Tuesday, June 28, 2011



Clearing is a fix and repair job.

To the degree you are trying to fix and repair your own self and
your games across 8 dynamics, you will need to help fix and repair
others. And they will do the same. But then everyone gets back to
playing the game (libido across all 8 dynamics).

Fix and repair should about 10 percent of your total time.

Maybe an hour a day with yourself, or with another at $20 to

Start sessions with:

What would be an ideal scene with your life, and what is the
furthest departure from that ideal scene in present time.

Write down all items.

Define To Be Responsible for, as

1.) Choosing to cause, this means taking responsibility for

2.) Adding one's cause into an already existing scene that one did
not cause, in order to make it better. This means taking responsibility

Spot times taking responsibility for or over things that came a
cropper, resulted in ruin, disaster, dismay, unintended betrayal and

Spot the moment of shock.

Spot pride levels before and after.

Spot desire and world view before the shock.

Spot desire and world view after the shock.

A beings life consists of desire driving it through time
towards basic goals.

The being has set up postulate packages to surprise him
that cause himself to fail.

This produces shock.

The shock is covered before it happens with desire and forward
motion, and is covered after it happens with degraded views (postulates)
of existence.

This creates the 'shock sandwich'.

Desire - Shock - View

Notice and reevaluate the pollution of postulates made during the
shock, to 'handle' the desire and the shock, in a way that didn't handle

All case is persisted by the effort to make an as-isness via
a not-isness.

As-isness cases true vanishment.

Not-isness causes an apparent vanishment which isn't.

A being can be knocked down to shock, but no lower, because at
shock he is back at timeless eternity again.

He can make two choices, to go lower into catatonia and oblivion,
that is handle the desire and the shock by denying it, making nothing of
it, shifting to something else, in other words Q&Aing with it. He
becomes a 'what shock, what desire? case.

His view becomes smaller, more limited, more solid. His universe
does not get smaller, but he gets smaller in his universe, until
eventually it is running him rather than the other way around.

Or he can climb back out of shock up through hysteria, disaster
and ruin to demand for improvement, help and hope.

Hope is playing the game again, and hoping to win but willing
to lose.

He can go higher to author mode where he can end the game
or rewrite it.

Thus auditing addresses each moment of desire-shock-view, they are
like nails in his time track, and removes them one by one. As each one is
addressed, go earlier similar until basic on the chain. Also go future
similar, as sorrow is for the future, not the past.

Sorrow = loss of futures.

You are looking for moments of deep injury, deep loss, deep emotion,
where pride, self confidence, self trust, self love, self loyalty were
broken and were not healed and recovered in the retelling.

You will need to have the preclear REWRITE each incident to
delineate what he should have done after the shock (not to avoid it), to
have healed it on the spot.

You will need to run all 5 flows, times he was shocked, times he
shocked others, times others shocked him, times others shocked others,
times he shocked himself, times others shocked themseles.

Shocks don't have to be caused by BEINGS, they can be caused
by the mere existence of things as they are.

First awareness of death will show up, and first invalidations of
depth of affinity and feeling with show up.

Basic feelings are exhilaration, courage, joy, love, monotony,
anger, fear, sorrow and apathy.

DEPTH is the key word here. We aren't running dry river beds, we are
running bottomless oceanic flows.

The preclear will run when he first turned against life, but
decided to suffer it anyhow.

Shocks are moments of debonding with people, places and things,
particularly desires and goals.

You want first moments of debonding with anything and everything
including self on all dynamics.

People fall into these chains easily, and will run almost without
help, once they 'get it', they can handle future restims on their own
without an auditor.

Doesn't matter if all chains are flattened, preclears will flatten
unflat chains during next restim once they see where the game of catatonia
and oblivion get them.

Sorrow is love, no sorrow means no love.

Dry eyed sorrow never heals, because supressing expression
of sorrow is supressing expression of love.

HATE IS NOT LOVING SORROW and thus not loving love.

One who can not cry can not love.

Once enough sorrow starts to come off a case, pains will turn on,
they can be alarming, they run out just like anything else.

Eventually laughter will turn on big time and alternate between
sorrow and laughter.

Excess of joy weeps, excess of sorrow laughs.

Long term E/P is unfathomable composure and peace.


- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
Homer Wilson Smith The Paths of Lovers Art Matrix - Lightlink
(607) 277-0959 KC2ITF Cross Internet Access, Ithaca NY
homer@lightlink.com In the Line of Duty http://www.lightlink.com

On Sun, 26 Jun 2011, Bob1357 wrote:

>Good (Consciousness) and evil (ego) (God and Devil) with a "thinking"
>The trinity is now seen.
>Non dualism says stop thinking ..............close the buffer.
>Ummm... No..... .that's to easy ..............it will turn you into a
>bumbling fool.
>Most others (religions)......... well .......... bullshit.
>Homer? ..... ya there? .... Talked with a few times on the phone in
>You gave me some great advice.
>Now I have only a few choice friends, zero employees and making more
>money than I ever have before.
>Good for me.
>I'm not here to pull everyone out of ignorance right.
>I'm here for me.
>It's not my job to fix others right?
>Then why does it feel so fucked up?
>Yes........ I used the word feel.

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