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> > Some people, if you don't GIVE them any tech, they don't HAVE any
> > tech. You see the problem with this, right?
> Well so far my path has been to squirrel around until my TA is at six and
> then my ep is to cave in:-)...
> So I need a better path.
OK, this is a good sign. It means you are missing the real items
on your case, the ones that can kill you. I am in the same shape, and
gain is very hard, but when it comes it is interstellar, then we crash
and burn again.
Don't figure that anyone has it all taped out, they don't.
People who are 'stable' are for the birds, just skating on thin ice,
whistling past the grave yard.
It helps to have a good auditor, and to be a good auditor, but it
helps most to have someone who knows they are clueless so they don't
force you into wrong items and ways of being.
I would talk to Enid Vien, ladyv@cts.com and Allen Hacker at
speaker@aescir.net, and Alan Walters at wisdom@cyberstation.net.
There are others too of worth on a.c.t.
> > Take respect and not respect. He respects some things, and
> > doesn't respect other things, and he takes his respect VERY SERIOUSLY.
> > You see, it owns him, he doesn't own it. He isn't free to make things
> > he would not respect and to destroy things he does respect,
> So are we talking for the most part about implants, and postulates made
> after an engram that might involve the creation of ser-fac's and new
> valences? I ask because running implants I am comfortable with, I just
> confront and sort of probe them until they as-is, with no process comands at
> all. I have no idea how to run out or spot valences on myself.
Yeah spot and poof is very good, using pervasion and conductance,
rather than withdrawal and resistence. Life will present the next set
of masses necessary to run, the trick is to the find what they are
about, that's the hard part. One has to sometimes just shut up and
confront them for a LONG time before one gets a glimpse into what they
are about, then they start to come undone and vanish.
A valence on oneself is something valuable to you. What part of
you, if it were to be destroyed or endangered, would really be a
problem to you, like you wouldn't exist any more etc.
Those are valences.
What gets your jucies flowing in battle?
What is it that when someone else claims to be good at something,
just makes you stand up and feel 'how dare you claim to be better at
this than me!' That's the valence you are being at the moment, your
most prized 'expertness'.
What is it that makes you hit the floor in karate stance? That's
your most detested enemy, your Nemesis One. These two give you reason
to get up in the morning. Morning is a good time to audit them just
after waking. The impulse to get up dramatizes one's whole case.
>> but as a sovereign Creator in control of his own experience as a
>>Creature, he has to be able to make both sides of the wings of the
> Ok... What is a dicom? Is it a dichotomy?
DICOM = DIchotomy of Comparable and Opposite Magnitude.
> >The Void, freedom, lives in the center of the wings.
> So you mean something like pan-deterninism?
Yes. Consider the Author. A story of nothing but good people is
boring. A story of nothing but evil people is boring.
The author creates a meticulous interweave of good and evil,
producing art. The good story is not the same thing as the good
character. What makes a character in a story good, is not what makes
the whole story good, it needs both sides of the dicom.
Consider what you are being. Consider what would create what you
are being. That gets you to spot the Creator/Creature dicom.
> > He is parked at the respect end of the wing, trying to be
> > respectable and fighting everything that is not respectable, and thus
> > sliding ever so inexorably towards the other side of the wings.
> > Eventually he becomes an abomination.
> > So you run any process you know that will break the process of
> > dramatization, of taking respect and not respect seriously,
> > permanently, importantly and with pain etc.
> Does this mean that just finding dramatizations and running them out with
> any process I like will keep me blowing charge for a few years?
Forever. Yes as long as it is the next dramatization in line
that really needs to be run. If you run too shallow you will get all
messed up, if you run too deep you will scare the living daylights out
of your self and feel you have no permission 'to go there'. If you
just remain open to what you as Creator/Creature show you, the proper
ball will land in your hands and you can run it. Running the item is
different than running WITH the item which is being carried away by
the dramatization.
I would
> like to find something like that, that I can just keep on running and keep
> on getting better instead of wondering what kind of charge do I run next.
One of the primary aberrations in the being is Questions and
The very asking of a Question can be a dramatization. The NEED
for answers, the inability to just ask the question and not need an
answer etc. Questions about dramatizations can take you deep into
dramatizing, as they seem so important to answer!
The whole fabric of 'reality' starts to come apart when you start
to spot the dramatizations of questions and answers.
The whole of TROM (a process) is based on
The Goal to Know The Goal to Not Be Known
The Goal to not Know The Goal to Be Known.
It is in the archives under act7x.memo in the homer directory.
The need to blow charge itself forms charge if you start to fail.
One needs to make optimum case gain. Too much and one falters with
'no permission'. Too little and one starts to panic with 'I am
getting no where and time is running out'.
Check out what drugs people do. Downers are used to stop
case gain that is happening too fast. Uppers are used to speed
up case gain that is happening too slow.
> > You have simple dianetics "Locate an incident of respect/not
> > respect",
> If I did that I would run a chain of "respect " and then a chain of "not
> respect" ? They wouldn't both be run together as one dianetic item right?
Well if you are willing to throw off Orthodox Scientology, and
just run with things as they come to you, you can run a lot of bank in
a very short period of time. particularly if you start running the
*MASSES* and the efforts that make them through out the day, without
worrying about specific events or 'memories'.
The being is living life like "I respect this, I don't respect
that", tick tock, tick tock, every day, all day, 24 hours a day, even
in his dreams. You can quickly see that they form a tightly
interwoven stream of charge, like the DNA helix, that goes back from
present time into the past, and also into the future.
Where he respects something but can't have it, he has charge,
where he doesn't respect something but has to have it, he has charge.
So they form a sort of long term continuous spiral of mass into
the past, that ranges in intensity from light locks to heavy death
efforts. What you respect and don't respect can get you killed and
make you kill others, and get yourself killed in the name of the cause
Same is true of any dicom.
And then you have your masses, your BT's masses, THEIR BT's
masses, the body's masses, and everyone else's masses all doing the
same damn thing, DNA helix back into the past and into the future on
respect and not respect.
The future isn't hard to audit if you just understand that the
guy is concerned about losses that WILL happen just as bad as about
losses that HAVE happened. There is much more charge on the future
than on the past. Engrams from the past only charge up BECAUSE of the
If you contact one of these things properly, like I mean its
really the next item you need to run because your whole life is
dramatizing it etc, your needle will cascade down to 2.5 and float for
*HOURS* and produce a smile you can't wipe off your face.
Can you imagine being in love again with the AllThatIS?
Then the next item will kick in and your TA will go to 6 and stay
there for a year until you find it.
> > you have all the Grades, Comm, problems, withholds, arc
> > breaks, make wrongs, service fac computations on the subjects of
> > respect and not respect, and everyone else's also. You have goals and
> > terminals on respect and not respect
> But where can I find the comands for running goals and terminals, as I
> mentioned I have never done the clearing course?
Forget that. The clearing course is a lot of spotting on weird
GPMS. Its a lot of eval. You don't need it. Its on the net if you
really want to know about it, but Hubbard sold it as if it were the
end all of aberration.
The commands of the clearing course are merely to spot the given
items until the meter no longer reads. So its spot and poof again.
You don't need any other 'process', and the items that you need to run
are right in front of your face and life, not on the clearing course.
> and you have the whole CDEINR
> > scale on respect and not respect.
> So for example, if "curious about not respect" got a read, I would run
> "curious about not respect" earlier similar to EP and then run "respect" the
> same way? Or would I have to check for a read on each terminal seporately.
> Which would mean that I might be running only one terminal if the other
> didn't read??
You seem to be very 'into' standard Scn procedure which was
developed so that one person can help another in a very standard rote
Me, I can never run E/S, because my memory as such does not work
at all. In fact I balk at any 'remember at time' type commands.
When I found the respect/not respect item for myself, I ran it
very simply on the meter for a while with,
"What do you repsect?"
"What do you not respect?"
Then it became ludicrous as I SAW the masses created by the real
time dramatization of respect and not respect, and I also saw that
asking the questions above was just more dramatization, and that it
was more important for me to simply keep an eye on how I was
dramatizing in real time than to ask any question about it or run any
rote commmand on it. That isn't DOING IT.
The solution to dramatizing A, is not to ask questions about
dramatizing A because question asking is dramatizing B. Asking
questions helps at first, but then one just gets into the grove of
DOING IT, of DOING A and watching DOING A and watching the masses
vanish and cease to affect you and drive you into further
> >
> > You also have Adorian stair cases like
> >
> > The Beauty of Respect
> > The Ugly of Respect
> > The Beauty of No Respect
> > The Ugly of No Respect
> What is "Adorian stair cases" , never heard of it before?
ADORE is my own religion.
It stands for A Divine Operating REligion.
A staircase is like a descending tone scale.
The guy starts off with
The Beauty of Memory. Then he does something bad and goes to
The Ugly of Memory. Then he does a lot of drugs and goes to
The Beauty of No Memory. Then he realizes he can't remember anything
any more and goes into
The Ugly of No Memory, and wants auditing!
There is lots of stuff on this in the homer directory of the
> > So that adds up to about 2 million different 'processes' to run
> > on the pc and his items, so you choose the one that indicates.
> >
> > Simply "What do you respect?", "What do you not respect?" is
> > enough to break into the dramatization while it is going on and kick
> > the being upstairs to Creator/Author and away from Creature/Character.
> And that would of course be run alternating comands right?
Yeah, for me when I hit the item, I ran it back and forth,
listing each question until the next one became interesting, then back
to the first one again. Nothing was run rote, too much energy to keep
composure and anality about being rote etc.
I just kept at which ever side of the dicom was interesting at
the moment.
> I was just reading about the "Over Under" process and the author of the
> posting said that it probably wouldn't run well on solo. So are ther
> certain types of processes that shouldn't be run solo?
Don't know. It takes a really deep understanding of why
processing works to understand what makes a solo process work well.
Most processes aren't things you would do to your worst enemy,
but they get the pc to cough up or vomit up items that the pc can then
run. The pc doesn't consciously know how to pervade, and he doesn't
know that he SHOULD pervade, and he is quite sure he shouldn't
pervade, so you trick him into pervading anyhow by getting him to tell
you about the accident over and over again.
"Go to the beginning of the incident, tell me when you are there."
Running this solo is like putting your nose to the grindstone.
Forget it. If you have an item, real solo auditing is more like
doing a touch assist on your space/time track, all around over and
under the incident. Certainly you don't tell yourself 'Go to the
beginning tell me when you are there!'. You poke around from
beginning to end and before and after and all over the known universe
including other's incidents until its flat for you. If you try to run
R3R rotely on yourself, you are taking your attention off of doing
what is actually working to release the incident which is pervasion
and replication of the efforts and postulates.
Again *LOOKING* and *NOT LOOKING* is much more effective than
looking for a *QUESTION* to ask. Look at your life, spot the
dramatizations. Don't look for questions to ask ABOUT your life.
AS-IS takes place at the level of knowingness, not at the level of
knowing aboutness.
People who know alot about what questions to audit others with,
tend to be in lousy case state themselves, even if they can help
others. Because they can not pervade, they can only ask questions,
and although asking another a question, in the beginning, will help
his pervade in spite of himself, asking oneself a question takes one
further away from pervading the dramatization.
Once one gets good at pervading, one will shoot any auditor that
asks questions of you because questions are Q&A with just simply DOING
Asking "What am I dramatizing now?" is rhetorically correct, but
lousy solo because the answer is "You are dramatizing asking a stupid
question about your GPMs, rather than dramatizing the GPM and SEEING
what you are doing!"
The guy asking "What am I dramatizing now?" isn't dramtizing what
he is looking for, so how is he going to see it?
Better to just give the command,
"Dramatize your next item!"
"Tell me about it.
If the pc says "But I don't know what my next item is, how can I
dramatize it?" tell him to shut the fuck up and dramatize his next
He is trying to look at himself doing it, that won't work, as
that is putting separation in there between the pc and his item.
FIRST get him to dramatize it, THEN in retrospect he can start to put
separation in himself and report back what he is doing.
Asking questions about what one is doing, is not DOING IT.
You need to DO IT and OBSERVE DOING IT to as-is dramtization. No
questions are needed at all.
> > We want the being willing and able to artistically make both
> > sides of all dicoms, good and evil, light and dark, love and hate etc.
> > The Creator as Author creates tapestries of space/time manifestations
> > of these dicoms at war with each other.
> > God is not good. God is Author. Creatures/Characters are good
> > or evil, and to the degree that they take themselves seriously,
> > permanently, importantly and with pain, they lose. Because there is
> > no willingness to create the other side. Once the Good get the idea
> > "Hey lets create some evil so we can have a game!" they are no longer
> > good, they are Author again. That is the final E/P of all auditing.
> Sounds great!
> Are there items that can't be run as terminals? I mean can ideas and
> concepts and mest things all be run as terminals?
Terminals are solid masses that are being something.
A Teacher with the Goal to Teach is a terminal.
They are identities, valences, taken on by the being to resist
everything that he considers bad in the world and which shouldn't
exist, ignorance, stupidity, dufussness, whatever opposes The Teacher
in his mind.
Items can be terminals like Teacher, Goals like To Teach, or just
relationships between Teach and Taught like respect. Run Whatever
comes up. It's important to get the terminals, the goals and the
attitudes (like respect/not respect) that glue the being to his
Nemesis One.
All are runnable and must be run with spot and poof.
> >
> > It doesn't matter WHO you audit, yourself, your body, your
> > friends, your families, bugs, animals, universes, gods, BT's, etc.
> > Everyone is dramatizing. Wherever you can get a wedge in that
> > dramatization, no matter who it is, you free someone from something.
> > The point is to find deep items,
> By "deep" do you mean items that are basic or fundimental to life, right?
Yes. Items that underlie EVERYTHING, like respect, choice,
willingness etc.
Doesn't matter whether the guy is being a Teacher or a Soldier,
respect is applicable to both. Probably there isn't a terminal
in the universe that doesn't have respect/not respect underlying it.
So if you manage to hit one of these types of items, relationships
between terminal and opposed, it will run out the charge of ALL
terminals and opposed terminals at once without ever knowing what
they are!
That makes it much easier to run the actual terminals later
when they do pop up, which they will.
I can't tell you what item you need to run next, you will find
it, and even if you tell it to others, it won't be their next item
either, even if it is fundamental. But as each being runs his own
items, the whole fabric of encasement between beings starts to come
> >for example just for yuks, try
> > 1.) Respect - Not Respect
> > 2.) Chosen - Not Chosen
> > 3.) Benefit - Detriment
> >
> > Spot them in operation, that is the basic 'process'. Everything
> > more complicated than that is rote mechanical auditing that works and
> > serves its purpose but eventually is just so much dev-t, to a mind
> > that can make and not make at will.
> Yes, so I would eventually hope to just run the terminals by confront with
> no comands?
Yes. I would discriminate between questions and commands.
Asking a pc "What are you dramatizing?" is a question.
Telling the pc "Dramatize!" "Tell me about it!" is a command.
When you first wake up, notice the commands you give to 'Live
your life.' Notice the seriousness, importance, permanence and pain
of your concerns about the future. Fear and Need.
Notice the interweave of your postulates and how you are just
SURE they are right because you OBSERVE they are right, rather than
change your mind and have it be otherwise because you are a Creator
that precipitates everything you conceive of in the very conception of
Again one needs to change one's mind in the right order, the next
postulate in line that needs to be reversed is waiting for you to spot
it. These are called God Postulates by Adore, because you CAN change
your mind about them, and alter your entire future effortlessly. But
try to change them out of order, and they all hang up and freeze you
on a Cross of pride and shame.
So the auditing game is to continue spotting your dramatizations
in present time, your get up and gos with seriousness, and in those
dramatizations and the reason for their existence, spot the God Postulates
that you believe are true because you observe they are true, when in
fact they are true only because in the moment you say they are.
Once you find one of these, and you change your mind on them,
the POWER that is yours at that moment is unfathomable.
We aren't talking 'well and happy human being here'.
We are talking something else that makes a well and happy human
being worry about permission and places that Angels dare not tread and
gods go screaming for their mama.
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