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> Homer,
> Say more about the difference between missed vs. bypassed?
> - CBW
The bank consists mostly of efforts impacting with efforts.
resulting in a ridge, more aptly described as a congealed mass or huge
lump of clay.
Efforts can be simple pushes and pulls, but they can also be
twists, turns, shears, mushing and generally banging the hell out of
Like taffy, or two balls of colored clay pushed together, after
enough efforts mangling on it, it can get very mixed up.
Take a ball of clay and exert every conceivable effort on it that
you can think of. And while doing this try to spot where you have
done this to the masses in your body, spine, rump and head. Also spot
where you are trying to do this to others or have.
Sometimes ridges are formed with very direct straight line
efforts against each other. Sort of like trying to nail a hole closed
with stuff. Sometimes there are complex levers and rods and wheels
and gears involved, sort of like a mental machine.
A perfect duplication is doing the effort again from both sides
of the ridge exactly as it was originally done. except this time with
awareness, intention and compassion and gentleness.
First time you slammed the door shut never to have it open again.
Second time you very deliberately push the door shut more and it
opens and you hold it partially closed so it doesn't slam open, and
you release what is behind the door, and you certainly don't slam it
shut again, and eventually you can let go and the door is open.
Or take a lever, it needs to be pushed in an exact direction to
makes its effect.
A miss is you bump into the lever, it wiggles, perhaps it even
moves in the direction it is supposed to go because your angle of hit
was 3 degrees off the mark, but it does not go all the way, and you
never see that you didn't do the exact right effort to push the lever
to its proper position, in fact you didn't even see that there was a
lever there to be pushed, you just know you ran into something that
sort of 'gave' a bit before resisting your motion.
That's a miss.
A bypass is you push the lever exactly as it is supposed to be
pushed, but you don't wait the appropriate time for the effect or you
don't hold it in the pushed position for a while, or you don't do it a
few times to really get the feel of doing it, and you get disgusted
with the no change or too much change and you walk away from it.
Or you get distracted. Or you get scared and you pull back on
the lever trying to undo quickly what you just released. All these
result in Q&A's of a clean reoperation to non event status of the
original effort that made the ridge.
At the chain level, the main thing that engrams do to a person is
they cause him to dramatize against his already existing masses in his
bank. Thus in running what was done to the person, you need to make
sure that he is spotting what he was doing during the incident, as he
is busy making the inner taffy worse.
Running incidents R3R doesn't just work because it runs out the
efforts and the impacts of the incident itself, which it does, it
works because it gets the pc to unwittingly reoperate what he did in
the incident that made the inner taffy worse.
An incident is defined here as an impingement of too much or too
little effort causing the pc to dramatize making nothing of something
forever or making something of nothing forever.
He mainly dramatizes on his inner taffy.
When the pc concentrates on the external trappings of the
incident, he will end up running the incident over and over and over
again will little change because the change he needs to run is the
mess he made of his inner taffy. Thus you hear auditors say "we ran
this incident for 20 hours at least 100 times though and finally the
pc had a huge win." Yeah, the pc finally ACCIDENTALLY managed to
reoperate the taffy messing enough times to produce the release.
This is generally caused by a pc who has no idea what he is
doing, he has no idea WHY running an incident causes a release, and
nor does the auditor, and so the auditor directs the pc to the
external impingments to the exclusion of the inner fight.
Every incident on a chain has the pc making a mess of his inner
taffy, just beating the day lights out of his bank clay ball. He
needs to duplicate what he did to the clay ball to get free. We run
the external incidents to find the moments he did these things to the
inner bank and by duplicating those actions, we undo the inner
solidification that took place during the external incidents.
If one starts at the first incident (earliest) on the chain and
look at the efforts the pc did to the clay ball, we will see that they
are similar but not identical to the efforts he did to the clay ball
during the second incident (later) on the chain. Likewise for the
third and fourth and later incidents.
During the second incident he will be exerting efforts that are
close to AND THUS MISS the efforts he exerted during the first
incident, which will thus restimulate and start to produce a release
of the first incident, but because the efforts only nudge the levers
in the right direction, or touch obliquely on the nail points of the
first incident, the release will not complete and in fact more charge
will be created and thus the first incident is now worse for the
second incident.
In running chains from last to first, one should pay attention to
the inner efforts against the taffy/clay ball of ones own bank as one
runs the external trappings of the incident.
Then in looking for an 'earlier similar' incident, one does NOT
look for similar external trappings, one looks for the incident whose
inner efforts to mangle the taffy were most missed by the efforts of
the later incident just run.
One can go WAY down the track very fast on this if one knows what
one is looking for. Pcs tend to look for earlier similar incidents by
narrative or AESP. But that assumes the earlier incident is in a
similar context or world milieu where the same external trappings had
meaning, fell off horse, all alone, trying to survive, must do it
alone, heavy impact etc.
This limits one to incidents within the same world context, there
have to be horses, or survival, or aloneness or survival, or heavy
impact etc.
The only thing really common to incidents is effort. Efforts
makes ridges, nothing else does.
By looking for the earlier incident using external trappings, one
finds only incidents in recent or even conceivable history and this is
very limited. The pc may eventually go WHOLE WHOLE track but only
after many run throughs and much grind, and he kind of gets thrown
there by the despair of ever getting out of session.
He's getting hungry after 3 hours of marathon running, and he
knows damn well he is going to starve to death before he gets an F/N
on this process, so out of despair he says, ok to hell with this, and
bang he is into something real WAY down the track.
It's may produce a fantastic win, but he won't want more auditing
because getting there was a crap shoot and he doesn't know if he can
'do it again' and next time he will probably starve to death before
the auditor lets him out of session.
If the pc looks instead to the inner taffy he is pounding while
running the first incident, he will naturally come across the next
true earlier similar incident that he should be running, because the
efforts that the true earlier similar incident pounded in the taffy
are freshly missed by running the later incident. Having oriented
himself to the proper earlier place and stance of fight in the inner
taffy, he can then look back outward and orient himself to what the
actual external incident must have been, that he needs to 'run'.
He is never running other than the pounding he did on the inner
taffy, and in fact a pc who can run the inner taffy doesn't need to
run out incidents at all and will protest being forced to find such as
he is running so far and deep down the whole track that its totally
out of context with anything that can be put into words or even
understood by our present consciousness.
"He who speaks knows not" applies, and if he is describing what's
happening in the incident, then he's WAY late on the chain.
Thus incidents keep each other in restimulation by missing the
inner efforts of the earlier incidents.
The earlier incident may have had this HUGE lever that got pushed
or this fathomless pit just pounded in with clay, and the later
incident is just this tiny little fellow bouncing around in his rock
hard masses causing vibrations in the lever and feet marks in the
clay. So when going earlier similar with this technique one needs to
think BIG, each earlier similar is 10 to 100 times bigger than the
later incident.
The above is also why
"When did I make this worse?"
is such a powerful process. It allows the pc to spot incidents
in this life or past conceivable history, where no matter who did what
to whom, he can see what he did to himself WHILE everyone else was
doing what to whom. This runs all 3 flows of external trappings and
at the same time runs the flow 0 which is internal to every incident
of the other 3 flows.
Get this, he is going down a chain of earlier similar time 'he
made this worse', and ending up in all kinds of flow 1 2 and 3
incidents that produced the same inner theme of ruin and pounded
Mother slaps him, murders him, kills herself. Big deal.
What he does to the taffy inside him is something else. That is
what needs to be run and duplicated out of existence.
Flow 0 is not a separate flow from other flows, it underlies all
other flows and goes on during all other flows.
It is not enough to audit the 52 perceptics of the outer
trappings of incidents.
If you don't audit the Flow 0 going on during the Flows 1 2 and
3, then you won't have a proper channel to go earlier similar on.
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Sat Nov 25 12:00:03 EST 2017
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Learning implies Learning with Certainty or Learning without Certainty.
Learning across a Distance implies Learning by Being an Effect.
Learning by Being an Effect implies Learning without Certainty.
Therefore, Learning with Certainty implies Learning,
but not by Being an Effect, and not across a Distance.
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