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Honest Abe,
I truely am sorry you fell for a cult implementation of spiritual
Where ever there is truth, there are charlatans claiming to have
There are also honest people trying to walk the path, but
claiming to have accomplished more than they have.
As for OT powers, they are weapons of war.
If there are past lives, and if there were OT powers, maybe
those powers are why we can no longer remember anything.
Various rundowns indicate that forgetfulness IS an OT power.
Running whole track OT glare fights might open up some interesting
stuff for you. None of it may be true, but you might gain some insight
into why having those abilities now might not be a good thing, as much as
we would dearly love to use them on the assholes that surround us.
It is not those who might reject OT powers that are the problem, (even
AFTER a demonstration!) it is those that would accept them and want to
enslave the owner to their own ends, or eradicate the owner completely.
Being able to move the marble with your mind doesn't mean you can
defend yourself OR YOU NON OT LOVED ONES against a determined army of wogs
out to enslave, imprision or destroy you.
OT powers come as you dare, and have the right motivations for them,
and remember OT motivations are coheretical to human motivations.
An OT is a game CREATOR, not a game player.
Yes there are hints of ESP, but really if it caught on, and was
dependable, missing the witholds of an entire planet is not good for a
When I was in the org I was ALWAYS worried if the OT's knew what I was
thinking. I quickly found out they didn't, to my grand relief.
The e-meter knew more about me than the OT's did.
There are many OT powers that are not weapons of war, but weapons of
peace, but peace in one's own heart can not be shown to another.
So enjoy your dream of life, and when you wake up at death,
you will have the answers the Scner's may have scammed money out of you
And in any case, the Scientology grade chart is very clear, OT
powers are not mentioned.
I would work on 'knows he or she won't get worse', or 'free from
Even a simple exteriorization would put you in the weapons of war
league if you started to prove it with the 3x5 card on the back of your
head with a 10 digit number on it.
There are lots of exterioriation types however that just make
you feel better without burdening you with illegal sight.
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
Homer Wilson Smith Clean Air, Clear Water, Art Matrix - Lightlink
(607) 277-0959 A Green Earth, and Peace, Internet, Ithaca NY
homer@lightlink.com Is that too much to ask? http://www.lightlink.com
On Sat, 21 Apr 2012, Honest Abe wrote:
> <homer@lightlink.com> wrote in message
> news:jmtm8q$k9i$1@adore2.lightlink.com...
>> Hash: SHA1
>> SCI - 21
>> Copyright (C) 1992 Homer Wilson Smith
>> Redistribution rights granted for non commercial purposes.
>> John,
>> The subject of proof is a big one. So for the moment I wish to
>> post a poetic cop out to your question, but I promise to keep it under
>> consideration.
>> Do OT's have superhuman powers?
>> I would presume so.
> Such a presumption requires hard evidence to be considered even possibly
> valid.
> Where is your evidence if not proof of OT powers?
> I won't hold my breath while awaitiong a reply!
>> What are they?
>> Anything you can imagine, including the creation of universes,
>> people in those universes, and the ability to become those people in
>> those universes asking questions about OT.
> "Anything you can imagine." That really says it all! Your beliefs and
> delusions may be real to you but objectively are not real to anyone else
> unless they agree, and they are NOT objectively real if they cannot be
> publicly demonstrated or scientifically validated.
>> Can these powers be demonstrated?
>> Yes, certainly some of the more physical powers surely can be
>> demonstrated.
> Where and when are these to be demonstrated? I would love to see it for
> myself. I'd even risk going to a $cientology Orgre to see them demonstrated.
> Be sure to follow up this post with exactly WHERE and WHEN the demonstration
> will be given.
>> Should they be demonstrated?
> Yes, if you want any sane, scientifically educated people to accept them as
> fact.
>> That would depend on the individual OT who had them and who had to
>> be accountable for the effects that demonstrating his powers would have.
>> You mentioned SHOCK in your question about OT's coming to visit
>> your place out of their body and reporting back to you what they had
>> seen.
> ESP exists, but has not as yet been explained by science. Until science does
> that, it is ludicrously unscientific and self-deceptive to accept often
> profit-motivated claims regarding it.
>> The awareness characteristic scale puts shock at -16,
>> -14 Delusion
>> -15 Hysteria
>> -16 Shock
>> -17 Catatonia
>> -18 Oblivion
> Ah yes, another "scale" to evaluate by. One more of Flubbard's attempts to
> make his pretentious claims and tall tales seem to be scientifically based.
>> Thus causing any form of shock to a populace at large could hardly
>> be considered good for a civilization.
>> Hubbard taught us to do everything on a gradient scale, which means
>> little by little, not all at once. Therefore enormous displays of
>> unquestionable demonstrations were frowned upon by Hubbard.
> On a gradient, little by little, I started to realize what a money-grubbing
> scam artist Flubbard was. Then I read a couple of good books exposing him
> and his cult, and it all became quite "clear".
>> I would tend to agree.
>> It is very dangerous to demonstrate power to those who do not have
>> power.
> Bullshit! Those that cannot accept "OT phenomena" would simply reject it if
> they saw it. BUT WHO HAS SEEN SUCH POWERS DEMONSTRATED in scientifically
> verifiable conditions? NO ONE, because $cientology HAS NOT been able to
> create such powers in their alleged "OTs".
>> Those who have power know this.
>> Those who do not have power, don't know this.
>> What can you do?
>> Now here is the cop out, if you are serious about getting proof of
>> power I would instead audit you on the subject of power until some power
>> opened up in you. It needn't be actual abilities to move rocks or
>> things, but you would get a clear idea that what ever power you desire
>> is available and in fact you would settle back down into being
>> comfortably able to NOT have power for a while, or at least until you
>> were more ready for it.
> What nonsense! Talk about a cop out! SHOW ME SOMEONE ABLE TO FLOAT AN OBJECT
> IN MIDAIR AT WILL, through their "OT" powers alone, and I'll believe it. But
> YOU WON'T because YOU CAN'T.
>> Just consider what would happen to you if you had the ability to go
>> anywhere on the planet and see anyone doing anything they were doing,
>> and you could kill anyone with an electrical spark to the brain or
>> heart. (Nipping, History of Man).
> "Nipping!" BWAHAHAHA! Pure science fiction, from a scam artist that said he
> could make far more money starting a religion than by writing, and he went
> ahead and did just that!
>> Now the auditing question would be something like,
>> 'Tell me what would happen over time if you had this power?'
>> The correct E/P of this process would be an experience of power
>> opening up inside yourself, certainty that power exists, and a settling
>> out of your willingness to have or not have power as you wished.
>> Another process for handling people's problems with proof, would
>> be,
>> 'What evidence do you have that you are not an OT?'
>> 'What evidence do you have that you are an OT?'
>> What this will turn up are quite a number of false certainties
>> that people are walking around in that prevent the possibility of
>> believing in OT. Once they see that these false certainties are just
>> not supportable, the possibility OPENS UP that OT is possible, and they
>> can approach it again with a new look.
> Brainwashing people into believing they are Superman, or potentially so.
> For this, you paid how many thousands of dollars?
>> The point is that if someone is an OT and no longer believes this,
>> they clearly have chosen to prove to themselves down the whole track
>> that they are not an OT and neither is anyone else.
> I'm still waiting to see ONE credible demonstration of these alleged OT
> powers.
> Looks like I'll be waiting forever!
>> For you to then go and present them with incontrovertible proof
>> that they are wrong, would merely open up a very old wound, an OT wound,
>> that would probably severely hurt the person or his body.
> I read the "OT" materials and suffered no ill effects. The alleged evil
> consequences of doing so are a LIE designed to keep people from knowing what
> nonsense they are paying for until after they pay for it!
>> So although I am truly copping out on a direct answer to your
>> question, for reasons that I believe to be justified, I am at the same
>> time presenting you with auditing procedures that you can use on
>> yourself or someone else to set off a spark of power within your own
>> space and to open the door to your own further private investigations
>> free from the harrasment of others.
> Want power? Become a martial arts master.
> If there WERE any true OT powers, why does $cientology staff use physical
> force in disciplining their slaves in the Sea Org and elsewhere?
>> Others who wish you to prove your powers because they hope you have
>> none, or because they want you to use them to take care of them.
>> People who demand proof often have a hidden agenda.
> It is not hidden and it is common sense - it is being less vulnerable to
>> Proof is available that THEY have power, not that other's already have
>> it.
> How come I was never able to float that ashtray in the TR drills? NO ONE was
> able to.
> Convincing someone they have imaginary powers is simply deluding them, not
> creating any actual ability.
>> Proof is available for that too but no one with power would be
>> likely to prove it unless it was part of a larger world changing plan to
>> do so. In which case they would do it anyhow on their own schedule and
>> not because someone ask them to.
> The cult scammers claim that "proof is available", but somehow it is NEVER
> demonstrated!
>> Here are some more auditing questions to run solo or co audit:
>> 'What would you do with power?'
>> 'What would you not do with power?'
>> 'Why should you have power?'
>> 'Why should you not have power?'
>> By the way the Power Processes of the Church (Grade V) deal with
>> just this subject. They are held confidential because when run properly
>> they cause a person to revivify some of the worst moments on his track.
> What is "held confidential" is what would, if exposed as the OT3 Xenu fable
> has been, demonstrate what a SCAM it all is!
>> People have little problem with believing in past lives when they
>> are reliving one as if it were now.
> Hypnosis and drugs can allow you to contact what are interpreted as "past
> lives". Are they REALLY past lives? I had such "past track memories" in
> auditing, but in retrospect I consider them probably the same type of
> imaginings that we call dreams. No wonder $cientology has nothing to say
> about dreams!
>> Before such a reviv it may be hard to get real on anything in the
>> memory, because so much energy is being directed at keeping this one set
>> of memories at bay.
>> The power processes by the way are NOT held confidential in the
>> field and are in fact used in routine auditing as they go quickly and
>> directly to the center of the case.
>> If the case is ready for it.
>> The Power Processes were developed by Ron Hubbard in tandem with
>> John McMaster at Saint Hill to help crack seriously resistive cases.
> Or to scam seriously skeptical suckers?
>> John McMaster was Scientology's first confirmed clear, and left the
>> Church in the early 70's or so.
>> He made many tapes that are circulating around the field that add a
>> deep insight to the inner workings of Ron and Scientology, not all bad.
> "Not all bad." That surely says alot!
>> He remained a devoted clearing practitioner until the end, he died
>> last year.
> He DIED? What, no OT powers could save him?
> I'll put my trust in medical science, thank you!
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Learning across a Distance implies Learning by Being an Effect.
Learning by Being an Effect implies Learning without Certainty.
Therefore, Learning with Certainty implies Learning,
but not by Being an Effect, and not across a Distance.
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