Tuesday, November 26, 2013



A dicom is a DIchotomy of Comparable and Opposite Magnitude.

Dicoms run as AND's, NO AND's, NEITHER's and NO NEITHER's

The item is both beauty AND ugly. Or NEITHER beauty nor ugly.

NO NEITHER's and NO AND's are buried in notisness.

CDEINR means

Source of Heavens and Hells
Knows about Heavens and Hells
Curious About Heavens and Hells
Desires Heavens and Hells
Enforces Heavens and hells
Inhibits Heavens and Hells
NO Heavens and Hells <- That's a NO AND
Refused Heavens and Hells
Sub Refused Heavens and Hells

Source of Neither Heavens nor Hells
Knows about Neither Heavens nor Hells
Curious About Neither Heavens nor Hells
Desires Neither Heavens nor Hells
Enforces Neither Heavens nor hells
Inhibits Neither Heavens nor Hells
NO Neither Heavens nor Hells <- That's a NO NEITHER
Refused Neither Heavens nor Hells
Sub Refused Neither Heavens nor Hells

AND -> NO AND -> NEITHER -> NO NEITHER -> its gone.

A being can not have a heaven for very long without having a hell.

A being can not have a hell for very long without having a heaven.

This may sound like an odd concept to the religiously insane, but
the proof is in the auditing.

Put a pc on the meter.

Heaven will not read.

Hell will not read.

NEITHER HEAVEN NOR HELL will tick and read and blow down.

Then Heaven AND Hell will read and run, producing long cascading
falls down the tone dial.

The pc is stuck in both a heaven AND a hell. He will oscillate
between the two like Daffy Duck between the walls in a cage slightly too
small for him.

He will try to bring some part of hell with him into heaven.

He will try to bring some part of heaven with him into hell.

If you try to pull the hell, the heaven will stick.

If you try to pull the heaven, the hell will stick.

They are two sides of the same coin, you can't pull one without the
other. You will break the pc in two if you try and he will die probably
along with his body.

If you try to pull both at once, like a huge heavy mass made out of
heaven AND hell, it will run and start to lift, pretty much on its own
accord. The pc merely has to realize they two items run TOGETHER as one

He is not stuck in two items, one heaven and the other hell, he is
stuck in ONE item, HEAVENHELL.

He will see what he has been dramatizing, and return to a state of
peace on that dicom. For a while :).

Left unaudited eventually Heaven and Hell together form a monotony,
a bleak desparingly endless gray that is the color of his every day

Sort of like a cold dead star that has burnt all its fuel.

There is no *LIFE* any more.

Like red, blue and green paint mixed together to form an ugly
brown, he no longer sees the bleak gray as the addition of two other
colors, beauty and ugly, heaven and hell, gold and tarnish, magnificence
and anti-magnificence.

When he does separate them for a moment, the vertigo is
overwhelming and he comprehends it not.

He has seen the source of the dicom but doesn't recognize it as

He begins to fall INWARD into a space and time that is much bigger
than any illusory space and time that might be out there. He is falling
into his infinite self and just wants it to stop.

He considers he didn't make these heaven's and hells himself.

This makes them interesting you see, and provides him the serious
games of life. It makes the games worth playing, life worth living,
and living worth while.

He is running on 'A reason to die, is a reason to live.'

He is so glad to get off his cross once in a while, he is happy he
was crucified.

Do you understand pan determinism?

Now this may sound completely nuts, but it is no more nuts than a
non dimensional conscious dream unit pretending to be a dimensional
matter, energy, space and time robot machine, that will die for good one

Out-thereness is an illusory projected shadow of a zero dimensional
in-hereness, which is indeed eternal.

Out-thereness is the world of Sabe, the world of impermanence and

In-hereness is the world of Dura, the world of permanence and

The two are connected by choice.

The being lives in Dura, but chooses to visit Sabe for a while.

Death and life (rebirth) forever is a solution to heaven and hell
forever, both are in Sabe.

The first two give the illusion that it's finally over.

For a while.

Then back to Heaven and Hell we go for another round.

Mortal Birth and Mortal Death, and Immortal Heaven and Immortal
Hell form the matrix of Sabe. (Mortal and Immortal = in time).

Dura is made of Eternal and unimpingeable peace.


Homer Wilson Smith The Paths of Lovers Art Matrix - Lightlink
(607) 277-0959 KC2ITF Cross Internet Access, Ithaca NY
homer@lightlink.com In the Line of Duty http://www.lightlink.com

Tue Jul 18 16:12:03 EDT 2006
HomerWSmith-L mailing list

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