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Responsibility is:
Knowing willing cause with full awareness of the consequences.
Many disabilities in life are fair chosen to make one more able in
the presence of overwhelming suppression, lack of acceptance,
unwantedness, or other insanity where team mates are playing as
opponents, usually God, mom and dad :), but it goes way beyond this life
which resulted in our becoming bodies and not knowing we chose. Amnesia
of who we are is necessary to escape the inter galactic thought police :)
But amnesia is also fair chosen for those who are trying to escape
a detested immortality and prefer the illusion of upcoming death.
People then try to live as long as they can in their mortal body in
order to avoid the inevitable waking up to the detested immortality
again when they die.
Blame is finding fault on top of responsibility, you did it, and
you should have known better etc. Blame is a precursor to punishment.
Blaming another is failing one's self to take full responsibility
for the existence of the other in one's dream, and results in feeling
guilty later for blaming them, as one should have known better etc,
which results in self blame.
In other words one first blames others while DENYING one had
anything to do with the other being in one's dream or their actions,
then one blames self for having blamed others, for a god should know
better :)
Blaming other gods reduces one's own godhood, don't you see?
This results in a dwindling spiral and a very confused god unit.
He's feeling guilty for trying to make others feel guilty.
Two wrongs do not in fact make a right, committing crimes against
one self (feeling guilty) is not a sensible reaction to having committed
a crime against another (trying to make them feel guilty).
One however has to have a pan determined understanding that we all
have cause over each other, so to say to another 'you did that!', denies
that YOU caused them to do it too when viewed from a high enough level.
No one can do anything in your dream without your direct permission
for them to be in it, and your indirect causation in creating their
Thus spotting those that blamed you, and those you blamed, goes a
long ways towards releasing the debilitations that we saddle ourselves
with to make sure others feel good and guilty for whatever 'they did'.
Its all about obtaining justice AFTER considering that justice does
not reign absolutely at all times.
The correct definition of justice is you get what you postulate.
If you get something, you HAD to have had your hand it in
It's the denial of that hand that leads away from pan determinism,
where one can and is controlling both sides of the interaction, to self
determinism and eventually to other determinism which is mostly the game
of being a victim to the other's villain.
The victim then seeks heroes through sympathy and feigned
disability. This at first works to some extent, then does not work at
all, as the 'hero' tires of it, and finally the feigned symptoms become
physical and actual and cemented in place and can not be removed by
anything but auditing or the hangman's noose (death).
Also remember the being who is now succumbing to being a victim was
almost assuredly a villain in the far distant past, and so down deep he
is not quite sure he 'deserves' to be better. Someone does him wrong,
and HE feels guilty. There is the truth of a million lifetimes echoing
up the time track.
His failure to handle his own guilt from the past will lead him
away from handling other's guilt over him in the present, and he allows
others to walk on him.
When people like to chide others because 'its all in their head',
they mean the symptom's genesis is psychotraumatically generated by the
being to gain support from suppressive team mates, but eventually the
being loses control, and they can't get rid of the symptoms any more.
We are talking about near death experiences here, near death of the
body, heart, mind and soul, near death of the will to live. Only these
things can get a being to try to survive better by dying more.
Such psychotraumatic symptoms, psychosomatics if you will, are not
just hallucinated bad feelings, but in the end will recreate the
physical condition in the death engram that they are being stolen from,
thus one can and will die of them if they are not audited out.
Thus a being who can't stand dirty air any more, has a DEATH engram
wherein he died in dirty air and probably caused others to die in dirty
air, or his body has such engrams, and now he has that in total
restimulation such that if he takes one more breath of dirty air he will
fall over sides ways and expire.
Almost all physical troubles are psychotraumatic in origin, but
most people have no clue how or when or why they created them, and can
no longer believe they had any responsibility for them.
Remember the being is INFESTING the body full time, that alone is
enough to kill the body's will to live or damage it enough to cause the
body to become recalcitrant to any control. If the body can lie in bed
sick it will, rather than suffer the control of the child fighting its
Beings also miss the enormous pressure they were under to comply
with a psychotic society on many matters, from putrid religions to vile
war, and they have forgotten the computations they made that allowed
them to survive better by pretending to be sick, dead or dying.
They are trying to be more able to survive by being unable to
survive alone. That wins them help and gets the suppressive to lay off
in sympathy for a while.
I can't, comes from I won't, which comes from YOU MUST, but you
don't want to.
Or I MUST, comes from I want to, which is opposed by YOU CAN'T in
the presence of suppressive team mates on all 8 dynamics.
Thus auditing MUST and CAN'T on all flows and all dynamics can lead
into the core of the case that is killing your preclear.
The only reason feigned disability or suffering worked is because
other's were doing it too and since they now believed their own
symptoms, the child comes to believe his own also.
He can't shake it off because if he does he would have to admit he
was in zombie land, and that vision was too much to bear, so he
pretended the world was normal, but he was sick.
To the suppressive, everything done to you is nothing and
insignificant, and everything done to them is permanent and
When such wars between parent and child get going, which they
always do, the parent's feigned symptoms win over the child's feigned
symptoms, but the child eventually gets the parents back in their later
Auditing addresses these events of suppression and needing to be
sick, injured, disabled, or accident prone in order to better survive
around suppressive significant others.
How sick do you have to be before others will try to make you well?
If you were well, what would the negative consequences be?
How well could you become before others actively sought to
terminate you?
The being lives at that exact level of non survival that is safe,
between the rock of death, and the hard place of other's not wanting
them well, able and out spoken, let alone powerful and fearless in the
face of torture, death and the after life.
It's called the schmoo point, the being is being a schmoo, barely
surviving in life, overly dependent on others, consuming more than they
produce, quiet, not making waves, fearing consequences, and keeping all
the anger, rage, and fury inside them, where of course it turns into
body rot, or some other 'symptom.'
In the absence of good auditing, a being may never find the answer
to these questions or why he did it. In his next life he is still doing
it all over again and lower down on the tone scale in life.
The lesson to learn here is the only way to survive is to stand up
to suppression by being MORE able, not by being less able, even if you
have to kamikaze the fuckers to do it.
Get the idea of being a super nova.
The child has this choice, but he chooses to get sick rather than
kill everyone in sight, including himself, and yes it is a moment of
cowardice and fear of death and the after life.
However once a being has spotted the source of his downfall, he
won't be so wanton about making himself sick again to deal with
suppressive team mates, and he may very well take up kamikaze as a
life's ambition until the murderous rage has had it's out, or he finally
sees a better way.
Notice though that when asked 'How are you doing', the preclear who
says "I want to drown in the blood of my enemies" is way higher tone
than the guy who says "I am doing just fine thank you!"
He does love his suppressive teammates though, so there is some
hope for them once he is free of his fear of them.
But not much :)
Unless they come about, own up and grow up for real.
Wed Mar 2 00:49:55 EST 2011
Tue Nov 25 18:36:49 EST 2014
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Learning implies Learning with Certainty or Learning without Certainty.
Learning across a Distance implies Learning by Being an Effect.
Learning by Being an Effect implies Learning without Certainty.
Therefore, Learning with Certainty implies Learning,
but not by Being an Effect, and not across a Distance.
Version: GnuPG v1.4.5 (GNU/Linux)
HomerWSmith-L mailing list
Tuesday, November 24, 2020
Monday, November 23, 2020
ADORE734 (fwd)
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Typos corrected...
Chase is the core vein running through the center of your
preclear's GPM Stack holding them all together on his time track.
Chase is his reason to be and his present reason to not be.
By not being, he is trying to get others to chase him back into a
state of beingness.
A GPM is a Goals Problem Mass, and it is the mental wreckage left
behind during the time your preclear played out his many goals and the
problems he got into with them via opposing terminals (people).
One life he wanted to be a fisherman (chase fish) but the forest
ranger hated fisherman (chase fishermen), and that escalated into an all
out war in which both sides lost.
The GPM stack is the stack of all the goals your preclear has ever
had and won or lost or reached a mexican standoff and abandoned, all the
way up and down the whole track (beyond this life), past, present and
In his GPM stack you will find all his most detested terminals
strung out like little pearls down the track of goals and opposition
goals. Every goal eventually found an opposition goal and the person or
people who most opposed him became his most detested terminals.
As we shall see, this is where hells lie, one for each detested
terminal, because your preclear has never resolved his desire to make
nothing of his opposers FOREVER.
You can't make nothing out of another without making nothing out of
yourself, the brotherly bond is eternal and immutable.
Audit out chase, and the GPM stack will come apart, and you will
audit out everything that is wrong with your preclear.
A being natively can have in the mere conception of things.
Chase puts time between conception and having.
You get what you conceive, postulate, or consider, all the same
It's not that there is anything wrong with being able to have in
the mere conception of things, its that the being can conceive NOT being
able to have in the mere conception of things, and so he can have that
Chase makes a game out of having. You want something, well that's
not enough to get it, you have to DO something.
DOING is action.
Action is movement, a change in space and time, seeking a new
future state from a present state.
Time itself is movement, so moving in time is the first action.
Then the being moves in space also and we have a game.
If you are a physicist you consider that space and time are two
facets of the same thing, and so the being engages in movement in
Action is the dividing point between the top of the tone scale and
the bottom of the tone scale.
Both the top and bottom of the tone scale are native state above
and before space or time.
No space, no time, no movement, no manifestation, total sleep.
Too far above action there is no space or time, and too far below
action there is no space or time.
The only difference between native state at the top and native
state at the bottom is the being's consideration as to whether he is
cause or effect for being there.
All aberration is ENFORCED basic truth.
The bottom of the tone scale is enforced native state.
A being can and does make prime postulates at any time.
A prime postulate is a postulate utterly undetermined by anything
that has gone before in the game or his present state. It's kind of a
random injection into the scheme of things to keep things interesting.
Although a prime postulate can take on very specific targets of
operation, broadly speaking there are only two possible prime
I am cause or I am effect.
Thus at the bottom of the tone scale, the being is postulating that
he is the effect of everything. If he hangs out there long enough, he
is eventually bound to consider that he is cause of everything, and thus
find himself at the top of the tone scale.
A prime postulate is also necessary to wake the being up out of the
top of the tone scale and get him into manifestation hitting the floor
Prime postulates are also why a being can not possibly stay in a
hell forever. At some point in his yelling and screaming to die, he
considers 'you know I forgive Joe' and poof that hell ceases.
Of course primes can work the other way, one day he considers quite
out of the blue 'You know I am NEVER going to forgive Goober FOREVER'
and that creates a hell in his next step.
You can't get to heaven while cackling over someone else's
suffering in hell forever.
Hells are made of eternal disownership.
The disowner ends up there, not the disowned.
Forgiveness is letting go of the FOREVER, and actively trying to
integrate the being into your life as co benefactors.
For each being that you respect, love and want to help, take care
of, and interact with, and benefit from knowing, even if through
discipline, quarantine or outright punishment for a while, you have a
spark of heaven.
Heavens are made of the conscious light of those you have not
permanently disowned as your brother and for whom you still consider you
benefit from their existence and they benefit from yours.
For each being that you wish to suffer and be separate from you
FOREVER, you have a spark of hell.
The flames of hell rise high, think about it.
Games then depend upon action which depends on movement in space
and time. Generally the being causes movement through postulates,
considerations and effort (PU force), which we will broadly call DOING.
Games therefore consist of a conceived end state down the road of
space and time a ways, and a walk or dance (doing) to get there called
What you can do to win the game is limited by conceived of
conditions of existence which tell you what you can do and can't do, and
what might work and what won't.
If you hop the distance between wanting and having on your right
foot you won't win, if you hop on your left foot you will, except if you
trip for a moment at the wrong time, then you won't win but you might
get the booby prize.
A being can create the mix of doing and conditions to be as complex
or as simple as he wishes.
At the simple end, the being can have in the mere conception of
At the more complex end, the being can put as much space and time
and contortions between himself and the attainment or failure of his
goals that he wants. Creating an optimum game then is the goal of
An optimum game is one where the being does not lose out of the
gate over and over again, but neither does he win too easily. We are
trying to maximize high action and chase.
This combination of doing and conditions produces a game, which is
made of freedoms, barriers and purposes.
Freedoms are the ability to do.
Barriers are the conditions, the limitations and constraints on
And what you want to have in the end is the purpose.
Thus a being has a game.
Games can also have the possibility of failing to win, otherwise
they are just dances to the end goal.
And games can also have the (apparent) possibility of failing to
win FOREVER, in which case they are serious games.
("Apparencies are actuality" is at 26.0 on the tone scale. Below
26.0 seriousness sets in.)
Drama is seriousness, permanence, importance and pain.
Seriousness is the opposite of humor, particularly good humor.
Dramatization is bringing drama to a game.
Notice that in either case, if a game is lost or won, the GAME is
over, and so one has lost the havingness of the CHASE, and since chase
is more important than winning or losing the wiener one is chasing, one
needs to create another game of chase.
Notice that every action the being does to change his present state
to a future state is chase. Chase doesn't mean the end goal is running
away from you, it does mean you are chasing after it. Even sitting in
meditation trying to relax or attain enlightenment is chasing something
through space and time to an end state.
Every breath you take is chase.
Inventing games of chase then is an important ability of a being
that must not become degraded.
But in the conception of things, a being can consider that good
games of chase are hard to come by.
Thus the being starts to chase games of chase.
Since he has made a GAME of creating games of chase, he might lose,
and he also might lose FOREVER.
At which point he no longer has any more games of chase.
Thus he sinks into a kind of tar pit, as there is nothing left
worthwhile to do in life.
Living inside of space and time with nothing to do is a hell
At high action, the being is causing space and time to move
Below action, space and time are moving the being forward like a
tumble weed in the wind.
If only the tumble weed could find something to chase, it might get
its self respect and zest for life back.
The primary advantage to games of chase is ACTION, thrill,
adventure, surprise, delight, exhilaration, a chance to demonstrate
prowess, soaking up the glory from the roar of the crowd, and maybe
getting the girl in the end.
Hey worst case, you can sell her on ebay for No Reserve, By Now,
for 10 bucks.
You see HAVING the trophy is a moment of no action, no chase, no
movement in space or time, no operation of mastery, that's being in
native state all over again.
If you spot moments when your preclear won or lost a game big time,
you will find him spotting detested moments of native state because he
lost the GAME and its action. He wanted an endless volley and got the
trophy instead.
All that work to get half way down the tone scale into ACTION,
gone, and for what?
If you don't invent a new game of chase by morning, you will wake
up OLD, feeling in pain, and calling for your aspirin and daily enema.
Now a little known secret about beings is they can postulate
feeling anything they want regardless of what is going on.
So one doesn't actually have to be in high action chasing anything
big in order to FEEL the feelings one would feel if one were.
Get the idea of final triumph.
Get the idea of final defeat.
So since the purpose of life is to have some high action fun, one
can run the following little process to help rehabilitate the being's
ability to invent games of chase.
Have your preclear invent the smallest stupidest possible game of
chase he can conceive of, like walking over to the door and opening it.
Have him mock it up in toto, possibility of failure, possibility of
failure FOREVER, random prime postulates in the middle, god awful
consequences should he go down mid way, unthinkable rewards to everyone
everywhere if he should win.
Then get him to get up and execute his game of chase not knowing if
he is going to win or not.
While he is half way to the door, have him FEEL the full feelings
of a deadly serious game of chase, the power and the glory, the shame
and the fear. Have him mockup the feelings themselves so strong that
the feelings themselves make him stumble on his way.
We want him SHAKING.
Then when he finally reaches the door, have him consider randomly
that he either won or lost whatever he was going to the door for. Maybe
he got there too late, maybe it was the wrong door, maybe it was the
right door and he nailed it right on time, with microseconds to spare
with the crowd frozen on the edge of their seats or fainting in the
isles. Maybe he was a second too late and he made the catch anyhow.
Then have him invent another utterly silly useless game of chase
and do the whole thing all over again.
Do this until he can feel again as if he were in a real chase for
the continuance of existence everywhere.
Then get him to mock up a slightly more serious game of chase where
the possibility of failure is real. Go out and pick a girl at random
for him, and tell him to go ask her out for a date. Do this until he
doesn't care whether he wins or loses, but is smiling broadly no matter
what happens.
Beings will chase just about anything as long as they don't think
they will lose ALL the time. Your preclear has gone sour on chase, so
he won't chase any more. As long as your preclear KNOWS he will win
once in a while, even if it is only 10 percent of the time, he will be
able to enjoy the chase again more than the win.
At some point in this process, which may take many hours and days
and months, he will recover the last true game of chase he was playing,
which he was so afraid of losing the GAME by winning or losing the game,
that he refused to play it fully and kind of ducked it in the middle.
He will need to rehabilitate his ability to invent serious games of
chase until HAVING games of chase is no longer itself a game of chase.
At that point he will be able to continue playing full speed ahead the
game of chase he was last in, before it all went to tar.
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
Homer Wilson Smith The Paths of Lovers Art Matrix - Lightlink
(607) 277-0959 KC2ITF Cross Internet Access, Ithaca NY
homer@lightlink.com In the Line of Duty http://www.lightlink.com
Sat Mar 27 15:10:09 EDT 2010
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Sat Nov 21 12:00:04 EST 2020
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Learning implies Learning with Certainty or Learning without Certainty.
Learning across a Distance implies Learning by Being an Effect.
Learning by Being an Effect implies Learning without Certainty.
Therefore, Learning with Certainty implies Learning,
but not by Being an Effect, and not across a Distance.
Version: GnuPG v1.4.5 (GNU/Linux)
HomerWSmith-L mailing list
Hash: SHA1
Typos corrected...
Chase is the core vein running through the center of your
preclear's GPM Stack holding them all together on his time track.
Chase is his reason to be and his present reason to not be.
By not being, he is trying to get others to chase him back into a
state of beingness.
A GPM is a Goals Problem Mass, and it is the mental wreckage left
behind during the time your preclear played out his many goals and the
problems he got into with them via opposing terminals (people).
One life he wanted to be a fisherman (chase fish) but the forest
ranger hated fisherman (chase fishermen), and that escalated into an all
out war in which both sides lost.
The GPM stack is the stack of all the goals your preclear has ever
had and won or lost or reached a mexican standoff and abandoned, all the
way up and down the whole track (beyond this life), past, present and
In his GPM stack you will find all his most detested terminals
strung out like little pearls down the track of goals and opposition
goals. Every goal eventually found an opposition goal and the person or
people who most opposed him became his most detested terminals.
As we shall see, this is where hells lie, one for each detested
terminal, because your preclear has never resolved his desire to make
nothing of his opposers FOREVER.
You can't make nothing out of another without making nothing out of
yourself, the brotherly bond is eternal and immutable.
Audit out chase, and the GPM stack will come apart, and you will
audit out everything that is wrong with your preclear.
A being natively can have in the mere conception of things.
Chase puts time between conception and having.
You get what you conceive, postulate, or consider, all the same
It's not that there is anything wrong with being able to have in
the mere conception of things, its that the being can conceive NOT being
able to have in the mere conception of things, and so he can have that
Chase makes a game out of having. You want something, well that's
not enough to get it, you have to DO something.
DOING is action.
Action is movement, a change in space and time, seeking a new
future state from a present state.
Time itself is movement, so moving in time is the first action.
Then the being moves in space also and we have a game.
If you are a physicist you consider that space and time are two
facets of the same thing, and so the being engages in movement in
Action is the dividing point between the top of the tone scale and
the bottom of the tone scale.
Both the top and bottom of the tone scale are native state above
and before space or time.
No space, no time, no movement, no manifestation, total sleep.
Too far above action there is no space or time, and too far below
action there is no space or time.
The only difference between native state at the top and native
state at the bottom is the being's consideration as to whether he is
cause or effect for being there.
All aberration is ENFORCED basic truth.
The bottom of the tone scale is enforced native state.
A being can and does make prime postulates at any time.
A prime postulate is a postulate utterly undetermined by anything
that has gone before in the game or his present state. It's kind of a
random injection into the scheme of things to keep things interesting.
Although a prime postulate can take on very specific targets of
operation, broadly speaking there are only two possible prime
I am cause or I am effect.
Thus at the bottom of the tone scale, the being is postulating that
he is the effect of everything. If he hangs out there long enough, he
is eventually bound to consider that he is cause of everything, and thus
find himself at the top of the tone scale.
A prime postulate is also necessary to wake the being up out of the
top of the tone scale and get him into manifestation hitting the floor
Prime postulates are also why a being can not possibly stay in a
hell forever. At some point in his yelling and screaming to die, he
considers 'you know I forgive Joe' and poof that hell ceases.
Of course primes can work the other way, one day he considers quite
out of the blue 'You know I am NEVER going to forgive Goober FOREVER'
and that creates a hell in his next step.
You can't get to heaven while cackling over someone else's
suffering in hell forever.
Hells are made of eternal disownership.
The disowner ends up there, not the disowned.
Forgiveness is letting go of the FOREVER, and actively trying to
integrate the being into your life as co benefactors.
For each being that you respect, love and want to help, take care
of, and interact with, and benefit from knowing, even if through
discipline, quarantine or outright punishment for a while, you have a
spark of heaven.
Heavens are made of the conscious light of those you have not
permanently disowned as your brother and for whom you still consider you
benefit from their existence and they benefit from yours.
For each being that you wish to suffer and be separate from you
FOREVER, you have a spark of hell.
The flames of hell rise high, think about it.
Games then depend upon action which depends on movement in space
and time. Generally the being causes movement through postulates,
considerations and effort (PU force), which we will broadly call DOING.
Games therefore consist of a conceived end state down the road of
space and time a ways, and a walk or dance (doing) to get there called
What you can do to win the game is limited by conceived of
conditions of existence which tell you what you can do and can't do, and
what might work and what won't.
If you hop the distance between wanting and having on your right
foot you won't win, if you hop on your left foot you will, except if you
trip for a moment at the wrong time, then you won't win but you might
get the booby prize.
A being can create the mix of doing and conditions to be as complex
or as simple as he wishes.
At the simple end, the being can have in the mere conception of
At the more complex end, the being can put as much space and time
and contortions between himself and the attainment or failure of his
goals that he wants. Creating an optimum game then is the goal of
An optimum game is one where the being does not lose out of the
gate over and over again, but neither does he win too easily. We are
trying to maximize high action and chase.
This combination of doing and conditions produces a game, which is
made of freedoms, barriers and purposes.
Freedoms are the ability to do.
Barriers are the conditions, the limitations and constraints on
And what you want to have in the end is the purpose.
Thus a being has a game.
Games can also have the possibility of failing to win, otherwise
they are just dances to the end goal.
And games can also have the (apparent) possibility of failing to
win FOREVER, in which case they are serious games.
("Apparencies are actuality" is at 26.0 on the tone scale. Below
26.0 seriousness sets in.)
Drama is seriousness, permanence, importance and pain.
Seriousness is the opposite of humor, particularly good humor.
Dramatization is bringing drama to a game.
Notice that in either case, if a game is lost or won, the GAME is
over, and so one has lost the havingness of the CHASE, and since chase
is more important than winning or losing the wiener one is chasing, one
needs to create another game of chase.
Notice that every action the being does to change his present state
to a future state is chase. Chase doesn't mean the end goal is running
away from you, it does mean you are chasing after it. Even sitting in
meditation trying to relax or attain enlightenment is chasing something
through space and time to an end state.
Every breath you take is chase.
Inventing games of chase then is an important ability of a being
that must not become degraded.
But in the conception of things, a being can consider that good
games of chase are hard to come by.
Thus the being starts to chase games of chase.
Since he has made a GAME of creating games of chase, he might lose,
and he also might lose FOREVER.
At which point he no longer has any more games of chase.
Thus he sinks into a kind of tar pit, as there is nothing left
worthwhile to do in life.
Living inside of space and time with nothing to do is a hell
At high action, the being is causing space and time to move
Below action, space and time are moving the being forward like a
tumble weed in the wind.
If only the tumble weed could find something to chase, it might get
its self respect and zest for life back.
The primary advantage to games of chase is ACTION, thrill,
adventure, surprise, delight, exhilaration, a chance to demonstrate
prowess, soaking up the glory from the roar of the crowd, and maybe
getting the girl in the end.
Hey worst case, you can sell her on ebay for No Reserve, By Now,
for 10 bucks.
You see HAVING the trophy is a moment of no action, no chase, no
movement in space or time, no operation of mastery, that's being in
native state all over again.
If you spot moments when your preclear won or lost a game big time,
you will find him spotting detested moments of native state because he
lost the GAME and its action. He wanted an endless volley and got the
trophy instead.
All that work to get half way down the tone scale into ACTION,
gone, and for what?
If you don't invent a new game of chase by morning, you will wake
up OLD, feeling in pain, and calling for your aspirin and daily enema.
Now a little known secret about beings is they can postulate
feeling anything they want regardless of what is going on.
So one doesn't actually have to be in high action chasing anything
big in order to FEEL the feelings one would feel if one were.
Get the idea of final triumph.
Get the idea of final defeat.
So since the purpose of life is to have some high action fun, one
can run the following little process to help rehabilitate the being's
ability to invent games of chase.
Have your preclear invent the smallest stupidest possible game of
chase he can conceive of, like walking over to the door and opening it.
Have him mock it up in toto, possibility of failure, possibility of
failure FOREVER, random prime postulates in the middle, god awful
consequences should he go down mid way, unthinkable rewards to everyone
everywhere if he should win.
Then get him to get up and execute his game of chase not knowing if
he is going to win or not.
While he is half way to the door, have him FEEL the full feelings
of a deadly serious game of chase, the power and the glory, the shame
and the fear. Have him mockup the feelings themselves so strong that
the feelings themselves make him stumble on his way.
We want him SHAKING.
Then when he finally reaches the door, have him consider randomly
that he either won or lost whatever he was going to the door for. Maybe
he got there too late, maybe it was the wrong door, maybe it was the
right door and he nailed it right on time, with microseconds to spare
with the crowd frozen on the edge of their seats or fainting in the
isles. Maybe he was a second too late and he made the catch anyhow.
Then have him invent another utterly silly useless game of chase
and do the whole thing all over again.
Do this until he can feel again as if he were in a real chase for
the continuance of existence everywhere.
Then get him to mock up a slightly more serious game of chase where
the possibility of failure is real. Go out and pick a girl at random
for him, and tell him to go ask her out for a date. Do this until he
doesn't care whether he wins or loses, but is smiling broadly no matter
what happens.
Beings will chase just about anything as long as they don't think
they will lose ALL the time. Your preclear has gone sour on chase, so
he won't chase any more. As long as your preclear KNOWS he will win
once in a while, even if it is only 10 percent of the time, he will be
able to enjoy the chase again more than the win.
At some point in this process, which may take many hours and days
and months, he will recover the last true game of chase he was playing,
which he was so afraid of losing the GAME by winning or losing the game,
that he refused to play it fully and kind of ducked it in the middle.
He will need to rehabilitate his ability to invent serious games of
chase until HAVING games of chase is no longer itself a game of chase.
At that point he will be able to continue playing full speed ahead the
game of chase he was last in, before it all went to tar.
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
Homer Wilson Smith The Paths of Lovers Art Matrix - Lightlink
(607) 277-0959 KC2ITF Cross Internet Access, Ithaca NY
homer@lightlink.com In the Line of Duty http://www.lightlink.com
Sat Mar 27 15:10:09 EDT 2010
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Sat Nov 21 12:00:04 EST 2020
WEB: http://www.clearing.org
BLOG: http://adoretheproof.blogspot.com
FTP: ftp://ftp.lightlink.com/pub/archive/homer/adore734.memo
Send mail to archive@lightlink.com saying help in body
=========== http://www.lightlink.com/theproof ===============
Learning implies Learning with Certainty or Learning without Certainty.
Learning across a Distance implies Learning by Being an Effect.
Learning by Being an Effect implies Learning without Certainty.
Therefore, Learning with Certainty implies Learning,
but not by Being an Effect, and not across a Distance.
Version: GnuPG v1.4.5 (GNU/Linux)
HomerWSmith-L mailing list
ADORE986 (fwd)
Hash: SHA1
A situation, commonly called a sit, is the furthest departure from
an ideal scene.
A sit is a severe, important, game-of-life ruining, departure from
an ideal scene.
Too many severe 'sits' happening at the same time IS the definition
of a confusion.
Japs coming in at 12 o'olock, Gerries coming in at 6 o'clock,
hydrolics leaking oil, one engine on fire, and your wife nagging you on
the cell about being late for dinner.
The body/thetan composite has a preemptive death mechanism. If the
body is overwhelemingly pushed down tone with impending danger too fast,
it will preemptively die before it is actually killed. Thus knowing
that you are GOING to die can be enough to kill you.
If you have ever faced a tidal wave coming at you, and you know you
can't run fast enough, you know how fast the body can fade away long
before it is even touched.
The body will be dead even before the ocean is done pulling OUT
towards the continental shelf.
That's despair, right below terror, it is must run, can't run.
Such engrams of preemptive death are noted by the absolute
certainty that one WILL die, with the computation "so why bother doing
anything about it or suffering it?"
A self determined death is always better than an other determined
The preemptive death is painless, as it operates from numb on down
so fast there is no time to notice.
In most cases as the body starts to crash down tone through anger
into despair about impending mortal doom, it enters areas of out of
valence engramic solutions (antogonism down through covert hostility)
that it could use, except for zooming down tone past them too fast to
The bottom layer of engramic solutions, near death, are in valent
solutions PRETENDING preemptive death, and designed to gain sympathy on
the part of allies, and disinterest on the part of foes, since one is no
longer a 'danger'.
This won't work on a tidal wave, but it may work on mother.
Since these are a pretense near death, the being survives anyhow
and continues with this solution until well after it is useful any more.
He will feel sick, but is still in a must run, can't run, so is
exhausted all the time.
He will wake up dying because he is sitting down in an engram pool
of every death he, his body and all its entities have ever suffered.
Lots of options there :)
His *CASE* has become a sit, because it covers every unhandled sit
in his life.
When a child is born, its primary tone is 'baby joy', it has an
inherent sense of high self esteem and confidence in its ability to win
the games of life for itself and for others.
It knows there is danger, but that just adds to the thrill, the
baby has no concept of crushing defeat, or ruing the day he was born.
But the baby is also born with a huge number of dependencies, food,
shelter, nuturance, communication, education, touch, interaction with
something more intelligence than it has, etc.
In return it determines to damn well contribute in like kind to
those who are filling those dependencies and looks forward to the game
of doing so.
Mother is the name of God on the lips of babies, and he feels he
has got the best mother ever!
The baby may not be able to do much for mother in its first years,
but wait until mother is 80 years old, then the power of the baby to
serve and protect is a force to contend with.
The mind of the baby and the adult is designed to solve and resolve
That is not a small statement because by problem we mean SIT, and
by SIT we mean a SERIOUS life threatening departure from an ideal scene.
The baby can not do much of anything in the first few years and it
knows this, and so it invests in its dependency lines to make sure it
can grow big enough, skilled enough, and smart enough FAST ENOUGH to
start pulling its own weight.
However if those dependency lines are psychotic, absent, non
functional, or directly opposed to the survival of the baby or to its
concept of what a is sit or isn't, then the baby becomes swamped in
artifical sits, as its own team mates are its own worst enemy.
Mommy, rather than being over joyed to have a new best friend in
the universe who will defend her to the death, becomes terrified and
wishes the baby dead 24x7.
"What am I ever going to do with a baby?"
Mother brings flowers of "I love you!", but something just
doesn't smell right.
She may feed the baby but the food will come missing a few
emotional vitamins so to speak, or she may neglect and forget the baby
as non existent as often as possible, so sometimes it doens't get fed,
or she may attack it directly with violence, suffocation, and near death
attempts, including attempted abortions or suicide efforts before it is
even born.
Very early on then, the child may enter an moment where it
perceives so many sits coming at it from all o'clocks that its body one
day suddenly and without warning, starts into a preemptive death dive.
If the baby is lucky it may hold to a sympathy engram just before
death and sway the forces to go around him.
There is nothing like a sick, coughing, vomiting and wailing baby
to get mother to try to take care of it whether she wants to or not, the
natural mother is called into play. The second the baby gets well
however, the witch bitch comes back and into the maelstrom we go again.
If the baby is not lucky, it will simply die of the preemptive
death dive, and you will find this kind of incident on the whole track
of just about any case, both as the baby and as the mother doing it to
her baby.
Sometimes sons do it to their mothers too later in their life.
Some people have even died in this life time, and been resurrected,
boy are they a bitch to audit, as the ally in the engram is the same
being as the person who tried to kill it.
This involvement in near death engrams in order to survive has
historically been called the service facsimile chain, because it is
using IN VALENCE damage to survive better by getting others to lay off
or cooperate.
Its purpose is to get those dependency lines working properly.
The purpose of the parent is to protect the baby from sits, at
least until it is old enough to deal with sits on its own.
Notice I said protect from the sit, not protect from KNOWING ABOUT
the sit. The child should be allowed to know about all sits and raiding
hoards coming over the hills available to him, so he can spend his
formative years determining which sits on the planet will be his to
handle and so become facile in his abilities to do so.
What will you do on the planet today?
Mother's who insist that their child not know anything bad the way
she has chosen to not know and make nothing of everything bad, will
create a child that considers HER the enemy.
Atomic war has matricide as its base.
And the parent that IS the sit to the baby is protecting it from
nothing and adding to the number of direct sits that the baby is
experiencing and trying to handle AS A BABY, all the while mother is
hoping it won't or can't.
Childhood should not be an endless string of adult sits.
The child should be protected and allowed to observe these sits and
how adults handle them, so he can learn how to handle sits himself later
in life.
The child's very survival AS A CHILD should not depend on the child
having to handle them all himself AS A CHILD.
When the lone child slips and falls in the blood while running to
call the hospital because mama has overdosed on some drug after slitting
her wrists, something is wrong.
The service fac chain then is used to hold back the confusion of
TOO MANY SITS suddenly going on at one time, each one life threatening,
usually amongst the baby's own team mates, with the perception that
there is no hope to survive it without help.
The mother makes an eggnog for the baby, but before it gets to the
baby, mother throws it at father glass and all.
The HELP as become the sit.
The service fac changes the awarness of NO HELP to NOTHING GOING
And there is no worse hell than when the help are all nuts,
dramatizing or computing psychotics.
The PROBLEM to case gain is that the child has its natural goals to
pursue if it is to feel joy and exuberance in the good fight for
survival against the universe at large.
And those NATURAL SITS that produce joy upon contemplation because
he KNOWS he can do something about them, and he is going to damn well
die trying, be a hero for his mother in otherwords, who will admire him
even in death, get buried in the unnatural sits provided by its crazy
And when mother no longer admires the hero in the little boy,
handling the natural sits becomes NOT WORTHWHILE, you might get killed
or worse? What's the pay back?
The coin of the realm is mother's admiration.
Thus when the child gets older and is able to stand up and start
the fight against the things that are seriously wrong with the world,
and where the being's joy lines really lie, his passsions, skills and
honed talents, he can't even remember what they were, because the basic
compution of the service fac is 'Nothing there', 'Nothing going on',
'Nothing important'.
All his life he feels like he just came home from the dentist
filled with novocain and he can't even remember his own name.
And if he is just still enough, his mother or whatever won't eat
So he forays out into the world to conquer the universe BY BEING
The way to win is to have lost out of the gate.
Run it R3RSC.
Or better yet,
"Get the idea of NO SIT."
"Get the idea of SOME SIT."
You can't run the overts without the motivators, don't even try.
And you can't run the motivators without the overts.
And remember what the baby suffered from a mother in this life is
NOT balanced by what the baby did to a mother, but by what the baby did
AS a mother to its own baby in a past or future life.
11/30/15 Monday 12:01am EST Ithaca, NY
Mon Nov 30 00:02:02 EST 2015
================ http://www.clearing.org ====================
Wed Nov 18 12:00:04 EST 2020
WEB: http://www.clearing.org
BLOG: http://adoretheproof.blogspot.com
FTP: ftp://ftp.lightlink.com/pub/archive/homer/adore986.memo
Send mail to archive@lightlink.com saying help in body
=========== http://www.lightlink.com/theproof ===============
Learning implies Learning with Certainty or Learning without Certainty.
Learning across a Distance implies Learning by Being an Effect.
Learning by Being an Effect implies Learning without Certainty.
Therefore, Learning with Certainty implies Learning,
but not by Being an Effect, and not across a Distance.
Version: GnuPG v1.4.5 (GNU/Linux)
HomerWSmith-L mailing list
Hash: SHA1
A situation, commonly called a sit, is the furthest departure from
an ideal scene.
A sit is a severe, important, game-of-life ruining, departure from
an ideal scene.
Too many severe 'sits' happening at the same time IS the definition
of a confusion.
Japs coming in at 12 o'olock, Gerries coming in at 6 o'clock,
hydrolics leaking oil, one engine on fire, and your wife nagging you on
the cell about being late for dinner.
The body/thetan composite has a preemptive death mechanism. If the
body is overwhelemingly pushed down tone with impending danger too fast,
it will preemptively die before it is actually killed. Thus knowing
that you are GOING to die can be enough to kill you.
If you have ever faced a tidal wave coming at you, and you know you
can't run fast enough, you know how fast the body can fade away long
before it is even touched.
The body will be dead even before the ocean is done pulling OUT
towards the continental shelf.
That's despair, right below terror, it is must run, can't run.
Such engrams of preemptive death are noted by the absolute
certainty that one WILL die, with the computation "so why bother doing
anything about it or suffering it?"
A self determined death is always better than an other determined
The preemptive death is painless, as it operates from numb on down
so fast there is no time to notice.
In most cases as the body starts to crash down tone through anger
into despair about impending mortal doom, it enters areas of out of
valence engramic solutions (antogonism down through covert hostility)
that it could use, except for zooming down tone past them too fast to
The bottom layer of engramic solutions, near death, are in valent
solutions PRETENDING preemptive death, and designed to gain sympathy on
the part of allies, and disinterest on the part of foes, since one is no
longer a 'danger'.
This won't work on a tidal wave, but it may work on mother.
Since these are a pretense near death, the being survives anyhow
and continues with this solution until well after it is useful any more.
He will feel sick, but is still in a must run, can't run, so is
exhausted all the time.
He will wake up dying because he is sitting down in an engram pool
of every death he, his body and all its entities have ever suffered.
Lots of options there :)
His *CASE* has become a sit, because it covers every unhandled sit
in his life.
When a child is born, its primary tone is 'baby joy', it has an
inherent sense of high self esteem and confidence in its ability to win
the games of life for itself and for others.
It knows there is danger, but that just adds to the thrill, the
baby has no concept of crushing defeat, or ruing the day he was born.
But the baby is also born with a huge number of dependencies, food,
shelter, nuturance, communication, education, touch, interaction with
something more intelligence than it has, etc.
In return it determines to damn well contribute in like kind to
those who are filling those dependencies and looks forward to the game
of doing so.
Mother is the name of God on the lips of babies, and he feels he
has got the best mother ever!
The baby may not be able to do much for mother in its first years,
but wait until mother is 80 years old, then the power of the baby to
serve and protect is a force to contend with.
The mind of the baby and the adult is designed to solve and resolve
That is not a small statement because by problem we mean SIT, and
by SIT we mean a SERIOUS life threatening departure from an ideal scene.
The baby can not do much of anything in the first few years and it
knows this, and so it invests in its dependency lines to make sure it
can grow big enough, skilled enough, and smart enough FAST ENOUGH to
start pulling its own weight.
However if those dependency lines are psychotic, absent, non
functional, or directly opposed to the survival of the baby or to its
concept of what a is sit or isn't, then the baby becomes swamped in
artifical sits, as its own team mates are its own worst enemy.
Mommy, rather than being over joyed to have a new best friend in
the universe who will defend her to the death, becomes terrified and
wishes the baby dead 24x7.
"What am I ever going to do with a baby?"
Mother brings flowers of "I love you!", but something just
doesn't smell right.
She may feed the baby but the food will come missing a few
emotional vitamins so to speak, or she may neglect and forget the baby
as non existent as often as possible, so sometimes it doens't get fed,
or she may attack it directly with violence, suffocation, and near death
attempts, including attempted abortions or suicide efforts before it is
even born.
Very early on then, the child may enter an moment where it
perceives so many sits coming at it from all o'clocks that its body one
day suddenly and without warning, starts into a preemptive death dive.
If the baby is lucky it may hold to a sympathy engram just before
death and sway the forces to go around him.
There is nothing like a sick, coughing, vomiting and wailing baby
to get mother to try to take care of it whether she wants to or not, the
natural mother is called into play. The second the baby gets well
however, the witch bitch comes back and into the maelstrom we go again.
If the baby is not lucky, it will simply die of the preemptive
death dive, and you will find this kind of incident on the whole track
of just about any case, both as the baby and as the mother doing it to
her baby.
Sometimes sons do it to their mothers too later in their life.
Some people have even died in this life time, and been resurrected,
boy are they a bitch to audit, as the ally in the engram is the same
being as the person who tried to kill it.
This involvement in near death engrams in order to survive has
historically been called the service facsimile chain, because it is
using IN VALENCE damage to survive better by getting others to lay off
or cooperate.
Its purpose is to get those dependency lines working properly.
The purpose of the parent is to protect the baby from sits, at
least until it is old enough to deal with sits on its own.
Notice I said protect from the sit, not protect from KNOWING ABOUT
the sit. The child should be allowed to know about all sits and raiding
hoards coming over the hills available to him, so he can spend his
formative years determining which sits on the planet will be his to
handle and so become facile in his abilities to do so.
What will you do on the planet today?
Mother's who insist that their child not know anything bad the way
she has chosen to not know and make nothing of everything bad, will
create a child that considers HER the enemy.
Atomic war has matricide as its base.
And the parent that IS the sit to the baby is protecting it from
nothing and adding to the number of direct sits that the baby is
experiencing and trying to handle AS A BABY, all the while mother is
hoping it won't or can't.
Childhood should not be an endless string of adult sits.
The child should be protected and allowed to observe these sits and
how adults handle them, so he can learn how to handle sits himself later
in life.
The child's very survival AS A CHILD should not depend on the child
having to handle them all himself AS A CHILD.
When the lone child slips and falls in the blood while running to
call the hospital because mama has overdosed on some drug after slitting
her wrists, something is wrong.
The service fac chain then is used to hold back the confusion of
TOO MANY SITS suddenly going on at one time, each one life threatening,
usually amongst the baby's own team mates, with the perception that
there is no hope to survive it without help.
The mother makes an eggnog for the baby, but before it gets to the
baby, mother throws it at father glass and all.
The HELP as become the sit.
The service fac changes the awarness of NO HELP to NOTHING GOING
And there is no worse hell than when the help are all nuts,
dramatizing or computing psychotics.
The PROBLEM to case gain is that the child has its natural goals to
pursue if it is to feel joy and exuberance in the good fight for
survival against the universe at large.
And those NATURAL SITS that produce joy upon contemplation because
he KNOWS he can do something about them, and he is going to damn well
die trying, be a hero for his mother in otherwords, who will admire him
even in death, get buried in the unnatural sits provided by its crazy
And when mother no longer admires the hero in the little boy,
handling the natural sits becomes NOT WORTHWHILE, you might get killed
or worse? What's the pay back?
The coin of the realm is mother's admiration.
Thus when the child gets older and is able to stand up and start
the fight against the things that are seriously wrong with the world,
and where the being's joy lines really lie, his passsions, skills and
honed talents, he can't even remember what they were, because the basic
compution of the service fac is 'Nothing there', 'Nothing going on',
'Nothing important'.
All his life he feels like he just came home from the dentist
filled with novocain and he can't even remember his own name.
And if he is just still enough, his mother or whatever won't eat
So he forays out into the world to conquer the universe BY BEING
The way to win is to have lost out of the gate.
Run it R3RSC.
Or better yet,
"Get the idea of NO SIT."
"Get the idea of SOME SIT."
You can't run the overts without the motivators, don't even try.
And you can't run the motivators without the overts.
And remember what the baby suffered from a mother in this life is
NOT balanced by what the baby did to a mother, but by what the baby did
AS a mother to its own baby in a past or future life.
11/30/15 Monday 12:01am EST Ithaca, NY
Mon Nov 30 00:02:02 EST 2015
================ http://www.clearing.org ====================
Wed Nov 18 12:00:04 EST 2020
WEB: http://www.clearing.org
BLOG: http://adoretheproof.blogspot.com
FTP: ftp://ftp.lightlink.com/pub/archive/homer/adore986.memo
Send mail to archive@lightlink.com saying help in body
=========== http://www.lightlink.com/theproof ===============
Learning implies Learning with Certainty or Learning without Certainty.
Learning across a Distance implies Learning by Being an Effect.
Learning by Being an Effect implies Learning without Certainty.
Therefore, Learning with Certainty implies Learning,
but not by Being an Effect, and not across a Distance.
Version: GnuPG v1.4.5 (GNU/Linux)
HomerWSmith-L mailing list
ADORE411 (fwd)
Hash: SHA1
12/11/06 Monday 2:25pm EST
We define actuality as that which is true and reality as that which
we think is true, what is real to us, that which is apparently true.
There is only one actuality, there are many realities, one for
every being.
At the top actuality and reality are in accord, this is native
As we come down the tone scale, the being diverges reality from
actuality, as the static creates illusions of kinetics for game play,
but the being retains awareness he is doing this. Reality is a created
tapestry of art work.
At 26.0, Apparencies are Actuality, on the tone scale, the being
commits to his reality and considers it actuality.
The Creator becomes Creature.
Bye bye As-isness.
This creates persistence, and drama, it allows the game to be
played no longer knowing it is a game or who or what created it.
Space and time dimensionality are the game playing field.
If A and B are two different objects, and if A can not influence B,
and A can not influence anything that can influence B, then any changes
that B undergoes are irrelevant to the nature of A, and thus can
provide B no learning about A.
We the fundamental theorem of learning from The Proof, which tells
us that if A and B are two different objects, the only way B can learn
about A is for A be cause over B and have an effect on B. This effect
on B IS whatever learning is available to B about A.
If there is no cause of A over B, if B does not change state in any
way because of A, then B can not learn anything at all about A.
We also know that this process of B learning by being an effect of
A is called referent and symbol. A is the alleged referent, and B
becomes the symbol for A in that B was allegedly caused to change state
by A.
We also know that it is impossible to attain certainty of the
referent by looking at or being a symbol.
In other words learning about A by looking at B produces theory
Thus there can be no certainty between two different objects.
The definition of DIMENSION is an extension in any direction away
from scalar dimensionlessness.
An extension is a line of more than one different position in space
and/or time that allow objects to be separate from each other.
For example one object is here, and the other is there, two feet
If A and B are at two different points along any given extension,
Thus if A and B are located at two different points along any
extension in any dimension, the only way B and learn about A is by being
the effect of A. We have already shown this does not lead to certainty
on the part of B about A, but only to theory.
If A is on a different extension point than B, then not only can B
not learn anything with certainty about A, B can't even learn anything
with certainty about the extension point that A is on, INCLUDING WHETHER
Two different extension points means two different objects, means
no learning with certainty.
Thus if dimensionality were actual no one could ever learn about it
for certain. Dimensionality, because it puts separation between the
learner and the learned about, must forever remain a theory.
Now in our consciousness of the world around us, we clearly see our
visual color forms spread about 3 spatial dimensions.
We call this process LOOKING, and we divide it into 3 different
The LOOKER is the agent conscious being, the I AM, I CARE, I KNOW I
WANT, and I DO that is looking through the LOOKED THROUGH at the LOOKED
The LOOKED AT is the panoply of color forms that the LOOKER sees
around him, and which he, as game player, takes to be representations of
an alleged external physical universe that apparently contains him.
Because his conscious color forms are used to represent objects in
the physical universe, the color forms are symbols and the physical
universe objects are referents.
The conscious symbols are certain, the physical referents are
The looked through is the apparency of space between the looker and
the looked at.
Above 26.0 Apparencies are Actuality on the tone scale, the being
is quite aware that the looker and the looked at are actual, but that
the looked through is an illusion. Further the being knows that the
self luminous color forms in his conscious TV screen are created as
symbols to refer to external physical universe objects which don't
actually exist.
He knows he is dreaming.
It's like this, picture a unicorn. You can see the looker, the
looked through and the looked at quite well, but its all in your
consciousness, there is no actual unicorn out there.
Likewise when we are sleep dreaming, we see full well a symbol
panoply representing an external world, one can even sit down at the
dream piano and play it, but there is no such external world as we
realize when we wake up. It was conscious renditions only, hooked
together to act as if they were caused by an external agent.
Below 26.0 on the tone scale, the being takes his symbol panoply of
color forms quite seriously, and considers that they represent an
external universe that is actually OUT THERE.
He believes that because he sees space, there must BE space.
He no longer knows he is dreaming.
Worse he takes the actuality of his conscious color forms and
assigns that actuality to the alleged physical universe objects that
they represent, thus considering his consciousness nothing, and the
physical universe something.
'Objective' means everything but his conscious experience.
Worse he takes his CERTAINTY of his conscoius color forms, and
again assigns it to the alleged physical universe objects, and considers
that he is uncertain he exists, but is very certain the physical
universe exists, which it doesn't except as a dream in his own mind.
Thus he is operating completely inverted, and his personal
integrity is buried in corruption, temptation and seduction.
Don't worry, be happy, its intentional and necessary to serious
game play.
Now the primary quality of the physical universe is DIMENSIONALITY.
That means every object in it is a different object than every
other object because they all exist at different places in space and
That means not only can no object in the alleged physical universe
ever be certain of any other object, but the being himself can never be
certain of any of them either!
The being can not be certain of anything in the physical universe,
including whether or not it exists, for the exact same reason that a
machine can't be certain of anything, learning by being an effect.
The machine has to change state as the result of some alleged cause
out there, and thus can only theorize about the nature or existence of
that cause. And the being is doing the same thing by allowing his
conscious renditions to be the effect of the same alleged external
physical universe.
He 'sees' the alleged external universe through his conscious color
forms, and thus is using them as a caused symbol referring back to the
alleged physical universe as causing referent.
The being is certain of his conscious renditions (symbols), but not
of what he claims they represent, as one can not be certain of a
referent by looking at a symbol.
In fact by trying to learn about the physical universe by letting
his consciousness be the effect of it, he is as if BEING A MACHINE!
But being a machine is all anyone can be when learning about
something that is a different object than himself.
Thus anywhere you have A and B are two different objects, whether
or not B is a physical universe object or another conscious being, B can
never be certain of A no matter what.
The only way B can be certain of A is if A and B are one and the
same object, and perceive cause and effect as the same event.
In other words the learner and learned about, the looker and the
looked at, are one and the same event. This produces self luminous
consciousness, with perfect certainty of both cause and effect at the
same time in the same event.
Rather than having cause and effect, we have causeeffect.
We call these conscoius events of learning self luminous, self
symbolizing, and or self referencing. All mean the same thing.
No separation between looker and looked at, between learner and
learned about. That means no separation in space or time, OR IN ANY
From the above we can conclude the following.
If dimensionality were actual, no one would ever be able to know
it, because you could never see it.
Machines are forever blind, dark inside, because they are trying to
look out into dimensional extension. But they can only do so by
receiving an effect WHERE THEY ARE, the cause out there is never
directly perceived.
The conscious looker can directly perceive the conscious looked at
(color forms).
Since we can see our own consciousness, namely the looker, the
looked through and the looked at, with certainty, it must follow that
our own consciousness is non dimensional. This implies that the looked
through is an illusion, and that the looker and looked at are one and
the same object.
In other words the process of conscious seeing is not a dimensional
process of being an effect of some other cause, but a process of non
dimensional causeeffect. Such a process crosses no space and takes up
no time.
In other words if you can see it, it can't be separated from you,
The looked through is an illusion, for if it weren't, you would
never be able to see with certainty the looked at on the far side of the
looked through.
This can be summed up as the static creates illusions of kinetics
and dimensionality in its own static and non dimensional substrate.
The static can conceive and perceive conscious renditions of as
many dimension as it wishs, perhaps even an infinite number, but they
remain forever virtual reality dreams in a static and non dimensional
actuality, the static substrate, the non physical 'stuff' of which the
static is 'made'.
Those who confuse actualities with virtual realities are "What's
the difference"? cases, but are also playing the game below 26.0 on the
tone scale, so can not be faulted for this error. If you get them back
up above 26.0 on the tone scale, the game they are playing will dissolve
from play mode back to create mode.
They may not appreciate what you have done, beings who are enjoying
a good dream don't like to be woken up.
However somewhere down around fear they will probably be more
In fact they are depending on you to do it.
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
Homer Wilson Smith The Paths of Lovers Art Matrix - Lightlink
(607) 277-0959 KC2ITF Cross Internet Access, Ithaca NY
homer@lightlink.com In the Line of Duty http://www.lightlink.com
Mon Dec 11 01:42:20 EST 2006
================ http://www.clearing.org ====================
Tue Nov 17 12:00:04 EST 2020
WEB: http://www.clearing.org
BLOG: http://adoretheproof.blogspot.com
FTP: ftp://ftp.lightlink.com/pub/archive/homer/adore411.memo
Send mail to archive@lightlink.com saying help in body
=========== http://www.lightlink.com/theproof ===============
Learning implies Learning with Certainty or Learning without Certainty.
Learning across a Distance implies Learning by Being an Effect.
Learning by Being an Effect implies Learning without Certainty.
Therefore, Learning with Certainty implies Learning,
but not by Being an Effect, and not across a Distance.
Version: GnuPG v1.4.5 (GNU/Linux)
HomerWSmith-L mailing list
HomerWSmith-L mailing list
Hash: SHA1
12/11/06 Monday 2:25pm EST
We define actuality as that which is true and reality as that which
we think is true, what is real to us, that which is apparently true.
There is only one actuality, there are many realities, one for
every being.
At the top actuality and reality are in accord, this is native
As we come down the tone scale, the being diverges reality from
actuality, as the static creates illusions of kinetics for game play,
but the being retains awareness he is doing this. Reality is a created
tapestry of art work.
At 26.0, Apparencies are Actuality, on the tone scale, the being
commits to his reality and considers it actuality.
The Creator becomes Creature.
Bye bye As-isness.
This creates persistence, and drama, it allows the game to be
played no longer knowing it is a game or who or what created it.
Space and time dimensionality are the game playing field.
If A and B are two different objects, and if A can not influence B,
and A can not influence anything that can influence B, then any changes
that B undergoes are irrelevant to the nature of A, and thus can
provide B no learning about A.
We the fundamental theorem of learning from The Proof, which tells
us that if A and B are two different objects, the only way B can learn
about A is for A be cause over B and have an effect on B. This effect
on B IS whatever learning is available to B about A.
If there is no cause of A over B, if B does not change state in any
way because of A, then B can not learn anything at all about A.
We also know that this process of B learning by being an effect of
A is called referent and symbol. A is the alleged referent, and B
becomes the symbol for A in that B was allegedly caused to change state
by A.
We also know that it is impossible to attain certainty of the
referent by looking at or being a symbol.
In other words learning about A by looking at B produces theory
Thus there can be no certainty between two different objects.
The definition of DIMENSION is an extension in any direction away
from scalar dimensionlessness.
An extension is a line of more than one different position in space
and/or time that allow objects to be separate from each other.
For example one object is here, and the other is there, two feet
If A and B are at two different points along any given extension,
Thus if A and B are located at two different points along any
extension in any dimension, the only way B and learn about A is by being
the effect of A. We have already shown this does not lead to certainty
on the part of B about A, but only to theory.
If A is on a different extension point than B, then not only can B
not learn anything with certainty about A, B can't even learn anything
with certainty about the extension point that A is on, INCLUDING WHETHER
Two different extension points means two different objects, means
no learning with certainty.
Thus if dimensionality were actual no one could ever learn about it
for certain. Dimensionality, because it puts separation between the
learner and the learned about, must forever remain a theory.
Now in our consciousness of the world around us, we clearly see our
visual color forms spread about 3 spatial dimensions.
We call this process LOOKING, and we divide it into 3 different
The LOOKER is the agent conscious being, the I AM, I CARE, I KNOW I
WANT, and I DO that is looking through the LOOKED THROUGH at the LOOKED
The LOOKED AT is the panoply of color forms that the LOOKER sees
around him, and which he, as game player, takes to be representations of
an alleged external physical universe that apparently contains him.
Because his conscious color forms are used to represent objects in
the physical universe, the color forms are symbols and the physical
universe objects are referents.
The conscious symbols are certain, the physical referents are
The looked through is the apparency of space between the looker and
the looked at.
Above 26.0 Apparencies are Actuality on the tone scale, the being
is quite aware that the looker and the looked at are actual, but that
the looked through is an illusion. Further the being knows that the
self luminous color forms in his conscious TV screen are created as
symbols to refer to external physical universe objects which don't
actually exist.
He knows he is dreaming.
It's like this, picture a unicorn. You can see the looker, the
looked through and the looked at quite well, but its all in your
consciousness, there is no actual unicorn out there.
Likewise when we are sleep dreaming, we see full well a symbol
panoply representing an external world, one can even sit down at the
dream piano and play it, but there is no such external world as we
realize when we wake up. It was conscious renditions only, hooked
together to act as if they were caused by an external agent.
Below 26.0 on the tone scale, the being takes his symbol panoply of
color forms quite seriously, and considers that they represent an
external universe that is actually OUT THERE.
He believes that because he sees space, there must BE space.
He no longer knows he is dreaming.
Worse he takes the actuality of his conscious color forms and
assigns that actuality to the alleged physical universe objects that
they represent, thus considering his consciousness nothing, and the
physical universe something.
'Objective' means everything but his conscious experience.
Worse he takes his CERTAINTY of his conscoius color forms, and
again assigns it to the alleged physical universe objects, and considers
that he is uncertain he exists, but is very certain the physical
universe exists, which it doesn't except as a dream in his own mind.
Thus he is operating completely inverted, and his personal
integrity is buried in corruption, temptation and seduction.
Don't worry, be happy, its intentional and necessary to serious
game play.
Now the primary quality of the physical universe is DIMENSIONALITY.
That means every object in it is a different object than every
other object because they all exist at different places in space and
That means not only can no object in the alleged physical universe
ever be certain of any other object, but the being himself can never be
certain of any of them either!
The being can not be certain of anything in the physical universe,
including whether or not it exists, for the exact same reason that a
machine can't be certain of anything, learning by being an effect.
The machine has to change state as the result of some alleged cause
out there, and thus can only theorize about the nature or existence of
that cause. And the being is doing the same thing by allowing his
conscious renditions to be the effect of the same alleged external
physical universe.
He 'sees' the alleged external universe through his conscious color
forms, and thus is using them as a caused symbol referring back to the
alleged physical universe as causing referent.
The being is certain of his conscious renditions (symbols), but not
of what he claims they represent, as one can not be certain of a
referent by looking at a symbol.
In fact by trying to learn about the physical universe by letting
his consciousness be the effect of it, he is as if BEING A MACHINE!
But being a machine is all anyone can be when learning about
something that is a different object than himself.
Thus anywhere you have A and B are two different objects, whether
or not B is a physical universe object or another conscious being, B can
never be certain of A no matter what.
The only way B can be certain of A is if A and B are one and the
same object, and perceive cause and effect as the same event.
In other words the learner and learned about, the looker and the
looked at, are one and the same event. This produces self luminous
consciousness, with perfect certainty of both cause and effect at the
same time in the same event.
Rather than having cause and effect, we have causeeffect.
We call these conscoius events of learning self luminous, self
symbolizing, and or self referencing. All mean the same thing.
No separation between looker and looked at, between learner and
learned about. That means no separation in space or time, OR IN ANY
From the above we can conclude the following.
If dimensionality were actual, no one would ever be able to know
it, because you could never see it.
Machines are forever blind, dark inside, because they are trying to
look out into dimensional extension. But they can only do so by
receiving an effect WHERE THEY ARE, the cause out there is never
directly perceived.
The conscious looker can directly perceive the conscious looked at
(color forms).
Since we can see our own consciousness, namely the looker, the
looked through and the looked at, with certainty, it must follow that
our own consciousness is non dimensional. This implies that the looked
through is an illusion, and that the looker and looked at are one and
the same object.
In other words the process of conscious seeing is not a dimensional
process of being an effect of some other cause, but a process of non
dimensional causeeffect. Such a process crosses no space and takes up
no time.
In other words if you can see it, it can't be separated from you,
The looked through is an illusion, for if it weren't, you would
never be able to see with certainty the looked at on the far side of the
looked through.
This can be summed up as the static creates illusions of kinetics
and dimensionality in its own static and non dimensional substrate.
The static can conceive and perceive conscious renditions of as
many dimension as it wishs, perhaps even an infinite number, but they
remain forever virtual reality dreams in a static and non dimensional
actuality, the static substrate, the non physical 'stuff' of which the
static is 'made'.
Those who confuse actualities with virtual realities are "What's
the difference"? cases, but are also playing the game below 26.0 on the
tone scale, so can not be faulted for this error. If you get them back
up above 26.0 on the tone scale, the game they are playing will dissolve
from play mode back to create mode.
They may not appreciate what you have done, beings who are enjoying
a good dream don't like to be woken up.
However somewhere down around fear they will probably be more
In fact they are depending on you to do it.
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
Homer Wilson Smith The Paths of Lovers Art Matrix - Lightlink
(607) 277-0959 KC2ITF Cross Internet Access, Ithaca NY
homer@lightlink.com In the Line of Duty http://www.lightlink.com
Mon Dec 11 01:42:20 EST 2006
================ http://www.clearing.org ====================
Tue Nov 17 12:00:04 EST 2020
WEB: http://www.clearing.org
BLOG: http://adoretheproof.blogspot.com
FTP: ftp://ftp.lightlink.com/pub/archive/homer/adore411.memo
Send mail to archive@lightlink.com saying help in body
=========== http://www.lightlink.com/theproof ===============
Learning implies Learning with Certainty or Learning without Certainty.
Learning across a Distance implies Learning by Being an Effect.
Learning by Being an Effect implies Learning without Certainty.
Therefore, Learning with Certainty implies Learning,
but not by Being an Effect, and not across a Distance.
Version: GnuPG v1.4.5 (GNU/Linux)
HomerWSmith-L mailing list
HomerWSmith-L mailing list
Tuesday, November 17, 2020
ADORE411 (fwd)
Hash: SHA1
12/11/06 Monday 2:25pm EST
We define actuality as that which is true and reality as that which
we think is true, what is real to us, that which is apparently true.
There is only one actuality, there are many realities, one for
every being.
At the top actuality and reality are in accord, this is native
As we come down the tone scale, the being diverges reality from
actuality, as the static creates illusions of kinetics for game play,
but the being retains awareness he is doing this. Reality is a created
tapestry of art work.
At 26.0, Apparencies are Actuality, on the tone scale, the being
commits to his reality and considers it actuality.
The Creator becomes Creature.
Bye bye As-isness.
This creates persistence, and drama, it allows the game to be
played no longer knowing it is a game or who or what created it.
Space and time dimensionality are the game playing field.
If A and B are two different objects, and if A can not influence B,
and A can not influence anything that can influence B, then any changes
that B undergoes are irrelevant to the nature of A, and thus can
provide B no learning about A.
We the fundamental theorem of learning from The Proof, which tells
us that if A and B are two different objects, the only way B can learn
about A is for A be cause over B and have an effect on B. This effect
on B IS whatever learning is available to B about A.
If there is no cause of A over B, if B does not change state in any
way because of A, then B can not learn anything at all about A.
We also know that this process of B learning by being an effect of
A is called referent and symbol. A is the alleged referent, and B
becomes the symbol for A in that B was allegedly caused to change state
by A.
We also know that it is impossible to attain certainty of the
referent by looking at or being a symbol.
In other words learning about A by looking at B produces theory
Thus there can be no certainty between two different objects.
The definition of DIMENSION is an extension in any direction away
from scalar dimensionlessness.
An extension is a line of more than one different position in space
and/or time that allow objects to be separate from each other.
For example one object is here, and the other is there, two feet
If A and B are at two different points along any given extension,
Thus if A and B are located at two different points along any
extension in any dimension, the only way B and learn about A is by being
the effect of A. We have already shown this does not lead to certainty
on the part of B about A, but only to theory.
If A is on a different extension point than B, then not only can B
not learn anything with certainty about A, B can't even learn anything
with certainty about the extension point that A is on, INCLUDING WHETHER
Two different extension points means two different objects, means
no learning with certainty.
Thus if dimensionality were actual no one could ever learn about it
for certain. Dimensionality, because it puts separation between the
learner and the learned about, must forever remain a theory.
Now in our consciousness of the world around us, we clearly see our
visual color forms spread about 3 spatial dimensions.
We call this process LOOKING, and we divide it into 3 different
The LOOKER is the agent conscious being, the I AM, I CARE, I KNOW I
WANT, and I DO that is looking through the LOOKED THROUGH at the LOOKED
The LOOKED AT is the panoply of color forms that the LOOKER sees
around him, and which he, as game player, takes to be representations of
an alleged external physical universe that apparently contains him.
Because his conscious color forms are used to represent objects in
the physical universe, the color forms are symbols and the physical
universe objects are referents.
The conscious symbols are certain, the physical referents are
The looked through is the apparency of space between the looker and
the looked at.
Above 26.0 Apparencies are Actuality on the tone scale, the being
is quite aware that the looker and the looked at are actual, but that
the looked through is an illusion. Further the being knows that the
self luminous color forms in his conscious TV screen are created as
symbols to refer to external physical universe objects which don't
actually exist.
He knows he is dreaming.
It's like this, picture a unicorn. You can see the looker, the
looked through and the looked at quite well, but its all in your
consciousness, there is no actual unicorn out there.
Likewise when we are sleep dreaming, we see full well a symbol
panoply representing an external world, one can even sit down at the
dream piano and play it, but there is no such external world as we
realize when we wake up. It was conscious renditions only, hooked
together to act as if they were caused by an external agent.
Below 26.0 on the tone scale, the being takes his symbol panoply of
color forms quite seriously, and considers that they represent an
external universe that is actually OUT THERE.
He believes that because he sees space, there must BE space.
He no longer knows he is dreaming.
Worse he takes the actuality of his conscious color forms and
assigns that actuality to the alleged physical universe objects that
they represent, thus considering his consciousness nothing, and the
physical universe something.
'Objective' means everything but his conscious experience.
Worse he takes his CERTAINTY of his conscoius color forms, and
again assigns it to the alleged physical universe objects, and considers
that he is uncertain he exists, but is very certain the physical
universe exists, which it doesn't except as a dream in his own mind.
Thus he is operating completely inverted, and his personal
integrity is buried in corruption, temptation and seduction.
Don't worry, be happy, its intentional and necessary to serious
game play.
Now the primary quality of the physical universe is DIMENSIONALITY.
That means every object in it is a different object than every
other object because they all exist at different places in space and
That means not only can no object in the alleged physical universe
ever be certain of any other object, but the being himself can never be
certain of any of them either!
The being can not be certain of anything in the physical universe,
including whether or not it exists, for the exact same reason that a
machine can't be certain of anything, learning by being an effect.
The machine has to change state as the result of some alleged cause
out there, and thus can only theorize about the nature or existence of
that cause. And the being is doing the same thing by allowing his
conscious renditions to be the effect of the same alleged external
physical universe.
He 'sees' the alleged external universe through his conscious color
forms, and thus is using them as a caused symbol referring back to the
alleged physical universe as causing referent.
The being is certain of his conscious renditions (symbols), but not
of what he claims they represent, as one can not be certain of a
referent by looking at a symbol.
In fact by trying to learn about the physical universe by letting
his consciousness be the effect of it, he is as if BEING A MACHINE!
But being a machine is all anyone can be when learning about
something that is a different object than himself.
Thus anywhere you have A and B are two different objects, whether
or not B is a physical universe object or another conscious being, B can
never be certain of A no matter what.
The only way B can be certain of A is if A and B are one and the
same object, and perceive cause and effect as the same event.
In other words the learner and learned about, the looker and the
looked at, are one and the same event. This produces self luminous
consciousness, with perfect certainty of both cause and effect at the
same time in the same event.
Rather than having cause and effect, we have causeeffect.
We call these conscoius events of learning self luminous, self
symbolizing, and or self referencing. All mean the same thing.
No separation between looker and looked at, between learner and
learned about. That means no separation in space or time, OR IN ANY
From the above we can conclude the following.
If dimensionality were actual, no one would ever be able to know
it, because you could never see it.
Machines are forever blind, dark inside, because they are trying to
look out into dimensional extension. But they can only do so by
receiving an effect WHERE THEY ARE, the cause out there is never
directly perceived.
The conscious looker can directly perceive the conscious looked at
(color forms).
Since we can see our own consciousness, namely the looker, the
looked through and the looked at, with certainty, it must follow that
our own consciousness is non dimensional. This implies that the looked
through is an illusion, and that the looker and looked at are one and
the same object.
In other words the process of conscious seeing is not a dimensional
process of being an effect of some other cause, but a process of non
dimensional causeeffect. Such a process crosses no space and takes up
no time.
In other words if you can see it, it can't be separated from you,
The looked through is an illusion, for if it weren't, you would
never be able to see with certainty the looked at on the far side of the
looked through.
This can be summed up as the static creates illusions of kinetics
and dimensionality in its own static and non dimensional substrate.
The static can conceive and perceive conscious renditions of as
many dimension as it wishs, perhaps even an infinite number, but they
remain forever virtual reality dreams in a static and non dimensional
actuality, the static substrate, the non physical 'stuff' of which the
static is 'made'.
Those who confuse actualities with virtual realities are "What's
the difference"? cases, but are also playing the game below 26.0 on the
tone scale, so can not be faulted for this error. If you get them back
up above 26.0 on the tone scale, the game they are playing will dissolve
from play mode back to create mode.
They may not appreciate what you have done, beings who are enjoying
a good dream don't like to be woken up.
However somewhere down around fear they will probably be more
In fact they are depending on you to do it.
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
Homer Wilson Smith The Paths of Lovers Art Matrix - Lightlink
(607) 277-0959 KC2ITF Cross Internet Access, Ithaca NY
homer@lightlink.com In the Line of Duty http://www.lightlink.com
Mon Dec 11 01:42:20 EST 2006
================ http://www.clearing.org ====================
Tue Nov 17 12:00:04 EST 2020
WEB: http://www.clearing.org
BLOG: http://adoretheproof.blogspot.com
FTP: ftp://ftp.lightlink.com/pub/archive/homer/adore411.memo
Send mail to archive@lightlink.com saying help in body
=========== http://www.lightlink.com/theproof ===============
Learning implies Learning with Certainty or Learning without Certainty.
Learning across a Distance implies Learning by Being an Effect.
Learning by Being an Effect implies Learning without Certainty.
Therefore, Learning with Certainty implies Learning,
but not by Being an Effect, and not across a Distance.
Version: GnuPG v1.4.5 (GNU/Linux)
HomerWSmith-L mailing list
Hash: SHA1
12/11/06 Monday 2:25pm EST
We define actuality as that which is true and reality as that which
we think is true, what is real to us, that which is apparently true.
There is only one actuality, there are many realities, one for
every being.
At the top actuality and reality are in accord, this is native
As we come down the tone scale, the being diverges reality from
actuality, as the static creates illusions of kinetics for game play,
but the being retains awareness he is doing this. Reality is a created
tapestry of art work.
At 26.0, Apparencies are Actuality, on the tone scale, the being
commits to his reality and considers it actuality.
The Creator becomes Creature.
Bye bye As-isness.
This creates persistence, and drama, it allows the game to be
played no longer knowing it is a game or who or what created it.
Space and time dimensionality are the game playing field.
If A and B are two different objects, and if A can not influence B,
and A can not influence anything that can influence B, then any changes
that B undergoes are irrelevant to the nature of A, and thus can
provide B no learning about A.
We the fundamental theorem of learning from The Proof, which tells
us that if A and B are two different objects, the only way B can learn
about A is for A be cause over B and have an effect on B. This effect
on B IS whatever learning is available to B about A.
If there is no cause of A over B, if B does not change state in any
way because of A, then B can not learn anything at all about A.
We also know that this process of B learning by being an effect of
A is called referent and symbol. A is the alleged referent, and B
becomes the symbol for A in that B was allegedly caused to change state
by A.
We also know that it is impossible to attain certainty of the
referent by looking at or being a symbol.
In other words learning about A by looking at B produces theory
Thus there can be no certainty between two different objects.
The definition of DIMENSION is an extension in any direction away
from scalar dimensionlessness.
An extension is a line of more than one different position in space
and/or time that allow objects to be separate from each other.
For example one object is here, and the other is there, two feet
If A and B are at two different points along any given extension,
Thus if A and B are located at two different points along any
extension in any dimension, the only way B and learn about A is by being
the effect of A. We have already shown this does not lead to certainty
on the part of B about A, but only to theory.
If A is on a different extension point than B, then not only can B
not learn anything with certainty about A, B can't even learn anything
with certainty about the extension point that A is on, INCLUDING WHETHER
Two different extension points means two different objects, means
no learning with certainty.
Thus if dimensionality were actual no one could ever learn about it
for certain. Dimensionality, because it puts separation between the
learner and the learned about, must forever remain a theory.
Now in our consciousness of the world around us, we clearly see our
visual color forms spread about 3 spatial dimensions.
We call this process LOOKING, and we divide it into 3 different
The LOOKER is the agent conscious being, the I AM, I CARE, I KNOW I
WANT, and I DO that is looking through the LOOKED THROUGH at the LOOKED
The LOOKED AT is the panoply of color forms that the LOOKER sees
around him, and which he, as game player, takes to be representations of
an alleged external physical universe that apparently contains him.
Because his conscious color forms are used to represent objects in
the physical universe, the color forms are symbols and the physical
universe objects are referents.
The conscious symbols are certain, the physical referents are
The looked through is the apparency of space between the looker and
the looked at.
Above 26.0 Apparencies are Actuality on the tone scale, the being
is quite aware that the looker and the looked at are actual, but that
the looked through is an illusion. Further the being knows that the
self luminous color forms in his conscious TV screen are created as
symbols to refer to external physical universe objects which don't
actually exist.
He knows he is dreaming.
It's like this, picture a unicorn. You can see the looker, the
looked through and the looked at quite well, but its all in your
consciousness, there is no actual unicorn out there.
Likewise when we are sleep dreaming, we see full well a symbol
panoply representing an external world, one can even sit down at the
dream piano and play it, but there is no such external world as we
realize when we wake up. It was conscious renditions only, hooked
together to act as if they were caused by an external agent.
Below 26.0 on the tone scale, the being takes his symbol panoply of
color forms quite seriously, and considers that they represent an
external universe that is actually OUT THERE.
He believes that because he sees space, there must BE space.
He no longer knows he is dreaming.
Worse he takes the actuality of his conscious color forms and
assigns that actuality to the alleged physical universe objects that
they represent, thus considering his consciousness nothing, and the
physical universe something.
'Objective' means everything but his conscious experience.
Worse he takes his CERTAINTY of his conscoius color forms, and
again assigns it to the alleged physical universe objects, and considers
that he is uncertain he exists, but is very certain the physical
universe exists, which it doesn't except as a dream in his own mind.
Thus he is operating completely inverted, and his personal
integrity is buried in corruption, temptation and seduction.
Don't worry, be happy, its intentional and necessary to serious
game play.
Now the primary quality of the physical universe is DIMENSIONALITY.
That means every object in it is a different object than every
other object because they all exist at different places in space and
That means not only can no object in the alleged physical universe
ever be certain of any other object, but the being himself can never be
certain of any of them either!
The being can not be certain of anything in the physical universe,
including whether or not it exists, for the exact same reason that a
machine can't be certain of anything, learning by being an effect.
The machine has to change state as the result of some alleged cause
out there, and thus can only theorize about the nature or existence of
that cause. And the being is doing the same thing by allowing his
conscious renditions to be the effect of the same alleged external
physical universe.
He 'sees' the alleged external universe through his conscious color
forms, and thus is using them as a caused symbol referring back to the
alleged physical universe as causing referent.
The being is certain of his conscious renditions (symbols), but not
of what he claims they represent, as one can not be certain of a
referent by looking at a symbol.
In fact by trying to learn about the physical universe by letting
his consciousness be the effect of it, he is as if BEING A MACHINE!
But being a machine is all anyone can be when learning about
something that is a different object than himself.
Thus anywhere you have A and B are two different objects, whether
or not B is a physical universe object or another conscious being, B can
never be certain of A no matter what.
The only way B can be certain of A is if A and B are one and the
same object, and perceive cause and effect as the same event.
In other words the learner and learned about, the looker and the
looked at, are one and the same event. This produces self luminous
consciousness, with perfect certainty of both cause and effect at the
same time in the same event.
Rather than having cause and effect, we have causeeffect.
We call these conscoius events of learning self luminous, self
symbolizing, and or self referencing. All mean the same thing.
No separation between looker and looked at, between learner and
learned about. That means no separation in space or time, OR IN ANY
From the above we can conclude the following.
If dimensionality were actual, no one would ever be able to know
it, because you could never see it.
Machines are forever blind, dark inside, because they are trying to
look out into dimensional extension. But they can only do so by
receiving an effect WHERE THEY ARE, the cause out there is never
directly perceived.
The conscious looker can directly perceive the conscious looked at
(color forms).
Since we can see our own consciousness, namely the looker, the
looked through and the looked at, with certainty, it must follow that
our own consciousness is non dimensional. This implies that the looked
through is an illusion, and that the looker and looked at are one and
the same object.
In other words the process of conscious seeing is not a dimensional
process of being an effect of some other cause, but a process of non
dimensional causeeffect. Such a process crosses no space and takes up
no time.
In other words if you can see it, it can't be separated from you,
The looked through is an illusion, for if it weren't, you would
never be able to see with certainty the looked at on the far side of the
looked through.
This can be summed up as the static creates illusions of kinetics
and dimensionality in its own static and non dimensional substrate.
The static can conceive and perceive conscious renditions of as
many dimension as it wishs, perhaps even an infinite number, but they
remain forever virtual reality dreams in a static and non dimensional
actuality, the static substrate, the non physical 'stuff' of which the
static is 'made'.
Those who confuse actualities with virtual realities are "What's
the difference"? cases, but are also playing the game below 26.0 on the
tone scale, so can not be faulted for this error. If you get them back
up above 26.0 on the tone scale, the game they are playing will dissolve
from play mode back to create mode.
They may not appreciate what you have done, beings who are enjoying
a good dream don't like to be woken up.
However somewhere down around fear they will probably be more
In fact they are depending on you to do it.
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
Homer Wilson Smith The Paths of Lovers Art Matrix - Lightlink
(607) 277-0959 KC2ITF Cross Internet Access, Ithaca NY
homer@lightlink.com In the Line of Duty http://www.lightlink.com
Mon Dec 11 01:42:20 EST 2006
================ http://www.clearing.org ====================
Tue Nov 17 12:00:04 EST 2020
WEB: http://www.clearing.org
BLOG: http://adoretheproof.blogspot.com
FTP: ftp://ftp.lightlink.com/pub/archive/homer/adore411.memo
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=========== http://www.lightlink.com/theproof ===============
Learning implies Learning with Certainty or Learning without Certainty.
Learning across a Distance implies Learning by Being an Effect.
Learning by Being an Effect implies Learning without Certainty.
Therefore, Learning with Certainty implies Learning,
but not by Being an Effect, and not across a Distance.
Version: GnuPG v1.4.5 (GNU/Linux)
HomerWSmith-L mailing list
ACT (fwd)
Hash: SHA1
This forum is intended to be a scientific forum for the discussion
and advancement of clearing.
Scientific forums demand a certain amount of scientific decorum in
their proceedings.
Things don't have to be utterly dry and formal here, every good
scientist jokes around, gets sarcastic, engages in hyperbole, but always
to the advancement of the science, not to the end of tearing it down.
There are 4 high crimes that I want to see eradicated from the
1.) Ad hominem, A is false because B is a drunk and C uses it to
torture people.
2.) Attribution of Intention, A is false because B's intention was
evil before, during or after he said A. Or D's intention is evil
because he asserts E.
3.) Attribution of Source, you believe A because B told you to.
4.) Attribution of identity, A is not A but B posting as A. Or A
is a covert OP of B.
People who engage in such forms of debate are engaged in
destructive out ethics and do not belong in a serious scientific forum.
That said, anyone posting to the forum is fair game in the forum,
you don't get respect just and only because you breath. If you post
stupidity, illogic, vested lies, or low tone death directedness, then
expect to get your sorry ass flamed off its scrawny bones.
But saying someone is wrong because they are stupid or illogical is
not the same as saying they are wrong because they do drugs, or are
planning a con on people, are brainwashed, or a church op.
The only other person who has been removed to date was KP, and he
had a lot more positive to say about clearing than Phil does.
Sat Jul 22 00:18:04 EDT 2006
Tue Feb 16 20:17:57 EST 2016
03/29/16 Tuesday 3:32pm EST
================ http://www.clearing.org ====================
Mon Nov 16 12:00:04 EST 2020
WEB: http://www.clearing.org
BLOG: http://adoretheproof.blogspot.com
FTP: ftp://ftp.lightlink.com/pub/archive/homer/act.memo
Send mail to archive@lightlink.com saying help in body
=========== http://www.lightlink.com/theproof ===============
Learning implies Learning with Certainty or Learning without Certainty.
Learning across a Distance implies Learning by Being an Effect.
Learning by Being an Effect implies Learning without Certainty.
Therefore, Learning with Certainty implies Learning,
but not by Being an Effect, and not across a Distance.
Version: GnuPG v1.4.5 (GNU/Linux)
HomerWSmith-L mailing list
Hash: SHA1
This forum is intended to be a scientific forum for the discussion
and advancement of clearing.
Scientific forums demand a certain amount of scientific decorum in
their proceedings.
Things don't have to be utterly dry and formal here, every good
scientist jokes around, gets sarcastic, engages in hyperbole, but always
to the advancement of the science, not to the end of tearing it down.
There are 4 high crimes that I want to see eradicated from the
1.) Ad hominem, A is false because B is a drunk and C uses it to
torture people.
2.) Attribution of Intention, A is false because B's intention was
evil before, during or after he said A. Or D's intention is evil
because he asserts E.
3.) Attribution of Source, you believe A because B told you to.
4.) Attribution of identity, A is not A but B posting as A. Or A
is a covert OP of B.
People who engage in such forms of debate are engaged in
destructive out ethics and do not belong in a serious scientific forum.
That said, anyone posting to the forum is fair game in the forum,
you don't get respect just and only because you breath. If you post
stupidity, illogic, vested lies, or low tone death directedness, then
expect to get your sorry ass flamed off its scrawny bones.
But saying someone is wrong because they are stupid or illogical is
not the same as saying they are wrong because they do drugs, or are
planning a con on people, are brainwashed, or a church op.
The only other person who has been removed to date was KP, and he
had a lot more positive to say about clearing than Phil does.
Sat Jul 22 00:18:04 EDT 2006
Tue Feb 16 20:17:57 EST 2016
03/29/16 Tuesday 3:32pm EST
================ http://www.clearing.org ====================
Mon Nov 16 12:00:04 EST 2020
WEB: http://www.clearing.org
BLOG: http://adoretheproof.blogspot.com
FTP: ftp://ftp.lightlink.com/pub/archive/homer/act.memo
Send mail to archive@lightlink.com saying help in body
=========== http://www.lightlink.com/theproof ===============
Learning implies Learning with Certainty or Learning without Certainty.
Learning across a Distance implies Learning by Being an Effect.
Learning by Being an Effect implies Learning without Certainty.
Therefore, Learning with Certainty implies Learning,
but not by Being an Effect, and not across a Distance.
Version: GnuPG v1.4.5 (GNU/Linux)
HomerWSmith-L mailing list
ADORE159 (fwd)
Hash: SHA1
God is Author.
As author, God creates good characters and bad characters,
In the surrounding matrix (universe), God also creates good
opporunities and bad opportunities for all his characters.
To say that only good comes from God, is to ignore the rest that
comes from God. Or to claim it doesn't exist, or that it comes from
I assure you that nothing comes from anywhere else but the
AllThatIs and its fundamental nature, drives and motives.
People like to consider that God is our Father and we are His
Children. This collapses a Divine relationship between God and Soul, down
to a human relationship between Parent and Child, and thus loses sight of
both of them.
Consider the following. If God is our father, and we are his child,
and the universe is our playpen that God our Father made for us to grow up
in, what would you think of this God as a Father?
People say that God allows bad people to do bad things because they
need to have a free will more than they need to be forced to be good.
OK, that's fine.
But why does God allow bad people to do bad to GOOD people?
That's the question that is never asked.
If a human father has two children, one is bad and one is good, does
the human father allow the bad child do bad to the good child in the name
of free will?
Run to full understanding.
"What is the relationship between Parent and Child."
"What is the relationship between God and Soul."
"What is the relationship between Author and Character."
"What is the relationship between Creator and Creature."
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
Homer Wilson Smith The Paths of Lovers Art Matrix - Lightlink
(607) 277-0959 KC2ITF Cross Internet Access, Ithaca NY
homer@lightlink.com In the Line of Duty http://www.lightlink.com
================ http://www.clearing.org ====================
Fri Nov 13 12:00:04 EST 2020
WEB: http://www.clearing.org
BLOG: http://adoretheproof.blogspot.com
FTP: ftp://ftp.lightlink.com/pub/archive/homer/adore159.memo
Send mail to archive@lightlink.com saying help in body
=========== http://www.lightlink.com/theproof ===============
Learning implies Learning with Certainty or Learning without Certainty.
Learning across a Distance implies Learning by Being an Effect.
Learning by Being an Effect implies Learning without Certainty.
Therefore, Learning with Certainty implies Learning,
but not by Being an Effect, and not across a Distance.
Version: GnuPG v1.4.5 (GNU/Linux)
HomerWSmith-L mailing list
Hash: SHA1
God is Author.
As author, God creates good characters and bad characters,
In the surrounding matrix (universe), God also creates good
opporunities and bad opportunities for all his characters.
To say that only good comes from God, is to ignore the rest that
comes from God. Or to claim it doesn't exist, or that it comes from
I assure you that nothing comes from anywhere else but the
AllThatIs and its fundamental nature, drives and motives.
People like to consider that God is our Father and we are His
Children. This collapses a Divine relationship between God and Soul, down
to a human relationship between Parent and Child, and thus loses sight of
both of them.
Consider the following. If God is our father, and we are his child,
and the universe is our playpen that God our Father made for us to grow up
in, what would you think of this God as a Father?
People say that God allows bad people to do bad things because they
need to have a free will more than they need to be forced to be good.
OK, that's fine.
But why does God allow bad people to do bad to GOOD people?
That's the question that is never asked.
If a human father has two children, one is bad and one is good, does
the human father allow the bad child do bad to the good child in the name
of free will?
Run to full understanding.
"What is the relationship between Parent and Child."
"What is the relationship between God and Soul."
"What is the relationship between Author and Character."
"What is the relationship between Creator and Creature."
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
Homer Wilson Smith The Paths of Lovers Art Matrix - Lightlink
(607) 277-0959 KC2ITF Cross Internet Access, Ithaca NY
homer@lightlink.com In the Line of Duty http://www.lightlink.com
================ http://www.clearing.org ====================
Fri Nov 13 12:00:04 EST 2020
WEB: http://www.clearing.org
BLOG: http://adoretheproof.blogspot.com
FTP: ftp://ftp.lightlink.com/pub/archive/homer/adore159.memo
Send mail to archive@lightlink.com saying help in body
=========== http://www.lightlink.com/theproof ===============
Learning implies Learning with Certainty or Learning without Certainty.
Learning across a Distance implies Learning by Being an Effect.
Learning by Being an Effect implies Learning without Certainty.
Therefore, Learning with Certainty implies Learning,
but not by Being an Effect, and not across a Distance.
Version: GnuPG v1.4.5 (GNU/Linux)
HomerWSmith-L mailing list
Friday, November 6, 2020
ADORE872 (fwd)
Hash: SHA1
Your preclear has a case.
Case consists of desire and view in opposition.
Desire is the creative thrust of his basic purposes.
Natively a being creates in the mere conception of things.
View is the constellation of postulates or conceptions the being
has made about the AllThatIs, that limit and direct his desire.
Unlimitedness is native.
All postulates are postulates of limitation.
All creation is creation of limitation.
All conception is conception of limitation.
A being can not conceive of the infinite unlimited.
Desire then becomes his pursuit of basic purposes through time
towards a final havingness, in other words a game.
A game is
1.) a matrix of freedoms which are native,
2.) intrinsic purposes which are also native,
3.) barriers which are postulated, and
4.) instrumental purposes which are also postulated.
Intrinsic purposes are those things which are fundamentally
valuable for their own sake without further say so. For example peace
and pleasure.
Instrumental purposes are those things which are valuable only
because they lead to intrinsic valuables through the matrix of
conditions set up by the game.
We chase the intrinsic via the instrumental.
Intrinsic purposes are things like attaining pleasure and avoiding
Instrumental purposes are getting a good education or job which
provides survival, because non survival leads to pain.
The primary barrier is time which places time between desire and
havingness, but provides chase between the two, which has a desirability
of its own.
When view is balanced, it provides an optimum playing field, and
game to play. The being is happy playing, winning and losing, and lives
at Spirit of Play.
When view is not balanced, either towards to many wins, or to many
losses, the being is no longer happy, as playing becomes overwhelmed by
winning or losing.
Both winning and losing mean END OF PLAY, end of game, end of time.
People cry when they win because they have lost the game.
Happiness is PLAY.
Sorrow is loss of game through winning or losing.
Who is harder to audit, the guy who won the Olympics or the guy who
lost the Olympics?
They may be two different kinds of sorrow, but sorrow they be.
Play is entries in one's appointment book far into the future.
Sorrow is an empty appointment book.
Happiness is looking into one's appointment book with promise of
future pleasure.
Sorrow is looking into an empty appointment book with downcast
Happiness is a plethora of operating connections with others.
Sorrow is no more connections forever for free.
A connection is a CAUSAL operating flow of affinity, agreement,
communication and understandings between beings or things.
A connection exists where ever there is
Harmony, Accord, and co-communication. (Adore)
Affinity, Reality, Communication and Understanding (Scientology)
Affection, Comprehension, Communication, and Communion (Meta
In the absence of connectedness, shared reality drops to zero, as
does affinity and communication.
A shock is a moment in time when one runs into an unexpected
counter postulate, that exceeds one's acceptance levels, that stops one
from forward motion towards one's goals, leaving one bewildered,
incredulous, indecisive and unable to decide which way to go or what to
do next.
The stop produces a return to native state, a moment of
When one's chase is serious, shock is painful.
View becomes polluted, unbalanced, through shock.
Pollution is a non balanced surfeit of lies in one's view.
View is setup through native desire to be susceptible to loss,
resulting in unrecoverable surprise and thus shock.
When a being experiences a moment of shock, a moment of stop, from
which he cannot recover his sense of responsibility, he will change
directions and go somewhere else than where he was originally going.
Both his desire and his view become clouded with further
limitations and impossibilities that lower the optimum level of play.
His Spirit of Play becomes less.
Eventually he becomes serious, and then criminal, he gets others to
play for him, and then inverted or counter productive, he plays to lose,
to get rid of the game before he loses it anyhow, and then apathetic as
he goes through the motions of play because he has to.
People are in shock about being alive.
"What?!!! I am alive?!!! Who the F*** ordered that?!!!"
People are in shock about being a body.
"I am a WHAT?!!! How the hell did that happen?!!!"
If a shock won't run, it is probably under the duress of a bigger
shock. Find the bigger earlier/later shock and it will run.
Remember the preclear has shocks at the Eternal, Immortal and
Mortal levels.
Thus he has shocks in the future too.
Immortal means forever within a single time stream.
Eternal means forever outside of time.
If a mortal shock won't run, scout the immortal area. If the
immortal area won't run, scout the eternal area.
The first shock will run like explosive shocking wildfire. Watch
Thus auditable case consists of moments of
Balanced desire and view -> shock -> polluted desire and view.
The result of pollution of desire and view is Q&A, meaning changing
course to something else.
Q&A means Question and Answer and refers usually to an improper
mode of auditing wherein the auditor changes the question every time he
gets a new answer from the preclear, rather than continuing with the
same question until he gets all answers to it.
In our case here, Q&A means changing the question because one
failed to get the answer one needed. Thus one gives up, and changes
The question would be "How do I get what I desire?", followed by an
"I can't", followed by "Well I don't actually desire that, I desire
this, so we will chase this instead."
Some people's whole lives are a circus of astounding acrobatics of
Q&A, because every time they get stopped no matter how weakly, they
change direction rather than handle the stop and get on with the
original purpose.
These people make you feel like you are in kind of a whirlpool.
That's them going around in circles never getting anywhere but
smaller and smaller.
Deep pity is often the result.
The pollution of desire is the alloying of original desire with
other lesser desires in order to keep going at any cost, even if in the
opposite direction one started in.
One can try to get better by getting worse.
For example a bum who tries to invest by throwing his capital away.
Pollution of view consists of further postulates of limitation,
barriers, debasements and the futile vanity (failed attempt in vain) of
taking responsibility for the stop, putting it there, that then make it
impossible to recover from the shock.
These are called God Postulates, because the being creates them
during the moment of shock from a native, if painful, point of view,
thus they have absolute power over his future.
He thinks they are true because he observes they are true, when in
fact they are true only because he considers they are true.
A God postulate is a stuck conception that conceives it is not
cause of what it is conceives.
Thus the stuck conception out persists the being.
Running into a God Postulate is like running into a spiritual wall
of failure. You bounce off it, so there you have your proof that its
true, clear observation of failure.
The being has a choice at that moment, to believe his observation,
or be with the wall until it turns back into a consideration, at which
point he can drop the conception of the barrier and other cause, and the
barrier of limitation will vanish in the mere deconception of it.
As the being sits with the wall, feeling his bruises, the charge of
the shock flows out like a huge flow of energy, IF the being lets it.
As the energy flows away, the wall changes from a forgone
conclusion of limitation, back into a consideration, and returns under
the control of the being's sovereign desire.
Once the being considers that the wall is an observation and not a
consideration, the charge that he builds up on the loss prevents him
from being with the wall enough to unconsider it.
As the charge runs out, the being recreates HIS connection to the
wall. It becomes HIS wall again, he starts to own the wall again,
rather than the wall owning him, and when his reconnection is complete,
he can drop it or leave it in place, but now its his wall operating
under his sovereign conception and command.
At this time he has restored his God Postulate to its proper place
AS a God Postulate, and the joke is he won't be able to keep it around
unless he goes into shock about it and falls away from it again.
All pollution of desire and view is through this mechanism of the
God Postulate. Polluted view is merely original view with good games
prevailing, alloyed with negative God Postulates pretending to be
observations of "its just the way things are", resulting is bad games or
no games prevailing.
Thus all pollution of desire and view is auditable.
Even if one has to run 'unauditability' once in a while :)
Spot the stuck conception which conceives he is an effect,
and audit it back to a conception which conceives it is cause.
When you think something you get it, but you think you are
getting it BECAUSE you thought it. Conception is causal. Stop
conceiving and it will vanish.
But if you get something and think that your thinking it is NOT
causing it, you have just conceived that things can exist and persist
independent of your conception of them, so of course that is
exactly what you get.
The conception that conception is not causal is causal!
Thus only conceptions about the non causality of conception can
hold conception down at effect.
Auditing is the process of locating these moments of shock, and
conceptions invalidating their own causality in the matter, and
recovering the before and after desire and view, and any possible pre
setups that existed from native state, and through the erasure of the
polluted views, restore a strong unalloyed desire and ability set
producing forward motion again in Spirit of Play that is as strong or
stronger than the original moment before the shock.
If the original desire can not be recovered fully for practical
reasons, a bigger better one can always be put in place.
A being can ALWAYS out create his prior self.
He may never be able to have what he once wanted, but it will fall
away as insignificant compared to what he WANTS NOW!
You see?
Before he was merely superman, not he is actually dangerous!
Thus people who failed miserably and recover, go higher than those
that always had a good time playing.
Small games may come a cropper, but when recovered, bigger games
So don't ever let your preclear tell you 'Its too late to get
Happiness in the end is not the ability to win every previous game
the preclear once attempted, time has moved on, there are new games and
new playing fields aborning every day all of which are BIGGER AND BETTER
than the old bitter ones.
You don't have to WIN THE PAST to attain operating happiness and
spirit of play in the present, you have to be able to win the present
and the future.
Forget the dead, they will not follow you.
Native state doesn't have to win any game at all to be happy. It
has to be ABLE to win any game, which it can if it sets it up that way.
But if it set it up that losses were to happen, then it becomes a win
that you are able to create a loss.
But that was then, this is now, its not time for the games of then
any more, so get on with the games of now, eh? You do not HAVE to set
yourself up for more endless losses, if you operate from native state
with some rationality and clarity of view rather than from shock.
Native state puts things there, oh boy does it put things there,
in the mere conception of things.
So make sure there is an awake captain at the helm of that
Case persists because of the effort to as-is shock by not-ising it.
It is as simple as that.
The effort to make nothing out of something by covering it in black
or 'not there' ness, followed by the effort to make something out of
It might seem reasonable since native state inherently makes
somethings out of nothings, that making something out of nothing might
be a good thing. But at this level that we are talking about here after
a good solid not-isness, one is mocking native state at a lower
harmonic, and putting something there where there is just simply nothing
You can vanish any created thing you wish, but not by covering it
in heavy effort, black, invisibility and pretending it isn't there,
because it always will be there just a bit, to bite you later through
the steel and concrete clouds of obscurity, obfuscation and oblivion.
The least absolute there is, is oblivion, there will always be
something inscrutable shining through. The 'WHAT IT IS' will forever
elude you, even while it bites you in the ass or your face over and over
That's the upside of oblivion.
The downside of oblivion, well you don't want to know it, that's
why its in oblivion.
Notice the way to audit NOT-ISNESS is to run not-isness, not to run
as-isness. If you have covered something in black, you do NOT look
inside the black to see what it is. You replicate the covering in black
by covering it more in black until the black vanishes naturally when you
let go of making more of it.
Spot NO not-isness
Spot SOME not-isness
To spot means to get the idea of or conceive.
Duplication of the not-ising process will result in a visible
is-ness. Then get the alter-isness off the is-ness through the same
procedure of altering it more, and you will be left with an as-isness.
Spot NO alter-isness.
Spot SOME alter-isness.
The as-isness will vanish on its own the next time a pretty girl
walks by.
Spot NO pretty girl.
Spot SOME pretty girl.
Yes even girls need to spot pretty girls too.
A pretty or ugly anything will do, anything to take your attention
off the as-isness.
When you finally come back to it, it won't be there, and won't ever
have been there.
The 3 levels of shock are:
1.) The Lock level, consisting of reminders of loss.
2.) The Secondary level, consisting of actual moments of loss, loss
of games, unique, fragile, ephemeral preciousness and other survival
assets, through permanent death, departure or reversal.
Secondaries are moments of anger, fear, despair, sorrow, pity and
apathy. Secondaries can happen long BEFORE the loss happens, during
first awareness that the loss WILL happen.
3.) The Engram level, consisting of moments of physical injury and
unconsciousness to the body or the spirit.
Notice a secondary is a loss of a potential survival asset, an
engram is the loss of survival period.
Engrams happen because to too much of something or too little
of something, namely force, otherwise known as non optimum randomity.
These 3 levels tend to correspond to thought, emotion and heavy
Emotion buries the thought, and effort buries the emotion.
Thus sorrow will bury what he lost, and engrams will bury the
Thus a heavily charged case will seem like 'nothing there'.
But most will have some awareness that they lost something or did
wrong in their 'long ago'.
Below these three case levels is a level of pure shock, independent
of any particular event that has ever gone on.
By running the pure shock level, the entire case is run out at core
and falls away without need for inspection of particulars.
However running the pure shock level is almost impossible without
running a lot of the other 3 levels in round robin order.
There are a couple of things to know about running case.
One needs to run the secondary level, before the engram level will
open up, and then one needs to run the engram level before more
secondary level will open up.
Thus after running much effort (engram ridges), one suddenly finds
oneself crying about everything and anything. Then it dries up until
the next layer of force, effort, pain and unconsciousness is run out.
Running locks can be useful, but running pleasure moments will work
better. By touching the good points in life, one is dropped into the
sorrows and losses much faster.
If there ARE any good moments in life for your preclear.
Good moments in life consist mostly of moments of strong connection
between beings, moments of clear and unrestrained relating (reality) on subjects
of importance to both parties. This produces high affinity or love.
To relate means to communicate about what is important to one.
Relationships consist of relating.
Where relating is blocked due to upsets and withholds, just so is
the relationship blocked.
When a relationship is more blocked than not, it tends to end. as
the relationship IS the flow of realities and agreements back and forth
between two cause points.
When the relationship gets seriously upset, each party will debond
and disown each other as peers in the static.
Then you get wars of forevers, intended death and damnation.
Relating depends on connection, comm lines built of affinity,
reality, communication and understandings over which one can operate,
transmit and receive relatingnesses.
Connection takes place on the physical, emotion, mental and
spiritual levels and results in good operation and being fully
comfortable and trusting around another being.
Trust and respect is critical because intimacy is in part the
relating of vulnerabilities.
Vulnerability leads into the 'take care of' chain.
The vast proportion of life is the desire and goal to take care of
and take responsibility over the survival of others, and to have them do
the same for you.
That's called HELP and is the opposite of HARM.
Help is co operation towards a mutual benefit.
Harm is co operation towards a mutual detriment.
Watch out, the desire to take care of something FOREVER, is a
violation of the sovereign finite while in which everything exists.
You can take care of anything for a while, but never forever.
Same thing for yourself.
Upsets are often the result of contempt and betrayal of respect and
ReSpect means to see again, namely willingness and desire to see
Much loss is built around the "I will never see you again" chain.
Or worse the, "I don't ever WANT to see you again" chain.
So of course he is a black V, and can't see anything, if he did see
something it would be his ocean of everyone and everything he would
never see again, all screaming good bye, or perhaps just screaming.
A body can only cry so fast, a few gallons a minute.
In any case sonic may turn on before visio during auditing, so
watch it.
One can relate or express anything, feel anything, and communicate
anything on a clear connection, and it is these connections that make
life worthwhile as they create affinity and pleasure waves called love.
When all connections are broken or severed there is no reason to go
left or right, forward or backward, as the only reason to GO ANYWHERE is
to find and operate a working connection, a working productive
relatingness (relationship) with someone or something.
When all connections are gone, people cry themselves to sleep,
become catatonic or kill themselves.
Sorrow is not about the past, sorrow is about the future.
Charge builds when sorrow is not cried and expressed.
Dry eyed sorrow, UNEXPRESSED sorrow, never heals.
Thus one wants to find those moments in the past when sorrow was
not expressed, but it won't be at the moment of loss, but at the moment
of first awareness that the loss could or would happen.
First awareness of IMPENDING death, departure or reversal of
affinity is critical.
All of the sorrow that needs to be found is about the future, about
things that haven't happened yet, even if that moment of first awareness
of future loss is now in the past.
A preclear's first awareness that his mother WOULD die someday,
even if would be 80 years in the future, is a much heavier incident than
his sorrow on the day she actually did die.
Now that the preclear is 30, his first awareness in the past at 5
years old that his mother WILL die in another 10 or 20 years is where
the charge lies, even if mother is still alive now!
The preclear is building up charge all during the time she is still
If a person can not find sorrow in his past, he needs to find it in
his future.
Spot a present time pet, and imagine how it will be on the last day
with that pet.
Get the words, the feelings, the love, the sorrow.
No sorrow means no love, no love means no sorrow.
No sorrow or no love means no realatingness which means no
connection, which means terminally debonded with self, others
and the AllThatIs.
You should be able to love your own body and your self as much as
you love your pet.
Suppress sorrow and one suppresses the love with it, because sorrow
is merely love in inversion.
NEVER EVER lose a chance to cry when it comes, and not feel it out
completely until its gone for the moment.
It will come back, as love always comes back if you let it.
Like fine wine, sorrow must be savored to the last drop.
Eventually you will get laughter out of it, the enormity of the
love and lass are just too great to countenance without a smile or
Impish grin.
How much can you love?
How much can you cry?
How big are the oceans?
Every time you suppress sorrow about the future, you suppress love
and you get worse. You block a connection before it gets broken.
Every time you feel sorrow and release it completely, you get
better. The connection goes co eternal.
Eventually you will find the laughter of Eternal life and love at
the bottom of that ocean of tears.
The world of Sabe is the world of immortal sorrow.
The world of Dura is the world if eternal laughter.
People feel small.
They feel their sorrow is bigger than they are.
And if their sorrow is bigger than they are, then so is their love,
and so the person feels (wrongly that) both love and sorrow must be
corralled (controlled) lest the two together DO something uncontrolled.
People are afraid of their sorrow, it wrinkles up their faces,
humiliates them, makes them wail, feel vulnerable and out of control.
It's this last thing that worries people and makes others ridicule
those who don't stay in control.
But mainly people are terrified of how oceanic sorrow can be, they
get into it a bit too deep, and they just KNOW they are being carried
away by an overwhelming undertow in a bottomless ocean never to be
seen again.
Surrender for a while is the only answer.
Once they let go and let the power take them where it will, they
finally see that their sorrow is their own enormous love.
Love is there life raft that floats indominantly on any ocean known
to God.
That's when the laughter starts and they see the ludicrousness of
their own demise.
Then they get the idea that they aren't small at all, they just
care too much. And thus they recover some of their size, enormity
Power, size and beauty.
That laughter at the bottom of the well of sorrow, is God's promise
and gift to those who are honest with themselves, and with others, about
their love, and cry it out fully, holding nothing back, as holding back
sorrow is holding back love, which makes you smaller, less than oceanic.
And when the sorrow breaks into laughter, laugh it out fully.
Even at the funeral.
Those who aren't laughing, aren't loving.
No tears, no life.
And less life after wards.
Excess of joy weeps, excess of sorrow laughs.
And since we all are God in carnation, that's a lot of love, a lot
of laughter and a lot of tears.
Vulnerability is that anxious cross over point at the bottom of the
well of tears, between sorrow and laughter, and wondering if the love light
will ever come.
How deep do you dare to go into sorrow, to find the light of
Eternal love?
Sanity is keeping those connection lines open even if nothing flows
on them any more. You don't turn the radio off just because your friend
at the other end doesn't answer you.
And for heaven's sake, when someone or something dies, don't say
good bye.
Say hello, and send them your sorrow, they will receive it as love.
For no one ever goes anywhere else but HERE and NOW.
That's called immutability.
And maybe, just maybe, if you do it right, you can keep that
connection line open and flowing for real, across the trans life time
Wouldn't that be a hoot?
Better than moving the marble on the table, eh?
Leave the magic tricks to the buffoons.
But the price is willingness to flow the full power of your being
and your FEELING across that line.
If you shut down who and what you are, you shut down the reach of
your connection lines.
After a while, they can barely travel around in this life, let
alone into the next.
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
Homer Wilson Smith The Paths of Lovers Art Matrix - Lightlink
(607) 277-0959 KC2ITF Cross Internet Access, Ithaca NY
homer@lightlink.com In the Line of Duty http://www.lightlink.com
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Learning implies Learning with Certainty or Learning without Certainty.
Learning across a Distance implies Learning by Being an Effect.
Learning by Being an Effect implies Learning without Certainty.
Therefore, Learning with Certainty implies Learning,
but not by Being an Effect, and not across a Distance.
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Your preclear has a case.
Case consists of desire and view in opposition.
Desire is the creative thrust of his basic purposes.
Natively a being creates in the mere conception of things.
View is the constellation of postulates or conceptions the being
has made about the AllThatIs, that limit and direct his desire.
Unlimitedness is native.
All postulates are postulates of limitation.
All creation is creation of limitation.
All conception is conception of limitation.
A being can not conceive of the infinite unlimited.
Desire then becomes his pursuit of basic purposes through time
towards a final havingness, in other words a game.
A game is
1.) a matrix of freedoms which are native,
2.) intrinsic purposes which are also native,
3.) barriers which are postulated, and
4.) instrumental purposes which are also postulated.
Intrinsic purposes are those things which are fundamentally
valuable for their own sake without further say so. For example peace
and pleasure.
Instrumental purposes are those things which are valuable only
because they lead to intrinsic valuables through the matrix of
conditions set up by the game.
We chase the intrinsic via the instrumental.
Intrinsic purposes are things like attaining pleasure and avoiding
Instrumental purposes are getting a good education or job which
provides survival, because non survival leads to pain.
The primary barrier is time which places time between desire and
havingness, but provides chase between the two, which has a desirability
of its own.
When view is balanced, it provides an optimum playing field, and
game to play. The being is happy playing, winning and losing, and lives
at Spirit of Play.
When view is not balanced, either towards to many wins, or to many
losses, the being is no longer happy, as playing becomes overwhelmed by
winning or losing.
Both winning and losing mean END OF PLAY, end of game, end of time.
People cry when they win because they have lost the game.
Happiness is PLAY.
Sorrow is loss of game through winning or losing.
Who is harder to audit, the guy who won the Olympics or the guy who
lost the Olympics?
They may be two different kinds of sorrow, but sorrow they be.
Play is entries in one's appointment book far into the future.
Sorrow is an empty appointment book.
Happiness is looking into one's appointment book with promise of
future pleasure.
Sorrow is looking into an empty appointment book with downcast
Happiness is a plethora of operating connections with others.
Sorrow is no more connections forever for free.
A connection is a CAUSAL operating flow of affinity, agreement,
communication and understandings between beings or things.
A connection exists where ever there is
Harmony, Accord, and co-communication. (Adore)
Affinity, Reality, Communication and Understanding (Scientology)
Affection, Comprehension, Communication, and Communion (Meta
In the absence of connectedness, shared reality drops to zero, as
does affinity and communication.
A shock is a moment in time when one runs into an unexpected
counter postulate, that exceeds one's acceptance levels, that stops one
from forward motion towards one's goals, leaving one bewildered,
incredulous, indecisive and unable to decide which way to go or what to
do next.
The stop produces a return to native state, a moment of
When one's chase is serious, shock is painful.
View becomes polluted, unbalanced, through shock.
Pollution is a non balanced surfeit of lies in one's view.
View is setup through native desire to be susceptible to loss,
resulting in unrecoverable surprise and thus shock.
When a being experiences a moment of shock, a moment of stop, from
which he cannot recover his sense of responsibility, he will change
directions and go somewhere else than where he was originally going.
Both his desire and his view become clouded with further
limitations and impossibilities that lower the optimum level of play.
His Spirit of Play becomes less.
Eventually he becomes serious, and then criminal, he gets others to
play for him, and then inverted or counter productive, he plays to lose,
to get rid of the game before he loses it anyhow, and then apathetic as
he goes through the motions of play because he has to.
People are in shock about being alive.
"What?!!! I am alive?!!! Who the F*** ordered that?!!!"
People are in shock about being a body.
"I am a WHAT?!!! How the hell did that happen?!!!"
If a shock won't run, it is probably under the duress of a bigger
shock. Find the bigger earlier/later shock and it will run.
Remember the preclear has shocks at the Eternal, Immortal and
Mortal levels.
Thus he has shocks in the future too.
Immortal means forever within a single time stream.
Eternal means forever outside of time.
If a mortal shock won't run, scout the immortal area. If the
immortal area won't run, scout the eternal area.
The first shock will run like explosive shocking wildfire. Watch
Thus auditable case consists of moments of
Balanced desire and view -> shock -> polluted desire and view.
The result of pollution of desire and view is Q&A, meaning changing
course to something else.
Q&A means Question and Answer and refers usually to an improper
mode of auditing wherein the auditor changes the question every time he
gets a new answer from the preclear, rather than continuing with the
same question until he gets all answers to it.
In our case here, Q&A means changing the question because one
failed to get the answer one needed. Thus one gives up, and changes
The question would be "How do I get what I desire?", followed by an
"I can't", followed by "Well I don't actually desire that, I desire
this, so we will chase this instead."
Some people's whole lives are a circus of astounding acrobatics of
Q&A, because every time they get stopped no matter how weakly, they
change direction rather than handle the stop and get on with the
original purpose.
These people make you feel like you are in kind of a whirlpool.
That's them going around in circles never getting anywhere but
smaller and smaller.
Deep pity is often the result.
The pollution of desire is the alloying of original desire with
other lesser desires in order to keep going at any cost, even if in the
opposite direction one started in.
One can try to get better by getting worse.
For example a bum who tries to invest by throwing his capital away.
Pollution of view consists of further postulates of limitation,
barriers, debasements and the futile vanity (failed attempt in vain) of
taking responsibility for the stop, putting it there, that then make it
impossible to recover from the shock.
These are called God Postulates, because the being creates them
during the moment of shock from a native, if painful, point of view,
thus they have absolute power over his future.
He thinks they are true because he observes they are true, when in
fact they are true only because he considers they are true.
A God postulate is a stuck conception that conceives it is not
cause of what it is conceives.
Thus the stuck conception out persists the being.
Running into a God Postulate is like running into a spiritual wall
of failure. You bounce off it, so there you have your proof that its
true, clear observation of failure.
The being has a choice at that moment, to believe his observation,
or be with the wall until it turns back into a consideration, at which
point he can drop the conception of the barrier and other cause, and the
barrier of limitation will vanish in the mere deconception of it.
As the being sits with the wall, feeling his bruises, the charge of
the shock flows out like a huge flow of energy, IF the being lets it.
As the energy flows away, the wall changes from a forgone
conclusion of limitation, back into a consideration, and returns under
the control of the being's sovereign desire.
Once the being considers that the wall is an observation and not a
consideration, the charge that he builds up on the loss prevents him
from being with the wall enough to unconsider it.
As the charge runs out, the being recreates HIS connection to the
wall. It becomes HIS wall again, he starts to own the wall again,
rather than the wall owning him, and when his reconnection is complete,
he can drop it or leave it in place, but now its his wall operating
under his sovereign conception and command.
At this time he has restored his God Postulate to its proper place
AS a God Postulate, and the joke is he won't be able to keep it around
unless he goes into shock about it and falls away from it again.
All pollution of desire and view is through this mechanism of the
God Postulate. Polluted view is merely original view with good games
prevailing, alloyed with negative God Postulates pretending to be
observations of "its just the way things are", resulting is bad games or
no games prevailing.
Thus all pollution of desire and view is auditable.
Even if one has to run 'unauditability' once in a while :)
Spot the stuck conception which conceives he is an effect,
and audit it back to a conception which conceives it is cause.
When you think something you get it, but you think you are
getting it BECAUSE you thought it. Conception is causal. Stop
conceiving and it will vanish.
But if you get something and think that your thinking it is NOT
causing it, you have just conceived that things can exist and persist
independent of your conception of them, so of course that is
exactly what you get.
The conception that conception is not causal is causal!
Thus only conceptions about the non causality of conception can
hold conception down at effect.
Auditing is the process of locating these moments of shock, and
conceptions invalidating their own causality in the matter, and
recovering the before and after desire and view, and any possible pre
setups that existed from native state, and through the erasure of the
polluted views, restore a strong unalloyed desire and ability set
producing forward motion again in Spirit of Play that is as strong or
stronger than the original moment before the shock.
If the original desire can not be recovered fully for practical
reasons, a bigger better one can always be put in place.
A being can ALWAYS out create his prior self.
He may never be able to have what he once wanted, but it will fall
away as insignificant compared to what he WANTS NOW!
You see?
Before he was merely superman, not he is actually dangerous!
Thus people who failed miserably and recover, go higher than those
that always had a good time playing.
Small games may come a cropper, but when recovered, bigger games
So don't ever let your preclear tell you 'Its too late to get
Happiness in the end is not the ability to win every previous game
the preclear once attempted, time has moved on, there are new games and
new playing fields aborning every day all of which are BIGGER AND BETTER
than the old bitter ones.
You don't have to WIN THE PAST to attain operating happiness and
spirit of play in the present, you have to be able to win the present
and the future.
Forget the dead, they will not follow you.
Native state doesn't have to win any game at all to be happy. It
has to be ABLE to win any game, which it can if it sets it up that way.
But if it set it up that losses were to happen, then it becomes a win
that you are able to create a loss.
But that was then, this is now, its not time for the games of then
any more, so get on with the games of now, eh? You do not HAVE to set
yourself up for more endless losses, if you operate from native state
with some rationality and clarity of view rather than from shock.
Native state puts things there, oh boy does it put things there,
in the mere conception of things.
So make sure there is an awake captain at the helm of that
Case persists because of the effort to as-is shock by not-ising it.
It is as simple as that.
The effort to make nothing out of something by covering it in black
or 'not there' ness, followed by the effort to make something out of
It might seem reasonable since native state inherently makes
somethings out of nothings, that making something out of nothing might
be a good thing. But at this level that we are talking about here after
a good solid not-isness, one is mocking native state at a lower
harmonic, and putting something there where there is just simply nothing
You can vanish any created thing you wish, but not by covering it
in heavy effort, black, invisibility and pretending it isn't there,
because it always will be there just a bit, to bite you later through
the steel and concrete clouds of obscurity, obfuscation and oblivion.
The least absolute there is, is oblivion, there will always be
something inscrutable shining through. The 'WHAT IT IS' will forever
elude you, even while it bites you in the ass or your face over and over
That's the upside of oblivion.
The downside of oblivion, well you don't want to know it, that's
why its in oblivion.
Notice the way to audit NOT-ISNESS is to run not-isness, not to run
as-isness. If you have covered something in black, you do NOT look
inside the black to see what it is. You replicate the covering in black
by covering it more in black until the black vanishes naturally when you
let go of making more of it.
Spot NO not-isness
Spot SOME not-isness
To spot means to get the idea of or conceive.
Duplication of the not-ising process will result in a visible
is-ness. Then get the alter-isness off the is-ness through the same
procedure of altering it more, and you will be left with an as-isness.
Spot NO alter-isness.
Spot SOME alter-isness.
The as-isness will vanish on its own the next time a pretty girl
walks by.
Spot NO pretty girl.
Spot SOME pretty girl.
Yes even girls need to spot pretty girls too.
A pretty or ugly anything will do, anything to take your attention
off the as-isness.
When you finally come back to it, it won't be there, and won't ever
have been there.
The 3 levels of shock are:
1.) The Lock level, consisting of reminders of loss.
2.) The Secondary level, consisting of actual moments of loss, loss
of games, unique, fragile, ephemeral preciousness and other survival
assets, through permanent death, departure or reversal.
Secondaries are moments of anger, fear, despair, sorrow, pity and
apathy. Secondaries can happen long BEFORE the loss happens, during
first awareness that the loss WILL happen.
3.) The Engram level, consisting of moments of physical injury and
unconsciousness to the body or the spirit.
Notice a secondary is a loss of a potential survival asset, an
engram is the loss of survival period.
Engrams happen because to too much of something or too little
of something, namely force, otherwise known as non optimum randomity.
These 3 levels tend to correspond to thought, emotion and heavy
Emotion buries the thought, and effort buries the emotion.
Thus sorrow will bury what he lost, and engrams will bury the
Thus a heavily charged case will seem like 'nothing there'.
But most will have some awareness that they lost something or did
wrong in their 'long ago'.
Below these three case levels is a level of pure shock, independent
of any particular event that has ever gone on.
By running the pure shock level, the entire case is run out at core
and falls away without need for inspection of particulars.
However running the pure shock level is almost impossible without
running a lot of the other 3 levels in round robin order.
There are a couple of things to know about running case.
One needs to run the secondary level, before the engram level will
open up, and then one needs to run the engram level before more
secondary level will open up.
Thus after running much effort (engram ridges), one suddenly finds
oneself crying about everything and anything. Then it dries up until
the next layer of force, effort, pain and unconsciousness is run out.
Running locks can be useful, but running pleasure moments will work
better. By touching the good points in life, one is dropped into the
sorrows and losses much faster.
If there ARE any good moments in life for your preclear.
Good moments in life consist mostly of moments of strong connection
between beings, moments of clear and unrestrained relating (reality) on subjects
of importance to both parties. This produces high affinity or love.
To relate means to communicate about what is important to one.
Relationships consist of relating.
Where relating is blocked due to upsets and withholds, just so is
the relationship blocked.
When a relationship is more blocked than not, it tends to end. as
the relationship IS the flow of realities and agreements back and forth
between two cause points.
When the relationship gets seriously upset, each party will debond
and disown each other as peers in the static.
Then you get wars of forevers, intended death and damnation.
Relating depends on connection, comm lines built of affinity,
reality, communication and understandings over which one can operate,
transmit and receive relatingnesses.
Connection takes place on the physical, emotion, mental and
spiritual levels and results in good operation and being fully
comfortable and trusting around another being.
Trust and respect is critical because intimacy is in part the
relating of vulnerabilities.
Vulnerability leads into the 'take care of' chain.
The vast proportion of life is the desire and goal to take care of
and take responsibility over the survival of others, and to have them do
the same for you.
That's called HELP and is the opposite of HARM.
Help is co operation towards a mutual benefit.
Harm is co operation towards a mutual detriment.
Watch out, the desire to take care of something FOREVER, is a
violation of the sovereign finite while in which everything exists.
You can take care of anything for a while, but never forever.
Same thing for yourself.
Upsets are often the result of contempt and betrayal of respect and
ReSpect means to see again, namely willingness and desire to see
Much loss is built around the "I will never see you again" chain.
Or worse the, "I don't ever WANT to see you again" chain.
So of course he is a black V, and can't see anything, if he did see
something it would be his ocean of everyone and everything he would
never see again, all screaming good bye, or perhaps just screaming.
A body can only cry so fast, a few gallons a minute.
In any case sonic may turn on before visio during auditing, so
watch it.
One can relate or express anything, feel anything, and communicate
anything on a clear connection, and it is these connections that make
life worthwhile as they create affinity and pleasure waves called love.
When all connections are broken or severed there is no reason to go
left or right, forward or backward, as the only reason to GO ANYWHERE is
to find and operate a working connection, a working productive
relatingness (relationship) with someone or something.
When all connections are gone, people cry themselves to sleep,
become catatonic or kill themselves.
Sorrow is not about the past, sorrow is about the future.
Charge builds when sorrow is not cried and expressed.
Dry eyed sorrow, UNEXPRESSED sorrow, never heals.
Thus one wants to find those moments in the past when sorrow was
not expressed, but it won't be at the moment of loss, but at the moment
of first awareness that the loss could or would happen.
First awareness of IMPENDING death, departure or reversal of
affinity is critical.
All of the sorrow that needs to be found is about the future, about
things that haven't happened yet, even if that moment of first awareness
of future loss is now in the past.
A preclear's first awareness that his mother WOULD die someday,
even if would be 80 years in the future, is a much heavier incident than
his sorrow on the day she actually did die.
Now that the preclear is 30, his first awareness in the past at 5
years old that his mother WILL die in another 10 or 20 years is where
the charge lies, even if mother is still alive now!
The preclear is building up charge all during the time she is still
If a person can not find sorrow in his past, he needs to find it in
his future.
Spot a present time pet, and imagine how it will be on the last day
with that pet.
Get the words, the feelings, the love, the sorrow.
No sorrow means no love, no love means no sorrow.
No sorrow or no love means no realatingness which means no
connection, which means terminally debonded with self, others
and the AllThatIs.
You should be able to love your own body and your self as much as
you love your pet.
Suppress sorrow and one suppresses the love with it, because sorrow
is merely love in inversion.
NEVER EVER lose a chance to cry when it comes, and not feel it out
completely until its gone for the moment.
It will come back, as love always comes back if you let it.
Like fine wine, sorrow must be savored to the last drop.
Eventually you will get laughter out of it, the enormity of the
love and lass are just too great to countenance without a smile or
Impish grin.
How much can you love?
How much can you cry?
How big are the oceans?
Every time you suppress sorrow about the future, you suppress love
and you get worse. You block a connection before it gets broken.
Every time you feel sorrow and release it completely, you get
better. The connection goes co eternal.
Eventually you will find the laughter of Eternal life and love at
the bottom of that ocean of tears.
The world of Sabe is the world of immortal sorrow.
The world of Dura is the world if eternal laughter.
People feel small.
They feel their sorrow is bigger than they are.
And if their sorrow is bigger than they are, then so is their love,
and so the person feels (wrongly that) both love and sorrow must be
corralled (controlled) lest the two together DO something uncontrolled.
People are afraid of their sorrow, it wrinkles up their faces,
humiliates them, makes them wail, feel vulnerable and out of control.
It's this last thing that worries people and makes others ridicule
those who don't stay in control.
But mainly people are terrified of how oceanic sorrow can be, they
get into it a bit too deep, and they just KNOW they are being carried
away by an overwhelming undertow in a bottomless ocean never to be
seen again.
Surrender for a while is the only answer.
Once they let go and let the power take them where it will, they
finally see that their sorrow is their own enormous love.
Love is there life raft that floats indominantly on any ocean known
to God.
That's when the laughter starts and they see the ludicrousness of
their own demise.
Then they get the idea that they aren't small at all, they just
care too much. And thus they recover some of their size, enormity
Power, size and beauty.
That laughter at the bottom of the well of sorrow, is God's promise
and gift to those who are honest with themselves, and with others, about
their love, and cry it out fully, holding nothing back, as holding back
sorrow is holding back love, which makes you smaller, less than oceanic.
And when the sorrow breaks into laughter, laugh it out fully.
Even at the funeral.
Those who aren't laughing, aren't loving.
No tears, no life.
And less life after wards.
Excess of joy weeps, excess of sorrow laughs.
And since we all are God in carnation, that's a lot of love, a lot
of laughter and a lot of tears.
Vulnerability is that anxious cross over point at the bottom of the
well of tears, between sorrow and laughter, and wondering if the love light
will ever come.
How deep do you dare to go into sorrow, to find the light of
Eternal love?
Sanity is keeping those connection lines open even if nothing flows
on them any more. You don't turn the radio off just because your friend
at the other end doesn't answer you.
And for heaven's sake, when someone or something dies, don't say
good bye.
Say hello, and send them your sorrow, they will receive it as love.
For no one ever goes anywhere else but HERE and NOW.
That's called immutability.
And maybe, just maybe, if you do it right, you can keep that
connection line open and flowing for real, across the trans life time
Wouldn't that be a hoot?
Better than moving the marble on the table, eh?
Leave the magic tricks to the buffoons.
But the price is willingness to flow the full power of your being
and your FEELING across that line.
If you shut down who and what you are, you shut down the reach of
your connection lines.
After a while, they can barely travel around in this life, let
alone into the next.
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
Homer Wilson Smith The Paths of Lovers Art Matrix - Lightlink
(607) 277-0959 KC2ITF Cross Internet Access, Ithaca NY
homer@lightlink.com In the Line of Duty http://www.lightlink.com
Wed Jul 13 12:42:54 EDT 2011
Sat Jul 23 15:01:45 EDT 2011
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Learning implies Learning with Certainty or Learning without Certainty.
Learning across a Distance implies Learning by Being an Effect.
Learning by Being an Effect implies Learning without Certainty.
Therefore, Learning with Certainty implies Learning,
but not by Being an Effect, and not across a Distance.
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