Hash: SHA1
>Rubbish. Here people who wish to belong to the established Church have to
>pay tithes.
Fredric L. Rice (FRice@LinkLine.COM) wrote:
>That's a travesty of the idea of helping others.
Help is not charity.
All of life activities is help, people co producing and co
exchanging what they have produced.
Charity is a very small subset of help.
Help is people helping *EACH OTHER*.
There is an implicit exchange involved.
Whether two people help each other through co auditing, or one
audits another professionally and the other pays for it with money or
bartered services, its always a paid for exchange.
Even offerings of charity should not go necessarily to those
first in line asking for a hand out. It should be doled to those who
are most likely to make a return.
In a welfare society where everyone has a right to live
regardless of their ability to live, or exchange for help, it becomes
fashionable to think that people should just hand out their work and
produce to the first beggar in line.
In this road is death, as it disrupts Darwinian selection of the
survival of the fittest. Fittest becomes defined as those most
capable of getting first in line, even over other's dead bodies, and
asking for or taking the biggest handout.
"The Foundation of Life is Fair Chosen Exchange."
In times of true emergency, the rules of exchange can be bent,
but if bent permanently, society goes out the tubes.
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Wed Aug 31 03:06:03 EDT 2011
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