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We know from 'Persisters and Vanishers', that when the interest in
creating games becomes strong, the preclear becomes very interested in
Randomity is the difference between playing solitaire with yourself
and playing it with someone else against you.
There is some randomity playing alone, the card deck itself
provides random draw, but there is a lot more randomity when playing
against another real person with two card decks and piles in the center
that either can take from.
We take from Hubbard:
"There is no compromise with full responsibility.
It lies above 20.0 on the tone scale, and is descended from in
order to effect [the apparency of] randomity [and other cause], but is
descended from with the full knowledge of its assumptions [and
consequences]." LRH Advanced Procedure and Axioms, page 57.
Still the coolest words ever written.
Thus the subject of randomity becomes of ultimate importance when
we seek the right why to things that are going on in the preclear's
"case" which consists basically of his inabilty to find and enjoy games
to play, win and lose.
We take from "Persisters and Vanishers", that the preclear starts
out creating games with too little randomity, too easy to win, not
surprising enough, never exceeds his expectance level etc.
But then as game building continues he adds more and more randomity
in order to make the game more interesting and desirable, all of which
also adds to the game's persistence.
You can't win or lose a game that isn't persisting, don't you see.
Later on the preclear suffers from too much randomity which begins
to ruin the games he wants to play, they are too difficult, he loses too
often, consequences of losing are too dire, etc.
Then good games become scarce, even winning a game uses up that
game, and so he becomes reticent to win, lest he runs out of games
Finally he starts to play the worst games of all, games where if he
loses the game, he loses all abilility to play any more games for the
rest of eternity.
HAVING games has become a game.
The purpose of auditing then is NOT to set the preclear free from
all randomity, but to help the preclear OPTIMIZE his randomity, so his
game playing becomes fun again, he can win, he can lose and he can play
again, never running out of games.
Optimmum randomity means maximum action without exhaustion.
And if he tires of a game, he can invent or find another one
Now we find that the preclear has gotten involved in creating
negative conditions for himself in order to keep games going or to end
games prematurely, rather than use a direct postulate to reoptimize his
These involvements are with the Service Fac chain of engrams and
the computations that the way to continue or end some games is not to be
able to play so well or honestly.
This is the advantage of being disadvantaged or disabled.
We have been told that the ACTION of the computation is to dominate
others, make others wrong, make others guilty, or make others succumb.
Mostly to effect others to cooperate in allowing him to continue to
be able to play in spite of - fill in the blank.
But the PURPOSE of these actions is to handle his problems of too
little randomity or too much randomity.
The idea of handicapping himself, is to increase his tone a little
bit by making playing games more accessible for him for a while, until
the negative actions he is taking with the service fac chain begin to
wear him out more than they are worth.
So you take a preclear, and he is limping and he is suffering, and
you poke around for what game he is STILL playing or trying to play, IN
SPITE of these limitations.
It will be a BIG game across many dynamics.
He has no idea how these limitations came to be, he has no idea how
they are serving him, and he has no idea what to do about them.
But he sure as hell is sure that if he lets go of these
limitations, disaster will result.
Those are the Qualms.
"Get the idea of NOT getting better."
"Get the idea of SOME getting better."
The limitations had to be convincing to others and to himself.
They can keep him from getting hung, in worst case scenarios, so they
have to look real.
And he can hide them and his choice to use them from himself and
from others through the use of basic not-isness of the forces and
efforts he is creating to make the limitations and sufferings.
And he can hide the not-ising from himself by not-ising his
not-ising, and then not-ising that, etc forever.
He thus guarantees that neither he nor anyone else will ever be
able to figure it out, either the scam that it is, or how to help him
out of it, once he admits its too much for him to suffer any longer.
A person can really bring themselves to the brink by using out of
control limitations to control things.
So one day he is limping down the street looking at the ground all
glum about his future, and he accidentally looks up at a sign in a
window that says
"We can help you figure it out. $50/hour."
He stops, says 'Yeah right', sighs deeply, checks his pocket for
his last $50, and drags himself up the stairs to the office behind the
There someone takes his 50, sits him down in a chair, starts on him
with this.
The auditor has the preclear spot a black area of confusion and
pain, and the preclear does so.
The auditor then tells the preclear 'Put it there!', and the
preclear does.
The auditor thanks him, and repeats the two commands a number of
At this point the black area is starting to shift and move around,
pictures and really pretty and ugly faces and pleasure and pain waves
are coming out of it, and the preclear is suddenly getting interested in
his case and willing to talk to the auditor.
The auditor keeps saying the same things, spot the blackness,
thankyou, put it there, thankyou, spot the blackness, thankyou, put it
there, and suddenly the preclear remembers something about that area.
If he is lucky it will be a total reviv, he will be a baby lying on
the bed when suddenly someone slinks around from behind him, grabs him,
slams a pillow over his face and lies with full body weight on the
pillow so the baby can't move or breath.
He will get the idea of what creepy is.
He thought he was safe, he ended up dead.
The whole incident came out of the blue for no reason, it took
about 1 second from start to finish, and he didn't die from suffocation.
He never did figure out WHO.
If he is luckier it will be a time when he did something like that
to someone else's baby, or maybe went swimming in a lake filled with
worms and snakes with 2 inch fangs.
He will suddenly and with great certainty realize that the bank is
filled with DEATH ENGRAMS, most of which aren't his own.
And he wonders how many of these revivs is he going to have to
suffer until he can drop his bank in the nearest garbage can, and leave
it there to trap someone else into eternal pain.
In any case it will be a series of games (trying to survive) with
too much or too little randomity that the preclear could not handle with
out applying the basics of notis-ness, namely denying anything was going
on or wrong or that he had a problem with himself or with games.
At this point, the preclear looks at the auditor and says that
perhaps it might not be a good idea to continue with this, because
somethings are better not known.
He invested a LOT of time, effort and pain to get to where he is
now, glum but safe again, and the auditor is apparently undoing all his
work, to what end?
To die over and over again in his chair?
The preclear is expressing 'the qualms' which is the idea that the
service fac might be better of left alone, that the preclear would be
better off continuing to not know and not know that he is not
Glum is so much better than dying repeatedly in revivs, your own
and everyone elses.
But it is now too late, the preclear will just sit there in a
quandry waiting for the auditor to get him to see there is a better way
to handle these things than to deny he is denying them.
The auditor, being a skilled and wise old coot, changes the process
to suit the preclear, "Spot an area of blackness, confusion or pain,
thank you, put it there, Thankyou."
The preclear realizes he has had it, its 'put it there' or die for
At least after a death reviv, the preclear can stand up again,
shaken, and dust it off.
But put WHAT there?
As he continues to put the blackness, confusion and pain there, it
starts to get thin, memories come back, what it was all about comes
dripping out of it, he starts to feel his old self again, you know
confident, can handle anything kind of nonsense.
But he continues to put whatever comes up there, until he starts to
realize he had a problem with too little or too much randomity.
He begins to remember that he natively knows how to handle this
problem by putting it there in the first place, including his later
failures in the game, and his original creating the game and CHOOSING TO
PLAY THE GAME in the first place, and suddenly he latches onto the
randomity control of the game and his life, and he can adjust it to
whatever he wants to.
He can adjust the control so the randomity is so low he just wants
to kill himself from suicidal monotony.
He can adjust the control so high that he just wants to kill
himself to avoid being killed out of the gate.
Finally he gets this smile on his face though, sets the randomity
control to just above his objection point, shakes the hand of the
auditor and walks out of there, looking up for incoming, and not down at
this own feet anymore.
And he leaves a 10 dollar tip at the door.
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
Homer Wilson Smith Clean Air, Clear Water, Art Matrix - Lightlink
(607) 277-0959 A Green Earth, and Peace, Internet, Ithaca NY
homer@lightlink.com Is that too much to ask? http://www.lightlink.com
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Posted: Tue Oct 2 16:53:02 EDT 2018
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