Friday, March 18, 2011


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Well to be accurate 'lucid' merely means to be aware that you are

From there, one tries to exercise control but may not have it

Or one can just go sight seeing, feel tits etc, talk to the

In my sleep dreams, control ranges from total to none.

In the waking state, control ranges from almost none to none,
with some events that I don't know if my postulates caused them or

The difference between a meatball and a dreamball, is the
meatball thinks that consciousness arose from and exists inside the
material universe of ball bearings, force and mass in motion.

His postulates have little to do with anything but control over
his body. He can move his arm at will, that's about it.

The dreamball thinks that the material universe arose from and is
made from the conscious universe, its a virtual projection in fact, it
has no other existence. Thus the material world and all other worlds
are created and continued by someone's postulates.

The dreamball assumes that by changing postulates he can change
anything, but also assumes that because things are as theyare, that
they were at one time wanted to be this way, otherwise no one would
have postulated them. He doesn't believe in mistakes if one traces
the postulate trail back far enough.

The primary thing about the OT state then, is this desire to be
human. No human in their right mind would have created things as they
are. An OT would have.

Humans want to 'become OT' so that they can better defend their
human state, body, possessions etc. An OT can't even move in a scene
if he is defending part of the scene. He has to become a part of the
scene and move THAT.

Thus your average human has no chance of becoming OT as the OT
that he wants to become doesn't exist. His concept is basically a
super human that knows better than to ever come here again, and can
stay out.


Phil Scott ( wrote:
>On 18 May 2002 16:27:52 -0400, (CB Willis) wrote:

>>Homer Wilson Smith ( wrote:
>>>I am living a lucid dream 100 percent of the time now.
>>Was there a time when you did otherwise?

>actually Carol... you may wish to review what is actually meant by Homies
>remark... in some circles living a lucid dream life is a bit off the chart.

>Before my hand operation in 1991, when I had come up to having lucid dreams, I
>learned by first hand experience what that meant... I would be having a dream,
>and deciding to change it second by second consciously to explore areas or have
>experiences I wanted to have...very very consciously..

>something like you walking into a store and deciding that you wanted the store
>owner to walk up to you, give you a big hug and $500 cash...then as that was
>happening deciding that you wanted to do a back flip and be in another
>location...doing something else, then having that happen,

>What the new agey people refer to in these areas is vastly thinner than that...
>what you are likely referring to is the fact that as we live life we pull in or
>cause to happen that which we want to happen to learn. and for other reasons.and
>that is correct imho... its just that it is not as immediately conscious as what
>one experiences in a lucid dream... and not the same as when one does it with
>'real life'

>Phil Scott
>>- CBW

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Homer Wilson Smith I would rather die poor Lightlink Internet
(607) 277-0959 KC2ITF than suffer the patronage Ithaca, NY of bigots and pinheads.

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Fri Mar 18 03:06:09 EDT 2011
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