Arthur C. Clarke 9/9 ART MATRIX - LIGHTLINK PO 880 Ithaca, NY 14851-0880
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08/15/07 9:08pm
Dear Esteemed Sir,
This is the last of the letters that I have written as part of my
request that you preview this material before I go public with it.
Please feel free to pass anything I have sent you to those who
might benefit from the material or benefit myself by their comments.
I want to thank you for offering me the chance to speak my peace to
a man of stature and wisdom, a man who has deeply affected me through my
childhood and adult years with his work.
The material I have presented is physically, emotionally, mentally
and spiritually tortuous, bordering most of the time on the
preposterous, but remains blindingly simple in principle.
The thought experiment under question is trivial.
Define a machine as any system of parts interacting via cause and
effect across a space time distance.
Put a machine with two video cameras in front of two objects
reflecting two different frequencies of light.
Task the machine with learning with perfect certainty that the two
objects are there and are emitting two different frequencies of light.
Can the machine do this *WITH PERFECT CERTAINTY*?
Put a dreaming conscious unit in front of two different self
luminous conscious experiences, one red and one green.
Task the conscious unit with learning with perfect certainty that
it is seeing two different colors.
Can the conscious unit do this?
The conclusions are as follows.
Either learning with perfect certainty exists or it doesn't.
Either a machine can learn with perfect certainty or it can't.
Either a conscious unit can learn with perfect certainty or it
If a conscious unit can, and a machine can't, then consciousness is
not a machine.
The consequences of this are resounding.
Your faithful servant,
Homer Wilson Smith
Jane Elizabeth Staller
P.S. Our ad for the new super computer facility will be hitting
Nature magazine August 30th.
Homer Wilson Smith The Paths of Lovers Art Matrix - Lightlink
(607) 277-0959 KC2ITF Cross Internet Access, Ithaca NY In the Line of Duty
Sat Aug 18 00:15:28 EDT 2007
================ ====================
Mon Dec 30 00:06:02 EST 2019
BLOG://adoretheproof.blogspot.comSend mail to saying help
================== ===================
Learning implies Learning with Certainty or Learning without Certainty.
Learning across a Distance implies Learning by Being an Effect.
Learning by Being an Effect implies Learning without Certainty.
Therefore, Learning with Certainty implies Learning, but
not by Being an Effect, and not across a Distance.
Clear-L mailing list
HomerWSmith-L mailing list
Monday, December 30, 2019
Sunday, December 29, 2019
ADORE555 (fwd)
Hash: SHA1
Mickel <> wrote:
> I am trying not to be egotistical here because as far as I am concerned this
> is not about me being superior to anyone else it's just something I became
> aware of when I was very young, I can't think of the exact word I need but
> in a spiritual sense we are all equal or translates best as "We are all
> Spiritul Beings"
We are the HIGH US. Top level agreements are made in UNISON and
However at any one time, some are more awake, and some are more
lost in the nightmare of death, departure, reversal and damnation.
People often ask me "Homer do you think you are better than
For a while :)
And there are others who are better than me.
"Worship is WORKSHIP the ship of worthy work.
The master worships the pig in the pen in the hopes that one day
the pig will better than he. Any celestial anybody has this dream."
That's why I bother with Kevin.
"However all masters are the same. Each can source.
But each will source differently.
Ability at the top is identical and common amongst all.
Potential is identical amongst all, but tendency is different
amongst all.
Anyone can BE or recover anything. Any new stuff too.
You can do anything you can imagine, if you can imagine it.
If you can't imagine it, can you imagine not being able to imagine
You are able because I grant it to be so, even though I can't do it
myself, I can give the ability to you.
Same for you and me.
Everyone is unique in tendency, but everyone can find master piece
in all.
This is spice.
One can even choose to not be able to see that this is true.
Then one can't see it is true.
This is Astounding Imperial Stupidity."
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
Homer Wilson Smith The Paths of Lovers Art Matrix - Lightlink
(607) 277-0959 KC2ITF Cross Internet Access, Ithaca NY In the Line of Duty
Fri Dec 7 23:45:39 EST 2007
================ ====================
Sat Dec 28 12:00:04 EST 2019
Send mail to saying help in body
=========== ===============
Learning implies Learning with Certainty or Learning without Certainty.
Learning across a Distance implies Learning by Being an Effect.
Learning by Being an Effect implies Learning without Certainty.
Therefore, Learning with Certainty implies Learning,
but not by Being an Effect, and not across a Distance.
Version: GnuPG v1.4.5 (GNU/Linux)
HomerWSmith-L mailing list
Hash: SHA1
Mickel <> wrote:
> I am trying not to be egotistical here because as far as I am concerned this
> is not about me being superior to anyone else it's just something I became
> aware of when I was very young, I can't think of the exact word I need but
> in a spiritual sense we are all equal or translates best as "We are all
> Spiritul Beings"
We are the HIGH US. Top level agreements are made in UNISON and
However at any one time, some are more awake, and some are more
lost in the nightmare of death, departure, reversal and damnation.
People often ask me "Homer do you think you are better than
For a while :)
And there are others who are better than me.
"Worship is WORKSHIP the ship of worthy work.
The master worships the pig in the pen in the hopes that one day
the pig will better than he. Any celestial anybody has this dream."
That's why I bother with Kevin.
"However all masters are the same. Each can source.
But each will source differently.
Ability at the top is identical and common amongst all.
Potential is identical amongst all, but tendency is different
amongst all.
Anyone can BE or recover anything. Any new stuff too.
You can do anything you can imagine, if you can imagine it.
If you can't imagine it, can you imagine not being able to imagine
You are able because I grant it to be so, even though I can't do it
myself, I can give the ability to you.
Same for you and me.
Everyone is unique in tendency, but everyone can find master piece
in all.
This is spice.
One can even choose to not be able to see that this is true.
Then one can't see it is true.
This is Astounding Imperial Stupidity."
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
Homer Wilson Smith The Paths of Lovers Art Matrix - Lightlink
(607) 277-0959 KC2ITF Cross Internet Access, Ithaca NY In the Line of Duty
Fri Dec 7 23:45:39 EST 2007
================ ====================
Sat Dec 28 12:00:04 EST 2019
Send mail to saying help in body
=========== ===============
Learning implies Learning with Certainty or Learning without Certainty.
Learning across a Distance implies Learning by Being an Effect.
Learning by Being an Effect implies Learning without Certainty.
Therefore, Learning with Certainty implies Learning,
but not by Being an Effect, and not across a Distance.
Version: GnuPG v1.4.5 (GNU/Linux)
HomerWSmith-L mailing list
ADORE195 (fwd)
Hash: SHA1
>But why did spiritual beings create the physical universe in the
>first place? What was their motivation?
To Manifest the UnManifest.
To manifest eternal havingness via the *MECHANISM* of temporal
Manifestation comes and goes like the waves on the sand.
Potential -> Kinetic -> Potential
More specifically it is the desire of absolute peace to engage in
humor which is the transition between Eternal Havingness and Temporal
Loss and back again.
It is the Imp Soul engaging in exquisitely brilliant Astounding
Imperial Stupidity for the sake of its audience, namely itself and
Loss is a kind of havingness: from the world of Dura, where we have
everything eternally, we *DESIGN* the world of Sabe, where we suffer
Trying to 'have' in the world of Sabe is a joke, humor results from
realizing how the loss IS havingness via the mechanism of loss, and one
then enters the world of Dura again passing from sorrow, through humor
to absolute peace again.
- --
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
Homer Wilson Smith The Paths of Lovers Art Matrix - Lightlink
(607) 277-0959 KC2ITF Cross Internet Access, Ithaca NY In the Line of Duty
================ ====================
Sun Dec 29 12:00:04 EST 2019
Send mail to saying help in body
=========== ===============
Learning implies Learning with Certainty or Learning without Certainty.
Learning across a Distance implies Learning by Being an Effect.
Learning by Being an Effect implies Learning without Certainty.
Therefore, Learning with Certainty implies Learning,
but not by Being an Effect, and not across a Distance.
Version: GnuPG v1.4.5 (GNU/Linux)
HomerWSmith-L mailing list
Hash: SHA1
>But why did spiritual beings create the physical universe in the
>first place? What was their motivation?
To Manifest the UnManifest.
To manifest eternal havingness via the *MECHANISM* of temporal
Manifestation comes and goes like the waves on the sand.
Potential -> Kinetic -> Potential
More specifically it is the desire of absolute peace to engage in
humor which is the transition between Eternal Havingness and Temporal
Loss and back again.
It is the Imp Soul engaging in exquisitely brilliant Astounding
Imperial Stupidity for the sake of its audience, namely itself and
Loss is a kind of havingness: from the world of Dura, where we have
everything eternally, we *DESIGN* the world of Sabe, where we suffer
Trying to 'have' in the world of Sabe is a joke, humor results from
realizing how the loss IS havingness via the mechanism of loss, and one
then enters the world of Dura again passing from sorrow, through humor
to absolute peace again.
- --
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
Homer Wilson Smith The Paths of Lovers Art Matrix - Lightlink
(607) 277-0959 KC2ITF Cross Internet Access, Ithaca NY In the Line of Duty
================ ====================
Sun Dec 29 12:00:04 EST 2019
Send mail to saying help in body
=========== ===============
Learning implies Learning with Certainty or Learning without Certainty.
Learning across a Distance implies Learning by Being an Effect.
Learning by Being an Effect implies Learning without Certainty.
Therefore, Learning with Certainty implies Learning,
but not by Being an Effect, and not across a Distance.
Version: GnuPG v1.4.5 (GNU/Linux)
HomerWSmith-L mailing list
ADORE758 (fwd)
Hash: SHA1
Your preclear has gotten involved in infinities.
At first it was an infinity of different spaces, objects and times.
This was outside the doorstep of Eternality.
Then lower down it became one infinite space and time.
This was Immortality.
Then it became an infinite loss of infinite spaces, objects and
This was mortality.
It doesn't matter whether your preclear is a pigball, er I mean
meatball, or not, all beings go through the same dwindling spiral of
desire and havingness.
The desire of all beings is the freedom of eternality with an
infinite number of different infinite universes and futures to choose
And if you recover the early childhood of your preclear where he
can't remember, there you will find that desire burning strong as ever.
But it can get crushed out pretty quick though, particularly in the
meatball, as the weight of the infinite losses along the whole track are
ready and waiting to key in at the first mis thought.
The fall from eternality to immortality was an infinite loss, one
starts with the ability to freely create or move among an infinite
number of infinite spaces and times, and ends up stuck forever in just
one infinite space and time.
The fall from immortality to mortality is another infinite loss as
one starts with at least one endless future of games and adventures, and
ends up with only one life.
The being thus has two levels of infinite loss weighing him down,
and in order to get him out of his depressions, he will need to start
thinking in terms of infinities of infinities again.
Thus you will have to go for the top, eternality, because the being
just won't dare go back to his last immortality, it was just too
horrendous to bear.
Eternality = infinities of infinities
Immortality = one infinity
Mortality = zero infinities.
He has been seeking peace (eternality) through death (mortality)
for a very long time.
He is trying to sleep or die INSIDE some of the space times he
still has available to him.
As he goes to sleep in one, he falls into a dream in the next
one down.
Thus your preclear is asleep at a number of different levels in a
number of different space times each one within the other.
You can call this dreams within dreams, each dream seeking to sleep
and never dream again. But each dream he goes to sleep in, he starts to
dream at the next universe down.
Even now he will tell you that the best dreams he has, are the
dreams where he is able to lie down and sleep within the dream.
Remember the top of the tone scale at native state is simply
eternal sleep.
So is the bottom of the tone scale.
At the top its fair chosen.
At the bottom its unfair unchosen.
In the meanwhile the being is trying to go to sleep forever IN TIME
or what's left of it for him.
But that leaves him impingable, anyone can come a knockin' on his
door because going to sleep in time marks you as the effect of
EVERYTHING, so of course you keep get woken up.
You are effect, everything else is cause, that's impingability.
Bums call it 'getting rolled'.
Get it?
I have no idea how to run it, I would start by assessing for how
many sleeps within sleeps he is from Native State. This will be the
total number of universes he played games in, and then tried to die in
the universe rather than waking up to native state again.
It won't be infinite.
That will give him an idea of where he is and when he is.
Then get him to spot his upsets with 0 and only 1 infinity of space
and time.
Then get him mocking up an infinity of different infinite spaces
and and times.
Then get him mocking up an infinite number of beings like himself
all mocking up infinite numbers of different infinite spaces and times.
This should restore his ARC for infinity, as 1 finfinity was
never enough.
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
Homer Wilson Smith The Paths of Lovers Art Matrix - Lightlink
(607) 277-0959 KC2ITF Cross Internet Access, Ithaca NY In the Line of Duty
Sun May 2 01:09:54 EDT 2010
================ ====================
Fri Dec 27 12:00:03 EST 2019
Send mail to saying help in body
=========== ===============
Learning implies Learning with Certainty or Learning without Certainty.
Learning across a Distance implies Learning by Being an Effect.
Learning by Being an Effect implies Learning without Certainty.
Therefore, Learning with Certainty implies Learning,
but not by Being an Effect, and not across a Distance.
Version: GnuPG v1.4.5 (GNU/Linux)
HomerWSmith-L mailing list
Hash: SHA1
Your preclear has gotten involved in infinities.
At first it was an infinity of different spaces, objects and times.
This was outside the doorstep of Eternality.
Then lower down it became one infinite space and time.
This was Immortality.
Then it became an infinite loss of infinite spaces, objects and
This was mortality.
It doesn't matter whether your preclear is a pigball, er I mean
meatball, or not, all beings go through the same dwindling spiral of
desire and havingness.
The desire of all beings is the freedom of eternality with an
infinite number of different infinite universes and futures to choose
And if you recover the early childhood of your preclear where he
can't remember, there you will find that desire burning strong as ever.
But it can get crushed out pretty quick though, particularly in the
meatball, as the weight of the infinite losses along the whole track are
ready and waiting to key in at the first mis thought.
The fall from eternality to immortality was an infinite loss, one
starts with the ability to freely create or move among an infinite
number of infinite spaces and times, and ends up stuck forever in just
one infinite space and time.
The fall from immortality to mortality is another infinite loss as
one starts with at least one endless future of games and adventures, and
ends up with only one life.
The being thus has two levels of infinite loss weighing him down,
and in order to get him out of his depressions, he will need to start
thinking in terms of infinities of infinities again.
Thus you will have to go for the top, eternality, because the being
just won't dare go back to his last immortality, it was just too
horrendous to bear.
Eternality = infinities of infinities
Immortality = one infinity
Mortality = zero infinities.
He has been seeking peace (eternality) through death (mortality)
for a very long time.
He is trying to sleep or die INSIDE some of the space times he
still has available to him.
As he goes to sleep in one, he falls into a dream in the next
one down.
Thus your preclear is asleep at a number of different levels in a
number of different space times each one within the other.
You can call this dreams within dreams, each dream seeking to sleep
and never dream again. But each dream he goes to sleep in, he starts to
dream at the next universe down.
Even now he will tell you that the best dreams he has, are the
dreams where he is able to lie down and sleep within the dream.
Remember the top of the tone scale at native state is simply
eternal sleep.
So is the bottom of the tone scale.
At the top its fair chosen.
At the bottom its unfair unchosen.
In the meanwhile the being is trying to go to sleep forever IN TIME
or what's left of it for him.
But that leaves him impingable, anyone can come a knockin' on his
door because going to sleep in time marks you as the effect of
EVERYTHING, so of course you keep get woken up.
You are effect, everything else is cause, that's impingability.
Bums call it 'getting rolled'.
Get it?
I have no idea how to run it, I would start by assessing for how
many sleeps within sleeps he is from Native State. This will be the
total number of universes he played games in, and then tried to die in
the universe rather than waking up to native state again.
It won't be infinite.
That will give him an idea of where he is and when he is.
Then get him to spot his upsets with 0 and only 1 infinity of space
and time.
Then get him mocking up an infinity of different infinite spaces
and and times.
Then get him mocking up an infinite number of beings like himself
all mocking up infinite numbers of different infinite spaces and times.
This should restore his ARC for infinity, as 1 finfinity was
never enough.
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
Homer Wilson Smith The Paths of Lovers Art Matrix - Lightlink
(607) 277-0959 KC2ITF Cross Internet Access, Ithaca NY In the Line of Duty
Sun May 2 01:09:54 EDT 2010
================ ====================
Fri Dec 27 12:00:03 EST 2019
Send mail to saying help in body
=========== ===============
Learning implies Learning with Certainty or Learning without Certainty.
Learning across a Distance implies Learning by Being an Effect.
Learning by Being an Effect implies Learning without Certainty.
Therefore, Learning with Certainty implies Learning,
but not by Being an Effect, and not across a Distance.
Version: GnuPG v1.4.5 (GNU/Linux)
HomerWSmith-L mailing list
Thursday, December 26, 2019
adore550.memo (fwd)
Postulates of desire are like Janus, the two faced god of the
Greeks, who had one face facing one way and the other face facing the
other way.
The postulate that "I want" facing the future implies the EARLIER
postulate that "I don't have" facing the present and the past.
Which then is the ruling postulate, the one that says you want, or
the one that says you don't have?
The way to postulate that you have something is to postulate that
you have something, not to postulate that you don't have it and must go
looking for it.
MEST universes works that way, you gotta WORK for things, time IS
the separation between desire and havingness and produces a game.
But to then allow this into your home universe and your
relationships with other people and even your own body is folly.
The fat person mourns "I am fat and need to eat less in order to
lose weight."
The ruling postulate is always the first postulate.
Which is the ruling postulate, I am fat, or if I eat less I will
lose weight?
What would happen if the fat person instead mourned "I am so
scarily skinny, I need to eat more or I will vanish into nothing!"
And then lived by it.
Well the meatball would say they would just get fatter and fatter,
until they blew up, but not if their metabolism went up. What's keeping
it down eh?
I guarantee you metabolism is kept down by some Janus postulate
In the waking world we find it hard to apply this kind of logic to
unwanted conditions, but every unwanted condition is none the less a
misapplication of the magic, the Janus factor, of postulates.
In sleep dreams have you ever wished you could find a girl to get
So you go looking for girls, and they are all cold, ugly, nasty,
lesbie, old as sin, crusty, got mustaches, spiders and bugs crawling out
of their pussies, or just TOTALLY absent, the whole city is filled with
little old guys in white lab coats doing the most BORING conceivable
That place is so depressing you can't even get it up to whack off,
let alone take an easy breath without pain.
Which way to turn?
Gotta go, can't go, nowhere to go.
Not only are you not going to get laid in that dream, no one in the
entire city WANTS to get laid.
That's a postulate loop gone out of control, right into total
saturation, the more you want, the less you got.
Crucifixion is held in place by nails of desperation.
"You are crucified on the cross of being cross while you are
So not a layable girl in sight and in your effort to look for and
find one, you become exhausted and despondent about your desire.
This is depression.
You see the dream is cooperating with you utterly, you said I don't
have a girl, so I must go LOOKING for one.
I would say good luck chump, except you are being a Sourcerer at
his best.
How much magic does it take to arrange for NO GIRLS EVER?
So what works in dreams, if you want to get laid, is to simply sit
down and be still no matter where you are, no matter how uninviting your
surroundings are, and simply be there, close your eyes, and feel the
girls come out of the wood work and throw themselves on you.
You gotta close your eyes so you don't see how they do it, or they
come from behind you, and say 'Hi there" or touch you softly and you
look around and there's a whole bevy of them snuggling up.
I turned my entire dream life around on this one point, if I want
something, I had better NOT go looking for it.
It doesn't always work, but it works 95 percent of the time, which
was better than the 100 percent failure rate I was suffering during my
desperate searches for them.
Remembering to just sit still in a dream, no matter where you are
can be hard.
Thus there is suffering.
I used to suffer from endless nightmares of total lonliness, no one
would talk to me, I didn't know which way to turn as no direction was
better than any other direction, just total aloneness at the end of the
road in all directions no matter how many people were around me, they
just didn't want to have anything to do with ME.
Look for, look for, look for....
Wander, wander, wander...
Search for, search for, search for...
Wondering why, wondering why, wondering why...
What's it, what's it, what's it...
Was I really that unattractive that the WHOLE WORLD tried to
pretend I didn't exist, wouldn't look at me, and resented my interest in
them or need for their return pride, admiration and affection? Or was
it just my mother?
I would reach out to touch a girl and they would snarl at me and
show their demon teeth.
Here little girly girly girl, nice little succubus...
Then somewhere in that dessert of desperation and devastation I
figured it out, the postulate that I didn't have and must look for was
It wasn't the postulate that if I looked I wouldn't find that was
operating, it was the postulate that I didn't HAVE.
I tried at first to change the postulate that I wouldn't find, I
said, ok postulate work, I will go looking for girls and I WILL find
them. Nope. Nothing but little old wrinkled men in white coats doing
boring things for as far as the eye could see.
Or vast endless hallways and rooms of *OLD* women sewing and
knitting. You know how desparatly boring that is?
Off the infinity scale.
I was no more suicidal than the dream where I thought I had to live
for the rest of time with nothing but old women and old linen to look
forward to.
The minute I got into looking for, I felt myself committing to the
much bigger postulate that I didn't have, and that what I wanted
wouldn't just come to me.
Why am I looking for girls when they could be coming for me?
And if I keep moving, they will never find me.
So I sat myself down in the dream and closed my eyes wondering what
would happen. Within 10 seconds I was enveloped in more warm, soft,
young, beautiful, *FRIENDLY* girls than I could ever want.
And CO ATTRACTION went through the roof.
They loved me and I loved them, and we were able to touch freely
without getting into sex.
There is nothing like 12 year old tittie in one's dream life, to
heal the soul.
The intent of the SP is to destroy facility in intimacy.
There is something seriously wrong with this waking civilization we
live in, no wonder it wants to blow it's self to Kingdom Come with war.
And so now we know how heavens are built.
I said to myself, you know there has got to be a posting in this
somewhere. (There have been many).
Since that time, about 5 years ago, I have turned my dream life
completely around, gotta cycle through bugs to get to babes, with way
stops at hydra tornadoes, vulcanism, tsumanis, rising water, and nuclear
holocaust, with a suffocatingly lonely night thrown in once in a while,
but it's all just a lesson in flinch, cringe and postulates.
Each layer of dream life becomes more hellish until the lessons are
learned at which point it goes heavenly.
Then we do it all over again at the next level up.
Some times I do the bugs to babes thing in one night, usually its a
night per waystop with sometimes intervening nights of no gain, as the
suppression of the next level is just too deep.
But it always eventually blows open.
Bugs are death and hell, babes are life and heaven, its pretty
simple really.
Lots of ways to die, very few ways to live.
Hell and heaven, around and around we go, until all gone followed
by Eternal Omni Awesome peace.
This is what happens to us when we die by the way, might as well
run it out now while we are still alive. That's all auditing is.
Thus to run out whatever is ruining your pc one needs to minimally
address the subjects of
Pity the poor truth seeker.
Remember NO means pretended none of on the CDEINR scale.
If its a real none of, the NO ITEM will float when called.
IF there is NO READ or READ on NO ITEM, that means there is
something there. Audit ITEM until NO ITEM reads, then go back and forth
remaining in sync with the alternating blowoff between them.
Now we all know that we can't just sit back and have the world come
to us, waking rules are not the same as dream rules, even though the
waking state is also a dream.
In the MEST universe we wanted a serious game, MEST is still trying
to prove it is more real than we are, that we in fact came from and are
made of MEST, so havingness can't just come out of the woodwork.
But service fac case conditions still can, and so can human
relationships and mis relationships, up to a point.
In spite of the rigidity of the MEST universe and the fact that
everything must come from somewhere else before it comes to us, girls
can't just materialize out of the wood work, they gotta come from
families etc, there is still a lot of wiggle room for the magic of
postulates to work.
The successful person knows how to wiggle rather than go solid like
a rock.
Despair = Rock.
And our cases, stuck conditions, symptoms, conditions, and our
involvements with and relationships to our body and others are pure
Janus factor operating in pure justice.
Justice means you get what you postulate.
That's big statement, dig and don't leave it.
Homer Wilson Smith The Paths of Lovers Art Matrix - Lightlink
(607) 277-0959 KC2ITF Cross Internet Access, Ithaca NY In the Line of Duty
Fri Nov 30 01:55:02 EST 2007
================ ====================
Mon Dec 23 00:06:03 EST 2019
BLOG://adoretheproof.blogspot.comSend mail to saying help
================== ===================
Learning implies Learning with Certainty or Learning without Certainty.
Learning across a Distance implies Learning by Being an Effect.
Learning by Being an Effect implies Learning without Certainty.
Therefore, Learning with Certainty implies Learning, but
not by Being an Effect, and not across a Distance.
Clear-L mailing list
HomerWSmith-L mailing list
Postulates of desire are like Janus, the two faced god of the
Greeks, who had one face facing one way and the other face facing the
other way.
The postulate that "I want" facing the future implies the EARLIER
postulate that "I don't have" facing the present and the past.
Which then is the ruling postulate, the one that says you want, or
the one that says you don't have?
The way to postulate that you have something is to postulate that
you have something, not to postulate that you don't have it and must go
looking for it.
MEST universes works that way, you gotta WORK for things, time IS
the separation between desire and havingness and produces a game.
But to then allow this into your home universe and your
relationships with other people and even your own body is folly.
The fat person mourns "I am fat and need to eat less in order to
lose weight."
The ruling postulate is always the first postulate.
Which is the ruling postulate, I am fat, or if I eat less I will
lose weight?
What would happen if the fat person instead mourned "I am so
scarily skinny, I need to eat more or I will vanish into nothing!"
And then lived by it.
Well the meatball would say they would just get fatter and fatter,
until they blew up, but not if their metabolism went up. What's keeping
it down eh?
I guarantee you metabolism is kept down by some Janus postulate
In the waking world we find it hard to apply this kind of logic to
unwanted conditions, but every unwanted condition is none the less a
misapplication of the magic, the Janus factor, of postulates.
In sleep dreams have you ever wished you could find a girl to get
So you go looking for girls, and they are all cold, ugly, nasty,
lesbie, old as sin, crusty, got mustaches, spiders and bugs crawling out
of their pussies, or just TOTALLY absent, the whole city is filled with
little old guys in white lab coats doing the most BORING conceivable
That place is so depressing you can't even get it up to whack off,
let alone take an easy breath without pain.
Which way to turn?
Gotta go, can't go, nowhere to go.
Not only are you not going to get laid in that dream, no one in the
entire city WANTS to get laid.
That's a postulate loop gone out of control, right into total
saturation, the more you want, the less you got.
Crucifixion is held in place by nails of desperation.
"You are crucified on the cross of being cross while you are
So not a layable girl in sight and in your effort to look for and
find one, you become exhausted and despondent about your desire.
This is depression.
You see the dream is cooperating with you utterly, you said I don't
have a girl, so I must go LOOKING for one.
I would say good luck chump, except you are being a Sourcerer at
his best.
How much magic does it take to arrange for NO GIRLS EVER?
So what works in dreams, if you want to get laid, is to simply sit
down and be still no matter where you are, no matter how uninviting your
surroundings are, and simply be there, close your eyes, and feel the
girls come out of the wood work and throw themselves on you.
You gotta close your eyes so you don't see how they do it, or they
come from behind you, and say 'Hi there" or touch you softly and you
look around and there's a whole bevy of them snuggling up.
I turned my entire dream life around on this one point, if I want
something, I had better NOT go looking for it.
It doesn't always work, but it works 95 percent of the time, which
was better than the 100 percent failure rate I was suffering during my
desperate searches for them.
Remembering to just sit still in a dream, no matter where you are
can be hard.
Thus there is suffering.
I used to suffer from endless nightmares of total lonliness, no one
would talk to me, I didn't know which way to turn as no direction was
better than any other direction, just total aloneness at the end of the
road in all directions no matter how many people were around me, they
just didn't want to have anything to do with ME.
Look for, look for, look for....
Wander, wander, wander...
Search for, search for, search for...
Wondering why, wondering why, wondering why...
What's it, what's it, what's it...
Was I really that unattractive that the WHOLE WORLD tried to
pretend I didn't exist, wouldn't look at me, and resented my interest in
them or need for their return pride, admiration and affection? Or was
it just my mother?
I would reach out to touch a girl and they would snarl at me and
show their demon teeth.
Here little girly girly girl, nice little succubus...
Then somewhere in that dessert of desperation and devastation I
figured it out, the postulate that I didn't have and must look for was
It wasn't the postulate that if I looked I wouldn't find that was
operating, it was the postulate that I didn't HAVE.
I tried at first to change the postulate that I wouldn't find, I
said, ok postulate work, I will go looking for girls and I WILL find
them. Nope. Nothing but little old wrinkled men in white coats doing
boring things for as far as the eye could see.
Or vast endless hallways and rooms of *OLD* women sewing and
knitting. You know how desparatly boring that is?
Off the infinity scale.
I was no more suicidal than the dream where I thought I had to live
for the rest of time with nothing but old women and old linen to look
forward to.
The minute I got into looking for, I felt myself committing to the
much bigger postulate that I didn't have, and that what I wanted
wouldn't just come to me.
Why am I looking for girls when they could be coming for me?
And if I keep moving, they will never find me.
So I sat myself down in the dream and closed my eyes wondering what
would happen. Within 10 seconds I was enveloped in more warm, soft,
young, beautiful, *FRIENDLY* girls than I could ever want.
And CO ATTRACTION went through the roof.
They loved me and I loved them, and we were able to touch freely
without getting into sex.
There is nothing like 12 year old tittie in one's dream life, to
heal the soul.
The intent of the SP is to destroy facility in intimacy.
There is something seriously wrong with this waking civilization we
live in, no wonder it wants to blow it's self to Kingdom Come with war.
And so now we know how heavens are built.
I said to myself, you know there has got to be a posting in this
somewhere. (There have been many).
Since that time, about 5 years ago, I have turned my dream life
completely around, gotta cycle through bugs to get to babes, with way
stops at hydra tornadoes, vulcanism, tsumanis, rising water, and nuclear
holocaust, with a suffocatingly lonely night thrown in once in a while,
but it's all just a lesson in flinch, cringe and postulates.
Each layer of dream life becomes more hellish until the lessons are
learned at which point it goes heavenly.
Then we do it all over again at the next level up.
Some times I do the bugs to babes thing in one night, usually its a
night per waystop with sometimes intervening nights of no gain, as the
suppression of the next level is just too deep.
But it always eventually blows open.
Bugs are death and hell, babes are life and heaven, its pretty
simple really.
Lots of ways to die, very few ways to live.
Hell and heaven, around and around we go, until all gone followed
by Eternal Omni Awesome peace.
This is what happens to us when we die by the way, might as well
run it out now while we are still alive. That's all auditing is.
Thus to run out whatever is ruining your pc one needs to minimally
address the subjects of
Pity the poor truth seeker.
Remember NO means pretended none of on the CDEINR scale.
If its a real none of, the NO ITEM will float when called.
IF there is NO READ or READ on NO ITEM, that means there is
something there. Audit ITEM until NO ITEM reads, then go back and forth
remaining in sync with the alternating blowoff between them.
Now we all know that we can't just sit back and have the world come
to us, waking rules are not the same as dream rules, even though the
waking state is also a dream.
In the MEST universe we wanted a serious game, MEST is still trying
to prove it is more real than we are, that we in fact came from and are
made of MEST, so havingness can't just come out of the woodwork.
But service fac case conditions still can, and so can human
relationships and mis relationships, up to a point.
In spite of the rigidity of the MEST universe and the fact that
everything must come from somewhere else before it comes to us, girls
can't just materialize out of the wood work, they gotta come from
families etc, there is still a lot of wiggle room for the magic of
postulates to work.
The successful person knows how to wiggle rather than go solid like
a rock.
Despair = Rock.
And our cases, stuck conditions, symptoms, conditions, and our
involvements with and relationships to our body and others are pure
Janus factor operating in pure justice.
Justice means you get what you postulate.
That's big statement, dig and don't leave it.
Homer Wilson Smith The Paths of Lovers Art Matrix - Lightlink
(607) 277-0959 KC2ITF Cross Internet Access, Ithaca NY In the Line of Duty
Fri Nov 30 01:55:02 EST 2007
================ ====================
Mon Dec 23 00:06:03 EST 2019
BLOG://adoretheproof.blogspot.comSend mail to saying help
================== ===================
Learning implies Learning with Certainty or Learning without Certainty.
Learning across a Distance implies Learning by Being an Effect.
Learning by Being an Effect implies Learning without Certainty.
Therefore, Learning with Certainty implies Learning, but
not by Being an Effect, and not across a Distance.
Clear-L mailing list
HomerWSmith-L mailing list
Sunday, December 22, 2019
ADORE408 (fwd)
---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Sat, 21 Dec 2019 12:00:05 -0500 (EST)
Subject: ADORE408
Hash: SHA1
Native state exists, but it doesn't have to be conscious of
All consciousness-of starts with the creation of an as-isness
in the void. This is the beginning of a cycle of manifestation.
If that as-isness is altered then we get a persisting
But if left alone, an as-isness is self vanishing, meaning it reverts
back to the void, no more consciousness-of.
Native state is a clean slate, no consciousness-of.
We call this the peace that passeth all understanding or the
Big Snooze.
Althugh there is no limit to that extent, all created things are
finite in extent and only last for a while.
Thus there is no infinite consciousness-of, although any given while
can be very much bigger than you can presently span.
There is no limit to how many whiles native state has, can or will
engage in "over the course of Eternity."
A while can learn and grow from a prior while, but only because
both whiles exist inside a bigger while that spans them both.
Prime whiles are new, as if the first, no memory, awareness of or
need for prior whiles. But the being knows this will be but one of an
endless number of whiles, but has no attention on them because they are
and can be of no import to the present while.
Prime whiles arise from prime postulates in the void of absolute
Unmanifestation is dreamless sleep.
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
Homer Wilson Smith The Paths of Lovers Art Matrix - Lightlink
(607) 277-0959 KC2ITF Cross Internet Access, Ithaca NY In the Line of Duty
Sat Nov 25 19:22:51 EST 2006
================ ====================
Sat Dec 21 12:00:04 EST 2019
Send mail to saying help in body
=========== ===============
Learning implies Learning with Certainty or Learning without Certainty.
Learning across a Distance implies Learning by Being an Effect.
Learning by Being an Effect implies Learning without Certainty.
Therefore, Learning with Certainty implies Learning,
but not by Being an Effect, and not across a Distance.
Version: GnuPG v1.4.5 (GNU/Linux)
HomerWSmith-L mailing list
Date: Sat, 21 Dec 2019 12:00:05 -0500 (EST)
Subject: ADORE408
Hash: SHA1
Native state exists, but it doesn't have to be conscious of
All consciousness-of starts with the creation of an as-isness
in the void. This is the beginning of a cycle of manifestation.
If that as-isness is altered then we get a persisting
But if left alone, an as-isness is self vanishing, meaning it reverts
back to the void, no more consciousness-of.
Native state is a clean slate, no consciousness-of.
We call this the peace that passeth all understanding or the
Big Snooze.
Althugh there is no limit to that extent, all created things are
finite in extent and only last for a while.
Thus there is no infinite consciousness-of, although any given while
can be very much bigger than you can presently span.
There is no limit to how many whiles native state has, can or will
engage in "over the course of Eternity."
A while can learn and grow from a prior while, but only because
both whiles exist inside a bigger while that spans them both.
Prime whiles are new, as if the first, no memory, awareness of or
need for prior whiles. But the being knows this will be but one of an
endless number of whiles, but has no attention on them because they are
and can be of no import to the present while.
Prime whiles arise from prime postulates in the void of absolute
Unmanifestation is dreamless sleep.
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
Homer Wilson Smith The Paths of Lovers Art Matrix - Lightlink
(607) 277-0959 KC2ITF Cross Internet Access, Ithaca NY In the Line of Duty
Sat Nov 25 19:22:51 EST 2006
================ ====================
Sat Dec 21 12:00:04 EST 2019
Send mail to saying help in body
=========== ===============
Learning implies Learning with Certainty or Learning without Certainty.
Learning across a Distance implies Learning by Being an Effect.
Learning by Being an Effect implies Learning without Certainty.
Therefore, Learning with Certainty implies Learning,
but not by Being an Effect, and not across a Distance.
Version: GnuPG v1.4.5 (GNU/Linux)
HomerWSmith-L mailing list
Tuesday, December 17, 2019
Hash: SHA1
> That was an interesting yet odd conversation we had. I should have
> asked the same questions in return, but I was firing on all cylinders
> just keeping up with your rather intense rapid-fire questions to me,
> without questioning -- Why the heck is Homer, who runs my ISP, asking me
> about what I believe about what happens after people die?
I do this to everyone.
We are not interested in what their beliefs are, nor what their
fois gras convictions are, especially after being filtered through their
ideas of social propriety.
We are interested in their personal experiences that might shift
the balance of their bets over closer to the light.
People hide behind small talk, the afterlife is the most important
question there is, and now it is possible to do some real science on it
both philosophically and personally with people who have died and come
back (google NDE on youtube.) and perhaps the bullshiters of religion
can be called out on the carpet of their bullshit.
<BEGI theoretical sermon for the foolish>
The unification of science and religion is probably the most
important subject there is for world peace and stability. That might
seem like a ludicrous stupidity to most, but a very few people are
beyond that and actually making progress with 'what is consciousness?'.
More specifically "Who or what is cause around here, and why
is it such an asshole?"
Science without a sane religion remains a barbarism of destruction,
world war and anihilation. They give us atom bombs and cell phones, the
cell phones are so we can call each other when the bombs drop and kiss
our sorry asses goodbye together. You got about 20 seconds between
the flash and death, so put your loved ones on speed dial.
Religion without science isn't fit to be printed on toilet paper.
Science of the subjective world is not any different than science
of the objective world, both are subservient to observation, theory,
prediction and more observation. Oh yeah and logic :)
Logic is King, and always has been, and always will be. Logic is
the ethics of language, thought and knowledge, even God is subservient
to logic. Thus even God is subject to the constraints and necessities
mandated by logic.
Worse, sserting two different kinds of conscious beings, God and
Soul, may be fine for idiots looking for a Mama with a pair of tits to
hide in, but two different objects can never be certain of each other,
so if God and Soul are two different objects, they must forever remain a
theory to each other.
That's a major statement taken on assertion for the moment, the
rest of the world doesn't recognize it as true yet, and would have a
hard time stomaching it if they did.
Truth comes slowly to the ignorant, maybe never to the stupid.
Anyhow, "This must be the valley of the shadow of death, everyone
looks at me like I am a part of their nightmare."
There are a lot of illusions of separateness, death and damnation
down here in the valley of death, but if you figure that beings are like
fingers on a hand, you can get the idea of something more unifying
connecting us all as One Object, the Conscious All-that-Is.
They say that God is the great I-AM, but perhaps God is a multi
I-AM being, the great WE-ARE.
The One is the truth, the Many is an illusion so we can play games
of fall and redemption with our selves and each other and our most
detested loved ones :)
That's why debonding from and assigning someone else as a most
detested enemy, leaves oneself separate from the Conscious Cosmic All.
So the lesson is to hate all you want constructively for a while,
that's your brother you are kicking into the abyss never to be seen
again, but never ever forever, and do not debond from them permanently,
for then instead of pushing other's away from yourself by detesting them
forever, you end up pushing yourself away from YOU.
Whether anyone wants to admit it or not, being unable to love
someone is taken by the being as a FAILURE IN THEMSELVES.
"I wasn't big enough to save your sorry ass from yourself."
Thus we condemn our selves in condemning them.
And anyhow the math is against you, if you end up detesting just
one new person a year forever, after forever that will be an infinite
number of people in your pool of detested beings, and that is bound to
color your outlook about living forever some more:)
And all protestations aside, no one can fully and intimately
connect with or love another that they believe is going to hell forever.
Thus all this hell forever nonsense just manages to make people
crazy and turn their auras black.
Expecially children who learn early to condemn everyone who is
different in the Christian madrassas around the world.
"You have to be carefully taught." - South Pacific
Turns out that reports coming back from the afterlife are very
clear about all this, simply we are all the One God in carnation, living
in dreams of separation, and that the undividuated God does not judge.
Judgement, especially the kind of judgment that makes us debond
and condemsn others to hell or separation or death FOREVER for the
crimes of a finite life, is neither kind, intelligent, loving nor
useful. And besides the screams of those in hell disturb the sleep and
dreams of those in heaven who used to love them.
The Southern Babtists believe that God will wipe the memories of
the saved after they die, so they will have no clue about their life on
Earth or those they loved that are now screaming to die in hell but not
being allowed to.
But apparently this kind of judgment is what makes us fallen,
split off and separated human beings, judging good and evil, who to love
and who to hate etc.
The undivided unison God lives in a state without judgment
and thus 'loves us all' because we are it.
So it is such people who have fallen from their own state of unison
Godhood, to the miserable-wretch-such-as-I human.
They ate of the begiuling tree of good and evil and thus came to
fall into the pit of sin, namely judgment of good and evil: "I am not
you, I am good and you are evil, and I am better than you."
Debonding is basically 'goodbye and good riddence', FOREVER.
(Can you imagine one piece of God saying that to another piece of
Thus now 'no one is pure before Source.'
Anyhow, I had the most vivid dream last night about my cat who died
a most horrible slow death a year ago, totally real, I knew I was
dreaming, so I studied the rendition of the cat meticulously. We
huddled and cuddled and head bumped for 30 mnutes in the dream unill she
'had to go'.
Was she real or was it Memorex?
Heck if I know.
It was as good as real.
They call these kinds of things visitations in the night.
Homer and Jane
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
Homer Wilson Smith Clean Air, Clear Water, Art Matrix - Lightlink
(607) 277-0959 A Green Earth, and Peace, Internet, Ithaca NY Is that too much to ask?
======================= ========================
Posted: Tue Dec 17 20:13:20 EST 2019
Send mail to saying help
================== ===================
Learning implies Learning with Certainty or Learning without Certainty.
Learning across a Distance implies Learning by Being an Effect.
Learning by Being an Effect implies Learning without Certainty.
Therefore, Learning with Certainty implies Learning but
Not by Being an Effect, and not across a Distance.
Version: GnuPG v1.4.5 (GNU/Linux)
HomerWSmith-L mailing list
Hash: SHA1
> That was an interesting yet odd conversation we had. I should have
> asked the same questions in return, but I was firing on all cylinders
> just keeping up with your rather intense rapid-fire questions to me,
> without questioning -- Why the heck is Homer, who runs my ISP, asking me
> about what I believe about what happens after people die?
I do this to everyone.
We are not interested in what their beliefs are, nor what their
fois gras convictions are, especially after being filtered through their
ideas of social propriety.
We are interested in their personal experiences that might shift
the balance of their bets over closer to the light.
People hide behind small talk, the afterlife is the most important
question there is, and now it is possible to do some real science on it
both philosophically and personally with people who have died and come
back (google NDE on youtube.) and perhaps the bullshiters of religion
can be called out on the carpet of their bullshit.
<BEGI theoretical sermon for the foolish>
The unification of science and religion is probably the most
important subject there is for world peace and stability. That might
seem like a ludicrous stupidity to most, but a very few people are
beyond that and actually making progress with 'what is consciousness?'.
More specifically "Who or what is cause around here, and why
is it such an asshole?"
Science without a sane religion remains a barbarism of destruction,
world war and anihilation. They give us atom bombs and cell phones, the
cell phones are so we can call each other when the bombs drop and kiss
our sorry asses goodbye together. You got about 20 seconds between
the flash and death, so put your loved ones on speed dial.
Religion without science isn't fit to be printed on toilet paper.
Science of the subjective world is not any different than science
of the objective world, both are subservient to observation, theory,
prediction and more observation. Oh yeah and logic :)
Logic is King, and always has been, and always will be. Logic is
the ethics of language, thought and knowledge, even God is subservient
to logic. Thus even God is subject to the constraints and necessities
mandated by logic.
Worse, sserting two different kinds of conscious beings, God and
Soul, may be fine for idiots looking for a Mama with a pair of tits to
hide in, but two different objects can never be certain of each other,
so if God and Soul are two different objects, they must forever remain a
theory to each other.
That's a major statement taken on assertion for the moment, the
rest of the world doesn't recognize it as true yet, and would have a
hard time stomaching it if they did.
Truth comes slowly to the ignorant, maybe never to the stupid.
Anyhow, "This must be the valley of the shadow of death, everyone
looks at me like I am a part of their nightmare."
There are a lot of illusions of separateness, death and damnation
down here in the valley of death, but if you figure that beings are like
fingers on a hand, you can get the idea of something more unifying
connecting us all as One Object, the Conscious All-that-Is.
They say that God is the great I-AM, but perhaps God is a multi
I-AM being, the great WE-ARE.
The One is the truth, the Many is an illusion so we can play games
of fall and redemption with our selves and each other and our most
detested loved ones :)
That's why debonding from and assigning someone else as a most
detested enemy, leaves oneself separate from the Conscious Cosmic All.
So the lesson is to hate all you want constructively for a while,
that's your brother you are kicking into the abyss never to be seen
again, but never ever forever, and do not debond from them permanently,
for then instead of pushing other's away from yourself by detesting them
forever, you end up pushing yourself away from YOU.
Whether anyone wants to admit it or not, being unable to love
someone is taken by the being as a FAILURE IN THEMSELVES.
"I wasn't big enough to save your sorry ass from yourself."
Thus we condemn our selves in condemning them.
And anyhow the math is against you, if you end up detesting just
one new person a year forever, after forever that will be an infinite
number of people in your pool of detested beings, and that is bound to
color your outlook about living forever some more:)
And all protestations aside, no one can fully and intimately
connect with or love another that they believe is going to hell forever.
Thus all this hell forever nonsense just manages to make people
crazy and turn their auras black.
Expecially children who learn early to condemn everyone who is
different in the Christian madrassas around the world.
"You have to be carefully taught." - South Pacific
Turns out that reports coming back from the afterlife are very
clear about all this, simply we are all the One God in carnation, living
in dreams of separation, and that the undividuated God does not judge.
Judgement, especially the kind of judgment that makes us debond
and condemsn others to hell or separation or death FOREVER for the
crimes of a finite life, is neither kind, intelligent, loving nor
useful. And besides the screams of those in hell disturb the sleep and
dreams of those in heaven who used to love them.
The Southern Babtists believe that God will wipe the memories of
the saved after they die, so they will have no clue about their life on
Earth or those they loved that are now screaming to die in hell but not
being allowed to.
But apparently this kind of judgment is what makes us fallen,
split off and separated human beings, judging good and evil, who to love
and who to hate etc.
The undivided unison God lives in a state without judgment
and thus 'loves us all' because we are it.
So it is such people who have fallen from their own state of unison
Godhood, to the miserable-wretch-such-as-I human.
They ate of the begiuling tree of good and evil and thus came to
fall into the pit of sin, namely judgment of good and evil: "I am not
you, I am good and you are evil, and I am better than you."
Debonding is basically 'goodbye and good riddence', FOREVER.
(Can you imagine one piece of God saying that to another piece of
Thus now 'no one is pure before Source.'
Anyhow, I had the most vivid dream last night about my cat who died
a most horrible slow death a year ago, totally real, I knew I was
dreaming, so I studied the rendition of the cat meticulously. We
huddled and cuddled and head bumped for 30 mnutes in the dream unill she
'had to go'.
Was she real or was it Memorex?
Heck if I know.
It was as good as real.
They call these kinds of things visitations in the night.
Homer and Jane
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
Homer Wilson Smith Clean Air, Clear Water, Art Matrix - Lightlink
(607) 277-0959 A Green Earth, and Peace, Internet, Ithaca NY Is that too much to ask?
======================= ========================
Posted: Tue Dec 17 20:13:20 EST 2019
Send mail to saying help
================== ===================
Learning implies Learning with Certainty or Learning without Certainty.
Learning across a Distance implies Learning by Being an Effect.
Learning by Being an Effect implies Learning without Certainty.
Therefore, Learning with Certainty implies Learning but
Not by Being an Effect, and not across a Distance.
Version: GnuPG v1.4.5 (GNU/Linux)
HomerWSmith-L mailing list
SESSIO14 (fwd)
Hash: SHA1
Tell me about or get the idea of:
Wanting to be Mortal.
Not wanting to be Mortal.
Wanting to be Immortal (in time).
Not wanting to be Immortal (in time).
Wanting to be Eternal (out of time).
Not wanting to be Eternal (out of time).
Round and round.
Tue Jun 6 05:07:19 EDT 2017
================ ====================
Tue Dec 17 12:00:05 EST 2019
Send mail to saying help in body
=========== ===============
Learning implies Learning with Certainty or Learning without Certainty.
Learning across a Distance implies Learning by Being an Effect.
Learning by Being an Effect implies Learning without Certainty.
Therefore, Learning with Certainty implies Learning,
but not by Being an Effect, and not across a Distance.
Version: GnuPG v1.4.5 (GNU/Linux)
HomerWSmith-L mailing list
Hash: SHA1
Tell me about or get the idea of:
Wanting to be Mortal.
Not wanting to be Mortal.
Wanting to be Immortal (in time).
Not wanting to be Immortal (in time).
Wanting to be Eternal (out of time).
Not wanting to be Eternal (out of time).
Round and round.
Tue Jun 6 05:07:19 EDT 2017
================ ====================
Tue Dec 17 12:00:05 EST 2019
Send mail to saying help in body
=========== ===============
Learning implies Learning with Certainty or Learning without Certainty.
Learning across a Distance implies Learning by Being an Effect.
Learning by Being an Effect implies Learning without Certainty.
Therefore, Learning with Certainty implies Learning,
but not by Being an Effect, and not across a Distance.
Version: GnuPG v1.4.5 (GNU/Linux)
HomerWSmith-L mailing list
Sunday, December 15, 2019
HOM5 (fwd)
Hash: SHA1
Alan Walter said:
> Homer does make case gain, if that's who you are talking about.
I do?
Now Alan, this is not a criticism, nor a personal attack, just the
Facts Jack, ok? Please don't get red in the face, please don't get
angry, please remain my friend, ok?
Actually Alan's write up about L&N makes me sad.
For one it is a "Need help" writeup, there is no hope the pc can
do it for himself.
Secondly it posits thousands of out-lists, endless complexity
etc, making the pc feel it is going to take thousands of hours and
endless amounts of dollars etc to get all this handled.
Thirdly it doesn't indicate, which makes the first two grate
even worse.
It produces a No Hope and No Peace reaction in me.
Here is my analysis.
In the first place the Question is
"What's this THING in my body?" or
"What's this all about?" or
"What's going on here?"
The answer changes as each layer comes off, I hope for a last
answer, but so far haven't found one.
But more importantly, the QUESTION is more important than the
ANSWER, and perhaps that is the answer to "What is wrong with me?"
Answer: I am trying to find the answer to the question, rather
than as-is the question.
Most pcs can't imagine asking a question without trying to get
the answer. They can't see the EFFORT to ask the question, because
they are too busy straining to find the ANSWER.
It is quite an accomplishment to be able to finally ask a question,
without trying to get the answer at all. One does this to observe
the efforts involved in the question.
One way to practice this is to ask a question which you know
the answer to and see if you can ask it without having the answer
come forward, like "What is my name?"
Then one sees that the efforts to ask the question are more
damaging in terms of ridges and impacted masses, than not knowing the
answer is.
Answers cool out questions, because the pc stops asking the question,
not because the answer is right! Wrong answers can also cause more
questions which then leads to endless cave in.
This is possibly why the Zen Master give a Koan to their
preclears, it is an unanswerable question. The intent is to get the
pc asking questions that guarantee there is no answer to look at, so
that finally the pc looks as the process of asking itself without
answering and starts to blow charge.
Thus "What question are you asking" is itself a listing question
of sorts, although it has many answers, but I would think that the
handling would NOT be to then get the 'correct' answer to any of those
questions, but to run something that would run out the asking of all
those questions which the pc lists.
This takes an awful lot of confront of NOT KNOW, the pc has to be
willing to HAVE not knowing the answer to all these questions, but he
will cool out the restim on his masses significantly if he can do so.
Questions like Why am I here?, Who am I? What am I supposed to
be doing?, What's my purpose?, When did I come in?, How do I get out?
All the basic Who, How, What, Where and Why's that drive the pc mad
through the trillenia.
Adore would have you spot the question and then ask it WITHOUT
ANSWERING IT, until the charge is off.
"The caliber of the caliper of souls is
The Questions they have asked, and
The Answers they have rejected."
Ultimately native state has no answers, in this sense ALL
answers to questions are false and are out items.
Thus auditing the asking of questions, instead of the answering
of questions, might lead to more fruitful results and bypass the need
for all the 'powerful' complexity that makes others necessary in the
game of case gain.
Perhaps we could call this the OT Q&A rundown, as LRH said the
only aberration there is waiting for an answer. Adore says the only
but its the same thing. This is because the true answer to the
question is the exact duplication of the question and its implied
not know, at which point the not know blows and the prior know
arises. This is not an effort thing to learn by looking, this is
at worst an effort thing to duplicate the not know on the prior know.
Alan's message comes across to me as people can not help
themselves until they have been helped by others at great expense.
Adore's message is you can help yourself if you would simply
observe yourself asking how.
The logic behind this is simple, when the unwanted condition was
originally created, there was no question going on in the background
asking "how do I get rid of this, where do I get help for this etc?
One gets rid of the condition by making it again, by exactly
duplicating the original efforts to create it, thus if you are asking
"What is this? How do I get rid of it? Who is going to help me?
When it is going to happen? Why am I suffering from it?" you aren't
duplicating the efforts at the moment of creation of the condition
because those questions were not going on at the time.
On the other hand, if there were questions going on at the time
of the original creation, and the efforts of those questions are still
being asked consciously or unconsciously in present time, then that
question asking alone will keep the incident in full bloom.
Adore says that questions stick us to incidents, nothing else.
Thus the way to run the incident is not to ask "How do I run
this incident?" but to run the question you were asking in the
Notice that the incident question is NOT "What question was I
asking in the incident?"
Asking "What question was I asking in the incident?" is
self auditing. This is the figure-figure LRH talked about.
Running the asking of the question in the incident, particularly
its efforts and ridges of failure, whether or not you know what that
question is, is solo auditing. This is in fact very effective effort
Adore says that this effort processing gets at the postulate in
the incident because ultimately all postulates relate to being unable to
know and answer the damn question!
Thus spotting the extant questions in present time, NOT TO ANSWER
THEM BUT TO COOL THE ASKING, will go a long ways to bringing the
original incident to the foreground and allow you to run the rest of it
LRH says the pc is trying to solve problems in the present by
using efforts he used against problems in the past. If what Adore
says is true, the basic problem is an unanswerable question, thus the
efforts the pc is using to answer present time questions he knows he
is asking, will be the same efforts he used on the past track
questions in the incidents that are holding him down.
Since the past track efforts do not properly match his present
time questions, he will be both failing to answer his present time
questions AND restimulating his past track overwhelms.
Freedom from overwhelm is also freedom from overwhelm about
asking and answering questions.
This listing and running the present time questions, AS QUESTIONS
NOT AS ANSWERS, will lead to the past track incidents and questions wherein
the pc first got entangled in misduplication of the know - not know
cycle and learning by looking at effects in order to know about cause,
(violations of the proof).
Misconstruing a know - not know cycle as a not know - know cycle
is a serious alter-is and might be the genesis of seriousness. If so,
then it is the seed of the joke.
Adore goes so far as to DEFINE an incident as a run in with a
question. AS the alter-is of know - not know takes place, the question
(not know) becomes an effort to learn by looking with no responsibility
for the not know. Thus rather than duplicate the not know thus blowing it
off, the pc gets into learning by looking.
Thus every incident on the mental plane is a violation of the
know - not know sequence by trying to indulge in answering a question
which is a not know - know sequence, and on the spiritual plane its a
violation of total responsibility.
The point is that the not know itself is created with postulate
and effort, so the way to erase that and know again is to duplicate
the effort to not know and the postulate, NOT indulge in MORE effort
to learn by looking which is a violation of The Proof.
It is the effort to learn by looking, to learn by being an
effect, to learn about cause by looking at effects, that pulls in all
sorts of stuff that you have assigned as cause that might teach you
what it is you want to know.
Learning and Teaching are dicoms.
If a cause has no effects on you, there is no way to learn
anything about it as a cause , nor have it teach you anything about it
as a cause, because all learning and teaching about cause takes place
via the effects that the cause has on you.
Since you are now trying to learn about cause by looking at
effects of that cause, you must become the effect of those causes,
and so of course you get impinged upon all over the place.
This is justice working.
If you say "I must know about cause, the only way to know about
cause is to look at its effects on me" then you shouldn't complain
when you find yourself the effect of those causes, eh?
Saving knowledge (knowledge that saves) does not reside in any
created thing, as salvation is salvation FROM all created things.
Learning by looking is what LRH called ransacking facsimiles,
although that falls short of the scope of what we are talking about
here, as beings will ransack all of creation, every other cause he can
think of in fact, to find what they are looking for, which ain't out
there anyhow.
Adore says one can know anything by not knowing some more.
Asking questions is not the way to do that.
Alan's message has a very negative effect on me and is very
disheartening, because it appears to me he is trying to sell other
determinism as my salvation, namely him or any other good auditor,
with the implication that if only I had done it right by coming to him
in the first place before I struck out on my own, which I surely
should have known better than to do, I would be ok by now.
I don't think Alan is capable of duplicating how much this
stance grates on me.
It in fact violates every principle I stand by.
Remember it is not the message of help that grates on me,
it is the apparent message of *NEED* beyond my willingness to need,
If instead of saying
"Homer come to me and we will list all those questions you have
been asking and find the correct answer to all them which you in your
grand role as Supreme Dodo were not able to do, and you will be all better."
he said,
"Homer shut the fuck up, get on a meter or whatever, and list
out all the questions you are asking, and run the asking of them
without any effort to actually find the answer until you hit a blow
out of peace."
I would have felt much better about it.
But what do I know. I am not an Emperor nor an Ambassador, just
a Joker in the King's Court.
================ ====================
Sun Dec 15 12:00:03 EST 2019
Send mail to saying help in body
=========== ===============
Learning implies Learning with Certainty or Learning without Certainty.
Learning across a Distance implies Learning by Being an Effect.
Learning by Being an Effect implies Learning without Certainty.
Therefore, Learning with Certainty implies Learning,
but not by Being an Effect, and not across a Distance.
Version: GnuPG v1.4.5 (GNU/Linux)
HomerWSmith-L mailing list
Hash: SHA1
Alan Walter said:
> Homer does make case gain, if that's who you are talking about.
I do?
Now Alan, this is not a criticism, nor a personal attack, just the
Facts Jack, ok? Please don't get red in the face, please don't get
angry, please remain my friend, ok?
Actually Alan's write up about L&N makes me sad.
For one it is a "Need help" writeup, there is no hope the pc can
do it for himself.
Secondly it posits thousands of out-lists, endless complexity
etc, making the pc feel it is going to take thousands of hours and
endless amounts of dollars etc to get all this handled.
Thirdly it doesn't indicate, which makes the first two grate
even worse.
It produces a No Hope and No Peace reaction in me.
Here is my analysis.
In the first place the Question is
"What's this THING in my body?" or
"What's this all about?" or
"What's going on here?"
The answer changes as each layer comes off, I hope for a last
answer, but so far haven't found one.
But more importantly, the QUESTION is more important than the
ANSWER, and perhaps that is the answer to "What is wrong with me?"
Answer: I am trying to find the answer to the question, rather
than as-is the question.
Most pcs can't imagine asking a question without trying to get
the answer. They can't see the EFFORT to ask the question, because
they are too busy straining to find the ANSWER.
It is quite an accomplishment to be able to finally ask a question,
without trying to get the answer at all. One does this to observe
the efforts involved in the question.
One way to practice this is to ask a question which you know
the answer to and see if you can ask it without having the answer
come forward, like "What is my name?"
Then one sees that the efforts to ask the question are more
damaging in terms of ridges and impacted masses, than not knowing the
answer is.
Answers cool out questions, because the pc stops asking the question,
not because the answer is right! Wrong answers can also cause more
questions which then leads to endless cave in.
This is possibly why the Zen Master give a Koan to their
preclears, it is an unanswerable question. The intent is to get the
pc asking questions that guarantee there is no answer to look at, so
that finally the pc looks as the process of asking itself without
answering and starts to blow charge.
Thus "What question are you asking" is itself a listing question
of sorts, although it has many answers, but I would think that the
handling would NOT be to then get the 'correct' answer to any of those
questions, but to run something that would run out the asking of all
those questions which the pc lists.
This takes an awful lot of confront of NOT KNOW, the pc has to be
willing to HAVE not knowing the answer to all these questions, but he
will cool out the restim on his masses significantly if he can do so.
Questions like Why am I here?, Who am I? What am I supposed to
be doing?, What's my purpose?, When did I come in?, How do I get out?
All the basic Who, How, What, Where and Why's that drive the pc mad
through the trillenia.
Adore would have you spot the question and then ask it WITHOUT
ANSWERING IT, until the charge is off.
"The caliber of the caliper of souls is
The Questions they have asked, and
The Answers they have rejected."
Ultimately native state has no answers, in this sense ALL
answers to questions are false and are out items.
Thus auditing the asking of questions, instead of the answering
of questions, might lead to more fruitful results and bypass the need
for all the 'powerful' complexity that makes others necessary in the
game of case gain.
Perhaps we could call this the OT Q&A rundown, as LRH said the
only aberration there is waiting for an answer. Adore says the only
but its the same thing. This is because the true answer to the
question is the exact duplication of the question and its implied
not know, at which point the not know blows and the prior know
arises. This is not an effort thing to learn by looking, this is
at worst an effort thing to duplicate the not know on the prior know.
Alan's message comes across to me as people can not help
themselves until they have been helped by others at great expense.
Adore's message is you can help yourself if you would simply
observe yourself asking how.
The logic behind this is simple, when the unwanted condition was
originally created, there was no question going on in the background
asking "how do I get rid of this, where do I get help for this etc?
One gets rid of the condition by making it again, by exactly
duplicating the original efforts to create it, thus if you are asking
"What is this? How do I get rid of it? Who is going to help me?
When it is going to happen? Why am I suffering from it?" you aren't
duplicating the efforts at the moment of creation of the condition
because those questions were not going on at the time.
On the other hand, if there were questions going on at the time
of the original creation, and the efforts of those questions are still
being asked consciously or unconsciously in present time, then that
question asking alone will keep the incident in full bloom.
Adore says that questions stick us to incidents, nothing else.
Thus the way to run the incident is not to ask "How do I run
this incident?" but to run the question you were asking in the
Notice that the incident question is NOT "What question was I
asking in the incident?"
Asking "What question was I asking in the incident?" is
self auditing. This is the figure-figure LRH talked about.
Running the asking of the question in the incident, particularly
its efforts and ridges of failure, whether or not you know what that
question is, is solo auditing. This is in fact very effective effort
Adore says that this effort processing gets at the postulate in
the incident because ultimately all postulates relate to being unable to
know and answer the damn question!
Thus spotting the extant questions in present time, NOT TO ANSWER
THEM BUT TO COOL THE ASKING, will go a long ways to bringing the
original incident to the foreground and allow you to run the rest of it
LRH says the pc is trying to solve problems in the present by
using efforts he used against problems in the past. If what Adore
says is true, the basic problem is an unanswerable question, thus the
efforts the pc is using to answer present time questions he knows he
is asking, will be the same efforts he used on the past track
questions in the incidents that are holding him down.
Since the past track efforts do not properly match his present
time questions, he will be both failing to answer his present time
questions AND restimulating his past track overwhelms.
Freedom from overwhelm is also freedom from overwhelm about
asking and answering questions.
This listing and running the present time questions, AS QUESTIONS
NOT AS ANSWERS, will lead to the past track incidents and questions wherein
the pc first got entangled in misduplication of the know - not know
cycle and learning by looking at effects in order to know about cause,
(violations of the proof).
Misconstruing a know - not know cycle as a not know - know cycle
is a serious alter-is and might be the genesis of seriousness. If so,
then it is the seed of the joke.
Adore goes so far as to DEFINE an incident as a run in with a
question. AS the alter-is of know - not know takes place, the question
(not know) becomes an effort to learn by looking with no responsibility
for the not know. Thus rather than duplicate the not know thus blowing it
off, the pc gets into learning by looking.
Thus every incident on the mental plane is a violation of the
know - not know sequence by trying to indulge in answering a question
which is a not know - know sequence, and on the spiritual plane its a
violation of total responsibility.
The point is that the not know itself is created with postulate
and effort, so the way to erase that and know again is to duplicate
the effort to not know and the postulate, NOT indulge in MORE effort
to learn by looking which is a violation of The Proof.
It is the effort to learn by looking, to learn by being an
effect, to learn about cause by looking at effects, that pulls in all
sorts of stuff that you have assigned as cause that might teach you
what it is you want to know.
Learning and Teaching are dicoms.
If a cause has no effects on you, there is no way to learn
anything about it as a cause , nor have it teach you anything about it
as a cause, because all learning and teaching about cause takes place
via the effects that the cause has on you.
Since you are now trying to learn about cause by looking at
effects of that cause, you must become the effect of those causes,
and so of course you get impinged upon all over the place.
This is justice working.
If you say "I must know about cause, the only way to know about
cause is to look at its effects on me" then you shouldn't complain
when you find yourself the effect of those causes, eh?
Saving knowledge (knowledge that saves) does not reside in any
created thing, as salvation is salvation FROM all created things.
Learning by looking is what LRH called ransacking facsimiles,
although that falls short of the scope of what we are talking about
here, as beings will ransack all of creation, every other cause he can
think of in fact, to find what they are looking for, which ain't out
there anyhow.
Adore says one can know anything by not knowing some more.
Asking questions is not the way to do that.
Alan's message has a very negative effect on me and is very
disheartening, because it appears to me he is trying to sell other
determinism as my salvation, namely him or any other good auditor,
with the implication that if only I had done it right by coming to him
in the first place before I struck out on my own, which I surely
should have known better than to do, I would be ok by now.
I don't think Alan is capable of duplicating how much this
stance grates on me.
It in fact violates every principle I stand by.
Remember it is not the message of help that grates on me,
it is the apparent message of *NEED* beyond my willingness to need,
If instead of saying
"Homer come to me and we will list all those questions you have
been asking and find the correct answer to all them which you in your
grand role as Supreme Dodo were not able to do, and you will be all better."
he said,
"Homer shut the fuck up, get on a meter or whatever, and list
out all the questions you are asking, and run the asking of them
without any effort to actually find the answer until you hit a blow
out of peace."
I would have felt much better about it.
But what do I know. I am not an Emperor nor an Ambassador, just
a Joker in the King's Court.
================ ====================
Sun Dec 15 12:00:03 EST 2019
Send mail to saying help in body
=========== ===============
Learning implies Learning with Certainty or Learning without Certainty.
Learning across a Distance implies Learning by Being an Effect.
Learning by Being an Effect implies Learning without Certainty.
Therefore, Learning with Certainty implies Learning,
but not by Being an Effect, and not across a Distance.
Version: GnuPG v1.4.5 (GNU/Linux)
HomerWSmith-L mailing list
Wednesday, December 11, 2019
Do not look to a cop to understand constitutional issues.
Cops work for the government who filters out those who can
understand constitutional issues.
Cops can understand AUTHORTY real well, but understand RESTRAINTS
on authority not so much.
The government is fundamentally anti constitutional, they are
interested only in their own security and persistence through financial
gain and power for its own sake.
Thus the only part of 'constitution' the government understands is
a police state.
That makes cops feel warm and fuzzy inside because it implies job
security as long as they obey orders without question and gives them
their license to violence which they crave so deeply.
The government will claim that in order to protect and serve you,
they need to protect and serve themselves, at your expense and
collateral damage.
Thus we have peace and security through silence and compliance,
which is a corrupt government's one and only modus operandi for
appearing to serve the people when in fact it is serving itself at the
expense of the people.
At some point, when the people begin to question the government and
its level of collateral damage to person, property and rights, and
alternative governments begin to vie for attention promising less
collateral damage, the incumbent government will call them terrorists,
not because they terrorize the people, but because they terrorize THE
Understand this now.
Many times when somsone says they have to hurt you to help you
without your permission and at the point of a gun, they really want to
help themseves at your expense.
The definintion of evil is:
Saying something is good for you, when in fact it is good for THEM
and bad for you, usually fatal, and they know it.
Dig it and don't leave it.
Tue Dec 27 07:06:01 EST 2016
Homer Wilson Smith Clean Air, Clear Water, Art Matrix - Lightlink
(607) 277-0959 A Green Earth, and Peace, Internet, Ithaca NY Is that too much to ask?
HomerWSmith-L mailing list
Do not look to a cop to understand constitutional issues.
Cops work for the government who filters out those who can
understand constitutional issues.
Cops can understand AUTHORTY real well, but understand RESTRAINTS
on authority not so much.
The government is fundamentally anti constitutional, they are
interested only in their own security and persistence through financial
gain and power for its own sake.
Thus the only part of 'constitution' the government understands is
a police state.
That makes cops feel warm and fuzzy inside because it implies job
security as long as they obey orders without question and gives them
their license to violence which they crave so deeply.
The government will claim that in order to protect and serve you,
they need to protect and serve themselves, at your expense and
collateral damage.
Thus we have peace and security through silence and compliance,
which is a corrupt government's one and only modus operandi for
appearing to serve the people when in fact it is serving itself at the
expense of the people.
At some point, when the people begin to question the government and
its level of collateral damage to person, property and rights, and
alternative governments begin to vie for attention promising less
collateral damage, the incumbent government will call them terrorists,
not because they terrorize the people, but because they terrorize THE
Understand this now.
Many times when somsone says they have to hurt you to help you
without your permission and at the point of a gun, they really want to
help themseves at your expense.
The definintion of evil is:
Saying something is good for you, when in fact it is good for THEM
and bad for you, usually fatal, and they know it.
Dig it and don't leave it.
Tue Dec 27 07:06:01 EST 2016
Homer Wilson Smith Clean Air, Clear Water, Art Matrix - Lightlink
(607) 277-0959 A Green Earth, and Peace, Internet, Ithaca NY Is that too much to ask?
HomerWSmith-L mailing list
Tuesday, December 10, 2019
ADORE261 (fwd)
Hash: SHA1
Words fail.
If you accept the basic axioms of scientology that basic truth is
a static, no space, NO TIME, etc, then you have to accept that from
this static comes kenetics, MEST, space and time etc.
The issue at question is that of time and timelessness.
How can the timeless then BECOME the timeful if there is no time
in which to make the change?
Doesn't change imply time?
First one has to observe that many have reported the timeless
state, and although they yammer much while trying to describe it, one
has to admit something is there.
So perhaps we have this unified whole that has both a time and a
no time aspect to it.
As beings living in the 4D space/time game stream we can not
imagine the no time situation. We can imagine no motion, but no time
exceeds us.
Perhaps we have alter-ised perceptions of time and no time, thus
making it impossible for us to see the as-issnes of both time and no
It's easy to see how space could be holographic, an illusion of
space in a substrate that doesn't have space, but its much harder to
see how time could be holographic also, an illusion of time in a
substrate that doesn't have time.
The nameless dreams the nameable.
Source sources what source is not.
The idea is to give up the preconceptions, and let the world come
in as it may. It won't be what was expected, and expectations of what
there is to find will stop the process.
If you are looking for A, you won't find B, let alone Z.
First thing you have to understand is you are dreaming together
with others, just like a sleep dream. Space/time are illusions in
consciousness which itself doesn't have dimension, either spatial or
temporal. All beings are on the same 'point' as it were.
"People think they are looking at the same object from two
separate viewpoints, when in fact they are looking at two objects from
the same viewpoint." - LRH
The two objects are each person's dream rendition of what they
are looking at.
Once you get that, then the world of exteriorization opens up.
Remember if you think exteriorizing means moving out of your
body, it will never happen. Exteriorizing means the thetan is going
NOWHERE and moving the universe around him so he has repositioned it
so he is in a new viewpoint inside it.
Moving yourself 3 feet out of your body, and moving the whole
universe 3 feet from you are two totally different things.
The second may work.
The first doesn't.
Homer wrote:
>I don't know, this exterior thing is gettin a bit crazy.
>How does static outside this universe decide to move and then can get
>itself into a position that it might be able to go exterior to a body
>in this universe?
>Static is nothing, how can it move Homer? It's not even an
================ ====================
Tue Dec 10 12:00:04 EST 2019
Send mail to saying help in body
=========== ===============
Learning implies Learning with Certainty or Learning without Certainty.
Learning across a Distance implies Learning by Being an Effect.
Learning by Being an Effect implies Learning without Certainty.
Therefore, Learning with Certainty implies Learning,
but not by Being an Effect, and not across a Distance.
Version: GnuPG v1.4.5 (GNU/Linux)
HomerWSmith-L mailing list
Hash: SHA1
Words fail.
If you accept the basic axioms of scientology that basic truth is
a static, no space, NO TIME, etc, then you have to accept that from
this static comes kenetics, MEST, space and time etc.
The issue at question is that of time and timelessness.
How can the timeless then BECOME the timeful if there is no time
in which to make the change?
Doesn't change imply time?
First one has to observe that many have reported the timeless
state, and although they yammer much while trying to describe it, one
has to admit something is there.
So perhaps we have this unified whole that has both a time and a
no time aspect to it.
As beings living in the 4D space/time game stream we can not
imagine the no time situation. We can imagine no motion, but no time
exceeds us.
Perhaps we have alter-ised perceptions of time and no time, thus
making it impossible for us to see the as-issnes of both time and no
It's easy to see how space could be holographic, an illusion of
space in a substrate that doesn't have space, but its much harder to
see how time could be holographic also, an illusion of time in a
substrate that doesn't have time.
The nameless dreams the nameable.
Source sources what source is not.
The idea is to give up the preconceptions, and let the world come
in as it may. It won't be what was expected, and expectations of what
there is to find will stop the process.
If you are looking for A, you won't find B, let alone Z.
First thing you have to understand is you are dreaming together
with others, just like a sleep dream. Space/time are illusions in
consciousness which itself doesn't have dimension, either spatial or
temporal. All beings are on the same 'point' as it were.
"People think they are looking at the same object from two
separate viewpoints, when in fact they are looking at two objects from
the same viewpoint." - LRH
The two objects are each person's dream rendition of what they
are looking at.
Once you get that, then the world of exteriorization opens up.
Remember if you think exteriorizing means moving out of your
body, it will never happen. Exteriorizing means the thetan is going
NOWHERE and moving the universe around him so he has repositioned it
so he is in a new viewpoint inside it.
Moving yourself 3 feet out of your body, and moving the whole
universe 3 feet from you are two totally different things.
The second may work.
The first doesn't.
Homer wrote:
>I don't know, this exterior thing is gettin a bit crazy.
>How does static outside this universe decide to move and then can get
>itself into a position that it might be able to go exterior to a body
>in this universe?
>Static is nothing, how can it move Homer? It's not even an
================ ====================
Tue Dec 10 12:00:04 EST 2019
Send mail to saying help in body
=========== ===============
Learning implies Learning with Certainty or Learning without Certainty.
Learning across a Distance implies Learning by Being an Effect.
Learning by Being an Effect implies Learning without Certainty.
Therefore, Learning with Certainty implies Learning,
but not by Being an Effect, and not across a Distance.
Version: GnuPG v1.4.5 (GNU/Linux)
HomerWSmith-L mailing list
Saturday, December 7, 2019
Exceptional Human Experiences
Lifted and snipped for discussion related to Clearing. This article can be
found at <>.
Exceptional Human Experiences: A Brief Overview
Rhea A. White, 1999.
pub: EHE Network, Inc.
(3rd ed., 1999)
copyright?2001 EHE Network, Inc.
Exceptional human experience is an umbrella term for anomalous experiences
that transform the individual who has them so that they are engaged in a
process of realizing their full human potential, which makes the
experience an exceptional human one. There are many types of experiences,
usually instances of the psychic, mystical, healing, death-related,
encounter, and desolation/nadir type, as well as those we call peak
experiences. We have been studying accounts of a broad range of over 200
types of anomalous experience to discover how many general characteristics
pertain across the whole class. See List of Potential EHEs. The reason
that we are looking at these experiences as a group is that they may be
points on a continuum, or else there may be connections between some if
not all of them, which we would not see if we only looked at them as
discrete experiences. For example, people who are not aware of ever having
had psychic experiences note that they start having them after they have
had near-death experiences, out-of-body experiences, multiple personality
episodes, UFO encounters, and other forms of anomalous experience.
Anomalous experiences are customarily treated as one-time events. Those
who take an interest in them usually examine all the data they can gather
concerning the event/experience itself and any relevant circumstances that
seem to lead up to it. Very little attention is given to the
experience/event?s aftereffects or its subjective qualities. In our
approach, we start with the experience, including any predisposing factors
and triggers. Then we take a close look not only at the objectively
verifiable components and the anomalous ones, but also the physical,
physiological, feeling, psychological, and spiritual components. Because
of their importance, our main concern has become the aftereffects. If an
experience does not have any lasting effect on the experiencer, it remains
simply an anomaly, and so can be viewed objectively as a one-time
happening, now finished. However, some anomalous experiences become
personalized. They become part of the experiencer?s life. They have become
exceptional experiences (EEs). These, in turn, can initiate a process that
has ongoing transformative aftereffects. Then the experience becomes an
exceptional human experience (EHE). We are very interested in the process
by which EHEs develop and in observing how they affect the experiencer
both immediately and during the rest of his or her life. We are especially
interested in any patterns that may emerge across both individuals and
different types of experiences.
Some exceptional experiences are more likely to become transformative than
others, such as mystical experiences, near-death experiences, and
out-of-body experiences. But perhaps any anomalous experience can become
an EHE, and we are interested in discovering if this is the case. We have
drawn up the following very preliminary list of ten characteristics that
seem to hold across several types of exceptional human experience.
1. All of these experiences, including those induced by drugs or hypnosis,
occur spontaneously, at least initially. They happen to you?you can?t
make them happen.
2. Each type of experience in one way or another is an experience of
transcendence, which means ?to rise above; surpass; exceed.? In an
out-of-body experience, for example, you have the experience of literally
rising above your body, being able to look down upon it as if from outside.
In near-death and post-death experiences, you seem to transcend the
boundary between life and death. In clairvoyance and telepathy, you
transcend space (and in the latter case, also personality). In
precognition, you transcend time; and so it goes.
3. Each one represents a new experience of the self, of who or what we are.
Whereas we previously assumed we were bound by time, space, our bodies,
personalities, individualities, and certainly death, these experiences
give the lie to that view. They tell us we are more than we thought we
4. They are all experiences of connection, first to different levels of
ourselves, but also to others, to other forms of life, to the planet, to
the universe, and to the sacred.
5. Each is an experience of opening to a reality we were taught could not
be true. This opening occurs directly. That is, we don?t have to think
about it or question it?during the experience we are there. They also open
us inwardly, thus predisposing us to have further experiences, unless we
shut down the process through fear or misunderstanding of what is
6. Although EHEs are experiences of opening, connecting, and transcending,
the fact that there is no sense of separation applies both within and
without the person. There is no separation felt between mind and body, so
that you respond with your whole self. This means there is often an
orgasmic element in EHEs. You are in a heightened state physiologically,
psychologically, and spiritually. Physically, you can experience tingling,
swooning, rapid heartbeat, flush, raised hairs, goosebumps, and
breathlessness. A good test of an EHE is that you can feel it in your toes.
7. Although there are scholars and scientists willing to grant that these
experiences merit investigation, they have done so using the methods of
Western science and analysis. This has led to their being treated as
static events--one-time occurrences that, once they are over, are
considered done with. For example, an investigator might look into a dream
that X had in May 1991 that corresponded in considerable detail to an
event that occurred in June 1991, thus indicating that the dream could
have been precognitive. The investigator tries to find witnesses to both
dream and event. He or she compares the details of the dream with the
details of the event, notes the person?s age, sex, occupation, education,
etc., and when finished, adds this information to other such statistics.
It will most likely molder away in a file somewhere. We haven?t learned
anything that connects to anything else. Instead, we should view such
experiences not as one-time events comparable, say to one?s first tooth or
car, but more to one?s job or one?s significant relationships--in other
words, to experiences that occur within an ongoing process. Exceptional
experiences are more like seeds. They happen to us not like events but as
initiators of a process, waiting to unfold in us even as the oak tree
unfolds from the acorn, but with a major difference--the oak tree, as far
as we know, grows spontaneously and naturally. But the process that
unfolds in a human being, at least after a certain stage is reached,
requires our conscious cooperation and participation. We need to pay
attention to these experiences, try to glimpse what they may be telling us,
discern where they may be leading us, trust the visions they reveal to us,
and incorporate them in our lives. So, although initially they occur
spontaneously, they are invitations to participate in a process of growth
that requires our cooperation. Instead, we tend to shelve these
experiences, to repress them, and not tell others about them, because
although they may be exciting, thrilling, wonderful experiences in
themselves, in the context of the consensus worldview they are weird,
strange, unreal, or even sick. In this view, it is natural not to look to
them for insight and guidance.
8. In science everyone is looking for a new paradigm (or worldview) to
account for everything. Physicists are trying to account for the
mind-matter interface. Psychologists and philosophers call it the
mind-body relationship. We call EHEs preparadigmatic experiences, because
they seem to herald a new paradigm, or at the least, they fly in the face
of the one with which we now live. So each one really offers the
experiencer (and to some extent, those who read or hear about a given
experience) a window with a new view, and they provide an opportunity to
choose between belief and doubt. (This is an opportunity of unparalleled
importance.) The experiencer must decide whether to provisionally trust
the experience or explain it away or dismiss it. Those who choose to
believe find they have opened a door leading to additional experiences
that provide entrance to a world where their lives become charged with
meaning. They have entered what we call the Experiential Paradigm. Those
who doubt continue to remain encased in the familiar inhospitable and even
abusive arms of the worldview that has been with us since the
Enlightenment, which we were taught was the only reality. Many people?s
lives are chaotic and bereft of meaning, and many turn to drugs, not to
embrace the world, but to forget it.
9. What we need is a story that will unite science and spirituality, self
and world. But first it must occur at the individual level, which brings
us to the ninth characteristic. Each of us needs a story that charges our
daily lives with meaning and puts us personally in touch with the sacred.
There are many books about writing, or better yet, living your own story,
your own myth. But the myths of old contained an element that is missing
from most stories told today, and that is a link with the sacred.
Exceptional human experiences can serve as those links; they are those
happenings in our lives that can pull us out of boredom and disconnection
and into a world of meaning and connection. We have to learn how to honor
these experiences and let them into our lives. When a sufficient number of
people do that, the larger story will emerge. Exceptional human
experiences catapult us into the new paradigm. We become a part of it and
we discover it is a part of us. When we enter the Experiential Paradigm,
we are no longer apart from it. The scientific method cannot take us there.
But once we ourselves are there, and when we are willing to take the
further leap of sharing our experiences with others, we will not only be
inside the new view that is needed to join physical and spiritual, mind
and matter, body and mind, but we will also be playing a significant part
in transforming it into consensus reality. Once more, as in ages past, the
story of each human will be the story of humankind, and vice versa. We and
our times will be in step and able to move forward as one. Science can do
nothing but follow, as it is right that it should.
10. Creating one?s story is not simply something the experiencer can do
alone. Telling it in part involves living it out in some way (i.e., acting
on it). So only does it really become real to the experiencer and to
others. One of the first ways to do this is to tell others about it, in a
context where it seems relevant, even though it may be embarrassing or
difficult. By sharing our EHEs, the other person validates the experience,
even if he or she reacts negatively. But often the response is positive,
and when it is, the other person may be moved by the first person?s story
to share his or her EHEs as well. This heightens the sense of meaning and
reality for both in ways that go beyond simply describing one?s EHEs. A
process seems to be initiated by such interchanges that operates
independently of both persons and that leads to connectedness and
interconnections. One has entered into the process of spinning the web of
the new paradigm. We don?t think it out; we live out of it and into a new
way of being in the world. Then we can conceptualize it in the same way
that we open our eyes and see.
Homer Wilson Smith Clean Air, Clear Water, Art Matrix - Lightlink
(607) 277-0959 A Green Earth, and Peace, Internet, Ithaca NY Is that too much to ask?
HomerWSmith-L mailing list
found at <>.
Exceptional Human Experiences: A Brief Overview
Rhea A. White, 1999.
pub: EHE Network, Inc.
(3rd ed., 1999)
copyright?2001 EHE Network, Inc.
Exceptional human experience is an umbrella term for anomalous experiences
that transform the individual who has them so that they are engaged in a
process of realizing their full human potential, which makes the
experience an exceptional human one. There are many types of experiences,
usually instances of the psychic, mystical, healing, death-related,
encounter, and desolation/nadir type, as well as those we call peak
experiences. We have been studying accounts of a broad range of over 200
types of anomalous experience to discover how many general characteristics
pertain across the whole class. See List of Potential EHEs. The reason
that we are looking at these experiences as a group is that they may be
points on a continuum, or else there may be connections between some if
not all of them, which we would not see if we only looked at them as
discrete experiences. For example, people who are not aware of ever having
had psychic experiences note that they start having them after they have
had near-death experiences, out-of-body experiences, multiple personality
episodes, UFO encounters, and other forms of anomalous experience.
Anomalous experiences are customarily treated as one-time events. Those
who take an interest in them usually examine all the data they can gather
concerning the event/experience itself and any relevant circumstances that
seem to lead up to it. Very little attention is given to the
experience/event?s aftereffects or its subjective qualities. In our
approach, we start with the experience, including any predisposing factors
and triggers. Then we take a close look not only at the objectively
verifiable components and the anomalous ones, but also the physical,
physiological, feeling, psychological, and spiritual components. Because
of their importance, our main concern has become the aftereffects. If an
experience does not have any lasting effect on the experiencer, it remains
simply an anomaly, and so can be viewed objectively as a one-time
happening, now finished. However, some anomalous experiences become
personalized. They become part of the experiencer?s life. They have become
exceptional experiences (EEs). These, in turn, can initiate a process that
has ongoing transformative aftereffects. Then the experience becomes an
exceptional human experience (EHE). We are very interested in the process
by which EHEs develop and in observing how they affect the experiencer
both immediately and during the rest of his or her life. We are especially
interested in any patterns that may emerge across both individuals and
different types of experiences.
Some exceptional experiences are more likely to become transformative than
others, such as mystical experiences, near-death experiences, and
out-of-body experiences. But perhaps any anomalous experience can become
an EHE, and we are interested in discovering if this is the case. We have
drawn up the following very preliminary list of ten characteristics that
seem to hold across several types of exceptional human experience.
1. All of these experiences, including those induced by drugs or hypnosis,
occur spontaneously, at least initially. They happen to you?you can?t
make them happen.
2. Each type of experience in one way or another is an experience of
transcendence, which means ?to rise above; surpass; exceed.? In an
out-of-body experience, for example, you have the experience of literally
rising above your body, being able to look down upon it as if from outside.
In near-death and post-death experiences, you seem to transcend the
boundary between life and death. In clairvoyance and telepathy, you
transcend space (and in the latter case, also personality). In
precognition, you transcend time; and so it goes.
3. Each one represents a new experience of the self, of who or what we are.
Whereas we previously assumed we were bound by time, space, our bodies,
personalities, individualities, and certainly death, these experiences
give the lie to that view. They tell us we are more than we thought we
4. They are all experiences of connection, first to different levels of
ourselves, but also to others, to other forms of life, to the planet, to
the universe, and to the sacred.
5. Each is an experience of opening to a reality we were taught could not
be true. This opening occurs directly. That is, we don?t have to think
about it or question it?during the experience we are there. They also open
us inwardly, thus predisposing us to have further experiences, unless we
shut down the process through fear or misunderstanding of what is
6. Although EHEs are experiences of opening, connecting, and transcending,
the fact that there is no sense of separation applies both within and
without the person. There is no separation felt between mind and body, so
that you respond with your whole self. This means there is often an
orgasmic element in EHEs. You are in a heightened state physiologically,
psychologically, and spiritually. Physically, you can experience tingling,
swooning, rapid heartbeat, flush, raised hairs, goosebumps, and
breathlessness. A good test of an EHE is that you can feel it in your toes.
7. Although there are scholars and scientists willing to grant that these
experiences merit investigation, they have done so using the methods of
Western science and analysis. This has led to their being treated as
static events--one-time occurrences that, once they are over, are
considered done with. For example, an investigator might look into a dream
that X had in May 1991 that corresponded in considerable detail to an
event that occurred in June 1991, thus indicating that the dream could
have been precognitive. The investigator tries to find witnesses to both
dream and event. He or she compares the details of the dream with the
details of the event, notes the person?s age, sex, occupation, education,
etc., and when finished, adds this information to other such statistics.
It will most likely molder away in a file somewhere. We haven?t learned
anything that connects to anything else. Instead, we should view such
experiences not as one-time events comparable, say to one?s first tooth or
car, but more to one?s job or one?s significant relationships--in other
words, to experiences that occur within an ongoing process. Exceptional
experiences are more like seeds. They happen to us not like events but as
initiators of a process, waiting to unfold in us even as the oak tree
unfolds from the acorn, but with a major difference--the oak tree, as far
as we know, grows spontaneously and naturally. But the process that
unfolds in a human being, at least after a certain stage is reached,
requires our conscious cooperation and participation. We need to pay
attention to these experiences, try to glimpse what they may be telling us,
discern where they may be leading us, trust the visions they reveal to us,
and incorporate them in our lives. So, although initially they occur
spontaneously, they are invitations to participate in a process of growth
that requires our cooperation. Instead, we tend to shelve these
experiences, to repress them, and not tell others about them, because
although they may be exciting, thrilling, wonderful experiences in
themselves, in the context of the consensus worldview they are weird,
strange, unreal, or even sick. In this view, it is natural not to look to
them for insight and guidance.
8. In science everyone is looking for a new paradigm (or worldview) to
account for everything. Physicists are trying to account for the
mind-matter interface. Psychologists and philosophers call it the
mind-body relationship. We call EHEs preparadigmatic experiences, because
they seem to herald a new paradigm, or at the least, they fly in the face
of the one with which we now live. So each one really offers the
experiencer (and to some extent, those who read or hear about a given
experience) a window with a new view, and they provide an opportunity to
choose between belief and doubt. (This is an opportunity of unparalleled
importance.) The experiencer must decide whether to provisionally trust
the experience or explain it away or dismiss it. Those who choose to
believe find they have opened a door leading to additional experiences
that provide entrance to a world where their lives become charged with
meaning. They have entered what we call the Experiential Paradigm. Those
who doubt continue to remain encased in the familiar inhospitable and even
abusive arms of the worldview that has been with us since the
Enlightenment, which we were taught was the only reality. Many people?s
lives are chaotic and bereft of meaning, and many turn to drugs, not to
embrace the world, but to forget it.
9. What we need is a story that will unite science and spirituality, self
and world. But first it must occur at the individual level, which brings
us to the ninth characteristic. Each of us needs a story that charges our
daily lives with meaning and puts us personally in touch with the sacred.
There are many books about writing, or better yet, living your own story,
your own myth. But the myths of old contained an element that is missing
from most stories told today, and that is a link with the sacred.
Exceptional human experiences can serve as those links; they are those
happenings in our lives that can pull us out of boredom and disconnection
and into a world of meaning and connection. We have to learn how to honor
these experiences and let them into our lives. When a sufficient number of
people do that, the larger story will emerge. Exceptional human
experiences catapult us into the new paradigm. We become a part of it and
we discover it is a part of us. When we enter the Experiential Paradigm,
we are no longer apart from it. The scientific method cannot take us there.
But once we ourselves are there, and when we are willing to take the
further leap of sharing our experiences with others, we will not only be
inside the new view that is needed to join physical and spiritual, mind
and matter, body and mind, but we will also be playing a significant part
in transforming it into consensus reality. Once more, as in ages past, the
story of each human will be the story of humankind, and vice versa. We and
our times will be in step and able to move forward as one. Science can do
nothing but follow, as it is right that it should.
10. Creating one?s story is not simply something the experiencer can do
alone. Telling it in part involves living it out in some way (i.e., acting
on it). So only does it really become real to the experiencer and to
others. One of the first ways to do this is to tell others about it, in a
context where it seems relevant, even though it may be embarrassing or
difficult. By sharing our EHEs, the other person validates the experience,
even if he or she reacts negatively. But often the response is positive,
and when it is, the other person may be moved by the first person?s story
to share his or her EHEs as well. This heightens the sense of meaning and
reality for both in ways that go beyond simply describing one?s EHEs. A
process seems to be initiated by such interchanges that operates
independently of both persons and that leads to connectedness and
interconnections. One has entered into the process of spinning the web of
the new paradigm. We don?t think it out; we live out of it and into a new
way of being in the world. Then we can conceptualize it in the same way
that we open our eyes and see.
Homer Wilson Smith Clean Air, Clear Water, Art Matrix - Lightlink
(607) 277-0959 A Green Earth, and Peace, Internet, Ithaca NY Is that too much to ask?
HomerWSmith-L mailing list
Monday, November 25, 2019
The basic answer to the question stated below is yes, the being has
been dealing by not dealing. Auditing and two way comm gets the being
to spot the not dealing, and the mass and energy blows off, leaving him
able to deal again.
He didn't HAVE to shut it all out, he thought life would be better
doing so, factually he turned out wrong, life would have been better if
he had kept track of all his losses.
The preclear deals by not dealing.
The clear deals by dealing.
That said, the auditor has to have perfect TR's and ACKS, keep his
own case out of it, and really want the preclear to get better. The
auditor also has to be FAST, and be able to audit the preclear in front
of him, and not some watered down mockup that the auditor can can
confront, especially if the auditor thinks he is bigger than everyone
else in the world.
The auditor has to understand that his job is to dominate the
preclear's bank, not dominate the preclear.
The preclear is a communication relay point between the auditor and
the bank, the bank responds to the AUDITOR not to the preclear, who
merely hands the answer back to the auditor when the bank gives it to
If the preclear is rumaging around in endless tar, chaos and
madness to find an answer to the question, the preclear is BEING a
bank, and the real bank is sitting there drinking whiskey and
rye waiting for the auditor to recognize it as the one with the answers.
THE BANK doesn't have a hard time coming up with answers if the
commands are directed to it subject.
FINDING the right subject is where you get to find out if the
auditor is talking TO the preclear, which is a dead end, or THROUGH the
preclear to the BANK.
The preclear doesn't know and doesn't have any BANK answers, only
the BANK has bank answers, so talk to the bank and not the preclear.
TR's are used to talk to the preclear when the preclear is no longer
acting as a relay to the bank.
The auditor must also understand that you can't help a preclear
with his mother by talking about your own mother :) The one who asks the
question or gives the commands is the auditor, the one who looks and
answers is the preclear.
A preclear looking for help in the form of advice or consultation
will start to ask questions of the auditor making the auditor the
Preclear's will pay endlessly for this.
Remember the auditor knows everything about the preclear's case IN
GENERAL, but not in specific. The preclear knows everything about his
case in SPECIFIC (under the not-is), but not the general, for which he
needs training and indoc.
Thus the auditor is a councilor and not a consultant who knows more
about the preclear than the preclear does in specific.
If the auditor is a screwball escapee from cramming, his commands
will not direct the bank and the fileclerk mechanism will hand out
ridicule of the auditor or misdirection of the session to the preclear.
So yes two way comm between auditor and preclear, with the auditor
in control can help the preclear get answers out of his recalcitrant
bank. However preclear's are TERRIFIED of exceeding the auditor's
reality and acceptance levels.
Yes preclear's will get into heavy dub-in and delusion before the
incidents start to go actual on him, but if he running actual and the
auditor is thinking its all dub-in and delusion, the auditor won't allow
the preclear to end the run, because you can't end a run of delusion, it
never ends.
If the auditor is a 'we never went to the moon' case, and can't
muster any altitude with the preclear, whether real or imagined,
auditing won't happen, F/N's will be small above 3.0 and TA will be
nonexistent except TA resulting from the preclear holding an internal
dialog with himself and probably a committee of 20 BT's about why he is
getting auditing from this guy in the first place.
Preclear's will do hours of that too, him and his BT friends
passing around that bottle of whiskey and rye with his bank all the
while the auditor is beaming 'Wow look at this guy and all the TA he is
Hash: SHA1 wrote:
>#1. Do you believe, (either owing to your first hand experience, or
>owing to the theoritical soundness of the idea) that *merely allowing
>another human being to recount their personal experiences in life (in
>your presence*) is useful to that human being's fundamental well being
>as well as their ultimate psychological/spiritual growth? (in the
>presence of the absence of judgement of the beholder, called the
>auditor, or as the case may be, called you.)
The issue is based on what the being did during the original
Hubbard said he made a facsimile and later used it to recreate the
conditions of the incident in order to elicit sympathy or fend off
contra survival forces and intentions in the environment or other people.
Adore says the being handled the original incident with not-isness
and postulates about the benefit of limitations and is in fact, still
there in the past, not just stuck in a facsimile in the past.
The intent of auditing is to get the being to reevaluate his
postulates which may have been a good idea at the time, but probably no
longer serve him in the present game.
Notice this is very different than coming to terms with the loss
NOW. Its not enough to accept now what happened and what you did in the
incident. One has to figure out what one should have done in the first
place back then knowing what you did then!
That's a much bigger order.
Used to be we could pretend to be crippled so the recruiting forces
would leave us alone, and then undo it every evening when we went to bed
at night.
Then one day the recruits raid us during the night and find out we
aren't crippled at all, and so it became useful to be crippled all the
time just in case.
Thus one is stuck on old postulates of the advantage of being
Have you looked at a local meatball recently? Sheesh.
So we want the being to go back to the past and reevaluate some of
those postulates so that he can rewrite the incident rather than throw a
lot of force at it and duck it like it never existed.
Rewriting the incident to a satisfactory 'what he should have done
then', will not rewrite physical universe history but will rewrite his
personal state as if he had actually done the right thing at the time.
Mostly eschew the flinch and cringe.
This is pure magic, unbelievable until it is experienced.
On top of that the being gets back all the enturbulated theta he
used to cement the not-is in the place and all the ensuing nonsense that
happened later because of his non confront.
So he gets back all this energy he packed away into black tar,
obsidian and crazy glue and he gets to be as if it never happened in the
first place. Quite a deal for a few hours of properly done auditing.
Thu Jan 5 00:05:10 EST 2006
HomerWSmith-L mailing list
The basic answer to the question stated below is yes, the being has
been dealing by not dealing. Auditing and two way comm gets the being
to spot the not dealing, and the mass and energy blows off, leaving him
able to deal again.
He didn't HAVE to shut it all out, he thought life would be better
doing so, factually he turned out wrong, life would have been better if
he had kept track of all his losses.
The preclear deals by not dealing.
The clear deals by dealing.
That said, the auditor has to have perfect TR's and ACKS, keep his
own case out of it, and really want the preclear to get better. The
auditor also has to be FAST, and be able to audit the preclear in front
of him, and not some watered down mockup that the auditor can can
confront, especially if the auditor thinks he is bigger than everyone
else in the world.
The auditor has to understand that his job is to dominate the
preclear's bank, not dominate the preclear.
The preclear is a communication relay point between the auditor and
the bank, the bank responds to the AUDITOR not to the preclear, who
merely hands the answer back to the auditor when the bank gives it to
If the preclear is rumaging around in endless tar, chaos and
madness to find an answer to the question, the preclear is BEING a
bank, and the real bank is sitting there drinking whiskey and
rye waiting for the auditor to recognize it as the one with the answers.
THE BANK doesn't have a hard time coming up with answers if the
commands are directed to it subject.
FINDING the right subject is where you get to find out if the
auditor is talking TO the preclear, which is a dead end, or THROUGH the
preclear to the BANK.
The preclear doesn't know and doesn't have any BANK answers, only
the BANK has bank answers, so talk to the bank and not the preclear.
TR's are used to talk to the preclear when the preclear is no longer
acting as a relay to the bank.
The auditor must also understand that you can't help a preclear
with his mother by talking about your own mother :) The one who asks the
question or gives the commands is the auditor, the one who looks and
answers is the preclear.
A preclear looking for help in the form of advice or consultation
will start to ask questions of the auditor making the auditor the
Preclear's will pay endlessly for this.
Remember the auditor knows everything about the preclear's case IN
GENERAL, but not in specific. The preclear knows everything about his
case in SPECIFIC (under the not-is), but not the general, for which he
needs training and indoc.
Thus the auditor is a councilor and not a consultant who knows more
about the preclear than the preclear does in specific.
If the auditor is a screwball escapee from cramming, his commands
will not direct the bank and the fileclerk mechanism will hand out
ridicule of the auditor or misdirection of the session to the preclear.
So yes two way comm between auditor and preclear, with the auditor
in control can help the preclear get answers out of his recalcitrant
bank. However preclear's are TERRIFIED of exceeding the auditor's
reality and acceptance levels.
Yes preclear's will get into heavy dub-in and delusion before the
incidents start to go actual on him, but if he running actual and the
auditor is thinking its all dub-in and delusion, the auditor won't allow
the preclear to end the run, because you can't end a run of delusion, it
never ends.
If the auditor is a 'we never went to the moon' case, and can't
muster any altitude with the preclear, whether real or imagined,
auditing won't happen, F/N's will be small above 3.0 and TA will be
nonexistent except TA resulting from the preclear holding an internal
dialog with himself and probably a committee of 20 BT's about why he is
getting auditing from this guy in the first place.
Preclear's will do hours of that too, him and his BT friends
passing around that bottle of whiskey and rye with his bank all the
while the auditor is beaming 'Wow look at this guy and all the TA he is
Hash: SHA1 wrote:
>#1. Do you believe, (either owing to your first hand experience, or
>owing to the theoritical soundness of the idea) that *merely allowing
>another human being to recount their personal experiences in life (in
>your presence*) is useful to that human being's fundamental well being
>as well as their ultimate psychological/spiritual growth? (in the
>presence of the absence of judgement of the beholder, called the
>auditor, or as the case may be, called you.)
The issue is based on what the being did during the original
Hubbard said he made a facsimile and later used it to recreate the
conditions of the incident in order to elicit sympathy or fend off
contra survival forces and intentions in the environment or other people.
Adore says the being handled the original incident with not-isness
and postulates about the benefit of limitations and is in fact, still
there in the past, not just stuck in a facsimile in the past.
The intent of auditing is to get the being to reevaluate his
postulates which may have been a good idea at the time, but probably no
longer serve him in the present game.
Notice this is very different than coming to terms with the loss
NOW. Its not enough to accept now what happened and what you did in the
incident. One has to figure out what one should have done in the first
place back then knowing what you did then!
That's a much bigger order.
Used to be we could pretend to be crippled so the recruiting forces
would leave us alone, and then undo it every evening when we went to bed
at night.
Then one day the recruits raid us during the night and find out we
aren't crippled at all, and so it became useful to be crippled all the
time just in case.
Thus one is stuck on old postulates of the advantage of being
Have you looked at a local meatball recently? Sheesh.
So we want the being to go back to the past and reevaluate some of
those postulates so that he can rewrite the incident rather than throw a
lot of force at it and duck it like it never existed.
Rewriting the incident to a satisfactory 'what he should have done
then', will not rewrite physical universe history but will rewrite his
personal state as if he had actually done the right thing at the time.
Mostly eschew the flinch and cringe.
This is pure magic, unbelievable until it is experienced.
On top of that the being gets back all the enturbulated theta he
used to cement the not-is in the place and all the ensuing nonsense that
happened later because of his non confront.
So he gets back all this energy he packed away into black tar,
obsidian and crazy glue and he gets to be as if it never happened in the
first place. Quite a deal for a few hours of properly done auditing.
Thu Jan 5 00:05:10 EST 2006
HomerWSmith-L mailing list
Saturday, November 23, 2019
ABUSE - Alan Walter
From: ACW
As I stated in earlier data, there are many missing technologies in
This piece of missing technology is possibly "WHY" Scientology
became so ABUSIVE.
It never had the technology to handle the area of ABUSE, thus it
by-passed the area, and began to dramatize it.
Added to that Scientologists as a group because of the mutuality of
unhandled Episodes of Abuse it has become "an act of tacit sabotage."
A Scientologist thinks their behaviour is NORMAL.
The society is appalled. We are appalled.
An ABUSIVE ACT is: GIVING someone something they do NOT WANT.
An ABUSE is: GETTING something you do NOT WANT.
ABUSE is the ultimate NEGATIVE PROCESS of life.
Abuse Episode Handling - - Harmony and Ability Restoration
The ability to handle an ABUSE EPISODE is a major technical
The reason ABUSE EPISODES have never been properly handled by any
past technologies is, they were engaged in their own forms of ABUSE.
ABUSIVE PRACTITIONERS cannot be expected to handle what they are
enforcing. The practitioner and the practice become part of an on-going
ABUSE EPISODE themselves.
The common denominator of ALL ABUSE is:
When an altered, false or wrong item, object or not want occupies a
space or time it prevents the wanted item, object or want from arriving
in that space and time.
This creates unsolvable problems and disasters.
ABUSE destroys your ability to have in that area.
ABUSE destroys your ability to control or be the master of your own
ABUSE destroys your ability to control or be the master of your own
ABUSE destroys your ability to control or be the master of your own
ABUSE destroys your ability to control or be the master of your own
ABUSE can create you into being and acting in opposition to your
own deep seated true WANTS and DREAMS.
The indicators, outcomes and products of ABUSE are:
Anyone of these outcomes, indicators or products is, an indication
ABUSE is a "done to you" victim process, it has come into being
because you placed yourself in that position. WHY YOU PLACED YOURSELF
To get to that answer you must unburden and remove ALL the altered,
false and wrong items, objects and not wants that are occupying yours or
the clients space and time.
UNWANTED WANTS FROM THE CASE. To achieve this follow these steps.
STEP ONE: SUBJECT LITERACY (You can do this solo or on a client, I
will lay out the steps to be applied to a client.)
1. Have client read the list of ABUSE outcomes, indicators or
2. Make a list of those which apply to the client, ask:
a. What of these items applies to your life at this time? (A new
or highly charged client will probably answer all of them.
b. Ask the client to number the items chosen by orders of urgency
or interest.
c. Ask: Are there any other areas of ABUSE that you have thought
of as you were inspecting this list?
d. Write down any added areas of ABUSE.
1. Ask: Is your attention stuck on any person or group connected
to these areas of ABUSE? If yes.
2. Ask: Name the person or group.
3. Tell me about him/her/them?
(You have now arrived at the most critical point of the handling.)
4. Is your client the ABUSED or the ABUSER?
You now have to work out using these indicators:
Constantly critical. (A criticalness is an opposition against.)
An abuser is someone who is opposed to producing statistics.
Opposed to management.
Opposed to seniors.
Critical. This denotes distance from, lies, non-permeation and
counter= forces.
Not delivering what was promised.
Keeping an area small.
Attacking and critical of, the who or what their survival depends
Critical. This places you in the low Yellow or Red Zone area.
Poor processing abilities.
Poor training skills.
Constantly does the unimportant actions, while leaving the
important actions up to someone else.
Chronic low mood level.
Critical. This indicates an area of ABUSE being engaged in by the
They constantly dramatize altered, false and wrong items, objects
and produce unwanted wants. Thus you must be very careful to run exact
moments of ABUSE.
An ABUSER is always insisting on their rightness, at the cost of
ignoring the TRUTH.
An ABUSER will turn the session into a form of ABUSE if you are not
An ABUSER is a chronic liar. They are experts at selective
perception and misdirection.
Example: The client states: My boss treats me as a second class
citizen, the other day he threw me on the floor and kicked me.
You are appalled. Don't be. Ask: What was going on just before he
became so enraged? What did you do? or What didn't you do?
Demonstrations of violence requires a long period of insidious
abuse. ABUSERS employ constant goading and needling tactics to
undermine and infuriate their imagined enemies.
It is not your job to pass sentence on who is wrong or right! The
ABUSER is trying to recruit you for their side. You are to find the
whole truth of why and how the ABUSE came into existence and how to
handle it so it does not repeat.
Your processing and life targets are to replace ABUSE with HARMONY.
Yes I realize many of you have lived very ABUSIVE lives, but there
is no reason why you should continue to do so. That was the past. Life
is in you today, and you are creating your tomorrow's. Create those
tomorrows with kindness, love, harmony, deliver what you promised, and
your futures will be beyond your wildest dreams.
The fact that anyone is engaged in ANY form of ABUSE is an
indication they are on a SELF DESTRUCTIVE PATH.
To maintain a chronic low mood level requires a huge quantity of
lies, false beliefs, harmful acts, hidden agendas, evil intentions,
wrong answers and a refusal to be responsible for their causative
To maintain and add to the continuing low mood level the Being MUST
keep themselves in ABUSIVE EPISODES of existence.
To be stable in the area of ABUSE HANDLING requires the ability to
not play. You must be able to spot ABUSE and walk away from it, if you
find yourself in a violent relationship, you must walk away until
HARMONY is restored. This will require that both you and the ABUSER
will be fully role educated on ABUSE handling technology, including
having eliminated the majority of your ABUSE EPISODES.
People who cannot walk away from ABUSIVE SITUATIONS are addicted to
ABUSE, consequently they must create ABUSIVE SITUATIONS and EPISODES,
being magnetically and obsessively attracted towards ABUSIVE PEOPLE.
They are obsessively into destructively doing the other person in.
4. Your client is an ABUSER.
You must realize there is an earlier area of ABUSE.
The most deadly are the alcoholic parent, the religious fanatic,
the therapist or psychologist, the disciplinarian, the overbearing
parent. Another deadly area is the cult ABUSE. Any one of these means
your client has received years of constant chronic life ABUSE.
To your client ABUSE is how a normal life is supposed to be.
That is WHY the client constantly needles and baits their seniors
by never delivering what they promised, saying one thing and doing
something else. They NEED and WANT their seniors to ABUSE THEM.
The senior is an idiot if they do. The senior must separate itself
from the ABUSER.
ABUSERS need a lot of role education and help, but don't expect any
appreciation, for they cannot experience true help as they see you as
the= enemy.
The ABUSER will try to SELL you on their rightness. DON'T BUY IT!
Just set about unburdening and role educating your client. The
worlds of kindness, love, friendliness, success, genuine help, constant
high mood levels, wins and worthiness are alien planets and subjects to
When you find who the client believes to be the ABUSER, you have
found someone who is the clients real or imagined ENEMY.
ABUSERS believe almost everyone is their ENEMY. That is why they
are so unfriendly! It is also why life is so difficult for them. They
are working against the flow of life. They are trying to stop and kill
everything. Their reward is to be stopped and operate in a chronic mood
level of spiritual death.
Being around someone who is in this state is very soul destroying,
and takes all the pleasure out of living life.
1. Ask the client to name the ABUSER.
2. Assess by using the prefix:
Connected to ( named abuser) has there been an altered, false or
a. answer?
b. who?
c. what?
d. where?
e. when?
f. how?
g. why?
h. mood level?
i. perception?
j. conclusion?
k. want?
l. position taken?
m. image created?
n. image projected?
o. intention?
p. plan?
q. implementation?
r. command phrase?
s. fact?
t. item?
u. object?
v. outcome?
w. state invalidated?
x. some thing else?
3. Handle each reading command in the following manner.
3a. Tell me about it?
3b. When was that?
3c. Where was that?
3d. Can you holographically describe the space, the moods, the
interactions duplicating exactly the moods and impacts?
3e. What happened?
3f. Did you make any self determined decisions at that time?
3g. What was the decision(s)? There may be several decisions,
just note each one and run 3h. on each.
3h. What have been the consequences of that (named decision)?
Repeat these processes over and over on each reading command until
there is a complete change of attitude towards the enemy.
Your clients mood level should be rising as the lies, wrong items,
alterations, false and wrongnesses are eliminated. If this doesn't
occur or the client is still opposed to the named abuser, you have an
If the client originates this, cease assessing and handling the
present ABUSER and substitute the earlier reminded ABUSER.
3A. After you have repeatedly assessed the above full list and no
more questions are reading, you can now upgrade the client to a more
causative series of processes.
3Aa. Run:
3Aa1. Have you ever deliberately needled (named abuser) into
getting upset?
2. Have you ever deliberately goaded (named abuser) into attacking
Have you ever altered, falsified or given (named abuser) a
a. answer?
b. who?
c. what?
d. where?
e. when?
f. how?
g. why?
h. mood level?
i. perception?
j. conclusion?
k. want?
l. position taken?
m. image created?
n. image projected?
o. intention?
p. plan?
q. implementation?
r. command phrase?
s. fact?
t. item?
u. object?
v. outcome?
w. state invalidated?
x. some thing else?
4a. Run:
4pa. What problem has (named abuser) given you?
4pb. How have you handled that problem?
4pc. What have been the consequences of that?
4pd. What problem have you given (named abuser)?
4pe. How did they handle that problem?
4pf. What have been the consequences of that?
4pg. Because of you what problem has (named abuser) given to
4ph. How did they handle that problem?
4pi. What have been the consequences of that?
4pj. Because of (named abuser) what problem have you given to
4pk. How did you handle that problem?
4pl. What have been the consequences of that?
Causative Processes Step:
4a. What has (named Abuser) done to you?
4b. What have you done to (named abuser)?
4c. What has _______________ restrained about you?
4d. What have you restrained about______________?
4e. What has________________ not communicated to you?
4f. What have you not communicated to ______________?
4g. Because of you what has_________done to themselves?
4h. Because of___________what have you done to yourself?
4i. Because of you what has_______restrained about themselves?
4j. Because of_______what have you restrained about yourself?
The client should experience several cognition's (aha's) about the=
stupid destructive games they have been playing.
5. Ask: By being involved in the conflicts and upsets with (named
abuser) what didn't you have to face up to or be responsible for?
5a. Tell me about that?
5b. Run:
What part of (area or subject avoided) are you willing to permeate?
5c. What part would you rather not permeate?
5d. What have been the consequences of not facing up to (area or
subject avoided)?
Repeat step three to five on each ABUSER.
This is a long process but well worth while, if done properly your
client will experience a continuous high Green Zone phenomena of being
in the right place at the right time.
26 June 1996
Copyright (C) 1996 Alan C. Walter
Homer Wilson Smith Clean Air, Clear Water, Art Matrix - Lightlink
(607) 277-0959 A Green Earth, and Peace, Internet, Ithaca NY Is that too much to ask?
HomerWSmith-L mailing list
As I stated in earlier data, there are many missing technologies in
This piece of missing technology is possibly "WHY" Scientology
became so ABUSIVE.
It never had the technology to handle the area of ABUSE, thus it
by-passed the area, and began to dramatize it.
Added to that Scientologists as a group because of the mutuality of
unhandled Episodes of Abuse it has become "an act of tacit sabotage."
A Scientologist thinks their behaviour is NORMAL.
The society is appalled. We are appalled.
An ABUSIVE ACT is: GIVING someone something they do NOT WANT.
An ABUSE is: GETTING something you do NOT WANT.
ABUSE is the ultimate NEGATIVE PROCESS of life.
Abuse Episode Handling - - Harmony and Ability Restoration
The ability to handle an ABUSE EPISODE is a major technical
The reason ABUSE EPISODES have never been properly handled by any
past technologies is, they were engaged in their own forms of ABUSE.
ABUSIVE PRACTITIONERS cannot be expected to handle what they are
enforcing. The practitioner and the practice become part of an on-going
ABUSE EPISODE themselves.
The common denominator of ALL ABUSE is:
When an altered, false or wrong item, object or not want occupies a
space or time it prevents the wanted item, object or want from arriving
in that space and time.
This creates unsolvable problems and disasters.
ABUSE destroys your ability to have in that area.
ABUSE destroys your ability to control or be the master of your own
ABUSE destroys your ability to control or be the master of your own
ABUSE destroys your ability to control or be the master of your own
ABUSE destroys your ability to control or be the master of your own
ABUSE can create you into being and acting in opposition to your
own deep seated true WANTS and DREAMS.
The indicators, outcomes and products of ABUSE are:
Anyone of these outcomes, indicators or products is, an indication
ABUSE is a "done to you" victim process, it has come into being
because you placed yourself in that position. WHY YOU PLACED YOURSELF
To get to that answer you must unburden and remove ALL the altered,
false and wrong items, objects and not wants that are occupying yours or
the clients space and time.
UNWANTED WANTS FROM THE CASE. To achieve this follow these steps.
STEP ONE: SUBJECT LITERACY (You can do this solo or on a client, I
will lay out the steps to be applied to a client.)
1. Have client read the list of ABUSE outcomes, indicators or
2. Make a list of those which apply to the client, ask:
a. What of these items applies to your life at this time? (A new
or highly charged client will probably answer all of them.
b. Ask the client to number the items chosen by orders of urgency
or interest.
c. Ask: Are there any other areas of ABUSE that you have thought
of as you were inspecting this list?
d. Write down any added areas of ABUSE.
1. Ask: Is your attention stuck on any person or group connected
to these areas of ABUSE? If yes.
2. Ask: Name the person or group.
3. Tell me about him/her/them?
(You have now arrived at the most critical point of the handling.)
4. Is your client the ABUSED or the ABUSER?
You now have to work out using these indicators:
Constantly critical. (A criticalness is an opposition against.)
An abuser is someone who is opposed to producing statistics.
Opposed to management.
Opposed to seniors.
Critical. This denotes distance from, lies, non-permeation and
counter= forces.
Not delivering what was promised.
Keeping an area small.
Attacking and critical of, the who or what their survival depends
Critical. This places you in the low Yellow or Red Zone area.
Poor processing abilities.
Poor training skills.
Constantly does the unimportant actions, while leaving the
important actions up to someone else.
Chronic low mood level.
Critical. This indicates an area of ABUSE being engaged in by the
They constantly dramatize altered, false and wrong items, objects
and produce unwanted wants. Thus you must be very careful to run exact
moments of ABUSE.
An ABUSER is always insisting on their rightness, at the cost of
ignoring the TRUTH.
An ABUSER will turn the session into a form of ABUSE if you are not
An ABUSER is a chronic liar. They are experts at selective
perception and misdirection.
Example: The client states: My boss treats me as a second class
citizen, the other day he threw me on the floor and kicked me.
You are appalled. Don't be. Ask: What was going on just before he
became so enraged? What did you do? or What didn't you do?
Demonstrations of violence requires a long period of insidious
abuse. ABUSERS employ constant goading and needling tactics to
undermine and infuriate their imagined enemies.
It is not your job to pass sentence on who is wrong or right! The
ABUSER is trying to recruit you for their side. You are to find the
whole truth of why and how the ABUSE came into existence and how to
handle it so it does not repeat.
Your processing and life targets are to replace ABUSE with HARMONY.
Yes I realize many of you have lived very ABUSIVE lives, but there
is no reason why you should continue to do so. That was the past. Life
is in you today, and you are creating your tomorrow's. Create those
tomorrows with kindness, love, harmony, deliver what you promised, and
your futures will be beyond your wildest dreams.
The fact that anyone is engaged in ANY form of ABUSE is an
indication they are on a SELF DESTRUCTIVE PATH.
To maintain a chronic low mood level requires a huge quantity of
lies, false beliefs, harmful acts, hidden agendas, evil intentions,
wrong answers and a refusal to be responsible for their causative
To maintain and add to the continuing low mood level the Being MUST
keep themselves in ABUSIVE EPISODES of existence.
To be stable in the area of ABUSE HANDLING requires the ability to
not play. You must be able to spot ABUSE and walk away from it, if you
find yourself in a violent relationship, you must walk away until
HARMONY is restored. This will require that both you and the ABUSER
will be fully role educated on ABUSE handling technology, including
having eliminated the majority of your ABUSE EPISODES.
People who cannot walk away from ABUSIVE SITUATIONS are addicted to
ABUSE, consequently they must create ABUSIVE SITUATIONS and EPISODES,
being magnetically and obsessively attracted towards ABUSIVE PEOPLE.
They are obsessively into destructively doing the other person in.
4. Your client is an ABUSER.
You must realize there is an earlier area of ABUSE.
The most deadly are the alcoholic parent, the religious fanatic,
the therapist or psychologist, the disciplinarian, the overbearing
parent. Another deadly area is the cult ABUSE. Any one of these means
your client has received years of constant chronic life ABUSE.
To your client ABUSE is how a normal life is supposed to be.
That is WHY the client constantly needles and baits their seniors
by never delivering what they promised, saying one thing and doing
something else. They NEED and WANT their seniors to ABUSE THEM.
The senior is an idiot if they do. The senior must separate itself
from the ABUSER.
ABUSERS need a lot of role education and help, but don't expect any
appreciation, for they cannot experience true help as they see you as
the= enemy.
The ABUSER will try to SELL you on their rightness. DON'T BUY IT!
Just set about unburdening and role educating your client. The
worlds of kindness, love, friendliness, success, genuine help, constant
high mood levels, wins and worthiness are alien planets and subjects to
When you find who the client believes to be the ABUSER, you have
found someone who is the clients real or imagined ENEMY.
ABUSERS believe almost everyone is their ENEMY. That is why they
are so unfriendly! It is also why life is so difficult for them. They
are working against the flow of life. They are trying to stop and kill
everything. Their reward is to be stopped and operate in a chronic mood
level of spiritual death.
Being around someone who is in this state is very soul destroying,
and takes all the pleasure out of living life.
1. Ask the client to name the ABUSER.
2. Assess by using the prefix:
Connected to ( named abuser) has there been an altered, false or
a. answer?
b. who?
c. what?
d. where?
e. when?
f. how?
g. why?
h. mood level?
i. perception?
j. conclusion?
k. want?
l. position taken?
m. image created?
n. image projected?
o. intention?
p. plan?
q. implementation?
r. command phrase?
s. fact?
t. item?
u. object?
v. outcome?
w. state invalidated?
x. some thing else?
3. Handle each reading command in the following manner.
3a. Tell me about it?
3b. When was that?
3c. Where was that?
3d. Can you holographically describe the space, the moods, the
interactions duplicating exactly the moods and impacts?
3e. What happened?
3f. Did you make any self determined decisions at that time?
3g. What was the decision(s)? There may be several decisions,
just note each one and run 3h. on each.
3h. What have been the consequences of that (named decision)?
Repeat these processes over and over on each reading command until
there is a complete change of attitude towards the enemy.
Your clients mood level should be rising as the lies, wrong items,
alterations, false and wrongnesses are eliminated. If this doesn't
occur or the client is still opposed to the named abuser, you have an
If the client originates this, cease assessing and handling the
present ABUSER and substitute the earlier reminded ABUSER.
3A. After you have repeatedly assessed the above full list and no
more questions are reading, you can now upgrade the client to a more
causative series of processes.
3Aa. Run:
3Aa1. Have you ever deliberately needled (named abuser) into
getting upset?
2. Have you ever deliberately goaded (named abuser) into attacking
Have you ever altered, falsified or given (named abuser) a
a. answer?
b. who?
c. what?
d. where?
e. when?
f. how?
g. why?
h. mood level?
i. perception?
j. conclusion?
k. want?
l. position taken?
m. image created?
n. image projected?
o. intention?
p. plan?
q. implementation?
r. command phrase?
s. fact?
t. item?
u. object?
v. outcome?
w. state invalidated?
x. some thing else?
4a. Run:
4pa. What problem has (named abuser) given you?
4pb. How have you handled that problem?
4pc. What have been the consequences of that?
4pd. What problem have you given (named abuser)?
4pe. How did they handle that problem?
4pf. What have been the consequences of that?
4pg. Because of you what problem has (named abuser) given to
4ph. How did they handle that problem?
4pi. What have been the consequences of that?
4pj. Because of (named abuser) what problem have you given to
4pk. How did you handle that problem?
4pl. What have been the consequences of that?
Causative Processes Step:
4a. What has (named Abuser) done to you?
4b. What have you done to (named abuser)?
4c. What has _______________ restrained about you?
4d. What have you restrained about______________?
4e. What has________________ not communicated to you?
4f. What have you not communicated to ______________?
4g. Because of you what has_________done to themselves?
4h. Because of___________what have you done to yourself?
4i. Because of you what has_______restrained about themselves?
4j. Because of_______what have you restrained about yourself?
The client should experience several cognition's (aha's) about the=
stupid destructive games they have been playing.
5. Ask: By being involved in the conflicts and upsets with (named
abuser) what didn't you have to face up to or be responsible for?
5a. Tell me about that?
5b. Run:
What part of (area or subject avoided) are you willing to permeate?
5c. What part would you rather not permeate?
5d. What have been the consequences of not facing up to (area or
subject avoided)?
Repeat step three to five on each ABUSER.
This is a long process but well worth while, if done properly your
client will experience a continuous high Green Zone phenomena of being
in the right place at the right time.
26 June 1996
Copyright (C) 1996 Alan C. Walter
Homer Wilson Smith Clean Air, Clear Water, Art Matrix - Lightlink
(607) 277-0959 A Green Earth, and Peace, Internet, Ithaca NY Is that too much to ask?
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