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The projected universe of space and time is a universe of parts,
parts interacting across a space time distance via cause and effects.
This gives us the feeling that we too are a part, affected by other
parts, but not very necessary to the greater whole, and much of the
greater whole we feel is not necessary to us.
We could in fact walk away from everyone else, and live alone, and
have tried to do so many times.
In other words it is not entirely clear that I need anyone but
myself to survive, and I might survive better if everyone else were
Of course I am still dependent on the atmosphere and the Earth
beneath my feet if I am to survive as a body, and so I am still a part
of a greater whole that I can not quite escape.
When one first goes completely clear of a body, and is alone there
500 feet in the sky looking down at the roofs of houses, one suddenly
gets another perspective on this.
Scientists of the rock (meaballus carrionensus) have long struggled
with a prime axiom that complexity of function is supported by complexity
of structure.
Structure consists of constituency, arrangement and process.
Take a pocket watch for example, whose function is to tell time.
Its constituency is what is is made of, metal, brass, glass,
plastic, and perhaps ruby jewels to make the wheels turn well.
Arrangement is how all the parts are shaped and put together.
Process is the resulting changes in state that a watch goes through
once it is wound up, that results from cause and effect flowing through
its constituency in a specific arrangement.
Process and function are the same thing.
Thus if the constituency or arrangement of parts changes, the
process will change, and so the function will change. If the change in
constituency or arrangement is too great, the process will stop and the
function will die.
Thus it is important to be able to put a pocket watch together
again properly after you have taken it a part. :)
As any given part is itself a part in a greater sets of parts,
accountability for function can be found either inside the
part, or outside the part or both.
For example most of the functionality of a wind up stop watch
is internal to the watch. You could take it to the moon and it
would still work, although in practice it depends on external
temperature and pressure to function.
But a watch that is solar powered for example, or my little
atomic bed side clock that gets its timing from radio signals
from WWV depend heavily on external processes to keep them
functioning right.
A car needs both internal gas, and external air, so the search for
accountability for functional complexity via structural complexity needs
to take into account internal complexity and external complexity.
We call these two areas of structure internality and externality.
Internality is where cause is inside the part, and externality is
where cause is outside the part.
Wherever science sees what it believes to be a complexity of
function or process (same thing), it expects to find a complexity of
parts, of constituency and arrangement, to causally account for it.
Science stops cold in its tracks when it can't.
Also our 3 dimensional minds are used to thinking in terms of space
and time and parts interacting across a distance, not only between
objects like two clocks next to each other, but also inside each object,
parts within parts until we come to fundamental parts for which the
question why? becomes a domain error.
Why means 'what smaller parts are within this bigger part that
accounts for the flow of cause so this bigger part does what it
If there are no smaller parts within a part, there is no why for
why the part does what it does, the why is God by default, or 'that's
just the way things are.'
As a being looks deeper and deeper for the source of his upsets in
the external world, he eventually runs into 'things as they are', and
although he is still mad as hell, there just is no one or anything left
to blame who could give a damn.
Thus he finds himself sucking up the misery of his life, trying to
keep on keeping on.
Keep on going, but don't shed a tear because nothing will notice
that could do anything about it.
As a body therefore, the being feels very much a part in a bigger
world of other parts around him, and zillions of little parts that are
inside him, that make him up.
He feels to the core of his being in particularly that if that
internal arrangement of parts were to go kerpluie, so would his own
conscious existence because he considers himself a process in an
arrangement of parts called a brain.
His brain is the pocket watch and his consciousness is the tick
tock of the balance wheel.
He is being a space time gizmo.
In looking to better keep his own contraption running, he is likely
to conclude that the existence of other contraptions can either be
helpful for harmful, and since we are all dust in the wind just waiting
to happen anyhow, it becomes no problem to him to help some of the more
harmful parts around him (people) attain their final resting state
slightly ahead of schedule.
Thus we have disownership of others and symphonies of classlessness
called war.
Then one day he exteriorizes.
With confounding clarity he suddenly realiizes, yes he is a part,
but he is NOT part of all that stuff going on out there in space time.
His body and its brain are 500 feet below him in the house that he
is now outside of looking down on.
Further he sees SO MUCH FUNCTIONALITY in his merely being able to
see the world without a body, that he understands for a moment that the
'complexity of structure' underlying his ability to just being there and
see without a body, is surely almost infinite, and certainly more than a
body ever had.
He sees that all the structure he used to think was
OUT THERE and accounted for almost everything, doesn't exist
at all, its all a dream in his consciousness.
But SOMETHING is accountable now for the projection
of the entire universe down to the last quark. But it's not
out there, its in side him.
He flips from externality to total internality.
From perception of external cause to perception of internal cause.
But he also realizes that just as he is a part of some now huge and
glorious greater whole, so is everyone else. And just as he is an
immutable, uncreatable, undestroyable, unchangeable part of that greater
whole, so then also is everyone else.
So it becomes no longer an option to depart himself from everyone
else. He and everyone else forms an immutable eternal causal structure
which is a cohesive whole, and he is stuck with everyone just as they
are stuck with him.
Disownership now becomes a cardinal sin with capital consequences.
So he trades being stuck as a part of the physical universe of
space time, air and earth, for being willingly and gladly a part of the
High Us, and whatever purpose the grand WE have in the scheme of things.
The dreamer goes lucid and becomes the dreamer not the dreamed
He may not know what it is, but he feels the numinousness of
existence, that there is something BIG behind his existence and the
worlds we is living in, possibly bigger than he can span. Not necessary
another conscious unit like himself, but something well worth getting to
know and operate.
He knows he is a part in a greater whole, which then becomes the
ultimate context in which we live and seek a greater understanding for.
Not a space time context made of dead uncaring matter, but a
eternal infinite living context whose life can flow through us if we let
The conscious unit is the window through which the eternal clear
light shines.
He knows if he could just get aligned with the Cosmic All he would
be doing alright.
When he first gets out, he may lose all significance on who he is,
or what he is, and what all the things are around him he was so involved
He has let all the added significance go, and is near the edge of
total as-isness.
He won't vanish the world for everyone else, but he is very close
to just leaving it all being as if it didn't happen.
Annihilation of involvement in the kaleidoscope of color form
that he has been taking so seriously for so long.
Exterior, he can't remember what anything is.
It's just color pattern, and the dividing lines between this and
that are not the 'obvious' ones he had been using before.
Before this was a door and that was a house.
Now both door and house become ludicrous and then gone, as if they
never were. Apparently there are much more interesting ways of dividing
up the world that aren't so 'keep the body alive' centric.
Ever wake up and you can't remember where you are, or who you are,
or what state you are in, or which home are sleeping in, or even if time
is still running, everything is so STILL, and it takes you a while to
reorient yourself to this life of MEST?
At least enough to find a fridge and get a beer?
You still don't know whose?
Well you don't need to remember or know who you are or what you
have been to function or to survive as an eternal being, holding onto
that stuff is what gets you killed.
Any what can be killed, if you aren't a what, you can't be harmed.
But existing in a state of total no significance can be hard while
in a body, its cool while it lasts, but we have to come back to take
care of our body and everything we love here so desperately.
Oh yeah, that's a *CAT*, and oh yeah that's MY cat, and oh yeah I
haven't fed it this morning, and this is Ithaca, and this is Cornell,
and Oh yeah, this is *THIS* life, sigh.
Finally the reboot is complete and you are reseated in the
solidities and realities of this life again, death row that it may be.
This is in part why exteriorizations are so hard to come by, and
don't last when they happen. It's just too high up, there is just no
reason to move or play the game, and that's just not the place to be in
a high action speed race like this universe. So we go there for a
while, just to know that all the shit isn't true, but then we come back
down and wonder.
But the impression that is left is an important one, namely WHAT WE
ARE TRULY A PART OF, the true bigger context of the multi operating
High US, and if we can get aligned with the direction of its creative
light, we can flow smoothly without enturbulation into the world no
matter how chaotic it becomes.
And that's the beginning of OT power.
The power to flow, to turn eternal clear light into temporal
color form, unenturbulated by anything, and yet still remain.
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
Homer Wilson Smith The Paths of Lovers Art Matrix - Lightlink
(607) 277-0959 KC2ITF Cross Internet Access, Ithaca NY
homer@lightlink.com In the Line of Duty http://www.lightlink.com
======================= http://www.clearing.org ========================
Posted: Wed Nov 10 00:45:09 EST 2010
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