Monday, March 19, 2018

LAW (fwd)

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There is the law of the land and the law of the sky.

The law of the sky is what is right and wrong and is guided solely
by our own conscience and our sense of oneness and family with other

'As he is, so am I'.

In our usage, right and wrong, moral and immoral, and ethical and
unethical are taken to mean the same thing.

The law of the sky is NOT the written word of God, for even the
physical written word of God is below the law of the sky.

As each being is taken to be a full instantiation of God in
carnation anyhow, the law of the sky and the UNWRITTEN word of God could
be considered the same thing.

How do we know the "unwritten word of God?"

Via conscience.

Regardless of what we believe, or whether we have experienced a
higher divinity, we all have a conscience.

As sovereign beings, our conscience is the ultimate and sole
arbiter of all things.

God did not give us a conscience so we could use someone
else's conscience to make our decisions for us.

Never give your conscience over to the conscience of another to
determine what is right and wrong for you.

It's ok if you decide that someone else knows more than you, and
you trust them to make decisions for you, but it is YOUR conscious
decision based on YOUR conscience that directs you to do so.

All beings are governed by the law of the sky, and its justice is
swift and absolute as the law of the sky works in the now and can never
be wrong.

This justice however is powered by conscience and regret. In the
absence of either, i.e. insanity, there is no justice.

Thus each being delivers himself up for judgment TO HIM SELF,
during this life and in the many lives before and after this life.

In our yearning to protect ourselves from the criminally insane who
would break the law of the sky to our detriment while in the realm of
the land, we create professional organizations called government to deal
with the criminally insane in a professional and standard manner.

In order to guide and control the government we create the law of
the land.

The law of the land is a human codification of the law of the sky,
as best we see it.

The law of the sky codifies how the sovereign citizen should be

The law of the land does not codify how the sovereign citizen
should behave, the law of the land codiies how the GOVERNMENT should
behave as determined by the sovereign citizens who elected it into

The law of the land delineates the measures the government may take
and the penalties the government may impose on those who break the law
of the land, and thereby, we presume, the law of the sky.

The law of the sky constrains the sovereign citizen.

The law of the land constrains the government, that is it
constrains the civil servants who have sworn to uphold the law of the
land while on duty as the government.

The sovereign citizen has not sworn to uphold the law of the land
and thus is not beholden to it.

The sovereign citizen has no moral mandate to obey the law of the
land right or wrong. Only the sworn civil servant, who has sworn to
uphold the law of the land, right or wrong, has a moral mandate to obey
the law of the land.

The sovereign citizen on the other hand has a moral mandate to do
what is RIGHT, before considering what is LEGAL.

If a government official fails to go after a criminal and impose
authorized sanctions, he is guilty before the law of the land, for he
has sworn to uphold it, and we trust that he will. We voted him into
office for just that purpose after all.

He is also guilty before the law of the sky for violating
the law of the land after swearing before all to not do so.

The only way for a sworn civil servant to morally violate the law
of the land because of a conflict with the law of the sky is to step
down from his post as a civil servant, thus becoming a sovereign citizen

The law of the sky is a law for the sovereign citizen.

The law of the land is a law for the government created by the
sovereign citizen.

Sovereign citizens have a moral duty to do what is right first and
what is legal second.

Civil servants have a moral duty to do what is legal first and what
is right second.

If a civil servant feels that the law of the land is wrong, he may
break the law of the land ONLY after turning in his badge as a civil
servant and going off duty on the matter.

No matter how wrong or unjust a law may be, we do not hire our cops
to determine if a law should be enforced or not. That is not their job,
they are not competent to do so, and they can not be trusted to do so,
as any single human being can turn criminal or become subject to
corruption, temptation and seduction at any time.

Thus where there is sanctioned use of force to enforce or punish,
we have rule by law rather than rule by whim, caprice, greed or fancy,
let alone personal conscience.

However once any transgression comes to court, the law itself can
be put on trial and struck down by the jury, as the law of the land is
never above the law of the sky.

Above the police, the jails, the jury and the judge is CONSCIENCE.

If a country does not allow conscience to ultimately rule, it will
ultimately go criminal through and through, because criminals hate
people who have a conscience, as it reminds the criminal he has or is
violating his own.

Where conscience is not allowed to speak freely, the only people
left speaking will be the criminals.

The idea that there will NEVER be a conflict between conscience and
the law of the land is, on the face of it, absurd.

There are two main reasons for this.

The first is that the law of the land is a human encoding of our
understanding of the law of the sky.

Thus it is at best always behind our understanding of the law of
the sky and law makers may not have recognized or gotten around to
encoding things in the law of the land that are in fact wrong.

Laws can also be written poorly resulting in confusion and prone to
wrong interpretation by others, thus making something illegal which in
fact is not morally wrong.

The main reason though for corruption in the law of the land is
because of the following:

When law makers outlaw criminals, criminals become law makers.

This is because when criminals find it hard to hide and operate out
on the streets, they get themselves elected into positions of power and
trust, where they can operate safely and mold the law in the direction
of their own desires to enslave and rob everyone else.

One criminal in office or position of authority like a police
commissioner, judge, governor, or senator can cause 100's the times of
damage that one criminal in the street can.

Thus government, which should be of the people, by the people, for
the people, becomes government of the people by the government, for the
government which has become infiltrated by criminals.

Laws written by criminals inure to the benefit of criminals.

The law of the land suffers many overwhelming pressures in the
direction of criminality, those of big religion, big science, big
entertainment, big business and big government to name a few.

Those are the influences from the outside.

When criminal influences are entrenched with in the law making body
also, the problem becomes doubly compounded.

A criminal from the outside meets a criminal from the inside and a
deal is made to the detriment of the people.

Thus the law of the land becomes corrupted with laws designed to
benefit criminals in power, rather than the people as a whole.


When someone claims that something which is wrong to do, is right
to do just because it is legal, that is called 'hiding behind the law'.

When someone claims that something which is right to do, is wrong
to do just because it it is illegal, that is also 'hiding behind the

Hiding being the law means allowing the law to define what is right
or wrong to do.

The law is used to obscure one's conscience which is the ultimate
arbiter of all right and wrong things.

Right and wrong and have nothing at all to do with what is legal or

Legal and illegal are mere shadows of the truths of right and

The law of the land does not DEFINE right and wrong, but merely
describes our understanding of it, and sets sanction limits on what the
government can do about it.

The law of the sky says 'YOU MUST NOT DO WRONG'.

The moral mandate is on you the sovereign being.

The *MUST* is on you.

The law of the land says "IF you do something illegal, then the
government MAY punish you with sanctions but MUST NOT punish you beyond
the limits set by the law."

The moral mandate is on the government to stay within the limits of
the law of the land or else THEY have done something wrong.

In the dictionary, there are two definitions for the word

The first means someone who has done something illegal.

This is the criminally corrupted definition of it.

The second means someone who has done something immoral or wrong,
(morally bankrupt).

For our purposes criminality is the second definition, specifically
the intent to violate a fair chosen transaction between two people
either by deceit or force.

We grant the government rights to use force to protect us from the
treasonous intent and use of force by the criminally willed, against our
well being.

Legality (legal and illegal) and Morality (right and wrong) are two
completely different subjects.

Morality hopefully determines legality but legality must never
determine morality.

Governments of the people that are no longer by the people or for
the people, just delight in making people think that the law of the land
DETERMINES right and wrong for the people.

You can always tell a criminal government by this one test.

What determines right and wrong?

The law of the sky or the law of the land?

The law of the land determines right and wrong FOR THE GOVERNMENT,
and its assigns, the SWORN civil servant.

The law of the sky determines right and wrong for everyone else.

When and if there is a conflict between conscience and the law of
the land, one has a moral duty to follow one's conscience and not the
law of the land, or else one is in violation of the law of the sky!

And let me tell you, the punishments of Earth can not hold a candle
to the punishments of the Sky, namely your conscience under the pall of

When a being dies and gets to the Pearly Gates, Saint Peter will
not be asking you if you did what was legal. He will be asking you if
you did what was right.

If you answer,

"But I could not do what was right because the law forbade it",


"I had to do what was wrong because the law insisted on it",

it will not reflect well on you, it will be as if you said nothing.

Or worse, lied to the Lord.

For you will not forgive yourself in any measure for your
transgressions, for the law of the land is no excuse for transgressions
against the law of the sky.

When the court judge asks you 'How do you justify breaking the
law?', the correct answer is

"I am a sovereign citizen, and I have never sworn to uphold the
law, as civil servants and foreign nationals seeking citizen ship have,
and thus I have and need no justification for breaking the law.

When the law and my conscience come into conflict, I have a moral
MANDATE to do what is right first, and what is legal second, regardless
of consequences to myself on the Earthly plane. I do not give my
conscience over to the conscience of other beings to determine what is
right and wrong for me."

When the court judge asks you "Do you believe you are above the
law?", the correct answer is:

"Yes, of course I am above the law of the land, I am a sovereign
citizen as are we all.

And when the law of the land becomes criminal because it is written
by criminals to inure to the benefit of criminals, of course I am above
the law of the land because I am not a criminal.

I follow the law of the sky, and the law of the sky is above the
law of the land.

If I choose to follow my conscience rather than the law of the
land, I also choose to accept full responsibility for any consequences
that might befall me in the realm of the land for doing so.

As sovereign citizen it is my job to do what is right at all times.

As judge it is your job to enforce the law of the land right or

As the jury it is YOUR job to determine if the law IS right or
wrong and then, if right, adjudicate my guilt before the law of the land

Where the jury is not allowed to determine if a law is right or
wrong, moral or immoral, in accordance with the law of the sky or not,
you have a criminal government operating in that area, that is trying to
push the law of the land as the law of the sky.

In such circumstances in the past, termination with prejudice has
been called for by the law of the sky against the law of the land and
the moral criminals that promulgated and enforced it.

From this one might surmise that Truth is a jealous God, a God
whose wrath is hard to countenance or behold.

As we all are God in carnation, and there is no one to judge us but
ourselves, we need to watch it.


- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
Homer Wilson Smith The Paths of Lovers Art Matrix - Lightlink
(607) 277-0959 KC2ITF Cross Internet Access, Ithaca NY In the Line of Duty
Mon Dec 8 17:44:56 EST 2008

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Mon Mar 19 12:00:03 EDT 2018
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Learning implies Learning with Certainty or Learning without Certainty.
Learning across a Distance implies Learning by Being an Effect.
Learning by Being an Effect implies Learning without Certainty.
Therefore, Learning with Certainty implies Learning,
but not by Being an Effect, and not across a Distance.

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