Sunday, October 31, 2010

Re: ACT68

The following was very unclear and hard to follow, corrections and
clarifications follow.


The supposed opp term which the pc gives you that he thinks he is
fighting, is often his own terminal at the end of the GPM.

He will tell you he is at the beginning of his GPM where his
terminal is 'A Star Class Being' who is opposed to his opp terminal 'A
Nutty Thetan'.

In other words, his GPM starts with 'A Star Class Being' and ends
with 'A Nutty Thetan'. He is claiming to be at the beginning of the GPM
fighting the end of it, when in truth he is being 'A Nutty Thetan' at the
end of the GPM fighting what he used to be at the top of the GPM, 'A Star
Class Being'. You become what you fear if you lose to it.

But stranger things can happen.

Truth is he is at the end of a GPM where 'A Nutty Thetan' is his
BEGINNING terminal and 'A Star Class Being' is his most detested ending
terminal. He is at the bottom, out of valence into the good guys, he was
saner when he was A Nutty Thetan!

In other words, his GPM starts with 'A Nutty Thetan' and ends with
'A Star Class Being'. He is in truth at the end of his GPM fighting the
beginning of it. Having failed utterly as a Nutty Thetan, he has
descended down into being 'A Star Class Being'. You become what you fear
if you lose to it. Most people who 'act like they are a God', are out of
valence for this reason.


Homerwsmith-l mailing list

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