Hash: SHA1
The relation between symbols and referents is important.
A symbol is an object that is used to refer to a referent.
A referent is an object that is refered to by a symbol.
Words, pictures, sounds, anything that is itself an actual object
which is then used to refer to another object is being used as a symbol.
For example there are a new class of airplanes that don't have any
windows for the pilots to see out of them, instead data from the outside
is taken in through cameras and converted to high resolution surround
sound plasma displays in the cockpit.
Thus as the plane flys over a city, the pilot doesn't see the city,
he sees a picture of the city on the plasma display.
The picture of the city is a symbol for the actual city, it carries
data, information and signficance of importance to the pilot about the
actual city below.
Once the pilot gets used to this arrangement he can become very
comfortable considering that the display on the plasma screen IS the
If the display is very good, the illusion that the pilot is looking
through clear glass can be very powerful.
He will point at the display and say "Oh there is the Empire State
In his mind the symbol has BECOME the referent.
That is called collapsing symbol and referent.
He forgets he is seeing a symbol for the Empire State Building
rather than the building itself.
Facility with this illusion allows the pilot to concentrate on
flying the plane and not spend mental time translating the symbols he
sees into what is actually on the ground.
However the pilot at no time actually BELIEVES that the display he
sees is in fact the actual city, he knows it is a good illusion born of
making the symbols match the referent with hi fidelity.
In fact the symbols themselves will have qualities and artifacts
that clearly do not belong to the actual city, so once in a while the
pilot will be annoyed by 'flicker' in the picture, which clearly is a
quality of the symbol display and not the city itself.
After a while the pilot can 'filter out' these differences between
symbol and referent and go back to a smooth operating illusion that the
symbol IS the referent.
The fact that the symbols have qualities that the referent does not
is in fact PROOF that the symbol and the referent are two different
objects. Should anyone have any doubt that is. :)
"If A and B are two objects, and A changes but B doesn't, then A
and B are two DIFFERENT objects" - Adorian catechism
Now say someone were to look through the symbol display and become
completely convinced that they were looking through clear glass at the
actual city. Their belief would of course be false, no two ways about
it. Their REALITY is they are looking at the city, the ACTUALITY is
they are looking at a symbol of the city.
Such a person would have fallen into delusion about the illusion,
he no longer believed it WAS an illusion made in symbols, and that then
is his delusion.
When a person believes with complete false conviction that the
symbol is the referent, then we say he is lost in delusion about
Notice conviction is not a perfect certainty, conviction is a
theory that one convinces one's self is a perfect certainty for reasons
of vanity.
Now one of the advantages to these cockpits, is pilots can be
trained in similar models on the ground. Again they are surrounded by
high resolution plasma displays, but this time, rather than being
connected by causality to real time cameras bringing in data about the
scenery in the physical universe via photons, they are connected to
video recordings made earlier.
Thus the pilot can practice landing at Kennedy Aiport in New York,
without ever leaving Ottowa Training School.
The cool thing about this arrangement is that the pilot in training
can view the exact same scenery as the actual pilot in the same plane.
Each will say "Oh look at the Empire State building!".
In the actual plane case the symbol on the display screen is
connected in real time to the referent down below, but in the training
case, the symbols are connected to a recording or even a computer
artist's photographic rendition.
It is interesting to note that if the symbol display is really
good, neither pilot can tell if they are in the actual plane or the
trainer! At that point all they have is the symbol display, which looks
identical to both of them as they come in for a landing, and whether the
referent exists or not is irrelevant BECAUSE THERE IS NO WAY FOR THEM TO
Now the dim witted can argue, yes but if they crash in the trainer
nothing will happen, but if they crash in the actual plane the
consequences will be dire.
This posting has gone over their heads.
The trainer can be built to explode when crashing.
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
Homer Wilson Smith The Paths of Lovers Art Matrix - Lightlink
(607) 277-0959 KC2ITF Cross Internet Access, Ithaca NY
homer@lightlink.com In the Line of Duty http://www.lightlink.com
================ http://www.clearing.org ====================
Sun Apr 28 03:06:01 EDT 2013
Send mail to archive@lightlink.com saying help
================== http://www.lightlink.com/theproof ===================
Learning implies Learning with Certainty or Learning without Certainty.
Learning across a Distance implies Learning by Being an Effect.
Learning by Being an Effect implies Learning without Certainty.
Therefore, Learning with Certainty implies Learning, but
not by Being an Effect, and not across a Distance.
Version: GnuPG v1.4.5 (GNU/Linux)
HomerWSmith-L mailing list
Monday, April 29, 2013
Friday, April 26, 2013
ADORE273 (fwd)
Hash: SHA1
Rogers. D.Scn. (The_Bindu@NOSPAMmsn.com) wrote:
>"Homer Wilson Smith" <homer@lightlink.com> wrote in message
>> Ron says many times that the mest universe is merely a mockup,
>> no different than any other mockup the thetan can make.
>He was only partly right. It was a valid partial observation. Or, put it
>another way, a valid intimation of the capability of Theta.
>But, the mest universe has no single source and thus cannot be considered
>(in any singular sense) "a mockup."
Each being has and lives in his own copy of the MEST universe.
The various copies of everyone "in" the MEST universe interact
via *INTERNAL* resonance between beings conduited through Source.
That is what Source does, it allows two beings to resonate the
same dream, to dream together.
The MEST universe exists only as the separate individual dreams
of a zillion beings, dreaming in unison, common in theme due only to
that fair chosen resonance. Each being has his own complete copy.
If you make a mockup, and I make a similar mockup they will lock
on to each other and become 'one'. The oneness is an illusion, they
remain two mockups, but act as one.
Cool eh?
The oneness of the MEST universe is an apparency among many.
"An infinite number of infinite minds was beyond the ken of
modern day philosophers" - LRH
================ http://www.clearing.org ====================
Fri Apr 26 03:06:01 EDT 2013
Send mail to archive@lightlink.com saying help
================== http://www.lightlink.com/theproof ===================
Learning implies Learning with Certainty or Learning without Certainty.
Learning across a Distance implies Learning by Being an Effect.
Learning by Being an Effect implies Learning without Certainty.
Therefore, Learning with Certainty implies Learning, but
not by Being an Effect, and not across a Distance.
Version: GnuPG v1.4.5 (GNU/Linux)
HomerWSmith-L mailing list
Hash: SHA1
Rogers. D.Scn. (The_Bindu@NOSPAMmsn.com) wrote:
>"Homer Wilson Smith" <homer@lightlink.com> wrote in message
>> Ron says many times that the mest universe is merely a mockup,
>> no different than any other mockup the thetan can make.
>He was only partly right. It was a valid partial observation. Or, put it
>another way, a valid intimation of the capability of Theta.
>But, the mest universe has no single source and thus cannot be considered
>(in any singular sense) "a mockup."
Each being has and lives in his own copy of the MEST universe.
The various copies of everyone "in" the MEST universe interact
via *INTERNAL* resonance between beings conduited through Source.
That is what Source does, it allows two beings to resonate the
same dream, to dream together.
The MEST universe exists only as the separate individual dreams
of a zillion beings, dreaming in unison, common in theme due only to
that fair chosen resonance. Each being has his own complete copy.
If you make a mockup, and I make a similar mockup they will lock
on to each other and become 'one'. The oneness is an illusion, they
remain two mockups, but act as one.
Cool eh?
The oneness of the MEST universe is an apparency among many.
"An infinite number of infinite minds was beyond the ken of
modern day philosophers" - LRH
================ http://www.clearing.org ====================
Fri Apr 26 03:06:01 EDT 2013
Send mail to archive@lightlink.com saying help
================== http://www.lightlink.com/theproof ===================
Learning implies Learning with Certainty or Learning without Certainty.
Learning across a Distance implies Learning by Being an Effect.
Learning by Being an Effect implies Learning without Certainty.
Therefore, Learning with Certainty implies Learning, but
not by Being an Effect, and not across a Distance.
Version: GnuPG v1.4.5 (GNU/Linux)
HomerWSmith-L mailing list
clarke1.txt (fwd)
Arthur C. Clarke 1/9 ART MATRIX - LIGHTLINK
http://www.lightlink.com/theproof 25 Fairview Square
Ithaca, NY 14850 USA
(607) 277-8913 Fax
(607) 277-0959 Voice
(607) 227-5465 Cell
homer@lightlink.com E-mail
jes@lightlink.com E-mail
07/14/06 12:59am
Dear Revered Sir,
This is Homer Smith and Jane Staller from Art Matrix.
We are the fractal people that you so kindly mentioned in your
book involving the Mandelbrot Set. We are now running Lightlink
Internet out of Ithaca NY. No money in fractals, but competing
against Time Warner and Verizon for broadband internet out of our
homes isn't easy either. At least we are still here.
I also need to thank you for the utterly beautiful music of Rohan
DeLivra, we used it multiple times in the video which now exists on
I remember back in 1985 you made a comment to me that you hoped
to see the year 2001, and I trust you have done so with flying colors,
and are still alive and well.
It saddens me the terrible tragedy that befell Sri Lanka this
last year, but I know you will be pushing to enhance the scientific
knowledge of our world, and to motivate people to spend their
attention on matters of importance rather than religious bigotry and
war with each other.
If I might presume on you, I have a matter of some import that I
wish to publish to the world, but having spent 30 years on it and seen
great resistence in the average mind to the material, including
trained scientists, it has occured to me that you might be the one to
first share this with.
Your healthy skepticism of pseudo science and other new age
crystal gazing nonsense, along with your strong background in actual
science indicates to me you might be very interested in this.
This material will go into broad public issue within the year or
so, I intend to get it into the hands of all the great people of the
planet, in the hopes that someone, somewhere will be able to
understand it and help me know whether it is nonsense or not.
However I would be greatly honored to have you preview it and
give me your considered opinion which I would value greatly, before I
make a fool out of myself on a planetary scale.
The subject matter under review is about consciousness, in
particular consciousness's capacity for perfect certainty of its own
existence, a matter which is skipped over or ignored in all of the
scientific literature that I have come across in my life time.
Scientists seem to think they can find the Ultimate Theory of
Everything by mathematics and space time mechanics alone, but I tend
to think that "Love and Shame can not of Force and Mass be made."
It is this process of perfect certainty that runs into real trouble
when one tries to explain it with space time mechanics.
A machine is defined as any system of parts interacting via cause
and effect across a spacetime distance.
The paper I wish to publish is essentially a proof (that everyone
will agree with) that perfect certainty can not be had by a machine, not
even of its own existence.
Machines learn by being an effect, they change state as a result of
some alleged exterior cause. From this change in state they then
compute back to the possible nature of that cause.
Its all theory and forever must remain so, no matter how well the
theory 'works'.
Since effects do not prove cause, a machine that can learn only by
being an effect, can never learn with perfect certainty if there even
was a cause!
Further, "present state does not prove prior state," thus a machine
can't even tell with perfect certainty that it has changed state, so it
can't tell if it has been an effect or not. A machine can be built to
trust that it has changed state, and can trust that all effects are
caused, but only if it has been told to do so, and trust is not
continuously reverifiable perfect certainty, which is the hallmark of
conscious self awareness.
Specifically a machine can not be certain of distance, time, change
in state, cause or the existence of itself or anything else. Those are
the big 5, but the last one existence, covers everything!
Thus one concludes that a machine can't be certain of anything.
Since consciousness IS capable of perfect certainties of various
kinds (which many will not agree with) including certainty of its own
existence and personal agency, one is forced to conclude that
consciousness is not a space time machine nor merely a process in one,
such as the body or its brain.
A formal statement of the proof, namely that a machine can't be
certain of anything, is at the end of this letter.
The ramifications of this simple line of thought are astounding.
The idea that machines can not be certain of anything is well
known, but the idea that consciousness can be perfectly certain of some
things, well, it would seem that many people aren't certain they exist
or that they can see two different colors.
Difference implies existence.
You can't BE different and not BE.
I trust they are merely sleep walking while they work. :)
The white paper I would send you covers this thing from beginning
to end, it is very easy to understand, any 5th grader could comprehend
it and teach it to every other kid in his class in no time.
Its the physics PhD's that I worry about.
Thank you for your time and attention.
Homer Wilson Smith homer@lightlink.com, 607 227 5465
Jane Elizabeth Staller jes@lightlink.com, 607 227 5466
(Our hours are 2pm to 2am EST every day.)
"Learning implies Learning with Certainty or Learning with Not
Learning across a space time distance implies Learning by Being
an Effect.
Learning by Being an Effect implies not Learning with Certainty.
Learning with Certainty, therefore,
implies Learning, but
not by Being an Effect, and
not across a space time distance.
"Learning, Certainty, Causality and Consciousness"
Copyright (C) 2006 Homer W. Smith
Yours in good faith,
Homer Wilson Smith Jane Elizabeth Staller
homer@lightlink.com jes@lightlink.com
Homer Wilson Smith The Paths of Lovers Art Matrix - Lightlink
(607) 277-0959 KC2ITF Cross Internet Access, Ithaca NY
homer@lightlink.com In the Line of Duty http://www.lightlink.com
Fri Aug 10 01:02:10 EDT 2007
================ http://www.clearing.org ====================
Fri Apr 26 00:06:02 EDT 2013
Send mail to archive@lightlink.com saying help
================== http://www.lightlink.com/theproof ===================
Learning implies Learning with Certainty or Learning without Certainty.
Learning across a Distance implies Learning by Being an Effect.
Learning by Being an Effect implies Learning without Certainty.
Therefore, Learning with Certainty implies Learning, but
not by Being an Effect, and not across a Distance.
Homer Wilson Smith Clean Air, Clear Water, Art Matrix - Lightlink
(607) 277-0959 A Green Earth, and Peace, Internet, Ithaca NY
homer@lightlink.com Is that too much to ask? http://www.lightlink.com
Clear-L mailing list
HomerWSmith-L mailing list
http://www.lightlink.com/theproof 25 Fairview Square
Ithaca, NY 14850 USA
(607) 277-8913 Fax
(607) 277-0959 Voice
(607) 227-5465 Cell
homer@lightlink.com E-mail
jes@lightlink.com E-mail
07/14/06 12:59am
Dear Revered Sir,
This is Homer Smith and Jane Staller from Art Matrix.
We are the fractal people that you so kindly mentioned in your
book involving the Mandelbrot Set. We are now running Lightlink
Internet out of Ithaca NY. No money in fractals, but competing
against Time Warner and Verizon for broadband internet out of our
homes isn't easy either. At least we are still here.
I also need to thank you for the utterly beautiful music of Rohan
DeLivra, we used it multiple times in the video which now exists on
I remember back in 1985 you made a comment to me that you hoped
to see the year 2001, and I trust you have done so with flying colors,
and are still alive and well.
It saddens me the terrible tragedy that befell Sri Lanka this
last year, but I know you will be pushing to enhance the scientific
knowledge of our world, and to motivate people to spend their
attention on matters of importance rather than religious bigotry and
war with each other.
If I might presume on you, I have a matter of some import that I
wish to publish to the world, but having spent 30 years on it and seen
great resistence in the average mind to the material, including
trained scientists, it has occured to me that you might be the one to
first share this with.
Your healthy skepticism of pseudo science and other new age
crystal gazing nonsense, along with your strong background in actual
science indicates to me you might be very interested in this.
This material will go into broad public issue within the year or
so, I intend to get it into the hands of all the great people of the
planet, in the hopes that someone, somewhere will be able to
understand it and help me know whether it is nonsense or not.
However I would be greatly honored to have you preview it and
give me your considered opinion which I would value greatly, before I
make a fool out of myself on a planetary scale.
The subject matter under review is about consciousness, in
particular consciousness's capacity for perfect certainty of its own
existence, a matter which is skipped over or ignored in all of the
scientific literature that I have come across in my life time.
Scientists seem to think they can find the Ultimate Theory of
Everything by mathematics and space time mechanics alone, but I tend
to think that "Love and Shame can not of Force and Mass be made."
It is this process of perfect certainty that runs into real trouble
when one tries to explain it with space time mechanics.
A machine is defined as any system of parts interacting via cause
and effect across a spacetime distance.
The paper I wish to publish is essentially a proof (that everyone
will agree with) that perfect certainty can not be had by a machine, not
even of its own existence.
Machines learn by being an effect, they change state as a result of
some alleged exterior cause. From this change in state they then
compute back to the possible nature of that cause.
Its all theory and forever must remain so, no matter how well the
theory 'works'.
Since effects do not prove cause, a machine that can learn only by
being an effect, can never learn with perfect certainty if there even
was a cause!
Further, "present state does not prove prior state," thus a machine
can't even tell with perfect certainty that it has changed state, so it
can't tell if it has been an effect or not. A machine can be built to
trust that it has changed state, and can trust that all effects are
caused, but only if it has been told to do so, and trust is not
continuously reverifiable perfect certainty, which is the hallmark of
conscious self awareness.
Specifically a machine can not be certain of distance, time, change
in state, cause or the existence of itself or anything else. Those are
the big 5, but the last one existence, covers everything!
Thus one concludes that a machine can't be certain of anything.
Since consciousness IS capable of perfect certainties of various
kinds (which many will not agree with) including certainty of its own
existence and personal agency, one is forced to conclude that
consciousness is not a space time machine nor merely a process in one,
such as the body or its brain.
A formal statement of the proof, namely that a machine can't be
certain of anything, is at the end of this letter.
The ramifications of this simple line of thought are astounding.
The idea that machines can not be certain of anything is well
known, but the idea that consciousness can be perfectly certain of some
things, well, it would seem that many people aren't certain they exist
or that they can see two different colors.
Difference implies existence.
You can't BE different and not BE.
I trust they are merely sleep walking while they work. :)
The white paper I would send you covers this thing from beginning
to end, it is very easy to understand, any 5th grader could comprehend
it and teach it to every other kid in his class in no time.
Its the physics PhD's that I worry about.
Thank you for your time and attention.
Homer Wilson Smith homer@lightlink.com, 607 227 5465
Jane Elizabeth Staller jes@lightlink.com, 607 227 5466
(Our hours are 2pm to 2am EST every day.)
"Learning implies Learning with Certainty or Learning with Not
Learning across a space time distance implies Learning by Being
an Effect.
Learning by Being an Effect implies not Learning with Certainty.
Learning with Certainty, therefore,
implies Learning, but
not by Being an Effect, and
not across a space time distance.
"Learning, Certainty, Causality and Consciousness"
Copyright (C) 2006 Homer W. Smith
Yours in good faith,
Homer Wilson Smith Jane Elizabeth Staller
homer@lightlink.com jes@lightlink.com
Homer Wilson Smith The Paths of Lovers Art Matrix - Lightlink
(607) 277-0959 KC2ITF Cross Internet Access, Ithaca NY
homer@lightlink.com In the Line of Duty http://www.lightlink.com
Fri Aug 10 01:02:10 EDT 2007
================ http://www.clearing.org ====================
Fri Apr 26 00:06:02 EDT 2013
Send mail to archive@lightlink.com saying help
================== http://www.lightlink.com/theproof ===================
Learning implies Learning with Certainty or Learning without Certainty.
Learning across a Distance implies Learning by Being an Effect.
Learning by Being an Effect implies Learning without Certainty.
Therefore, Learning with Certainty implies Learning, but
not by Being an Effect, and not across a Distance.
Homer Wilson Smith Clean Air, Clear Water, Art Matrix - Lightlink
(607) 277-0959 A Green Earth, and Peace, Internet, Ithaca NY
homer@lightlink.com Is that too much to ask? http://www.lightlink.com
Clear-L mailing list
HomerWSmith-L mailing list
ADORE589 (fwd)
Hash: SHA1
> On Jun 14, 5:59?am, RolandRB <rolandbe...@hotmail.com> wrote:
>> I disappear from this newsgroup for a few months and it seems like
>> nobody posts here any more. I WANT OT POWERS !!!!!
We consider that motivation is prior cause to all we do, this
PRESUMES time, before and after, and therefore the timeless state eludes
The primary OT power is the movement from timelessness into
timefullness, from eternality into temporality.
Temporality comes in two flavors, immortality in time (hell
forever), and mortality in time (death forever.)
Both are second postulate apparencies based on the primary
postulate of eternality, no time at all.
The conscious picture we SEE around us is a composite of the past,
every foot something is away from us, is one nanosecond of being in the
At a billion feet away, the object would be seen as it was 1 second
go. The moon is seen 8 seconds in the past and the sun is seen 8
minutes in the past. The sun could go completely kerpluie on us, and
there would be no causal hint, not even a warning, here on earth for 8
Thus seeking timelessness by looking OUT THERE is folly, as it
seeks timelessness in present time conscious renderings of the PAST.
Timelessness exists only where we are, but even the motivation to
find timelessness itself creates time.
The desire for OT powers as Roland expresses it, is a sought after
solution to a problem of long duration, usually defense of the body.
This enslaves the OT into the service of taking care of the body or
other's bodies or the civilizations that are holding pens for bodies.
"What motivation do you have?"
"What OT ability would satisfy that motivation?"
"What would you do with that ability?"
(My God, don't run them as questions, run them as Spot or Tell me.)
E/P: PC is OK with the world, settled comfortably into where he is,
as he is.
Comfort is desire in (a state of) satisfaction with how things are.
Expect a long run as mortal and immortal foolishness run out.
How OT is it to be able to be OK with the world?
Would you prefer to be able to move marbles on the table?
Why? To make the world more OK?
Do you see the joke?
The world was MADE OK.
Then it was considered NOT OK.
Now we have to move marbles to make it OK again, maybe.
That is an endless rat race.
As desired.
======================= http://www.clearing.org ========================
Sat Jun 14 23:49:38 EDT 2008
Send mail to archive.com saying help
- --
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
Homer Wilson Smith The Paths of Lovers Art Matrix - Lightlink
(607) 277-0959 KC2ITF Cross Internet Access, Ithaca NY
homer@lightlink.com In the Line of Duty http://www.lightlink.com
Mon Jun 23 00:57:32 EDT 2008
================ http://www.clearing.org ====================
Thu Apr 25 03:06:02 EDT 2013
Send mail to archive@lightlink.com saying help
================== http://www.lightlink.com/theproof ===================
Learning implies Learning with Certainty or Learning without Certainty.
Learning across a Distance implies Learning by Being an Effect.
Learning by Being an Effect implies Learning without Certainty.
Therefore, Learning with Certainty implies Learning, but
not by Being an Effect, and not across a Distance.
Version: GnuPG v1.4.5 (GNU/Linux)
HomerWSmith-L mailing list
Hash: SHA1
> On Jun 14, 5:59?am, RolandRB <rolandbe...@hotmail.com> wrote:
>> I disappear from this newsgroup for a few months and it seems like
>> nobody posts here any more. I WANT OT POWERS !!!!!
We consider that motivation is prior cause to all we do, this
PRESUMES time, before and after, and therefore the timeless state eludes
The primary OT power is the movement from timelessness into
timefullness, from eternality into temporality.
Temporality comes in two flavors, immortality in time (hell
forever), and mortality in time (death forever.)
Both are second postulate apparencies based on the primary
postulate of eternality, no time at all.
The conscious picture we SEE around us is a composite of the past,
every foot something is away from us, is one nanosecond of being in the
At a billion feet away, the object would be seen as it was 1 second
go. The moon is seen 8 seconds in the past and the sun is seen 8
minutes in the past. The sun could go completely kerpluie on us, and
there would be no causal hint, not even a warning, here on earth for 8
Thus seeking timelessness by looking OUT THERE is folly, as it
seeks timelessness in present time conscious renderings of the PAST.
Timelessness exists only where we are, but even the motivation to
find timelessness itself creates time.
The desire for OT powers as Roland expresses it, is a sought after
solution to a problem of long duration, usually defense of the body.
This enslaves the OT into the service of taking care of the body or
other's bodies or the civilizations that are holding pens for bodies.
"What motivation do you have?"
"What OT ability would satisfy that motivation?"
"What would you do with that ability?"
(My God, don't run them as questions, run them as Spot or Tell me.)
E/P: PC is OK with the world, settled comfortably into where he is,
as he is.
Comfort is desire in (a state of) satisfaction with how things are.
Expect a long run as mortal and immortal foolishness run out.
How OT is it to be able to be OK with the world?
Would you prefer to be able to move marbles on the table?
Why? To make the world more OK?
Do you see the joke?
The world was MADE OK.
Then it was considered NOT OK.
Now we have to move marbles to make it OK again, maybe.
That is an endless rat race.
As desired.
======================= http://www.clearing.org ========================
Sat Jun 14 23:49:38 EDT 2008
Send mail to archive.com saying help
- --
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
Homer Wilson Smith The Paths of Lovers Art Matrix - Lightlink
(607) 277-0959 KC2ITF Cross Internet Access, Ithaca NY
homer@lightlink.com In the Line of Duty http://www.lightlink.com
Mon Jun 23 00:57:32 EDT 2008
================ http://www.clearing.org ====================
Thu Apr 25 03:06:02 EDT 2013
Send mail to archive@lightlink.com saying help
================== http://www.lightlink.com/theproof ===================
Learning implies Learning with Certainty or Learning without Certainty.
Learning across a Distance implies Learning by Being an Effect.
Learning by Being an Effect implies Learning without Certainty.
Therefore, Learning with Certainty implies Learning, but
not by Being an Effect, and not across a Distance.
Version: GnuPG v1.4.5 (GNU/Linux)
HomerWSmith-L mailing list
Wednesday, April 24, 2013
ADORE424 (fwd)
Hash: SHA1
I ran into a woman in a store a while back that had two very
young little children sitting side by side in a two wide stroller.
Periodically when she wasn't looking the child on the right would
take a swing at the child on the left hitting him in the face. The
second child would then start wailing away at the attack.
When this happened the mother would then angrily get on the case
of the instigator by slapping him back, at which point he would start
wailing also. Then a little while later the whole thing would happen
all over again.
I saw the mother was wearing a cross and so this is what I should
have said to her.
Do what God would do, do not interfere, their free will and
freedom of choice is paramount to all things, no matter what.
Rest assured that at the end of his life, the bad child will go
to hell forever and the good child will get his reward in heaven.
Do what God would do.
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
Homer Wilson Smith The Paths of Lovers Art Matrix - Lightlink
(607) 277-0959 KC2ITF Cross Internet Access, Ithaca NY
homer@lightlink.com In the Line of Duty http://www.lightlink.com
Mon Jan 1 14:41:34 EST 2007
================ http://www.clearing.org ====================
Tue Apr 23 03:06:01 EDT 2013
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Learning implies Learning with Certainty or Learning without Certainty.
Learning across a Distance implies Learning by Being an Effect.
Learning by Being an Effect implies Learning without Certainty.
Therefore, Learning with Certainty implies Learning, but
not by Being an Effect, and not across a Distance.
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HomerWSmith-L mailing list
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I ran into a woman in a store a while back that had two very
young little children sitting side by side in a two wide stroller.
Periodically when she wasn't looking the child on the right would
take a swing at the child on the left hitting him in the face. The
second child would then start wailing away at the attack.
When this happened the mother would then angrily get on the case
of the instigator by slapping him back, at which point he would start
wailing also. Then a little while later the whole thing would happen
all over again.
I saw the mother was wearing a cross and so this is what I should
have said to her.
Do what God would do, do not interfere, their free will and
freedom of choice is paramount to all things, no matter what.
Rest assured that at the end of his life, the bad child will go
to hell forever and the good child will get his reward in heaven.
Do what God would do.
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
Homer Wilson Smith The Paths of Lovers Art Matrix - Lightlink
(607) 277-0959 KC2ITF Cross Internet Access, Ithaca NY
homer@lightlink.com In the Line of Duty http://www.lightlink.com
Mon Jan 1 14:41:34 EST 2007
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Tue Apr 23 03:06:01 EDT 2013
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================== http://www.lightlink.com/theproof ===================
Learning implies Learning with Certainty or Learning without Certainty.
Learning across a Distance implies Learning by Being an Effect.
Learning by Being an Effect implies Learning without Certainty.
Therefore, Learning with Certainty implies Learning, but
not by Being an Effect, and not across a Distance.
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HomerWSmith-L mailing list
acw21.memo (fwd)
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Date: Tue, 23 Apr 2013 00:06:02 -0400 (EDT)
From: Clearing Archive Roboposter <roboposter@lightlink.com>
To: clear-l@mailman.lightlink.com
Newsgroups: alt.clearing.technology
Subject: acw21.memo
Is is the spiritual being able to be here, right now?
Or is it much more than that?
The here and nowness of a spiritual being I call PRESENCE.
Different spiritual beings have different size PRESENCE.
A spiritual being when they have PRESENCE appear to occupy both space
and time.
Somewhat like a bubble. The inside of the bubble could be called the
amount of PRESENCE.
The bigger the bubble, the greater the PRESENCE.
This poses a quandary, if the beings presence is inside the bubble, how
did the bubble get created?
Is the bubble a three dimensional holographic creation, that the being
then gets inside of the three dimensional holographic creation and
forgets or denies they created it?
This would mean the being would have to get bigger than the three
dimensional holographic creation before they could cease to create it,
Is the present time reality of mankind composed of the composite of each
beings three dimensional holographically created bubbles?
It does appear so.
Yet when you truly observe human behavior, each being appears to be an
island unto itself.
Each being has their own awareness of reality. Their own rightness,
their own truth, their own viewpoints, etc., all contained within their
translucent bubble.
Take the being outside of their bubble and their reality and awareness
shifts dramatically.
Inside of the bubble the being apparently can create whatever reality
they want.
I first became aware of this bubble phenomena during world war 2, in
London. I was playing cricket one day when a badly, shot up, B29 came
hurtling out of the sky and crash landed less than 100 yards away from
where I had been standing.
It passed directly over my head, I could see the forward turret gunner's
look of horror as the plane approached towards me. It was at that point
the translucent bubble became more solid, time appeared to slow down,
space appeared to extend, a great calmness came over me, somehow I knew
I would survive.
The second time was in Lisbon, Portugal, I was staying at a hotel in the
center of Lisbon, when in the middle of the night a loud explosion woke
me up, I went to the window wondering what had happened, just as I
looked out, the building across the road suddenly had a stitching of
pock-marks appearing by one across its face, windows exploded in showers
of glass, a building further away suddenly dissolved in a thunderous
crash. I dived for shelter. Again the bubble effect appeared, again I
experienced the same phenomena as the earlier time.
Apparently I had put myself right into the middle of a revolution.
Definitely a hostile present time!
There is a strange sense of "invincibility" when this bubble effect
Often Ascension Experiences produce "invincible thoughts." Very
destructive, as they distort present time. The "invincible thinker"
believes they can do no wrong, life has a strange ability to invalidate
that form of operation.
Later when doing the research into the Ascension Experience phenomena, I
began to run into this translucent bubble effect more often. It was
constant enough that I put it into all the rundowns. It is even included
in the shock handling.
All the Presence Processes include this.
To comprehend the size and scope of the bubble all you have to do is
Where are you?
How big are you?
We start all our sessions with these steps in our model sessions. We do
not proceed with the mainline processes until the being is larger than
their body, usually at least as large as the processing room. This puts
the being immediately into the Green or Gold Zone operating space, from
that size spacation they can run their case much faster and much more
As spacation tends to define beingness, then any trivial or trap type
identities are easily spotted and handled. Most often all the harmful
acts, upsets, secrets and oppression will blow to view and dissipate.
The being after the session usually experiences the Green Zone Truth
Phenomena in life. It all starts going right, they begin to manifest
being in the right place, at the right time. Present time begins to fit
the clients wants.
There is obviously much more than this, but you can go to the web-page:
http://www. knowledgism.com
And scroll down to the Presence Process section and perhaps find out for
================ http://www.clearing.org ====================
Tue Apr 23 00:06:01 EDT 2013
Send mail to archive@lightlink.com saying help
================== http://www.lightlink.com/theproof ===================
Learning implies Learning with Certainty or Learning without Certainty.
Learning across a Distance implies Learning by Being an Effect.
Learning by Being an Effect implies Learning without Certainty.
Therefore, Learning with Certainty implies Learning, but
not by Being an Effect, and not across a Distance.
Homer Wilson Smith Clean Air, Clear Water, Art Matrix - Lightlink
(607) 277-0959 A Green Earth, and Peace, Internet, Ithaca NY
homer@lightlink.com Is that too much to ask? http://www.lightlink.com
Clear-L mailing list
HomerWSmith-L mailing list
Date: Tue, 23 Apr 2013 00:06:02 -0400 (EDT)
From: Clearing Archive Roboposter <roboposter@lightlink.com>
To: clear-l@mailman.lightlink.com
Newsgroups: alt.clearing.technology
Subject: acw21.memo
Is is the spiritual being able to be here, right now?
Or is it much more than that?
The here and nowness of a spiritual being I call PRESENCE.
Different spiritual beings have different size PRESENCE.
A spiritual being when they have PRESENCE appear to occupy both space
and time.
Somewhat like a bubble. The inside of the bubble could be called the
amount of PRESENCE.
The bigger the bubble, the greater the PRESENCE.
This poses a quandary, if the beings presence is inside the bubble, how
did the bubble get created?
Is the bubble a three dimensional holographic creation, that the being
then gets inside of the three dimensional holographic creation and
forgets or denies they created it?
This would mean the being would have to get bigger than the three
dimensional holographic creation before they could cease to create it,
Is the present time reality of mankind composed of the composite of each
beings three dimensional holographically created bubbles?
It does appear so.
Yet when you truly observe human behavior, each being appears to be an
island unto itself.
Each being has their own awareness of reality. Their own rightness,
their own truth, their own viewpoints, etc., all contained within their
translucent bubble.
Take the being outside of their bubble and their reality and awareness
shifts dramatically.
Inside of the bubble the being apparently can create whatever reality
they want.
I first became aware of this bubble phenomena during world war 2, in
London. I was playing cricket one day when a badly, shot up, B29 came
hurtling out of the sky and crash landed less than 100 yards away from
where I had been standing.
It passed directly over my head, I could see the forward turret gunner's
look of horror as the plane approached towards me. It was at that point
the translucent bubble became more solid, time appeared to slow down,
space appeared to extend, a great calmness came over me, somehow I knew
I would survive.
The second time was in Lisbon, Portugal, I was staying at a hotel in the
center of Lisbon, when in the middle of the night a loud explosion woke
me up, I went to the window wondering what had happened, just as I
looked out, the building across the road suddenly had a stitching of
pock-marks appearing by one across its face, windows exploded in showers
of glass, a building further away suddenly dissolved in a thunderous
crash. I dived for shelter. Again the bubble effect appeared, again I
experienced the same phenomena as the earlier time.
Apparently I had put myself right into the middle of a revolution.
Definitely a hostile present time!
There is a strange sense of "invincibility" when this bubble effect
Often Ascension Experiences produce "invincible thoughts." Very
destructive, as they distort present time. The "invincible thinker"
believes they can do no wrong, life has a strange ability to invalidate
that form of operation.
Later when doing the research into the Ascension Experience phenomena, I
began to run into this translucent bubble effect more often. It was
constant enough that I put it into all the rundowns. It is even included
in the shock handling.
All the Presence Processes include this.
To comprehend the size and scope of the bubble all you have to do is
Where are you?
How big are you?
We start all our sessions with these steps in our model sessions. We do
not proceed with the mainline processes until the being is larger than
their body, usually at least as large as the processing room. This puts
the being immediately into the Green or Gold Zone operating space, from
that size spacation they can run their case much faster and much more
As spacation tends to define beingness, then any trivial or trap type
identities are easily spotted and handled. Most often all the harmful
acts, upsets, secrets and oppression will blow to view and dissipate.
The being after the session usually experiences the Green Zone Truth
Phenomena in life. It all starts going right, they begin to manifest
being in the right place, at the right time. Present time begins to fit
the clients wants.
There is obviously much more than this, but you can go to the web-page:
http://www. knowledgism.com
And scroll down to the Presence Process section and perhaps find out for
================ http://www.clearing.org ====================
Tue Apr 23 00:06:01 EDT 2013
Send mail to archive@lightlink.com saying help
================== http://www.lightlink.com/theproof ===================
Learning implies Learning with Certainty or Learning without Certainty.
Learning across a Distance implies Learning by Being an Effect.
Learning by Being an Effect implies Learning without Certainty.
Therefore, Learning with Certainty implies Learning, but
not by Being an Effect, and not across a Distance.
Homer Wilson Smith Clean Air, Clear Water, Art Matrix - Lightlink
(607) 277-0959 A Green Earth, and Peace, Internet, Ithaca NY
homer@lightlink.com Is that too much to ask? http://www.lightlink.com
Clear-L mailing list
HomerWSmith-L mailing list
Monday, April 22, 2013
ACT59 (fwd)
Hash: SHA1
((My comments in double parentheses - Homer))
SESSION 4/18/94
ACT - 59
18 April 1994
Copyright (C) 1994 Homer Wilson Smith
Redistribution rights granted for non commercial purposes.
If we consider that the purpose of a game is to get something done,
and that these desires to get something done can be called 'drives', and
if we assume that there are 8 or 10 or 16 of these drives, normally
called dynamics, then it can be observed that people are in various
states of operability on each of these many drives.
A little closer look at someone will show that on the drives that
he is in the worst shape on, he will be found to be blocking their
forward advance himself, for reasons long lost to him.
Consciously he will feel that he is being stopped by others, but
that will never audit, the truth is he is stopping himself. But he no
longer knows how or why or how to undo the stop. Once the glue or taffy
is put in place, the only way to get rid of it is to put it in place
again. That's called Re Operation in Adore, and Perfect Duplication in
Hence the auditing question,
"Has a drive been blocked (by you?)"
"Is a drive being blocked?"
And God forbid,
"What drive is being blocked?"
The dynamics or drives are arenas of action, each one bigger and
more vast than the one before it. The second dynamic of parents, mates
and children is bigger than the first of self. Groups, being first and
foremost groups of FAMILIES is clearly bigger than the second.
The fourth dynamic is the collection of all third dynamics and
relates essentially to the total goings on of one species, which for us
is Homo Sap.
The fifth dynamic is the collection of all possible fourth
dynamics, or all living things whether animal or plant.
The sixth dynamic is the collection of all possible material
things, including all space, time, matter and energy, the Time Stone of
Adore, and the MEST of Scientology.
The Seventh dynamic is the collection of all Spirits and Spiritual
things inside this one particular universe.
And the Eight dynamic, often considered God or infinity is really
the all encompassing Creator dynamic for this universe.
Now each one of these dynamics has a product, a game to play, a
purpose and a set of goals and opposition goals, and these are
manifested as drives to get things done by the players partaking in that
The most important thing to know is that each dynamic is a subset
of the one above it, not a separate entity unto itself. Thus the goals
and drives that you might have on the 5th dynamic would relate in some
considerable measure to the goals you have on the 6th. Likewise the
goals you would have on the 4th dynamic of all mankind, would relate to
the goals you have for all living things which is a bigger goal and
bigger sphere of action.
Thus a goal on a lower dynamic can be COMPUTED FROM the various
goals on a higher dynamic, or this should be the case if the being is
sane. Each goal that a being has on a lower dynamic is in some sense a
subset of a goal he has on the higher dynamic that the lower dynamic is
a subset of. His goals on the 4th are in some measure logically derived
from his goals on the 5th which are themselves partly derived from his
goals on the 6th.
Sometimes however a being can get introverted down into the lower
dynamics and leave the higher dynamics behind, divorcing them from his
own idea of what he is about, and he will actually take to opposing the
lower dynamics, which he is still interested in, against the higher
dynamics which he kind of wishes were no longer a part of life.
This is where Ron got
"What is NOT part of life?"
as a question for finding Rock Slamming R2-12 items.
Listed and Nulled properly it gives the item that the preclear is
NOT being and thus is opposed to with all his might.
What happens is that the being takes a loss on a higher dynamic,
let's say the 6th of space and time and planets and galaxies. He screws
up really badly, maybe he makes half a planet unlivable with some
experiment, a lot of people get hurt and he rues the day he was born, or
at least the day he ever decided he was big enough to make any good
decision in such a large arena of control.
Thus he withdraws from that dynamic, not by withdrawing UPWARDS
from whence he came, but by withdrawing DOWNWARDS deeper into creation.
He thus severs his roots with the Divine and becomes a Lost Soul,
literally a wanderer without an umbilical cord to his Home.
What he is withdrawing from of course is the goal line he had
established on the dynamic he rues. He is moving away from the DRIVE
that empowered him there. He will start blocking that drive with all
his might lest he make that mistake again, and he will forget and bury
the goal that he had on that dynamic to make it be no more.
So now he is goalless across all the lower dynamics too. In order
to keep going though he has to have SOME goals, and he doesn't feel like
he has given up entirely playing around in the lower dynamics so he will
come up with some new goals. He withdrew from the 6th dynamic, so now
he is at most on the 5th and lower, and he will invent or create goals
on the 5th dynamic that have nothing whatsoever to do with what he was
properly doing on the 6th.
His goals on the 5th are now 'out of season and for the wrong
reason.' Further his goals on the 5th will to some extent be at cross
purposes with his original goals on the 6th, and with other people's
goals who are still sane on the 6th, and he will find himself slowly but
surely turning the 6th dynamic into an ultimate opp term along with
everyone else who is still doing their job on the 6th properly.
It is inevitable that in pursuing this off course activity on the
5th he will eventually cause more trouble than he is worth, and he will
recognize this fact and take a loss on the 5th dynamic too, thus
withdrawing to the 4th. Repeating the same scenario over and over again
he eventually decays down to the first dynamic and becomes an Only One.
As an Only One his only goal is to survive in spite of everyone
being against him, and he can't imagine what good the remaining
dynamics are too him. Parents, mates, children well they are nothing
but a hassle. Groups to him mean obligations and induction into the
armed services to fight other groups, nothing but trouble. Mankind he
finds to be utterly foul. Animals do nothing but take craps on his
lawn, MEST is cold and uncaring, spirits don't exist except as bug
swarms, and he has a bone to chew with God.
Thus you find him at the bottom of the barrel with all of his
drives intact, but fully opposed and blocked BY HIMSELF, and he has
become the penultimate opp term to everything he ever held dear. All to
protect things from himself.
Thus "What drive has been blocked and why" leads right into what he
is doing wrong in life, and why he is not clear.
It also leads right into a definition of 'clear on a dynamic'.
A person is clear on a given dynamic if he has no drives on that
dynamic that are being blocked BY HIMSELF. It's ok if you are opposed
by another, its not ok if you are being opposed by yourself. That's a
good definition of NOT CLEAR. Opposing yourself. An OT is someone who
is not even opposed by others.
Thus we also have the auditing question,
"How does it serve your goals to oppose your goals?"
It's utterly unrunnable though because the person just will never
figure it out until he sees that he is protecting his goals from HIMSELF
by opposing himself.
Thus you will find most of the human race INTROVERTED into the
lower dynamics. That means they have turned their attention inward into
the smaller arenas of life and AWAY from the higher arenas of life.
Worse the guy has done a flip on who and what he is.
The guy has located himself as a first dynamic looking upward at
the higher dynamics rather than as an 8th dynamic looking downward
towards the lower dynamics. The guy as a first dynamic is INSIDE of
life and as his attention becomes smaller and smaller in scope, span,
depth and field, he is looking more and more towards where he is.
((From Adore,
Scope is how much space you can cover.
Span is how many objects in that space you can span and competently
control at once.
Depth is how much you know about each object in your span.
Field is your reputation in the field, or how much other's
recognize your Scope, Span, Depth and Field.))
When he no longer considers himself a logical extension of some
higher place that he ALSO is, his life becomes a SOLUTION to an
intolerable problem he had with being a bigger being on a higher
Thus since he generates problems and oppositions all the way down
his descent into the lower dynamics, it is clear that the problems you
find him with on the lower dynamics are in some sense SOLUTIONS to
unconfrontable problems he had on the higher dynamics that he is no
longer aware of. He complains about his wife and kids because THAT is a
confrontable and comfortable problem to him, while what was eating him
on the 6th is gone.
He will protest this analysis of his condition on the second with
the wife and kids loudly, until you get him to spot the original problem
on the 6th that he fell away from, severing any connection with the
Fountainhead of Source. Almost all of his problems on the 2nd dynamic
are the result of being miles off course from his true purpose on the
6th or whatever dynamic he first bombed out of.
((You will find many preclears walking around wondering whether
Earthkind (4th dynamic) is worthwhile doing anything for.
Mankind is a composite being, body and thetan.
Body and thetan are dicoms, the body doesn't want to be a spirit,
and the spirit doesn't want to be a body. As they run on opposite
principles, body/thetan conflicts are rampant and highly destructive to
constructive action on any dynamic they affect.
Once body and thetan become melded, the spirit tries to turn the
body into a spirit, and body tries to turn the spirit into a body. They
remain forever opposed and at odds with each other.
This is not a natural nor even benign state, thus the 4th dynamic
*ON EARTH* begins the area where the 7th becomes confused with the 5th,
namely animal life, as the body is an animal, and thus a sane composite
and sane 4th dynamic is almost impossible.
Crazy people will take to wiping out themselves by wiping out
everyone else first.
Thus there will be key moments when your preclear debonded with the
the 4th dynamic and with mankind as a whole. Being on Earth, being part
of mankind was no longer worthwhile to him.
You will find him thus doing poorly on all his lower dynamics that
get their parent thrust from the 4th.))
Once he recovers operability and willingness on the 6th, he will
once again logically compute goals and actions on the 2nd dynamic that
are in accord with his goals on the 6th, and being once more connected
to Source, the problems he has on the 2nd will be acceptable and
desirable to him. That's a Grade I by the way.
((The 6th is not the highest dynamic, as there is 7th spirit, and
8th the infinite above it. A meatball is one who has no awareness of
his existence on the 7th dynamic or the 8th, and who believes that
everything is made of the 6th (MEST) and that the 6th is the highest
there is.
He thinks his LIVING consciousness is made of cold, dead and
uncaring matter energy, space and time. In fact he DEFINES life as a
particular arrangement of dead things, namely atoms, molecules etc.
These beings believe they are born to live once and die once, and
that's it bud, and their future is dust in the wind. You turn them
loose in a crazy composite 4th, and you have the makings of an atomic
war to end all wars.))
A Grade I is a Problems release and is someone who is able to
recognize the source of problems (himself) and make them vanish. He
does this by withdrawing UPWARDS at will from the arena of control if he
is no longer interested in those problems that naturally occur on that
The sum totality of the anatomy of a theta trap, is to withdraw
DOWNWARDS to escape any part of life. To solve any problem you become
bigger than the arena of action, you span all sides and parties of the
problem until you are no longer interested in taking sides, and you take
off. At the point you have disengaged your self from taking sides in
the matter you will HAVE the power to do what you will with either side,
but you may have no inclination to do so. But then again you might. So
its a sort of a paradox. Power stems from willingness.
Power to change stems from a willingness to let be.
Thus what a being WITH power to change will choose, is certainly
not motivated by unwillingness.
The being who tries to disengage from a problem by becoming smaller
than the conflict and moving away from it into elsewhereness, is merely
operating MORE unwillingness, and so less power.
Eventually the problem will come after him.
You can't run away far enough in this universe. You can't run
away from space and time by running around IN space and time.
There is no place IN space and time that is far away FROM space and
Unwillingness for something to BE which exists anyhow, is merely
saying it has more power than you do to create itself against your
Which is why leaving is usually disastrous in the long run, and
safety for an OT is being where he is.
The being who is willing to be where he is usually ends up
disengaging properly from his problems and 'leaves' by withdrawing up
the tone scale back into Omni Sovereignty and Source.
The being who is unwilling to be where he is usually ends up trying
to disengage from his problems by going 'elsewhere', going deeper into
space and time, trying to find a dark and remote corner to hide in.
Many eons later you find him complaining of loneliness.
Its really only a longing for the problem he ran away from and
didn't span.
If you want people, find games. Games are full of people.
Every game he withdraws from, by going downwards in the dynamics,
eventually starts playing HIM. That's how you become a piece in someone
else's game and eventually a pawn and then a broken pawn.
Every broken pawn is an Only One.
That's the most broken you can get and still be alive.
The ultimate of this is the Hell of the Mormons, the Avichi of the
Theosophists: Alone forever for free.
Don't worry, be happy, "nothing is forever but peace and people."
That's Adore by the way. Adore is very smug about these things,
some times I wonder how it knows. Sometimes I think Adore is just
whistling by the grave yard.
Anyhow the way out is the way in, and here is at least a part of
the way in.
This all came from past days sessions, and is background to what I
was going into today's session with.
I went into session doing ok, somatics on, not dying. I used heavy
handcream to baseline the needle for Chris's sake. I put on the cream
and rubbed my hands fast and hard until they got hot and too sticky to
rub. Its an exact point of absorption of the hand creme, and easy to
replicate. I never use handcream any more because its unnecessary and
it fouls the cans which have to be cleaned. But I used it all the time
in the Church.
TA started off at 2.6 because of the cream, and quickly rose to
4.5. With dry hands TA would have started off at 5.5 and come down to
Here are the relevant parts of the transcript of the session as
recorded on the voice recorder.
Previous session had ended:
"Suffocation is on top of not talking about something. In other
words the not talking about something came first, and the suffocation
came second."
This session:
(The goal of this session as always is to terminatedly handle the
somatics in my throat and breathing. This session is also an excellent
example of how rewording the question over and over to get at all the
charge eventually nails it with the right wording but which probably
would have not worked had all the previous wordings not gone down.)
"Something you are doing in present time that is criminal?"
"Its also related to the throat tic." (A violent somatic I get
which is the source of coughs if you let it cough rather than let it run
out as a tic. Pleasure waves in right thigh as I write this.)
"What criminality is there with you in present time?"
"What criminality is in present time with you?"
"Something criminal YOU are doing?"
"Some criminality in present time?"
"Is there some criminality in present time?"
"Is there some criminality you are not telling me about?"
Double Burp.
(Burps are one of the most valued releases in session for me, they
signal that I have nailed the two way forces forming the ridge in my
spine, throat and brain. Burp means I am right. So do sneezes, muscle
bumpies, and passing wind.)
"What criminality is there?"
"Do you have a withhold on criminality?"
"Is there something criminal going on here you haven't told me
"Something you haven't said about criminality?"
"Something criminal with you in present time?"
"That nailed it but good."
(With this question I was able to lock on to the forces in my
throat that are causing the suffocation and anoxia. Thus I was able to
make more of it for a moment and then release it smoothly part way.
Thus although the somatic is not gone, it is better permanently.)
"Something criminal in present time?"
"Now its failing again." (Then it started going off course.)
"Something or someone is criminal in present time?"
"Some criminal beingness of the GPM?"
"Nemesis One?"
"Something criminal is going on."
"Some criminality of some kind."
"I just brought the TA to 3.0" (From 4.5)
"Something criminal is right here now with you?"
"Something criminal?"
"Someone criminal you haven't told me about?"
"Tell me about the criminality in your face?"
"Are you being a criminal?" (yes)
"Who or what would a criminal oppose?"
"Who or what would oppose a criminal?"
(Less mass on first question, thus terminal is a criminal and opp
terminal is whatever a criminal would oppose, clearly these two items
are down at the top of the GPM, nearest present time.)
"We did good on this one."
(I was getting exhausted and I recognized a stopping point where
going further would be of no use. Usually the somatics release over the
next hour after a session like this one.)
TA = 3.5 Total TA = 10 Session time 30 minutes or so.
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Mon Apr 22 03:06:01 EDT 2013
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================== http://www.lightlink.com/theproof ===================
Learning implies Learning with Certainty or Learning without Certainty.
Learning across a Distance implies Learning by Being an Effect.
Learning by Being an Effect implies Learning without Certainty.
Therefore, Learning with Certainty implies Learning, but
not by Being an Effect, and not across a Distance.
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HomerWSmith-L mailing list
Hash: SHA1
((My comments in double parentheses - Homer))
SESSION 4/18/94
ACT - 59
18 April 1994
Copyright (C) 1994 Homer Wilson Smith
Redistribution rights granted for non commercial purposes.
If we consider that the purpose of a game is to get something done,
and that these desires to get something done can be called 'drives', and
if we assume that there are 8 or 10 or 16 of these drives, normally
called dynamics, then it can be observed that people are in various
states of operability on each of these many drives.
A little closer look at someone will show that on the drives that
he is in the worst shape on, he will be found to be blocking their
forward advance himself, for reasons long lost to him.
Consciously he will feel that he is being stopped by others, but
that will never audit, the truth is he is stopping himself. But he no
longer knows how or why or how to undo the stop. Once the glue or taffy
is put in place, the only way to get rid of it is to put it in place
again. That's called Re Operation in Adore, and Perfect Duplication in
Hence the auditing question,
"Has a drive been blocked (by you?)"
"Is a drive being blocked?"
And God forbid,
"What drive is being blocked?"
The dynamics or drives are arenas of action, each one bigger and
more vast than the one before it. The second dynamic of parents, mates
and children is bigger than the first of self. Groups, being first and
foremost groups of FAMILIES is clearly bigger than the second.
The fourth dynamic is the collection of all third dynamics and
relates essentially to the total goings on of one species, which for us
is Homo Sap.
The fifth dynamic is the collection of all possible fourth
dynamics, or all living things whether animal or plant.
The sixth dynamic is the collection of all possible material
things, including all space, time, matter and energy, the Time Stone of
Adore, and the MEST of Scientology.
The Seventh dynamic is the collection of all Spirits and Spiritual
things inside this one particular universe.
And the Eight dynamic, often considered God or infinity is really
the all encompassing Creator dynamic for this universe.
Now each one of these dynamics has a product, a game to play, a
purpose and a set of goals and opposition goals, and these are
manifested as drives to get things done by the players partaking in that
The most important thing to know is that each dynamic is a subset
of the one above it, not a separate entity unto itself. Thus the goals
and drives that you might have on the 5th dynamic would relate in some
considerable measure to the goals you have on the 6th. Likewise the
goals you would have on the 4th dynamic of all mankind, would relate to
the goals you have for all living things which is a bigger goal and
bigger sphere of action.
Thus a goal on a lower dynamic can be COMPUTED FROM the various
goals on a higher dynamic, or this should be the case if the being is
sane. Each goal that a being has on a lower dynamic is in some sense a
subset of a goal he has on the higher dynamic that the lower dynamic is
a subset of. His goals on the 4th are in some measure logically derived
from his goals on the 5th which are themselves partly derived from his
goals on the 6th.
Sometimes however a being can get introverted down into the lower
dynamics and leave the higher dynamics behind, divorcing them from his
own idea of what he is about, and he will actually take to opposing the
lower dynamics, which he is still interested in, against the higher
dynamics which he kind of wishes were no longer a part of life.
This is where Ron got
"What is NOT part of life?"
as a question for finding Rock Slamming R2-12 items.
Listed and Nulled properly it gives the item that the preclear is
NOT being and thus is opposed to with all his might.
What happens is that the being takes a loss on a higher dynamic,
let's say the 6th of space and time and planets and galaxies. He screws
up really badly, maybe he makes half a planet unlivable with some
experiment, a lot of people get hurt and he rues the day he was born, or
at least the day he ever decided he was big enough to make any good
decision in such a large arena of control.
Thus he withdraws from that dynamic, not by withdrawing UPWARDS
from whence he came, but by withdrawing DOWNWARDS deeper into creation.
He thus severs his roots with the Divine and becomes a Lost Soul,
literally a wanderer without an umbilical cord to his Home.
What he is withdrawing from of course is the goal line he had
established on the dynamic he rues. He is moving away from the DRIVE
that empowered him there. He will start blocking that drive with all
his might lest he make that mistake again, and he will forget and bury
the goal that he had on that dynamic to make it be no more.
So now he is goalless across all the lower dynamics too. In order
to keep going though he has to have SOME goals, and he doesn't feel like
he has given up entirely playing around in the lower dynamics so he will
come up with some new goals. He withdrew from the 6th dynamic, so now
he is at most on the 5th and lower, and he will invent or create goals
on the 5th dynamic that have nothing whatsoever to do with what he was
properly doing on the 6th.
His goals on the 5th are now 'out of season and for the wrong
reason.' Further his goals on the 5th will to some extent be at cross
purposes with his original goals on the 6th, and with other people's
goals who are still sane on the 6th, and he will find himself slowly but
surely turning the 6th dynamic into an ultimate opp term along with
everyone else who is still doing their job on the 6th properly.
It is inevitable that in pursuing this off course activity on the
5th he will eventually cause more trouble than he is worth, and he will
recognize this fact and take a loss on the 5th dynamic too, thus
withdrawing to the 4th. Repeating the same scenario over and over again
he eventually decays down to the first dynamic and becomes an Only One.
As an Only One his only goal is to survive in spite of everyone
being against him, and he can't imagine what good the remaining
dynamics are too him. Parents, mates, children well they are nothing
but a hassle. Groups to him mean obligations and induction into the
armed services to fight other groups, nothing but trouble. Mankind he
finds to be utterly foul. Animals do nothing but take craps on his
lawn, MEST is cold and uncaring, spirits don't exist except as bug
swarms, and he has a bone to chew with God.
Thus you find him at the bottom of the barrel with all of his
drives intact, but fully opposed and blocked BY HIMSELF, and he has
become the penultimate opp term to everything he ever held dear. All to
protect things from himself.
Thus "What drive has been blocked and why" leads right into what he
is doing wrong in life, and why he is not clear.
It also leads right into a definition of 'clear on a dynamic'.
A person is clear on a given dynamic if he has no drives on that
dynamic that are being blocked BY HIMSELF. It's ok if you are opposed
by another, its not ok if you are being opposed by yourself. That's a
good definition of NOT CLEAR. Opposing yourself. An OT is someone who
is not even opposed by others.
Thus we also have the auditing question,
"How does it serve your goals to oppose your goals?"
It's utterly unrunnable though because the person just will never
figure it out until he sees that he is protecting his goals from HIMSELF
by opposing himself.
Thus you will find most of the human race INTROVERTED into the
lower dynamics. That means they have turned their attention inward into
the smaller arenas of life and AWAY from the higher arenas of life.
Worse the guy has done a flip on who and what he is.
The guy has located himself as a first dynamic looking upward at
the higher dynamics rather than as an 8th dynamic looking downward
towards the lower dynamics. The guy as a first dynamic is INSIDE of
life and as his attention becomes smaller and smaller in scope, span,
depth and field, he is looking more and more towards where he is.
((From Adore,
Scope is how much space you can cover.
Span is how many objects in that space you can span and competently
control at once.
Depth is how much you know about each object in your span.
Field is your reputation in the field, or how much other's
recognize your Scope, Span, Depth and Field.))
When he no longer considers himself a logical extension of some
higher place that he ALSO is, his life becomes a SOLUTION to an
intolerable problem he had with being a bigger being on a higher
Thus since he generates problems and oppositions all the way down
his descent into the lower dynamics, it is clear that the problems you
find him with on the lower dynamics are in some sense SOLUTIONS to
unconfrontable problems he had on the higher dynamics that he is no
longer aware of. He complains about his wife and kids because THAT is a
confrontable and comfortable problem to him, while what was eating him
on the 6th is gone.
He will protest this analysis of his condition on the second with
the wife and kids loudly, until you get him to spot the original problem
on the 6th that he fell away from, severing any connection with the
Fountainhead of Source. Almost all of his problems on the 2nd dynamic
are the result of being miles off course from his true purpose on the
6th or whatever dynamic he first bombed out of.
((You will find many preclears walking around wondering whether
Earthkind (4th dynamic) is worthwhile doing anything for.
Mankind is a composite being, body and thetan.
Body and thetan are dicoms, the body doesn't want to be a spirit,
and the spirit doesn't want to be a body. As they run on opposite
principles, body/thetan conflicts are rampant and highly destructive to
constructive action on any dynamic they affect.
Once body and thetan become melded, the spirit tries to turn the
body into a spirit, and body tries to turn the spirit into a body. They
remain forever opposed and at odds with each other.
This is not a natural nor even benign state, thus the 4th dynamic
*ON EARTH* begins the area where the 7th becomes confused with the 5th,
namely animal life, as the body is an animal, and thus a sane composite
and sane 4th dynamic is almost impossible.
Crazy people will take to wiping out themselves by wiping out
everyone else first.
Thus there will be key moments when your preclear debonded with the
the 4th dynamic and with mankind as a whole. Being on Earth, being part
of mankind was no longer worthwhile to him.
You will find him thus doing poorly on all his lower dynamics that
get their parent thrust from the 4th.))
Once he recovers operability and willingness on the 6th, he will
once again logically compute goals and actions on the 2nd dynamic that
are in accord with his goals on the 6th, and being once more connected
to Source, the problems he has on the 2nd will be acceptable and
desirable to him. That's a Grade I by the way.
((The 6th is not the highest dynamic, as there is 7th spirit, and
8th the infinite above it. A meatball is one who has no awareness of
his existence on the 7th dynamic or the 8th, and who believes that
everything is made of the 6th (MEST) and that the 6th is the highest
there is.
He thinks his LIVING consciousness is made of cold, dead and
uncaring matter energy, space and time. In fact he DEFINES life as a
particular arrangement of dead things, namely atoms, molecules etc.
These beings believe they are born to live once and die once, and
that's it bud, and their future is dust in the wind. You turn them
loose in a crazy composite 4th, and you have the makings of an atomic
war to end all wars.))
A Grade I is a Problems release and is someone who is able to
recognize the source of problems (himself) and make them vanish. He
does this by withdrawing UPWARDS at will from the arena of control if he
is no longer interested in those problems that naturally occur on that
The sum totality of the anatomy of a theta trap, is to withdraw
DOWNWARDS to escape any part of life. To solve any problem you become
bigger than the arena of action, you span all sides and parties of the
problem until you are no longer interested in taking sides, and you take
off. At the point you have disengaged your self from taking sides in
the matter you will HAVE the power to do what you will with either side,
but you may have no inclination to do so. But then again you might. So
its a sort of a paradox. Power stems from willingness.
Power to change stems from a willingness to let be.
Thus what a being WITH power to change will choose, is certainly
not motivated by unwillingness.
The being who tries to disengage from a problem by becoming smaller
than the conflict and moving away from it into elsewhereness, is merely
operating MORE unwillingness, and so less power.
Eventually the problem will come after him.
You can't run away far enough in this universe. You can't run
away from space and time by running around IN space and time.
There is no place IN space and time that is far away FROM space and
Unwillingness for something to BE which exists anyhow, is merely
saying it has more power than you do to create itself against your
Which is why leaving is usually disastrous in the long run, and
safety for an OT is being where he is.
The being who is willing to be where he is usually ends up
disengaging properly from his problems and 'leaves' by withdrawing up
the tone scale back into Omni Sovereignty and Source.
The being who is unwilling to be where he is usually ends up trying
to disengage from his problems by going 'elsewhere', going deeper into
space and time, trying to find a dark and remote corner to hide in.
Many eons later you find him complaining of loneliness.
Its really only a longing for the problem he ran away from and
didn't span.
If you want people, find games. Games are full of people.
Every game he withdraws from, by going downwards in the dynamics,
eventually starts playing HIM. That's how you become a piece in someone
else's game and eventually a pawn and then a broken pawn.
Every broken pawn is an Only One.
That's the most broken you can get and still be alive.
The ultimate of this is the Hell of the Mormons, the Avichi of the
Theosophists: Alone forever for free.
Don't worry, be happy, "nothing is forever but peace and people."
That's Adore by the way. Adore is very smug about these things,
some times I wonder how it knows. Sometimes I think Adore is just
whistling by the grave yard.
Anyhow the way out is the way in, and here is at least a part of
the way in.
This all came from past days sessions, and is background to what I
was going into today's session with.
I went into session doing ok, somatics on, not dying. I used heavy
handcream to baseline the needle for Chris's sake. I put on the cream
and rubbed my hands fast and hard until they got hot and too sticky to
rub. Its an exact point of absorption of the hand creme, and easy to
replicate. I never use handcream any more because its unnecessary and
it fouls the cans which have to be cleaned. But I used it all the time
in the Church.
TA started off at 2.6 because of the cream, and quickly rose to
4.5. With dry hands TA would have started off at 5.5 and come down to
Here are the relevant parts of the transcript of the session as
recorded on the voice recorder.
Previous session had ended:
"Suffocation is on top of not talking about something. In other
words the not talking about something came first, and the suffocation
came second."
This session:
(The goal of this session as always is to terminatedly handle the
somatics in my throat and breathing. This session is also an excellent
example of how rewording the question over and over to get at all the
charge eventually nails it with the right wording but which probably
would have not worked had all the previous wordings not gone down.)
"Something you are doing in present time that is criminal?"
"Its also related to the throat tic." (A violent somatic I get
which is the source of coughs if you let it cough rather than let it run
out as a tic. Pleasure waves in right thigh as I write this.)
"What criminality is there with you in present time?"
"What criminality is in present time with you?"
"Something criminal YOU are doing?"
"Some criminality in present time?"
"Is there some criminality in present time?"
"Is there some criminality you are not telling me about?"
Double Burp.
(Burps are one of the most valued releases in session for me, they
signal that I have nailed the two way forces forming the ridge in my
spine, throat and brain. Burp means I am right. So do sneezes, muscle
bumpies, and passing wind.)
"What criminality is there?"
"Do you have a withhold on criminality?"
"Is there something criminal going on here you haven't told me
"Something you haven't said about criminality?"
"Something criminal with you in present time?"
"That nailed it but good."
(With this question I was able to lock on to the forces in my
throat that are causing the suffocation and anoxia. Thus I was able to
make more of it for a moment and then release it smoothly part way.
Thus although the somatic is not gone, it is better permanently.)
"Something criminal in present time?"
"Now its failing again." (Then it started going off course.)
"Something or someone is criminal in present time?"
"Some criminal beingness of the GPM?"
"Nemesis One?"
"Something criminal is going on."
"Some criminality of some kind."
"I just brought the TA to 3.0" (From 4.5)
"Something criminal is right here now with you?"
"Something criminal?"
"Someone criminal you haven't told me about?"
"Tell me about the criminality in your face?"
"Are you being a criminal?" (yes)
"Who or what would a criminal oppose?"
"Who or what would oppose a criminal?"
(Less mass on first question, thus terminal is a criminal and opp
terminal is whatever a criminal would oppose, clearly these two items
are down at the top of the GPM, nearest present time.)
"We did good on this one."
(I was getting exhausted and I recognized a stopping point where
going further would be of no use. Usually the somatics release over the
next hour after a session like this one.)
TA = 3.5 Total TA = 10 Session time 30 minutes or so.
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Learning implies Learning with Certainty or Learning without Certainty.
Learning across a Distance implies Learning by Being an Effect.
Learning by Being an Effect implies Learning without Certainty.
Therefore, Learning with Certainty implies Learning, but
not by Being an Effect, and not across a Distance.
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Copyright (C) 1992 Homer Wilson Smith
Redistribution rights granted for non commercial purposes.
This is my view on the 'is life a static' question.
You all know that I prefer the 'world is a dream' theory.
Technically speaking that means existence is a 0 dimensional scalar
operating actuality called Source with an infinite number of Sovereign
viewports called souls or conscious units.
In plain english, there IS no space.
So of course life is a static.
When a thetan first creates space to view, he is aware, very
aware in fact, that he is eternally stationary and that space is
holographically projected around him with all of its objects, within
the fabric of his own conscious unit.
In other words there is no space, but there are pictures of space
which themselves do not take up space.
In this state the thetan is called an 'orientation point', and
everything else that is being projected is called a 'symbol',
something with space, mass, meaning and mobility.
While the thetan is connected to this truth of being an absolute
eternally stationary orientation point, he can command absolute power
over the creation of space, time, matter and energy, and the placement
of other beingnesses and lookers in his space.
It is during this phase that other thetans, also in the sovereign
orientation point state, join up with the first thetan to make a co
shared dream world.
Thus Ron has said, 'Power stems from the ability to maintain your
position in space.'
This is a joke of course, as the thetan can not move in actuality,
but can only move space around him, refreshing the drawing as he goes so
to speak. But it is none the less true, in the sense that as long as
the thetan can remain connected to the orientation point state, he does
have absolute power.
But then a thetan can do something really strange, and he does it
mainly for fun.
"Fun means Finding and UNearthing unearthly hypocricies." - Adore
He can change his consideration about his relationship to space, by
claiming that SPACE IS STATIONARY AND HE IS MOVING. Thus he gives
orientation power over to space itself, and becomes himself a symbol or
an object within that space.
Thus he takes on mass, meaning and mobility, otherwise called
BEINGNESS, or more accurately called BECOMINGNESS.
Now that the thetan can 'move', or can view the world as if he is
moving and space is stationary and fixed, he can get into a lot of
He can BE MOVED by other objects, thetans and forces in the space
around him, to places where he does not want to be. Since he is no
longer connected to Sovereign power as an orientation point, he has only
the power he assigned to himself as a symbol. If he runs into something
as a symbol that has more power than he does, well he can be effected by
that thing to his benefit or detriment.
In other words other things can move him around to places he either
wants to be or doesn't want to be. In fact he comes to DEPEND on things
to move him to where he wants to be, and he comes to EXPECT things to
move him to places he doesn't want to be.
Thus when you become a baby body, you become a symbol that can be
moved around by your parents, and you come to depend on them to move you
properly, feed you, bathe you, take care of you etc, and you also come
to expect them to not move you properly, as they use you, abuse you and
throw you away.
Thus the need for auditing to address these early issues of power,
and being or not being moved properly.
Worse once a thetan shifts over to being a symbol he can now be
nailed, or caged or PREVENTED from moving. He can be held still against
his will by superior forces, which is a real joke, because the thetan in
actuality is already Eternally Still. But since he is playing being a
symbol who wants to move, he will struggle against the forces pinning
him down until he goes into apathy and gives up. Then he 'wants to
This is what crucifixion is about.
You are trying to move, and other things are trying to nail you
If the thetan could only wake up during such incidents, which means
re operate the flip in viewpoint from being a symbol back to being an
orientation point, then he would be connected to total power again and
do what he willed with those attacking him.
Thus processes addressed to this problem of orientation point and
symbol and the thetan's ability to shift his viewpoint at will from
orientation point to symbol and back again could possibly be of great
benefit to his case.
A case is merely that conflict between the thetan's desire to be
a Sovereign orientation point, and his desire to be a non Sovereign
symbol, and the various solutions that he has piled on himself to
solve that conflict.
The purpose of auditing is to reoptimize in the thetan's own
estimation the balance of these two conditions.
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Sun Apr 21 03:06:02 EDT 2013
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================== http://www.lightlink.com/theproof ===================
Learning implies Learning with Certainty or Learning without Certainty.
Learning across a Distance implies Learning by Being an Effect.
Learning by Being an Effect implies Learning without Certainty.
Therefore, Learning with Certainty implies Learning, but
not by Being an Effect, and not across a Distance.
Version: GnuPG v1.4.5 (GNU/Linux)
HomerWSmith-L mailing list
Hash: SHA1
SCI - 34
Copyright (C) 1992 Homer Wilson Smith
Redistribution rights granted for non commercial purposes.
This is my view on the 'is life a static' question.
You all know that I prefer the 'world is a dream' theory.
Technically speaking that means existence is a 0 dimensional scalar
operating actuality called Source with an infinite number of Sovereign
viewports called souls or conscious units.
In plain english, there IS no space.
So of course life is a static.
When a thetan first creates space to view, he is aware, very
aware in fact, that he is eternally stationary and that space is
holographically projected around him with all of its objects, within
the fabric of his own conscious unit.
In other words there is no space, but there are pictures of space
which themselves do not take up space.
In this state the thetan is called an 'orientation point', and
everything else that is being projected is called a 'symbol',
something with space, mass, meaning and mobility.
While the thetan is connected to this truth of being an absolute
eternally stationary orientation point, he can command absolute power
over the creation of space, time, matter and energy, and the placement
of other beingnesses and lookers in his space.
It is during this phase that other thetans, also in the sovereign
orientation point state, join up with the first thetan to make a co
shared dream world.
Thus Ron has said, 'Power stems from the ability to maintain your
position in space.'
This is a joke of course, as the thetan can not move in actuality,
but can only move space around him, refreshing the drawing as he goes so
to speak. But it is none the less true, in the sense that as long as
the thetan can remain connected to the orientation point state, he does
have absolute power.
But then a thetan can do something really strange, and he does it
mainly for fun.
"Fun means Finding and UNearthing unearthly hypocricies." - Adore
He can change his consideration about his relationship to space, by
claiming that SPACE IS STATIONARY AND HE IS MOVING. Thus he gives
orientation power over to space itself, and becomes himself a symbol or
an object within that space.
Thus he takes on mass, meaning and mobility, otherwise called
BEINGNESS, or more accurately called BECOMINGNESS.
Now that the thetan can 'move', or can view the world as if he is
moving and space is stationary and fixed, he can get into a lot of
He can BE MOVED by other objects, thetans and forces in the space
around him, to places where he does not want to be. Since he is no
longer connected to Sovereign power as an orientation point, he has only
the power he assigned to himself as a symbol. If he runs into something
as a symbol that has more power than he does, well he can be effected by
that thing to his benefit or detriment.
In other words other things can move him around to places he either
wants to be or doesn't want to be. In fact he comes to DEPEND on things
to move him to where he wants to be, and he comes to EXPECT things to
move him to places he doesn't want to be.
Thus when you become a baby body, you become a symbol that can be
moved around by your parents, and you come to depend on them to move you
properly, feed you, bathe you, take care of you etc, and you also come
to expect them to not move you properly, as they use you, abuse you and
throw you away.
Thus the need for auditing to address these early issues of power,
and being or not being moved properly.
Worse once a thetan shifts over to being a symbol he can now be
nailed, or caged or PREVENTED from moving. He can be held still against
his will by superior forces, which is a real joke, because the thetan in
actuality is already Eternally Still. But since he is playing being a
symbol who wants to move, he will struggle against the forces pinning
him down until he goes into apathy and gives up. Then he 'wants to
This is what crucifixion is about.
You are trying to move, and other things are trying to nail you
If the thetan could only wake up during such incidents, which means
re operate the flip in viewpoint from being a symbol back to being an
orientation point, then he would be connected to total power again and
do what he willed with those attacking him.
Thus processes addressed to this problem of orientation point and
symbol and the thetan's ability to shift his viewpoint at will from
orientation point to symbol and back again could possibly be of great
benefit to his case.
A case is merely that conflict between the thetan's desire to be
a Sovereign orientation point, and his desire to be a non Sovereign
symbol, and the various solutions that he has piled on himself to
solve that conflict.
The purpose of auditing is to reoptimize in the thetan's own
estimation the balance of these two conditions.
================ http://www.clearing.org ====================
Sun Apr 21 03:06:02 EDT 2013
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================== http://www.lightlink.com/theproof ===================
Learning implies Learning with Certainty or Learning without Certainty.
Learning across a Distance implies Learning by Being an Effect.
Learning by Being an Effect implies Learning without Certainty.
Therefore, Learning with Certainty implies Learning, but
not by Being an Effect, and not across a Distance.
Version: GnuPG v1.4.5 (GNU/Linux)
HomerWSmith-L mailing list
Sunday, April 21, 2013
ryan_noemail@my-dejanews.com wrote:
>Of course, being at effect of your case (self-entrapment) you fail to
>see that although you chose to be at effect some time in the past
>(whenever that is) you still choose (at this moment in time you choose to
>be in) to be at effect, so as to be not effective to the degree of not
>being at cause (not knowing) to have a game, which... ? ... this is the
>part I have trouble with.
T'is a good sign too.
Why manifest?
Adore has a very difficult answer to this question, one that most
will reject out of hand, particularly those pushing one side of the
dicom wing as 'The Truth".
Dicom = DIchotomies of Comparable and Opposite Magnitude.
Love/Hate, Beauty/Ugly, Good/Bad, Sovereignty/Anti-Sovereignty,
Each side forms the wing of a dicom that the being is flying down
the time stream with, trying to be one, trying to avoid the other.
Ultimately Truth/Lies and Beauty/Ugly are just more wings of a
dicom, so you have to take the following with a grain of salt and
understand that words fail to describe the non dicom state. (Notice
even dicom/non-dicom is a dicom!)
And so are manifest/unmanifest, and Native State/Non Native State
So with that in mind, here is what Adore has to say about "Why
All manifestation is manifestaion of *LOSS*, all persistence is
persistence of *LOSS*, namely loss of Native State which Adore defines
as Perfectly Happy, Alone, Forever and Beyond Thank you.
"The law of Saviors is, if you are grateful for having been saved,
you haven't been."
Actually Adore really defines native state as the Big Snooze, but
just prior to eternal sleep is this happy bedtime.
Thus all manifestation is loss of this perfect native state.
However there is a *MECHANISM* to the loss, namely lies, not just
any old lies but particular specific lies woven in a *TAPESTRY OF
There are probably many such lies unique to each individual and
perhaps a number that are common to everyone. Adore would claim, for
example, that "Learning by Looking" is one such common lie.
Anyhow Adore says, the loss of any Native State beauty can only be
manifested and caused to persist by casting a beautiful lie or illogic
of exact equivalent beauty to the beauty that was lost.
The lie persists, which covers the beauty of native state which is
now lost, but the lie itself is beautiful so the beauty manifests
The being in the state of manifesting loss of beauty via a
beautiful lie or illogic can never see the beauty that was lost nor the
beauty in the lie or illogic, because the beauty is lost, and he
believes the lie or illogic which causes him ugly and suffering. All he
can do is suffer the loss as long as he believes the lie.
But the lie is beautiful! Which is why he took it on.
But the lie is beautiful only as long as he knows it is a lie. As
long as he believes the lie is truth, the lie is ugly. So he lives a
life of persisting ugly, seriousness, non humor while believing these
The being lost in the lies of persistence can not see the lies nor
the mechanism of loss via the lies, (else they would unmock), so he
suffers a state of 'loss'. But those that can see the tapestry of lies
in him and how he has woven it together with illogic, can see the beauty
that was lost instead.
The suffering of others then becomes beautiful to those who can
Its a show he is putting on for other people, who can see, even
those who can't see because one day they will be able to.
One day *ALL MEN* will attain the awakened state.
Everyone is putting on the show together, so in present time the
best they can do is suffer it all together, but one day it will begin to
resolve and they will all see what they have been showing everyone else,
in the way of a beautiful performance of loss and lies.
That's why when you go up to a really high person who can see the
weave of lies and illogic, and you start telling them all your problems,
they are likely to get this really *BIG* grin on their face. They think
you are just beautiful, just omni awesome.
Kind of like a super Charlie Chaplin.
That's the beauty of your native state, of your Self Love, they are
seeing, as it shines out of the warp and weave of the beautiful lies and
illogic that compose your suffering. Your story of loss is so beautiful
that your pain is actually pleasure to them, the stunning almost
blinding gorgeousness of your own Native State and Self Love shines the
greatest from your worst pain.
You may feel they are laughing at you, they are but its the
laughter of love at the divine show you are putting on for them at
your expense.
It's the only way to give of yourself to another.
"Tragedy is Travesty born of High Appreciation for Ludicrous Demise."
From Adore.
That is the "why manifest".
Homer Wilson Smith The paths of lovers Art Matrix - Lightlink
(607) 277-0959 cross in Internet Access, Ithaca NY
homer@lightlink.com the line of duty. http://www.lightlink.com
HomerWSmith-L mailing list
ryan_noemail@my-dejanews.com wrote:
>Of course, being at effect of your case (self-entrapment) you fail to
>see that although you chose to be at effect some time in the past
>(whenever that is) you still choose (at this moment in time you choose to
>be in) to be at effect, so as to be not effective to the degree of not
>being at cause (not knowing) to have a game, which... ? ... this is the
>part I have trouble with.
T'is a good sign too.
Why manifest?
Adore has a very difficult answer to this question, one that most
will reject out of hand, particularly those pushing one side of the
dicom wing as 'The Truth".
Dicom = DIchotomies of Comparable and Opposite Magnitude.
Love/Hate, Beauty/Ugly, Good/Bad, Sovereignty/Anti-Sovereignty,
Each side forms the wing of a dicom that the being is flying down
the time stream with, trying to be one, trying to avoid the other.
Ultimately Truth/Lies and Beauty/Ugly are just more wings of a
dicom, so you have to take the following with a grain of salt and
understand that words fail to describe the non dicom state. (Notice
even dicom/non-dicom is a dicom!)
And so are manifest/unmanifest, and Native State/Non Native State
So with that in mind, here is what Adore has to say about "Why
All manifestation is manifestaion of *LOSS*, all persistence is
persistence of *LOSS*, namely loss of Native State which Adore defines
as Perfectly Happy, Alone, Forever and Beyond Thank you.
"The law of Saviors is, if you are grateful for having been saved,
you haven't been."
Actually Adore really defines native state as the Big Snooze, but
just prior to eternal sleep is this happy bedtime.
Thus all manifestation is loss of this perfect native state.
However there is a *MECHANISM* to the loss, namely lies, not just
any old lies but particular specific lies woven in a *TAPESTRY OF
There are probably many such lies unique to each individual and
perhaps a number that are common to everyone. Adore would claim, for
example, that "Learning by Looking" is one such common lie.
Anyhow Adore says, the loss of any Native State beauty can only be
manifested and caused to persist by casting a beautiful lie or illogic
of exact equivalent beauty to the beauty that was lost.
The lie persists, which covers the beauty of native state which is
now lost, but the lie itself is beautiful so the beauty manifests
The being in the state of manifesting loss of beauty via a
beautiful lie or illogic can never see the beauty that was lost nor the
beauty in the lie or illogic, because the beauty is lost, and he
believes the lie or illogic which causes him ugly and suffering. All he
can do is suffer the loss as long as he believes the lie.
But the lie is beautiful! Which is why he took it on.
But the lie is beautiful only as long as he knows it is a lie. As
long as he believes the lie is truth, the lie is ugly. So he lives a
life of persisting ugly, seriousness, non humor while believing these
The being lost in the lies of persistence can not see the lies nor
the mechanism of loss via the lies, (else they would unmock), so he
suffers a state of 'loss'. But those that can see the tapestry of lies
in him and how he has woven it together with illogic, can see the beauty
that was lost instead.
The suffering of others then becomes beautiful to those who can
Its a show he is putting on for other people, who can see, even
those who can't see because one day they will be able to.
One day *ALL MEN* will attain the awakened state.
Everyone is putting on the show together, so in present time the
best they can do is suffer it all together, but one day it will begin to
resolve and they will all see what they have been showing everyone else,
in the way of a beautiful performance of loss and lies.
That's why when you go up to a really high person who can see the
weave of lies and illogic, and you start telling them all your problems,
they are likely to get this really *BIG* grin on their face. They think
you are just beautiful, just omni awesome.
Kind of like a super Charlie Chaplin.
That's the beauty of your native state, of your Self Love, they are
seeing, as it shines out of the warp and weave of the beautiful lies and
illogic that compose your suffering. Your story of loss is so beautiful
that your pain is actually pleasure to them, the stunning almost
blinding gorgeousness of your own Native State and Self Love shines the
greatest from your worst pain.
You may feel they are laughing at you, they are but its the
laughter of love at the divine show you are putting on for them at
your expense.
It's the only way to give of yourself to another.
"Tragedy is Travesty born of High Appreciation for Ludicrous Demise."
From Adore.
That is the "why manifest".
Homer Wilson Smith The paths of lovers Art Matrix - Lightlink
(607) 277-0959 cross in Internet Access, Ithaca NY
homer@lightlink.com the line of duty. http://www.lightlink.com
HomerWSmith-L mailing list
Thursday, April 18, 2013
Hash: SHA1
ROGERS (HERE-I-YAM@email.msn.com) wrote:
>Homer Wilson Smith <homer@lightlink.com> wrote in message
>> The only way a thetan can stick something to himself, is to
>> create it willingly with full Omni Sovereignty, then deny he did, or
>> trick himself into thinking he didn't.
>> So stuckness always has 'violation of Sovereignty' as part of the
>> glue.
>Oh I getcha now. In other words, denial of self?
Well yes, if one assumes that Self is natively Omni Sovereign.
>Of course, here on earth, playing the meat-body game, we HAVE to have air,
>water, food, protection from the elements... and little rubber duckies.
Yes, MEST runs on must haves and must not haves, too much of, and
too little of, which forms a myriad of thetan - mest conflicts, it is
useful to list for these.
Duplication, doing it again, making more of it, making it worse
is death to a MEST machine which is built to learn and never go it again.
Running one's home universe as a MEST machine however is death to
a thetan, because the thetan depends on doing it again to vanish it.
Push once it sticks, push again and it pops free.
Adore calls that the 'Caps Lock Key' principle of perfect
replication. Create it once, it sticks, Create it again it vanishes.
That's a lower level effort harmonic of LRH's perfect duplicate.
Also in the too much of and too little of department, it is
useful to list for what.
Too much of ... ? Too little of ... ?
The items found then become a gateway for further auditing, for
these form the incidents that pc is dramatizing.
The generalities of the incident will be seriousness, importance,
permanence and pain, the specifics will be tits or whatever.
Nothing worse than a tit trying to think.
"Go away kid, don't bother me!"
Also terrible trio can be run constructively even on low tone
thetans if you allow them to run the dispense with until they come up
with a having item. And rather than run it on present time MEST
objects, which I find execreable, just run it in general, life,
universes, everything.
"Tell me something you could dispense with?
Tell me something you could let be?
Tell me something you could have?"
Define HAVE as "It's YOURS to own and control".
If you allow them to run on the dispense with for a long time
without forcing the haves, suddenly real haves will come up and
present themselves with major physical and other changes in the
somatic field.
I hated trio until I soloed this as above.
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Thu Apr 18 03:06:02 EDT 2013
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Learning implies Learning with Certainty or Learning without Certainty.
Learning across a Distance implies Learning by Being an Effect.
Learning by Being an Effect implies Learning without Certainty.
Therefore, Learning with Certainty implies Learning, but
not by Being an Effect, and not across a Distance.
Version: GnuPG v1.4.5 (GNU/Linux)
HomerWSmith-L mailing list
Hash: SHA1
ROGERS (HERE-I-YAM@email.msn.com) wrote:
>Homer Wilson Smith <homer@lightlink.com> wrote in message
>> The only way a thetan can stick something to himself, is to
>> create it willingly with full Omni Sovereignty, then deny he did, or
>> trick himself into thinking he didn't.
>> So stuckness always has 'violation of Sovereignty' as part of the
>> glue.
>Oh I getcha now. In other words, denial of self?
Well yes, if one assumes that Self is natively Omni Sovereign.
>Of course, here on earth, playing the meat-body game, we HAVE to have air,
>water, food, protection from the elements... and little rubber duckies.
Yes, MEST runs on must haves and must not haves, too much of, and
too little of, which forms a myriad of thetan - mest conflicts, it is
useful to list for these.
Duplication, doing it again, making more of it, making it worse
is death to a MEST machine which is built to learn and never go it again.
Running one's home universe as a MEST machine however is death to
a thetan, because the thetan depends on doing it again to vanish it.
Push once it sticks, push again and it pops free.
Adore calls that the 'Caps Lock Key' principle of perfect
replication. Create it once, it sticks, Create it again it vanishes.
That's a lower level effort harmonic of LRH's perfect duplicate.
Also in the too much of and too little of department, it is
useful to list for what.
Too much of ... ? Too little of ... ?
The items found then become a gateway for further auditing, for
these form the incidents that pc is dramatizing.
The generalities of the incident will be seriousness, importance,
permanence and pain, the specifics will be tits or whatever.
Nothing worse than a tit trying to think.
"Go away kid, don't bother me!"
Also terrible trio can be run constructively even on low tone
thetans if you allow them to run the dispense with until they come up
with a having item. And rather than run it on present time MEST
objects, which I find execreable, just run it in general, life,
universes, everything.
"Tell me something you could dispense with?
Tell me something you could let be?
Tell me something you could have?"
Define HAVE as "It's YOURS to own and control".
If you allow them to run on the dispense with for a long time
without forcing the haves, suddenly real haves will come up and
present themselves with major physical and other changes in the
somatic field.
I hated trio until I soloed this as above.
================ http://www.clearing.org ====================
Thu Apr 18 03:06:02 EDT 2013
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================== http://www.lightlink.com/theproof ===================
Learning implies Learning with Certainty or Learning without Certainty.
Learning across a Distance implies Learning by Being an Effect.
Learning by Being an Effect implies Learning without Certainty.
Therefore, Learning with Certainty implies Learning, but
not by Being an Effect, and not across a Distance.
Version: GnuPG v1.4.5 (GNU/Linux)
HomerWSmith-L mailing list
Tuesday, April 16, 2013
ADORE36 (fwd)
A number of people have 'broken' the law in posting the various
copyrighted Church materials, but that doesn't mean what they did was
morally wrong. It was in fact morally mandated to them regardless of the
law. They acted as Sovereign Citizens persuing what was right rather than
what was legal.
The Church likes to hide behind the copyright law and use those laws
to punish and suppress those that are posting the material. Many of these
laws are in my mind criminal laws created by criminal publishers trying to
protect their own existence at the expense of everyone else, in the name
of protecting the artists. A common ploy. The artists get sucked into
the game and finally come to think the suppressive laws are actually good
for them. This makes the artists DB's working for the SP's.
Criminal means morally bankrupt.
Criminal does not mean someone who breaks a law.
Likewise then, when the Church does something right, like mention that
physical disease can be caused or compounded by traumatic, demonic and/or
alien forces and that the E-meter can be used as a Divining Rod to help
steer the pc to locate the epicenters of these disturbances, the critics
like to use criminal laws spawned by the medico pill pushers and
psychiatric zombie lords to punish the Church back.
When both sides act badly in their conflict, both sides go down the
tubes *TOGETHER*.
There is no way around that.
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
Homer Wilson Smith Clean Air, Clear Water, Art Matrix - Lightlink
(607) 277-0959 A Green Earth and Peace. Internet Access, Ithaca NY
homer@lightlink.com Is that too much to ask? http://www.lightlink.com
================ http://www.clearing.org ====================
Tue Apr 16 03:06:02 EDT 2013
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================== http://www.lightlink.com/theproof ===================
Learning implies Learning with Certainty or Learning without Certainty.
Learning across a Distance implies Learning by Being an Effect.
Learning by Being an Effect implies Learning without Certainty.
Therefore, Learning with Certainty implies Learning, but
not by Being an Effect, and not across a Distance.
Version: GnuPG v1.4.5 (GNU/Linux)
HomerWSmith-L mailing list
copyrighted Church materials, but that doesn't mean what they did was
morally wrong. It was in fact morally mandated to them regardless of the
law. They acted as Sovereign Citizens persuing what was right rather than
what was legal.
The Church likes to hide behind the copyright law and use those laws
to punish and suppress those that are posting the material. Many of these
laws are in my mind criminal laws created by criminal publishers trying to
protect their own existence at the expense of everyone else, in the name
of protecting the artists. A common ploy. The artists get sucked into
the game and finally come to think the suppressive laws are actually good
for them. This makes the artists DB's working for the SP's.
Criminal means morally bankrupt.
Criminal does not mean someone who breaks a law.
Likewise then, when the Church does something right, like mention that
physical disease can be caused or compounded by traumatic, demonic and/or
alien forces and that the E-meter can be used as a Divining Rod to help
steer the pc to locate the epicenters of these disturbances, the critics
like to use criminal laws spawned by the medico pill pushers and
psychiatric zombie lords to punish the Church back.
When both sides act badly in their conflict, both sides go down the
tubes *TOGETHER*.
There is no way around that.
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
Homer Wilson Smith Clean Air, Clear Water, Art Matrix - Lightlink
(607) 277-0959 A Green Earth and Peace. Internet Access, Ithaca NY
homer@lightlink.com Is that too much to ask? http://www.lightlink.com
================ http://www.clearing.org ====================
Tue Apr 16 03:06:02 EDT 2013
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================== http://www.lightlink.com/theproof ===================
Learning implies Learning with Certainty or Learning without Certainty.
Learning across a Distance implies Learning by Being an Effect.
Learning by Being an Effect implies Learning without Certainty.
Therefore, Learning with Certainty implies Learning, but
not by Being an Effect, and not across a Distance.
Version: GnuPG v1.4.5 (GNU/Linux)
HomerWSmith-L mailing list
Monday, April 15, 2013
ADORE722 (fwd)
Hash: SHA1
> Why not just run the primary dicom manifest and unmanifest?
Ah, ok, that's normally called up the pole.
It isn't real to people that they are responsible for their
condition. "Who me manifest?"
But you are right, quite brilliant really, no noodles in this shop,
and manifest would be to manifest both love AND hate, beauty AND ugly
We call manifest/unmanifest a vertical dipole from native state
down, there are others, static and kinetic, peace and wonder, Creator
and Creature, God and Soul, Author and Character.
And then once in the manifested state we have horizontal dicoms,
such as all the rest in the world, love and hate, good and evil, adore
and detest, beauty and ugly, harmony and disharmony.
The theory is that life is a mixture of frequencies no matter where
you are on the tone scale, high or low.
When the frequencies add up to a harmony or a resolvable disharmony
you get pleasure, love, beauty, adoration etc. When the frequencies add
up to an unresolvable disharmony, then you get pain, hate, ugly,
abhoration, etc.
Thus there can be a low tone love or hate, and a high tone love or
The way up the vertical dicoms is the ability to span the wings of
the horizontal dicoms and hit the void in the middle, then one goes up
the vertical dicom from manifest to unmanifest.
Dunno, dear, some people would claim there are only vertical
dicoms, love is up near native state, and hate down near MEST.
Hubbard said vertical and horizontal was more like it on the PDC's
but then tended to push the one dimensional model to the public probably
because the public can't handle the idea that God ain't just good.
So run the Goodsine Process:
Spot NO Manifest(ation)
Spot SOME Manifest(ation)
Spot NO UnManifest(ation)
Spot SOME UnManifest(ation)
Now that's some powerful stuff along with the OT Power Process,
which is a bloomin' mountain grinder.
"Spot a power or ability would you like to have."
"Spot something you might do with it."
"Spot some of the consequences of doing that."
"Spot how you would FEEL if that happened."
"Spot a power or ability would you like to NOT have."
"Spot something you might NOT do with it."
"Spot some of the consequences of NOT doing that."
"Spot how you would FEEL if that did NOT happened."
Thu Feb 25 00:09:12 EST 2010
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Mon Apr 15 03:06:01 EDT 2013
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================== http://www.lightlink.com/theproof ===================
Learning implies Learning with Certainty or Learning without Certainty.
Learning across a Distance implies Learning by Being an Effect.
Learning by Being an Effect implies Learning without Certainty.
Therefore, Learning with Certainty implies Learning, but
not by Being an Effect, and not across a Distance.
Version: GnuPG v1.4.5 (GNU/Linux)
HomerWSmith-L mailing list
Hash: SHA1
> Why not just run the primary dicom manifest and unmanifest?
Ah, ok, that's normally called up the pole.
It isn't real to people that they are responsible for their
condition. "Who me manifest?"
But you are right, quite brilliant really, no noodles in this shop,
and manifest would be to manifest both love AND hate, beauty AND ugly
We call manifest/unmanifest a vertical dipole from native state
down, there are others, static and kinetic, peace and wonder, Creator
and Creature, God and Soul, Author and Character.
And then once in the manifested state we have horizontal dicoms,
such as all the rest in the world, love and hate, good and evil, adore
and detest, beauty and ugly, harmony and disharmony.
The theory is that life is a mixture of frequencies no matter where
you are on the tone scale, high or low.
When the frequencies add up to a harmony or a resolvable disharmony
you get pleasure, love, beauty, adoration etc. When the frequencies add
up to an unresolvable disharmony, then you get pain, hate, ugly,
abhoration, etc.
Thus there can be a low tone love or hate, and a high tone love or
The way up the vertical dicoms is the ability to span the wings of
the horizontal dicoms and hit the void in the middle, then one goes up
the vertical dicom from manifest to unmanifest.
Dunno, dear, some people would claim there are only vertical
dicoms, love is up near native state, and hate down near MEST.
Hubbard said vertical and horizontal was more like it on the PDC's
but then tended to push the one dimensional model to the public probably
because the public can't handle the idea that God ain't just good.
So run the Goodsine Process:
Spot NO Manifest(ation)
Spot SOME Manifest(ation)
Spot NO UnManifest(ation)
Spot SOME UnManifest(ation)
Now that's some powerful stuff along with the OT Power Process,
which is a bloomin' mountain grinder.
"Spot a power or ability would you like to have."
"Spot something you might do with it."
"Spot some of the consequences of doing that."
"Spot how you would FEEL if that happened."
"Spot a power or ability would you like to NOT have."
"Spot something you might NOT do with it."
"Spot some of the consequences of NOT doing that."
"Spot how you would FEEL if that did NOT happened."
Thu Feb 25 00:09:12 EST 2010
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Mon Apr 15 03:06:01 EDT 2013
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================== http://www.lightlink.com/theproof ===================
Learning implies Learning with Certainty or Learning without Certainty.
Learning across a Distance implies Learning by Being an Effect.
Learning by Being an Effect implies Learning without Certainty.
Therefore, Learning with Certainty implies Learning, but
not by Being an Effect, and not across a Distance.
Version: GnuPG v1.4.5 (GNU/Linux)
HomerWSmith-L mailing list
Sunday, April 14, 2013
ADORE626 (fwd)
Hash: SHA1
From the static comes everything that comes.
The static is harmless and harm free.
It can not impinge upon, nor be impinged upon without its own say
The static is scalar meaning it has no dimensions, and thus no
extension in space or time, matter or energy.
The static however can cause the kinetic.
All life is the static, the great multi I-AM God, incarnated as the
kinetic in the form of conscious units in all things.
The conscious unit is the static acting as an apparent individual
inside the kinetic vessel it has built for itself.
Everything is a conscious unit, from the tiniest quark on up.
Atoms and molecules and biological entities are all made of smaller
conscious units bound together as a team, and have themselves a single
conscious unit at the top of the team.
Some motion in the kinetic can harm other motion according to the
agreements that have been made.
Optimum life consists of optimum motion, not too much and not too
little in all arenas of operation.
An optimum amount of time for a game to take place in, is called a
while, never infinite in length, always finite in length, but as long as
is appropriate to the game in question.
The static invites itself into the game as multiple individual
players with their own viewpoint of the game, that is location in space
and time.
Since all players are child processes of the static, they are
brothers and sisters to each other and are bound by the ties of the
Cosmic Family.
Thus all games, and all players in all games, are fair chosen, even
in the games where they appear not to be.
One can fair choose to pretend that one didn't fair choose, but
only for a while :)
Even though brothers, once sides are chosen up, beings can end up
on high opposite sides of the game.
Since the game is fair chosen, and the invite was offered and
accepted by all, the game continues in fair chosen glory regardless of
who wins or who loses.
But games have rules, and sometimes a being will choose to break
the rules, to try to win by cheating.
When one deals with a brother that has erred on the dark side of
the force, one feels for them and treats them differently than if one is
offended against by a 'total stranger' that is 'not family'.
One treats the brother as oneself, one treats the stranger as
There are no strangers, but it can be mocked up to seem as if there
The brother is treated as 'I would rather he not err on the dark
side of the force and we will do our best to bring him back.'
The alien is treated as 'would rather he not exist at all'.
For family members one lives by 'All for one and one for all'.
For strangers one lives by 'To hell with them'.
One 'owns' everyone that one considers part of one's family.
One 'disowns' everyone else.
As everyone and every *THING* is in fact a living conscious
incarnation of the static, and thus part of one's family, disownership
of any kind is a grave sin.
If one spent a microsecond in hell for every being in existence
that one considered not part of one's personal family, how long would
that stretch be?
The hell comes about from regret when one realizes the guy was your
'long lost' brother after all and not some asshole from hell you could
have done better without.
Disownership leads to death of the disowner, not the disowned.
Thus justice is swift and merciless, but perhaps not as expected by
the dazed game player.
Thus "...do not send for whom the bell tolls, for it tolls for
The hell created by disownership however can be reversed into a
heaven merely by reowning what one has disowned.
There is no "It's too late, you had your chance!" nor is there any
time to be served after the full confession and repentence is complete.
No Hell can out last a full confession and repentence.
It is really just a matter of changing your mind and deciding not
to be an idiot any more.
Just as one can invite anyone in to play a game, one can also
disinvite them right out again by duplicating the invite in.
One disinvites by reinviting.
But one can only invite someone in as a brother.
family member.
Likewise you can invite yourself out of any game, but only as a
brother amongst other brothers.
The most fundamental overt act of harm against another is ruining
their ability to return to static at will, ruining brothership.
Ruined brothership leads to beings all disowning each other, trying
to disinvite each other, and all stuck like sardines in a can together
to the end of time.
The last great spiritual war left EVERYONE in ruin, spiralling
around the whirlpool in the sargasso sea of sick, dead and dying
Ask someone how they are doing someday, they CAN'T tell you how
they are doing, that's how far gone they are, they don't even know
What we call an up and coming civilization is but driftwood in the
Whiles can be pretty long, certainly they can outlast any sardine
can anyone might wish to create.
Efforts to kill, murder, destroy, or permanently harm a being fall
into this class of overt.
It is the implied FOREVER in the mal intent that creates the damage
on the intender.
We aren't talking about bodies here, you can always get another
body. Bodies get slaughtered in games all the time, if only as food,
but it's the intent behind the killing that counts.
The intent to kill someone FOREVER.
That violates the while and comes after a failed disinvite via
re-invite, so class is gone.
'Class is an attitude, that all should live forever and be my
friend' - Adore
Replace the word friend with brother or sister, and you got it.
Once class is gone, only hell remains.
One may never have actually committed a murder, but everyone has
assuredly wished murder off on something or someone, probably many in
the past.
Murder by will alone is an OT ability, and even if it fails, it
counts as a done.
(OT means Operating Thetan, a spirit with full native powers.)
The attempt was done, right?
Attempted murder counts as accomplished murder.
The failure of an attempt to murder is not a measure of one's
guilt, but a measure of one's competency.
We are not talking about the law of the land here which can not
measure intent, but the law of the sky, your own law, which can.
The overt act, whether it succeeded or not, is followed by regret.
Regret is an effort to turn time back, and failing that leads to a
must never happen again, powered by the fact that it happened at least
'Must never happen again' is accomplished via what ever means of
restraint that the being can devise, all the way up to ruining his
ability to do it again, driving the event down into oblivion so it
"never happened in the first place," and removing himself from areas and
realities where he might be tempted to commit it again.
We call this, one's temper. Temper is not the inclination to
anger, temper is the tempering of anger into nonexistence.
After regret, we seek to recover the free flowing golden temper of
the static, but we do so with restraint, self justification, self
punishment and burial under force and mass.
There is no golden light nor static in that direction.
Anger and no sympathy are buried under waves of sympathy for the
victim, and both sink into mass and oblivion never to be thought of
again, until the next impingement.
As life continues, the temptation impinges on him again and again.
As life congeals into vast clusters of flaming assholes via the
many dwindling spirals offered them, life becomes one solid rage trying
to not-is everyone out of existence and to make nothing of everything.
Failing that life crystalizes civilizations on Earth or elsewhere
where everyone has two tones, the true screaming mad tone below hiding,
and the outward social tone of 'How you doing? Just fine thank you.'
With each impingement or provacation the being commits the crime or
anger, hatred and no sympathy again feeling justified, but soon is back
in the regret and restraint stage.
This forms an 'indecision sandwich' which consists of anger, regret
and restraint on one side, indecision in the middle and justification on
the other.
Overt -> regret -> restraint -> indecision -> justification ->
When he is not commiting the murder, he should be because it is
When is is committing the murder, he shouldn't be because he is
restraining it.
So which is it?
Regretted and restrained, or justified and committed?
Worse, overt acts you cause against others in this life get buried
under overt acts others caused to you in past lives and visa versa.
This is called the Co Excused Withhold.
Co excused withholds are not the same as mutual withholds, which
are times when two people are committing the same overt acts against
others and neither considers the other guilty of any wrong doing because
both are doing the same wrong.
Bonny and Clyde had mutual overts of robbing banks, and thus mutual
withholds from the rest of the world.
A co excused withhold is when you as a mother abuse your child last
life, find yourself being abused as a child by your mother in this life.
The overt against you in this life creating anger, restimulates the
overt you committed against your kid in a past life creating regret, and
the anger and regret cancel forming a 'nothingness' and sinks into
Let's do this again.
If your mother caused you as a child in this life to form an
indecision sandwich, and you AS a mother caused your child to form an
indecision sandwich in a past life, the two will sink together into
This arises from the following computation: "If you won't complain
about what I did to a child in a past life, I won't complain about what
you are doing to me as a child in this life."
Co excused withholds can also be used as blackmail the other way
"If you don't complain about what I am doing to you in this life, I
won't complain about what you did to another in a past life."
The primary overt acts then are acts of disownership and permanent
separation from the victim, which then tempts and allows you to treat
them as if they were not you or your own brother.
When dealing with people, always ask yourself, "Would I treat my
own brother or sister this way?"
When a being is disowned the chalice is broken that connects us all
as one. It then becomes possible to commit overt acts of hideous joy
against them.
Torture is a kind of hideous joy to the torturer.
"This is no brother or sister of mine."
Imagine having to torture your own brother in time of war.
Hideous joys involve forevers and nevers.
Disownership means forever, which means I regret inviting you in,
in fact I don't believe I did invite you in, and even if I did, I will
NEVER invite you in again, and I wish you out of this game now and
FOREVER more, in all games for the rest of time and eternity.
Space time game streams are created in a finite while.
Punishing someone 'for a while' can mean either for a short while,
shorter than the length of the full while, or it can mean for the length
of the full while, for the rest of the game to its end.
But not longer. Punishments can not survive Game's End.
Punishments are part of game rules, but punishments for brothers
are not the same as punishments for disowned strangers.
The disowner ends up in a greater hell long run than any punishment
he conjured up for another.
Punishments conjured up by a disowner STICK TO THE DISOWNER and not
the disowned.
When two disowners go at it against each other, it can get pretty
This is what Christ found on the cross, he had to end his
disownership of those driving in the nails to reattain the beautific
"Forgive them Lord for they know not what they do," is not a behest
to God, for God is incarnated as everyone of us and is driving the nails
into himself!
It is a behest to ourselves, to recover brothership with those that
crucify us, so the pain turns to pleasure.
"You are crucified on the cross of being cross while you are
crucified." - Adore
It is all a matter of disownership and brotherhood.
This is not a superficial brotherhood, but a state where the
conscious unit is once more attached inwardly directly to the static,
the fountainhead of source, and outwardly to the kinetic, and sees
DIRECTLY that others are his brother at the static level.
Pleasure is basically (cosmic) family feeling.
Where there is no pleasure, there is no family, and where there is
no family, there is no pleasure.
We are not talking the body family of blood and sex.
We are talking the dynamic of Source and Sourcer, which spawns all
the rest.
One runs the indecision sandwich with something like,
Spot, tell me about, get the efforts of, or otherwise to taste:
Then we try to take the restraint -> indecision -> justification
apart with,
Who or what are you still trying to murder, kill or destroy:
To kill
To kill for a while
To kill for ever
Add the modifiers, for a while, and for ever, to all items
Also run the NOT side of the command.
Not to kill
Not to kill for a while
Not to kill for ever
The following is a partial list, the pc will have HUNDREDS of such
times, some subtle, some violent, all involving classless handling of
detested terminals.
To murder
To destroy
To harm
To hurt
To punish
To cause pain to
To torture
To disgrace
To castigate
To teach a lesson to
To make wrong
To make guilty
To make succumb
To dominate
To separate from
To disown
To disinvite
E/P, End Phenomena, No longer in hell and not prone to revisiting
without fair chosen intent.
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
Homer Wilson Smith The Paths of Lovers Art Matrix - Lightlink
(607) 277-0959 KC2ITF Cross Internet Access, Ithaca NY
homer@lightlink.com In the Line of Duty http://www.lightlink.com
Fri Nov 28 15:56:05 EST 2008
================ http://www.clearing.org ====================
Sat Apr 13 03:06:02 EDT 2013
Send mail to archive@lightlink.com saying help
================== http://www.lightlink.com/theproof ===================
Learning implies Learning with Certainty or Learning without Certainty.
Learning across a Distance implies Learning by Being an Effect.
Learning by Being an Effect implies Learning without Certainty.
Therefore, Learning with Certainty implies Learning, but
not by Being an Effect, and not across a Distance.
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HomerWSmith-L mailing list
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From the static comes everything that comes.
The static is harmless and harm free.
It can not impinge upon, nor be impinged upon without its own say
The static is scalar meaning it has no dimensions, and thus no
extension in space or time, matter or energy.
The static however can cause the kinetic.
All life is the static, the great multi I-AM God, incarnated as the
kinetic in the form of conscious units in all things.
The conscious unit is the static acting as an apparent individual
inside the kinetic vessel it has built for itself.
Everything is a conscious unit, from the tiniest quark on up.
Atoms and molecules and biological entities are all made of smaller
conscious units bound together as a team, and have themselves a single
conscious unit at the top of the team.
Some motion in the kinetic can harm other motion according to the
agreements that have been made.
Optimum life consists of optimum motion, not too much and not too
little in all arenas of operation.
An optimum amount of time for a game to take place in, is called a
while, never infinite in length, always finite in length, but as long as
is appropriate to the game in question.
The static invites itself into the game as multiple individual
players with their own viewpoint of the game, that is location in space
and time.
Since all players are child processes of the static, they are
brothers and sisters to each other and are bound by the ties of the
Cosmic Family.
Thus all games, and all players in all games, are fair chosen, even
in the games where they appear not to be.
One can fair choose to pretend that one didn't fair choose, but
only for a while :)
Even though brothers, once sides are chosen up, beings can end up
on high opposite sides of the game.
Since the game is fair chosen, and the invite was offered and
accepted by all, the game continues in fair chosen glory regardless of
who wins or who loses.
But games have rules, and sometimes a being will choose to break
the rules, to try to win by cheating.
When one deals with a brother that has erred on the dark side of
the force, one feels for them and treats them differently than if one is
offended against by a 'total stranger' that is 'not family'.
One treats the brother as oneself, one treats the stranger as
There are no strangers, but it can be mocked up to seem as if there
The brother is treated as 'I would rather he not err on the dark
side of the force and we will do our best to bring him back.'
The alien is treated as 'would rather he not exist at all'.
For family members one lives by 'All for one and one for all'.
For strangers one lives by 'To hell with them'.
One 'owns' everyone that one considers part of one's family.
One 'disowns' everyone else.
As everyone and every *THING* is in fact a living conscious
incarnation of the static, and thus part of one's family, disownership
of any kind is a grave sin.
If one spent a microsecond in hell for every being in existence
that one considered not part of one's personal family, how long would
that stretch be?
The hell comes about from regret when one realizes the guy was your
'long lost' brother after all and not some asshole from hell you could
have done better without.
Disownership leads to death of the disowner, not the disowned.
Thus justice is swift and merciless, but perhaps not as expected by
the dazed game player.
Thus "...do not send for whom the bell tolls, for it tolls for
The hell created by disownership however can be reversed into a
heaven merely by reowning what one has disowned.
There is no "It's too late, you had your chance!" nor is there any
time to be served after the full confession and repentence is complete.
No Hell can out last a full confession and repentence.
It is really just a matter of changing your mind and deciding not
to be an idiot any more.
Just as one can invite anyone in to play a game, one can also
disinvite them right out again by duplicating the invite in.
One disinvites by reinviting.
But one can only invite someone in as a brother.
family member.
Likewise you can invite yourself out of any game, but only as a
brother amongst other brothers.
The most fundamental overt act of harm against another is ruining
their ability to return to static at will, ruining brothership.
Ruined brothership leads to beings all disowning each other, trying
to disinvite each other, and all stuck like sardines in a can together
to the end of time.
The last great spiritual war left EVERYONE in ruin, spiralling
around the whirlpool in the sargasso sea of sick, dead and dying
Ask someone how they are doing someday, they CAN'T tell you how
they are doing, that's how far gone they are, they don't even know
What we call an up and coming civilization is but driftwood in the
Whiles can be pretty long, certainly they can outlast any sardine
can anyone might wish to create.
Efforts to kill, murder, destroy, or permanently harm a being fall
into this class of overt.
It is the implied FOREVER in the mal intent that creates the damage
on the intender.
We aren't talking about bodies here, you can always get another
body. Bodies get slaughtered in games all the time, if only as food,
but it's the intent behind the killing that counts.
The intent to kill someone FOREVER.
That violates the while and comes after a failed disinvite via
re-invite, so class is gone.
'Class is an attitude, that all should live forever and be my
friend' - Adore
Replace the word friend with brother or sister, and you got it.
Once class is gone, only hell remains.
One may never have actually committed a murder, but everyone has
assuredly wished murder off on something or someone, probably many in
the past.
Murder by will alone is an OT ability, and even if it fails, it
counts as a done.
(OT means Operating Thetan, a spirit with full native powers.)
The attempt was done, right?
Attempted murder counts as accomplished murder.
The failure of an attempt to murder is not a measure of one's
guilt, but a measure of one's competency.
We are not talking about the law of the land here which can not
measure intent, but the law of the sky, your own law, which can.
The overt act, whether it succeeded or not, is followed by regret.
Regret is an effort to turn time back, and failing that leads to a
must never happen again, powered by the fact that it happened at least
'Must never happen again' is accomplished via what ever means of
restraint that the being can devise, all the way up to ruining his
ability to do it again, driving the event down into oblivion so it
"never happened in the first place," and removing himself from areas and
realities where he might be tempted to commit it again.
We call this, one's temper. Temper is not the inclination to
anger, temper is the tempering of anger into nonexistence.
After regret, we seek to recover the free flowing golden temper of
the static, but we do so with restraint, self justification, self
punishment and burial under force and mass.
There is no golden light nor static in that direction.
Anger and no sympathy are buried under waves of sympathy for the
victim, and both sink into mass and oblivion never to be thought of
again, until the next impingement.
As life continues, the temptation impinges on him again and again.
As life congeals into vast clusters of flaming assholes via the
many dwindling spirals offered them, life becomes one solid rage trying
to not-is everyone out of existence and to make nothing of everything.
Failing that life crystalizes civilizations on Earth or elsewhere
where everyone has two tones, the true screaming mad tone below hiding,
and the outward social tone of 'How you doing? Just fine thank you.'
With each impingement or provacation the being commits the crime or
anger, hatred and no sympathy again feeling justified, but soon is back
in the regret and restraint stage.
This forms an 'indecision sandwich' which consists of anger, regret
and restraint on one side, indecision in the middle and justification on
the other.
Overt -> regret -> restraint -> indecision -> justification ->
When he is not commiting the murder, he should be because it is
When is is committing the murder, he shouldn't be because he is
restraining it.
So which is it?
Regretted and restrained, or justified and committed?
Worse, overt acts you cause against others in this life get buried
under overt acts others caused to you in past lives and visa versa.
This is called the Co Excused Withhold.
Co excused withholds are not the same as mutual withholds, which
are times when two people are committing the same overt acts against
others and neither considers the other guilty of any wrong doing because
both are doing the same wrong.
Bonny and Clyde had mutual overts of robbing banks, and thus mutual
withholds from the rest of the world.
A co excused withhold is when you as a mother abuse your child last
life, find yourself being abused as a child by your mother in this life.
The overt against you in this life creating anger, restimulates the
overt you committed against your kid in a past life creating regret, and
the anger and regret cancel forming a 'nothingness' and sinks into
Let's do this again.
If your mother caused you as a child in this life to form an
indecision sandwich, and you AS a mother caused your child to form an
indecision sandwich in a past life, the two will sink together into
This arises from the following computation: "If you won't complain
about what I did to a child in a past life, I won't complain about what
you are doing to me as a child in this life."
Co excused withholds can also be used as blackmail the other way
"If you don't complain about what I am doing to you in this life, I
won't complain about what you did to another in a past life."
The primary overt acts then are acts of disownership and permanent
separation from the victim, which then tempts and allows you to treat
them as if they were not you or your own brother.
When dealing with people, always ask yourself, "Would I treat my
own brother or sister this way?"
When a being is disowned the chalice is broken that connects us all
as one. It then becomes possible to commit overt acts of hideous joy
against them.
Torture is a kind of hideous joy to the torturer.
"This is no brother or sister of mine."
Imagine having to torture your own brother in time of war.
Hideous joys involve forevers and nevers.
Disownership means forever, which means I regret inviting you in,
in fact I don't believe I did invite you in, and even if I did, I will
NEVER invite you in again, and I wish you out of this game now and
FOREVER more, in all games for the rest of time and eternity.
Space time game streams are created in a finite while.
Punishing someone 'for a while' can mean either for a short while,
shorter than the length of the full while, or it can mean for the length
of the full while, for the rest of the game to its end.
But not longer. Punishments can not survive Game's End.
Punishments are part of game rules, but punishments for brothers
are not the same as punishments for disowned strangers.
The disowner ends up in a greater hell long run than any punishment
he conjured up for another.
Punishments conjured up by a disowner STICK TO THE DISOWNER and not
the disowned.
When two disowners go at it against each other, it can get pretty
This is what Christ found on the cross, he had to end his
disownership of those driving in the nails to reattain the beautific
"Forgive them Lord for they know not what they do," is not a behest
to God, for God is incarnated as everyone of us and is driving the nails
into himself!
It is a behest to ourselves, to recover brothership with those that
crucify us, so the pain turns to pleasure.
"You are crucified on the cross of being cross while you are
crucified." - Adore
It is all a matter of disownership and brotherhood.
This is not a superficial brotherhood, but a state where the
conscious unit is once more attached inwardly directly to the static,
the fountainhead of source, and outwardly to the kinetic, and sees
DIRECTLY that others are his brother at the static level.
Pleasure is basically (cosmic) family feeling.
Where there is no pleasure, there is no family, and where there is
no family, there is no pleasure.
We are not talking the body family of blood and sex.
We are talking the dynamic of Source and Sourcer, which spawns all
the rest.
One runs the indecision sandwich with something like,
Spot, tell me about, get the efforts of, or otherwise to taste:
Then we try to take the restraint -> indecision -> justification
apart with,
Who or what are you still trying to murder, kill or destroy:
To kill
To kill for a while
To kill for ever
Add the modifiers, for a while, and for ever, to all items
Also run the NOT side of the command.
Not to kill
Not to kill for a while
Not to kill for ever
The following is a partial list, the pc will have HUNDREDS of such
times, some subtle, some violent, all involving classless handling of
detested terminals.
To murder
To destroy
To harm
To hurt
To punish
To cause pain to
To torture
To disgrace
To castigate
To teach a lesson to
To make wrong
To make guilty
To make succumb
To dominate
To separate from
To disown
To disinvite
E/P, End Phenomena, No longer in hell and not prone to revisiting
without fair chosen intent.
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
Homer Wilson Smith The Paths of Lovers Art Matrix - Lightlink
(607) 277-0959 KC2ITF Cross Internet Access, Ithaca NY
homer@lightlink.com In the Line of Duty http://www.lightlink.com
Fri Nov 28 15:56:05 EST 2008
================ http://www.clearing.org ====================
Sat Apr 13 03:06:02 EDT 2013
Send mail to archive@lightlink.com saying help
================== http://www.lightlink.com/theproof ===================
Learning implies Learning with Certainty or Learning without Certainty.
Learning across a Distance implies Learning by Being an Effect.
Learning by Being an Effect implies Learning without Certainty.
Therefore, Learning with Certainty implies Learning, but
not by Being an Effect, and not across a Distance.
Version: GnuPG v1.4.5 (GNU/Linux)
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