Tuesday, July 14, 2015

ADORE214 (fwd)

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Richard Platek \(Lion\) (lion@lightlink.com) wrote:
>What comprehensive understanding do the points you have addressed with me,
>arrive at?

There are two models of the world.

Meatball model:

Matter came first, and out of matter came consciousness.

When matter dies or falls apart, the consciousness within also dies
or falls apart.

Because consciousness is made of matter, it has only the powers of
matter which are limited. That which is made by A can not have much power
over A.

Since consciousness was made by matter and itself made very little
relative to the rest of the universe, the consciousness has vanishingly
small responsibility for its own condition.

The Dreamball Model:

The other theory says matter does not exist except as virtual dream
in consciousness. Consciousness came first, is what is actual, and likes
to virtualize matter in conscious holograms of such, and then believe that
matter came first and created consciousness. Thus the dreamer can dream
it is not a dreamer. That's called unlucid dreaming.

In this model, things that happen to matter do not ultimately affect
the consciousness, which not only survives the death or falling apart of
matter, but existed prior to and had part in matter's creation as virtual

Since the consciousness created the dream and then went to sleep in
the dream, it is able to wake up and take control over the dream again,
and regain sovereighty over its own destiny.

In this model consciousness is responsible for its own condition and
can take back that responsiblility and thus affect its future again in a
way that the meatball could never dream.

>That is what I am not clear about. And what difference does it make?

Not sure what I can say that hasn't been said.

You are either made of consciousness, or you are made of meat.

Either virtual consciousness is a process in actual meat, or virtual
meat is a process in actual consciousness.

If you can't see the difference or use in this knowledge,
then its beyond me.



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Homer Wilson Smith The Paths of Lovers Art Matrix - Lightlink
(607) 277-0959 KC2ITF Cross Internet Access, Ithaca NY
homer@lightlink.com In the Line of Duty http://www.lightlink.com

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Mon Jul 13 03:06:01 EDT 2015
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================== http://www.lightlink.com/theproof ===================
Learning implies Learning with Certainty or Learning without Certainty.
Learning across a Distance implies Learning by Being an Effect.
Learning by Being an Effect implies Learning without Certainty.
Therefore, Learning with Certainty implies Learning, but
not by Being an Effect, and not across a Distance.

Version: GnuPG v1.4.5 (GNU/Linux)


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Posted: Tue Jul 14 14:49:43 EDT 2015
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================== http://www.lightlink.com/theproof ===================
Learning implies Learning with Certainty or Learning without Certainty.
Learning across a Distance implies Learning by Being an Effect.
Learning by Being an Effect implies Learning without Certainty.
Therefore, Learning with Certainty implies Learning but
Not by Being an Effect, and not across a Distance.

Version: GnuPG v1.4.5 (GNU/Linux)

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