Sunday, November 30, 2014

ADORE255 (fwd)

Hash: SHA1


The world is a chinese finger trap.

You are not here because you are a bad person.

You are not here because you are a good person.

You are here because you are a creative person.

Figure out your way in, and you will have figured out your
way out.


- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
Homer Wilson Smith The Paths of Lovers Art Matrix - Lightlink
(607) 277-0959 KC2ITF Cross Internet Access, Ithaca NY In the Line of Duty

================ ====================
Sun Nov 30 03:06:02 EST 2014
Send mail to saying help
================== ===================
Learning implies Learning with Certainty or Learning without Certainty.
Learning across a Distance implies Learning by Being an Effect.
Learning by Being an Effect implies Learning without Certainty.
Therefore, Learning with Certainty implies Learning, but
not by Being an Effect, and not across a Distance.

Version: GnuPG v1.4.5 (GNU/Linux)

HomerWSmith-L mailing list

Saturday, November 29, 2014

SORRYS (fwd)

Hash: SHA1


People who insist on going about collecting "Sorry!"s from other
people usually get stuck with other people trying to collect "Sorry!"s
from them.

No OT needs a "Sorry!" from anyone, and can hand them
out forever for free.

At best a Sorry results from a broken agreement, and is an
effort to mend the agreement in order to stay in agreement.

That's cool, but long term agreement is the death of an OT.

Being able to *GRANT* full repsonsibility for condition is part of
being able to *TAKE* full responsibility for condition.


- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
Homer Wilson Smith Clear Air, Clear Water, Art Matrix - Lightlink
(607) 277-0959 A Green Earth and Peace. Internet Access, Ithaca NY Is that too much to ask?

================ ====================
Sat Nov 29 03:06:01 EST 2014
Send mail to saying help
================== ===================
Learning implies Learning with Certainty or Learning without Certainty.
Learning across a Distance implies Learning by Being an Effect.
Learning by Being an Effect implies Learning without Certainty.
Therefore, Learning with Certainty implies Learning, but
not by Being an Effect, and not across a Distance.

Version: GnuPG v1.4.5 (GNU/Linux)

HomerWSmith-L mailing list


Hash: SHA1


Ever run into someone who is always saying 'No one knows...'

Or 'No one has ever demonstrated...'

They have no clue whether someone somewhere knows or has known, now
do they? Truth is no one knows whether no one knows, so why are they
spouting lies?

The no one knows case is suffering from a simple dianetic engram
that contains 'NO ONE KNOWS' in it, probably mama or papa hoping that no
one knows.

The problem is, that with this phrase in full restimulation, the
preclear finds it impossible to attain a certainty on anything, they
have what Hubbard and Electra both called an open mind, not a mind free
to think what it wants, but a mind that is utterly incapable of making a
decision whether something is true or not, because then someone would

Worse it is almost impossible to run the engram, because the engram
says no one knows. So when the preclear, in session, gets somewhere
near the engram on the time track, he will say something like "I can't
find it, you know I don't know, no one really knows what an engram is,
or what is in them, and no one knows what to do about them, maybe they
are best forgotten, no one really knows, just as well, no one knows, you

Well a good auditor will just throw them back into session by
running the phrases the preclear is giving you, but if you are in a bad
mood that day or they are not paying you to audit them, and you wish to
cause them more pain, you might try the following.

A certainty is defined as a perfect certainty, one that can not be

You might want to try to get a preclear to give an example of a
perfect certainty and if he gives you one, you can check it out by
asking him if he would be willing to bet his eternity in hell on it.

If he says yes, ask him if he would be willing to bet everyone
else's eternity in hell on it. If again he says yes, he is probably
worthy of your time with the following process.

You gotta be careful with the above, and use your own good sense.
Some pc is bound to answer 'Why yes, I am perfectly certain Goober is
Lord, and yes I would bet my eternity in hell on it!'


Spot NO perfect certainty (NO means pretended no.)
Spot SOME perfect certainty

Spot NO perfect uncertainty
Spot SOME perfect uncertainty

A perfect uncertainty is an uncertainty the preclear is perfectly
certain he is uncertain of! Can't be wrong.

And remember when spotting a NO ITEM you do NOT spot the *ITEM*,
you spot the *NO* on top of the item, even if you think there is no ITEM
there and no NO either!

If there is NO on top of an ITEM, how would you know anyhow, eh?

So just pretend there is both NO and ITEM under it, and run the NO,
not the ITEM!

For a lighter approach but not as complete you could run simply,

Spot a perfect certainty.

Spot a perfect uncertainty.

With a 'no one knows case' this will go something like this.

Auditor: Spot a perfect certainty.

PC: There ARE no perfect certainties!

Auditor: Thank you, spot a perfect certainty.

PC: Uh, well, oh ok, yeah, I AM PERFECTLY CERTAIN OF THAT!

At this time, the Auditor might want to Q&A to:

Auditor: Thank you, spot a broken mind.

PC: Huh?

You know you can spot someone on the tone scale lightning quick
simply by asking them for some perfect certainties and see what happens.

If you can't spot a perfect certainty yourself, then run spot a
broken mind instead until you can spot that you are certain you are
uncertain. :)

E/P is aware of self and consciousness with perfect certainty and
no longer hiding behind a broken mind.


======================= ========================
Posted: Sat Nov 29 01:31:22 EST 2014
Send mail to saying help
================== ===================
Learning implies Learning with Certainty or Learning without Certainty.
Learning across a Distance implies Learning by Being an Effect.
Learning by Being an Effect implies Learning without Certainty.
Therefore, Learning with Certainty implies Learning but
Not by Being an Effect, and not across a Distance.

Version: GnuPG v1.4.5 (GNU/Linux)

HomerWSmith-L mailing list

Friday, November 28, 2014



This posting was written a little too fast and thus confuses a few
things into one.

There are games that one is willing to play and win or lose.

There are games the being is unwilling to play.

Some of those games however the being feels he must play

Usually such games have terrible consequences if he loses.

But they can also have bad consequences if he wins.

Scarcity of games can come about for many reasons, but primarily
the existence of games has become a game itself, and if one loses the
game of creating games, then there are no more games FOREVER.

Life in a body for example is a game of creating games, namely ways
to feed oneself. Each act of hunting, killing and eating is a game
cycle. Once completed, a new one must be created and won.

Because everyone dies as a body in the end, this particular game of
games is eventually lost by everyone no matter how good one is, but one
can also lose it earlier than natural death, by getting eaten oneself or
through unnatural reasons.

Thus every one has some resistance to playing this game of life,
but feels they must do so to stay alive in order to have any games at
all, hopefully more fun ones while they remain alive.

So the existence of (fun) games has been tied to WINNING the game
of food, shelter and support, and thus obtaining fun games can become a
very serious game indeed.

This is all the more so if the being in the body thinks it IS a
body, and dies for good when the body dies. Their level of seriousness
is so serious about anything they do, it can fall into NO SERIOUSNESS,
and total irresponsibility and glee.

Such a being will waste what games he has, and other's games too,
until he has no more.




Desire is a fountain.

If you are an eternal, then desire connects you to the fountainhead
of source, from which all power flows, and from whence came your present
manifestation in immortal or mortal space time.

If you are a mortal or ephemeral, well then desire is a fountain :)

There are desires on all 8 dynamics, self, family, groups, mankind,
life forms, MEST, spirit and The Infinite.

Desire puts havingness into the future. One can have merely by
wanting, but generally one desires to play the game of chasing to get
instead. Once one gets, then the game is over, and one has to get on
with the next desire.

Desire is fundamentally a dissatisfaction with the here now,
coupled to a vision of a more satisfactory there then. Once the there
then becomes the here now, the desire is fulfilled, and the next
dissatisfaction is targeted or created and pursued to completion. In
this way a being can stay busy and happy forever.

A 'sit' or 'situation' is the greatest dissatisfaction that the
being can do something about in present time.

A sit is the furthest departure from a present time ideal scene.

Happiness depends on the willingness to play, to engage in the
chase. Where there is no willingness to play, one can only play under
protest and that is not happiness even if you win.

Willingness to play depends on willingness to win or lose the
particular game in question.

People will willingly play lots of games they HAVE to play, but
that's under the duress of necessity. That is not the willingness
that produces happiness.

Thus the happiness of PLAYING a game that a being is truly willing
to play, is replaced by the tainted happiness of WINNING a game the being
wished he didn't have to play.

He is happy he got the deer so he can eat, but he's sad for the

Every time he wins his happiness is alloyed with wishing things
could have been some other way.

Once any game is won or lost, the *GAME* is lost, and so there must
be another game to play.

In a scarcity of games, one becomes unwilling to win or lose,
because there are no more games, and thus one also becomes unwilling to
play (lest he win or lose), but considers he must play, so he plays
anyhow all the while fearing he will ultimately win or lose.

No one in their normal human right mind would willingly create or
play a game whose outcome determined whether there would be any more
games to play ever again.

There might be some glory in playing such a game, but even if he
wins he will always be wishing that things were some other way.

Having to play and being unwilling to play leads one to trying to
get others to play for you, which is called criminality, cheating in
other words.

A scarcity of games can be created by connecting the existence of
future games to the winning or losing of a present game. If you win the
present game, you get to play again. If you lose the present game,
that's it folks, no more games.

A worse scarcity of games can be created by having only one game to
play whether one wins or loses it. When its done, no more games, either

A super scarcity of games can be created when the game one is
playing is 'won' only by extending its time of play, and eventually you
lose it anyhow no matter what. This game degenerates to only how long
one can keep the game going.

Staying alive for most meatballs is such a game.

Willingness to play is long gone.

There is,


NO desire does not mean an absence of desire but refers to the
pretense of no desire that results from suppression. NO is the 5th item
in the CDEINR scale of failure.

Curious about, Desire, Enforce, Inhibit, *NO*, Refused.

Although 'Desire' is also a level of the CDEINR scale, desire is
also its own item to which the entire scale can apply.

One can be curious about desire, desire desire, enforce desire,
inhibit desire (suppress desire or desire to NOT desire), pretend there
is no desire, and refuse desire.

More formally there is,


Desire for, is desire for the presence of something, and desire for
not, is desire for the absence (for the not presence) of something.

There is also,


Desire to desire is a healthy desire that loves itself.

Desire to not desire is when people desire things that they wish
they didn't desire but can't help it.

In the process of chasing desires, a being can fall down the scale
of failure:


More technically it goes like this, reading down each column,

The first column relates to wanting to have something you don't have.

The second column relates to wanting to not have something you
feel stuck with.

Starting state Starting state CDEINR
1.) Desire to Have Desire to Not Have Desire
2.) Must have Must Not Have Enforce
3.) Can't have Can't Not Have Failure
4.) Desire to not have Desire to Have Inhibit
5.) Don't Have Have No (pretense)
6.) Must not have Must Have Refused

Descending the scale is a scale of failure to get what you desire,
to unget what you do not desire.

Must have and must not have are need, the being considers his
survival depends on having what he desires. Otherwise they remain
merely desires.

A being at the top of the scale will desire something, and at the
bottom will refuse it even if given to him.

A being failing to get what he originally desires will form a
substitute desire and failing that, form more substitute desires. The
being will continue to substitute forever, laying layer after layer of
failure on himself until he can't stand up any more.

There are two types of games, those that the being is willing to
play and which he enjoys playing, win or lose, and those which the being
is unwilling to play.

He can be unwilling to lose because the consequences are no more
games, we call these fragile immortalities. A fragile immortality can
live forever until he loses some particular game, then that's it for

He can be unwilling to win because that makes someone else lose,
again fragile immortalities can become a real problem to him.

He can also be in games where he and everyone else are going to
lose anyhow one day, we call these fragile mortalities. The game of
survival of the body is lost when the body dies, no matter how long one
managed to keep it alive.

Efforts to create biological immortality are efforts to kick games
of fragile mortality back up to fragile immortality.

However in the physical universe eventually all bodies are going to
die one day, no matter what.

If there is a finite probability of something happening, given an
infinite amount of time, it WILL happen.

You can only stay alive AS a physical universe entity for so long
before the universe eats you.

The game of how long can you keep the game going before you lose,
no matter what, and no longer have any more games to play, is not a fun
game to play and will and has led to deeper cruelties on the whole track
than anyone can confront in present time.

Beings playing games they are not willing to win or lose, tend not
to play well, and accumulate charge as they do, and thus tend to lose
sooner than later.

When running the times of no desire and desire, one is not at all
interested in WHAT is desired or not desired. These just fixate the
pc's attention on late on the chain substitutes for failure and will
cause him a loss. Certainly let the pc talk about these various desires
and failures, but never ask him for them. You want to audit his DESIRE,
not WHAT he desires or has desired or not desired.

In general the WHAT's he gives you will be late on the chain
substitutes, but if the process is pursued, they will go earlier and
earlier to prime desire.

Desire is a fountain, if you audit NO desire and SOME desire, what
he desires will bubble up and spray all over the place.

Indoctrinate that desire is desire for change in present time,
namely to bring about a presence or an absence.

Indoctrinate that no desire does not mean absence of desire, but
suppression of desire to a point of pretense of no desire.

No desire will read in the presence of suppressed desire, and will
float in the true absence of desire which is native state.

Always run the NO item first, and the SOME item second.

Entire cases are bypassed by assessing for the item first and never
assessing for the NO item. Take any CS 53RJ or other assessment or
correction list, and run all the items on them as NO items and see what
you get. It will blow your socks off. Don't bypass NO DISASTER.

If the process stops running without major release, get back in
sync with the layering of failures by skipping a command.

No desire, desire, no desire, desire, no desire, no desire, desire
etc. Skip commands until the process starts running and reading again.
No desire, no desire, desire, desire, (reads), no desire, desire...

You may have to resync the process a number of times. These flows
are HEAVY, you must run them at their behest.


Tell me about no desire.
Tell me about some desire.

Tell me about no desire to desire.
Tell me about some desire to desire.

Tell me about no desire to not desire.
Tell me about some desire to not desire.

What you are running out here is nothing less than the fountainhead
of source and the pc's reason for being.

You are running en mass, everything the pc has ever desired or is
desiring or will desire on the whole track past present and future.

This done, it will reconnect the pc with his fountainhead of source
(native state), and his original desire to manifest, which he is
presently pretending is a no desire to manifest.

He can start desiring again in present time as if he just came in.

E/P is being is brand new, in control, dangerous as hell, and
having fun creating and playing games again.

Watch it though, desire has a dark side.

You will know it when he starts designing the game of games again.

It's an acquired taste, based on choosing to not know he chose. :)


Homer Wilson Smith The Paths of Lovers Art Matrix - Lightlink
(607) 277-0959 KC2ITF Cross Internet Access, Ithaca NY In the Line of Duty

Sat Nov 4 01:59:59 EST 2006
HomerWSmith-L mailing list

ADORE438 (fwd)

Hash: SHA1


There is past, present and future.

They comprise the *WHOLE* track.

Charge exists on the whole track in the past, present and future.

This may not seem immediately reasonable.

However all charge in the past is about the future, loss of

What we suffer from is in the past, postulates, considerations,
decisions, made during engrams, secondaries and locks.

How we suffer from them is in the present, we worry and lament
about our future, this keeps us in restimulation and commits power to
our postulates.

Why we suffer from them is our concern about the future.

All three, past, present and future, need to be run in round robin
style, or else auditing will jam up. Dianetics which concentrates on
the past therefore will fail.

"Locate a moment (in the past) of death..." needs to be
balanced by

"Locate a moment in the future of death..."

Future losses are NOT losses the guy has not already suffered!

The guy has been suffering from future loses forever.

Because there is a tremendous amount of charge in the past ABOUT
the future, one is tempted to say that the past will not run at all,
only the future will run.

Run the future and the past will run itself.

"What death has there been?" will not run.

"What death will there be?" will run.

Be sure to run conception, assumption (of body), birth, survival,
death, deassumption, and inbetween lives.

Be that as it may, run all three past, present and future where you
can. When one dries up, go to the next one, round and round.

Run on all beings, all flows, all universes, past, present and

Don't run what questons, run get the idea of.

"Get the idea of a birth that has been."

"Get the idea of a life that could be."

"Get the idea of a death that might be.

What has been? What is? What will be?
What has not been? What is not? What will not be?

Concentrate on the main problems of havingness.

Death/Life, Departure/Arrival, and Reversal/Alignment

Primary terminals are golden allies, and foes and victims.

Villans, victims and heros.

Notice Death, Departure and Reversal of allies is bad, but of foes
is good.

Notice Life, Arrival and Alignment of allies is good, but of foes
is bad.

Primary dicotomy is separation and togetherness.

Hellos and Goodbyes.

Endings and Beginnings.

What ending will there be? What ending will there not be?

What beginning will there be? What beginning will there not be?

Emotion and understanding will arise.

E/P: Understandings, able and willing to audit.


- - ------------------------------------------------------------------------
Homer Wilson Smith The Paths of Lovers Art Matrix - Lightlink
(607) 277-0959 KC2ITF Cross Internet Access, Ithaca NY In the Line of Duty

Sun Feb 11 01:49:44 EST 2007

================ ====================
Fri Nov 28 03:06:02 EST 2014
Send mail to saying help
================== ===================
Learning implies Learning with Certainty or Learning without Certainty.
Learning across a Distance implies Learning by Being an Effect.
Learning by Being an Effect implies Learning without Certainty.
Therefore, Learning with Certainty implies Learning, but
not by Being an Effect, and not across a Distance.

Version: GnuPG v1.4.5 (GNU/Linux)


======================= ========================
Posted: Fri Nov 28 14:05:49 EST 2014
Send mail to saying help
================== ===================
Learning implies Learning with Certainty or Learning without Certainty.
Learning across a Distance implies Learning by Being an Effect.
Learning by Being an Effect implies Learning without Certainty.
Therefore, Learning with Certainty implies Learning but
Not by Being an Effect, and not across a Distance.

Version: GnuPG v1.4.5 (GNU/Linux)

HomerWSmith-L mailing list

Thursday, November 27, 2014

ADORE644 (fwd)

Hash: SHA1


Philosophy deals with the very top level questions of existence.

The highest most top level question there is, is:


One imagines that nothing could very well have existed, rather than
something. Clearly something exists, so how come?

Is there some logical or physical necessity that something HAD to
exist? If you could figure that one out, you would probably win the
Nobel Prize for the next 50 years in a row.

If there isn't some forceful necessity that something exist, then
why the hell does something exist?

The next top level question is:


It is pretty clear that there might have been a whole mess of
somethings that couldn't exist, either they were logically impossible,
or maybe they were unviable, in that they died off soon after their
start or whatever.

Scientists have known for a long time that if certain universal
constants were different by some microscopic amount, this physical
universe we are in would have fizzled out long ago, carbon chains would
never have formed, suns would never have ignited, and thus physical life
would never have happened.

Those with a religious bent even take this as evidence of an
intelligent design to the universe, because they figure that someone had
to think it through and pick just the right values for things in order
to get a universe to stay around as long as this one did.

At least long enough to produce a sinner that God could send to
hell forever, or why bother?

In fact there are SO many more universes that would have fizzled
out early than would have persisted, we seem to be walking on the edge
of a miracle that the one that happened to exist was the one that also
happened to persist long enough for us to be here and talk about it.

And if this were the one and only universe that ever existed they
would probably have a point. The coincidence is just too much to bear.

Recent theories however postulate that many different physical
universes arise and fall all the time, most destined to enfizzlement due
to their mis match of universal constants.

Given all of eternity to rise and fall, it makes sense that by
random chance alone eventually some universe would arise whose constants
were just close enough to workable to hang around for a while, even long
enough to produce conscious life to wonder about it.

(Yeah yeah I know, consciousness is not physical, but once in a
while you gotta look at it from the point of view of the darling little
meatballs, and besides they are so cute, and get so riled up if you even
hint they might be wrong about being FDA Approved Grade A meat so have
some pity for a moment.)

In fact even though many more universes might fall than persist,
given an eternity to try it out, it makes sense that there might be a
lot of universes persisting quite well thank you, of which the one we
are in is just one of them.

But there still aren't a lot of different ways those constants
could go together and still have persistence, so even if there are a lot
of other space time game streams going on, chances are that some of them
are very much like ours, and the rest are probably very different.

So we can't answer how come something exists instead of nothing,
but we can answer to some exent the question what somethings could exist
or at least persist long enough to wonder about it, and which one's

The next top level question is:


By desirable we mean in accord with our desires, how WE would have
made things if we could have.

Well for many that is a no brainer, clearly not.

Prof: "So Goober, on a scale of 0 to 10, how would you rate this

Goober: "Minus a googolplex."

You get born, no one asked your permission, you live, you desire,
you can't have what you want, everyone and everything you love dies one
day, usually pretty miserably, and so do you, usually a horrible death
by universal execution, never to be heard from again.

This is called the 'BORN ON DEATH ROW' class of universe, guilty of
what crime we have no clue, but surely if ocean's were made of sorrow
there would be a lot of water in this universe.

"This universe treats love like the ocean treats sand castles in
the sand." - Adore.

Now to many this negative view makes sense, to be created is
already a violation of personal sovereignty, personal space, no matter
WHAT happens to you after that.

Might as well have been raped in your first moment of life.

Then in the end the universe puts you to death against your will,
another rape.

And in between it makes you work to dig your own grave, pay for
your tombstone, and provide the means of your own final execution.

Thus it makes sense that we are unhappy, because this jewel of
creation, this oh so rare and precious universe, that went to all that
trouble to persist, then went ahead and created us just to torment us
before terminating us. Probably more fun to be drawn and quartered.

So one can ask the next top level question:


Now most will probably tell you no, they can conceive of worse, but
they will agree that it's pretty damn close.

I mean admit it, at least this death row universe is co-ed, with
really good pot, ice cream and sunsets easily available.

Every once in a while you will run into someone who will tell you
"Oh no, this universe is wonderful, marvelous, full of suprises, and
besides who wants to live for ever, gotta make room for others!"

We call them 'had time enough for love' cases.

Don't bother to argue with them, being mortal on death's row is a
SOLUTION to them. If you ask them what could be worse than "living once
and then dying forever, and that's it Bud!", they might actually give it
up to you.

But this conflict between desire and the universe that desire finds
itself in, brings up an important next question.


Is it even possible for a physical universe to arise, and create
conscious creatures that actually wish things were different than they

Well hell, if the universe is arising from random throws of the
universal constant dice, the only condition for it's continued existence
is structural persistance long enough to give rise to conscious units to
wonder and complain about it. No one said they had to like what they

So persistence is a nasty two edged sword, if it is persistence of
something good, well then all the better. But if it is persistence of
something bad, well then you were born in hell, and will die in hell and
you should be grateful you actually get to DIE rather than suffer
forever as an immortal in hell would.

Surely suffering in hell forever, is worse than suffering in hell
for a while and then kicking the bucket for good. God what a relief,

Therein maybe lies a hint about why incipient carrion dwellers, er
I mean meatball human beings, like to dwell in incipient carrion, uh I
mean why immortals seek death by pretending to be something that is
mortal, like a body, even though it is a deceit that can never be fully

But this brings us to the next top level question:


Ok, well good and bad are relative to your desire.

It's tempting to say "Well I desire to die forever one day, I mean
Christ who wants to live forever? Love is like sugar, too much is no
good for you. I admit it was better to have loved and lost than to have
paid for it and not liked it, and it was fun while it lasted, but now I
am bored with love, even though I have a brand new body and a lot of
brand new girls begging to, well never mind. So I think having a Soylen
Green factory to retire to or being on death row is the best possible

But you don't desire that, and anyone who claims they do is lying
to themselves and to you.

Imagine brand new girl and boy bodies forever for free?

Who could possibly not like that?

The complaining about not dying soon enough then is just sour
grapes, or a need to escape an insufferable immortality in time.

So this brings us to the next question:


Well the first thing we can say about desire, is it desires to have
what it desires. Not for a while you see, but forever.

That forever may not be in time, it may be an extemporal forever,
an Eternal forever, but its a forever none the less.

That's why all this desiring to be this "live once, die once meat
ball" is all just so much self deceit.

For some meatballs, its merely a matter of them not wanting to get
their hopes up. If they think they live but once, and after they die
they find out they are still around, well that's better than thinking
they are going to live forever and finding out after they die that they
are dead.

But then I can hear someone saying, "But if I could have everything
I wanted all the time forever and ever amen, I would get bored, no fun,
no chase, no games, no chance of losing, no need to try harder, no
challenge, no overwhelming odds, no glory, tragedy, travesty, miracle,
or majesty..."

"I mean Christ, what's a God to do but sit around and be
everlastingly happy all day long? Oy what a hell that would be! What
would I do to impress a girl friend?"

Alright, but that's just more desire you see.

What you have just said is that you desire to have what you want,
but what you want is to NOT have what you want sometimes for a while.

You want to add spice and sportsmanship, glory, and courage and
thrill and romance to life via the possibility of hardship and loss.

So let's ask the next top level question:


That's called MAJESTY by the way, MASTER OF JEST.


But in case that's a bit too rough on you, it also means


Humor is the only kind justice there is.

Humor is the only thing that heals horror.

Majesty then is the sovereign desire that desire not be sovereign
for a while.

Power for the Imp Soul stems from Operating Majesty.

So what's this while stuff?

A while is a short or long period of time, between which there is
eternal unimpingable sleep.

The Big Snooze.

Unimpingable means there is no door to knock on, so no one and
nothing can disturb you or wake you up before your time.

That means a being can sleep and not be disturbed in a timeless
eternal state for as long as he wants, whenever he wants.

Try to take 15 seconds of absolute nothing, see if you can do it.

But periodically he wakes up and either decides to go back to
sleep, or he puts a sign out on his door saying wake me if you want to

That's called an invite.

Invites are telepathic, they resonate through all of creation,
until they reach a critical mass of beings, who have also put out an
invite, who all want to be together again in a game of life.

Invite is desire, and desire is invite.

When enough people put out invites, the co resonance of their sum
desires wakes them all up and they find themselves together in a common
universe with nothing going on yet.

That's what they wanted, so that's what they got.

Sovereignty still reigns and in fact sovereignty reigns at all

Sovereignty means you want it, you got it.

Justice is Sovereignty is Justice is Sovereignty.

Thus as hard as it may be to swallow looking from the bottom of the
valley of death, Justice also reigns at all times.

Justice means you get what you postulate (conceive), including all
the things you wanted to have that you wouldn't want once you had them,
because you wanted to have things you didn't want.

That's called Total Responsibility for Condition.

Once their unanimous invite brings them together on an as yet
unadorned playing field, through unanimous desire, intent, volition and
effort, they devise and design a game to play. They choose up sides,
and they say 'go!'.

During the game they may end up mortal enemies with orders to shoot
on sight, but that is part of the game play. It is also part of the
game play to forget who authored the game and who chose to jump in and
play it.

Religious insanity is 'who or what is cause around here and why is
it such an asshole!'

Games consist of freedoms, barriers, and purposes.

Freedoms are abilities to have in the mere conception of things.

Barriers are inabilities to have in the mere conception of things.

Purposes are the things that desire, armed with freedoms and
barriers, wants to accomplish, through time, as chase.

Dances are games that can not be lost, just do the steps and you
win your goal.

Games are dances that can be lost, one mistep, and it's all over
for you.

Once the game is done for everyone, the while ends, and everyone in
that particular rollcall goes back to sleep for as long as they want.

Anyone can leave a game before the game ends for everyone.

But generally they don't want to leave their friends behind
to suffer the "slings and arrows of outrageous fortune" without them.

A friend in the cold dark night of the soul is sometimes all you

Once a being leaves a game he enters either a higher game that was
already going on, or the Big Snooze.

When they next wake up, they have no memory of prior games, as
NOTHING created survives the trans eternity boundary, but they know how
to create games, and they know they have had games before, and will have
them again, not because they REMEMBER them, but because they just know
that's the way it is, and away we go.

They see in their present creation of a new while, that creating
whiles is what they DO, and thus they know they have done this before
and will again.

A wave coming in has no doubt it will go out, and a wave going out
has no doubt it will come in.

Whiles are called spacetime game streams.

It is important to a being to NOT get stuck in a single time stream
forever, for that forms an incipient hell.

Say you create a universe and put an apple in it, then you build
around that apple and keep building and building. Even if the space and
time you created were infinite (which you can't do), you would still be
stuck with a universe that was 'apple centric'. That's just one
possible universe, all other possible universes would be out of reach to

The only way to fully manifest your self and your abilities and
desires then is NOT to have a single universe of infinite space and
time, but to have an infinite number of universes of finite spaces and
times, finite but as big as you want.

Since any universe can be as big or as long as you want it,
although finite, and you can make it bigger later after it is created,
this is nothing you can do in an infinite universe that you couldn't
also do in the limitless finite universe. But there are lots of things
you can do with a NEW finite universe, that you couldn't do in one single
infinite universe.

That way every universe is different from the word go, and none can
turn into a hell forever. They can turn into hell's for a while, BUT

"There is peace in the idea that one day *ALL* men will attain the
awakened state" - Sufi

"This dream ends forever when the circle of friends are all holding
hands again." - Adore

And that's why we call the being a total knowingness, not because
he knows everything about every possible universe, but because he
totally knows how to create games without being taught to or even think
about it.

The being is a natural game and universe creator.

It is WHAT HE DOES in the mere conception of it.


Unless he desires to not have, but chase instead, in which case he
won't have for a while until if and when he wins the chase.

Then he gets to have for a while.

Unless he loses the chase, then he gets to NOT have for a while.

The primary purpose of a game is to place time between desire and
havingness. The being can create anything he wants in the mere
conception of it, but what he wants most is the chase.

So he has to temper back his absolute god hood, and make himself
able to conceive of things he wants without having them appear
immediately, and thus he can have a game of chase going after it.

Time, chase and games are all the same thing to a being.

The being actually seeks the endless volley, he seeks to play the
game more than win it. Winning causes a loss of the game, so then he
has to create another one.

Beings who are afraid of losing, then become afraid of playing, and
so they don't want to play lest they lose, but they don't want to lose,
so they want to win more than play, and they usually try to do so by
getting others to play for them, take the risk of losing, yet get the
winnings themselves. That's called out-ethics, and is the beginning of
Corruption, Temptation and Seduction.

It's hard to share anything with others outside of time because the
being tends to zone out to the big snooze if he stays out of time too

He needs to forget he is dreaming and is co author of the dream in
order to keep the dream around and solid enough to scare the daylights
out of himself.

If you can't scare yourself witless, you have lost your basic
operating power.

I mean this roller coaster ride isn't called Killer Pit for

And only a God could have, would have and should have created it
for his own enjoyment.

So time then becomes his canvas, his art gallery, where he plays
his games with others, shares his self love and beauty with others, and
either creates or enhances the spacetime game stream he is in, for
posterity, and others to play after he is gone, should the game decide
to go on without him.

Players don't have to hang around any game they created to the end.
Many players enter games that are already on going, the originators of
that game being long gone back to the elysian fields of eternity or to
other games.

The purpose of life is the creation of art. Each game is a game of
creating or adding to the canvas of life.

"The purpose of creation is to trade in expressions of discovery." -

ART is that expression, even if it is functional art like a car, or
a machine that helps bring home the food.

Which then brings us to the last of the top level questions.

These are the most serious questions in all of existence to ask
yourself, and to get others to ask themselves, bar none.

Your eternal future depend upon your attitude and approach to them.

You may never answer them, but in your divine ignorance you had
damn well better honor and respect them, by granting them audience and
your full attention when they call upon you:


Not just this universe we are in now, but the ALL THAT IS that
encompasses the local universe we are in now, ourselves and every other
possible universe that could ever exist, has ever exited, or will every

In otherwords, superficial views to the contrary, is DESIRE in
perfect accord with the COSMIC ALL?

Does anything exist which does not have some of your desire in its
creation, and the desire of all of your other team mates and game


Have you made a game out of happiness?



If not,


If so,



- - ------------------------------------------------------------------------
Homer Wilson Smith The Paths of Lovers Art Matrix - Lightlink
(607) 277-0959 KC2ITF Cross Internet Access, Ithaca NY In the Line of Duty
Tue Feb 10 01:40:54 EST 2009

================ ====================
Wed Nov 26 03:06:01 EST 2014
Send mail to saying help
================== ===================
Learning implies Learning with Certainty or Learning without Certainty.
Learning across a Distance implies Learning by Being an Effect.
Learning by Being an Effect implies Learning without Certainty.
Therefore, Learning with Certainty implies Learning, but
not by Being an Effect, and not across a Distance.

Version: GnuPG v1.4.5 (GNU/Linux)


======================= ========================
Posted: Thu Nov 27 17:54:43 EST 2014
Send mail to saying help
================== ===================
Learning implies Learning with Certainty or Learning without Certainty.
Learning across a Distance implies Learning by Being an Effect.
Learning by Being an Effect implies Learning without Certainty.
Therefore, Learning with Certainty implies Learning but
Not by Being an Effect, and not across a Distance.

Version: GnuPG v1.4.5 (GNU/Linux)

HomerWSmith-L mailing list

Tuesday, November 25, 2014

ADORE42 (fwd)

Hash: SHA1


I am looking for a solo process that anyone can run without the
help of another.

By solo process I do NOT mean a formal rote procedure which one
runs in formal session with or without a meter, but one which runs 'in
the background' during the living of life.

When life goes 'crunch' through out the day, I want to know what
that crunch is about in the most general sense, and then take that
specific crunch apart so it doesn't happen again.

I believe as tech finders we all seek the one process or one
understanding that we can plant as a seed in a person's mind, and have
it work for them quickly and stunningly, so that they can then
disseminate it to others in the same manner.

The route towards clearing advance has historically been through a
quagmire of god awful complexity to greater and greater simplicities.
Even the great masters are still looking, but in the meanwhile they
continue to offer the complex routes that they have achieved so far.
Any case gain is better than no case gain.

But in the end, for me, finding that simple seed, that each person
can plant alone and which will take him or her all the way out in a
proper gradient with life as the main auditor, is of paramount

Now perhaps I only seek such a solution for myself and others like
myself. I have to admit to the possibility of abandoning the rest of
mankind to the complexities of other schools, if I found such a route
that worked for me and no one else, I would be the first one out of here
never to return, leaving behind me only a posting or two describing how
I did it.

KP would still be screaming 'FIGURE FIGURE, HALLUCINATION, GET A
CLUE IDIOT!' and I would be gone.

But I keep seeing the commonness of my own case with everyone
else's. They get sick a couple of times a year, I am sick all the time,
their noses stuff up once in a while, mine is stuffed all the time etc.
So I figure that once I blow my case wide open, I will have blown the
common case across all of us wide open too. That there might be other
case amongst myself or others that is not touched, I admit, but that
common case across all humans, I expect to be handled with the seed.

In present time I would have to say that seedling consists of two
concepts, need and fear.

Need is the consideration that something is necessary either to
survival or the willingness to be. An immortal being has no needs upon
which his survival depends, but his willingness to be does. If you are
going to willingly live forever, certain things fundamentally need to

Doubt is the component of fear that is self casting, if one doubts
that one is able, one will engage in looking to find out if one is, and
bang one won't be. Looking to know is a trap because one has
prepostulated that maybe one isn't able.

Indecision is the other component, once one doubts, one no longer
is sure what to do, thus one tends to do nothing, and then the need to
do SOMETHING, leads one to do something else. One comes to a fork in
the road, runs into need and fear and doubt, and rather than make a
decision, one builds a house there and offers bed and breakfast to
others who come along.

Eventually it becomes an anti-civilization like we have here on
Earth. A sargasso sea of dead and dying *GODS*, who couldn't figure
out whether to go right or left and couldn't figure out who or what is
cause around here.

One can reach out into an area of life and 'feel' if ones
postulates are going to work there. If one feels an open space and a
smile, then one knows that whatever one commands in that warm spot
will come true in its own time. Other places in life will feel closed
and blocked, one knows that one's postulates won't work there.

One can then start sorting these areas of blockage out, spot the
needs and fears until the next area opens with a smile waiting with
infinite potential for a command to be placed in its jet stream.

A command is not made with force or flourish, one merely hits the
return key on it, and its a done deal unless retracted.

Here is a good process. Sit down at a computer and type
in a command for something you want, followed by the return key.

"We will get more business" <cr>
"We will get more business" <cr>

Do this and notice that it is the hitting of the return key that
makes it work, not the force nor flourish with which you write the
command or hit the return key. That is a command.

It's a long trek from fearless human to God crucified on the
Qualms, but for those ready to make the trek, a little indoctrination
about how it all works, and a little help to focus on the proper
concepts, will start to produce amazing changes.

We don't need to need and we don't need to fear.

Ain't that amazing?

Ain't that a miracle?

Ain't that the undreamed dream come true?

Well to most it is so overwhelming they just want a little auditing
to help them 'adjust' better to their needs and fears. But this is an
auditing overt.

The first step down from OT is to postulate that you need

The second step down from OT is to doubt your ability to get that

Wham you are dead.

Some guy walks in and wants to survive anyway and you are going to
help him with that?

Auditing consists of two things.

Handle the doubt.

Handle the need.

Next time life goes crunch on you, you know, you just can't get up
and go, take a look at need and fear and their inner componenets,
survival, willingness, self casting doubt, indecision, and doing
something else, and I believe you will find the seed of freedom you are
looking for.

Once it starts to work for you, plant it in another and make sure
it grows until they can do the same.

Once you start to win at this game, you will run into needs and
fears you never dreamed of, knock your socks off.

OT straight ahead.


- - ------------------------------------------------------------------------
Homer Wilson Smith Clean Air, Clear Water, Art Matrix - Lightlink
(607) 277-0959 A Green Earth and Peace. Internet Access, Ithaca NY Is that too much to ask?

================ ====================
Mon Nov 24 03:06:01 EST 2014
Send mail to saying help
================== ===================
Learning implies Learning with Certainty or Learning without Certainty.
Learning across a Distance implies Learning by Being an Effect.
Learning by Being an Effect implies Learning without Certainty.
Therefore, Learning with Certainty implies Learning, but
not by Being an Effect, and not across a Distance.

Version: GnuPG v1.4.5 (GNU/Linux)


======================= ========================
Posted: Tue Nov 25 19:10:54 EST 2014
Send mail to saying help
================== ===================
Learning implies Learning with Certainty or Learning without Certainty.
Learning across a Distance implies Learning by Being an Effect.
Learning by Being an Effect implies Learning without Certainty.
Therefore, Learning with Certainty implies Learning but
Not by Being an Effect, and not across a Distance.

Version: GnuPG v1.4.5 (GNU/Linux)

HomerWSmith-L mailing list

SUNGOD (fwd)

Hash: SHA1


This posting is not free.

I spent 4 hours of my extremely precious time this afternoon
writing this.

If this posting benefits you, you owe me an act of personal
investment in my and your future by showing this posting to someone


- - ------------------------------------------------------------------------


Although the One True God of Adore is the God of J.E.M, (Joy in
Eternal Miracles), Adorians also worship the Sun God Ra, as an emissary
of Jem.

This is about Ra.

I can hear someone asking me,

"Homer is money all Adorians care about?"


But one has to take a look at what Adore's viewpoint really is.

Life consists of consumption and production. You can't take a
breath without consuming fuel and oxygen and producing exhaust and
carbon dioxide.

The Sun/Earth system is like a gigantic rechargable battery.

The primary chemicals involved is the cycle between Carbon and
Oxygen, and CO2.

All chemical reactions both absorb energy and release energy at the
same time.

Endothermic reactions are those that absorb more energy than they

Exothermic reactions are those that release more energy than they

It takes a tremendous amount of energy to tear apart the CO2
molecule into Carbon and Oxygen. When they finally fly apart they
release some energy so you get some of it back, but it takes much more
to pull them apart than you get back, so this is endothermic.

In otherwords Carbon and Oxygen are in a higher stored energy state
when they are apart than when they are together as CO2.

On the other hand it doesn't take a lot of energy to bring Carbon
and Oxygen back together again, and when they do they release a lot more
energy back into the world than it took to start them combining. This
is exothermic.

The amount of energy released by rejoining carbon and oxygen is so
much more than the energy necessary to start the reaction in the first
place, that the reaction is self sustaining. If you put a match to wood
(carbon), it will burn under its own heat.

Endothermic reactions in general will not do this.


You have to store energy in an endothermic reaction before you can
release it in an exothermic reaction.

The two processes exactly balance. What is stored during the
endothermic part is released during the exothermic part.

When carbon and oxygen burn and rejoin into CO2, they release just
as much energy as they absorbed when they were split!

In this sense the Carbon Oxygen cycle acts like a rechargable
battery. You pump energy into CO2 splitting it up into Carbon and
Oxygen, and later you come along and release that energy by setting fire
to the Carbon in an Oxygen atmosphere, recombining them into CO2.

The Sun/Earth system acts like a huge rechargable battery based on
this Carbon Oxygen cycle.

The recharging/production cycle is driven by the Sun, and the
decharging/consumption cycle is driven by fire of one kind or another,
otherwise known as oxidation, whether fast or slow (as in rust).

In a highly simplified view, energy from the Sun hits the free CO2
in the ground and the air, splitting it into Carbon and Oxygen, and thus
'pushing' plants up out of the ground.

The body of the plant is the Carbon that has been freed from the
Oxygen, and the atmosphere around the plant is the Oxygen that was freed
from the Carbon.

A tremendous amount of potential sun energy is stored in this
SEPARATION of Carbon and Oxygen.

The energy thus stored is released again when fire burns the plants
or animals eat them.

As plants are pushed into existence by the Sun, Oxygen fills the

When the Oxygen content of the air gets too great, the slightest
lightening strike will create a forest fire the likes of which you have
never seen. When the Oxygen content drops down, the fires go out, and
so the cycle repeats itself.

This is in part why the Oxygen concentration in the atmosphere has
stabilized at around 30 percent, lightning keeps it so.

Animals do the same thing to plants that fire does.

By eating plants, animals bring Oxygen in the air together with the
Carbon in the plants, igniting them with an internal chemical match so
to speak, and the result is CO2 released back into the atmosphere and
the ground, releasing the stored heat and usable sun energy which the
animal can then use to do useful work.

The animal kingdom is a slow fire to the plant kingdom.

This cycle of Sun -> Plants -> Animals -> Sun happens over and over
again, pumped by the Sun.

OK, so what does money have to do with this?

In this model, value is defined as stored energy tempered by the
usefulness of that stored energy.

In general there is no value where there is no energy, for where
there is no energy there is nothing.

Sometimes however some forms of energy can be more harmful than
helpful, in which case the absence of harmful energy can be of greater
value than its presence.

Useful vaccuums are like this.

Thus a little helpful energy is of more value than a lot of harmful

Helpful energy has positive value, and harmful energy has negative

Energy from the Sun is stored in many objects on the planet, in
general it starts with plants, and heat in the oceans and the land, but
ends up in many different forms afterwards.

The form of energy is as important as the amount of energy stored.
For example there is energy stored in both a battery and a stick of
dynamite. However the energy in a stick of dynamite would be totally
useless and even counterproductive to someone wanting to light a

Forms of energy can be converted into each other, but usually at
some expense and expenditure of the energy to be converted.

This is called conversion efficiency.

For example, the energy in the dynamite might be converted to
energy in a battery but that might take more energy in time, trouble and
materials, to do the conversion than it was worth.

Energy that is fully expended is called entropy, it is essentially
energy that is no longer stored in any useful way.

Anti-entropy is energy that is stored in a useful manner ready to
go on notice to produce useful work.

Both Entropy and Anti-entropy, in this definition, is relative to
the user who values the energy.

Energy that is totally dispersed and energy that is stored in
useless forms are both forms of entropy.

In this sense, entropy is defined relative to a person's need and
use for energy and relative to their ability to convert it into a useful
form. A stick of dynamite would be a form of entropy to someone in
desperate need of a flashlight.

However if he goes at it just right, he might get some useful light
out of the stick of dynamite! :)

Sun light starts off highly concentrated, ends up on earth as
plants, gets eaten by animals which may or may not do useful work, and
finally gets radiated as heat which goes off into the cosmos where it is
not generally locally useful again.

Notice however that even this radiated energy might one day hit
another planet and help push a plant into existence thus becoming
locally useful again on that planet.

But the vast majority of expended energy simply goes off into space
and becomes part of the background radiation which does little good to

This process is the River of Light.

Once the Sun burns out entirely, the cycle of plant and animal ends
for the time being.

Presumably all the entropic energy radiated into space at the end
of the cycle gets collected back together again during the next
contraction phase of the universe leading to the next Big Bang.
However, maybe that never happens, and the universe continues to expand
into darkness forever and ever amen.

Recent evidence indicates there may never be a contraction phase,
in which case the expended energy will simply spread out and become
thinner and thinner for the rest of time, unless some other thing pumps
new energy and anti entropy into the universe.

Within this conceptual matrix, animals form a very particular kind
of game. They are not 'pushed' into existence by the Sun, the way
plants are. Animals must consume fuel that has already been pushed into
storage in order to survive. In this sense animals are miners (or
harvesters) for they need to mine fuel in order to have fuel.

But they need to have fuel in order to mine fuel!

Every effort an animal uses to mine fuel, consumes fuel.

Therefore an animal must be given an initial alotment of fuel to
begin his foraging day. This is done at the beginning of life through
investment by the mother or father in feeding and growing the child.

If an animal consumes more fuel than it mines, it eventually runs
out of fuel and dies.

(Some animals think they are plants by the way, they go out in the
sun, and expect it to push them into existence. They usually end up
living off of other's assets.)

Mining has to do with exothermic reactions. The action of mining
is the action of investing a small amount of energy in the vast sea of
stored energy in the Sun/Earth system, and getting an exothermic return
out of it. One then has more fuel to live another day, plus some
excess. In this way the animal increases its net worth.

Material Net Worth consists of four things to an animal.

1.) Fuel on hand which it owns and can consume in sow/reap
investment cycles.

2.) Capital equipment in working order that the animal can power
with that fuel in order to indulge in sow/reap investment cycles. The
primary capital mining equipment owned by an animal is its body, and its
fuel storage facilities.

3.) The mining field or fertile valleys that the animal has access to in which to sow
and reap exothermic reactions.

"Dear God, we thank you for this fertile valley we live in, and for
the bounteous harvest in which we partake."

4.) Knowledge, talent and skill born of experience, to engage in
sow/reap cycles. This may seem non material in nature, but a book with
knowledge in it has a greater positive value than a book with nothing in
it, so the arrangement of matter encoding hard won knowledge in a
decodable way is definitely a form of anti-entropy assets.

The animal plants a seed of corn. Through endothermicity the Sun
pushes it into an ear of corn with 100 seeds. The animal reaps the
corn, puts some away in his fuel house, eats the rest of it and thus
through exothermicity releases the stored sunlight into useful energy
which it can use to do more useful work, the next day.

Useful work is defined as succesful mining, successful sow and reap

The animal must burn some fuel already in his system to ignite the
newly eaten corn in his stomach, but he gets much more out of it than
the small amount he needs to start the fire.

The animal in fact must burn some fuel just to take in a breath in
order to sweep in the components of his next combustion cycle (Oxygen).
If he doesn't have the energy left to take in that breath or to ignite
the combustion cycle, he becomes dead.

The animal that has a lot of fuel in his warehouse (money in the
bank), but no capital equipment to mine with or mine field to ply his
trade to, is a sinking ship. He may be very wealthy, have a high net
worth, but he will be eating his assets and producing nothing, and the
rats on his ship of life will be packing their bags shortly, and looking
for the nearest rope.

This is because the absence of or inability to buy capital mining
equipment, renders his net worth of zero or negative value to himself,
as he can't use it himself to survive.

The animal that has a lot of capital equipment to work with, but no
fuel, is out of luck from the word go because he can't make a move
without an initial alotment of fuel.

The animal that has a lot of stored fuel and capital equipment but
no mine field to get more, is also a sinking ship, for he will spin his
wheels all day long, with no return. This is the guy planting his seeds
in a toxic waste dump.

Thus true 'wealth' to an animal is to have a vast mining field that
is easily minable, working equipment and enough fuel to turn an
exothermic profit by the end of the day. By far and away the mine field
is the most important of the three. You can always get loans or
investments of fuel and capital equipment from others if you find a good
mine field, but without the mine field you might as well give it up now.

Thus if an animal is not doing well, the first thing you want to do
is see what kind of mine field he is trying to mine.

It is pretty clear from this model that the animal is sort of on a
rat race wheel. Every breath he takes consumes some of his precious
joules (a unit of energy) that he has stored in his fuel house. If,
after eating, he does not put those released joules to useful work,
meaning mining more fuel, he will eventually run out of fuel and die.
Thus any animal that is not doing useful work is headed for the grave.

Useful work by the way doesn't necessarily mean going out and
running around doing things, it can mean sleeping and digesting your
food or taking a rest to allow regeneration or indulging in play to
increase one's skills. Even art is a form of useful energy.

This is all useful work. But if the amount of useful work done
during a day is less than the amount of fuel consumed, then the fuel
tanks will be just that much lower at the end of the day.

That's called negative Return On Investment.

Total Net Worth lower at the end of the day.

Thus for an animal, sow/reap investment cycles in the natural
exothermicity of the Sun/Earth system is the order of the day, they are
in fact an ethical mandate, as the wages of sin are death.

So yes, all Adorians care about is money. Money is merely a
statement of personal net worth, which includes personal fuel in the
bank, extant useful captial equipment on hand and vast mining fields
that are easily accessible and large return on investments for every
sow/reap engaged upon.

That is a moral mandate you see. God gave you verdant fields to
mine, a healthy body and mind, and loving parents to stuff you full of
fuel when you couldn't do it yourself.

The only sin then is profligation, not maximizing returns on

Profligation means, in this context, consuming more than you
produce, which uses up your own stores and then others who are foolish
enough to invest in you.

There is a place for charity, but only AFTER you have produced a
return on investment, you never give part of your principle away unless
it is someone who is going to also produce a return on investment, with
you, a co investor.

Certainly never give part of your principle away to first in liners
who will merely consume it and produce nothing.

It has little to do with ownership per se, and more to do with
successful living in the long term, of which ownership is a small part.

Ownership is merely rights to control, namely who makes the
decision, how much to invest and what to invest it in.

Although it is easy to fall into the trap of thinking that money in
the bank, a personal tractor outside in the yard and 3 acres of land is
some kind of affluence, one has to rememeber the over all scene.

The ultimate congolmerate of fuel stores, capital machinery and
viable mine fields is civilization itself. Thus investing in a kid, who
will invest in his kids, who will invest in his kids, may not produce an
immediate return the way selling a loaf of bread for 2 drachmas will,
but it is never the less an investment in your own future, as one day
the benefits of that tree will bear fruit and you will eat thereof. We
don't live but once.

When looked at this way, one's net worth is a much grander thing
than what your present holdings or what report to the tax department.

Net worth includes your PROSPECTS on the Goal to Create a Future.

Learning to invest is the grander scheme is a sign of a true
investor and a real winner in life.

That includes investment of fuel, equipment, and mine fields, along
with time, skill and knowledge.

The Sun God Ra smiles upon those who invest in the grand scheme of
things to produce the greatest return for the greatest number without
sacrificing self to starvation which produces nothing for anyone.

His smile, in affluence, is the return you get.

You can count on it.


- - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Homer Wilson Smith News, Web, Telnet Art Matrix - Lightlink
(607) 277-0959 SunOS 4.1.4 Sparc 20 Internet Access, Ithaca NY

================ ====================
Sun Nov 23 03:06:02 EST 2014
Send mail to saying help
================== ===================
Learning implies Learning with Certainty or Learning without Certainty.
Learning across a Distance implies Learning by Being an Effect.
Learning by Being an Effect implies Learning without Certainty.
Therefore, Learning with Certainty implies Learning, but
not by Being an Effect, and not across a Distance.

Version: GnuPG v1.4.5 (GNU/Linux)


======================= ========================
Posted: Tue Nov 25 19:00:42 EST 2014
Send mail to saying help
================== ===================
Learning implies Learning with Certainty or Learning without Certainty.
Learning across a Distance implies Learning by Being an Effect.
Learning by Being an Effect implies Learning without Certainty.
Therefore, Learning with Certainty implies Learning but
Not by Being an Effect, and not across a Distance.

Version: GnuPG v1.4.5 (GNU/Linux)

HomerWSmith-L mailing list

ADORE855 (fwd)

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Responsibility is:

Knowing willing cause with full awareness of the consequences.

Many disabilities in life are fair chosen to make one more able in
the presence of overwhelming suppression, lack of acceptance,
unwantedness, or other insanity where team mates are playing as
opponents, usually God, mom and dad :), but it goes way beyond this life
which resulted in our becoming bodies and not knowing we chose. Amnesia
of who we are is necessary to escape the inter galactic thought police :)

But amnesia is also fair chosen for those who are trying to escape
a detested immortality and prefer the illusion of upcoming death.
People then try to live as long as they can in their mortal body in
order to avoid the inevitable waking up to the detested immortality
again when they die.

Blame is finding fault on top of responsibility, you did it, and
you should have known better etc. Blame is a precursor to punishment.

Blaming another is failing one's self to take full responsibility
for the existence of the other in one's dream, and results in feeling
guilty later for blaming them, as one should have known better etc,
which results in self blame.

In other words one first blames others while DENYING one had
anything to do with the other being in one's dream or their actions,
then one blames self for having blamed others, for a god should know
better :)

Blaming other gods reduces one's own godhood, don't you see?

This results in a dwindling spiral and a very confused god unit.

He's feeling guilty for trying to make others feel guilty.

Two wrongs do not in fact make a right, committing crimes against
one self (feeling guilty) is not a sensible reaction to having committed
a crime against another (trying to make them feel guilty).

One however has to have a pan determined understanding that we all
have cause over each other, so to say to another 'you did that!', denies
that YOU caused them to do it too when viewed from a high enough level.

No one can do anything in your dream without your direct permission
for them to be in it, and your indirect causation in creating their

Thus spotting those that blamed you, and those you blamed, goes a
long ways towards releasing the debilitations that we saddle ourselves
with to make sure others feel good and guilty for whatever 'they did'.

Its all about obtaining justice AFTER considering that justice does
not reign absolutely at all times.

The correct definition of justice is you get what you postulate.

If you get something, you HAD to have had your hand it in

It's the denial of that hand that leads away from pan determinism,
where one can and is controlling both sides of the interaction, to self
determinism and eventually to other determinism which is mostly the game
of being a victim to the other's villain.

The victim then seeks heroes through sympathy and feigned
disability. This at first works to some extent, then does not work at
all, as the 'hero' tires of it, and finally the feigned symptoms become
physical and actual and cemented in place and can not be removed by
anything but auditing or the hangman's noose (death).

Also remember the being who is now succumbing to being a victim was
almost assuredly a villain in the far distant past, and so down deep he
is not quite sure he 'deserves' to be better. Someone does him wrong,
and HE feels guilty. There is the truth of a million lifetimes echoing
up the time track.

His failure to handle his own guilt from the past will lead him
away from handling other's guilt over him in the present, and he allows
others to walk on him.

When people like to chide others because 'its all in their head',
they mean the symptom's genesis is psychotraumatically generated by the
being to gain support from suppressive team mates, but eventually the
being loses control, and they can't get rid of the symptoms any more.

We are talking about near death experiences here, near death of the
body, heart, mind and soul, near death of the will to live. Only these
things can get a being to try to survive better by dying more.

Such psychotraumatic symptoms, psychosomatics if you will, are not
just hallucinated bad feelings, but in the end will recreate the
physical condition in the death engram that they are being stolen from,
thus one can and will die of them if they are not audited out.

Thus a being who can't stand dirty air any more, has a DEATH engram
wherein he died in dirty air and probably caused others to die in dirty
air, or his body has such engrams, and now he has that in total
restimulation such that if he takes one more breath of dirty air he will
fall over sides ways and expire.

Almost all physical troubles are psychotraumatic in origin, but
most people have no clue how or when or why they created them, and can
no longer believe they had any responsibility for them.

Remember the being is INFESTING the body full time, that alone is
enough to kill the body's will to live or damage it enough to cause the
body to become recalcitrant to any control. If the body can lie in bed
sick it will, rather than suffer the control of the child fighting its

Beings also miss the enormous pressure they were under to comply
with a psychotic society on many matters, from putrid religions to vile
war, and they have forgotten the computations they made that allowed
them to survive better by pretending to be sick, dead or dying.


They are trying to be more able to survive by being unable to
survive alone. That wins them help and gets the suppressive to lay off
in sympathy for a while.

I can't, comes from I won't, which comes from YOU MUST, but you
don't want to.

Or I MUST, comes from I want to, which is opposed by YOU CAN'T in
the presence of suppressive team mates on all 8 dynamics.

Thus auditing MUST and CAN'T on all flows and all dynamics can lead
into the core of the case that is killing your preclear.

The only reason feigned disability or suffering worked is because
other's were doing it too and since they now believed their own
symptoms, the child comes to believe his own also.

He can't shake it off because if he does he would have to admit he
was in zombie land, and that vision was too much to bear, so he
pretended the world was normal, but he was sick.

To the suppressive, everything done to you is nothing and
insignificant, and everything done to them is permanent and

When such wars between parent and child get going, which they
always do, the parent's feigned symptoms win over the child's feigned
symptoms, but the child eventually gets the parents back in their later

Auditing addresses these events of suppression and needing to be
sick, injured, disabled, or accident prone in order to better survive
around suppressive significant others.

How sick do you have to be before others will try to make you well?

If you were well, what would the negative consequences be?

How well could you become before others actively sought to
terminate you?

The being lives at that exact level of non survival that is safe,
between the rock of death, and the hard place of other's not wanting
them well, able and out spoken, let alone powerful and fearless in the
face of torture, death and the after life.

It's called the schmoo point, the being is being a schmoo, barely
surviving in life, overly dependent on others, consuming more than they
produce, quiet, not making waves, fearing consequences, and keeping all
the anger, rage, and fury inside them, where of course it turns into
body rot, or some other 'symptom.'

In the absence of good auditing, a being may never find the answer
to these questions or why he did it. In his next life he is still doing
it all over again and lower down on the tone scale in life.

The lesson to learn here is the only way to survive is to stand up
to suppression by being MORE able, not by being less able, even if you
have to kamikaze the fuckers to do it.

Get the idea of being a super nova.

The child has this choice, but he chooses to get sick rather than
kill everyone in sight, including himself, and yes it is a moment of
cowardice and fear of death and the after life.

However once a being has spotted the source of his downfall, he
won't be so wanton about making himself sick again to deal with
suppressive team mates, and he may very well take up kamikaze as a
life's ambition until the murderous rage has had it's out, or he finally
sees a better way.

Notice though that when asked 'How are you doing', the preclear who
says "I want to drown in the blood of my enemies" is way higher tone
than the guy who says "I am doing just fine thank you!"

He does love his suppressive teammates though, so there is some
hope for them once he is free of his fear of them.

But not much :)

Unless they come about, own up and grow up for real.


Wed Mar 2 00:49:55 EST 2011

======================= ========================
Posted: Tue Nov 25 18:36:49 EST 2014
Send mail to saying help
================== ===================
Learning implies Learning with Certainty or Learning without Certainty.
Learning across a Distance implies Learning by Being an Effect.
Learning by Being an Effect implies Learning without Certainty.
Therefore, Learning with Certainty implies Learning but
Not by Being an Effect, and not across a Distance.

Version: GnuPG v1.4.5 (GNU/Linux)

HomerWSmith-L mailing list