Hash: SHA1
(In this posting the word NO means absence of, not a pretended
absence of as in the CDEINR scale. Sorry for the confusion.)
The physical universe consists entirely of games and problems of
motion and no motion with solutions of motion and no motion.
Nazi's coming over the hill with tanks, that's a problem of motion.
If one runs or fights, that is a solution of motion, if one hides and is
very still while they pass, that is a solution of no motion.
Mother is dead on the bed in a valium stupor. That's a problem of
no motion. Baby is screaming and wailing away trying to wake mother,
that is a solution of motion.
The state of the universe is entirely described by the state of its
motion and no motion.
Goals are an intention to create or rearrange the present state of
motion and no motion in the universe, it is what the being has 'set out
to accomplish'.
In the process of striving to attain a goal, one may run into
states of counter motion and no motion that thwart one. They provide
further problems in motion and no motion that the being must solve with
his own motion and no motion.
Sometimes the being will come up against a counter motion or no
motion that he can not surmount. He has a number of choices at this
1.) He can exteriorize from the universe, rearrange the rules a
bit, reassign power and allocations, in such a way that when he comes
back in on the goal, he can best it.
2.) He can say "Ok this one is too big for me, I will choose to do
something else", make a clean break with the original goal and start a
new one.
3.) He can continue to strive against the barrier like a pit bull
never letting go and never getting anywhere.
4.) He can say "Oh I didn't want this goal anyway, only fools and
stupid people seek such things, its much smarter to do this other thing,
I wasn't ever really interested in that goal anyway." This is pulling a
sour grapes on the original goal resulting in a going off course into a
substitute. This is not the same thing as a clean break because he
still has attention on the original goal.
We know he has attention on the goal because his SELF IMAGE is now
tainted with resentment and sourness.
In fact not only does he have attention on the original goal, he
has attention on NOT having attention on the original goal, pretending
that he never had attention on the original goal. Thus one finds him a
long time later with 50 percent of his attention on some cute bunny that
scorned him ages ago, and 50 percent of his attention on pretending he
has no attention there. That leaves him squat to run his present life.
Worse when he failed, it made a mark on himself. It made him feel
small, it was a surprise, it killed his pride and put him in an
incredibility "This can't be happening, but it is!" He never gets over
that indecision, "Did this happen or didn't it? It COULDN'T have, but
it DID!"
That's an incredibility.
It remains an unresolvable maybe to the end of time, and that is
part of why he has no much attention on making sure he doesn't have any
attention on it and pretending that it never happened in the first
The one thing a thetan can not stand is an incredibility.
The anatomy of an incredibility is,
"Certainty that something is true.
Certainty that something is impossible."
Now the guy who made the clean break with the goal, or exteriorized
from the universe and rearranged the rules a bit so he could win,
doesn't get stuck with this charge.
He's the game writer, if his game kicks his butt he thinks "Wow
there is going to be LOTS of money in this game!"
Since he knows he wrote the game, he can feel proud that he lost,
he was sick of winning, too easy, no money in selling games that any 3
year old can win, so now he has a winner game because he is a loser!
So he says "Cool, I can't win here, so let's try something a little
lighter, maybe it will kick my butt too, and I can charge twice as much
for this game when it goes to market."
Do you have any idea how hard it is to write a game that the writer
can not win but is constantly tempted to keep trying?
Enforced absence of such fun games is the Nightmare of No
This is very different than the guy who took the loss personally,
he didn't feel PROUD he lost, he didn't see it as a WIN that he lost, he
just felt like he didn't want to be him any more, and that's the
beginning of the downfall.
He doesn't want the nightmare even AFTER he knows he wrote it.
"That piece of junk beat me? Christ I must be a real nothing..."
He felt there was something wrong with *HIM* for not being able to
win his own game. He says to himself, "Wait a minute, you mean I am
stuck being a second rate loser for the rest of time?", and all his BT's
in grand choral unison go "YES!", and he buys into it, and that's the
end of him, he's a marble rolling around the drain.
He has a vision of SELF that is unworthy and unacceptable, and he
begins to lay in the mass and force that you are trying to audit out in
the preclear in front of you.
You have an INFINITE being that wrote a NEAR INFINITE game, lost
playing against his own creations, and now wants to die because he
consisders he is 'inferior' and 'unworthy of being'. Surely there is
some humor to be had in here somewhere.
One has to be careful though about the "Nightmare of No
Nightmares", the absence desirable games to lose to.
You find some guy who just can't win any games no matter how much
he tries, well somehow he thinks he's looking at total doom if he were
to ever get better again.
He is afraid of the DOOM OF NO DOOM.
If you are sovereign there are no games, you can have anything, win
any game, just by conceiving of it.
Thus he would rather remain a loser than become a winner. because
every time he wins a game he lose THE GAME. If you win too many games,
there become no more games worth playing.
Sovereignty has become a problem to him.
Talk about yuks.
How can sovereignty, "you want it, you got it," be undesirable?
Think about this, this is the core joke, the core sticking point
keeping the being who has chosen to be non soveriegn for a while, in
TERROR of becoming sovereign again.
So of course he reaches for freedom with his elbow.
That allows him to continue to persist in the space time game
stream, worrying more about the consequences of being free again, than
he is making progress getting there.
He wants to be FREE FROM, but not FREE TO.
He wants to be free from the apparently non sovereign nightmare of
all these games he is losing to, but he also sees sovereignty as the
source of just more nightmares, possbily worse than the one he is
presently in.
Sovereignty is able to be able, surely, but it is also able to be
unable for a while.
That is what sovereignty does, create whiles of non sovereignty.
But they don't have to be so horrendous they run on a carrier wave
of chronic anxiety, horror and sorrow.
Thrill might be enough.
But the guy has a problem with his sovereign self, just a bit too
alien for him to admit that is him, and embrace it.
I mean Christ, what was he thinking?
Well he doesn't know, and he doesn't want to know lest he do it
again, freedom to create is the scariest thing there is, especially when
part of your creation is a mix of creating an inability to create.
So you are not going to make TA division 1 beyond the day when he
sees where you are trying to take him.
So this all comes from the Static creating a universe of relative
Kinetics. These are the motions and no motions of the masses and
energies in the universe. Nothing is ever absolutely still except for
the static, but there is an optimum motion/no motion balance that
produces the most amount of thrill, excitement, temporary failures, set
backs and 'accomplishment' for those who have set out to do such things.
When the motion and no motion becomes non optimum, the being tries
to restore equilibrium by the creation of his own motion and no motion
to balance and 'solve' the motion and no motion the universe is throwing
at him.
To the degree that he is successful, he will accomplish what he set
out to accomplish, otherwise he will create a fall into the dwindling
spiral of aberration laid out above.
Lies can be a tricky subject. The only truth there is, is the
static, total unmanifestation. Anything created is a kinetic and is
thus a lie. However there is the FIRST lie, the TRUE-LIE of Adore. And
then there are the second and further lies that obscure the first lie
and cause its persistence.
"You seek the Grand Spring Phases,
And so shall you find,
For the TRUE-LIES will free you,
To Operate as you kind."
"As you kind" means "As you wish, as you are kind to, etc."
So the truth is the guy sat in the Saddle of Soveriengty AS an
orientation point, no mass, no meaning and no mobility, and from there
he cast a whole universe of symbols, all having mass, meaning and
mobility. That includes space and time and all the masses and energies
in it. Notice that time is just another form of motion/no motion and
needs to be audited when you approach this stuff.
Static = Orientation point, something that orients symbols.
Kinetic = Symbols that are oriented.
Space is created with spatial anchor points (a kind of symbol), and
time is created with temporal anchor points (another kind of symbol).
Spatial anchor points are 'out there' and hold space up and
inflated. He needs to have at least 3 to make space with himself as the
Temporal anchor points are points 'out then', past or future, which
gives him a sense of past and future. He needs at least 2 to keep time
up and running with himself in the present as the 3rd.
(The guy is walking down the staircase from START OF TIME to
PRESENT TIME, over and over again hundreds of times every second, that's
how he's keeping time going. Start of time is not in the past.
Run "Start some time!" "End some time!" over and over again, see
what happens.)
Temporal anchor points are times of importance and significance,
birthdays, meetings, graduation, executions etc.
The best kinds of anchor points are people, places and things that
he wants to interact with and relate to.
Relate to = industy, consumption and production, according to goals
to produce that he has on these matters.
Some anchor points are moving all the time, like his friends, some
are rock solid stationary like his Church alter or whatever.
Some anchor points are movable, but he likes it when they don't
move, like the pianos at Cornell's Sage Chapel. He gets real sad when a
piano disappears for a while and he can't play the thing at 3am in the
A cat is a spatial anchor point.
Cleaning the litter basket is a temporal anchor point.
Temporal anchor points are, many of them, created on the fly on a
day to day basis. They get written in the 'appointment book of life'.
Cat dies, no more appointments with the litter basket.
A friend dies, no more toking up every friday.
You see you aren't just looking forward to friday, but to the
friday next, and then after that, for years and years and years.
With a good friend you can put multiple temporal anchor points out
there until the end of time, every one written in your appointment book.
They create a glorious future coming up one by one with all these
created temporal and spatial anchor points you put there.
How DO you feel about your future, anyhow?
The friend turns on you, or disappears, and suddenly the end of
time crashes all the way back to the tip of your nose,
Now, your "looking forward" is to one day at a time, or worse, the
next time you start crying uncontrollably.
There is a saying that excess of laughter weeps, and excess of
sorrow laughs.
Nope, not for this guy, the sorrow turns on, and the light of
laughter fades out to return never more.
Can't say hello any more, just goodbyes and 'I love yous', and
there is no one there to hear them.
All his I love you's go into a trash can especially set there by
him, and the trash is picked up every day by the dump truck.
He chokes on the enormity of his love and the enormity of his
He can only survive by belittling both, eventually making nothing
of them.
What the hell is it you think you can't remember anyhow?
Loss of anchor points through death, departure and reversal leads
to collapsing space and collapsing time.
The life wreck is a rubble heap of prior and future operating
spatial and temporal anchor points and reasons to engage in them
Life is rich with spatial and temporal anchor points, the more you
have going that you want to relate to, the higher tone hou will be.
It's that simple, as long as the space or time anchor points are
not too far away from you or hostile to you.
It is the relating and relate-ability between you and your anchor
points that makes them worthwhile.
Trying to relate to someone on Alpha Centauri, or 2000 years in the
future can be hard.
Mortal meatballs have it hard, as they believe all their anchor
points are going to die on them one day, and if you have a massive wall
in your future that you can't see beyond, that's an arbitrary end of
temporal anchor points you write in your appointment book that needs to
be audited out.
Thetan's think their apporintment book has a last page.
Boy is that sad.
So let's get back to our preclear starting off as an orientation
point, creating spaces and times of symbols.
As an orientation point, once he had all this universe of symbols
set up, he chose to BECOME one of those symbols (a game player), and
assigned "orientation point" to other symbols in the game bigger than
Maybe he assigned his basic orientation point, the thing
that 'created him' to God, that's pretty close to the truth, the
static. But he no longer conceives HE IS THAT STATIC, so he is
running on a total no responsibility for being, or being a symbol.
Lower tone though he will assign his creator and oreintation points
to OTHER SYMBOLS already inside the space and time. That's called
introversion, looking inward.
Notice this action kind of defines the static out of existence, its
just not part of his "What is" any more.
It's not part of his dynamics or his conception of the cosmic all.
The minute the being writes his personal responsibility and choice
out of the equation for WHY he is here, he is doomed to never leaeve
here as long as he continues to do so.
Something that is created by something inside the universe of
symbols, clearly can never leave that universe.
So all of this creation is the first lie, the true lie, notice he
can do all this and still retain some awareness that he did it, although
not too much lest he wake up and have to do it all over again.
But then he loses a game, and postulates that this is not something
RIGHT with him and the AllThatIs, but something WRONG with him and the
AllThatIs, something he didn't INTENED or EXPECT or DESIGN. He
considers that Sovereignty is flawed, that he is flawed, and now we can
see him building a citadel of second lies around himself after the first
lie of Perfect Sovereign Creation.
The sovereignty of creation is not a lie, WHAT WAS CREATED is a
lie. Remember everything that is created is a rendition in
consciousness that REPRESENTS something, its not the thing itself. God
can not create a tree, he can only create a conscious rendition of a
tree, an avatar or symbol representing an actual tree which can not in
fact ever exist.
The day the being curses his original Sovereingty, or doubts it, or
regrets it, he's had it, his destiny is to become a marble rolling
around the drain.
So when looking for the incident 'where in it first all went
wrong', you want the original intended motion and no motion that he had
set out to accomplish, the counter motion and no motion that he ran
into, the various motion and no motion solutions he came up with that
didn't work, and the DOUBT about his own sovereign hand in the matter,
and the LIE-LIE that he accepted that led to his final demise into self
deprecation and substitute.
Most of the inaccesible mass you will find on your pc will be those
areas where his attention is on pretending there is no attention.
Thus when you free one of these up, you will get twice the
attention units back! And there will be bunnies everywhere begging to
be let in.
But earlier than that you have the Saddle of Sovereignty and the
Nightmare of No Nightmares. One handles that by rehabilitating the
ability to create nightmares, the nightmare of no nightmares, and
ludicrous demise at will.
In particular the core choice to not know a choice.
This is a *MAJOR* step not to be belittled, as it produces a God
that is no longer human, as it has recovered its divine sense of humor,
along with his willingness to operate Absolute Fearless Sovereignty.
"Get the idea of absolute fearlessness."
"Get the idea of absolute fear."
"Get the idea: Everything is NOT OK"
"Get the idea: Everything is OK"
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Posted: Fri Sep 29 13:56:59 EDT 2017
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================== http://www.lightlink.com/theproof ===================
Learning implies Learning with Certainty or Learning without Certainty.
Learning across a Distance implies Learning by Being an Effect.
Learning by Being an Effect implies Learning without Certainty.
Therefore, Learning with Certainty implies Learning but
Not by Being an Effect, and not across a Distance.
Version: GnuPG v1.4.5 (GNU/Linux)
HomerWSmith-L mailing list
Friday, September 29, 2017
Friday, September 22, 2017
ADORE980 (fwd)
Hash: SHA1
> Oh,well, at least I am immortal.
Eternal, not immortal.
Important distinction, immortal means stuck forever in one time stream,
that's hell forever no matter how good it is.
Eternal means above space and time, and can create, enter, get stuckl
in and ultimately leave FINITE whiles in space and time as often as
wished, all by choice.
Theory 2, the dreamball theory, involves a new kind of infinity called
an unlimited finiteness.
The being can not create an infinite number of anything finite, but has
no upper finite limit on how many he can create.
Thus he can't have an infinite amount of marbles or space or time
at one time, but there is no upper finite limit to the number he can have.
The only exceptions to this are
1.) There are an infinite number of potential beings, each a full
instantion of the Eternal Infinite in carnation but only a finite number
can incarnate at one time in one finite time stream.
2.) At any one 'time' there may be an infinite or finite number of
independent non interacting whiles in operation.
3.) Through out all of Eternity, there have already been an infinite
number of whiles created, played out, and erased with no trace of their
existence left. And there will be an infinite more number of whiles
moving forward.
Thus all universes end one day, the being returns to eternal sleep for
a while and then sallys forth again with a co resonant game with other
beings of like mind, but again only a finite number of players at a time.
The above statement of course is a major oxymoron, as past and future
don't make much sense when taking about a timeless super cause, but then
its no worse than the garbage that passes for quantum mechanics or
special relativity.
If our main theories of the all that is are not made of axiomatic
oxymorons, they probably aren't right :)
Fri Oct 23 16:29:09 EDT 2015
================ http://www.clearing.org ====================
Fri Sep 22 12:00:02 EDT 2017
WEB: http://www.clearing.org
BLOG: http://adoretheproof.blogspot.org
FTP: ftp://ftp.lightlink.com/pub/archive/homer/adore980.memo
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=========== http://www.lightlink.com/theproof ===============
Learning implies Learning with Certainty or Learning without Certainty.
Learning across a Distance implies Learning by Being an Effect.
Learning by Being an Effect implies Learning without Certainty.
Therefore, Learning with Certainty implies Learning,
but not by Being an Effect, and not across a Distance.
Version: GnuPG v1.4.5 (GNU/Linux)
HomerWSmith-L mailing list
Hash: SHA1
> Oh,well, at least I am immortal.
Eternal, not immortal.
Important distinction, immortal means stuck forever in one time stream,
that's hell forever no matter how good it is.
Eternal means above space and time, and can create, enter, get stuckl
in and ultimately leave FINITE whiles in space and time as often as
wished, all by choice.
Theory 2, the dreamball theory, involves a new kind of infinity called
an unlimited finiteness.
The being can not create an infinite number of anything finite, but has
no upper finite limit on how many he can create.
Thus he can't have an infinite amount of marbles or space or time
at one time, but there is no upper finite limit to the number he can have.
The only exceptions to this are
1.) There are an infinite number of potential beings, each a full
instantion of the Eternal Infinite in carnation but only a finite number
can incarnate at one time in one finite time stream.
2.) At any one 'time' there may be an infinite or finite number of
independent non interacting whiles in operation.
3.) Through out all of Eternity, there have already been an infinite
number of whiles created, played out, and erased with no trace of their
existence left. And there will be an infinite more number of whiles
moving forward.
Thus all universes end one day, the being returns to eternal sleep for
a while and then sallys forth again with a co resonant game with other
beings of like mind, but again only a finite number of players at a time.
The above statement of course is a major oxymoron, as past and future
don't make much sense when taking about a timeless super cause, but then
its no worse than the garbage that passes for quantum mechanics or
special relativity.
If our main theories of the all that is are not made of axiomatic
oxymorons, they probably aren't right :)
Fri Oct 23 16:29:09 EDT 2015
================ http://www.clearing.org ====================
Fri Sep 22 12:00:02 EDT 2017
WEB: http://www.clearing.org
BLOG: http://adoretheproof.blogspot.org
FTP: ftp://ftp.lightlink.com/pub/archive/homer/adore980.memo
Send mail to archive@lightlink.com saying help in body
=========== http://www.lightlink.com/theproof ===============
Learning implies Learning with Certainty or Learning without Certainty.
Learning across a Distance implies Learning by Being an Effect.
Learning by Being an Effect implies Learning without Certainty.
Therefore, Learning with Certainty implies Learning,
but not by Being an Effect, and not across a Distance.
Version: GnuPG v1.4.5 (GNU/Linux)
HomerWSmith-L mailing list
Wednesday, September 20, 2017
ADOR1006 (fwd)
Hash: SHA1
"To be or not to be, that is the question.
Whether t'is nobler in the mind to suffer the slings and arrows of
outrageous fortune..."
"Oh come on Shakespear, chill out dude and take your meds."
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
Homer Wilson Smith Clean Air, Clear Water, Art Matrix - Lightlink
(607) 277-0959 A Green Earth, and Peace, Internet, Ithaca NY
homer@lightlink.com Is that too much to ask? http://www.lightlink.com
Tue Apr 26 15:45:14 EDT 2016
================ http://www.clearing.org ====================
Wed Sep 20 12:00:03 EDT 2017
WEB: http://www.clearing.org
BLOG: http://adoretheproof.blogspot.org
FTP: ftp://ftp.lightlink.com/pub/archive/homer/ador1006.memo
Send mail to archive@lightlink.com saying help in body
=========== http://www.lightlink.com/theproof ===============
Learning implies Learning with Certainty or Learning without Certainty.
Learning across a Distance implies Learning by Being an Effect.
Learning by Being an Effect implies Learning without Certainty.
Therefore, Learning with Certainty implies Learning,
but not by Being an Effect, and not across a Distance.
Version: GnuPG v1.4.5 (GNU/Linux)
HomerWSmith-L mailing list
Hash: SHA1
"To be or not to be, that is the question.
Whether t'is nobler in the mind to suffer the slings and arrows of
outrageous fortune..."
"Oh come on Shakespear, chill out dude and take your meds."
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
Homer Wilson Smith Clean Air, Clear Water, Art Matrix - Lightlink
(607) 277-0959 A Green Earth, and Peace, Internet, Ithaca NY
homer@lightlink.com Is that too much to ask? http://www.lightlink.com
Tue Apr 26 15:45:14 EDT 2016
================ http://www.clearing.org ====================
Wed Sep 20 12:00:03 EDT 2017
WEB: http://www.clearing.org
BLOG: http://adoretheproof.blogspot.org
FTP: ftp://ftp.lightlink.com/pub/archive/homer/ador1006.memo
Send mail to archive@lightlink.com saying help in body
=========== http://www.lightlink.com/theproof ===============
Learning implies Learning with Certainty or Learning without Certainty.
Learning across a Distance implies Learning by Being an Effect.
Learning by Being an Effect implies Learning without Certainty.
Therefore, Learning with Certainty implies Learning,
but not by Being an Effect, and not across a Distance.
Version: GnuPG v1.4.5 (GNU/Linux)
HomerWSmith-L mailing list
Friday, September 8, 2017
PROOF9 (fwd)
Hash: SHA1
CB Willis (cbwillis@adore.lightlink.com) wrote:
>Homer Wilson Smith (homer@lightlink.com) wrote:
>> Perception of certainty in fact is direct perception of *PERFECTION*,
>>and that leads right into the mind of God.
>Are you saying now there are other minds, i.e. the mind of God, or are you
>saying you are God? It sounds like you're saying the first and that your
>experience leads you from point A to point B [the mind of God].
I am mixing modes of thought and engaging in real bad metaphors
put through the blenders.
If God is defined as the All That Is, my present model is that
God consists of
1.) Source which is the mechanical causal ground of things that
are, which includes the holographic projection mechanism and the
respository for data and universes etc. It is not conscious, it is
the causal ground of conscious units, and connects them together if
there is more than one.
2.) Conscious units, which are the view port between Source and
manifestation. They are the lens through which internal unmanifest
data and universes are projected out onto the view screen of their
conscious color form to become manifest data and universes through the
process of 'casting'. "Source sources, only when Will casts."
3.) The view screen of our conscious color form itself, upon
which data and universes are manifested and viewed by the conscious
unit view port.
What is displayed on the viewport screen is a virtual reality of
implied external matter, energy, space and time. It is a dream of
such, no more, no less. Source sources, what source is not.
Attempts to learn about the virtual reality are destined to use
dream machines to measure dream events. They give rise only to
theories which can never be certain because one can only experience
the dream, not what the dream represents in the way of external
universe. There is no proof the external universe is actually there,
and in fact it isn't.
Thus the quest for perfect certainty in the study of the virtual
reality is impossible. However one CAN find perfect certainties if one
studies the viewport and its ability to see itself and its manifesting
color forms. Thus perfect certainty is a fundamental OPERATING PART of
the make up of the Source - Conscious Unit - Color Form triad. because
it is impossible to be conscious-of with out being certain-of whether
one notices this with certainty or not. Thus by studying the nature of
perfect certainty, one is studying the mechanism by which the All That
Is manifests and knows it manifests.
>- CBW
- --
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
Homer Wilson Smith Clear Air, Clear Water, Art Matrix - Lightlink
(607) 277-0959 A Green Earth and Peace. Internet Access, Ithaca NY
homer@lightlink.com Is that too much to ask? http://www.lightlink.com
================ http://www.clearing.org ====================
Thu Sep 7 12:00:02 EDT 2017
WEB: http://www.clearing.org
BLOG: http://adoretheproof.blogspot.org
FTP: ftp://ftp.lightlink.com/pub/archive/homer/proof9.memo
Send mail to archive@lightlink.com saying help in body
=========== http://www.lightlink.com/theproof ===============
Learning implies Learning with Certainty or Learning without Certainty.
Learning across a Distance implies Learning by Being an Effect.
Learning by Being an Effect implies Learning without Certainty.
Therefore, Learning with Certainty implies Learning,
but not by Being an Effect, and not across a Distance.
Version: GnuPG v1.4.5 (GNU/Linux)
HomerWSmith-L mailing list
Hash: SHA1
CB Willis (cbwillis@adore.lightlink.com) wrote:
>Homer Wilson Smith (homer@lightlink.com) wrote:
>> Perception of certainty in fact is direct perception of *PERFECTION*,
>>and that leads right into the mind of God.
>Are you saying now there are other minds, i.e. the mind of God, or are you
>saying you are God? It sounds like you're saying the first and that your
>experience leads you from point A to point B [the mind of God].
I am mixing modes of thought and engaging in real bad metaphors
put through the blenders.
If God is defined as the All That Is, my present model is that
God consists of
1.) Source which is the mechanical causal ground of things that
are, which includes the holographic projection mechanism and the
respository for data and universes etc. It is not conscious, it is
the causal ground of conscious units, and connects them together if
there is more than one.
2.) Conscious units, which are the view port between Source and
manifestation. They are the lens through which internal unmanifest
data and universes are projected out onto the view screen of their
conscious color form to become manifest data and universes through the
process of 'casting'. "Source sources, only when Will casts."
3.) The view screen of our conscious color form itself, upon
which data and universes are manifested and viewed by the conscious
unit view port.
What is displayed on the viewport screen is a virtual reality of
implied external matter, energy, space and time. It is a dream of
such, no more, no less. Source sources, what source is not.
Attempts to learn about the virtual reality are destined to use
dream machines to measure dream events. They give rise only to
theories which can never be certain because one can only experience
the dream, not what the dream represents in the way of external
universe. There is no proof the external universe is actually there,
and in fact it isn't.
Thus the quest for perfect certainty in the study of the virtual
reality is impossible. However one CAN find perfect certainties if one
studies the viewport and its ability to see itself and its manifesting
color forms. Thus perfect certainty is a fundamental OPERATING PART of
the make up of the Source - Conscious Unit - Color Form triad. because
it is impossible to be conscious-of with out being certain-of whether
one notices this with certainty or not. Thus by studying the nature of
perfect certainty, one is studying the mechanism by which the All That
Is manifests and knows it manifests.
>- CBW
- --
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
Homer Wilson Smith Clear Air, Clear Water, Art Matrix - Lightlink
(607) 277-0959 A Green Earth and Peace. Internet Access, Ithaca NY
homer@lightlink.com Is that too much to ask? http://www.lightlink.com
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Thu Sep 7 12:00:02 EDT 2017
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Learning implies Learning with Certainty or Learning without Certainty.
Learning across a Distance implies Learning by Being an Effect.
Learning by Being an Effect implies Learning without Certainty.
Therefore, Learning with Certainty implies Learning,
but not by Being an Effect, and not across a Distance.
Version: GnuPG v1.4.5 (GNU/Linux)
HomerWSmith-L mailing list
ADORE162 (fwd)
Hash: SHA1
Richard Platek \(Lion\) (lion@lightlink.com) wrote:
>Homer asked, a while ago.
>> As I have said DEFINE GOODNESS.
>This is not a question. It's a HUGE process.
>You go first, and share results :)
Goodness starts at the personal level with pleasure and avoidance
of pain.
It extends to sensitivity to others to maximize the pleasure and
minimize the pain in the world.
Relative to others, goodness takes pleasure at other's pleasure,
and evil take pleasure at others pain etc.
Above that we have art, story telling, practical jokes, the
master of jest etc.
Here pain is created as dischord to enhance the ultimate resolve.
One can have pleasure without pain, but one can not have RESOLVE
without pain. Resolve is a special kind of pleasure most akin to
However a practial joke played on oneself is one thing, and
practical joke played on another without their permission is quite
Thus incidents do not resolve, do not find the humor, until the
being finds the permission point where he either gave permission, paid
for the privilege of being duped or found out that he did it himself
as an act of self love.
Take a simple example of a mean practical joke.
I come up to you one day and I convince you beyond a shadow of a
doubt that your wife and kids are dead.
Later, a LONG time later, you find out quite by accident that it
was never true.
OK so now you feel better about them still being alive, but you
still feel rotten about having believed them dead, you don't
appreciate the joke that was played on you.
Getting to the HUMOR of the incident is necessary to resolve it
so that IT WAS WORTHWHILE, rather than a waste of time.
One can learn lessons from nasty jokes, mostly to make sure they
never happen again, but this does not make the joke worthwhile,
appreciation for the joke is still lacking. Only finding the humor
and willingness to have had it happen in the first place, makes the
joke worthwhile. One can even become willing to NOT learn the lessons
(which sink one anyhow with persisting wisdom) because one becomes
willing to have it happen again.
This is true resolution.
So there is the impulse to goodness (Class), and the impulse to
practical jokes (Majesty). The first is what human's call goodness.
The second is the goodness of God.
The Jokes are only worthwhile because God plays them on himself
with full permission.
For God to create a physical universe and then create a small
animal creature against its will, that has to kill to surive, and
place that creature in the physical universe to survive or die, only
to die in the end anyhow, would be an act of exceptional evil cruelty.
being by God for having been created as such a thing.
It only becomes a Masterful Practical Joke because God did it to
himself. This can resolve.
But as a human, no human would do this to themselves.
So the God aspect is a dicom to the Human aspect of a being.
The God aspect creates himself as a human that would never do
such a thing to himself, so the human seeks to be come God to protect
himself from all the hurt he finds himself in. This of course is a
trap of non resolution. For the God he seeks to become would never
recreate himself back as a human again.
The human thinks of God as a super human, not as an Imp Soul.
The human wants a FATHER as a God, and to become such himself, a
protector of all who have been done wrong.
But the real God is not a super human, but a pre human.
Not a protector of humans at all, but a purveyor of disaster and
danger, of both sides of every dicom there is.
Thus one can only become that God by finding the motive and
beauty and humor to becoming human in a game you can't win, in the
first place.
By human of course I don't mean 'in a body' although that is
included, I mean that which is creature, that which is fragile,
physically, emotionally, mentally or spiritually.
Fragile means able to be hurt, caused to suffer, or damaged,
whether these be illusions or not.
The unfragile creator creates itself as fragile creature, and the
fragile creature comprehends it not, until it gets the joke, and it
self becomes the creator of itself as fragility incarnate again.
THEN the being is the unfragile God again.
The only way to BE God is to BE God creating itself as the
================ http://www.clearing.org ====================
Wed Sep 6 12:00:02 EDT 2017
WEB: http://www.clearing.org
BLOG: http://adoretheproof.blogspot.org
FTP: ftp://ftp.lightlink.com/pub/archive/homer/adore162.memo
Send mail to archive@lightlink.com saying help in body
=========== http://www.lightlink.com/theproof ===============
Learning implies Learning with Certainty or Learning without Certainty.
Learning across a Distance implies Learning by Being an Effect.
Learning by Being an Effect implies Learning without Certainty.
Therefore, Learning with Certainty implies Learning,
but not by Being an Effect, and not across a Distance.
Version: GnuPG v1.4.5 (GNU/Linux)
HomerWSmith-L mailing list
Hash: SHA1
Richard Platek \(Lion\) (lion@lightlink.com) wrote:
>Homer asked, a while ago.
>> As I have said DEFINE GOODNESS.
>This is not a question. It's a HUGE process.
>You go first, and share results :)
Goodness starts at the personal level with pleasure and avoidance
of pain.
It extends to sensitivity to others to maximize the pleasure and
minimize the pain in the world.
Relative to others, goodness takes pleasure at other's pleasure,
and evil take pleasure at others pain etc.
Above that we have art, story telling, practical jokes, the
master of jest etc.
Here pain is created as dischord to enhance the ultimate resolve.
One can have pleasure without pain, but one can not have RESOLVE
without pain. Resolve is a special kind of pleasure most akin to
However a practial joke played on oneself is one thing, and
practical joke played on another without their permission is quite
Thus incidents do not resolve, do not find the humor, until the
being finds the permission point where he either gave permission, paid
for the privilege of being duped or found out that he did it himself
as an act of self love.
Take a simple example of a mean practical joke.
I come up to you one day and I convince you beyond a shadow of a
doubt that your wife and kids are dead.
Later, a LONG time later, you find out quite by accident that it
was never true.
OK so now you feel better about them still being alive, but you
still feel rotten about having believed them dead, you don't
appreciate the joke that was played on you.
Getting to the HUMOR of the incident is necessary to resolve it
so that IT WAS WORTHWHILE, rather than a waste of time.
One can learn lessons from nasty jokes, mostly to make sure they
never happen again, but this does not make the joke worthwhile,
appreciation for the joke is still lacking. Only finding the humor
and willingness to have had it happen in the first place, makes the
joke worthwhile. One can even become willing to NOT learn the lessons
(which sink one anyhow with persisting wisdom) because one becomes
willing to have it happen again.
This is true resolution.
So there is the impulse to goodness (Class), and the impulse to
practical jokes (Majesty). The first is what human's call goodness.
The second is the goodness of God.
The Jokes are only worthwhile because God plays them on himself
with full permission.
For God to create a physical universe and then create a small
animal creature against its will, that has to kill to surive, and
place that creature in the physical universe to survive or die, only
to die in the end anyhow, would be an act of exceptional evil cruelty.
being by God for having been created as such a thing.
It only becomes a Masterful Practical Joke because God did it to
himself. This can resolve.
But as a human, no human would do this to themselves.
So the God aspect is a dicom to the Human aspect of a being.
The God aspect creates himself as a human that would never do
such a thing to himself, so the human seeks to be come God to protect
himself from all the hurt he finds himself in. This of course is a
trap of non resolution. For the God he seeks to become would never
recreate himself back as a human again.
The human thinks of God as a super human, not as an Imp Soul.
The human wants a FATHER as a God, and to become such himself, a
protector of all who have been done wrong.
But the real God is not a super human, but a pre human.
Not a protector of humans at all, but a purveyor of disaster and
danger, of both sides of every dicom there is.
Thus one can only become that God by finding the motive and
beauty and humor to becoming human in a game you can't win, in the
first place.
By human of course I don't mean 'in a body' although that is
included, I mean that which is creature, that which is fragile,
physically, emotionally, mentally or spiritually.
Fragile means able to be hurt, caused to suffer, or damaged,
whether these be illusions or not.
The unfragile creator creates itself as fragile creature, and the
fragile creature comprehends it not, until it gets the joke, and it
self becomes the creator of itself as fragility incarnate again.
THEN the being is the unfragile God again.
The only way to BE God is to BE God creating itself as the
================ http://www.clearing.org ====================
Wed Sep 6 12:00:02 EDT 2017
WEB: http://www.clearing.org
BLOG: http://adoretheproof.blogspot.org
FTP: ftp://ftp.lightlink.com/pub/archive/homer/adore162.memo
Send mail to archive@lightlink.com saying help in body
=========== http://www.lightlink.com/theproof ===============
Learning implies Learning with Certainty or Learning without Certainty.
Learning across a Distance implies Learning by Being an Effect.
Learning by Being an Effect implies Learning without Certainty.
Therefore, Learning with Certainty implies Learning,
but not by Being an Effect, and not across a Distance.
Version: GnuPG v1.4.5 (GNU/Linux)
HomerWSmith-L mailing list
Tuesday, September 5, 2017
LZW (fwd)
Hash: SHA1
Copyright (C) 1993 Homer Wilson Smith
Redistribution rights granted for non commercial purposes.
The LZW compression algorithm is probably one of the most mind
boggling algorithms to come along, but it is also one of the most
brilliant, so it is worth understanding well.
It's really quite mind opening.
Ever program something you didn't fully understand, but because it
worked fine you let it go, and then months later found yourself still
wondering why your code worked?
Well that's what happened to me with LZW compression.
My programs worked, for a very long time they worked, until one day
I went to send a large tiff to a color separator, and bang nothing would
read it.
Corel Draw wouldn't read it, CSHOW wouldn't read it, my own damn
tiff program wouldn't read it, and that REALLY pissed me off.
I had written my tiff programs with barely passable understanding
of the algorithm, following along the pseudo code provided by others,
with little personal comprehension myself. I had read a number of
descriptions trying to make LZW compression and decompression clear to
me, but basically all I ended up with was a partial understanding of the
encoding process and no understanding at all of the decoding process. I
kind of programmed it blind, and hoped it would work.
It took me many hours to find the bug, it was one of those 'it
crops up every hundred million years' kind of bug, and I didn't know
what I was doing anyhow, so it wasn't easy.
But from all bad things comes something good (I think) and this
paper is the result. I finally understood both sides of the compression
and decompression dichotomy, and I am reasonably sure my programs will
work because I understand them and not because I followed someone else's
The proof of course is in the pudding, and the pudding is whether
or not I can explain this to others so that they get it the first time.
The algorithm is really quite brilliant, and worth knowing just for the
fun of it.
This paper is not meant to replace everything else you might read
on the subject of LZW encoding or TIFF and GIF files, but it is intended
to make all that other stuff clear. This is what I wish someone had
written for me when I first approached the subject.
The problem with data is it takes up so much damn space, and with
the cost of hard disk space and the slowness of telecommunications, it
behooves us to find a way to make data smaller, to make it take up less
room, so that we can then use up the space we free up to fill it with
more data!
It actually takes less time to compress data than it does to
transmit it, so its a good cost saving to compress the data first, then
transmit it and uncompress it at the other end.
Various encoding schemes have been devised to take care of this
need, one of the earliest most obvious ones being RUN LENGTH ENCODING.
Run length encoding takes advantage of the fact that often many pixels
right next to each other are the same pixel, so rather than sending them
all one by one they are counted up into a RUN and two bytes are sent
instead, the first byte telling how many pixels there were of one
number, and the next byte the number it was.
Thus a run of pixels that looked like this
5 5 5 3 3 3 9 9 9 9 9 1 1 1 1
would be run length encoded as
3 5 3 3 5 9 4 1
an obvious saving of space. The longer the runs are the more space is
saved as each color run is represented by only two bytes, a count and a
color. If your counts can go only up to 255, then if the run is longer
you have to start a new run, but if your counts can go up to 32767, then
you can handle longer runs before you have to start a new run.
The problem comes in when the data does not consist of large
expanses of identical pixels, who wants to look at a single patch of red
anyhow. A worst case scenario of course is when every pixel is
different such as,
2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 etc.
Encoding this as RLE would produce,
1 2 1 3 1 4 1 5 1 6 1 7 1 8 1 9
which is an obvious waste of space.
One solution to this is to insert an INTRODUCER byte before each
sequence telling whether it is a horizontal run, or a stretch of one
byte per pixel. Thus runs may start with positive counts, and stretches
of one byte per pixel may start with a negative count.
Thus the sequence
3 3 3 3 3 1 2 3 4 5 6
would be compressed as
5 3 -6 1 2 3 4 5 6
giving some compression, but its obviously not an ideal solution.
There is also tremendous complexity involved in programming the
ideal compression for data that has a lot of 2 byte runs in it.
For example,
3 3 4 5 3 3 4 5 3 3 4 5
is better put out as a single stretch of one byte per pixel
-12 3 3 4 5 3 3 4 5 3 3 4 5
rather than as a mixture
2 3 -2 4 5 2 3 -2 4 5 2 3 -2 4 5
because of the the one byte overhead in switching from horizontal runs
to one byte per pixel.
One might make a simple rule that all two byte runs should be put
out as one byte per pixel, except that this is only true if you have
already opened a one byte per pixel stretch, otherwise 2 byte runs
should be put out as a horizontal run (count,byte).
In any case run length encoding (RLE) only produces good compressio
when the data is even and unchanging. Fractals of course are the
antithesis of unchanging data, so RLE does not work well on fractals or
any other natural data like video frames or even written work.
In other words if you have a patch of red to compress use RLE.
Otherwise keep reading.
The LZW Algorithm
There are four concepts that need to be understood. They are,
The purpose of LZW compression is to turn the input code stream
into an output code stream of lesser length, and then later to
reconstruct the input code stream from the output code stream. This
accomplishes the purpose of compression and decompression.
The above four concepts can be visualized as follows:
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
CODE. A code is a byte wide entity consisting of 8 bits and
ranging in decimal value from 0 to 255. They can be considered as
characters, or as integer numbers, it doesn't matter. They are NOT
signed integers however. INPUT CODES, TABLE CODES and OUTPUT CODES are
all of this format.
INDEX. An index is a two byte wide SIGNED entity consisting of 16
bits and ranging in decimal value from -32768 to 32767. It is called an
index because it refers to an earlier entry in the table. For example,
if table entry number 400 consists of the (index,code) pair (312,5),
then 312 is called a table index and points BACKWARDS to table entry
312, and 5 is a table code generated in the process of compression.
Table entry 312 will itself have an (index,code) pair that will point to
an even earlier table entry, which will point to an earlier table entry
ad infinitum until you come back to the first table entries before which
there are none. These first entries in the table are called the ROOT
If a table entry has -1 for an INDEX, that means that that table
entry does NOT refer to any earlier table entry. -1's appear as table
indexes either
1.> when a table entry is still unused or
2.) when it resides in the ROOT AREA as described below.
Table entries in the root area do not point to earlier table
entries because there are no earlier entries.
Table entries that haven't been used yet don't point to earlier
table entries because they haven't been used yet!
In either case the table index will be -1.
0 by the way is a valid table index which points to the very first
table entry in the root area, table entry number 0.
INPUT CODE STREAM. The input code stream is the sequence of bytes
that you wish to compress into a hopefully shorter output code stream.
OUTPUT CODE STREAM. The output code stream is the sequence of
bytes that is the final product of compression, and is hopefully shorter
than the input code stream and RECONSTRUCTIBLE BACK into the input code
stream. It's no good compressing something if you can't uncompress it!
TABLE. The table is a two column table of integer numbers of the
following form:
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
----- 0 (-1 , 000)
| 1 (-1 , 001)
| 2 (-1 , 002)
| . .
| 255 (-1 , 254)
| 255 (-1 , 255)
| 256 (-1 , 256) Clear Code (CC)
----- 257 (-1 , 257) End of Information Code (EOI)
----- 258 (INDEX,CODE)
| 259 (INDEX,CODE)
| 278 (INDEX,CODE)
| 279 (INDEX,CODE) <---TABLE POINTER to latest entry
| 270 (-1 , 0) As yet unused entries
| 271 (-1 , 0) "
| . .
----- 4095 (-1 , 0) End of table.
The table consists of only the two columns of numbers, the table
position numbers are NOT in the table and are only shown for clarity.
The table consists of 2 areas, the ROOT area and the ADDED ENTRY
ROOT AREA. The root area consists of the first 258 entries in the
table numbered from 0 to 257. The entries from 0 to 255 are initialized
at program start up to the numbers shown and do not change during the
duration of the program. Entries number 256 and 257 are also set during
program start up and are used to control the process of compression and
decompression. Their CODE values are otherwise arbitrarily chosen.
Because their values are greater than 255, table codes must use 16
bit wide integers, even though codes have only 8 significant bits.
The table indexes in the root area are set to -1's because they do
not point to any earlier table entry. The table codes in the root area
are set to the basic alphabet of possible characters in the input code
stream, in this case the integers from 0 to 255. The Codes for
CLEARCODE and END OF INFORMATION CODE are arbitrarily set to 256 and
This leaves table position 258 as the first empty position to ADD
new entries into the table when the compression process actually starts.
ADDED ENTRY AREA. At program start up positions 0 through 257 are
initialized as described above and a pointer is set to the last entered
entry in the table, in this case 257. The remaining table entries are
initialized to (-1,0) as shown and usually there are a total of 4096
entries in the table numbered 0 to 4095, including the root area.
During the process of compression the program scans the input code
stream and adds new entries to the table according to the LZW
compression algorithm which we will discuss at length below. Each new
table entry consists of an (INDEX,CODE) pair which is determined by the
input code stream and the LZW algorithm. As each new (INDEX,CODE) pair
is found the table pointer is incremented by by one and the new
(INDEX,CODE) pair is inserted into the table at the position pointed to
by the table pointer.
In the following discussion we wish to prove the following points.
1.) The table is constructed from and totally determined by the
input code stream. The table is usually shorter than the input code
stream and so compression has taken place in the construction of the
table. This is because each table entry can represent more than one
character in the input code stream.
2.) From the table alone the input code stream can be
reconstructed. Thus if you have the complete table you can reconstruct
the input code stream.
3.) The right hand column of table codes can be reconstructed from
the left hand column of table indexes alone. Thus if you know the left
hand table indexes you can recompute from that information alone the
right hand table codes and thus the input code stream.
4.) Thus the table indexes can act as the final output compressed
data stream, or in other words, the output codes ARE the table indexes
from the added entry area.
Do not get table codes confused with the output codes. The table
INDEXES become the output codes.
Because the table indexes can go up to 4095, they need 12 bits to
represent them. Although they are computed as 16 bit wide integers,
when they are finally output to the output data stream, they are packed
at 12 bits each.
Thus an input data stream of 8 bit integers gets compressed and
output as an output data stream of 12 bit integers.
Since each table index can represent a unique string of varying
length, overall compression takes place.
For example if a single 12 bit wide table index represents the 3
character string of 'ABC' or 24 bits, that is a compression factor of
2:1. Three characters at 8 bits each are compressed into one character
of 12 bits.
5.) The process of uncompressing the output code stream then works
as follows.
First you must rebuild the table indexes from the output code
stream. The ROOT AREA of the table is trivial as it is always the same.
The ADDED ENTRY AREA is almost as trivial. The table index column
of the added entry area IS the sequence of output codes, as the output
codes ARE the table indexes. The table code column of the added entry
area is then recomputed from the table index column by means that will
become obvious when the full algorithm is discussed, and that completes
the rebuilding of the table from the output codes. From the completed
table one can then reconstruct the original input code stream.
So how does LZW work?
The idea behind LZW is that not only do some pixels repeat
themselves, but many SEQUENCES of pixels repeat themselves.
For example take the input code stream (in bytes),
Such a sequence would not lend itself well to run length encoding
because no single pixel forms a run. However the sequence of 5 pixels
ABCDE certainly form a run as they appear one right after the other 5
One might even suggest a super run length encoding that could seek
out repeating runs of SEQUENCES and perhaps encode a string like
stream as something like,
However LZW goes one step further and recognizes that the string
ABCDE can appear anywhere in the input code stream, not just in
consecutive runs, so why not just assign the string ABCDE a unique
number, say 234, and then every time that string appears replace it with
the single byte 234.
So if 234 is assigned to ABCDE and 235 is assigned to FGH then the
above 20 byte string could be compressed into the 9 bytes
234 234 234 234 234 235 235 235 235
Of course the number 236 could be assigned to the string ABCDEABCDE
and 237 assigned to FGHFGHFGH, so now the same 20 byte input code stream
could be output as
236 236 234 237 235
Obviously you stand to create a lot of compression this way.
Just as obviously the whole scheme is utterly preposterous, as you
could just assign one number, say 234, to the whole damn text and then
output only that one number!
The problem is clearly keeping track of what string each number
stands for. That is where a string table comes in.
A string table is merely a table of strings of varying length and
the code numbers that have been assigned to them. In this case the
string is inserted into the table at the table entry position
corresponding to the code number assigned to that string so that the
code numbers do not also have to stored.
For example let's say we have collected the following table of
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
232 SDF
235 FGH
With such a table in hand it would be easy enough to covert the
output code stream,
236 236 234 237 235
back into the original input stream of
(Without the spaces of course.)
Which is what we want.
The problem of course with this method is that you have to have the
table in order to know what the code numbers stand for, and the space
you save by compressing your input code stream into the smaller sequence
of bytes is mostly lost in having to carry the whole table along with
This becomes obvious in the extreme example of assigning the whole
text one number and putting the whole text in the table as one entry.
You are actually up a byte from the original data, namely the damn code
number. Not a good compression ratio.
The key question is, can the table be reconstructed FROM the output
code stream? If not then you have to carry the table with you to decode
the output code stream, and that wastes space.
If you CAN reconstruct the table from the output code stream then
you can throw the tables away as you produce the output, and recover
them later when you want to go in the other direction.
LZW takes this one step further in that the output code stream IS
the table, at least the left hand column of table indexes, and the right
hand column of table codes can be easily computed from the table
indexes. Once you have both you can recompute the input code stream.
So how does it work?
The algorithm depends on the idea that any given input string
either is or is not in the table. If it is in the table it is not put
in again. If the string is not in the tale it is immediately put in.
But let's look at how the algorithm gets its strings.
Assume we want to compress the input code stream
Remember the characters A and B are bytes to the computer and so
are really integer numbers somewhere between 0 and 255. In this case A
is 61 and B is 62.
The algorithm starts with the first character in the input code
stream and continues to grab characters from the input stream building a
string until it builds a string that is NOT in the table.
The string table is first initialized with all possible single
character strings, this forms the root area of the table. Let's
simplify this and just assume for the moment that there are only 4
different single character strings rather than 255, and let's call them
A, B, C, D. Let's also forget the clear code and the end of information
code, so that our root area has just 4 entries in it, numbered 0 through
3. and the first added entry will go in position 4.
Then the table will look like this after initialization.
0 A
1 B
2 C
3 D
Since ALL possible single character strings ARE in the table in the
root area the very first character that is taken from the input code
stream will definitely be in the table. In this case that is the letter
So nothing is added to the table and the next character is grabbed.
This creates the string AB. AB is NOT in the table so we add it to the
table at position 4.
0 A
1 B
2 C
3 D
4 AB
We now do something very strange, something that will probably earn
LZ&W their Nobel Prize in mathematics: we discard everything in the
string but the last letter of the string and start anew.
So now we have string B which is definitely in the table in the
root area, so we go on and grab the next character in the output code
stream which is another A. The string BA is NOT in the table so we add
it to position 5.
0 A
1 B
2 C
3 D
4 AB
5 BA
We discard all but the last letter of the string leaving us with A
again which is in the table in the root area. We grab the next
character in the input code stream forming AB. Now this time AB is
already in the table from the last time we came across it, so we
continue on to the next character. This gives us ABA. ABA is NOT in
the table so we enter it in position 6.
0 A
1 B
2 C
3 D
4 AB
5 BA
Keeping the last letter A, we grab the next character in the input
code stream forming AB. This is in the table, so we get the next
character forming ABA which is ALSO now in the table. Adding the next
character we get ABAB which is NOT in the table so we add it at position
0 A
1 B
2 C
3 D
4 AB
5 BA
At this point you can clearly see how to build the rest of the
table from the input code stream. You do this until you run out of
input code stream or table room at which point you clear the table and
start over again with a new table.
Let's assume we ran out of input codes, so as usual we discard all
but the last character of the last string and that leaves B. Since
there are no further codes to add to B, it becomes the last string.
0 A
1 B
2 C
3 D
4 AB
5 BA
8 B
And there we have our completed table.
Now here is where the brilliance comes in. Each string is added to
the table because it was not already in the table. But each string is
built up one character at a time so each one of its predecessor strings
HAD TO BE IN THE TABLE for that string to get as long as it did before
it got put in the table.
In other words its that LAST CHARACTER at the end of each string in
the table that made that string NOT BE in the table. This means that if
you take any string in the table and remove its last character you must
have a string that was already in the table earlier.
Thus each string can be split up into its last character and an
index into an earlier entry in the table. And voila you have the
(INDEX,CODE) form of the string table.
0 A -1 A
2 C -1 C
3 D -1 D
4 AB 0 B |
6 ABA 4 A |
7 ABAB 6 B
8 B 1 x x means doesn't matter.
So the first thing we need to demonstrate is that the input code
stream can be reconstructed from the table, particularly from the table
indexes in the added entry area, 0 1 4 6 1.
The first thing we must realize is that each table index refers to
an earlier complete string already in the table.
For example in position 7 there is a (6,B). The 6 refers to
position 6 where there is a (4,A). The 4 refers to position 4 where
there is a (0,B) and the 0 refers to position 0 where there is a (-1,A)
The -1 means you are in the root area and the backwards search ends.
So the (6,B) in position 7 means that position 7 contains a string
which is a B preceded by the string in position 6. But the string in
position 6 is an A preceded by the string in position 4. The string in
position 4 is a B preceded by the string in position 0. And the string
in position 0 is an A preceded by nothing.
So what string does table index 6 refer to? This is the way you
figure it out.
The | means refers to. This says that index 6 (6,B) pos 7
refers to an A preceded by what's in position 4, |
what's in position 4 is a B preceded by what's in (4,A) pos 6
position 0, and what's in position 0 is an A |
preceded by nothing 'cuz its root. This gives (0,B) pos 4
us the string ABA for index 6. Looking in the |
string form of the table we can see that is (-1,A) pos 0
The entire string in position 7 is (6,B) or ABAB. The index 6 alone
refers to a prior string of ABA, specifically the string in POSITION 6,
that's why its called index 6, because it refers backwards to position
In the same way you can compute the string values for each of the
indexes in the output code stream 0 1 4 6 1.
Table Table
Position Index
4 INDEX 0 = A
5 INDEX 1 = B
6 INDEX 4 = AB
8 INDEX 1 = B
Thus 0 1 4 6 1 = A B AB ABA B which is what we started with, minus
the spaces which I added for clarity.
So what happens if you don't have the table codes, but only the
table indexes? Well you remember that when a string was built that was
NOT in the table, it was then put in the table at the next available
position. Then all characters before the last character were discarded
and the last character was kept as the first character of the next
string to be built.
More accurately once a string is found that is NOT in the table,
say ABAB, this is represented by an (index,code) pair such as (6,B).
The part of the string corresponding to the index is then thrown away
and the remaining single table code becomes the first character of the
next string.
Once a string is built starting with that first character it too is
added to the table and the last character only is kept to become the
first character of the next table entry.
Therefore it is obvious that the last character of each table entry
is the first character of the next table entry! Thus the table is
always of the form,
0 A
2 C
3 D
4 A...D I have used random characters here for
5 D...C demonstration purposes only. The last
6 C...B character of the string in position 4 is
7 B...D the first character of the string in
8 D position 5, etc. The ... means an
arbitrary number of 0 or more
intervening characters.
So how does this help us find the codes from the indexes alone? It
should be clear from an earlier discussion that from the indexes AND
codes the original string represented by any (index,code) pair can be
reconstructed by following the indexes back to root and accumulating the
codes of each touched upon entry along the way. But if you don't have
the codes how can you accumulate them?!
Well the magic is although you may have no codes to accumulate, you
always have the FIRST code of any string in the table because the first
code of a string is in the root area whose codes are ALWAYS known. Thus
from the indexes alone you can always find the FIRST character of any
string represented by any index.
Here's our complete table again without the codes. Remember root
codes are always known.
0 A -1 A
2 C -1 C
3 D -1 D
4 AB 0 ? |
6 ABA 4 ? |
7 ABAB 6 ?
8 B 1 x x means doesn't matter.
For example, in table position 7 you have (6,x).
Index 6 refers to position 6 which contains (4,?), which refers to
position 4 which contains (0,?), which refers to position 0 which
contains (-1,A).
So the string in position 7 MUST start with an A!
But this first character is the LAST character of the immediate
preceding string in the table, in this case the string in position 6.
By definition the last character of a string is that string's table
CODE. So the first character of the string in position 7 is the last
character of the string in position 6 and is thus also 6's table CODE.
(Don't get table codes confused with output codes. A string's
table code is the last character of the string. A string's output code
is the table INDEX for that string!)
Thus by finding the first character of any index string, you can
find the table code of the immediately previous string.
Going back to our previous example, let's assume we have only the
indexes and no codes, except the root codes which are known. The
missing codes are represented by ?'s in the below table.
0 A -1 A
2 C -1 C
3 D -1 D
4 AB 0 ? |
6 ABA 4 ? |
7 ABAB 6 ?
8 B 1 x x means doesn't matter.
In position 8 the index 1 points directly to position 1 in in the
root area which has a known code of B. Thus B is the first character of
the string in position 8 and therefore the last character of the string
in position 7. Thus we know the code for position 7, its a B!
In position 7, the index 6 points to position 6 whose index of 4
points to position 4 whose index of 0 points to position 0 which being
in the root area has a known code of A. Thus A is the first character
of the string in position 7 and so also the last character of the string
in position 6. Thus we have the code for 6, its an A.
Visually any index can be followed back to root (6,?) pos 7
just like we did before, the only difference being |
that there are no known codes to accumulate until (4,?) pos 6
we get to root where there will be just one known |
code. That code is the first character of the (0,?) pos 4
index we just traced back and the last character |
of the index just before it in the table. (-1,A) pos 0
Thus by starting with the last added index in the table, and
tracing it back to its first character in the root area, we can find the
table CODE of the immediately prior index. Repeating the process for
that index, we can then fill in the entire table.
Once the table is filled in completely, we can then start a second
pass and accumulate the complete strings for each index using the codes
we just found, and then concatenate those strings together to form the
original input code stream.
Totally amazing, isn't it?
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Learning implies Learning with Certainty or Learning without Certainty.
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Learning by Being an Effect implies Learning without Certainty.
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Copyright (C) 1993 Homer Wilson Smith
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The LZW compression algorithm is probably one of the most mind
boggling algorithms to come along, but it is also one of the most
brilliant, so it is worth understanding well.
It's really quite mind opening.
Ever program something you didn't fully understand, but because it
worked fine you let it go, and then months later found yourself still
wondering why your code worked?
Well that's what happened to me with LZW compression.
My programs worked, for a very long time they worked, until one day
I went to send a large tiff to a color separator, and bang nothing would
read it.
Corel Draw wouldn't read it, CSHOW wouldn't read it, my own damn
tiff program wouldn't read it, and that REALLY pissed me off.
I had written my tiff programs with barely passable understanding
of the algorithm, following along the pseudo code provided by others,
with little personal comprehension myself. I had read a number of
descriptions trying to make LZW compression and decompression clear to
me, but basically all I ended up with was a partial understanding of the
encoding process and no understanding at all of the decoding process. I
kind of programmed it blind, and hoped it would work.
It took me many hours to find the bug, it was one of those 'it
crops up every hundred million years' kind of bug, and I didn't know
what I was doing anyhow, so it wasn't easy.
But from all bad things comes something good (I think) and this
paper is the result. I finally understood both sides of the compression
and decompression dichotomy, and I am reasonably sure my programs will
work because I understand them and not because I followed someone else's
The proof of course is in the pudding, and the pudding is whether
or not I can explain this to others so that they get it the first time.
The algorithm is really quite brilliant, and worth knowing just for the
fun of it.
This paper is not meant to replace everything else you might read
on the subject of LZW encoding or TIFF and GIF files, but it is intended
to make all that other stuff clear. This is what I wish someone had
written for me when I first approached the subject.
The problem with data is it takes up so much damn space, and with
the cost of hard disk space and the slowness of telecommunications, it
behooves us to find a way to make data smaller, to make it take up less
room, so that we can then use up the space we free up to fill it with
more data!
It actually takes less time to compress data than it does to
transmit it, so its a good cost saving to compress the data first, then
transmit it and uncompress it at the other end.
Various encoding schemes have been devised to take care of this
need, one of the earliest most obvious ones being RUN LENGTH ENCODING.
Run length encoding takes advantage of the fact that often many pixels
right next to each other are the same pixel, so rather than sending them
all one by one they are counted up into a RUN and two bytes are sent
instead, the first byte telling how many pixels there were of one
number, and the next byte the number it was.
Thus a run of pixels that looked like this
5 5 5 3 3 3 9 9 9 9 9 1 1 1 1
would be run length encoded as
3 5 3 3 5 9 4 1
an obvious saving of space. The longer the runs are the more space is
saved as each color run is represented by only two bytes, a count and a
color. If your counts can go only up to 255, then if the run is longer
you have to start a new run, but if your counts can go up to 32767, then
you can handle longer runs before you have to start a new run.
The problem comes in when the data does not consist of large
expanses of identical pixels, who wants to look at a single patch of red
anyhow. A worst case scenario of course is when every pixel is
different such as,
2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 etc.
Encoding this as RLE would produce,
1 2 1 3 1 4 1 5 1 6 1 7 1 8 1 9
which is an obvious waste of space.
One solution to this is to insert an INTRODUCER byte before each
sequence telling whether it is a horizontal run, or a stretch of one
byte per pixel. Thus runs may start with positive counts, and stretches
of one byte per pixel may start with a negative count.
Thus the sequence
3 3 3 3 3 1 2 3 4 5 6
would be compressed as
5 3 -6 1 2 3 4 5 6
giving some compression, but its obviously not an ideal solution.
There is also tremendous complexity involved in programming the
ideal compression for data that has a lot of 2 byte runs in it.
For example,
3 3 4 5 3 3 4 5 3 3 4 5
is better put out as a single stretch of one byte per pixel
-12 3 3 4 5 3 3 4 5 3 3 4 5
rather than as a mixture
2 3 -2 4 5 2 3 -2 4 5 2 3 -2 4 5
because of the the one byte overhead in switching from horizontal runs
to one byte per pixel.
One might make a simple rule that all two byte runs should be put
out as one byte per pixel, except that this is only true if you have
already opened a one byte per pixel stretch, otherwise 2 byte runs
should be put out as a horizontal run (count,byte).
In any case run length encoding (RLE) only produces good compressio
when the data is even and unchanging. Fractals of course are the
antithesis of unchanging data, so RLE does not work well on fractals or
any other natural data like video frames or even written work.
In other words if you have a patch of red to compress use RLE.
Otherwise keep reading.
The LZW Algorithm
There are four concepts that need to be understood. They are,
The purpose of LZW compression is to turn the input code stream
into an output code stream of lesser length, and then later to
reconstruct the input code stream from the output code stream. This
accomplishes the purpose of compression and decompression.
The above four concepts can be visualized as follows:
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
CODE. A code is a byte wide entity consisting of 8 bits and
ranging in decimal value from 0 to 255. They can be considered as
characters, or as integer numbers, it doesn't matter. They are NOT
signed integers however. INPUT CODES, TABLE CODES and OUTPUT CODES are
all of this format.
INDEX. An index is a two byte wide SIGNED entity consisting of 16
bits and ranging in decimal value from -32768 to 32767. It is called an
index because it refers to an earlier entry in the table. For example,
if table entry number 400 consists of the (index,code) pair (312,5),
then 312 is called a table index and points BACKWARDS to table entry
312, and 5 is a table code generated in the process of compression.
Table entry 312 will itself have an (index,code) pair that will point to
an even earlier table entry, which will point to an earlier table entry
ad infinitum until you come back to the first table entries before which
there are none. These first entries in the table are called the ROOT
If a table entry has -1 for an INDEX, that means that that table
entry does NOT refer to any earlier table entry. -1's appear as table
indexes either
1.> when a table entry is still unused or
2.) when it resides in the ROOT AREA as described below.
Table entries in the root area do not point to earlier table
entries because there are no earlier entries.
Table entries that haven't been used yet don't point to earlier
table entries because they haven't been used yet!
In either case the table index will be -1.
0 by the way is a valid table index which points to the very first
table entry in the root area, table entry number 0.
INPUT CODE STREAM. The input code stream is the sequence of bytes
that you wish to compress into a hopefully shorter output code stream.
OUTPUT CODE STREAM. The output code stream is the sequence of
bytes that is the final product of compression, and is hopefully shorter
than the input code stream and RECONSTRUCTIBLE BACK into the input code
stream. It's no good compressing something if you can't uncompress it!
TABLE. The table is a two column table of integer numbers of the
following form:
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
----- 0 (-1 , 000)
| 1 (-1 , 001)
| 2 (-1 , 002)
| . .
| 255 (-1 , 254)
| 255 (-1 , 255)
| 256 (-1 , 256) Clear Code (CC)
----- 257 (-1 , 257) End of Information Code (EOI)
----- 258 (INDEX,CODE)
| 259 (INDEX,CODE)
| 278 (INDEX,CODE)
| 279 (INDEX,CODE) <---TABLE POINTER to latest entry
| 270 (-1 , 0) As yet unused entries
| 271 (-1 , 0) "
| . .
----- 4095 (-1 , 0) End of table.
The table consists of only the two columns of numbers, the table
position numbers are NOT in the table and are only shown for clarity.
The table consists of 2 areas, the ROOT area and the ADDED ENTRY
ROOT AREA. The root area consists of the first 258 entries in the
table numbered from 0 to 257. The entries from 0 to 255 are initialized
at program start up to the numbers shown and do not change during the
duration of the program. Entries number 256 and 257 are also set during
program start up and are used to control the process of compression and
decompression. Their CODE values are otherwise arbitrarily chosen.
Because their values are greater than 255, table codes must use 16
bit wide integers, even though codes have only 8 significant bits.
The table indexes in the root area are set to -1's because they do
not point to any earlier table entry. The table codes in the root area
are set to the basic alphabet of possible characters in the input code
stream, in this case the integers from 0 to 255. The Codes for
CLEARCODE and END OF INFORMATION CODE are arbitrarily set to 256 and
This leaves table position 258 as the first empty position to ADD
new entries into the table when the compression process actually starts.
ADDED ENTRY AREA. At program start up positions 0 through 257 are
initialized as described above and a pointer is set to the last entered
entry in the table, in this case 257. The remaining table entries are
initialized to (-1,0) as shown and usually there are a total of 4096
entries in the table numbered 0 to 4095, including the root area.
During the process of compression the program scans the input code
stream and adds new entries to the table according to the LZW
compression algorithm which we will discuss at length below. Each new
table entry consists of an (INDEX,CODE) pair which is determined by the
input code stream and the LZW algorithm. As each new (INDEX,CODE) pair
is found the table pointer is incremented by by one and the new
(INDEX,CODE) pair is inserted into the table at the position pointed to
by the table pointer.
In the following discussion we wish to prove the following points.
1.) The table is constructed from and totally determined by the
input code stream. The table is usually shorter than the input code
stream and so compression has taken place in the construction of the
table. This is because each table entry can represent more than one
character in the input code stream.
2.) From the table alone the input code stream can be
reconstructed. Thus if you have the complete table you can reconstruct
the input code stream.
3.) The right hand column of table codes can be reconstructed from
the left hand column of table indexes alone. Thus if you know the left
hand table indexes you can recompute from that information alone the
right hand table codes and thus the input code stream.
4.) Thus the table indexes can act as the final output compressed
data stream, or in other words, the output codes ARE the table indexes
from the added entry area.
Do not get table codes confused with the output codes. The table
INDEXES become the output codes.
Because the table indexes can go up to 4095, they need 12 bits to
represent them. Although they are computed as 16 bit wide integers,
when they are finally output to the output data stream, they are packed
at 12 bits each.
Thus an input data stream of 8 bit integers gets compressed and
output as an output data stream of 12 bit integers.
Since each table index can represent a unique string of varying
length, overall compression takes place.
For example if a single 12 bit wide table index represents the 3
character string of 'ABC' or 24 bits, that is a compression factor of
2:1. Three characters at 8 bits each are compressed into one character
of 12 bits.
5.) The process of uncompressing the output code stream then works
as follows.
First you must rebuild the table indexes from the output code
stream. The ROOT AREA of the table is trivial as it is always the same.
The ADDED ENTRY AREA is almost as trivial. The table index column
of the added entry area IS the sequence of output codes, as the output
codes ARE the table indexes. The table code column of the added entry
area is then recomputed from the table index column by means that will
become obvious when the full algorithm is discussed, and that completes
the rebuilding of the table from the output codes. From the completed
table one can then reconstruct the original input code stream.
So how does LZW work?
The idea behind LZW is that not only do some pixels repeat
themselves, but many SEQUENCES of pixels repeat themselves.
For example take the input code stream (in bytes),
Such a sequence would not lend itself well to run length encoding
because no single pixel forms a run. However the sequence of 5 pixels
ABCDE certainly form a run as they appear one right after the other 5
One might even suggest a super run length encoding that could seek
out repeating runs of SEQUENCES and perhaps encode a string like
stream as something like,
However LZW goes one step further and recognizes that the string
ABCDE can appear anywhere in the input code stream, not just in
consecutive runs, so why not just assign the string ABCDE a unique
number, say 234, and then every time that string appears replace it with
the single byte 234.
So if 234 is assigned to ABCDE and 235 is assigned to FGH then the
above 20 byte string could be compressed into the 9 bytes
234 234 234 234 234 235 235 235 235
Of course the number 236 could be assigned to the string ABCDEABCDE
and 237 assigned to FGHFGHFGH, so now the same 20 byte input code stream
could be output as
236 236 234 237 235
Obviously you stand to create a lot of compression this way.
Just as obviously the whole scheme is utterly preposterous, as you
could just assign one number, say 234, to the whole damn text and then
output only that one number!
The problem is clearly keeping track of what string each number
stands for. That is where a string table comes in.
A string table is merely a table of strings of varying length and
the code numbers that have been assigned to them. In this case the
string is inserted into the table at the table entry position
corresponding to the code number assigned to that string so that the
code numbers do not also have to stored.
For example let's say we have collected the following table of
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
232 SDF
235 FGH
With such a table in hand it would be easy enough to covert the
output code stream,
236 236 234 237 235
back into the original input stream of
(Without the spaces of course.)
Which is what we want.
The problem of course with this method is that you have to have the
table in order to know what the code numbers stand for, and the space
you save by compressing your input code stream into the smaller sequence
of bytes is mostly lost in having to carry the whole table along with
This becomes obvious in the extreme example of assigning the whole
text one number and putting the whole text in the table as one entry.
You are actually up a byte from the original data, namely the damn code
number. Not a good compression ratio.
The key question is, can the table be reconstructed FROM the output
code stream? If not then you have to carry the table with you to decode
the output code stream, and that wastes space.
If you CAN reconstruct the table from the output code stream then
you can throw the tables away as you produce the output, and recover
them later when you want to go in the other direction.
LZW takes this one step further in that the output code stream IS
the table, at least the left hand column of table indexes, and the right
hand column of table codes can be easily computed from the table
indexes. Once you have both you can recompute the input code stream.
So how does it work?
The algorithm depends on the idea that any given input string
either is or is not in the table. If it is in the table it is not put
in again. If the string is not in the tale it is immediately put in.
But let's look at how the algorithm gets its strings.
Assume we want to compress the input code stream
Remember the characters A and B are bytes to the computer and so
are really integer numbers somewhere between 0 and 255. In this case A
is 61 and B is 62.
The algorithm starts with the first character in the input code
stream and continues to grab characters from the input stream building a
string until it builds a string that is NOT in the table.
The string table is first initialized with all possible single
character strings, this forms the root area of the table. Let's
simplify this and just assume for the moment that there are only 4
different single character strings rather than 255, and let's call them
A, B, C, D. Let's also forget the clear code and the end of information
code, so that our root area has just 4 entries in it, numbered 0 through
3. and the first added entry will go in position 4.
Then the table will look like this after initialization.
0 A
1 B
2 C
3 D
Since ALL possible single character strings ARE in the table in the
root area the very first character that is taken from the input code
stream will definitely be in the table. In this case that is the letter
So nothing is added to the table and the next character is grabbed.
This creates the string AB. AB is NOT in the table so we add it to the
table at position 4.
0 A
1 B
2 C
3 D
4 AB
We now do something very strange, something that will probably earn
LZ&W their Nobel Prize in mathematics: we discard everything in the
string but the last letter of the string and start anew.
So now we have string B which is definitely in the table in the
root area, so we go on and grab the next character in the output code
stream which is another A. The string BA is NOT in the table so we add
it to position 5.
0 A
1 B
2 C
3 D
4 AB
5 BA
We discard all but the last letter of the string leaving us with A
again which is in the table in the root area. We grab the next
character in the input code stream forming AB. Now this time AB is
already in the table from the last time we came across it, so we
continue on to the next character. This gives us ABA. ABA is NOT in
the table so we enter it in position 6.
0 A
1 B
2 C
3 D
4 AB
5 BA
Keeping the last letter A, we grab the next character in the input
code stream forming AB. This is in the table, so we get the next
character forming ABA which is ALSO now in the table. Adding the next
character we get ABAB which is NOT in the table so we add it at position
0 A
1 B
2 C
3 D
4 AB
5 BA
At this point you can clearly see how to build the rest of the
table from the input code stream. You do this until you run out of
input code stream or table room at which point you clear the table and
start over again with a new table.
Let's assume we ran out of input codes, so as usual we discard all
but the last character of the last string and that leaves B. Since
there are no further codes to add to B, it becomes the last string.
0 A
1 B
2 C
3 D
4 AB
5 BA
8 B
And there we have our completed table.
Now here is where the brilliance comes in. Each string is added to
the table because it was not already in the table. But each string is
built up one character at a time so each one of its predecessor strings
HAD TO BE IN THE TABLE for that string to get as long as it did before
it got put in the table.
In other words its that LAST CHARACTER at the end of each string in
the table that made that string NOT BE in the table. This means that if
you take any string in the table and remove its last character you must
have a string that was already in the table earlier.
Thus each string can be split up into its last character and an
index into an earlier entry in the table. And voila you have the
(INDEX,CODE) form of the string table.
0 A -1 A
2 C -1 C
3 D -1 D
4 AB 0 B |
6 ABA 4 A |
7 ABAB 6 B
8 B 1 x x means doesn't matter.
So the first thing we need to demonstrate is that the input code
stream can be reconstructed from the table, particularly from the table
indexes in the added entry area, 0 1 4 6 1.
The first thing we must realize is that each table index refers to
an earlier complete string already in the table.
For example in position 7 there is a (6,B). The 6 refers to
position 6 where there is a (4,A). The 4 refers to position 4 where
there is a (0,B) and the 0 refers to position 0 where there is a (-1,A)
The -1 means you are in the root area and the backwards search ends.
So the (6,B) in position 7 means that position 7 contains a string
which is a B preceded by the string in position 6. But the string in
position 6 is an A preceded by the string in position 4. The string in
position 4 is a B preceded by the string in position 0. And the string
in position 0 is an A preceded by nothing.
So what string does table index 6 refer to? This is the way you
figure it out.
The | means refers to. This says that index 6 (6,B) pos 7
refers to an A preceded by what's in position 4, |
what's in position 4 is a B preceded by what's in (4,A) pos 6
position 0, and what's in position 0 is an A |
preceded by nothing 'cuz its root. This gives (0,B) pos 4
us the string ABA for index 6. Looking in the |
string form of the table we can see that is (-1,A) pos 0
The entire string in position 7 is (6,B) or ABAB. The index 6 alone
refers to a prior string of ABA, specifically the string in POSITION 6,
that's why its called index 6, because it refers backwards to position
In the same way you can compute the string values for each of the
indexes in the output code stream 0 1 4 6 1.
Table Table
Position Index
4 INDEX 0 = A
5 INDEX 1 = B
6 INDEX 4 = AB
8 INDEX 1 = B
Thus 0 1 4 6 1 = A B AB ABA B which is what we started with, minus
the spaces which I added for clarity.
So what happens if you don't have the table codes, but only the
table indexes? Well you remember that when a string was built that was
NOT in the table, it was then put in the table at the next available
position. Then all characters before the last character were discarded
and the last character was kept as the first character of the next
string to be built.
More accurately once a string is found that is NOT in the table,
say ABAB, this is represented by an (index,code) pair such as (6,B).
The part of the string corresponding to the index is then thrown away
and the remaining single table code becomes the first character of the
next string.
Once a string is built starting with that first character it too is
added to the table and the last character only is kept to become the
first character of the next table entry.
Therefore it is obvious that the last character of each table entry
is the first character of the next table entry! Thus the table is
always of the form,
0 A
2 C
3 D
4 A...D I have used random characters here for
5 D...C demonstration purposes only. The last
6 C...B character of the string in position 4 is
7 B...D the first character of the string in
8 D position 5, etc. The ... means an
arbitrary number of 0 or more
intervening characters.
So how does this help us find the codes from the indexes alone? It
should be clear from an earlier discussion that from the indexes AND
codes the original string represented by any (index,code) pair can be
reconstructed by following the indexes back to root and accumulating the
codes of each touched upon entry along the way. But if you don't have
the codes how can you accumulate them?!
Well the magic is although you may have no codes to accumulate, you
always have the FIRST code of any string in the table because the first
code of a string is in the root area whose codes are ALWAYS known. Thus
from the indexes alone you can always find the FIRST character of any
string represented by any index.
Here's our complete table again without the codes. Remember root
codes are always known.
0 A -1 A
2 C -1 C
3 D -1 D
4 AB 0 ? |
6 ABA 4 ? |
7 ABAB 6 ?
8 B 1 x x means doesn't matter.
For example, in table position 7 you have (6,x).
Index 6 refers to position 6 which contains (4,?), which refers to
position 4 which contains (0,?), which refers to position 0 which
contains (-1,A).
So the string in position 7 MUST start with an A!
But this first character is the LAST character of the immediate
preceding string in the table, in this case the string in position 6.
By definition the last character of a string is that string's table
CODE. So the first character of the string in position 7 is the last
character of the string in position 6 and is thus also 6's table CODE.
(Don't get table codes confused with output codes. A string's
table code is the last character of the string. A string's output code
is the table INDEX for that string!)
Thus by finding the first character of any index string, you can
find the table code of the immediately previous string.
Going back to our previous example, let's assume we have only the
indexes and no codes, except the root codes which are known. The
missing codes are represented by ?'s in the below table.
0 A -1 A
2 C -1 C
3 D -1 D
4 AB 0 ? |
6 ABA 4 ? |
7 ABAB 6 ?
8 B 1 x x means doesn't matter.
In position 8 the index 1 points directly to position 1 in in the
root area which has a known code of B. Thus B is the first character of
the string in position 8 and therefore the last character of the string
in position 7. Thus we know the code for position 7, its a B!
In position 7, the index 6 points to position 6 whose index of 4
points to position 4 whose index of 0 points to position 0 which being
in the root area has a known code of A. Thus A is the first character
of the string in position 7 and so also the last character of the string
in position 6. Thus we have the code for 6, its an A.
Visually any index can be followed back to root (6,?) pos 7
just like we did before, the only difference being |
that there are no known codes to accumulate until (4,?) pos 6
we get to root where there will be just one known |
code. That code is the first character of the (0,?) pos 4
index we just traced back and the last character |
of the index just before it in the table. (-1,A) pos 0
Thus by starting with the last added index in the table, and
tracing it back to its first character in the root area, we can find the
table CODE of the immediately prior index. Repeating the process for
that index, we can then fill in the entire table.
Once the table is filled in completely, we can then start a second
pass and accumulate the complete strings for each index using the codes
we just found, and then concatenate those strings together to form the
original input code stream.
Totally amazing, isn't it?
================ http://www.clearing.org ====================
Tue Sep 5 12:00:02 EDT 2017
WEB: http://www.clearing.org
BLOG: http://adoretheproof.blogspot.org
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=========== http://www.lightlink.com/theproof ===============
Learning implies Learning with Certainty or Learning without Certainty.
Learning across a Distance implies Learning by Being an Effect.
Learning by Being an Effect implies Learning without Certainty.
Therefore, Learning with Certainty implies Learning,
but not by Being an Effect, and not across a Distance.
Version: GnuPG v1.4.5 (GNU/Linux)
HomerWSmith-L mailing list
ADORE30 (fwd)
Hash: SHA1
((The terminology used in this posting is backwards from standard
The bottom of a GPM is the first item in the set, the earliest
encountered on the time track. The preclear sashays UP the GPM to his
present time latest item. So the TOP of the GPM is his present time
item and his top opp term is his present time opponent.
In the below posting it is assumed that the preclear starts at the
'top' first item and sashays 'downward' to his present time mess. It's
merely a matter of terminology, whats bottom or top, the real concept is
first item (earliest on the track) and latest item (latest on the track
in present time.) ))
I think much of the problem with different pcs, is different people
are at different rungs of their present time truncated GPM.
Someone still working on his first rung, will audit easily, he's
aware of what his goals are, he is in alignment with them, every engram
he runs puts him more at cause over that goal etc, he flys.
Someone 15 rungs down is opposing not only his own basic goal, but
also himself. Every engram you run will be a very late on the chain
engram gained while OPPOSING his basic goal, so he only gets better at
opposing himself again. The stuff up at the top of the GPM where the
first rung is located is just not available. He started out to be a
Maurauder ended up being a Messiah, so all he audits are these stupid
crucifixions etc, and that just makes him better at being a Messiah
which he doesn't want to be anyhow, so he gets sicker and sicker.
Also by the time he is at the bottom of his GPM ladder he's a cess
pool of overts and motivators, and he's got 15 Service Facs all in a
row, and you are going to audit 'Standard Tech' through all this?
I think not.
Now one could be a bright puppy and say, well then why don't we
make spotting the PT GPM early on part of Standard Tech? That way we
reorient him towards his original goal of being a Maurauder, and
despense with all the endless case dev-T.
Alan does this.
So really there is 'Standard Tech' and there is application, and
maybe we have everything we need to know, maybe not. It's tempting to
say, 'well you didn't run CCH's long enough', but how long is long
enough? When the pc intensive after intensive just isn't having wins,
isn't VGI's, is loosing in auditing and in life continuously, then its
time to admit 'Well doing it long enough may work, but its not the
proper approach.'
Also you get a pc like me, who is just *FROZEN* in abject terror
about finding out or opening up anything, I mean totally life
threatening terror, then the auditing itself becomes a present time
problem because he doesn't have his will written yet, he's got girl
friends and children that are dependent on him, so he can't afford to
die. So that's going to stop auditing cold because maybe he HAS to die
to get better etc.
Maybe he's scared because his basic goal is too dangerous to know,
maybe the last time he had a thought about that goal the monitors got
him but good etc. So now he's got endless overts opposing his own goals
not only in others but himself.
So yes 'standard tech' will probably unglue the mess, but the pc
doesn't want it unglued! He's still terrorized and on the edge of
dying. He just isn't going to make case gain in the hands of people who
can't stand the thought of someone dying on them in session. Or someone
who can't stand the thought of dying themselves when the pc's demon
exteriorizes and eats the auditor as monster food.
Basically the world consists of 'no fear' cases, its very hard to
make case gain in that atmosphere.
The people at the top of their GPM ladders got no clue what its
like to be at the bottom of their GPM ladder, they look at all this and
just scratch their heads, they just can't see what the problem is but a
little education and mockup processing on the GPM sashay will probably
be sufficient to help them audit the bottom rung case.
The one's at the bottom themselves, still playing the no fear game,
are dangerous auditors. They will dramatize their service facs and
excuses for failure until the pc leaves the church, as the church as
already left him.
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
Homer Wilson Smith Clean Air, Clear Water, Art Matrix - Lightlink
(607) 277-0959 A Green Earth and Peace. Internet Access, Ithaca NY
homer@lightlink.com Is that too much to ask? http://www.lightlink.com
================ http://www.clearing.org ====================
Mon Sep 4 12:00:03 EDT 2017
WEB: http://www.clearing.org
BLOG: http://adoretheproof.blogspot.org
FTP: ftp://ftp.lightlink.com/pub/archive/homer/adore30.memo
Send mail to archive@lightlink.com saying help in body
=========== http://www.lightlink.com/theproof ===============
Learning implies Learning with Certainty or Learning without Certainty.
Learning across a Distance implies Learning by Being an Effect.
Learning by Being an Effect implies Learning without Certainty.
Therefore, Learning with Certainty implies Learning,
but not by Being an Effect, and not across a Distance.
Version: GnuPG v1.4.5 (GNU/Linux)
HomerWSmith-L mailing list
Hash: SHA1
((The terminology used in this posting is backwards from standard
The bottom of a GPM is the first item in the set, the earliest
encountered on the time track. The preclear sashays UP the GPM to his
present time latest item. So the TOP of the GPM is his present time
item and his top opp term is his present time opponent.
In the below posting it is assumed that the preclear starts at the
'top' first item and sashays 'downward' to his present time mess. It's
merely a matter of terminology, whats bottom or top, the real concept is
first item (earliest on the track) and latest item (latest on the track
in present time.) ))
I think much of the problem with different pcs, is different people
are at different rungs of their present time truncated GPM.
Someone still working on his first rung, will audit easily, he's
aware of what his goals are, he is in alignment with them, every engram
he runs puts him more at cause over that goal etc, he flys.
Someone 15 rungs down is opposing not only his own basic goal, but
also himself. Every engram you run will be a very late on the chain
engram gained while OPPOSING his basic goal, so he only gets better at
opposing himself again. The stuff up at the top of the GPM where the
first rung is located is just not available. He started out to be a
Maurauder ended up being a Messiah, so all he audits are these stupid
crucifixions etc, and that just makes him better at being a Messiah
which he doesn't want to be anyhow, so he gets sicker and sicker.
Also by the time he is at the bottom of his GPM ladder he's a cess
pool of overts and motivators, and he's got 15 Service Facs all in a
row, and you are going to audit 'Standard Tech' through all this?
I think not.
Now one could be a bright puppy and say, well then why don't we
make spotting the PT GPM early on part of Standard Tech? That way we
reorient him towards his original goal of being a Maurauder, and
despense with all the endless case dev-T.
Alan does this.
So really there is 'Standard Tech' and there is application, and
maybe we have everything we need to know, maybe not. It's tempting to
say, 'well you didn't run CCH's long enough', but how long is long
enough? When the pc intensive after intensive just isn't having wins,
isn't VGI's, is loosing in auditing and in life continuously, then its
time to admit 'Well doing it long enough may work, but its not the
proper approach.'
Also you get a pc like me, who is just *FROZEN* in abject terror
about finding out or opening up anything, I mean totally life
threatening terror, then the auditing itself becomes a present time
problem because he doesn't have his will written yet, he's got girl
friends and children that are dependent on him, so he can't afford to
die. So that's going to stop auditing cold because maybe he HAS to die
to get better etc.
Maybe he's scared because his basic goal is too dangerous to know,
maybe the last time he had a thought about that goal the monitors got
him but good etc. So now he's got endless overts opposing his own goals
not only in others but himself.
So yes 'standard tech' will probably unglue the mess, but the pc
doesn't want it unglued! He's still terrorized and on the edge of
dying. He just isn't going to make case gain in the hands of people who
can't stand the thought of someone dying on them in session. Or someone
who can't stand the thought of dying themselves when the pc's demon
exteriorizes and eats the auditor as monster food.
Basically the world consists of 'no fear' cases, its very hard to
make case gain in that atmosphere.
The people at the top of their GPM ladders got no clue what its
like to be at the bottom of their GPM ladder, they look at all this and
just scratch their heads, they just can't see what the problem is but a
little education and mockup processing on the GPM sashay will probably
be sufficient to help them audit the bottom rung case.
The one's at the bottom themselves, still playing the no fear game,
are dangerous auditors. They will dramatize their service facs and
excuses for failure until the pc leaves the church, as the church as
already left him.
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
Homer Wilson Smith Clean Air, Clear Water, Art Matrix - Lightlink
(607) 277-0959 A Green Earth and Peace. Internet Access, Ithaca NY
homer@lightlink.com Is that too much to ask? http://www.lightlink.com
================ http://www.clearing.org ====================
Mon Sep 4 12:00:03 EDT 2017
WEB: http://www.clearing.org
BLOG: http://adoretheproof.blogspot.org
FTP: ftp://ftp.lightlink.com/pub/archive/homer/adore30.memo
Send mail to archive@lightlink.com saying help in body
=========== http://www.lightlink.com/theproof ===============
Learning implies Learning with Certainty or Learning without Certainty.
Learning across a Distance implies Learning by Being an Effect.
Learning by Being an Effect implies Learning without Certainty.
Therefore, Learning with Certainty implies Learning,
but not by Being an Effect, and not across a Distance.
Version: GnuPG v1.4.5 (GNU/Linux)
HomerWSmith-L mailing list
Sunday, September 3, 2017
ADORE392 (fwd)
Hash: SHA1
The following is about MORTAL men and MORTAL women.
Mortal means the being believes incorrectly that they live once,
die once and that's it bud.
Neither understand that they are a full instantiation of God in
Mortal women think the universe is womanly.
Mortal men think the universe is manly.
Neither understands that the universe is divine.
From Adore:
Mortal men fight wars with each other because they can't stand
their mothers.
They want to kill their mothers, but unable to do so they take to
killing each other.
Eventually they get the other guy to kill their mothers for them.
Any man who mistreats women hates his mother, the women he
mistreats are substitutes for his mother.
Mortal women criticize in men what they are jealous of.
What the man hates in his mother, is his mother's refusal to
operate in the man what the man has, which the women doesn't have and
which the women needs and is jealous of, which is mastery of offense and
to be leaders of women and their children.
To lead means to have others follow you where you can and have
gone, so they can go there too.
But just as a child does not go where a woman goes until it grows
up, women does not go where the man goes until the woman becomes a man
in a next life.
There will always be exceptions, and this applies mostly to mortal
women with child.
Women seek mastery of defense.
Men seek master of offence.
Women can not go where she can not take her children, the man is
not so limited.
Her tits are a symbol to women of this limitation.
Her hatred of her tits, her womanhood and of men are the source of
her breast cancer.
Get the idea of a woman giving a male child a cancerous tit.
The purpose of the man is to seek out danger before it finds him.
NO women with child operates that way.
Men take their vision statement from women.
Women take their mission statement from men.
Vision statement is where we want or need to go.
Mission statement is how to get there.
Vision is a better world through better children.
Mission is shut up bitch, and let us build the fucking school
already, and while you are at it, feed the men :)
The woman's place is not in the kitchen, nor the home, nor even the
The woman's place is WITH THE CHILDREN first, and after that
maintaining the supply lines and care facilities for the men who are
going out of bounds to seek danger before it seeks them.
Leadership is the ability to lead the MISSION.
Thus men are the leaders of women and children, and take point on
the journey.
Can you imagine a man saying to his wife with child "You take
Of course you might have to search a while to find a real man
considering what women are issuing from their wombs.
Although women take their marching orders from men, men get their
vision statement from women. Without that vision statement, men can not
operate and will turn against their women by turning against each other.
This is the source of insanity in wars.
This is particularly true when the woman's highest vision is that
everyone should be womyn.
"The highest pleasure of an (insane) warrior to see the burning
villages of his enemies and to hear the wailing of their women. -
When it comes to the children, the man is pilot and the woman is co
Women who can't stand being co pilot will marry inferior men who
are unworthy of being pilot, and then use them as proof that men and
women are 'equal', or that women can do anything a man can do only
The above material is not acceptable to mortal women, they do not
take kindly to having their jealousy missed.
Hyper critical of men = Jealousy.
Yes men misbehave, the jealous woman wishes she could too, and get
away with it.
Such sweet beings, women are.
Where men are overtly destructive, women are covertly destructive.
The above is not acceptable to mortal men, who are still trying to
get laid, or who are on the verge of becoming mortal women themselves in
their next life.
Women are fully responsible for how their men turn out.
Women are an incubator for true manhood.
Since women will never take full responsibliity for the issue of
their wombs, the future of Earth is grim.
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
Homer Wilson Smith The Paths of Lovers Art Matrix - Lightlink
(607) 277-0959 KC2ITF Cross Internet Access, Ithaca NY
homer@lightlink.com In the Line of Duty http://www.lightlink.com
Sat Sep 9 02:35:12 EDT 2006
================ http://www.clearing.org ====================
Sun Sep 3 12:00:03 EDT 2017
WEB: http://www.clearing.org
BLOG: http://adoretheproof.blogspot.org
FTP: ftp://ftp.lightlink.com/pub/archive/homer/adore392.memo
Send mail to archive@lightlink.com saying help in body
=========== http://www.lightlink.com/theproof ===============
Learning implies Learning with Certainty or Learning without Certainty.
Learning across a Distance implies Learning by Being an Effect.
Learning by Being an Effect implies Learning without Certainty.
Therefore, Learning with Certainty implies Learning,
but not by Being an Effect, and not across a Distance.
Version: GnuPG v1.4.5 (GNU/Linux)
HomerWSmith-L mailing list
Hash: SHA1
The following is about MORTAL men and MORTAL women.
Mortal means the being believes incorrectly that they live once,
die once and that's it bud.
Neither understand that they are a full instantiation of God in
Mortal women think the universe is womanly.
Mortal men think the universe is manly.
Neither understands that the universe is divine.
From Adore:
Mortal men fight wars with each other because they can't stand
their mothers.
They want to kill their mothers, but unable to do so they take to
killing each other.
Eventually they get the other guy to kill their mothers for them.
Any man who mistreats women hates his mother, the women he
mistreats are substitutes for his mother.
Mortal women criticize in men what they are jealous of.
What the man hates in his mother, is his mother's refusal to
operate in the man what the man has, which the women doesn't have and
which the women needs and is jealous of, which is mastery of offense and
to be leaders of women and their children.
To lead means to have others follow you where you can and have
gone, so they can go there too.
But just as a child does not go where a woman goes until it grows
up, women does not go where the man goes until the woman becomes a man
in a next life.
There will always be exceptions, and this applies mostly to mortal
women with child.
Women seek mastery of defense.
Men seek master of offence.
Women can not go where she can not take her children, the man is
not so limited.
Her tits are a symbol to women of this limitation.
Her hatred of her tits, her womanhood and of men are the source of
her breast cancer.
Get the idea of a woman giving a male child a cancerous tit.
The purpose of the man is to seek out danger before it finds him.
NO women with child operates that way.
Men take their vision statement from women.
Women take their mission statement from men.
Vision statement is where we want or need to go.
Mission statement is how to get there.
Vision is a better world through better children.
Mission is shut up bitch, and let us build the fucking school
already, and while you are at it, feed the men :)
The woman's place is not in the kitchen, nor the home, nor even the
The woman's place is WITH THE CHILDREN first, and after that
maintaining the supply lines and care facilities for the men who are
going out of bounds to seek danger before it seeks them.
Leadership is the ability to lead the MISSION.
Thus men are the leaders of women and children, and take point on
the journey.
Can you imagine a man saying to his wife with child "You take
Of course you might have to search a while to find a real man
considering what women are issuing from their wombs.
Although women take their marching orders from men, men get their
vision statement from women. Without that vision statement, men can not
operate and will turn against their women by turning against each other.
This is the source of insanity in wars.
This is particularly true when the woman's highest vision is that
everyone should be womyn.
"The highest pleasure of an (insane) warrior to see the burning
villages of his enemies and to hear the wailing of their women. -
When it comes to the children, the man is pilot and the woman is co
Women who can't stand being co pilot will marry inferior men who
are unworthy of being pilot, and then use them as proof that men and
women are 'equal', or that women can do anything a man can do only
The above material is not acceptable to mortal women, they do not
take kindly to having their jealousy missed.
Hyper critical of men = Jealousy.
Yes men misbehave, the jealous woman wishes she could too, and get
away with it.
Such sweet beings, women are.
Where men are overtly destructive, women are covertly destructive.
The above is not acceptable to mortal men, who are still trying to
get laid, or who are on the verge of becoming mortal women themselves in
their next life.
Women are fully responsible for how their men turn out.
Women are an incubator for true manhood.
Since women will never take full responsibliity for the issue of
their wombs, the future of Earth is grim.
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
Homer Wilson Smith The Paths of Lovers Art Matrix - Lightlink
(607) 277-0959 KC2ITF Cross Internet Access, Ithaca NY
homer@lightlink.com In the Line of Duty http://www.lightlink.com
Sat Sep 9 02:35:12 EDT 2006
================ http://www.clearing.org ====================
Sun Sep 3 12:00:03 EDT 2017
WEB: http://www.clearing.org
BLOG: http://adoretheproof.blogspot.org
FTP: ftp://ftp.lightlink.com/pub/archive/homer/adore392.memo
Send mail to archive@lightlink.com saying help in body
=========== http://www.lightlink.com/theproof ===============
Learning implies Learning with Certainty or Learning without Certainty.
Learning across a Distance implies Learning by Being an Effect.
Learning by Being an Effect implies Learning without Certainty.
Therefore, Learning with Certainty implies Learning,
but not by Being an Effect, and not across a Distance.
Version: GnuPG v1.4.5 (GNU/Linux)
HomerWSmith-L mailing list
ADORE748 (fwd)
Hash: SHA1
In alt.clearing.technology husk <husk@mailinator.com> wrote:
> There's a lot in that post. I'll need to go through it a couple of
> times.
> I take it anything after 1955 was pursuit of money.
Too simple minded.
The Churches descent was a massive and complex affair with
many causal factors, greed and fear of non survival and outright
paranoia and preemptive war bound polices among them.
The need for money is obvious, you can't build a world wide church
without it.
However the real changes taking place was caused by what Scn would
call a sashay down a GPM structure, starting at the beginning with the
goal to free people, and ending at the bottom with the goal to enslave
Probably about 16 to 20 distinct steps along the way.
If you take a look at Hubbard's life, the money certainly didn't go
to him, but the organization itself kind of had a desire for survival
through power, control and of course wealth, be it money or whatever.
They do want to control the world you know.
As for the tech, in parallel with the decay of the ethics of the
organization as a whole, Hubbard found that people just couldn't run pre
1952 stuff. So he had to go lower and lower down the bridge to bring
processes to people who could barely talk to each other, and who had so
many withholds as a normal course of life, their minds looked like a can
of worms.
The first people in Scn, 1952 say, were already out of body,
or near out of body, called step 1's and 2's.
A step 1 could be out just by considering it.
A step 2 could PUSH himself out with mental force beams directed at
his forehead, and pull beams directed at the walls of the room. He was
lost in the illusion of force and mechanics and considered himself a
newtonian entity like a marble.
So Ron developed processes to stabilize them outside, mostly mockup
processing, and also to take back from the body all the ability and
personality they had assigned to it which was really theirs.
Step 3's and 4's were lower tone and needed 'earlier' processing,
which was actually developed later, but meant for lower tone cases that
had to be run first, in order to get them to step 1.
A step three was able to make mental space time, and was practiced
on this until he exteriorized.
A stop 4 could not make space but could barely hold a single point
still. So he was practiced on this until he became a step 3, then ran
spaction until a 2 and then considerations until a 1 etc.
Hubbard was always most interested in OT's, people who were out of
body or could get out easily, and developing their exterior abilities to
really get them free of getting involved in body games again which is
pretty much the death of anyone.
But he ran out early of step 1's, so had to deal with step 2's,
then 3's and 4's. Then he really ran out, because most of mankind is
down in the step 5 and step 6 area, no clue, never been out, can't get
out, all black, don't believe it, all circuits, bank talks for them,
If you follow the issue closely across 1952 to 1955 say, you will
find he issued many versions of the Standard Operating Procedure for
clearing. It was always devoted to steps 1 through 4.
He would deal with step 5's (all black no mockups) and below with a
single paragraph, something like "If pc can't get mockups, remedy
havingness on black masses".
In otherwords, the pc is stuck in black masses, so make
more of them until it clears.
Right. Sure that process will work, across 10**98 hours.
In other words dealing with the step 5-7 was so hard and
impossible, that it just wasn't worth it.
So Hubbard got good at dealing with 1-4, and claiming to have easy
processes to help the 5 become a 4, BUT NEVER ACTUALLY USING THEM, he
left 5's and below behind. They just didn't show up for auditing, and
Hubbard has happy to have it so.
For one 5's and 4's didn't get along, because a 4 was at the bottom
half of the God range, and the 5 was at the top half of the soul/human
range, and souls just hate gods.
The usual thought in a 5's head towards a 4 was 'why don't you just
as-is my case for me!'
More practically the auditing of 5's was so slow they didn't have
enough money to pay for their own case gain.
The 4 is trying to become a 1, the 5 is trying to become a better 5
with some super powers to protect his 5ness.
So you got tomes and tomes of stuff to deal with steps 1-4 which
were relatively easy to exteriorize and stabilize, and nothing to deal
with steps 5-7 which were impossible to audit but which were the vast
majority of human beings.
Somewhere after the 50's he simply ran out of step 1-4s on Earth, I
mean a handful, a few hundred maybe, and was stuck with 5 billion step
So the remainder of Scientology then by necessity was directed at
helping lower level preclears get up to a point where they weren't lying
to themselves complusively, able to talk to an auditor and then make
some general case gain.
Notice in Creation of Human Ability, how many processes are there
for Route 1 (steps 1-4), just a few, and how many for route 2 (5-7)
hundreds! That's because auditing below step 4 is auditing stone. At 4
and above you have a being talking to you, at 5 and below you have a
Newtonian nutcake marble. Thinks he's meat etc, will defend it to the
death, the whole thing.
The church began to fill up with 5's and 6's, none of whom ever
made any real case gain, and although hopeful, had little clue of what a
Godsoul is really like in the God state, and remained mortal meat until
the day they left in disgust.
They left a better 5, but never reached 4.
A 5 is a pretty well off human, a 4 is a very sick God.
Also because of the proliferation of failed 5's in the Church, when
a true 4 or 3 walked in, possibly in good comm with disincarnates, they
were treated as a 5 or a 7, declared PTS Type 3, (Potential Trouble
Source type 3, sees imaginary beings around him), and were never able to
make case gain either.
The 4 who was in actual communication with other disincarnate
beings was confused as a 7 who was halluinating beings that didn't
5's don't believe in disincarnate beings, even in the Church where
they aren't even allowed to talk about them, so anyone walking in that
is talking to or about other beings, or bothered by them HAS to be a 7
you see?
And from there on down the Church went to hell in a hand basket.
Eventually what happens in such groups, is they go out of valence
in OT III (freedom from overwhelm,) and they stay out of overwhelm
themselevs by dramatizing overwhelming others. And if you cross their
path, you either get assimilated into their out of valence dramatization
and help them overwhelm others, or they start overwhelming you.
That's OT III at its proud and glorious best.
Which is why anyone not at OT III or above is kind of a danger to
be around, and why almost no one runs OT III out, too easy to remain
unoverwhelmed by dramatizing overwhelming others.
But even an OT III is a pretty sick step 4.
People who are out of valence feel 'just fine' even though they are
dramatizing a time when they were tortured to death because they are
torturing others to death in present time. Should they stop and
consider for a moment, then they don't feel so good... :)
The overwhelm of OT III was a whopper, imagine standing on the
edge of Mount Saint Helens right on the lip of the caldera and the
lid blows. The compression wave takes about 3 seconds to cross
space and time to you....
Now imagine later being a Churchie, and you are talking to someone
on the street, and they are being a human being, and you are being Mount
Saint Helens.
- --
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
Homer Wilson Smith The Paths of Lovers Art Matrix - Lightlink (607)
277-0959 KC2ITF Cross Internet Access, Ithaca NY homer@lightlink.com In
the Line of Duty http://www.lightlink.com
Wed Apr 7 15:30:44 EDT 2010
================ http://www.clearing.org ====================
Sat Sep 2 12:00:03 EDT 2017
WEB: http://www.clearing.org
BLOG: http://adoretheproof.blogspot.org
FTP: ftp://ftp.lightlink.com/pub/archive/homer/adore748.memo
Send mail to archive@lightlink.com saying help in body
=========== http://www.lightlink.com/theproof ===============
Learning implies Learning with Certainty or Learning without Certainty.
Learning across a Distance implies Learning by Being an Effect.
Learning by Being an Effect implies Learning without Certainty.
Therefore, Learning with Certainty implies Learning,
but not by Being an Effect, and not across a Distance.
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HomerWSmith-L mailing list
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In alt.clearing.technology husk <husk@mailinator.com> wrote:
> There's a lot in that post. I'll need to go through it a couple of
> times.
> I take it anything after 1955 was pursuit of money.
Too simple minded.
The Churches descent was a massive and complex affair with
many causal factors, greed and fear of non survival and outright
paranoia and preemptive war bound polices among them.
The need for money is obvious, you can't build a world wide church
without it.
However the real changes taking place was caused by what Scn would
call a sashay down a GPM structure, starting at the beginning with the
goal to free people, and ending at the bottom with the goal to enslave
Probably about 16 to 20 distinct steps along the way.
If you take a look at Hubbard's life, the money certainly didn't go
to him, but the organization itself kind of had a desire for survival
through power, control and of course wealth, be it money or whatever.
They do want to control the world you know.
As for the tech, in parallel with the decay of the ethics of the
organization as a whole, Hubbard found that people just couldn't run pre
1952 stuff. So he had to go lower and lower down the bridge to bring
processes to people who could barely talk to each other, and who had so
many withholds as a normal course of life, their minds looked like a can
of worms.
The first people in Scn, 1952 say, were already out of body,
or near out of body, called step 1's and 2's.
A step 1 could be out just by considering it.
A step 2 could PUSH himself out with mental force beams directed at
his forehead, and pull beams directed at the walls of the room. He was
lost in the illusion of force and mechanics and considered himself a
newtonian entity like a marble.
So Ron developed processes to stabilize them outside, mostly mockup
processing, and also to take back from the body all the ability and
personality they had assigned to it which was really theirs.
Step 3's and 4's were lower tone and needed 'earlier' processing,
which was actually developed later, but meant for lower tone cases that
had to be run first, in order to get them to step 1.
A step three was able to make mental space time, and was practiced
on this until he exteriorized.
A stop 4 could not make space but could barely hold a single point
still. So he was practiced on this until he became a step 3, then ran
spaction until a 2 and then considerations until a 1 etc.
Hubbard was always most interested in OT's, people who were out of
body or could get out easily, and developing their exterior abilities to
really get them free of getting involved in body games again which is
pretty much the death of anyone.
But he ran out early of step 1's, so had to deal with step 2's,
then 3's and 4's. Then he really ran out, because most of mankind is
down in the step 5 and step 6 area, no clue, never been out, can't get
out, all black, don't believe it, all circuits, bank talks for them,
If you follow the issue closely across 1952 to 1955 say, you will
find he issued many versions of the Standard Operating Procedure for
clearing. It was always devoted to steps 1 through 4.
He would deal with step 5's (all black no mockups) and below with a
single paragraph, something like "If pc can't get mockups, remedy
havingness on black masses".
In otherwords, the pc is stuck in black masses, so make
more of them until it clears.
Right. Sure that process will work, across 10**98 hours.
In other words dealing with the step 5-7 was so hard and
impossible, that it just wasn't worth it.
So Hubbard got good at dealing with 1-4, and claiming to have easy
processes to help the 5 become a 4, BUT NEVER ACTUALLY USING THEM, he
left 5's and below behind. They just didn't show up for auditing, and
Hubbard has happy to have it so.
For one 5's and 4's didn't get along, because a 4 was at the bottom
half of the God range, and the 5 was at the top half of the soul/human
range, and souls just hate gods.
The usual thought in a 5's head towards a 4 was 'why don't you just
as-is my case for me!'
More practically the auditing of 5's was so slow they didn't have
enough money to pay for their own case gain.
The 4 is trying to become a 1, the 5 is trying to become a better 5
with some super powers to protect his 5ness.
So you got tomes and tomes of stuff to deal with steps 1-4 which
were relatively easy to exteriorize and stabilize, and nothing to deal
with steps 5-7 which were impossible to audit but which were the vast
majority of human beings.
Somewhere after the 50's he simply ran out of step 1-4s on Earth, I
mean a handful, a few hundred maybe, and was stuck with 5 billion step
So the remainder of Scientology then by necessity was directed at
helping lower level preclears get up to a point where they weren't lying
to themselves complusively, able to talk to an auditor and then make
some general case gain.
Notice in Creation of Human Ability, how many processes are there
for Route 1 (steps 1-4), just a few, and how many for route 2 (5-7)
hundreds! That's because auditing below step 4 is auditing stone. At 4
and above you have a being talking to you, at 5 and below you have a
Newtonian nutcake marble. Thinks he's meat etc, will defend it to the
death, the whole thing.
The church began to fill up with 5's and 6's, none of whom ever
made any real case gain, and although hopeful, had little clue of what a
Godsoul is really like in the God state, and remained mortal meat until
the day they left in disgust.
They left a better 5, but never reached 4.
A 5 is a pretty well off human, a 4 is a very sick God.
Also because of the proliferation of failed 5's in the Church, when
a true 4 or 3 walked in, possibly in good comm with disincarnates, they
were treated as a 5 or a 7, declared PTS Type 3, (Potential Trouble
Source type 3, sees imaginary beings around him), and were never able to
make case gain either.
The 4 who was in actual communication with other disincarnate
beings was confused as a 7 who was halluinating beings that didn't
5's don't believe in disincarnate beings, even in the Church where
they aren't even allowed to talk about them, so anyone walking in that
is talking to or about other beings, or bothered by them HAS to be a 7
you see?
And from there on down the Church went to hell in a hand basket.
Eventually what happens in such groups, is they go out of valence
in OT III (freedom from overwhelm,) and they stay out of overwhelm
themselevs by dramatizing overwhelming others. And if you cross their
path, you either get assimilated into their out of valence dramatization
and help them overwhelm others, or they start overwhelming you.
That's OT III at its proud and glorious best.
Which is why anyone not at OT III or above is kind of a danger to
be around, and why almost no one runs OT III out, too easy to remain
unoverwhelmed by dramatizing overwhelming others.
But even an OT III is a pretty sick step 4.
People who are out of valence feel 'just fine' even though they are
dramatizing a time when they were tortured to death because they are
torturing others to death in present time. Should they stop and
consider for a moment, then they don't feel so good... :)
The overwhelm of OT III was a whopper, imagine standing on the
edge of Mount Saint Helens right on the lip of the caldera and the
lid blows. The compression wave takes about 3 seconds to cross
space and time to you....
Now imagine later being a Churchie, and you are talking to someone
on the street, and they are being a human being, and you are being Mount
Saint Helens.
- --
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
Homer Wilson Smith The Paths of Lovers Art Matrix - Lightlink (607)
277-0959 KC2ITF Cross Internet Access, Ithaca NY homer@lightlink.com In
the Line of Duty http://www.lightlink.com
Wed Apr 7 15:30:44 EDT 2010
================ http://www.clearing.org ====================
Sat Sep 2 12:00:03 EDT 2017
WEB: http://www.clearing.org
BLOG: http://adoretheproof.blogspot.org
FTP: ftp://ftp.lightlink.com/pub/archive/homer/adore748.memo
Send mail to archive@lightlink.com saying help in body
=========== http://www.lightlink.com/theproof ===============
Learning implies Learning with Certainty or Learning without Certainty.
Learning across a Distance implies Learning by Being an Effect.
Learning by Being an Effect implies Learning without Certainty.
Therefore, Learning with Certainty implies Learning,
but not by Being an Effect, and not across a Distance.
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