(This is about the below posting, read it first or this one won't
make any sense.)
I would say you missed the beauty to the incident and still are,
thus it remains only partially run out and lingers as a lesson, as a
rue, don't want that to happen again.
How much enjoyment did higher beings get out of seeing your slap
stick comedy you put on for them at your expense?
How much love did it take to do that for them?
What had they done for you in the way of (painful) slap stick that
you appreciated with high appreciation for ludicrous demise?
What is the ultimate intent of the author creating such things?
Random engagement, or is their art?
Is there masterpiece?
It will only erase, as if it never happened, once the masterpiece
plane is contacted and let go on this incident.
What was the lie package that comprised the persistence and
unfolding of the event from the suffering point of view?
How was the lie package AS beautiful as the being who was
suffering, and as the suffering was ugly?
Once the match is made, the balance understood, the conservation of
beauty reaffirmed, the efficiacy of humor reinstated on the throne of
justice, then you will be free to create such again.
Until then there will be suffering and worry (rue) forever.
Homer Wilson Smith The Paths of Lovers Art Matrix - Lightlink
(607) 277-0959 KC2ITF Cross Internet Access, Ithaca NY In the Line of Duty
On Tue, 7 Sep 2010, Pip wrote:
>> Virtue for the Author is not the same as virtue for the characters.
> True. I actually remember a frightening example of the author-character
> relationship. First I remembered a terrifying and tragic incident while
> working on a somatic. It was this lifetime but I had completely
> suppressed it - I had not a clue. In resolving this incident I began
> to have flashbacks of earlier moments that led up to this event. In one
> of those moments I was in a higher state of consciousness and was
> devising the way things would unfold; actually setting it all up,
> creating it. I wouldn't say I was the ultimate author, but I had author
> priveledges and was shaping events. So as the author, the story was
> important, but the trials and tribulations (and pain) of my character
> were of NO CONCERN. That's the FRIGHTENING part. As an author it's
> fine to write that the hero of the story "arched in bone splitting pain
> and the bullet passed through his shoulder blade" but the character is
> probably not smiling about it. However, the ultimate author knows it's
> all just a story, an illusion cast in the world of duality. In this
> instance all turned out well (miraculously! - just as the author 'wrote'
> it to) and the I survived. Still, I don't much like being a pawn
> anymore, even if it's of myself. Even if I had read the script and
> known the outcome I absolutely would have declined the part. Probably
> ..... maybe.
> Pip
> wrote:
>> Hash: SHA1
>> Author's write stories in which there are characters.
>> Good stories have good and evil characters.
>> Virtue for the Author is not the same as virtue for the characters.
>> A good story is not a story in which all characters are good.
>> "But Homer are you saying we should go out an commit evil?!"
>> Certainly not as a character. Your body for example is part
>> of you as a character, not you as an Author, so you should not
>> commit harm with the body. This is part of the doctrine of
>> harmlessness.
>> However as Author, as 'you as an OT', you certainly should create
>> majestic tapestries of good and evil, hide the humor in the conflict and
>> hold it up for all to partake in.
>> As Author one is not harming the universe by doing so,
>> one is in fact enhancing the universe, by enhancing the story.
>> Dicoms are like sandwiches, they enfold and hide humor.
>> Homer
>> - ------------------------------------------------------------------------
>> Homer Wilson Smith The Paths of Lovers Art Matrix - Lightlink
>> (607) 277-0959 KC2ITF Cross Internet Access, Ithaca NY
>> In the Line of Duty
>> ================ ====================
>> Tue Sep 7 03:06:27 EDT 2010
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Tue Sep 7 16:17:20 EDT 2010
Homer Wilson Smith Clean Air, Clear Water, Art Matrix - Lightlink
(607) 277-0959 A Green Earth, and Peace, Internet, Ithaca NY Is that too much to ask?
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