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((My comments in double parentheses - Homer))
ACT - 76
4 September 1994
Copyright (C) 1994 Homer Wilson Smith
Redistribution rights granted for non commercial purposes.
We know that people with overts in search of a justification will
mock up motivators, even ones that don't exist if necessary.
We know that people with motivators will tend to feel guilty and
will mock up overts to explain their guilt, even one's that don't exist
if necessary.
We also know from Electra that when a person HAS a bonifide overt
followed or preceded by a motivator that both overt and motivator will
sink into 'non existence' out of the being's effort to make the whole
thing not have happened.
This is called a CO EXCUSED WITHHOLD, and consists of a WITHHELD
OVERT and a WITHHELD MOTIVATOR excusing each other into unexpression and
apparent non existence.
You see there is an OVERT and a MOTIVATOR and both are WITHHELD and
both are MISSED! They are missed TOGETHER, either as a CLOSE CALLS, a
WONDERS or a STILL KNOWS. (See ADOx.memo in archives.)
The overt and the motivator excuse each other. "If you don't
complain about what I did, am doing or will do, I won't complain about
what you did, are doing, or will do."
Thus there is a NO COMPLAINT on either the overt or the motivator!
Thus you have a NON EVENT usually surrounded by an area of NO
MEMORY or a false memory.
The charge doesn't do this to the being, THE BEING DOES THIS TO THE
Thus memory per se has come into somewhat of a disrepute, and no
small wonder considering people's propensity for altering it around to
fit how they would have wanted things to happen.
Between putting something where there is nothing, and putting
nothing where there is something, we have a mess.
At the NOTS level this becomes putting SOMEONE where there is NO
ONE, and putting NO ONE where there is SOMEONE.
Remember the Scale of Memory Decay?
The Beauty of Memory (Happy, glad he has a memory)
The Ugly of Memory (Regretful, wishes he could forget)
The Beauty of No Memory (Forgetful, ignorance is bliss)
The Ugly of No Memory (Forlorn, can't remember anymore)
There is a whole class of beings that have fallen down through this
scale of memory decay, to a point where they are dramatizing NO MEMORY
These people generally hold inner Truth in contempt, and demand
external objective proof of past lives even if the past lives were not
on this planet or even in this universe.
Their response is 'Oh Posh!'
Their view comes down to, "If you can't prove it to me that you
have lived before, then you have no right to say you have, or to believe
that you have or to even think you might have, or to even consider the
This is of course nonsense born of the non event of screaming agony
and regret.
Unfortunately this PROVE IT syndrome does not only extend to past
lives and the paranormal, but extends even to things that happen in this
life. Especially things that happen to you as a kid, when we all know
that kids can't remember anything, especially before they were 2.
Thus the kid that sees monsters under his bed tells his parents and
they go "Prove it!"
Or the kid says to mommy that Daddy has been doing weird things
behind her back, and everyone, including mommy, daddy, the police and
the courts go 'Prove it!'
One can of course get righteously indignant about all this, but one
also has to ask 'Que fait moi dans cette galere?'
One also has to ask if any healing comes of all of it. Surely if
the incident is real, and the person contacts it and runs out the
charge, the denial, the not-is, the wishing dead on others and self,
then the person will get better, EVEN IF NO ONE AROUND THEM BELIEVES
It's pretty hard to be an only one though, that takes enormous
confront and willingness to be the first.
It's nice if at least your auditor or therapist believes you. It's
also nice if your parents actually own up to having done the deed.
But in this gallery, these are luxuries.
The POINT therefore is not whether any particular event happened or
not, but ASSUMING THAT IT DID and that it got not-ised, how do we best
go about unlocking the obsidian glue that gets impacted in the back of
our brains shutting it out, putting nothing where there is something?
You know people ask me what clearing is. I give them a very
straight forward answer that misses 99.9 percent of what its about, but
which they can understand.
Clearing is a procedure that helps people find and contact memories
that have been jammed off since the time they occurred.
They understand instinctively that a mind that has a jammed off
memory can't function properly.
Now this definition indicates like wildfire to most people, but to
perps it scares the hell out of them, as it misses their withhold. So
you get really interesting scenarios like the when President of the
False Memory Syndrome foundation has his daughter come forward and claim
he perp'ed her as a child!
Some one's service fac is in operation here.
The irony of course is that the more LEGAL penalties that you put
on these molestation crimes, the more the perps go 'Prove it!' rather
than talking about it. It becomes a super secret subject fraught with
all the denial and such because the consequences are so grave.
Like many crimes, especially 'secret crimes', the way to bring them
out in the open and get them discussed and healed faster is not
necessarily the righteous and punitive criminal justice route.
Of course it is unthinkable to LESSEN the severity of the laws
against perps, so everyone is going to continue on in a strangle hold of
a chinese finger trap, where the very illegality of the crime makes it
harder to discover and heal from.
But what else is new, right?
One way around this is to make very sure that thorough sex
education starts in kindergarten. Children might be taught from day one
what molestation is all about. A lot of perps might be caught this way.
The problem with this is that you have varying standards of what
constitutes acceptable sexual play between parent and child. Children
are very sexual creatures, and it's a rare family that finds a sane and
comfortable compromise in this area given the rabid suppression on the
subject on the part of the people around them.
Thus the subject has become taboo, because no one is willing to
have it policed by others lest too stringent a moral code is placed on
it, that really has nothing to do with preventing traumatizing the child
and making him forget his memory or wishing that he was dead.
In fact households where sex is totally taboo, and sexual contact
between parent and child are utterly non existent can be just as crazy
as the other extreme. Parents can be SO AFRAID of their own sexual
desires and interests in their children, that they just shut the whole
subject out, and they never talk about it, and never DO anything about
it and that leads to memory loss just as sure as anal rape.
Those who were brutally molested will probably say it would be far
better to be 'brutally unmolested', clearly to never be touched at all
is better than to have a hot branding iron shoved up your ass.
But those who had no sexual or physical contact with their parents
at all will be found in session to be BEGGING to find a 'molestation'
incident as it would mean things were not as bad in their family as they
had thought, 'Mommy really did like my body after all!'
So part of the solution to this on a world wide basis, is to start
discussing just what is and what is not acceptable sexual play between
parent and child.
Children who are denied any sexual play at all with parents, may
tend to over compensate as parents and molest their own children
heavily. Children who are molested heavily may then go into a complete
shut down of their sexual functions and sexual interest in their own
children, raising them in a physically bleak and barren atmosphere.
Of course the opposite happens too. Children who are molested then
go on to molest their own children, and children who are raised barren
and bleak, do the same to theirs. So it goes both ways.
I think over many lives it may flip flop back and forth as each
extreme condition is a solution to the other. Thus you may get a run of
lives as a child who is molested and thus becomes a molester, and then
one day he changes mode and joins a sexually barren and bleak family and
becomes an unmolester for a few life times. Then he gets sick of that
and goes back to the first mode. Its a form of bouncing back and forth
between extremes because the excluded middle which is SANE is not
"What is the proper relationship of a mother to her son's penis?"
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Learning implies Learning with Certainty or Learning without Certainty.
Learning across a Distance implies Learning by Being an Effect.
Learning by Being an Effect implies Learning without Certainty.
Therefore, Learning with Certainty implies Learning,
but not by Being an Effect, and not across a Distance.
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HomerWSmith-L mailing list
Friday, July 31, 2020
Thursday, July 30, 2020
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The way to happiness is a true confession.
The following material is not original with me.
TO RELATE means to communicate to another, ideas, dreams and goals
that come from our self and our experiences, from our fundamental
desires for our future and our run-ins with existence.
RELATIONSHIPS consist of many individual and on going instances of
two or more people relating things to each another of COMMON interest:
goals, desires, plans, experiences, knowledge, things of importance to
both of them including any form of CO ACTION OR CO PLAY against or with
each other.
It is very hard to get someone to listen to you relate things to
them that they are not interested in, and visa versa.
If someone is not interested or hostile to what you are trying to
relate to them, they will block communication on that subject. If
enough relating is blocked, the 'relationship' will end, and each party
will go their own way trying to find others to relate to and be related
People must relate to someone, if you can't relate to them, either
because they don't want to know or you don't want them to know, they
will find other's to relate to. When they are spending more time
relating to others than to you, your relationship with them is pretty
well over.
True friends can generally relate anything of interest to each
other. They don't have any blocks on relating things of importance,
from sex to death and the there after if you can countenance such
things. And of course everything in between from childhood to old age.
The things that parents do not relate to their children could fill
a library.
An OVERT ACT is when one person harms another, either accidentally
or intentionally.
A MOTIVATOR is when a person is harmed by another either
accidentally or intentionally.
The person that is harmed often considers himself provoked or
MOTIVATED to harm the offender back, thus the harm he suffered from
another is called a MOTIVATOR.
Many overt acts are committed by a person after they have received
a motivator, the overt act serves as a provoked or motivated punishment
or revenge.
But some overt acts are accidental or a joke gone wrong, or a
motivated punishment of another that goes way wrong and thus becomes
more harmful than what it was supposed to punish.
You whap your kid for saying something, and he goes falling down
the stairs and breaks his neck. You never intended that, so you regret
the injustice you did to him. His overt act of a dirty mouth is your
motivator, but then your punishment becomes YOUR overt act!
When a person commits an unprovoked overt act against another, like
you run over your neighbor's cat one morning while backing out of your
driveway, rather than confess your accidental misdeed, you may try to
shunt blame to another.
For example you may take the dead cat and put it in the road and
tell your neighbor that someone else ran it over.
Lord save you if you point your finger over to your other neighbor
and get them in trouble for the dead cat, for that is bearing false
You, who have failed to fess up to your responsibility in the
matter, now have a withhold, a secret from your neighbor that you loathe
That withhold is something you aren't relating to your neighbor,
neither that you did it accidentally nor how much you regretted it.
A withhold is anything you don't want others to know about you,
it's an area of NON RELATING about you to the world around you.
Certainly you wouldn't want whatever it is published on the front
page of the New York Times.
Thus your relationship to the world, and certainly to your
neighbor, is diminished to just that extent.
The person who can't talk to anyone just has a whole mountain load
of stuff he doesn't want them to know about him.
It could all be false, but man does it keep him quiet.
A long time later you and your neighbor are talking about his new
kitten, and your neighbor gives you a look that makes you start
wondering if he knows you killed his original cat and blamed it on
Maybe he knows, maybe he doesn't, maybe he just wonders, maybe it
was just a weird look, but now YOU are wondering full time if he knows
or not.
That's called a MISSED WITHHOLD, because your neighbor has reminded
you of your misdeed but then missed getting a full confession from you
about your overt of killing his cat by accident.
Overt acts cause one to REGRET the event that is being withheld.
Regret is the effort to turn back time.
Regret is a life ruining bitch.
The being with a regret about something he did will try to find
something that his neighbor did to him first before he killed the cat in
order to justify having killed it.
Maybe the neighbor stole your girlfriend away in high school,
therefore its now ok that you killed the neighbor's cat years later.
OK, that makes some kind of sense, but the thing is you weren't
that upset about losing your girl in high school, you did have three
others at the time, but boy are you upset about it now.
The power of your upset over the motivator THEN comes from
the power of your regret about your overt NOW.
So in order to feel good again now you may exaggerate the loss of
your girlfriend to equal or exceed in magnitude the loss you caused your
neighbor by killing his cat.
This is called a justification, an event that happened earlier,
that now justifies why it is OK that the cat was killed later and helps
to assuage or ameliorate the regret that you are feeling now but have
not relieved through a clean confession.
"You done me wrong long ago, so its OK I done you wrong now."
You see if you can relate (tell or talk about) your regret to
everyone now, and you survive it, the regret will fade, as will your
upset about your girlfriend long ago.
But if you never tell anyone, boy does the anger and regret stay
around and become solid a a rock.
An unconfessed regret will eventually become part of the shape of
your face.
Rather than confess what you did, you are trying to make a CAUSAL
connection between what was done to you long ago to what you did to your
neighbor now.
But it never works, the regret remains, and you know damn well you
didn't kill the cat BECAUSE of what happened in high school years
before, although you may be trying to make it seem so.
Then failing that form of justification, you still feel rotten, you
may then pick up on every possible thing ever done to you BY ANYONE
before you killed the cat to make your self feel better about the cat
whose dying eyes are beginning to haunt you now.
"I have been so wronged by so many people, I am really sorry about
the cat, but it deserved it".
Of course that sham doesn't work at all, and just covers you like
leeches with memories of all the bad things every done to you, or anyone
else for that matter.
Logic begins to decay here.
Then one propitious day AFTER the cat is killed, the neighbor backs
out of his driveway and runs over your rose garden on the edge, leaving
a huge tire track through it.
Suddenly you feel that you have really been done wrong this time,
your poor rose garden, this is a crime to end all crimes.
You feel certainly having one's rose garden turned into a mud
puddle by that terrible neighbor of yours is crime enough to JUSTIFY
having killed the neighbor's cat years BEFORE.
Everyone right minded would agree.
But how can something done to you today, justify, provoke or
motivate you to do the thing you did years BEFORE to another?
'It was ok for me to hurt you long ago, because you hurt me today.'
'It was ok for me to kill your cat long ago, because you ran over
my rose garden today.'
That's called a time reversal, because the JUSTIFICATION and thus
the CAUSATION of events is backwards.
*THIS* is the beginning of insanity.
Worse the magnitude of the present time motivator is blown way out
of proportion to help it match or exceed the magnitude of the overt you
did long ago that you still regret, accidental though it may have been.
Nothing, neither God nor Christ, can save a being, if he is
carrying around withheld time reversals in his life, except a true
There are no withheld time reversals in Heaven, and Heaven IS the
state of no more withheld time reversals regardless of external
Failing coughing up the true confession, he will turn to drugs and
what ever other forms of slow or fast suicide Earth provides us.
The confession doesn't have to be to the one he harmed, but maybe
its time to find a priest or professional auditor (one who listens),
someone who understands time reversal justifications and their life
ruining effects, and who is willing and able to receive the full
relating of the events in proper order.
(The word auditor comes from 'auditory', meaning one who listens
and acknowledges receipt of your communications in confidence without
judgment. Since God does not judge, auditors are God in carnation.)
It also helps the one confessing to stop the endless bitching about
rose gardens.
By restoring the full relatingness on just one time reversal the
agony of the time reversal can be vanished because the truth is finally
told to the guilty being himself.
That's all that matters, a confession to one's self.
"...such a wretch as I."
You will also begin to notice and recognize clearly that others are
doing the same damn thing to you, and you will no longer be held down by
their endlessly magnified criticisms hiding their own relatively serious
The mother who just can't seem to stop calling her kid a useless
hole in the head for endless numbers of minor things, hasn't told him
about the coat hanger she used to attempt to abort him mid term.
He lived through the attempted abortion, he doesn't remember, but
knows his mother is right about the holes in his head but can't figure
out it is HER OVERT that needs confession and redemption.
You see until a true confession is gleaned, neither party is
relating to each other any more, and so they are no longer friends almost
by definition.
Since we are all God in carnation, that's like a part of God
being not on talking terms with another part of God. That separation
is all the hell we need and all the hell there is.
No hell can outlast a true confession.
The guy who killed the neighbor's cat is mad as hell at his
neighbor for killing a rose in his own garden.
That anger will be out of control, and remain out of control and
grow FOREVER AND EVER AMEN, until the true confession is gleaned, and
the being stops trying to find things now that help him justify and make
OK what he did long ago.
Trying to find things that happened to him AFTER what he did long
He is pissed at himself, he loved cats to pieces, and just can't
turn time back enough, far enough, fast enough or hard enough.
In the end the guilty being will start to PROVOKE others until they
start to commit motivators on him in present time so he can collect more
injustices in present time to justify what he did long ago.
Trying to justify what you regretted doing long ago by provoking
others to harm you now, is called ELECTING OTHERS TO BE YOUR
No one will admit to doing this, and yet everyone is doing it.
Only the good feel guilty.
Only the good die forever in shame, blame and regret.
The way to happiness is a true confession.
And a tithing of something or another to your good auditor who or
what ever they may be.
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
Homer Wilson Smith Clean Air, Clear Water, Art Matrix - Lightlink
(607) 277-0959 A Green Earth, and Peace, Internet, Ithaca NY
homer@lightlink.com Is that too much to ask? http://www.lightlink.com
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Posted: Thu Jul 30 14:50:53 EDT 2020
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================== http://www.lightlink.com/theproof ===================
Learning implies Learning with Certainty or Learning without Certainty.
Learning across a Distance implies Learning by Being an Effect.
Learning by Being an Effect implies Learning without Certainty.
Therefore, Learning with Certainty implies Learning but
Not by Being an Effect, and not across a Distance.
Version: GnuPG v1.4.5 (GNU/Linux)
HomerWSmith-L mailing list
Hash: SHA1
The way to happiness is a true confession.
The following material is not original with me.
TO RELATE means to communicate to another, ideas, dreams and goals
that come from our self and our experiences, from our fundamental
desires for our future and our run-ins with existence.
RELATIONSHIPS consist of many individual and on going instances of
two or more people relating things to each another of COMMON interest:
goals, desires, plans, experiences, knowledge, things of importance to
both of them including any form of CO ACTION OR CO PLAY against or with
each other.
It is very hard to get someone to listen to you relate things to
them that they are not interested in, and visa versa.
If someone is not interested or hostile to what you are trying to
relate to them, they will block communication on that subject. If
enough relating is blocked, the 'relationship' will end, and each party
will go their own way trying to find others to relate to and be related
People must relate to someone, if you can't relate to them, either
because they don't want to know or you don't want them to know, they
will find other's to relate to. When they are spending more time
relating to others than to you, your relationship with them is pretty
well over.
True friends can generally relate anything of interest to each
other. They don't have any blocks on relating things of importance,
from sex to death and the there after if you can countenance such
things. And of course everything in between from childhood to old age.
The things that parents do not relate to their children could fill
a library.
An OVERT ACT is when one person harms another, either accidentally
or intentionally.
A MOTIVATOR is when a person is harmed by another either
accidentally or intentionally.
The person that is harmed often considers himself provoked or
MOTIVATED to harm the offender back, thus the harm he suffered from
another is called a MOTIVATOR.
Many overt acts are committed by a person after they have received
a motivator, the overt act serves as a provoked or motivated punishment
or revenge.
But some overt acts are accidental or a joke gone wrong, or a
motivated punishment of another that goes way wrong and thus becomes
more harmful than what it was supposed to punish.
You whap your kid for saying something, and he goes falling down
the stairs and breaks his neck. You never intended that, so you regret
the injustice you did to him. His overt act of a dirty mouth is your
motivator, but then your punishment becomes YOUR overt act!
When a person commits an unprovoked overt act against another, like
you run over your neighbor's cat one morning while backing out of your
driveway, rather than confess your accidental misdeed, you may try to
shunt blame to another.
For example you may take the dead cat and put it in the road and
tell your neighbor that someone else ran it over.
Lord save you if you point your finger over to your other neighbor
and get them in trouble for the dead cat, for that is bearing false
You, who have failed to fess up to your responsibility in the
matter, now have a withhold, a secret from your neighbor that you loathe
That withhold is something you aren't relating to your neighbor,
neither that you did it accidentally nor how much you regretted it.
A withhold is anything you don't want others to know about you,
it's an area of NON RELATING about you to the world around you.
Certainly you wouldn't want whatever it is published on the front
page of the New York Times.
Thus your relationship to the world, and certainly to your
neighbor, is diminished to just that extent.
The person who can't talk to anyone just has a whole mountain load
of stuff he doesn't want them to know about him.
It could all be false, but man does it keep him quiet.
A long time later you and your neighbor are talking about his new
kitten, and your neighbor gives you a look that makes you start
wondering if he knows you killed his original cat and blamed it on
Maybe he knows, maybe he doesn't, maybe he just wonders, maybe it
was just a weird look, but now YOU are wondering full time if he knows
or not.
That's called a MISSED WITHHOLD, because your neighbor has reminded
you of your misdeed but then missed getting a full confession from you
about your overt of killing his cat by accident.
Overt acts cause one to REGRET the event that is being withheld.
Regret is the effort to turn back time.
Regret is a life ruining bitch.
The being with a regret about something he did will try to find
something that his neighbor did to him first before he killed the cat in
order to justify having killed it.
Maybe the neighbor stole your girlfriend away in high school,
therefore its now ok that you killed the neighbor's cat years later.
OK, that makes some kind of sense, but the thing is you weren't
that upset about losing your girl in high school, you did have three
others at the time, but boy are you upset about it now.
The power of your upset over the motivator THEN comes from
the power of your regret about your overt NOW.
So in order to feel good again now you may exaggerate the loss of
your girlfriend to equal or exceed in magnitude the loss you caused your
neighbor by killing his cat.
This is called a justification, an event that happened earlier,
that now justifies why it is OK that the cat was killed later and helps
to assuage or ameliorate the regret that you are feeling now but have
not relieved through a clean confession.
"You done me wrong long ago, so its OK I done you wrong now."
You see if you can relate (tell or talk about) your regret to
everyone now, and you survive it, the regret will fade, as will your
upset about your girlfriend long ago.
But if you never tell anyone, boy does the anger and regret stay
around and become solid a a rock.
An unconfessed regret will eventually become part of the shape of
your face.
Rather than confess what you did, you are trying to make a CAUSAL
connection between what was done to you long ago to what you did to your
neighbor now.
But it never works, the regret remains, and you know damn well you
didn't kill the cat BECAUSE of what happened in high school years
before, although you may be trying to make it seem so.
Then failing that form of justification, you still feel rotten, you
may then pick up on every possible thing ever done to you BY ANYONE
before you killed the cat to make your self feel better about the cat
whose dying eyes are beginning to haunt you now.
"I have been so wronged by so many people, I am really sorry about
the cat, but it deserved it".
Of course that sham doesn't work at all, and just covers you like
leeches with memories of all the bad things every done to you, or anyone
else for that matter.
Logic begins to decay here.
Then one propitious day AFTER the cat is killed, the neighbor backs
out of his driveway and runs over your rose garden on the edge, leaving
a huge tire track through it.
Suddenly you feel that you have really been done wrong this time,
your poor rose garden, this is a crime to end all crimes.
You feel certainly having one's rose garden turned into a mud
puddle by that terrible neighbor of yours is crime enough to JUSTIFY
having killed the neighbor's cat years BEFORE.
Everyone right minded would agree.
But how can something done to you today, justify, provoke or
motivate you to do the thing you did years BEFORE to another?
'It was ok for me to hurt you long ago, because you hurt me today.'
'It was ok for me to kill your cat long ago, because you ran over
my rose garden today.'
That's called a time reversal, because the JUSTIFICATION and thus
the CAUSATION of events is backwards.
*THIS* is the beginning of insanity.
Worse the magnitude of the present time motivator is blown way out
of proportion to help it match or exceed the magnitude of the overt you
did long ago that you still regret, accidental though it may have been.
Nothing, neither God nor Christ, can save a being, if he is
carrying around withheld time reversals in his life, except a true
There are no withheld time reversals in Heaven, and Heaven IS the
state of no more withheld time reversals regardless of external
Failing coughing up the true confession, he will turn to drugs and
what ever other forms of slow or fast suicide Earth provides us.
The confession doesn't have to be to the one he harmed, but maybe
its time to find a priest or professional auditor (one who listens),
someone who understands time reversal justifications and their life
ruining effects, and who is willing and able to receive the full
relating of the events in proper order.
(The word auditor comes from 'auditory', meaning one who listens
and acknowledges receipt of your communications in confidence without
judgment. Since God does not judge, auditors are God in carnation.)
It also helps the one confessing to stop the endless bitching about
rose gardens.
By restoring the full relatingness on just one time reversal the
agony of the time reversal can be vanished because the truth is finally
told to the guilty being himself.
That's all that matters, a confession to one's self.
"...such a wretch as I."
You will also begin to notice and recognize clearly that others are
doing the same damn thing to you, and you will no longer be held down by
their endlessly magnified criticisms hiding their own relatively serious
The mother who just can't seem to stop calling her kid a useless
hole in the head for endless numbers of minor things, hasn't told him
about the coat hanger she used to attempt to abort him mid term.
He lived through the attempted abortion, he doesn't remember, but
knows his mother is right about the holes in his head but can't figure
out it is HER OVERT that needs confession and redemption.
You see until a true confession is gleaned, neither party is
relating to each other any more, and so they are no longer friends almost
by definition.
Since we are all God in carnation, that's like a part of God
being not on talking terms with another part of God. That separation
is all the hell we need and all the hell there is.
No hell can outlast a true confession.
The guy who killed the neighbor's cat is mad as hell at his
neighbor for killing a rose in his own garden.
That anger will be out of control, and remain out of control and
grow FOREVER AND EVER AMEN, until the true confession is gleaned, and
the being stops trying to find things now that help him justify and make
OK what he did long ago.
Trying to find things that happened to him AFTER what he did long
He is pissed at himself, he loved cats to pieces, and just can't
turn time back enough, far enough, fast enough or hard enough.
In the end the guilty being will start to PROVOKE others until they
start to commit motivators on him in present time so he can collect more
injustices in present time to justify what he did long ago.
Trying to justify what you regretted doing long ago by provoking
others to harm you now, is called ELECTING OTHERS TO BE YOUR
No one will admit to doing this, and yet everyone is doing it.
Only the good feel guilty.
Only the good die forever in shame, blame and regret.
The way to happiness is a true confession.
And a tithing of something or another to your good auditor who or
what ever they may be.
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
Homer Wilson Smith Clean Air, Clear Water, Art Matrix - Lightlink
(607) 277-0959 A Green Earth, and Peace, Internet, Ithaca NY
homer@lightlink.com Is that too much to ask? http://www.lightlink.com
======================= http://www.clearing.org ========================
Posted: Thu Jul 30 14:50:53 EDT 2020
Send mail to archive.com saying help
================== http://www.lightlink.com/theproof ===================
Learning implies Learning with Certainty or Learning without Certainty.
Learning across a Distance implies Learning by Being an Effect.
Learning by Being an Effect implies Learning without Certainty.
Therefore, Learning with Certainty implies Learning but
Not by Being an Effect, and not across a Distance.
Version: GnuPG v1.4.5 (GNU/Linux)
HomerWSmith-L mailing list
Saturday, July 25, 2020
adore474.memo (fwd)
OK, here is Adore's answer to free will.
Nothing can be free of its own nature.
Freedom, in the sense of being undetermined by ANYTHING, would lead
to random activity which would be worse than evil, as there are more
ways to harm than to help.
However the will is not undetermined by anything but is in fact
bound by its fundamental desires, and then by its created desires.
Freedom then is measured by whether a will is able to do what it
wants to do.
If you are in a room and you desire to leave, but the door is
locked, you are not free.
If the door opens and you can leave, then your will is free to do
what it wants on that particular matter.
The fact that you desired to leave the room in the first place
however is absolute, and the will is determined by that desire.
The general equation is then that
What the will does is a function of what it wants and what it knows
about how to get what it wants.
The question arises can a will changes its own desires?
Only if it desires to :)
So superficially yes it can change its own desires, but ultimately
no, it is always ruled by its ruling desires, which can not be changed,
created nor destroyed,, only rendered operable and unoperable during its
manifest and unmanifest cycles.
Further more a will cannot desire just anything, its desires
are fundamentally constrained by its own fundamental nature.
A will can not desire to destroy itself forever for example, as its
fundamentl desire it to be and not be in finite whiles forever. :)
A will however can do things and originate desires that are NOT a
function of its past in space time, thus it can make prime postulates
and actions that can not be traced to prior determinism IN SPACE TIME.
But anything the will does can always be traced to its true eternal
Thus an undetermined will is not desirable.
A will that is state determined in the physical universe is a game
condition and is desirable as long as the will is happy being a stimulus
response machine. Most people are that way most of the time, and
civilization grows just nicely.
They are playing a game of life just like the computer game called
A will that is not state determined but can produce large
quantities of prime postulates is even better, but this is OT and an OT
is as likely to postulate downwards as upwards. That is what OT is and
does, how do you think you got here?
A will that can do what it wants is happy and as free as free comes
in that sense only.
Sat Mar 24 01:49:47 EDT 2007
================ http://www.clearing.org ====================
Sat Jul 25 12:06:01 EDT 2020
Send mail to archive@lightlink.com saying help
================== http://www.lightlink.com/theproof ===================
Learning implies Learning with Certainty or Learning without Certainty.
Learning across a Distance implies Learning by Being an Effect.
Learning by Being an Effect implies Learning without Certainty.
Therefore, Learning with Certainty implies Learning, but
not by Being an Effect, and not across a Distance.
Clear-L mailing list
HomerWSmith-L mailing list
OK, here is Adore's answer to free will.
Nothing can be free of its own nature.
Freedom, in the sense of being undetermined by ANYTHING, would lead
to random activity which would be worse than evil, as there are more
ways to harm than to help.
However the will is not undetermined by anything but is in fact
bound by its fundamental desires, and then by its created desires.
Freedom then is measured by whether a will is able to do what it
wants to do.
If you are in a room and you desire to leave, but the door is
locked, you are not free.
If the door opens and you can leave, then your will is free to do
what it wants on that particular matter.
The fact that you desired to leave the room in the first place
however is absolute, and the will is determined by that desire.
The general equation is then that
What the will does is a function of what it wants and what it knows
about how to get what it wants.
The question arises can a will changes its own desires?
Only if it desires to :)
So superficially yes it can change its own desires, but ultimately
no, it is always ruled by its ruling desires, which can not be changed,
created nor destroyed,, only rendered operable and unoperable during its
manifest and unmanifest cycles.
Further more a will cannot desire just anything, its desires
are fundamentally constrained by its own fundamental nature.
A will can not desire to destroy itself forever for example, as its
fundamentl desire it to be and not be in finite whiles forever. :)
A will however can do things and originate desires that are NOT a
function of its past in space time, thus it can make prime postulates
and actions that can not be traced to prior determinism IN SPACE TIME.
But anything the will does can always be traced to its true eternal
Thus an undetermined will is not desirable.
A will that is state determined in the physical universe is a game
condition and is desirable as long as the will is happy being a stimulus
response machine. Most people are that way most of the time, and
civilization grows just nicely.
They are playing a game of life just like the computer game called
A will that is not state determined but can produce large
quantities of prime postulates is even better, but this is OT and an OT
is as likely to postulate downwards as upwards. That is what OT is and
does, how do you think you got here?
A will that can do what it wants is happy and as free as free comes
in that sense only.
Sat Mar 24 01:49:47 EDT 2007
================ http://www.clearing.org ====================
Sat Jul 25 12:06:01 EDT 2020
Send mail to archive@lightlink.com saying help
================== http://www.lightlink.com/theproof ===================
Learning implies Learning with Certainty or Learning without Certainty.
Learning across a Distance implies Learning by Being an Effect.
Learning by Being an Effect implies Learning without Certainty.
Therefore, Learning with Certainty implies Learning, but
not by Being an Effect, and not across a Distance.
Clear-L mailing list
HomerWSmith-L mailing list
Tuesday, July 21, 2020
ADORE521 (fwd)
Hash: SHA1
A dimensional object can't be certain of anything.
A conscious unit can be certain of some things.
Therefore a conscious unit is not a dimensional object.
Thus that which is certain must be eternal because it has no space
or time dimensions in which to come or go in.
Descartes said: Dubito sum, et cogito dubito sum, ergo sum.
I doubt I am, and I know I doubt I am, therefore I am.
Homer said:
Cogito sum, ergo sum aeternum.
Wed Jul 13 15:45:11 EDT 2016
================ http://www.clearing.org ====================
Tue Jul 21 12:00:04 EDT 2020
WEB: http://www.clearing.org
BLOG: http://adoretheproof.blogspot.com
FTP: ftp://ftp.lightlink.com/pub/archive/homer/adore521.memo
Send mail to archive@lightlink.com saying help in body
=========== http://www.lightlink.com/theproof ===============
Learning implies Learning with Certainty or Learning without Certainty.
Learning across a Distance implies Learning by Being an Effect.
Learning by Being an Effect implies Learning without Certainty.
Therefore, Learning with Certainty implies Learning,
but not by Being an Effect, and not across a Distance.
Version: GnuPG v1.4.5 (GNU/Linux)
HomerWSmith-L mailing list
Hash: SHA1
A dimensional object can't be certain of anything.
A conscious unit can be certain of some things.
Therefore a conscious unit is not a dimensional object.
Thus that which is certain must be eternal because it has no space
or time dimensions in which to come or go in.
Descartes said: Dubito sum, et cogito dubito sum, ergo sum.
I doubt I am, and I know I doubt I am, therefore I am.
Homer said:
Cogito sum, ergo sum aeternum.
Wed Jul 13 15:45:11 EDT 2016
================ http://www.clearing.org ====================
Tue Jul 21 12:00:04 EDT 2020
WEB: http://www.clearing.org
BLOG: http://adoretheproof.blogspot.com
FTP: ftp://ftp.lightlink.com/pub/archive/homer/adore521.memo
Send mail to archive@lightlink.com saying help in body
=========== http://www.lightlink.com/theproof ===============
Learning implies Learning with Certainty or Learning without Certainty.
Learning across a Distance implies Learning by Being an Effect.
Learning by Being an Effect implies Learning without Certainty.
Therefore, Learning with Certainty implies Learning,
but not by Being an Effect, and not across a Distance.
Version: GnuPG v1.4.5 (GNU/Linux)
HomerWSmith-L mailing list
Sunday, July 19, 2020
((Editor's comments in double parenthesis - Homer))
ACT - 91
11 September 1995
Copyright (C) 1995 Homer Wilson Smith
Redistribution rights granted for non commercial purposes.
There are two kinds of people in the world. Those that divide
people into two kinds and those that don't.
With that in mind, I present to you the following SEVERE over
There are two kinds of people in the world, the good guys and the
bad guys.
The good guys speak with the Voice of Truth, and the bad guys speak
with the Voice of Lies.
I believe that anonymity is the foundation of freedom in the known
universe. Anonymity is the ability to speak either the voice of truth
or the voice of lies without anyone knowing who you are.
Accountability is the opposite of Anonymity. Accountability means
that everyone knows who said what and can take them to task for it.
Both sides can use force to silence the other side, but usually its
the bad guys who use force to silence the good guys, good guys usually
use more voice of Truth to expose the bad guys.
When they aren't dodging the slings and arrows of the bad guys that
Truth does not necessarily make you powerful, at least in the early
stages. In fact lies, and those that bow and pray to lies, make you
powerful. So when it comes to a match of force, the bad guys often win.
No one would argue that accountability is a bad thing, but I
would point out that ALL the members of the emerging police state are
adamantly FOR accountability at all times for all their citizens.
That should give one pause to wonder.
Anonymity is actually very hard to maintain, and absolute anonymity
for all people at all times is very difficult indeed.
Therefore by observation a society or organization is usually
operating at some gradient scale of anonymity between the extremes of
total anonymity and total non anonymity.
It can come to pass that certain gradient levels of anonymity end
up benefitting the bad guys more than the good guys. In these
situations, the bad guys tend to start winning and the good guys
perceive that the bad guys are winning BECAUSE of anonymity.
Rather than use the weapon of anonymity themselves to protect
against the bad guys, the usual convulsive reaction on the part of the
good guys is to try and close down the channels of anonymity to keep the
bad guys located and corralled. It never occurs to them to open up the
channels more and use it themselves.
The logic for closing down the channels of anonymity is very
simple. Our country is ruled by an Omni Intelligent and Omni Beneficent
God King, therefore if we track down every communication to the person
who said it, our God King will be able to silence the bad guys for us.
The problem is that our country is not run by a God King, but by
human beings who tend to elect each other into power based on the most
outrageous criteria.
As the bad guys see themselves getting corralled with
accountability, they simply run for office and get themselves elected
into the positions of power where THEY are the ones duly elected to take
action against the bad guys. Of course they take action against the
good guys instead.
It is for this reason that the temptation to tighten
accountability when anonymity is abused can be an error that leads to
a terrible trap worse than any tar pit. Namely only the bad guys get
to speak, and the good guys get to remain silent fearing for their
This is why when the police ask if you have something to hide after
you have refused to let them spot search your belongings, you must
always say, "Of course, I have EVERYTHING to hide. FROM YOU!"
There are certain basic freedoms that MUST remain in place no
matter how egregious the crimes committed therefrom, even if those
crimes are against your mother or children, because without those
freedoms in place allowing such crimes, THE STATE TAKES OVER AND PUTS
Which is worse, child pornography or a police state?
There are lots of ways to try and stop child pornography, but
there are few ways to stop both child pornography AND the emerging
police state which feeds on people's fear of child pornography among
other things.
Police states are born from certain kinds of people selling FEAR to
the general populace, and the populace buys it. Such Merchants of Fear
are ALWAYS at the bottom of any police state. They are the foundation
and rock upon which it is built.
Anyhow as an ISP it is my job to provide the channels of
communication between people. That's what I do, I provide the
CHANNEL. This includes standard accountable type channels and not so
standard anonymous type channels.
People who communicate with each other tend to get into fights
over what they are communicating about. Usually they take their
fights out on each other. But when anonymous channels are used, they
don't know who 'each other' is, so they take it out on the provider of
the channel instead. That's me.
It's enough to make you want to throw anonymity in the waste
Many have suggested that this would be a good idea. However
those who define anonymity as 'premeditated irreponsibility' are
taking the stand that the resistance movement should always fly a big
red flag above their headquarters to let the enemy know from whence
they foray.
One might well ask whose side these people are on.
((They confuse premeditated UNACCOUNTABILITY with irresponsibility.
It is quite insane to consider that premeditated unaccountability =
premeditated irresonsibility, or that unaccountability =
irresponsibility. These people should be shot along with the rest of
the collaborateurs.))
They usually consider that a government is a safe thing to have
around and wish to give it all the power it needs to protect them from
being a victim to 'crime'.
Anyhow the quest for freedom and its maintenance is an ongoing WAR.
It will never be any other way.
Providing a communication channel is a difficult job, it usually
involves a precarious balance between allowing the good guys to speak
and making sure the bad guys don't get away with the gold.
It is very hard to maintain that balance with both sides pulling
and tugging on you as the provider of the communication channel,
because they can't pull and tug on each other.
Each side wants anonymity for themselves but not for the other
side. Each side takes action against the other side by limiting
anonymity in general, and eventually each side falls into the same tar
pit together where no one can speak, no anonymity.
Ain't Justice Sweet.
Anyhow one of the main purposes of the Subscriber Agreement is to
make sure that people pull and tug on each other, and leave me out of
it even if they got no one to target at the other end of the
communication line.
Homer Wilson Smith Clean Air, Clear Water, Art Matrix - Lightlink
(607) 277-0959 A Green Earth, and Peace, Internet, Ithaca NY
homer@lightlink.com Is that too much to ask? http://www.lightlink.com
HomerWSmith-L mailing list
ACT - 91
11 September 1995
Copyright (C) 1995 Homer Wilson Smith
Redistribution rights granted for non commercial purposes.
There are two kinds of people in the world. Those that divide
people into two kinds and those that don't.
With that in mind, I present to you the following SEVERE over
There are two kinds of people in the world, the good guys and the
bad guys.
The good guys speak with the Voice of Truth, and the bad guys speak
with the Voice of Lies.
I believe that anonymity is the foundation of freedom in the known
universe. Anonymity is the ability to speak either the voice of truth
or the voice of lies without anyone knowing who you are.
Accountability is the opposite of Anonymity. Accountability means
that everyone knows who said what and can take them to task for it.
Both sides can use force to silence the other side, but usually its
the bad guys who use force to silence the good guys, good guys usually
use more voice of Truth to expose the bad guys.
When they aren't dodging the slings and arrows of the bad guys that
Truth does not necessarily make you powerful, at least in the early
stages. In fact lies, and those that bow and pray to lies, make you
powerful. So when it comes to a match of force, the bad guys often win.
No one would argue that accountability is a bad thing, but I
would point out that ALL the members of the emerging police state are
adamantly FOR accountability at all times for all their citizens.
That should give one pause to wonder.
Anonymity is actually very hard to maintain, and absolute anonymity
for all people at all times is very difficult indeed.
Therefore by observation a society or organization is usually
operating at some gradient scale of anonymity between the extremes of
total anonymity and total non anonymity.
It can come to pass that certain gradient levels of anonymity end
up benefitting the bad guys more than the good guys. In these
situations, the bad guys tend to start winning and the good guys
perceive that the bad guys are winning BECAUSE of anonymity.
Rather than use the weapon of anonymity themselves to protect
against the bad guys, the usual convulsive reaction on the part of the
good guys is to try and close down the channels of anonymity to keep the
bad guys located and corralled. It never occurs to them to open up the
channels more and use it themselves.
The logic for closing down the channels of anonymity is very
simple. Our country is ruled by an Omni Intelligent and Omni Beneficent
God King, therefore if we track down every communication to the person
who said it, our God King will be able to silence the bad guys for us.
The problem is that our country is not run by a God King, but by
human beings who tend to elect each other into power based on the most
outrageous criteria.
As the bad guys see themselves getting corralled with
accountability, they simply run for office and get themselves elected
into the positions of power where THEY are the ones duly elected to take
action against the bad guys. Of course they take action against the
good guys instead.
It is for this reason that the temptation to tighten
accountability when anonymity is abused can be an error that leads to
a terrible trap worse than any tar pit. Namely only the bad guys get
to speak, and the good guys get to remain silent fearing for their
This is why when the police ask if you have something to hide after
you have refused to let them spot search your belongings, you must
always say, "Of course, I have EVERYTHING to hide. FROM YOU!"
There are certain basic freedoms that MUST remain in place no
matter how egregious the crimes committed therefrom, even if those
crimes are against your mother or children, because without those
freedoms in place allowing such crimes, THE STATE TAKES OVER AND PUTS
Which is worse, child pornography or a police state?
There are lots of ways to try and stop child pornography, but
there are few ways to stop both child pornography AND the emerging
police state which feeds on people's fear of child pornography among
other things.
Police states are born from certain kinds of people selling FEAR to
the general populace, and the populace buys it. Such Merchants of Fear
are ALWAYS at the bottom of any police state. They are the foundation
and rock upon which it is built.
Anyhow as an ISP it is my job to provide the channels of
communication between people. That's what I do, I provide the
CHANNEL. This includes standard accountable type channels and not so
standard anonymous type channels.
People who communicate with each other tend to get into fights
over what they are communicating about. Usually they take their
fights out on each other. But when anonymous channels are used, they
don't know who 'each other' is, so they take it out on the provider of
the channel instead. That's me.
It's enough to make you want to throw anonymity in the waste
Many have suggested that this would be a good idea. However
those who define anonymity as 'premeditated irreponsibility' are
taking the stand that the resistance movement should always fly a big
red flag above their headquarters to let the enemy know from whence
they foray.
One might well ask whose side these people are on.
((They confuse premeditated UNACCOUNTABILITY with irresponsibility.
It is quite insane to consider that premeditated unaccountability =
premeditated irresonsibility, or that unaccountability =
irresponsibility. These people should be shot along with the rest of
the collaborateurs.))
They usually consider that a government is a safe thing to have
around and wish to give it all the power it needs to protect them from
being a victim to 'crime'.
Anyhow the quest for freedom and its maintenance is an ongoing WAR.
It will never be any other way.
Providing a communication channel is a difficult job, it usually
involves a precarious balance between allowing the good guys to speak
and making sure the bad guys don't get away with the gold.
It is very hard to maintain that balance with both sides pulling
and tugging on you as the provider of the communication channel,
because they can't pull and tug on each other.
Each side wants anonymity for themselves but not for the other
side. Each side takes action against the other side by limiting
anonymity in general, and eventually each side falls into the same tar
pit together where no one can speak, no anonymity.
Ain't Justice Sweet.
Anyhow one of the main purposes of the Subscriber Agreement is to
make sure that people pull and tug on each other, and leave me out of
it even if they got no one to target at the other end of the
communication line.
Homer Wilson Smith Clean Air, Clear Water, Art Matrix - Lightlink
(607) 277-0959 A Green Earth, and Peace, Internet, Ithaca NY
homer@lightlink.com Is that too much to ask? http://www.lightlink.com
HomerWSmith-L mailing list
Friday, July 17, 2020
ADOR1006 (fwd)
Hash: SHA1
"To be or not to be, that is the question.
Whether t'is nobler in the mind to suffer the slings and arrows of
outrageous fortune..."
"Oh come on Shakespear, chill out dude and take your meds."
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
Homer Wilson Smith Clean Air, Clear Water, Art Matrix - Lightlink
(607) 277-0959 A Green Earth, and Peace, Internet, Ithaca NY
homer@lightlink.com Is that too much to ask? http://www.lightlink.com
Tue Apr 26 15:45:14 EDT 2016
================ http://www.clearing.org ====================
Fri Jul 17 12:00:04 EDT 2020
WEB: http://www.clearing.org
BLOG: http://adoretheproof.blogspot.com
FTP: ftp://ftp.lightlink.com/pub/archive/homer/ador1006.memo
Send mail to archive@lightlink.com saying help in body
=========== http://www.lightlink.com/theproof ===============
Learning implies Learning with Certainty or Learning without Certainty.
Learning across a Distance implies Learning by Being an Effect.
Learning by Being an Effect implies Learning without Certainty.
Therefore, Learning with Certainty implies Learning,
but not by Being an Effect, and not across a Distance.
Version: GnuPG v1.4.5 (GNU/Linux)
HomerWSmith-L mailing list
Hash: SHA1
"To be or not to be, that is the question.
Whether t'is nobler in the mind to suffer the slings and arrows of
outrageous fortune..."
"Oh come on Shakespear, chill out dude and take your meds."
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
Homer Wilson Smith Clean Air, Clear Water, Art Matrix - Lightlink
(607) 277-0959 A Green Earth, and Peace, Internet, Ithaca NY
homer@lightlink.com Is that too much to ask? http://www.lightlink.com
Tue Apr 26 15:45:14 EDT 2016
================ http://www.clearing.org ====================
Fri Jul 17 12:00:04 EDT 2020
WEB: http://www.clearing.org
BLOG: http://adoretheproof.blogspot.com
FTP: ftp://ftp.lightlink.com/pub/archive/homer/ador1006.memo
Send mail to archive@lightlink.com saying help in body
=========== http://www.lightlink.com/theproof ===============
Learning implies Learning with Certainty or Learning without Certainty.
Learning across a Distance implies Learning by Being an Effect.
Learning by Being an Effect implies Learning without Certainty.
Therefore, Learning with Certainty implies Learning,
but not by Being an Effect, and not across a Distance.
Version: GnuPG v1.4.5 (GNU/Linux)
HomerWSmith-L mailing list
Thursday, July 16, 2020
ACT18 (fwd)
Hash: SHA1
ACT - 18
15 September 1993
Copyright (C) 1993 Homer Wilson Smith
The following is taken from ADORE, which in turn stole most of it
from Transactional Analysis.
You will find most people on this scale somewhere as regards to
their major ruin in life. It also applies between parent and child.
Child goes "I got a problem', parent goes, "What problem, there's no
This is printed from bottom to top.
There is NO PROBLEM.
There is a PROBLEM and a SOLUTION and I may FIND IT.
There is a PROBLEM and a SOLUTION and I will FIND IT.
There is a SOLUTION but NO PROBLEM so I will CREATE ONE.
There is also,
There is a PROBLEM and a SOLUTION and ONLY I will find it.
There is a PROBLEM and a SOLUTION and ONLY I won't find it.
================ http://www.clearing.org ====================
Wed Jul 15 12:00:04 EDT 2020
WEB: http://www.clearing.org
BLOG: http://adoretheproof.blogspot.com
FTP: ftp://ftp.lightlink.com/pub/archive/homer/act18.memo
Send mail to archive@lightlink.com saying help in body
=========== http://www.lightlink.com/theproof ===============
Learning implies Learning with Certainty or Learning without Certainty.
Learning across a Distance implies Learning by Being an Effect.
Learning by Being an Effect implies Learning without Certainty.
Therefore, Learning with Certainty implies Learning,
but not by Being an Effect, and not across a Distance.
Version: GnuPG v1.4.5 (GNU/Linux)
HomerWSmith-L mailing list
Hash: SHA1
ACT - 18
15 September 1993
Copyright (C) 1993 Homer Wilson Smith
The following is taken from ADORE, which in turn stole most of it
from Transactional Analysis.
You will find most people on this scale somewhere as regards to
their major ruin in life. It also applies between parent and child.
Child goes "I got a problem', parent goes, "What problem, there's no
This is printed from bottom to top.
There is NO PROBLEM.
There is a PROBLEM and a SOLUTION and I may FIND IT.
There is a PROBLEM and a SOLUTION and I will FIND IT.
There is a SOLUTION but NO PROBLEM so I will CREATE ONE.
There is also,
There is a PROBLEM and a SOLUTION and ONLY I will find it.
There is a PROBLEM and a SOLUTION and ONLY I won't find it.
================ http://www.clearing.org ====================
Wed Jul 15 12:00:04 EDT 2020
WEB: http://www.clearing.org
BLOG: http://adoretheproof.blogspot.com
FTP: ftp://ftp.lightlink.com/pub/archive/homer/act18.memo
Send mail to archive@lightlink.com saying help in body
=========== http://www.lightlink.com/theproof ===============
Learning implies Learning with Certainty or Learning without Certainty.
Learning across a Distance implies Learning by Being an Effect.
Learning by Being an Effect implies Learning without Certainty.
Therefore, Learning with Certainty implies Learning,
but not by Being an Effect, and not across a Distance.
Version: GnuPG v1.4.5 (GNU/Linux)
HomerWSmith-L mailing list
Monday, July 6, 2020
ACT43 (fwd)
Hash: SHA1
((Editors Comments in double parentheses - Homer))
Does the tech work for everyone?
ACT - 43
26 January 1994
Copyright (C) 1994 Homer Wilson Smith
Redistribution rights granted for non commercial purposes.
It is an absolutely preposterous argument that LRH 'tested' the
tech and therefore it works on everyone. He did not test it on
everyone, he tested it only on a very, very small subset of the human
race, and on many of those he failed, and they blew or became
unauditable, most of which was blamed on them. Out Ethics, you know.
They made the mistake of having a case on post, the post of being a
You can not possibly know that the tech works on absolutely
everyone, and if it doesn't work on just one person for whatever reason,
then it doesn't work on everyone.
Ron HAD to tell his followers that it 'worked on everyone' or else
he would have left things open to further research and development after
he was gone.
He was lying and he knew it, and if he didn't regret it before he
died, he certainly regretted it after he died.
"You think the work of one man for one lifetime was sufficient to
solve the problems of all mankind for ever more?" -Electra
Independent Expanded Scientology is a growing, prospering and
flourishing area of research and development, speed of auditing is
greatly increasing every year, and more and more cases are being handled
within the person's financial capability.
There is nothing sadder than the Closed Canon that Hubbard left his
followers, for reasons I can only guess.
If you say that you have the tech that can handle anyone, and then
someone comes along that can not be handled, your only options are
limited to correcting yourself or correcting the pc. Either your own
Ethics, Tech and Admin are out as the deliverer, or the Ethics, Tech and
Admin of the pc are out as the receiver.
This is indeed often the case, however there is a third option,
which is that the Ethics, Tech and Admin of Hubbard were out and what he
left behind him was an imperfect Bridge.
He was dying of case, during the late 70's, when I was being told
that the tech 'works' for everyone.
I was dying of what HE was dying of, NOTS, and they were telling me
that the tech works for everyone. Get it?
It is and always was a front to make sure that people did not panic
because if they had known at any time the true condition that LRH was in
during these sick periods they would have lost all hope. ((Not to
mention been TERRIFIED--Jane)) It would have been Squirrel City, with no
one having any confidence in the tech.
He needed to buy some time in order to make good on his promises to
his followers.
Better to lie to his followers and keep them productively all in
line, than have it all go to hell, EVEN IF ONLY A PARTIAL PERCENTAGE OF
But then if you are one of the not so helpable kind, you've got
endless D of P's (director of processing) forcing down on you 'This
WORKS!' no matter how much it doesn't.
I figured LRH never came around to visit us because he was too busy
researching upper levels. I knew he would die and I would never get to
meet him. For me that was as sad as sad comes as he was clearly one of
the most astounding people to visit Earth in a long while.
Once more I would miss out on a chance to kiss the feet of the
That is why many of the SHSBC tapes are confidential, because they
were made when LRH was IN many of his sick periods during his research
into GPMS. He was TERRIFIED of his case, and he was terrified that the
same thing might happen to his pcs and the public, and he didn't want
them going through what he was going through.
You know, 'the channel that was better left closed.' (8-8008, pg.
The entirety of his 'Bridge' was an effort to raise his own case up
to the point where he could finally confront that channel that was
better left closed.
He was trying to get better AROUND the core of his case so he could
finally look that Hell in the face.
When the channel did open and pcs got sick, the Spin Control Lords
would find ways to blame the pc or the org personnel because LRH and the
tech had to be protected at any cost.
- From that arbitrary datum you get all the rest of the screwy solutions
that they always come up with.
Well the fact is that the tech IS wrong, in many places. For
example when I was there they had Dianetics on the Grade Chart BEFORE
the Grades!
Now how are you gonna get a person to run out an engram when he is
holding on to them so hard with a Service Fac computation?
Maybe you figure you can run the ones he has his face stuck in
because he IS holding onto them so hard! Good luck, he NEEDS the
engrams he is holding onto for dear life, if he were to run one out, it
would immediately be replaced by another one in the stack of engrams he
has caved in on himself.
Well AFTER I was broke, they finally figured that one out, but not
an apology or a peep from them. 'We don't OWE you.' is all I got.
Oh yes, and 'Ron didn't write it and didn't know about it.'
Well at least they fixed that small out point that was stopping
everyone from going up the Bridge except the liars, the false attesters,
and the chronic F/Ners.
That's a frown that is so far south it looks like a smile.
But they are still trying to run out Drug Engrams before the
Grades, so some lessons just are not learned.
When LRH got done with GPMS in 1963, he ran into OT II and III.
They all, the whole group of them who were working on this stuff,
suffered horribly from the effects of the auditing and the case
restimulation. A number of people ended up in the hospital during these
days from GPM 'creaks' and other restimulation. This material is VERY
If you have ever run into a wall of pain in your auditing, that's
what you are looking at. If you are lucky it will run out if you just
be with it for 10 minutes. Trying to DO something about the pain just
crunches it all up and makes it worse.
OT III itself almost killed Ron, he even wrote a letter handing
over control to various people in case he didn't make it. That was
After OT III he ran into NOTS and this was where he was lying flat
on his back in bed near death and they called Mayo in, somewhere near
the end of 1978.
Mayo audited LRH for months until he was up and around again, and
what came out of this was NOTS. Mayo wrote up all the NOTS tech at
Ron's request, and because of this, Mayo in fact owns the copyright to
NOTS, which is what Mayo's huge lawsuit with the Church was about, which
the Church LOST WITH PREJUDICE last year. But alas it was work for
You see they will tell you about the law suit they won with the IRS
but they won't tell you about how they kicked the best person they had
out of the org and the rest of the Upper Level Bridge with him.
LRH was alright after NOTS for a long time, but then he started to
go on a decline again in the last years. They claim he died in perfect
control of his death, but it is more likely the next level up killed him
Therefore to say that the tech works for everyone is a joke, a
dangerous joke, because when things go wrong THEY ALWAYS BLAME THE WRONG
TARGET, either the pc or the Org personnel, which of course makes things
worse, and closes the door to any possible handle, which is to find the
NEW and correct tech.
If LRH had to suffer the tech that was extant at any given point in
time, rather than find NEW tech, he would have been dead long ago.
That's why LRH came up with Dianetics 55!, because Dianetics Today
was a dead end *FOR HIM*.
Sometimes all that is necessary is to ASK THE PC!
The pc is often just sitting there waiting for LRH to recognize
that the pc has a case too. The pc already knows it.
From Electra,
Aud: 'Well what's wrong with you today?'
Electra: 'Monsters'
Aud: 'Oh, yes, well, Ethics will handle your PTS Type III
E/O: 'Well what's wrong with you today?"
Electra: 'Monsters'
E/O: 'What monsters?'
While LRH was spending his whole life building a Bridge that would
keep that damn channel closed, the rest of us were trying to open it up
and confront it. He was too, but the tech he released to the rest of
the world, was the tech that kept it closed.
So of course, some of us didn't make any gain with his tech. It
was designed to not work. It was designed to increase the productive
output of Closed Channel Sweetness and Light cases, allowing them to
'get better' but remain Closed and Sweet.
If perchance the Channel was opened, the case was RUINED, not
because there was no tech to handle it, but because he was bound not to
release it, lest everyone get messed up.
Assuming he had it to release, which before 1978 he didn't.
But if a person starts to take steps in the direction of handling
these conditions himself, Soloing, Squirreling, Self Auditing, he is
immediately declared and booted, and harassed and hounded so that he
CAN'T find the correct tech and get better.
And Lord make sure he doesn't have an E-meter.
His books and meter are taken away from him so that he 'can't hurt
himself or others'.
The kind and number of overt acts that the Church and its personnel
KNOWINGLY have on this subject of 'the tech works for everyone' is
utterly uncountable.
It would have been fine if Electra and me were the only ones in the
Universe with Open Channels, maybe we could have suffered our Eternities
as ruined cases for the sake of everyone else. But many of you who have
gone through Scientology and left it in disgust are Open Channel Cases,
and man you just aren't going to win with the Sweetness and Light
What are you going to feed your Demon clusters?
Electra says,
'Well my demons work for me now, the church can audit their own.'
I am happy for her, but mine aren't in such good shape, and the
rest of you are probably wondering when someone is going to fess up to
what's going on.
Very few can handle this material, the Church certainly can't and
Many of you know that Scientology works, but you are also wondering
why the hell then are you so alone outside of the Church?
Well there is your why. It's a refused handle.
It's a sacrifice play. You for the many. "If we admitted you
weren't the SP, then we might stir everyone up, wake them up ahead of
time, and where would that get us? WE DON'T HAVE THE TECH TO DEAL WITH
IT. So you have to go. The only way we can legally MAKE you go is to
declare you SP. You understand? Good. Thank you for being
such a good little Scientologist and so cooperative."
Some would go so far as to claim that LRH never had any sick
periods, and that Mayo had nothing to do with the NOTS development
during one of those periods. They live the lie that Hubbard was perfect
and that the tech he left behind him is perfect or at least workable for
everyone. Perfect here only means workable for everyone.
Perfect means that no one's case was ever ahead of the tech,
waiting for the tech to catch up if it ever did.
So Ron says that the tech is not perfect, but it is workable. But
what does workable mean? That ALL can walk the Bridge who wish to? So
some pc comes in and gets 300 hours of Life Repair, goes totally broke,
and finally goes away with a ruined life. Was it the pc? Was it the
Org Personnel? The auditor? The C/S? The Tech?
Well of course it is not the Tech, because Ron tested it. That
means that if RON had been the pc's auditor, the pc would have done just
Assuming Ron could get out of bed to audit him that is.
Of course no one in the Church would ever admit the Bridge was not
workable, they are not SP's, and anyone who does tell the story like it
is, is clearly an SP because they are out of the Church.
But these SP's were all THERE, and they all tell the same story.
You love Ron but you hate David Mayo?
How many hours do Roos and Mayo have BY RON'S SIDE? Going through
his folders, auditing him, trying to keep him alive out of a love most
of us will be lucky to even dream of?
How many hours does Miscavige have BY RON'S SIDE?
Who are the SP's?
There is NOTHING more arrogant and dangerous to the well being of
mankind than to say that the tech is complete and finished and workable
for all. Even the freezone field falls into this routine, 'We can NOW
handle ANYONE!'. This always was garbage, always is garbage and always
will be garbage. It's a rah rah effort to reg you.
Frankly if you are an honest pc looking for real gains in this
lifetime, you are lucky if you find enough tech, in enough time, at a
low enough cost to actually handle WHAT YOU CAME INTO SCIENTOLOGY TO GET
Auditors can handle anything but that!
Thousands and thousands of people, all of whom love Scientology and
who will tell you that it works beautifully, will none the less tell you
outright that they did not get handled what they came into Scientology
to get handled.
They are still fat, they are still ugly, they still wear glasses,
they still can't stand their mothers, they die of cancer like the rest
of the human race, they can't remember a thing, they have no idea where
they came from or where they are going, they live in a world of
telepathy and communion which only 'works' as long as they don't have to
verify that it works.
They are all addicted to some vice or another, alcohol, pot,
cigarettes, sex, pills, sleep, interiorization etc.
They have endless trouble in their lives, and they couldn't spot
the devil in their best friend, even if she had a tail sticking out
between her legs.
Most of them, the honest ones, will tell you this. They are more
likely to tell you though AFTER they leave the Church, when they no
longer have to parade themselves around as a Valuable Final Product from
an Eight Cylinder System that is running on 2 Cylinders.
"Hi I am a NOTS completion. My Tits? Oh yes, well, uh, er, they
went the way of all flesh a while back, kind of ahead of schedule..."
The road to full OT, to happiness as an Adorable Operating Pride
Source, is just that, A ROAD. It is a long road and you will do well to
walk much of it in any one lifetime. We have just started to understand
this road and the work of LRH was seminal in that understanding.
It's not like everyone has all the answers and they just aren't
telling you.
NO ONE comes to a full understanding of the nature of a God (You,
Asshole) in one lifetime. It is possible to attain shadows of that
state if you live in a highly protected environment, in a limited subset
of existence, where the rampant counter efforts of life and the raging
universe at large can not touch you for a while.
You can be serene and hate your enemies, you can enjoy your upstat
life. But let the walls come crashing down, let the real tiger into
your universe and you won't know which way to run.
So much for being OT.
LRH defined a WOG as a Worthy Oriental Gentleman. All slams at the
Asian race aside, what it means is a person who has become so totally
taken care of by those around him that he doesn't know how to do
anything for himself anymore. He is carried here and there, he is
bathed, he is fed, his every need is catered to. He is driven to the
supermarket, where he has endless food waiting for him, he has someone
to choose and cook his food for him, and even do his laundry for him.
He even has people lighting his cigarettes for him.
He lives in buildings he can not build, he uses machines he could
not fix, let alone invent or design, and he depends on the vast
resources inherent in the civilization around him, TO KEEP HIM ALIVE.
He can't see without his glasses, yet he has no idea how to make
glass, or anything about optics or the history of science; or the blood
sweat and tears that went into the pair that he wears on his nose, and
he throws a fit when he can't find them because he can't see them.
And Lord save him, he's 60 years old and his wet nurse dies.
Should that society of accumulated ability and structure collapse
around him, due to natural or other causes, he won't be able to take
HAS BEEN TAKEN CARE OF FOR HIS WHOLE LIFE. He only knows how to command
others to do things for him, how to think for him, how to see for him,
and finally how to live for him.
Thus when things go to hell, the WOG dies.
Because becomes ALONE, and alone he has no ability.
An OT is able ALONE.
The supreme joke and final ironic justice of it all is that the
Church has now produced its own generation of WOGS, Churchie wogs, who
have exactly zero idea of what the REAL world is really like, of what
REAL cases are really like, cases that have collided their whole lives
with the REAL universe, Churchie wogs who in general have zero idea of
what they are talking about at all times.
They live in a very small fishbowl of a reality, with everything
that is not LRH, not Scientology, not Church, not accepted, not on their
list of OK and PERMISSIBLE contacts and terminals, excluded into that
great big OTHER that they never have to look at, learn about, deal with
or handle.
It's a gigantic closed channel with a self installed right to have
it closed.
They are ENTITLED TO NOT KNOW and have a DUTY TO NOT KNOW lest they
get restimulated.
The poor dears.
A Service Fac computation on a roll in other words.
The entirety of Scientology Technology and LRH writings have become
a huge Service Fac for them allowing them to shut out, not look at and
not handle the real world around them.
They don't look at the world, they look at the tech, they look at
the world through the tech and if the tech and the world do not agree,
then the world is wrong or just trying to be difficult.
((Reality is what you think is true, actuality is what *IS* true.))
The Service Fac computation is 'LRH tested it, so it works for
Therefore THEY never have to test it further, THEY never have to
improve on it, THEY never have to LOOK AT and learn about why it REALLY
How can you fix what you are not even allowed to add to or enhance?
They merely blame others or the pc and hang heads on a pike, and
that is their fixed solution to everything that goes wrong in the Church
or in auditing or in the field or with the government etc.
A fixed computation, a fixed not looking, a substitute looking for
them, and a fixed solution to ALL the problems of life.
Doesn't this add up to a Service Fac?
I mean is it as simple as an out Grade IV?
The E/P of Grade IV is "the ability to move out of fixed conditions
and do new things."
Like live life?
They are getting themselves closed down all over the world, and of
course THEY HAVE NOTHING TO DO WITH IT. They are innocent victims. And
that will be their dying cry the day the doors close forever on them
'Sniff Sniff, Here Lies Me, Poor Me, I was done in by those who
could not admit I was right.'
How right can you be? DEAD and CLOSED!
Watch it happen.
A Closed Canon can not Prosper and Flourish. It can only breed
insanity, fear and blood shed.
If you do not grow and expand, you die.
So either you get bigger or you get smaller.
How can tech grow if you don't allow MORE tech to come into being?
More and better, faster, cheaper, safer.
How can you grow and expand if your knowledge about WHAT TO AUDIT
and HOW TO AUDIT does not grow and expand with you?
How can you Standardize Wisdom FOREVER? Churchie Wogs have
Standard confused with FROZEN.
Standard means 'what is true TODAY that we make sure EVERYONE DOES
That is worth while for those who want it.
Standard doesn't mean NO CHANGE TOMORROW.
By Standardizing the Tech you guarantee smooth and predictable
delivery within the expanding limits of correctness of that tech.
The only things which don't change tomorrow are those things which
are dead.
By Freezing the Tech you guarantee smooth and predictable NON
delivery of RESULTS!
For today's tech will only keep up with today's problems, mostly.
By not having a growing tech and research department you merely
guarantee that you will handle all those cases that can be handled with
today's tech. When you run out of them, there will still be people
beating down your door for handling which you won't be able to deliver
because you won't have tomorrow's tech.
The Church in 2017 as I write this, does not have tomorrow's tech
any more than they did in 1951 when all they had was single flow
REST OF TIME. What you know today BECOMES the fixed idea! It's fixed
because it never changes.
Can you imagine no more new rundowns, no more new correction lists,
no more new C/S series? "Here, this fixed body of knowledge is all you
will ever need to know for the rest of time in this infinite operating
expanding universe."
And people want to know it is finite, that it is all contained in
these many but finite number of books, because the idea that there might
be more and more and more as time goes on gives them the OT willies.
"Hey I paid you to teach me EVERYTHING!"
And I assure you THEY won't be the ones to find that more tech that
the world will depend upon in 300 years.
Hubbard must have wanted to kill off his Church mighty bad.
Having a finite amount of knowledge is like having a fixed finite
amount of fuel. Eventually you run out and your motor stops.
Growth takes place on all four planes of existence, physical,
emotional, mental and spiritual. By closing the Canon, they are
claiming they can grow while their base of technical knowledge (mental
plane) remains forever frozen in 1986.
How will this look in 2026?
Scientology was once in a race against the Atom Bomb. The
knowledge on how to blow ourselves up has not been frozen. Will
Scientology win?
The good people still in the Church, the Independent Expanded
Scientology field and its Clearing Technology offshoots are the only
hope left for Mankind. They are the only place that LIFE and GROWTH are
still Operating the Tech.
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((Editors Comments in double parentheses - Homer))
Does the tech work for everyone?
ACT - 43
26 January 1994
Copyright (C) 1994 Homer Wilson Smith
Redistribution rights granted for non commercial purposes.
It is an absolutely preposterous argument that LRH 'tested' the
tech and therefore it works on everyone. He did not test it on
everyone, he tested it only on a very, very small subset of the human
race, and on many of those he failed, and they blew or became
unauditable, most of which was blamed on them. Out Ethics, you know.
They made the mistake of having a case on post, the post of being a
You can not possibly know that the tech works on absolutely
everyone, and if it doesn't work on just one person for whatever reason,
then it doesn't work on everyone.
Ron HAD to tell his followers that it 'worked on everyone' or else
he would have left things open to further research and development after
he was gone.
He was lying and he knew it, and if he didn't regret it before he
died, he certainly regretted it after he died.
"You think the work of one man for one lifetime was sufficient to
solve the problems of all mankind for ever more?" -Electra
Independent Expanded Scientology is a growing, prospering and
flourishing area of research and development, speed of auditing is
greatly increasing every year, and more and more cases are being handled
within the person's financial capability.
There is nothing sadder than the Closed Canon that Hubbard left his
followers, for reasons I can only guess.
If you say that you have the tech that can handle anyone, and then
someone comes along that can not be handled, your only options are
limited to correcting yourself or correcting the pc. Either your own
Ethics, Tech and Admin are out as the deliverer, or the Ethics, Tech and
Admin of the pc are out as the receiver.
This is indeed often the case, however there is a third option,
which is that the Ethics, Tech and Admin of Hubbard were out and what he
left behind him was an imperfect Bridge.
He was dying of case, during the late 70's, when I was being told
that the tech 'works' for everyone.
I was dying of what HE was dying of, NOTS, and they were telling me
that the tech works for everyone. Get it?
It is and always was a front to make sure that people did not panic
because if they had known at any time the true condition that LRH was in
during these sick periods they would have lost all hope. ((Not to
mention been TERRIFIED--Jane)) It would have been Squirrel City, with no
one having any confidence in the tech.
He needed to buy some time in order to make good on his promises to
his followers.
Better to lie to his followers and keep them productively all in
line, than have it all go to hell, EVEN IF ONLY A PARTIAL PERCENTAGE OF
But then if you are one of the not so helpable kind, you've got
endless D of P's (director of processing) forcing down on you 'This
WORKS!' no matter how much it doesn't.
I figured LRH never came around to visit us because he was too busy
researching upper levels. I knew he would die and I would never get to
meet him. For me that was as sad as sad comes as he was clearly one of
the most astounding people to visit Earth in a long while.
Once more I would miss out on a chance to kiss the feet of the
That is why many of the SHSBC tapes are confidential, because they
were made when LRH was IN many of his sick periods during his research
into GPMS. He was TERRIFIED of his case, and he was terrified that the
same thing might happen to his pcs and the public, and he didn't want
them going through what he was going through.
You know, 'the channel that was better left closed.' (8-8008, pg.
The entirety of his 'Bridge' was an effort to raise his own case up
to the point where he could finally confront that channel that was
better left closed.
He was trying to get better AROUND the core of his case so he could
finally look that Hell in the face.
When the channel did open and pcs got sick, the Spin Control Lords
would find ways to blame the pc or the org personnel because LRH and the
tech had to be protected at any cost.
- From that arbitrary datum you get all the rest of the screwy solutions
that they always come up with.
Well the fact is that the tech IS wrong, in many places. For
example when I was there they had Dianetics on the Grade Chart BEFORE
the Grades!
Now how are you gonna get a person to run out an engram when he is
holding on to them so hard with a Service Fac computation?
Maybe you figure you can run the ones he has his face stuck in
because he IS holding onto them so hard! Good luck, he NEEDS the
engrams he is holding onto for dear life, if he were to run one out, it
would immediately be replaced by another one in the stack of engrams he
has caved in on himself.
Well AFTER I was broke, they finally figured that one out, but not
an apology or a peep from them. 'We don't OWE you.' is all I got.
Oh yes, and 'Ron didn't write it and didn't know about it.'
Well at least they fixed that small out point that was stopping
everyone from going up the Bridge except the liars, the false attesters,
and the chronic F/Ners.
That's a frown that is so far south it looks like a smile.
But they are still trying to run out Drug Engrams before the
Grades, so some lessons just are not learned.
When LRH got done with GPMS in 1963, he ran into OT II and III.
They all, the whole group of them who were working on this stuff,
suffered horribly from the effects of the auditing and the case
restimulation. A number of people ended up in the hospital during these
days from GPM 'creaks' and other restimulation. This material is VERY
If you have ever run into a wall of pain in your auditing, that's
what you are looking at. If you are lucky it will run out if you just
be with it for 10 minutes. Trying to DO something about the pain just
crunches it all up and makes it worse.
OT III itself almost killed Ron, he even wrote a letter handing
over control to various people in case he didn't make it. That was
After OT III he ran into NOTS and this was where he was lying flat
on his back in bed near death and they called Mayo in, somewhere near
the end of 1978.
Mayo audited LRH for months until he was up and around again, and
what came out of this was NOTS. Mayo wrote up all the NOTS tech at
Ron's request, and because of this, Mayo in fact owns the copyright to
NOTS, which is what Mayo's huge lawsuit with the Church was about, which
the Church LOST WITH PREJUDICE last year. But alas it was work for
You see they will tell you about the law suit they won with the IRS
but they won't tell you about how they kicked the best person they had
out of the org and the rest of the Upper Level Bridge with him.
LRH was alright after NOTS for a long time, but then he started to
go on a decline again in the last years. They claim he died in perfect
control of his death, but it is more likely the next level up killed him
Therefore to say that the tech works for everyone is a joke, a
dangerous joke, because when things go wrong THEY ALWAYS BLAME THE WRONG
TARGET, either the pc or the Org personnel, which of course makes things
worse, and closes the door to any possible handle, which is to find the
NEW and correct tech.
If LRH had to suffer the tech that was extant at any given point in
time, rather than find NEW tech, he would have been dead long ago.
That's why LRH came up with Dianetics 55!, because Dianetics Today
was a dead end *FOR HIM*.
Sometimes all that is necessary is to ASK THE PC!
The pc is often just sitting there waiting for LRH to recognize
that the pc has a case too. The pc already knows it.
From Electra,
Aud: 'Well what's wrong with you today?'
Electra: 'Monsters'
Aud: 'Oh, yes, well, Ethics will handle your PTS Type III
E/O: 'Well what's wrong with you today?"
Electra: 'Monsters'
E/O: 'What monsters?'
While LRH was spending his whole life building a Bridge that would
keep that damn channel closed, the rest of us were trying to open it up
and confront it. He was too, but the tech he released to the rest of
the world, was the tech that kept it closed.
So of course, some of us didn't make any gain with his tech. It
was designed to not work. It was designed to increase the productive
output of Closed Channel Sweetness and Light cases, allowing them to
'get better' but remain Closed and Sweet.
If perchance the Channel was opened, the case was RUINED, not
because there was no tech to handle it, but because he was bound not to
release it, lest everyone get messed up.
Assuming he had it to release, which before 1978 he didn't.
But if a person starts to take steps in the direction of handling
these conditions himself, Soloing, Squirreling, Self Auditing, he is
immediately declared and booted, and harassed and hounded so that he
CAN'T find the correct tech and get better.
And Lord make sure he doesn't have an E-meter.
His books and meter are taken away from him so that he 'can't hurt
himself or others'.
The kind and number of overt acts that the Church and its personnel
KNOWINGLY have on this subject of 'the tech works for everyone' is
utterly uncountable.
It would have been fine if Electra and me were the only ones in the
Universe with Open Channels, maybe we could have suffered our Eternities
as ruined cases for the sake of everyone else. But many of you who have
gone through Scientology and left it in disgust are Open Channel Cases,
and man you just aren't going to win with the Sweetness and Light
What are you going to feed your Demon clusters?
Electra says,
'Well my demons work for me now, the church can audit their own.'
I am happy for her, but mine aren't in such good shape, and the
rest of you are probably wondering when someone is going to fess up to
what's going on.
Very few can handle this material, the Church certainly can't and
Many of you know that Scientology works, but you are also wondering
why the hell then are you so alone outside of the Church?
Well there is your why. It's a refused handle.
It's a sacrifice play. You for the many. "If we admitted you
weren't the SP, then we might stir everyone up, wake them up ahead of
time, and where would that get us? WE DON'T HAVE THE TECH TO DEAL WITH
IT. So you have to go. The only way we can legally MAKE you go is to
declare you SP. You understand? Good. Thank you for being
such a good little Scientologist and so cooperative."
Some would go so far as to claim that LRH never had any sick
periods, and that Mayo had nothing to do with the NOTS development
during one of those periods. They live the lie that Hubbard was perfect
and that the tech he left behind him is perfect or at least workable for
everyone. Perfect here only means workable for everyone.
Perfect means that no one's case was ever ahead of the tech,
waiting for the tech to catch up if it ever did.
So Ron says that the tech is not perfect, but it is workable. But
what does workable mean? That ALL can walk the Bridge who wish to? So
some pc comes in and gets 300 hours of Life Repair, goes totally broke,
and finally goes away with a ruined life. Was it the pc? Was it the
Org Personnel? The auditor? The C/S? The Tech?
Well of course it is not the Tech, because Ron tested it. That
means that if RON had been the pc's auditor, the pc would have done just
Assuming Ron could get out of bed to audit him that is.
Of course no one in the Church would ever admit the Bridge was not
workable, they are not SP's, and anyone who does tell the story like it
is, is clearly an SP because they are out of the Church.
But these SP's were all THERE, and they all tell the same story.
You love Ron but you hate David Mayo?
How many hours do Roos and Mayo have BY RON'S SIDE? Going through
his folders, auditing him, trying to keep him alive out of a love most
of us will be lucky to even dream of?
How many hours does Miscavige have BY RON'S SIDE?
Who are the SP's?
There is NOTHING more arrogant and dangerous to the well being of
mankind than to say that the tech is complete and finished and workable
for all. Even the freezone field falls into this routine, 'We can NOW
handle ANYONE!'. This always was garbage, always is garbage and always
will be garbage. It's a rah rah effort to reg you.
Frankly if you are an honest pc looking for real gains in this
lifetime, you are lucky if you find enough tech, in enough time, at a
low enough cost to actually handle WHAT YOU CAME INTO SCIENTOLOGY TO GET
Auditors can handle anything but that!
Thousands and thousands of people, all of whom love Scientology and
who will tell you that it works beautifully, will none the less tell you
outright that they did not get handled what they came into Scientology
to get handled.
They are still fat, they are still ugly, they still wear glasses,
they still can't stand their mothers, they die of cancer like the rest
of the human race, they can't remember a thing, they have no idea where
they came from or where they are going, they live in a world of
telepathy and communion which only 'works' as long as they don't have to
verify that it works.
They are all addicted to some vice or another, alcohol, pot,
cigarettes, sex, pills, sleep, interiorization etc.
They have endless trouble in their lives, and they couldn't spot
the devil in their best friend, even if she had a tail sticking out
between her legs.
Most of them, the honest ones, will tell you this. They are more
likely to tell you though AFTER they leave the Church, when they no
longer have to parade themselves around as a Valuable Final Product from
an Eight Cylinder System that is running on 2 Cylinders.
"Hi I am a NOTS completion. My Tits? Oh yes, well, uh, er, they
went the way of all flesh a while back, kind of ahead of schedule..."
The road to full OT, to happiness as an Adorable Operating Pride
Source, is just that, A ROAD. It is a long road and you will do well to
walk much of it in any one lifetime. We have just started to understand
this road and the work of LRH was seminal in that understanding.
It's not like everyone has all the answers and they just aren't
telling you.
NO ONE comes to a full understanding of the nature of a God (You,
Asshole) in one lifetime. It is possible to attain shadows of that
state if you live in a highly protected environment, in a limited subset
of existence, where the rampant counter efforts of life and the raging
universe at large can not touch you for a while.
You can be serene and hate your enemies, you can enjoy your upstat
life. But let the walls come crashing down, let the real tiger into
your universe and you won't know which way to run.
So much for being OT.
LRH defined a WOG as a Worthy Oriental Gentleman. All slams at the
Asian race aside, what it means is a person who has become so totally
taken care of by those around him that he doesn't know how to do
anything for himself anymore. He is carried here and there, he is
bathed, he is fed, his every need is catered to. He is driven to the
supermarket, where he has endless food waiting for him, he has someone
to choose and cook his food for him, and even do his laundry for him.
He even has people lighting his cigarettes for him.
He lives in buildings he can not build, he uses machines he could
not fix, let alone invent or design, and he depends on the vast
resources inherent in the civilization around him, TO KEEP HIM ALIVE.
He can't see without his glasses, yet he has no idea how to make
glass, or anything about optics or the history of science; or the blood
sweat and tears that went into the pair that he wears on his nose, and
he throws a fit when he can't find them because he can't see them.
And Lord save him, he's 60 years old and his wet nurse dies.
Should that society of accumulated ability and structure collapse
around him, due to natural or other causes, he won't be able to take
HAS BEEN TAKEN CARE OF FOR HIS WHOLE LIFE. He only knows how to command
others to do things for him, how to think for him, how to see for him,
and finally how to live for him.
Thus when things go to hell, the WOG dies.
Because becomes ALONE, and alone he has no ability.
An OT is able ALONE.
The supreme joke and final ironic justice of it all is that the
Church has now produced its own generation of WOGS, Churchie wogs, who
have exactly zero idea of what the REAL world is really like, of what
REAL cases are really like, cases that have collided their whole lives
with the REAL universe, Churchie wogs who in general have zero idea of
what they are talking about at all times.
They live in a very small fishbowl of a reality, with everything
that is not LRH, not Scientology, not Church, not accepted, not on their
list of OK and PERMISSIBLE contacts and terminals, excluded into that
great big OTHER that they never have to look at, learn about, deal with
or handle.
It's a gigantic closed channel with a self installed right to have
it closed.
They are ENTITLED TO NOT KNOW and have a DUTY TO NOT KNOW lest they
get restimulated.
The poor dears.
A Service Fac computation on a roll in other words.
The entirety of Scientology Technology and LRH writings have become
a huge Service Fac for them allowing them to shut out, not look at and
not handle the real world around them.
They don't look at the world, they look at the tech, they look at
the world through the tech and if the tech and the world do not agree,
then the world is wrong or just trying to be difficult.
((Reality is what you think is true, actuality is what *IS* true.))
The Service Fac computation is 'LRH tested it, so it works for
Therefore THEY never have to test it further, THEY never have to
improve on it, THEY never have to LOOK AT and learn about why it REALLY
How can you fix what you are not even allowed to add to or enhance?
They merely blame others or the pc and hang heads on a pike, and
that is their fixed solution to everything that goes wrong in the Church
or in auditing or in the field or with the government etc.
A fixed computation, a fixed not looking, a substitute looking for
them, and a fixed solution to ALL the problems of life.
Doesn't this add up to a Service Fac?
I mean is it as simple as an out Grade IV?
The E/P of Grade IV is "the ability to move out of fixed conditions
and do new things."
Like live life?
They are getting themselves closed down all over the world, and of
course THEY HAVE NOTHING TO DO WITH IT. They are innocent victims. And
that will be their dying cry the day the doors close forever on them
'Sniff Sniff, Here Lies Me, Poor Me, I was done in by those who
could not admit I was right.'
How right can you be? DEAD and CLOSED!
Watch it happen.
A Closed Canon can not Prosper and Flourish. It can only breed
insanity, fear and blood shed.
If you do not grow and expand, you die.
So either you get bigger or you get smaller.
How can tech grow if you don't allow MORE tech to come into being?
More and better, faster, cheaper, safer.
How can you grow and expand if your knowledge about WHAT TO AUDIT
and HOW TO AUDIT does not grow and expand with you?
How can you Standardize Wisdom FOREVER? Churchie Wogs have
Standard confused with FROZEN.
Standard means 'what is true TODAY that we make sure EVERYONE DOES
That is worth while for those who want it.
Standard doesn't mean NO CHANGE TOMORROW.
By Standardizing the Tech you guarantee smooth and predictable
delivery within the expanding limits of correctness of that tech.
The only things which don't change tomorrow are those things which
are dead.
By Freezing the Tech you guarantee smooth and predictable NON
delivery of RESULTS!
For today's tech will only keep up with today's problems, mostly.
By not having a growing tech and research department you merely
guarantee that you will handle all those cases that can be handled with
today's tech. When you run out of them, there will still be people
beating down your door for handling which you won't be able to deliver
because you won't have tomorrow's tech.
The Church in 2017 as I write this, does not have tomorrow's tech
any more than they did in 1951 when all they had was single flow
REST OF TIME. What you know today BECOMES the fixed idea! It's fixed
because it never changes.
Can you imagine no more new rundowns, no more new correction lists,
no more new C/S series? "Here, this fixed body of knowledge is all you
will ever need to know for the rest of time in this infinite operating
expanding universe."
And people want to know it is finite, that it is all contained in
these many but finite number of books, because the idea that there might
be more and more and more as time goes on gives them the OT willies.
"Hey I paid you to teach me EVERYTHING!"
And I assure you THEY won't be the ones to find that more tech that
the world will depend upon in 300 years.
Hubbard must have wanted to kill off his Church mighty bad.
Having a finite amount of knowledge is like having a fixed finite
amount of fuel. Eventually you run out and your motor stops.
Growth takes place on all four planes of existence, physical,
emotional, mental and spiritual. By closing the Canon, they are
claiming they can grow while their base of technical knowledge (mental
plane) remains forever frozen in 1986.
How will this look in 2026?
Scientology was once in a race against the Atom Bomb. The
knowledge on how to blow ourselves up has not been frozen. Will
Scientology win?
The good people still in the Church, the Independent Expanded
Scientology field and its Clearing Technology offshoots are the only
hope left for Mankind. They are the only place that LIFE and GROWTH are
still Operating the Tech.
================ http://www.clearing.org ====================
Mon Jul 6 12:00:04 EDT 2020
WEB: http://www.clearing.org
BLOG: http://adoretheproof.blogspot.com
FTP: ftp://ftp.lightlink.com/pub/archive/homer/act43.memo
Send mail to archive@lightlink.com saying help in body
=========== http://www.lightlink.com/theproof ===============
Learning implies Learning with Certainty or Learning without Certainty.
Learning across a Distance implies Learning by Being an Effect.
Learning by Being an Effect implies Learning without Certainty.
Therefore, Learning with Certainty implies Learning,
but not by Being an Effect, and not across a Distance.
Version: GnuPG v1.4.5 (GNU/Linux)
HomerWSmith-L mailing list
Friday, July 3, 2020
PROOF1 (fwd)
Hash: SHA1
Specifics do not prove generalities.
That this dog is red, does not prove that all dogs are red.
That this dog has 4 legs, does not prove that all dogs have 4
In this context, proof means Perfect Certainty.
Perfect Certainty means 100 percent certainty with no chance of
being wrong.
Science can only observe a specific instance of something.
Science can never observe a generality, all instances of
something in all places, and times and circumstances.
It can observe for instance that "*THESE* two balls fall at the
same speed in this vacuum."
Science can never observe that "*ALL* balls fall at the same
speed in all places, all times and all vacuums.'
Since science can never observe a generality, it can never prove
a generality.
It can however disprove a generality with one observation to the
"These here two balls are not falling at the same speed in a
vacuum, so clearly its not true that all balls fall at the same speed in
a vacuum."
That produces proof, a perfect certainty, that the generality was
Observations are observations of specific instances.
Theories are generalities, an effort to generalize all possible
observed instances.
If enough observations do not disprove the theory, one can attain a
state of trust in the theory and conclude that it is highly unlikely
that any observed instance will ever disprove the theory.
This does not prove the theory right, this is not a perfect
certainty that the theory is true.
At best it is a bet based on sensible trust and high probability
that the theory works well enough for practical purposes,
Direct observations however are always with certainty.
Theory and their generalitzations are always with no certainty.
Theories can also lead to further logically derived predictions
about other specific instances, which can then be verified with
certainty through more observation.
For example, one observes that two balls in a vacuum fall at the
same speed, so one generalizes a theory that all objects fall at the
same speed in a vacuum. From this one predicts that two different sized
cannon balls should fall at approximately the same speed from the Tower
of Pisa, even though it is not a vacuum. One can then do the experiment
and verify if the observation matches the prediction. If it does, the
theory gains further support.
At no time does any theory ever gain perfect certainty or proof.
Theories, being generalities, can only be disproven with certainty.
One must be careful not to confuse a scientific theory in the form
of a generality or 'law of nature' with theories concerning specific
instances that could or can not be observed.
For example, you come home one night and observe your door is open,
there are tracks on the floor, and money is missing from your drawer,
and finger prints are all over the place that don't belong to any of
your house hold people.
One can 'theorize' that someone entered and took the money, that's
a specific instance that is not observed and can not be, because it is
gone in the past.
Notice that even if Joe next door confesses to the crime, hands
back the money, and the prints match his, this does not prove with
perfect certainty that he did it. It may however fit the legal
definition of 'guilty beyond a reasonable doubt'.
This 'beyond reasonable doubt' is again based on trust we place in
basic unprovable theoretical generalities, to the effect that only one
person can have the finger prints, or upon our acceptance that the whole
scene was not set up by the CIA or even by God.
This last is refered to as the third party law (not to be confused
with LRH's third party law) which states that if B follows A, then it is
possible that A caused B directly or that C caused both A and B in such
a way as to make it look like A caused B.
Ultimately the only thing that can be proven certain are specific
observations, and the only thing that can be directly and specifically
observed is one's own conscious pictures and experience.
Everything else is a theory.
Fri Jul 3 20:06:59 EDT 2015
================ http://www.clearing.org ====================
Fri Jul 3 12:00:04 EDT 2020
WEB: http://www.clearing.org
BLOG: http://adoretheproof.blogspot.com
FTP: ftp://ftp.lightlink.com/pub/archive/homer/proof1.memo
Send mail to archive@lightlink.com saying help in body
=========== http://www.lightlink.com/theproof ===============
Learning implies Learning with Certainty or Learning without Certainty.
Learning across a Distance implies Learning by Being an Effect.
Learning by Being an Effect implies Learning without Certainty.
Therefore, Learning with Certainty implies Learning,
but not by Being an Effect, and not across a Distance.
Version: GnuPG v1.4.5 (GNU/Linux)
HomerWSmith-L mailing list
Hash: SHA1
Specifics do not prove generalities.
That this dog is red, does not prove that all dogs are red.
That this dog has 4 legs, does not prove that all dogs have 4
In this context, proof means Perfect Certainty.
Perfect Certainty means 100 percent certainty with no chance of
being wrong.
Science can only observe a specific instance of something.
Science can never observe a generality, all instances of
something in all places, and times and circumstances.
It can observe for instance that "*THESE* two balls fall at the
same speed in this vacuum."
Science can never observe that "*ALL* balls fall at the same
speed in all places, all times and all vacuums.'
Since science can never observe a generality, it can never prove
a generality.
It can however disprove a generality with one observation to the
"These here two balls are not falling at the same speed in a
vacuum, so clearly its not true that all balls fall at the same speed in
a vacuum."
That produces proof, a perfect certainty, that the generality was
Observations are observations of specific instances.
Theories are generalities, an effort to generalize all possible
observed instances.
If enough observations do not disprove the theory, one can attain a
state of trust in the theory and conclude that it is highly unlikely
that any observed instance will ever disprove the theory.
This does not prove the theory right, this is not a perfect
certainty that the theory is true.
At best it is a bet based on sensible trust and high probability
that the theory works well enough for practical purposes,
Direct observations however are always with certainty.
Theory and their generalitzations are always with no certainty.
Theories can also lead to further logically derived predictions
about other specific instances, which can then be verified with
certainty through more observation.
For example, one observes that two balls in a vacuum fall at the
same speed, so one generalizes a theory that all objects fall at the
same speed in a vacuum. From this one predicts that two different sized
cannon balls should fall at approximately the same speed from the Tower
of Pisa, even though it is not a vacuum. One can then do the experiment
and verify if the observation matches the prediction. If it does, the
theory gains further support.
At no time does any theory ever gain perfect certainty or proof.
Theories, being generalities, can only be disproven with certainty.
One must be careful not to confuse a scientific theory in the form
of a generality or 'law of nature' with theories concerning specific
instances that could or can not be observed.
For example, you come home one night and observe your door is open,
there are tracks on the floor, and money is missing from your drawer,
and finger prints are all over the place that don't belong to any of
your house hold people.
One can 'theorize' that someone entered and took the money, that's
a specific instance that is not observed and can not be, because it is
gone in the past.
Notice that even if Joe next door confesses to the crime, hands
back the money, and the prints match his, this does not prove with
perfect certainty that he did it. It may however fit the legal
definition of 'guilty beyond a reasonable doubt'.
This 'beyond reasonable doubt' is again based on trust we place in
basic unprovable theoretical generalities, to the effect that only one
person can have the finger prints, or upon our acceptance that the whole
scene was not set up by the CIA or even by God.
This last is refered to as the third party law (not to be confused
with LRH's third party law) which states that if B follows A, then it is
possible that A caused B directly or that C caused both A and B in such
a way as to make it look like A caused B.
Ultimately the only thing that can be proven certain are specific
observations, and the only thing that can be directly and specifically
observed is one's own conscious pictures and experience.
Everything else is a theory.
Fri Jul 3 20:06:59 EDT 2015
================ http://www.clearing.org ====================
Fri Jul 3 12:00:04 EDT 2020
WEB: http://www.clearing.org
BLOG: http://adoretheproof.blogspot.com
FTP: ftp://ftp.lightlink.com/pub/archive/homer/proof1.memo
Send mail to archive@lightlink.com saying help in body
=========== http://www.lightlink.com/theproof ===============
Learning implies Learning with Certainty or Learning without Certainty.
Learning across a Distance implies Learning by Being an Effect.
Learning by Being an Effect implies Learning without Certainty.
Therefore, Learning with Certainty implies Learning,
but not by Being an Effect, and not across a Distance.
Version: GnuPG v1.4.5 (GNU/Linux)
HomerWSmith-L mailing list
One reason I am opposed to any one philosophy becoming The
Philosophy for the universe, is that all philosophies, to the degree that
they are stated in words, are wrong. It is impossible to have a
persisting philosophy that is not alter-ised in some fashion.
A Persisting Wrongness acts like an Anchor Point.
Having One Persisting Wrongness over the whole universe would
collapse all of space and time to a point that would not be an
It takes 4 persisting objects to have a space, a person with only 2
friends is sunk. A person with 3 friends will survive, as he makes the
So it takes a minimum of 4 persisting philosophies, competing with
each other in such a way as to never subsume each other, to allow space
and time to prosper and flourish. Each acts as an anchor point in the
space time arena.
The minute they all become One Philosophy, space and time
collapses, just as if all your anchor points melded into One Anchor
Now this applies to a.c.t. also. Presently it consists mostly of
Homer and Clear-l, and those that have joined Homer and Clear-L, and
reposts by Homer and Clear-l of other's work.
Yes there is some of other's work, but its all under Homer, Homer
Homer Homer Homer Homer.... yeccch. No wonder I am so irate.
Now if we had accept-l and trom-l and noodlezone-l and clear-l all
feeding independently into a.c.t., then, for one, everyone, would be
more motivated to read a.c.t rather than veg out on clear-l, and we
would have our much needed 4 independent spaces.
The single most deadly thing that will in fact destroy us all, not
only the freezone, is not Homer, but the newbie's propensity to hide out
on private lists seeking safe spaces and 'supportive environments'.
They want their own sorry covert suppressive assholes treated well.
There is no more dangerous solution than a safe solution, and there
is no more dangerous space than a safe space. Humans of course can not
understand this logic, it sounds dangerously cracked to them, they will
go to great measures to destroy those who consider it, but then such
humans are seeking a safe space.
The short term benefits of what they seek are illusory compared to
the long term disaster that awaits them from accumulated *LOUSY*
There is a safe space, its called Eternal Omni Sovereignty, but
I'll tell you something, that safe space is more dangerous than any
other space you can imagine, as it is the source of all dangerous
That space can and will cast dangerous spaces forever for free.
Now I have called a New Unit of Time for a while with Allen to see
what he and others really want a.c.t. and the internet to become.
It's more a Time Out while I get to reevaluate what every one is
And besides while Allen is cooled out, I get to sleep better.
But its REALLY unfair for people to want me to change on clear-l so
that they don't have to crawl out of their squirrel hole private lists
and come out in the open and be heard.
They want Homer to be polite so they can lurk or maybe put out a
pittance and not have their views trampled on.
David's comments to Mary added up to basically shut up. Jacobus's
comments to all of us added up to basically shut up and be polite.
This stems from ENORMOUS PTSness, PTSness that arises when we try
to win over people who are important to us, but who are real assholes,
people who won't come over to clearing unless clearing fits their
concept of a safe space, which is basically one where no one ever says
anything disturbing to them. Mainly no one holds a mirror up to them.
At best they want to become a well and happy Mud Puppy, one who
can once again behave properly so that God, or the powers that be, will
approve of them and let them into heaven where they don't have to deal
with anything any more. That's how they define Heaven: No Longer Have
To Deal With.
At worst they want to be better able to control everyone to live
their lives for them so they take the reward while others take the risk.
They certainly don't want any mirrors in the room, even if they
aren't pointed at them.
An OT is a very dangerous thing. An OT can not be harmed, but as
self creator he is sure going to try. And they come armed with an
attitude and sense of AESTHETICS that would make any human being's hair
stand on end.
Run "Beautiful Evil" and "Evil Beauty" for a while if you want to
know what I mean.
More like "Beautiful Incomprehensibility" and "Incomprehensible
An OT is not an improved human being. An OT MAKES human beings and
AS them, throws himself into the pit.
An OT is a very dangerous thing to human beings. We can not, and
must not let the arena for producing OT's be constrained by human
beings, for those who are truly trying to become OT, and not just
better human beings, will burn us for it one day.
As Filbert said, only 1 in 10,000 want to become OT in this life
time. The rest want something else. Clear-L is for those 1 in 10,000.
Thus Homer is as Homer is. Dollar Signs and Newbies be damned.
May their fat keep the fire warm and crackly during our
Dark Night of the Soul.
Sun Feb 21 15:33:07 EST 2016
Homer Wilson Smith Clean Air, Clear Water, Art Matrix - Lightlink
(607) 277-0959 A Green Earth, and Peace, Internet, Ithaca NY
homer@lightlink.com Is that too much to ask? http://www.lightlink.com
HomerWSmith-L mailing list
One reason I am opposed to any one philosophy becoming The
Philosophy for the universe, is that all philosophies, to the degree that
they are stated in words, are wrong. It is impossible to have a
persisting philosophy that is not alter-ised in some fashion.
A Persisting Wrongness acts like an Anchor Point.
Having One Persisting Wrongness over the whole universe would
collapse all of space and time to a point that would not be an
It takes 4 persisting objects to have a space, a person with only 2
friends is sunk. A person with 3 friends will survive, as he makes the
So it takes a minimum of 4 persisting philosophies, competing with
each other in such a way as to never subsume each other, to allow space
and time to prosper and flourish. Each acts as an anchor point in the
space time arena.
The minute they all become One Philosophy, space and time
collapses, just as if all your anchor points melded into One Anchor
Now this applies to a.c.t. also. Presently it consists mostly of
Homer and Clear-l, and those that have joined Homer and Clear-L, and
reposts by Homer and Clear-l of other's work.
Yes there is some of other's work, but its all under Homer, Homer
Homer Homer Homer Homer.... yeccch. No wonder I am so irate.
Now if we had accept-l and trom-l and noodlezone-l and clear-l all
feeding independently into a.c.t., then, for one, everyone, would be
more motivated to read a.c.t rather than veg out on clear-l, and we
would have our much needed 4 independent spaces.
The single most deadly thing that will in fact destroy us all, not
only the freezone, is not Homer, but the newbie's propensity to hide out
on private lists seeking safe spaces and 'supportive environments'.
They want their own sorry covert suppressive assholes treated well.
There is no more dangerous solution than a safe solution, and there
is no more dangerous space than a safe space. Humans of course can not
understand this logic, it sounds dangerously cracked to them, they will
go to great measures to destroy those who consider it, but then such
humans are seeking a safe space.
The short term benefits of what they seek are illusory compared to
the long term disaster that awaits them from accumulated *LOUSY*
There is a safe space, its called Eternal Omni Sovereignty, but
I'll tell you something, that safe space is more dangerous than any
other space you can imagine, as it is the source of all dangerous
That space can and will cast dangerous spaces forever for free.
Now I have called a New Unit of Time for a while with Allen to see
what he and others really want a.c.t. and the internet to become.
It's more a Time Out while I get to reevaluate what every one is
And besides while Allen is cooled out, I get to sleep better.
But its REALLY unfair for people to want me to change on clear-l so
that they don't have to crawl out of their squirrel hole private lists
and come out in the open and be heard.
They want Homer to be polite so they can lurk or maybe put out a
pittance and not have their views trampled on.
David's comments to Mary added up to basically shut up. Jacobus's
comments to all of us added up to basically shut up and be polite.
This stems from ENORMOUS PTSness, PTSness that arises when we try
to win over people who are important to us, but who are real assholes,
people who won't come over to clearing unless clearing fits their
concept of a safe space, which is basically one where no one ever says
anything disturbing to them. Mainly no one holds a mirror up to them.
At best they want to become a well and happy Mud Puppy, one who
can once again behave properly so that God, or the powers that be, will
approve of them and let them into heaven where they don't have to deal
with anything any more. That's how they define Heaven: No Longer Have
To Deal With.
At worst they want to be better able to control everyone to live
their lives for them so they take the reward while others take the risk.
They certainly don't want any mirrors in the room, even if they
aren't pointed at them.
An OT is a very dangerous thing. An OT can not be harmed, but as
self creator he is sure going to try. And they come armed with an
attitude and sense of AESTHETICS that would make any human being's hair
stand on end.
Run "Beautiful Evil" and "Evil Beauty" for a while if you want to
know what I mean.
More like "Beautiful Incomprehensibility" and "Incomprehensible
An OT is not an improved human being. An OT MAKES human beings and
AS them, throws himself into the pit.
An OT is a very dangerous thing to human beings. We can not, and
must not let the arena for producing OT's be constrained by human
beings, for those who are truly trying to become OT, and not just
better human beings, will burn us for it one day.
As Filbert said, only 1 in 10,000 want to become OT in this life
time. The rest want something else. Clear-L is for those 1 in 10,000.
Thus Homer is as Homer is. Dollar Signs and Newbies be damned.
May their fat keep the fire warm and crackly during our
Dark Night of the Soul.
Sun Feb 21 15:33:07 EST 2016
Homer Wilson Smith Clean Air, Clear Water, Art Matrix - Lightlink
(607) 277-0959 A Green Earth, and Peace, Internet, Ithaca NY
homer@lightlink.com Is that too much to ask? http://www.lightlink.com
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