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Your preclear wants to understand.
Understandings are usually about relationships, between people,
places and things, specifically relationships involving cause.
He is trying to understand cause.
He is stuck in a wonder cycle about cause.
He wants to know the nature of cause, for example the nature of its
motivations and appreciations.
What exactly does cosmic conscious cause admire?
He also wants to know the cause of the nature of cause, for example
whether that nature can be changed, by what cause and by how much.
The apparent abyss of nature between God and Soul, Creator and
Creature, Author and Character is wide.
He fancies that he understands that the Creator could, would and
should create the Soul, but to what end he dares not know.
What he wonders is, if the Soul would create the Creator?
If he doesn't feel comfortable as a Soul creating the Creator, then
he has a major ARC break with Cause, and himself for being part of a
Cosmic Whole where God and Soul are not all on the same page.
Wondering is question asking, pretending you don't know the answer,
and trying, usually very hard with effort, force and drama, to find out.
Often your preclear doesn't want to find out, so he is running an
AND on wonder, want to know *AND* don't want to know at the same time.
The basic question is:
"Who or what is cause around here and why is it such an asshole!?"
Any somatic or unwanted condition or state of failure on any
dynamic is simply evidence of a chronic wonder cycle, whether conscious
or not, grinding away, unwittingly or covertly causing what it
purportedly is trying to solve through understanding.
Can you imagine a problem or condition that persists simply and
only because the observer is wondering why it exists so hard?
He is asking "Why is it?"
Adore admonishes us to translate that into,
"It is. Why?
"It is. Why?
"Good some people are so stupid they can't do the wrong
thing twice."
That is a reference to the idea that the first time creates it, and
the second time, through perfect duplication, erases it.
For a being that creates in the mere conception of things, where
his conception of something IS its creation, you can see wonder might be
a problem.
Notice that for a creator to get the idea he wants something, he
first must conceive that he doesn't have it. This is how he places
chase and thus time between desire and havingness, between first
conception of desire for something and later conception of having it.
This is how things work in the physical body universe.
One computes what to DO from what one wants and doesn't have,
and what he knows about the conditions in the universe.
To an OT however, to whom conception is cause of what is conceive,
he might want to figure his way around this self fulfilling problem of
wanting preimplying not having, or conception of wanting preconceiving
not having.
Prepostulation is the same thing as preconception.
Postulating you want something, prepostulates you don't have it.
One way to run this is deadly straight forward:
"Get the idea of wanting something and not having it."
Run until the idea of wanting something and not having it is too
ludicrous to contemplate further.
The preclear who is being MEST rather than OT, is trying to find out
what is cause of having unwanted or not having wanted conditions so that
he can then CAUSE MORE, add his own cause into the mix, in order to end,
ameliorate or enhance the condition.
This is how the body and kinetic problem solving in general works,
but it is not how a thetan going OT works.
A being using MEST logic and mechanics to solve theta problems
eventually becomes MEST. Since MEST *IS* his basic problem, using MEST
mechanics to solve the existence and persistence of MEST has got to be
some sort of Joke.
MEST means Matter, Energy, Space and Time plus Force, and is
kinetics operating in a created space time while, under the causal
auspices of Eternality.
Eternality is a forever of no space and no time, from which
space and time whiles are created.
Only a being playing games of arrogance and dominance would
desire a forever OF time and IN time.
If they want it and try for it hard enough, they eventually
get it.
It's called a Black Hole forever for free.
For a while of course :)
Clearly Eternality did not use MEST mechanics to create MEST
mechanics and so surely it shouldn't use them to uncreate them either.
If not MEST mechanics to effect change, then what?
Kinetic problem solving by creating or adding more kinetics into
the mix, may result in 'desirable' change, but all the components of
space and time are still there to plague him later on down the road.
The universe may work better for a while after adding
more MEST into existing MEST, but long term its heavier, and that
MEST universe is the yoke around his neck no matter how 'well' it
appears to be functioning in the short term.
Making things work better by making them heavier is a dead end to
an OT. The heaviest thing there is a black hole.
The preclear is solving his MEST problems not by putting it there
fully and then withdrawing it entirely, but by trying to find out who or
what is putting it there for him, blaming them, and then putting
SOMETHING ELSE THERE to change it to a more desirable end.
When he finds out the apparent "cause" of the problem, he engages
in another wonder cycle of question asking, "What should I *DO* to
change this?"
"How do I cause this other cause to stop or change what it is
When he figures out what "to do," i.e. what ELSE he can cause to
effect change, he puts that there himself as best he can in order to
effect the change he desires.
There is no thought of CAUSING the other cause to do what it is
already doing, then change it. That's not MEST mechanics, that is the
exact opposite, that's OT mechanics.
Kinetics understand self determinism and other determinism,
and applies its self determinism against the other determinism to
effect change that it finds desirable
The static understands only pan determinism, and applies pan
determinism to create areas of self and other determinism in the kinetic
whiles that the static creates.
So from A's point of view sitting in a funk in a while,
0.) B puttings something there that A doesn't like.
1.) A wonders who or what is putting it there.
2.) A considers B putting it there.
3.) A wonders what A should put there in return to nullify, change
or ameliorate what B is putting there.
4.) A puts that there.
The first putting it there by the alleged other determinism B
defines one moment of time.
The second putting it there by the preclear A to change the first
one, defines a second moment of time.
What do you get?
You get time.
You get the booby prize.
You may well chide that this doesn't work in the physical universe,
but it does just exactly as stated.
However before you try to 'solve' the MEST dragon entirely by
putting it there again and walking away, you might try resolving the
bugs crawling under your skin first, and the candy land spiders crawling
out of the back of your brain.
Pretty but scary.
Well, you wanted to be able to see mockups, didn't you?
Perhaps you thought you were going to be able to mockup boat loads
of pretty girls, without being able to mockup all the spiders and other
unmentionable things down in the hold?
There is a reason you are a black V.
The Black V condition is kept in place by trying to understand
cause, hopefully without looking at what cause is causing, nor looking
at cause itself.
Remember a clear line of sight from below disaster all the way up
to native state will all look like disaster to the being.
Thus a soul in peril looking up at God, if he were to see God,
would see just more disaster.
He can't wrap his wits around either the ugly at the bottom, nor
the beauty at the top of the tone scale.
The dynamic range between the wings of the dicom, from adoration to
abomination, exceeds his ability to span, so he considers that actuality
exceeds him, and that is disaster from the top to the bottom, don't you
He can't stand the ugly, but there is something about
the pleasure he can't comprehend.
Pleasure and pain can only be commanded by the God side
of the being, not the Soul side.
The secret is they MUST BE commanded together in equal measure.
The God side being can't create just one side of a dicom.
And the Soul side, well to a Soul side being any dicom is a running
wheel, running forever towards the good side and way from the bad side,
while inevitably slipping towards the bad side.
Thus a Soul side preclear will find it hard to find a comfortable
position anywhere on the tone scale, high or low, until he comes up
above disaster and can span the entire scale from top to bottom with
some sense of artistic intent and equipoise.
Eternal survival and willingness is for the story writer, not the
creatures that scamper within.
He can't confront the ugly girl because he can't shun the sight of
her, and that's a disaster you see.
He can't confront the pretty girl, because he can't shun the sight
of her either, and so that too is a disaster.
He has a morbid fascination on both. The Black V is actually the
result of an AND, of seeing both beauty and ugly at the same time, but
scrambling them to form a dull bleak gray, barren of interest forever
It is no different than mixing bright white and neon black together
then getting gray.
Gray doesn't exist, only infinitely scrambled white and black and
every other color you can imagine.
Those that have had their mockups open up for a fraction of a
second have felt the vertigo of trying to span the dicom of beauty and
ugly, and falling on their face.
Your preclear is still trying to solve one side of the dicom with
something ELSE other than the other side of the same dicom.
The only thing that will assuage being burned by abject ugliness is
being burned by abject beauty.
The two together form peace, BECAUSE THEY COME FROM ABSOLUTE PEACE.
The static has no problems with dicoms what so ever.
And the static is the fountain head of peace.
Thus if he is overwhelmed by ugly, he has to create an equal and
opposite OVERWHELMING beauty.
He doesn't have to scramble them into an ever present gray, they
can remain distinct covering their own part of the tapestry, in
interplay with each other, but the overwhelms from each will cancel out
God of peace surrounded by a whirlwind of devils and angels, you
And if he is overwhelmed by beauty, he has to create an equal and
opposite ugly.
So much for pretty girls giving him the eternal willies, eh?
He might have to mockup a few million cubic lightyears of earthly
spiders to match one pretty girl, but if he does it right, peace will
ensue and neither spider nor girl will bother him any more.
In fact, by creating full dicoms with both sides, he becomes the
orientation point creating them both forever for free, rather than the
symbol who is too afraid to look in either of their directions.
Angels and demons always come in dicom pairs, and confronting BOTH
together is the only solution there is, and the only help he needs.
If you have no demons, why call on Angels?
If an Angel comes, you WILL have a demon :)
And the game will be afoot.
A is asking "What should I *DO* to understand cause?"
That wonder cycle prepostulates that he doesn't understand cause
and so away we go down the shute.
Since postulates are true cause coming from Static, his postulates
that he doesn't understand cause CAUSES him to not understand cause in
the mere conception of 1.) there is a cause, and 2.) he doesn't
understand it.
To understand cause means to follow the causal pathway from start
to finish with nothing missing in between.
Since true cause and effect are one and the same event created in
Eternality to look like two different moments of time, his only hope is
to BE that CAUSE and thus know it by conceiving of it.
The physical universe tries to learn about cause by being
the effects.
The OT learns about effects by BEING cause.
Since conscious cause is self luminous, he gets to learn
about cause by being the cause too.
How cool.
In the absence of being able to see cause directly as a kinetic,
and his continual efforts to learn about the nature of cause by
observing effects, and the resulting question asking about the nature of
cause, continues the nonsense down the time stream, like someone sliding
down the shute to hell, creating the shute as he goes along, and all the
scenery along the way, wondering all the while where the god damn shute
is coming from and why he is on it!
Once your own personal universe is under your control again, then
you can start working to adjust the many various shared universes up to
and including the physical universe, and every universe before and after
How big are you willing to be, and how much are you willing to
erase absolutely merely by looking at something else?
Remember you don't as-is something merely by taking your attention
off of it, you must span, put there, and then take your attention off
the WHILE the thing exists in.
That's the only reason people can't as-is anything, they don't
realize that whiles exist and can be as-ised.
But no while can be as-ised from inside it, it must be spanned,
exteriorized from, and THEN THAT VIEW IS THE AS-IS VIEW, of that while
and everything in it.
When he puts his now exterior attention on another while or creates
a new one, the first while will vanish as if never been.
That is why making a perfect duplicate does not mean
making a second copy LATER IN TIME IN YET ANOTHER WHILE, it
means making the thing again IN ITS OWN ORIGINAL WHILE.
That means he has to stop moving down the time stream
for a moment, go back to the original while, span it,
exteriorize from it, and bam its gone.
You see the preclear is doing this full time at a lower harmonic,
there is something he doesn't want to see (disaster), so he pretends he
isn't seeing it by forcing himself to look at something else easier to
confront (inactuality).
But again, there are those two moments of time, first seen and
second seen, with FORCE between them to not see the first by looking at
the second, and thus one gets time and oblivion.
Disaster, inactuality, delusion, hysteria, shock, catatonia and
A 9 to 5 mortal life with no awareness of before this life or any
responsibility for putting it there, and who can only muster cat calls
and the mere suggestion of such, is the start of catatonia and oblivion.
Rather than put the wall and its while there and then letting go,
he is banging his head on it from inside the while.
That's a nice way to extend the while forever WHILE REMAINING IN
IT, but its way hard on the head.
He never gets back to the beginning of the while that contains the
wall, and thus he never spans it, exteriorizes from it, and thus he can
never let it go.
You can never get rid of a while from inside it.
You see?
It's a quick easy ride from oblivion (who me?) on down through
detachment, duality, sadism, masochism, elation, glee, fixidity,
erosion, dispersal, disassociation, criminality, uncausing,
disconnection and unexistence.
UNEXISTENCE AS A SPIRIT and thinking he is a body.
As a meatball he may be looking like he is DOING stuff, but a 9 to
5 mortal life is not much more than head banging 24x7 against a dark
impenetrable spiritual wall trying to not do something actual (handle
disaster), by doing something else (inactuality).
He is operating a won't cause or must not cause, and calling it a
can't cause.
The wall is impenetrable because it is self causing via the
mechanism of wonder about cause and the looking for something ELSE to DO
about the wall (head banging) which leads to endless failure.
The wall is there because he considers it is there, then he
considers he needs to figure out WHY it is there, and then figure WHAT
TO DO about it.
"It is. Why? What to DO?"
Figure, figure, figure.
Time1...time2...time3.......time forever....
Figure figure is question asking, wonder, trying to understand, the
nature of cause, that's all it is.
The thing was understood in the CREATION of it, what the HELL is he
doing trying to understand it later in time?
If he figures out anything at all it will be some party line theta
trap nonsense that will just make things harder for him.
'Ah NOW I understand walls, we need to bow and pray to them because
they are good for us, they make our heads strong and hard, and we need
to leave our entrails at their threshold so we can prosper and
Not EVER anything done later in time.
This analysis of course makes kinetics squirm in its grave, but
makes the Static smile a smile as wide as the sky.
That's all a theta trap is.
DOING something later in time to 'deal with' something created in
an earlier moment of time.
All a theta UNtrap is, is dealing with something in its own
original while, and then getting distracted.
So you create a pandora's box with all kinds of things squirming
out of it.
Boy now you are in trouble.
So a moment later you create a lid and put it on the box.
Problem solved?
First moment of time you have a box with things crawling out of it.
Second moment of time, you have a box, hideous things, AND a lid.
More mass means heavier don't you see?
Well things are better aren't they? The hideous things are
Sure, but YOU are now jailed into having to sit on the lid for the
rest of time to make sure it stays put.
"Get the idea of CLEAN SPACE, *NOTHING* IN IT."
E/P No longer prone to solving unwanted mass with more mass.
A being as a symbol is stuck in a space willed with hostile
junk, the best he can do is create more junk to defend or offend,
or move some of it around to his side of the fence.
A being as an orientation point can solve any problem by
creating a CLEAN SPACE with nothing in it.
Wouldn't that be a relief.
The first reaction of a being in trouble is to look
for something he can create or use against what is bothering him.
TO CHANGE the balance of forces assaulting him.
The first reaction of an OT in trouble is to let go of
the dirty space filled with problems and put a clean space there
with nothing in it.
Then he can repopulate it as he wishes with new problems or not
as he wishes.
Most beings who are stuck with a problem they don't want, were
prevented from having a problem earlier that they did want. So things
are not as they might appear from a being crying innocent victim.
At the kinetic level the being's wonder about cause is creating
what he is wondering about to a point where it crushes him out of
existence as a spirit, and he becomes a "What wonder?" case.
A "What spirit?" case.
A meatball, glowballus carrionus.
These are dangerous because if you get near them, their position is
SO LUDICROUS, you will begin to wonder if they are right and you are a
meatball too and don't know it.
The condition restimulates YOUR whole track and the question asking
that goes with it.
You know, the kind of preclear that never thinks about anything,
except maybe his job. His job is the head banging trying to create a
state of catatonia so nothing will remind him of the prior *SPIRITUAL*
disaster in cause.
A moment of pity and disaster so strong he knew he would NEVER get
over it.
He may be a saint as a mortal, but he is a done for criminal as a
spirit and no longer wants to know who or what is cause around here, and
why it is such an asshole.
How do you take a God, and turn him into a guilty sinner to the
point where he gives up trying to redeem himself and joins the dark side
of the force until he is no more, born of self crucifixion and self
Remember only the good feel guilty.
Well it has to do with this cycle of trying to fix something by
creating something MORE, something ELSE.
There is no greater trap than making amends.
And when he gets down into punishment he simply joins the Villain,
Victim, Hero whirlpool until he whirls down the drain never to be seen
For a while, for a very long while.
For who or what will save him, and how will they do it?
His backing off from his crime makes the crime persist.
He is not putting the crime there.
The crime is not anything he did per se, but that he considered it
bad and refused to ever to do it again. That back off, that refusal to
put it there again, precludes making a perfect duplicate and thus an
as-isness of the crime and the while it exists in.
First moment, second moment creates time.
Time is the shute with the garbage pail at the end.
He commits the crime in a while.
He never wants to commit that same crime in another while
ever again.
But in his confusion and ignorance, he also refuses to recreate
that crime IN ITS OWN while again, thus guaranteeing that the crime and
its consequences continue to persist for ever more.
Instead he is punishing himself and others for it, that's AFTER the
moment of the crime, thus creating a wake of MORE whiles after the first
one, filled with more crimes of punishment and retribution, even if only
towards himself.
How does a God get this messed up?
He is not taking full responsibility for his crime without
And he is not allowing others to take full responsibility for the
things they did to him.
If someone ELSE took full responsibility for the crimes they did to
him, he wouldn't be able to remember those crimes to hold them against
Blame is an effort to PRETEND at taking or allowing others to take
responsibility for what they did.
But when a being blames another for doing wrong, the first being is
not taking responsibility for CAUSING THE OTHER BEING TO DO WRONG.
He is not putting the miscreant and their deeds there.
Who let who in now?
So THAT is the proper way to make amends.
Vanish the crime.
But you can't do that looking up from UNDER the bottom of the sea
below unexistence as a spirit.
For the light of Grace does not shine below unexistence.
The light of Grace is always still there, but if you postulate that
YOU don't exist, then ipso facto your Grace doesn't exist either.
And Grace unfortunately only follows the command of your postulates
and orders.
Only a spirit can put something there once and make it persist.
Only a spirit can put something there twice and make it vanish.
Only an Eternal spirit can operate grace.
Grace shines from the infinite eternal scalar substrate connecting
all beings, so when it shines from one, it resonates with all, the
entirety of the High Us, including those you would prefer didn't exist.
So this is a big deal we are talking about here.
If YOU could grace others, they could grace you back, no matter who
had done what to whom.
If you don't let your grace out, its harder for other's grace to
come in.
They might be able to bust you open like a nut with a grace
cracker, but its easier if you just open the door and let them in.
Who or what is knocking at your door anyhow, that you can't open
Someone you didn't invite?
Free flowing grace in all directions reconnects you to the
fountain head of Source, because you aren't pissed at Goober any more
over there in the constellation of Orion, and suddenly for no reason he
stops feeling guilty all day long for the things he did to you.
And Dufus over in Andromeda is no longer pissed at you, and
suddenly for no reason you are guilt free for what you did to him.
People won't go guilt free unless they know all is well between
them and the person who was hurt.
Grace vanishes the crime so no one WAS hurt.
Forgiveness of others through your own grace, allows the grace from
others to flow into you, whether they want it to or not.
If you can grace others, it is almost impossible for anyone to
continue to hate you back.
If you block your own grace to others, you will block it to
yourself, and guess who doesn't get any grace to light the way any more?
So you see, justice reigns at all time.
Justice means you get exactly and only what you postulate.
Worthwhileness or...?
So one day Goober and Dufus, a trillion trillion miles from each
other, will think of each other and crack up laughing at how much they
hated each other and how much guilt they felt about it all.
The ocean of love just wipes it all away for both.
And they won't know why.
For accepting the infinite grace of themselves, the finite wall of
gracelessness in others can not stand.
Thus one person in a karma group can release everyone in that group
from their suffering and travail.
You can't heal yourself alone. If you want to heal yourself but
still hold something against the group, you are holding what they did to
you AGAINST YOURSELF, and so of course you can't heal.
Underlying all suffering is guilt and fair chosen self immolation,
and underlying fair chosen self immolation is a failure to operate your
own grace on yourself, and those who harmed you, and those you harmed.
It may be hard to be the first to grace a karma group, will they
accept your forgiveness of yourself and them?
But someone has to start the ball rolling and if you are the first,
then so be it.
The real question is will you accept their grace, their forgiveness
of themselves and you.
Hell its easy to forgive, its a bitch being forgiven.
The guilt gets in the way, which is why Grace for Self comes first
and it is tantamount to relating to others in a Graceful world.
This is probably about the only magic you could ever want.
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
Homer Wilson Smith Clean Air, Clear Water, Art Matrix - Lightlink
(607) 277-0959 A Green Earth, and Peace, Internet, Ithaca NY
homer@lightlink.com Is that too much to ask? http://www.lightlink.com
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Posted: Sun May 4 16:51:23 EDT 2014
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Learning implies Learning with Certainty or Learning without Certainty.
Learning across a Distance implies Learning by Being an Effect.
Learning by Being an Effect implies Learning without Certainty.
Therefore, Learning with Certainty implies Learning but
Not by Being an Effect, and not across a Distance.
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