A situation, commonly called a sit, is the furthest departure from
an ideal scene.
A sit is a severe, important, game-of-life ruining, departure from
an ideal scene.
Too many severe 'sits' happening at the same time IS the definition
of a confusion.
Japs coming in at 12 o'olock, Gerries coming in at 6 o'clock,
hydrolics leaking oil, one engine on fire, and your wife nagging you on
the cell about being late for dinner.
The body/thetan composite has a preemptive death mechanism. If the
body is overwhelemingly pushed down tone with impending danger too fast,
it will preemptively die before it is actually killed. Thus knowing
that you are GOING to die can be enough to kill you.
If you have ever faced a tidal wave coming at you, and you know you
can't run fast enough, you know how fast the body can fade away long
before it is even touched.
The body will be dead even before the ocean is done pulling OUT
towards the continental shelf.
That's despair, right below terror, it is must run, can't run.
Such engrams of preemptive death are noted by the absolute
certainty that one WILL die, with the computation "so why bother doing
anything about it or suffering it?"
A self determined death is always better than an other determined
The preemptive death is painless, as it operates from numb on down
so fast there is no time to notice.
In most cases as the body starts to crash down tone through anger
into despair about impending mortal doom, it enters areas of out of
valence engramic solutions (antogonism down through covert hostility)
that it could use, except for zooming down tone past them too fast to
The bottom layer of engramic solutions, near death, are in valent
solutions PRETENDING preemptive death, and designed to gain sympathy on
the part of allies, and disinterest on the part of foes, since one is no
longer a 'danger'.
This won't work on a tidal wave, but it may work on mother.
Since these are a pretense near death, the being survives anyhow
and continues with this solution until well after it is useful any more.
He will feel sick, but is still in a must run, can't run, so is
exhausted all the time.
He will wake up dying because he is sitting down in an engram pool
of every death he, his body and all its entities have ever suffered.
Lots of options there :)
His *CASE* has become a sit, because it covers every unhandled sit
in his life.
When a child is born, its primary tone is 'baby joy', it has an
inherent sense of high self esteem and confidence in its ability to win
the games of life for itself and for others.
It knows there is danger, but that just adds to the thrill, the
baby has no concept of crushing defeat, or ruing the day he was born.
But the baby is also born with a huge number of dependencies, food,
shelter, nuturance, communication, education, touch, interaction with
something more intelligence than it has, etc.
In return it determines to damn well contribute in like kind to
those who are filling those dependencies and looks forward to the game
of doing so.
Mother is the name of God on the lips of babies, and he feels he
has got the best mother ever!
The baby may not be able to do much for mother in its first years,
but wait until mother is 80 years old, then the power of the baby to
serve and protect is a force to contend with.
The mind of the baby and the adult is designed to solve and resolve
That is not a small statement because by problem we mean SIT, and
by SIT we mean a SERIOUS life threatening departure from an ideal scene.
The baby can not do much of anything in the first few years and it
knows this, and so it invests in its dependency lines to make sure it
can grow big enough, skilled enough, and smart enough FAST ENOUGH to
start pulling its own weight.
However if those dependency lines are psychotic, absent, non
functional, or directly opposed to the survival of the baby or to its
concept of what a is sit or isn't, then the baby becomes swamped in
artifical sits, as its own team mates are its own worst enemy.
Mommy, rather than being over joyed to have a new best friend in
the universe who will defend her to the death, becomes terrified and
wishes the baby dead 24x7.
"What am I ever going to do with a baby?"
She may feed the baby but the food will come missing a few
emotional vitamins so to speak, or she may neglect and forget the baby
as non existent as often as possible, so sometimes it doens't get fed,
or she may attack it directly with violence, suffocation, and near death
attempts, including attempted abortions or suicide efforts before it is
even born.
Very early on then, the child may enter an arena where it perceives
so many sits coming at it from all o'clocks that its body one day
suddenly and without warning, starts into a preemptive death dive.
If the baby is lucky it may hold to a sympathy engram just before
death and sway the forces around him.
There is nothing like a sick, coughing, vomiting and wailing baby
to get mother to try to take care of it whether she wants to or not, the
natural mother is called into play. The second the baby gets well
however, the witch bitch comes back and away we go again.
If the baby is not lucky, it will simply die of the preemptive
death dive, and you will find this on the whole track of just about any
case, both as the baby and as the mother doing it to her baby.
Sometimes sons do it to their mothers too later in their life.
Some people have even died in this life time, and been resurrected,
boy are they a bitch to audit, as the ally in the engram is the same
being as the person who tried to kill it.
This involvement in near death engrams in order to survive has
historically been called the service facsimile chain, because it is
using IN VALENCE damage to survive better by getting others to lay off
or cooperate.
Its purpose is to get those dependency lines working properly.
The purpose of the parent is to protect the baby from sits, at
least until it is old enough to deal with sits on its own.
Notice I said protect from the sit, not protected from KNOWING
ABOUT the sit. The child should be allowed to know about all sits and
raiding hoards coming over the hills available to him, so he can spend
his formative years determining which sits on the planet will be his to
handle and become facile in his abilities to do so.
What will you do on the planet today?
Mother's who insist that their child not know anything bad the way
she has chosen to not know and make nothing of everything, will create a
child that considers HER the enemy.
Atomic war has matricide as its base.
And the parent that IS the sit to the baby is protecting it from
nothing and adding to the number of direct sits that the baby is
experiencing and trying to handle AS A BABY, all the while mother is
hoping it won't or can't.
The service fac chain then is used to hold back the confusion of
TOO MANY SITS suddenly going on at one time, each one life threatening,
usually amongst the baby's own team mates, with the perception that
there is no hope to survive it without help.
The mother makes an eggnog for the baby, but before it gets to the
baby, mother throws it at father glass and all.
The HELP as become the sit.
The service fac changes the awarness of NO HELP to NOTHING GOING
And there is no worse hell than when the help are all nuts,
dramatizing or computing psychotics.
The PROBLEM to case gain is that the child has its natural goals to
pursue if it is to feel joy and exuberance in the good fight for
survival against the universe at large.
And those NATURAL SITS that produce joy upon contemplation because
he KNOWS he can do something about them, and he is going to damn well
die trying, be a hero for his mother in otherwords, who will admire him
even in death, get buried in the unnatural sits provided by its crazy
And when mother no longer admires the hero in the little boy,
handling the natural sits becomes NOT WORTHWHILE, you might get killed
or worse? What's the pay back?
The coin of the realm is mother's admiration.
Thus when the child gets older and is able to stand up and start
the fight against the things that are seriously wrong with the world,
and where the being's joy lines really lie, his passsions, skills and
honed talents, he can't even remember what they were, because the basic
compution of the service fac is 'Nothing there', 'Nothing going on',
'Nothing important'.
All his life he feels like he just came home from the dentist
filled with novocain and he can't even remember his own name.
And if he is just still enough, his mother or whatever won't eat
So he forays out into the world to conquer the universe BY BEING
The way to win is to have lost out of the gate.
Run it R3RSC.
Or better yet,
"Get the idea of NO SIT."
"Get the idea of SOME SIT."
You can't run the overts without the motivators, don't even try.
And you can't run the motivators without the overts.
And remember what the baby suffered from a mother in this life is
NOT balanced by what the baby did to a mother, but by what the baby did
AS a mother to its own baby in a past or future life.
11/30/15 Monday 12:01am EST Ithaca, NY
Mon Nov 30 00:02:02 EST 2015
Homer Wilson Smith Clean Air, Clear Water, Art Matrix - Lightlink
(607) 277-0959 A Green Earth, and Peace, Internet, Ithaca NY Is that too much to ask?
HomerWSmith-L mailing list
Monday, November 30, 2015
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For a detailed analysis of the proof that a machine can't be
certain of anything, please see
THE PROOF (Machine Certainty Theorem)
The reason why the function of perfect certainty is so important,
is because a machine can't do it. Since a conscious unit can, that
means a conscious unit is not a machine.
A machine is defined as any system of parts interacting via cause
and effect across a space time distance.
Thus not a machine, means has no parts, has no dimensions, and is
space free and time free. That's called scalar, as opposed to multi
No single part of the machine can be perfectly certain of the
existence or state of any other part in the machine, so the machine as a
whole can't be certain of anything, not even its own existence.
Therefore a conscious unit is not a system of parts interacting via
cause and effect across a space time distance.
That means that consciousness has no space or time.
That makes it scalar and eternal, you see?
Scalar means no dimensions, which means no space or time.
Thus perfect certainty = Eternality.
So this is a very big deal.
The machine certainty theorem simply says a machine can't learn
anything with certainty. ANYTHING.
A machine can't be certain of anything because machines are limited
to learning by being an effect of causes, and effects to not prove
cause. Cause is always a theory to machine.
In fact even the effects in the machine are a theory to the
machine, as no state in the machine offers proof of any different prior
state, and without change in state, there is no learning.
That's because learning IS a change in state, and a machine learns
FROM changes in state in itself.
A machine can't say with certainty that it changed state thus it
can't say it has learned anything with certainty.
Worse a machine can't even be certain of its own existence.
Yes a machine can claim that it exists, which to an observer would
indicate the machine's existence, but so would the machine's claim that
it doesn't exist.
The point is that in order for the machine's CLAIM that it exists
to be valid learning, that claim has to causally arise from an
interaction between the machine and itself, and all such cause effect
interactions do not provide certainty of either cause or effect.
Now a conscious unit can be certain of some things, it's own
existence and what it sees.
This is called self luminousness, because consciousness does not
depend on anything to illuminate it, it lights itself.
Take a look around you, do you see at least two different colors?
You sure?
Would you bet your eternity in hell on it? Yes?
Would you bet everyone else's eternity in hell on it? Yes?
Well that is a perfect certainty, one that can not be wrong.
Only theories and bets can be wrong, perfect certainties have to be
right because you can see that they are right.
So a conscious unit can be perfectly certain it sees two different
colors, say red and green.
A machine can not do this. It might have signals coming into its
central processor that says its sensors are reporting two different
frequencies impinging on it, notice not colors, FREQUENCIES.
Only consciousness can have color, nothing in the physical universe
has color, only frequencies.
The correlation between color and frequency is arbitrary, it could
be any way you wanted it to be.
But the CPU in the machine has no idea if the sensors are working
right or what.
So here comes a whopper of a theorem.
Imagine a machine had 2 or more video cameras and could see into
every part of its circuitry, AND it had a correct and complete copy of
its own circuit diagrams.
Could the machine verify by looking at its self with the all seeing
video cameras and verify that its actual circuitry matched the stored
circuit diagrams?
The answer is no, any part of its circuitry could be wrong,
claiming that a match was obtained between its circuitry and the
diagrams, when in fact it wasn't.
So a machine can not verify its own functionality, using its own
Any machine that learns by being an effect, can't even prove there
is cause, because effect does not imply cause with certainty.
In the physical universe, cause is ALWAYS a theory, a model to help
predict the effects that we receive. Models are neither right nor
wrong, they merely work or they don't.
A change in state here does not imply a cause there, and worse a
STATE here does not imply a prior different state here.
Thus a machine can never be certain of space, or time, or any
object in space or time, including itself or any part of itself.
Whatever a machine reports to be true is the result of the causal
pathways that are built into it, and only if those causal pathways are
working as expected, will the machines' report correspond to truth about
what happened.
However no machine can ever verify any causal pathway by using
other causal pathways. Since ALL a machine can do is use unverified
causal pathways to learn anything, including whether causal pathways are
working as the are expected to be, no machine can be certain of
anything, period.
The reason WHY the machine can't learn with certainty is because it
is learning by looking at effects in itself, using indirect perception
of cause, rather than direct perception of cause.
You can never learn with certainty about A by looking at B.
You can never learn with certainty about cause by looking at
It is silly to even try, but this kind of indirect perception is
ALL the physical universe can do!
The existence of space or time between any two objects that are
effecting each other, precludes either one from directly perceiving the
Ultimately the issue is not space and time, the issue is being two
different objects, if A and B are two different object they are limited
to learning about each other by being an effect of each other, and thus
can not learn with certainty about each other.
Even if they are on the same point of space and time, if they
remain two different objects, they remain limited to indirect perception
of each other and thus no certainty.
Now we DEFINE a conscious unit as an entity that can learn with
certainty about itself and what it sees, red and green say.
Since a conscious unit by definition CAN learn with certainty, we
know that it is not learning by indirect perception, looking at effects
to see cause. Therefore it must be learning by direct perception,
looking at the cause directly.
Thus the conscious colors red and green are the CAUSE of our
certainty that they are two different colors. You can see their cause
if you look for it buried in the red and the greenness.
Since being two different objects precludes direct perception
between them, anything a conscious unit can be certain of, must be
itself, which means no space or time between looker and looked-at, or
see-er and seen.
That means you are what you see.
Now a machine has a problem with this, in that if it runs into an
object that claims to be a conscious unit, the machine can not see that
consciousness directly, and thus itself can never be sure the thing it
ran into is really a conscious unit or just another machine that is
lying to it, and/or to itself.
Lot's of machines like to claim they are conscious units, and lots
of conscious units like to claim they are machines.
So how can you tell?
Well a machine can never tell, and if it says it can, it is a wrong
machine that is either lying and knows it is lying or is lying to itself
too about the matter.
And a conscious unit also can not tell if SOMEONE ELSE is a
conscious unit or a machine, for the same reason, two different objects
can never be certain of each other.
But a conscious unit CAN be certain of itself.
And it has the right to say so, even though both machines and other
conscious units have the right to doubt the claim.
One could ask, if a conscious unit can be certain of itself, why
can't a machine be certain of itself.
That's because a machine is a system of parts, and each part in the
machine can't know if any other part exists. Since the machine as a
whole is a function across many different parts that can't know if the
rest exist, the machine has no certainty of anything.
A function is a process in a system of already existing parts, and
thus if the parts can't be certain of anything, neither can any function
built on those parts.
A clock for example tells time which is a function that arises
from all the parts in the clock working together. The clock couldn't
tell time if none of the parts in side the clock could 'tell time'. But
every part inside the clock is made of electrons and atoms which
inherently have 'timingness' to their nature, and which vibrate and
keep time at the atomic level all the time. All the clock does is
funnel that existing ability to keep or tell time to a macro level where
we can see it.
Thus a machine can never be more than the latent sum of it's parts.
If the parts aren't conscious, neither can anything built out of
those parts.
Thus love and shame can not of force and mass be made.
Since we have DEFINED consciousness as the process of perfect
certainty, either the parts it is made of can be conscious or perfectly
certain themselves, or else the conscious unit is just simply the
smallest fundamental part there is, and has that ability as a given, not
BECAUSE of smaller parts within that have the ability.
Thus consciousness can not be spread out over a space or time.
Because conscious units are not in fact a system of many different
objects separated by space and time, they must be a zero dimensional
scalar object, one object with many facets.
Now it might be conceivable that a zero dimensional object could
measure the multi (3 or more) dimensionality of a machine and thus
declare it correctly to be a machine, but it is not clear that a multi
dimensional machine could measure the existence or nature of a zero
dimensional object, and thus it is quite possible a machine could never
'know' that conscious units exist, unless the machine is told so by a
conscious unit. But the machine would never be able to verify the
Anyhow you should ask yourself a question.
Are you perfectly certain that something exists?
Are you perfectly sure you exist and that you see two different
colors? The out-thereness of the colors is an illusion, you are what
you see.
Is that perfect certainty which you have of your own existence, the
same thing as the false perfect certainty of a wrong machine who really
can't be certain of anything, or are you really and truly a conscious
If you are a conscious unit, you can be perfectly certain you are,
because your perfect certainty of your doubt in the matter IS A PERFECT
Certainty of doubt is the foundation of sanity in this matter.
I KNOW I doubt I am, therefore I KNOW I AM.
A nothing couldn't wonder if it was a something or a nothing.
That's Descartes.
But certainty means zero dimensional which means eternal, so we can
I KNOW I doubt I am, there for I KNOW I AM FOREVER.
Now a wrong robot machine could claim the same things for itself
but it would be wrong.
In general things that evolve in the physical universe, tend to
survive because they are right because the wrong ones die.
That means everything still standing after a 12 billion years of
evolution, are machines, whether biological or not, that tended to be
right more often than wrong. Thus it is very unlikely you would run
into a wrong robot machine, unless someone was making them intentionally
in present time.
So if you run into a machine and ask it if it is a conscious unit
or not, you will probably get a very diplomatic 'Hey I am a machine,
what do I know! So no, I am not a conscious unit.'
That's a right robot that has a good future ahead of it.
Science by the way is the activity of using machines to study
machines. That's why science can't know anything true for certain.
The only thing a scientist can know for sure is what he sees in his
own consciousness as a result of his experiments. In the end all
certain observations are observations of consciousness and its
But having talked to a lot of scientists, I am not so sure some of
them have a consciousness.
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
Homer Wilson Smith The Paths of Lovers Art Matrix - Lightlink
(607) 277-0959 KC2ITF Cross Internet Access, Ithaca NY In the Line of Duty
Tue Feb 2 01:29:01 EST 2010
================ ====================
Mon Nov 30 12:06:01 EST 2015
Send mail to saying help in body
=========== ===============
Learning implies Learning with Certainty or Learning without Certainty.
Learning across a Distance implies Learning by Being an Effect.
Learning by Being an Effect implies Learning without Certainty.
Therefore, Learning with Certainty implies Learning,
but not by Being an Effect, and not across a Distance.
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HomerWSmith-L mailing list
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For a detailed analysis of the proof that a machine can't be
certain of anything, please see
THE PROOF (Machine Certainty Theorem)
The reason why the function of perfect certainty is so important,
is because a machine can't do it. Since a conscious unit can, that
means a conscious unit is not a machine.
A machine is defined as any system of parts interacting via cause
and effect across a space time distance.
Thus not a machine, means has no parts, has no dimensions, and is
space free and time free. That's called scalar, as opposed to multi
No single part of the machine can be perfectly certain of the
existence or state of any other part in the machine, so the machine as a
whole can't be certain of anything, not even its own existence.
Therefore a conscious unit is not a system of parts interacting via
cause and effect across a space time distance.
That means that consciousness has no space or time.
That makes it scalar and eternal, you see?
Scalar means no dimensions, which means no space or time.
Thus perfect certainty = Eternality.
So this is a very big deal.
The machine certainty theorem simply says a machine can't learn
anything with certainty. ANYTHING.
A machine can't be certain of anything because machines are limited
to learning by being an effect of causes, and effects to not prove
cause. Cause is always a theory to machine.
In fact even the effects in the machine are a theory to the
machine, as no state in the machine offers proof of any different prior
state, and without change in state, there is no learning.
That's because learning IS a change in state, and a machine learns
FROM changes in state in itself.
A machine can't say with certainty that it changed state thus it
can't say it has learned anything with certainty.
Worse a machine can't even be certain of its own existence.
Yes a machine can claim that it exists, which to an observer would
indicate the machine's existence, but so would the machine's claim that
it doesn't exist.
The point is that in order for the machine's CLAIM that it exists
to be valid learning, that claim has to causally arise from an
interaction between the machine and itself, and all such cause effect
interactions do not provide certainty of either cause or effect.
Now a conscious unit can be certain of some things, it's own
existence and what it sees.
This is called self luminousness, because consciousness does not
depend on anything to illuminate it, it lights itself.
Take a look around you, do you see at least two different colors?
You sure?
Would you bet your eternity in hell on it? Yes?
Would you bet everyone else's eternity in hell on it? Yes?
Well that is a perfect certainty, one that can not be wrong.
Only theories and bets can be wrong, perfect certainties have to be
right because you can see that they are right.
So a conscious unit can be perfectly certain it sees two different
colors, say red and green.
A machine can not do this. It might have signals coming into its
central processor that says its sensors are reporting two different
frequencies impinging on it, notice not colors, FREQUENCIES.
Only consciousness can have color, nothing in the physical universe
has color, only frequencies.
The correlation between color and frequency is arbitrary, it could
be any way you wanted it to be.
But the CPU in the machine has no idea if the sensors are working
right or what.
So here comes a whopper of a theorem.
Imagine a machine had 2 or more video cameras and could see into
every part of its circuitry, AND it had a correct and complete copy of
its own circuit diagrams.
Could the machine verify by looking at its self with the all seeing
video cameras and verify that its actual circuitry matched the stored
circuit diagrams?
The answer is no, any part of its circuitry could be wrong,
claiming that a match was obtained between its circuitry and the
diagrams, when in fact it wasn't.
So a machine can not verify its own functionality, using its own
Any machine that learns by being an effect, can't even prove there
is cause, because effect does not imply cause with certainty.
In the physical universe, cause is ALWAYS a theory, a model to help
predict the effects that we receive. Models are neither right nor
wrong, they merely work or they don't.
A change in state here does not imply a cause there, and worse a
STATE here does not imply a prior different state here.
Thus a machine can never be certain of space, or time, or any
object in space or time, including itself or any part of itself.
Whatever a machine reports to be true is the result of the causal
pathways that are built into it, and only if those causal pathways are
working as expected, will the machines' report correspond to truth about
what happened.
However no machine can ever verify any causal pathway by using
other causal pathways. Since ALL a machine can do is use unverified
causal pathways to learn anything, including whether causal pathways are
working as the are expected to be, no machine can be certain of
anything, period.
The reason WHY the machine can't learn with certainty is because it
is learning by looking at effects in itself, using indirect perception
of cause, rather than direct perception of cause.
You can never learn with certainty about A by looking at B.
You can never learn with certainty about cause by looking at
It is silly to even try, but this kind of indirect perception is
ALL the physical universe can do!
The existence of space or time between any two objects that are
effecting each other, precludes either one from directly perceiving the
Ultimately the issue is not space and time, the issue is being two
different objects, if A and B are two different object they are limited
to learning about each other by being an effect of each other, and thus
can not learn with certainty about each other.
Even if they are on the same point of space and time, if they
remain two different objects, they remain limited to indirect perception
of each other and thus no certainty.
Now we DEFINE a conscious unit as an entity that can learn with
certainty about itself and what it sees, red and green say.
Since a conscious unit by definition CAN learn with certainty, we
know that it is not learning by indirect perception, looking at effects
to see cause. Therefore it must be learning by direct perception,
looking at the cause directly.
Thus the conscious colors red and green are the CAUSE of our
certainty that they are two different colors. You can see their cause
if you look for it buried in the red and the greenness.
Since being two different objects precludes direct perception
between them, anything a conscious unit can be certain of, must be
itself, which means no space or time between looker and looked-at, or
see-er and seen.
That means you are what you see.
Now a machine has a problem with this, in that if it runs into an
object that claims to be a conscious unit, the machine can not see that
consciousness directly, and thus itself can never be sure the thing it
ran into is really a conscious unit or just another machine that is
lying to it, and/or to itself.
Lot's of machines like to claim they are conscious units, and lots
of conscious units like to claim they are machines.
So how can you tell?
Well a machine can never tell, and if it says it can, it is a wrong
machine that is either lying and knows it is lying or is lying to itself
too about the matter.
And a conscious unit also can not tell if SOMEONE ELSE is a
conscious unit or a machine, for the same reason, two different objects
can never be certain of each other.
But a conscious unit CAN be certain of itself.
And it has the right to say so, even though both machines and other
conscious units have the right to doubt the claim.
One could ask, if a conscious unit can be certain of itself, why
can't a machine be certain of itself.
That's because a machine is a system of parts, and each part in the
machine can't know if any other part exists. Since the machine as a
whole is a function across many different parts that can't know if the
rest exist, the machine has no certainty of anything.
A function is a process in a system of already existing parts, and
thus if the parts can't be certain of anything, neither can any function
built on those parts.
A clock for example tells time which is a function that arises
from all the parts in the clock working together. The clock couldn't
tell time if none of the parts in side the clock could 'tell time'. But
every part inside the clock is made of electrons and atoms which
inherently have 'timingness' to their nature, and which vibrate and
keep time at the atomic level all the time. All the clock does is
funnel that existing ability to keep or tell time to a macro level where
we can see it.
Thus a machine can never be more than the latent sum of it's parts.
If the parts aren't conscious, neither can anything built out of
those parts.
Thus love and shame can not of force and mass be made.
Since we have DEFINED consciousness as the process of perfect
certainty, either the parts it is made of can be conscious or perfectly
certain themselves, or else the conscious unit is just simply the
smallest fundamental part there is, and has that ability as a given, not
BECAUSE of smaller parts within that have the ability.
Thus consciousness can not be spread out over a space or time.
Because conscious units are not in fact a system of many different
objects separated by space and time, they must be a zero dimensional
scalar object, one object with many facets.
Now it might be conceivable that a zero dimensional object could
measure the multi (3 or more) dimensionality of a machine and thus
declare it correctly to be a machine, but it is not clear that a multi
dimensional machine could measure the existence or nature of a zero
dimensional object, and thus it is quite possible a machine could never
'know' that conscious units exist, unless the machine is told so by a
conscious unit. But the machine would never be able to verify the
Anyhow you should ask yourself a question.
Are you perfectly certain that something exists?
Are you perfectly sure you exist and that you see two different
colors? The out-thereness of the colors is an illusion, you are what
you see.
Is that perfect certainty which you have of your own existence, the
same thing as the false perfect certainty of a wrong machine who really
can't be certain of anything, or are you really and truly a conscious
If you are a conscious unit, you can be perfectly certain you are,
because your perfect certainty of your doubt in the matter IS A PERFECT
Certainty of doubt is the foundation of sanity in this matter.
I KNOW I doubt I am, therefore I KNOW I AM.
A nothing couldn't wonder if it was a something or a nothing.
That's Descartes.
But certainty means zero dimensional which means eternal, so we can
I KNOW I doubt I am, there for I KNOW I AM FOREVER.
Now a wrong robot machine could claim the same things for itself
but it would be wrong.
In general things that evolve in the physical universe, tend to
survive because they are right because the wrong ones die.
That means everything still standing after a 12 billion years of
evolution, are machines, whether biological or not, that tended to be
right more often than wrong. Thus it is very unlikely you would run
into a wrong robot machine, unless someone was making them intentionally
in present time.
So if you run into a machine and ask it if it is a conscious unit
or not, you will probably get a very diplomatic 'Hey I am a machine,
what do I know! So no, I am not a conscious unit.'
That's a right robot that has a good future ahead of it.
Science by the way is the activity of using machines to study
machines. That's why science can't know anything true for certain.
The only thing a scientist can know for sure is what he sees in his
own consciousness as a result of his experiments. In the end all
certain observations are observations of consciousness and its
But having talked to a lot of scientists, I am not so sure some of
them have a consciousness.
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
Homer Wilson Smith The Paths of Lovers Art Matrix - Lightlink
(607) 277-0959 KC2ITF Cross Internet Access, Ithaca NY In the Line of Duty
Tue Feb 2 01:29:01 EST 2010
================ ====================
Mon Nov 30 12:06:01 EST 2015
Send mail to saying help in body
=========== ===============
Learning implies Learning with Certainty or Learning without Certainty.
Learning across a Distance implies Learning by Being an Effect.
Learning by Being an Effect implies Learning without Certainty.
Therefore, Learning with Certainty implies Learning,
but not by Being an Effect, and not across a Distance.
Version: GnuPG v1.4.5 (GNU/Linux)
HomerWSmith-L mailing list
A sit is a severe, important, game of life ruining departure from
an ideal scene,
Too many severe 'sits' happening at the same time IS the definition
of a confusion.
The body/thetan composite has a preemptive death mechanism. If the
body is overwhelemingly pushed down tone with impending danger too fast,
it will preemptively die before it is actually dead. Thus knowing that
you are GOING to die can be enough to kill you.
If you have ever faced a tidal wave coming at you, and you know you
can't run fast enough, you know how fast the body can fade away long
before it is even touched.
The body will be dead even before the ocean is done pulling OUT
towards the continental shelf.
That's despair, right below terror, it is must run. can't run.
Such engrams of preemptive death are noted by the absolute
certainty that one WILL die, with the compuation so why bother doing
anything about it or suffering it?
A self determined death is always better than an other determined
The preemptive death is painless, as it operates from numb on down
so fast there is no time to notice.
In most cases as the body starts to crash down tone through anger
into despair about impending mortal doom, it enters areas of out of
valence engramic solutions (antogonism -> covert hostiliy) that it could
use, but for zooming down tone past them too fast to implement.
The bottom layer of engramic solutions, near death, are in valent
solutions PRETENDING preemptive death, and designed to gain sympathy on
the part of allies, and disinterest on the part of foes, since one is no
longer a 'danger'.
This won't work on a tidal wave, but it may work on mother.
Since these are a pretense near death, the being survives anyhow
and continues with this solution until well after it is useful any more.
He will feel sick, but is still in a must run, can't run, so is
exhausted all the time.
When a child is born, its primary tone is 'baby joy', it has an
inherent sense of high self esteem and confidence in its ability to win
the games of life for itself and for others.
It knows there is danger, but that just adds to the thrill, the
baby has no concept of crushing defeat. or ruing the day he was born.
But the baby is also born with a huge number of dependencies, food,
shelter, nuturance, communication, education, touch, interaction etc.
In return it determines to damn well contribute in like kind to
those who are filling those dependencies and looks forward to the game
of going so.
Mother is the name of God on the lips of babies, and he feels he
has got the best mother ever!
The baby may not be able to do much for mother in its first years,
but wait until mother is 80 years old, then the power of the baby to
serve and protect is a force to contend with.
The mind of the baby and the adult is designed to solve and resolve
That is not a small statement because by problem we mean SIT, and
by SIT we mean a SERIOUS life threatening departure from an ideal scene.
The baby can not do much of anything in the first few years and it
knows this, and so it invests in its dependency lines to make sure it
can grow big enough, skilled enough and smart enough FAST ENOUGH to
start pulling its own weight.
However if those dependency lines are psychotic, absent, non
functional, or directly opposed to the survival of the baby or to its
concept of what a sit is or isn't, then the baby becomes swamped in
artifical sits, as its own team mates are its own worst enemy.
Mommy for example rather than being over joyed to have a new best
friend in the universe who will defend her to the death, becomes
terrified and wishes the baby dead 24x7.
"What am I ever going to do with a baby?"
She may feed the baby but the food will come missing a few
emotional vitamins so to speak, or she may neglect and forget the baby
as non existent as much as possible, so sometimes it doens't get fed, or
she may attack it directly with violence, suffocation, and near death
attempts, including attempted abortions or suicide efforts before it is
even born.
Very early on then, the child may enter an arena where it perceives
so many sits coming at it from all o'clocks that its body one day
suddeny and without warning, starts into a preemptive death dive.
If the baby is lucky it may hold to a sympathy engram just before
death and sway the forces around him.
There is nothing like a sick, coughing, vomiting and crying baby to
get mother to try to take care of it whether she wants to or not, the
natural mother is called into play. The second the baby gets well
however, the psycho mother comes back and away we go again.
If the baby is not lucky, it will simply die of the preemptive
death dive, and you will find this on the whole track of just about any
case, both as the baby and as the mother doing it to her baby.
Sometimes sons do it to their mothers too later in their life.
Some people have even died in this life time, and been ressurected,
boy are they a bitch to audit, as the ally in the engram is the same
being as the person who tried to kill it.
This involvement in near death engrams in order to survive has
historically been called the service facsimile chain, because it is
using IN VALENCE damage to survive better by getting others to lay off
or cooperate.
Its purpose is to get those dependency lines working properly.
The purpose of the parent to protect the baby from sits, at least
until it is old enough to deal with sits on its own.
Notice I said protect from the sit, not protected from KNOWING
ABOUT the sit. The child should be allowed to know about all sits and
raiding hoards coming over the hills available to him, so he can spend
his formative years determining which sits will be his to handle and
become facile in his abilities to do so.
Mother's who insist that their child not know anything bad the way
she has chosen to not know and make nothing of everything, will create a
child that considers HER the enemy.
Atomic war has matricide as its base.
And the parent that IS the sit to the baby is protecting it from
nothing and adding to the number of direct sits that the baby is
experiencing and trying to handle AS A BABY, all the while mother is
hoping it won't or can't.
The service fac chain then is used to hold back the confusion of
TOO MANY SITS suddenly going on at one time, each one life threatening,
usually amongst the baby's own team mates, with the perception that
there is no hope to survive it without help.
The HELP as become the sit.
The service face changes the awarness of NO HELP to NOTHING GOING
And there is no worse hell than when the help are all nuts,
dramatizing or computing psychotics.
The PROBLEM to case gain is that the child has its natural goals to
pursue if it is to feel joy and exuberance in the good fight for
survival against the universe at large, and those NATURAL SITS that
produce joy upon contemplation because he KNOWS he can do something
about them, and he is going to damn well die trying, be a hero for his
mother in otherwords, who will admire him even in death, get buried in
the unnatural sits provided by its crazy help.
And when mother no longer admires the hero in the little boy
handling the natural sits becomes NOT WORTHWHILE, you might get killed
or worse? What's the pay back?
Thus when the child gets older and is able to stand up and start
the fight against the things that are seriously wrong with the world,
and where the being's joy lines really lay, his passsion, skills and
hone talents, he can't even remember what they were, because the basic
compution of the service fac is 'Nothing there', 'Nothing going on',
'Nothing important'.
All his life he feels like he just came home from the dentist
filled with novocain and he can't even remember his own name.
And iff he is just still enough, his mother or whatever won't eat
So he forays out into the world to conquer the universe BY BEING
The way to win is to have lost out of the gate.
Run it R3RSC.
Or better yet,
"Get the idea of NO SIT."
"Get the idea of SOME SIT."
You can't run the overts without the motivators, don't even try.
And you can't run the motivators without the overts.
And remember what the baby suffered from a mother in this life is
NOT balanced by what the baby did to a mother, but by what the baby did
AS a mother to its own baby in a past or future life.
11/30/15 Monday 12:01am EST Ithaca, NY
HomerWSmith-L mailing list
A sit is a severe, important, game of life ruining departure from
an ideal scene,
Too many severe 'sits' happening at the same time IS the definition
of a confusion.
The body/thetan composite has a preemptive death mechanism. If the
body is overwhelemingly pushed down tone with impending danger too fast,
it will preemptively die before it is actually dead. Thus knowing that
you are GOING to die can be enough to kill you.
If you have ever faced a tidal wave coming at you, and you know you
can't run fast enough, you know how fast the body can fade away long
before it is even touched.
The body will be dead even before the ocean is done pulling OUT
towards the continental shelf.
That's despair, right below terror, it is must run. can't run.
Such engrams of preemptive death are noted by the absolute
certainty that one WILL die, with the compuation so why bother doing
anything about it or suffering it?
A self determined death is always better than an other determined
The preemptive death is painless, as it operates from numb on down
so fast there is no time to notice.
In most cases as the body starts to crash down tone through anger
into despair about impending mortal doom, it enters areas of out of
valence engramic solutions (antogonism -> covert hostiliy) that it could
use, but for zooming down tone past them too fast to implement.
The bottom layer of engramic solutions, near death, are in valent
solutions PRETENDING preemptive death, and designed to gain sympathy on
the part of allies, and disinterest on the part of foes, since one is no
longer a 'danger'.
This won't work on a tidal wave, but it may work on mother.
Since these are a pretense near death, the being survives anyhow
and continues with this solution until well after it is useful any more.
He will feel sick, but is still in a must run, can't run, so is
exhausted all the time.
When a child is born, its primary tone is 'baby joy', it has an
inherent sense of high self esteem and confidence in its ability to win
the games of life for itself and for others.
It knows there is danger, but that just adds to the thrill, the
baby has no concept of crushing defeat. or ruing the day he was born.
But the baby is also born with a huge number of dependencies, food,
shelter, nuturance, communication, education, touch, interaction etc.
In return it determines to damn well contribute in like kind to
those who are filling those dependencies and looks forward to the game
of going so.
Mother is the name of God on the lips of babies, and he feels he
has got the best mother ever!
The baby may not be able to do much for mother in its first years,
but wait until mother is 80 years old, then the power of the baby to
serve and protect is a force to contend with.
The mind of the baby and the adult is designed to solve and resolve
That is not a small statement because by problem we mean SIT, and
by SIT we mean a SERIOUS life threatening departure from an ideal scene.
The baby can not do much of anything in the first few years and it
knows this, and so it invests in its dependency lines to make sure it
can grow big enough, skilled enough and smart enough FAST ENOUGH to
start pulling its own weight.
However if those dependency lines are psychotic, absent, non
functional, or directly opposed to the survival of the baby or to its
concept of what a sit is or isn't, then the baby becomes swamped in
artifical sits, as its own team mates are its own worst enemy.
Mommy for example rather than being over joyed to have a new best
friend in the universe who will defend her to the death, becomes
terrified and wishes the baby dead 24x7.
"What am I ever going to do with a baby?"
She may feed the baby but the food will come missing a few
emotional vitamins so to speak, or she may neglect and forget the baby
as non existent as much as possible, so sometimes it doens't get fed, or
she may attack it directly with violence, suffocation, and near death
attempts, including attempted abortions or suicide efforts before it is
even born.
Very early on then, the child may enter an arena where it perceives
so many sits coming at it from all o'clocks that its body one day
suddeny and without warning, starts into a preemptive death dive.
If the baby is lucky it may hold to a sympathy engram just before
death and sway the forces around him.
There is nothing like a sick, coughing, vomiting and crying baby to
get mother to try to take care of it whether she wants to or not, the
natural mother is called into play. The second the baby gets well
however, the psycho mother comes back and away we go again.
If the baby is not lucky, it will simply die of the preemptive
death dive, and you will find this on the whole track of just about any
case, both as the baby and as the mother doing it to her baby.
Sometimes sons do it to their mothers too later in their life.
Some people have even died in this life time, and been ressurected,
boy are they a bitch to audit, as the ally in the engram is the same
being as the person who tried to kill it.
This involvement in near death engrams in order to survive has
historically been called the service facsimile chain, because it is
using IN VALENCE damage to survive better by getting others to lay off
or cooperate.
Its purpose is to get those dependency lines working properly.
The purpose of the parent to protect the baby from sits, at least
until it is old enough to deal with sits on its own.
Notice I said protect from the sit, not protected from KNOWING
ABOUT the sit. The child should be allowed to know about all sits and
raiding hoards coming over the hills available to him, so he can spend
his formative years determining which sits will be his to handle and
become facile in his abilities to do so.
Mother's who insist that their child not know anything bad the way
she has chosen to not know and make nothing of everything, will create a
child that considers HER the enemy.
Atomic war has matricide as its base.
And the parent that IS the sit to the baby is protecting it from
nothing and adding to the number of direct sits that the baby is
experiencing and trying to handle AS A BABY, all the while mother is
hoping it won't or can't.
The service fac chain then is used to hold back the confusion of
TOO MANY SITS suddenly going on at one time, each one life threatening,
usually amongst the baby's own team mates, with the perception that
there is no hope to survive it without help.
The HELP as become the sit.
The service face changes the awarness of NO HELP to NOTHING GOING
And there is no worse hell than when the help are all nuts,
dramatizing or computing psychotics.
The PROBLEM to case gain is that the child has its natural goals to
pursue if it is to feel joy and exuberance in the good fight for
survival against the universe at large, and those NATURAL SITS that
produce joy upon contemplation because he KNOWS he can do something
about them, and he is going to damn well die trying, be a hero for his
mother in otherwords, who will admire him even in death, get buried in
the unnatural sits provided by its crazy help.
And when mother no longer admires the hero in the little boy
handling the natural sits becomes NOT WORTHWHILE, you might get killed
or worse? What's the pay back?
Thus when the child gets older and is able to stand up and start
the fight against the things that are seriously wrong with the world,
and where the being's joy lines really lay, his passsion, skills and
hone talents, he can't even remember what they were, because the basic
compution of the service fac is 'Nothing there', 'Nothing going on',
'Nothing important'.
All his life he feels like he just came home from the dentist
filled with novocain and he can't even remember his own name.
And iff he is just still enough, his mother or whatever won't eat
So he forays out into the world to conquer the universe BY BEING
The way to win is to have lost out of the gate.
Run it R3RSC.
Or better yet,
"Get the idea of NO SIT."
"Get the idea of SOME SIT."
You can't run the overts without the motivators, don't even try.
And you can't run the motivators without the overts.
And remember what the baby suffered from a mother in this life is
NOT balanced by what the baby did to a mother, but by what the baby did
AS a mother to its own baby in a past or future life.
11/30/15 Monday 12:01am EST Ithaca, NY
HomerWSmith-L mailing list
Hash: SHA1
A sit is a severe, important, game of life ruining departure from
an ideal scene,
Too many severe 'sits' happening at the same time IS the definition
of a confusion.
The body/thetan composite has a preemptive death mechanism. If the
body is overwhelemingly pushed down tone with impending danger too fast,
it will preemptively die before it is actually dead. Thus knowing that
you are GOING to die can be enough to kill you.
If you have ever faced a tidal wave coming at you, and you know you
can't run fast enough, you know how fast the body can fade away long
before it is even touched.
The body will be dead even before the ocean is done pulling OUT
towards the continental shelf.
That's despair, right below terror, it is must run. can't run.
Such engrams of preemptive death are noted by the absolute
certainty that one WILL die, with the compuation so why bother doing
anything about it or suffering it?
A self determined death is always better than an other determined
The preemptive death is painless, as it operates from numb on down
so fast there is no time to notice.
In most cases as the body starts to crash down tone through anger
into despair about impending mortal doom, it enters areas of out of
valence engramic solutions (antogonism -> covert hostiliy) that it could
use, but for zooming down tone past them too fast to implement.
The bottom layer of engramic solutions, near death, are in valent
solutions PRETENDING preemptive death, and designed to gain sympathy on
the part of allies, and disinterest on the part of foes, since one is no
longer a 'danger'.
This won't work on a tidal wave, but it may work on mother.
Since these are a pretense near death, the being survives anyhow
and continues with this solution until well after it is useful any more.
He will feel sick, but is still in a must run, can't run, so is
exhausted all the time.
When a child is born, its primary tone is 'baby joy', it has an
inherent sense of high self esteem and confidence in its ability to win
the games of life for itself and for others.
It knows there is danger, but that just adds to the thrill, the
baby has no concept of crushing defeat. or ruing the day he was born.
But the baby is also born with a huge number of dependencies, food,
shelter, nuturance, communication, education, touch, interaction etc.
In return it determines to damn well contribute in like kind to
those who are filling those dependencies and looks forward to the game
of going so.
Mother is the name of God on the lips of babies, and he feels he
has got the best mother ever!
The baby may not be able to do much for mother in its first years,
but wait until mother is 80 years old, then the power of the baby to
serve and protect is a force to contend with.
The mind of the baby and the adult is designed to solve and resolve
That is not a small statement because by problem we mean SIT, and
by SIT we mean a SERIOUS life threatening departure from an ideal scene.
The baby can not do much of anything in the first few years and it
knows this, and so it invests in its dependency lines to make sure it
can grow big enough, skilled enough and smart enough FAST ENOUGH to
start pulling its own weight.
However if those dependency lines are psychotic, absent, non
functional, or directly opposed to the survival of the baby or to its
concept of what a sit is or isn't, then the baby becomes swamped in
artifical sits, as its own team mates are its own worst enemy.
Mommy for example rather than being over joyed to have a new best
friend in the universe who will defend her to the death, becomes
terrified and wishes the baby dead 24x7.
"What am I ever going to do with a baby?"
She may feed the baby but the food will come missing a few
emotional vitamins so to speak, or she may neglect and forget the baby
as non existent as much as possible, so sometimes it doens't get fed, or
she may attack it directly with violence, suffocation, and near death
attempts, including attempted abortions or suicide efforts before it is
even born.
Very early on then, the child may enter an arena where it perceives
so many sits coming at it from all o'clocks that its body one day
suddeny and without warning, starts into a preemptive death dive.
If the baby is lucky it may hold to a sympathy engram just before
death and sway the forces around him.
There is nothing like a sick, coughing, vomiting and crying baby to
get mother to try to take care of it whether she wants to or not, the
natural mother is called into play. The second the baby gets well
however, the psycho mother comes back and away we go again.
If the baby is not lucky, it will simply die of the preemptive
death dive, and you will find this on the whole track of just about any
case, both as the baby and as the mother doing it to her baby.
Sometimes sons do it to their mothers too later in their life.
Some people have even died in this life time, and been ressurected,
boy are they a bitch to audit, as the ally in the engram is the same
being as the person who tried to kill it.
This involvement in near death engrams in order to survive has
historically been called the service facsimile chain, because it is
using IN VALENCE damage to survive better by getting others to lay off
or cooperate.
Its purpose is to get those dependency lines working properly.
The purpose of the parent to protect the baby from sits, at least
until it is old enough to deal with sits on its own.
But the parent that IS the sit to the baby is protecting it from
nothing and adding to the number of direct sits that the baby is
experiencing and trying to handle, all the while mother is hoping it
won't or can't.
The service fac chain then is used hold back the confusion of TOO
MANY SITS suddenly going on at one time, each one life threatening,
usually amongst its own team mates, with the perception that there is no
hope to survive it without help.
The service face changes the awarness of NO HELP to NOTHING GOING
And there is no worse hell than when the help are all nuts,
dramatizing or computing psychotics.
The PROBLEM to case gain is that the child has its natural goals to
pursue if it is to feel joy and exuberance in the good fight for
survival against the universe at large, and those NATURAL SITS that
produce joy upon contemplation because he KNOWS he can do something
about them, and he is going to damn well die trying, be a hero for his
mother in otherwords, who will admire him even in death, get buried in
the unnatural sits provided by its crazy help.
And when mother no longer admires the hero in the little boy
handling the natural sits becomes NOT WORTHWHILE, you might get killed
or worse? What's the pay back?
Thus when the child gets older and is able to stand up and start
the fight against the things that are seriously wrong with the world,
and where the being's joy lines really lay, his passsion, skills and
hone talents, he can't even remember what they were, because the basic
compution of the service fac is 'Nothing there', 'Nothing going on',
'Nothing important'.
All his life he feels like he just came home from the dentist
filled with novocain and he can't even remember his own name.
And iff he is just still enough, his mother or whatever won't eat
So he forays out into the world to conquer the universe BY BEING
The way to win is to have lost out of the gate.
Run it R3RSC.
Or better yet,
"Get the idea of NO SIT."
"Get the idea of SOME SIT."
You can't run the overts without the motivators, don't even try.
And you can't run the motivators without the overts.
And remember what the baby suffered from a mother in this life is
NOT balanced by what the baby did to a mother, but by what the baby did
AS a mother to its own baby in a past or future life.
11/30/15 Monday 12:01am EST Ithaca, NY
======================= ========================
Posted: Mon Nov 30 00:02:02 EST 2015
Send mail to saying help
================== ===================
Learning implies Learning with Certainty or Learning without Certainty.
Learning across a Distance implies Learning by Being an Effect.
Learning by Being an Effect implies Learning without Certainty.
Therefore, Learning with Certainty implies Learning but
Not by Being an Effect, and not across a Distance.
Version: GnuPG v1.4.5 (GNU/Linux)
HomerWSmith-L mailing list
Hash: SHA1
A sit is a severe, important, game of life ruining departure from
an ideal scene,
Too many severe 'sits' happening at the same time IS the definition
of a confusion.
The body/thetan composite has a preemptive death mechanism. If the
body is overwhelemingly pushed down tone with impending danger too fast,
it will preemptively die before it is actually dead. Thus knowing that
you are GOING to die can be enough to kill you.
If you have ever faced a tidal wave coming at you, and you know you
can't run fast enough, you know how fast the body can fade away long
before it is even touched.
The body will be dead even before the ocean is done pulling OUT
towards the continental shelf.
That's despair, right below terror, it is must run. can't run.
Such engrams of preemptive death are noted by the absolute
certainty that one WILL die, with the compuation so why bother doing
anything about it or suffering it?
A self determined death is always better than an other determined
The preemptive death is painless, as it operates from numb on down
so fast there is no time to notice.
In most cases as the body starts to crash down tone through anger
into despair about impending mortal doom, it enters areas of out of
valence engramic solutions (antogonism -> covert hostiliy) that it could
use, but for zooming down tone past them too fast to implement.
The bottom layer of engramic solutions, near death, are in valent
solutions PRETENDING preemptive death, and designed to gain sympathy on
the part of allies, and disinterest on the part of foes, since one is no
longer a 'danger'.
This won't work on a tidal wave, but it may work on mother.
Since these are a pretense near death, the being survives anyhow
and continues with this solution until well after it is useful any more.
He will feel sick, but is still in a must run, can't run, so is
exhausted all the time.
When a child is born, its primary tone is 'baby joy', it has an
inherent sense of high self esteem and confidence in its ability to win
the games of life for itself and for others.
It knows there is danger, but that just adds to the thrill, the
baby has no concept of crushing defeat. or ruing the day he was born.
But the baby is also born with a huge number of dependencies, food,
shelter, nuturance, communication, education, touch, interaction etc.
In return it determines to damn well contribute in like kind to
those who are filling those dependencies and looks forward to the game
of going so.
Mother is the name of God on the lips of babies, and he feels he
has got the best mother ever!
The baby may not be able to do much for mother in its first years,
but wait until mother is 80 years old, then the power of the baby to
serve and protect is a force to contend with.
The mind of the baby and the adult is designed to solve and resolve
That is not a small statement because by problem we mean SIT, and
by SIT we mean a SERIOUS life threatening departure from an ideal scene.
The baby can not do much of anything in the first few years and it
knows this, and so it invests in its dependency lines to make sure it
can grow big enough, skilled enough and smart enough FAST ENOUGH to
start pulling its own weight.
However if those dependency lines are psychotic, absent, non
functional, or directly opposed to the survival of the baby or to its
concept of what a sit is or isn't, then the baby becomes swamped in
artifical sits, as its own team mates are its own worst enemy.
Mommy for example rather than being over joyed to have a new best
friend in the universe who will defend her to the death, becomes
terrified and wishes the baby dead 24x7.
"What am I ever going to do with a baby?"
She may feed the baby but the food will come missing a few
emotional vitamins so to speak, or she may neglect and forget the baby
as non existent as much as possible, so sometimes it doens't get fed, or
she may attack it directly with violence, suffocation, and near death
attempts, including attempted abortions or suicide efforts before it is
even born.
Very early on then, the child may enter an arena where it perceives
so many sits coming at it from all o'clocks that its body one day
suddeny and without warning, starts into a preemptive death dive.
If the baby is lucky it may hold to a sympathy engram just before
death and sway the forces around him.
There is nothing like a sick, coughing, vomiting and crying baby to
get mother to try to take care of it whether she wants to or not, the
natural mother is called into play. The second the baby gets well
however, the psycho mother comes back and away we go again.
If the baby is not lucky, it will simply die of the preemptive
death dive, and you will find this on the whole track of just about any
case, both as the baby and as the mother doing it to her baby.
Sometimes sons do it to their mothers too later in their life.
Some people have even died in this life time, and been ressurected,
boy are they a bitch to audit, as the ally in the engram is the same
being as the person who tried to kill it.
This involvement in near death engrams in order to survive has
historically been called the service facsimile chain, because it is
using IN VALENCE damage to survive better by getting others to lay off
or cooperate.
Its purpose is to get those dependency lines working properly.
The purpose of the parent to protect the baby from sits, at least
until it is old enough to deal with sits on its own.
But the parent that IS the sit to the baby is protecting it from
nothing and adding to the number of direct sits that the baby is
experiencing and trying to handle, all the while mother is hoping it
won't or can't.
The service fac chain then is used hold back the confusion of TOO
MANY SITS suddenly going on at one time, each one life threatening,
usually amongst its own team mates, with the perception that there is no
hope to survive it without help.
The service face changes the awarness of NO HELP to NOTHING GOING
And there is no worse hell than when the help are all nuts,
dramatizing or computing psychotics.
The PROBLEM to case gain is that the child has its natural goals to
pursue if it is to feel joy and exuberance in the good fight for
survival against the universe at large, and those NATURAL SITS that
produce joy upon contemplation because he KNOWS he can do something
about them, and he is going to damn well die trying, be a hero for his
mother in otherwords, who will admire him even in death, get buried in
the unnatural sits provided by its crazy help.
And when mother no longer admires the hero in the little boy
handling the natural sits becomes NOT WORTHWHILE, you might get killed
or worse? What's the pay back?
Thus when the child gets older and is able to stand up and start
the fight against the things that are seriously wrong with the world,
and where the being's joy lines really lay, his passsion, skills and
hone talents, he can't even remember what they were, because the basic
compution of the service fac is 'Nothing there', 'Nothing going on',
'Nothing important'.
All his life he feels like he just came home from the dentist
filled with novocain and he can't even remember his own name.
And iff he is just still enough, his mother or whatever won't eat
So he forays out into the world to conquer the universe BY BEING
The way to win is to have lost out of the gate.
Run it R3RSC.
Or better yet,
"Get the idea of NO SIT."
"Get the idea of SOME SIT."
You can't run the overts without the motivators, don't even try.
And you can't run the motivators without the overts.
And remember what the baby suffered from a mother in this life is
NOT balanced by what the baby did to a mother, but by what the baby did
AS a mother to its own baby in a past or future life.
11/30/15 Monday 12:01am EST Ithaca, NY
======================= ========================
Posted: Mon Nov 30 00:02:02 EST 2015
Send mail to saying help
================== ===================
Learning implies Learning with Certainty or Learning without Certainty.
Learning across a Distance implies Learning by Being an Effect.
Learning by Being an Effect implies Learning without Certainty.
Therefore, Learning with Certainty implies Learning but
Not by Being an Effect, and not across a Distance.
Version: GnuPG v1.4.5 (GNU/Linux)
HomerWSmith-L mailing list
Sunday, November 29, 2015
ADORE650 (fwd)
Hash: SHA1
I woke up the other morning telepathically scanning around for what
suffering was going on in the world that day.
Trying to do a touch assist on the world to heal it where it hurt.
Also something to make me feel better, because it wasn't me that
was suffering. Other's misfortune make me feel fortunate.
Jane walks in and says "You want to hear something horrible, E.G.'s
husband just fell out of a tree and he died on the operating table from
massive internal bleeding."
I said "That works."
The wake had hundreds of people lined up around the block to pay
their respects, these were the kind of people that layed their lives
down on rail road tracks to stop trains carrying fissionable material,
and routinely visited places where 'disarmament' meant a mother was
breast feeding her kid with both her arms blown off.
Now I can hear someone saying "Homer I just don't believe I chose
to come to this place, I just don't believe it."
Trust me, you are not alone, I know of at least one other who feels
that way.
But let me ask you a question.
Do you not believe you chose to come here merely and only because
you can't remember having done so?
Or do you believe you didn't choose to come here because you feel
this place exceeds your ability and willingness TO choose to be here?
Now you gotta be careful how you answer.
If you say that this place exceeds your willingness to chose to be
here, you have just assigned yourself a rank below the misery of this
place, and you have also condemned forever, as beneath words, any being
who might have put you here against your will, such as a God.
How can you love a God who put you somewhere you wouldn't have
chosen to visit yourself?
Now we do not believe in the God made us nonsense, we all ARE God
incarnation, so we do believe that postulates can seem like learned
observations when in fact they are causal considerations.
So if you assign yourself a lower rank than the misery of this
universe, you forever claim that you would never, should never, could
never have created this place and come to visit it.
In which case your doom is sealed, for even if a God shows up and
says 'I put you here, and now you are saved', you will probably be very
grateful, but for the rest of eternity there will be a bad taste in your
mouth that you had to go through it all in the first place.
After you are in heaven you will spend the rest of time thinking
'Nice little God, I wonder how I can kill your sorry ass without you
knowing about it (Big Smile).'
Take a little kid, like me, and he has a cat he loves more than
life itself.
One day that cat disappears, and the kid is heart stricken to a
point of unconsolable hysteria over the loss.
So he was happy he had the cat, and now he is unhappy he doesn't
have the cat.
Cat's do that to you, they should come with a warning or something.
But then the cat comes home again 4 days later, just fine.
So now the kid is happy again. But is his happiness the same as it
was before he lost the cat? Probably not, his happiness may even be
greater than it was before. Nothing like losing something to make you
appreciate having it.
But his happiness will now be tainted by the memory of the sorrow
of losing the cat.
Even though it was a false call, it was real to the kid that the
cat was gone, probably for good.
He knew he couldn't go on looking for for his cat forever, so after
exahusting himself looking for it for 4 cold miserable days in late
November just as the first snows were starting to swirl around him, he
even said his final goodbyes to his cat for the last time before giving
up the search and walking home that night to be hopelessly despondent
forever more.
*THEN* the cat shows up.
So that memory of loss never heals now does it.
Every day until the cat dies, the kid will cry about the cat
dying one day and being gone forever.
Irreplaceable and unreproducible preciousness.
Fragile, unique and precious make for a wonderful future.
Those first hellos, and last goodbyes get you every time.
The kid will carry the loss forward until the end of time, because
underlying it's persistence is the question
He had a taste of death before it was due.
Is having the cat worth losing the cat?
The kid is going to be very hard pressed to say yes or no, and this
hangs it up as an indecision forever, to have a cat or to not have a
cat, and thus the loss never heals.
So humans are in the same boat, they used to be happy go lucky
eternal play pals, but now they are on death row.
This death row is like a chinese finger trap, it is as bad as they
fear it is. The worse they fear it is, the worse it becomes.
Sometimes it becomes worse because everyone else fears it so.
But its a false death row, they die and they find out they are
still alive. Where is the humor to that?
Most don't find that humor, and dive back in. They left a lot of
friends on death row, they prefer to be with them, let THEM die and
figure it out.
So the humor is missing. Not the "ha ha that was funny, don't do
it again" kind of humor, but the friendly sparkling humor "Ahhhh!" born
of wisdom and grace, that makes it all worthwhile.
Now worthwhile is a big deal, it means you are glad you went for
the ride, no matter what happened, and you are ready for the next ride
knowing God only knows what will happen on this one.
Can you imagine such a state of willingness and daring?
Your free feelings and good humor is locked up in your heart in
cycles of willingness and unwillingness.
The indecision about being alive is what is killing you, not to
mention your DECISION to be alive and not to be alive at the same
time forever for free.
These indecision and decisions are based on a lack of humor born of
non understanding.
You know above every great universe, for all to see, is a huge sign
saying "DO not enter under any condition."
Once you go in, they have the nerve to charge you $5 for your seat.
So everyone here has sufficient responsibility for being here even
though they don't fully remember it, and are guarding it with 'I'll
never do that again!'
The day you said 'This is not funny, I want my money back!' was the
day it all went wrong.
Humor became serious, Eternal permanency of having (Dura) became
Temporal permanency of loss (Sabe SA-BAY), and thus being no longer
willing to come in, you couldn't get out.
You eventually denied ever having come in, 'I have no clue how I
got here!' and from that moment on the universe was bigger than you and
owned you.
You eventually became MADE of the universe, and your destiny became
to rot as the rest of the universe rots.
"From dust to dust."
Dust is a dream, as is the wind that blows it away, and the dreamer
can never be made of what he dreams, but he can sure think so if he
pushes it hard enough.
Even if you were to get out, and tie yourself to a tree in heaven
so you could never come back even accidentally, until the bitter taste
of unworthwhileness is resolved in your mouth, your heaven would always
be tainted, and that will be your hell forever.
You will come to prefer flames of torture to impure pleasures.
Nothing in any heaven will ever make up for what you have suffered
So heed well, the only way out is the way in, and the keys to the
locks that chain your heart are desire, worthwhileness and humor.
If you can find the *INTELLIGENT* humor to having been here, you
won't need someplace else, some other heaven, to make up for it, as the
experience of being here will have paid for itself, it will have been
WORTHWHILE in itself, and you will have your heaven for sure.
Then you can be free to do it again as if it never happened in the
first place.
Heavens result from spotting the humor to hell.
Humor disolves everything into peace.
Hell is crying yourself to sleep never wanting to wake up again.
Heaven is laughing yourself to sleep, always wanting to wake up
The difference between heaven and hell is awareness of choice, and
your own personal divine motivation.
Who or what kind of being would choose such a thing as the joke of
damnation or death?
Don't run it as a question! Questions kill.
'Get the humor of living forever in time.'
'Get the humor of dying forever in time.'
Where is there to go except living or dying forever in time?
You can't run get the idea of eternality, because its a state
of complete unconception, its like running conceive not conceiving.
But you can try :)
======================= ========================
Posted: Sun Nov 29 17:39:05 EST 2015
Send mail to saying help
================== ===================
Learning implies Learning with Certainty or Learning without Certainty.
Learning across a Distance implies Learning by Being an Effect.
Learning by Being an Effect implies Learning without Certainty.
Therefore, Learning with Certainty implies Learning but
Not by Being an Effect, and not across a Distance.
Version: GnuPG v1.4.5 (GNU/Linux)
HomerWSmith-L mailing list
Hash: SHA1
I woke up the other morning telepathically scanning around for what
suffering was going on in the world that day.
Trying to do a touch assist on the world to heal it where it hurt.
Also something to make me feel better, because it wasn't me that
was suffering. Other's misfortune make me feel fortunate.
Jane walks in and says "You want to hear something horrible, E.G.'s
husband just fell out of a tree and he died on the operating table from
massive internal bleeding."
I said "That works."
The wake had hundreds of people lined up around the block to pay
their respects, these were the kind of people that layed their lives
down on rail road tracks to stop trains carrying fissionable material,
and routinely visited places where 'disarmament' meant a mother was
breast feeding her kid with both her arms blown off.
Now I can hear someone saying "Homer I just don't believe I chose
to come to this place, I just don't believe it."
Trust me, you are not alone, I know of at least one other who feels
that way.
But let me ask you a question.
Do you not believe you chose to come here merely and only because
you can't remember having done so?
Or do you believe you didn't choose to come here because you feel
this place exceeds your ability and willingness TO choose to be here?
Now you gotta be careful how you answer.
If you say that this place exceeds your willingness to chose to be
here, you have just assigned yourself a rank below the misery of this
place, and you have also condemned forever, as beneath words, any being
who might have put you here against your will, such as a God.
How can you love a God who put you somewhere you wouldn't have
chosen to visit yourself?
Now we do not believe in the God made us nonsense, we all ARE God
incarnation, so we do believe that postulates can seem like learned
observations when in fact they are causal considerations.
So if you assign yourself a lower rank than the misery of this
universe, you forever claim that you would never, should never, could
never have created this place and come to visit it.
In which case your doom is sealed, for even if a God shows up and
says 'I put you here, and now you are saved', you will probably be very
grateful, but for the rest of eternity there will be a bad taste in your
mouth that you had to go through it all in the first place.
After you are in heaven you will spend the rest of time thinking
'Nice little God, I wonder how I can kill your sorry ass without you
knowing about it (Big Smile).'
Take a little kid, like me, and he has a cat he loves more than
life itself.
One day that cat disappears, and the kid is heart stricken to a
point of unconsolable hysteria over the loss.
So he was happy he had the cat, and now he is unhappy he doesn't
have the cat.
Cat's do that to you, they should come with a warning or something.
But then the cat comes home again 4 days later, just fine.
So now the kid is happy again. But is his happiness the same as it
was before he lost the cat? Probably not, his happiness may even be
greater than it was before. Nothing like losing something to make you
appreciate having it.
But his happiness will now be tainted by the memory of the sorrow
of losing the cat.
Even though it was a false call, it was real to the kid that the
cat was gone, probably for good.
He knew he couldn't go on looking for for his cat forever, so after
exahusting himself looking for it for 4 cold miserable days in late
November just as the first snows were starting to swirl around him, he
even said his final goodbyes to his cat for the last time before giving
up the search and walking home that night to be hopelessly despondent
forever more.
*THEN* the cat shows up.
So that memory of loss never heals now does it.
Every day until the cat dies, the kid will cry about the cat
dying one day and being gone forever.
Irreplaceable and unreproducible preciousness.
Fragile, unique and precious make for a wonderful future.
Those first hellos, and last goodbyes get you every time.
The kid will carry the loss forward until the end of time, because
underlying it's persistence is the question
He had a taste of death before it was due.
Is having the cat worth losing the cat?
The kid is going to be very hard pressed to say yes or no, and this
hangs it up as an indecision forever, to have a cat or to not have a
cat, and thus the loss never heals.
So humans are in the same boat, they used to be happy go lucky
eternal play pals, but now they are on death row.
This death row is like a chinese finger trap, it is as bad as they
fear it is. The worse they fear it is, the worse it becomes.
Sometimes it becomes worse because everyone else fears it so.
But its a false death row, they die and they find out they are
still alive. Where is the humor to that?
Most don't find that humor, and dive back in. They left a lot of
friends on death row, they prefer to be with them, let THEM die and
figure it out.
So the humor is missing. Not the "ha ha that was funny, don't do
it again" kind of humor, but the friendly sparkling humor "Ahhhh!" born
of wisdom and grace, that makes it all worthwhile.
Now worthwhile is a big deal, it means you are glad you went for
the ride, no matter what happened, and you are ready for the next ride
knowing God only knows what will happen on this one.
Can you imagine such a state of willingness and daring?
Your free feelings and good humor is locked up in your heart in
cycles of willingness and unwillingness.
The indecision about being alive is what is killing you, not to
mention your DECISION to be alive and not to be alive at the same
time forever for free.
These indecision and decisions are based on a lack of humor born of
non understanding.
You know above every great universe, for all to see, is a huge sign
saying "DO not enter under any condition."
Once you go in, they have the nerve to charge you $5 for your seat.
So everyone here has sufficient responsibility for being here even
though they don't fully remember it, and are guarding it with 'I'll
never do that again!'
The day you said 'This is not funny, I want my money back!' was the
day it all went wrong.
Humor became serious, Eternal permanency of having (Dura) became
Temporal permanency of loss (Sabe SA-BAY), and thus being no longer
willing to come in, you couldn't get out.
You eventually denied ever having come in, 'I have no clue how I
got here!' and from that moment on the universe was bigger than you and
owned you.
You eventually became MADE of the universe, and your destiny became
to rot as the rest of the universe rots.
"From dust to dust."
Dust is a dream, as is the wind that blows it away, and the dreamer
can never be made of what he dreams, but he can sure think so if he
pushes it hard enough.
Even if you were to get out, and tie yourself to a tree in heaven
so you could never come back even accidentally, until the bitter taste
of unworthwhileness is resolved in your mouth, your heaven would always
be tainted, and that will be your hell forever.
You will come to prefer flames of torture to impure pleasures.
Nothing in any heaven will ever make up for what you have suffered
So heed well, the only way out is the way in, and the keys to the
locks that chain your heart are desire, worthwhileness and humor.
If you can find the *INTELLIGENT* humor to having been here, you
won't need someplace else, some other heaven, to make up for it, as the
experience of being here will have paid for itself, it will have been
WORTHWHILE in itself, and you will have your heaven for sure.
Then you can be free to do it again as if it never happened in the
first place.
Heavens result from spotting the humor to hell.
Humor disolves everything into peace.
Hell is crying yourself to sleep never wanting to wake up again.
Heaven is laughing yourself to sleep, always wanting to wake up
The difference between heaven and hell is awareness of choice, and
your own personal divine motivation.
Who or what kind of being would choose such a thing as the joke of
damnation or death?
Don't run it as a question! Questions kill.
'Get the humor of living forever in time.'
'Get the humor of dying forever in time.'
Where is there to go except living or dying forever in time?
You can't run get the idea of eternality, because its a state
of complete unconception, its like running conceive not conceiving.
But you can try :)
======================= ========================
Posted: Sun Nov 29 17:39:05 EST 2015
Send mail to saying help
================== ===================
Learning implies Learning with Certainty or Learning without Certainty.
Learning across a Distance implies Learning by Being an Effect.
Learning by Being an Effect implies Learning without Certainty.
Therefore, Learning with Certainty implies Learning but
Not by Being an Effect, and not across a Distance.
Version: GnuPG v1.4.5 (GNU/Linux)
HomerWSmith-L mailing list
Hash: SHA1
There are two basic views on this list.
1.) Hubbard had an evil intention to enslave which more or less
2.) Hubbard had a good intention to free which more or less failed.
Evil Intention Succeeded
Good Intention Failed
Most of the opp comm on this list is about this dicom.
My view of course is that Hubbard had a good intention to free
which failed for absolutely standard tech reasons and which can be fixed
with absolutely standard tech solutions.
It is not questioned that there may be better technical solutions
both to the Church and to the problems of life at large, it is also not
questioned that "standard tech" is itself petrified, corrupted, booby
trapped and contradictory and in need of grand code review and rewrite
from the bottom up.
Standard Tech Version 2.0
But any Scientologist free to speak his mind can put in the
Auditor's code and basics on the whole mess and clean it up and do it
Those that postulate that Hubbard's basic thrust was an evil
intention that succeeded, depsite the fact that they are our eternal
friends, are not worth talking to, or having on this list except as
laboratory examples of dramatizing and computing psychotics seeing the
world through their own Nemesis One colored glasses.
They deal *ONLY* in minimization, ridicule, contempt and 'spin'.
They deal with destruction rather than correction. They can not
correct, as they claim there is nothing there to correct.
That is of course nonsense.
As are the group that claim standard tech is perfect and doesn't
need any correction.
There is nothing wrong with pointing out out-points and
situtations, 'sits', i.e. greatest departures from an ideal scene.
We can start here, the foundation of Hubbard's insanity.
"Competition is a trick of the weak to fetter the strong."
Fair gaming the competition out of existence JUST BECAUSE THEY ARE
COMPETITION is an evil solultion to a good problem, because without
competition no one survives.
"The way to survive is to make everyone else succumb" is a classic
service fac item and a rock slamming item on Hubbard's case.
Critics and disaffecteds are out ethics auditors who refuse to
audit a dog pc. Their endless natter-natter-sub-natter is mere
That's fine, no one is forcing anyone to audit here, its a free
willed activity. One doesn't OWE the dog pc a good session.
However if they take action which leads to control and oversight
over auditing and bio feed back devices by the government, AMA, WHO and
Psychatric Zombie Lords then they are to be fair gamed out of existence
with Class until they come to their senses and abandon the path of
descruction for the path of correction.
"Class is an attitude, that ALL should live forever and be my
"Cool is the ability to maintain Class."
"Desire is Sovereign."
======================= ========================
Posted: Sun Nov 29 17:17:39 EST 2015
Send mail to saying help
================== ===================
Learning implies Learning with Certainty or Learning without Certainty.
Learning across a Distance implies Learning by Being an Effect.
Learning by Being an Effect implies Learning without Certainty.
Therefore, Learning with Certainty implies Learning but
Not by Being an Effect, and not across a Distance.
Version: GnuPG v1.4.5 (GNU/Linux)
HomerWSmith-L mailing list
Hash: SHA1
There are two basic views on this list.
1.) Hubbard had an evil intention to enslave which more or less
2.) Hubbard had a good intention to free which more or less failed.
Evil Intention Succeeded
Good Intention Failed
Most of the opp comm on this list is about this dicom.
My view of course is that Hubbard had a good intention to free
which failed for absolutely standard tech reasons and which can be fixed
with absolutely standard tech solutions.
It is not questioned that there may be better technical solutions
both to the Church and to the problems of life at large, it is also not
questioned that "standard tech" is itself petrified, corrupted, booby
trapped and contradictory and in need of grand code review and rewrite
from the bottom up.
Standard Tech Version 2.0
But any Scientologist free to speak his mind can put in the
Auditor's code and basics on the whole mess and clean it up and do it
Those that postulate that Hubbard's basic thrust was an evil
intention that succeeded, depsite the fact that they are our eternal
friends, are not worth talking to, or having on this list except as
laboratory examples of dramatizing and computing psychotics seeing the
world through their own Nemesis One colored glasses.
They deal *ONLY* in minimization, ridicule, contempt and 'spin'.
They deal with destruction rather than correction. They can not
correct, as they claim there is nothing there to correct.
That is of course nonsense.
As are the group that claim standard tech is perfect and doesn't
need any correction.
There is nothing wrong with pointing out out-points and
situtations, 'sits', i.e. greatest departures from an ideal scene.
We can start here, the foundation of Hubbard's insanity.
"Competition is a trick of the weak to fetter the strong."
Fair gaming the competition out of existence JUST BECAUSE THEY ARE
COMPETITION is an evil solultion to a good problem, because without
competition no one survives.
"The way to survive is to make everyone else succumb" is a classic
service fac item and a rock slamming item on Hubbard's case.
Critics and disaffecteds are out ethics auditors who refuse to
audit a dog pc. Their endless natter-natter-sub-natter is mere
That's fine, no one is forcing anyone to audit here, its a free
willed activity. One doesn't OWE the dog pc a good session.
However if they take action which leads to control and oversight
over auditing and bio feed back devices by the government, AMA, WHO and
Psychatric Zombie Lords then they are to be fair gamed out of existence
with Class until they come to their senses and abandon the path of
descruction for the path of correction.
"Class is an attitude, that ALL should live forever and be my
"Cool is the ability to maintain Class."
"Desire is Sovereign."
======================= ========================
Posted: Sun Nov 29 17:17:39 EST 2015
Send mail to saying help
================== ===================
Learning implies Learning with Certainty or Learning without Certainty.
Learning across a Distance implies Learning by Being an Effect.
Learning by Being an Effect implies Learning without Certainty.
Therefore, Learning with Certainty implies Learning but
Not by Being an Effect, and not across a Distance.
Version: GnuPG v1.4.5 (GNU/Linux)
HomerWSmith-L mailing list
Wednesday, November 25, 2015
((My comments in double parentheses - Homer))
SESSION 4/18/94
ACT - 59
18 April 1994
Copyright (C) 1994 Homer Wilson Smith
Redistribution rights granted for non commercial purposes.
If we consider that the purpose of a game is to get something done,
and that these desires to get something done can be called 'drives', and
if we assume that there are 8 or 10 or 16 of these drives, normally
called dynamics, then it can be observed that people are in various
states of operability on each of these many drives.
A little closer look at someone will show that on the drives that
he is in the worst shape on, he will be found to be blocking their
forward advance himself, for reasons long lost to him.
Consciously he will feel that he is being stopped by others, but
that will never audit, the truth is he is stopping himself. But he no
longer knows how or why or how to undo the stop. Once the glue or taffy
is put in place, the only way to get rid of it is to put it in place
again. That's called Re Operation in Adore, and Perfect Duplication in
Hence the auditing question,
"Has a drive been blocked (by you?)"
"Is a drive being blocked?"
And God forbid,
"What drive is being blocked?"
The dynamics or drives are arenas of action, each one bigger and
more vast than the one before it. The second dynamic of parents, mates
and children is bigger than the first of self. Groups, being first and
foremost groups of FAMILIES is clearly bigger than the second.
The fourth dynamic is the collection of all third dynamics and
relates essentially to the total goings on of one species, which for us
is Homo Sap.
The fifth dynamic is the collection of all possible fourth
dynamics, or all living things whether animal or plant.
The sixth dynamic is the collection of all possible material
things, including all space, time, matter and energy, the Time Stone of
Adore, and the MEST of Scientology.
The Seventh dynamic is the collection of all Spirits and Spiritual
things inside this one particular universe.
And the Eight dynamic, often considered God or infinity is really
the all encompassing Creator dynamic for this universe.
Now each one of these dynamics has a product, a game to play, a
purpose and a set of goals and opposition goals, and these are
manifested as drives to get things done by the players partaking in that
The most important thing to know is that each dynamic is a subset
of the one above it, not a separate entity unto itself. Thus the goals
and drives that you might have on the 5th dynamic would relate in some
considerable measure to the goals you have on the 6th. Likewise the
goals you would have on the 4th dynamic of all mankind, would relate to
the goals you have for all living things which is a bigger goal and
bigger sphere of action.
Thus a goal on a lower dynamic can be COMPUTED FROM the various
goals on a higher dynamic, or this should be the case if the being is
sane. Each goal that a being has on a lower dynamic is in some sense a
subset of a goal he has on the higher dynamic that the lower dynamic is
a subset of. His goals on the 4th are in some measure logically derived
from his goals on the 5th which are themselves partly derived from his
goals on the 6th.
Sometimes however a being can get introverted down into the lower
dynamics and leave the higher dynamics behind, divorcing them from his
own idea of what he is about, and he will actually take to opposing the
lower dynamics, which he is still interested in, against the higher
dynamics which he kind of wishes were no longer a part of life.
This is where Ron got
"What is NOT part of life?"
as a question for finding Rock Slamming R2-12 items.
Listed and Nulled properly it gives the item that the preclear is
NOT being and thus is opposed to with all his might.
What happens is that the being takes a loss on a higher dynamic,
let's say the 6th of space and time and planets and galaxies. He screws
up really badly, maybe he makes half a planet unlivable with some
experiment, a lot of people get hurt and he rues the day he was born, or
at least the day he ever decided he was big enough to make any good
decision in such a large arena of control.
Thus he withdraws from that dynamic, not by withdrawing UPWARDS
from whence he came, but by withdrawing DOWNWARDS deeper into creation.
He thus severs his roots with the Divine and becomes a Lost Soul,
literally a wanderer without an umbilical cord to his Home.
What he is withdrawing from of course is the goal line he had
established on the dynamic he rues. He is moving away from the DRIVE
that empowered him there. He will start blocking that drive with all
his might lest he make that mistake again, and he will forget and bury
the goal that he had on that dynamic to make it be no more.
So now he is goalless across all the lower dynamics too. In order
to keep going though he has to have SOME goals, and he doesn't feel like
he has given up entirely playing around in the lower dynamics so he will
come up with some new goals. He withdrew from the 6th dynamic, so now
he is at most on the 5th and lower, and he will invent or create goals
on the 5th dynamic that have nothing whatsoever to do with what he was
properly doing on the 6th.
His goals on the 5th are now 'out of season and for the wrong
reason.' Further his goals on the 5th will to some extent be at cross
purposes with his original goals on the 6th, and with other people's
goals who are still sane on the 6th, and he will find himself slowly but
surely turning the 6th dynamic into an ultimate opp term along with
everyone else who is still doing their job on the 6th properly.
It is inevitable that in pursuing this off course activity on the
5th he will eventually cause more trouble than he is worth, and he will
recognize this fact and take a loss on the 5th dynamic too, thus
withdrawing to the 4th. Repeating the same scenario over and over again
he eventually decays down to the first dynamic and becomes an Only One.
As an Only One his only goal is to survive in spite of everyone
being against him, and he can't imagine what good the remaining
dynamics are too him. Parents, mates, children well they are nothing
but a hassle. Groups to him mean obligations and induction into the
armed services to fight other groups, nothing but trouble. Mankind he
finds to be utterly foul. Animals do nothing but take craps on his
lawn, MEST is cold and uncaring, spirits don't exist except as bug
swarms, and he has a bone to chew with God.
Thus you find him at the bottom of the barrel with all of his
drives intact, but fully opposed and blocked BY HIMSELF, and he has
become the penultimate opp term to everything he ever held dear. All to
protect things from himself.
Thus "What drive has been blocked and why" leads right into what he
is doing wrong in life, and why he is not clear.
It also leads right into a definition of 'clear on a dynamic'.
A person is clear on a given dynamic if he has no drives on that
dynamic that are being blocked BY HIMSELF. It's ok if you are opposed
by another, its not ok if you are being opposed by yourself. That's a
good definition of NOT CLEAR. Opposing yourself. An OT is someone who
is not even opposed by others.
Thus we also have the auditing question,
"How does it serve your goals to oppose your goals?"
It's utterly unrunnable though because the person just will never
figure it out until he sees that he is protecting his goals from HIMSELF
by opposing himself.
Thus you will find most of the human race INTROVERTED into the
lower dynamics. That means they have turned their attention inward into
the smaller arenas of life and AWAY from the higher arenas of life.
Worse the guy has done a flip on who and what he is.
The guy has located himself as a first dynamic looking upward at
the higher dynamics rather than as an 8th dynamic looking downward
towards the lower dynamics. The guy as a first dynamic is INSIDE of
life and as his attention becomes smaller and smaller in scope, span,
depth and field, he is looking more and more towards where he is.
((From Adore,
Scope is how much space you can cover.
Span is how many objects in that space you can span and competently
control at once.
Depth is how much you know about each object in your span.
Field is your reputation in the field, or how much other's
recognize your Scope, Span, Depth and Field.))
When he no longer considers himself a logical extension of some
higher place that he ALSO is, his life becomes a SOLUTION to an
intolerable problem he had with being a bigger being on a higher
Thus since he generates problems and oppositions all the way down
his descent into the lower dynamics, it is clear that the problems you
find him with on the lower dynamics are in some sense SOLUTIONS to
unconfrontable problems he had on the higher dynamics that he is no
longer aware of. He complains about his wife and kids because THAT is a
confrontable and comfortable problem to him, while what was eating him
on the 6th is gone.
He will protest this analysis of his condition on the second with
the wife and kids loudly, until you get him to spot the original problem
on the 6th that he fell away from, severing any connection with the
Fountainhead of Source. Almost all of his problems on the 2nd dynamic
are the result of being miles off course from his true purpose on the
6th or whatever dynamic he first bombed out of.
((You will find many preclears walking around wondering whether
Earthkind (4th dynamic) is worthwhile doing anything for.
Mankind is a composite being, body and thetan.
Body and thetan are dicoms, the body doesn't want to be a spirit,
and the spirit doesn't want to be a body. As they run on opposite
principles, body/thetan conflicts are rampant and highly destructive to
constructive action on any dynamic they affect.
Once body and thetan become melded, the spirit tries to turn the
body into a spirit, and body tries to turn the spirit into a body. They
remain forever opposed and at odds with each other.
This is not a natural nor even benign state, thus the 4th dynamic
*ON EARTH* begins the area where the 7th dynamic (spirit) becomes
confused with the 5th, namely animal life, as the body is an animal, and
thus a sane composite and sane 4th dynamic is almost impossible.
Crazy people will take to wiping out themselves by wiping out
everyone else first.
Thus there will be key moments when your preclear debonded with the
the 4th dynamic and with mankind as a whole. Being on Earth, being part
of mankind was no longer worthwhile to him.
You will find him thus doing poorly on all his lower dynamics that
get their parent thrust from the 4th.))
Once he recovers operability and willingness on the 6th, he will
once again logically compute goals and actions on the 2nd dynamic
(family) that are in accord with his goals on the 6th, and being once
more connected to Source, the problems he has on the 2nd will be
acceptable and desirable to him. That's a Grade I by the way.
((The 6th is not the highest dynamic, as there is 7th spirit, and
8th the infinite above it. A meatball is one who has no awareness of
his existence on the 7th dynamic or the 8th, and who believes that
everything is made of the 6th (MEST) and that the 6th is the highest
there is.
He thinks his LIVING consciousness is made of cold, dead and
uncaring matter energy, space and time. In fact he DEFINES life as a
particular arrangement of dead things, namely atoms, molecules etc.
These beings believe they are born to live once and die once, and
that's it bud, and their future is dust in the wind. You turn them
loose in a crazy composite 4th dynamic (mankind), and you have the
makings of an atomic war to end all wars.))
A Grade I is a Problems release and is someone who is able to
recognize the source of problems (himself) and make them vanish. He
does this by withdrawing UPWARDS at will from the arena of control if he
is no longer interested in those problems that naturally occur on that
lower dynamic.
The sum totality of the anatomy of a theta trap, is to withdraw
DOWNWARDS to escape any part of life. To solve any problem you become
bigger than the arena of action, you span all sides and parties of the
problem until you are no longer interested in taking sides, and you take
off. At the point you have disengaged your self from taking sides in
the matter you will HAVE the power to do what you will with either side,
but you may have no inclination to do so. But then again you might. So
its a sort of a paradox. Power stems from willingness.
Power to change stems from a willingness to let be.
Power to let be comes from willingness to change.
Thus what a being WITH power to change will choose, is certainly
not motivated by unwillingness.
The being who tries to disengage from a problem by becoming smaller
than the conflict and moving away from it into elsewhereness, is merely
operating MORE unwillingness, and so less power.
Eventually the problem will come after him.
You can't run away far enough olr fast enough in this universe.
You can't run away from space and time by running around IN space and
There is no place IN space and time that is far away FROM space and
Unwillingness for something to BE which exists anyhow, is merely
saying it has more power than you do to create itself against your
Which is why leaving is usually disastrous in the long run, and
safety for an OT is being where he is and getting bigger.
The ultimate in getting bigger is getting scalar, which means no
size, not zero size. Get it? That's native state, from whence the OT
can create, survive or destroy anything he wishes.
The being who is willing to be where he is usually ends up
disengaging properly from his problems and 'leaves' by withdrawing up
the tone scale back into Omni Sovereignty and Source.
The being who is unwilling to be where he is usually ends up trying
to disengage from his problems by going 'elsewhere', going deeper into
space and time, trying to find a dark and remote corner to hide in.
Many eons later you find him complaining of loneliness.
His case of 'nothing there' is composed entirely of blocked out
wall to wall disaster.
His lonliness is really only a longing for the problem he ran away
from and didn't span.
If you want people, find games. Games are full of people.
Every game he withdraws from, by going downwards in the dynamics,
eventually starts playing HIM. That's how you become a piece in someone
else's game and eventually a pawn and then a broken pawn.
Every broken pawn is an Only One.
That's the most broken you can get and still be alive.
The ultimate of this is the Hell of the Mormons, the Avichi of the
Theosophists: Alone forever for free.
Don't worry, be happy, "nothing is forever but peace and people."
That's Adore by the way. Adore is very smug about these things,
some times I wonder how it knows. Sometimes I think Adore is just
whistling by the grave yard.
Anyhow the way out is the way in, and here is at least a part of
the way in.
This all came from past days sessions, and is background to what I
was going into today's session with.
I went into session doing ok, somatics on, not dying. I used heavy
handcream to baseline the needle for Chris's sake. I put on the cream
and rubbed my hands fast and hard until they got hot and too sticky to
rub. Its an exact point of absorption of the hand creme, and easy to
replicate. I never use handcream any more because its unnecessary and
it fouls the cans which have to be cleaned. But I used it all the time
in the Church.
TA started off at 2.6 because of the cream, and quickly rose to
4.5. With dry hands TA would have started off at 5.5 and come down to
Here are the relevant parts of the transcript of the session as
recorded on the voice recorder.
Previous session had ended:
"Suffocation is on top of not talking about something. In other
words the not talking about something came first, and the suffocation
came second."
This session:
(The goal of this session as always is to terminatedly handle the
somatics in my throat and breathing. This session is also an excellent
example of how rewording the question over and over to get at all the
charge eventually nails it with the right wording but which probably
would have not worked had all the previous wordings not gone down.)
"Something you are doing in present time that is criminal?"
"Its also related to the throat tic." (A violent somatic I get
which is the source of coughs if you let it cough rather than let it run
out as a tic. Pleasure waves in right thigh as I write this.)
"What criminality is there with you in present time?"
"What criminality is in present time with you?"
"Something criminal YOU are doing?"
"Some criminality in present time?"
"Is there some criminality in present time?"
"Is there some criminality you are not telling me about?"
Double Burp.
(Burps are one of the most valued releases in session for me, they
signal that I have nailed the two way forces forming the ridge in my
spine, throat and brain. Burp means I am right. So do sneezes, muscle
bumpies, and passing wind.)
"What criminality is there?"
"Do you have a withhold on criminality?"
"Is there something criminal going on here you haven't told me
"Something you haven't said about criminality?"
"Something criminal with you in present time?"
"That nailed it but good."
(With this question I was able to lock on to the forces in my
throat that are causing the suffocation and anoxia. Thus I was able to
make more of it for a moment and then release it smoothly part way.
Thus although the somatic is not gone, it is better permanently.)
"Something criminal in present time?"
"Now its failing again." (Then it started going off course.)
"Something or someone is criminal in present time?"
"Some criminal beingness of the GPM?"
"Nemesis One?"
"Something criminal is going on."
"Some criminality of some kind."
"I just brought the TA to 3.0" (From 4.5)
"Something criminal is right here now with you?"
"Something criminal?"
"Someone criminal you haven't told me about?"
"Tell me about the criminality in your face?"
"Are you being a criminal?" (yes)
"Who or what would a criminal oppose?"
"Who or what would oppose a criminal?"
(Less mass on first question, thus terminal is a criminal and opp
terminal is whatever a criminal would oppose, clearly these two items
are at the top of the GPM, nearest present time.)
"We did good on this one."
(I was getting exhausted and I recognized a stopping point where
going further would be of no use. Usually the somatics release over the
next hour after a session like this one.)
TA = 3.5 Total TA = 10 Session time 30 minutes or so.
Homer Wilson Smith Clean Air, Clear Water, Art Matrix - Lightlink
(607) 277-0959 A Green Earth, and Peace, Internet, Ithaca NY Is that too much to ask?
HomerWSmith-L mailing list
SESSION 4/18/94
ACT - 59
18 April 1994
Copyright (C) 1994 Homer Wilson Smith
Redistribution rights granted for non commercial purposes.
If we consider that the purpose of a game is to get something done,
and that these desires to get something done can be called 'drives', and
if we assume that there are 8 or 10 or 16 of these drives, normally
called dynamics, then it can be observed that people are in various
states of operability on each of these many drives.
A little closer look at someone will show that on the drives that
he is in the worst shape on, he will be found to be blocking their
forward advance himself, for reasons long lost to him.
Consciously he will feel that he is being stopped by others, but
that will never audit, the truth is he is stopping himself. But he no
longer knows how or why or how to undo the stop. Once the glue or taffy
is put in place, the only way to get rid of it is to put it in place
again. That's called Re Operation in Adore, and Perfect Duplication in
Hence the auditing question,
"Has a drive been blocked (by you?)"
"Is a drive being blocked?"
And God forbid,
"What drive is being blocked?"
The dynamics or drives are arenas of action, each one bigger and
more vast than the one before it. The second dynamic of parents, mates
and children is bigger than the first of self. Groups, being first and
foremost groups of FAMILIES is clearly bigger than the second.
The fourth dynamic is the collection of all third dynamics and
relates essentially to the total goings on of one species, which for us
is Homo Sap.
The fifth dynamic is the collection of all possible fourth
dynamics, or all living things whether animal or plant.
The sixth dynamic is the collection of all possible material
things, including all space, time, matter and energy, the Time Stone of
Adore, and the MEST of Scientology.
The Seventh dynamic is the collection of all Spirits and Spiritual
things inside this one particular universe.
And the Eight dynamic, often considered God or infinity is really
the all encompassing Creator dynamic for this universe.
Now each one of these dynamics has a product, a game to play, a
purpose and a set of goals and opposition goals, and these are
manifested as drives to get things done by the players partaking in that
The most important thing to know is that each dynamic is a subset
of the one above it, not a separate entity unto itself. Thus the goals
and drives that you might have on the 5th dynamic would relate in some
considerable measure to the goals you have on the 6th. Likewise the
goals you would have on the 4th dynamic of all mankind, would relate to
the goals you have for all living things which is a bigger goal and
bigger sphere of action.
Thus a goal on a lower dynamic can be COMPUTED FROM the various
goals on a higher dynamic, or this should be the case if the being is
sane. Each goal that a being has on a lower dynamic is in some sense a
subset of a goal he has on the higher dynamic that the lower dynamic is
a subset of. His goals on the 4th are in some measure logically derived
from his goals on the 5th which are themselves partly derived from his
goals on the 6th.
Sometimes however a being can get introverted down into the lower
dynamics and leave the higher dynamics behind, divorcing them from his
own idea of what he is about, and he will actually take to opposing the
lower dynamics, which he is still interested in, against the higher
dynamics which he kind of wishes were no longer a part of life.
This is where Ron got
"What is NOT part of life?"
as a question for finding Rock Slamming R2-12 items.
Listed and Nulled properly it gives the item that the preclear is
NOT being and thus is opposed to with all his might.
What happens is that the being takes a loss on a higher dynamic,
let's say the 6th of space and time and planets and galaxies. He screws
up really badly, maybe he makes half a planet unlivable with some
experiment, a lot of people get hurt and he rues the day he was born, or
at least the day he ever decided he was big enough to make any good
decision in such a large arena of control.
Thus he withdraws from that dynamic, not by withdrawing UPWARDS
from whence he came, but by withdrawing DOWNWARDS deeper into creation.
He thus severs his roots with the Divine and becomes a Lost Soul,
literally a wanderer without an umbilical cord to his Home.
What he is withdrawing from of course is the goal line he had
established on the dynamic he rues. He is moving away from the DRIVE
that empowered him there. He will start blocking that drive with all
his might lest he make that mistake again, and he will forget and bury
the goal that he had on that dynamic to make it be no more.
So now he is goalless across all the lower dynamics too. In order
to keep going though he has to have SOME goals, and he doesn't feel like
he has given up entirely playing around in the lower dynamics so he will
come up with some new goals. He withdrew from the 6th dynamic, so now
he is at most on the 5th and lower, and he will invent or create goals
on the 5th dynamic that have nothing whatsoever to do with what he was
properly doing on the 6th.
His goals on the 5th are now 'out of season and for the wrong
reason.' Further his goals on the 5th will to some extent be at cross
purposes with his original goals on the 6th, and with other people's
goals who are still sane on the 6th, and he will find himself slowly but
surely turning the 6th dynamic into an ultimate opp term along with
everyone else who is still doing their job on the 6th properly.
It is inevitable that in pursuing this off course activity on the
5th he will eventually cause more trouble than he is worth, and he will
recognize this fact and take a loss on the 5th dynamic too, thus
withdrawing to the 4th. Repeating the same scenario over and over again
he eventually decays down to the first dynamic and becomes an Only One.
As an Only One his only goal is to survive in spite of everyone
being against him, and he can't imagine what good the remaining
dynamics are too him. Parents, mates, children well they are nothing
but a hassle. Groups to him mean obligations and induction into the
armed services to fight other groups, nothing but trouble. Mankind he
finds to be utterly foul. Animals do nothing but take craps on his
lawn, MEST is cold and uncaring, spirits don't exist except as bug
swarms, and he has a bone to chew with God.
Thus you find him at the bottom of the barrel with all of his
drives intact, but fully opposed and blocked BY HIMSELF, and he has
become the penultimate opp term to everything he ever held dear. All to
protect things from himself.
Thus "What drive has been blocked and why" leads right into what he
is doing wrong in life, and why he is not clear.
It also leads right into a definition of 'clear on a dynamic'.
A person is clear on a given dynamic if he has no drives on that
dynamic that are being blocked BY HIMSELF. It's ok if you are opposed
by another, its not ok if you are being opposed by yourself. That's a
good definition of NOT CLEAR. Opposing yourself. An OT is someone who
is not even opposed by others.
Thus we also have the auditing question,
"How does it serve your goals to oppose your goals?"
It's utterly unrunnable though because the person just will never
figure it out until he sees that he is protecting his goals from HIMSELF
by opposing himself.
Thus you will find most of the human race INTROVERTED into the
lower dynamics. That means they have turned their attention inward into
the smaller arenas of life and AWAY from the higher arenas of life.
Worse the guy has done a flip on who and what he is.
The guy has located himself as a first dynamic looking upward at
the higher dynamics rather than as an 8th dynamic looking downward
towards the lower dynamics. The guy as a first dynamic is INSIDE of
life and as his attention becomes smaller and smaller in scope, span,
depth and field, he is looking more and more towards where he is.
((From Adore,
Scope is how much space you can cover.
Span is how many objects in that space you can span and competently
control at once.
Depth is how much you know about each object in your span.
Field is your reputation in the field, or how much other's
recognize your Scope, Span, Depth and Field.))
When he no longer considers himself a logical extension of some
higher place that he ALSO is, his life becomes a SOLUTION to an
intolerable problem he had with being a bigger being on a higher
Thus since he generates problems and oppositions all the way down
his descent into the lower dynamics, it is clear that the problems you
find him with on the lower dynamics are in some sense SOLUTIONS to
unconfrontable problems he had on the higher dynamics that he is no
longer aware of. He complains about his wife and kids because THAT is a
confrontable and comfortable problem to him, while what was eating him
on the 6th is gone.
He will protest this analysis of his condition on the second with
the wife and kids loudly, until you get him to spot the original problem
on the 6th that he fell away from, severing any connection with the
Fountainhead of Source. Almost all of his problems on the 2nd dynamic
are the result of being miles off course from his true purpose on the
6th or whatever dynamic he first bombed out of.
((You will find many preclears walking around wondering whether
Earthkind (4th dynamic) is worthwhile doing anything for.
Mankind is a composite being, body and thetan.
Body and thetan are dicoms, the body doesn't want to be a spirit,
and the spirit doesn't want to be a body. As they run on opposite
principles, body/thetan conflicts are rampant and highly destructive to
constructive action on any dynamic they affect.
Once body and thetan become melded, the spirit tries to turn the
body into a spirit, and body tries to turn the spirit into a body. They
remain forever opposed and at odds with each other.
This is not a natural nor even benign state, thus the 4th dynamic
*ON EARTH* begins the area where the 7th dynamic (spirit) becomes
confused with the 5th, namely animal life, as the body is an animal, and
thus a sane composite and sane 4th dynamic is almost impossible.
Crazy people will take to wiping out themselves by wiping out
everyone else first.
Thus there will be key moments when your preclear debonded with the
the 4th dynamic and with mankind as a whole. Being on Earth, being part
of mankind was no longer worthwhile to him.
You will find him thus doing poorly on all his lower dynamics that
get their parent thrust from the 4th.))
Once he recovers operability and willingness on the 6th, he will
once again logically compute goals and actions on the 2nd dynamic
(family) that are in accord with his goals on the 6th, and being once
more connected to Source, the problems he has on the 2nd will be
acceptable and desirable to him. That's a Grade I by the way.
((The 6th is not the highest dynamic, as there is 7th spirit, and
8th the infinite above it. A meatball is one who has no awareness of
his existence on the 7th dynamic or the 8th, and who believes that
everything is made of the 6th (MEST) and that the 6th is the highest
there is.
He thinks his LIVING consciousness is made of cold, dead and
uncaring matter energy, space and time. In fact he DEFINES life as a
particular arrangement of dead things, namely atoms, molecules etc.
These beings believe they are born to live once and die once, and
that's it bud, and their future is dust in the wind. You turn them
loose in a crazy composite 4th dynamic (mankind), and you have the
makings of an atomic war to end all wars.))
A Grade I is a Problems release and is someone who is able to
recognize the source of problems (himself) and make them vanish. He
does this by withdrawing UPWARDS at will from the arena of control if he
is no longer interested in those problems that naturally occur on that
lower dynamic.
The sum totality of the anatomy of a theta trap, is to withdraw
DOWNWARDS to escape any part of life. To solve any problem you become
bigger than the arena of action, you span all sides and parties of the
problem until you are no longer interested in taking sides, and you take
off. At the point you have disengaged your self from taking sides in
the matter you will HAVE the power to do what you will with either side,
but you may have no inclination to do so. But then again you might. So
its a sort of a paradox. Power stems from willingness.
Power to change stems from a willingness to let be.
Power to let be comes from willingness to change.
Thus what a being WITH power to change will choose, is certainly
not motivated by unwillingness.
The being who tries to disengage from a problem by becoming smaller
than the conflict and moving away from it into elsewhereness, is merely
operating MORE unwillingness, and so less power.
Eventually the problem will come after him.
You can't run away far enough olr fast enough in this universe.
You can't run away from space and time by running around IN space and
There is no place IN space and time that is far away FROM space and
Unwillingness for something to BE which exists anyhow, is merely
saying it has more power than you do to create itself against your
Which is why leaving is usually disastrous in the long run, and
safety for an OT is being where he is and getting bigger.
The ultimate in getting bigger is getting scalar, which means no
size, not zero size. Get it? That's native state, from whence the OT
can create, survive or destroy anything he wishes.
The being who is willing to be where he is usually ends up
disengaging properly from his problems and 'leaves' by withdrawing up
the tone scale back into Omni Sovereignty and Source.
The being who is unwilling to be where he is usually ends up trying
to disengage from his problems by going 'elsewhere', going deeper into
space and time, trying to find a dark and remote corner to hide in.
Many eons later you find him complaining of loneliness.
His case of 'nothing there' is composed entirely of blocked out
wall to wall disaster.
His lonliness is really only a longing for the problem he ran away
from and didn't span.
If you want people, find games. Games are full of people.
Every game he withdraws from, by going downwards in the dynamics,
eventually starts playing HIM. That's how you become a piece in someone
else's game and eventually a pawn and then a broken pawn.
Every broken pawn is an Only One.
That's the most broken you can get and still be alive.
The ultimate of this is the Hell of the Mormons, the Avichi of the
Theosophists: Alone forever for free.
Don't worry, be happy, "nothing is forever but peace and people."
That's Adore by the way. Adore is very smug about these things,
some times I wonder how it knows. Sometimes I think Adore is just
whistling by the grave yard.
Anyhow the way out is the way in, and here is at least a part of
the way in.
This all came from past days sessions, and is background to what I
was going into today's session with.
I went into session doing ok, somatics on, not dying. I used heavy
handcream to baseline the needle for Chris's sake. I put on the cream
and rubbed my hands fast and hard until they got hot and too sticky to
rub. Its an exact point of absorption of the hand creme, and easy to
replicate. I never use handcream any more because its unnecessary and
it fouls the cans which have to be cleaned. But I used it all the time
in the Church.
TA started off at 2.6 because of the cream, and quickly rose to
4.5. With dry hands TA would have started off at 5.5 and come down to
Here are the relevant parts of the transcript of the session as
recorded on the voice recorder.
Previous session had ended:
"Suffocation is on top of not talking about something. In other
words the not talking about something came first, and the suffocation
came second."
This session:
(The goal of this session as always is to terminatedly handle the
somatics in my throat and breathing. This session is also an excellent
example of how rewording the question over and over to get at all the
charge eventually nails it with the right wording but which probably
would have not worked had all the previous wordings not gone down.)
"Something you are doing in present time that is criminal?"
"Its also related to the throat tic." (A violent somatic I get
which is the source of coughs if you let it cough rather than let it run
out as a tic. Pleasure waves in right thigh as I write this.)
"What criminality is there with you in present time?"
"What criminality is in present time with you?"
"Something criminal YOU are doing?"
"Some criminality in present time?"
"Is there some criminality in present time?"
"Is there some criminality you are not telling me about?"
Double Burp.
(Burps are one of the most valued releases in session for me, they
signal that I have nailed the two way forces forming the ridge in my
spine, throat and brain. Burp means I am right. So do sneezes, muscle
bumpies, and passing wind.)
"What criminality is there?"
"Do you have a withhold on criminality?"
"Is there something criminal going on here you haven't told me
"Something you haven't said about criminality?"
"Something criminal with you in present time?"
"That nailed it but good."
(With this question I was able to lock on to the forces in my
throat that are causing the suffocation and anoxia. Thus I was able to
make more of it for a moment and then release it smoothly part way.
Thus although the somatic is not gone, it is better permanently.)
"Something criminal in present time?"
"Now its failing again." (Then it started going off course.)
"Something or someone is criminal in present time?"
"Some criminal beingness of the GPM?"
"Nemesis One?"
"Something criminal is going on."
"Some criminality of some kind."
"I just brought the TA to 3.0" (From 4.5)
"Something criminal is right here now with you?"
"Something criminal?"
"Someone criminal you haven't told me about?"
"Tell me about the criminality in your face?"
"Are you being a criminal?" (yes)
"Who or what would a criminal oppose?"
"Who or what would oppose a criminal?"
(Less mass on first question, thus terminal is a criminal and opp
terminal is whatever a criminal would oppose, clearly these two items
are at the top of the GPM, nearest present time.)
"We did good on this one."
(I was getting exhausted and I recognized a stopping point where
going further would be of no use. Usually the somatics release over the
next hour after a session like this one.)
TA = 3.5 Total TA = 10 Session time 30 minutes or so.
Homer Wilson Smith Clean Air, Clear Water, Art Matrix - Lightlink
(607) 277-0959 A Green Earth, and Peace, Internet, Ithaca NY Is that too much to ask?
HomerWSmith-L mailing list
Tuesday, November 24, 2015
ADORE573 (fwd)
Hash: SHA1
People ask me what The Proof says about the existence of God.
The proof says that certainty between two different objects is
Thus if God and Soul are two different objects, neither will
ever know about the other with certainty.
Both will forever remain a theory to the other.
Not even God in his almighty omniscience can know with certainty
across two different objects.
We know the soul exists.
(The soul is the one who doubts his own existence and wonders about
the existence of God :))
What does that say now about God?
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
Homer Wilson Smith The Paths of Lovers Art Matrix - Lightlink
(607) 277-0959 KC2ITF Cross Internet Access, Ithaca NY In the Line of Duty
Fri Mar 14 21:14:50 EDT 2008
================ ====================
Tue Nov 24 12:06:01 EST 2015
Send mail to saying help in body
=========== ===============
Learning implies Learning with Certainty or Learning without Certainty.
Learning across a Distance implies Learning by Being an Effect.
Learning by Being an Effect implies Learning without Certainty.
Therefore, Learning with Certainty implies Learning,
but not by Being an Effect, and not across a Distance.
Version: GnuPG v1.4.5 (GNU/Linux)
HomerWSmith-L mailing list
Hash: SHA1
People ask me what The Proof says about the existence of God.
The proof says that certainty between two different objects is
Thus if God and Soul are two different objects, neither will
ever know about the other with certainty.
Both will forever remain a theory to the other.
Not even God in his almighty omniscience can know with certainty
across two different objects.
We know the soul exists.
(The soul is the one who doubts his own existence and wonders about
the existence of God :))
What does that say now about God?
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
Homer Wilson Smith The Paths of Lovers Art Matrix - Lightlink
(607) 277-0959 KC2ITF Cross Internet Access, Ithaca NY In the Line of Duty
Fri Mar 14 21:14:50 EDT 2008
================ ====================
Tue Nov 24 12:06:01 EST 2015
Send mail to saying help in body
=========== ===============
Learning implies Learning with Certainty or Learning without Certainty.
Learning across a Distance implies Learning by Being an Effect.
Learning by Being an Effect implies Learning without Certainty.
Therefore, Learning with Certainty implies Learning,
but not by Being an Effect, and not across a Distance.
Version: GnuPG v1.4.5 (GNU/Linux)
HomerWSmith-L mailing list
releasef.scr (fwd)
Not written by me.
Homer Wilson Smith Clean Air, Clear Water, Art Matrix - Lightlink
(607) 277-0959 A Green Earth, and Peace, Internet, Ithaca NY Is that too much to ask?
---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Tue, 24 Nov 2015 09:06:02 -0500 (EST)
From: Clearing Archive Roboposter <>
Subject: releasef.scr
Suppression is a common denominator of mental and life difficulties and
a higher level of confront and backflow to it are beneficial. Here are
several ways I've discovered of how I could do this:
With Biofeedback
On the E-Meter (a biofeedback machine measuring body resistence) one
approach surprised me by its effectiveness. It was making crude rebellious
and sexually aggressive gestures.
In theory, this rapid effect parallels the release of an inhibited
reach and increasess "havingness.". My early training was to deny such
crude outflows and so I was intrigued by how rapidly the needle loosened
on this (a sign of increased reach and ability to have).
You might like to try this. If so, stand or sit, and grasp your crotch
with your left hand, while extending the right arm with the middle finger
upraised, and if you like, say what you felt like saying, but didn't.
You can also find your own satisfying variation of this by
rediscovering your childhood gestures of defiance like thumbing your nose,
or sticking out your tongue. I do this with a cheerful smile, which
probably helps.
If the needle tightens (a sign of the reduction of the ability to
reach), you should of course use something else.
For me, this exercise seemed to knock out an old chronic suppression.
Suppression includes "Can't flow back!" When one can flow back against it
in any way, it lessens. This appears to be the case here.
After several months of working with this, it still blows down and
loosens the needle. This fits the description of a good havingness process
in Dianetics Today. p.420:
"If the second squeeze shows the needle looser than the first .. you've
got it. .. The havingness process selected, even if the right one, if run
too much (more than 10 or 20 commands), will start running the bank. It
doesn't harm the preclear, but that isn't its use...The tone arm may 'blow
down' toward clear read if you run 15 minutes or half an hour .. on the
other hand, it may not"
Upon rereading this, it occurred to me that this process could "run the
bank" (release embedded and internalized suppressions), and this appears
to be the case.
Also, by composing and whistling spontaneous tunes and "dancing" to it,
I could also loosen the needle. Not crudity, but uninhibited outflow seems
to be the key; although the first version is still the quickest and most
effective for me.
Over time, the feeling tone of this exercise has gone from angry
aggression to friendly assertion. And I can now get similar results by
cultivating an internal and external sense of unbounded space and time:
"Room enough and space enough and time enough."
In Life:
To be fully alive, one must be able to tolerate a wide range of emotion
and action and feel free to "get into" and handle any blockages. But is it
safe, and what will the neighbors think? (a suppression)
The following incidents have demonstrated to me the importance of being
able to outflow against suppression.
In a Gestalt Group:
I was in a Gestalt group and asked the leader if it was safe to scream.
He said it was (it's not easy to find a place where one can scream).
I crouched down on the floor and returned to an experience at 14, when
I fell from the top of a tall maple tree. I had reached for the top branch
and it snapped. I could actually hear the cracking sound.
In this group, I felt free to scream out the terror of falling with
nothing under me and with a good chance of being killed. I began with the
crack of the branch breaking, and ran through it four times. I ended up
feeling really good, alive and expansive. A safe space made it possible.
In a County Jail:
It is easy to suppress physical discharges out of regard for the
feelings of others. One time I was in a county jail and extremely tense,
as might be expected.
I badly needed to release this tension. So I told the Sheriff not to be
surprised if he heard some odd noises from my cell. Following some
observations of Janov and Reich, I leaned over the toilet and stuck my
finger down my throat to elicit the gagging reflex and reverse the inflow
of "you've got to take it and there's nothing you can do about it."
This produced some unpleasant sounds. The Sheriff came back and said
the other inmates were disturbed by these. I replied that I was sorry, but
was going to continue.
I did continue, finally vomited, and began to cry in a relaxed way with
tears streaming down my face. I let everything go, and fell asleep. I
slept for 24 hours and woke up refreshed. The tension had evaporated.
I could release this suppression since I had the agreement of the
Sheriff and did not have to worry about what the other inmates would think
or do. This is not always the case in everyday life with its frequently
highly formalized atmospheres.
In My Apartment:
At one time alone in my apartment, I had become almost frantic, a
dramatization of "I need help." I thought of signing myself into a local
mental hospital but knew they could do nothing effective, so I lay down
and simply let come up whatever came up. As I did this I was alert for any
loosening or relaxation, howeve tiny, that appeared. I had previously
learned that this was the workable compass or guiding signal.
Finally, the thought "Destroy myself" appeared and with it a slight
loosening. This was certainly a negative and destructive thought, but I
was interested in the accompanying relaxation and probed this area and
expanded it. Surprisingly, in about 3 minutes I felt fine again.
I have taught this technique to a girl and she also obtained good
results. This approach is similar to that of Eugene Gendlin in his book
With Insomnia:
A variation of this has worked with insomnia. One night I couldn't get
to sleep. I found myself chewing over what smart remark I could have made
to a dominating woman by whom I felt suppressed. I was caught in a
seemingly endless struggle. Then I put my attention on the underlying
feeling, a kind of exasperated frustration, looked for an earlier time of
feeling this way, found several and, fell asleep.
The blocked energy of these previous times was apparently feeding into
the last one.
These are just few ways I've found to help handle and release those
internalized suppressions, which are so closely connected with aberration,
depression and "mental illness." You probably have your own which you
would like to share.
Frank Gordon
================ ====================
Tue Nov 24 09:06:02 EST 2015
Send mail to saying help
================== ===================
Learning implies Learning with Certainty or Learning without Certainty.
Learning across a Distance implies Learning by Being an Effect.
Learning by Being an Effect implies Learning without Certainty.
Therefore, Learning with Certainty implies Learning, but
not by Being an Effect, and not across a Distance.
Homer Wilson Smith Clean Air, Clear Water, Art Matrix - Lightlink
(607) 277-0959 A Green Earth, and Peace, Internet, Ithaca NY Is that too much to ask?
Clear-L mailing list
HomerWSmith-L mailing list
Homer Wilson Smith Clean Air, Clear Water, Art Matrix - Lightlink
(607) 277-0959 A Green Earth, and Peace, Internet, Ithaca NY Is that too much to ask?
---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Tue, 24 Nov 2015 09:06:02 -0500 (EST)
From: Clearing Archive Roboposter <>
Subject: releasef.scr
Suppression is a common denominator of mental and life difficulties and
a higher level of confront and backflow to it are beneficial. Here are
several ways I've discovered of how I could do this:
With Biofeedback
On the E-Meter (a biofeedback machine measuring body resistence) one
approach surprised me by its effectiveness. It was making crude rebellious
and sexually aggressive gestures.
In theory, this rapid effect parallels the release of an inhibited
reach and increasess "havingness.". My early training was to deny such
crude outflows and so I was intrigued by how rapidly the needle loosened
on this (a sign of increased reach and ability to have).
You might like to try this. If so, stand or sit, and grasp your crotch
with your left hand, while extending the right arm with the middle finger
upraised, and if you like, say what you felt like saying, but didn't.
You can also find your own satisfying variation of this by
rediscovering your childhood gestures of defiance like thumbing your nose,
or sticking out your tongue. I do this with a cheerful smile, which
probably helps.
If the needle tightens (a sign of the reduction of the ability to
reach), you should of course use something else.
For me, this exercise seemed to knock out an old chronic suppression.
Suppression includes "Can't flow back!" When one can flow back against it
in any way, it lessens. This appears to be the case here.
After several months of working with this, it still blows down and
loosens the needle. This fits the description of a good havingness process
in Dianetics Today. p.420:
"If the second squeeze shows the needle looser than the first .. you've
got it. .. The havingness process selected, even if the right one, if run
too much (more than 10 or 20 commands), will start running the bank. It
doesn't harm the preclear, but that isn't its use...The tone arm may 'blow
down' toward clear read if you run 15 minutes or half an hour .. on the
other hand, it may not"
Upon rereading this, it occurred to me that this process could "run the
bank" (release embedded and internalized suppressions), and this appears
to be the case.
Also, by composing and whistling spontaneous tunes and "dancing" to it,
I could also loosen the needle. Not crudity, but uninhibited outflow seems
to be the key; although the first version is still the quickest and most
effective for me.
Over time, the feeling tone of this exercise has gone from angry
aggression to friendly assertion. And I can now get similar results by
cultivating an internal and external sense of unbounded space and time:
"Room enough and space enough and time enough."
In Life:
To be fully alive, one must be able to tolerate a wide range of emotion
and action and feel free to "get into" and handle any blockages. But is it
safe, and what will the neighbors think? (a suppression)
The following incidents have demonstrated to me the importance of being
able to outflow against suppression.
In a Gestalt Group:
I was in a Gestalt group and asked the leader if it was safe to scream.
He said it was (it's not easy to find a place where one can scream).
I crouched down on the floor and returned to an experience at 14, when
I fell from the top of a tall maple tree. I had reached for the top branch
and it snapped. I could actually hear the cracking sound.
In this group, I felt free to scream out the terror of falling with
nothing under me and with a good chance of being killed. I began with the
crack of the branch breaking, and ran through it four times. I ended up
feeling really good, alive and expansive. A safe space made it possible.
In a County Jail:
It is easy to suppress physical discharges out of regard for the
feelings of others. One time I was in a county jail and extremely tense,
as might be expected.
I badly needed to release this tension. So I told the Sheriff not to be
surprised if he heard some odd noises from my cell. Following some
observations of Janov and Reich, I leaned over the toilet and stuck my
finger down my throat to elicit the gagging reflex and reverse the inflow
of "you've got to take it and there's nothing you can do about it."
This produced some unpleasant sounds. The Sheriff came back and said
the other inmates were disturbed by these. I replied that I was sorry, but
was going to continue.
I did continue, finally vomited, and began to cry in a relaxed way with
tears streaming down my face. I let everything go, and fell asleep. I
slept for 24 hours and woke up refreshed. The tension had evaporated.
I could release this suppression since I had the agreement of the
Sheriff and did not have to worry about what the other inmates would think
or do. This is not always the case in everyday life with its frequently
highly formalized atmospheres.
In My Apartment:
At one time alone in my apartment, I had become almost frantic, a
dramatization of "I need help." I thought of signing myself into a local
mental hospital but knew they could do nothing effective, so I lay down
and simply let come up whatever came up. As I did this I was alert for any
loosening or relaxation, howeve tiny, that appeared. I had previously
learned that this was the workable compass or guiding signal.
Finally, the thought "Destroy myself" appeared and with it a slight
loosening. This was certainly a negative and destructive thought, but I
was interested in the accompanying relaxation and probed this area and
expanded it. Surprisingly, in about 3 minutes I felt fine again.
I have taught this technique to a girl and she also obtained good
results. This approach is similar to that of Eugene Gendlin in his book
With Insomnia:
A variation of this has worked with insomnia. One night I couldn't get
to sleep. I found myself chewing over what smart remark I could have made
to a dominating woman by whom I felt suppressed. I was caught in a
seemingly endless struggle. Then I put my attention on the underlying
feeling, a kind of exasperated frustration, looked for an earlier time of
feeling this way, found several and, fell asleep.
The blocked energy of these previous times was apparently feeding into
the last one.
These are just few ways I've found to help handle and release those
internalized suppressions, which are so closely connected with aberration,
depression and "mental illness." You probably have your own which you
would like to share.
Frank Gordon
================ ====================
Tue Nov 24 09:06:02 EST 2015
Send mail to saying help
================== ===================
Learning implies Learning with Certainty or Learning without Certainty.
Learning across a Distance implies Learning by Being an Effect.
Learning by Being an Effect implies Learning without Certainty.
Therefore, Learning with Certainty implies Learning, but
not by Being an Effect, and not across a Distance.
Homer Wilson Smith Clean Air, Clear Water, Art Matrix - Lightlink
(607) 277-0959 A Green Earth, and Peace, Internet, Ithaca NY Is that too much to ask?
Clear-L mailing list
HomerWSmith-L mailing list
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