((My comments in double parentheses - Homer))
EXM - 48
13 March 1992
Copyright (C) 1992 A Voice of the Free Zone (Electra)
Redistribution rights granted for non commercial purposes.
The justification sandwich consists of a CENTRAL CONDITION
surrounded by two different JUSTIFICATIONS, the BEFORE JUSTIFICATION,
The central condition is being used to justify something that went
before, but once the pc has this condition he then has to justify why he
has it. He can't say, well I have these eye glasses because I am trying
to justify having killed a child. He is trying to HIDE that
justification, pretend that it doesn't exit. In its place he is
offering to the world at large, and to himself, the AFTER justification
which explains why it is ok to have glasses and how they have nothing to
do with anything except the poor unfortunate fact that bad eyes run in
his family.
The before justification is an effort to justify why he was a
villain. The after justification is an effort to justify whay he is a
Therefore, for every chronic unwanted condition, your pc will have
one private hidden justification which is what the condition is being
used for, and another public generally accepted justification for why he
has the condition in the first place.
The hidden justification is the BEFORE justification, the public
explanation for the condition is the AFTER justification.
There is not a single person alive who does not have one of these
justification sandwiches in full swing, including and most especially
your parents and yourself.
Taking this all apart is a long and time consuming process, mainly
because your pc will be below awareness of just what his central
condition is. It saved his life when he was a child, it kept him from
killing himself and everyone around him, so he is a bit chary about
going near the thing and revealing it in one fell swoop.
If he is still walking around in the same conception of the cosmic
all that he had as a kid, he will feel that he would just go back to
killing everyone if he remembered once again what it was that upset him
so. It is actually himself he wants to kill. Thus it helps to get your
pc into a saner state of mind by educating him and bringing him up to a
strong certainty on a broader view of the universe, divinity,
immortality and total responsibility. He will usually be found to be
quite bitter on these subjects, but also very far short of an accurate
He is almost as nuts as his view of reality was nuts, although he
will take great exception to this evaluation if you just drop it on him.
Mainly because he can't imagine a view of reality that is not nuts.
However, if you can get him to see a more mature view of existence,
one that includes Eternality, Responsibility, Humor, Beauty and Peace,
he will be much more willing to revisit his old loss and see if it
matters as much to him any more. He can reevaluate the aesthetics to,
and the seriousness of, being a lonely and unwilling but seriously
deserving slave in a slave camp.
Basically life for your pc has not been worth living, and it is to
his great credit that he decided to live anyhow for the sake of those he
loved, people he has often yet to meet, even though it was at the
expense of being aware of how upset he really was.
Your cool, calm and collected stoic type is a seething cesspool of
trouble underneath, and his 'central condition' is what he has used to
remain sociable for the sake of those he loved.
Therefore, you are not going to take this apart on the basis of 'he
is flawed, or insane or just trying to make trouble'. He IS nuts, but
it is cemented in nobility. You will have to show him that he can
continue to take care of his loved ones and still face reality in the
same breath, cad that he was. He will be able to do this once he sees
that the reality which actually exists is not the reality he THOUGHT
existed as a child, although the potential for such ERRORS are part of
the reality which DOES exist. He will nurse some wounds over that one
for a while. But then he will let go of his nut case and have a good
laugh at it.
He will see that as bad as he had been, his sovereign laughter and
love will show him how much he cared, and forgiveness of self will be
complete. God and Soul Reconciled.
He will also become an OT with all the attendant freedoms and self
chosen dangers that go with it.
So be aware that when you try to take the lid off this thing, you
are taking the lid off a volcano that has threatened to erupt many times
but didn't due to the efforts and safe solutions of your pc.
These safe solutions center around a CENTRAL CONDITION.
A central condition is an OVERWHELM.
A condition is any unwanted disability, illness, injury, or chronic
unwanted condition that your pc complains of, but considers to be part
of his lot in the eternal scheme of things.
Often it will not even occur to him to list it on a list, because
he can't conceive of getting rid of it, because if he did he would be
getting rid of HIM!
It's a loss to him to have it, but it defines HIM, he just wouldn't
be him any more if he didn't have it, and he will feel real unstable
about not having it anymore, he just wouldn't know what to become
without it or what things would be like in life.
Thus in your listing of central conditions, you will need to run
many late-on-the-chain conditions that are ON the chain of the central
condition, but are not basic. Ever so slowly, the basic condition will
come to the surface and present itself for auditing. Your pc will
eventually realize that the condition is not a part of HIM and he will
let it go.
How you find these conditions is up to you. You can be as
inventive as you want, but what you want is a CONDITION not an overt or
a reason why. Those you get afterwards.
'What is the central condition on your case?'
'What disabilities or chronic unwanted conditions do you have?'
'What is it with you?'
You want a condition that is stated simply, maybe even only one
word or a concise sentence. When your pc realizes what it is he will
laugh and smile and have very good indicators (VGI's). The E-meter will
blow down from a high TA and possibly float.
He will get the qualms, actually he will get the qualms long before
he gets the condition because he is getting near it.
This is the mountain that he has to climb in life, and he KNOWS
this, but no one else has ever admitted it to him and he wasn't about to
climb it alone. Everyone else was perfectly happy with him being a
loser and all. No one was rooting him on, because they knew that they
too deserved to live at the bottom.
Now you are leading him right to the path that goes up to the top
and he will readily go just so far and then suddenly turn around and
tell you he is not so sure that 'all this getting better stuff' is such
a good idea.
It might not be a WISE idea to get rid of this overwhelm, don't you
see? Who knows what might happen, it wouldn't be right, it wouldn't be
safe to be better, etc.
These are the Qualms.
Parents get them when their children go in for auditing.
'What is the downside of getting better?'
Anyhow what you are trying to find is the Central Condition, which
is THE condition that it wouldn't be so wise to get over.
Finding this condition can be a long process. Run it until you
have found an obvious condition the pc considers to be as central as he
can get for the moment. Probably you will come back to this process
after dealing with the condition as laid out below.
As the pc lists conditions, the TA will go up and blow down, go up
and blow down. If this stops you have either gone by a condition that
should be run, or the pc has developed ARC Breaks or PTP's or O/W's from
you. Get them cleaned up by 2 way comm and get the process running
If you are doing this right, your pc will originate conditions
smoothly and willingly for a long time. They will be interested in
their own case, be willing to dig for answers, and be appreciative of
your willingness to listen and write them down.
An example list from a pc might look as follows.
'So, what is it with Susan?'
'Dismembered' (Not a member of society)
'Wrapped up in something'
'No Keen Vision'
'No Spark'
'No Intelligence' (laughter)
Because your pc had some GI's on this item, you might want to ask
the pc if they want to run it, if they think it is central to their
case. If they say yes, you proceed. If not then just continue the
When you got it, you will know, boy will they be INTERESTED!
Once you find a condition that your pc is willing to go with, and
is interested in running, you can then begin to take apart the
justification sandwich that is keeping the condition in place.
Each condition is preceded by a BEFORE JUSTIFICATION that uses the
condition to make OK something in the past. It is also postceded by an
AFTER JUSTIFICATION which makes having that condition OK to the world at
large and one's self.
The before justification is private and hidden and constitutes a
withhold of magnitude usually missed and drowned in self abasement,
undeserving and misery. The after justification is public and generally
accepted as laudable and understandable by everyone involved. In any
case the pc accepts it.
You take apart the justification sandwich by alternately asking two
questions about the condition. Alternate the two until the E-meter and
the pc gets bored with it or has a big win.
I. What does this condition justify? (BEFORE QUESTION)
II. What justifies this condition? (AFTER QUESTION)
For example if the condition was 'having no intelligence' then
I. What does having no intelligence justify? (BEFORE)
II. What justifies having no intelligence? (AFTER)
The first thing you should do is go over with your pc the first and
second question very thoroughly until they understand it without comm
lag. You may have to reword it so that it makes sense to your pc.
If your pc can't stand any of the forms you present these questions
in, then run the following.
'What is the before question?'
'What is the after question?'
'What is the number 1 question?'
'What is the number 2 question?'
This will allow your pc to gain a thorough understanding of what
the questions mean, and also to see deeper into any possible answers
that might present themselves. Once your pc is flat on what the before
and after questions mean, and how they should be presented, you can then
use any agreed upon form to run and get answers from your pc.
You will find that the word JUSTIFY may or may not make sense to
your pc. The pc should come to understand that the chronic condition
was brought into play for a reason, but the pc's own version of that
reason may not be best said with the word JUSTIFY. Thus you can and
should run questions 1 and 2 with other wording.
Question 1.
'What does this condition justify?'
'What does this condition make OK?'
'What does this condition lessen the seriousness of?'
'What are you using this condition for?
'What is the purpose of this condition?
'What does this condition explain?'
'What does this condition explain away?'
'What are you using this condition to handle?'
'What are you using this condition to deal with?'
'What problem does this condition solve?'
'How could this condition be a solution?'
'How does this condition help you survive?'
'How does this condition make others succumb?'
'How does this condition make you right and others wrong?'
'How does this condition make you wrong and others right?
'How does this condition help you escape domination?'
'How does this condition help you to dominate others?'
'How does this condition make you not guilty?'
'How does this condition make others guilty?'
'What should I use for question 1?'
Question 2 often can be made from a simple turn around of question
For example,
1.) What does this condition explain? (Question 1)
2.) What explains this condition? (Question 2)
The TRUE answer to 2.) is 'this condition by explained by why I created
this condition to explain the overt I committed in 1.) as a villain'.
The FALSE answers to 2.) and the one's the preclear will give you,
are the socially acceptable reasons that people have that kind of
condition for no reason as a victim.
1.) What does this condition make OK?
2.) What makes this condition OK?
1.) What does this condition solve?
2.) What solves this condition?
Last example,
'What is your central condition?' or
'What is overwhelming you?'
1.) What have you used it to solve?'
2.) What have you used to solve it?'
You may find that the form needed for question 1 is very different
from the form needed for question 2.
Homer Wilson Smith Clean Air, Clear Water, Art Matrix - Lightlink
(607) 277-0959 A Green Earth, and Peace, Internet, Ithaca NY
homer@lightlink.com Is that too much to ask? http://www.lightlink.com
HomerWSmith-L mailing list
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