Hash: SHA1
> I disagree. That spiritual abilities have not been
> verified to your or our satisfaction does not mean that they can not be
> How can they be verified / refuted ? Or, what is the definition of
> "verification" ?
Verification has to do with attaining a perfect certainty on the
matter in question. Actually any probability higher than 50/50 will do.
Once someone starts to feel that he probably is a spirit, rather than
probably is not a spirit, his whole outlook starts to inexorably change.
Spiritual issues can only be verified by a person to himself as it
involves inner vision. Not blind belief, but direct experience of the
divine. It's like opening your eyes in the morning, first you crack
them just a bit and the light is just too strong to keep them open, so
you get just a glimpse of the world around you.
Same thing with the inner eye, most people have had it shut tight
for most of their lives, except for momentary openings that they didn't
understand and which scared the hell out of them.
Once they get what's going on, the inner eye begins to crack open
more often, but the light/dark, beauty/ugly, good/evil that shines forth
is so strong they can't keep it open, and they may even recoil in horror
and shame. Horror at the ugly, and shame at the beauty.
One can never prove to another that one even exists, let alone that
one is a spiritual being, but you can be quite certain to yourself that
you exist. Just so you can be quite certain that the inner eye has
opened and something came through. It then becomes a matter of
adjudicating just what came through and why.
Those that have never had their inner eye open like to dismiss
other's reports of their own openings as 'imagination' or
'hallucination' or 'delusion', but then they never had their own open,
so they have no basis upon which to judge.
Basically the world of spirit is the world of consciousness, the
conscious unit (CU). The divine is not something you see outside of you
or measure with a scope. The divine is the inner core of your existence
and the source of your dreamtime. The divine is the SOURCE of the
virtual machine called the external universe, it can not be found IN the
virtual machine, nor with virtual machine tools.
Source dreams what source is not. Source is not made of matter,
energy, space and time, but projects those into the hologram of
The body is a bio machine. Many people think that the Conscious
Unit arises from the mechanics of the machine, the brain, electrons etc.
If that is true, then there is no way the CU can exist independent
of the bio machine as the CU is *MERELY* a manifestation of the
functioning of the bio machine, and once the bio machine falls apart at
death, so too does the CU.
However if the CU is 'its own thing', either interfaced to a bio
machine, or virtually projecting a bio machine in a virtual space/time
hologram (dreamtime), then the CU is already an independent entity from
the bio machine. In this case the dissolution of the bio machine does
not entail the dissolution of the CU, but more results in an awakening
of the CU from a state of sleep or lower dreamtime to a state of more
awakeness or higher dreamtime.
Once the CU understands the possibility that the physical universe
proceeds from the CU, rather than the other way around, the CU becomes
open minded enough to stop shutting out divine visions of its inner
nature. The more these happen, the more unlikely becomes the bio
machine theory of existence, and eventually the CU starts to see how the
mechanics of the dreamtime hologram work.
The inner eye however is guarded by the being's greatest fear.
Not his greatest mortal external physical fear, but his greatest
fear as an eternal divine being.
The question was once posed "If God is omnipotent, can he create a
rock so big he can't lift it?"
The original intent of the question is to show that 'omnipotence'
is inherently self contradictory, but the practical answer to the
question is 'yes'.
The God unit or CU first creates the rock, then creates himself as
something smaller than the rock. Thus he can be overwhelmed by the
Just so the God unit at the beginning of its involvement in this
cycle of space/time games created for itself a Nemesis One which has
hounded the CU since that time mostly forgotten in its long ago, except
for hints and evil chills that go through the CU once in a while.
The Nemesis One that was created was humongous in size, power,
evilness and unconfrontability. The CU is now very small after many
trillions of years passing down through a number of different universes
before it came to live in this one in oblivion of its past.
As the inner eye opens a crack, the CU gets wind of its Nemesis One
again and the eye closes down with a slam. Thus the CU can not open the
eye at will any more, but needs life and circumstances to open it for
Most cants are a staggering case of wonts.
Once the CU understands this idea (not believe, just understand)
and comes to accept and embrace that it may be the master of its own
divine fears, life will open the inner eye more and more, and each time
the CU gets a short opportunity to confront and gain mastery over a
small part of its Nemesis One again, and thus become bigger itself, as a
Notice the being's Nemesis One is not something OTHER that the CU
created in order to hound itself, the Nemesis One IS the CU in negative
format which the CU is PRETENDING is something other that it could not,
would not, should not have ever created.
Thus there is a power equality here between them that is something
to behold.
As the being comes to put its own Nemesis One there, behold it,
touch it, admire its audacity, danger and worthiness as an enemy, and
even offer it some gratitude for giving the CU some reason to get up in
the morning, something to FIGHT, even if only for a microsecond at time,
and finally to embrace it's existence as the highest high end ability of
the CU itself, the energy the CU originally put into creating and then
shutting out its Nemesis One and forgetting about it, thus making the CU
smaller, gets returned to the CU making it more awake and bigger.
You see that is what God's do.
Make Rocks bigger than themselves.
It is presumed that one day the CU will again be able to encompass
its Nemesis One in its entirety and thus regain awareness of and access
to its total Sovereignty over itself again.
Until then the Nemesis One is sovereign over the CU and acts as the
CU's orientation point of final authority, and reason to live and die.
======================= http://www.clearing.org ========================
Posted: Sat Jun 30 19:48:11 EDT 2018
Send mail to archive.com saying help
================== http://www.lightlink.com/theproof ===================
Learning implies Learning with Certainty or Learning without Certainty.
Learning across a Distance implies Learning by Being an Effect.
Learning by Being an Effect implies Learning without Certainty.
Therefore, Learning with Certainty implies Learning but
Not by Being an Effect, and not across a Distance.
Version: GnuPG v1.4.5 (GNU/Linux)
HomerWSmith-L mailing list
Saturday, June 30, 2018
Friday, June 29, 2018
ADORE551 (fwd)
Hash: SHA1
A meatball is a spiritual being who thinks he is made of MEST,
matter, energy, space and time.
Even though the mere fact of his conscious perfect certainty of his
own existence and experiences precludes the possibility of being made of
parts operating over a space time distance, the meatball will deny the
existence of perfect certainty, or its import.
He is living the party line, perfect certainty is impossible,
unimportant, useless or dangerous.
A party line is that fixed idea, pet theory, or other philosophical
vanity, that when confronted by evidence or reason that it is wrong,
over rules that evidence or reason.
Run "Tell me about perfect certainty" until he can say something
positive about it, and finally comes to understand it makes up the core
of his being, and defines the nature of consciousness.
A meatball is stuck in a classic beauty/ugly ladder.
It starts at the top and quickly descends to the bottom.
The beauty of being immortal
The ugly of being immortal
The beauty of being mortal
The ugly of being mortal
Which is more insane, a human that thinks it is a god, or a god
that thinks it is a human?
Since the being is in fact an eternal (above time) being, as MEST
doesn't exist at all except as dreamtime in each being's own
consciousness, the being is engaging in a self deceit of magnitude,
which then makes everyone around him sick, except those playing the same
mutual out ethics.
The reason it makes others who are more awake sick is because the
mortal meatball is continuously radiating the wrong indication that
others are insane for believing they are eternal dreamballs.
They consider you out of contact with reality as it is, and thus
dangerous to yourself or to others.
The joke is, it is the meatball who is dangerous. They pass laws
against clearing, lock people up for being different, and if they are
religious, (God made me), watch out.
A classic effort of the meatball is to claim that the person who
believes in eternality does so out of cowardice because he can't
confront death.
No one can confront death forever or hell forever, and neither can
the meatball. Fortunately neither death forever nor hell forever exists
except in their own fancy free faithlessness.
Thus the meatball has mocked himself up as an unconfrontability,
but continues to pretend he can confront it, and most will claim they
like it that way.
They will tell you they don't WANT to live forever, that would be
unbearable to them. They would prefer to leave room for others to live
and die also.
Meatballs are unfathomably shallow.
Shallow as a dry river bed.
Imagine being on death row your whole life.
That's how a meatball feels at the core of his being.
The meatball has desires and goals to last an eternity, but thinks
he has only 4 score to get it all done.
So he gives up on his real goals, and settles into endless levels
of substitutes, eventually ending up at inverted help at the bottom of
the pre Have scale, helping by harming.
He won't allow you to talk about anything but substitutes either.
The truth is the meatball has confused living forever inside of
time (immortality), with living forever outside of time (eternality).
Thus he has sought the pretense of death forever in time to end his hell
forever in time.
Mortality is a solution to a detested immortality.
Only true eternality solves the pain of both.
And there is in fact no courage at all in the meatball facing
death, the illusion of death forever is born of cowardice through fear
of hell forever. He would be HAPPY to die, if only he could stay dead.
And these detested hells are not the hells his parents talked
about, the hell he's been running away from forever.
How many lives has this meatball been mortal?
And when they get into a forum talking about clearing, understand
they have no understanding at all about what clearing is, what
postulates are, what responsibility for condition is, or what
sovereignty is.
Nor what it means to vanish something by taking responsibility for
it, regardless of 'who made it'.
They live nailed to an never ending cross of blame and guilt
(blaming self for blaming others wrongly).
They have no clue what power, freedom, willingness and high
appreciation for ludicrous demise is about.
They may laugh, but in truth their sense of humor is crucified in
They merely want to control, to shut people up, to engage in method
without content, because real content gives them the willies.
And they WILL stop anyone else from approaching these subjects or
OT, lest the meatball be responsible for helping others 'go insane'.
The meatballs favorite piece of logic is if THEY have no evidence
for something, there IS no evidence for something, and therefore it must
be false.
They also assert that the extraordinary claim is that the world is
a dream and therefor must be proven, (which has been done, but they
can't understand it,) when in fact it is the assertion that the physical
universe is actual and not a dream, that is the extraordinary claim and
which needs proof.
There isn't any actually.
They demand that the dreamballs present proof because the meatball
knows DAMN WELL he can't present proof of the meatball theory at all.
You know I was talking to a young girl in a dream last night, sweet
disposition, and real nice tits, soft and healing to the touch. And I
asked her if she was the Devil.
She smiled like I had found something out, and said 'Yes', and
suddenly she disintegrated into the wildest waves of evil imaginable.
Ever felt monster vibrations while doing acid or something similar?
Well monster vibrations are merely the icing on the cake compared
to the evil too dark to contemplate that spawns them.
Now a little chat with a sweet tartlet in a dream is no proof but
most of the 'Prove it cases' have actually had enough experiences in
this life to throw total doubt on the mortal meatball viewpoint, but
they have buried them so deep neither you nor they will ever get them
out again.
Well, maybe a good auditor could use that information to open up
the 'Prove it' case to get them to look at evidence they already have.
They are making themselves wrong.
They achieve full exteriorization, they can see the bald spot on
the back of their head, they got 360 degree vision, they get the
willies, they come crashing in, and they claim they were just
hallucinating, 'prove it!'
*THEY* got out, and they expect *YOU* to prove it.
So the next time you want to have fun, go to your local store and
pick up a meatball on sale in the incipient carrion department, and
start poking around it until you open up the core of the eternal
willies, hysteria, shock, catatonia, oblivion, criminality and
unexistance, that makes up the center of its being.
The being is below unexistance, what exists is his body and its
machinery, and at no time are you talking to anything but a rotting near
dead bot, fly eggs and all.
A faux machine run by unconfrontable memories of wanting to die and
not being able to.
"I am so sweet, but you don't have to worry about me, because I
will be dead soon (I hope), and you will never have to think about me
In particular a meatball is not someone who is merely wrong about
his own nature, made a mistake, was taught incorrectly etc.
No, a meatball is operating the warp core of evil and knew it at
the time he did it.
You will know you have spotted the thetan awake again when the re
aborning criminality in his soul blows a cold wind through your space
and you are looking at unfathomable evil in his eye.
That's down between being nothing and can't hide on the tone scale.
You will see it in him, but he will see it in you. The trick is to
get him to see it in himself.
Until then meatballs are as dangerous as asp vipers, as they are
sure YOU are the monster that will kill them if they so much as look at
Give them no solace, nor sanctuary, do not elect them into any
office of any kind, and that includes anyone who thinks you are going to
hell forever for not buying into their party line, and do not let them
into your close circle of intimacies.
There is no need to go after them, or fair game them, even though
every breath they take poisons the air with lies and deceits, they are
already quarantined on Earth in a jail cell meant for sick, dead and
dying thetans.
Walk amongst them like a snake charmer in a field of cobras, but
give yourself not away, lest they come after you en masse with the venom
of darkness.
Remember they think YOU are the evil one, particularly if you woke
them up out of nonexistence into the infinite criminality right above.
The last effort of a GodSoul trying to give is to take.
======================= http://www.clearing.org ========================
Posted: Fri Jun 29 12:42:09 EDT 2018
Send mail to archive.com saying help
================== http://www.lightlink.com/theproof ===================
Learning implies Learning with Certainty or Learning without Certainty.
Learning across a Distance implies Learning by Being an Effect.
Learning by Being an Effect implies Learning without Certainty.
Therefore, Learning with Certainty implies Learning but
Not by Being an Effect, and not across a Distance.
Version: GnuPG v1.4.5 (GNU/Linux)
HomerWSmith-L mailing list
Hash: SHA1
A meatball is a spiritual being who thinks he is made of MEST,
matter, energy, space and time.
Even though the mere fact of his conscious perfect certainty of his
own existence and experiences precludes the possibility of being made of
parts operating over a space time distance, the meatball will deny the
existence of perfect certainty, or its import.
He is living the party line, perfect certainty is impossible,
unimportant, useless or dangerous.
A party line is that fixed idea, pet theory, or other philosophical
vanity, that when confronted by evidence or reason that it is wrong,
over rules that evidence or reason.
Run "Tell me about perfect certainty" until he can say something
positive about it, and finally comes to understand it makes up the core
of his being, and defines the nature of consciousness.
A meatball is stuck in a classic beauty/ugly ladder.
It starts at the top and quickly descends to the bottom.
The beauty of being immortal
The ugly of being immortal
The beauty of being mortal
The ugly of being mortal
Which is more insane, a human that thinks it is a god, or a god
that thinks it is a human?
Since the being is in fact an eternal (above time) being, as MEST
doesn't exist at all except as dreamtime in each being's own
consciousness, the being is engaging in a self deceit of magnitude,
which then makes everyone around him sick, except those playing the same
mutual out ethics.
The reason it makes others who are more awake sick is because the
mortal meatball is continuously radiating the wrong indication that
others are insane for believing they are eternal dreamballs.
They consider you out of contact with reality as it is, and thus
dangerous to yourself or to others.
The joke is, it is the meatball who is dangerous. They pass laws
against clearing, lock people up for being different, and if they are
religious, (God made me), watch out.
A classic effort of the meatball is to claim that the person who
believes in eternality does so out of cowardice because he can't
confront death.
No one can confront death forever or hell forever, and neither can
the meatball. Fortunately neither death forever nor hell forever exists
except in their own fancy free faithlessness.
Thus the meatball has mocked himself up as an unconfrontability,
but continues to pretend he can confront it, and most will claim they
like it that way.
They will tell you they don't WANT to live forever, that would be
unbearable to them. They would prefer to leave room for others to live
and die also.
Meatballs are unfathomably shallow.
Shallow as a dry river bed.
Imagine being on death row your whole life.
That's how a meatball feels at the core of his being.
The meatball has desires and goals to last an eternity, but thinks
he has only 4 score to get it all done.
So he gives up on his real goals, and settles into endless levels
of substitutes, eventually ending up at inverted help at the bottom of
the pre Have scale, helping by harming.
He won't allow you to talk about anything but substitutes either.
The truth is the meatball has confused living forever inside of
time (immortality), with living forever outside of time (eternality).
Thus he has sought the pretense of death forever in time to end his hell
forever in time.
Mortality is a solution to a detested immortality.
Only true eternality solves the pain of both.
And there is in fact no courage at all in the meatball facing
death, the illusion of death forever is born of cowardice through fear
of hell forever. He would be HAPPY to die, if only he could stay dead.
And these detested hells are not the hells his parents talked
about, the hell he's been running away from forever.
How many lives has this meatball been mortal?
And when they get into a forum talking about clearing, understand
they have no understanding at all about what clearing is, what
postulates are, what responsibility for condition is, or what
sovereignty is.
Nor what it means to vanish something by taking responsibility for
it, regardless of 'who made it'.
They live nailed to an never ending cross of blame and guilt
(blaming self for blaming others wrongly).
They have no clue what power, freedom, willingness and high
appreciation for ludicrous demise is about.
They may laugh, but in truth their sense of humor is crucified in
They merely want to control, to shut people up, to engage in method
without content, because real content gives them the willies.
And they WILL stop anyone else from approaching these subjects or
OT, lest the meatball be responsible for helping others 'go insane'.
The meatballs favorite piece of logic is if THEY have no evidence
for something, there IS no evidence for something, and therefore it must
be false.
They also assert that the extraordinary claim is that the world is
a dream and therefor must be proven, (which has been done, but they
can't understand it,) when in fact it is the assertion that the physical
universe is actual and not a dream, that is the extraordinary claim and
which needs proof.
There isn't any actually.
They demand that the dreamballs present proof because the meatball
knows DAMN WELL he can't present proof of the meatball theory at all.
You know I was talking to a young girl in a dream last night, sweet
disposition, and real nice tits, soft and healing to the touch. And I
asked her if she was the Devil.
She smiled like I had found something out, and said 'Yes', and
suddenly she disintegrated into the wildest waves of evil imaginable.
Ever felt monster vibrations while doing acid or something similar?
Well monster vibrations are merely the icing on the cake compared
to the evil too dark to contemplate that spawns them.
Now a little chat with a sweet tartlet in a dream is no proof but
most of the 'Prove it cases' have actually had enough experiences in
this life to throw total doubt on the mortal meatball viewpoint, but
they have buried them so deep neither you nor they will ever get them
out again.
Well, maybe a good auditor could use that information to open up
the 'Prove it' case to get them to look at evidence they already have.
They are making themselves wrong.
They achieve full exteriorization, they can see the bald spot on
the back of their head, they got 360 degree vision, they get the
willies, they come crashing in, and they claim they were just
hallucinating, 'prove it!'
*THEY* got out, and they expect *YOU* to prove it.
So the next time you want to have fun, go to your local store and
pick up a meatball on sale in the incipient carrion department, and
start poking around it until you open up the core of the eternal
willies, hysteria, shock, catatonia, oblivion, criminality and
unexistance, that makes up the center of its being.
The being is below unexistance, what exists is his body and its
machinery, and at no time are you talking to anything but a rotting near
dead bot, fly eggs and all.
A faux machine run by unconfrontable memories of wanting to die and
not being able to.
"I am so sweet, but you don't have to worry about me, because I
will be dead soon (I hope), and you will never have to think about me
In particular a meatball is not someone who is merely wrong about
his own nature, made a mistake, was taught incorrectly etc.
No, a meatball is operating the warp core of evil and knew it at
the time he did it.
You will know you have spotted the thetan awake again when the re
aborning criminality in his soul blows a cold wind through your space
and you are looking at unfathomable evil in his eye.
That's down between being nothing and can't hide on the tone scale.
You will see it in him, but he will see it in you. The trick is to
get him to see it in himself.
Until then meatballs are as dangerous as asp vipers, as they are
sure YOU are the monster that will kill them if they so much as look at
Give them no solace, nor sanctuary, do not elect them into any
office of any kind, and that includes anyone who thinks you are going to
hell forever for not buying into their party line, and do not let them
into your close circle of intimacies.
There is no need to go after them, or fair game them, even though
every breath they take poisons the air with lies and deceits, they are
already quarantined on Earth in a jail cell meant for sick, dead and
dying thetans.
Walk amongst them like a snake charmer in a field of cobras, but
give yourself not away, lest they come after you en masse with the venom
of darkness.
Remember they think YOU are the evil one, particularly if you woke
them up out of nonexistence into the infinite criminality right above.
The last effort of a GodSoul trying to give is to take.
======================= http://www.clearing.org ========================
Posted: Fri Jun 29 12:42:09 EDT 2018
Send mail to archive.com saying help
================== http://www.lightlink.com/theproof ===================
Learning implies Learning with Certainty or Learning without Certainty.
Learning across a Distance implies Learning by Being an Effect.
Learning by Being an Effect implies Learning without Certainty.
Therefore, Learning with Certainty implies Learning but
Not by Being an Effect, and not across a Distance.
Version: GnuPG v1.4.5 (GNU/Linux)
HomerWSmith-L mailing list
Thursday, June 28, 2018
ADORE866 (fwd)
Hash: SHA1
The proof is part of Information Theory, about data transfer, about
learning (as a verb, to learn), and in particular mechanical learning.
Learning as a verb is a causal PROCESS by which both THEORETICAL
and CERTAIN knowledge is gained.
The learner is the one who learns.
The learned is what is learned, the 'learning' in the noun sense.
The "learned about" is the object being learned about, about which
the learning is true.
Learner and learned about are TWO DIFFERENT OBJECTS separated by
space and time.
The learned or learning is a CHANGE IN STATE in the learner, caused
by the learned about.
If there is no change in state in the learner, nothing is learned.
The change in state in the learner, including any other changes in
state resulting from the first change in state, IS the learning.
Theoretical knowledge is born of generalizing from direct or
indirect observations or instances.
Certain knowledge is a description of the direct observations
A direct observation is simply the process of looking at the thing
An indirect observation is the process of learning about an object
by looking at another object causally related to, or the effect of, the
first object. This produces only theoretical knowledge, never certain
Since there is no, and cannot be any, direct observation in the
physical or mechanical universe, all observations made of or in the
physical universe are indirect in nature, and thus produce only
theoretical conclusions.
Direct observations produce perfect certainties.
Indirect observations produce theories made of evidence and models.
Very quickly, if we are trying to learn about A by looking at B,
then B is the evidence, A is the model for the existence of A's causal
imprint in B, and the theory is the postulated causal relation between A
and the changes in state observed in B.
The above presents us with the need to define the following terms.
Causation, learning, machine and certainty.
Causation means that changes in state in one object, A, NECESSARILY
result in changes in state of a second different object, B, a moment
The 'moment later' results from the fact that the speed of cause is
finite at the speed of light.
Light itself is a form of causal messenger wave.
The causing object is called the referent, and the affected object
is called the symbol.
Throw a light switch and the light bulb turns on.
The switch is the referent, and light bulb is the symbol.
We can theoretically judge (learn about) the state of the switch
(A) by looking at the state of the light bulb (B).
We say the state of the symbol TRACKS the state of the referent.
Notice, the process of learning about the state of the switch from
the state of the light bulb DEPENDS absolutely on there being a valid
causal pathway between switch and light bulb.
Without causation, meaning in the absence of valid causal pathways
between referent and symbol, there can be no learning.
Notice that using MORE causal pathways to verify the first causal
pathway between switch and light, leaves open the question of whether
the second set of causal pathways are valid.
Thus we can state that:
Causal pathways can not be used to validate other causal pathways
with certainty.
For the grammatically minded:
Learning is any change in state in the LEARNER that is causally
related to and thus symbolizes the nature of the LEARNED ABOUT, where
the learner and the learned about are two different objects.
The change in state in the learner is a SYMBOL OF FINAL AUTHORITY
for the learned about which is the ORIGINAL REFERENT.
A machine is defined as any system of objects interacting via cause
and effect across a space time distance.
Machines learn by being an effect, by BEING the second object, the
learner, which is changing state as a causal result of the learned
about, namely the external physical universe impinging upon the machine.
In the mechanical world, all learning is symbolic in nature,
because the learner is a different object than the learned about.
For example a learning machine can take a video picture of a cow
out in the physical universe.
The picture of the cow is not a cow, but contains high DATA CONTENT
about the cow.
Further the data in the picture also looks like a COW!
We call the fact of high geometric similarity between the cow and
its picture, high GEOMETRICITY.
Notice a picture of a cow may look exactly like a cow, but its
still a symbol for the real thing.
Thus as a symbol, the picture of the cow has both high data content
and high geometricity relative to the original referent.
One could however scan that picture into an encrypted data stream
that didn't at all look like a cow but yet retained recoverable data
about the cow. Or one could write a book about the cow or its picture,
describing it in words.
Both the encrypted data stream and the book are symbols for the
In both of these symbols, they still have high data content but
very low geometricity.
As data flows from the original referent to a symbol of final
authority through a causal pathway of many hops, the geometricity may
change from high to low and back again many times, but the data content
is hopefully conserved as it travels its path.
Since each causal hop adds in its own component of change into each
symbol along the way, some times the data from the original referent can
be covered in so many other changes that it becomes unrecoverable.
Have you ever received a fax of a perfectly good picture or text
that was none the less badly marred or unreadable in sections because of
added effects from the sending fax machine?
Digitization and protocols for transmission and retransmission of
data helps greatly in this problem of data decay,
But in the natural physical universe, most data pathways are
analogue in nature, and thus original data can get covered by so many
other effects added later in the chain, that the original data falls
below the noise floor of the transmission and becomes unrecoverable.
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
Homer Wilson Smith The Paths of Lovers Art Matrix - Lightlink
(607) 277-0959 KC2ITF Cross Internet Access, Ithaca NY
homer@lightlink.com In the Line of Duty http://www.lightlink.com
Sun May 15 15:26:30 EDT 2011
================ http://www.clearing.org ====================
Thu Jun 28 12:00:02 EDT 2018
WEB: http://www.clearing.org
BLOG: http://adoretheproof.blogspot.org
FTP: ftp://ftp.lightlink.com/pub/archive/homer/adore866.memo
Send mail to archive@lightlink.com saying help in body
=========== http://www.lightlink.com/theproof ===============
Learning implies Learning with Certainty or Learning without Certainty.
Learning across a Distance implies Learning by Being an Effect.
Learning by Being an Effect implies Learning without Certainty.
Therefore, Learning with Certainty implies Learning,
but not by Being an Effect, and not across a Distance.
Version: GnuPG v1.4.5 (GNU/Linux)
HomerWSmith-L mailing list
Hash: SHA1
The proof is part of Information Theory, about data transfer, about
learning (as a verb, to learn), and in particular mechanical learning.
Learning as a verb is a causal PROCESS by which both THEORETICAL
and CERTAIN knowledge is gained.
The learner is the one who learns.
The learned is what is learned, the 'learning' in the noun sense.
The "learned about" is the object being learned about, about which
the learning is true.
Learner and learned about are TWO DIFFERENT OBJECTS separated by
space and time.
The learned or learning is a CHANGE IN STATE in the learner, caused
by the learned about.
If there is no change in state in the learner, nothing is learned.
The change in state in the learner, including any other changes in
state resulting from the first change in state, IS the learning.
Theoretical knowledge is born of generalizing from direct or
indirect observations or instances.
Certain knowledge is a description of the direct observations
A direct observation is simply the process of looking at the thing
An indirect observation is the process of learning about an object
by looking at another object causally related to, or the effect of, the
first object. This produces only theoretical knowledge, never certain
Since there is no, and cannot be any, direct observation in the
physical or mechanical universe, all observations made of or in the
physical universe are indirect in nature, and thus produce only
theoretical conclusions.
Direct observations produce perfect certainties.
Indirect observations produce theories made of evidence and models.
Very quickly, if we are trying to learn about A by looking at B,
then B is the evidence, A is the model for the existence of A's causal
imprint in B, and the theory is the postulated causal relation between A
and the changes in state observed in B.
The above presents us with the need to define the following terms.
Causation, learning, machine and certainty.
Causation means that changes in state in one object, A, NECESSARILY
result in changes in state of a second different object, B, a moment
The 'moment later' results from the fact that the speed of cause is
finite at the speed of light.
Light itself is a form of causal messenger wave.
The causing object is called the referent, and the affected object
is called the symbol.
Throw a light switch and the light bulb turns on.
The switch is the referent, and light bulb is the symbol.
We can theoretically judge (learn about) the state of the switch
(A) by looking at the state of the light bulb (B).
We say the state of the symbol TRACKS the state of the referent.
Notice, the process of learning about the state of the switch from
the state of the light bulb DEPENDS absolutely on there being a valid
causal pathway between switch and light bulb.
Without causation, meaning in the absence of valid causal pathways
between referent and symbol, there can be no learning.
Notice that using MORE causal pathways to verify the first causal
pathway between switch and light, leaves open the question of whether
the second set of causal pathways are valid.
Thus we can state that:
Causal pathways can not be used to validate other causal pathways
with certainty.
For the grammatically minded:
Learning is any change in state in the LEARNER that is causally
related to and thus symbolizes the nature of the LEARNED ABOUT, where
the learner and the learned about are two different objects.
The change in state in the learner is a SYMBOL OF FINAL AUTHORITY
for the learned about which is the ORIGINAL REFERENT.
A machine is defined as any system of objects interacting via cause
and effect across a space time distance.
Machines learn by being an effect, by BEING the second object, the
learner, which is changing state as a causal result of the learned
about, namely the external physical universe impinging upon the machine.
In the mechanical world, all learning is symbolic in nature,
because the learner is a different object than the learned about.
For example a learning machine can take a video picture of a cow
out in the physical universe.
The picture of the cow is not a cow, but contains high DATA CONTENT
about the cow.
Further the data in the picture also looks like a COW!
We call the fact of high geometric similarity between the cow and
its picture, high GEOMETRICITY.
Notice a picture of a cow may look exactly like a cow, but its
still a symbol for the real thing.
Thus as a symbol, the picture of the cow has both high data content
and high geometricity relative to the original referent.
One could however scan that picture into an encrypted data stream
that didn't at all look like a cow but yet retained recoverable data
about the cow. Or one could write a book about the cow or its picture,
describing it in words.
Both the encrypted data stream and the book are symbols for the
In both of these symbols, they still have high data content but
very low geometricity.
As data flows from the original referent to a symbol of final
authority through a causal pathway of many hops, the geometricity may
change from high to low and back again many times, but the data content
is hopefully conserved as it travels its path.
Since each causal hop adds in its own component of change into each
symbol along the way, some times the data from the original referent can
be covered in so many other changes that it becomes unrecoverable.
Have you ever received a fax of a perfectly good picture or text
that was none the less badly marred or unreadable in sections because of
added effects from the sending fax machine?
Digitization and protocols for transmission and retransmission of
data helps greatly in this problem of data decay,
But in the natural physical universe, most data pathways are
analogue in nature, and thus original data can get covered by so many
other effects added later in the chain, that the original data falls
below the noise floor of the transmission and becomes unrecoverable.
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
Homer Wilson Smith The Paths of Lovers Art Matrix - Lightlink
(607) 277-0959 KC2ITF Cross Internet Access, Ithaca NY
homer@lightlink.com In the Line of Duty http://www.lightlink.com
Sun May 15 15:26:30 EDT 2011
================ http://www.clearing.org ====================
Thu Jun 28 12:00:02 EDT 2018
WEB: http://www.clearing.org
BLOG: http://adoretheproof.blogspot.org
FTP: ftp://ftp.lightlink.com/pub/archive/homer/adore866.memo
Send mail to archive@lightlink.com saying help in body
=========== http://www.lightlink.com/theproof ===============
Learning implies Learning with Certainty or Learning without Certainty.
Learning across a Distance implies Learning by Being an Effect.
Learning by Being an Effect implies Learning without Certainty.
Therefore, Learning with Certainty implies Learning,
but not by Being an Effect, and not across a Distance.
Version: GnuPG v1.4.5 (GNU/Linux)
HomerWSmith-L mailing list
Wednesday, June 27, 2018
ADORE817 (fwd)
Hash: SHA1
Ah well, I may have changed my mind in many ways since ACT90 was
I believe the context was the Church or its thugs were trying to
cancel unauthorized postings of their copyrighted and trade secreted
Relative to the poster of a copyright violation that ends up on my
usenet disk space, the copy belongs to me, so I can do what I will with
it, just not copy it further. But usenet news copies things by
definition so that's kind of moot.
The point is the copy on my disks do NOT belong to the poster,
so I am free to dispose of it or keep it or change it as I will.
But relative to the owner of the copyright, the posting may
'belong' to me, but is none the less an illegal copyright copy, so I had
better deal with it as the law demands.
The issue of cancels by original posters or by forgers remains
problematic. As there is no authentication on usenet news, anyone can
cancel anyone's postings if they know how and have the access, thus
allowing ANY cancels becomes a problem.
It became such a problem at one time that the Church tried to
cancel the entire newsgroup alt.religion.scientology.
You see here is a religion about communication that doesn't
want anyone communicating about it.
To protect against this vandalism I chose to turn off accepting
cancels and group removals entirely.
So have most other ISP's.
Thus, even though I get requests now again to cancel secret tech
from alt.religion.scientology by Chuch lawyers, even after I hand cancel
them, they remain on every other news server in the world.
So I ask the lawyers if they are picking only on me, or contacting
all the other news servers in the world to get them to cancel the
postings also.
Present policy is, a.r.s is retained for one day, and thus is self
canceling as EVERYTHING posted to it is gone within 24 hours which is
more than reasonable response time to deleting a copyright violation.
Same with the sex binaries.
And yes the bell weather is still in good shape.
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
Homer Wilson Smith The Paths of Lovers Art Matrix - Lightlink
(607) 277-0959 KC2ITF Cross Internet Access, Ithaca NY
homer@lightlink.com In the Line of Duty http://www.lightlink.com
On Tue, 9 Nov 2010, homer@lightlink.com wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> ((Editor's comments in double parenthesis - Homer))
> ACT - 90
> 3 September 1995
> Copyright (C) 1995 Homer Wilson Smith
> Redistribution rights granted for non commercial purposes.
> I believe that people have a right to self defense, even to kill
> others in self defense, they even have a moral mandate to do so should
> the need arise.
> I believe that people have a right to do generally illegal things
> in order to prevent illegal things from being done to them, such as
> killing another who is about to kill you.
> I believe that an author who has had his work posted to the
> internet in violation of his copyright has the right to defend himself
> by canceling those postings.
> Just as someone has the right to kill another in order to prevent
> the ruin of their own lives, people have the right to cancel postings to
> prevent their own financial ruin.
> In this case you are killing a posting, rather than a person.
> Again I will point out that the PHYSICAL COPY of a posting made by
> another that resides on my hard drive as an ISP, LEGALLY BELONGS TO ME.
> I may do with that posting whatever I see fit as long as I do not
> violate the copyrights of the author.
> The copyright laws tell me I may not make MORE copies of the
> posting than I am permitted to, they do not tell me I may not make LESS
> of the posting.
> I am not a public service, I am not supported by tax payers
> dollars.
> As an ISP I am under no obligation to carry any material, posting
> or communication of any kind from any person. I am under no obligation
> to allow anyone to have access to my system, I am under no obligation to
> carry any particular news group or any newsgroups at all, and I am under
> no obligation to carry any particular person's postings on my system,
> even if they should happen to be in a newsgroup that I am otherwise
> carrying.
> I am free to not accept postings from any one person or group of
> people that I chose before they are placed on my hard drive, and I am
> free to erase them afterwards. THEY ARE MY COPIES, I MAY DO WITH THEM
> If someone writes a book and I buy a copy of it, the copy is MINE.
> I may not copy the book, but I may sell it to another, I may give it
> away, I may also burn it or throw it away. I can choose to not have my
> copy of any book that I own, in fact I can choose to not have any copy
> of any book period.
> I am also free to invite others to come and burn my copy of that
> book, and I am free to invite others to buy their own copies and burn
> them too.
> The original author of the book can LEGALLY do nothing to stop me.
> As an ISP I am selling access to my system. THAT IS ALL I AM
> SELLING. I am selling a password that works, nothing more. The
> guarantee that I give and the warranty that I make is:
> "If your payment is on time before the beginning of the month, you
> will either have access at 12 midnight on the first of the month or you
> will certainly receive your money back in full."
> The SERVICES that they find on the system once they have been sold
> ACCESS, are whatever services they find there or none at all. The
> services are provided on an AS-IS basis, with no guarantee of
> availability nor warranty of merchantability for any particular purpose.
> As part of their purchase price, each customer must sign a waiver
> of all rights to sue me or hold me liable for any damage, whether real
> or imagined that they may suffer 'because' of the service that they do
> or not find on the system.
> It is my service, I have a right to sell it as I see fit.
> If someone is dissatisfied with the ACCESS that I have sold them,
> they may return it for a full refund *IF* they return it before the
> month begins. That means once the month has begun, the access price is
> non refundable. They are free to not buy another month if they wish.
> If they have bought more than one month in advance, they will be
> refunded unused months, but not unused parts of months. Most of the
> internet industry works this way.
> What I offer on my system is an enormous amount of freedom of
> speech, there is something on my system that crosses almost everyone's
> lines of propriety. Whether or not I approve of child pornography,
> snuff pictures, or warez is totally irrelevant, I use the presence of
> these items coming into my system as a bell weather sign that the
> channels of free and anonymous speech are still open.
> Some might think that by allowing such material onto a public
> system, that I am helping to create a market for such material, and yes
> in fact some people will probably be moved to create and provide more of
> such things because of the market. But the market in dead and abused
> kids exists mainly because people refuse to talk about such things with
> their children, for fear that by talking about it, they will lead their
> children INTO it.
> Out of sight and out of mind.
> "If one does not talk about sin, no one will sin".
> Thus parents bring their children up in a well of silence, rather
> than teaching them at an early age, in gory detail, about the dangers of
> enforced and inhibited sex where the children could report abuse when it
> happened rather than keeping it to themselves and drowning it out.
> Therefore although I do not believe that snuff pictures are a good
> thing, nor do I believe that children should be sex slaves, I do believe
> that every picture on the planet of this stuff should be placed on the
> internet as fast as possible so that people will wake up to what life on
> Earth has become, even if it does create a momentary upsurge in the
> profits of and the market for this kind of material.
> I also find a terrible hypocrisy of people bitterly complaining
> about the sexual abuse of children, but never one word about the FOOD
> abuse of children. Most children suffer more abuse over the subject of
> food than they ever will over the subject of sex.
> Anyone who can't remember the taste of their mothers tits, is
> basically a child food abuse case of magnitude. But food abuse is a
> institutionalized insanity, EVERYBODY DOES IT, so its ok.
> I also find a terrible hypocrisy in the loud clamor about a few
> forged cancels, but not one word of complaint about the copyright
> violations that are being committed, including the violations in the
> porn groups, or the 200 megs of warez that come into my system every
> day.
> That's 200 megs of stolen software EVERY DAY.
> I guess people are too busy complaining about 4 or 5 cancels a day
> coming into a.r.s. to complain about 200 megs of warez a day coming
> into alt.binaries.ibm/mac.warez.
> You see posting a copyright violation of porn, or some dead girl
> with a dick up her, or the latest version of Microsoft Word is FREE
> SPEECH, but posting a defense against this stuff called a forged cancel,
> well there are no words for something as low as that.
> We certainly wouldn't want to deify it by calling it free speech
> too.
> The truth is people defend with great righteousness whatever their
> present addiction happens to be. If they need porn or warez or pictures
> of naked little girls they will be dead silent about those copyright
> violations; if they need church tech, they will scream bloody murder
> about how they have been too abused for words by forged cancels, even
> though they are merely the authors, or their assigns or friends
> defending themselves from financial ruin.
> Pointing out there are 'proper channels for making a complaint' is
> so vapid its not worth discussing.
> The screaming and yelling about forged cancels is called a DEDEX.
> It stands for DED EXPOSED. A DED is a prior act of unprovoked cruelty.
> It means you have done wrong, and now you are fabricating and
> exaggerating like hell in order to build up a wrong done to you AFTER
> THE FACT big enough to justify the wrong you did to others BEFORE THE
> Alas black holes can never be filled.
> The Churchies may be assholes, but they are right assholes on that
> point.
> Anyhow, in my opinion, right or wrong, legal tracking of forged
> cancellers will do more damage in the long run to freedom of speech than
> all the forged cancels in the whole world. As long as I believe that, I
> will authorize all cancels on my system, just as I authorize the porn,
> and the snuff, and the warez.
> They are all a bell weather sign that the channels of freedom are
> still open.
> Homer
> ================ http://www.clearing.org ====================
> Tue Nov 9 03:06:02 EST 2010
> ftp://ftp.lightlink.com/pub/archive/homer/act90.memo
> Send mail to archive@lightlink.com saying help
> Version: GnuPG v1.2.7 (GNU/Linux)
> FliDK/JtDUwETCy7XIk2Zi4=
> =iJ5s
> _______________________________________________
> Homerwsmith-l mailing list
> Homerwsmith-l@mailman.lightlink.com
> http://mailman.lightlink.com/mailman/listinfo/homerwsmith-l
Tue Nov 9 15:59:24 EST 2010
================ http://www.clearing.org ====================
Wed Jun 27 12:00:02 EDT 2018
WEB: http://www.clearing.org
BLOG: http://adoretheproof.blogspot.org
FTP: ftp://ftp.lightlink.com/pub/archive/homer/adore817.memo
Send mail to archive@lightlink.com saying help in body
=========== http://www.lightlink.com/theproof ===============
Learning implies Learning with Certainty or Learning without Certainty.
Learning across a Distance implies Learning by Being an Effect.
Learning by Being an Effect implies Learning without Certainty.
Therefore, Learning with Certainty implies Learning,
but not by Being an Effect, and not across a Distance.
Version: GnuPG v1.4.5 (GNU/Linux)
HomerWSmith-L mailing list
Hash: SHA1
Ah well, I may have changed my mind in many ways since ACT90 was
I believe the context was the Church or its thugs were trying to
cancel unauthorized postings of their copyrighted and trade secreted
Relative to the poster of a copyright violation that ends up on my
usenet disk space, the copy belongs to me, so I can do what I will with
it, just not copy it further. But usenet news copies things by
definition so that's kind of moot.
The point is the copy on my disks do NOT belong to the poster,
so I am free to dispose of it or keep it or change it as I will.
But relative to the owner of the copyright, the posting may
'belong' to me, but is none the less an illegal copyright copy, so I had
better deal with it as the law demands.
The issue of cancels by original posters or by forgers remains
problematic. As there is no authentication on usenet news, anyone can
cancel anyone's postings if they know how and have the access, thus
allowing ANY cancels becomes a problem.
It became such a problem at one time that the Church tried to
cancel the entire newsgroup alt.religion.scientology.
You see here is a religion about communication that doesn't
want anyone communicating about it.
To protect against this vandalism I chose to turn off accepting
cancels and group removals entirely.
So have most other ISP's.
Thus, even though I get requests now again to cancel secret tech
from alt.religion.scientology by Chuch lawyers, even after I hand cancel
them, they remain on every other news server in the world.
So I ask the lawyers if they are picking only on me, or contacting
all the other news servers in the world to get them to cancel the
postings also.
Present policy is, a.r.s is retained for one day, and thus is self
canceling as EVERYTHING posted to it is gone within 24 hours which is
more than reasonable response time to deleting a copyright violation.
Same with the sex binaries.
And yes the bell weather is still in good shape.
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
Homer Wilson Smith The Paths of Lovers Art Matrix - Lightlink
(607) 277-0959 KC2ITF Cross Internet Access, Ithaca NY
homer@lightlink.com In the Line of Duty http://www.lightlink.com
On Tue, 9 Nov 2010, homer@lightlink.com wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> ((Editor's comments in double parenthesis - Homer))
> ACT - 90
> 3 September 1995
> Copyright (C) 1995 Homer Wilson Smith
> Redistribution rights granted for non commercial purposes.
> I believe that people have a right to self defense, even to kill
> others in self defense, they even have a moral mandate to do so should
> the need arise.
> I believe that people have a right to do generally illegal things
> in order to prevent illegal things from being done to them, such as
> killing another who is about to kill you.
> I believe that an author who has had his work posted to the
> internet in violation of his copyright has the right to defend himself
> by canceling those postings.
> Just as someone has the right to kill another in order to prevent
> the ruin of their own lives, people have the right to cancel postings to
> prevent their own financial ruin.
> In this case you are killing a posting, rather than a person.
> Again I will point out that the PHYSICAL COPY of a posting made by
> another that resides on my hard drive as an ISP, LEGALLY BELONGS TO ME.
> I may do with that posting whatever I see fit as long as I do not
> violate the copyrights of the author.
> The copyright laws tell me I may not make MORE copies of the
> posting than I am permitted to, they do not tell me I may not make LESS
> of the posting.
> I am not a public service, I am not supported by tax payers
> dollars.
> As an ISP I am under no obligation to carry any material, posting
> or communication of any kind from any person. I am under no obligation
> to allow anyone to have access to my system, I am under no obligation to
> carry any particular news group or any newsgroups at all, and I am under
> no obligation to carry any particular person's postings on my system,
> even if they should happen to be in a newsgroup that I am otherwise
> carrying.
> I am free to not accept postings from any one person or group of
> people that I chose before they are placed on my hard drive, and I am
> free to erase them afterwards. THEY ARE MY COPIES, I MAY DO WITH THEM
> If someone writes a book and I buy a copy of it, the copy is MINE.
> I may not copy the book, but I may sell it to another, I may give it
> away, I may also burn it or throw it away. I can choose to not have my
> copy of any book that I own, in fact I can choose to not have any copy
> of any book period.
> I am also free to invite others to come and burn my copy of that
> book, and I am free to invite others to buy their own copies and burn
> them too.
> The original author of the book can LEGALLY do nothing to stop me.
> As an ISP I am selling access to my system. THAT IS ALL I AM
> SELLING. I am selling a password that works, nothing more. The
> guarantee that I give and the warranty that I make is:
> "If your payment is on time before the beginning of the month, you
> will either have access at 12 midnight on the first of the month or you
> will certainly receive your money back in full."
> The SERVICES that they find on the system once they have been sold
> ACCESS, are whatever services they find there or none at all. The
> services are provided on an AS-IS basis, with no guarantee of
> availability nor warranty of merchantability for any particular purpose.
> As part of their purchase price, each customer must sign a waiver
> of all rights to sue me or hold me liable for any damage, whether real
> or imagined that they may suffer 'because' of the service that they do
> or not find on the system.
> It is my service, I have a right to sell it as I see fit.
> If someone is dissatisfied with the ACCESS that I have sold them,
> they may return it for a full refund *IF* they return it before the
> month begins. That means once the month has begun, the access price is
> non refundable. They are free to not buy another month if they wish.
> If they have bought more than one month in advance, they will be
> refunded unused months, but not unused parts of months. Most of the
> internet industry works this way.
> What I offer on my system is an enormous amount of freedom of
> speech, there is something on my system that crosses almost everyone's
> lines of propriety. Whether or not I approve of child pornography,
> snuff pictures, or warez is totally irrelevant, I use the presence of
> these items coming into my system as a bell weather sign that the
> channels of free and anonymous speech are still open.
> Some might think that by allowing such material onto a public
> system, that I am helping to create a market for such material, and yes
> in fact some people will probably be moved to create and provide more of
> such things because of the market. But the market in dead and abused
> kids exists mainly because people refuse to talk about such things with
> their children, for fear that by talking about it, they will lead their
> children INTO it.
> Out of sight and out of mind.
> "If one does not talk about sin, no one will sin".
> Thus parents bring their children up in a well of silence, rather
> than teaching them at an early age, in gory detail, about the dangers of
> enforced and inhibited sex where the children could report abuse when it
> happened rather than keeping it to themselves and drowning it out.
> Therefore although I do not believe that snuff pictures are a good
> thing, nor do I believe that children should be sex slaves, I do believe
> that every picture on the planet of this stuff should be placed on the
> internet as fast as possible so that people will wake up to what life on
> Earth has become, even if it does create a momentary upsurge in the
> profits of and the market for this kind of material.
> I also find a terrible hypocrisy of people bitterly complaining
> about the sexual abuse of children, but never one word about the FOOD
> abuse of children. Most children suffer more abuse over the subject of
> food than they ever will over the subject of sex.
> Anyone who can't remember the taste of their mothers tits, is
> basically a child food abuse case of magnitude. But food abuse is a
> institutionalized insanity, EVERYBODY DOES IT, so its ok.
> I also find a terrible hypocrisy in the loud clamor about a few
> forged cancels, but not one word of complaint about the copyright
> violations that are being committed, including the violations in the
> porn groups, or the 200 megs of warez that come into my system every
> day.
> That's 200 megs of stolen software EVERY DAY.
> I guess people are too busy complaining about 4 or 5 cancels a day
> coming into a.r.s. to complain about 200 megs of warez a day coming
> into alt.binaries.ibm/mac.warez.
> You see posting a copyright violation of porn, or some dead girl
> with a dick up her, or the latest version of Microsoft Word is FREE
> SPEECH, but posting a defense against this stuff called a forged cancel,
> well there are no words for something as low as that.
> We certainly wouldn't want to deify it by calling it free speech
> too.
> The truth is people defend with great righteousness whatever their
> present addiction happens to be. If they need porn or warez or pictures
> of naked little girls they will be dead silent about those copyright
> violations; if they need church tech, they will scream bloody murder
> about how they have been too abused for words by forged cancels, even
> though they are merely the authors, or their assigns or friends
> defending themselves from financial ruin.
> Pointing out there are 'proper channels for making a complaint' is
> so vapid its not worth discussing.
> The screaming and yelling about forged cancels is called a DEDEX.
> It stands for DED EXPOSED. A DED is a prior act of unprovoked cruelty.
> It means you have done wrong, and now you are fabricating and
> exaggerating like hell in order to build up a wrong done to you AFTER
> THE FACT big enough to justify the wrong you did to others BEFORE THE
> Alas black holes can never be filled.
> The Churchies may be assholes, but they are right assholes on that
> point.
> Anyhow, in my opinion, right or wrong, legal tracking of forged
> cancellers will do more damage in the long run to freedom of speech than
> all the forged cancels in the whole world. As long as I believe that, I
> will authorize all cancels on my system, just as I authorize the porn,
> and the snuff, and the warez.
> They are all a bell weather sign that the channels of freedom are
> still open.
> Homer
> ================ http://www.clearing.org ====================
> Tue Nov 9 03:06:02 EST 2010
> ftp://ftp.lightlink.com/pub/archive/homer/act90.memo
> Send mail to archive@lightlink.com saying help
> Version: GnuPG v1.2.7 (GNU/Linux)
> FliDK/JtDUwETCy7XIk2Zi4=
> =iJ5s
> _______________________________________________
> Homerwsmith-l mailing list
> Homerwsmith-l@mailman.lightlink.com
> http://mailman.lightlink.com/mailman/listinfo/homerwsmith-l
Tue Nov 9 15:59:24 EST 2010
================ http://www.clearing.org ====================
Wed Jun 27 12:00:02 EDT 2018
WEB: http://www.clearing.org
BLOG: http://adoretheproof.blogspot.org
FTP: ftp://ftp.lightlink.com/pub/archive/homer/adore817.memo
Send mail to archive@lightlink.com saying help in body
=========== http://www.lightlink.com/theproof ===============
Learning implies Learning with Certainty or Learning without Certainty.
Learning across a Distance implies Learning by Being an Effect.
Learning by Being an Effect implies Learning without Certainty.
Therefore, Learning with Certainty implies Learning,
but not by Being an Effect, and not across a Distance.
Version: GnuPG v1.4.5 (GNU/Linux)
HomerWSmith-L mailing list
Monday, June 25, 2018
HOM38 (fwd)
Hash: SHA1
God Man Women Child God Man Women Child God Man Woman Child
Some women may consider that Adore's GMWC circle is debasing
to women.
In truth it is empowering to women, as it tells women their
destiny is absolutely and completely in their own hands.
Men become exactly and only what women operate them as, but in their
misguided belief women operate men as women rather than as men, and thus
cause their own downfall.
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
Homer Wilson Smith The paths of lovers Art Matrix - Lightlink
(607) 277-0959 cross in Internet Access, Ithaca NY
homer@lightlink.com the line of duty. http://www.lightlink.com
================ http://www.clearing.org ====================
Mon Jun 25 12:00:02 EDT 2018
WEB: http://www.clearing.org
BLOG: http://adoretheproof.blogspot.org
FTP: ftp://ftp.lightlink.com/pub/archive/homer/hom38.memo
Send mail to archive@lightlink.com saying help in body
=========== http://www.lightlink.com/theproof ===============
Learning implies Learning with Certainty or Learning without Certainty.
Learning across a Distance implies Learning by Being an Effect.
Learning by Being an Effect implies Learning without Certainty.
Therefore, Learning with Certainty implies Learning,
but not by Being an Effect, and not across a Distance.
Version: GnuPG v1.4.5 (GNU/Linux)
HomerWSmith-L mailing list
Hash: SHA1
God Man Women Child God Man Women Child God Man Woman Child
Some women may consider that Adore's GMWC circle is debasing
to women.
In truth it is empowering to women, as it tells women their
destiny is absolutely and completely in their own hands.
Men become exactly and only what women operate them as, but in their
misguided belief women operate men as women rather than as men, and thus
cause their own downfall.
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
Homer Wilson Smith The paths of lovers Art Matrix - Lightlink
(607) 277-0959 cross in Internet Access, Ithaca NY
homer@lightlink.com the line of duty. http://www.lightlink.com
================ http://www.clearing.org ====================
Mon Jun 25 12:00:02 EDT 2018
WEB: http://www.clearing.org
BLOG: http://adoretheproof.blogspot.org
FTP: ftp://ftp.lightlink.com/pub/archive/homer/hom38.memo
Send mail to archive@lightlink.com saying help in body
=========== http://www.lightlink.com/theproof ===============
Learning implies Learning with Certainty or Learning without Certainty.
Learning across a Distance implies Learning by Being an Effect.
Learning by Being an Effect implies Learning without Certainty.
Therefore, Learning with Certainty implies Learning,
but not by Being an Effect, and not across a Distance.
Version: GnuPG v1.4.5 (GNU/Linux)
HomerWSmith-L mailing list
Sunday, June 24, 2018
ADOR1032 (fwd)
Hash: SHA1
Power exists at the top of the tone scale, sovereignty or native
state, otherwise known as Basic Truth.
Power is ability and facility with putting things there.
Power is the unlimited but finite operation of scientology's Q1.
An unlimited finiteness means no upper limit but always finite.
As much as you want, but never infinite.
Q1: Theta is capable of creating (illusions of) space and time, and
locating objects in them.
Power is the ability to locate and determine.
To locate doesn't mean to go out and hunt around until you find, to
locate means to put it there where you want it to be.
To determine doesn't mean to go out and look at something until you
find out about it, it means to CAUSE it to be as you wish it to be.
Power is the ability to create, change and destroy in cooperation
with other beings.
Above 26.0 (Apparencies are Actuality) on the tone scale, power is
exercised via postulates which put things there, and considerations
which create apparencies of cause between those things which postulates
have put there.
Postulate: This is an ashtray.
Postualte: This is a cigarette.
Consideration: Ashtray's are used to hold cigarettes.
Below Apparencies are Actuality on the tone scale, power is
exercised via force applied to the objects of mass that the being has
priorly postulated into spaces and times.
Masses are postulates, and forces are considerations of cause
between masses.
Force is the proxy for cause in the physical universe dream time.
The being does not want to operate using postualates and
considerations directly, because it's too hard to get things to persist
long enough to get into trouble with them.
So he postulates and considers that force is effective enough and
so chooses to use force instead.
Then he can end up being crucified to a cross of steel and the
fires of liquid mountain.
Force against mass creates changes in velocity (accelerations) and
thus changes in the physical energies of the masses.
Nothing happens in the physical universe created by Q1 that is not
force and mass in motion (or the conscious beings that are putting it
there via postulates and considerations and observing what they have
Thus facility with force and mass is necessary to facility with
operation in the physical universe, unless it is postulates and
considerations making changes from above.
Physicists don't like that idea because it violates conservation of
momentum and energy.
But the biggest violation of those two is the creation of the
physical universe itself by postulate and consideration, so there is
The application of power to creation is called control.
The greatest control there is, is to put something there, in
concert with other co controllers or co creators.
The next application of control is to change what has been put
And the last application of control is to vanish what has been put
there by withdrawing putting it there.
One can not withdraw putting something there until one is able to
put it there again in present time, it doesn't matter who originally put
it there, or started putting it there.
But if you are putting it there NOW, and you stop doing so, it
won't be there any more, and will be as if it never had been.
The only catch is you have to be able and willing to put something
there AS IT ACTUALLY IS, not as you might think it is, which usually
falls way short of the mark on big and important issues.
Also beings don't like to simply stop putting things there, even if
they are bad, because the being is then left with a kind of nothing
there that is not comfortable.
So a being will be hard put to give up his inability to withdraw
putting something there until he can put something ELSE there instead,
of comparable magnitude.
That's is why you audit him on raising his ability to
put something MORE, BIGGER, WORSE etc there.
That called remedy of havingness.
One he knows he can have under his control again, he
will be willing to not have under his control again.
All aberration is not having one's ability to have or not have
under one's own control.
ONce he can put more of anything there, then he can let go of
putting the bad thing there, so the bad something can be replaced by a
good something.
But sometimes having nothing there is good too :)
Putting things there involves both power and willingness.
You don't put things there with effort, you put things there by
merely having them be there, perhaps with the idea that they are there
BECAUSE you are having them be there.
Get it?
The entire universe of hard power (heavy force, bombs, super novas,
black holes, Big Bangs etc.) was not created with hard power, but with
soft power.
Soft power uses no force to create, merely conception.
"It is," so it is.
Soft power creates hard power in unlimited finite quantities.
For example a while is always finite in length of time, but can be
as long as you want, there is no upper limit to how much time a while
can contain as long as its finite.
Soft power is the mere breath of conception resulting in having
things in the mere conception of them.
Incidents live in whiles.
The while is bottle that the incident is contained in.
Dianetic auditing seeks the exact beginning of an incident so it
will erase.
We assume the preclear knows the end of it, but rarely the exact
Once he gets the exact beginning, he has the beginning and end of
the indident and he exteriorizes from the while in which the incident
Then while putting the whole while there, incident and all he can
reconsider his desire of need for it, and let THE WHILE GO.
No bottle remains, and no incident.
That's called an erasure of an engram (injury) or secondary (loss).
Incidents are fully erased as if never been, when the time while in
which they live and take their life force are gone.
Time is persistence, with time gone, there is no persistence.
Time is not one thing.
Time is made of multi layered whiles.
The idea is to take time apart while by while until clear of time.
The entire tone scale is a scale of power, from total potential
power and command over creation at the top, to near zero self controlled
power at the bottom.
Thus all power, ability and facility at the top of the tone scale
has many different lower tone mockeries of the same thing.
Each tone on the way down is a polluted view of the top native
state, polluted by lies and subtle inaccuracies and alter-is.
Usually about source and its abilities and motivations.
Each tone on the way down is an ENFORCEMENT of some power that was
freely chosen at the top.
Thus all aberration is enforced Basic Truth.
Since ultimate Basic Truth is 'nothing there' (nothing manifested),
ultimate aberration at the bottom of the tone scale is enforced 'nothing
Google avichi. A hell of nothing there, but no free will about it.
The angry man can use the power of force, but doesn't have much
free will about it.
He regrets his anger, and thus uses MORE angry force AGAINST his
uncontrolled angry use of force to make the apparency of no uncontrolled
force. This gives the apparency of no anger.
But its a stone to audit, and that stone sinks down the tone scale
to below anger.
"Get the idea of NO infinite power."
"Get the idea of SOME infinite power."
Preclear: "Wait, I though you said there was no such thing
as infinite power!"
Auditor TR4: "Yeah but you tried, asswipe."
Thus mastery and good control at the top of the tone scale become
domination, slavery and bad control at the bottom.
People start at the top having power, and dwindle down to being the
effect of other's power.
Thus it becomes politically incorrect for anyone to have any
mastery of power or control, as those that don't will take exception
about how unfair it all is that they don't have the same level of
facility any more.
I don't have it, so you shouldn't have it either.
Seeing that other's still have power, missses the Big One on them,
that they don't and sold themselves down the river a LONG time ago.
The postulate "you shouldn't have power because I don't have power"
is a commitment to and validation of the postulate "I don't have power",
thus every time they commit effort (move forward in time) to making sure
OTHERS don't have power, they end up with less power themselves by their
own postulate.
Eventually they become the effect of their own power as they try to
escape back up to native state by powering themselves down towards anti
native state at the bottom of the tone scale.
Unfortunately after a while they end up with so little power of
their own they can't continue to engage in the above trap, so they just
kind of float there between not having any power and not losing any more
power because they have no power to take away what remaining power they
might have from themselves and others.
And that is why the bottom of the tone scale can never be reached,
no power to do so, and why there is no 'going out the bottom'.
Only their own Prime postulates and Messiah postulates can save
them from their fate and return them back up the tone scale to fool
around once again in Eternity making a fool out of himself.
They gotta give it up though to be saved, this trying to use power
to make other's not have power.
That is a big statement, do not go by it.
To get back power to go back up the tone scale, you will need to
regain your facility to GRANT BEINGNESS TO AND GIVE POWER to OTHERS.
Once you can give others power, you can give yourself power
too, you see?
To go back up the tone scale where that is possible, you will need
to operate your power to go DOWN the tone scale to at least where you
are and little bit lower, then the self installed 'latching mechanism'
holding you down will spring and you will start to surface again.
The fear of going lower than one has ever been, keeps one stuck as
low as one has ever been, even if one is floating up above that level
for a while in normal life.
Thus one can get auditing on 'surface' material, and start to feel
better and go up tone and write great win stories, but as auditing
progresses the wins become thinner and thinner until eventually you have
to deal with the stone that is staring you in the face at the bottom of
your wishing well, the bottom of your existence.
Mainly the stone is a matter of trying to pull other people down
with you.
Full confessions and repentence work wonders at this level of the
tone scale.
No hell can out last a true confession.
If you create a hell for another, and they refuse it, it bounces it
back into your own face and stays there forever until you stop trying to
pawn it off on another.
The intent of the criminal suppresive is to destroy facility in
intimacy with power, ability and control.
Not to mention willingness.
Therefore the greatest power there is, is the ability to put
criminal suppressives there forever for free, and have them nit pick you
into the ground, until they are just too ludicrous to contemplate any
If you can put it there, you can unput it there.
Those too are big words, dig them and don't leave them.
The way out from under any suppression of invention, is to invent
suppressions of invention until you have out invented the one you are
The last act of the dying should be to create what is killing them.
If you can create, you aren't dead, you see?
Just put it there and have it for a while.
When the while ends you won't have it any more.
If you can put there what is killing you, you will be more alive
than it is and thus have put-it-there and unput-it-there control over
If you can become the orientation point to any symbol, the symbol
becomes yours to do with as you please.
Again the caveat is to not underestimate what it is.
Power can be restored in part through auditing the OT Power
Protocol Process as listed below.
Sun May 28 03:41:04 EDT 2017
================ http://www.clearing.org ====================
Sun Jun 24 12:00:03 EDT 2018
WEB: http://www.clearing.org
BLOG: http://adoretheproof.blogspot.org
FTP: ftp://ftp.lightlink.com/pub/archive/homer/ador1032.memo
Send mail to archive@lightlink.com saying help in body
=========== http://www.lightlink.com/theproof ===============
Learning implies Learning with Certainty or Learning without Certainty.
Learning across a Distance implies Learning by Being an Effect.
Learning by Being an Effect implies Learning without Certainty.
Therefore, Learning with Certainty implies Learning,
but not by Being an Effect, and not across a Distance.
Version: GnuPG v1.4.5 (GNU/Linux)
======================= http://www.clearing.org ========================
Posted: Sun Jun 24 20:14:26 EDT 2018
Send mail to archive.com saying help
================== http://www.lightlink.com/theproof ===================
Learning implies Learning with Certainty or Learning without Certainty.
Learning across a Distance implies Learning by Being an Effect.
Learning by Being an Effect implies Learning without Certainty.
Therefore, Learning with Certainty implies Learning but
Not by Being an Effect, and not across a Distance.
Version: GnuPG v1.4.5 (GNU/Linux)
HomerWSmith-L mailing list
Hash: SHA1
Power exists at the top of the tone scale, sovereignty or native
state, otherwise known as Basic Truth.
Power is ability and facility with putting things there.
Power is the unlimited but finite operation of scientology's Q1.
An unlimited finiteness means no upper limit but always finite.
As much as you want, but never infinite.
Q1: Theta is capable of creating (illusions of) space and time, and
locating objects in them.
Power is the ability to locate and determine.
To locate doesn't mean to go out and hunt around until you find, to
locate means to put it there where you want it to be.
To determine doesn't mean to go out and look at something until you
find out about it, it means to CAUSE it to be as you wish it to be.
Power is the ability to create, change and destroy in cooperation
with other beings.
Above 26.0 (Apparencies are Actuality) on the tone scale, power is
exercised via postulates which put things there, and considerations
which create apparencies of cause between those things which postulates
have put there.
Postulate: This is an ashtray.
Postualte: This is a cigarette.
Consideration: Ashtray's are used to hold cigarettes.
Below Apparencies are Actuality on the tone scale, power is
exercised via force applied to the objects of mass that the being has
priorly postulated into spaces and times.
Masses are postulates, and forces are considerations of cause
between masses.
Force is the proxy for cause in the physical universe dream time.
The being does not want to operate using postualates and
considerations directly, because it's too hard to get things to persist
long enough to get into trouble with them.
So he postulates and considers that force is effective enough and
so chooses to use force instead.
Then he can end up being crucified to a cross of steel and the
fires of liquid mountain.
Force against mass creates changes in velocity (accelerations) and
thus changes in the physical energies of the masses.
Nothing happens in the physical universe created by Q1 that is not
force and mass in motion (or the conscious beings that are putting it
there via postulates and considerations and observing what they have
Thus facility with force and mass is necessary to facility with
operation in the physical universe, unless it is postulates and
considerations making changes from above.
Physicists don't like that idea because it violates conservation of
momentum and energy.
But the biggest violation of those two is the creation of the
physical universe itself by postulate and consideration, so there is
The application of power to creation is called control.
The greatest control there is, is to put something there, in
concert with other co controllers or co creators.
The next application of control is to change what has been put
And the last application of control is to vanish what has been put
there by withdrawing putting it there.
One can not withdraw putting something there until one is able to
put it there again in present time, it doesn't matter who originally put
it there, or started putting it there.
But if you are putting it there NOW, and you stop doing so, it
won't be there any more, and will be as if it never had been.
The only catch is you have to be able and willing to put something
there AS IT ACTUALLY IS, not as you might think it is, which usually
falls way short of the mark on big and important issues.
Also beings don't like to simply stop putting things there, even if
they are bad, because the being is then left with a kind of nothing
there that is not comfortable.
So a being will be hard put to give up his inability to withdraw
putting something there until he can put something ELSE there instead,
of comparable magnitude.
That's is why you audit him on raising his ability to
put something MORE, BIGGER, WORSE etc there.
That called remedy of havingness.
One he knows he can have under his control again, he
will be willing to not have under his control again.
All aberration is not having one's ability to have or not have
under one's own control.
ONce he can put more of anything there, then he can let go of
putting the bad thing there, so the bad something can be replaced by a
good something.
But sometimes having nothing there is good too :)
Putting things there involves both power and willingness.
You don't put things there with effort, you put things there by
merely having them be there, perhaps with the idea that they are there
BECAUSE you are having them be there.
Get it?
The entire universe of hard power (heavy force, bombs, super novas,
black holes, Big Bangs etc.) was not created with hard power, but with
soft power.
Soft power uses no force to create, merely conception.
"It is," so it is.
Soft power creates hard power in unlimited finite quantities.
For example a while is always finite in length of time, but can be
as long as you want, there is no upper limit to how much time a while
can contain as long as its finite.
Soft power is the mere breath of conception resulting in having
things in the mere conception of them.
Incidents live in whiles.
The while is bottle that the incident is contained in.
Dianetic auditing seeks the exact beginning of an incident so it
will erase.
We assume the preclear knows the end of it, but rarely the exact
Once he gets the exact beginning, he has the beginning and end of
the indident and he exteriorizes from the while in which the incident
Then while putting the whole while there, incident and all he can
reconsider his desire of need for it, and let THE WHILE GO.
No bottle remains, and no incident.
That's called an erasure of an engram (injury) or secondary (loss).
Incidents are fully erased as if never been, when the time while in
which they live and take their life force are gone.
Time is persistence, with time gone, there is no persistence.
Time is not one thing.
Time is made of multi layered whiles.
The idea is to take time apart while by while until clear of time.
The entire tone scale is a scale of power, from total potential
power and command over creation at the top, to near zero self controlled
power at the bottom.
Thus all power, ability and facility at the top of the tone scale
has many different lower tone mockeries of the same thing.
Each tone on the way down is a polluted view of the top native
state, polluted by lies and subtle inaccuracies and alter-is.
Usually about source and its abilities and motivations.
Each tone on the way down is an ENFORCEMENT of some power that was
freely chosen at the top.
Thus all aberration is enforced Basic Truth.
Since ultimate Basic Truth is 'nothing there' (nothing manifested),
ultimate aberration at the bottom of the tone scale is enforced 'nothing
Google avichi. A hell of nothing there, but no free will about it.
The angry man can use the power of force, but doesn't have much
free will about it.
He regrets his anger, and thus uses MORE angry force AGAINST his
uncontrolled angry use of force to make the apparency of no uncontrolled
force. This gives the apparency of no anger.
But its a stone to audit, and that stone sinks down the tone scale
to below anger.
"Get the idea of NO infinite power."
"Get the idea of SOME infinite power."
Preclear: "Wait, I though you said there was no such thing
as infinite power!"
Auditor TR4: "Yeah but you tried, asswipe."
Thus mastery and good control at the top of the tone scale become
domination, slavery and bad control at the bottom.
People start at the top having power, and dwindle down to being the
effect of other's power.
Thus it becomes politically incorrect for anyone to have any
mastery of power or control, as those that don't will take exception
about how unfair it all is that they don't have the same level of
facility any more.
I don't have it, so you shouldn't have it either.
Seeing that other's still have power, missses the Big One on them,
that they don't and sold themselves down the river a LONG time ago.
The postulate "you shouldn't have power because I don't have power"
is a commitment to and validation of the postulate "I don't have power",
thus every time they commit effort (move forward in time) to making sure
OTHERS don't have power, they end up with less power themselves by their
own postulate.
Eventually they become the effect of their own power as they try to
escape back up to native state by powering themselves down towards anti
native state at the bottom of the tone scale.
Unfortunately after a while they end up with so little power of
their own they can't continue to engage in the above trap, so they just
kind of float there between not having any power and not losing any more
power because they have no power to take away what remaining power they
might have from themselves and others.
And that is why the bottom of the tone scale can never be reached,
no power to do so, and why there is no 'going out the bottom'.
Only their own Prime postulates and Messiah postulates can save
them from their fate and return them back up the tone scale to fool
around once again in Eternity making a fool out of himself.
They gotta give it up though to be saved, this trying to use power
to make other's not have power.
That is a big statement, do not go by it.
To get back power to go back up the tone scale, you will need to
regain your facility to GRANT BEINGNESS TO AND GIVE POWER to OTHERS.
Once you can give others power, you can give yourself power
too, you see?
To go back up the tone scale where that is possible, you will need
to operate your power to go DOWN the tone scale to at least where you
are and little bit lower, then the self installed 'latching mechanism'
holding you down will spring and you will start to surface again.
The fear of going lower than one has ever been, keeps one stuck as
low as one has ever been, even if one is floating up above that level
for a while in normal life.
Thus one can get auditing on 'surface' material, and start to feel
better and go up tone and write great win stories, but as auditing
progresses the wins become thinner and thinner until eventually you have
to deal with the stone that is staring you in the face at the bottom of
your wishing well, the bottom of your existence.
Mainly the stone is a matter of trying to pull other people down
with you.
Full confessions and repentence work wonders at this level of the
tone scale.
No hell can out last a true confession.
If you create a hell for another, and they refuse it, it bounces it
back into your own face and stays there forever until you stop trying to
pawn it off on another.
The intent of the criminal suppresive is to destroy facility in
intimacy with power, ability and control.
Not to mention willingness.
Therefore the greatest power there is, is the ability to put
criminal suppressives there forever for free, and have them nit pick you
into the ground, until they are just too ludicrous to contemplate any
If you can put it there, you can unput it there.
Those too are big words, dig them and don't leave them.
The way out from under any suppression of invention, is to invent
suppressions of invention until you have out invented the one you are
The last act of the dying should be to create what is killing them.
If you can create, you aren't dead, you see?
Just put it there and have it for a while.
When the while ends you won't have it any more.
If you can put there what is killing you, you will be more alive
than it is and thus have put-it-there and unput-it-there control over
If you can become the orientation point to any symbol, the symbol
becomes yours to do with as you please.
Again the caveat is to not underestimate what it is.
Power can be restored in part through auditing the OT Power
Protocol Process as listed below.
Sun May 28 03:41:04 EDT 2017
================ http://www.clearing.org ====================
Sun Jun 24 12:00:03 EDT 2018
WEB: http://www.clearing.org
BLOG: http://adoretheproof.blogspot.org
FTP: ftp://ftp.lightlink.com/pub/archive/homer/ador1032.memo
Send mail to archive@lightlink.com saying help in body
=========== http://www.lightlink.com/theproof ===============
Learning implies Learning with Certainty or Learning without Certainty.
Learning across a Distance implies Learning by Being an Effect.
Learning by Being an Effect implies Learning without Certainty.
Therefore, Learning with Certainty implies Learning,
but not by Being an Effect, and not across a Distance.
Version: GnuPG v1.4.5 (GNU/Linux)
======================= http://www.clearing.org ========================
Posted: Sun Jun 24 20:14:26 EDT 2018
Send mail to archive.com saying help
================== http://www.lightlink.com/theproof ===================
Learning implies Learning with Certainty or Learning without Certainty.
Learning across a Distance implies Learning by Being an Effect.
Learning by Being an Effect implies Learning without Certainty.
Therefore, Learning with Certainty implies Learning but
Not by Being an Effect, and not across a Distance.
Version: GnuPG v1.4.5 (GNU/Linux)
HomerWSmith-L mailing list
Saturday, June 23, 2018
ADORE320 (fwd)
Hash: SHA1
The universe acts as you expect it to act.
An expectation is a causal postulate, not an observed learningness.
One commits to expectations by acting now on the expectation that
things will happen as you expect them to.
The action now acts as a commitment of good faith that you actually
expect things to turn out that way.
For example, you expect to get a contract to host an $800/month
server. You commit to this expectation by investing in a computer rack,
air conditioning, and electricity. All before you have any idea of
where that server is coming from. You want to be prepared.
Momentarily you doubt that the contract will materialize and now
you have 'wasted' your money by purchasing these resources of
preparedness. That doubt leads to the qualms, should I have or
shouldn't I have?
Also should I continue to invest or not?
The problem is that other's are also expecting the universe to act
in many different ways, mostly negative.
Thus to change the shared universe, one has to change how other's
relate to their own expectations, namely come to consider them cause
rather than learned effect.
This is the observation consideration flip flop.
It is almost impossible to be the only one surviving well in the
world alone, one can do this in dreams, and the waking state is a dream,
but other's postulates rule as well as your own, in both worlds, more so
in the waking dream.
Thus solving this problem of getting the world to act as you expect
it to is an immense undertaking.
Certain understandings are necessary.
If you believe in the "God is Author" theory of existence, then
authorship is not just of stories with characters, but of games and
players of games. God as author creates games, then jumps into them as
character to play them.
There is game creation, game playing, and being a game piece.
What game would be worth creating?
What game would be worth playing?
What game would be worth being a piece in?
If a game is worth playing, does one have to win it to make it so?
Can a game be worth *PLAYING* without concern about winning or losing?
To the mortal meatball or hell bound, most games of survival are
games of winning the right to continue playing games at all. Death for
most is not only loss of present game, but loss FOREVER of all games
Once the survival of games to play is at stake, games become
serious. Once the survival of games is at stake FOREVER, then games
become serious FOREVER.
It might be said that there are only 4 tones on the tone scale.
1.) Peace
2.) Spirit of Play
3.) Qualms
4.) Death
Peace is the authorship state, the game creator state.
Spirit of play is the play state. Spirit of play is a full out, no
holds barred, no thought for the future, may the best man win
Qualms is the wondering if one wants to play.
Death results from qualms.
There are two ways to leave a game, go up towards peace or down
towards death. Death is basically a mesh of excuses as to why one can
not play but must play.
All games involve indecisions about what to DO, these are fine.
The qualms is an indecision if one should PLAY or be in the game at
If one really wants to withdraw from a game, one withdraws upwards
towards peace, timelessness, creatorship and no more involvement.
The problem with that is the game will tend to disappear.
If the game has become 'precious' one will try to stop the play in
the middle of the battle field, stop time so to speak, to give one a
time out, some breathing room to think about whether 'this is a good
idea' to be in this game or not. It's an effort to have the game, and
not play it.
That's the qualms.
Of course one's head will go rolling shortly after from inaction
and indecision, since real world games don't much listen to requests for
time outs.
Too many indecisions about playing while remaining in the game,
lead to a kind of 'glue' that eventually becomes spiritual death at
- -400.00 on the tone scale.
That's not body death, that's dead thetan, no more game playing,
not because of peace but because of glue.
Don't worry its not forever, but it is made of 'forevers', in
particular worry about forevers and resistance to forevers, not one of
which actually exist.
Piece of cake to audit, and easy enough to train for.
Get yourself a big marble and put it on the table.
Now say to the marble:
"Contemplate not being a marble."
"Contemplate being a marble."
E/P is marble is back at spirit of play again and knows how to
avoid the qualms and becoming a marble again, unless it should so choose
to do so.
Thus in game playing, how do we expect the universe to act?
Well mostly we expect one of us to win and the other to lose. In
the world of business and competition for survival, either you get the
contract or the other guy does.
In a world where losing a game or causing another to lose a game
can be a death sentence to being able to play forever more, for you, him
or his loved ones, we don't feel good about this, and thus we drop down
from full spirit of play to qualms.
Then of course we lose and the other guy wins.
He who hesitates is quite lost.
As spirits we can try to look for win-win games, but that isn't the
universe of taking care of bodies, where some must win and some must
lose, or else no evolution would take place and the whole world would
die (lose) of over population.
It is possible to do well as a body in a small bubble of the hell
around you, for a while, until others blow the planet to smithereens
with their bigotry, or an asteroid comes in on an unprepared world, or
the sun goes super nova, or the Big Bang dies out or reverts.
So ultimately the game of taking care of the body is a game no one
can win: the game is to see how long you can survive into the certainty
that one day you won't survive anyhow. That's a rough game, enough to
give anyone the willies.
How long can you put off a death sentence?
Nice game.
Personal postulates in a matrix of many personal postulates are by
nature limited, that is how it was intended to be.
But then trying to make things go right in a matrix that is playing
the death sentence game is quite something else.
One at least has to understand that in a matrix of personal
postulates, your postulates about other people's postulates are at least
as important as the end products you are trying to postulate into being.
It may sound crazy but you can change another's mind by postulate
alone a lot easier than you can move the marble on the table.
Unless of course you are auditing it.
One can say that being sub death, trying to take care of bodies,
protect, own, control, worship, sacrifice to, get smiles from them, and
do well by them etc, is an aberrated game, but it is the game that is
being played.
One probably can not withdraw from it, until one has ENTERED it
fully without complaint and re rendered it back into rip roaring spirit
of play, kamikaze and all.
So what if his kids die because you won the contract. You might
consider hiring them before they expire.
But it won't always go that way.
Spirit of play means may the best man win. It means it.
Perhaps then one may well understand the 'ludicrous demise' of
Adore, and be able to leave the game with full appreciation of having
entered it in the first place and grateful for having had the
opportunity to do so, at so many people's expense.
They chose after all, just as you did.
And its not forever, no matter how much they and you believe it is.
Until then one will be stuck playing it.
But in spite of all of the above, the universe does act as we
expect it to.
Thus the final OT VIII question is
"What do you expect (of the future)?"
"Who or what determines that expectation?"
E/P, the universe acts as you expect it to act. :)
But earlier expectations override later expections,
as expected.
======================= http://www.clearing.org ========================
Posted: Sat Jun 23 16:33:25 EDT 2018
Send mail to archive.com saying help
================== http://www.lightlink.com/theproof ===================
Learning implies Learning with Certainty or Learning without Certainty.
Learning across a Distance implies Learning by Being an Effect.
Learning by Being an Effect implies Learning without Certainty.
Therefore, Learning with Certainty implies Learning but
Not by Being an Effect, and not across a Distance.
Version: GnuPG v1.4.5 (GNU/Linux)
HomerWSmith-L mailing list
Hash: SHA1
The universe acts as you expect it to act.
An expectation is a causal postulate, not an observed learningness.
One commits to expectations by acting now on the expectation that
things will happen as you expect them to.
The action now acts as a commitment of good faith that you actually
expect things to turn out that way.
For example, you expect to get a contract to host an $800/month
server. You commit to this expectation by investing in a computer rack,
air conditioning, and electricity. All before you have any idea of
where that server is coming from. You want to be prepared.
Momentarily you doubt that the contract will materialize and now
you have 'wasted' your money by purchasing these resources of
preparedness. That doubt leads to the qualms, should I have or
shouldn't I have?
Also should I continue to invest or not?
The problem is that other's are also expecting the universe to act
in many different ways, mostly negative.
Thus to change the shared universe, one has to change how other's
relate to their own expectations, namely come to consider them cause
rather than learned effect.
This is the observation consideration flip flop.
It is almost impossible to be the only one surviving well in the
world alone, one can do this in dreams, and the waking state is a dream,
but other's postulates rule as well as your own, in both worlds, more so
in the waking dream.
Thus solving this problem of getting the world to act as you expect
it to is an immense undertaking.
Certain understandings are necessary.
If you believe in the "God is Author" theory of existence, then
authorship is not just of stories with characters, but of games and
players of games. God as author creates games, then jumps into them as
character to play them.
There is game creation, game playing, and being a game piece.
What game would be worth creating?
What game would be worth playing?
What game would be worth being a piece in?
If a game is worth playing, does one have to win it to make it so?
Can a game be worth *PLAYING* without concern about winning or losing?
To the mortal meatball or hell bound, most games of survival are
games of winning the right to continue playing games at all. Death for
most is not only loss of present game, but loss FOREVER of all games
Once the survival of games to play is at stake, games become
serious. Once the survival of games is at stake FOREVER, then games
become serious FOREVER.
It might be said that there are only 4 tones on the tone scale.
1.) Peace
2.) Spirit of Play
3.) Qualms
4.) Death
Peace is the authorship state, the game creator state.
Spirit of play is the play state. Spirit of play is a full out, no
holds barred, no thought for the future, may the best man win
Qualms is the wondering if one wants to play.
Death results from qualms.
There are two ways to leave a game, go up towards peace or down
towards death. Death is basically a mesh of excuses as to why one can
not play but must play.
All games involve indecisions about what to DO, these are fine.
The qualms is an indecision if one should PLAY or be in the game at
If one really wants to withdraw from a game, one withdraws upwards
towards peace, timelessness, creatorship and no more involvement.
The problem with that is the game will tend to disappear.
If the game has become 'precious' one will try to stop the play in
the middle of the battle field, stop time so to speak, to give one a
time out, some breathing room to think about whether 'this is a good
idea' to be in this game or not. It's an effort to have the game, and
not play it.
That's the qualms.
Of course one's head will go rolling shortly after from inaction
and indecision, since real world games don't much listen to requests for
time outs.
Too many indecisions about playing while remaining in the game,
lead to a kind of 'glue' that eventually becomes spiritual death at
- -400.00 on the tone scale.
That's not body death, that's dead thetan, no more game playing,
not because of peace but because of glue.
Don't worry its not forever, but it is made of 'forevers', in
particular worry about forevers and resistance to forevers, not one of
which actually exist.
Piece of cake to audit, and easy enough to train for.
Get yourself a big marble and put it on the table.
Now say to the marble:
"Contemplate not being a marble."
"Contemplate being a marble."
E/P is marble is back at spirit of play again and knows how to
avoid the qualms and becoming a marble again, unless it should so choose
to do so.
Thus in game playing, how do we expect the universe to act?
Well mostly we expect one of us to win and the other to lose. In
the world of business and competition for survival, either you get the
contract or the other guy does.
In a world where losing a game or causing another to lose a game
can be a death sentence to being able to play forever more, for you, him
or his loved ones, we don't feel good about this, and thus we drop down
from full spirit of play to qualms.
Then of course we lose and the other guy wins.
He who hesitates is quite lost.
As spirits we can try to look for win-win games, but that isn't the
universe of taking care of bodies, where some must win and some must
lose, or else no evolution would take place and the whole world would
die (lose) of over population.
It is possible to do well as a body in a small bubble of the hell
around you, for a while, until others blow the planet to smithereens
with their bigotry, or an asteroid comes in on an unprepared world, or
the sun goes super nova, or the Big Bang dies out or reverts.
So ultimately the game of taking care of the body is a game no one
can win: the game is to see how long you can survive into the certainty
that one day you won't survive anyhow. That's a rough game, enough to
give anyone the willies.
How long can you put off a death sentence?
Nice game.
Personal postulates in a matrix of many personal postulates are by
nature limited, that is how it was intended to be.
But then trying to make things go right in a matrix that is playing
the death sentence game is quite something else.
One at least has to understand that in a matrix of personal
postulates, your postulates about other people's postulates are at least
as important as the end products you are trying to postulate into being.
It may sound crazy but you can change another's mind by postulate
alone a lot easier than you can move the marble on the table.
Unless of course you are auditing it.
One can say that being sub death, trying to take care of bodies,
protect, own, control, worship, sacrifice to, get smiles from them, and
do well by them etc, is an aberrated game, but it is the game that is
being played.
One probably can not withdraw from it, until one has ENTERED it
fully without complaint and re rendered it back into rip roaring spirit
of play, kamikaze and all.
So what if his kids die because you won the contract. You might
consider hiring them before they expire.
But it won't always go that way.
Spirit of play means may the best man win. It means it.
Perhaps then one may well understand the 'ludicrous demise' of
Adore, and be able to leave the game with full appreciation of having
entered it in the first place and grateful for having had the
opportunity to do so, at so many people's expense.
They chose after all, just as you did.
And its not forever, no matter how much they and you believe it is.
Until then one will be stuck playing it.
But in spite of all of the above, the universe does act as we
expect it to.
Thus the final OT VIII question is
"What do you expect (of the future)?"
"Who or what determines that expectation?"
E/P, the universe acts as you expect it to act. :)
But earlier expectations override later expections,
as expected.
======================= http://www.clearing.org ========================
Posted: Sat Jun 23 16:33:25 EDT 2018
Send mail to archive.com saying help
================== http://www.lightlink.com/theproof ===================
Learning implies Learning with Certainty or Learning without Certainty.
Learning across a Distance implies Learning by Being an Effect.
Learning by Being an Effect implies Learning without Certainty.
Therefore, Learning with Certainty implies Learning but
Not by Being an Effect, and not across a Distance.
Version: GnuPG v1.4.5 (GNU/Linux)
HomerWSmith-L mailing list
ADORE320 (fwd)
Hash: SHA1
Corrections and additions made...
The universe acts as you expect it to act.
An expectation is a causal postulate, not an observed
One commits to expectations by acting now on the expectation that
things will happen as you expect them to.
The action now acts as a commitment of good faith that you
actually expect things to turn out that way.
For example, you expect to get a contract to host an $800/month
server. You commit to this expectation by investing in a computer
rack, air conditioning, and electricity. All before you have any idea
of where that server is coming from. You want to be prepared.
Momentarily you doubt that the contract will materialize and now
you have 'wasted' your money by purchasing these resources of
preparedness. That doubt leads to the qualms, should I have or
shouldn't I have?
Also should I continue to invest or not?
The problem is that other's are also expecting the universe to
act in many different ways, mostly negative.
Thus to change the shared universe, one has to change how other's
relate to their own expectations, namely come to consider them cause
rather than learned effect.
This is the observation consideration flip flop.
It is almost impossible to be the only one surviving well in the
world alone, one can do this in dreams, and the waking state is a
dream, but other's postulates rule as well as your own, in both
worlds, more so in the waking dream.
Thus solving this problem of getting the world to act as you
expect it to is an immense undertaking.
Certain understandings are necessary.
If you believe in the "God is Author" theory of existence, then
authorship is not just of stories with characters, but of games and
players of games. God as author creates games, then jumps into them
as character to play them.
There is game creation, game playing, and being a game piece.
What game would be worth creating?
What game would be worth playing?
What game would be worth being a piece in?
If a game is worth playing, does one have to win it to make it
so? Can a game be worth *PLAYING* without concern about winning or
To the mortal meatball or hell bound, most games of survival are
games of winning the right to continue playing games at all. Death
for most is not only loss of present game, but loss FOREVER of all
games period.
Once the survival of games to play is at stake, games become
serious. Once the survival of games is at stake FOREVER, then games
become serious FOREVER.
It might be said that there are only 4 tones on the tone scale.
1.) Peace
2.) Spirit of Play
3.) Qualms
4.) Death
Peace is the authorship state, the game creator state.
Spirit of play is the play state. Spirit of play is a full out,
no holds barred, no thought for the future, may the best man win
Qualms is the wondering if one wants to play.
Death results from qualms.
There are two ways to leave a game, go up towards peace or down
towards death. Death is basically a mesh of excuses as to why one can
not play but must play.
All games involve indecisions about what to DO, these are fine.
The qualms is an indecision if one should PLAY or be in the game at
If one really wants to withdraw from a game, one withdraws upwards
towards peace, timelessness, creatorship and no more involvement.
The problem with that is the game will tend to disappear.
If the game has become 'precious' one will try to stop the play
in the middle of the battle field, stop time so to speak, to give one
a time out, some breathing room to think about whether 'this is a good
idea' to be in this game or not. It's an effort to have the game, and
not play it.
That's the qualms.
Of course one's head will go rolling shortly after from inaction
and indecision, since real world games don't much listen to requests
for time outs.
Too many indecisions about playing while remaining in the game,
lead to a kind of 'glue' that eventually becomes spiritual death at
- -400.00 on the tone scale.
That's not body death, that's dead thetan, no more game playing,
not because of peace but because of glue.
Don't worry its not forever, but it is made of 'forevers', in
particular worry about forevers and resistance to forevers, not one of
which actually exist.
Piece of cake to audit, and easy enough to train for.
Get yourself a big marble and put it on the table.
Now say to the marble,
"Contemplate being a marble."
"Contemplate not being a marble."
E/P is marble is back at spirit of play again and knows how to
avoid the qualms and becoming a marble again, unless it should so choose
to do so.
Thus in game playing, how do we expect the universe to act?
Well mostly we expect one of us to win and the other to lose. In
the world of business and competition for survival, either you get the
contract or the other guy does.
In a world where losing a game or causing another to lose a game
can be a death sentence to being able to play forever more, for you, him
or his loved ones, we don't feel good about this, and thus we drop down
from full spirit of play to qualms.
Then of course we lose and the other guy wins.
He who hesitates is quite lost.
As spirits we can try to look for win-win games, but that isn't
the universe of taking care of bodies, where some must win and some
must lose, or else no evolution would take place and the whole world
would die (lose) of over population.
It is possible to do well as a body in a small bubble of the hell
around you, for a while, until others blow the planet to smithereens
with their bigotry, or an asteroid comes in on an unprepared world, or
the sun goes super nova, or the Big Band dies out or reverts.
So ultimately the game of taking care of the body is a game no
one can win: the game is to see how long you can survive into the
certainty that one day you won't survive anyhow. That's a rough game,
enough to give anyone the willies.
How long can you put off a death sentence?
Nice game.
Personal postulates in a matrix of many personal postulates are
by nature limited, it is how it was intended to be.
But then trying to making things go right in a matrix that is
playing the death sentence game is quite something else.
One at least has to understand that in a matrix of personal
postulates, your postulates about other people's postulates are at
least as important as the end products you are trying to postulate
into being.
It may sound crazy but you can change another's mind by postulate
alone a lot easier than you can move the marble on the table.
Unless of course you are auditing it.
One can say that being sub death, trying to take care of bodies,
protect, own, control, worship, sacrifice to,
and do well by them etc, is
an aberrated game, but it is the game that is being played.
One probably can not withdraw from it, until one has ENTERED it
fully without complaint and re rendered it back into rip roaring
spirit of play, kamikaze and all.
So what if his kids die because you won the contract. You might
consider hiring them before they expire.
But it won't always go that way.
Spirit of play means may the best man win. It means it.
Perhaps then one may well understand the 'ludicrous demise' of
Adore, and be able to leave the game with full appreciation of having
entered it in the first place and grateful for having had the
opportunity to do so, at so many people's expense.
They chose after all, just as you did.
And its not forever, no matter how much they and you believe
it is.
Until then one will be stuck playing it.
But in spite of all of the above, the universe does act as we
expect it to.
Thus the final OT VIII question is
"What do you expect (of the future)?"
"Who or what determines that expectation?"
E/P, the universe acts as you expect it to act. :)
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
Homer Wilson Smith The Paths of Lovers Art Matrix - Lightlink
(607) 277-0959 KC2ITF Cross Internet Access, Ithaca NY
homer@lightlink.com In the Line of Duty http://www.lightlink.com
Thu Mar 16 16:18:31 EST 2006
================ http://www.clearing.org ====================
Sat Jun 23 12:00:02 EDT 2018
WEB: http://www.clearing.org
BLOG: http://adoretheproof.blogspot.org
FTP: ftp://ftp.lightlink.com/pub/archive/homer/adore320.memo
Send mail to archive@lightlink.com saying help in body
=========== http://www.lightlink.com/theproof ===============
Learning implies Learning with Certainty or Learning without Certainty.
Learning across a Distance implies Learning by Being an Effect.
Learning by Being an Effect implies Learning without Certainty.
Therefore, Learning with Certainty implies Learning,
but not by Being an Effect, and not across a Distance.
Version: GnuPG v1.4.5 (GNU/Linux)
HomerWSmith-L mailing list
Hash: SHA1
Corrections and additions made...
The universe acts as you expect it to act.
An expectation is a causal postulate, not an observed
One commits to expectations by acting now on the expectation that
things will happen as you expect them to.
The action now acts as a commitment of good faith that you
actually expect things to turn out that way.
For example, you expect to get a contract to host an $800/month
server. You commit to this expectation by investing in a computer
rack, air conditioning, and electricity. All before you have any idea
of where that server is coming from. You want to be prepared.
Momentarily you doubt that the contract will materialize and now
you have 'wasted' your money by purchasing these resources of
preparedness. That doubt leads to the qualms, should I have or
shouldn't I have?
Also should I continue to invest or not?
The problem is that other's are also expecting the universe to
act in many different ways, mostly negative.
Thus to change the shared universe, one has to change how other's
relate to their own expectations, namely come to consider them cause
rather than learned effect.
This is the observation consideration flip flop.
It is almost impossible to be the only one surviving well in the
world alone, one can do this in dreams, and the waking state is a
dream, but other's postulates rule as well as your own, in both
worlds, more so in the waking dream.
Thus solving this problem of getting the world to act as you
expect it to is an immense undertaking.
Certain understandings are necessary.
If you believe in the "God is Author" theory of existence, then
authorship is not just of stories with characters, but of games and
players of games. God as author creates games, then jumps into them
as character to play them.
There is game creation, game playing, and being a game piece.
What game would be worth creating?
What game would be worth playing?
What game would be worth being a piece in?
If a game is worth playing, does one have to win it to make it
so? Can a game be worth *PLAYING* without concern about winning or
To the mortal meatball or hell bound, most games of survival are
games of winning the right to continue playing games at all. Death
for most is not only loss of present game, but loss FOREVER of all
games period.
Once the survival of games to play is at stake, games become
serious. Once the survival of games is at stake FOREVER, then games
become serious FOREVER.
It might be said that there are only 4 tones on the tone scale.
1.) Peace
2.) Spirit of Play
3.) Qualms
4.) Death
Peace is the authorship state, the game creator state.
Spirit of play is the play state. Spirit of play is a full out,
no holds barred, no thought for the future, may the best man win
Qualms is the wondering if one wants to play.
Death results from qualms.
There are two ways to leave a game, go up towards peace or down
towards death. Death is basically a mesh of excuses as to why one can
not play but must play.
All games involve indecisions about what to DO, these are fine.
The qualms is an indecision if one should PLAY or be in the game at
If one really wants to withdraw from a game, one withdraws upwards
towards peace, timelessness, creatorship and no more involvement.
The problem with that is the game will tend to disappear.
If the game has become 'precious' one will try to stop the play
in the middle of the battle field, stop time so to speak, to give one
a time out, some breathing room to think about whether 'this is a good
idea' to be in this game or not. It's an effort to have the game, and
not play it.
That's the qualms.
Of course one's head will go rolling shortly after from inaction
and indecision, since real world games don't much listen to requests
for time outs.
Too many indecisions about playing while remaining in the game,
lead to a kind of 'glue' that eventually becomes spiritual death at
- -400.00 on the tone scale.
That's not body death, that's dead thetan, no more game playing,
not because of peace but because of glue.
Don't worry its not forever, but it is made of 'forevers', in
particular worry about forevers and resistance to forevers, not one of
which actually exist.
Piece of cake to audit, and easy enough to train for.
Get yourself a big marble and put it on the table.
Now say to the marble,
"Contemplate being a marble."
"Contemplate not being a marble."
E/P is marble is back at spirit of play again and knows how to
avoid the qualms and becoming a marble again, unless it should so choose
to do so.
Thus in game playing, how do we expect the universe to act?
Well mostly we expect one of us to win and the other to lose. In
the world of business and competition for survival, either you get the
contract or the other guy does.
In a world where losing a game or causing another to lose a game
can be a death sentence to being able to play forever more, for you, him
or his loved ones, we don't feel good about this, and thus we drop down
from full spirit of play to qualms.
Then of course we lose and the other guy wins.
He who hesitates is quite lost.
As spirits we can try to look for win-win games, but that isn't
the universe of taking care of bodies, where some must win and some
must lose, or else no evolution would take place and the whole world
would die (lose) of over population.
It is possible to do well as a body in a small bubble of the hell
around you, for a while, until others blow the planet to smithereens
with their bigotry, or an asteroid comes in on an unprepared world, or
the sun goes super nova, or the Big Band dies out or reverts.
So ultimately the game of taking care of the body is a game no
one can win: the game is to see how long you can survive into the
certainty that one day you won't survive anyhow. That's a rough game,
enough to give anyone the willies.
How long can you put off a death sentence?
Nice game.
Personal postulates in a matrix of many personal postulates are
by nature limited, it is how it was intended to be.
But then trying to making things go right in a matrix that is
playing the death sentence game is quite something else.
One at least has to understand that in a matrix of personal
postulates, your postulates about other people's postulates are at
least as important as the end products you are trying to postulate
into being.
It may sound crazy but you can change another's mind by postulate
alone a lot easier than you can move the marble on the table.
Unless of course you are auditing it.
One can say that being sub death, trying to take care of bodies,
protect, own, control, worship, sacrifice to,
and do well by them etc, is
an aberrated game, but it is the game that is being played.
One probably can not withdraw from it, until one has ENTERED it
fully without complaint and re rendered it back into rip roaring
spirit of play, kamikaze and all.
So what if his kids die because you won the contract. You might
consider hiring them before they expire.
But it won't always go that way.
Spirit of play means may the best man win. It means it.
Perhaps then one may well understand the 'ludicrous demise' of
Adore, and be able to leave the game with full appreciation of having
entered it in the first place and grateful for having had the
opportunity to do so, at so many people's expense.
They chose after all, just as you did.
And its not forever, no matter how much they and you believe
it is.
Until then one will be stuck playing it.
But in spite of all of the above, the universe does act as we
expect it to.
Thus the final OT VIII question is
"What do you expect (of the future)?"
"Who or what determines that expectation?"
E/P, the universe acts as you expect it to act. :)
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
Homer Wilson Smith The Paths of Lovers Art Matrix - Lightlink
(607) 277-0959 KC2ITF Cross Internet Access, Ithaca NY
homer@lightlink.com In the Line of Duty http://www.lightlink.com
Thu Mar 16 16:18:31 EST 2006
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Sat Jun 23 12:00:02 EDT 2018
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Learning implies Learning with Certainty or Learning without Certainty.
Learning across a Distance implies Learning by Being an Effect.
Learning by Being an Effect implies Learning without Certainty.
Therefore, Learning with Certainty implies Learning,
but not by Being an Effect, and not across a Distance.
Version: GnuPG v1.4.5 (GNU/Linux)
HomerWSmith-L mailing list
Tuesday, June 19, 2018
ADORE921 (fwd)
Hash: SHA1
I am asked below to define what TO RUN means.
First we need to word clear the standard terms
Scientifically a process is a change of state or a series of
changes of state, such as the process of energy escaping from the main
spring of a clock through the escapement mechanism as it winds down.
To process is to put something through a process, or a series of
changes of state. To process food for example, by homogenizing it,
chopping it up, exposing to ultra violet etc. The end result is more
desirable than the original raw state.
To process a human case, as in a preclear, we get the preclear to
engage in a series of actions, either physical, emotional, mental, or
spiritual, that cause charge to come to the surface for inspection,
reevaluation and thus erasure.
Any particular series of actions that a preclear is requested to
perform towards this goal is called 'a process', as it puts the preclear
though changes in state toward a better end.
To 'run' a process comes from the term to run a program on a
computer. Again a computer program is a series of instructions causing
the computer to engage in various actions like adding numbers, putting
them here and there, printing them out etc.
A program for a computer is very much like a program for a
preclear, a series of actions the computer or preclear are requested to
do in order to change their own state or the state of something else.
Thus we 'run a program' on a computer, or we 'run a process on a
preclear', or the preclear runs a process on charge in his bank. We are
processing the preclear or the preclear's bank, by engaging in a series
of actions which bring about a series of changes in the preclear or his
bank (of charge) to a better end, which is the E/P or End Phenomenon of
the process.
When we say run a process, or run an incident, or run the preclear
on an incident, or simply to run 'an item', we are talking about
applying the appropriate action in the appropriate way to the situation
in order to produce case gain.
An item is any idea, person, place or thing that a preclear might
have charge on.
Mother is an item, so is anger, fear, sorrow or apathy.
Goals are items, to be worthwhile, for example.
An item is just about ANYTHING that might have charge on it, or
lead into an area of charge.
An incident is a period of time when charge was built up with
various items in the incident.
A terminal is a PERSON in the incident or the preclear's life.
Thus the term 'run X' is very broadly used, and generally means 'to
do what is right' to handle and erase charge on X.
One runs a process in until no more change comes from it, or the
preclear has a significant cognition about the item or area being
processed, and is feeling better.
The most basic process is simply to spot the item over and over.
"Spot how you feel about your eternal future."
Or to get the idea of:
"Get the idea of being Mortal."
"Get the idea of being Immortal." (has one time line forever in
"Get the idea of being Eternal." (outside of time lines.)
For those who are heavily into not-isness, making nothing of charge
via force, denial, and blackness, an item might seem to have no charge
on it or be unapproachable.
So then we add NO AND SOME to the item being run in order to get
the preclear to run out the NOT ISING of the item, then run some of the
item, then the not ising of the item, then some of the item, back and
"Spot NO sorrow over mother's death."
"Spot SOME sorrow over mother's death."
If the preclear is suffering to death on an item, we add in AND to
really get at what the preclear is doing to drive himself crazy.
"Get the idea of not wanting to live forever (in time) AND
not wanting to die forever (in time.)"
"Get the idea of wanting to die forever AND wanting to live forever
at the same time."
Some preclear's may need NO and SOME added into AND!
"Get the idea of NO [wanting to die forever AND wanting to live
forever at the same time]."
"Get the idea of SOME [wanting to die forever AND wanting to live
forever at the same time]."
Serious charge in the bank has 'tricks' of unavailability to the
preclear's attempt to audit it, and this results in the apparency of
Say your preclear is a 'nothing there' case.
"Get the idea there is nothing there."
"Get the idea there is something there."
Say your preclear is a 'no one there' case.
"Get the idea there is no one there."
"Get the idea there is some one there."
If he is really crazy and he is running NOTHING AND SOMETHING, you
gotta run the same thing.
'Get the idea there is nothing there AND something there at the
same time forever.'
'Get the idea there is no one there AND some one there at the
same time forever.'
Running NO and SOME and AND on the unauditable item is usually
enough to break it open.
He wants to live and die at the same time, but he has not-ised that
to a point where if you say 'Tell me an AND', he will say "What AND?"
So you run,
"Get the idea of NO AND."
"Get the idea of SOME AND."
Assuming he knows what an AND is, 20 minutes of that will pop the
next AND into his face and make it ready to run.
Remember an AND is not an indecision, should I go left, should I go
right. That's an OR, and even though it may never stop, it doesn't use
up all his energy, just all his time :)
An AND is a decision to go BOTH LEFT AND RIGHT, and he puts his
full OT power into doing both and thus goes nowhere while burning his
thetan jets bright white.
If he is running an AND on to look and not look, he will be pushing
infinitely hard to not see, and pulling infinitely hard to see at the
same time forever.
This forms a mucky clay in front of his face which eventually shows
up as an impenetrable 'nothing there'. He can't put his attention in
it, on it or around it.
HE DOESN'T HAVE ANY ATTENTION LEFT, its all eaten up by the total
effort to push and pull at the same time.
Or to push left and push right at the same time.
Or whatever, ANDS always involve full power, and FORCE AND EFFORT
against each other to produce no motion and no change.
Fully running out the operating AND's on the case will produce
permanent relief beyond one's wildest imagination. But there are a lot
of them, and they are DEADLY, each and every one, and he has about 20 of
them or more that need to be spotted and run to relief.
He is basically trying to GO AND NOT GO in everything in his life.
Running out ALL ANDS from a case produces a being who is no longer
crazy (by definition), and who can feel and operate smoothly again or
not depending on the color of sunset or the mood of the moment which HE
paints on things, not his craziness.
A being filled with ANDS, is always going AND not going, going AND
not going, 24 hours a day, awake or asleep.
He may be going 51 percent and not going 49 percent, so it might
seem he is moving forward, but he is driving with the brakes on, both
pedals to the metal.
And he's always asking a whole mess of questions he is terrified of
knowing the answers to, TO KNOW AND NOT KNOW, TO LEARN AND NOT LEARN, TO
REMEMBER AND NOT REMEMBER, its just on and on, one creates and lives in
one's own hell by being and doing this way.
You can always tell such a preclear by the smell of smoking brakes
and exhaust that pervades his thetan space :)
Outwardly he will tell you he is a black V, inwardly he is white
hot from self generated friction.
What a black V can't see or originate about IS HIS FUTURE.
He thinks it is his past that is bothering him, but it isn't, its
his present time headed right off the rails into the future just a ways
down the track. He will even tell you how long to inexorable disaster.
A black V has no future, because he both wants a future and doesn't
want a future at the same time forever and ever Amen.
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
Homer Wilson Smith Clean Air, Clear Water, Art Matrix - Lightlink
(607) 277-0959 A Green Earth, and Peace, Internet, Ithaca NY
homer@lightlink.com Is that too much to ask? http://www.lightlink.com
> Homer,
> I read the article on "Unauditabilty" and wondered if you could explain the
> term "run" a little more. I have read this word in your previous articles
> and still do not completely understand what we are doing when we run a
> situation. I get the process of "some" and "none" in a run but what is the
> ultimate goal of the "some" and "none" in the audit? Is the run the
> attempt to alleviate the charge from whatever is being run?
Mon Nov 26 20:38:53 EST 2012
================ http://www.clearing.org ====================
Tue Jun 19 12:00:02 EDT 2018
WEB: http://www.clearing.org
BLOG: http://adoretheproof.blogspot.org
FTP: ftp://ftp.lightlink.com/pub/archive/homer/adore921.memo
Send mail to archive@lightlink.com saying help in body
=========== http://www.lightlink.com/theproof ===============
Learning implies Learning with Certainty or Learning without Certainty.
Learning across a Distance implies Learning by Being an Effect.
Learning by Being an Effect implies Learning without Certainty.
Therefore, Learning with Certainty implies Learning,
but not by Being an Effect, and not across a Distance.
Version: GnuPG v1.4.5 (GNU/Linux)
HomerWSmith-L mailing list
Hash: SHA1
I am asked below to define what TO RUN means.
First we need to word clear the standard terms
Scientifically a process is a change of state or a series of
changes of state, such as the process of energy escaping from the main
spring of a clock through the escapement mechanism as it winds down.
To process is to put something through a process, or a series of
changes of state. To process food for example, by homogenizing it,
chopping it up, exposing to ultra violet etc. The end result is more
desirable than the original raw state.
To process a human case, as in a preclear, we get the preclear to
engage in a series of actions, either physical, emotional, mental, or
spiritual, that cause charge to come to the surface for inspection,
reevaluation and thus erasure.
Any particular series of actions that a preclear is requested to
perform towards this goal is called 'a process', as it puts the preclear
though changes in state toward a better end.
To 'run' a process comes from the term to run a program on a
computer. Again a computer program is a series of instructions causing
the computer to engage in various actions like adding numbers, putting
them here and there, printing them out etc.
A program for a computer is very much like a program for a
preclear, a series of actions the computer or preclear are requested to
do in order to change their own state or the state of something else.
Thus we 'run a program' on a computer, or we 'run a process on a
preclear', or the preclear runs a process on charge in his bank. We are
processing the preclear or the preclear's bank, by engaging in a series
of actions which bring about a series of changes in the preclear or his
bank (of charge) to a better end, which is the E/P or End Phenomenon of
the process.
When we say run a process, or run an incident, or run the preclear
on an incident, or simply to run 'an item', we are talking about
applying the appropriate action in the appropriate way to the situation
in order to produce case gain.
An item is any idea, person, place or thing that a preclear might
have charge on.
Mother is an item, so is anger, fear, sorrow or apathy.
Goals are items, to be worthwhile, for example.
An item is just about ANYTHING that might have charge on it, or
lead into an area of charge.
An incident is a period of time when charge was built up with
various items in the incident.
A terminal is a PERSON in the incident or the preclear's life.
Thus the term 'run X' is very broadly used, and generally means 'to
do what is right' to handle and erase charge on X.
One runs a process in until no more change comes from it, or the
preclear has a significant cognition about the item or area being
processed, and is feeling better.
The most basic process is simply to spot the item over and over.
"Spot how you feel about your eternal future."
Or to get the idea of:
"Get the idea of being Mortal."
"Get the idea of being Immortal." (has one time line forever in
"Get the idea of being Eternal." (outside of time lines.)
For those who are heavily into not-isness, making nothing of charge
via force, denial, and blackness, an item might seem to have no charge
on it or be unapproachable.
So then we add NO AND SOME to the item being run in order to get
the preclear to run out the NOT ISING of the item, then run some of the
item, then the not ising of the item, then some of the item, back and
"Spot NO sorrow over mother's death."
"Spot SOME sorrow over mother's death."
If the preclear is suffering to death on an item, we add in AND to
really get at what the preclear is doing to drive himself crazy.
"Get the idea of not wanting to live forever (in time) AND
not wanting to die forever (in time.)"
"Get the idea of wanting to die forever AND wanting to live forever
at the same time."
Some preclear's may need NO and SOME added into AND!
"Get the idea of NO [wanting to die forever AND wanting to live
forever at the same time]."
"Get the idea of SOME [wanting to die forever AND wanting to live
forever at the same time]."
Serious charge in the bank has 'tricks' of unavailability to the
preclear's attempt to audit it, and this results in the apparency of
Say your preclear is a 'nothing there' case.
"Get the idea there is nothing there."
"Get the idea there is something there."
Say your preclear is a 'no one there' case.
"Get the idea there is no one there."
"Get the idea there is some one there."
If he is really crazy and he is running NOTHING AND SOMETHING, you
gotta run the same thing.
'Get the idea there is nothing there AND something there at the
same time forever.'
'Get the idea there is no one there AND some one there at the
same time forever.'
Running NO and SOME and AND on the unauditable item is usually
enough to break it open.
He wants to live and die at the same time, but he has not-ised that
to a point where if you say 'Tell me an AND', he will say "What AND?"
So you run,
"Get the idea of NO AND."
"Get the idea of SOME AND."
Assuming he knows what an AND is, 20 minutes of that will pop the
next AND into his face and make it ready to run.
Remember an AND is not an indecision, should I go left, should I go
right. That's an OR, and even though it may never stop, it doesn't use
up all his energy, just all his time :)
An AND is a decision to go BOTH LEFT AND RIGHT, and he puts his
full OT power into doing both and thus goes nowhere while burning his
thetan jets bright white.
If he is running an AND on to look and not look, he will be pushing
infinitely hard to not see, and pulling infinitely hard to see at the
same time forever.
This forms a mucky clay in front of his face which eventually shows
up as an impenetrable 'nothing there'. He can't put his attention in
it, on it or around it.
HE DOESN'T HAVE ANY ATTENTION LEFT, its all eaten up by the total
effort to push and pull at the same time.
Or to push left and push right at the same time.
Or whatever, ANDS always involve full power, and FORCE AND EFFORT
against each other to produce no motion and no change.
Fully running out the operating AND's on the case will produce
permanent relief beyond one's wildest imagination. But there are a lot
of them, and they are DEADLY, each and every one, and he has about 20 of
them or more that need to be spotted and run to relief.
He is basically trying to GO AND NOT GO in everything in his life.
Running out ALL ANDS from a case produces a being who is no longer
crazy (by definition), and who can feel and operate smoothly again or
not depending on the color of sunset or the mood of the moment which HE
paints on things, not his craziness.
A being filled with ANDS, is always going AND not going, going AND
not going, 24 hours a day, awake or asleep.
He may be going 51 percent and not going 49 percent, so it might
seem he is moving forward, but he is driving with the brakes on, both
pedals to the metal.
And he's always asking a whole mess of questions he is terrified of
knowing the answers to, TO KNOW AND NOT KNOW, TO LEARN AND NOT LEARN, TO
REMEMBER AND NOT REMEMBER, its just on and on, one creates and lives in
one's own hell by being and doing this way.
You can always tell such a preclear by the smell of smoking brakes
and exhaust that pervades his thetan space :)
Outwardly he will tell you he is a black V, inwardly he is white
hot from self generated friction.
What a black V can't see or originate about IS HIS FUTURE.
He thinks it is his past that is bothering him, but it isn't, its
his present time headed right off the rails into the future just a ways
down the track. He will even tell you how long to inexorable disaster.
A black V has no future, because he both wants a future and doesn't
want a future at the same time forever and ever Amen.
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
Homer Wilson Smith Clean Air, Clear Water, Art Matrix - Lightlink
(607) 277-0959 A Green Earth, and Peace, Internet, Ithaca NY
homer@lightlink.com Is that too much to ask? http://www.lightlink.com
> Homer,
> I read the article on "Unauditabilty" and wondered if you could explain the
> term "run" a little more. I have read this word in your previous articles
> and still do not completely understand what we are doing when we run a
> situation. I get the process of "some" and "none" in a run but what is the
> ultimate goal of the "some" and "none" in the audit? Is the run the
> attempt to alleviate the charge from whatever is being run?
Mon Nov 26 20:38:53 EST 2012
================ http://www.clearing.org ====================
Tue Jun 19 12:00:02 EDT 2018
WEB: http://www.clearing.org
BLOG: http://adoretheproof.blogspot.org
FTP: ftp://ftp.lightlink.com/pub/archive/homer/adore921.memo
Send mail to archive@lightlink.com saying help in body
=========== http://www.lightlink.com/theproof ===============
Learning implies Learning with Certainty or Learning without Certainty.
Learning across a Distance implies Learning by Being an Effect.
Learning by Being an Effect implies Learning without Certainty.
Therefore, Learning with Certainty implies Learning,
but not by Being an Effect, and not across a Distance.
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