Friday, May 23, 2014



The projected universe of space and time is a universe of parts,
parts interacting across a space time distance via cause and effects.

This gives us the feeling that we too are a part, affected by other
parts. We feel we are not very necessary to the greater whole, and much
of the greater whole, we feel, is not necessary to us.

We could in fact walk away from everyone else, and live alone, and
have tried to do so many times.

In other words it is not entirely clear that I need anyone but
myself to survive, and I might survive better if everyone else were
gone. Or at least if some were gone.

Of course I am still dependent on the atmosphere and the Earth
beneath my feet if I am to survive as a body, and so I am still a part
of a greater whole that I can not quite escape.

When one first goes completely clear of a body, and one is alone up
there 500 feet in the sky looking down at the roofs of houses, one
suddenly gets another perspective on this.

Scientists of the rock (meaballus carrionensus, carrio-NEN-sus) have
long struggled with a prime axiom that says complexity of function is
supported by complexity of structure.

Structure consists of constituency, arrangement and process which
results in function.

So it makes sense that complex function would be supported by
complexity in process, arrangement and constituency.

Take a pocket watch for example, whose function is to tell time.

Its constituency is what is is made of, metal, brass, glass,
plastic, and perhaps ruby jewels to make the wheels turn well.

Arrangement is how all the parts are shaped and put together.

Process is the resulting changes in state that a watch goes through
once it is wound up, that results from cause and effect flowing through
its constituency in a specific arrangement to an end function.

Process and function are the same thing, but in normal usage
function is the intended purpose of the object, and thus a small subset
of the total processes going on.

Thus if the constituency or arrangement of parts changes, the
process will change, and so the function will change. If the change in
constituency or arrangement is too great, the process will stop and the
function will die.

Thus it is important to be able to put a pocket watch together
again properly after you have taken it a part. :)

As any given part is itself a part in a greater sets of parts,
accountability for function can be found either inside the part, or
outside the part or both.

For example most of the functionality of a pocket watch is internal
to the watch. You could take it to the moon and it would still work,
although in practice it depends on external temperature and pressure to

But a watch that is solar powered for example, or my little bed
side 'atomic' clock that gets its timing from radio signals from WWV,
depend heavily on external processes to keep them functioning right.

A car needs both internal gas, and external air, so the search for
accountability for functional complexity via structural complexity needs
to take into account internal complexity and external complexity.

We call these two areas of structure internality and externality.

Internality is where cause is inside the part, and externality is
where cause is outside the part.

Wherever science sees what it believes to be a complexity of
function or process (same thing), it expects to find a complexity of
parts, constituency and arrangement, to causally account for it.

Science stops cold in its tracks when it can't.

Also our 3 dimensional minds are used to thinking in terms of space
and time and parts interacting across a distance, not only between
objects like two clocks next to each other, but also inside each object,
parts within parts until we come to fundamental parts for which the
question 'why?' becomes a domain error for there are no more parts
within parts.

To science why means 'What smaller parts are within this bigger
part that accounts for the flow of cause so this bigger part does what
it does?'

If there are no smaller parts within a part, there is no why for
why the part does what it does, the why is God by default, or 'that's
just the way things are.'

For example it is well known that molecules are made of atoms, and
atoms are made of protons, neutrons and electrons, and that protons and
neutrons are made of quarks, but what are electrons made of?

To modern day science quarks and electrons are fundamental
particles, they are not made of more particles inside them.

Science knows an awful lot about electrons and WHAT they do, but
the minute science asks why they do it, they might as well be talking to

As a being looks deeper and deeper for the source of his upsets in
the external world, he eventually runs into the item 'things as they
are', and and although he is still mad as hell, there just is no one or
anything left to blame who could give a damn.

Thus he finds himself sucking up the misery of his life, trying to
keep on keeping on.

Keep on going, but don't shed a tear because nothing will notice
that could do anything about it.

As a body therefore, the being feels very much a part in a bigger
world of other parts around him, and zillions of little parts that are
inside him, that make him up.

He feels to the core of his being in particular if that internal
arrangement of parts were to go kerpluie, so would his own conscious
existence because he considers himself a process in an arrangement of
parts called a brain.

His brain is the pocket watch and his consciousness is the
resulting function from the tick tock of the balance wheel.

Broken balance wheel springs are a common reason for watches to
stop working.

No spring, no tick tock. No tick tock, no consciousness.

He is being a space time gizmo.

In looking to better keep his own contraption running, he is likely
to conclude that the existence of other contraptions can either be
helpful for harmful, and since we are all dust in the wind one day
anyway, it becomes no problem to him to help some of the more harmful
parts around him (people) attain their final resting state slightly
ahead of schedule.

Thus we have disownership of others and symphonic orgies of
classlessness called war.

Then one day he exteriorizes.

With confounding clarity he suddenly realizes, yes he is a part,
but he is NOT part of all that stuff going on out there in space time.

His body and its brain are 500 feet below him in the house that he
is now outside of looking down on.

Further he sees SO MUCH FUNCTIONALITY in his merely being able to
see the world without a body, that he understands for a moment that the
'complexity of structure' underlying his ability to just being there and
have a universe without a body, is surely almost infinite, and certainly
more than a body alone ever had.

The body depended on the universe to be there for it, in order to
have a universe. The being outside the body is depending on what? now
to have a universe and a body there?

He sees that all the structure he used to think was OUT THERE and
accounted for almost everything, doesn't exist at all, its all a dream
in his consciousness.

But SOMETHING is accountable now for the projection of the entire
universe down to the last quark. But it's not out there, its inside

He flips from total externality to total internality.

From perception of external cause to perception of internal cause.

We use the term internal advisedly, because in the exterior state,
external and internal become meaningless in a zero dimensional world.

But he also realizes that just as he is a part of some now huge and
glorious greater whole, so is everyone else. And just as he is an
immutable, uncreatable, undestroyable, unchangeable part of that greater
whole, so then too is everyone else.

So it becomes no longer an option to depart himself from everyone
else. He and everyone else form an immutable eternal causal structure
which is a cohesive whole, and he is stuck with everyone else just as
they are stuck with him.

For ever, for free, as Adore likes to say.

No charge for an infinite number of eternal people to love.

Disownership now becomes a cardinal sin with capital consequences.

So he trades being stuck as a part of the physical universe of
space time, air and earth, for being willingly and gladly a part of the
High Us, and whatever purpose the grand WE have in the scheme of things.

The dreamer goes lucid and becomes the dreamer not the dreamed
about, namely the body.

He may not know what that bigger purpose is, but he feels the
numinousness of existence, that there is something BIG behind his
existence and the worlds he is living in, possibly bigger than he can
span. Not necessarily another conscious unit like himself, but
something well worth getting to know and operate.

He knows he is a part in a greater whole, which then becomes the
ultimate context in which we live and seek a greater understanding for.

Not a space time context made of cold dead uncaring matter, as
a non lucid dreamer he is made of stuff that doesn't give a damn
whether he lives or dies. Atoms don't care.

So called biological 'life' is made of death, dead things, marbles
that run on mass and force and that's it bud.

Consciousness IS Life, and if consciousness is eternal, then
so is life and neither are made of anything but themselves.

This provides an eternal and infinite living context whose life can
flow through us if we let it because we are it.

The conscious unit is the window through which the eternal clear
light shines.

He knows if he could just get aligned with the Cosmic All he would
be doing alright.

When he first gets out, he may lose all significance on who he is,
or what he is, and what all the things are around him he was so involved

He has let all the added significance go, and is near the edge of
total as-isness.

He won't vanish the world for everyone else, but he is very close
to just leaving it all behind as if it never happened to him.

Annihilation of involvement in the kaleidoscope of color form that
he has been taking so seriously for so long.

Exterior, he can't remember what anything is.

It's just color pattern, and the dividing lines between this and
that are not the 'obvious' ones he had been using before.

Before this was a door and that was a house.

Now both the idea of door and house become ludicrous and then gone,
as if they never were while the edifice still remains. Apparently there
are much more interesting ways of dividing up the world that aren't so
'keep the body alive' centric.

Ever wake up and you can't remember where you are, or who you are,
or what state you are in, or which home you are sleeping in, or even if
time is still running, everything is so STILL, and it takes you a while
to reorient yourself to this life of MEST?

At least enough to find a fridge and get a beer?

And even then you still don't know whose beer it is?

Well you don't need to remember or know who you are or what you
have been, to function or to survive as an eternal being, holding onto
that stuff is what gets you killed.

Any what can be killed, if you aren't a what, you can't be harmed.

But existing in a state of total no significance can be hard while
in a body, its cool while it lasts, but we have to come back to take
care of our body and everything else we love here so desperately.

Oh yeah, that's a *CAT*, and oh yeah that's MY cat, and oh yeah I
haven't fed it this morning, and this is Ithaca, and this is Cornell,
and Oh yeah, this is *THIS* death row, er life. Sigh.

Finally the reboot is complete and you are reseated in the
solidities and realities of this life again, death row that it may be.

This is in part why exteriorizations are so hard to come by, and
don't last long when they happen. It's just too high up, there is just
no reason to move or play the game, and that's not the place to be in a
high action speed race like this universe. So we go up there for a
while, just to know that all the shit isn't true, but then we come back
down and wonder.

But the impression that is left is an important one, namely WHAT WE
ARE TRULY A PART OF, the true bigger context of the multi operating High
US, and if we can get aligned with the direction of ITS/OUR creative
light, we can flow smoothly without enturbulation into the world no
matter how chaotic it becomes.

And that's the beginning of OT power.

The power to flow, to turn eternal clear light into temporal color
form, unenturbulated by anything, and yet still remain.


Homer Wilson Smith The Paths of Lovers Art Matrix - Lightlink
(607) 277-0959 KC2ITF Cross Internet Access, Ithaca NY In the Line of Duty
Wed Nov 10 00:45:09 EST 2010
HomerWSmith-L mailing list

Thursday, May 22, 2014



Copyright 2002 Homer Wilson Smith
Redistribution rights granted for non commercial purposes.

The feeling is that people of good heart will always speak up
publically, anyone who wants to have a *PRIVATE* communication is up to
no good. You know, only bad people have secrets, if you aren't doing
anything bad, you won't mind everyone knowing about it.

OK, well on the face of it that sounds good, but there ARE bad
people in the world, and it is from THEM that you might want to have a
few secrets lest they use what they find out about you against you as a
good person.

Remember there are two uses for the communication lines of the
world, we use them for the market and we use them for the body politic.

We use the comm lines as the market to do our business with each
other, but we use the comm lines as the body politic to design the way
society and the markets are going to work in the first place.

Both the market and political comm lines are the SAME PHYSICAL COMM
LINES, speech, phone, mail, e-mail, radio, books, TV etc.

It might be quite all right to allow a benign government to have
access to all our market based communications as an objective
disinterested referee to keep the playing field fair and square amongst
all players.

But do you really want the government to know who you are going to
vote for before you vote for them?

If you don't mind existing or competing governments knowing where
your allegiances lie, then of course you won't mind them reading your
e-mail in the name of catching the bad guys who won't be using e-mail

If however you feel that people in government might be worried what
the people think of them and are planning to do about them, and you
would like to discuss this stuff in e-mail with your friends PRIVATELY,
to keep you and yours safe from retribution from that government, then
you certainly don't want the government to be reading your e-mail or
listening in on any of your other communications.

Unfortunately there is no way to tell the government "Hey you can
listen in on my market communications, but my political ones are

Now in times of great stress where the desire for safety surpasses
the desire for freedom, many will be willing to give up the freedoms to
have the safety.

We suffer searches at airports, we suffer the government to tap our
phones, and perhaps we suffer them also to tap our e-mail, all in the
name of catching the bad guys.

During acute moments of panic and trouble, this could be seen to be
a good idea.

But never to sunset it?

Democracy, if it is to mean anything, must stand on its own two
feet, it must stand on its own principles, particularly during times of
stress, otherwise it's just another has been.

People like to claim how proud they are to be an American and they
like to spout all the great things that America stands for, but then
they fold up like a morning glory when touched by the darkness of

The morning glory democracy attracts another kind of person, they
aren't the terrorists themselves who commit all these horrific acts, but
they will sell you a subscription for a pretty penny that tells you how
bad it all is and how it will continue to be so, particularly IF YOU

We call these people the Merchants of Fear, as they profit from
violating the Constitution in the name of protecting the Constitution.

Is it even possible to protect the constitution long term
by violating the constitution short term?

Merchants of Fear however, profit from the morning glory closing up
and staying closed.

By far and way hands down the best way to make a living is to start
a war and sell arms to both sides.

So you end up in this hypocrisy where America is the greatest
country on Earth and we stand for all these wonderful things, but we are
always at war, so we can't enjoy any of them!

And God save you if you should speak openly or privately.

If people know that a democracy will fold up at the slightest hint
of trouble, then they will go out of their way to make trouble to make
sure the democracy folds up.

If on the other hand they know the democracy will stand its ground
no matter what, there will be less incentive to cause trouble on the
part of those who would see the democracy not survive.

Then one has to ask what happens when the government BECOMES the
bad guys?

One has to have a certain level of trust in the government, the
police and the military, to allow a cop in every bedroom, and a spy in
every computer to verify the 'goodness' of our every desire, thought and

When the cops come to save you from the bad guys, they are the good
guys, but when the cops come to save the government from you, they are
the bad guys.

Surely if the government were a Divine Oligarchy made of perfect
people, assigned directly by God, then perhaps all that oversight would
be a good thing.

But we are trying to create and run a Democracy in an arena of
human life filled to the brim with covert evil intention, whose sole
purpose is to squash freedoms and enslave the good to evil ends.

Do you trust your government to act divinely?

Do you even trust your own parents to act that way?


There is a problem with too much trust in a government.

When law makers outlaw criminals, criminals become law makers.

When a bad guy knows he can't "get away with murder" amongst the
people, he will get himself elected into power where he will then
legislate his kind of "murder" into law so he can get away with it, and
use the police force to help him.

Thus any hierarchy of power is a place where bad people bubble up
into positions of power as they are cornered out of the lower ranks of
the civilian masses by the laws against criminality.

It is much easier to skim off the top of society as a Senator or
Chief of Police than it is as a civilian, ESPECIALLY IF YOU HAVE THE LAW

Pretty soon the police state that people elected into power to
protect themselves from bad people is itself made of bad people making
sure the masses stay imprisoned in their cell of protection.

And that prison cell of protection is paid for by your taxes!

Talk about Justice.

Remember when a good person builds a cell of protection that NO bad
person can get into, not even good people can get into it to let him

This is why certain things that look awfully tempting during times
of stress, like giving government oversight over all communications, for
example, eradication of privacy, is generally a bad idea because it
opens the doors for the criminals, who have bubbled up into positions of
power, to consolidate their power and do more bad things to the people
they were elected to protect.

Quite aside from the very real possibility that the government
itself may be covertly creating those times of stress just so they can
come to your aid by putting you in a jail cell of solitary confinement
where you aren't even free to talk to yourself any more, because of all
the video cameras and microphones all over the place.

And once they have microphones that can pick up your thoughts
directly, now you can't even think to yourself, what are you going to

When the criminal knows your every thought and your every friend
ahead of time, what chance do you have?

One of the first things criminals do when using power to
consolidate power, is to let more criminals into positions of power!

So the more power you give a criminal, the more criminals in power
there will be.

Now I am not into conspiracy theories, but it has to be said that
once the government and the people get into the idea that its OK to
trade freedoms for security, the door is opened for the government to
either engage in Merchant of Fearism itself, or even covertly CREATE
threats to security in order to further justify taking away freedoms, in
order to further consolidate their own power and personal wealth.

Yeah I know, maybe this is the way some body in some foreign
sleazeball government 'over there' might act, but surely no one standing
under the American Flag would ever do such a thing.

Basically once the majority of people are NO LONGER ABLE to take
out the government should it ever become corrupt, you have, by
definition, a police state.

Thus the protections written into the constitution are there to
guarantee that such a state of affairs can never happen, and that power
will always belong to the majority of people once they wake up, and not
to the government that might have slithered its way into power during
the dream time.

If everyone were good, we might not need our freedoms so bad, but
since half the world is bad, we do need our freedoms to protect
ourselves against the bad. even if the bad can use them too against the

There is something worse than crime, drugs, copyright theft,
terrorism and child pornography.

And that is a police state at total peace.

Everyone agreed to be a brick in the wall.


Homer Wilson Smith I would rather die poor Lightlink Internet
(607) 277-0959 KC2ITF than suffer the patronage Ithaca, NY of bigots and pinheads.

HomerWSmith-L mailing list

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

ADORE476 (fwd)

Hash: SHA1


People think that power comes from knowledge.

Power comes from the absence of knowledge.

Power creates knowledge in order to limit power.

Which then limits ability to create knowledge.

The world is not as it seems.


- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
Homer Wilson Smith The Paths of Lovers Art Matrix - Lightlink
(607) 277-0959 KC2ITF Cross Internet Access, Ithaca NY In the Line of Duty

Sat Mar 24 02:20:30 EDT 2007

================ ====================
Wed May 21 03:06:02 EDT 2014
Send mail to saying help
================== ===================
Learning implies Learning with Certainty or Learning without Certainty.
Learning across a Distance implies Learning by Being an Effect.
Learning by Being an Effect implies Learning without Certainty.
Therefore, Learning with Certainty implies Learning, but
not by Being an Effect, and not across a Distance.

Version: GnuPG v1.4.5 (GNU/Linux)

HomerWSmith-L mailing list

Tuesday, May 20, 2014


((My comments in double parentheses - Homer))


ACT - 60
26 April 1994

Copyright (C) 1994 Homer Wilson Smith
Redistribution rights granted for non commercial purposes.

The problem with telling a pc he is cause, is that it doesn't work.

This doesn't mean that you should tell him he is an effect of
SOMETHING ELSE either. It's not an either or situation.

You can for example get him to see that his cause is somehow out of
control and that he is being the effect of his own cause. BY HIS OWN
CHOICE. He may not presently agree, but he can at least understand this
in theory. There are probably many such 'views', one of which will
click on your pc.

Probably the biggest problem a pc has, is HE HAS A PROBLEM AND

Thus he comes in complaining about all these 'things wrong with
him' and he 'wants to get rid of them all'. The truth is he wants to
remember what the hell the original problem was in the first place that
made him mockup all these disadvantages (surviving by succumbing etc.),
and then perhaps to get some help with that prior problem and regain
some ability to CONTINUE to mockup disadvantages if necessary to help
him better deal with the problem.

ONE of the disadvantages he mocked up was not knowing what the
problem was. But that froze him in that state of advantage or
disadvantage from there on out, as he was no longer able to monitor the
problem or how he should change with it as time and circumstances
changed around him. The problem did change, but his state couldn't, so
he got worse in life, rather than continue to track the problem and have
fun with it playing the game.

Life seems to consist in part of solving problems by mocking up
disadvantages for oneself, or at least there are alley ways of play
where in this skill is desirable. SOME disadvantages, not all, when
mocked up, prevent one from unmocking disadvantages already created, or
mocking up new ones. THIS IS A FROZEN STATE of advantage and
disadvantage, and this is what the pc wants handled. The short term
solution became a long term problem.

The biggest disadvantage there is is the inability to create and
destroy DISADVANTAGES and advantages.

Flexibility with creating and destroying advantages and
disadvantages is the essence of good play. One doesn't really ever HAVE
to stick oneself with a condition one can not get rid of to win. You
got to be good at withholding that the condition is not real though. It
was a mistake to make the disadvantage permanent even in the being's own
eyes. It was also unnecessary to the play of the game.

You can convince others with out convincing yourself.

But sometimes that's not so fun.


Define NEED as won't survive without.

Get the idea of needing to forget.

Get the idea of needing to remember.


HomerWSmith-L mailing list

Monday, May 19, 2014

PROOF33 (fwd)

Hash: SHA1


Phil Scott ( wrote:

> YOU have dreamed up your construct to screw with on these issues,
>and thats fine.
> Its just that once outside of the entire cluster fuck, all that
>thinking and figuring blows away like junk mail....and one sees all those
>wasted trees and stamps.

The idea is that people are already stuck in a mind set, i.e.
desire plus view of the cosmic all, which acts as sort of a jail cell to
their desire.

By giving them a different construct, it creates cracks in their
own jail cell, allowing light to shine through. Doesn't matter if they
accept the new construct or no construct etc, it matters that their
original one have a crack in the wall.

Your approach is to run processes on them until the constructs

My approach is to offer other plausible alternative constructs
until their false certainty in any of them cracks. Then they can let go
and look, probably even run your processes better.

I approach existence and clearing like any scientist, we observe,
we make models, we see if the models make predictions, if so, we look
for those phenomenon too, if we find them, we continue along that path.
Oh yeah and we use Occam's razor to shave in the morning.

There are perfect certainties along this path, I AM, I WANT, I KNOW
and I DO, and I find that useful as a standard of certainty against
which to compare all other ideas. With a standard of perfect certainty,
one can no longer get stuck with 'certainties' that are 'false'.

The whole idea of a perfect certainty is an anathema to a sinking
being. He can't handle them at all because of the perfect 'false'
certainties he is shunning.

The perfect certainty that perfect certainty is impossible or
useless is a symptom of a broke, beaten and cowardly mind.

I AM is certainty of I AM. To denigrate this amazing fact as
aggrandizing the supremity of the ego is suppressive and one would have
to question the motives of anyone who might do so.

Ayn Rand's book Anthem told the story of two children trying to
find the word they had forgotten because it didn't exist in the language
any more, the word "I".

Whatever the nature and intent of the AllThatIs, consciousness of
"I AM!" is certainly part of it, and a good and highly desirable part of

From this certainty of "I AM" comes The Proof that the I-AM is not
a state determined space/time multi dimensional machine such as
envisioned by the meatballs.

We use standard meatball theory to prove it!

Now admittedly the individual I-AM is not the AllThatIs, and
admittedly the whole perception of 'I' may be drenched in illusion, and
delusions about illusions, but the I is not a nothing, and the illusions
are more indication that the I is a something, as a nothing can't have
illusions, and the more we contemplate these things, the more the false
certainties fall away and the mind is free to see what is as it is.


Is that aggrandizing existence? Shame on me.

Fun models to play with are not intended to replace existing mental
jail cells, but to break them open by giving the being a datum of
comparable magnitude so he ceases to hold onto one as if it was the only
one in the world.

The world however is a co-dream shared by many dreamers, lucid and
not, we do survive this life, even if not on Earth, consciousness did
not arise out of MEST, and consciousness is not merely a process in MEST

Illusions of MEST and dimensionality arose out of consciousness, we
think there is space because we see space, and such things do not fit in
the meatball model at all, but do fit in the dreamball model, and hence
scientifically the model is useful.

There can't be an ultimate downside to having a model that is more
accurate than not. Even the model that all models are useless is a
model and thus wind between the ears, arrogant, conceited and vain all
rolled up into one.


================ ====================
Mon May 19 03:06:01 EDT 2014
Send mail to saying help
================== ===================
Learning implies Learning with Certainty or Learning without Certainty.
Learning across a Distance implies Learning by Being an Effect.
Learning by Being an Effect implies Learning without Certainty.
Therefore, Learning with Certainty implies Learning, but
not by Being an Effect, and not across a Distance.

Version: GnuPG v1.4.5 (GNU/Linux)

HomerWSmith-L mailing list

Sunday, May 18, 2014

val3.txt (fwd)



Good evening, today is late Sunday evening March 30th, 2009.

This is the third part of the Valentine's Day lecture on the
subject of The Proof.

First we need to summarize where we have been so far and to refresh
our memories of what we are talking about.

So very quickly let's start at the beginning.


Objects are states or events in space and time.

We usually think of events as changes in state, but a single point
in space time IS an event, a 'happening'. Thus space time is a fabric
of events, or objects, each one of which has a quality set including its
location in space and time.

Objects have quality sets which describe them.

Anything that has qualities is an object, and anything that is an
object has a quality set with qualities in it.

Except of course the Nothing which has an empty quality set!

I can hear a bright little Goober ask "But isn't it then a quality
of the Nothing that it has no qualities?"

We will avoid that Godel jail by asking you to apply understanding
rather than rigor.


Godel jails are philosophical black holes that one falls into by
being a little too bright.

They are also the place we send people who are a little too dumb,
and who suffer from proffering logical absurdities as wisdom.

For example the statement 'All generalizations are false' leads to
a Godel Jail for any mind that tries to determine if it is true or

Since the statement IS a generalization, if we assume the statement
is false, then the statement is true, if we assume the statement is
false, then the state is true.

Around and around we go. This arises because the statement is a
self denying statement, and thus forms the basis of a Godel Jail for the
bright mind that can't figure its way out of the logical whirlpool.

But we also send people to Godel Jail who try to make the statement
into a working philosophy.

Godel Jails are filled with the bones of fools and charlatans.


Two different objects have two different quality sets, and any
objects with two different quality sets are two different objects.

Since where and when an object exists is part of it's quality set,
a change in position in space or time indicates a new different object.

The parts of you that move in time are a new you from moment to
moment. The parts of you that do not move in time are the same you, as
for them there IS no moment to moment.

Just because everything IN consciousness is made of apparitions of
space and time, doesn't mean that consciousness itself is made of space
and time.

In this case, the TV set (consciousness) is not made of what is
displayed in the TV set screen (space and time, parts and mechanics).


A symbol is any object that is used to refer back to another

A referent is any object referred to by a symbol.

Referent and symbol are two different objects with two different
qualities sets.

The symbol of final authority is the last symbol in the causal
chain actually used by the observer to learn about the referent. The
symbol of final authority IS that observer and the changes that take
place in him due to the causal wave reaching and impinging on him from
the referent.

The RENDITION ZONE is the area in the observer that changes state
due to the causal wave, usually that observer's consciousness, and the
RENDITION is the changes that take place in the observer's rendition

The referent is the rendered, the symbol is the rendition.


Ontology is the study of being or existing.

Ontological status is the status of the existingness of an object.

Either something exists or it doesn't.

Thus ontology is a pretty simple science of what is and what ain't.

Since referent and symbol are both objects which ARE, both have
equal ontological status, they have a parity of (equal) existingness
with each other.

Something might be heavier than another, but something can not
exist more than another.

There is no gradient scale of TO BE or TO EXIST.

Thus it is not true that the referent exists or is more actual than
the symbol. Both exist and both are actual.

Both referent and symbol have their own distinct quality sets, both
of which contain 'exists'.

If the symbol did not exist, it would be impossible to get the idea
that the referent existed by studying the symbol.

Thus claiming that the physical universe exists but that our
consciousness doesn't really exist, is ludicrous.

We like to think that the original referent out there in
space and time is SOMETHING, you know, heavy made of mass,
objective, you can 'prove' it exists etc. (Actually you can't).

But our conscious experience of that referent, the symbol
of final authority for learning about the referent, has no mass,
isn't heavy and therefore probably isn't real.

How heavy is a conscious experience of heaviness?

Thus it is tempting to say the referent exists but the symbol, our
conscious experience, eh, well who knows....

However it is the very glaring existence of our consciousness that
gives us the idea that the physical universe exists also, as we are
using our consciousness to symbolize the alleged physical universe.

Our consciousness, the SYMBOL, certainly exists, so we conclude
rightly or wrongly that the physical universe, the REFERENT, must exist
at least as much as the symbol does.

Existence of the symbol does not imply existence of the referent,
as you could be dreaming, hallucinating or imagining.

Most perceptions in consciousness are a symbol of the alleged
physical universe. When studied as themselves though, conscious
experiences are self symbolizing, self luminous. You don't see them by
looking at SOMETHING ELSE.

One learns about conscious experiences by direct perception, by
looking at them directly, not by looking at something later that was the
effect of them earlier.

One USES one's conscious experiences to learn about the alleged
physical universe through indirect perception, because one is learning
about the physical universe by looking at one's conscious experiences,
and not the physical universe directly. Also the alleged event in the
physical universe exists prior to the event in consciousness, and no
longer exists at the moment the conscious symbol arises.

We say alleged, because the event in the physical universe is a
THEORY to explain the perfectly certain existence of the conscious


Some qualities in the symbol, MAP back to qualities in the
referent, so one can glean something about the referent by looking at
the symbol.

For example a map of city streets will show the street pattern on
the map which pretty well matches that actual pattern of streets in the

Symbols however will have other qualities that do not map back to
the referent, for example, the map is made of paper, the city isn't.

And the referent will have qualities that are not represented in
some particular symbol, for example Ithaca (the city) has poisonous air
from buses and cars, enough to supply a needy concentration camp for the
length of a war, and the map doesn't.


Collapsing referent and symbol means to look at a symbol and
consider it IS the referent.

Referents and symbols are two different objects with two different
quality sets.

However those quality sets may overlap in some areas where certain
qualities are common to both.

Both referent and symbol 'exist' for example.

Both referent and symbol may be 'square', we call this geometricity
between referent and symbol, or geometric similarity.

There are also a subset of qualities in the symbol that are mapped
back to OTHER very different qualities in the referent because of a
causal connection between them.

Thus visual color in our consciousness is mapped back to various
frequencies of light in the referent physical universe.

Except in the case of geometricity, mapped qualities are NOT
necessarily, and usually are NOT, common qualities of both referent and

Conscious experiences have color but do not have frequency.

Photons have frequency but do not have color.

Nonetheless conscious color is mapped back to alleged photon

Consider a light in the physical universe that emits 5000 Angstroms
of light. In our consciousness we perceive it as red light, but in the
physical universe there is no red, just frequency and wave length.

Color in the conscious symbol maps back to frequency in the
physical referent.

The mapping between color and frequency is arbitrary but
nonetheless (allegedly) causally related.


Collapsing symbol and referent leads to three errors, all of which
are forms of insanity. If a machine were to do any one of these things,
you would throw it out.


First, when qualities in the symbol map back to qualities in the
referent, one gets the idea that the referent has the exact same quality
because the symbol has it.

In the case where conscious color is being used to map back to
physical frequency, when we collapse symbol and referent we consider
that photons are 'red'.

This is a domain error, as redness is not a quality of photons and
CAN NOT be a quality of photons. Photons are outside of the domain of
redness, of red things.


Photons do not belong to the domain of objects which can have
redness as part of their quality sets.

If you ask 'What objects can be red?', photons can never be part of
that group, but conscious experiences can be.

A domain error is when a quality is applied to an inappropriate
object that can not have that quality.

For example asking "what is the square root of a dog?" is a domain

Dogs do not have square roots and photons do not have color.

Consider the case of a color coded image (symbol) of x-ray
emissions of the sun (referent). In this case 'color' in the symbol is
mapped to 'frequency' in the x-ray range rather than the visible light

When referent and symbol are collapsed, one gets the idea that low
frequency x-rays are 'red' and high frequency x-rays are 'violet'. when
in truth the symbolic image has 'red' and 'violet', and the referent
x-rays don't, they have frequency.

Further the exact mapping between color and frequency can change
depending on the situation. A human uses 'red' to mean 5000 Angstroms
of wave length, an X ray telescope uses red to mean much smaller
wavelengths. Birds use red for a range similar to humans but not the

Confusion between conscious color and photon frequency is a common
result of referent and symbol collapsation and is a form of insanity.


Second, when there are qualities in the symbol that DO NOT map back
to the referent, one gets the idea that the referent has those qualities
anyhow because the symbol has them, when in truth the referent may not.

Because the conscious experience of 'red' is self luminous, we then
conclude that photons are self luminous too.

Self luminous means not lit by anything else. Table lamps in a
dream do not light the other objects in the dream.

Symbols are objects in their own sovereign right, and often have
whole ranges of qualities that have nothing to do with the referent that
they are being used to symbolize, at all.

Thus considering that the referent has a quality because the symbol
has the quality, is a second form of insanity.

A worst case of this is when someone is hallucinating conscious
experiences of little green martians on the street. In this case the
referent doesn't exist at all, although the symbol does. Thus ALL of
the symbol's qualities are considered to map back to the referent when
they don't.

Another classic example is when one considers that because one is
capable of perfect certainty of the symbol (conscious picture), one
thinks one is perfectly certain of the referent (physical universe).

Thus people think they are certain the physical universe exists,
when it doesn't.

He is perfectly certain his conscious experience of the physical
universe exists, therefore he assumes the physical universe exists too.

This goes lower south into an inversion where the being thinks he
is certain of the physical universe, but isn't sure he exists as a
conscious unit.

Sanity is recognizing that the symbol is certain and the referent
is not.

Insanity is thinking the referent is certain and the symbol doesn't
exist, meaning thinking you are seeing the referent distant from you.


The third kind of insanity is when the referent has qualities that
the symbol does not have, and thus one gets the idea that the referent
does not have them either because the symbol doesn't have them.

Collapsing referent and symbol is always a form of insanity when it
is out of volitional control, because it puts one permanently out of
contact with actuality as it truly is.


The three kinds of insanity arise from collapsing referent and
symbol into one and the same object, because referent and symbol are two
different objects with two different quality sets, yet collapsation
considers they are one and the same object with only one quality set
between them.

The three kinds of insanity are:

1.) considering that because two different qualities in a referent
and symbol are mapped to each other, that they are instead one and the
same quality. Thus 'frequency' (referent) *IS* 'red' (symbol).

The insanity then would be considering that red = frequency = red.

2.) considering the referent has qualities that rightly belong only
to the symbol. Thus self luminousness in consciousness (symbol) means
self luminousness in the physical universe (referent).

The insanity then would be to attribute self luminous certainty to
the physical universe just and only because one is self luminously
certain of one's own conscious image of the physical universe.

In fact self luminosity CAN NOT exist in the physical universe
because it is a form of learning by looking at cause directly rather
than the effect, and that is impossible across a distance.

3.) Considering the referent does not have qualities only because
the symbol does not have them. We can't see x-rays (symbol), therefore
there are no x-rays (referent). Our inability to be conscious of
radioactivity, the way we can of visible light, can be very dangerous to
us when traveling through a radioactive field.

Another example would be a belief that the city does not have cars
and buses, because the map doesn't show them.



That means event B followed event A at least once.

There is DEPENDABLE followingness.

That means B always follows A every time we have observed A.

There is NECESSARY dependable followingness.

That means B MUST follow A because A causes B.

Causation is DEFINED as necessary dependable followingness.

Defining causation as necessity may seem weak, as there may be more
to causation than mere necessity, but necessity is both necessary and
sufficient to causation.

Thus if there is cause, there must be necessity, and if there is
necessity there must be cause.

That alone is enough to allow us to get away with claiming



There is causation if and only if there is necessity.

There is necessity if and only if there is causation.

Notice the following relationships.

Necessary dependable followingness implies dependable

Dependable followingness does not imply necessary dependable


Necessity implies dependability.

Dependability does not imply necessity.


Cause implies dependability.

Dependability does not imply cause.

In the popular voice we say 'Correlation does not imply causation.'

Dependability of followingness between two events is 'correlation'.


The scientific method is the process of science, of coming to know
about the universe around us.

Because some of the alleged universe around us is a universe of
separations in space and time, the physical universe, all that can be
known of the physical universe are qualities of causal relation via
learning by being an effect.

That's a big statement, dig it and don't leave it.

All we can know of the physical universe IS HOW IT AFFECTS US AS
CONSCIOUS OBSERVER. We never see the physical universe directly, only
its rendition in our conscious rendition zone.

Any quality in a physical universe object OR ANY OTHER KIND OF
OBJECT, that does not have a cause and effect relation to us can not be
known by us, as we can only learn by looking directly at cause (self
luminosity of consciousness ) or indirectly by looking at effect.

Thus ALL we can know about things distant from us are cause and
effect, and none of what we can know about those things can ever be more
than a theory because distance implies learning by looking only at the
effect and effect does not prove cause.


The valuable final product of science are models of cause and
effect to account for evidence, i.e. conscious observations which are
data gleaned from symbols about referents which are 'things out there'.

The observations (conscious symbols) are perfectly certain, the
theories about the alleged referents, created to account for the
observations, are never perfectly certain, only workable or not.

Claiming perfect certainty about a theory of cause is a DOMAIN

Perfect certainty can not be part of the quality set of any theory
of cause.

Theories of cause gleaned indirectly by looking at effects can only
be workable or unworkable. We say the theory is wrong, but we mean

Statements of fact gleaned directly by looking at cause can only be
true or false.

Evidence is always observation of dependable followingness.

Theory is model of necessary dependable followingness.

Thus all models are models of cause and effect.

If something is not cause and effect, science has no interest in


Theories consist of model and evidence.

Evidence is data born of observations.

Observations are data gleaned from symbols about referents, via
learning by being an effect.

Thus the scientific method consists of the following:

Observations -> evidence -> models -> predictions -> observations.

Notice the above process is circular, the end feeds back into the
beginning. New observations lead to corrections of the model, which
lead to new predictions which lead to new observations, which are new
evidence, and around and around we go.

This process refines the model into a complete theory ball.

A complete (round) theory ball obtains when all evidence is modeled
(explained), and all predictions are evidenced (observed).


Truth is a quality of relation between a statement of fact and a
given specified actuality.

"The house is red' is a statement of fact, whether right or wrong.

Certainty is a quality of relation between a knower of truth, and a
given stated truth value of the given specified statement of fact.

Having now observed the house, the knower is now certain of the
truth or falsity of the statement that the house is red or at least his
conscious rendition of it is :) He could be dreaming, imagining or

Statements of fact are always of the form

'Quality belongs to object' (The house is red)


'Object belongs to class.' (Joey my pet is a dog.)


'Class belongs to bigger Class.' (All dogs are animals.)

Truth is a quality of relation between the statement and the
actualities it refers to.

Certainty is another quality of relation between the conscious unit
and the truth value of the statement under scrutiny.

Thus we have in order:

'The house is red' which is a statement.

'It is true that the house is red' which is the statement's
asserted truth value.

'I am certain it is true that the house is red.' which is my
conscious relationship to the asserted truth value of the statement.


There are two kinds of theories, existential theories or
specifications, and universal theories, or generalizations.


'Daisies exist' is an existential theory or specification.

Science can prove it true by having a clear specification of what a
daisy is, and then finding one instance of a daisy, namely an object
that meets that specification. A specification is essentially a
delineation of the quality set of the object.

Science can never prove the above theory false, for the absence of
evidence for a daisy is not proof of its non existence.

In the popular voice we say 'Absence of evidence is not evidence of

This is because science can not observe all space and time looking
for a daisy. The best science can say is 'Right here and right now,
there is not a daisy.'

Thus the absence of evidence for unicorns, does not prove that
unicorns do not exist, never have existed, nor never will exist.


'All daisies are white' is a universal theory or generalization.

Science can prove it false by finding one non white (black) daisy.

Science can never prove it true, because the presence of one or a
billion white daisies is not proof that all daisies are white.

Again in the popular voice we say 'Absence of evidence is not
evidence of absence (of the black daisey)'.

This is because science can not observe all space and time looking
for a non white daisy. The best science can say is 'Right here and
right now, there is a white daisy'.


Causal models attempt to explain DEPENDABLE followingness, which
means for all space and time A will always be followed by B, and B is
always preceded by A. Thus causation is a universal theory.

The very statement that B ALWAYS follows A is a universal theory, a
generalization, and thus fits into the category of theories that can
never be proven right, but can be proven wrong (unworkable) with one
counter example.

Theories may 'stand the test of time', but in the end, everything
that lives inside of time, is dust in the wind.

Science is interested in what will happen, but can only observe
what did happen.

What did happen does not imply what will happen, thus science is at
a disadvantage.

The reason that science can never prove a causal theory true is
because all such theories are theories of cause and effect, theories of
NECESSITY, and science can never directly observe a necessity, but can
only observe a dependability.

In other words science can observe A and then B following, but
never observe the necessity that they do so. This is because the EVENTS
are observable but never the CAUSE between them.

So dependability of followingness does not imply necessity of

Thus science can never prove a causal theory true (permanently

But science CAN observe an UNdependability, which would immediately
imply a lack of necessity and thus imply that the theory of necessity
was false (unworkable).

Thus science can prove a causal theory false with one observation
that denies a dependability.

Science can only observe the weaker (right hand) side of the

Necessity implies Dependability.

In the presence of dependability there may be necessity (cause),
but this remains forever a theory.

However in the absence of dependability there certainly is no
cause. At least as it was modeled in the theory.

Thus if one observes a dependability there MAY BE cause.

But if one observes an undependability, there CERTAINLY is no

Since all causal theories are theories of cause and effect, which
model evidential dependability via theoretical necessity, science can
only prove a causal theory false and never prove it true, depending on
whether it observes an UNdependability or not.

Necessity is an anthropomorphization of directly perceived self
luminous causal agency within the conscious unit.


Science can not observe cause in the external space time universe,
because science is limited to the indirect observation of cause only via
the followingness between two different events, but consciousness can
perceive cause directly within itself.

The miraculousness of that statement will be left for another time.

Direct perception of cause, and in fact direct perception of
anything, is what the proof and consciousness is all about.


Anthropomorphization is assigning qualities that rightly belong
only to consciousness, to the physical universe. It is insanity number
two: because the symbol has the quality, we believe the alleged referent
must have the quality also.

As such there may in fact be no necessity in the outward physical
universe at all. Just because we see causal agency within our conscious
unit, doesn't mean there is any causal agency between any two different
objects out in the alleged physical universe.

It is possible that what the conscious unit perceives as cause
between things in the physical universe, is actually the cause of the
conscious unit itself being projected out on to the things displayed IN
consciousness (apparitions of space and time) in order to make it look
like there is cause between them directly out there in the physical

We call this the THIRD PARTY LAW and will get into it later in

As absurd as the above may sound to sophomoric minds, there is no
*SCIENTIFIC* ground to reject the possibility out of hand, AND CAN NEVER
BE, as





People tend to see the world through theory colored glasses.

If they have a theory that says consciousness is a process in a
machine (a brain), and a theorem that says machines can't be certain of
anything, they will conclude that consciousness can't be certain of
CERTAINTIES ALL DAY LONG (any two conscious colors around them, notice
the perfect certainty of their difference and their existence.)

Thus theory, in the hands of incompetent proponents, can obscure
observation and corrupt interpretation.


Objects communicate with each other via cause and effect.

That means that some quality in one object causes a change in state
in the quality set of another object.

A CAUSAL PATHWAY is a series of cause and effect events that
propagate out through space and time from an original source.

More broadly we DEFINE referent and symbol as any two objects that
have a causal pathway between them, meaning the symbol's state is a
function of the prior referent's state.

Therefore there has to be a causal pathway between any referent and
any of its later symbols.

Any two objects which are related to each other by cause and
effect, are referent and symbol to each other.

Any two objects which are referent and symbol to each other, are
related by a causal pathway between them.

If A and B are referent and symbol, then there is a causal pathway
from A to B.

If there is a causal pathway from A to B, then A and B are referent
and symbol.


The procession of changes in state emanating from an original
referent along a causal pathway out into space and time is called a
causal messenger wave.

It is called a WAVE because it moves continuously out into space
and time like a wave, at the speed of cause.

Different kinds of causes can travel at different speeds, but the
maximum speed of cause in the physical universe, is apparently the speed
of light in a vacuum.

Light is one kind of causal messenger wave.

It is called a MESSENGER wave because the wave of changes that
occur carry data about the nature of the various referents that
originally emanated it, and the other referents the wave later
encountered and passed through.

It is called a CAUSAL messenger wave, because it is a wave of
causation traveling through the universe and the data it carries is data
solely about the causal relations between the referents and symbols that
it encounters along the way.


Because the causal messenger wave travels along its causal pathway
in a continuous manner, every point in space time along that path
becomes first a symbol to prior referents, and then a referent to later

Thus we say that the causal messenger wave creates a referent and
symbol continuum as it propagates through space and time.

Quantum mechanics will want to argue about just how continuous this
continuum really is.

So noted.

We are not arguing against quantum mechanics here, but neither are
we bringing quantum mechanics into the discussion.


The original referent is DEFINED as the event we wish to learn

The symbol of final authority is DEFINED as the event we will study
to learn about the original referent.

Thus a causal pathway is a series of referents and symbols
following each other in space and time starting at the original
referent, and ending at the symbol of final authority.

The original referent is probably not the first referent in the
causal pathway, because in this universe anyhow every change HAS to come
from some thing else. Changes don't just happen with out something else
changing first, even atomic decay. At the very least time is changing
before the decay.

The symbol of final authority is not necessarily the last symbol in
the causal pathway, most of which never end; it is however the chosen
symbol under scrutiny to learn about the original referent by studying
the state of the symbol.

Any point in a referent and symbol continuum can be assigned as the
original referent we want to know about, or the symbol of final
authority we are going to use to learn about earlier referents from.

Probably the first original referent is at the beginning of time,
and the last symbol of final authority will be at the end of time. Thus
note that the 'original referent' under study is rarely the first
referent in the chain, just as the symbol of final authority is never
the last symbol in the chain (unless the universe has ended.)

However note that the original referent under study is ALWAYS in
the past, and the symbol of final authority is in the NOW.

Thus learning can take place between any two points in the referent
and symbol continuum, the earlier point is the original referent and the
later point is the symbol of final authority.

Thus causal messenger waves pass THROUGH original referents and
symbols of final authority, and eventually referent and symbol both
become part of the causal messenger wave's wake as it moves on into the
future, leaving them behind. And as each new symbol is created, a data
imprint is left on it about the causal nature of all the referents
behind it.


Tracking means a symbol is under the continuous causal influence of
the referent at all times so that the symbol's state is an ongoing
function of the referent's state albeit delayed in time by the speed of
cause and the distance between referent and symbol.

Tracking ends when the symbol's state is no longer a causal
function of the referent's state.

In this case we say the state of the symbol is no longer tracking
the state of the referent.

There is a subtle but important change in definition here that
needs to be kept track of lest it lead to confusions.

Take a light bulb and a light meter on the other side of the room.

A referent is an object in ONE moment of space and time, because in
the next moment its a whole new object. So when we talk about the light
bulb, technically we have to ask which light bulb, meaning where and

So the light bulb at 12 noon emits a photon which travels to the
light meter and the meter dial reads.

That is a single causal pathway between light bulb and meter.

The meter for that one event 'tracked' the light bulb.

But then a second later, the NEW light bulb emits a NEW photon that
heads over to the NEW light meter, and again it reads. Thus the new
meter is tracking the new light bulb.

If we consider that the succession of events in time called light
bulb is in fact one single light bulb moving through time, and the same
for the meter, we can then say that the meter is tracking the light bulb
across time, because the meter's state is a function of the light bulb's
state minus the travel time distance between them.

Notice that although we may claim it is one light bulb moving
through time and one meter moving through time, the photons being
emitted by the light bulb at each moment of time are CLEARLY new photons
with each one emitted.

Thus we can get get sloppy and consider that the same old light
bulb is emitting different new photons at the same old meter, and thus
the meter is tracking the light bulb from moment to moment.

Conveniences of conversation are ok as long as we keep track of
them, otherwise confusions will arise, as in fact the light bulb is a
brand new light bulb every new moment of time and so is the meter.


A symbol can have many qualities that do not causally map back to
the referent.

DATA is the subset of qualities in the symbol that do causally map
back to the referent and thus represent qualities in the referent.

A symbol can have either high DATA CONTENT or low DATA CONTENT.

A causal pathway is the means by which data propagates from it's
original referent through space and time to an endless series of

Each symbol in turn becomes its own referent as it passes on the
causal messenger wave to the next symbol in line. Thus the next symbol
in line is affected by both the many symbols before it and the original


Data integrity is the conformance of the data contained in the
symbol to the original referent. The longer the causal pathway between
referent and symbol, i.e. the greater the number of referent to symbol
'hops', the lower the data integrity.


A data imprint is the changes in state incurred in a symbol by
virtue of a causal wave originating from a referent.

A data imprint is a rendering in the rendition zone of a symbol, a
rendition of the causal nature of the original referent.

Since every symbol along the way between original referent and the
symbol of final authority adds its own causal influence into the
traveling causal messenger wave, the data imprint on the final symbol
contains data about ALL of the symbols back to the original referent and
even before.

Separating out the data from a given symbol and knowing which prior
referent to apply it to can be daunting.


The FORM of a symbol's data content can have either high GEOMETRIC

Geometric congruency means that the symbol 'looks similar to' the
referent. There is a one to one space and time correspondence between
the referent and the symbol.

Purists will complain that we really want to call this geometric
similarity, as congruency demands absolute equality of geometric form.

So noted. So ignored :)

However for the purposes of this lecture, geometric congruency,
similarity, conformance, and commensurateness mean the same thing.

Notice that data conformance, how well the symbol is tracking the
referent, and geometric conformance, how much the symbol 'looks like'
the referent are related but not quite the same thing. Data conformance
can be very high, but geometric congruency very low, as we shall see.

In general we will call data conformance simply data content.

For example the word COW refers back to a particular kind of
animal. Therefore 'COW' is a symbol.

But the symbol itself has very little data in its structure to give
us a hint as to what it is referring back to. Thus we say it's DATA
CONTENT (conformance) is low.

And yes the word cow doesn't look at all like a cow so its
geometric congruency is also low.

Notice there must have been a causal pathway between some cow
somewhere and the being who first created the symbol 'cow' or the word
would never have been invented, so 'cow' remains a proper symbol to the
animal in question even if very indirectly causally related to any cow.

On the other hand a picture of a cow taken by a camera is also a
symbol for the cow, but this symbol has a high degree of data content,
so we can tell much about the referent by looking at the symbol.

The picture of a cow also 'looks like' a cow, thus the data content
contained in the symbol has a high degree of GEOMETRIC CONGRUENCY with
the original referent.

However if we scan the picture into an encrypted data stream of 1's
and 0's, that data stream still has high data content about the cow, but
very low geometric congruency indeed.

High data content does not necessarily mean RECOVERABLE data
content. It is possible to have a symbol with high data content, but
non recoverable.


The unix cleartext password is the referent and the encrypted
password is the symbol. It is generally not possible to determine the
original password from the encrypted symbol. The data content of the
symbol remains high, uniquely rendering the referent, but the
recoverability from symbol back to referent, remains zero, as intended.
That means you can't learn about the referent from the symbol at all
even though the data is there!

The way passwords work, is the user types in his referent password,
and it is RE ENCRYPTED, and if the new symbol matches the old symbol,
then its a pass.

Thus although one can not learn about the referent via the symbol,
one can learn about two referents from their two symbols. If the
symbols are the same, the referents must have been the same, but what
the referent was forever is lost.

The reason passwords work, is if you re encrypt the same password,
you will get the same symbol. If there were no data content left in the
symbol, this would not happen.


A symbol can contain data that matches the nature of the referent,
but not BECAUSE the referent causally impinged on the symbol and
imprinted or rendered that data there.

If there is no causal pathway between referent and symbol, any
'data' in the symbol about the referent is unrelated to a causal
connection between them and thus is coincidental.

Thus the symbol's state accidentally describes the referent.

Accidental data conformance between uncausally related objects, can
not be counted upon to provide dependable results, and in fact must not
be called LEARNING at all.

In fact if there is no causal pathway between the two objects, they
can't be called referent and symbol either!

Thus we say that learning implies learning by being an effect of a
cause, or by looking at cause directly (self luminous direct
perception). In the absence of cause there can be no learning even if
the symbol is 'right' about the referent.


With the above caveat in mind about accidental data conformance, in
general geometric congruency IS one form of data content.

In the popular voice we call geometric congruency HIGH PICTURENESS,
or high picture content. Hieroglyphs of birds that look like birds or
are similar to birds have a high data content and high geometric

Thus, ignoring instances of accidental data conformance, we can

High geometric congruency implies high data content.

Low data content implies low geometric congruency.


High data content does not necessarily imply high geometric

Low geometric congruency does not necessarily imply low data


Some will tell you that your conscious experience is your brain's
interpretation of the physical universe.

That is ass backwards with emphasis on the word ass.

Your consciousness is your brain's RENDITION of the physical
universe, and the physical universe is your interpretation of the
rendition you see in your consciousness.

Let's get this straight.

The physical universe is the referent.

Your conscious experience is the symbol.

Interpretation is the process of extracting data about a referent
from a symbol.


Rendition is the process of encoding data about a referent into a

Rendition means encode.

Interpretation means decode.

Referent -> rendition -> symbol.

Referent <- interpretation <- symbol.

From the referent state one renders a symbol state.

From the symbol state, one interprets the referent state.

In mathematical terms consider rendition (to render), and
interpretation (to interpret) to be functions over a domain like f(x).


Symbol = rendition(referent).

Referent = interpretation(symbol).

The domain of rendition are referents and the range of
renditions are symbols.

The domain of interpretation are symbols, and the range
of interpretations are referents.

Your conscious experience is a symbol for the physical
universe referent, therefore your conscious experience is a

The alleged physical universe is the referent for your conscious
experience symbol, thus the physical universe is an interpretation of
your conscious experience.


Hell doesn't care and will not help you disentangle your


If you look up interpretation in a dictionary it will say

If you look up rendition it will say interpretation.

Considering that

interpretation = rendition

is the same as considering that

referent = symbol.

This is all three forms of insanity rolled into one.

Those three insanities ARE the fabric of Hell.

There are a lot of dictionaries in hell.

One in the hands of every Medusa running around turning people to

Fire and Brim Stone.

Omni good work, and Omni Amen.

Some would say these words are inappropriate.

Let me apologize by saying that neither religion nor science are
worthy to breath the ashes of this work.

Let them read and suffer until they have done penance for the
damage they have wrought upon mankind over the millenia.

And when they have lived through hell and returned to tell the
tale, then perhaps they may criticize our approach and delivery.

But I assure you, when they return from the sticky dark bottom of
the abyss, they WILL know the difference between interpretation and
rendition, because that is the only way out.

And they will also know how to confuse the hell out of the two,
because that is the way in.

Studied expertise on how to come in is the way out.

That's because trying to come in, puts you out, as you can't come
in unless you ARE out.


Learning by being an effect is the process of gleaning data about
the nature of an original referent by BEING a symbol of final authority.

Notice we say BEING.

If the symbol of final authority is not you yourself, then it is
separate from you, and you can never know about it at all without
looking at a later symbol, thus you need to find a later symbol closer
to you to study.

But 'closer' is never enough, the only way you can ever know
anything by being an effect, is TO BE THE EFFECT! Thus *YOU* become the
symbol of final authority and the changes in your own state become the
data by which you judge the referent.

Thus consciousness, as the symbol of final authority, becomes the
final collapser of quantum wave functions. But that is for another


The dependability of learning by being an effect depends on the
dependability of tracking between alleged referent and symbol.

In the absence of dependable tracking, in the absence of a
dependable causal pathway between referent and symbol, there can be no
confidence in the data gleaned from the symbol about the referent as the
two will be causally unrelated (and thus are not actually referent and
symbol to each other any more).

Thus learning by being an effect depends upon a dependable causal
pathway between referent and symbol.

Dependable causal pathways leads to dependable tracking.


Verification is the verification of tracking, the verification of
the causal pathway between referent and symbol.

However cause is not sufficient to witness cause. (Jane's law.)


Witnessing effects is not sufficient to witness or prove cause.

One can perhaps witness dependability, but never necessity between
events in the physical universe.

Dependability and necessity are not the same thing.

Only by witnessing necessity between events could one truly verify
a casual pathway.

Therefore verification of causal pathways can not be done by using
causal pathways.

Just because the meter is reading, does that mean the light is on?

What other meter are you going to use to measure the causal pathway
between the light bulb and the first meter? How do you know your second
meter is working as theorized?




Thus an object that is limited to learning by being an effect, that
is by looking at symbols to determine the nature of referents, can never
be certain of its results, neither certain of the nature of the
referent, nor certain that the referent even exists.

Thus we have the third line of The Proof:


So now we are in a position to draw a partial conclusion from lines
2.) and 3.) of The Proof:



from this we can conclude:


Or to make it easier:


OK, let's take a break.


Homer Wilson Smith The Paths of Lovers Art Matrix - Lightlink
(607) 277-0959 KC2ITF Cross Internet Access, Ithaca NY In the Line of Duty
Wed Apr 1 00:55:59 EDT 2009

================ ====================
Sun May 18 12:06:01 EDT 2014
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================== ===================
Learning implies Learning with Certainty or Learning without Certainty.
Learning across a Distance implies Learning by Being an Effect.
Learning by Being an Effect implies Learning without Certainty.
Therefore, Learning with Certainty implies Learning, but
not by Being an Effect, and not across a Distance.

Homer Wilson Smith Clean Air, Clear Water, Art Matrix - Lightlink
(607) 277-0959 A Green Earth, and Peace, Internet, Ithaca NY Is that too much to ask?
Clear-L mailing list
HomerWSmith-L mailing list

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The idea that there is only ONE God lost something in the

God is not a single being.

God is a multi being, a multi I-AM being.

And most of those I-AM's are us in carnation in dreamtime.

All of the I-AM's that form God, form the High-US.

As there is only one High-US, there is only one God.

Perhaps the translation is clearer now.

When people pray to God, they usually pray to a single being, and
thus the prayer fails.

They need instead to pray to the High US.

The problem with praying to the High-US, is your most hated
terminals come forward. And usually what you are doing to your most
hated terminals is praying to the rest of the High-US to help you do
those terminals in.

Classless prayers go nowhere.

Your prayer doesn't work because you have to include your most
hated terminal in the High-US.

God is a jealous God.

He doesn't like being left out of the prayer!

Any part of Him.

Only if you include your most hated terminal in your prayer to
the High-US can the prayer have any chance of working.

Because then God is fully satisfied you are talking to HIM.

God is not a single being looking after all of us.

God is all of us looking after all of us.

Thus a prayer to work must be to EVERYONE, for if you aren't
looking after your most hated terminal, then you can hardly expect
your most hated terminal to look after you.

And without unanimous accord, nothing happens.

For that is the Law.

And those my friends are the major words of a major religion
aborning in present time.


- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
Homer Wilson Smith The Paths of Lovers Art Matrix - Lightlink
(607) 277-0959 KC2ITF Cross Internet Access, Ithaca NY In the Line of Duty

Sat Jul 28 01:21:33 EDT 2007

================ ====================
Sun May 18 03:06:01 EDT 2014
Send mail to saying help
================== ===================
Learning implies Learning with Certainty or Learning without Certainty.
Learning across a Distance implies Learning by Being an Effect.
Learning by Being an Effect implies Learning without Certainty.
Therefore, Learning with Certainty implies Learning, but
not by Being an Effect, and not across a Distance.

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HomerWSmith-L mailing list

Saturday, May 17, 2014



UCP stands for Universal Clearing Process and contains
three commands:

Where are you?
Where have you been?
Where might/could you be?

The word 'where' is taken to mean 'what state', not just
location in space.

One is also requested to compare the answers to each
question with each other.

The second command depends on memory working to some extent
without going more solid.


>> Mostly his stuff seems to be good on paper, but when it comes
>> to actual practice only works well on some, and not at all on others,
>> and the one's it works on seem to be for the birds.

Rogers ( wrote:
>Well, application is 50 percent of the tech, right?

>I had the awful thought the other day, (oh, I've had this quite a few times
>since I began to review the Briefing Course materials) that I'm not sure I
>as a pc was EVER gotten "into session." I mostly remember a wooden auditor
>I had, oh, worse than wood, he always seemed to look miserable in session,
>like he resented being there at all.

Well frankly I had a wooden auditor, wooden C/S and wooden Messiah.

So yeah, I can see it.

The basic error as I see it was

1.) Not allowing auditing of other beings (NOTS)
2.) Chasing after answers to questions, rather than running
out the questions.
3.) Not running NO and SOME on all items.
4.) Not looking for and running ANDS
5.) Auditing past 'actions' rather than future intent.

>TRs during the sixties. Even though the hard TR nonsense was over by the
>time I was on the Briefing Course in 1976, the bulk of the TRs done on the
>course were... errrrh...non-optimum. It worked out only because the course
>took six months or more, and daily TRs over that amount of time is going to
>have some effect. But boy, where were the supervisors? Too busy cranking
>out points for their statistics? (bitter comment, huh?)

I long ago saw that there was no chance it was ever going to work
for me in the Church. This is not a matter of blaming them, it could
not have ever been any other way. God himself can not make a being go
from rock to god over night.

Auditing as presented in the church worked very well on some,
whether it produced a real OT, or just a well and happy human being, I
don't know. I was never completely impressed except by the meter and my
own solo.

As for me, the church didn't work at all, me and my case went up
the bridge together. I got 10 times more powerful, and the forces in my
face got 11 times more powerful.

I lost all my assets in my faith, and finallly had to turn to doing
it alone. Those were miserable years. Even with finding the freezone,
I went through the same emotional curve with each new auditor or C/S,
hope to eye ball rolling hopelessness.

In the end they were doing the same old same old, asking questions,
looking for answers, even though they saw their question set as

To the degree that I got worse and worse and worse, I had to admit
that I was doing something wrong, that wrong indications were the cause.
That one item at least I took from Hubbard, and also the idea that in
the end we are totally responsible for our condition.

So I had to throw out Hubbard on his own recommendation, kept the
meter though, love the meter, and am now where I am, where I can at
least be extroverted into the forces which are now loose and big and
dangerous rather than all wrapped up in a tight ball of 'nothing there'
wondering why I can't breath.

By the way I know you don't like UCP, but KP is quite right, where
have you been, where are you, and where might you be, does parallel the
mind, although he left out WHY am I ...

*HE* misses that the mind is the problem, not the solution.

He still thinks becoming in time is actuality rather that mere
reality to a person, that perceptions of space and time indicate the
existence of space and time, that illusions of truth are the same as

Thus running UCP endlessly will stick a person deeper and deeper
into space and time and becoming, until at least he cognites that is
what he is doing by seeking answers, and starts to run the QUESTIONS
out, rather than use them to find answers.

Trying to answer a question puts time distance between the question
and finding the answer.

All answers exist at source, so seeking answers to questions
is silly.

One thus runs out the QUESTIONS, one doesn't run the questions
looking for endless answers or even THE answer.


"Where are you?" "Here asking where am I?
"Where have you been?" "There asking where am I?"
"Where could you be" "No more question asking."

End of UCP.



Homer Wilson Smith The Paths of Lovers Art Matrix - Lightlink
(607) 277-0959 KC2ITF Cross Internet Access, Ithaca NY In the Line of Duty
HomerWSmith-L mailing list