Tuesday, November 25, 2014

ADORE42 (fwd)

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I am looking for a solo process that anyone can run without the
help of another.

By solo process I do NOT mean a formal rote procedure which one
runs in formal session with or without a meter, but one which runs 'in
the background' during the living of life.

When life goes 'crunch' through out the day, I want to know what
that crunch is about in the most general sense, and then take that
specific crunch apart so it doesn't happen again.

I believe as tech finders we all seek the one process or one
understanding that we can plant as a seed in a person's mind, and have
it work for them quickly and stunningly, so that they can then
disseminate it to others in the same manner.

The route towards clearing advance has historically been through a
quagmire of god awful complexity to greater and greater simplicities.
Even the great masters are still looking, but in the meanwhile they
continue to offer the complex routes that they have achieved so far.
Any case gain is better than no case gain.

But in the end, for me, finding that simple seed, that each person
can plant alone and which will take him or her all the way out in a
proper gradient with life as the main auditor, is of paramount

Now perhaps I only seek such a solution for myself and others like
myself. I have to admit to the possibility of abandoning the rest of
mankind to the complexities of other schools, if I found such a route
that worked for me and no one else, I would be the first one out of here
never to return, leaving behind me only a posting or two describing how
I did it.

KP would still be screaming 'FIGURE FIGURE, HALLUCINATION, GET A
CLUE IDIOT!' and I would be gone.

But I keep seeing the commonness of my own case with everyone
else's. They get sick a couple of times a year, I am sick all the time,
their noses stuff up once in a while, mine is stuffed all the time etc.
So I figure that once I blow my case wide open, I will have blown the
common case across all of us wide open too. That there might be other
case amongst myself or others that is not touched, I admit, but that
common case across all humans, I expect to be handled with the seed.

In present time I would have to say that seedling consists of two
concepts, need and fear.

Need is the consideration that something is necessary either to
survival or the willingness to be. An immortal being has no needs upon
which his survival depends, but his willingness to be does. If you are
going to willingly live forever, certain things fundamentally need to

Doubt is the component of fear that is self casting, if one doubts
that one is able, one will engage in looking to find out if one is, and
bang one won't be. Looking to know is a trap because one has
prepostulated that maybe one isn't able.

Indecision is the other component, once one doubts, one no longer
is sure what to do, thus one tends to do nothing, and then the need to
do SOMETHING, leads one to do something else. One comes to a fork in
the road, runs into need and fear and doubt, and rather than make a
decision, one builds a house there and offers bed and breakfast to
others who come along.

Eventually it becomes an anti-civilization like we have here on
Earth. A sargasso sea of dead and dying *GODS*, who couldn't figure
out whether to go right or left and couldn't figure out who or what is
cause around here.

One can reach out into an area of life and 'feel' if ones
postulates are going to work there. If one feels an open space and a
smile, then one knows that whatever one commands in that warm spot
will come true in its own time. Other places in life will feel closed
and blocked, one knows that one's postulates won't work there.

One can then start sorting these areas of blockage out, spot the
needs and fears until the next area opens with a smile waiting with
infinite potential for a command to be placed in its jet stream.

A command is not made with force or flourish, one merely hits the
return key on it, and its a done deal unless retracted.

Here is a good process. Sit down at a computer and type
in a command for something you want, followed by the return key.

"We will get more business" <cr>
"We will get more business" <cr>

Do this and notice that it is the hitting of the return key that
makes it work, not the force nor flourish with which you write the
command or hit the return key. That is a command.

It's a long trek from fearless human to God crucified on the
Qualms, but for those ready to make the trek, a little indoctrination
about how it all works, and a little help to focus on the proper
concepts, will start to produce amazing changes.

We don't need to need and we don't need to fear.

Ain't that amazing?

Ain't that a miracle?

Ain't that the undreamed dream come true?

Well to most it is so overwhelming they just want a little auditing
to help them 'adjust' better to their needs and fears. But this is an
auditing overt.

The first step down from OT is to postulate that you need

The second step down from OT is to doubt your ability to get that

Wham you are dead.

Some guy walks in and wants to survive anyway and you are going to
help him with that?

Auditing consists of two things.

Handle the doubt.

Handle the need.

Next time life goes crunch on you, you know, you just can't get up
and go, take a look at need and fear and their inner componenets,
survival, willingness, self casting doubt, indecision, and doing
something else, and I believe you will find the seed of freedom you are
looking for.

Once it starts to work for you, plant it in another and make sure
it grows until they can do the same.

Once you start to win at this game, you will run into needs and
fears you never dreamed of, knock your socks off.

OT straight ahead.


- - ------------------------------------------------------------------------
Homer Wilson Smith Clean Air, Clear Water, Art Matrix - Lightlink
(607) 277-0959 A Green Earth and Peace. Internet Access, Ithaca NY
homer@lightlink.com Is that too much to ask? http://www.lightlink.com

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Mon Nov 24 03:06:01 EST 2014
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Learning implies Learning with Certainty or Learning without Certainty.
Learning across a Distance implies Learning by Being an Effect.
Learning by Being an Effect implies Learning without Certainty.
Therefore, Learning with Certainty implies Learning, but
not by Being an Effect, and not across a Distance.

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Posted: Tue Nov 25 19:10:54 EST 2014
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================== http://www.lightlink.com/theproof ===================
Learning implies Learning with Certainty or Learning without Certainty.
Learning across a Distance implies Learning by Being an Effect.
Learning by Being an Effect implies Learning without Certainty.
Therefore, Learning with Certainty implies Learning but
Not by Being an Effect, and not across a Distance.

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