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Suppose I grab a red plastic ball and put it on a table and
sit down to observe it.
I see a red plastic ball.
Then I mockup an identical red plastic ball right next to it, to
a point where I can not tell the difference between them from the
visual experience.
Now the first ball is made of plastic.
What is the second ball made of? Well there is no second ball
you see, only my mockup of it.
In both cases I have a mockup of the ball, but in only one case
is a plastic ball there.
My mockup of either ball certainly is not made of plastic.
What are mockups made of? Let's call it rettam (REE-TAM),
to distinguish it from matter.
The two mockups of rettam are both actual objects, one overlays a
matter plastic ball in space and the other doesn't. The plastic ball
is a DIFFERENT object than either of my two mockups.
My two mockups made of rettam have various qualities, they are
red, they are spherical and they are 'out there'.
The plastic ball that is on the table is also an actual object
with its own qualities. It too is spherical, out there, but it is not
red, as redness is a quality of rettam not of matter, but the ball is
made of plastic which is a quality of matter and not of rettam.
The red quality of my mockup is used to refer to another quality
the matter ball has which is reflecting light of 5000 angstroms
My mockup made of rettam doesn't not reflect any light and itself
does not need any light in order to be seen, it is self luminous.
So we have two very different objects, made of different
materials, with differing qualities where the rettam one is used to
refer to the matter one.
Now take a sleep dream. Again the red ball is on the table and I
am sitting observing it.
The dream as a whole is made of rettam, and the red self luminous
ball sits on the table without any plastic matter ball referent that
existed in the waking state.
Again I can mockup a second red ball next to the first one, and
both are made of rettam, and neither have a matter ball acting as
If I don't know I am dreaming, I may believe the matter ball
referent exists too, but if I know I am dreaming, I realize that only
red balls made of rettam exist in this dream.
Now in the dream if I turn off the lights, the dream may go dark,
but it just as easily may not go dark at all.
Have you ever had a dream where you turned off the desk light and
the light turned off but the desk and the room remained lit?
So what lights the room in a dream?
Certainly not the light on the desk in the dream.
The dream lights itself, rettam is *SELF LUMINOUS*.
No part of rettam ever lights any other part of rettam.
In a dream, if there is a light on the desk and the light is on,
that's cool, but irrelevant to why the dream is lit up.
That is very different than matter, which always needs some other
kind of matter, namely light waves, to illuminate it.
There is the issue of whether the waking world is a dream or not.
The meatballs say it isn't a dream, and the dreamballs say it is.
By dream we mean that pictures made of rettam exist of the world,
but although the illusion is very strong, there are no objects made of
matter underlying the rettam projections.
That is quite absurd you say, ok maybe it is, but we need to
study the possibility.
One argument against the dreamball theory is that without having
been impinged upon by a red ball in the matter world, the conscious
mind would never have known what a red ball would look like, and thus
could never have dreamed one up.
We find this argument lacking as it implies that God, the Supreme
Consciousness, could never have created a world without first having
been impinged upon by that world to know what a world would look like.
Now admittedly there may not be a God, the world may have arisen
out of the background atomic soup that pervades all of prior
existence, but then we have to admit that the world could arise
without itself knowing what a world was before it arose.
If we admit therefore that things can arise without knowing
before hand what such a thing might be, we must admit that whether the
world arose by mathematical necessity from 'mud' or by sentient
invention from the mind of God, it doesn't make much difference,
neither knew before hand what a world might be like until it was first
created of mud or conceived of in the mind of God.
Thus if God can create things without first having had them
impinge on Him, surely the Conscious Unit, which is an 'I' of God, can
do the same thing.
Thus the mere existence of objects (mockups) in rettam do not
prove the existance of objects in matter.
Another argument against the dreamball theory asserts that
without matter, there would be no base to create or hold the process
of consciousness. In other words first there must be matter, before
there can be rettam.
This theory states that consciousness arose out of matter, and in
fact is merely a process in matter. Once the matter is busted apart
or destroyed, the process of consciousness goes with it, and thus we
are mortal and had no prior existence to the present process of matter
that supports our conscious existence, and will have no later
existence once the present process of matter is gone.
First the assertion that consciousness is MERELY a process in
matter is untrue, consciousness is its own thing quite apart from any
process in matter. Once has to know the proof to see this, but that
will come.
Thus at worst consciousness is its own process that is connected
to or interfaced with the process of matter (the brain).
It is true that when we poke at the brain we can affect our
consciousness, but this does not prove that consciousness can not
exist independent of the brain and is only temporally connected to the
brain for a while.
Heresay evidence indicates that the consciousness can leave the
brain and see the world through a process more related to the nature
of rettam than to matter mechanics, so one needs to pursue the
possibility of this further to see what might account for it.
It is possible that if the consciousness can see the world
without the brain, that it is in fact seeing the world without
the brain even while occupying a brain, even though it does seem
to limit itself to seeing what the brain can see at any time.
For example if you close your eyes, the brain can not see any
more, and so neither can the consciousness.
It is tempting to say therefore the consciousness is getting its
data of what to see FROM the brain, but it may be seeing by a parallel
rettam path to the world that is independantly and arbitirarly
throttled to match what the brain is seeing from the matter world.
One might be tempted to say, but this is absurd, 'Man as a fallen
angle would be ludicrous!' (Man and His Gods, Homer William Smith)
The world is much too serious a place for God to be playing jokes
of this magnitude on his creatures.
Yes Daddy, but God might be playing these jokes on Himself.
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
Homer Wilson Smith The Paths of Lovers Art Matrix - Lightlink
(607) 277-0959 KC2ITF Cross Internet Access, Ithaca NY
homer@lightlink.com In the Line of Duty http://www.lightlink.com
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