((My comments in double parentheses - Homer))
ACT - 80
15 January 1994
Copyright (C) 1994 Homer Wilson Smith
Redistribution rights granted for non commercial purposes.
Ok, its time to look at some things to get a clearer picture of the
There are three classes of protection afforded to people.
1.) Patents
2.) Trade Secrets
3.) Copyrights
There are three kinds of patents: electrical, chemical and
mechanical, and now people are trying to push the envelope by creating
software and algorithmic patents.
A patent is given to those who build a contrivance or invent a
process that affords them exclusive rights to produce and license the
use of that contrivance or process for a number of years. Part of
getting a patent is proving that your process works, and so none of the
Church's processing techniques have been patented. The irony is that if
they had allowed more peer review and they had been proven to work as
claimed, the Church might have gotten away with a patent and we would
all be in much worse trouble now for it.
A trade secret is a PRIVATE agreement between two people legally
binding the receiver of the secret to not divulge the secret. It has no
legally binding effect at all on others who might find out the secret
from other sources or even someone who violates his own promise of
It is true that often people find out trade secrets from people who
violate their agreements, but only the person who had the agreement is
liable under the law, the other person can do what ever he wants with
the secret including use it and copy it.
The Church upper levels presently exist all over the world in
thousands of Free Zone hands, and so the cat is out of the bag so to
Copyrights are granted to authors to protect the presentation of
their work. Copyrights do not apply to the ideas expressed in those
works. Thus if someone writes up a newly discovered process and fails
to patent it, you are perfectly well within your rights to read that
process and take it and use it as your own, as long as you don't
physically copy and redistribute the original write up.
The main problem with free zone use of Scientology is that so much
of it depends on using exact copies of various rundowns and training
manuals and correction lists etc. Thus in order to practice truly
standard Scientology in the field, you HAVE to violate copyrights just
to get the materials at hand to run on your pc.
Remember we are not talking about running a single process like
"What are you dramatizing?" We are talking about something like the
Nots Series 24 Correction list, which according to the faithful must be
used EXACTLY AS IS. Thus here copyrights are the biggest stumbling
A lot of people don't realize this, but Standard Scientology is a
'paper work' religion, the materials of training, rundowns and
correction lists etc, must all be completely standard, WHICH MEANS THEY
Cute, huh?
For example on correction lists, it is not enough to merely read
off the items from your one and only copy and write them down on a
ITSELF and that copy then has to be placed in the pc's folders. So of
course you have to make copies, a new one for each pc and for each use
of the list with that pc. You might use an L3RD Dianetic Correction
List 30 times over the course of serious dianetic auditing and all of
them must be individually marked with the date and time and pc's name
and reads and so forth and placed in the folder with the session in
which they were used.
The very basic of this is that Scientology is a copyrighted paper
work religion.
So let's review this.
Nothing in Church technology is patented (except the E-meter and
that's old hat.) So patents are not a problem.
Lots of stuff has been trade secreted, but they have been dispersed
to the wind the world over, so it is now freely available to anyone who
wants to use it.
EVERYTHING in the Church is copyrighted, right down to the boogies
on the wall, so making copies of this stuff to use it standardly is a
real problem, and so is posting the tech to the net for discussion and
This is not a problem with many of the individual processes, such
as the one I gave you above "What are you dramatizing?" That happens to
be Grade 6, R6 End Words.
It's not patented, so there is no problem there.
It is trade secreted, but everyone and their dog knows about it so
they can all use it and do.
There is too little to claim copyright on, so it can be used
However take the recent Nots Series 24 BT Correction List.
It's not patented, so there is no problem there.
It is trade secreted, but everyone knows about it now, so they can
use it.
However it is copyrighted, and so posting it was a possible
copyright infringement, and making further copies of it to use in
session would be further copyright infringement.
This effectively stops the use of that particular tech right there.
But now let's look at a different subject, GPMS. Specifically
let's look at the Clearing Course GPMS and the OT II GPMS. Most of you
have never seen these structures, either because no one has had them to
post, or no one is really interested in them, or because they are too
hot legally to handle.
I have added the Clearing Course (CC) GPM from Excalibur Revisited
below with further discussion to give you more reality on the alleged
nature of implant GPMS and the legal problems that they entail.
The CC implant given below is NOT the same as the Church's version,
but for the purpose of discussion I want you to assume that it is the
same implant, as the basic ideas involved are similar enough to make the
point I am going to make valid for both.
By the way the full text of Excalibur Revisited by Geoffrey Filbert
is available at the archives.
This is a classic 9 line GPM, where each of the 9 lines contains
two opposing goals or 'items'. Each goal consists of a ROOT WORD (To
Create, To Destroy), an END WORD (Affinity) and in this case a MODIFIER
(Perfect etc.)
The 9 lines comprise one GPM within the R6 Bank. There are 49
other similar GPMS in the same bank which have almost identical
structure to the one laid out above, except that the END WORD is
different for each one. Therefore there are a total of 50 different
nine line GPMS, one for each End Word.
These are the End Words for the 50 GPMS.
So to recap, the R6 Bank is a bank of 50 GPMS. Each GPM has 9
lines, and each line has two opposing goals.
Considering that there are 18 goals per GPM and 50 GPMS, that makes
for 900 goals that can be dramatized as people 'sashay' down the R6
structure. Some people will be found dramatizing earlier GPMS in the
series, some later. If someone is new to a particular GPM, they will be
dramatizing beginning goals in the GPM, later they will fall down to
later goals in the GPM.
For example Filbert claims that some people that we all know and
love are dramatizing 'To Destroy Present Clear Analytical Minds.'
OK, so now what is all this?
Is this someone's fancy or is this the result of sensible research
into the mind? Well for one there are a number of different versions of
this GPM, the most glaring differences of course are between the one
stated above and the one that LRH offers on his clearing course.
These particular differences are not the differences of two
researchers disagreeing on minor structural details. In this case they
are two completely different GPMS. Filbert claims that this GPM
underlies the GPM run on the Church clearing course, and that people who
have gone clear in the Church will still be found to be reading on this
GPM, but not the other way around. Of course Filbert and LRH both claim
a lot of things, and no doubt if you look carefully enough both are
wearing metal caps on their heads to keep alien rays out.
However let's look at the facts. These GPMS were found with the
meter, which is a scientific instrument after all. Further they were
found on a number of different people, and were found to have
essentially the same data in them with minor differences. Of course you
can claim that the research was not done well, nor was it done double
blind etc, and it is very possible that this is all true. It certainly
is true that the research was not broadly publicized and is still kept a
relative secret.
We aim to change that, right?
Now I can just hear some of you saying, well it can't be proved,
its just belief, brainwashing etc, which it all very well may be.
It is also true that people's INTERPRETATION of the data may be
wildly off from what it really is. I mean the classic interpretation of
these results is that these GPMS are IMPLANTS given to beings down the
whole track somewhere many lifetimes ago by other beings who did not
have the well being in mind of the those they implanted.
This is INTERPRETATION of what is being found. What is being found
is merely that these items read on the meter on some people, and these
people can be found to be dramatizing these goals, and when they have
run them out, they experience vast changes in their internal states of
mind, and even their relationship to the external universe.
Now I know it is very hard to prove anything about internal states
of mind, and it can be questioned whether objective proof is even
philosophically desirable let alone possible, however there are other
changes that take place that surely can be verified if anyone is able
and willing to do it. Clearly someone attaining a true and controlled
grand exteriorization should be able to go places and see things and
report back etc, all of which can be verified to everyone's satisfaction
and not insignificant amazement.
That no one has done this kind of verification for you does not
mean it hasn't been verified for others, nor that it can't be verified
given the willingness to do it.
It has been claimed by some that it is naive to demand that people
demonstrate super human powers in the present society, it has also been
claimed by others that anyone with such powers should want to show those
powers to 'convince and convert' others.
The point is that it is the person who has the powers who must make
these decisions for himself, not the spiritually wanting, and even if he
does decide to put on a demonstration it may be only for his close and
trusted friends, not the ones with the loudest mouths who will then go
shooting off to everyone far and wide that they have seen proof.
So it is possible that with some research into GPMS such as the
Clearing Course, it might be possible to come up with actual objective
evidence that running these things does people some good.
Now, assuming that this is in fact the case, we have to ask a very
simple question.
Why would running such a thing do someone some good, and why does
it have to be run with these items in order to complete, and not some
other items? And can we find these items on people without telling them
about them, or asking them leading questions etc?
As much as LRH wanted to find a Totally Nonevaluative Technology,
he seemed to be in a desperate hurry to 'find the answer' and then tell
everyone about it. Finding the structure of the GPM on the Clearing
Course, then led him to TELLING people what the GPM was and that they
should run these items in this order, which of course threw the total
non evaluation to the winds.
Worse you bring in the problem of 'belief' and 'authority' and
'suggestion' and it is a valid criticism to suggest that maybe people
are getting changes from running this stuff merely and only because they
believe they will and have paid so much for it that they had better.
So the scientific side of this is a mess, but until further
investigation is done SCIENTIFICALLY into these structures, any
conclusions are premature.
But look, let's ASSUME for a moment that LRH stumbled onto
something here using the E-meter, and that he did in fact try this out
on 100 different people and got closely correlated answers as to what
the structure of this GPM was.
If this is true, surely if others chose to look into the matter,
they could possibly come up with the same data, or even other data with
similar structure. I mean various researchers in this field fight
endlessly over the exact items in these GPMS, but very few will argue
with the underlying basics that GPMS as a whole contain ladders of
opposing goals etc.
So some basics at least are widely agreed upon.
Also anyone who has solo audited GPMS of any kind on the meter
knows very well what kind of needle reaction you get when you come near
one of these goals and opp goals. They don't call them Rock Slams,
Rocket Reads, and Lightening Strikes for nothing. You also know that
when you get a single item right, your whole body lights up like the 4th
of July and you can spend HOURS just sitting there letting the
electricity and charge run out for the first time in a million years,
and how good you feel afterwards.
You also know that the charge is not in the GPM itself, but in the
later dramatization of the goals in the GPM and the overts and problems
that you had with the opp goals and opp terminals. You know, Cops and
Robbers, Good Guys and Bad Guys, Churchies and Freezoners, etc.
So all this subjective reality, accompanied by objective needle
reactions during such events, and objective similarity of the reported
data from person to person, would lead us to suspect that there is
SOMETHING real in these structures that needs further study, even if all
earlier INTERPRETATIONS of them are completely off the wall.
Now let's look at this from the clearing practioners point of view.
He tends to assume that GPMS are not only real, but also exactly what
they claim they are, either implanted structures from the long ago past,
or self created structures from an even earlier time.
As such they are a part and parcel of every person's memory and
make up. They are real, they are recordings of events that actually
happened to the person or creations of that person or others that the
person took on willingly.
GPMS are considered to determine the game playing roles of the
being for eons, and actually in some sense define the arena of play for
that being and all others who have the same structures. In fact GPMS
are considered a kind of meta programming for games, they ARE the way
that thetans set up games for themselves in this universe, etc.
Now it doesn't matter if YOU believe any of this, what is important
is that this is the deeply held belief of clearing practitioners and
here is where the legal problems come in.
Some of these GPMS are very long and complex. The GPMS on OT II
are notoriously difficult and cumbersome. You think OT III is weird?
Wait till you see OT II. It is surprising that anyone can even READ
them, let alone run them or FIND them for themselves.
Yet many clearing people are claiming that although these GPMS are
generally correct, they have errors in them, and they of course present
their own versions of the same GPMS.
It is also asserted that identical GPMS can actually have slightly
different items in them from being to being, because these beings got
the implant at different times across millions of years, and the
implanters were always fine tuning their torture and enslavement
If this is true, then it would be seriously wrong to insist that
everyone run a fixed and uncorrectable version of any of this. In fact
one would expect that each person running this general area of the track
on themselves or on BT's, would tend to find these subtle differences in
HIS OWN GPMS and report back on them as he found them.
Now what OT II is, is LRH's research record on 20 to 30 such GPMS
admit however that it is the BT's who have the GPMS not the pc, but the
pc is being the conglomerate of BT's he calls himself, so sometimes it
is unclear whether you are running this stuff on the BT's or on
On the other hand the preclear doesn't know about BT's yet, so at
least at the beginning of OT II he doesn't particularly know he is
running this on BT's and clusters, this is left as a cognition to the
preclear as he progresses through OT II when slowly or suddenly his BT's
start becoming visible to him telepathically.
Anyhow, you can't run BT's on OT III, until you can 'see' them, and
OT II is what is needed to be run to get back that ability.
Or so LRH claims.
And in any case the Clearing Course GPM is definitely supposed to
be YOURS. It IS why you aren't 'Clear'.
So here's the point, if these GPMS are YOUR MEMORY, or YOUR
IMPLANT, or YOUR CREATION even, then what business does LRH have
copyrighting and trade secreting them?
Imagine someone trying to copyright and trade secret the human
genome of your body. That would be absurd, wouldn't it? The genome is
the entire genetic map for the human race, and also the specific map for
each human being. Imagine someone figures out YOUR complete map, using
samples from YOUR body, and then hides it all away, and prevents you
from knowing it, or using it, or even coming up with it yourself, and
charges you outrageous fees for the right to fix your own genome because
THEY OWN IT! And if they don't like you, they can deny you their
services, and even prevent you from fixing your own genome, USING THE
"We discovered why you have this genetic disorder first, we know
the exact code, we have trade secreted it and copyrighted it, so you
can't talk about your code or why you are genetically ill, nor how to
fix it, and you certainly can't DO anything to fix it. And if you do we
will SUE you for copyright and trade secret infringement."
This would make you pretty mad, wouldn't it? Its a form of rape
isn't it?
So let me ask you a very simple question.
Who owns your genome map?
Who owns your GPMS?
So look we have a problem here. Some of us think the Church is off
course, others think the Church is totally evil, yet others think the
Church is just fine as it is.
These are all a matter of opinion. But there are certain
inexorable facts. The Church DOES have secret teachings, which if
people knew about them, might change their view on whether they wanted
to be part of the Church or not, right?
Further some will tell you that some of this data is somewhat
dangerous, it might cause some people to freak out or whatever.
Other's will tell you that the world is just not ready for this
data, and if they knew about it, they would reject it, EVEN THOUGH IT IS
TRUE, and that wouldn't be good for THEM, right? Mustn't let people
turn away from their own salvation based on their own arrogance, vanity
and conceit, now must we?
Besides it takes thousands of hours of auditing to realize you are
just plum wrong about the nonexistence of BT's and OT III and GPMS etc.
You can't expect someone walking in off the street to recognize he is a
composite, let alone have the gumption to admit it.
Others will tell you, well the main reason we mustn't let others
know about this is they will turn away from the Church, and our gross
income will plummet.
So there are a lot of opinions here, but I think most of us who
don't think the Church is perfect, would agree that the world would be a
much better place if the secret teachings of the Church were known, and
available for peer review research, and if they work, then they should
be made available as auditing services at prices that are based on
competition and free market enterprise rather than prices based on a
competition free monopoly type environment.
But here we run into the copyright issues. How can we even discuss
SCIENTIFICALLY the Clearing Course GPMS or OT II, let alone do
experiments on them and correct or improve them or add to them if the
entire work of LRH is copyrighted?
You know I can't even post for you the Clearing Course GPM. And
you know why?
It's certainly not because it is patented.
It certainly is not because it is trade secreted. I have no such
agreements with them, and even if I did, others certainly don't.
No, you know why? It's BECAUSE IT IS COPYRIGHTED.
That's right, copyrighted. That is the only hold they have on us
not talking about SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH.
Now look, how can this be you say? Well its really simple.
Take the Clearing Course GPM. Its a rather long affair, it has
multiple parts, it actually took many years to get the whole thing into
one coherent piece for presentation. If I were to simply place the
clearing course GPM on the net word for word, AS IT APPEARS IN PEOPLE'S
MINDS, it would be way over the word count for 'fair use'.
But why is it copyrighted in the first place? Well for one
everyone considers it LRH's CREATION, HIS FANCY, HIS FICTION. As such
he has a right to copyright it, like any piece of poetry or
But if you consider it scientific research into the claimed
structure of your own memory, then it has no business being copyrighted,
any more than someone has a business copyrighting your genome.
Take a look at the Emotional Tone Scale. Now that is also
copyrighted by Hubbard. And many of you can't seem to make any sense
out of it, and perhaps rightly so, but I would assert that it is not
just the creative fancy of LRH, but a direct (if confused) statement of
the emotional states of a being as he tends from success to failure.
In fact there is an exact law that describes the tone scale, and
from this law anyone else can and should derive and formulate their own
tone scales, and valid comparisons and SCIENTIFIC ARGUMENT could then
proceed from those formulations.
That law, by the way, is that emotional tone has to do with goals,
namely importance and probability of success.
Just like light or radio waves, emotional tone can be considered to
have wave like characteristics, and like a wave it has both amplitude
and frequency. This may be merely poetic, or it may be hard science,
let's leave that for another time, ok?
For the moment let's just admit that Clearing Practitioners find
the analogy USEFUL.
So emotion has amplitude and frequency.
The more you desire something, the more intense the emotion or the
greater its amplitude.
The color of the emotional tone (the 'frequency') is related to
one's consideration of probability of success or failure.
Thus amplitude is determined by importance and frequency is
determined by probability of success or failure.
Thus one can create a really quick emotional tone scale that goes:
You see how simple that was? It might even be right too, although
I am sure we can argue about it.
Emotional Tone equals importance plus probability of success.
Here is another scale, more expanded, just off the top of my head.
Strong Interest
Mild Interest
Anger (Stop!)
Resentment (Don't want to feel again)
No Sympathy (Last overt attack tone)
Unexpressed Resentment
Covert Hostility (Last covert attack tone)
Anxiety (Doubt about winning)
Fear (Run away)
Terror (Can't Run)
Numb (Being very still)
Suppressed Unexpressed Resentment (Too Numb to know how numb you
Propitiation (Buying off the enemy) are.)
Sorrow (Crying for help)
Apathy (Giving up)
Big deal. But it's almost like Hubbard's scale, right? How many
copyrights did I violate in that scale?
I will tell you. None. Zero, zip, zilch, nada, squat rien.
Why? Because it is truth. It is DATA. It is discovery. It is a
statement of how things are. My version of it of course. It is open to
discussion and counter discussion like all scientific knowledge is.
Another slightly more silly example.
Say I come up with a new chemical formula that cures meatballism.
So I write a paper and submit it to Scientific American,
"Our studies have shown that the following chemical compound is
effective in staying the onset of terminal meatballism:
Di-phenyline ferrous thio-carbonic di-sodium per-sulfurous yttrium
mono-acetic acetyl salicylic para tri-hydrobromic di-thorium tri-nitrous
di-auric nickle di-chromium potassium mercuric di-cadmium ferric iridium
rhodium di-strontium chloro tri-gallium formic dyprosmium cyano acetate.
Copyright (C) 1994 Homer Wilson Smith, All Rights Reserved."
Then Chris comes along and posts to the net,
"Mr. Smith, as usual, is wrong, I have extensively tested the
Di-phenyline ferrous thio-carbonic di-sodium per-sulfurous yttrium
mono-acetic acetyl salicylic para tri-hydrobromic di-thorium tri-nitrous
di-auric nickle di-chromium potassium mercuric di-cadmium ferric iridium
rhodium di-strontium chloro tri-gallium formic dyprosmium cyano acetate.
and have found it to have no effect whatsoever on terminal
However slight alterations to produce a triphenylized hydroxide as
TRI-phenyline ferrous thio-carbonic di-sodium per-sulfurous yttrium
mono-acetic acetyl salicylic para tri-hydrobromic di-thorium tri-nitrous
di-auric nickle di-chromium potassium mercuric di-cadmium ferric iridium
rhodium di-strontium chloro tri-gallium formic dyprosmium cyano
seems to be useful for polishing my car."
A few weeks later, Chris receives a letter from Small, Larkin and
Kidde, saying,
"Mr. Schafmeister,
This is to inform you that you are in violation of Homer W.
Smith's copyrights for 4 lines posted to the internet. Statutory
penalties are generally calculated at $500 per copy, we estimate
10,000,000 copies were made on the net, so you owe us $5 billion
dollars. Immediate payment will be necesssary to avoid litigation."
I am sure you see the point.
So the irony is that the only way to stop the Church from its
alleged nefarious activities and to get the data out in the world freely
available to all, is to consider this work of Hubbard's to be Scientific
Research open to peer review.
As long as you consider it Created Fancy, it will remain locked
away behind the closed doors of Copyright protection.
For the rest of us though, if anyone were inclined to litigate with
the Church over this matter of copyrights and trade secrets, I would
study the point of view I have presented here thoroughly to see if it
has any merit, and if it does, then I would make sure that all of the
appropriate material from LRH's scientific research into the nature of
the mind, amnesia and the whole track was attached to your lawsuit and
used as the principle focus of inquiry.
Homer Wilson Smith This file may be found at
homer@rahul.net ftp.rahul.net/pub/homer/act/ACT80.MEMO
Posted to usenet newsgroup: alt.clearing.technology
Homer Wilson Smith Clean Air, Clear Water, Art Matrix - Lightlink
(607) 277-0959 A Green Earth, and Peace, Internet, Ithaca NY
homer@lightlink.com Is that too much to ask? http://www.lightlink.com
HomerWSmith-L mailing list
Saturday, July 27, 2019
Friday, July 26, 2019
> My quest of truth is based on the hope that there is a spiritual
> universe.
> But I need true certainties. I don't want anymore to have but beliefs
> and blind faith.
OK, listen and listen good.
Spot and locate.
Then notice that space/time machine is utterly incapapble of
certainty of anything, including its own existence. Figure out why.
That's all you need to start the visionary process going.
> spiritual entities (however how to explain that when the brain is
> damaged the conscious unit is no more working properly?)
Oh come on, the physical universe is a dream. How do you explain
that the world lights up every time the sun rises? Does the sun light
your dreams at night? Its a HOOK TOGETHER.
Do you need gasoline to run your car in a dream?
If a thetan postulates that he IS a body, and is dependent on (non
existent) functionality in that body's brain, then when the brain goes
south, so does the thetan. Such a thetan is probably totally
unconscious after death and just kind of rolls into another head if he
can in spite of himself.
The effect is not caused by the brain, any more than anything is
caused by the brain you see in your dreams when you cut your head open
and look in a mirror.
It's a dream brain, ALL brains are dream brains.
Other's leave the state of coma behind them when they die and are
suddenly wide awake the moment the body dies and they exteriorize from
it. Sometimes they rot in the brain until the body is cremated.
> But as a result I have currently a 50/50 ratio, no way to reach a true
> certainty.
Bull shit, you are 49/51 against.
You still suffer from false certainties that preclude you really
being at 50/50 which by the way is a VERY sane state to be in.
Look the whole issue is perfect certainty.
There are only 5 bins that knowledge can be in.
"What are you perfectly certain is true?"
"What do you think is probably true?"
"What are you perfectly uncertain of?"
"What do you think is probably not true."
"What are you perfectly certain is false?"
Now listen closely.
Out personal integrity means you have some piece of knowledge in
the wrong bin. That is all there is to out personal integrity.
Once you have your personal integrity in, *EVERY* every piece of
knowledge in the right bin, you will attain your 50/50, and start to
have cataclysmic visionary experiences.
They will leave you pulverized like dust in the wind.
You will see such beauties and uglies, you will swoon from
the philosophical vertigo. You will feel the undertow of oceanic
sorrows, and laughter so high it leads to absolute unimpingable peace.
Do you cry yourself to sleep at night?
Do you laugh yourself to sleep at night?
If not, no case gain is being made.
You will realize that you don't WANT to be immortal any more,
death forever was better than hell forever. The NATURE of the
immortal you has become an alien entity to your human sensibilities.
An immortal being is not a human being.
Your biggest doubt is whether you want to be your original
immortal self again. Are you certain of that yet? You will be.
> If so, they are well hidden. Why would Scn hide them, when they
> presented the first Solo NOTs completions as persons with magical
> abilities, almost full OTs, when eventually it appeared to be untrue?
Scn isn't hiding them. They are hiding themselves.
> Yes, *I* have no evidence, and I want *MY* own evidences. Reading one
> thousand past life recalls from others does not help. Just I don't have
> any evidence that my deceased parents still exist in some place.
Your lack of evidence is a sign of your own shallowness. If you have
lived 20 or 30 or 40 years and have not one single shred of evidence
pointing to the possibility that you live beyond the grave, then you
should probably give it up now. Or instead get some real auditing
to rehab those moments of evidence that abound in your life which you
are denying and making nothing of, particularly those in the 0 to 2 years
old range.
Can't remember 0 to 2? WHY NOT? Nothing there?
Nothing is a prep check item. It means something is there.
After you have rehabbed the plethora of evidence that you have,
then you can start looking for final proof, if you dare.
But you won't find it in others, you will only find it in
yourself. You already know that.
Your dear departed lost ones are right where you are,
dimensionality of space and time are illusions, they don't exist AT
ALL except in mockup form and not even the mockups of space and time
have space and time.
You don't need space and time to SEE space and time, you get
Consciousness is zero dimensional.
All of existence is zero dimensional. NO not infinite
dimensional, *ZERO* dimensional.
So you are looking in all the wrong places, if you are ever to
cross the threshold into the Eternal High US, you need to get your
personal integrity in, cut your certainties down to those things you
are actually perfectly certain of and would bet your eternity in hell
are true, and put everything else into the garbage bins and then you
may be able to contact something inside. Once you see that YOU are
immortal you will know other's other. Even if you had a visitation
from your parents now, you would only think it a hallucination a few
days later.
> I don't have many certainties, but I have many doubts.
Are you certain you are uncertain or are you uncertain you
are uncertain?
How certain? Perfectly certain? Willing to bet your eternity in
hell you are right in your certainty of your uncertainty?
Uncertainty of uncertainty is mind broke. Do you see this?
Doubts are a good thing, except remember that doubts are self
casting. Doubts CREATE evidence in support of the doubt.
Ever done acid? No? Pity. Yes? Well then you know that the
slightest bad thought would cast a shadow over an otherwise goregous
day. Just like a cloud moving in over the sun.
The light of desire shining through doubt casts a hideous
reflection made of ludicrous demise.
IT IS UNCONFRONTABLE. You can always confront the truth,
no one can confront lies.
Lies create mortality which creates infinite charge, yes
*INFINITE* charge. An infinite being can create infinite charge. But
the being can not confront infinite charge no matter how hard he
tries. More of his energy is going into the charge's creation than
can be available to confront it, so the thetan always loses at total
failure on the tone scale.
This doesn't mean one shouldn't doubt, doubt everything until you
are dead from it, but it does mean that you need to check all evidence
to see if it is merely being created BY the doubt or if it is actual.
This is sort of the Adorian Uncertainty Principle, just like in
physical what you observe changes what you observed, well just so
doubting a truth makes the lie look more true.
Once you know this you can correct for it.
Practice it, practice doubting things, doubting that you
exist, doubting that you doubt, doubting that you can be perfectly
certain of anything, notice how quickly it drives you down tone.
This is in part because doubt is certainty of doubt, not
doubt of doubt. People who doubt they doubt are mind broke.
> One of my purposes is to reach immortality. By immortality I mean the
> continuity of awareness and of memories. I don't feel that I would
> escape the truth, whatever it may be.
Good. In dreams at night, do you remember other dreams?
Do you even know you are dreaming?
First come to know you are dreaming all the time. Then your
dreams at night will give you access to your BT's.
Deal with
"You are beautiful."
"Do you see each other's beauty?" (To the cluster members)
"How many are you?"
"How old are you as a cluster?"
"What are you?"
"Who are you?"
"What is your intent?"
"What is your common indicent?"
Then maybe once you run into a devil or deity or two, and find
they don't respond to the above, but respond only to absorbing them
into your own body, you might make some progress on getting real on
how buried you are.
> That is not only a matter of curiosity. I am looking for an actual way
> to handle death better, my own death and the death of others.
Until you hit peace and pop out of space/time.
What is there to handle?
What handle would be acceptable to you?
Do you have any clue how long it will be before anyone who isn't
at your level of awareness is going to have control over birth and
death again?
You are going to LOSE them anyhow, you may be able to see them
across bodies, but will they be able to see you? Do THEY have the
balls to be immortal again?
Where are you going to get those balls to give them.
> Death is THE thing I am totally effect of. When one of my friends or
> relatives is dying, that is a terrible experience and currently I am but
> a passive spectator of these things, there is nothing I can do. The only
> thing auditing can do is make that experience more acceptable, alleviate
> the pain, but not change death.
Seriousness, importance, permanence and pain.
Drama and dramatization.
Preciousness, fragility, and irreplaceability.
Who or what would create themselves as a mortal being?
What are the aesthetics to being mortal?
Who or what would create themselves as an Immortal being (in
What are the aesthetics to being in hell forever (time).
Do you really want to be an immortal being that engages in the
pretense of immortality and hell forever and then death forever?
"Mortals bow and pray to the God of Time, Stone and Dust in the
Their *FAITH* is not to be belittled.
Eternal Pride however is Eternal Home.
All the world is a stage, because all the world is a grave.
If TimeStone be TombStone, then let wisdom be epitaph." - Adore.
> It seems that even in spiritual schools, people are in apathy about
> death. They don't think it can be changed, or that it would be a good
> thing to change it.
Right. This is very correct of you, the whole world is in sub
death about death. Taking care of the body.
> I am working with the hypothesis that it is possible to change death,
> for example if reincarnation exists how to solve amnesia, or if our
> consciousness is dependent on the brain, how to make our consciousness
> no more effect of the brain.
"The way in is the way out.
The Creature can become the Creator at will, if it dares.
The way to become the Creator is to BE the Creator becoming
the Creature.
One Idolizes the Creator, and Worships the Creature.
Watch it, Medusa is the Devil's Harem." - Adore.
Here's another super powerful, almost crushing process that won't
leave you standing.
Tell me Curiosus, you got balls? Are you willing to be the first
one standing naked in the light of pure infinite eternal immortality?
You willing to be the only one who knows the truth while looking upon
trillions of others stuck in the tar, amber, obsidian glass and crazy
glue of MEST glowing with their little trapped self luminious
consiousnesses in the night of the void?
OK, run this then for a few hours, really get someone else
to run it on you.
"Get the idea the world is a dream."
"Tell me about it."
"GEt the idea the world is not a dream."
"Tell me about it."
RUN IT. Don't just read it.
Most don't have the balls, they would rather whine and natter and
complain about proof.
Remember if MEST is actual, if space/time and dimensionality are
actual, then you are mortal, end of story. No way is a non
dimendional spirit ever going to interface with a dimensional world.
The ONLY way a non dimensional spirit can interface with a dimensional
physical universe is if the dimensional physical universe is an
illusion in the non dimensional substrate of consciousness. It's a TV
show, brains, and quarks included.
But I will tell you something Curiosus, you are able to admit
that death is a problem. That's doing WAY better than the rest. You
are truely almost at 50/50, but not quite until you find the remaining
false certainties, and put them into the garbage bins of uncertainty.
You know a perfect certainty CAN'T BE WRONG, you know this right?
Its just not possible to be perfectly certain of something and
find out later you are wrong.
If you find out you were wrong about something, spot how you were
never perfectly certain of it in the first place but were engaging in
knowable out integrity. You could have known at the time, had you
looked closely, that you weren't perfectly certain.
Spot a perfect certainty. They are the lighted pathway into the
mind of God, for the AllThatIs is perfect, and this is the best of all
possible worlds, perfect peace would not be possible otherwise, and
thus wherever you find perfection of any kind, but in particular
perfect certainty, you are looking directly at God, the living AllThatIs.
Thu Jun 22 22:28:33 EDT 2006
Homer Wilson Smith Clean Air, Clear Water, Art Matrix - Lightlink
(607) 277-0959 A Green Earth, and Peace, Internet, Ithaca NY
homer@lightlink.com Is that too much to ask? http://www.lightlink.com
HomerWSmith-L mailing list
> My quest of truth is based on the hope that there is a spiritual
> universe.
> But I need true certainties. I don't want anymore to have but beliefs
> and blind faith.
OK, listen and listen good.
Spot and locate.
Then notice that space/time machine is utterly incapapble of
certainty of anything, including its own existence. Figure out why.
That's all you need to start the visionary process going.
> spiritual entities (however how to explain that when the brain is
> damaged the conscious unit is no more working properly?)
Oh come on, the physical universe is a dream. How do you explain
that the world lights up every time the sun rises? Does the sun light
your dreams at night? Its a HOOK TOGETHER.
Do you need gasoline to run your car in a dream?
If a thetan postulates that he IS a body, and is dependent on (non
existent) functionality in that body's brain, then when the brain goes
south, so does the thetan. Such a thetan is probably totally
unconscious after death and just kind of rolls into another head if he
can in spite of himself.
The effect is not caused by the brain, any more than anything is
caused by the brain you see in your dreams when you cut your head open
and look in a mirror.
It's a dream brain, ALL brains are dream brains.
Other's leave the state of coma behind them when they die and are
suddenly wide awake the moment the body dies and they exteriorize from
it. Sometimes they rot in the brain until the body is cremated.
> But as a result I have currently a 50/50 ratio, no way to reach a true
> certainty.
Bull shit, you are 49/51 against.
You still suffer from false certainties that preclude you really
being at 50/50 which by the way is a VERY sane state to be in.
Look the whole issue is perfect certainty.
There are only 5 bins that knowledge can be in.
"What are you perfectly certain is true?"
"What do you think is probably true?"
"What are you perfectly uncertain of?"
"What do you think is probably not true."
"What are you perfectly certain is false?"
Now listen closely.
Out personal integrity means you have some piece of knowledge in
the wrong bin. That is all there is to out personal integrity.
Once you have your personal integrity in, *EVERY* every piece of
knowledge in the right bin, you will attain your 50/50, and start to
have cataclysmic visionary experiences.
They will leave you pulverized like dust in the wind.
You will see such beauties and uglies, you will swoon from
the philosophical vertigo. You will feel the undertow of oceanic
sorrows, and laughter so high it leads to absolute unimpingable peace.
Do you cry yourself to sleep at night?
Do you laugh yourself to sleep at night?
If not, no case gain is being made.
You will realize that you don't WANT to be immortal any more,
death forever was better than hell forever. The NATURE of the
immortal you has become an alien entity to your human sensibilities.
An immortal being is not a human being.
Your biggest doubt is whether you want to be your original
immortal self again. Are you certain of that yet? You will be.
> If so, they are well hidden. Why would Scn hide them, when they
> presented the first Solo NOTs completions as persons with magical
> abilities, almost full OTs, when eventually it appeared to be untrue?
Scn isn't hiding them. They are hiding themselves.
> Yes, *I* have no evidence, and I want *MY* own evidences. Reading one
> thousand past life recalls from others does not help. Just I don't have
> any evidence that my deceased parents still exist in some place.
Your lack of evidence is a sign of your own shallowness. If you have
lived 20 or 30 or 40 years and have not one single shred of evidence
pointing to the possibility that you live beyond the grave, then you
should probably give it up now. Or instead get some real auditing
to rehab those moments of evidence that abound in your life which you
are denying and making nothing of, particularly those in the 0 to 2 years
old range.
Can't remember 0 to 2? WHY NOT? Nothing there?
Nothing is a prep check item. It means something is there.
After you have rehabbed the plethora of evidence that you have,
then you can start looking for final proof, if you dare.
But you won't find it in others, you will only find it in
yourself. You already know that.
Your dear departed lost ones are right where you are,
dimensionality of space and time are illusions, they don't exist AT
ALL except in mockup form and not even the mockups of space and time
have space and time.
You don't need space and time to SEE space and time, you get
Consciousness is zero dimensional.
All of existence is zero dimensional. NO not infinite
dimensional, *ZERO* dimensional.
So you are looking in all the wrong places, if you are ever to
cross the threshold into the Eternal High US, you need to get your
personal integrity in, cut your certainties down to those things you
are actually perfectly certain of and would bet your eternity in hell
are true, and put everything else into the garbage bins and then you
may be able to contact something inside. Once you see that YOU are
immortal you will know other's other. Even if you had a visitation
from your parents now, you would only think it a hallucination a few
days later.
> I don't have many certainties, but I have many doubts.
Are you certain you are uncertain or are you uncertain you
are uncertain?
How certain? Perfectly certain? Willing to bet your eternity in
hell you are right in your certainty of your uncertainty?
Uncertainty of uncertainty is mind broke. Do you see this?
Doubts are a good thing, except remember that doubts are self
casting. Doubts CREATE evidence in support of the doubt.
Ever done acid? No? Pity. Yes? Well then you know that the
slightest bad thought would cast a shadow over an otherwise goregous
day. Just like a cloud moving in over the sun.
The light of desire shining through doubt casts a hideous
reflection made of ludicrous demise.
IT IS UNCONFRONTABLE. You can always confront the truth,
no one can confront lies.
Lies create mortality which creates infinite charge, yes
*INFINITE* charge. An infinite being can create infinite charge. But
the being can not confront infinite charge no matter how hard he
tries. More of his energy is going into the charge's creation than
can be available to confront it, so the thetan always loses at total
failure on the tone scale.
This doesn't mean one shouldn't doubt, doubt everything until you
are dead from it, but it does mean that you need to check all evidence
to see if it is merely being created BY the doubt or if it is actual.
This is sort of the Adorian Uncertainty Principle, just like in
physical what you observe changes what you observed, well just so
doubting a truth makes the lie look more true.
Once you know this you can correct for it.
Practice it, practice doubting things, doubting that you
exist, doubting that you doubt, doubting that you can be perfectly
certain of anything, notice how quickly it drives you down tone.
This is in part because doubt is certainty of doubt, not
doubt of doubt. People who doubt they doubt are mind broke.
> One of my purposes is to reach immortality. By immortality I mean the
> continuity of awareness and of memories. I don't feel that I would
> escape the truth, whatever it may be.
Good. In dreams at night, do you remember other dreams?
Do you even know you are dreaming?
First come to know you are dreaming all the time. Then your
dreams at night will give you access to your BT's.
Deal with
"You are beautiful."
"Do you see each other's beauty?" (To the cluster members)
"How many are you?"
"How old are you as a cluster?"
"What are you?"
"Who are you?"
"What is your intent?"
"What is your common indicent?"
Then maybe once you run into a devil or deity or two, and find
they don't respond to the above, but respond only to absorbing them
into your own body, you might make some progress on getting real on
how buried you are.
> That is not only a matter of curiosity. I am looking for an actual way
> to handle death better, my own death and the death of others.
Until you hit peace and pop out of space/time.
What is there to handle?
What handle would be acceptable to you?
Do you have any clue how long it will be before anyone who isn't
at your level of awareness is going to have control over birth and
death again?
You are going to LOSE them anyhow, you may be able to see them
across bodies, but will they be able to see you? Do THEY have the
balls to be immortal again?
Where are you going to get those balls to give them.
> Death is THE thing I am totally effect of. When one of my friends or
> relatives is dying, that is a terrible experience and currently I am but
> a passive spectator of these things, there is nothing I can do. The only
> thing auditing can do is make that experience more acceptable, alleviate
> the pain, but not change death.
Seriousness, importance, permanence and pain.
Drama and dramatization.
Preciousness, fragility, and irreplaceability.
Who or what would create themselves as a mortal being?
What are the aesthetics to being mortal?
Who or what would create themselves as an Immortal being (in
What are the aesthetics to being in hell forever (time).
Do you really want to be an immortal being that engages in the
pretense of immortality and hell forever and then death forever?
"Mortals bow and pray to the God of Time, Stone and Dust in the
Their *FAITH* is not to be belittled.
Eternal Pride however is Eternal Home.
All the world is a stage, because all the world is a grave.
If TimeStone be TombStone, then let wisdom be epitaph." - Adore.
> It seems that even in spiritual schools, people are in apathy about
> death. They don't think it can be changed, or that it would be a good
> thing to change it.
Right. This is very correct of you, the whole world is in sub
death about death. Taking care of the body.
> I am working with the hypothesis that it is possible to change death,
> for example if reincarnation exists how to solve amnesia, or if our
> consciousness is dependent on the brain, how to make our consciousness
> no more effect of the brain.
"The way in is the way out.
The Creature can become the Creator at will, if it dares.
The way to become the Creator is to BE the Creator becoming
the Creature.
One Idolizes the Creator, and Worships the Creature.
Watch it, Medusa is the Devil's Harem." - Adore.
Here's another super powerful, almost crushing process that won't
leave you standing.
Tell me Curiosus, you got balls? Are you willing to be the first
one standing naked in the light of pure infinite eternal immortality?
You willing to be the only one who knows the truth while looking upon
trillions of others stuck in the tar, amber, obsidian glass and crazy
glue of MEST glowing with their little trapped self luminious
consiousnesses in the night of the void?
OK, run this then for a few hours, really get someone else
to run it on you.
"Get the idea the world is a dream."
"Tell me about it."
"GEt the idea the world is not a dream."
"Tell me about it."
RUN IT. Don't just read it.
Most don't have the balls, they would rather whine and natter and
complain about proof.
Remember if MEST is actual, if space/time and dimensionality are
actual, then you are mortal, end of story. No way is a non
dimendional spirit ever going to interface with a dimensional world.
The ONLY way a non dimensional spirit can interface with a dimensional
physical universe is if the dimensional physical universe is an
illusion in the non dimensional substrate of consciousness. It's a TV
show, brains, and quarks included.
But I will tell you something Curiosus, you are able to admit
that death is a problem. That's doing WAY better than the rest. You
are truely almost at 50/50, but not quite until you find the remaining
false certainties, and put them into the garbage bins of uncertainty.
You know a perfect certainty CAN'T BE WRONG, you know this right?
Its just not possible to be perfectly certain of something and
find out later you are wrong.
If you find out you were wrong about something, spot how you were
never perfectly certain of it in the first place but were engaging in
knowable out integrity. You could have known at the time, had you
looked closely, that you weren't perfectly certain.
Spot a perfect certainty. They are the lighted pathway into the
mind of God, for the AllThatIs is perfect, and this is the best of all
possible worlds, perfect peace would not be possible otherwise, and
thus wherever you find perfection of any kind, but in particular
perfect certainty, you are looking directly at God, the living AllThatIs.
Thu Jun 22 22:28:33 EDT 2006
Homer Wilson Smith Clean Air, Clear Water, Art Matrix - Lightlink
(607) 277-0959 A Green Earth, and Peace, Internet, Ithaca NY
homer@lightlink.com Is that too much to ask? http://www.lightlink.com
HomerWSmith-L mailing list
Thursday, July 25, 2019
ADORE472 Read this one
> We do need to aquire knowledge though in order to do this and to help
> others, should one choose to help others.
OK, so there is the 'lesson' of unlearning lessons.
But you see that is still a lesson.
Why are you wanting so bad to 'help' people? Still got a karma
group going?
Your OT postulate that they need help and will die without you is
How can you help someone by postulating with full power that they
need help?
So best thing for you to do is go OT and disappear. If you
postulate that people NEED help, they will, it will be worse you see?
Go out and run Union Station on:
"Spot a person. Consider him perfect as he is, no further need of
change and no need of help."
It may or may not change him, but it sure as hell will change you.
Help is a games thing, we are going to help each other get the old
wind bag over the goal post. That's team action.
Now turning the process of as-ising games into a game creates
something like the Church of Slimetology, maybe you win, maybe you lose,
its like the postulate "I NEED to not need any more".
That's not an asisness you see?
Life persists because people are living it 180 degrees ass
The theetie wheetie wants to 'help' all the poor little pygmies at
the bottom of the volcano to survive the next eruption. That's
natural. But it isn't OT.
The OT paints the picture in the first place. The OT can move
mountains so he can PUT THE VOLCANO THERE and the pygmies and all the do
gooders etc.
OT power comes from OT motivation, to create killer pits and throw
humans into it, watch them run around screaming, or become one of them
more likely. But an OT is not beneath selling his paintings to others
so they can run around screaming too.
To feel fear and anger and sorrow and upset etc.
The POINT of life is death, how we handle death. Death of our
loved ones, our detested ones, our pets, and ultimately our own death.
Death is not an accidental unfortunate circumstance, it is WHY life
exists in the first place for the spirit. How a being handles death day
after day during his life, determines what happens with him in the
between lives area.
If he is all dead in the head from so much death, he won't be in
very good shape will he?
"Oh death doesn't bother me, its natural for us to become fodder
for those that come after us."
Meatballs are so full of it. They die, there they are hanging out
in pity along a warm dead body asking directions to the nearest fodder
factory so they can get a new one.
The person who absorbs death, puts death there, can say hello to
the dead when they die rather than goodbye, who can cry and savor sorrow
to the last drop like fine wine, until he finds the joy and humor at the
sheer enormity of his love at the bottom of his wine glass, is the one
who can remain in affinity with himself and the AllThatIs.
Of course that's nuts, right?
The human wants OT power to be better able to survive as a human,
but if he had really wanted that as an OT when he first designed the
game, he would have painted the game that way.
Human power comes from human motivation, to win the game of
survival and never lose.
Remember to a meatball, losing the game of survival even once,
causes him to lose all games forever more, as he only gets one chance to
play as one body.
The MUST WIN on it drives it down tone where it can never win
because he isn't putting his most detested game there in the first
Thus humans live in fear and below, or forgetfullness if they are
deceit addicts.
Even the fear is carried on a carrier wave of sorrow and horror, no
wonder so many meatballs can't wait to find a cause that will allow them
to die and get to heaven anyhow.
No human in his right mind would have created the game he is
playing. Thus it never as-ises because the human will not take on the
view point of that which would create that game and jump into it on a
To take serious ludicrosity of a horror show.
Life and death are fine until you only get to live once and
that's it Bud!
Any movement at all on the part of a human comes from desire, a
disatisfaction with the here-now and a promise of a better future
So he is always moving away from here now to somewhere and somewhen
else in spacetime.
But this very movement is an alter-is of the here now, why not just
vanish it, and put a new here now in place. That is what the OT would
But while the human is trying to BETTER things, make sure humans
win and bugs lose etc, the OT is trying to BALANCE things. Human wants
to win, OT wants to play. The OT will never let the human or the bugs
win. If either wins, the OT will revert the game and redesign it to
continue to play.
If the human instead moves as an OT, keeping awareness that HE
created the game and jumped into it, then he can play the game of desire
and motivation and bettering things with out the MUST WIN creating a
solid wake behind him that eventually sinks him.
It is possible to move through space and time and not solidify into
stone, but you won't be quite human at that point.
A true meatball human cares too much to survive forever.
Thus look to your motivation for wishing power. As Author you can
have all the power you wish to create grand and excalibur tapestries of
love and sorrow.
As a character/creature in the story, the search for OT power in
order to protect your sorry ass and the ones you love from that Author
only ends in despair.
> I still think life is a fun adventure, and I think we have to learn things
> otherwise I might as well go down the pub, have a good laugh, spend my time
> talking about the weather, what was on the TV last night and all my
Being serious about helping people will really stick you in the
temporal and fill your world with the sick dead and dying, and those
that need help.
You get what you put your attention on.
On the other hand help as team work is higher tone, but what are
you going to build?
Sat Jan 23 16:29:44 EST 2016
Homer Wilson Smith Clean Air, Clear Water, Art Matrix - Lightlink
(607) 277-0959 A Green Earth, and Peace, Internet, Ithaca NY
homer@lightlink.com Is that too much to ask? http://www.lightlink.com
HomerWSmith-L mailing list
> We do need to aquire knowledge though in order to do this and to help
> others, should one choose to help others.
OK, so there is the 'lesson' of unlearning lessons.
But you see that is still a lesson.
Why are you wanting so bad to 'help' people? Still got a karma
group going?
Your OT postulate that they need help and will die without you is
How can you help someone by postulating with full power that they
need help?
So best thing for you to do is go OT and disappear. If you
postulate that people NEED help, they will, it will be worse you see?
Go out and run Union Station on:
"Spot a person. Consider him perfect as he is, no further need of
change and no need of help."
It may or may not change him, but it sure as hell will change you.
Help is a games thing, we are going to help each other get the old
wind bag over the goal post. That's team action.
Now turning the process of as-ising games into a game creates
something like the Church of Slimetology, maybe you win, maybe you lose,
its like the postulate "I NEED to not need any more".
That's not an asisness you see?
Life persists because people are living it 180 degrees ass
The theetie wheetie wants to 'help' all the poor little pygmies at
the bottom of the volcano to survive the next eruption. That's
natural. But it isn't OT.
The OT paints the picture in the first place. The OT can move
mountains so he can PUT THE VOLCANO THERE and the pygmies and all the do
gooders etc.
OT power comes from OT motivation, to create killer pits and throw
humans into it, watch them run around screaming, or become one of them
more likely. But an OT is not beneath selling his paintings to others
so they can run around screaming too.
To feel fear and anger and sorrow and upset etc.
The POINT of life is death, how we handle death. Death of our
loved ones, our detested ones, our pets, and ultimately our own death.
Death is not an accidental unfortunate circumstance, it is WHY life
exists in the first place for the spirit. How a being handles death day
after day during his life, determines what happens with him in the
between lives area.
If he is all dead in the head from so much death, he won't be in
very good shape will he?
"Oh death doesn't bother me, its natural for us to become fodder
for those that come after us."
Meatballs are so full of it. They die, there they are hanging out
in pity along a warm dead body asking directions to the nearest fodder
factory so they can get a new one.
The person who absorbs death, puts death there, can say hello to
the dead when they die rather than goodbye, who can cry and savor sorrow
to the last drop like fine wine, until he finds the joy and humor at the
sheer enormity of his love at the bottom of his wine glass, is the one
who can remain in affinity with himself and the AllThatIs.
Of course that's nuts, right?
The human wants OT power to be better able to survive as a human,
but if he had really wanted that as an OT when he first designed the
game, he would have painted the game that way.
Human power comes from human motivation, to win the game of
survival and never lose.
Remember to a meatball, losing the game of survival even once,
causes him to lose all games forever more, as he only gets one chance to
play as one body.
The MUST WIN on it drives it down tone where it can never win
because he isn't putting his most detested game there in the first
Thus humans live in fear and below, or forgetfullness if they are
deceit addicts.
Even the fear is carried on a carrier wave of sorrow and horror, no
wonder so many meatballs can't wait to find a cause that will allow them
to die and get to heaven anyhow.
No human in his right mind would have created the game he is
playing. Thus it never as-ises because the human will not take on the
view point of that which would create that game and jump into it on a
To take serious ludicrosity of a horror show.
Life and death are fine until you only get to live once and
that's it Bud!
Any movement at all on the part of a human comes from desire, a
disatisfaction with the here-now and a promise of a better future
So he is always moving away from here now to somewhere and somewhen
else in spacetime.
But this very movement is an alter-is of the here now, why not just
vanish it, and put a new here now in place. That is what the OT would
But while the human is trying to BETTER things, make sure humans
win and bugs lose etc, the OT is trying to BALANCE things. Human wants
to win, OT wants to play. The OT will never let the human or the bugs
win. If either wins, the OT will revert the game and redesign it to
continue to play.
If the human instead moves as an OT, keeping awareness that HE
created the game and jumped into it, then he can play the game of desire
and motivation and bettering things with out the MUST WIN creating a
solid wake behind him that eventually sinks him.
It is possible to move through space and time and not solidify into
stone, but you won't be quite human at that point.
A true meatball human cares too much to survive forever.
Thus look to your motivation for wishing power. As Author you can
have all the power you wish to create grand and excalibur tapestries of
love and sorrow.
As a character/creature in the story, the search for OT power in
order to protect your sorry ass and the ones you love from that Author
only ends in despair.
> I still think life is a fun adventure, and I think we have to learn things
> otherwise I might as well go down the pub, have a good laugh, spend my time
> talking about the weather, what was on the TV last night and all my
Being serious about helping people will really stick you in the
temporal and fill your world with the sick dead and dying, and those
that need help.
You get what you put your attention on.
On the other hand help as team work is higher tone, but what are
you going to build?
Sat Jan 23 16:29:44 EST 2016
Homer Wilson Smith Clean Air, Clear Water, Art Matrix - Lightlink
(607) 277-0959 A Green Earth, and Peace, Internet, Ithaca NY
homer@lightlink.com Is that too much to ask? http://www.lightlink.com
HomerWSmith-L mailing list
ADORE472 (fwd)
Hash: SHA1
> We do need to aquire knowledge though in order to do this and to help
> others, should one choose to help others.
OK, so there is the 'lesson' of unlearning lessons.
But you see that is still a lesson.
Why are you wanting so bad to 'help' people? Still got a karma
group going?
Your OT postulate that they need help and will die without you is
How can you help someone by postulating with full power that they
need help?
So best thing for you to do is go OT and disappear. If you
postulate that people NEED help, they will, it will be worse you see?
Go out and run Union Station on:
"Spot a person. Consider him perfect as he is, no further need of
change and no need of help."
It may or may not change him, but it sure as hell will change you.
Help is a games thing, we are going to help each other get the old
wind bag over the goal post. That's team action.
Now turning the process of as-ising games into a game creates
something like the Church of Slimetology, maybe you win, maybe you lose,
its like the postulate "I NEED to not need any more".
That's not an asisness you see?
Life persists because people are living it 180 degrees ass
The theetie wheetie wants to 'help' all the poor little pygmies at
the bottom of the volcanoe to survive the next eruption. That's
natural. But it isn't OT.
The OT paints the picture in the first place. The OT can move
mountains so he can PUT THE VOLCANO THERE and the pygmies and all the do
gooders etc. Title the painting "Jesus Christ, look at all those
fucking Indians" (Custer's last stand.)
OT power comes from OT motivation, to create killer pits and throw
humans into it, watch them run around screaming, or become one of them
more likely. But an OT is not beneath selling his paintings to others
so they can run around screaming too.
To feel fear and anger and sorrow and upset etc.
The POINT of life is death, how we handle death. Death of our
loved ones, our detested ones, our pets, and ultimately our own death.
Death is not an accidental unfortunate circumstance, it is WHY life
exists in the first place for the spirit. How a being handles death day
after day during his life, determines what happens with him in the
between lives area.
If he is all dead in the head from so much death, he won't be in
very good shape will he?
"Oh death doesn't bother me, its natural for us to become fodder
for those that come after us."
Meatballs are so full of it. They die, there they are hanging out
in pity along a warm dead body asking directions to the nearest fodder
The person who absorbs death, puts death there, can say hello to
the dead when they die rather than goodbye, who can cry and savor sorrow
to the last drop like fine wine, until he finds the joy and humor at the
sheer enormity of his love, at the bottom of his wine glass, is the one
who can remain in affinity with himself and the AllThatIs.
The human wants OT power to be better able to survive as a human,
but if he had really wanted that as an OT he would have painted the game
that way.
Human power comes from human motivation, to win the game of
survival and never lose. The MUST on it drives it down tone where it
can never win because he isn't putting the game there in the first
Thus humans live in fear and below, or forgetfullness if they are
deceit addicts.
Even the fear is carried on a carrier wave of sorrow and horror, no
wonder so many meatballs can wait to find a cause that will allow them
to die and get to heaven anyhow.
No human in his right mind would have created the game he is
playing. Thus it never as-ises because the human will not take on the
view point of that which would create that game and jump into it.
Any movement at all on the part of a human comes from desire, a
disatisfaction with the here-now and a promise of a better future
So he is always moving towards somewhere and somewhen else in
spacetime than here now.
But this very movement is an alter-is of the here now, why not just
vanish it, and put a new here now in place. That is what the OT would
But the human is trying to BETTER things, make sure humans win and
bugs lose etc, the OT is trying to BALANCE things. Human wants to win,
OT wants to play. The OT will never let the human or the bugs win. If
either wins, the OT will revert the game and redesign it to continue to
If the human instead moves as an OT, keeping awareness that HE
created the game and jumped into it, then he can play the game of desire
and motivation and bettering things with out the MUST creating a solid
wake behind him that eventually sinks him.
It is possible to move through space and time and not solidify into
stone, but you won't be quite human at that point.
Thus look to your motivation for wishing power. As Author you can
have all the power you wish to create grand and excalibur tapestries of
love and sorrow.
As a character/creature in the story, the search for OT power in
order to protect your sorry ass and the ones you love only ends in
> I still think life is a fun adventure, and I think we have to learn things
> otherwise I might as well go down the pub, have a good laugh, spend my time
> talking about the weather, what was on the TV last night and all my
>> them are bad as they stick you to the temporal.
Being serious about helping people will really stick you in the
temporal and fill your world with the sick dead and dying, and those
that need help.
You get what you put your attention on.
On the other hand help as team work is higher tone, but
what are you going to build?
Sat Jan 23 16:29:44 EST 2016
================ http://www.clearing.org ====================
Thu Jul 25 12:00:03 EDT 2019
WEB: http://www.clearing.org
BLOG: http://adoretheproof.blogspot.com
FTP: ftp://ftp.lightlink.com/pub/archive/homer/adore472.memo
Send mail to archive@lightlink.com saying help in body
=========== http://www.lightlink.com/theproof ===============
Learning implies Learning with Certainty or Learning without Certainty.
Learning across a Distance implies Learning by Being an Effect.
Learning by Being an Effect implies Learning without Certainty.
Therefore, Learning with Certainty implies Learning,
but not by Being an Effect, and not across a Distance.
Version: GnuPG v1.4.5 (GNU/Linux)
HomerWSmith-L mailing list
Hash: SHA1
> We do need to aquire knowledge though in order to do this and to help
> others, should one choose to help others.
OK, so there is the 'lesson' of unlearning lessons.
But you see that is still a lesson.
Why are you wanting so bad to 'help' people? Still got a karma
group going?
Your OT postulate that they need help and will die without you is
How can you help someone by postulating with full power that they
need help?
So best thing for you to do is go OT and disappear. If you
postulate that people NEED help, they will, it will be worse you see?
Go out and run Union Station on:
"Spot a person. Consider him perfect as he is, no further need of
change and no need of help."
It may or may not change him, but it sure as hell will change you.
Help is a games thing, we are going to help each other get the old
wind bag over the goal post. That's team action.
Now turning the process of as-ising games into a game creates
something like the Church of Slimetology, maybe you win, maybe you lose,
its like the postulate "I NEED to not need any more".
That's not an asisness you see?
Life persists because people are living it 180 degrees ass
The theetie wheetie wants to 'help' all the poor little pygmies at
the bottom of the volcanoe to survive the next eruption. That's
natural. But it isn't OT.
The OT paints the picture in the first place. The OT can move
mountains so he can PUT THE VOLCANO THERE and the pygmies and all the do
gooders etc. Title the painting "Jesus Christ, look at all those
fucking Indians" (Custer's last stand.)
OT power comes from OT motivation, to create killer pits and throw
humans into it, watch them run around screaming, or become one of them
more likely. But an OT is not beneath selling his paintings to others
so they can run around screaming too.
To feel fear and anger and sorrow and upset etc.
The POINT of life is death, how we handle death. Death of our
loved ones, our detested ones, our pets, and ultimately our own death.
Death is not an accidental unfortunate circumstance, it is WHY life
exists in the first place for the spirit. How a being handles death day
after day during his life, determines what happens with him in the
between lives area.
If he is all dead in the head from so much death, he won't be in
very good shape will he?
"Oh death doesn't bother me, its natural for us to become fodder
for those that come after us."
Meatballs are so full of it. They die, there they are hanging out
in pity along a warm dead body asking directions to the nearest fodder
The person who absorbs death, puts death there, can say hello to
the dead when they die rather than goodbye, who can cry and savor sorrow
to the last drop like fine wine, until he finds the joy and humor at the
sheer enormity of his love, at the bottom of his wine glass, is the one
who can remain in affinity with himself and the AllThatIs.
The human wants OT power to be better able to survive as a human,
but if he had really wanted that as an OT he would have painted the game
that way.
Human power comes from human motivation, to win the game of
survival and never lose. The MUST on it drives it down tone where it
can never win because he isn't putting the game there in the first
Thus humans live in fear and below, or forgetfullness if they are
deceit addicts.
Even the fear is carried on a carrier wave of sorrow and horror, no
wonder so many meatballs can wait to find a cause that will allow them
to die and get to heaven anyhow.
No human in his right mind would have created the game he is
playing. Thus it never as-ises because the human will not take on the
view point of that which would create that game and jump into it.
Any movement at all on the part of a human comes from desire, a
disatisfaction with the here-now and a promise of a better future
So he is always moving towards somewhere and somewhen else in
spacetime than here now.
But this very movement is an alter-is of the here now, why not just
vanish it, and put a new here now in place. That is what the OT would
But the human is trying to BETTER things, make sure humans win and
bugs lose etc, the OT is trying to BALANCE things. Human wants to win,
OT wants to play. The OT will never let the human or the bugs win. If
either wins, the OT will revert the game and redesign it to continue to
If the human instead moves as an OT, keeping awareness that HE
created the game and jumped into it, then he can play the game of desire
and motivation and bettering things with out the MUST creating a solid
wake behind him that eventually sinks him.
It is possible to move through space and time and not solidify into
stone, but you won't be quite human at that point.
Thus look to your motivation for wishing power. As Author you can
have all the power you wish to create grand and excalibur tapestries of
love and sorrow.
As a character/creature in the story, the search for OT power in
order to protect your sorry ass and the ones you love only ends in
> I still think life is a fun adventure, and I think we have to learn things
> otherwise I might as well go down the pub, have a good laugh, spend my time
> talking about the weather, what was on the TV last night and all my
>> them are bad as they stick you to the temporal.
Being serious about helping people will really stick you in the
temporal and fill your world with the sick dead and dying, and those
that need help.
You get what you put your attention on.
On the other hand help as team work is higher tone, but
what are you going to build?
Sat Jan 23 16:29:44 EST 2016
================ http://www.clearing.org ====================
Thu Jul 25 12:00:03 EDT 2019
WEB: http://www.clearing.org
BLOG: http://adoretheproof.blogspot.com
FTP: ftp://ftp.lightlink.com/pub/archive/homer/adore472.memo
Send mail to archive@lightlink.com saying help in body
=========== http://www.lightlink.com/theproof ===============
Learning implies Learning with Certainty or Learning without Certainty.
Learning across a Distance implies Learning by Being an Effect.
Learning by Being an Effect implies Learning without Certainty.
Therefore, Learning with Certainty implies Learning,
but not by Being an Effect, and not across a Distance.
Version: GnuPG v1.4.5 (GNU/Linux)
HomerWSmith-L mailing list
Tuesday, July 16, 2019
ADORE346 (fwd)
Hash: SHA1
Zinj (zinjifar@yahoo.com) wrote:
>Contrary to prediction, finding the 'cause' of a trauma does *not* reduce the
>trauma (or the engram), but, instead leads to an unhealthy obsessive feedback
>loop, where the trauma actually *gains* in significance.
Pure unexpurgigated balderdash.
Trauma is the result of one's resistence to the event, failure to
take responsibility for it and over it.
There is nothing a being can not confront once he decides it
might be a good idea to try. Things don't heal because there is
continued not-isness and protest on the incident along with negative
postulates on the undesirability of existence etc.
The humor has not been found, and humor will heal ANYtHING.
>Finding the 'cause' of a problem almost inevitably leads to finding *other*
>causes and incites *other* problems.
Actually true, so when the being takes full repsonsibility for
both sides and ceases seeking external causes, the problem vanishes.
Engrams are not external causes by the way, they are a RECORD of
the being having failed to take full responsibility over both sides
of an event.
Mon Jul 17 19:57:29 EDT 2006
================ http://www.clearing.org ====================
Tue Jul 16 12:00:04 EDT 2019
WEB: http://www.clearing.org
BLOG: http://adoretheproof.blogspot.com
FTP: ftp://ftp.lightlink.com/pub/archive/homer/adore346.memo
Send mail to archive@lightlink.com saying help in body
=========== http://www.lightlink.com/theproof ===============
Learning implies Learning with Certainty or Learning without Certainty.
Learning across a Distance implies Learning by Being an Effect.
Learning by Being an Effect implies Learning without Certainty.
Therefore, Learning with Certainty implies Learning,
but not by Being an Effect, and not across a Distance.
Version: GnuPG v1.4.5 (GNU/Linux)
HomerWSmith-L mailing list
Hash: SHA1
Zinj (zinjifar@yahoo.com) wrote:
>Contrary to prediction, finding the 'cause' of a trauma does *not* reduce the
>trauma (or the engram), but, instead leads to an unhealthy obsessive feedback
>loop, where the trauma actually *gains* in significance.
Pure unexpurgigated balderdash.
Trauma is the result of one's resistence to the event, failure to
take responsibility for it and over it.
There is nothing a being can not confront once he decides it
might be a good idea to try. Things don't heal because there is
continued not-isness and protest on the incident along with negative
postulates on the undesirability of existence etc.
The humor has not been found, and humor will heal ANYtHING.
>Finding the 'cause' of a problem almost inevitably leads to finding *other*
>causes and incites *other* problems.
Actually true, so when the being takes full repsonsibility for
both sides and ceases seeking external causes, the problem vanishes.
Engrams are not external causes by the way, they are a RECORD of
the being having failed to take full responsibility over both sides
of an event.
Mon Jul 17 19:57:29 EDT 2006
================ http://www.clearing.org ====================
Tue Jul 16 12:00:04 EDT 2019
WEB: http://www.clearing.org
BLOG: http://adoretheproof.blogspot.com
FTP: ftp://ftp.lightlink.com/pub/archive/homer/adore346.memo
Send mail to archive@lightlink.com saying help in body
=========== http://www.lightlink.com/theproof ===============
Learning implies Learning with Certainty or Learning without Certainty.
Learning across a Distance implies Learning by Being an Effect.
Learning by Being an Effect implies Learning without Certainty.
Therefore, Learning with Certainty implies Learning,
but not by Being an Effect, and not across a Distance.
Version: GnuPG v1.4.5 (GNU/Linux)
HomerWSmith-L mailing list
Saturday, July 13, 2019
((This posting confuses zero point energy within a universe,
and the state of the underlying foam that creates universes. Some
hard ball physicists may take exception to the description laid out
Modern day physics theorizes that existence consists of an infinite
zero dimensional background source of energy call 'zero-point' energy.
It is zero dimensional because it exists prior to space/time modules
that arise out of it.
Heisenberg's Uncertainty Principle says that uncertainty in
position and velocity of an object are indirectly proportional to each
other. That means as the certainty in position of an object goes up,
the UNcertainty in velocity goes up also and visa versa. Thus you can
never get both exactly correct.
Specifically the uncertainty in position UX times uncertainty in
velocity UV must always be equal to or greater than H, which is a very
small number called Heisenberg's constant.
Ok, so UX x UV >= H.
As UX gets smaller, UV MUST get bigger or visa versa.
However notice what happens if either UX or UV are zero, meaning
zero uncertainty in position or velocity. If UX is zero is there NO
value of UV that will make UX x UV bigger than zero!
Like wise if UV is zero, there is no value of UX that will make UX
x UV greater than zero. Since the product MUST always be greater than
H, it is not possible for UV or UX to be zero!
In english it is not possible to be certain of the position or
velocity of an object.
Now notice that if the velocity of an object is *EXACTLY* V, then
UV must be zero. So there is never any way to know if the velocity of
an object is exactly anything.
If we knew that the velocity of an object was exactly zero, then
the uncertainty of the velocity would also be zero, and thus the
Heisenberg product would also be zero, and thus the Heisenberg
uncertainty principle violated.
Thus there can not be an object with exactly zero velocity!
However since energy is 1/2 Mass x Velocity, if velocity can't be
exactly zero, then energy can never be exactly zero either!
That means at no place in existence can there be any place that has
exactly zero energy. Thus all places in existence must have some non
zero energy level.
'Zero-point' energy is that energy that is every where present even
around areas that have near 'zero energy'.
Alright now modern theories claim that out of this every where
present zero-point energy, blobs of space-time spontaneously arise to
form universes. Some of these spherical modules of space-time are very
small and only last a while, others are huge and last a long time. Each
one arises independently of others, and has no knowledge of or
connection to the others.
Notice that although I am calling these space/time modules
spherical, they may have more than 3 space dimensions and even more than
1 time dimension! So we talking about hyper spheres here, spheres with
more than just 3 dimensions like your normal ball.
Once a space-time module appears, it proceeds to go forward in its
own time and do what universes do, explode, become bigger, grow life,
whatever, then contract, and return to the zero-point energy again at
the end of their life.
Now although the meatballs think these space-time modules are made
of matter, energy space and time, and only later does consciousness
arise out of the complexities of biological matter, in truth what arises
is a blob of Being, a multi-Being not a blob of space/time.
We call this blob of Being a God Blob.
It is a manifestation and independent subset of the AllThatIs.
Its arising is its First Hello.
A multi Being is a conscious unit that can and does replicate into
many individual I-AM's. It has a Oneness aspect and a Many aspect.
From a distance a multi being looks like the one great I-AM as
described in the Bible. But from close up it appears as myriad little
individual I-AM's that can and do act separately during some part of the
evolutionary journey of the God Blob.
Now a multi-Being can never really split up, it contains aspects of
both the One and the Many. This may be hard to visualize and its
description probably falls short of the truth, and its description
certainly is not meant to obfuscate matters by using contradictory words
to describe the same thing.
Its simply a hydra, a multi headed being with multiple different
I-AM's but a common 'body', mind or core. These individual I-Am's are
all connected so they can act in unison, but they can also act
independently should they unanimously decide to do so.
Now here is where it gets interesting.
THe following is a model, just a poetic picture to play with in the
mind. It is in no way meant to be a literal description of the way
things are, just a useful analogue to allow us to talk about it.
On the INSIDE surface of this God Blob sphere are myrid little TV
screens, all facing outward, one for each of the individual I-AM's.
Now in fact there is nothing outside the God Blob sphere, but each
I-AM can project a picture on the TV screens, and looking into them the
I-AM can see and imagine a world outside the sphere, sort of like
looking through the window port of a space ship at the 'outer universe.'
At first the TV screens are dark, the I-AM gazes into it from
the inside, and sees only his own reflection. But then he turns it on,
and others do the same, and pretty soon they see the outward world of
space and time where they can set up playing fields, dreams, and co
dream together.
This way two I-AM's can, for example, play a game of base ball with
each other, even though they are both sitting on opposite sides of God
Blob looking at their own TV screens.
The worlds created in the TV screens do not exist, they are virtual
realities projected onto the TV screens for the amusement and
edification of the individual I-AM's.
The I-AM has to choose to sit down at one of these screens, and
turn it on, and he has to choose the game he wants to play, say 'Killer
Pit', and he has to arrange with other I-AM's to play the game with him
so he isn't 'alone' in his game.
Not all I-AM's chose to play the same game, thus many games can be
going on simultaneously inside the God Blob.
Once a group of I-AM's get a game going, they can get into the game
so thoroughly they forget they are sitting at a virtual reality
projection TV screen. Suddenly the projected outside world is more real
to them than the inside world in which they actually all live and are
At that point they have crossed over from above 'Apparencies are
Reality' to below on the tone scale. They believe in the game more than
themselves or the God Blob that holds them.
They no longer realize they are dreaming, they may believe all
sorts of paranormal nonsense, but its all directed to the outside world,
i.e. causes and effects 'out there'.
There IS no out there, there is no cause out there, all the action
they see in the TV screens is contrived by their own intelligence and
INWARD connectedness in the God Blob.
But there is no making them wrong in this matter, they are
convinced they are not dreaming and that the outward world, the world
of 'Sabe', is actual.
Dura is the inner world of truth and permanence.
Once in a while a dreamer goes lucid in the dream, he realizes he
is dreaming, but can't quite remember where he came from or why. He may
try to wake up some of the other dreamers in his game, but probably
won't succeed on many of them until they are ready for the awakening.
Even as they awake, they still can't remember where they came from,
or how they did it, they are still stuck in the dream, but they remember
it is a dream, and they begin to figure out how to make their postulates
work again to adjust the dream inspite of their somnambulistic state.
Eventually they begin to remember where they came from, what it was
like, and how and why they created the outward dream world, and one by
one they start to wake up back into the actual inward world of the God
Blob, the world of Dura.
The outward world of Sabe is one of illusions, delusions, loss,
enemies, hardship and transience.
All games are eventually lost, as Sabe treats love like the ocean
treats sand castles in the sand.
It is the only way they could have designed it, and it is the only
way they would have designed it.
Notice that the God Blob is finite in extent, it is *SPHERICAL*,
and it will expand and contract, and one day MUST return into the sea of
zero-point energy from which it came. Thus ALL virtual reality
projection games must end one day, they can't go on FOREVER, no matter
how much the players believe or wish they can.
The inward world of Dura is one of permanence, immutability, truth,
peace and happiness. There are no enemies, because all the little
I-AM's are part of the same One I-AM.
When the Many is aware of the One, the Many does not resent any
part of itself or its other brothers, the Many loves its brothers like
the Many loves itself and the One, and like the One loves the Many.
"You can love one another as I have loved you, and I have loved you
as the Father as loved me." - Jesus
But there is no Game in the world of Dura, for nothing changes,
everything quiesces on the verge of time, with hint of mirth, everything
is perfect as it is, awareness of awareness is sufficient communication.
What meatballs think is the outwardly perceived space/time
continuum they live in, is really the projected world of Sabe on the
individual TV sets of each incarnated I-AM. Incarnation is the process
of a Dura I-AM sticking its nose in a virtual reality TV set and
becoming a Sabe I-AM for a while.
After many long games the God Glob sphere eventually expands and
contracts back to the zero point energy, and everyone goes back into the
Big Snooze.
This is the Last Goodbye.
Should another God Blob arise they will again play games, but with
a new mix of I-AM's than before. There will be no rememberance of prior
games or God Blobs, although there will be recognition there must have
The sorrow of not being with the same I-AM's as before is
mitigated by the joy of being with a whole new bunch.
And besides when we sleep, we all sleep together, and the others
are always there.
Homer Wilson Smith Clean Air, Clear Water, Art Matrix - Lightlink
(607) 277-0959 A Green Earth, and Peace, Internet, Ithaca NY
homer@lightlink.com Is that too much to ask? http://www.lightlink.com
HomerWSmith-L mailing list
((This posting confuses zero point energy within a universe,
and the state of the underlying foam that creates universes. Some
hard ball physicists may take exception to the description laid out
Modern day physics theorizes that existence consists of an infinite
zero dimensional background source of energy call 'zero-point' energy.
It is zero dimensional because it exists prior to space/time modules
that arise out of it.
Heisenberg's Uncertainty Principle says that uncertainty in
position and velocity of an object are indirectly proportional to each
other. That means as the certainty in position of an object goes up,
the UNcertainty in velocity goes up also and visa versa. Thus you can
never get both exactly correct.
Specifically the uncertainty in position UX times uncertainty in
velocity UV must always be equal to or greater than H, which is a very
small number called Heisenberg's constant.
Ok, so UX x UV >= H.
As UX gets smaller, UV MUST get bigger or visa versa.
However notice what happens if either UX or UV are zero, meaning
zero uncertainty in position or velocity. If UX is zero is there NO
value of UV that will make UX x UV bigger than zero!
Like wise if UV is zero, there is no value of UX that will make UX
x UV greater than zero. Since the product MUST always be greater than
H, it is not possible for UV or UX to be zero!
In english it is not possible to be certain of the position or
velocity of an object.
Now notice that if the velocity of an object is *EXACTLY* V, then
UV must be zero. So there is never any way to know if the velocity of
an object is exactly anything.
If we knew that the velocity of an object was exactly zero, then
the uncertainty of the velocity would also be zero, and thus the
Heisenberg product would also be zero, and thus the Heisenberg
uncertainty principle violated.
Thus there can not be an object with exactly zero velocity!
However since energy is 1/2 Mass x Velocity, if velocity can't be
exactly zero, then energy can never be exactly zero either!
That means at no place in existence can there be any place that has
exactly zero energy. Thus all places in existence must have some non
zero energy level.
'Zero-point' energy is that energy that is every where present even
around areas that have near 'zero energy'.
Alright now modern theories claim that out of this every where
present zero-point energy, blobs of space-time spontaneously arise to
form universes. Some of these spherical modules of space-time are very
small and only last a while, others are huge and last a long time. Each
one arises independently of others, and has no knowledge of or
connection to the others.
Notice that although I am calling these space/time modules
spherical, they may have more than 3 space dimensions and even more than
1 time dimension! So we talking about hyper spheres here, spheres with
more than just 3 dimensions like your normal ball.
Once a space-time module appears, it proceeds to go forward in its
own time and do what universes do, explode, become bigger, grow life,
whatever, then contract, and return to the zero-point energy again at
the end of their life.
Now although the meatballs think these space-time modules are made
of matter, energy space and time, and only later does consciousness
arise out of the complexities of biological matter, in truth what arises
is a blob of Being, a multi-Being not a blob of space/time.
We call this blob of Being a God Blob.
It is a manifestation and independent subset of the AllThatIs.
Its arising is its First Hello.
A multi Being is a conscious unit that can and does replicate into
many individual I-AM's. It has a Oneness aspect and a Many aspect.
From a distance a multi being looks like the one great I-AM as
described in the Bible. But from close up it appears as myriad little
individual I-AM's that can and do act separately during some part of the
evolutionary journey of the God Blob.
Now a multi-Being can never really split up, it contains aspects of
both the One and the Many. This may be hard to visualize and its
description probably falls short of the truth, and its description
certainly is not meant to obfuscate matters by using contradictory words
to describe the same thing.
Its simply a hydra, a multi headed being with multiple different
I-AM's but a common 'body', mind or core. These individual I-Am's are
all connected so they can act in unison, but they can also act
independently should they unanimously decide to do so.
Now here is where it gets interesting.
THe following is a model, just a poetic picture to play with in the
mind. It is in no way meant to be a literal description of the way
things are, just a useful analogue to allow us to talk about it.
On the INSIDE surface of this God Blob sphere are myrid little TV
screens, all facing outward, one for each of the individual I-AM's.
Now in fact there is nothing outside the God Blob sphere, but each
I-AM can project a picture on the TV screens, and looking into them the
I-AM can see and imagine a world outside the sphere, sort of like
looking through the window port of a space ship at the 'outer universe.'
At first the TV screens are dark, the I-AM gazes into it from
the inside, and sees only his own reflection. But then he turns it on,
and others do the same, and pretty soon they see the outward world of
space and time where they can set up playing fields, dreams, and co
dream together.
This way two I-AM's can, for example, play a game of base ball with
each other, even though they are both sitting on opposite sides of God
Blob looking at their own TV screens.
The worlds created in the TV screens do not exist, they are virtual
realities projected onto the TV screens for the amusement and
edification of the individual I-AM's.
The I-AM has to choose to sit down at one of these screens, and
turn it on, and he has to choose the game he wants to play, say 'Killer
Pit', and he has to arrange with other I-AM's to play the game with him
so he isn't 'alone' in his game.
Not all I-AM's chose to play the same game, thus many games can be
going on simultaneously inside the God Blob.
Once a group of I-AM's get a game going, they can get into the game
so thoroughly they forget they are sitting at a virtual reality
projection TV screen. Suddenly the projected outside world is more real
to them than the inside world in which they actually all live and are
At that point they have crossed over from above 'Apparencies are
Reality' to below on the tone scale. They believe in the game more than
themselves or the God Blob that holds them.
They no longer realize they are dreaming, they may believe all
sorts of paranormal nonsense, but its all directed to the outside world,
i.e. causes and effects 'out there'.
There IS no out there, there is no cause out there, all the action
they see in the TV screens is contrived by their own intelligence and
INWARD connectedness in the God Blob.
But there is no making them wrong in this matter, they are
convinced they are not dreaming and that the outward world, the world
of 'Sabe', is actual.
Dura is the inner world of truth and permanence.
Once in a while a dreamer goes lucid in the dream, he realizes he
is dreaming, but can't quite remember where he came from or why. He may
try to wake up some of the other dreamers in his game, but probably
won't succeed on many of them until they are ready for the awakening.
Even as they awake, they still can't remember where they came from,
or how they did it, they are still stuck in the dream, but they remember
it is a dream, and they begin to figure out how to make their postulates
work again to adjust the dream inspite of their somnambulistic state.
Eventually they begin to remember where they came from, what it was
like, and how and why they created the outward dream world, and one by
one they start to wake up back into the actual inward world of the God
Blob, the world of Dura.
The outward world of Sabe is one of illusions, delusions, loss,
enemies, hardship and transience.
All games are eventually lost, as Sabe treats love like the ocean
treats sand castles in the sand.
It is the only way they could have designed it, and it is the only
way they would have designed it.
Notice that the God Blob is finite in extent, it is *SPHERICAL*,
and it will expand and contract, and one day MUST return into the sea of
zero-point energy from which it came. Thus ALL virtual reality
projection games must end one day, they can't go on FOREVER, no matter
how much the players believe or wish they can.
The inward world of Dura is one of permanence, immutability, truth,
peace and happiness. There are no enemies, because all the little
I-AM's are part of the same One I-AM.
When the Many is aware of the One, the Many does not resent any
part of itself or its other brothers, the Many loves its brothers like
the Many loves itself and the One, and like the One loves the Many.
"You can love one another as I have loved you, and I have loved you
as the Father as loved me." - Jesus
But there is no Game in the world of Dura, for nothing changes,
everything quiesces on the verge of time, with hint of mirth, everything
is perfect as it is, awareness of awareness is sufficient communication.
What meatballs think is the outwardly perceived space/time
continuum they live in, is really the projected world of Sabe on the
individual TV sets of each incarnated I-AM. Incarnation is the process
of a Dura I-AM sticking its nose in a virtual reality TV set and
becoming a Sabe I-AM for a while.
After many long games the God Glob sphere eventually expands and
contracts back to the zero point energy, and everyone goes back into the
Big Snooze.
This is the Last Goodbye.
Should another God Blob arise they will again play games, but with
a new mix of I-AM's than before. There will be no rememberance of prior
games or God Blobs, although there will be recognition there must have
The sorrow of not being with the same I-AM's as before is
mitigated by the joy of being with a whole new bunch.
And besides when we sleep, we all sleep together, and the others
are always there.
Homer Wilson Smith Clean Air, Clear Water, Art Matrix - Lightlink
(607) 277-0959 A Green Earth, and Peace, Internet, Ithaca NY
homer@lightlink.com Is that too much to ask? http://www.lightlink.com
HomerWSmith-L mailing list
Friday, July 12, 2019
ADORE354 (fwd)
Hash: SHA1
In the english language actual and real pretty much mean the same
thing, they are listed as synonyms in the dictionary.
Hubbard first started to use 'real' to mean what was real to the
pc, meaning what the pc thought was real, and could relate to. For
example in early times pagan Gods were very real to the person, but may
have had no existence in truth, actuality.
Things could also be very UNreal to a pc, charge, engrams, past
lives etc, and with little relation to actual truths of the matter.
He also used reality to mean coalesced existence in the form of
MEST which became real (existent) by virtue of agreements.
Because Scn holds that persistence in time, and thus reality, is
based on an original AS-IS-NESS altered by lies to form a persisting
IS-NESS, reality then became tainted as it was an alter-is from the
original AS-IS. The orginal AS-IS and the native state before it then
became to be considered untainted and called ACTUAL, or ACTUALITY.
Basic Truth in other words.
Thus came the distinction between actuality and reality.
Both words in English mean what truely exists.
But in Scn, MEST is illusory and doesn't in fact truely exist at
all, except as a misconceived mockup. This view is also true in other
religions as well.
The conscious experience of MEST is actual, but the implied
external objective physical universe is not, it is used as a virtual
reality by the beings playing the arcade game in it.
Thus TRUTH is not MEST but the source of MEST, namely Source and
conscious units and their conscious experiences of MEST, everything else
is illusion.
But this illusion is very real to most people, so real in fact that
they consider it actual. They bang their fists on tables thus proving
that it is not a dream. That they can do the same in dreams escapes
In Scn reality is an experience, something can be more or less real
to a person, but this does not affect the truth of it, its actuality.
Thus actuality refers to the original ACT of creation, which is the
as-isness, and reality, which is tainted by the lies of time and
persistence, refers to the pc's experience of actuality, namely what he
considers is actual whether it is or not.
If you come from a philosophical background where things actually
are pretty much as they seem to be, then reality and actuality are going
to be the same for you.
But if you come from a background where things are very different
than they seem to be, then reality and actuality are miles apart,
sometimes 180 degrees opposed to each other.
This is the view of Scn, of clearing practitioners in general,
and of my postings to this forum.
- - ------------------------------------------------------------------------
Homer Wilson Smith The Paths of Lovers Art Matrix - Lightlink
(607) 277-0959 KC2ITF Cross Internet Access, Ithaca NY
homer@lightlink.com In the Line of Duty http://www.lightlink.com
Sat Jul 22 00:35:41 EDT 2006
================ http://www.clearing.org ====================
Sat Dec 1 12:00:02 EST 2018
WEB: http://www.clearing.org
BLOG: http://adoretheproof.blogspot.org
FTP: ftp://ftp.lightlink.com/pub/archive/homer/adore354.memo
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=========== http://www.lightlink.com/theproof ===============
Learning implies Learning with Certainty or Learning without Certainty.
Learning across a Distance implies Learning by Being an Effect.
Learning by Being an Effect implies Learning without Certainty.
Therefore, Learning with Certainty implies Learning,
but not by Being an Effect, and not across a Distance.
Version: GnuPG v1.4.5 (GNU/Linux)
Sat Dec 1 16:04:55 EST 2018
================ http://www.clearing.org ====================
Thu Jul 11 12:00:04 EDT 2019
WEB: http://www.clearing.org
BLOG: http://adoretheproof.blogspot.com
FTP: ftp://ftp.lightlink.com/pub/archive/homer/adore354.memo
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=========== http://www.lightlink.com/theproof ===============
Learning implies Learning with Certainty or Learning without Certainty.
Learning across a Distance implies Learning by Being an Effect.
Learning by Being an Effect implies Learning without Certainty.
Therefore, Learning with Certainty implies Learning,
but not by Being an Effect, and not across a Distance.
Version: GnuPG v1.4.5 (GNU/Linux)
HomerWSmith-L mailing list
Hash: SHA1
In the english language actual and real pretty much mean the same
thing, they are listed as synonyms in the dictionary.
Hubbard first started to use 'real' to mean what was real to the
pc, meaning what the pc thought was real, and could relate to. For
example in early times pagan Gods were very real to the person, but may
have had no existence in truth, actuality.
Things could also be very UNreal to a pc, charge, engrams, past
lives etc, and with little relation to actual truths of the matter.
He also used reality to mean coalesced existence in the form of
MEST which became real (existent) by virtue of agreements.
Because Scn holds that persistence in time, and thus reality, is
based on an original AS-IS-NESS altered by lies to form a persisting
IS-NESS, reality then became tainted as it was an alter-is from the
original AS-IS. The orginal AS-IS and the native state before it then
became to be considered untainted and called ACTUAL, or ACTUALITY.
Basic Truth in other words.
Thus came the distinction between actuality and reality.
Both words in English mean what truely exists.
But in Scn, MEST is illusory and doesn't in fact truely exist at
all, except as a misconceived mockup. This view is also true in other
religions as well.
The conscious experience of MEST is actual, but the implied
external objective physical universe is not, it is used as a virtual
reality by the beings playing the arcade game in it.
Thus TRUTH is not MEST but the source of MEST, namely Source and
conscious units and their conscious experiences of MEST, everything else
is illusion.
But this illusion is very real to most people, so real in fact that
they consider it actual. They bang their fists on tables thus proving
that it is not a dream. That they can do the same in dreams escapes
In Scn reality is an experience, something can be more or less real
to a person, but this does not affect the truth of it, its actuality.
Thus actuality refers to the original ACT of creation, which is the
as-isness, and reality, which is tainted by the lies of time and
persistence, refers to the pc's experience of actuality, namely what he
considers is actual whether it is or not.
If you come from a philosophical background where things actually
are pretty much as they seem to be, then reality and actuality are going
to be the same for you.
But if you come from a background where things are very different
than they seem to be, then reality and actuality are miles apart,
sometimes 180 degrees opposed to each other.
This is the view of Scn, of clearing practitioners in general,
and of my postings to this forum.
- - ------------------------------------------------------------------------
Homer Wilson Smith The Paths of Lovers Art Matrix - Lightlink
(607) 277-0959 KC2ITF Cross Internet Access, Ithaca NY
homer@lightlink.com In the Line of Duty http://www.lightlink.com
Sat Jul 22 00:35:41 EDT 2006
================ http://www.clearing.org ====================
Sat Dec 1 12:00:02 EST 2018
WEB: http://www.clearing.org
BLOG: http://adoretheproof.blogspot.org
FTP: ftp://ftp.lightlink.com/pub/archive/homer/adore354.memo
Send mail to archive@lightlink.com saying help in body
=========== http://www.lightlink.com/theproof ===============
Learning implies Learning with Certainty or Learning without Certainty.
Learning across a Distance implies Learning by Being an Effect.
Learning by Being an Effect implies Learning without Certainty.
Therefore, Learning with Certainty implies Learning,
but not by Being an Effect, and not across a Distance.
Version: GnuPG v1.4.5 (GNU/Linux)
Sat Dec 1 16:04:55 EST 2018
================ http://www.clearing.org ====================
Thu Jul 11 12:00:04 EDT 2019
WEB: http://www.clearing.org
BLOG: http://adoretheproof.blogspot.com
FTP: ftp://ftp.lightlink.com/pub/archive/homer/adore354.memo
Send mail to archive@lightlink.com saying help in body
=========== http://www.lightlink.com/theproof ===============
Learning implies Learning with Certainty or Learning without Certainty.
Learning across a Distance implies Learning by Being an Effect.
Learning by Being an Effect implies Learning without Certainty.
Therefore, Learning with Certainty implies Learning,
but not by Being an Effect, and not across a Distance.
Version: GnuPG v1.4.5 (GNU/Linux)
HomerWSmith-L mailing list
DRUGS AND DREASM read this one
>Michael Reuss <michaelreuss@home.com> wrote in message
>> If the mind is not made of meat, why do mood altering drugs alter
>> people's moods?
Meat does not exist, drugs do not exist.
DREAMS of meat and drugs exist projected into virtual reality of
Ever toke up in a dream and get high?
Many times, much better shit than found here on Earth.
Same when 'awake', awake is just another dream shared with others.
*OF COURSE* telepathy exists, you couldn't dream in the awake or
sleep world together if it didn't.
The conscious unit exists, the dreams projected into that conscious
unit as virtual realities exist, but the implied external actualities do
Life is a holodeck.
Drugs work, but drugs are a dream.
Dream drugs working on dream machines.
You don't need drugs to get high.
Homer Wilson Smith Clean Air, Clear Water, Art Matrix - Lightlink
(607) 277-0959 A Green Earth, and Peace, Internet, Ithaca NY
homer@lightlink.com Is that too much to ask? http://www.lightlink.com
HomerWSmith-L mailing list
>Michael Reuss <michaelreuss@home.com> wrote in message
>> If the mind is not made of meat, why do mood altering drugs alter
>> people's moods?
Meat does not exist, drugs do not exist.
DREAMS of meat and drugs exist projected into virtual reality of
Ever toke up in a dream and get high?
Many times, much better shit than found here on Earth.
Same when 'awake', awake is just another dream shared with others.
*OF COURSE* telepathy exists, you couldn't dream in the awake or
sleep world together if it didn't.
The conscious unit exists, the dreams projected into that conscious
unit as virtual realities exist, but the implied external actualities do
Life is a holodeck.
Drugs work, but drugs are a dream.
Dream drugs working on dream machines.
You don't need drugs to get high.
Homer Wilson Smith Clean Air, Clear Water, Art Matrix - Lightlink
(607) 277-0959 A Green Earth, and Peace, Internet, Ithaca NY
homer@lightlink.com Is that too much to ask? http://www.lightlink.com
HomerWSmith-L mailing list
ADORE21 (fwd)
Hash: SHA1
>Michael Reuss <michaelreuss@home.com> wrote in message
>> If the mind is not made of meat, why do mood altering drugs alter
>> people's moods?
Meat does not exist, drugs do not exist. DREAMS of meat and
drugs exist projected into virtual reality of consciousness. Ever
toke up in a dream and get high? Many times, much better shit than
found here on Earth.
Same when 'awake'. Its just another dream shared with others.
*OF COURSE* telepathy exists, you couldn't dream together if it
The conscious unit exists, the dreams projected into that
conscious unit as virtual realities exist, but the actual external
implied actuality does not.
Life is a holodeck.
Drugs work, but drugs are a dream. Dream drugs working on dream
machines. You don't need drugs to get high.
================ http://www.clearing.org ====================
Tue Jul 9 12:00:03 EDT 2019
WEB: http://www.clearing.org
BLOG: http://adoretheproof.blogspot.com
FTP: ftp://ftp.lightlink.com/pub/archive/homer/adore21.memo
Send mail to archive@lightlink.com saying help in body
=========== http://www.lightlink.com/theproof ===============
Learning implies Learning with Certainty or Learning without Certainty.
Learning across a Distance implies Learning by Being an Effect.
Learning by Being an Effect implies Learning without Certainty.
Therefore, Learning with Certainty implies Learning,
but not by Being an Effect, and not across a Distance.
Version: GnuPG v1.4.5 (GNU/Linux)
HomerWSmith-L mailing list
Hash: SHA1
>Michael Reuss <michaelreuss@home.com> wrote in message
>> If the mind is not made of meat, why do mood altering drugs alter
>> people's moods?
Meat does not exist, drugs do not exist. DREAMS of meat and
drugs exist projected into virtual reality of consciousness. Ever
toke up in a dream and get high? Many times, much better shit than
found here on Earth.
Same when 'awake'. Its just another dream shared with others.
*OF COURSE* telepathy exists, you couldn't dream together if it
The conscious unit exists, the dreams projected into that
conscious unit as virtual realities exist, but the actual external
implied actuality does not.
Life is a holodeck.
Drugs work, but drugs are a dream. Dream drugs working on dream
machines. You don't need drugs to get high.
================ http://www.clearing.org ====================
Tue Jul 9 12:00:03 EDT 2019
WEB: http://www.clearing.org
BLOG: http://adoretheproof.blogspot.com
FTP: ftp://ftp.lightlink.com/pub/archive/homer/adore21.memo
Send mail to archive@lightlink.com saying help in body
=========== http://www.lightlink.com/theproof ===============
Learning implies Learning with Certainty or Learning without Certainty.
Learning across a Distance implies Learning by Being an Effect.
Learning by Being an Effect implies Learning without Certainty.
Therefore, Learning with Certainty implies Learning,
but not by Being an Effect, and not across a Distance.
Version: GnuPG v1.4.5 (GNU/Linux)
HomerWSmith-L mailing list
Monday, July 8, 2019
ADORE258 (fwd)
Hash: SHA1
Zinj (zinjifar@yahoo.com) wrote:
>'Science' generally says that if you find a strategy to be a losing
>strategy, you should abandon it, and try something else.
This is correct. Science is about the virtual rules in the
virtual reality game of space time. If you get stung by a bee, you
don't go out and get stung by another bee.
But scientology is about how the virtual reality is projected in
the first place, how science got put there in the first place.
If you put a body and a bee there in the virtual reality, then
the bee will sting the body. The scientific solution to that is to
avoid bees, carry antidotes etc.
The scientology solution to that is to withdraw the projection of
body and bee back into native state.
Barring that ability, one should at least beable to withdraw the
projection of the mental imprint formed during the sting incident so
it doesn't impinge upon one reactively in the future. One doesn't
want to forget about bee stings, but one doesn't want ones breathing
to lockup either every time one gets near a bees nest.
As long as you project the dream of space time, then while in
that space time you suffer space time rules, called science.
Scientology is about how to vanish the projection of the dream,
which one does by projecting it again and then ceasing to project
further. This produces exteriorization from the space time universe.
Mental imprints from the bee sting persist and affect the being
because he is not willing to put it there again, thus the picture
persists. But mental images are not physical world (science)
entitites, they are conscious spiritual world (scientology) entities.
One does not go out and get the body stung again to make the
mental imprint vanish, but one does mockup conscious recreations of
the event to make the mental imprint vanish so it won't auto create in
the future. This also causes the postulates to fall out of the
incident and become null and void upon inspection. Again postulates
may not make the bee stay or go away, but postulates made during
moments of pain make lasting changes to the conscious unit and how it
relates to the world.
For lower level cases the purpose of auditing is to erase
scientology phenomenon, not scientific phenomenon. Sometimes the two
are related as in psychosomatic illness. I used to be highly hay
feverish. Over the course of a number of sessions I saw where that
came from, the scientology mental force was removed from my face and
now I can snarf pollen like cocaine and have a good time at it. I
hardly ever sneeze any more no matter the pollen content. June 13th
used to be the beginning of hell of earth for me every year.
For higher level cases the purpose of auditing is to exteriorize
completely from scientific phenomenon and space time itself.
That ends it for one, not for others.
The mechanisms of how the dream is put into place and the
mechanisms that are put into place in the dream are 180 diametrically
opposed to each other. This is why no one figures it out, they are
too busy acting out dream rules in the dream, rather than acting out
the actual rules that create the dream in the first place.
Dreams are created much like the little door on your TV set.
You push the little door once and it closes. You push it again
and it opens.
The scientific answer to a door that has been pushed
closed is to pull it open.
The Scientology answer to a door that has been pushed closed,
is to push it closed again and it will open.
That's the joke to dream time.
You gotta start again what you want to stop.
Body/Thetan conflicts are endlessly fruitful to audit, body runs
on must never happen again, thetan runs on create it forever for free.
Once the thetan starts to live his own life under body rules, he
becomes a body and eventually a rock at the bottom of the ocean.
"Source sources what source is not." -Adore.
Sometime ask a rock at the bottom of the sea,
"What are you trying to not have happen again?"
Answer: I want anything but to have the game end.
Can you see the Love in that?
================ http://www.clearing.org ====================
Mon Jul 8 12:00:04 EDT 2019
WEB: http://www.clearing.org
BLOG: http://adoretheproof.blogspot.com
FTP: ftp://ftp.lightlink.com/pub/archive/homer/adore258.memo
Send mail to archive@lightlink.com saying help in body
=========== http://www.lightlink.com/theproof ===============
Learning implies Learning with Certainty or Learning without Certainty.
Learning across a Distance implies Learning by Being an Effect.
Learning by Being an Effect implies Learning without Certainty.
Therefore, Learning with Certainty implies Learning,
but not by Being an Effect, and not across a Distance.
Version: GnuPG v1.4.5 (GNU/Linux)
HomerWSmith-L mailing list
Hash: SHA1
Zinj (zinjifar@yahoo.com) wrote:
>'Science' generally says that if you find a strategy to be a losing
>strategy, you should abandon it, and try something else.
This is correct. Science is about the virtual rules in the
virtual reality game of space time. If you get stung by a bee, you
don't go out and get stung by another bee.
But scientology is about how the virtual reality is projected in
the first place, how science got put there in the first place.
If you put a body and a bee there in the virtual reality, then
the bee will sting the body. The scientific solution to that is to
avoid bees, carry antidotes etc.
The scientology solution to that is to withdraw the projection of
body and bee back into native state.
Barring that ability, one should at least beable to withdraw the
projection of the mental imprint formed during the sting incident so
it doesn't impinge upon one reactively in the future. One doesn't
want to forget about bee stings, but one doesn't want ones breathing
to lockup either every time one gets near a bees nest.
As long as you project the dream of space time, then while in
that space time you suffer space time rules, called science.
Scientology is about how to vanish the projection of the dream,
which one does by projecting it again and then ceasing to project
further. This produces exteriorization from the space time universe.
Mental imprints from the bee sting persist and affect the being
because he is not willing to put it there again, thus the picture
persists. But mental images are not physical world (science)
entitites, they are conscious spiritual world (scientology) entities.
One does not go out and get the body stung again to make the
mental imprint vanish, but one does mockup conscious recreations of
the event to make the mental imprint vanish so it won't auto create in
the future. This also causes the postulates to fall out of the
incident and become null and void upon inspection. Again postulates
may not make the bee stay or go away, but postulates made during
moments of pain make lasting changes to the conscious unit and how it
relates to the world.
For lower level cases the purpose of auditing is to erase
scientology phenomenon, not scientific phenomenon. Sometimes the two
are related as in psychosomatic illness. I used to be highly hay
feverish. Over the course of a number of sessions I saw where that
came from, the scientology mental force was removed from my face and
now I can snarf pollen like cocaine and have a good time at it. I
hardly ever sneeze any more no matter the pollen content. June 13th
used to be the beginning of hell of earth for me every year.
For higher level cases the purpose of auditing is to exteriorize
completely from scientific phenomenon and space time itself.
That ends it for one, not for others.
The mechanisms of how the dream is put into place and the
mechanisms that are put into place in the dream are 180 diametrically
opposed to each other. This is why no one figures it out, they are
too busy acting out dream rules in the dream, rather than acting out
the actual rules that create the dream in the first place.
Dreams are created much like the little door on your TV set.
You push the little door once and it closes. You push it again
and it opens.
The scientific answer to a door that has been pushed
closed is to pull it open.
The Scientology answer to a door that has been pushed closed,
is to push it closed again and it will open.
That's the joke to dream time.
You gotta start again what you want to stop.
Body/Thetan conflicts are endlessly fruitful to audit, body runs
on must never happen again, thetan runs on create it forever for free.
Once the thetan starts to live his own life under body rules, he
becomes a body and eventually a rock at the bottom of the ocean.
"Source sources what source is not." -Adore.
Sometime ask a rock at the bottom of the sea,
"What are you trying to not have happen again?"
Answer: I want anything but to have the game end.
Can you see the Love in that?
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Mon Jul 8 12:00:04 EDT 2019
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Learning implies Learning with Certainty or Learning without Certainty.
Learning across a Distance implies Learning by Being an Effect.
Learning by Being an Effect implies Learning without Certainty.
Therefore, Learning with Certainty implies Learning,
but not by Being an Effect, and not across a Distance.
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