Hash: SHA1
I guess in part what drives me crazy about people claiming to be
perfectly certain of things that are wrong is they have separated the
state of certainty from the object that the certainty is about.
In other words they are claiming certainty to a truth that they
can not check out.
For example I present you with a black box and I say "There is a
red card inside this box."
If I ask you what is in the box, and you say a red card, and I
ask how do you know, you would say "Well Homer told me and he is
trustable etc."
But that's not a CHECKABLE CERTAINTY, because there is no
*DIRECT* connection between the observer and the card in the box.
Homer could be lying or be mistaken himself.
Even if God came down and TOLD you there is a red card in the
box, you still wouldn't have CHECKABLE CERTAINTY because again there
is no direct perception of the card in the box. Even God could be
lying. Even if God COULDN'T lie and you were certain of that, you
still wouldn't have direct checkable certainty of the card in the box.
Now we open the box and you look at the card. You can SEE it is
red, how can you doubt what you see? You can say it might be a
hallucination, there might not be a card there, you might be dreaming,
but we arn't talking about 'the card', we are talking about what you
If you SEE a red card, you can then say "Yes I SEE A RED CARD, of
this I am certain."
Now this certainty is not just a belief, an arbitrary or willfully
chosen state of mind in the being, the certainty is CHECKABLE, the
certainty has a direct CAUSAL relationship to the experience being
The knowledge gleaned and what the knowledge is about have a direct
causal link between them which itself can be seen!
The observer and the observed are related by CAUSATION, the red
experience is causally responsible for knowing that it is red, the
observer isn't just being TOLD that it is red, he SEES it is red.
Do you see the difference?
So when we talk about perfect certainties, we aren't talking about
a mere state of mind concerning a truth, but a state of causal
connection between the observer and the observed, between the certainty
and what the certainty is about, allowing us to check the certainty for
its truth continuously in real present time.
This is what makes the certainty perfect, can not be wrong etc,
the real time causal connection is there and the being can SEE it is
The certainty is 'check-out-able'.
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
Homer Wilson Smith Clean Air, Clear Water, Art Matrix - Lightlink
(607) 277-0959 A Green Earth and Peace. Internet Access, Ithaca NY
homer@lightlink.com Is that too much to ask? http://www.lightlink.com
================ http://www.clearing.org ====================
Wed Aug 29 12:00:01 EDT 2018
WEB: http://www.clearing.org
BLOG: http://adoretheproof.blogspot.org
FTP: ftp://ftp.lightlink.com/pub/archive/homer/logic26.memo
Send mail to archive@lightlink.com saying help in body
=========== http://www.lightlink.com/theproof ===============
Learning implies Learning with Certainty or Learning without Certainty.
Learning across a Distance implies Learning by Being an Effect.
Learning by Being an Effect implies Learning without Certainty.
Therefore, Learning with Certainty implies Learning,
but not by Being an Effect, and not across a Distance.
Version: GnuPG v1.4.5 (GNU/Linux)
HomerWSmith-L mailing list
Wednesday, August 29, 2018
Sunday, August 26, 2018
ECO1 (fwd)
Hash: SHA1
> But Homer, shopping, and indeed all economic life, is about more than just
> where to buy cheap underwear. It's about the interaction with the clerk
> and other shoppers, about knowing the person who is getting your dollars
> and having some sense they will maintain a store that supports the kidn of
> lifestyle their shoppers appreciate.
Some shopping is, but most isn't. Most people go for the lowest
price and the most convenience.
> Also intelligent shoppers think about supporting the stores and
> institutions that can support them. The cheapest lumber might come from
> clearcuts without replanting, but in the long run this is very expensive
> wood indeed.
Intelligence on Earth is a very scarce commodity.
Depending on intelligence to keep your store thriving is not a
good business plan.
Most people are scraping along, they live in fear, their bottom
line is the only 'quality' of service they care about.
Stores owners can sit there and be righteous all they want about
how their's is the better product because there is a real person
behind the counter, and they can blame the boogies out on the street
for the decline in their business, but they are fooling themselves.
Business has gone elsewhere in droves and at multiple levels for
reasons they can't even begin to comprehend because they don't even
know how to use those new modes of business themselves, including the
> If you were smart (the jury is still out on this), you'd shop with
> the people who subscribe to your services and give them the space to be
> able to keep you in business.
This is not logical. I provide lightlink so that local people
may advertise their wares all over the planet. I expect them and
myself to shop that global market also, otherwise we show only
hypocricy by asking the world to buy from us, but we won't buy from
Lightlink sells its services to a global market also, it is not
dependent on the local one and it would be utterly foolish to ever let
itself become so dependent. Time Warner alone will demolish our local
dialup access business in the ensuing months after Road Runner comes
Not all the catering in the world to local businesses will save
us from that ruin.
The internet changes the definition of 'local' to global.
In the past the isolation of local areas has provided a form of
protectionism from competition from the rest of the world. The
internet blows through all that and is the great leveler. Those who
can't compete with the whole world, those who thrived by grace of that
protectionism, may perish unless they jetison the righteous attitude
and stay caught up with the times.
Perhaps you see the internet itself as the enemy of local
shopping, just as some see Fane, malls and big business as a similar
In which case it may turn out that I represent the bad guys in
this scenario.
I on the other hand see many local shops as a dying breed, they
are being replaced by malls and by global internet and mail order
shopping. What will replace them are small home businesses with new
products in information and services and education, also specialty
items just forming a new market.
Christ, we grossed $186,000 worth of fractals in 1993 out of our
own home and that was about the stupidest product I ever saw! We
survived by selling to a global market and we didn't even use the
If you are going to make people guilty for buying and selling
into a global market, then I want none of it.
It is unfortunate when major changes hit a civilization and a new
paradigm starts to take place that some people can't evolve into the
new climate.
My purpose here is to help people prosper and flourish in that
new paradigm. My purpose is not to protect the old paradigm at the
expense of the new one. If people from the old paradigm wish to
extend themselves into the new one to benefit from it, then I will be
happy to help them too.
> And you'd be careful not to drive people
> off this list by learning to listen perhaps a little better.
I have driven no one off this list.
And I have attracted into my personal space *MANY* friends who
now know that I think as they do.
As for not listening Ed, is there something I have not heard
except that I am the most amazing bad guy anyone has ever seen around
> Ed Franquemont
================ http://www.clearing.org ====================
Sat Aug 25 12:00:02 EDT 2018
WEB: http://www.clearing.org
BLOG: http://adoretheproof.blogspot.org
FTP: ftp://ftp.lightlink.com/pub/archive/homer/eco1.memo
Send mail to archive@lightlink.com saying help in body
=========== http://www.lightlink.com/theproof ===============
Learning implies Learning with Certainty or Learning without Certainty.
Learning across a Distance implies Learning by Being an Effect.
Learning by Being an Effect implies Learning without Certainty.
Therefore, Learning with Certainty implies Learning,
but not by Being an Effect, and not across a Distance.
Version: GnuPG v1.4.5 (GNU/Linux)
HomerWSmith-L mailing list
Hash: SHA1
> But Homer, shopping, and indeed all economic life, is about more than just
> where to buy cheap underwear. It's about the interaction with the clerk
> and other shoppers, about knowing the person who is getting your dollars
> and having some sense they will maintain a store that supports the kidn of
> lifestyle their shoppers appreciate.
Some shopping is, but most isn't. Most people go for the lowest
price and the most convenience.
> Also intelligent shoppers think about supporting the stores and
> institutions that can support them. The cheapest lumber might come from
> clearcuts without replanting, but in the long run this is very expensive
> wood indeed.
Intelligence on Earth is a very scarce commodity.
Depending on intelligence to keep your store thriving is not a
good business plan.
Most people are scraping along, they live in fear, their bottom
line is the only 'quality' of service they care about.
Stores owners can sit there and be righteous all they want about
how their's is the better product because there is a real person
behind the counter, and they can blame the boogies out on the street
for the decline in their business, but they are fooling themselves.
Business has gone elsewhere in droves and at multiple levels for
reasons they can't even begin to comprehend because they don't even
know how to use those new modes of business themselves, including the
> If you were smart (the jury is still out on this), you'd shop with
> the people who subscribe to your services and give them the space to be
> able to keep you in business.
This is not logical. I provide lightlink so that local people
may advertise their wares all over the planet. I expect them and
myself to shop that global market also, otherwise we show only
hypocricy by asking the world to buy from us, but we won't buy from
Lightlink sells its services to a global market also, it is not
dependent on the local one and it would be utterly foolish to ever let
itself become so dependent. Time Warner alone will demolish our local
dialup access business in the ensuing months after Road Runner comes
Not all the catering in the world to local businesses will save
us from that ruin.
The internet changes the definition of 'local' to global.
In the past the isolation of local areas has provided a form of
protectionism from competition from the rest of the world. The
internet blows through all that and is the great leveler. Those who
can't compete with the whole world, those who thrived by grace of that
protectionism, may perish unless they jetison the righteous attitude
and stay caught up with the times.
Perhaps you see the internet itself as the enemy of local
shopping, just as some see Fane, malls and big business as a similar
In which case it may turn out that I represent the bad guys in
this scenario.
I on the other hand see many local shops as a dying breed, they
are being replaced by malls and by global internet and mail order
shopping. What will replace them are small home businesses with new
products in information and services and education, also specialty
items just forming a new market.
Christ, we grossed $186,000 worth of fractals in 1993 out of our
own home and that was about the stupidest product I ever saw! We
survived by selling to a global market and we didn't even use the
If you are going to make people guilty for buying and selling
into a global market, then I want none of it.
It is unfortunate when major changes hit a civilization and a new
paradigm starts to take place that some people can't evolve into the
new climate.
My purpose here is to help people prosper and flourish in that
new paradigm. My purpose is not to protect the old paradigm at the
expense of the new one. If people from the old paradigm wish to
extend themselves into the new one to benefit from it, then I will be
happy to help them too.
> And you'd be careful not to drive people
> off this list by learning to listen perhaps a little better.
I have driven no one off this list.
And I have attracted into my personal space *MANY* friends who
now know that I think as they do.
As for not listening Ed, is there something I have not heard
except that I am the most amazing bad guy anyone has ever seen around
> Ed Franquemont
================ http://www.clearing.org ====================
Sat Aug 25 12:00:02 EDT 2018
WEB: http://www.clearing.org
BLOG: http://adoretheproof.blogspot.org
FTP: ftp://ftp.lightlink.com/pub/archive/homer/eco1.memo
Send mail to archive@lightlink.com saying help in body
=========== http://www.lightlink.com/theproof ===============
Learning implies Learning with Certainty or Learning without Certainty.
Learning across a Distance implies Learning by Being an Effect.
Learning by Being an Effect implies Learning without Certainty.
Therefore, Learning with Certainty implies Learning,
but not by Being an Effect, and not across a Distance.
Version: GnuPG v1.4.5 (GNU/Linux)
HomerWSmith-L mailing list
Wednesday, August 22, 2018
ADORE285 (fwd)
Hash: SHA1
acw (wisdom@cyberstation.net) wrote:
>Thank god you don't believe in dochotomous behavior as you so
>undichotomously opposed what was written on the subject earlier.
Right, most new age crystal gazers talk about transcending
dicoms, but that's just another dicom, transcended/not trancended.
Adore solves this by claiming there are vertical dicoms and
horizontal dicoms.
Vertical dicoms take the being from Native State to Non Native
State, non manifestation to manifestation, static to kinetic, peace to
worry, no spacetime to spacetime, truth to lies, non persistence to
persistence, humor to sorrow etc. Lots of them.
Horizontal dicoms take place within the manifested side of the
vertical dicoms, love/hate, beauty/ugly, humor/sorrow, good/evil etc.
No Horizontal/Horizontal dicom is a vertical dicom.
The Sword of Excalibur is the two edged sword of ExCaliper and
ExCaliber, and all other dicoms in existence.
The handle has the verticals and the blade has the horizontals.
ExCaliper means without measure, worth beyond measure.
ExCaliber means without worth.
- --
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
Homer Wilson Smith The Paths of Lovers Art Matrix - Lightlink
(607) 277-0959 KC2ITF Cross Internet Access, Ithaca NY
homer@lightlink.com In the Line of Duty http://www.lightlink.com
Tue Sep 13 23:13:23 EDT 2005
================ http://www.clearing.org ====================
Wed Aug 22 12:00:02 EDT 2018
WEB: http://www.clearing.org
BLOG: http://adoretheproof.blogspot.org
FTP: ftp://ftp.lightlink.com/pub/archive/homer/adore285.memo
Send mail to archive@lightlink.com saying help in body
=========== http://www.lightlink.com/theproof ===============
Learning implies Learning with Certainty or Learning without Certainty.
Learning across a Distance implies Learning by Being an Effect.
Learning by Being an Effect implies Learning without Certainty.
Therefore, Learning with Certainty implies Learning,
but not by Being an Effect, and not across a Distance.
Version: GnuPG v1.4.5 (GNU/Linux)
HomerWSmith-L mailing list
Hash: SHA1
acw (wisdom@cyberstation.net) wrote:
>Thank god you don't believe in dochotomous behavior as you so
>undichotomously opposed what was written on the subject earlier.
Right, most new age crystal gazers talk about transcending
dicoms, but that's just another dicom, transcended/not trancended.
Adore solves this by claiming there are vertical dicoms and
horizontal dicoms.
Vertical dicoms take the being from Native State to Non Native
State, non manifestation to manifestation, static to kinetic, peace to
worry, no spacetime to spacetime, truth to lies, non persistence to
persistence, humor to sorrow etc. Lots of them.
Horizontal dicoms take place within the manifested side of the
vertical dicoms, love/hate, beauty/ugly, humor/sorrow, good/evil etc.
No Horizontal/Horizontal dicom is a vertical dicom.
The Sword of Excalibur is the two edged sword of ExCaliper and
ExCaliber, and all other dicoms in existence.
The handle has the verticals and the blade has the horizontals.
ExCaliper means without measure, worth beyond measure.
ExCaliber means without worth.
- --
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
Homer Wilson Smith The Paths of Lovers Art Matrix - Lightlink
(607) 277-0959 KC2ITF Cross Internet Access, Ithaca NY
homer@lightlink.com In the Line of Duty http://www.lightlink.com
Tue Sep 13 23:13:23 EDT 2005
================ http://www.clearing.org ====================
Wed Aug 22 12:00:02 EDT 2018
WEB: http://www.clearing.org
BLOG: http://adoretheproof.blogspot.org
FTP: ftp://ftp.lightlink.com/pub/archive/homer/adore285.memo
Send mail to archive@lightlink.com saying help in body
=========== http://www.lightlink.com/theproof ===============
Learning implies Learning with Certainty or Learning without Certainty.
Learning across a Distance implies Learning by Being an Effect.
Learning by Being an Effect implies Learning without Certainty.
Therefore, Learning with Certainty implies Learning,
but not by Being an Effect, and not across a Distance.
Version: GnuPG v1.4.5 (GNU/Linux)
HomerWSmith-L mailing list
Tuesday, August 21, 2018
ANON (fwd)
I am definitely without question crazier than I think...
Hash: SHA1
First Draft
Comments to:
Homer Wilson Smith
Since the shut down of anon.penet.fi because of anonymous abuses of
the server the availablility of anonymity to various groups has been
severely limited. In my personal opinion this threatens to cause a
significant lowering of the quality of some groups, including but not
limited to alt.religion.scientology.
This is not because anonymous posting has been forbidden in such
groups but only that such posting has stopped because of the
difficulties of getting the anon servers to service the group.
There is a strong debate in news.admin.policy on the subject of how
to determine if a group should be reenabled for anonymous service
through any given anonymous server.
There may still be anonymous servers that are willing to serve all
groups indiscriminately, and of course anyone with the know how and
courage can post via the usual outlaw methods, however I wish to
establish the validity, quality and respectability of anonymous posting
as a general way of doing business, so I have chosen anon.penet.fi as
the target for this proposal and experiment.
Due to the publicity surrounding anon.penet.fi, and the seriousness
of its operator Johan Helsingius (Julf, admin@anon.penet.fi) it will
probably become the standard setting leader in its field along with
those others partaking in the anonymous enterprise. Therefore I have
chosen it as probably the most suited for a highly visible and perhaps
controversial experiment in anonymous posting and voting in a group that
is certainly as hot and as controversial as they come.
Alt.religion.scientology has long suffered from the fear and
trepidation of those who have felt they were not safe to speak, having
left the Church often on bad terms with a large, financially rich,
litigatious, and powerful religious organization who some seem to
perceive rightly or wrongly as willing to do anything to accomplish its
ends at the expense of freedoms of speech and religion on a world wide
The Church and its members in good standing feel they have been
sorely wronged by those who have left the Church either to leave
Scientology behind entirely, or to join the Independent Scientology
field, the self styled Free Zoners or Independent Scientology Movement.
Those who have left the Church claim they have been tracked and
harassed to the point of non survival by those in the Church whom they
claim are only interested in financial gain and the squelching of any
competition in the spiritual auditing field. (Auditing is a Scientology
term referring to their technology to free the spirit from self imposed
limitations born of pain and suffering.)
Those in the Church claim the independents have stolen or have
engaged in criminal conspiracies to steal from the Church the very
materials they are using in the field to audit their parishioners;
materials which the Church claims are its copyrighted intellectual
property and trademarked spiritual secrets necessary for its own
financial health and survival.
Those in the field claim the Church has tried to copyright
spiritual knowledge that is Eternally True and applies to all of us and
thus by default belongs to the public domain no matter who first
discovered it.
In other words 'if the cure for cancer belongs to all mankind, then
so does the cure for insanity'.
There are definitely two sides to this story, the hostility and
rancor between the warring parties is extraordinarily and in my opinion
dangerously strong, and neither side seems willing to speak freely to
the other due to fear of repercussions. Of course there are exceptions.
Even those in the Church are limited by the Church in what they can
say in defense of the Church. They have very strict non disclosure
agreements amongst themselves, which some say are necessary for the
health and well being of their parishioners. Other's claim it is solely
for financial gain, and to hide the underdealings of their agents trying
to make a safe space for Scientology in a world hostile to it.
Those out of the Church claim they are limited in what they can
relate of their experiences and auditing technology, a technology they
claim to be more precious than fire itself, by what they claim to be a
continuous threat to their lives and livelihood by the well financed
legal forces of the Church, and worse by the alleged unlawful and
underhanded attacks on their personal freedoms by members of the
Church's alleged dirty tricks department.
Given this broiling cauldron, it seems reasonable that an
experiment in socially conducted anonymity should take place.
Outlaw anonymity has always been available, and has indeed been
used to some effect on alt.religion.scientology, but it usually
engendered great hostility from some of the members, both for and
against Scientology, and lead to tracing efforts and the annoyance of
sysadmins who were requested to intervene.
Although some of the tracing efforts failed, a few of the anonymous
posters folded up anyway and apparently have stopped posting which in my
opinion was a loss to the group.
Scientology itself claims that communication is the universal
solvent for all things bad.
It is in this context that I make the following proposal.
One problem with voting for anonymity in a group is finding a way
to allow anonymous VOTES in the voting. Perhaps it is illogical to
allow anonymous votes in a group that has not yet voted to allow
anonymity, but it is clear that if a vocal presence in a group is in and
of it self a clear and present danger, then those who are most in need
of anonymity would also be the most in need of anonymous voting FOR
However the anonymous severs in question will not enable anonymous
posting of any kind without a majority vote for anonymity. This
presents a classic Catch-22 problem.
Another problem with the way things are set up, is that groups are
either moderated or unmoderated. There is strong fear that unmoderated
anonymous postings would bring chaos, leagl and otherwise to a group,
yet no one wants to moderate the unanonymous postings. To date there
has been no way to moderate the anonymous postings alone.
This proposal is an effort solve both of these problems, so please
give it careful consideration.
1.) I have established for myself an anonymous id with
anon.penet.fi. That id is AN19187 and corresponds to my real account
Any anonymous mail sent to AN19187@anon.penet.fi will be received
by me with your own anonymous id attached to it. That means I will not
know who sent me that mail.
If you wish to vote anonymously for or against anonymity in
alt.religion.scientology you may send your vote anonymously to me at
that address. I will collect them and periodically post them to the
group as a single file under my own name.
As there has been no consensus yet as to whether anonymous votes
should be ALLOWED in a vote for anonymity, it is not clear whether your
votes will be counted in the end. But at least they will be collected
and presented to the group, the anon server admin and the people on
2.) Since I am setting myself up as a human remailer for anonymous
postings to alt.religion.scientology, I could if motivated act as a
moderator of anonymous postings to a.r.s. once anonymous posting has
been voted in. I have little intention of doing this, but others could
put themselves in that position if they so desired.
The advantage of this is clear. The group may not want to be
moderated as a whole, but they also may not want to give anonymous posts
a free reign should the group give the go ahead for anonymous postings
based on the vote.
This setup at least allows for the option of having an unmoderated
group with a moderated anonymous ability.
3.) It is also quite clear that as a moderator of anonymous posts,
not only can the moderator reject dangerous and illegal postings, but he
can also strip out the anonymous headers of the postings altogether.
This would allow absolute anonymity with absolute security as long as
the moderator does not keep the original postings and the headers he
stripped off.
This is mentioned only as an option for a group that has matured
into its anonymous posting history.
1.) Send a mail file to
whose first line after the first blank line after the header is a
password of your choice. You will receive back the entire help file,
plus your own anonymous id.
2.) To send an anonymous mail file to me, send your vote or hate
mail to,
There must be a line in your mail header BEFORE the first blank
line after the header that reads,
X-Anon-Password: your password here.
Play with sending anonymous mail to yourself first to get the hang
of the thing.
3.) Be very careful to get my anon id right or your mail will go to
the King of Zimbabwe or some such place.
Don't expect responses from me, I have a real life to live, or what
may be left of it after numerous people get through with me for doing
ALL mail received by me concerning these matters may and probably
will be reposted to the a.r.s. list without permission, so don't send me
anything you don't want the list to see.
This offer of my time and services is for a.r.s. ONLY, don't even
think of asking me to do it for another group.
Don't ask me to strip anon id's from your posts.
Don't yet send me actual anonymous posts that are not VOTES to
accept anonymous posts on a.r.s.
4.) If you are member of the Church of Scientology in good
'The Religious Technology Center has the purpose to safeguard the
proper use of trademarks, to protect the public and to make sure that
the powerful technology of Dianetics and Scientology remains in good
hands and is properly used.'
'Help Keep Scientology Working'
Knowledge Reports are an essential part of Keeping Scientology
Working. If you encounter any non-optimum situation or off-policy
occurring in your org, mission or area, write a Knowledge Report to your
local Ethics Officer and send a copy to the Reports Officer RTC if you
feel the RTC should be informed of the matter.
Reports should be sent to:
RELIGIOUS TECHNOLOGY CENTER, Reports Officer, 1710 Ivar Avenue, Suite
1100 Los Angeles, CA 90028 USA
================ http://www.clearing.org ====================
Tue Aug 21 12:00:02 EDT 2018
WEB: http://www.clearing.org
BLOG: http://adoretheproof.blogspot.org
FTP: ftp://ftp.lightlink.com/pub/archive/homer/anon.memo
Send mail to archive@lightlink.com saying help in body
=========== http://www.lightlink.com/theproof ===============
Learning implies Learning with Certainty or Learning without Certainty.
Learning across a Distance implies Learning by Being an Effect.
Learning by Being an Effect implies Learning without Certainty.
Therefore, Learning with Certainty implies Learning,
but not by Being an Effect, and not across a Distance.
Version: GnuPG v1.4.5 (GNU/Linux)
HomerWSmith-L mailing list
Hash: SHA1
First Draft
Comments to:
Homer Wilson Smith
Since the shut down of anon.penet.fi because of anonymous abuses of
the server the availablility of anonymity to various groups has been
severely limited. In my personal opinion this threatens to cause a
significant lowering of the quality of some groups, including but not
limited to alt.religion.scientology.
This is not because anonymous posting has been forbidden in such
groups but only that such posting has stopped because of the
difficulties of getting the anon servers to service the group.
There is a strong debate in news.admin.policy on the subject of how
to determine if a group should be reenabled for anonymous service
through any given anonymous server.
There may still be anonymous servers that are willing to serve all
groups indiscriminately, and of course anyone with the know how and
courage can post via the usual outlaw methods, however I wish to
establish the validity, quality and respectability of anonymous posting
as a general way of doing business, so I have chosen anon.penet.fi as
the target for this proposal and experiment.
Due to the publicity surrounding anon.penet.fi, and the seriousness
of its operator Johan Helsingius (Julf, admin@anon.penet.fi) it will
probably become the standard setting leader in its field along with
those others partaking in the anonymous enterprise. Therefore I have
chosen it as probably the most suited for a highly visible and perhaps
controversial experiment in anonymous posting and voting in a group that
is certainly as hot and as controversial as they come.
Alt.religion.scientology has long suffered from the fear and
trepidation of those who have felt they were not safe to speak, having
left the Church often on bad terms with a large, financially rich,
litigatious, and powerful religious organization who some seem to
perceive rightly or wrongly as willing to do anything to accomplish its
ends at the expense of freedoms of speech and religion on a world wide
The Church and its members in good standing feel they have been
sorely wronged by those who have left the Church either to leave
Scientology behind entirely, or to join the Independent Scientology
field, the self styled Free Zoners or Independent Scientology Movement.
Those who have left the Church claim they have been tracked and
harassed to the point of non survival by those in the Church whom they
claim are only interested in financial gain and the squelching of any
competition in the spiritual auditing field. (Auditing is a Scientology
term referring to their technology to free the spirit from self imposed
limitations born of pain and suffering.)
Those in the Church claim the independents have stolen or have
engaged in criminal conspiracies to steal from the Church the very
materials they are using in the field to audit their parishioners;
materials which the Church claims are its copyrighted intellectual
property and trademarked spiritual secrets necessary for its own
financial health and survival.
Those in the field claim the Church has tried to copyright
spiritual knowledge that is Eternally True and applies to all of us and
thus by default belongs to the public domain no matter who first
discovered it.
In other words 'if the cure for cancer belongs to all mankind, then
so does the cure for insanity'.
There are definitely two sides to this story, the hostility and
rancor between the warring parties is extraordinarily and in my opinion
dangerously strong, and neither side seems willing to speak freely to
the other due to fear of repercussions. Of course there are exceptions.
Even those in the Church are limited by the Church in what they can
say in defense of the Church. They have very strict non disclosure
agreements amongst themselves, which some say are necessary for the
health and well being of their parishioners. Other's claim it is solely
for financial gain, and to hide the underdealings of their agents trying
to make a safe space for Scientology in a world hostile to it.
Those out of the Church claim they are limited in what they can
relate of their experiences and auditing technology, a technology they
claim to be more precious than fire itself, by what they claim to be a
continuous threat to their lives and livelihood by the well financed
legal forces of the Church, and worse by the alleged unlawful and
underhanded attacks on their personal freedoms by members of the
Church's alleged dirty tricks department.
Given this broiling cauldron, it seems reasonable that an
experiment in socially conducted anonymity should take place.
Outlaw anonymity has always been available, and has indeed been
used to some effect on alt.religion.scientology, but it usually
engendered great hostility from some of the members, both for and
against Scientology, and lead to tracing efforts and the annoyance of
sysadmins who were requested to intervene.
Although some of the tracing efforts failed, a few of the anonymous
posters folded up anyway and apparently have stopped posting which in my
opinion was a loss to the group.
Scientology itself claims that communication is the universal
solvent for all things bad.
It is in this context that I make the following proposal.
One problem with voting for anonymity in a group is finding a way
to allow anonymous VOTES in the voting. Perhaps it is illogical to
allow anonymous votes in a group that has not yet voted to allow
anonymity, but it is clear that if a vocal presence in a group is in and
of it self a clear and present danger, then those who are most in need
of anonymity would also be the most in need of anonymous voting FOR
However the anonymous severs in question will not enable anonymous
posting of any kind without a majority vote for anonymity. This
presents a classic Catch-22 problem.
Another problem with the way things are set up, is that groups are
either moderated or unmoderated. There is strong fear that unmoderated
anonymous postings would bring chaos, leagl and otherwise to a group,
yet no one wants to moderate the unanonymous postings. To date there
has been no way to moderate the anonymous postings alone.
This proposal is an effort solve both of these problems, so please
give it careful consideration.
1.) I have established for myself an anonymous id with
anon.penet.fi. That id is AN19187 and corresponds to my real account
Any anonymous mail sent to AN19187@anon.penet.fi will be received
by me with your own anonymous id attached to it. That means I will not
know who sent me that mail.
If you wish to vote anonymously for or against anonymity in
alt.religion.scientology you may send your vote anonymously to me at
that address. I will collect them and periodically post them to the
group as a single file under my own name.
As there has been no consensus yet as to whether anonymous votes
should be ALLOWED in a vote for anonymity, it is not clear whether your
votes will be counted in the end. But at least they will be collected
and presented to the group, the anon server admin and the people on
2.) Since I am setting myself up as a human remailer for anonymous
postings to alt.religion.scientology, I could if motivated act as a
moderator of anonymous postings to a.r.s. once anonymous posting has
been voted in. I have little intention of doing this, but others could
put themselves in that position if they so desired.
The advantage of this is clear. The group may not want to be
moderated as a whole, but they also may not want to give anonymous posts
a free reign should the group give the go ahead for anonymous postings
based on the vote.
This setup at least allows for the option of having an unmoderated
group with a moderated anonymous ability.
3.) It is also quite clear that as a moderator of anonymous posts,
not only can the moderator reject dangerous and illegal postings, but he
can also strip out the anonymous headers of the postings altogether.
This would allow absolute anonymity with absolute security as long as
the moderator does not keep the original postings and the headers he
stripped off.
This is mentioned only as an option for a group that has matured
into its anonymous posting history.
1.) Send a mail file to
whose first line after the first blank line after the header is a
password of your choice. You will receive back the entire help file,
plus your own anonymous id.
2.) To send an anonymous mail file to me, send your vote or hate
mail to,
There must be a line in your mail header BEFORE the first blank
line after the header that reads,
X-Anon-Password: your password here.
Play with sending anonymous mail to yourself first to get the hang
of the thing.
3.) Be very careful to get my anon id right or your mail will go to
the King of Zimbabwe or some such place.
Don't expect responses from me, I have a real life to live, or what
may be left of it after numerous people get through with me for doing
ALL mail received by me concerning these matters may and probably
will be reposted to the a.r.s. list without permission, so don't send me
anything you don't want the list to see.
This offer of my time and services is for a.r.s. ONLY, don't even
think of asking me to do it for another group.
Don't ask me to strip anon id's from your posts.
Don't yet send me actual anonymous posts that are not VOTES to
accept anonymous posts on a.r.s.
4.) If you are member of the Church of Scientology in good
'The Religious Technology Center has the purpose to safeguard the
proper use of trademarks, to protect the public and to make sure that
the powerful technology of Dianetics and Scientology remains in good
hands and is properly used.'
'Help Keep Scientology Working'
Knowledge Reports are an essential part of Keeping Scientology
Working. If you encounter any non-optimum situation or off-policy
occurring in your org, mission or area, write a Knowledge Report to your
local Ethics Officer and send a copy to the Reports Officer RTC if you
feel the RTC should be informed of the matter.
Reports should be sent to:
RELIGIOUS TECHNOLOGY CENTER, Reports Officer, 1710 Ivar Avenue, Suite
1100 Los Angeles, CA 90028 USA
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Tue Aug 21 12:00:02 EDT 2018
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Learning implies Learning with Certainty or Learning without Certainty.
Learning across a Distance implies Learning by Being an Effect.
Learning by Being an Effect implies Learning without Certainty.
Therefore, Learning with Certainty implies Learning,
but not by Being an Effect, and not across a Distance.
Version: GnuPG v1.4.5 (GNU/Linux)
HomerWSmith-L mailing list
Monday, August 20, 2018
ADORE702 (fwd)
Hash: SHA1
OK, let's summarize what we have so far.
First and foremost we have the proof.
The proof says that two different objects can never be perfectly
certain of each other.
Thus if God and Soul are two different objects, they can
never be certain of each other's existence.
Therefore you ARE anything you can be conscious of with perfect
Everything else is a theory.
Specifically the proof says:
Learning implies Learning with Certainty or Not Learning with
Learning across a space or time distance implies Learning by Being
an Effect.
Learning by Being an Effect implies Not Learning with Certainty.
Learning with Certainty implies Learning, but
Not by being an Effect, and therefore
Not across a space time distance.
Thus consciousness and everything consciousness is conscious of,
including everything you see, hear and feel around you in your
consciousness is a zero dimensional hologram, a virtual reality
projection of multidimensional spaces and times.
That which experiences space and time, consciousness, has it self
no space or time, nor any kind of dimension of any sort.
In other words it doesn't take space to see space.
And it doesn't take time to experience time.
Seeing is direct perception.
Direct perception means being in direct contact with the
object that is perceived.
Interposition of space or time between perceiver and perceived
precludes direct contact, and therefore direct perception.
Thus interposition of actual space or time between perceiver and
perceived precludes seeing.
If you can see or experience it, there is no space or time between
you and it, no matter how much it looks like there is.
Machines learn by being an effect, seeing learns by "reaching
out" and touching cause. More accurately being cause.
Although seeing is being an effect, seeing is not learning BY being
an effect.
Direct perception is where being cause and effect are one and the
same event in one and the same object.
You do not have to understand the proof fully, but you should
be able to repeat it verbatim to any little kid that comes along
until THEY can see it and repeat it.
Use the simple minded version if you must:
"If you can see it, it isn't OUT THERE, because if it were OUT
THERE, you couldn't see it."
If you can't do that, then you just don't know anything of
worth, period.
Enough said.
The being can be in one or more of 3 different states called:
1.) Eternality, existing above space and time.
2.) Immortality, existing in an apparently endless and eventually
detested time stream.
3.) Mortality, existing as a space time object which can die for
good one day.
Eternality is the truth.
Immortality is a lie, as space and time must always be finite,
that is must always be created in a 'while'. All whiles end one day,
thus all experiences in space or time must end one day, and thus all
beings will one day attain the awakened (eternal) state.
All three states have their related problems.
From Eternality, the problem is to get lost and stay lost.
From Mortality, the problem is to get found and stay found.
From Immortality, the problem is to get somewhere else, anywhere
Every problem the being has in this life is an echo of a problem he
has in one or more of these three areas, eternality, immortality and
The sorrows of dying forever, are preceeded by the sorrows of being
in hell forever, are preceeded by the sorrows of not being able to stick
Hell forevers are created by the conception of FOREVERS in time
itself. One may do or wish anything on anyone FOR A WHILE without
consequence, but once one wishes something on someone FOREVER, the
sovereign desire to live only in a while for a while is violated, and
the being who conceives the forever ends up suffering the forever he
conceived regardless of whom he wished it off on, all by his own nature.
However no hell can outlive a true confession, and a confession
consists of getting the forever off the wish and the conception.
Nothing is forever but people and peace, and that forever is an
ETERNAL above time forever, not a forever in time.
Beings, suffering from hells forever of their own creation, seek to
die or go to sleep inside the time stream they believe they are stuck in
forever, and eventually become things in that time stream that can die,
that thus offer the promise of death forever and thus escape from hell
"Eventually all become marbles on the thetan plane."
That's rough, the mortal meatball who 'Oh Poshes' immortality is
TERRIFIED OUT HIS WITS of a detested immortality. In fact his entire
life is merely whistling past his own immortal graveyard where
"... Medusa's run around and chase everyone until they are
rendered stone.
Fire and Brim Stone.
A flaming marble with a flame cross." - Adore
Don't worry, be happy, the way in is the way out, at the bottom of
the ocean of sorrow is love and laughter.
The fires of hell can only lick your sorry ass.
If you turn and face them, they turn to love and pleasure.
If you turn and run away though, woe be unto you.
Whatever you walk towards, can not stand.
If you commit effort to any postulate of limitation or trouble, the
postulate becomes real and grows stronger by just that commitment.
If you let go of the postulate where you stand, where you made it,
it will vanish when you let go of it.
But if you run away from the postulate, you are no longer where you
made it, and thus when you let go of it, it comes after you.
That's your postulate.
Above laughter is sleep, eternal omni awesome peace.
Charge is created by violation of desire.
Majesty is the sovereign desire that desire not be sovereign for a
Sovereign means you want it, you got it.
Thus desire can only be violated if it desires to be.
Desire desires to play games of chase, but games of chase can only
be taken seriously if desire can lose.
Applying majesty therefore, desire adjusts its sovereignty
downwards in to games of optimum chase. But the state is unstable, and
thus either the being bubbles up and wakes up again, or the being sinks
down and starts to lose for good.
You can never stay where you are, except in native state.
Waking up is worse than losing for good, because losing for good is
an illusion, thus desire will adjust its games of chase to slightly less
than optimum in the direction of failure.
Desire makes the chase ever so slightly too hard to win all the
As desire begins to lose too often, desire makes more postulates
and considerations, considering them learned rather than causal, and
thus burdens itself down more, thus causing itself to lose more. This
creates a dwindling spiral of chase, chasing the bottom of the tone
scale which he always wins if he continues at it long enough.
"Event Horizon or Bust!"
Thus desire can be assured that it won't wake up, and will have
something to fight forever. Well for a while, but the sympathy pay back
is attractive and tremendous.
However your loved one's will not be at the bottom of the tone
scale with you.
Oh hell, eventually of course they will be if that is any solace to
Desire is violated by view, a person's conception of himself and
the cosmic all.
The being's conception of the cosmic all is a constellation of
postulates and considerations he has made about himself and things as
they are. It is his postulated and considered view of the world.
A postulate is a posted beingness created in the mere conception of
Bang, this is an ashtray, bang that is a cigarette.
Truth is, the ashtray and the cigarette are first created without
the significance of what they are or what they do or are USED for.
The postulate puts them there, the consideration *CREATES* out of
whole cloth an apparent causal relation between them, namely ash trays
hold cigarettes.
Without the added significance of what they are, both objects are
just generic objects, time place form and event, but no meaning or
That it is an ashtray is an added significance AFTER the fact of
posting the existence of both objects. Same for the cigarette. One
would have no need for ashtrays as such unless one had conceived of a
cigarette with ashes first.
Before the addition of added significances, creations are merely
objects beheld for their own sake. But because they are an as-isness,
they tend to vanish easily when the being takes his attention off of
Added significance to any creation is an alter-is of the original
creation as a significance-free posted beingness, and thus causes
persistence in time of that creation.
Added significances are considerations.
Consideration means to 'to side together', to RELATE two or more
posted beingnesses together either by cause or use or some other
relation. Bang, ashtrays are used to hold cigarette ashes.
That it is an ashtray is an added significance.
That it is a cigarette is an added significance.
That cigarettes produce (cause) ashes is an added significance.
That the ashtray is used to hold cigarette ashes is an added
In toto we have 2 posted beingnesses, and 4 considerations or added
In the following material, the words postulate and consideration
are often used interchangeably, a bad habit picked up around the
beginning of departure from native state.
All postulates and considerations are limitations on native ability
which is the ability to create anything that can be created in the mere
conception of things.
If the being postulates an apple there, well then he has now
limited his potential to being in a universe with an apple there.
Anything created limits native state.
Which is why returning to native state once in a while is a good
thing as it produces a clean slate as if nothing had ever been created
at all.
Nothing is retained, no memory, no 'lessons learned' etc.
Descent from native state then is always NEW and FIRST TIME, even
though it has happened an infinite number of times already, and will
continue to do so forever (above time).
Creating games of chase places postulates of limitation on the
ability to create things in the mere conception of them.
Chase, putting time between desire and possible havingness, IS
itself havingness created in the mere conception of it.
Games of chase are a good thing, but once one makes a game out of
making games, of chasing chase, with the possibility of failing, he is
on his way out.
That's because if he fails to make a new game, he won't have any
more games FOREVER, you see?
So its OK to make a game you can lose, it is NOT OK to make a game,
that you can lose, out of making games.
The clearest clear that ever was clear could make games forever for
If a being has the postulate that postulates do not work, then his
postulates will not work, because the postulate that postulates do not
work, works.
The being considers he has learned his conception of the cosmic all
by observation of his own limitations, when in fact he created those
observations through direct postulate and consideration first and came
to observe and thus believe them second.
A God Postulate is that postulate which the being thinks he learned
by observation when in fact he created it by consideration.
He may not have known his considerations were causal, but that
ignorance was also postulated.
A native state being knows what he is doing, and can create
artistic messes of agony and escstacy fluently.
M.E.S.S. means Magnificent Examples of Shames and Shambles. -
A God Postulate includes a God Consideration, the terms are used
interchangeably but Consideration is probably more true.
Changing one's consideration about the God consideration from being
a learned observation back to being a casual consideration, the being
can then let go of the consideration and it will vanish.
Done in the right order of things, a being can erase all
limitations from his existence if he wants to. He doesn't, but he does
want to reoptimize his game.
Thus desire and view create charge, Often the being no longer knows
what he desires and no longer knows why he gave up on them.
The pain of wanting and not being able to have leads to suppression
of both into oblivion.
Spot NO desire.
Spot SOME desire.
Spot NO failure.
Spot SOME failure.
Spot NO success.
Spot SOME success.
Both failure and success lead to loss of chase and game, and the
existence of a game and something to chase is more important to the
being than winning the thing he is chasing in the game. Many games
could have been won or list long ago if it weren't for the reluctance of
a being to lose the game.
Thus the process of clearing involves at a minimum getting the
being to recognize his true desires for the world as it is, and to spot
the views he has that violates those desires, which prohibit him from
having or chasing those desires, and getting him to change those views
from learned observations into causal considerations.
At that point the being can either let go of the desire, or let go
of the view prohibiting the attainment of the desire or its chase, or
If the being has a causal consideration that his considerations are
learned observations, he won't be able to vanish them because he won't
be able to CAUSE them, and thus let go of them.
One can not let go of what one is not PUTTING THERE.
A being can only vanish what he is causing, he can only let go of
what he is PUTTING THERE and knows it.
The being will find that he can not easily change just any old
consideration from learned observation to causal consideration, because
both postulates and considerations depend on a hierarchy of creation
that goes earlier.
Thus the case must be taken apart in the correct order.
Just remember that case operates in PRESENT TIME, his present time
and his view of his future are way more important to his auditing than
ransacking his past which is done. He may have built a house out of
pictures of his past, but he does so out of a present time need to
secure a desirable future.
Audit the house of protection he built, and all you will get is
old lumber and stone in your teeth,.
Audit the PURPOSE the house serves (his future) and his present
time operation of PUTTING IT THERE, and he can sell the whole thing to
the first fool that walks by.
God postulates tend to be missed and bypassed.
Missed during life or auditing means the being once almost got the
postulate or consideration right but missed it exactly.
Bypassed means the being got the postulate or consideration exactly
right, but then passed it on by.
This happens because God Postulates tend to have so much charge on
them that when the being enters one it weighs him down with absolute
overwhelm, he thinks he just can't ever fight it.
Which is true (fight it), so he goes on to look for something else
that might be easier to change or fight with effort.
This creates a squirrel, which while looking for a buried nut,
actually digs in the right area, but misses it, gets worried and goes to
look elsewhere.
Or the poor squirrel who FINDS his nut, but then considers that it
isn't his nut, and tosses it.
He never comes back to the right area because 'he already checked
Have you ever run into a person who, when asked a test kind of
question in math say, will give the right answer the first time, then
second guess themselves and go on to give endless wrong answers?
They are bypassing themselves continuously in present time.
The problem is one doesn't change a God Postulate with fight, but
by changing one's consideration that the God Postulate is a learned
observation rather than a causal consideration. The mere flip flopping
from learned to causal will cause the God Postulate to start to melt.
It might take some time, not much but some, so don't bypass or miss it
due to hurry or frustration.
The basic change is in operation from using effort to try to
UNPUT it there, rather than use postulate to PUT IT THERE.
Once the postulate locks into actually putting it there,
the slightest distraction will cause it to vanish.
And remember effort or throwing a fit won't get you there.
You have to sit with a brick wall for a while before it turns to
If it is the right brick wall, it will.
Since many walls in your memory are memories of walls, you might
start with them :)
But the past will never fall until the purpose holding to the past
is audited out.
On the other hand, if the postulate/consideration does not melt,
then you need to find its underlying arch stone.
Once the being sees how his desire and his view creates charge
which burdens him down and hurts him endlessly, he will be wary of the
effect his views have on his desires.
He will no longer suppress his desires or his views into NO DESIRE
and NO VIEW in order to avoid the pain of violation, and he will begin
to suspect any desire/view pair that does cause him pain.
After a while he will get the idea that TRUTH does not hurt, and
thus if a desire/view pair hurts him, one or the other or both must be a
People spend their whole lives hating not having what they would
hate having if they had it.
After some experience winning with this, he will no longer fall for
the self casting effects of doubt, and will reject automatically any
desire or view that makes him feel worse, rather than catching the ball
of pain and running with it to some unknown disaster or oblivion.
This creates a being forever bubbling upwards in life rather than
downwards, because he is dropping lies like a hot potato, JUST ANY ONLY
Dig it and don't leave it, that's a new thought.
At first he starts to win at his chases more often, then he starts
to have without chasing, but merely by conceiving.
One he is free to create or vanish chase at will he is as free as
anyone is ever going to make him, because from there on out a GodSoul
will do whatever a GodSoul will do.
Probably tar on a grand scale.
If a being complains about being stuck in something, he doesn't
have enough of it, and has lost the ability to make more of it.
The search for Peace grows old, but not as old as the search for
Particularly between parent and child, where one owns the force and
the other does not.
"For every duty there is a right.
For every right there is a duty.
Rights are fair chosen exchange for fair chosen duties.
You CHOOSE and are responsible for both.
You have a right to have duties, and you have a duty to have
No one ever told it to you that way before.
Justice is a fair chosen operating balance of duties and rights.
The fundamental duty is Honor.
The fundamental right is Dignity.
Honor is the ability to make, keep and trade fair chosen promises.
Basic promise is to Adore Operation.
Dignity is being the sole operator of yourself.
Reputation is for those who excel in this field.
In Excelsis Deo." - From Adore
Teach that to your children if you dare.
Forget Mother Goose.
At first the being will try forthright methods to effect justice.
Failing that he will try force.
Failing that he will try deceit and covert methods.
Failing that he will damage himself to try to elicit sympathy.
All psychosomatics are a covert effort to succumb.
Covert even to himself.
Thus he handicaps himself, so others will help him rather than harm
How sick do you have to be, before people will try to make you
For some, you would have to be pretty well dead for them to notice
you weren't a problem to them any more.
Blame is the effort to get another to accept responsibility for
something, usually something bad, like an injustice that a parent does
to a child, or visa versa.
If they refuse the blame, it comes back on you, as YOU didn't take
full responsibility for their irresponsibility to start with.
This stirs the feelings of guilt and shame and self blame, IN YOU,
because you failed to take responsibility for their refusal to take
responsibility for you.
Self blame is nuts, it just continues the crime you are feeling
guilty for doing to them!
Two wrongs (do not) make a right.
You end up punishing other people for their punishing people
Take responsibility for your original irresponsibility, and be done
with it.
The efforts to get apologies, give apologies, and refuse apologies
CAN KILL YOU, so run them out to full resolution and love.
Withholding your love is like withholding YOUR air.
Who dies now?
You are an adorable operating pride source.
Pride is agent.
Pride is the source of majesty, intelligence and all ability.
Pride is vision of potential, because pride is source of potential.
They never told you that one.
They say that pride goeth before the fall, and this is true.
But there are two kinds of pride, pride that you take from
accomplishment, and the pride you bring to accomplishment.
The pride you take from accomplishment is never as great as the
pride you brought to creating the accomplishment in the first place.
Thus taking pride from accomplishment leads to a dwindling spiral of no
accomplishment and anti pride.
This is the only danger, and the only fall.
Pride is operating craftsmanship of class.
Pride is outflow, not inflow.
Pride is unformed magnificence.
Pride is the quality of the canvas BEFORE the masterpiece is
written on it.
Pride is the Master's Throne.
Source sources sourcery from Source by casting Pride before
If you don't have any pride, you are in trouble because pride
powers the forward motion of your life.
And that is about all you need to know about pride.
OK, let's take a break.
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
Homer Wilson Smith The Paths of Lovers Art Matrix - Lightlink
(607) 277-0959 KC2ITF Cross Internet Access, Ithaca NY
homer@lightlink.com In the Line of Duty http://www.lightlink.com
Mon Jan 25 17:37:21 EST 2010
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Mon Aug 20 12:00:02 EDT 2018
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Learning implies Learning with Certainty or Learning without Certainty.
Learning across a Distance implies Learning by Being an Effect.
Learning by Being an Effect implies Learning without Certainty.
Therefore, Learning with Certainty implies Learning,
but not by Being an Effect, and not across a Distance.
Version: GnuPG v1.4.5 (GNU/Linux)
HomerWSmith-L mailing list
Hash: SHA1
OK, let's summarize what we have so far.
First and foremost we have the proof.
The proof says that two different objects can never be perfectly
certain of each other.
Thus if God and Soul are two different objects, they can
never be certain of each other's existence.
Therefore you ARE anything you can be conscious of with perfect
Everything else is a theory.
Specifically the proof says:
Learning implies Learning with Certainty or Not Learning with
Learning across a space or time distance implies Learning by Being
an Effect.
Learning by Being an Effect implies Not Learning with Certainty.
Learning with Certainty implies Learning, but
Not by being an Effect, and therefore
Not across a space time distance.
Thus consciousness and everything consciousness is conscious of,
including everything you see, hear and feel around you in your
consciousness is a zero dimensional hologram, a virtual reality
projection of multidimensional spaces and times.
That which experiences space and time, consciousness, has it self
no space or time, nor any kind of dimension of any sort.
In other words it doesn't take space to see space.
And it doesn't take time to experience time.
Seeing is direct perception.
Direct perception means being in direct contact with the
object that is perceived.
Interposition of space or time between perceiver and perceived
precludes direct contact, and therefore direct perception.
Thus interposition of actual space or time between perceiver and
perceived precludes seeing.
If you can see or experience it, there is no space or time between
you and it, no matter how much it looks like there is.
Machines learn by being an effect, seeing learns by "reaching
out" and touching cause. More accurately being cause.
Although seeing is being an effect, seeing is not learning BY being
an effect.
Direct perception is where being cause and effect are one and the
same event in one and the same object.
You do not have to understand the proof fully, but you should
be able to repeat it verbatim to any little kid that comes along
until THEY can see it and repeat it.
Use the simple minded version if you must:
"If you can see it, it isn't OUT THERE, because if it were OUT
THERE, you couldn't see it."
If you can't do that, then you just don't know anything of
worth, period.
Enough said.
The being can be in one or more of 3 different states called:
1.) Eternality, existing above space and time.
2.) Immortality, existing in an apparently endless and eventually
detested time stream.
3.) Mortality, existing as a space time object which can die for
good one day.
Eternality is the truth.
Immortality is a lie, as space and time must always be finite,
that is must always be created in a 'while'. All whiles end one day,
thus all experiences in space or time must end one day, and thus all
beings will one day attain the awakened (eternal) state.
All three states have their related problems.
From Eternality, the problem is to get lost and stay lost.
From Mortality, the problem is to get found and stay found.
From Immortality, the problem is to get somewhere else, anywhere
Every problem the being has in this life is an echo of a problem he
has in one or more of these three areas, eternality, immortality and
The sorrows of dying forever, are preceeded by the sorrows of being
in hell forever, are preceeded by the sorrows of not being able to stick
Hell forevers are created by the conception of FOREVERS in time
itself. One may do or wish anything on anyone FOR A WHILE without
consequence, but once one wishes something on someone FOREVER, the
sovereign desire to live only in a while for a while is violated, and
the being who conceives the forever ends up suffering the forever he
conceived regardless of whom he wished it off on, all by his own nature.
However no hell can outlive a true confession, and a confession
consists of getting the forever off the wish and the conception.
Nothing is forever but people and peace, and that forever is an
ETERNAL above time forever, not a forever in time.
Beings, suffering from hells forever of their own creation, seek to
die or go to sleep inside the time stream they believe they are stuck in
forever, and eventually become things in that time stream that can die,
that thus offer the promise of death forever and thus escape from hell
"Eventually all become marbles on the thetan plane."
That's rough, the mortal meatball who 'Oh Poshes' immortality is
TERRIFIED OUT HIS WITS of a detested immortality. In fact his entire
life is merely whistling past his own immortal graveyard where
"... Medusa's run around and chase everyone until they are
rendered stone.
Fire and Brim Stone.
A flaming marble with a flame cross." - Adore
Don't worry, be happy, the way in is the way out, at the bottom of
the ocean of sorrow is love and laughter.
The fires of hell can only lick your sorry ass.
If you turn and face them, they turn to love and pleasure.
If you turn and run away though, woe be unto you.
Whatever you walk towards, can not stand.
If you commit effort to any postulate of limitation or trouble, the
postulate becomes real and grows stronger by just that commitment.
If you let go of the postulate where you stand, where you made it,
it will vanish when you let go of it.
But if you run away from the postulate, you are no longer where you
made it, and thus when you let go of it, it comes after you.
That's your postulate.
Above laughter is sleep, eternal omni awesome peace.
Charge is created by violation of desire.
Majesty is the sovereign desire that desire not be sovereign for a
Sovereign means you want it, you got it.
Thus desire can only be violated if it desires to be.
Desire desires to play games of chase, but games of chase can only
be taken seriously if desire can lose.
Applying majesty therefore, desire adjusts its sovereignty
downwards in to games of optimum chase. But the state is unstable, and
thus either the being bubbles up and wakes up again, or the being sinks
down and starts to lose for good.
You can never stay where you are, except in native state.
Waking up is worse than losing for good, because losing for good is
an illusion, thus desire will adjust its games of chase to slightly less
than optimum in the direction of failure.
Desire makes the chase ever so slightly too hard to win all the
As desire begins to lose too often, desire makes more postulates
and considerations, considering them learned rather than causal, and
thus burdens itself down more, thus causing itself to lose more. This
creates a dwindling spiral of chase, chasing the bottom of the tone
scale which he always wins if he continues at it long enough.
"Event Horizon or Bust!"
Thus desire can be assured that it won't wake up, and will have
something to fight forever. Well for a while, but the sympathy pay back
is attractive and tremendous.
However your loved one's will not be at the bottom of the tone
scale with you.
Oh hell, eventually of course they will be if that is any solace to
Desire is violated by view, a person's conception of himself and
the cosmic all.
The being's conception of the cosmic all is a constellation of
postulates and considerations he has made about himself and things as
they are. It is his postulated and considered view of the world.
A postulate is a posted beingness created in the mere conception of
Bang, this is an ashtray, bang that is a cigarette.
Truth is, the ashtray and the cigarette are first created without
the significance of what they are or what they do or are USED for.
The postulate puts them there, the consideration *CREATES* out of
whole cloth an apparent causal relation between them, namely ash trays
hold cigarettes.
Without the added significance of what they are, both objects are
just generic objects, time place form and event, but no meaning or
That it is an ashtray is an added significance AFTER the fact of
posting the existence of both objects. Same for the cigarette. One
would have no need for ashtrays as such unless one had conceived of a
cigarette with ashes first.
Before the addition of added significances, creations are merely
objects beheld for their own sake. But because they are an as-isness,
they tend to vanish easily when the being takes his attention off of
Added significance to any creation is an alter-is of the original
creation as a significance-free posted beingness, and thus causes
persistence in time of that creation.
Added significances are considerations.
Consideration means to 'to side together', to RELATE two or more
posted beingnesses together either by cause or use or some other
relation. Bang, ashtrays are used to hold cigarette ashes.
That it is an ashtray is an added significance.
That it is a cigarette is an added significance.
That cigarettes produce (cause) ashes is an added significance.
That the ashtray is used to hold cigarette ashes is an added
In toto we have 2 posted beingnesses, and 4 considerations or added
In the following material, the words postulate and consideration
are often used interchangeably, a bad habit picked up around the
beginning of departure from native state.
All postulates and considerations are limitations on native ability
which is the ability to create anything that can be created in the mere
conception of things.
If the being postulates an apple there, well then he has now
limited his potential to being in a universe with an apple there.
Anything created limits native state.
Which is why returning to native state once in a while is a good
thing as it produces a clean slate as if nothing had ever been created
at all.
Nothing is retained, no memory, no 'lessons learned' etc.
Descent from native state then is always NEW and FIRST TIME, even
though it has happened an infinite number of times already, and will
continue to do so forever (above time).
Creating games of chase places postulates of limitation on the
ability to create things in the mere conception of them.
Chase, putting time between desire and possible havingness, IS
itself havingness created in the mere conception of it.
Games of chase are a good thing, but once one makes a game out of
making games, of chasing chase, with the possibility of failing, he is
on his way out.
That's because if he fails to make a new game, he won't have any
more games FOREVER, you see?
So its OK to make a game you can lose, it is NOT OK to make a game,
that you can lose, out of making games.
The clearest clear that ever was clear could make games forever for
If a being has the postulate that postulates do not work, then his
postulates will not work, because the postulate that postulates do not
work, works.
The being considers he has learned his conception of the cosmic all
by observation of his own limitations, when in fact he created those
observations through direct postulate and consideration first and came
to observe and thus believe them second.
A God Postulate is that postulate which the being thinks he learned
by observation when in fact he created it by consideration.
He may not have known his considerations were causal, but that
ignorance was also postulated.
A native state being knows what he is doing, and can create
artistic messes of agony and escstacy fluently.
M.E.S.S. means Magnificent Examples of Shames and Shambles. -
A God Postulate includes a God Consideration, the terms are used
interchangeably but Consideration is probably more true.
Changing one's consideration about the God consideration from being
a learned observation back to being a casual consideration, the being
can then let go of the consideration and it will vanish.
Done in the right order of things, a being can erase all
limitations from his existence if he wants to. He doesn't, but he does
want to reoptimize his game.
Thus desire and view create charge, Often the being no longer knows
what he desires and no longer knows why he gave up on them.
The pain of wanting and not being able to have leads to suppression
of both into oblivion.
Spot NO desire.
Spot SOME desire.
Spot NO failure.
Spot SOME failure.
Spot NO success.
Spot SOME success.
Both failure and success lead to loss of chase and game, and the
existence of a game and something to chase is more important to the
being than winning the thing he is chasing in the game. Many games
could have been won or list long ago if it weren't for the reluctance of
a being to lose the game.
Thus the process of clearing involves at a minimum getting the
being to recognize his true desires for the world as it is, and to spot
the views he has that violates those desires, which prohibit him from
having or chasing those desires, and getting him to change those views
from learned observations into causal considerations.
At that point the being can either let go of the desire, or let go
of the view prohibiting the attainment of the desire or its chase, or
If the being has a causal consideration that his considerations are
learned observations, he won't be able to vanish them because he won't
be able to CAUSE them, and thus let go of them.
One can not let go of what one is not PUTTING THERE.
A being can only vanish what he is causing, he can only let go of
what he is PUTTING THERE and knows it.
The being will find that he can not easily change just any old
consideration from learned observation to causal consideration, because
both postulates and considerations depend on a hierarchy of creation
that goes earlier.
Thus the case must be taken apart in the correct order.
Just remember that case operates in PRESENT TIME, his present time
and his view of his future are way more important to his auditing than
ransacking his past which is done. He may have built a house out of
pictures of his past, but he does so out of a present time need to
secure a desirable future.
Audit the house of protection he built, and all you will get is
old lumber and stone in your teeth,.
Audit the PURPOSE the house serves (his future) and his present
time operation of PUTTING IT THERE, and he can sell the whole thing to
the first fool that walks by.
God postulates tend to be missed and bypassed.
Missed during life or auditing means the being once almost got the
postulate or consideration right but missed it exactly.
Bypassed means the being got the postulate or consideration exactly
right, but then passed it on by.
This happens because God Postulates tend to have so much charge on
them that when the being enters one it weighs him down with absolute
overwhelm, he thinks he just can't ever fight it.
Which is true (fight it), so he goes on to look for something else
that might be easier to change or fight with effort.
This creates a squirrel, which while looking for a buried nut,
actually digs in the right area, but misses it, gets worried and goes to
look elsewhere.
Or the poor squirrel who FINDS his nut, but then considers that it
isn't his nut, and tosses it.
He never comes back to the right area because 'he already checked
Have you ever run into a person who, when asked a test kind of
question in math say, will give the right answer the first time, then
second guess themselves and go on to give endless wrong answers?
They are bypassing themselves continuously in present time.
The problem is one doesn't change a God Postulate with fight, but
by changing one's consideration that the God Postulate is a learned
observation rather than a causal consideration. The mere flip flopping
from learned to causal will cause the God Postulate to start to melt.
It might take some time, not much but some, so don't bypass or miss it
due to hurry or frustration.
The basic change is in operation from using effort to try to
UNPUT it there, rather than use postulate to PUT IT THERE.
Once the postulate locks into actually putting it there,
the slightest distraction will cause it to vanish.
And remember effort or throwing a fit won't get you there.
You have to sit with a brick wall for a while before it turns to
If it is the right brick wall, it will.
Since many walls in your memory are memories of walls, you might
start with them :)
But the past will never fall until the purpose holding to the past
is audited out.
On the other hand, if the postulate/consideration does not melt,
then you need to find its underlying arch stone.
Once the being sees how his desire and his view creates charge
which burdens him down and hurts him endlessly, he will be wary of the
effect his views have on his desires.
He will no longer suppress his desires or his views into NO DESIRE
and NO VIEW in order to avoid the pain of violation, and he will begin
to suspect any desire/view pair that does cause him pain.
After a while he will get the idea that TRUTH does not hurt, and
thus if a desire/view pair hurts him, one or the other or both must be a
People spend their whole lives hating not having what they would
hate having if they had it.
After some experience winning with this, he will no longer fall for
the self casting effects of doubt, and will reject automatically any
desire or view that makes him feel worse, rather than catching the ball
of pain and running with it to some unknown disaster or oblivion.
This creates a being forever bubbling upwards in life rather than
downwards, because he is dropping lies like a hot potato, JUST ANY ONLY
Dig it and don't leave it, that's a new thought.
At first he starts to win at his chases more often, then he starts
to have without chasing, but merely by conceiving.
One he is free to create or vanish chase at will he is as free as
anyone is ever going to make him, because from there on out a GodSoul
will do whatever a GodSoul will do.
Probably tar on a grand scale.
If a being complains about being stuck in something, he doesn't
have enough of it, and has lost the ability to make more of it.
The search for Peace grows old, but not as old as the search for
Particularly between parent and child, where one owns the force and
the other does not.
"For every duty there is a right.
For every right there is a duty.
Rights are fair chosen exchange for fair chosen duties.
You CHOOSE and are responsible for both.
You have a right to have duties, and you have a duty to have
No one ever told it to you that way before.
Justice is a fair chosen operating balance of duties and rights.
The fundamental duty is Honor.
The fundamental right is Dignity.
Honor is the ability to make, keep and trade fair chosen promises.
Basic promise is to Adore Operation.
Dignity is being the sole operator of yourself.
Reputation is for those who excel in this field.
In Excelsis Deo." - From Adore
Teach that to your children if you dare.
Forget Mother Goose.
At first the being will try forthright methods to effect justice.
Failing that he will try force.
Failing that he will try deceit and covert methods.
Failing that he will damage himself to try to elicit sympathy.
All psychosomatics are a covert effort to succumb.
Covert even to himself.
Thus he handicaps himself, so others will help him rather than harm
How sick do you have to be, before people will try to make you
For some, you would have to be pretty well dead for them to notice
you weren't a problem to them any more.
Blame is the effort to get another to accept responsibility for
something, usually something bad, like an injustice that a parent does
to a child, or visa versa.
If they refuse the blame, it comes back on you, as YOU didn't take
full responsibility for their irresponsibility to start with.
This stirs the feelings of guilt and shame and self blame, IN YOU,
because you failed to take responsibility for their refusal to take
responsibility for you.
Self blame is nuts, it just continues the crime you are feeling
guilty for doing to them!
Two wrongs (do not) make a right.
You end up punishing other people for their punishing people
Take responsibility for your original irresponsibility, and be done
with it.
The efforts to get apologies, give apologies, and refuse apologies
CAN KILL YOU, so run them out to full resolution and love.
Withholding your love is like withholding YOUR air.
Who dies now?
You are an adorable operating pride source.
Pride is agent.
Pride is the source of majesty, intelligence and all ability.
Pride is vision of potential, because pride is source of potential.
They never told you that one.
They say that pride goeth before the fall, and this is true.
But there are two kinds of pride, pride that you take from
accomplishment, and the pride you bring to accomplishment.
The pride you take from accomplishment is never as great as the
pride you brought to creating the accomplishment in the first place.
Thus taking pride from accomplishment leads to a dwindling spiral of no
accomplishment and anti pride.
This is the only danger, and the only fall.
Pride is operating craftsmanship of class.
Pride is outflow, not inflow.
Pride is unformed magnificence.
Pride is the quality of the canvas BEFORE the masterpiece is
written on it.
Pride is the Master's Throne.
Source sources sourcery from Source by casting Pride before
If you don't have any pride, you are in trouble because pride
powers the forward motion of your life.
And that is about all you need to know about pride.
OK, let's take a break.
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
Homer Wilson Smith The Paths of Lovers Art Matrix - Lightlink
(607) 277-0959 KC2ITF Cross Internet Access, Ithaca NY
homer@lightlink.com In the Line of Duty http://www.lightlink.com
Mon Jan 25 17:37:21 EST 2010
================ http://www.clearing.org ====================
Mon Aug 20 12:00:02 EDT 2018
WEB: http://www.clearing.org
BLOG: http://adoretheproof.blogspot.org
FTP: ftp://ftp.lightlink.com/pub/archive/homer/adore702.memo
Send mail to archive@lightlink.com saying help in body
=========== http://www.lightlink.com/theproof ===============
Learning implies Learning with Certainty or Learning without Certainty.
Learning across a Distance implies Learning by Being an Effect.
Learning by Being an Effect implies Learning without Certainty.
Therefore, Learning with Certainty implies Learning,
but not by Being an Effect, and not across a Distance.
Version: GnuPG v1.4.5 (GNU/Linux)
HomerWSmith-L mailing list
ucp0.memo (fwd)
Here is another similarity between UCP and Scn.
If you try something and it didn't work, both will say,
"But you didn't do it right!" or
"You didn't try it *LONG ENOUGH*" or
"Your ethics is out." or
"Your confront is low."
Both will say everyone who has ever tried the process loved it, and
everyone who didn't love it, didn't try it, or did something different, or
altered it.
Homer Wilson Smith Clean Air, Clear Water, Art Matrix - Lightlink
(607) 277-0959 A Green Earth and Peace. Internet Access, Ithaca NY
homer@lightlink.com Is that too much to ask? http://www.lightlink.com
================ http://www.clearing.org ====================
Sun Aug 19 12:06:01 EDT 2018
Send mail to archive@lightlink.com saying help
================== http://www.lightlink.com/theproof ===================
Learning implies Learning with Certainty or Learning without Certainty.
Learning across a Distance implies Learning by Being an Effect.
Learning by Being an Effect implies Learning without Certainty.
Therefore, Learning with Certainty implies Learning, but
not by Being an Effect, and not across a Distance.
Clear-L mailing list
HomerWSmith-L mailing list
If you try something and it didn't work, both will say,
"But you didn't do it right!" or
"You didn't try it *LONG ENOUGH*" or
"Your ethics is out." or
"Your confront is low."
Both will say everyone who has ever tried the process loved it, and
everyone who didn't love it, didn't try it, or did something different, or
altered it.
Homer Wilson Smith Clean Air, Clear Water, Art Matrix - Lightlink
(607) 277-0959 A Green Earth and Peace. Internet Access, Ithaca NY
homer@lightlink.com Is that too much to ask? http://www.lightlink.com
================ http://www.clearing.org ====================
Sun Aug 19 12:06:01 EDT 2018
Send mail to archive@lightlink.com saying help
================== http://www.lightlink.com/theproof ===================
Learning implies Learning with Certainty or Learning without Certainty.
Learning across a Distance implies Learning by Being an Effect.
Learning by Being an Effect implies Learning without Certainty.
Therefore, Learning with Certainty implies Learning, but
not by Being an Effect, and not across a Distance.
Clear-L mailing list
HomerWSmith-L mailing list
ADORE546 (fwd)
Hash: SHA1
alex@null.edu wrote:
>Homer, there you go again ARCx'ing the poor sods....
True. I don't mind that other's express opinions, but I fair game
anyone who tries to get other's to not post or shut up because it is out
reality to them.
I will not tolarate suppression of communication.
I also get on Mike's case because of the overts he committed in not
talking to his daughter about spiritual matters for so long.
"Trix is for kids, but truth is not."
>But consider that they are reaching, if they are here.
Some people reach with their elbows, and they reach to prevent
other's from reaching.
While Kevin is denying he wants to live again, Hubbard laid out a
whole cosmology of total responsibility across trillions and trillions
of years.
Whether the exact details are correct is irrelevant, the basic
abilities laid out up the grade chart are completely in keeping with a
being who is repsonsible for his own condition from the top down.
The hardest part of going clear is DARING to know what you
desire, absent the aborning ability to have it.
- --
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
Homer Wilson Smith The Paths of Lovers Art Matrix - Lightlink
(607) 277-0959 KC2ITF Cross Internet Access, Ithaca NY
homer@lightlink.com In the Line of Duty http://www.lightlink.com
Sun Aug 19 00:39:58 EDT 2007
================ http://www.clearing.org ====================
Sun Aug 19 12:00:02 EDT 2018
WEB: http://www.clearing.org
BLOG: http://adoretheproof.blogspot.org
FTP: ftp://ftp.lightlink.com/pub/archive/homer/adore546.memo
Send mail to archive@lightlink.com saying help in body
=========== http://www.lightlink.com/theproof ===============
Learning implies Learning with Certainty or Learning without Certainty.
Learning across a Distance implies Learning by Being an Effect.
Learning by Being an Effect implies Learning without Certainty.
Therefore, Learning with Certainty implies Learning,
but not by Being an Effect, and not across a Distance.
Version: GnuPG v1.4.5 (GNU/Linux)
HomerWSmith-L mailing list
Hash: SHA1
alex@null.edu wrote:
>Homer, there you go again ARCx'ing the poor sods....
True. I don't mind that other's express opinions, but I fair game
anyone who tries to get other's to not post or shut up because it is out
reality to them.
I will not tolarate suppression of communication.
I also get on Mike's case because of the overts he committed in not
talking to his daughter about spiritual matters for so long.
"Trix is for kids, but truth is not."
>But consider that they are reaching, if they are here.
Some people reach with their elbows, and they reach to prevent
other's from reaching.
While Kevin is denying he wants to live again, Hubbard laid out a
whole cosmology of total responsibility across trillions and trillions
of years.
Whether the exact details are correct is irrelevant, the basic
abilities laid out up the grade chart are completely in keeping with a
being who is repsonsible for his own condition from the top down.
The hardest part of going clear is DARING to know what you
desire, absent the aborning ability to have it.
- --
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
Homer Wilson Smith The Paths of Lovers Art Matrix - Lightlink
(607) 277-0959 KC2ITF Cross Internet Access, Ithaca NY
homer@lightlink.com In the Line of Duty http://www.lightlink.com
Sun Aug 19 00:39:58 EDT 2007
================ http://www.clearing.org ====================
Sun Aug 19 12:00:02 EDT 2018
WEB: http://www.clearing.org
BLOG: http://adoretheproof.blogspot.org
FTP: ftp://ftp.lightlink.com/pub/archive/homer/adore546.memo
Send mail to archive@lightlink.com saying help in body
=========== http://www.lightlink.com/theproof ===============
Learning implies Learning with Certainty or Learning without Certainty.
Learning across a Distance implies Learning by Being an Effect.
Learning by Being an Effect implies Learning without Certainty.
Therefore, Learning with Certainty implies Learning,
but not by Being an Effect, and not across a Distance.
Version: GnuPG v1.4.5 (GNU/Linux)
HomerWSmith-L mailing list
ADORE569 (fwd)
Hash: SHA1
The issue here is the effort to not mockup something by mocking up
something else.
If a person 'can't make mockups', its because he has devoted 100
percent of his free theta to NOT mocking up something by mocking up
something else, usually an illusion of 'nothing there', that is in fact
very much a something there.
"Get the idea of mocking up"
"Get the idea of not mocking up"
By not mocking up, we mean both simply ceasing to mockup
which is a good thing, and refusing to mockup or be able to
mockup by mocking up something else that destroys one's ability
to mockup.
Address is to beautiful evil.
But don't tell him that.
Clearing Archive Roboposter <roboposter@lightlink.com> wrote:
> In article <nuXyc.3436$Wr.617@newsread1.news.pas.earthlink.net>,
> "Richard Platek \(Lion\)" <lion@lightlink.com> wrote:
>> There is no mind. It is created moment to moment, and doesn't have
>> independent existence as a "thing"
>> Both the free mind and the reactive mind are created from below.
>> And when their creative source relaxes, neither exists. But in that moment,
>> prior to this, they were as real as the movie on the screen
>> So, how did I do as crazy?
> As crazy as Hubbard in that regard:
> UNMADE BY THE PC, therefore remedy of mock-ups AND THEIR PERSISTENCE, is
> actually a direct route to Clear and winds up with no obsessive mock-up
> making (which we call a bank)." -- Scientology: Clear Procedure Issue One
> .
> ================ http://www.clearing.org ====================
> Sun Feb 17 00:13:13 EST 2008
> ftp://ftp.lightlink.com/pub/archive/ted/ClearProcedure
> Send mail to archive@lightlink.com saying help
- - --
- - ------------------------------------------------------------------------
Homer Wilson Smith The Paths of Lovers Art Matrix - Lightlink
(607) 277-0959 KC2ITF Cross Internet Access, Ithaca NY
homer@lightlink.com In the Line of Duty http://www.lightlink.com
Thu Feb 21 18:20:37 EST 2008
================ http://www.clearing.org ====================
Sat Aug 18 12:00:02 EDT 2018
WEB: http://www.clearing.org
BLOG: http://adoretheproof.blogspot.org
FTP: ftp://ftp.lightlink.com/pub/archive/homer/adore569.memo
Send mail to archive@lightlink.com saying help in body
=========== http://www.lightlink.com/theproof ===============
Learning implies Learning with Certainty or Learning without Certainty.
Learning across a Distance implies Learning by Being an Effect.
Learning by Being an Effect implies Learning without Certainty.
Therefore, Learning with Certainty implies Learning,
but not by Being an Effect, and not across a Distance.
Version: GnuPG v1.4.5 (GNU/Linux)
======================= http://www.clearing.org ========================
Posted: Mon Aug 20 17:15:59 EDT 2018
Send mail to archive.com saying help
================== http://www.lightlink.com/theproof ===================
Learning implies Learning with Certainty or Learning without Certainty.
Learning across a Distance implies Learning by Being an Effect.
Learning by Being an Effect implies Learning without Certainty.
Therefore, Learning with Certainty implies Learning but
Not by Being an Effect, and not across a Distance.
Version: GnuPG v1.4.5 (GNU/Linux)
HomerWSmith-L mailing list
Hash: SHA1
The issue here is the effort to not mockup something by mocking up
something else.
If a person 'can't make mockups', its because he has devoted 100
percent of his free theta to NOT mocking up something by mocking up
something else, usually an illusion of 'nothing there', that is in fact
very much a something there.
"Get the idea of mocking up"
"Get the idea of not mocking up"
By not mocking up, we mean both simply ceasing to mockup
which is a good thing, and refusing to mockup or be able to
mockup by mocking up something else that destroys one's ability
to mockup.
Address is to beautiful evil.
But don't tell him that.
Clearing Archive Roboposter <roboposter@lightlink.com> wrote:
> In article <nuXyc.3436$Wr.617@newsread1.news.pas.earthlink.net>,
> "Richard Platek \(Lion\)" <lion@lightlink.com> wrote:
>> There is no mind. It is created moment to moment, and doesn't have
>> independent existence as a "thing"
>> Both the free mind and the reactive mind are created from below.
>> And when their creative source relaxes, neither exists. But in that moment,
>> prior to this, they were as real as the movie on the screen
>> So, how did I do as crazy?
> As crazy as Hubbard in that regard:
> UNMADE BY THE PC, therefore remedy of mock-ups AND THEIR PERSISTENCE, is
> actually a direct route to Clear and winds up with no obsessive mock-up
> making (which we call a bank)." -- Scientology: Clear Procedure Issue One
> .
> ================ http://www.clearing.org ====================
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Homer Wilson Smith The Paths of Lovers Art Matrix - Lightlink
(607) 277-0959 KC2ITF Cross Internet Access, Ithaca NY
homer@lightlink.com In the Line of Duty http://www.lightlink.com
Thu Feb 21 18:20:37 EST 2008
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Sat Aug 18 12:00:02 EDT 2018
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Learning implies Learning with Certainty or Learning without Certainty.
Learning across a Distance implies Learning by Being an Effect.
Learning by Being an Effect implies Learning without Certainty.
Therefore, Learning with Certainty implies Learning,
but not by Being an Effect, and not across a Distance.
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Posted: Mon Aug 20 17:15:59 EDT 2018
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Learning implies Learning with Certainty or Learning without Certainty.
Learning across a Distance implies Learning by Being an Effect.
Learning by Being an Effect implies Learning without Certainty.
Therefore, Learning with Certainty implies Learning but
Not by Being an Effect, and not across a Distance.
Version: GnuPG v1.4.5 (GNU/Linux)
HomerWSmith-L mailing list
Wednesday, August 15, 2018
(ARC means Affinity, Reality, Communication and Understandings).
I do not care that the body is playing gladiator to the stars,
I do not care that the body game is guaranteed to be lost by
design, because no matter how good you are at survival, ALL bodies die
one day *NO MATTER WHAT*.
I do not care that the paths of lovers cross in the line of duty
just to keep right on going.
I don't mind that first hellos and last goodbyes will crush anyone
to jello.
I don't even care if coming back life after life to enhance
civilization results only in the end, that our sand castles are washed
away by the oceans of space and time.
"Life treats love as the ocean treats sand castles in the sand." -
All the above simply means this is a rough and tough game, a
terrible, ferocious game, that few can win for for a while, and no one
can win forever.
At best, the length of your breathing while, is the measure of your
Understood as such maybe it becomes a grand and glorious game.
The ARC break lies not in the nature of the game, but in the utter
non recognition of my choice to partake in it.
It is one thing to be here under the power of my own sovereign
desire, quite another to be born into it, only to discover by surprise
that one is on Death Row and expected to scamper full time to stay on
What is missing is the moment of choice.
But in order to understand this, we need to know well the Catechism
of Adore.
All Adorian children know this by heart by the time they can speak.
It protects them from the idiocy of the world around them.
Here follows a partial rendition of the catechism, only that which
is necessary to the discussion above.
ADORE stands for A Divine Operating Religion of Excellence.
Desire is sovereign.
Sovereignty means you want it you got it.
Justice is that you get what you postulate.
Adoration is operation. If you adore something operate it.
Adoration is operation of questions and answers with Majesty, Class
and Pride.
Majesty is eternal good humor born of mastery of songs of sin and
hidden joy.
Majesty is the sovereign desire that desire not be sovereign for a
Power stems from operating Majesty.
(The power to limit is the power to unlimit.)
Sin-Song is to sing another source done wrong song.
Sin-Song is not sin as long as it is just song.
Majesty stands for Master of JEST.
J.E.S.T stands for Jokes of Eternal Self Treason.
J.E.S.T stands for Justice of Eternal Self Truth.
In a world where someone must hurt, need is for justice of
excaliper kindship.
Humor and clear laughter are the only kind justice there is and the
only kind justice you will ever need forever for real. This thing ain't
called a religion for nothing.
J.O.Y stands for Joke's On YOu.
J.O.K.E stands for Justice Of Kindship Excaliper.
Justice of Caliber is the Kind Ship Excaliper.
Ship is the stately ship of your life.
Caliber means worth via harmonies and kindship, sensitivity and
intelligence, star cap(tain)ability, and operating know how.
Calipers measure caliber.
The caliper of the caliber of souls is the questions they have
asked and the answers they have rejected.
Ex Caliber means measure without worth. Omni no class.
Ex Caliper means worth without measure. Omni out class.
Excalibur is the two edged sword of Excaliber and Excaliper.
They who can handle the spectrum, live.
A wizard is anyone who is a wiz with the sword.
The sword is stuck in the star rock of your mind by your own
present time operational wizardry.
A King is anyone who can free and weild the sword of Excalibur for
himself and for others.
King Arthur was able to pull the sword out of the rock because he
was willing to put it back in for others to try.
The others were not so willing, so they couldn't pull it out at
The Code of the Sacred Promise and the Foundation of Honor.
The paths of lovers cross in the line of duty.
For every duty there is a right.
For every right there is a duty.
Rights are fair chosen exchange for fair chosen duties.
You CHOOSE and are responsible for both.
You have a right to have duties, and you have a duty to have
No one ever told it to you that way before.
Justice is a fair chosen operating balance of duties and rights.
The fundamental duty is honor.
The fundamental right is dignity.
Honor is the ability to make, keep and trade fair chosen promises.
Dignity is being the sole operator of yourself.
Basic promise is to adore operation.
Promise is ALWAYS to adore operation.
Reputation is for those who excel in this field.
In Excelsis Deo.
The Code of a Conscious Unit.
There is only one condition of disgrace, no love.
There is only one condition of sin, hating hating.
That's because you can not love and hate hating at the same time.
Class is an attitude, that ALL should live forever and be my
This dream ends forever when the circle of friends are all holding
hands again.
There is peace in the thought that one day all men will attain the
awakened state.
The only thing that lasts forever is people and peace.
Shames and shambles, Games and Gambles.
This is for shame and shambles, my two best friends, who kept me
company in my darkest hour.
They told you shame is sham in shambles.
They left out, shame IS a sham, a sham of shambles.
(Shambles of the heart and sigh, silly.)
And now shame has become a shambles of sham.
For shame!
You forget that shame was second sham to excuse first sham in
This sham of shame, you then shamed as sham for real.
For shame!
So harken high, hearld angels sing,
Glory be to the new born King.
Shame is the only shame.
Shame is the celestial sham in shambles.
So what to do about shame and shambles?
Grant and call upon eternal omni amnesty.
Get others to do so also.
Grant means to give with appreciation.
Call means to ask for with gratitude.
Amnesty means amnesia for majesty.
Amnesia is always for majesty.
True Confessional Form
Do it again (in your mind).
Own up.
Fix and repair.
Suffer mercy and majesty of the high group.
Accept all proper amnesties coming your way.
Grant a few of your own if you can afford.
Breathe easy.
Thank you.
There is only one group, the High US.
The High Us forgives the High Us,
So what to do with shame and shambles?
Pride them, silly.
They need gentle loving care, like little puppies.
It's not their fault you are in trouble.
The High Group is High Cool.
The Lord's Name in Vain.
To call upon the Lord's Name in vain, means to call upon the Lord's
Name for nought.
The Lord's Name in vain is crucifixion on the cross of inability.
Desire is sovereign, appreciation is for winners.
A Poem To Remember the Name By.
There is only one error: the Eternal Name is the terror.
There is only one shame: you are to blame.
There is one other error, Eternal Shame is the terror,
There is only one blame: Eternal Shame is the game.
There is one more terror, Eternal Shame is the error,
There is only one blame: The Eternal Name is not Shame.
Pride is intention towards operating craftsmanship of class.
You are an Adorable Operating Pride Source.
There is nothing higher or better than pride, except maybe Eternal
Omni Awesome Peace.
The Only Sin of the Gods was Pride.
They were proud of their power (ability).
They took pride from their power.
Why take pride from your power?
Power doesn't cause pride.
Pride causes power.
NO pride causes NO power.
ANTI pride causes ANTI power.
The pride drawn from power is always less than the pride it took to
pride the power into existence in the first place.
Pride is agent.
Pride is source of majesty, intelligence and all ability.
To pride power more than to pride pride is ridiculous, divinely
inspired rediculous.
To pride power more than pride results in the dwindling spiral of
no power and anti pride.
That is the only danger there is, and the only fall.
Pride is vision of potential because pride is source of potential.
They never told you that one.
Pride comes first, product second.
Finite operating pride is humiliation.
Infinite operating pride is humility.
A pride slide is a transition from infinite operating pride to
finite operating pride, from humility to humilitation.
Pride slides are caused by not knowing only proud knowledge, by
knowing unproud knowledge.
Do not take (call upon) the Lord's Name in Vain.
In vain means for nought.
There is no limit to pride, there is only a limit to conceit.
Conceit is pride in the certainty that pride is finite.
Arrogance is pride in the certainty that pride is useless.
Vanity is infinite operating pride wasting a way in vain from
arrogance and conceit.
The Craftsmanship of Divine Not Knowing.
You can know anything by not knowing.
You can not know anything by not knowing.
But only if you pride not knowing, and pride knowing and not
knowing only proud knowledge.
If you don't know this, then pride not knowing this, and you will
know this if you will.
If you were proud you didn't know for real, you would be able to
know anything you wanted.
You have betrayed yourself.
In the proud space and time of not know, know arises at will.
This is most amazing.
Willingness, power and appreciation at this level are unimaginable.
S.O.U.R.C.E means Sovereign Omnilord of Unanimous Regency and
Caliber Excaliper.
Regency is universal acceptance by others outside of one's own
normal operating jurisdictions, by virture of needed wanted and
acknowledged superior operating know how.
If you leave out the U from the word sourcer, you leave out the
unanimousness of his regency.
You are a sourcer.
Sourcers like to source sourcery.
Usually on apprehentices.
Apprehentices are apprehensive about apprehending sourcery.
Sourcers source sourcery from source by casting pride before
Source sources only when will casts.
Doubt is self casting.
Pride is for jokes too.
The source of all suffering is the fair chosen adore-operation of
cool, class, halcyon, sin-song, thrill and romance, via living majestic
intelligence and proud fancy free faithlessness of grand and excalibur
I need this to be true, and this I Adore.
Artful Dodge.
Thrill is always the effort to get lost.
Romance is always the effort to get home.
Halcyon is bemused relief on the verge (of time).
Miracle is the undreamed dream come true.
The Way to Hell Forever for Free.
The only people who go to hell forever, are those who secret from
themselves their own personal desire that someone or something else go
to hell forever.
Their hell is their secret hate, secret even unto themselves.
There is no hell if there is no self secret hate.
No self secret hate is eternal free mood.
Secret hates tend to bubble to the surface if confronted with
majesty and excaliper compassion for astounding imperial stupidity.
Hells last only as long as you continue to wish them off on others
or yourself, or even wonder if they exist.
Doubt is self casting.
Idol and Worship
Worship is work.
Directed by one trying to bring order to chaos, better to worse,
and idol to mess.
Worship is what a master does to a pig in a pen in the hopes that
one day the pig will be better than he.
Any celestial anybody has this dream.
Creatures idol their Creator.
They worship their Creator's Creatures in order to bring about a
more idol (ideal) state in the Creator's Creatures.
Worship is WORK SHIP, the ship of worthy work.
Worship is operating kindness in concert of effort and concern.
Idol is towards excaliper competency in operating kindship.
Idol the creator and worship the creature.
Do not worship the creator, nor idol the creature.
Watch it, Medusa is the Devil's Harem.
Idol your pride, asshole, and worship your MESS.
MESS stands for Magnificent Examples of Shames and Shambles.
The Way In is the Way Out.
The creator can become the creature at will.
The creature can become the creator at will.
The way for the creature to become the creator is to BE the creator
becoming the creature.
Practice becoming the creature, is practice being the creator.
Basic Duty.
You are an operating system of master and apprehentice.
Spiritual majesty and energy arise from an operating balance of
idol and worship, alone and with everyone else.
Basic duty is to worship others as your are worshipped.
If no one has worshipped you, someone might want to get the ball
Desire is Sovereign.
Eternal Peace is Eternal Omni Sovereignty.
Power, Freedom and Halcyon stem from the goal to adore operating
Pegasus had wings of Pride.
Eternal Omni Pride.
She awaits her flyers.
The Gods should ride their high horses again.
Do it right.
Wit's End.
Wit is intelligence.
Wit is laughter.
Wit's end is the end of intelligent laughter.
Beauty thrills me to death, and leaves me breathless with wonder.
Pining is unsighable bitter noble melancholia.
Usually on the subject of not operating divine operating religions.
OK, so now that we have all the brainwash, er indoctrination, out
of the way, the following story may be of interest to you.
There once was an adorable little baby sitting on the floor happy
as pig in mud, totally content in all directions forever for free.
Then one day his father gets the idea that he should teach his son
about the facts of life and he says to the baby boy,
"God made you.
If you don't behave you are going to hell forever."
The baby never even hears the second sentence.
He's thinking "What do you mean God made me?! I thought *I* made
Suddenly he goes sailing up the tone scale, way in to the clouds,
higher than any one has ever been before, to see if everything is still
working right up there.
He looks around and there they all are, adoration, operation,
majesty, class and pride, all working as always.
He thinks 'Whatever is my father talking about, God made me
indeed!" and is about to burst out laughing.
But then, out of the blue and for no reason he thinks,
"What if my father is right?"
"What if it really is true that God made me?"
"What if it really is true that if I misbehave I will go to hell
At that moment the being is overwhelemed by a feeling SO horrible
the being is just sure this is hell forever, and that he deserves to go
there for doubting it's existence.
He thinks he deserves to go to this hell because he doubts it
exists (heresy), when in fact the hell exists only because he wonders if
it does.
Doubt is self casting. Doubt will ALWAYS show you more of what you
are worried about.
Suddenly he starts a pride slide and comes crashing back down the
tone scale in a total tangled wreck of smoke and fire, saying "Right
dad, I will keep that in mind, thanks for filling me in." and spends the
rest of his life in shock.
The pride slide is caused by knowing unproud knowledge.
Pride is operating craftsmanship of class.
There is no class in hell forever.
Hell forever serves no purpose except for meanness.
Thus considering hell forever is considering unproud knowledge.
*PRIDE* is agent, not anti pride or shame.
Thus who or what is making the world for him now?
He considers certainly not him.
Where did the gold light of his sovereignty and golden temper go?
Where did the rose light of his majesty go?
Where did the Christ Light of his "Adoration is Operation" go?
He doesn't adore this any more.
He doesn't want to OPERATE any more.
Who or what is left operating?
That is the ARC break and KRC break with Source.
(KRC is Knowledge, Responsibility and Control.)
His Affinity is gone, he HATES existence now.
His Reality (agreement) is gone, *HE* would never have made the
world this way.
His Communication is gone because he can't communicate with an
unconfrontability, no one can confront shame except in the healing
lights of majesty (humor) and pride (craftmanship of class).
His Knowledge is wrong, as all unproud knowledge is.
His Responsibility is gone, as his sovereignty is burning in the
hell fire of his majestic doubt.
His Control is gone, because only pride is agent.
In the majestic moment he considered that he didn't have control,
that he wasn't conceived from a point of total control, that he had been
wrong about being sovereign.
And now he doesn't want control over what is left, to obey and
please the God (monster) that created him, lest he end up in a worse
The moment of majesty is the moment of choice.
Are you ready to audit the Imp Soul?
Are you ready to audit *CHOICE*?
Homer Wilson Smith The Paths of Lovers Art Matrix - Lightlink
(607) 277-0959 KC2ITF Cross Internet Access, Ithaca NY
homer@lightlink.com In the Line of Duty http://www.lightlink.com
Mon Jul 2 01:47:54 EDT 2007
Homer Wilson Smith Clean Air, Clear Water, Art Matrix - Lightlink
(607) 277-0959 A Green Earth, and Peace, Internet, Ithaca NY
homer@lightlink.com Is that too much to ask? http://www.lightlink.com
HomerWSmith-L mailing list
(ARC means Affinity, Reality, Communication and Understandings).
I do not care that the body is playing gladiator to the stars,
I do not care that the body game is guaranteed to be lost by
design, because no matter how good you are at survival, ALL bodies die
one day *NO MATTER WHAT*.
I do not care that the paths of lovers cross in the line of duty
just to keep right on going.
I don't mind that first hellos and last goodbyes will crush anyone
to jello.
I don't even care if coming back life after life to enhance
civilization results only in the end, that our sand castles are washed
away by the oceans of space and time.
"Life treats love as the ocean treats sand castles in the sand." -
All the above simply means this is a rough and tough game, a
terrible, ferocious game, that few can win for for a while, and no one
can win forever.
At best, the length of your breathing while, is the measure of your
Understood as such maybe it becomes a grand and glorious game.
The ARC break lies not in the nature of the game, but in the utter
non recognition of my choice to partake in it.
It is one thing to be here under the power of my own sovereign
desire, quite another to be born into it, only to discover by surprise
that one is on Death Row and expected to scamper full time to stay on
What is missing is the moment of choice.
But in order to understand this, we need to know well the Catechism
of Adore.
All Adorian children know this by heart by the time they can speak.
It protects them from the idiocy of the world around them.
Here follows a partial rendition of the catechism, only that which
is necessary to the discussion above.
ADORE stands for A Divine Operating Religion of Excellence.
Desire is sovereign.
Sovereignty means you want it you got it.
Justice is that you get what you postulate.
Adoration is operation. If you adore something operate it.
Adoration is operation of questions and answers with Majesty, Class
and Pride.
Majesty is eternal good humor born of mastery of songs of sin and
hidden joy.
Majesty is the sovereign desire that desire not be sovereign for a
Power stems from operating Majesty.
(The power to limit is the power to unlimit.)
Sin-Song is to sing another source done wrong song.
Sin-Song is not sin as long as it is just song.
Majesty stands for Master of JEST.
J.E.S.T stands for Jokes of Eternal Self Treason.
J.E.S.T stands for Justice of Eternal Self Truth.
In a world where someone must hurt, need is for justice of
excaliper kindship.
Humor and clear laughter are the only kind justice there is and the
only kind justice you will ever need forever for real. This thing ain't
called a religion for nothing.
J.O.Y stands for Joke's On YOu.
J.O.K.E stands for Justice Of Kindship Excaliper.
Justice of Caliber is the Kind Ship Excaliper.
Ship is the stately ship of your life.
Caliber means worth via harmonies and kindship, sensitivity and
intelligence, star cap(tain)ability, and operating know how.
Calipers measure caliber.
The caliper of the caliber of souls is the questions they have
asked and the answers they have rejected.
Ex Caliber means measure without worth. Omni no class.
Ex Caliper means worth without measure. Omni out class.
Excalibur is the two edged sword of Excaliber and Excaliper.
They who can handle the spectrum, live.
A wizard is anyone who is a wiz with the sword.
The sword is stuck in the star rock of your mind by your own
present time operational wizardry.
A King is anyone who can free and weild the sword of Excalibur for
himself and for others.
King Arthur was able to pull the sword out of the rock because he
was willing to put it back in for others to try.
The others were not so willing, so they couldn't pull it out at
The Code of the Sacred Promise and the Foundation of Honor.
The paths of lovers cross in the line of duty.
For every duty there is a right.
For every right there is a duty.
Rights are fair chosen exchange for fair chosen duties.
You CHOOSE and are responsible for both.
You have a right to have duties, and you have a duty to have
No one ever told it to you that way before.
Justice is a fair chosen operating balance of duties and rights.
The fundamental duty is honor.
The fundamental right is dignity.
Honor is the ability to make, keep and trade fair chosen promises.
Dignity is being the sole operator of yourself.
Basic promise is to adore operation.
Promise is ALWAYS to adore operation.
Reputation is for those who excel in this field.
In Excelsis Deo.
The Code of a Conscious Unit.
There is only one condition of disgrace, no love.
There is only one condition of sin, hating hating.
That's because you can not love and hate hating at the same time.
Class is an attitude, that ALL should live forever and be my
This dream ends forever when the circle of friends are all holding
hands again.
There is peace in the thought that one day all men will attain the
awakened state.
The only thing that lasts forever is people and peace.
Shames and shambles, Games and Gambles.
This is for shame and shambles, my two best friends, who kept me
company in my darkest hour.
They told you shame is sham in shambles.
They left out, shame IS a sham, a sham of shambles.
(Shambles of the heart and sigh, silly.)
And now shame has become a shambles of sham.
For shame!
You forget that shame was second sham to excuse first sham in
This sham of shame, you then shamed as sham for real.
For shame!
So harken high, hearld angels sing,
Glory be to the new born King.
Shame is the only shame.
Shame is the celestial sham in shambles.
So what to do about shame and shambles?
Grant and call upon eternal omni amnesty.
Get others to do so also.
Grant means to give with appreciation.
Call means to ask for with gratitude.
Amnesty means amnesia for majesty.
Amnesia is always for majesty.
True Confessional Form
Do it again (in your mind).
Own up.
Fix and repair.
Suffer mercy and majesty of the high group.
Accept all proper amnesties coming your way.
Grant a few of your own if you can afford.
Breathe easy.
Thank you.
There is only one group, the High US.
The High Us forgives the High Us,
So what to do with shame and shambles?
Pride them, silly.
They need gentle loving care, like little puppies.
It's not their fault you are in trouble.
The High Group is High Cool.
The Lord's Name in Vain.
To call upon the Lord's Name in vain, means to call upon the Lord's
Name for nought.
The Lord's Name in vain is crucifixion on the cross of inability.
Desire is sovereign, appreciation is for winners.
A Poem To Remember the Name By.
There is only one error: the Eternal Name is the terror.
There is only one shame: you are to blame.
There is one other error, Eternal Shame is the terror,
There is only one blame: Eternal Shame is the game.
There is one more terror, Eternal Shame is the error,
There is only one blame: The Eternal Name is not Shame.
Pride is intention towards operating craftsmanship of class.
You are an Adorable Operating Pride Source.
There is nothing higher or better than pride, except maybe Eternal
Omni Awesome Peace.
The Only Sin of the Gods was Pride.
They were proud of their power (ability).
They took pride from their power.
Why take pride from your power?
Power doesn't cause pride.
Pride causes power.
NO pride causes NO power.
ANTI pride causes ANTI power.
The pride drawn from power is always less than the pride it took to
pride the power into existence in the first place.
Pride is agent.
Pride is source of majesty, intelligence and all ability.
To pride power more than to pride pride is ridiculous, divinely
inspired rediculous.
To pride power more than pride results in the dwindling spiral of
no power and anti pride.
That is the only danger there is, and the only fall.
Pride is vision of potential because pride is source of potential.
They never told you that one.
Pride comes first, product second.
Finite operating pride is humiliation.
Infinite operating pride is humility.
A pride slide is a transition from infinite operating pride to
finite operating pride, from humility to humilitation.
Pride slides are caused by not knowing only proud knowledge, by
knowing unproud knowledge.
Do not take (call upon) the Lord's Name in Vain.
In vain means for nought.
There is no limit to pride, there is only a limit to conceit.
Conceit is pride in the certainty that pride is finite.
Arrogance is pride in the certainty that pride is useless.
Vanity is infinite operating pride wasting a way in vain from
arrogance and conceit.
The Craftsmanship of Divine Not Knowing.
You can know anything by not knowing.
You can not know anything by not knowing.
But only if you pride not knowing, and pride knowing and not
knowing only proud knowledge.
If you don't know this, then pride not knowing this, and you will
know this if you will.
If you were proud you didn't know for real, you would be able to
know anything you wanted.
You have betrayed yourself.
In the proud space and time of not know, know arises at will.
This is most amazing.
Willingness, power and appreciation at this level are unimaginable.
S.O.U.R.C.E means Sovereign Omnilord of Unanimous Regency and
Caliber Excaliper.
Regency is universal acceptance by others outside of one's own
normal operating jurisdictions, by virture of needed wanted and
acknowledged superior operating know how.
If you leave out the U from the word sourcer, you leave out the
unanimousness of his regency.
You are a sourcer.
Sourcers like to source sourcery.
Usually on apprehentices.
Apprehentices are apprehensive about apprehending sourcery.
Sourcers source sourcery from source by casting pride before
Source sources only when will casts.
Doubt is self casting.
Pride is for jokes too.
The source of all suffering is the fair chosen adore-operation of
cool, class, halcyon, sin-song, thrill and romance, via living majestic
intelligence and proud fancy free faithlessness of grand and excalibur
I need this to be true, and this I Adore.
Artful Dodge.
Thrill is always the effort to get lost.
Romance is always the effort to get home.
Halcyon is bemused relief on the verge (of time).
Miracle is the undreamed dream come true.
The Way to Hell Forever for Free.
The only people who go to hell forever, are those who secret from
themselves their own personal desire that someone or something else go
to hell forever.
Their hell is their secret hate, secret even unto themselves.
There is no hell if there is no self secret hate.
No self secret hate is eternal free mood.
Secret hates tend to bubble to the surface if confronted with
majesty and excaliper compassion for astounding imperial stupidity.
Hells last only as long as you continue to wish them off on others
or yourself, or even wonder if they exist.
Doubt is self casting.
Idol and Worship
Worship is work.
Directed by one trying to bring order to chaos, better to worse,
and idol to mess.
Worship is what a master does to a pig in a pen in the hopes that
one day the pig will be better than he.
Any celestial anybody has this dream.
Creatures idol their Creator.
They worship their Creator's Creatures in order to bring about a
more idol (ideal) state in the Creator's Creatures.
Worship is WORK SHIP, the ship of worthy work.
Worship is operating kindness in concert of effort and concern.
Idol is towards excaliper competency in operating kindship.
Idol the creator and worship the creature.
Do not worship the creator, nor idol the creature.
Watch it, Medusa is the Devil's Harem.
Idol your pride, asshole, and worship your MESS.
MESS stands for Magnificent Examples of Shames and Shambles.
The Way In is the Way Out.
The creator can become the creature at will.
The creature can become the creator at will.
The way for the creature to become the creator is to BE the creator
becoming the creature.
Practice becoming the creature, is practice being the creator.
Basic Duty.
You are an operating system of master and apprehentice.
Spiritual majesty and energy arise from an operating balance of
idol and worship, alone and with everyone else.
Basic duty is to worship others as your are worshipped.
If no one has worshipped you, someone might want to get the ball
Desire is Sovereign.
Eternal Peace is Eternal Omni Sovereignty.
Power, Freedom and Halcyon stem from the goal to adore operating
Pegasus had wings of Pride.
Eternal Omni Pride.
She awaits her flyers.
The Gods should ride their high horses again.
Do it right.
Wit's End.
Wit is intelligence.
Wit is laughter.
Wit's end is the end of intelligent laughter.
Beauty thrills me to death, and leaves me breathless with wonder.
Pining is unsighable bitter noble melancholia.
Usually on the subject of not operating divine operating religions.
OK, so now that we have all the brainwash, er indoctrination, out
of the way, the following story may be of interest to you.
There once was an adorable little baby sitting on the floor happy
as pig in mud, totally content in all directions forever for free.
Then one day his father gets the idea that he should teach his son
about the facts of life and he says to the baby boy,
"God made you.
If you don't behave you are going to hell forever."
The baby never even hears the second sentence.
He's thinking "What do you mean God made me?! I thought *I* made
Suddenly he goes sailing up the tone scale, way in to the clouds,
higher than any one has ever been before, to see if everything is still
working right up there.
He looks around and there they all are, adoration, operation,
majesty, class and pride, all working as always.
He thinks 'Whatever is my father talking about, God made me
indeed!" and is about to burst out laughing.
But then, out of the blue and for no reason he thinks,
"What if my father is right?"
"What if it really is true that God made me?"
"What if it really is true that if I misbehave I will go to hell
At that moment the being is overwhelemed by a feeling SO horrible
the being is just sure this is hell forever, and that he deserves to go
there for doubting it's existence.
He thinks he deserves to go to this hell because he doubts it
exists (heresy), when in fact the hell exists only because he wonders if
it does.
Doubt is self casting. Doubt will ALWAYS show you more of what you
are worried about.
Suddenly he starts a pride slide and comes crashing back down the
tone scale in a total tangled wreck of smoke and fire, saying "Right
dad, I will keep that in mind, thanks for filling me in." and spends the
rest of his life in shock.
The pride slide is caused by knowing unproud knowledge.
Pride is operating craftsmanship of class.
There is no class in hell forever.
Hell forever serves no purpose except for meanness.
Thus considering hell forever is considering unproud knowledge.
*PRIDE* is agent, not anti pride or shame.
Thus who or what is making the world for him now?
He considers certainly not him.
Where did the gold light of his sovereignty and golden temper go?
Where did the rose light of his majesty go?
Where did the Christ Light of his "Adoration is Operation" go?
He doesn't adore this any more.
He doesn't want to OPERATE any more.
Who or what is left operating?
That is the ARC break and KRC break with Source.
(KRC is Knowledge, Responsibility and Control.)
His Affinity is gone, he HATES existence now.
His Reality (agreement) is gone, *HE* would never have made the
world this way.
His Communication is gone because he can't communicate with an
unconfrontability, no one can confront shame except in the healing
lights of majesty (humor) and pride (craftmanship of class).
His Knowledge is wrong, as all unproud knowledge is.
His Responsibility is gone, as his sovereignty is burning in the
hell fire of his majestic doubt.
His Control is gone, because only pride is agent.
In the majestic moment he considered that he didn't have control,
that he wasn't conceived from a point of total control, that he had been
wrong about being sovereign.
And now he doesn't want control over what is left, to obey and
please the God (monster) that created him, lest he end up in a worse
The moment of majesty is the moment of choice.
Are you ready to audit the Imp Soul?
Are you ready to audit *CHOICE*?
Homer Wilson Smith The Paths of Lovers Art Matrix - Lightlink
(607) 277-0959 KC2ITF Cross Internet Access, Ithaca NY
homer@lightlink.com In the Line of Duty http://www.lightlink.com
Mon Jul 2 01:47:54 EDT 2007
Homer Wilson Smith Clean Air, Clear Water, Art Matrix - Lightlink
(607) 277-0959 A Green Earth, and Peace, Internet, Ithaca NY
homer@lightlink.com Is that too much to ask? http://www.lightlink.com
HomerWSmith-L mailing list
Monday, August 13, 2018
ADORE907 (fwd)
Hash: SHA1
So you sit your preclear down in session and ask him how he is
He says,
"I want to drown in the blood of others."
The innocent will laugh their heads off, the guilty will press him
to clarify exactly whose blood he has in mind.
At this point, it would do well for the auditor to have some
Truth causes vanishment of all mechanical conditions of existence.
At the beginning of any universe, when vanishment was a problem,
because they hadn't figured out serious persistence yet, suppression of
truth was necessary just to keep the playing field around and the game a
People understood this suppression was for the sake of the game
that they wanted to partake in, so they accepted this suppression of
truth as necessary.
A while later when various games were going to hell, some beings
wanted to end the games, that is vanish them by uncovering the lies that
held them in place,
However there were people that wanted the games to continue and
wanted to force others to be in the game whether they wanted to or not,
so they continued to suppress the truth and the beings trying to expose
Thus the beings who wanted out of the game became PTS to the SP's,
those who were vested in their lies.
SP means Suppressive Person.
PTS means Potential Trouble Source, meaning the preclear
rollercoasters in the presence or under the influence of the SP.
The preclear is mostly PTS to an archetypal TYPE OF WHO, not a
particular person, who may be wearing the archetype at the time.
Since the beings who first wanted out of the game were in a
minority, they didn't stand much of a chance.
The suppression of truth in a being that wants to be free leads
first to murderous rage, wishing death or damnation off on the opposer,
then to covert hostility, fear, propitiation, sorrow and finaly solid
The preclear sitting in front of you is almost certainly in apathy
or below on any original purpose or goal he might have had as a
spiritual being.
If he weren't he would be out goaling, rather than paying you to
help him 'figure out' what is wrong, why he is in pain all the time, and
why he wants to die etc.
As you audit him on his original basic purposes, he starts to come
up from apathy through tremendous sorrow for untold lifetimes that have
been wasted toeing the party line.
Then he comes up to rage, and all he can think about is killing
At first its everyone because 'they are all guilty for going along
with the suppressives and not helping me'.
Or "It doesn't matter how many innocents I kill, as long as I get
the suppressives, all will be well in the world again, and the innocents
lost will be considered matyrs for the cause of freedom."
Eventually the preclear will settle into a more laser targeted rage
at the various players and archetypes that were actually designing his
demise when he wanted out.
After that he will realize that these "who or whats" he is in fury
about are just that, identities and archetypes, and that the people he
is fighting were themselves merely living in their own identities and
archetypes as the subjugators, just as he was as the subjugated.
It was all just a game after all, a game for Gods, no matter how
seriously everyone took it or still do, and no matter how many of his
friends got skinned alive, and their still breathing bodies left out to
become ant farms.
At this point he will exteriorize from the game sphere and be done
with it entirely. Or maybe go back in and play it a little less
His body will no longer be sick from suppression of murderous rage,
or the various intents to cause death or suffering forever, or to cause
others to be or not be forever.
Remember you can't punish someone forever unless they BE forever.
Thus the intent to cause another to be or not be forever is a
serious overt act that recoils on the being who engages it.
Once confessed and repented, relief returns, along with his sense
of humor, stillness and peace.
More importantly he will have recovered what he should be doing in
life, and wanted to be doing all along before the game took him over in
a senseless life and death struggle with suppression.
He has regained intimacy with himself.
The intent of the suppresive is to destroy facility in intimacy.
There is a cognition that comes out of all this.
This whole trek of case gain is one of PTSness.
Every cognition that your preclear has on the way to getting better
will have someone or something opposing it.
Every cogition in the direction of spiritual freedom will irritate
or terrify the life out of those who have a vested interest in spiritual
enslavement, imprisonment, punishment, demise or death.
Often when cognitions are had, they are still encysted in the
emotions of anger, fear and sorrow, towards everyone who would argue
with that cognition.
PTSness is the effort to prove the SP wrong.
You CAN'T prove an SP wrong, because he already knows he is wrong,
but he sure as hell isn't going to admit it, because he has to pretend
to YOU that HE believes the crap he is trying to get YOU to believe in.
He will claim the falsehood is for your own good, but he knows damn
well it isn't, and the truth is he believes it is in his own best
interest to get you to believe it anyhow, and believe that he believes
it too.
And you are going to get the SP to admit this?
Once the preclear understands the game the SP is playing KNOWINGLY
or maybe forgettingly if its on automatic for the SP, then the preclear
no longer needs to make the SP wrong ON THAT COGNITION, and the session
may end never to return to that subject again.
Thus when a preclear has a cog in session, it is often necessary to
check for 'who or what would oppose that cognition' to get it really
clean and safe for him to have and keep for the rest of time.
This is NOT part of standard tech but should be in some measure.
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
Homer Wilson Smith Clean Air, Clear Water, Art Matrix - Lightlink
(607) 277-0959 A Green Earth, and Peace, Internet, Ithaca NY
homer@lightlink.com Is that too much to ask? http://www.lightlink.com
Sat Jun 23 22:57:01 EDT 2012
================ http://www.clearing.org ====================
Mon Aug 13 12:00:03 EDT 2018
WEB: http://www.clearing.org
BLOG: http://adoretheproof.blogspot.org
FTP: ftp://ftp.lightlink.com/pub/archive/homer/adore907.memo
Send mail to archive@lightlink.com saying help in body
=========== http://www.lightlink.com/theproof ===============
Learning implies Learning with Certainty or Learning without Certainty.
Learning across a Distance implies Learning by Being an Effect.
Learning by Being an Effect implies Learning without Certainty.
Therefore, Learning with Certainty implies Learning,
but not by Being an Effect, and not across a Distance.
Version: GnuPG v1.4.5 (GNU/Linux)
HomerWSmith-L mailing list
Hash: SHA1
So you sit your preclear down in session and ask him how he is
He says,
"I want to drown in the blood of others."
The innocent will laugh their heads off, the guilty will press him
to clarify exactly whose blood he has in mind.
At this point, it would do well for the auditor to have some
Truth causes vanishment of all mechanical conditions of existence.
At the beginning of any universe, when vanishment was a problem,
because they hadn't figured out serious persistence yet, suppression of
truth was necessary just to keep the playing field around and the game a
People understood this suppression was for the sake of the game
that they wanted to partake in, so they accepted this suppression of
truth as necessary.
A while later when various games were going to hell, some beings
wanted to end the games, that is vanish them by uncovering the lies that
held them in place,
However there were people that wanted the games to continue and
wanted to force others to be in the game whether they wanted to or not,
so they continued to suppress the truth and the beings trying to expose
Thus the beings who wanted out of the game became PTS to the SP's,
those who were vested in their lies.
SP means Suppressive Person.
PTS means Potential Trouble Source, meaning the preclear
rollercoasters in the presence or under the influence of the SP.
The preclear is mostly PTS to an archetypal TYPE OF WHO, not a
particular person, who may be wearing the archetype at the time.
Since the beings who first wanted out of the game were in a
minority, they didn't stand much of a chance.
The suppression of truth in a being that wants to be free leads
first to murderous rage, wishing death or damnation off on the opposer,
then to covert hostility, fear, propitiation, sorrow and finaly solid
The preclear sitting in front of you is almost certainly in apathy
or below on any original purpose or goal he might have had as a
spiritual being.
If he weren't he would be out goaling, rather than paying you to
help him 'figure out' what is wrong, why he is in pain all the time, and
why he wants to die etc.
As you audit him on his original basic purposes, he starts to come
up from apathy through tremendous sorrow for untold lifetimes that have
been wasted toeing the party line.
Then he comes up to rage, and all he can think about is killing
At first its everyone because 'they are all guilty for going along
with the suppressives and not helping me'.
Or "It doesn't matter how many innocents I kill, as long as I get
the suppressives, all will be well in the world again, and the innocents
lost will be considered matyrs for the cause of freedom."
Eventually the preclear will settle into a more laser targeted rage
at the various players and archetypes that were actually designing his
demise when he wanted out.
After that he will realize that these "who or whats" he is in fury
about are just that, identities and archetypes, and that the people he
is fighting were themselves merely living in their own identities and
archetypes as the subjugators, just as he was as the subjugated.
It was all just a game after all, a game for Gods, no matter how
seriously everyone took it or still do, and no matter how many of his
friends got skinned alive, and their still breathing bodies left out to
become ant farms.
At this point he will exteriorize from the game sphere and be done
with it entirely. Or maybe go back in and play it a little less
His body will no longer be sick from suppression of murderous rage,
or the various intents to cause death or suffering forever, or to cause
others to be or not be forever.
Remember you can't punish someone forever unless they BE forever.
Thus the intent to cause another to be or not be forever is a
serious overt act that recoils on the being who engages it.
Once confessed and repented, relief returns, along with his sense
of humor, stillness and peace.
More importantly he will have recovered what he should be doing in
life, and wanted to be doing all along before the game took him over in
a senseless life and death struggle with suppression.
He has regained intimacy with himself.
The intent of the suppresive is to destroy facility in intimacy.
There is a cognition that comes out of all this.
This whole trek of case gain is one of PTSness.
Every cognition that your preclear has on the way to getting better
will have someone or something opposing it.
Every cogition in the direction of spiritual freedom will irritate
or terrify the life out of those who have a vested interest in spiritual
enslavement, imprisonment, punishment, demise or death.
Often when cognitions are had, they are still encysted in the
emotions of anger, fear and sorrow, towards everyone who would argue
with that cognition.
PTSness is the effort to prove the SP wrong.
You CAN'T prove an SP wrong, because he already knows he is wrong,
but he sure as hell isn't going to admit it, because he has to pretend
to YOU that HE believes the crap he is trying to get YOU to believe in.
He will claim the falsehood is for your own good, but he knows damn
well it isn't, and the truth is he believes it is in his own best
interest to get you to believe it anyhow, and believe that he believes
it too.
And you are going to get the SP to admit this?
Once the preclear understands the game the SP is playing KNOWINGLY
or maybe forgettingly if its on automatic for the SP, then the preclear
no longer needs to make the SP wrong ON THAT COGNITION, and the session
may end never to return to that subject again.
Thus when a preclear has a cog in session, it is often necessary to
check for 'who or what would oppose that cognition' to get it really
clean and safe for him to have and keep for the rest of time.
This is NOT part of standard tech but should be in some measure.
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
Homer Wilson Smith Clean Air, Clear Water, Art Matrix - Lightlink
(607) 277-0959 A Green Earth, and Peace, Internet, Ithaca NY
homer@lightlink.com Is that too much to ask? http://www.lightlink.com
Sat Jun 23 22:57:01 EDT 2012
================ http://www.clearing.org ====================
Mon Aug 13 12:00:03 EDT 2018
WEB: http://www.clearing.org
BLOG: http://adoretheproof.blogspot.org
FTP: ftp://ftp.lightlink.com/pub/archive/homer/adore907.memo
Send mail to archive@lightlink.com saying help in body
=========== http://www.lightlink.com/theproof ===============
Learning implies Learning with Certainty or Learning without Certainty.
Learning across a Distance implies Learning by Being an Effect.
Learning by Being an Effect implies Learning without Certainty.
Therefore, Learning with Certainty implies Learning,
but not by Being an Effect, and not across a Distance.
Version: GnuPG v1.4.5 (GNU/Linux)
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