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It is not clear to me that being able to 'make a living' at
something you enjoy and consider worthwhile is necessarily possible, in
this universe, no matter how high toned you are.
If money can not make you happy, then being able to earn money had
It is tempting to blame the zombie zone population that only values
death and demise for services, or maybe one can blame one's own personal
inability to create within the context of that zombie zone or any zone.
It is futher unclear if it is possible to live in this civilization
without the body being in a constant state of antagonizing fear, much
like a soldier during war time or a fighter pilot who has to run 300
missions, and NO ONE has survived more than 150.
After a while, one can only relate to God, for that is all the
future one has.
Then there is the matter of eating which is part of the very warp
and woof of life in this universe.
Just to survive we have to cause others to not survive.
It is convenient to consider that animals do not feel pain nor care
about being eaten, but bodies are bodies, and the more intelligent a
body the more sensitive it is to other's pain.
Personally becoming a vegetarian in no way lessons the horror of
the circus going on around us.
So sometimes it seems to be that the whole effort to survive in
this universe is a damned enterprise from the word go.
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
Homer Wilson Smith Clean Air, Clear Water, Art Matrix - Lightlink
(607) 277-0959 A Green Earth, and Peace, Internet, Ithaca NY
homer@lightlink.com Is that too much to ask? http://www.lightlink.com
On Mon, 27 Feb 2012, Clearing Archive Roboposter wrote:
> In the forty years of seeking and mastering the different aspects of
> training and processing, there is one area that is vital to train and
> process everyone on.
> This area has been the major reason I have always won at running
> centers.
> The most ommitted and subject illiterate area on almost all public
> level and even many who have had processing and training is "How to become
> and maintain Prosperity."
> Getting processed and trained is a very expensive subject, for not
> only must you spend a great amount of money, you must also invest a great
> amount of time.
> The first area I train my students on is ACHIEVING and MAINTAINING
> Once a student or client grasps that, then it is much easier for them
> to find the time and money for training and processing.
> Personally I consider I have not done a good job if a student or
> client cannot get a return of at least ten times what they spent on
> processing and training.
> **********************************************
> It is vital that you be aligned with the component parts of your
> basic paradigms.
> A major problem with most education systems is that they do not
> take definitions to a conceptual level. No concept = No vision = No mind
> program = No implementation = No ownership, having, or acceptance.
> Vital life definitions must be in alignment to produce an enjoyable,
> successful, prosperous and happy life.
> Definition:
> WORK: n. 1. YOU knowingly intending, envisioning and setting out
> to do something and doing it that achieves proximity to the vision.
> 2. Activity aligned to achieve a vision.
> Definition:
> HAPPINESS: n. A feeling you experience when you achieve a successful
> outcome that matches your vision and intention.
> Definition:
> WINNING: adj. The continuous application, from beginning to end, of
> a paradigm sequence in which the outcome matches the vision and intention.
> Definition:
> MORALE: n. That feeling produced by the motion generated by your paradigm
> sequence. High morale is achieved by high action and high
> application of the paradigm sequence that cause outcomes to match actions,
> visions, and intentions. Low morale is caused by a breakdown of the
> paradigm and failure of the outcome to match the vision and intention.
> Definition:
> HIGH MOOD: 1. Your feelings generated by the intense high-speed
> forward motion toward a successful outcome that matches your vision and
> intention. 2. Any mood level that contains high interest, enthusiasm and
> upward toward high humor, fun, joyfulness, and bliss.
> LOW MOOD levels are generated by failure to move forward and the
> failure to match visions with outcomes or to be unknowingly under the
> control of something or someone else. They contain negative emotions such
> as hate, anger, fear, resentment, hopelessness, etc.
> Definition:
> PRESENCE: 1. Your state of continuous arrival or being here.
> 2. Your ability to fully own, be responsible for, control, and embrace the
> total consequences of all composite parts of a paradigm. For example: the
> ABILITY PARADIGM of Spirit, Perception, Intention, Vision, Plan,
> Implementation (Action), and Outcome (must match Vision).
> Conceptualization of these definitions, plus doing Presence Drills
> can make a vast change in mood level and the quality and quantity of
> production.
> Add the Clean Slate Learning Drill and the definition of Reality
> and you have a powerful introductory course.
> 7 March 1994 ALAN C. WALTER
> Copyright (c) 1994
> *******************************************************************************
> Alan C. Walter - - - web-page, discussion group, bulletins
> wisdom@wf.net - - - - - www.knowledgism.com
> "Truth is what it is - - not what you want it to be."
> ================ http://www.clearing.org ====================
> Mon Feb 27 00:06:07 EST 2012
> ftp://ftp.lightlink.com/pub/archive/acw/prosperity.memo
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> --
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Homer Wilson Smith Clean Air, Clear Water, Art Matrix - Lightlink
> (607) 277-0959 A Green Earth, and Peace, Internet, Ithaca NY
> homer@lightlink.com Is that too much to ask? http://www.lightlink.com
> _______________________________________________
> Clear-L mailing list
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Learning implies Learning with Certainty or Learning without Certainty.
Learning across a Distance implies Learning by Being an Effect.
Learning by Being an Effect implies Learning without Certainty.
Therefore, Learning with Certainty implies Learning, but
not by Being an Effect, and not across a Distance.
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