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We define mortality as living for a while in a time stream, dying
and then never to live again.
We define immortality as living forever in a single time stream,
which is both impossible and undesirable.
We define Eternality as living forever above space and time, and
able to sleep and dream finitely long space time game streams at will
forever for free.
Eternals live forever by definition because there is no space or
time in which for them to change or die. Their incarnation in space and
time is a dream with the scent of illusion.
Mortals are born on death row and spend their lives waiting to die.
but wish they didn't have to.
Immortals are born on hells row, and spend their lives waiting for
the day they wish they could die but still can't.
Mortals want to live forever but can't.
Immortals want to die forever but can't.
Eternals are free to engage in life and death as they see fit.
because they know its only for a while, which then ends, and can be
started anew when they want to.
Eternals like to step into time for a while for the shear thrill of
Time is like a roller coster, the longer you remain on the ride,
the further you get from your starting point.
The further you get from your starting point, the harder it is to
recover it.
The harder it is to recover your starting point, the harder it is
to get back off the roller coaster.
Eternals like to play with their point of no return, it adds to the
The point of no return is the point where they can no longer
recover their starting point for a while.
Never forever, but it can be a very long while.
Remember there is could, would and should. Even if a being COULD
lose himself forever in time, he shouldn't, thus he wouldn't, thus he
Take some responsibility for your condition already.
All of life is an Eternal lost in time for a while.
Eternality is magical, and there is a message to it's beauty.
That message is OKness.
There is no OKness in either death forever or hell forever.
No matter how much the dying or damned will tell you there is.
OKness is what you are jealous of in a dancing girl's eyes, the
beauty of self love, poise, equanimity, immutable dignity and self
And Omni Awesome Peace, if you are into it.
"This song loves itself." - Adore
The fabric of Self IS satisfaction.
"Awareness of awareness as sufficient communication." - LRH
"Breathing is sufficient reason to be." - Adore
This idea that you have to DO something in life to find
satisfaction is the beginning of game playing dangerously close to
roller coasting right past your point of no return and beyond.
A being can tune down the light and clear harmony of his own
fabric, and even negate it entirely until the fabric of self becomes
negative, becomes dissatisfaction.
Then he HAS to do something (in time) in order raise the fabric
back up to satisfaction for a while.
There are levels of this.
We call the resting quality of his self experience his base level
of satisfaction.
Say the being has lowered his base level of satisfaction to minus
3. That means his actual self experience is a continuous
dissatisfaction of 3!
Then he writes a piece of music that results in a satisfaction
level of 5, but that adds into his existing base of minus 3 and thus
only produces a plus 2 level of satisfaction.
But for how long? Satisfaction produced by doing, receeds into the
past as time moves along, and thus becomes, after a while, as if it
didn't happen at all.
That's called resting on your laurels.
That's a sinking raft in a maelstrom.
You can quickly see that doing the myriad normal things in life
that most people enjoy but which only bring in 1 to 2 points of positive
satisfaction would still leave him hungry as even 2 points added into
his base level of minus 3 still leaves him at minus 1!
He runs on hope of better, forever.
People with a positive base level of satisfaction are quite
contented to do the banal things in life because really they don't have
to do anything at all to be happy, except breathe.
But people with a negative base level of satisfaction are always on
the lookout for something to do to make themselves feel positive for a
People who live this way find themselves pushed to do extraordinay
things, many of which are out of their reach, just to not feel lower at
the end of the day.
But now let's say the being lowers his base level satisfaction to
minus 10. He could save the world at +9 and it still wouldn't satisfy
him, he would still feel lower at the end of the day by a point or two.
Such people turn to drugs which create a small worm hole back to
their Eternality that raises their base fabric to positive levels of
satisfaction again for a while. But there is a thud zone afterwards
where things get worse without careful auditing during the high.
When NOTHING a being can do, can create positive moments of
satisfaction, through out a day, every day, he ends up lower and lower
over time and finally will kill himself.
The above mechanism IS why people kill themselves, and is also the
mechanism of hell that hounds the immortals who can't kill themselves.
The solution is NOT to recover the mortals immortality for himself,
as that just raises him back up from death forever to hell forever.
He has already been there, done that, bought the cross of fire.
The solution is to recover his Eternality for him which will
restore his fountainhead of OKness, creating a very high base level of
satisfaction which he can then bring to the world as a resource, rather
than having to hunt for it and consume it incessantly, eventually to
starve to death anyhow as he has been.
Once some measure of Eternality is restored to a being, breathing
becomes sufficient reason to be again.
Witness a warm well fed cat.
Highest aspiration: purring.
It's called Eternal Quiescence.
Let's take another example, say physical pleasure is +10 and
physical pain is -10. If the being has a base line of -9, his highest
pleasures coming home at +1 won't help him much, but boy will the pain
at -19 piss him off.
But if he is running a base line of +20, then his pleasure will
take him up to +30, but his pain will only take him down to +10. EVEN
HIS PAIN IS BEAUTIFUL, just less so than when there is no pain.
Now tell me that ain't a heaven.
A true Eternal has a base satisfaction level so high, he can be
crucified or roasted alive and maintain a postive level through the
event which will be self erasing, no engram left. A mildly less good
day than the rest!
Christ found this out on the Cross, after a moment of doubt.
Since doubt is self casting, doubt will crash you as low
as you can go in an instant.
That's bouncing off the bottom hell.
You will probably have to restore some of a pc's Eternality to him
before he will recover his basic purpose in life.
As long as his base line is negative, and he is trying to attain
lasting satisfaction by doing, he will be running on all kinds of
hysterical false purposes promising high satisfaction to overcome his
negative base line.
He is like someone under water looking for air, not meaningful
peace in life.
Ultimately you want your pc's resting satisfaction to be higher
than any satisfaction derived from doing any possible purpose at all.
That way, the failure of any particular purpose can never drive him
negative, even for a while.
A starting process in this direction might be:
Reword and run to taste, making sure to lock onto and maintain sync
with the alternating flows at all times:
Spot SOME OKness.
Spot NO OKness.
Spot SOME NOT-OKness.
Spot NO NOT-OKness.
E/P: Undauntable positive satisfaction level.
The thought that things are OK is one of the big unthinkables.
Entire universes of forces will array against you to make you wrong
should you give the slightest hint you are smiling inside.
What do you think happened to your telepathy?
Probably thought up a joke while a beloved King was dying, or
Since Eternality binds us all at Source, once people start getting
their Eternality back, their telepathy comes back with it.
Telepathy works best at conveying thoughts of OKness!
This may be why the dead can not talk to the living, the living
reject feelings and thoughts of OKness out of hand.
Remember that NO OKness is the pretended non existence of OKness,
and NO NOT-OKness is the pretended non existence of NOT-OKness.
Your pc will run into the walls of raw doubt, incredibility,
rediculousness, absurdity, preposterousness, implausibility,
impossibility, no permission, and just plain fear, the willies and
They guard the gates of Eternality.
They are the stuff of which NOT OKness is made.
They will not go away on their own through continued other
You simply be with them until they fade as feelings.
Then the analytical garbage that justifies them falls
away as so much nonsense.
======================= http://www.clearing.org ========================
Posted: Mon May 11 13:49:31 EDT 2015
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