> Homer, you idiot. Psychosomatics aren't caused by thoughts or
> emotions. They are caused by inducing physical harm to the body.
Help and harm can happen on all 4 planes of existence, physical,
emotional, mental and spiritual.
Many psychosomatics are a CALLING BACK INTO OPERATION of recordings of
past physical harm to the body, via the being's covert INTENTION to handle
help and harm as laid out in the posting.
All psychosomatics are a covert effort to survive by succumbing
because the being considered it too dangerous to survive by forthright
survival at the time.
Any Grade IV knows he is doing it. The engrams are merely the pattern
and system of forces used to covertly produce the somatic result so not
even he knows he is doing it, and to make it convincing to others.
"Look ma, no hands!"
Mon Feb 27 12:08:56 EST 2012
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