You can hurt.
Really bad.
You can cry forever over the loss of single cat, even long before they die, nay from the day they were born,
or the moment you first met them.
Every First Hello implies a Last Goodbye.
The evil we know as Goodbye is matched by the good we know as Hello.
How much pain could you be made to feel, without dying or going
Most people will tell you that they have experienced pain far worse
and deeper than any pleasure they have ever experience.
It makes them wonder.
Wonder makes it worse, because wonder is anti faith.
Faith is a bad word because it connotes believing without evidence.
But one can know one is sovereign without a single shred of
evidence apparent in present time. This is hard on a being, but this is
what faith really means.
Faith means knowing that flinch commits to pre postulation of
disaster, both physical, emotional, mental or spiritual.
Faith means knowing that questioning one's sovereignty kills,
because doubt is self casting.
Faith means knowing that the consideration/observation flip flop,
casts in stone, considerations that become 'proved' through
Things in the world of mammon are created and become 'true'
because of consideration acting as the causal agent of existence.
Things are created in the mere conception (consideration) of them.
Observation is then used to verify what was created.
Failing to notice that consideration CREATED these things in the
first place, observation then tells us that not only do they indeed
exist, but they exist INDEPENDENT of our consideration of them.
Observation fails to notice that consideration was CAUSE in the
first place.
That's like the GodSoul saying
'Let there be light! And he saw the light was good'
and a moment later thinking, still observing the light
Where the hell did all this light come from?
He is still convinced through observation that the light is
there, but he no longer is aware through observation that his
original consideration created it.
He now has the consideration that he didn't create it, and he
observes further that he can't get rid of it.
And he uses his observations of trying and failing to get rid of
light, to prove to himself that indeed he is stuck with the light.
That is in fact how the GodSoul created the world as God and then
jumped in, and incarnated, as Soul.
Using looking (observation) to prove knowing is a death trap. in
the spiritual world. All looking shows you, is what you created BY
KNOWING it in the first place, but probably puts the spin on it that you
didn't create it and are now stuck with it!
Faith is at least understanding the mechanism and deciding which
way one is going to go, and taking full responsibility for one's fair
chosen fancy free faithlessness.
There are beauties and pleasures beyond one's wildest imagination,
all of them Self, the fully adorned GodSoul.
The highest love is Self love.
The second highest live is love of other's Self love.
One has to come down from the top to even share the idea.
Many of the beauties are halcyon and humor, high cool and romance.
Halcyon is bemused relief on the verge of time.
"They halcyon winds of summer heal the cold cruel wounds of
winter." -Adore
How high does it go?
How low have you gone?
This is the undreamed dream come true.
Homer Wilson Smith The Paths of Lovers Art Matrix - Lightlink
(607) 277-0959 KC2ITF Cross Internet Access, Ithaca NY In the Line of Duty
Tue Jun 24 12:40:04 EDT 2008
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