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Adore considers that there are 3 levels of action.
1.) Sovereignty
2.) Routine/Dance
3.) Game
It is pretty hard to imagine motion powered by desire, where there
was not some form of Freedom, Barriers and Purposes imposed.
If one could just have something by wanting it (Desire is
Sovereign), then one would simply want something and one would have it.
Start and Finish would be the same moment of time, so no motion or
striving would be necessary.
Thus Freedoms, Barriers, and Purposes impose time between Start and
At the next level down we add in gradients of havingness.
This defines a routine, a set of motions that one must go through
to produce an intended result at the end of the motions.
We still don't have a game, but only a routine or dance, with a
certain outcome, but it is a routine through time, starting with not
having and ending with having, at which point we move to another dance,
presumably taking our accumlated havingness with us to build on.
Games bring in uncertainty of outcome, they also bring in penalties
for losing, including the inability to play any further games, and also
competition, where someone wins by another losing.
Adore says the Basic Purpose is communication of art, this is the
same for all people. Harmony, Dischord and Resolve, are mathematical
absolutes with infinite variations. Adore calls these The Trio.
For example C major will always be a Harmony, and
C Major -> C major diminished seventh -> F Major will always be a
Harmony -> Dischord -> Resolve (another Harmony)
Or you can take a very simple C Minor -> G Minor and leave people
hanging with chills yet awaiting further resolution.
This is something like the 'Beautiful Sorrow' of Hubbard's 8-80.
Adore suggests that the 'purpose' of life is finding those
transitions from Harmony to Dischord to another Harmony again which
produce a resolve. Not all ending harmonies resolve the first two
harmony and dischord segments. So there is a real game here.
But the above pattern of chords can take place in an infinite
number of keys, not just C Major, and there are many other sequences
that are more complex that produce the same end result of Harmony,
Dischord and Resolve.
Sometimes when one is stuck in the dischord, one can not see any
possible resolve, let alone a starting harmony. One needs to see a
bigger picture. Go earlier, go later, go earlier, go later.
Spot NO earlier.
Spot SOME earlier.
Spot NO later.
Spot SOME later.
One very complex example of the above is Tchaikovski's Violin
concerto, the *WHOLE* thing, not some simple 3 chord progression within
it of which there are quite a few that stand on their own. But the
masterpiece is in the whole work, a trio that can be missed if one looks
only at the little melodies that come and go within it.
This same pattern obtains with stories, visual art, and life
Thus within the inviolable mathematical absolutes of beauty and
ugly, namely harmonics, we can have a infinite variety of
No thetan would just produce a dischord and leave it at that.
That is not the Sovereign issue of his desire.
(Issue as in to issue forth).
But he would produce a dischord followed by a resolve, in fact he
will go out of his way forever and ever to create or find these things.
GPMS seem to give a game sequence to allow forward motion when
loosing. If I can't win doing this, I will be and do this other...
This is all predetermined in the GPM. It's like building an arcade
game. That people take them seriously and make heavy charge out of
their losses seems to be a secondary aspect.
It is perhaps the Dischord part of the sequence.
Having a game with out GPMs kind of implies having a game without
rules or regulations or ways out when you loose. I guess you could all
make it up on the spot as you go along, but I have a feeling that these
major games are pretty much precreated in their entirety, designed to
fill a 'while', and as such are not ad libbed while they are being
played, at least not in the big picture.
Adore says that only Eternity can ad lib IN a while, therefore much
of the while is precreated before we jump into it to enjoy it so to
speak, but Eternity is always operating, and there is no reason why a
thetan can not spawn something new from that Eternity into the while he
is occupying.
In this sense, whiles change everytime thetans pass through them,
like a museum where they allow the crowd to change the Mona Lisa. or
rearrange the cave man display.
I also suspect that the really basic GPMs, whether implanted or
not, have to do with the fundamental operating characteristics of a
thetan, which is to know and to be known, to not know and to not be
known, so you will find that these have to do with questions and
answers, learning and teaching, knowing by looking/looking by knowing
and other parts of the very warp and weave of a functioning thetan.
Apparently even the GPM 'To have a game' has become a game, so a
being can finally lose even that game and be 'forever' unable to have
any more games.
You unmock these, and you unmock his existence in a space time
stream. As such these GPMS are not 'aberrations' but are the very
mechanism by which the thetan avails himself of 'persisting existence'.
They are of course aberrations in that they twist logic into
beautiful illogic, and it is those lies that keep the persistence going.
But at that level, the problem is not getting rid of them, but keeping
them around and making more! For they are the true hidden art upon
which the thetan hangs himself as a picture.
It is this hidden art that allows the free being to see the beauty
and humor to the suffering of the not so free being.
The not free being feels he is being laughed AT, but in truth he is
being laughed WITH, as it is *HIS* stunt he is pulling off for the
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Posted: Thu Sep 17 16:06:54 EDT 2015
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