Copyright 2002-2016 Homer Wilson Smith
Redistribution rights granted for non commercial purposes.
The feeling is that people of good heart will always speak up
publicly, anyone who wants to have a *PRIVATE* communication is up to no
good. You know, only bad people have secrets, if you aren't doing
anything bad, you won't mind everyone knowing about it.
OK, well on the face of it that sounds good, but there ARE bad
people in the world, and it is from THEM that you might want to have a
few secrets lest they use what they find out about you and your loved
ones, against you as a good person.
Remember there are two uses for the communication lines of the
world, we use them for the markets and we use them for the body politic.
We use the markets to sell what we have sown and reaped, this keeps
society going, and we use the body politic to design the markets.
So we use the comm lines as the market to do our business with each
other, but we use the comm lines as the body politic to design the way
society and the markets are going to work in the first place.
Both the market and political comm lines are the SAME PHYSICAL COMM
LINES, speech, phone, mail, e-mail, newspaper, magazines, radio, books,
TV etc.
It might be quite all right to allow a benign government to have
access to all our market based communications as an objective
disinterested referee to keep the playing field fair and square amongst
all players.
That is what we designed a government for, to enforce a fair trade
amongster buyers and sellers.
But do you really want the government to know who you are going to
vote for before you vote for them?
If you don't mind existing or competing governments knowing where
your allegiances lie, then of course you won't mind them reading your
e-mail in the name of catching the bad guys who won't be using e-mail
If however you feel that people in government might be worried what
the people think of them and are planning to do about them, and you
would like to discuss this stuff in e-mail with your friends PRIVATELY,
to keep you and your's safe from retribution from that government, then
you certainly don't want the government to be reading your e-mail or
listening in on any of your other communications.
Did you know that in some places on earth merely criticizing a
government is considered capital treason?
Not in America of course where we are free to criticize and crack
jokes about Home Land Security, the Patriot Act, and our governments
various ill considered or selfish wars.
Did you know that in some places on earth criticizing a government
for its prosecution of a war is also considered treason as it destroys
the moral of the soldiers and boosts the moral of the enemy?
The idea that the best way to support our men on the front is to
bring them home, is foreign to a government that is only interested in
its own personal survival and war time profiteering.
Unfortunately there is no way to tell the government "Hey you can
listen in on my market communications, but my political communications
are private!"
Now in times of great stress where the desire for safety surpasses
the desire for freedom, many will be willing to give up the freedoms to
have the safety.
We suffer searches at airports, we suffer the government to tap our
phones, and perhaps we suffer them also to tap our e-mail, all in the
name of catching the bad guys.
During acute moments of panic and trouble, this could be seen to be
a good idea.
But never to sunset it?
Democracy, if it is to mean anything, must stand on its own two
feet, it must stand on its own principles, particularly during times of
stress, otherwise it's just another has been.
Democracy is about more than the right to VOTE, it is also about
the right to SPEAK safely, in particular about the government and its
actions and intentions.
People like to claim how proud they are to be an American and they
like to spout all the great things that America stands for, but then
they fold up like a morning glory when touched by the darkness of
The morning glory democracy attracts another kind of person, they
aren't the terrorists themselves who commit all these horrific acts, but
they will sell you a subscription for a pretty penny that tells you how
bad it all is and how it will continue to be so, particularly IF YOU
We call these people the Merchants of Fear, as they profit from
violating the Constitution in the name of protecting the Constitution.
They don't just sell you the bad news and warnings, they take away your
rights in order to protect you from that danger and filling the coffers
of the military and police installed to enforce your new state of non
Sheesh, it used to be the purpose of the police was to protect your
rights, now its purpose is to protect the rights of the government
against YOU.
"Don't criticize the government, your government is perfect."
Is it even possible to protect the constitution long term by
violating the constitution short term?
Merchants of Fear however, profit from the morning glory closing up
and staying closed.
By far and way hands down the best way to make a living on Earth at
this time is to start a war and sell arms to both sides, throw the whole
place into martial law and make everyone work for YOUR living rather
than for their own.
So you end up in this hypocrisy where America is the greatest
country on Earth and we stand for all these wonderful things, but we are
always at war, so we can't enjoy any of them!
And God save you if you should speak openly or privately.
If certain people know that a democracy will fold up at the
slightest hint of trouble, then they will go out of their way to make
trouble to make sure that democracy folds up.
That is absolute, its called evil, and you can always tell evil
when someone is saying that something is for you own good, when it fact
it is for their good at your expense.
Eschew and eradicate these from your life and you will feel better
in the morning when you wake up.
If on the other hand people know the democracy will stand its
ground no matter what, there will be less incentive to cause trouble on
the part of those who would see the democracy not survive.
Then one has to ask what happens when the government BECOMES the
bad guys?
One has to have a certain level of trust in the government, the
police and the military, to allow a cop in every bedroom, and a spy in
every computer to verify the 'goodness' of our every desire, thought and
When the cops come to save you from the bad guys, they are the good
guys, but when the cops come to save the government from you, they are
the bad guys.
Police are like fat, once you put them on, you can't never take
them off.
That's because the police depend for their jobs on the absence of
peace and security, once they notice that there is too much peace and
security they will sense their jobs are in danger.
Then a few of them will take covert action to CREATE threats to
peace and security so that their JOBS are secure even if you aren't.
They also get a lot of money and toys from a state of
constant war, let alone a carte blanche licence to violence,
barbarism and thuggery.
Their mothers are so proud of them!
Imagine a whole group of men with a hard on for war, a case of blue
balls that no whore can satisfy.
Many cops are addicted to power.
They aren't addicted to peace and security, but they are addicted
to OBEDIENCE through silence and compliance.
That's why no matter what a cop is doing to you or another, you
must NEVER put your hands on a cop as that is an immediate charge of
assault, don't you see?
Surely if the government were a Divine Oligarchy made of perfect
people, assigned directly by God, then perhaps omni present oversight or
the people by the government and its assigns would be a good thing.
But we are trying to create and run a Democracy in an arena of
human life filled to the brim with covert evil intention, whose sole
purpose is to squash freedoms and enslave the good to evil ends.
Do you trust your government to act divinely?
Do you even trust your own parents to act that way?
There is a problem with too much trust in a government and here it
When law makers outlaw criminals, criminals become law makers.
When a bad guy knows he can't "get away with murder" amongst the
people, he will get himself elected into power where he will then
legislate his kind of "murder" into law so he can get away with it, and
use the police force or military to help him.
Thus any hierarchy of power is a place where bad people bubble up
into positions of power as they are cornered out of the lower ranks of
the civilian masses by the laws against criminality.
Its not that absolute power corrupts absolutely, its that absolute
power attracts rats.
It is much easier to skim off the top of society as a Senator or
Chief of Police than it is as a civilian, ESPECIALLY IF YOU HAVE THE LAW
and ITS POLICE FORCE BEHIND YOU and its mandate towards total secrecy
and zero oversight of the government to protect you and cover you up.
Pretty soon the police state that people elected into power to
protect themselves from bad guys is itself made of bad guys making sure
the good guys stay imprisoned in their cell of protection.
And that prison cell of protection is paid for by your taxes!
Talk about Justice.
Remember when a good person builds a cell of protection that NO bad
person can get into, not even good people can get into it to let him
This is why certain things that look awfully tempting during times
of stress, like giving government oversight over all communications,
namely eradication of privacy, is generally a bad idea because it opens
the doors for the criminals, who have bubbled up into positions of
power, to consolidate their power and do more bad things to the people
they were elected to protect.
The strongest force we have today for freedom of speech is the
internet, but the internet is but a one way pablum push without strong
anonymity and encryption.
These make speech SAFE.
Without SAFETY of speech, there is no protection of speech and that
isn't what people have in mind when they talk about freedom to speak.
They mean freedom to speak safely.
This is really very simple.
Strong anonymity allows people to speak publicly to everyone on
Earth without moderation, censorship, reprimand or retribution. That's
called the right to secure public congregation.
Strong encryption allows people to speak privately to those of
their own choice, and no one else. That's called the right of secure
private congregation.
Strong encryption also allows people to sign their own works so
that others can not post falsely in their name.
And lastly strong encryption allows verification of the integrity
of the communication line, what was received got there exactly as it was
said without alteration, either accidental or intentional.
Strong anonymity and encryption form a necessary and sufficient
mathematical BASIS for freedom to speak safely.
A basis is a set of vectors that together completely span
a particular space, in this case the space of freedom of speech.
This is all quite aside from the very real possibility that the
government or its handlers itself may be covertly creating those times
of stress just so they can come to your aid by putting you in a jail
cell of solitary confinement where you aren't even free to talk to
yourself any more, because of all the video cameras and microphones all
over the place.
And once they have microphones that can pick up your thoughts
directly, now you can't even think to yourself, what are you going to
When the criminal knows your every thought and your every friend
ahead of time, what chance do you have?
They will take BOTH of you out just to make sure your friend hasn't
been infected by your politically incorrect thought.
And make no mistake about it, when the criminals want to control
YOU, they WILL go after your family and friends, even your jobs and
Worse, one of the first things criminals do when using power to
consolidate power, is to let more criminals into positions of power!
So the more power you give a criminal, the more criminals in power
there will be.
Now I am not into conspiracy theories, but fear creates a festering
wound where corruption, temptation and seduction can grow like a virus
without control.
Corruption is the chinks in the armor of a person's personal
Temptation is where the light of the Devil shines through those
Seduction is giving into the light of temptation and crushing one's
integrity under foot like a cigarette.
Once the government and the people get into the idea that its OK to
trade freedoms for security, the door is opened for the government to
engage in Merchant of Fearism itself.
Or worse CREATE threats to security in order to further justify
taking away freedoms, in order to further consolidate their own power
and personal wealth, through taxes, slavery and arms sales.
Yeah I know, maybe this is the way some body in some foreign
sleazeball government 'over there' might act, but surely no one standing
under the American Flag would ever do such a thing.
It might even be said that we have a duty to maintain freedom of
speech and we do NOT have a right to freedom from fear.
These two, freedom of speech and freedom from fear, are mutually
Those promising the right to freedom from fear can not provide it,
without first removing freedom to speak safely in order to provide it.
Basically once the majority of people are NO LONGER ABLE to take
out the government should it ever become corrupt, either by force or by
vote, you have, by definition, a police state.
At the point of a gun you pay your taxes so you can continue to pay
for the gun pointing at you and the mother's son pointing it.
That's called a political feedback loop.
Eventually they go screaming out of control.
A total self perpetuating lock down of freedom, so tight no one can
move, not even the cops.
Another feed back loop is when a government organization only
accepts employees of low intelligence on purpose, thus one would not
expect intelligent solutions to problems to issue from such an
Further stupid people hate smart people, so once an organzation
becomes stupid heavy, it becomes quickly stupid heavier as the stupid
persecute and push out the smart.
Just what exactly is the average IQ of the people in your
But probably the most deadly feedback loop of all, is when a
government seeks only people who will obey any order regardless of their
own personal conscience in the matter.
Personal conscience is the final arbiter of any decision, someone
who has abdicated control of their conscience to another has abdicated
himself as a son of God over to the Devil.
And if there is such a thing as the Devil, THIS is what he waits
As internal oversight begins to fail and those with intelligence
and a conscience are destroyed, pushed out or filtered before they are
employed, the entire government collapses into a black hole state of
criminality, that would make even the Devil blink.
Devil: "Whoa, now *THATS* evil!"
The mathematiacally inevitable result is the government becomes
saturated with people who are stupid and conscience free, and so a
monster is created with total power and control that not all the guns in
the world can kill.
A monster with a hard on for total continuous war forever for free.
And guess who the endless soldiers are?
Omni Good Work, and Omni Amen.
Thus the protections written into the constitution are there to
guarantee that such a state of affairs can never happen, and that power
will always belong to the majority of people once they wake up, and not
to a government that might have slithered its way into power during the
dream time.
Notice the best approach to an aborning police state is not force
and violent revolution but exposure.
Violence and revolution just create more cops who can never be
gotten rid of after the are installed.
The light of day, of civilian oversight, into the dark conclaves of
corruption, temptation and seduction, busts the viral wound wide open.
Thus the festering sore of a self serving government gone infected
by acting as a filter for people without conscience, intelligence or
the courage to speak out, can not long survive.
Transparency belongs to the sovereign citizen, not to the sworn
civil servant.
This is important.
Who knows what about who.
Dig it and don't leave it.
If everyone were good, we might not need our freedoms so bad, but
since half the world is bad, we do need our freedoms to protect
ourselves against the bad, even if the bad can use them too against the
There is something worse than crime, drugs, copyright theft,
terrorism and child pornography.
And that is a police state.
A police state at total peace.
Peace and security through silence and compliance.
Everyone agreed to be a brick in the wall.
Homer Wilson Smith Clean Air, Clear Water, Art Matrix - Lightlink
(607) 277-0959 A Green Earth, and Peace, Internet, Ithaca NY Is that too much to ask?
HomerWSmith-L mailing list
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