Tuesday, November 24, 2015

releasef.scr (fwd)

Not written by me.

Homer Wilson Smith Clean Air, Clear Water, Art Matrix - Lightlink
(607) 277-0959 A Green Earth, and Peace, Internet, Ithaca NY
homer@lightlink.com Is that too much to ask? http://www.lightlink.com

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Tue, 24 Nov 2015 09:06:02 -0500 (EST)
From: Clearing Archive Roboposter <roboposter@lightlink.com>
To: clear-l@mailman.lightlink.com
Newsgroups: alt.clearing.technology
Subject: releasef.scr


Suppression is a common denominator of mental and life difficulties and
a higher level of confront and backflow to it are beneficial. Here are
several ways I've discovered of how I could do this:

With Biofeedback

On the E-Meter (a biofeedback machine measuring body resistence) one
approach surprised me by its effectiveness. It was making crude rebellious
and sexually aggressive gestures.

In theory, this rapid effect parallels the release of an inhibited
reach and increasess "havingness.". My early training was to deny such
crude outflows and so I was intrigued by how rapidly the needle loosened
on this (a sign of increased reach and ability to have).

You might like to try this. If so, stand or sit, and grasp your crotch
with your left hand, while extending the right arm with the middle finger
upraised, and if you like, say what you felt like saying, but didn't.

You can also find your own satisfying variation of this by
rediscovering your childhood gestures of defiance like thumbing your nose,
or sticking out your tongue. I do this with a cheerful smile, which
probably helps.

If the needle tightens (a sign of the reduction of the ability to
reach), you should of course use something else.

For me, this exercise seemed to knock out an old chronic suppression.
Suppression includes "Can't flow back!" When one can flow back against it
in any way, it lessens. This appears to be the case here.

After several months of working with this, it still blows down and
loosens the needle. This fits the description of a good havingness process
in Dianetics Today. p.420:

"If the second squeeze shows the needle looser than the first .. you've
got it. .. The havingness process selected, even if the right one, if run
too much (more than 10 or 20 commands), will start running the bank. It
doesn't harm the preclear, but that isn't its use...The tone arm may 'blow
down' toward clear read if you run 15 minutes or half an hour .. on the
other hand, it may not"

Upon rereading this, it occurred to me that this process could "run the
bank" (release embedded and internalized suppressions), and this appears
to be the case.

Also, by composing and whistling spontaneous tunes and "dancing" to it,
I could also loosen the needle. Not crudity, but uninhibited outflow seems
to be the key; although the first version is still the quickest and most
effective for me.

Over time, the feeling tone of this exercise has gone from angry
aggression to friendly assertion. And I can now get similar results by
cultivating an internal and external sense of unbounded space and time:
"Room enough and space enough and time enough."

In Life:

To be fully alive, one must be able to tolerate a wide range of emotion
and action and feel free to "get into" and handle any blockages. But is it
safe, and what will the neighbors think? (a suppression)

The following incidents have demonstrated to me the importance of being
able to outflow against suppression.

In a Gestalt Group:

I was in a Gestalt group and asked the leader if it was safe to scream.
He said it was (it's not easy to find a place where one can scream).

I crouched down on the floor and returned to an experience at 14, when
I fell from the top of a tall maple tree. I had reached for the top branch
and it snapped. I could actually hear the cracking sound.

In this group, I felt free to scream out the terror of falling with
nothing under me and with a good chance of being killed. I began with the
crack of the branch breaking, and ran through it four times. I ended up
feeling really good, alive and expansive. A safe space made it possible.

In a County Jail:

It is easy to suppress physical discharges out of regard for the
feelings of others. One time I was in a county jail and extremely tense,
as might be expected.

I badly needed to release this tension. So I told the Sheriff not to be
surprised if he heard some odd noises from my cell. Following some
observations of Janov and Reich, I leaned over the toilet and stuck my
finger down my throat to elicit the gagging reflex and reverse the inflow
of "you've got to take it and there's nothing you can do about it."

This produced some unpleasant sounds. The Sheriff came back and said
the other inmates were disturbed by these. I replied that I was sorry, but
was going to continue.

I did continue, finally vomited, and began to cry in a relaxed way with
tears streaming down my face. I let everything go, and fell asleep. I
slept for 24 hours and woke up refreshed. The tension had evaporated.

I could release this suppression since I had the agreement of the
Sheriff and did not have to worry about what the other inmates would think
or do. This is not always the case in everyday life with its frequently
highly formalized atmospheres.

In My Apartment:

At one time alone in my apartment, I had become almost frantic, a
dramatization of "I need help." I thought of signing myself into a local
mental hospital but knew they could do nothing effective, so I lay down
and simply let come up whatever came up. As I did this I was alert for any
loosening or relaxation, howeve tiny, that appeared. I had previously
learned that this was the workable compass or guiding signal.

Finally, the thought "Destroy myself" appeared and with it a slight
loosening. This was certainly a negative and destructive thought, but I
was interested in the accompanying relaxation and probed this area and
expanded it. Surprisingly, in about 3 minutes I felt fine again.

I have taught this technique to a girl and she also obtained good
results. This approach is similar to that of Eugene Gendlin in his book

With Insomnia:

A variation of this has worked with insomnia. One night I couldn't get
to sleep. I found myself chewing over what smart remark I could have made
to a dominating woman by whom I felt suppressed. I was caught in a
seemingly endless struggle. Then I put my attention on the underlying
feeling, a kind of exasperated frustration, looked for an earlier time of
feeling this way, found several and, fell asleep.

The blocked energy of these previous times was apparently feeding into
the last one.


These are just few ways I've found to help handle and release those
internalized suppressions, which are so closely connected with aberration,
depression and "mental illness." You probably have your own which you
would like to share.

Frank Gordon

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Tue Nov 24 09:06:02 EST 2015
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Homer Wilson Smith Clean Air, Clear Water, Art Matrix - Lightlink
(607) 277-0959 A Green Earth, and Peace, Internet, Ithaca NY
homer@lightlink.com Is that too much to ask? http://www.lightlink.com
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