and with it the suffering and insanity.

Wisdom is knowing what questions to answer and not answer, and
knowing what answers to question and not question.


But Q&A is also used to refer to the action of starting off from A
headed for B, and half way to B getting side tracked into going to C.
Then on the way to C, the being gets side tracked again towards D, etc.
Thus the original intention to go to B is never completed.

This is similar to changing the question to the preclear everytime
he gives an answer as the first question never gets completed.

In fact no action is completed because he never gets to C, D, E or
F either. A being completely lost in this kind of Q&A is always in the
middle of going somewhere, but he ALWAYS changes where he is going
before the gets there!

Ever know someone who starts talking about something, usually
important, gets interrupted, and then never comes back to it?

Look upon these poor souls with pity, because every important
question they ever had, they forgot they were asking without ever
getting an answer.

'Was I just thinking something important? Don't know...'

They live life in a chronic feeling of having lost something but
they don't know what. What they lost was what they were thinking about
that was going to get them on with their basic purposes.

Forgetting questions important to one's basic purpose, is death to
the basic purpose and thus to the being.

"Um, let's see, what should I do today? I don't know, I am so
depressed, nothing seems interesting...."

What WAS interesting to them is gone, buried under Q&A.

"You know, I really wish I knew what an A minor diminished 4th

But it gets interrupted, or thwarted momentarily, and they forget
it and never come back to it. So much for the career as a song writer.
and a creator of beauty surrounding A minor diminshed 4ths.

The beauty will haunt them in their dreams, but comprehend it not
they will.

They are drowning in that Q&A, and their minds are like a ball of
yarn after a kitten has gotten into it.

It is in this way that problems sink into operating oblivion. The
being starts off headed towards resolving them, and then forgets them
and never comes back to them. This results in an incomplete cycle of

I say operating oblivion because although the preclear is oblivious
to the existence of the unresolved problem, the problem continues to
oscillate in his face and space for the rest of time creating more and
more mental mass until he can't function at all.

The fate of such a preclear is to become a bowling ball.

"Eventually all become marbles on the thetan plane." - Adore

(Thetan means the conscious unit.)

(ADORE can be found at

The resolution of this then is to find and lay bare the core level
problems that the being is caught in and get him back on the course of
remembering and resolving them, and then back on track with the
practical questions he lost sight of about his basic purposes.

He may never resolve some of them, but having a problem is not what
sinks a being nor what makes him permanently unhappy. It is having a
problem and forgetting it and not knowing it has been forgotten, and
wondering if something has been forgotten, and concluding no, nothing of
importance has been forgotten.

"Let's see what should I do today..."

The being is doomed at that point with a self creating mass that
will eventually grow bigger than he is, across many lives, and over
which he has no control, and which will eventually tie up more of
himself and his mental energy than he has free to deal with the 'other'
things he also got lost doing along the way.

Everything he does after losing track of his basic purpose is a
substitute purpose, and when he Q&A's that into oblivion, he will engage
in a substitute for the substitute, and continue to Q&A himself into 20
or 30 levels of substitution until he can't get up at all in the
morning, not even to eat or kill himself.

"I am too tired to eat..."

"The train is too far away to jump in front of..."

The clarification and resolution then of the core level problems of
a being is important, and once this area is opened all the remaining
less important problems of the being will open up to come back under his


A being has three operating states.

They are:

1.) Eternality, which is living forever above space and time.

2.) Immortality, which is living forever inside one particular
space and time. No matter how powerful or wonderful he is, a GodSoul in
time is a speck of dirt on the face of a GodSoul out of time.

3.) Mortality, which is living for a while inside one particular
space and time, then to exist no more.

Eternality is called an operating state advisedly, as at its top,
it actually is a state of total no operation, total unmanifestation,
total sleep.

However it is a willful no operation and unmanifestation.

How can something outside of time operate?

Well it can operate creating time and then jump into the spacetime
game stream.

Being able to operate the state of no operation is just as
important as being able to operate states of some operation.

"Get the idea of NO operation."
"Get the idea of SOME operation."

Run alternately to alternating joy and sorrow.


Eternality is the native state of the being, it has no space nor
time, yet powers all of many space and times via postulates.

Scientology calls it the STATIC, NATIVE STATE or BASIC TRUTH.

The purpose of postulates is to design your future in a space time
game stream which is called a while, because it is always finite in

The primary action of eternality is to descend into created states
of immortality or mortality, both of which are apparencies, within space
time whiles.

A while is a finite stretch of space and time, usually very long,
but then filled in with shorter and shorter sub whiles, in which beings
can believe they are immortal or mortal as their hearts desire.

Since all whiles are finite, true immortality is impossible. True
immortality is also undesirable, as it limits what a being can do and
then forces him to do it forever, and thus all immortalities become
detested hells forever after a while.

However all whiles end one day, thus there is no heaven or hell
forever inside space or time. There are however plenty of heavens and
hells for a while, so watch out, Medusa is the Devil's Harem.


There are a couple of corrupted immortalities.

The first is where the being believes he was created by something
else a finite amount of time ago, but then will live forever after that,
particularly if he is good.

He tends to conceive of his creator as a God of Behavior.

He considers his primary purpose in life is to remain in the good
graces of his Creator by being good or obedient or serving the Creator's

He hate's this.

The second is where the being believes he is indeed immortal but
can be killed if he is not careful. These are called fragile
immortalities. "I have lived forever, and I will live forever, but only
as long as..."

"I will live forever except if..."


One of the deeper possible hells for a while is the state of

Mortality is the state of believing that the being was created at
some finite time in the past and will die forever at some finite time in
the future never to be seen again.

Both his creation and destruction are against his will and act as
'rapes' of his sovereign desire to be in control of his existence. But
they tickle his fancy, his sense of majesty, to not be sovereign for a

Which is why he creates these two detested apparencies in the first
place, never to really enjoy them while he has them because he hates
them too much forever for free.

Mortalities are often employed to escape immortal hells which
become intolerable to the being. At least the promise of death as a
mortal is something to look forward to. Of course once they die, they
fall back up to their immortal hell state, and have to choose another
mortal deceit to avoid it all over again.

For they fall down into an unconcsious slumber until something
comes along and wakes them up again in another mortal shell to play the
game of I have never played before.

Much of being reborn in a body over and over again is just this
taking place.

So the cycle of a being is to start off in Eternality, postulate a
universe of space and times, enjoy a long stretch as an immortal in
those space and times, until it turns sour, and then enjoy a long
stretch of different little mortalities, until he can't stand the
hypocricy and deceit any more.

At that time, he begins to seek the truth and eventually becomes
Eternal again.

A being in good operating condition, can keep one foot in
Eternality and the other in space and time. With each in breath he
becomes aware of space and time, and with each out breath he snoozes
back to Eternality.

At the beginning of each breath he can see his choice to manifest,
and directly operate his responsibly for the entire descent from
Eternality to his present landing space as an immortal or as a mortal.

As he let's out each breath, he takes full responsibility for his
ascent back to Eternality.

Thus he maintains conscious awareness of full responsibility for
coming in to and going out of existence and apparent irresponsibility
with each breath.

Beings who demand proof for paranormal abilities really have no
clue what they are asking for, and this constant traversal from
eternality into manifestation and back again in real time BY CHOICE is
really the only proof they will ever have.

The proof is in the self luminous fair chosen responsibility to
operate the cycle. The cycle of choosing to believe you had no choice.

However a being in such shape is very unlikely to get into any
trouble in any universe he is in, because awareness of responsibility is
a game destroyer. The arcade game player hates remembering he wrote the
game. The temptation to fiddle with the difficulty controls is just too
great and too easy.

But such a being can not only adjust his own ability to play the
game, to make it easier or harder as his heart desires, he can also get
serious and forget he wrote the game in the first place or chose to
enter it.

Then he is playing for keeps.

At this point both feet are firmly planted in space time, and with
each in breath and out breath he is mostly breathing fumes and cursing
his creator and the day he was created.

From here on out his immortality will quickly decay into a hell
forever (in time) and then into a series of deceitful existences called
mortality. He will take on the beingness of something that can die,
like a human body, in the pretense that when the body dies, he will die
too and be done with.

"Ah peace at last" in non existence.

But non existence at the bottom of the tone scale is a low tone
mockery of the 'non existence' of total unmanifestation of Eternality.

The "non existence" offered by death is final and can't be
reversed, he hopes. And as long as he wants it to be unreversible, that
is the way it will be, until he wants it to be reversible again.

The non existence of Eternality is simply sleep, that the being can
wake up from any time he wants and play again.

The unimpingability of being dead is not the same as the
unimpingability of the as yet unborn or unmanifest.

All aberration is ENFORCED basic truth.

The fair chosen state of being nothing at the top of the tone scale
is not the same thing has HAVING to be nothing at the bottom.

At the top of the tone scale in Eternality is peace and laughter.

Adore calls it halcyon, bemused relief on the verge of time.

The very thought of existence is so hysterical and ludicrous, the
being usually laughs himself back to sleep again.

But once in a while the urge to thrill and romance will carry the
newly awakened being across the threshold of time into a while,

"Thrill is always the effort to get lost, romance is always the
effort to get home." - Adore

At entrance into space and time, there will be the joy and thrill
of immortality, but this is soon followed by the fear of hell forever.

By his own hand, the being THINKS time is forever, but time is only
for a while. His assignment of foreverness to time rather than to
timeless eternality is a major error, but this error is fair chosen and
necessary to the game of seriousness that he wishes to play.

The being knows full well what he is doing and he makes these
errors of assignment in a twinkle of the eye.

How can you weep and moan, and convincingly hang on a cross on the
underbelly of the astral plane, if you just think its all going to end
one day anyhow?

There's no sympathy for you there.

Nope, it has to last FOREVER, or else seriousness loses all its
meaning and attraction to those who would be so stupid as to give a damn
for you, you poor dear thing...

And that's IN TIME, love.

Things don't last forever in Eternality, they simply ARE forever in

Apparently the being who can have everything he wants forever for
free, has a taste for the experience of losing it all and never having
it again, forever for free.

A being who is the pinnacle of perfection, beauty and self love,
wants to experience detesting himself and burying himself in the tomb of
space time never to be heard from again.

But only for a while, you see.


"As a GodSoul, invent something you could never live down."

Well OK, run

"Get the idea of NO living it down."
"Get the idea of SOME living it down."

So at the bottom of the tone scale at mortality, there is nothing
but sorrow.

Mortality violates the sovereign desire of the being to have beauty
and love forever. Since the loss by death is infinite in scope, the
sorrow is infinite in depth. Recovering from this sorrow is hard and
takes a spark of his own eternal humor and divinity to soften it up, so
he can begin the long process of melting into laughter and high
appreciation for ludicrous demise again.

There are no lessons to be learned here, only lessons to be

Native state doesn't need no teaching.

At the bottom of the well of fear and sorrow are pleasure waves and

But nobody dares go there to find out.

Until they do.

The lesson unlearned is 'there is no more laughter to be had.'

Get the idea of losing a cat.

Get the idea of crying until you laugh.

How big is your love for that cat?

The being knew all this when he created his own mortality, so all
beings await the coming of their own Messiah postulate.


With some help from there friends.

Most are walking around with

"I am small, my love is small, my tears are small..."


But do not waste time with those that ridicule you or throw
contempt on you with cat calls to Prove it!

They do not want it proven, as they do not wish yet to be woken
from the nightmare, it's just getting juicy for them.

Mortality thus is fair chosen, the being POSTULATES the rules of
the game and the consequences, in general if not in specific, and he
then is the Imp Soul who appreciates a good nightmare (mortality) as
much as a good night's sleep up in AEternum (Eternality).


To a being, who can create or have in the mere conception of
things, the idea of chase might seem ridiculous.

Why are you courting that pretty girl or handsome prince? A
GodSoul can create beautiful lovers forever for free in the mere
conception of them.

That's a PDC Step 1 by the way.

But the Eternal being longs for chase, and thus places time and
limitation (game rules) between conception and havingness, thus creating
a game in which to play and win his heart's desire.

The wiener is the havingness he holds when he wins it at the end of
the game.

Later he then adds seriousness by adding the possibility of failure
to win forever.

In order for seriousness to take hold and be taken seriously, I
mean why create seriousness if you aren't going to take it seriously,
the being has to hide from himself his own hand in the matter of
postulating seriousness and the possibility of permanent loss and
demise, into existence.

Some games are so rough, eventually everyone HAS to lose them all,
no one can win them forever. The game then is only how long one can
keep the game going. You win by being the last one left standing.

Then you die too.

Winning them means dying alone.

That's the wiener.

Remember he is a being who creates in the mere conception of
things, so the day he conceived that he could lose forever AND that his
conception had nothing causal to do with the truth of it, he was good to

Hot to trot in space and time.

This is called the consideration/observation Flip Flop, and defines
a God Postulate.

((This confuses postulates with considerations, but applies equally
to both.

Postulates are the operation of Scientology's Q1.

Q1: Theta has the ability to create space and time and post (locate)
objects in them.

A postulate creates a posted beingness in a space time. Postulates
put something there, post it into existence.

Considerations put into existence considered relationships between
posted beingnesses.

Consideration comes from CON SIDE, to side together.

Postulate: There is a cigarette.

Another postulate: There is an ashtray.

Consideration: Ashtrays are used to hold cigarettes.))

A God Postulate is that postulate which the being thinks is true
because he has observed it to be true, when in fact it is true only
because he postulates it is true.

The being has caused himself to become an effect. But as part of
causing himself to be an effect he has postulated that he COULDN'T have
caused himself to be an effect. Thus he believes he really is an
effect, and since he didn't create being an effect, there is nothing he
can do to take it back.

He hopes perhaps to ameliorate some of pain of being an effect by
using what cause he has left to CAUSE SOMETHING MORE, but it will always
be a bandaid on the original effect that he believes he had nothing to
do with.

He didn't create the spider, but he can create some spider poison
and kill them all off. But then he is stuck with a whole lot of dead
spider bodies looking at him with those sad eyes.

The unwanted spiders never got as-ised or truly handled, you see?

Postulates can only be undone by doing them again and then taking
them back rather than committing to them as truth observed.

Make it once, it sticks, make it again its gone when you let go.

In truth it is simpler than that, make it once and you have it
until you let go of it.

Make it once and then ask what to do about it, and it will out
persist you and the rest of time.

That's because your idea that you must figure out what to DO about
it preposulates that the original postulate is still active and won't
vanish on its own.

So the as-isness results from getting the preclear back to the make
it once and then simply don't ask what to do about it, and let go of it,
hey check that girl out!, and its gone. Now he's stuck with the girl
because he asking how to get her to go on a date with him. Gotta have
time to have a date...

Questions about postulates cause persistence of the postulate
because the question prepostulates the postulate is still true and so
carries the continuing postulate forward into time as long as the
question asking persists.

"How did THAT get there? What should I DO about it?"

A few trillion years later you have a MEST universe so solid no one
believes in spirit or postulates any more.

In the absence of the ability to postulate it again, he can't take
his postulate back, and so he remains at effect until he does take it

He can't take back, what he isn't able or willing to PUT THERE.

He is afraid that if he puts it there again, it will simply
stick there forever again, but in the end that's just another
continuing postualte or putting it there about putting things there.

Thus skill at putting things there and not putting them there goes
a long ways towards clearing out any infacility in as-isness, isness,
alter-isness and not-isness.

So from the bottom looking up through all the concrete he dumped on
himself, he needs that divine lightning strike to remind him of his
sovereignty, and his hand and ability in the design of his own future.
Then he can start to make it all again and take anything back.

But in really really serious games, he doesn't just postulate
failure for a while, like you lose one chess game, so you play another,
he postulates failure forever. If he fails to make a living and eat, he
dies and that's it bud.

Once the existence of games depends on the winning of any
particular game, then seriousness obtains.

The being in the mortal state can not conceive that he created his
own mortality, nor that anyone or anything should ever have, could ever
have, or would ever have done so.

The intention to do so exceeds him and strikes him as alien beyond

Therefore he is stuck in a self made prison of irresponsibility for

Thus he hates himself, and hates his God and its Heavens, and seeks
his final tomb like an old man seeking a long lost love.

Better to be dead forever than go to heaven forever.

For underneath that heaven forever in time is a hell forever just
waiting to nail him and he knows it.

Time consists entirely of emotional curves from high to low with a
little upspike at the end when he gets some sympathy for being so hurt
no one else can confront him either.

High appreciation for ludicrous demise is born of majesty, which is
the sovereign desire that desire not be sovereign for a while.

Majesty is Master of Jest.

J.E.S.T stands for Jokes of Eternal Self Treason.
J.E.S.T stands for Justice of Eternal Self Truth.

The being in present time does not know what he wants.

He wants to be Eternal.

But as an Eternal he wanted to be an Immortal. it was a practical
joke on himself, a PRANK or practical yank.

But as an Immortal he wanted to be Mortal.

That was a safe solution to the dangers of eternal hell fire.

Now as a Mortal he wants to be Eternal again.

That forms a problem to him called making case gain.

Further the being is scared witless of the sorrows he has
suppressed over his immortality and mortality.

One can cry an ocean of tears, but can one cry forever?

The body balks.

Cats ought to come with warning labels.

At some point a spark of divinity must be experienced in order to
help convert the sorrow to laughter.

One may not be able to cry forever, but one can laugh forever right
out of time across the verge and back into Eternality.

Laughter is the stairs that lead home.

But if one can not cry, one can not laugh or love, for sorrow is
love is sorrow is love.

Remember the guy with one foot in eternality and the other in hell?

Well with every in breath, the love of eternality turns to the
sorrow of death. And with every out breath, the sorrow of death turns
to the laughter of eternality.

Now THAT'S a person who can feel and make the sun shine.

But he is in command of the AllThatIS and his relation to it.

He is master of his own game and he knows it.

Are you ready for that?

Are you ready to be free, to be what is, and what it dares?


Spot NO daring.
Spot SOME daring.

E/P: able to dare.


The primary purpose of auditing this material is orientation,
knowing which way one is heading, and which ways there are to head.

Those three headings are eternality, immortality and mortality.

Each has its attractions, and each has its downsides.

There is no real downside to eternality, except the impulse to
manifest is as strong as the tide coming in. But nonetheless,
eternality is being home, anything else is being lost.

The thrill to being lost is assuaged by the hope of romance while
getting back home. Therein lies the friendships and sharing of self
love with each other that you meet along the way.

But once the being makes the (fairchosen) error of assigning
foreverness to a while in time, and worse begins to WISH OFF forevers in
time on others, he also begins to take them on himself, and these then
lead to his hells forever.

Probably the only overt act that could ever be to oneself,
others or the all that is, is to consider a finite while infinite
in time.

And woe be to you if you then wish such a thing on another, for
inconceiving it you HAVE it yourself. Your hell forevers are MADE of
the hell forevers you conceived for others.

They laughed them off as ludicrous, but you are stuck with them
because you were serious about them.

Tell me that's not justice.

For a being who can create in the mere conception of things, any
hell forever you wish off on another, immediately becomes your own, as
you conceived it and thus you got it.

Particularly if the other guy doesn't want it or you regret trying
to hand it to him. :)

Further the very idea that ANYTHING could last forever in time is
an unconfrontable horror that violates the most fundamental of sovereign
desires, to be limited only for a while.

Thus the instant a being gets involved in forevers in time, whether
good or bad, he has sealed his fate.

One day he says to a girl, "I will love you forever", boy did that
get boring fast, the next day he is saying "I will hate you forever".

His hatred is HIS hell, not the person he hates.

Eventually his hate turns to regret, as it violates his own sense
of sovereign perfection, and he turns to hating himself.

He hates another FOREVER, but he knows that hate FOREVER is wrong
and so regrets it, and so he figures he will do the right thing by
everyone and punish himself for wronging another by doing the same wrong
thing to himself.

Fair is fair, right?

Smart is smart, right?

In the world of Sabe (time), fair is not always sane however.

Dura is an extemporal (eternal) world of permanence, of having what
you want, forever for free, as Adore likes to put it. Where there is no
time, there is no coming or going, thus no possibility of loss.

Sabe is a temporal world of sorrow and permanent loss. Whatever
comes must go, the sorrow of the Last Goodbye gets its power from the
surprise and delightof the First Hello.

The transition from Dura to Sabe is fair chosen, for what purposes
only the GodSoul knows. That's you bozo.

Sabe is pronounced SA-BAY and bears some coincidental similarity to
the word to sob, to cry.

Dura bears coincidental similarity to the English word durable, but
neither Dura or Sabe are of Earth origin.

High Halcyon is high appreciation for LUDICROUS demise.

"The punishment for the high crime of guilt is divine
magnificence." - From Adore

But you have to be godawful high to see this.

That is why God loves you no matter what kind of M.E.S.S. you have
created for yourself.

M.E.S.S. means Magnificent Examples of Shames and Shambles.

It helps that you ARE that God incarnation, and thus forgiveness
comes from yourself to yourself and others.

Thus if you need to be forgiven, you need to forgive. It really is
just that simple.

Who can't you forgive? They are the key to your cage.

Except if you can't forgive yourself.

In which case you might never get out of it. :)

No hell can outlast a true confession and repentance. It just is
not mechanically possible. The instant you stop making hells trying to
cast them off on others or yourself, you don't HAVE any more hells to
get stuck in, as a being can only get stuck in a hell HE created to cast
on another and then himself.

The hells others are trying to cast onto you in their own insanity,
are but pretty baubles to a clean GodSoul.

There is a beauty to all this, and your preclear will have to see
that beauty to come to grips with the worthwhileness of his demise.

His fall was artful and is art.

But it won't be a human beauty, oh no, this stuff is so high up
even Divinity has a hard time with it.

Then he can take responsibility for it and take it all back and
return to native state of unmanifestation, ready to do it again if and
when he is so moved to cross the threshold of time and laughter again
into thrill and romance.

The urge towards unmanifestation is as strong as the tides going

High halcyon is High Appreciation on the verge of time.


Everything your preclear is suffering from is a surface fumarole
powered by a problem with either eternality, immortality or mortality.

A fumarole is a steam vent leaking charge and pressure from an
undergound vault of explosive emotional energy born of indecision and

He couldn't decide whether to go left or right, so he built a house
at the fork, and closed off the roads.

(Or he is out in his car with the brakes on and the pedal
to the metal trying to go left and right at the same time.)

Then he forgot he did this, "I was born here, I wasn't going
anyplace, there were no roads that I remember".

The hell there weren't.

Out back, where the fork and the roads used to be, is now a

Your preclear will come up with all kinds of reasons why he
shouldn't go near this material. He will tell you, it's too late, even
if he were to get better now, he is too old, he couldn't possibly get
back on that journey again.

And if your preclear hasn't come up to overwhelming feelings of the
outrageousness, absurdity, ridiculousness, preposterousness,
ludicrosity, incredibility, forbiddenness, and impossibility of getting
better, then he just isn't making any case gain.

These are called Guardian Dicoms for a reason, they protect the
secret of eternality so no one will discover it.

His Guardian is the thing he most wouldn't want to meet alone in a
dark alley at night.

But the secret that it guards is just too good to be true, after
all he's been through, there is NO WAY anything could be as good as
Eternality and freedom to have what he wants. including not having what
he wants and having to chase it for a while.

DICOM means DIchotomy of Comparable and Opposite Magnitude.

Credible - Incredible, Possible - Impossible, etc.

These items are so powerful that the only way to audit them is to
be with them until they subside on their own.


Thus looking for something that will help make it all seem more
credible or less preposterous will not work, the items must be run as
themselves, and confronted as themselves, until they vanish as

Looking for a solution to the above guardian dicoms is non confront
and Q&A, pure and simple.

Nothing other than the item itself will assuage itself. The items
are self vanishing when they turn on, but they run out SLOWLY, might
take an hour of just sitting with one of them, until its gone. Then the
next one will appear, and do the same. Eventually your preclear will
run into the first one again at a higher plane of existence.

Running these items with pure confront is kind of like sitting next
to a brick wall until it crumbles from your mere presence.

But crumble they do, it might take some faith to wait the duration,
but its not forever, and the first time it works for you, you will
understand, and that faith will never be shaken again.

One hopes.

And never again will you again Q&A with a Guardian dicom, looking
for an answer to it or something to make up for it.

Finally your preclear will come to the qualms, the utter and total
danger of it all.

Safety is eternal thus truely infinite.

Danger is always in manifestation which is always finite
and for a while, and always fair chosen.

Thus in the end the All-That-Is is safer than it is dangerous, but
while in time it sure doesn't look that way, and trusting that son of a
bitch who chose all this for himself, well that ain't going to happen
on his watch!

His computation is that the safest thing he can be is a mortal worm
on a stump. God knows what he might create should he ever go Eternal
again. See, being mortal is the opposite of being able to create in the
mere conception of things. A mortal was CREATED, see? That's as low as
you can go as a GodSoul, incipient carrion at something else's behest.

He is trying to protect himself from ever creating anything ever
again, at least by mere conception. Gotta have a committee go over the
design of the thing, pass laws, raise money, woo politicians, anything
to make sure he doesn't just create something he can't get rid of again.

Being able to create in the mere conception of things is the most
dangerous thing in the world, and he has spent the last untold eons
seeking a safe solution to it.

At first being able to create made HIM dangerous, anyone who could
create anything in the mere conception of it would certainly be a force
to contend with.

But then regret of creation made his ability to create, a danger TO

This is part of the hell cycle, all creations are creations of
limitation. Whether cast on others or one's self, if they are made to
be FOREVER, they eventually come to stink, but they are forever you see,
so he can't get rid of them. At least until he takes back the forever
part. If you wish a forever off on another, you get stuck with it

You can do anything to anyone FOR A WHILE without consequence,
unless you create a fair chosen consequence for yourself.

But violate the finite length of a while in your wish or creation,
and bam you are doomed. It is your own sovereign desire screaming that
becomes your own hell forever. It is the forever that makes it scream,
even if it is a forever created for another.

This is the genesis of conscience.

What is wrong is FOREVERNESS in time.

That is part of what he tried to create you see?

He tried to create another at effect forever.

Then he took it on himself perhaps when the other convinced
him he had succeeded :)

At first he was cause and then he was effect because that is what
he caused himself to be.

But once he becomes afraid of his own GodSoul abilities, he is on a
dwindling spiral from there on out seeking the Holy Grail of a safe

In the end there is no greater danger than a safe solution.

So where is he safer? As a GodSoul who can create anything in the
mere conception of it, or as a worm at the bottom of the ocean who can't
create anything and lives to be eaten over and over and over again?

Have him spot danger and safety until both are under his command.

That's a big one, don't go by it.

A being that is not in command of danger and safety is sunk.

He's on a fast moving train with out tracks up ahead.

"Get the idea of NO DANGER."
"Get the idea of SOME DANGER.
"Get the idea of NO SAFETY."
"Get the idea of SOME SAFETY."

Really I am not writing this stuff for my health, and I don't get
paid by the word.

Then take each and every problem, upset, anxiety, indecision,
DECISION, certainty and uncertainty, doubt, and choice in his life, that
he knows about, and assess for whether it is a fumarole on eternality,
immortality or mortality.

Once the core of the fumarole is properly spotted, dig for the
underlying problem with one of the three.

He will eventually find out why he is mortal via auditing his
immortal problems, and he will find out why he is immortal by auditing
his problems with eternality, and he will find out why he wants to be
eternal again by auditing his mortal problems.

E/P (End Phenomenon of the auditing program) is facility with life.

Life = Operating the AllThatIS.


- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
Homer Wilson Smith Clean Air, Clear Water, Art Matrix - Lightlink
(607) 277-0959 A Green Earth, and Peace, Internet, Ithaca NY Is that too much to ask?

======================= ========================
Posted: Thu Jun 30 23:42:33 EDT 2016
Send mail to saying help
================== ===================
Learning implies Learning with Certainty or Learning without Certainty.
Learning across a Distance implies Learning by Being an Effect.
Learning by Being an Effect implies Learning without Certainty.
Therefore, Learning with Certainty implies Learning but
Not by Being an Effect, and not across a Distance.

Version: GnuPG v1.4.5 (GNU/Linux)

HomerWSmith-L mailing list

ADORE844 (fwd)

Hash: SHA1

> Carol:
>>>>My partial definition of Kant's "transcendental unity of apperception"
>>>>is a self that is a priori or prior and beyond sense experience and
>>>>logic, with an ability to look AT the contents of thought, and includes
> Sorry, this is stupid.
> NOTHING can BE beyond logic, and logic is a description of what TO
> BE really means.

NOTHING can BE beyond logic, as logic IS a description of what TO
BE really means.

Conjugate the verb TO BE into every imaginable tense, past, present
and future, and then try to make a statement about logic not using any
one of those conjugations.

It is impossible.

Thus any statement that says that logic is ...., that denies
the validity of logic is a self denying statement.

And thus loony bin material.

God is not above logic, logic is above God, and thus God is
a God OF logic and of Truth.

And God takes a real serious disliking to people who fuck around
with logic, or deny it is King of Kings.

Case consists of beautiful illogics, thus those that belittle or
denigrate logic in any way are merely defending their cases, to their
final demise.


- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
Homer Wilson Smith The Paths of Lovers Art Matrix - Lightlink
(607) 277-0959 KC2ITF Cross Internet Access, Ithaca NY In the Line of Duty
Sat Feb 5 23:21:57 EST 2011

================ ====================
Thu Jun 30 12:06:01 EDT 2016
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=========== ===============
Learning implies Learning with Certainty or Learning without Certainty.
Learning across a Distance implies Learning by Being an Effect.
Learning by Being an Effect implies Learning without Certainty.
Therefore, Learning with Certainty implies Learning,
but not by Being an Effect, and not across a Distance.

Version: GnuPG v1.4.5 (GNU/Linux)

HomerWSmith-L mailing list

Wednesday, June 29, 2016


Hash: SHA1


The rules of dream magic are pretty simple, they are all based on
the idea that questions prepostulate conditions, problems, and/or
failures and continue them.

Since dream magic is the ability to get what you want in a dream
dependably, it is important to know these rules.

For example, say you are in a dream, and you get a glimpse of one
of those impossibly beautiful girls whose genes meld with yours
perfectly, and when your eyes meet, they 'fit' perfectly, and the power
from infinity starts to flow between you two.

But she averts her eyes and goes running off and you are left
crushed and wondering:


Wondering is question asking, using questions which are their own

Being crushed is the result of the heavy efforts you put into
asking the question and failing to come up with the correct answer, in
particular one which opens the door to getting the girl to come back.

Instead, feeling crushed from your why asking, you will probably
pick a hallucinatory reason that makes you feel the worst, and you will
give up in sorrow, self abasement and permanent malaise.

Any wrong answer will make you feel bad, as that is what wrong
answers do, particularly wrong why's which ask about cause, and to a
being who is natively cause, asking questions about cause is a killer.

But let's take a look at this, and apply the first rule of dream


What is the question?


So we reword that into standard Adorian dream magic form which
states the prepostulate first and the question second.


Now for a GodSoul, who can create in the mere conception of things,
that would be a very dangerous sequence to engage in.

First you issue a CAUSAL postulate that she is and will avoid you,
so of course she does, THEN you issue a wonderment, a question, asking
who or what is cause around here and why is it such an asshole.

The why question is looking for an answer other than the postulate
that preceded the question. Since that postulate would fade and vanish
on its own if not followed by the why question, the why question is
CONTINUING the postulate in time or causing a persistence.

Since the question ITSELF is continuing the problem, ANY POSSIBLE
answer to the question other than the question itself MUST be a wrong
answer, and thus MUST make you feel bad even before you have found it.

Thus even LOOKING for the answer to a self answering question gives
rise to this feeling of doom, the qualms, in that you know it will be a
supreme downer once you find it, and you know this BEFORE you find it,
if you ever do.

But since the question is its own answer, you never will find some
other correct answer, and thus you will instead settle on a false answer
that makes you feel the worst, and know that this answer must be the
correct answer because it makes you feed so bad.

One thus judges the truth of the answer by its correlation with the
intensity of the qualms you felt while starting to seek it, and before
you find it. THAT sets the standard for how miserable the answer must
make you feel in order for it to be true. You will reject any other
(also false) answers that do not make you feel as bad because the
pecursor qualms during the search have not yet been matched.

However using the rules of dream magic, the question is its own
answer to the problem, so nuke the question, run the postulate, and the
postulate won't continue.

You have to get BEFORE the question in time, to BE in the postulate
in order to run it. The question asking acts as an escape from the bad
feelings of the postulate, by removing you from the exact moment of time
in which the postulate exists in its first creation. But then, not
realizing the question is CAUSE of persistence, seeking the answer to
the question starts the qualms and away you go down the time stream
feeling worse and worse until you fall into the garbage pail at the end,
and that is your wrong answer which you are sure is true because it
feels so bad.

Notice the question is not the cause of the postulate, you are, but
the question IS committing effort to the continuance of the postulate
while denying that the question asking has anything to do with anything.

So instead of going down the tubes on this simple trap, we rewrite
the dream as follows.

You see the girl, she averts her eyes and runs away, you go stupid
for a moment and ask 'Why is she avoiding me?';

Then you go lucid, you stop asking the question and you say "She is
not avoiding me, she is off to powder her nose, and in a few seconds she
will slink around behind me and put her arms around me, all warm and

And she does, as long as you are not dramatizing some other
wondering that would prepostulate that she won't.

A clear can make this work in his own universe and his dreams.

And OT can make it work period.

The basic questions are:

Why is this happening/not happening?

Who or what is causing it and how.

What should I *DO* about it?

Do = effort.

Stupidity then comes in these 3 simple questions and their many
variants, and the sum totality of stupidity consists of continuing a
postulate by asking a question about it, because asking a question about
causal postulate reasserts that the postulate is true totally bypassing
the fact that the postulate is also CAUSAL, that is results in what the
postulate is about.

It is. Why?
It is. Why?
It is. Why?
It is. Why?
It is. Why?

You see all day long of this will assuredly end up in IT IS!

It is easy to make this stuff work in your dreams, and you will
quickly see how damaging the efforts to wonder about cause are to your
body, your health and your future.

Wonder is asking why questions.

Why questions kill.

Therefore wonder kills.

When you finally find where you been playing this game in the awake
state and have been creating a tanking future with a question about a
prepostulate, you will have found your first God Postulate, and your
life will change immediately without further effort.

You don't get better by exerting an effort, you get better
naturally once you cease the efforts that make you worse.

A God Postulate is that postulate which the preclear thinks is true
because he has observed it to be true, when in fact the postulate is
true because he considers it is true.

Consideration and Observation are dicoms.

Persistence in time arises from converting a causal consideration
or postulate into a self proving observation, and then questioning what
to DO about it.

Persistence continues by trying to solve a creation by creating
something MORE that is not the original creation.

Thus basic OT power is the ability to ruin your own future with a
postulate/question pair.

Running just one of these out provides all the proof anyone will
ever need of OT 'powers', and certainly all the proof they will ever


- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
Homer Wilson Smith Clean Air, Clear Water, Art Matrix - Lightlink
(607) 277-0959 A Green Earth, and Peace, Internet, Ithaca NY Is that too much to ask?
Fri May 4 22:54:21 EDT 2012
06/29/16 Wednesday 7:40pm EST

======================= ========================
Posted: Wed Jun 29 19:41:50 EDT 2016
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Learning implies Learning with Certainty or Learning without Certainty.
Learning across a Distance implies Learning by Being an Effect.
Learning by Being an Effect implies Learning without Certainty.
Therefore, Learning with Certainty implies Learning but
Not by Being an Effect, and not across a Distance.

Version: GnuPG v1.4.5 (GNU/Linux)

HomerWSmith-L mailing list

Re: adore743.memo

Hash: SHA1


In husk <> wrote:
>Interesting. So a true OT, who has the powers, would have zero
>loyalty to the Church of Scientology.

Well why would a game creator want more game creators around?

An OT is a fully operational GodSoul.

As such the OT's motivation to create games is opposed to the
human's desire to win them.

The guy who created football didn't take sides, you understand?

If a God were to take sides, it would usually be for the underdog,
because their aim is to keep the game going.

But their main effort would be to improve the game if one side
would win so easily and the other never win.

Also a God can only interfere in human affairs under very tight
rules, other wise humans stop trying for themselves.

In any case no OT is all powerful, let alone a fledgling OT, if he
were he would simply create the universe as it is.

He would be doing what he be doing, because he is at peace and
there would be no reason to change anything.

Thus there is a change over point when a human goes OT, he stops
helping and caring about those around him in the sense of helping them
win the game. He will help them have a better longer game, but not win
it. You see?

That is in part why humans fear and thus *HATE* Gods and OT's.

Thus all OT's are at risk in any game they play, they have lost and
can lose to a planet full of humans who are dedicated to destroying or
enslaving them and destroying their loved ones who may not be OT yet.

They need to stay fabian, and play in the background and optimize
the game where no player can ever tell it is going on.

Humans are out in your face, put up or shut up! OT's vanish and
must stay fabian, they can not be provoked to 'appear'.

>Following that, one who
>claims to be OT VII or VIII, but does not have the powers as it didn't
>work for them, can have extreme loyalty to the church.


They have loyalty to a hope, a dream, which they correctly know is
possible, but incorrectly think they will find in the Church and
Hubbard's work.

Look most of the OT abilities are inner abilities, OT III is
freedom from overwhelm. That's a major state, but I doubt any have it
really, not stably.

OT VII is the ability to project intention, that means if I want
you to do something, I can 'make' it be your intention to do it, as long
as you aren't opposed. I can 'give' you the idea, to turn left instead
of right etc.

OT VIII *USED* to be cause over MEST, but that's absurd, they are
lucky if they can get their dicks to rise or move their bodies around
without falling down the stairs let alone move an ashtray over to where
the cigarette is.

OT VIII back in the old days was a theoretical postulate, when it
finally came time to deliver it was down graded into a pre OT level,
meaning its just another auditing of overts and withholds cycle, trying
to force endless loyalty to the Church.

And sad truth is that just about anybody can make case gain of a
sorts in a highly protected atmosphere, but throw them to the lions in
the real world and they simply come apart, can't even make a living.

The church is full of scientology wogs, those that need someone
else to do everything for them.

You need to stop looking at LRH and the Church and its meatball
adherents, and start looking at YOUR spiritual existence and abilities.

LRH said these abilities are there, he was right.

LRH said he could help you develop them, well that's probably a
less than perfect bet at this time on this planet.

If you can see past LRH to the truth in your own soul, then you
will see better where the Church may have gone astray and given the
whole subject a bad name.

Look at it this way, the *CHURCH* has not yet gotten above Grade
IV, or dramatizing psychotic on a make wrong rampage, so how can anyone
inside the Church possibly become or really be an OT?

Now I will tell you something else, and you will either interact
with this comment with intelligence or not depending on whether your
mother bred with a valid license.

What I WANT from Scientology or clearing is not magic abilities to
defend my body from all oppressors, or demonstrate eternality to those
better flushed down the toilet a few times.

I just want to feel physically and emotionally good about my
endless future and not be in anger, fear, sorrow and apathy all day

And I would like some control over my next lives, so I can get on
with various trans life time goals that I have my heart set on. I
certainly do not want to end up with cretins for parents as I did in
this life, and I do not want to end up a mortal meatball all over again
next life.

Recovering from the emotional and mental wreckage of mortality is
almost impossible.

And if my inner feelings are any clue, I have known the proof
before this life, and I didn't appreciate it taking me 21 years of life
to recover it.

So those are big desires and very very very hard to achieve.

If I could just feel good all day long, look forward to my future
no matter what it is, make friends, grow and prosper, not have the
demons and their claws in my rib cage and throat, and their tails up my
ass, and not be a fucking Black V who can't see anything because every
time I do, my body starts to faint, then I might consider the issues of
moving the marble.

But you know once you go in the direction of stopping atom bombs in
flight, and doing serious Physical Universe magic to protect fragile
things, you come to own it, and Earth wouldn't be free any more, the non
OT's would be RULED by the OT's, not because the OT's wanted it, but
because the little guys would demand it, TAKE CARE OF ME.

That's a big reason to not let little guys know you might be able
to, because they will try to ruin you and your friends and pets if you
don't. An OT, no matter how powerful he is, if he ACTS, will engender
consequences, and consequences can be like tidal waves, nothing can
stand up to them, not even the OT who started it.

Thus the protocol empowers the power.

Find out how the power should be used, and it will come back.


>I'll have to digest that one for a while.

- --
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
Homer Wilson Smith Clean Air, Clear Water, Art Matrix - Lightlink
(607) 277-0959 A Green Earth, and Peace, Internet, Ithaca NY Is that too much to ask?

======================= ========================
Posted: Wed Jun 29 18:26:49 EDT 2016
Send mail to saying help
================== ===================
Learning implies Learning with Certainty or Learning without Certainty.
Learning across a Distance implies Learning by Being an Effect.
Learning by Being an Effect implies Learning without Certainty.
Therefore, Learning with Certainty implies Learning but
Not by Being an Effect, and not across a Distance.

Version: GnuPG v1.4.5 (GNU/Linux)

HomerWSmith-L mailing list

ADORE925 (fwd)

Hash: SHA1


> Hello, Homer, I showed this process to a fellow auditor who runs power
> processes frequently, without giving your name out (I guess I suspected
> :-) ).

This is all public knowledge, My name and phone are free to anyone.

> A fellow auditor writes:
> "Spot some OK-ness/Spot some Not-OKness,

((I would now run

"Get the idea of NOT being OK or being NOT OK". Pick one.

"Get the idea of being OK."))

This is the SOME side of the dichotomy, for someone who is an
isness case it will run fine.

But for those who are not-isness cases, all their OKness is
not-ised, so the above won't run, it will produce loss after loss for
not being able to do each command.

For example a not isness case can not run ARC straight wire, you
ask him for a moment of affinity and he will say 'there aren't any' and
go REAL SAD EFFECT on you.

Remember the E/P of straightwire is the preclear remembers
he WITHDREW his affinity on purpose. Total cause.

Later he rues how he is getting worse, so once he sees he did it,
and deterines to not withdraw his affinity again no matter what,
it was a ploy after all that didn't work, of course he knows he won't
get worse any more.

But down in the darkness, he doesn't know he not-ised his affinity,
running NO affinity/SOME affinity breaks that open fast. Once the
preclear spots himself not-ising things, that he didn't know he was
not-ising, it will stop as an ongoing compulsion and the remaining
not-isness will start to lift on its own.

So run get the idea of NO affinity, get the idea of SOME affinity,
and things start to loosen up for him, because he can run that process
even if he has never loved or been loved for a single moment in his
entire life.

A not-isness case cannot answer questions, or spot anything except
the effort to make nothing out of everything, and he won't be able to
spot WHAT he is making nothing out of!

So the only way to bring the not-isness case up to an isness case
is to get him to as-is his not-isness.

One does this by spotting not-isness and the effort to not-is,
NEVER WHAT is being not-ised, which will come up eventually on its own.

For example running "What are you not-ising" is a high crime as the
preclear hasn't a clue. You see?

Making him create MORE not-isness by hook or by crook is the
only route out for him.

Also Spot is impure as it implies the preclear will actually spot
some not-isness, even that is too much.

All these 'spot' commands should be changed to 'get the idea of'
which gives the preclear nothing but wins because he always can.

Get the idea of not-ising something, of NO Okness. etc

> What is really being addressed here is havingness, in terms of acceptance,
> as total acceptance vs no acceptance.
> I think the concept has good processing validity, and could make for quite
> a shift of viewpoint, even possibly split a valence."

Yes, it can be explosive because it opens up the catestrophic NOT
OKness that people are hiding from, and then the catestrophic OKness
that is too good to be true and makes everyone else want to crucify you
etc. So it runs out glibness as much as the being can stand and feel
safe with.

Most people couldn't stand knowing what their true condition is in
one sitting.

> How important is the wording, except for consideration of what gradient and
> mindset the PC has.

> Did you run this process solo? I assume you did. And I will work
> it out, the two of us :-)

Solo is possible, but really dual is addicting, being able to TALK
to someone else really brings up stuff. Even just the option to not
talk if you don't want to, and then spill when you do is even better.
Having no one is bad news.

As long as talk is not enforced.

Also auditing this on others is almost as good as getting it done
to yourself, maybe better.

People who are terrified of being audited or who are No Case Gain,
can make marvelous gains running things on others and winning with them.


Wed Jan 16 15:06:48 EST 2013

======================= ========================
Posted: Wed Jun 29 00:07:40 EDT 2016
Send mail to saying help
================== ===================
Learning implies Learning with Certainty or Learning without Certainty.
Learning across a Distance implies Learning by Being an Effect.
Learning by Being an Effect implies Learning without Certainty.
Therefore, Learning with Certainty implies Learning but
Not by Being an Effect, and not across a Distance.

Version: GnuPG v1.4.5 (GNU/Linux)

HomerWSmith-L mailing list

Sunday, June 26, 2016


Hash: SHA1


There are two falls to consider.

The first is from timeless eternality into time and apparent
immortality, an allegedly infinite single while, that eventually turns
into a hell forever. No whiles are actually forever, remaining
awareness of this prevents the hells from happening, which are just
whiles we are holding onto beyond their time of proper ending.

The second fall is the escape from immortality further into time
and apparent mortality which offers the illusion we can die one day for
good thus ending the immortal hell.

The answer to both immortality and mortality is eternality which is
eternal peace but also eternal responsibility.


What you are willing to put there, you can unput there, doesn't
matter who originally put it there.

Thus one audits the two assumptions, or donnings, of apparency.

The first is the assumption of time itself as an eternal being,
thus becoming an immortal being.

The second is the assumption of the body at birth to give the
apparency of mortality. Its a deceit to escape the immortal hell one

There is no real case gain outside of these.

Can't = won't.

What can't you?

Why wouldn't you?

A preclear talks their havingness down when you allow them to yak
and natter forever about can't or must.

The TA starts to move and preclear interest comes back the instant
you insist upon them coughing up the won't start or won't stop.

Never audit the can't, always audit the won't.

The being is a black five because he keeps trying to mockup what he
WANTS to mockup, all the while suppressing his bank cluster from mocking
up what IT wants to mockup.

The bank consists of emotional curves from having down through not
having (loss) and finally back up again a small bit at the end into co
miseration, sympathy and help groups that like each other because they
all suffer the same.

This sticks the being in the up curve at the end, he thus refuses
to move back through time down the tone scale through the worst part of
the down curve back to the beginning when he was high on the curve at
the start.

Each curve forms a whole havingness unit, a havingness of tragedy
and travesty, miracle and majesty (once it is audited).

Curve after curve is suppressed because its all loss.

Try getting into reverie, maybe just after waking up in the morning
and rather than starting mocking up every thing you want for that days
work, let the bank you show you what is there. A few wins at this will
raise you immeasurably because you will see the bank has more stuff in
it to keep you occupied and entertained for trillions of years, more
sex, movies, games, tragedy and travesty than you could ever hope for,
and whats better none of it is yours, so its all NEW and delightful if a
bit terrifying and hard on the empathy.

Remember loss of havingness is HAVINGNESS!

Every emotional curve is necessary as all things die one day, and
every curve is a story in fine form of playing games of survival that
can not be won FOREVER.

So every emotional curve and its story that thetan can enjoy the
better off he is. He has become unwilling to engage in their creation,
so he can't have anything at all.

All havingness ends one day, usually in disaster with triumphs
along the way to keep them addicting, so expect the bank to offer up
endless moving pictures and images of Heavens -> Hells, Heavens ->

Babes and Bugs, beauty and ugly, brilliant pure color, drab ugly
squirming bodies crying to die that can't. The thetan when confronted
with all this freaks out with 'I can't confront this, and if I could I
could never help them all, so I am just going to sit here catatonic
until they all stop crying and squirming and die already.' That's a
black V.

He is head banging on life and his bank in the hopes of out waiting
for it to go away.

Let the bank offer you what IT wants, never direct or expect, turn
your acceptance of surprise up to infinity, wait for it to appear out of
the blue when you aren't expecting it, and the bank will offer you
endless landscapes of beauty, girls, wealth all on its way to the
blackest broiling clouds of burning disaster you could ever want.

If you can't get it all to turn on, you are still trying to mockup
what YOU want, rather than what is there to be seen when IT wants. What
you SEE when you close your eyes is the average of a lot of whole track
trying to manifest at the same time. It averages out to dull tedium
made from NO I don't want to see that, I want to see this.

You can't just mockup objects, you need to mockup cycles of actions
on objects moving in time, from creation through hey cool they hang out
under their own power for a while, to disaster and oh my god I don't
want to see the final end. Well do so anyhow, and then the next movie
of action cycles will turn on, and the next. Watch it, it can turn on
and last for DAYS, you won't be able to turn it off without some
presence of mind.

If you are willing to see the buring oil poured on the 10 thousand
bodies having an orgy without limits, you can have all the sex you want!

Its the effort to have the Heaven without the slow or fast slide
into the interminable hell that prevents a thetan from having anything.

You can always run the incident backwards you know.

Start off with the crispy critters and run it back to the
'prettiest thing I ever seen.'

But watch it, once this turns on it will be a bear to stop.

Fortunately it's pretty easy to stop, just demand to see what YOU
want without a disaster attached to its end.

Cool huh, you can have anything you want as long as you are willing
to let it cycle through the not want at the end.

Endless emotional curves forever for free, each one will take you
higher at the beginning, as long as you are willing to go lower at the
end of each one.

And you don't maudle (maudlin) around in the Golden Ally sympathy
stinger at the end. That will stick you there and no more movies.

Nothing is forever except people and peace, not the peace of having
some manifestation, but the peace of unmanifestation.

So freedom, power, willingness and appreciation comes from the
ability put to cycles of action of havingness there forever for free.

They told you you could have a limitless number of pretty girls,
YOU read into that meant forever without the crispy critters to match.

So really, an unlimited number of pretty girls balanced by an
unlimited number of crispy critters ain't so bad no is it. Especially
if you can play the game of keep the beginning and end of the while as
far apart in time as you can.

You might even be blessed with the ability to forget the end is
inevitable for a while...


- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
Homer Wilson Smith Clean Air, Clear Water, Art Matrix - Lightlink
(607) 277-0959 A Green Earth, and Peace, Internet, Ithaca NY Is that too much to ask?

On Sun, 26 Jun 2016, David M Pelly wrote:

> Ha ha.
> I have never thought of it that way.
> But I have so much to do, that I want to live forever.
> Or at least as long as Methuselah.
> But I am so cased that I feel like I am losing the game.
> David
> > From:
> > To:
> > Date: Sun, 26 Jun 2016 21:26:55 -0400
> >
> > Hash: SHA1
> >
> >
> > What's worse:
> >
> > Thinking you are going to die forever when you want to live forever,
> >
> > or
> >
> > Thinking you are going to live forever when you want to die forever?
> >
> > Homer
> >
> > - ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> > Homer Wilson Smith Clean Air, Clear Water, Art Matrix - Lightlink
> > (607) 277-0959 A Green Earth, and Peace, Internet, Ithaca NY
> > Is that too much to ask?
> >
> > ======================= ========================
> > Posted: Sun Jun 26 21:26:55 EDT 2016
> >
> > Send mail to saying help
> > ================== ===================
> > Learning implies Learning with Certainty or Learning without Certainty.
> > Learning across a Distance implies Learning by Being an Effect.
> > Learning by Being an Effect implies Learning without Certainty.
> > Therefore, Learning with Certainty implies Learning but
> > Not by Being an Effect, and not across a Distance.
> >
> > Version: GnuPG v1.4.5 (GNU/Linux)
> >
> > iD8DBQFXcIDfURT1lqxE3HERAkwvAJ94BB2R0+HPOUH39eb3hpIdO7ivsACeMM9b
> > UYnEmQnTDhmzX5rRc+Jdmig=
> > =rdw7
> > -----END PGP SIGNATURE-----
> > _______________________________________________
> > HomerWSmith-L mailing list
> >
> >

======================= ========================
Posted: Sun Jun 26 23:06:26 EDT 2016
Send mail to saying help
================== ===================
Learning implies Learning with Certainty or Learning without Certainty.
Learning across a Distance implies Learning by Being an Effect.
Learning by Being an Effect implies Learning without Certainty.
Therefore, Learning with Certainty implies Learning but
Not by Being an Effect, and not across a Distance.

Version: GnuPG v1.4.5 (GNU/Linux)

HomerWSmith-L mailing list


Hash: SHA1

What's worse:

Thinking you are going to die forever when you want to live forever,


Thinking you are going to live forever when you want to die forever?


- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
Homer Wilson Smith Clean Air, Clear Water, Art Matrix - Lightlink
(607) 277-0959 A Green Earth, and Peace, Internet, Ithaca NY Is that too much to ask?

======================= ========================
Posted: Sun Jun 26 21:26:55 EDT 2016
Send mail to saying help
================== ===================
Learning implies Learning with Certainty or Learning without Certainty.
Learning across a Distance implies Learning by Being an Effect.
Learning by Being an Effect implies Learning without Certainty.
Therefore, Learning with Certainty implies Learning but
Not by Being an Effect, and not across a Distance.

Version: GnuPG v1.4.5 (GNU/Linux)

HomerWSmith-L mailing list

ECO18 (fwd)

Hash: SHA1



If you can come to our place at 24 Fairview SQ some afternoon after
2pm, that would be fine.

Be forwarned my favorite writer of all time was Ayn Rand...

If you don't know who she is, or her history, please inform
yourself before you come here. In particular the three books Anthem,
The Fountain Head, and Atlas Shrugged. Just get a fast synopsis.

I am not a stupid Democrat nor a stupid Republican, I am all for
competition in all things, including money and currency, but 'buy local'
is a criminal's swan song.

I am for a global economy by definition of being an internet
service provider hosting hundreds of web pages offering products made
locally to an entire world, and access to other web pages all over the
world offering products to local users.

Lightlink IS a global store and because of us money flows into
Ithaca from the world, and money flows out from Ithaca to the world.

I live in and survive because of a GLOBAL economy, I wouldn't be
here if I tried to live in a local economy only.

Many small business people in Ithaca make almost their entire living by
selling globally on the internet. That brings dollars back into Ithaca. But
they also buy globally because their income doesn't justify buying local milk
at $6/gallon when they can get it for $3/gallon.

It would be cheaper to live on caviar.

If there is an imbalance of trade, and thus an imbalance of money flow
between locals and the rest of the world, then we have a problem, but the
solutions to that are NOT making an ethic of buying local. Only the locals who
can't compete against the global market, are for that.

It's called protectionism.

The poor always scream that food and internet should be free, that
ownership is theft, and the lowest caste of workers cry for minimum wage
hikes, having no clue that fixed wages is 1/2 of a communism, and price
controls is the other half.

The cries of the poor give power to the Democrat candidates, who in no
case give a serious damn about the people who scream or vote for them, but only
about their own positions of power and wealth.

The Republicans are no different, they just want to go about it by
starving the poor out of existence, darwinian selection with a vengence.

Real change comes from a shake down from the top down.

For example,

Only tax funds should be used to pay for political campaigns, the
richest are not the most fit to rule.

Lobbying of congress vermin with large payments must end, or else
candidates make promises to the poor that they are PAID to make by the
lobbyists in order to get elected, when in fact they intend to NOT keep
those promises because, although they may be good for the poor, they are
not for the lobbyist!

Remember lobbying is the game of getting concessons from senators
by paying them to run and telling them what to promise the people in
order to get elected. "Say anything, particularly to the poor, but
keep your promises to us."

The promise made by the senator to the people in order to get elected
more often than not be diametrically opposed to the promise made by the senator
to the lobbyist for the funding the run.

The Lobbyist gets what he wants for the big corporations, the
Senator gets wealth and power, and the people who elected him get zip,
nada, rien, squat.

This may sound cynical, but it comes from basic Corruption,
Temptation, and Seduction 101, a course available at any university,
particularly those institutions "where any person can find instruction
in any study".

Modern markets MUST provide an air of stability, or else no one
will RISK THEIR LIFE and invest, this means money MUST move towards a
one world currency, with all local currencies pegged to the world
currency. That way countries can no longer declare war on their trading
partners, whether physical or financial, overt or covert, and imbalances
of trade between countries can be handled properly with judicious
financial assistance.

Discretionary monentary policy (easy/loose money, interest rates)
can no longer be used by the US to mess the Chinese over, and the
Chinese can no longer do the same in return. With a fully pegged one
world currency if anyone tries to mess another over, they mess
themselves over instantly.

The US dollar is looked over by only the US Fed, and the Fed looks
out only for US interests. A world currency is looked over by members
of every country and the interests of Earth are kept in balance.

Labor motility is another critical factor in stability, if there is
more investment captial in one country but more laborers or skilled
workers in another, they have to be allowed to move to where the
financial action is, even if it is across borders, without loosing their
own local identity, which includes the freedom to use their own language
and send money back home cheaply.

Trying to keep the cheaper or more skilled workers OUT of your
country in order to protect the standard of living of your own workers,
even if you don't have enough to do the job, or they are not as
qualified, IS INSANE, not to mentioned bigoted and racist.

Schools have to change completely, we presently turn out little
soliders and factory workers, not business owners.

Bush said the little business is the bedrock of America, well I am
CEO of Lightlink, we used to have 700,000 in gross a year and 4
employees plus me and Jane. No one was paid more than 24,000 a year
including myself and Jane.

Now since 9/11 we have one employee and everyone is down to 18,000
a year, no benefits, no medical, no IRA's, no savings, no safety net.

Mine and Jane's paychecks go directly back into the business, to
keep it afloat, then we take out what we need for mere survival.

And for every $1 the business pays me in salary, the business has
to pay almost another $1 in taxes.

And rents go up every year by 4 to 6 percent for home and office
space, and roof tops and towers to hold radio equipment. The landlords
are trying to keep up with inflation, but when was the last time your
paycheck when up yearly to cover inflation CAUSED BY THE LANDLORDS?

What's my safety net? Is it eating at Loaves and Fishes, after a
life time of trying to provide mission critical communication services
to people who were way beyond the business model of Time Warner and
other providers because there was no money in covering that last mile?

And so we end up serving people who were and are doing WAY better
than us, but who happend to choose an out of the way place to live where
there was no other service.

Man do I hate house calls, it reminds me of what a house is, and a
family, and a future...

And yet we still give $100/month to Loaves and Fishes, while even
THEY are sinking.

So much for the small business owner, he risks EVERYTHING for the
business, his life, his famiily, his children, if he even can afford to
have any, and yet his fate is to live out of a car at the end of his

Can you imagine seeing no way out of that fate for your whole
career as a productive human?

Being the CEO of a small business is a suicide mission, that you
take your family on and even your future generations.

Few return and for many its a genetic dead end, no family, no
children, no nothing. Nothing to leave and no one to leave it to.

The day I realized I *COULD* live out of a car brought huge waves
of relief to me, I was able to shake off some of the chronic depression
about my and Jane's future.

But no, Jane wouldn't be in the car with me :)

And all the US does is covertly foment war, and sell arms to both
sides, selling every human being on Earth short.

And the economy stalls, recesses, depresses, no one is willing to
invest, everyone hoards their income, what little of it there is, in
savings which after inflation provides a NEGATIVE interest rate, which
means savings is a slow leak, fearing for their old age, buying nothing
but mere essentials, which puts the discretionary spending 1/2 of the
economy out of business right there.

How many people out there earning less than 24,000 a year actually
have a PLAN for their old age? Live in Kendall? Bridges?

$3000 a month?

Who has that kind of money?

Those that worked in academentia all their lives, teaching what
they could not do?

Some professor with a few million in TIA-CREF can commit himself to
Kendall and the system will take care of him until he dies, even if he
can't remember if he put is shoes on or not, can't find his bedroom from
the dining room, and no longer has any idea what TIA-CREF or money is.

What about the rest of us? Do we end up wandering the streets
looking for a good place to pee?


And in that hurricane of total financial insanity, you want people
to buy local, with more fiat money controlled by what coven of crooks,
who are looking to better THEIR OWN future by selling potential ponzi
schemes to the unware and disenfranchised.

Fait money you can't pay your taxes with, nor your electricity,
water, or food bills, nor your medical bills, nor land taxes, nor whole
coteries of insurances necessary to survive, not to mention cars, gas
and public transportation.

What do people NEED to buy and sell JUST TO SURVIVE?

What penetration does any new money have into that market?


What is local money good for?

Non necessary discretionary purchases that have nothing to do with
a bed rock living?

Maybe food at the more expensive granolaries, local farms, etc.

If the money can only buy what is non necessary and discretionary,
then that money will be non necessary and discretionary and will be
used, or not used, accordingly.

If Ithaca Dollars are to grab and take hold they must be completely
liquid in the necessary and non discretonary markets.

And who issues the money? (Do they own a farm? How do they

When is it issued?

How is it issued?

How much is issued?

You know, I like gold, but backing money with gold is not necessary
to a good money, but being backed by SOME hard asset can be
psychologically a good idea. Just the ability to take your fiat Ithaca
Dollar into the bank and exchange it for something you can pay the tax
man with is quite a comfort.

Ithaca Hours were based in pure communism, every man's hour is
worth every other man's hour, a total insult and slap in the face to
every creative person on the planet.

The first time I saw an Ithaca Hour long ago, it made me FURIOUS, I
couldn't believe that Ithaca had finally turned red on us.

Every business owner saw this too, but no one said anything out of
compassion for the commie retards who pushed it.

Ithaca Hours where useful only for cat litter, cat's loved them,
they really missed a market there, except for the hemp Ithaca Hours
which were only good for smoking.

By the way we no longer have Ithaca Hours, we gave hundreds of them
all away, except for the hemp hours.

You probably would have to pay a huge premium for the hemp hours,
because they have value for another reason beyond being the offical
currency of communism in Ithaca.

They have become in some small way anhistorical statement about the
war against pot.

If you wish to affect the economy, legalize pot.

Maybe the issuers might think about backing Ithaca Dollars with
Gold, that would probably make it work all by itself, make it wildly
successful, just because of the way humans are.

But where is the Gold going to come from?

Where are ithaca dollars going to come from?

And what is its exchange rate going to be with the dollar, and who
will determine that and with what credentials?

Hopefully not a politician running for public office for 'the
public good,' or a banker who gets a percentage of the print run.

There is not enough Raid in the world to get rid of them.


- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
Homer Wilson Smith Clean Air, Clear Water, Art Matrix - Lightlink
(607) 277-0959 A Green Earth, and Peace, Internet, Ithaca NY Is that too much to ask?

Sat Apr 18 14:42:28 EDT 2015

================ ====================
Sat Jun 25 12:06:02 EDT 2016
Send mail to saying help in body
=========== ===============
Learning implies Learning with Certainty or Learning without Certainty.
Learning across a Distance implies Learning by Being an Effect.
Learning by Being an Effect implies Learning without Certainty.
Therefore, Learning with Certainty implies Learning,
but not by Being an Effect, and not across a Distance.

Version: GnuPG v1.4.5 (GNU/Linux)

HomerWSmith-L mailing list