Saturday, April 30, 2011



What powers a being is desire.

What stops a being, aside from view (postulates and
considerations) is mass.


Thus what you want to audit is desire, what the being wants, in the
direction of removing mass. Then he can reevaluate his view that led
him down the road to failure and cemented him in the pit at the end of

What you need to know is: what does a being want?

So you ask him, and he says well peace on earth, no more assholes,
all the young titty there is, and a mountain of chocolate!

So you say, "Ok! Well imagine you have all this in spades, what

He sits there a moment trying to wrap his wits around the idea that
he can feel like he has all this stuff whether he does or not, and then
he says "I want a challenge."

Now a challenge is not the same kind of havingness as a mountain of

You can HAVE a mountain of chocolate.

How can you HAVE a challenge?

A challenge is a desire for a chase, a desire for NOT having and
trying to get. So really as long as the guy is giving you haves for
what he wants rather than chases or, games, he is still off course.

HAVING is a waste of time, PLAYING isn't.

That might sound odd in a world of scarcity, but the being HAS in
native state.

Time is for trying to get. Of course things are scarce in time.

You don't HAVE in time, you CHASE in time.

Every time you win, every time you get what you want, you visit
native state eternality for a moment where you have anything you want
forever for free.

Except a chase.

So the winning of any game is loss of the chase.

So you run

"Spot a challenge."

on him for a while, and eventually he spots a challenge and he gets
that look in his eye as the thing tells him "Oh no you can't!" and he
thinks back "Oh yes I can!"

You will know it when you see it, he's like a hungry wild animal
that has spotted his prey, no attention for anything else.

So at that point you can take a win as an auditor, although you
will lose your pc because he will be out conquering black holes and
turning them into summer resorts or power plants for civilizations.

You won't be out of a job however, because you can bet that
whatever challenge he takes on will on average will be bigger than him,
or else it wouldn't be a real challenge, and he will eventually end up
frustrated buried in tar.

Mental mass.

So you put him back into session and unstick him from all his tar,
and he dusts him self off, says thank you, and maybe he goes for a
second tackle, or maybe he picks another challenge more his size.

But if he picks another challenge, he will be looking at the first
one with that same old look in his eye, and saying,

"I'll be back!"

No game lost is ever quit, your pc is too stupid for that, so they
build up mass and get forgotten, especially if your pc has lost his
class or self esteem playing them.

In the meanwhile he's playing "I'll be back" on every one of them
along his whole track.

"I'll be back" puts the mass in his future, because he has made an
appointment on his future time track with that game again.

Its right there in his appointment book you see,

"Black holes into power plants, someday soon..."

but he needs the mass in place so he can forget about it for a

So now anything he does towards his future is through this mass
hiding that game from him! That makes other games hard to impossible.

So you need to audit this desire thing, this fountainhead of
source, gushering up into the air, in front of his face, which has
become crystalized in tar, obsidian glass and crazy glue, like a volcano
frozen in time.

The flow starts in the rump and goes right up the chakras out the

This is his tower of power, but its all frozen in confusion, self
bewiderment, resentment and super controlled bitter hope.

"Pining is unsighable bitter noble melacholia, usually on the
subject of not operating divine operating religions." - Adore

There is no more flow any more, his tower of power has become just
an edifice to failure.

He's is spending his time playing penuckle championships on the
side of it, rather than getting on with one of its flows on some dynamic
or another.

He doesn't even think this thing is his any more, its someone
else's, at best maybe its his 'symptoms'. Fumaroles blowing off steam,
and he's going 'where the hell did this mountain come from? Hey anyone
want to play cards, its warm here!'

Some people are living near their fumaroles and they are warm all
the time. Others are very far away and they are cold all the time.

But everyone of them is playing cards all day long, on the mountain

'There are many ways up the mountain, but most religions are going
around in circles on its sides" - Adore

So that's what you are auditing and that is ALL you are auditing
because that is all there is to audit.

Desire and view buried in mass.

View is mostly about origination and continuance (of failure).

View is hidden in a stack of resented self answering question

The mass is created by the wonder. Until he forgets it one day and
fails to come back to it. He can't come back to it, the mass has become too thick.

That's Q&A, a term that means Question and Answer, or changing the
question every time you get an answer even if it isn't right or

He started off towards A and ended up going somewhere else and no
longer knows about A even though it is still there.

Every time he reaches for anything, a piece of chocolate, his
desire starts off at source and goes towards A, gets deflected to a
whole mess of others failures and eventually ends up at the candy bowl
on his card table.

That's one hell of a circuitous route between source and candy.

He eats in sadness. Playing cards is a facade for disaster covered
in oblivion.

If you can keep it that simple you should be able to hit his core
pretty quickly and blow the whole thing up.

If you yourself aren't off being cold in your own tar pit that is.

Move near one of your own fumaroles where you are warm all the
time, you will be able to audit better.


Homer Wilson Smith The Paths of Lovers Art Matrix - Lightlink
(607) 277-0959 KC2ITF Cross Internet Access, Ithaca NY In the Line of Duty

Wed Nov 8 01:28:59 EST 2006

Homer Wilson Smith The Paths of Lovers Art Matrix - Lightlink
(607) 277-0959 KC2ITF Cross Internet Access, Ithaca NY In the Line of Duty
Homerwsmith-l mailing list



Desire is a fountain.

If you are an eternal, then desire connects you to the fountainhead
of source, from which all power flows, and from whence came your present

If you are a mortal or ephemeral, well then desire is a fountain.

There are desires on all 8 dynamics, self, family, groups, species,
life, MEST, spirit and the AllThatIs.

Desire puts havingness into the future. One can have merely by
wanting, but generally one desires to play the game of chasing to get
instead. Once one gets, then the game is over, and one has to get on
with the next desire.

Desire is fundametnally a dissatisfaction with the here now,
coupled to a vision of a more satisfactory there then. Once the there
then becomes the here now, the desire is fullfilled, and the next
dissatisfaction is targeted and pursued to completion. In this way a
being can stay busy and happy forever.

A 'sit' is the greatest dissatisfaction that the being can do
something about in present time.

Happiness though depends on the willingness to play, to engage in
the chase. Where there is no willingness to play, one can only play
under protest and that is not happiness.

Willingness to play depends on willingness to win or lose the
particular game in question. Once any game is won or lost, the *GAME*
is lost, and so there must be another game to play.

In a scarcity of games, one becomes unwilling to win or lose,
because there are no more games, and thus becomes unwilling to play, but
must play.

Having to play and being unwilling to play leads one to trying to
get others to play for you, which is called criminality, cheating in
other words.

A scarcity of games can be created by connecting the existence of
future games to the winning or losing of a present game. If you win the
present game, you get to play again. If you lose the present game,
that's it folks, no more games.

A worse scarcity of games can be created by having only one game to
play whether one wins or loses it. When its done, no more games.

A super scarcity of games can be created when the game one is
playing is 'won' only by extending its time of play, and eventually you
lose it anyhow no matter what. This game degenerates to only how long
one can keep the game going.

Staying alive for most meatballs is such a game.

Willingness to play is long gone.

There is,


NO desire does not mean an absence of desire but refers to the
pretense of no desire that results from suppression. NO is the 5th item
in the CDEINR scale of failure.

Curious about, Desire, Enforce, Inhibit, *NO*, Refused.

Although 'Desire' is also a level of the CDEINR scale, desire is
also its own item.

One can be curious about desire, desire desire, enforce desire,
inhibit (suppress) desire, pretend there is no desire, and refuse

More foramlly there is,


Desire for is desire for the presence of something, and desire
for not is desire for the absence (for the not presence) of something.

There is also,


People desire things that they wish they didn't desire but can't
help it. This is desire to not desire.

Desire to desire is a healthy desire.

In the process of chasing desires, a being can fall down the scale
of failure:


More technically it goes like this,

Starting state Starting state
1.) Desire to Have Desire to Not Have Desire
2.) Must have Must Not Have Enforce
3.) Can't have Can't Not Have Failure
4.) Desire to not have Desire to Have Inhibit
5.) Don't Have Have No
6.) Must not have. Must Have Refused

Must have and must not have are need, the being considers his
survival depends on having what he desires. Otherwise they remain
merely desires.

A being at the top of the scale will desire something, and at the
bottom will refuse it even if given to him.

A being failing to get what he originally desires will form a
substitute desire and failing that, form more substitute desires. The
being will continue to substitute forever, laying layer after layer of
failure on himself until he can't stand up any more.

There are two types of games, those that the being is willing to
play and which he enjoys playing, win or lose, and those which the being
is unwilling to play.

He can be unwilling to lose because the consequences are no more
games, we call these fragile immortalities. A fragile immortality can
live forever until he loses some particular game, then that's it for

He can be unwilling to win because that makes someone else lose,
again fragile immortalities can become a real problem to him.

He can also be in games where he and everyone else are going to
lose anyhow one day, we call these fragile mortalities. The game of
survival of the body is lost when the body dies, no matter how long one
managed to keep it alive.

Efforts to create biological immortality are efforts to kick games
of fragile mortality back up to fragile immortality.

However in the physical universe eventually all bodies are going to
die one day, no matter what.

If there is a finite probablitity of something happening, given an
infinite amount of time, it WILL happen.

You can only stay alive AS a physical universe entity for so long
before it eats you.

The game of how long can you keep the game going before you lose no
matter what and no longer have any more games to play is not a fun game
to play and will and has led to deeper cruelties on the whole track than
anyone can confront in present time.

Beings playing games they are not willing to win or lose, tend not
to play well, and accumulate charge as they do, and thus tend to lose
sooner than later.

When running the times of no desire and desire, one is not at all
interested in WHAT is desired or not desired. These just fixate the
pc's attenton on late on the chain substitutes for failure and will
cause him a loss. Certaintly let the pc talk about these various
desires and failures, but never ask him for them. You want to audit his
DESIRE, not what he does desire or has desired or not desired.

Desire is a fountain, if you audit NO desire and SOME desire, what
he desires will bubble up and spray all over the place.

Indoctrinate that desire is desire for change in present time,
namely to bring about a presence or an absence.

Indoctrintate that no desire does not mean absence of desire, but
suppression of desire to a point of pretense of no desire.

No desire will read in the presence of suppressed desire, and will
float in the true absence of desire which is native state.

Always run the NO item first, and the SOME item second.

Entire cases are bypassed by assessing for the item first and never
assessing for the NO item. Take any CS 53RJ or other assessment or
correction list, and run all the items on them as NO items and see what
you get. It will blow your socks off. Don't bypass NO DISASTER.

If the process stops running without major release, get back in
sync with the layering of failures by skipping a command.

No desire, desire, no desire, desire, no desire, no desire, desire
etc. Skip commands until the process starts running and reading again.
No desire, no desire, desire, desire, (reads), no desire, desire...

You may have to resync the process a number of times. These flows
are HEAVEY, you must run them at their behest.


Tell me about no desire.
Tell me about some desire.

Tell me about no desire to desire.
Tell me about some desire to desire.

Tell me about no desire to not desire.
Tell me about some desire to not desire.

What you are running out here is nothing less than the
fountainhead of source and the pc's reason for being.

You are running en mass, everything the pc has ever desired or is
desiring or will desire on the whole track past present and future.

This done, it will reconnect the pc with his fountainhead of source
(native state), and his original desire to manifest, which he is
presently pretending is a no desire to manifest.

He can start desiring again in present time as if he just came

E/P is being is brand new, in control and having fun.


Homer Wilson Smith The Paths of Lovers Art Matrix - Lightlink
(607) 277-0959 KC2ITF Cross Internet Access, Ithaca NY In the Line of Duty

Sat Nov 4 01:59:59 EST 2006
Homerwsmith-l mailing list



Desire is dissatisfaction with the here now, usually accompanied
by a more desirable vision of a there then. The game becomes to
realize the envisioned there then into the here now.

When it comes to operating desire, the being has three choices.

He can put something where there is nothing. This is the prime
act of creation.

He can put nothing where there is something. This is the prime
act of destruction (through as-isness).

He can change something into something else. This is the prime
act of change.

Thus we have start, change, stop.

Change is best accomplished by first destroying what one doesn't
want and then putting in its place something one does want.

Trying to change A into B is alterisness, but as-ising A, and
then putting B in its place completes a clean cycle of change.

To a being that can create in the mere conception of things,
desire can be a problem.

One might think this wouldn't be the case, since by desiring and
thus conceiving of something he would immediately get it, and by not
desiring and thus unconceiving of something, he would immediately
remove it.

Thus changing the unwanted here now to a wanted there then should
be an easy process, as easy as getting it right in your mind's eye.

Locate what you don't want.

Locate what you do want,

Thus it should be made so in the proper conception of it.

However at deeper levels of game play, desire has desired to not
be so sovereign, desire wants a game which it can lose, to which the
outcome is uncertain and to which the desired end result is in the
future after appropriate amounts of chase.

Thus desire can enjoy the chase and not know the outcome until
the end. This allows the other side to win on an 'even steven' basis.

In particular we have learned in prior postings on 'Self
Answering Questions', that some questions are the cause of their own

What creates a condition and what continues the condition are two
completely different causes.

This is because creating an as-isness which originates something,
and creating an alterisness which continues something are two different
actions even though they may be applied at the same time,
in one move.

Thus in a dream anything can start a tidal wave coming at you but
it will continue only if you 'grab the ball and run with it'.

Only if you 'get into the problem' of the tidal wave, get
worried, concerned, and start to run from it, will the tidal wave get
bigger, because now you are putting your own energy into its
existence. This is one of the rules of dream magic, if someone tosses
you a ball, and you grab the ball and run with it in all seriousness,
then you will have a ball.

On the other hand if you simply face the tidal wave and say 'not
now' you can smooth it out so it no longer comes at you. Of course your
dream may initiate some other thing that will then need to be handled,
as that is what dreams do, but only those things that get you to flinch,
take them for actual and start to DO something about them will grow and
eventually overcome you.

In dream time flinch is born of ignorance and lack of faith, in
other words operating know how.

Part of this mechanism of continuance lies in the mechanics of
asking questions.

You see a tidal wave in your dream that you didn't start and you

Ostensibly the question is a sensible effort to find the wave's
original cause, but notice the question assumes that the tidal wave
still IS.

Thus the power of the postulate that the wave still is goes into
making the wave still be. Thus it gets bigger.

In the physical universe we don't believe that our postulates about
things being or not being carry any power to create or uncreate
conditions, thus we are taught to seek their original causes and thus we
may be able to deal with further outbreaks.

For example a population gets sick and starts dying. Certainly our
quesiton 'Why are they dying' isn't influencing the continuance of the
condition as it might in a dream, our only hope is to find the original
cause and possibly take care of it that way.

But in dreams, the laws of origination and continuance are a bit
more forgiving. As Adore says,

"Why is it?"

Say, "It is."

Say, "Why?"

That's why.

So in dreams questions about origination and continuance of
conditions can actually cause the continuance of the condition so
queried. This is a kind of magic that can get a being into very deep
trouble, but is easy to resolve once he sees the mechanism behind it.

Too easy perhaps which is maybe why we have moved on from dream
universes to the killer pit we occupy now.

In dreams flinch is king. If you relax the bugs will fall off you,
if you don't they will eat you.

Things in dreams are as solid as you worry and wonder about them.

Relax and you can walk through walls.

Now desire in the physical universe is very much the same way.

If you say I don't like this, you have just said in the same
breath, it is, because it wouldn't be there to not like if you weren't
is-ing it in the first place.

Spot a psychosomatic condition and run

"It is. Why?"

on it for a while. Watch it go more solid.

If one then gets into a big production trying to change it, one can
get very stuck with it. Desiring to change something assumes it is
there to change, so adds the power of one's own postulates into the
continuance of the very condition one wants to change.

Now I know we have said that the physical universe is a rougher
place than dreams, and our postulates about asteroids and diseases may
not have the power to continue or smooth out things that they do in

But the physical universe is actually an add on universe to make
games harder to play and more persisting, but has as it foundations all
the universes earlier than it, including the dream universes! Thus at
all times in the physical universe, all prior universes are still
operating in their own sphere of influence.

The laws of a dream universe still apply therefore to those parts
of our physical universe existence that are made of these earlier

The first and most obvious candidate for dream universe rules is
our own case state.

The being at some time in the past suffered a failure, and got a
restimulation of an earlier engram in play. That's his tidal wave.

He didn't start it, he didn't expect it, although he may have a
long ago postulate that something like this could happen.

He asks 'What is causing this?' and thus continues it with his
postulate that it IS. This alarms him because the more he LOOKS for the
cause, the worse the somatic becomes. Finding the original cause of the
somatic is not important, finding the source of its continuance IS, you

Then he goes into doubt about himself, his sovereignty, about
whether there is uninvited other cause in the universe affecting him,
and Oh Lord that puts him into a worry feed back loop that saturates him
straight into the unconfrontable.

But then he finds a good use for the somatic to make others wrong
and now he is stuck with it. It may SEEM like it is as rock hard as the
physical universe, but that's what is giving him the pay off.

Nonetheless in fact our psychosomatic cases run on dream rules.

Origination is not important, continuance is, and continuance is
caused by asking self answering questions that try to resolve the
condition after implying that the somatic exists.

"Why am I so sick?"

Well you gotta BE sick, in order to wonder why.

Thus you may not be able to stop an asteroid coming in by running
self answering questions, but you certainly can handle migraines,
breathing problems, eye sight, cancers, arthritis and the rest of
medical quakery using straight forward auditing.

THE QUESTION is the answer to the condition, because once he
spots how the question is causing the continuance, the origination
becomes unimportant and the condition stands down.

The particular question involved causing the continuance that is
bothering may be subtle as hell and take him a long time to find.

It can be hard as hell to get the being near the material that
needs to be confronted, but the whole mess is kept in place by flinch
doubt and wonder, i.e. self continuing questions.

Now remember case was created to handle loss.

You may be very able to remove the case the guy has created (which
didn't actually help him for long at all), but then he is still sitting
in that original loss.

That loss may need physical universe rules to handle it.

It is this that makes handling case seem physical universe tough
rather than merely dream tough.

He lost his family, no amount of dream universe postulation is
going to bring them back or do away with the need for one. He needs to
get up, go out and DO something to build a new one from scratch, and

But he doesn't have to suffer sleepness nights and migraines while
he does so, you see?

In the absence of an ability to recover from the loss, the guy
still needs his 'solution', his dream case.

He KNOWS that letting go of the flinch isn't going to handle this
one, and he is afraid that the charge on his loss will kill his body in
present time and in fact it might.

Here is where you are up against the kind of game the being is

Nominally a being wants to play a game where he can play, desire to
win, but not need to win.

Certainly once the game is done, he can fire up another game even
more challenging, and carry on forever, or until he desires to Big
Snooze it, up at native state.

No playing field lasts forever, each is created in a while, once
all games are expended in a playing field, the being will fold it up, or
sell it for scrap to another team, take a rest, then reengage in another
full cycle of manifestation again.

It is pretty easy to audit such a being because he has no worries
about forevers and nevers which violate his sovereingty. In fact he
pretty much knowns he is game creator and game player, and thus does not
build any charge while he is playing.

If he desires to change something, his initial statement that the
unwanted condition IS is sufficient to as-is it, so it isn't!

Then he can get to work putting in place the new condition he
envisioned that was more desirable.

Thus he can continue to diswant things and want other things, and
not build a wake of charge behind him that comes from resisting,
resenting, protesting and denying responsibility for initial conditions
that he wants to change.

Most of the people walking around on the street in a body however
are not in this condition. They may theetie wheetie on you and claim
they are, but if they are rock solid in their head, or locked into
taking care of their body, they are lying to themselves and to you.

These guys are playing this is my only body, my only game, and if I
lose this game, I will lose all games forever more, and I will do
ANYTHING to keep this game going for as long as I can.

And rest assured they have attempted and will attempt to do
anything to keep it going, which will be their overt track that needs

The way to happiness is a true confession. - Electra.

Now these guys are not happy. From their present time point of
view they do not want to be playing a 'one and only game' upon the
winning of which the existence of all future games depend.

That is much like Sisyphus' Wheel, where in he had to keep rolling
it up the hill forever, and if he failed from exhaustion he would fall
into the fires of hell forever more.

Try to get them to relax and you find that breathing is not
sufficient reason to be for them, they live in a background of pain,
hurry, resentment and anger, fear and sorrow. They gotta keep DOING to
feel positive.

Doing is running.

These guys are in hell, you audit them a bit and they start turning
on walls of fire.

They KNOW their body won't live through that, so they close it
right on down and that's the end of auditing them.

They are better off not being better off you see?

If they were willing to lose their body, if personal integrity were
more important than immediate life, then perhaps you could keep them in

But they believe that the loss of their one and only body means the
loss of all future games forever more, and well, personal integrity
can't hold a candle to staying alive.

Now YOU as an auditor have a question to face.

By exactly what route did a being who desires to play games forever
more (broken into sovereign whiles), come to be playing games that he is
not willing to play or lose, which in the end he will lose anyhow, and
once lost mean the end of all other games forever for free?

Some of your mortal meatballs will admit they want to live forever
but just don't believe it is real, they have crossed the point of no
return, across the event horizon of the black hole that a mere moment of
doubt of immortality brings upon a being.

"I didn't desire this!"

Now their sovereignty is lost.

Can you find that desire to not desire something for them and rehab
it so they can and would do it again?

Forget mocking up the clearing course, get them to mockup the
decision to be non sovereign until they don't stick on the wrong side of
the event horizon, outside of which they can no longer see.

The moment one chooses to not know, one can no longer remember or
know the moment he chose to not know either!

Once you come into the black hole of mortality, the coming in
is *GONE*.

Only by practicing this mechanism of coming in and forgetting, can
he then pop out, because trying to come in puts you out because you
can't come in unless you ARE out.

Thus a strong enough postulate that you WANT to come in, will
automatically put you out for just the moment before you come in. After
doing this for a while, during that moment of being out, you can change
your mind and not come in, and thus remain out.

The rest of your mortal meaball cases won't even admit to wanting
to live forever. They want to live as long as they can, because death
scares the hell out of them, but they don't want to live forever,
because immortality scares them worse as all immortalities in time
eventually turn into hells forever.

This is the 'I've had time enough for love' case.

They have turned it into a "I've had time enough for sorrow."

They are willing to do their time, but at the end they want to
be dead, to sorrow no more.

These are your bashers on a.r.s, your jokers and degraders on
a.c.t, your Ad Hominem Factories on The Phil ScottTissue Show, and
your dieticians, gym teachers, and drug pushers, uh, I mean doctors
infesting the rest of the channels of life.

There is a *LOT* of anger, fear, and sorrow to run here, its hard
to confront the sad eyes, even for those who know how to laugh, and can
find sympathy for evil stuck in tar.

But even evil can cry because down deep all evil was good at one
time and in fact is BEING evil now out of a good intent.

Go figure.

The flinch, doubt and wonder of a meatball can put YOU into wonder
as an auditor, so you gotta watch it and know what you are handling
because wondering about sovereignty will sink anyone into solid rock.

Sovereignty is what the being desires, messing with it is messing
with his desire.

But sovereignty desires non sovereignty for a while, that's the Imp
Soul operating.

This intent, motivation and 'aesthetic to being mortal' exceeds the
mortals ability to duplicate because it can only be operated by an
timeless eternal become sick of timefull immortality.

The bridge that you need to create for these people is a bridge
back the way they came from endless game playing, to only one game to
play and that's it bud.

The day they connected all future games to the winning and losing
of the present game, was the day it all went wrong for them.

That's the event horizon of the couldn't, wouldn't, shouldn't have
created this thing, that they could, would and did.

They can't believe it, and that's a break with themselves, their
own choice, intent, motivation, purpose and volition.

Imagine an atomic explosion creating an immortal black hole.

That's what happened.

Desire became serious, the idea 'it is' no longer caused an
as-isness, but in fact caused a further persistence, because the is was
resented as uninvited.

"It is, and God damn it to hell forever!"

It ain't going to vanish with that postulate that you want it to be
long enough to suffer in hell forever.

The last act of a being trying to as-is something is to pray to
another to destroy or punish it forever for him.

Thus any efforts to change the here now to a better there then
resulted in resistence, flinch, protest, resentment, persistence and
MASS. A wake of mental mass left behind and covering the being as he
tried to cut the ice of life changing things he didn't want into things
he did want.

The more he resents the ice, the colder and more absent of life it

Eventually he bogs down and can't move in the ice any more, and he
finally BECOMES ice.

He has no clue what he REALLY wants any more, he has buried that
under 100's of layers of substitute desires and reactivity, so no wonder
it builds mass.

Everything he really wants he can't have, and he thinks what he has
he didn't want. So what is there left to be do or have except insanity?

If you take an infinite free being and turn him into a finite Only
Oncer, that will create a wake of infinite mass that only the infinite
being can audit.

The mortal can't handle the charge on mortality, let alone the
charge on immortality.

Too much shame, blame, regret, chagrin and looking for why it
happened and continued.

He can't wrap his wits around taking responsibility for having
abandoned total responsibility long ago.

And that is the ultimate problem facing the eternal auditor of
immortals and mortals.

The preclear himself must be willing to touch eternity again
in session in order to look at what he created as an immortal
and then as a mortal. Then he can let it go and it will vanish.


11/05/06 Sunday 12:49am EST

Homer Wilson Smith The Paths of Lovers Art Matrix - Lightlink
(607) 277-0959 KC2ITF Cross Internet Access, Ithaca NY In the Line of Duty

Sun Nov 5 23:44:18 EST 2006


Hash: SHA1


Desire is dissatisfaction with the here now, usually accompanied
by a more desirable vision of a there then. The game becomes to
realize the envisioned there then into the here now.

When it comes to operating desire, the being has three choices.

He can put something where there is nothing. This is the prime
act of creation.

He can put nothing where there is something. This is the prime
act of destruction (through as-isness).

He can change something into something else. This is the prime
act of change.

Thus we have start, change, stop.

Change is best accomplished by first destroying what one doesn't
want and then putting in its place something one does want.

Trying to change A into B is alterisness, but as-ising A, and
then putting B in its place completes a clean cycle of change.

To a being that can create in the mere conception of things,
desire can be a problem.

One might think this wouldn't be the case, since by desiring and
thus conceiving of something he would immediately get it, and by not
desiring and thus unconceiving of something, he would immediately
remove it.

Thus changing the unwanted here now to a wanted there then should
be an easy process, as easy as getting it right in your mind's eye.

Locate what you don't want.

Locate what you do want,

Thus it should be made so in the proper conception of it.

However at deeper levels of game play, desire has desired to not
be so sovereign, desire wants a game which it can lose, to which the
outcome is uncertain and to which the desired end result is in the
future after appropriate amounts of chase.

Thus desire can enjoy the chase and not know the outcome until
the end. This allows the other side to win on an 'even steven' basis.

In particular we have learned in prior postings on 'Self
Answering Questions', that some questions are the cause of their own

What creates a condition and what continues the condition are two
completely different causes.

This is because creating an as-isness which originates something,
and creating an alterisness which continues something are two different
actions even though they may be applied at the same time,
in one move.

Thus in a dream anything can start a tidal wave coming at you but
it will continue only if you 'grab the ball and run with it'.

Only if you 'get into the problem' of the tidal wave, get
worried, concerned, and start to run from it, will the tidal wave get
bigger, because now you are putting your own energy into its
existence. This is one of the rules of dream magic, if someone tosses
you a ball, and you grab the ball and run with it in all seriousness,
then you will have a ball.

On the other hand if you simply face the tidal wave and say 'not
now' you can smooth it out so it no longer comes at you. Of course
your dream may initiate some other thing that will then need to be
handled, as that is what dreams do, but only those things that get
you to flinch, take them for real and start to DO something about them
will grow and eventually overcome you.

In dream time flinch is born of ignorance and lack of faith, in
other words operating know how.

Part of this mechanism of continuance lies in the mechanics of
asking questions.

You see a tidal wave in your dream that you didn't start and you

Ostensibly the question is a sensible effort to find the wave's
original cause, but notice the question assumes that the tidal wave
still IS.

Thus the power of the postulate that the wave still is goes into
make the wave still be. Thus it gets bigger.

In the physical universe we don't believe that our postulates
about things being or not being carry any power to create or uncreate
conditions, thus we are taught to seek their original causes and thus
we may be able to deal with further outbreaks.

For example a population gets sick and starts dying. Certainly
our quesiton 'Why are they dying' isn't influencing the continuance of
the condition as it might in a dream, our only hope is to find the
original cause and possibly take care of it that way.

But in dreams, the laws of origination and continuance are a bit
more forgiving. As Adore says,

"Why is it?"

Say, "It is."

Say, "Why?"

That's why.

So in dreams questions about origination and continuance of
conditions can actually cause the continuance of the condition so
queried. This is a kind of magic that can get a being into very deep
trouble, but is easy to resolve once he sees the mechanism behind it.

Too easy perhaps which is perhaps why we have moved on from dream
universes to the killer pit we occupy now.

In dreams flinch is king. If you relax the bugs will fall off
you, if you don't they will eat you.

Things in dreams are as solid as you worry and wonder about them.

Relax and you can walk through walls.

Now desire in the physical universe is very much the same way.

If you say I don't like this, you have just said in the same
breath, it is, because it wouldn't be there to not be liked if you
weren't is-ing it in the first place.

Spot a psychosomatic condition and run

"It is. Why?"

on it for a while. Watch it go more solid.

If one then gets into a big production trying to change it, one
can get very stuck with it. Desiring to change something assumes it
is there to change, so adds the power of one's own postulates into the
continuance of the very condition one wants to change.

Now I know we have said that the physical universe is a rougher
place than dreams, and our postulates about asteroids and diseases may
not have the power to continue or smooth out things that they do in

But the physical universe is actually an add on universe to make
games harder to play and more persisting, but has as it foundations
all the universe earlier than it, including the dream universes! Thus
at all times in the physical universe, all prior universes are still
operating in their own sphere of influence.

The laws of dream universe still apply therefore to those parts
of our physical universe existence that are made of these earlier

The first and most obvious candidate for dream universe rules is
our own case state.

The being at some time in the past suffered a failure, and got a
restimulation of an earlier engram in play. That's his tidal wave.

He didn't start it, he didn't expect it, although he may have a
long ago postulate that something like this could happen.

He asks 'What is causing this?' and thus continues it with his
postulate that it IS. This alarms him because the more he LOOKS for
the cause, the worse the somatic becomes. Finding the original cause
of the somatic is not important, finding the source of its continuance
is, you see?

Then he goes into doubt about himself, his sovereignty, about
whether there is uninvited other cause in the universe affecting him,
and Oh Lord that puts him into a worry feed back loop that saturates
him straight into the unconfrontable.

But then he finds a good use for the somatic to make others wrong
and now he is stuck with it. It may SEEM like it is as rock hard as
the physical universe, but that's what is giving him the pay off.

Nonetheless in fact our psychosomatic cases run on dream rules.

Origination is not important, continuance is, and continuance is
caused by asking self answering questions that try to resolve the
condition after implying that the somatic exists.

"Why am I so sick?"

Well you gotta BE sick, in order to wonder why.

Thus you may not be able to stop an asteroid coming in by running
self answering questions, but you certainly can handle migraines,
breathing problems, eye sight, cancers, arthritis and the rest of
medical quakery using straight forward auditing.

THE QUESTION is the answer to the condition, because once he
spots how the question is causing the continuance, the origination
becomes unimportant and the condition stands down.

It can be hard as hell to get the being near the material that
needs to be confronted, but the whole mess is kept in place by flinch
doubt and wonder, i.e. self continuing questions.

Now remember case was created to handle loss.

You may be very able to remove the case the guy has created
(which didn't actually help him for long at all), but then he is still
sitting in that original loss.

That loss may need physical universe rules to handle it.

It is this that makes handling case seem physical universe tough
rather than merely dream tough.

He lost his family, no amount of dream universe postulation is
going to bring them back or do away with the need for one. He needs
to get up, go out and DO something to build a new one from scratch,
and fast.

But he doesn't have to suffer sleepness nights and migraines
while he does so, you see?

In the absence of an ability to recover from the loss, the guy
still needs his 'solution', his dream case.

He KNOWS that letting go of the flinch isn't going to handle this
one, and he is afraid that the charge on his loss will kill his body
in present time and in fact it might.

Here is where you are up against the kind of game the being is

Nominally a being wants to play a game where he can play, desire
to win, but not need to win.

Certainly once the game is done, he can fire up another game even
more challenging, and carry on forever, or until he desires to Big
Snooze it up at native state.

No playing field lasts forever, each is created in a while, once
all games are expended in a playing field, the being will fold it up,
or sell it for scrap to another team, take a rest, then reengage in
another full cycle of manifestation again.

It is pretty easy to audit such a being because he has no worries
about forevers and nevers which violate his sovereingty. In fact he
pretty much knowns he is game creator and game player, and thus does
not build any charge while he is playing.

If he desires to change something, his initial statement that the
unwanted condition IS is sufficient to as-is it, so it isn't!

Then he can get to work putting in place the new condition he
envisioned that was more desirable.

Thus he can continue to diswant things and want other things, and
not build a wake of charge behind him that comes from resisting,
resenting, protesting and denying responsibility for initial
conditions that he wants to change.

Most of the people walking around on the street in a body however
are not in this condition. They may theetie wheetie on you and claim
they are, but if they are rock solid in their head, or locked into
taking care of their body, they are lying to themselves and to you.

These guys are playing this is my only body, my only game, and if
I lose this game, I will lose all games forever more, and I will do
ANYTHING to keep this game going for as long as I can.

And rest assured they have attempted and will attempt to do
anything to keep it going, which will be their overt track that needs

The way to happiness is a true confession. - Electra.

Now these guys are not happy. From their present time point of
view they do not want to be playing a 'one and only game' upon the
winning of which the existence of all future games depend.

That is much like Sisyphus's Wheel, where in he had to keep
rolling it up the hill forever, and if he failed from exhaustion he
would fall into the fires of hell forever more.

Try to get them to relax and you find that breathing is not
sufficient reason to be for them, they live in a background of pain,
hurry, resentment and anger, fear and sorrow. They gotta keep DOING
to feel positive.

Doing is running.

These guys are in hell, you audit them a bit and they start
turning on walls of fire.

They KNOW their body won't live through that, so they close it
right on down and that's the end of auditing them.

They are better off not being better off you see?

If they were willing to lose their body, if personal integrity
were more important than immediate life, then perhaps you could keep
them in session.

But they believe that the loss of their one and only body means
the loss of all future games forever more, and well, personal
integrity can't hold a candle to staying alive.

Now YOU as an auditor have a question to face.

By exactly what route did a being who desires to play games
forever more (broken into sovereign whiles), come to be playing games
that he is not willing to play or lose, which in the end he will lose
anyhow, and once lost mean the end of all other games forever for

Some of your mortal meatballs will admit they want to live
forever but just don't believe it is real, they have crossed the point
of no return, across the event horizon of the black hole that a mere
moment of doubt of immortality brings upon a being.

"I didn't desire this!"

Now their sovereignty is lost.

Can you find that desire for them and rehab it so they can and
would do it again?

Forget mocking up the clearing course, get them to mockup the
decision to be non sovereign until they don't stick on the wrong side
of the event horizon, outside of which they can no longer see.

The rest of your mortal meaball cases won't even admit to wanting
to live forever. They want to live as long as they can, because death
scares the hell out of them, but they don't want to live forever,
because eternity scares them worse.

This is the 'I've had time enough for love' case.

They have turned it into a "I've had time enough for sorrow."

They are willing to do their time, but at the end they want to
be dead, to sorrow no more.

These are your bashers on a.r.s, your jokers and degraders on
a.c.t, your Ad Hominem Factories on The Phil ScottTissue Show, and
your dieticians, gym teachers, and drug pushers, uh, I mean doctors
infesting the rest of the channels of life.

There is a *LOT* of anger, fear, and sorrow to run here, its hard
to confront the sad eyes even for those who know how to laugh, and can
find sympathy for evil stuck in tar.

But even evil can cry.

The flinch, doubt and wonder of a meatball can put YOU into
wonder as an auditor, so you gotta watch it and know what you are
handling because wondering about sovereignty will sink anyone into
solid rock.

Sovereignty is what the being desires, messing with it is messing
with his desire.

But sovereignty desires non sivereignty for a while, that's
the Imp Soul operating.

This intent, motivation and 'aesthetic to being mortal' exceeds
the mortals ability to duplicate because it can only be operated by an

The bridge that you need to create for these people is a bridge
back the way they came from endless game playing, to only one game to
play and that's it bud.

The day they connected all future games to the winning and losing
of the present game, was the day it all went wrong for them.

That's the event horizon of the couldn't, wouldn't, shouldn't
that they could, would and did.

They can't believe it, and that's a break with themselves, their
own choice, intent, motivation, purpose and volition.

Imagine an atomic explosion creating an eternal black hole.

That's what happened.

Desire became serious, the idea 'it is' no longer caused an
as-isness, but in fact caused a further persistence, because the is
was resented as uninvited.

"It is, and God damn it to hell forever!"

The last act of a being trying to as-is something is to pray to
another to destroy or punish it forever for him.

Thus any efforts to change the here now to a better there then
resulted in resistence, flinch, protest, resentment, persistence and
MASS. A wake of mental mass left behind and covering the being as he
tried to cut the ice of life changing things he didn't want into
things he did want.

The more he resents the ice, the colder and more absent of life
it becomes.

Eventually he bogs down and can't move in the ice any more, and
he finally BECOMES ice.

He has no clue what he REALLY wants any more, he has buried that
under 100's of layers of substitute desires and reactivity, so no
wonder it builds mass.

Everything he really wants he can't have, and he thinks
what he has he didn't want. So what is there left to be do or
have except insanity?

If you take an infinite free being and turn him into a finite
Only Oncer, and that will create a wake of infinite mass that only the
infinite being can audit.

The mortal can't handle the charge on mortality.

Too much shame, blame, regret, chagrin and looking for why it
happened and continued.

He can't wrap his wits around taking responsibility for having
abandoned total responsibility long ago.

And that is the ultimate problem facing the immortal auditor of


11/05/06 Sunday 12:49am EST

- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
Homer Wilson Smith The Paths of Lovers Art Matrix - Lightlink
(607) 277-0959 KC2ITF Cross Internet Access, Ithaca NY In the Line of Duty

Sun Nov 5 23:44:18 EST 2006

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Friday, April 29, 2011


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By L. Kin

Contact for sales.


Publisher's Foreword

PART ONE: From Crusade to Rip-Off

Dianetics - The Book that Sparked it Off
Dianetic Therapy
Hubbard's Mission
The Beginning of Scientology
A New View of Man
The whole track
The E-meter
Man, Soul or Thetans?
Outside the Body
Who makes those pictures?
Genetic Memories
Games at the Dawn of time
A Fateful Church
Escape to England
Star Wars
Off to the High Seas
Star Wars Expanded
Operating Thetans
Standard Tech
Bank on land
Religious Salesmanship
Masters and minions
A Church eating its children
Hubbard's comments
A monolith crumbles
The pragmatic view
A Cleared Planet

PART TWO: The Principles Unveiled.

The Technologies of Scientology
Study Tech
The Laws and Mechanisms of Charge
A Frustration Scale
Reach and Withdraw
Game Theory
The Emotional Tone Scale
The ARC Triangle
Postulates and Considerations
The Cycle of Action
Goals Problems Masses (GPM's)
Mental Matter, Energy, Space and Time
Mental Universes
The Key Terms of Auditing
Engrams, implants and GPMs
Secondaries and locks
Analytical Mind - Reactive Mind
Key-in and Key-Out
End Phenomena
The Composite Case
The Rudiments of Life
The rudiments
Motivators and Service Facsimiles
Ethics and the Dynamics of Life
The dynamics
Ethics and Morals
Gradients of Clearing
A Theory of the Bridge
Clear and OT, seen historically
Contemporary definitions
Future Projects
Scientology and Magic - a digression
The Bridge in Practice
More than one Bridge
Beyond all Bridges.
HCO Policy Letter of 25 June AD 13 (1963)



The Training Routines (TRs) - Basic Elements Of
Auditor and PC - An Introduction
The session in Practice
The Auditor's Code
The auditing communication cycle
Mass and significance
Who to audit?
The Auditor's Tools: A) Simple Techniques
Book One auditing
Self Analysis
Session admin
Emphasis on training
The Auditor's Tools: B) Objective Processes
General Description
The mechanism of restimulation
A digression on hypnotism
End phenomena
Who needs objectives?
Instructions to the pc
The Auditor's Tools: C) Postulate Auditing
Finding something to audit
The technique of lock scanning
Narrative Style
Finding the postulate in the incident
Repeater technique and how to deal with basic incidents
Sticky sessions
Stripping valences
The procedure step by step
Session breaks
The Auditor's Tools: D) Auditing with the E-meter
1. The many roles of the auditor
The interviewer
The auditor
The case supervisor (C/S)
The examiner
The ethics consultant
2. The language of the E-meter
How the E-meter works
What is a read?
Yes and No
The instant read
The floating needle F/N
High TA F/N's
The ARC break F/N
The dirty needle
Three buttons to check for charge
The false read
Completing cycles of action
Indication of charge and why
3. Preparing the Session
Clearing words
The pre session checklist
The can squeeze
The session
Admin and C/Sing
4. Introduction to the various techniques
4.1 The Prepcheck
The procedure
Getting the item
The end phenomenon
The prepcheck combined with postulate auditing
4.2 The repair list
Origin and Purpose
The L1C and how to use it
The end phenomenon
4.3 The rudiments
Normal rudiments
The ARC break
The problem
The missed withhold and the overt
Invalidation and Evaluation
Rudiments of Long Duration (LD ruds)
LD ruds and finding postulates
Normal ruds: their liability
Repetitive ruds
False ruds
Reverse ruds
Flows and Quad ruds
4.4 Rehabilitation Procedure
The purpose of rehabilitation
Theory and definitions
The procedure by key out
Rehab by key out: command sequence and patter
Rehab by postulate auditing
Rehab by counting
4.5 Dating and Locating (D/L)
4.6 Listing and Nulling (L&N)
5 The High and the Low TA
Clear read and high TA
The rising TA
The low TA
How to get the TA down
Handling the low TA


The Bridge below Clear
The Life Repair
The Drug Rundown
A note on the Grades
Postulate Auditing: why no flows?
A Simple Life Repair Programme
How the C/S thinks
The program
The Interview
Auditing vs Interviewing
How to do an interview
A questionnaire for the introductory interview
The questionnaire explained
Advanced Programming
Auditing and C/Sing
PC Gone Clear?
The clear check
Ethics Measures
From Clear on Up
Author's Postscript
Example for session worksheets
Example of an Auditor's Report Form
Example of a C/S sheet
Example of a Folder Summary
Diagrams of sessions and admins (Flow charts)

VOLUME III - The Pied Pipers of Heaven, Who Calls the Tune?

CHAPTER 1. Esoterics East and West

1.1 Spirits, Ghosts and Demons

Ghost encounters, demons, mental energy and its source,
emotions, the mind and the brain, the static, enlightenment,
the stuff the mind if made of, the reactive mind, auditing,
games and postulates, problems, implants, mind-sharing,
responsibility and reincarnation, the clear.

1.2 Soul and body

The breath of life, life force and memory storage, child
development, psychosomatics, prana, chakras, ch'i, kahuna,
drugs, hypnosis, medicine, european occultism, fringe
medicine, the resonance principle.

1.3 Creating a Universe

Akasha, ether power, from static to mest, a downward spiral,
undoing the universe.

1.4 God and the Infinite

Atheism, monotheism, static and dynamic, two basic rights

CHAPTER 2. Scientology - Science or Science Fiction?

2.1 Auditing compared to traditional practices

Meditation and auditing, shamanism and dianetics, on energy
transformation and un-creation.

2.2 Hubbard's Space Opera

Science fiction, scientific fundamentals, science versus
mythology, the axioms, the electropsychometer (E-meter), fact
or fiction?

CHAPTER 3. The Xenu Myth

3.1 A Global Catastrophe

Warning to the reader, a galactic power coup, battlefield
earth, a place of evil, on BT's and Clusters

3.2 Of Gods and Angels

Incident one, imaginary universes, a magical multi-media
show, the end of singleness, the beginning of time, games
preparations, trapping attention, Xenu recruits his team, the
game takes off, a network to control all.

3.3 Before Time Began

The akasha chronicle, lucifer and his disciples, an energy
preservation conference, games alternatives, two contestants

CHAPTER 4. Earlier than Atlantis

4.1 Tweleve who are Thirteen

A third contestant, games names, the phi project, the
conversion program, timeless concepts, Yatrus

4.2 The Binding of Spirit and Soul

One plus one makes three, new toys for thetans, survival
worries, sexuality, paradise lost, catch yourself a thetan,
body servants.

4.3 Setting Cosmic Law

Two rivals, old abilities newly implanted, how to implant,
crossed over purposes, a second switchboard, cosmic law, a
lesson in basic geometry.

4.4 A New Culture

Yatrus' bio-lab, sings of decline, out atlantean heritage

CHAPTER 5. The Fate of Earth

5.1 Earth since the Cataclysm

A brief summary of the whole track, education by implant, a
lobster pot for thetans, the demon planet, missionaries of
many shades, the Marcabian Confederacy, re-civilization
projects, high tech for Mr. Caveman, a net to catch them all,
thetans on a leash, the Marcabian impact, 'R6 DECO'

5.2 Masterminding History

Whose 'One World'?, Xenu's monologue, "one world one vote", A
white planet.

5.3 In the Hands of Extraterrestrials

Yatruscan delights, a piggyuback scenario, lizard men, ufo

CHAPTER 6. Defense by Telepathy

6.1 The Magician's War

Occultism white and black, a formation of forces

6.2 Hubbard's Attack

Clears in trouble, the OT III breakthrough, Hubbard recruits
loyal officers, a blunted attack.

6.3 The Battle Goes On

A new church, Excalibur, galactic administration, Xenu in
session, a new type of clear, Yatrus gets auditing, the GE
pool, 'Gerd', the Phi Matrix, deprogramming the screen, the
M-ship in orbit, future projects.

CHAPTER 7. The Future
Marcab crumbling, a body culture, "the friendly planet",
politics, science and art, the atlantean liability.



A. Glossary
B. Reader's Restimulation Rememdy
C. Excalibur
D. Bibliography.

VOLUME IV - From the Bottom to the Top, The Way Out.


Chapter One: Some General Considerations
The anatomy of a thetan
Auditing and other practices

Chapter Two: Getting Started
Step One: The Interview
Step Two: The Program
Step Three: Postulate Auditing

Chapter Three: Moving Upwards
Ruds, Grades, Repair Lists, Rundowns, etc.
The Auditor's Three-Drawer Toolbox
Three types of Bridges
Meter Reads and Truth
Session Control

Chapter Four: Going Solo
How Clear is a Clear?
Each his own bridge
The solo practical
An all purpose trouble shooter checklist

Chapter Five: The Solo Levels
General Description
Solo 1
Solo 2
Solo 3
The GE Rundown (GERD)
Auditing MEST
The Self-Exploration and Perfection Program (SEPP)
Warning: Black Shadow Thetans
Higher Echelon Hats


A. A Homage to Ron
B. The parabolic tonescale
C. Auditing Essentials
D. Notes on Supervising
E. Theory Course for Auditors (Checksheet)
F. Practical Course for Auditors (Checksheet)
G. The Solo 2 Checksheet
H. The Solo 3 Checksheet
I. The Excalibur Checksheet
J. Auditing and Nutrition

================ ====================
Fri Apr 29 03:06:02 EDT 2011
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Thursday, April 28, 2011


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Ted ( wrote:
>It is a general statement in hopes you would restudy what Hubbard has
>written on the anger case. But I have specific observations. How about,
>that you need auditing on the "black hole" or perhaps any auditing at
>all? I suspect the process you need is not mental, it is physical.

Yes I know.

And yes I reject your analysis 100 percent.


>Or that you are a Black V. But you have lucid dreams. You have redefined
>Hub Tech to paint yourself into a very tight corner.

I am just reporting the facts. A being needs to be able to make
mockups, for practical and emotional reasons. When daytime mockup
activity is thwarted, then eventually the need and energy comes out in

And if dreaming is thwarted, the being finally goes nuts.

>Refer to one of your rants on Women or God.
>Do you really believe
>everything you write?

What in specific?

That duties and rights must balance, and that as long as men are
drafted and women are not, then women do not have the right to vote?


That the idea that men have something wrong with them that women
don't is something that women have wrong with them that men don't?


That women are jealous of men to a point of refusing to operate
in men what men need to be operated in order to survive as men?


That anyone who can be raped, should be then shot?

Well, I get its point.

That children are seeking mastery of total irresponsibliity,
women are seeking mastery of defense, men are seeking mastery of
offense and Gods are seeking mastery of total responsibility? Yes,
but in this case its not a body thing, but a phase of development
thing. The sex of the body is not always aligned with the phase of
the being in it.

Adore is its own subject separate from me, I am its speaker, and
mostly I tend to have affinity for its propositions, but many of them
are part of 'para-Adore', meaning the jury is still out on them. Many
things Adore says are presented as generalitzations which nonetheless
clearly have exceptions.

In my words Adore is a baby-phase religion, brought up by
monsters for mothers. In your words, Adore has an anger case.

You argue with Carol as if she is an idiot just
>placed on Earth to piss you off. She caught hell recently because 1)
>she's a woman and 2), y'all were talking about God.

Carol is an idiot as far as I can tell, sorry, anyone who
dismisses logic as the ethics of language and engages in illogical
discussion is for the birds and up to no good.

"Syllogisms never did much for me."

"All that comes from God is good.
Man came from God.
Man is not all good."

Anyone can preach that God is good and evil comes from man, or
mistake. Irresponsibility is not the hard path.

>Why is it I can understand what she has to say and you opp-term it with
>ad hominem? Is your understanding of God so great that only you
>understand? LOL

How have I ever opp termed Carol with ad hominem? I call her as
I see her, and I explain why carefully and in great detail.

I have never said she was wrong because she was a woman, did
drugs or what a drunk.

>Illnesses belong to the valence. There's nothing wrong with the thetan
>as Static. Homer is a valence package. Dig it and don't lose it.

I seem to be a problem to you.

Perhaps there is more you haven't said to me about me that
you would like me to know.


Thu Sep 7 22:42:16 EDT 2006

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((My comments in double parentheses - Homer))


ACT - 58
27 March 1994

Copyright (C) 1994 Homer Wilson Smith
Redistribution rights granted for non commercial purposes.

You see the thing with Who, What and Why Listing questions is that
people who have opened up their Grade 3, ARC break release, tend to ask
themselves such questions because they are ABLE to get the answer.
Technically that is what a Grade 3 is, someone who can get the CORRECT
answer to the question.

Below Grade three people aren't so able to get the right answer,
and instead they take the answer that makes them feel the worst because
they KNOW that life is bad and miserable and if they knew the truth they
would die. They still have an ARC break with Source.

So someone wants to know "Why do I feel so bad?" a classic Listing
question. And you tell him, "Well you must have clogged arteries", and
he looks at that a bit, and puts it on and tries to wear it as an answer
and all of a sudden the pains around his heart and chest start to flare
up and he feels a whole lot more unstable, and he goes 'Yes, of course,
that must be why I feel so bad." Next day he dies.

He figures the truth is bad, and he is hiding from it, but some of
it is leaking through to him anyhow which is why he feels sick. He
'knows' that if he were to come closer to the truth he would feel worse,
so when he asks how come he is feeling so bad, he takes the answer that
makes him feel the worst as the truth. Being a wrong indication it
kills him. The courage level here is unfathomable for any seeker of
truth who is just sure the truth will kill him.

The ultimate wrong indication of course is that Truth is bad, the
TRUTH is that LIES are bad. He feels sick because he is WRONG about
something. Thus if it really WERE his arteries that were clogged
causing him to feel like he was about to keel over every waking minute
of the day, he would IMMEDIATELY feel BETTER and RELIEVED, not worse,
and we would be able to relax and take effective action against it.

But people below the level of Grade 3 don't know this, they are
still on an ARC break with Truth and Source. They KNOW that life sucks
and truth is miserable and Source is surely out to torture them for the
rest of time. So they always take the answer that makes them feel the
worst, which then MAKES it worse, which then validates that they were
'right' in the first place that truth is out to get them, which surely
explains why they are feeling so bad and their days are numbered.

In ADORE this is called the Doubt Effect. Simply stated, the Doubt
Effect says that Doubting that Truth is Good will make you feel so Bad
that you will become more sure that Truth is bad.

Thus "Doubt is Self Casting."

Now Grade 3's and above know all this, they have handled the ARC
Break with Truth to some degree, although there ain't a person alive who
has handled it completely. They at least KNOW the mechanism of the
Doubt Effect and they can operate it at will and see that it works.
They can USUALLY catch it too when it starts to go into automatic action
reactively, and not get carried away with it for too long. "I feel like
HELL, must have accepted a wrong why SOMEWHERE."

Just get the idea that you are going to die for good one day, and
see if it doesn't make you feel so sad and bad that you begin to wonder
if it might be true.

The Doubt Effect works this way. If truth is so good, how come it
lets me feel so bad about things that aren't true!? Truth couldn't be
that good then, now could it? So maybe Truth IS bad, and so around and
around the dwindling spiral you go into the Doubt Effect, down the
drain, and out the tubes.

So your average Grade 3 can spot these ARC breaks with truth, and
he knows that when an answer makes him feel worse that the THEORY is
that the answer is wrong. He has a lot of personal experience to back
it up with having erased most of his lower case, so he is at least
willing to reject answers that make him feel worse for a WHILE, rather
than hold onto them hard.

It is during that 'while' that he is willing to reject one of these
answers that has been making him feel worse, that he is 'in session'
trying to find the REAL answer to why he feels bad and trying to spot
how the answer that made him feel worse might actually be wrong. People
below Grade 3 never take that 'while' out to go into session when a bad
answer comes along, they just grab it and run with it, usually to their
early graves.

And THAT is why all these Tech Cops are so nuts on the subject of
Listing and Nulling type questions, archetypical ones being

"What is your Goal?" These are sure fire killers if
"What are you Being?" you accept a wrong answer to
"What are you Opposing?" them.

"What determines how you feel?"

In fact to the degree that auditing is based around QUESTIONS ("Why
do you feel bad?") rather than COMMANDS ("Tell me about feeling bad.")
you have this possibility that the person will come up with a wrong
answer that makes him feel worse and he will hold on to it and run with
it rather than audit his way out of it.

This doesn't mean that there ISN'T a correct answer to the original
Listing question "Why do you feel bad?", it only means that someone
below Grade 3 probably isn't going to find it, and he WILL find all
kinds of wrong answers that will make him feel instantly worse. These
wrong answers he will then take as true just BECAUSE they make him feel
worse, because THAT is his stable datum on life, "The TRUE truth will
kill me!" or "Somethings are better not known." or some such ARC break
with Truth and Source.

It all comes down to "Too dangerous to Know."

There are lots of OT's in the world, but very few Grade III's.


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Tuesday, April 26, 2011


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A Operating Thetan is a conscious unit.

Clear is a spiritual state free from aberration.

Aberrations are other determined thoughts, emotions, and efforts
that result from pain and unconsciousness stored in the being's time
track, which are not appropriate to present time, and are damaging to
the life of the preclear.

There can be acute aberrations, moments of insanity born of anger,
hate, and no symapthy or even regret, and chronic aberrations which
persist through the whole life of the being, including physical somatics
(pains), crippling conditions, and other disabilities on the spiritual,
mental, emotional and physical planes, including chronic illness of many

The time track is erased by first removing all the force, pain and
unconsciousness from the recordings by direct viewing of detested
moments, and then when the time track is fully clear, it can be erased
in its entirety leaving the person with no recorded memory of his
history. Memory then results from direct pervasion of the past.


People tend to think that clear is a gradient on the way to
becoming OT.

In fact CLEAR and OT are two completely different subjects.

There is no BECOMING OT, everyone is an OT at all times.

OT's have two operating modes called Creator and Creature, Author
and Character, or Game Creator and Game Player.

The basic purpose of an OT is to create games of limitation, of
freedoms, barriers and purposes, and then to jump into them and play
them for fun, either with or without awareness of having created the
game (or bought it from another), or of self incarnating as the player.

Like an arcade game writer or Author, they create characters with
abilities and limitations, give them goals to strive for and barriers to
attainment, and then they don, take on, these creations and play them as
if they were actual.

Happiness is the overcoming of not unknowable barriers towards
known goals.

Happiness is in the chase. The chase creates time and persistence
for the dreamtime apparencies of matter, energy and space.

When games are no longer fun, it is time to become the
Creator/Author again, and redesign a new game for youself.

This is a lot easier than trying to continue the existing game by
acquiring super natural powers so you can break the game rules and win
by cheating against an overwhelming enemy.

Games become no longer fun mostly when the chances of either
winning or losing are too high. It's the not know on the matter that
generates thrill.

Remember a game that is won is lost, you need a new game.

A game that is lost, is also lost, again you need a new game.

Happy havingness then is having a game to play, that still needs or
demands playing, usually with full awareness of who created the game and
who chose to engage it. But sometimes not, some games are more fun if
one simply wakes up into them one day in the middle of the enemy coming
over the hill (mother), and having to hit the floor running. One can
then spend quiet times musing about 'What's it all about?'

In otherwords, where am I, how did I get here, and where am I
going? You see he KNOWS the answers to all these questions, but
sometimes the game is such that it would ruin the game to know.

OT's in creator mode are often expected to have supernatural powers
like telekenesis, but a being who can create a space and time, put a
table in it with a marble on top, is very unlikely to be interested in
proving that he did so afterwards, let alone move the marble in
violation of game rules as a game player.

If you can put the marble there with your will, you can move the
marble with your will.

If game rules allow for telekenesis, then the marble will move when
it is time, but breaking game rules wakes everyone up from game player
mode into game creator mode ahead of schedule, kind of like calling
'Portal!' on the Enterprise's holodeck.

Other game players HATE that.

Yes, life is a holodeck dreaming that it is not.

Consciousness exists, physical universe is pure hallucination
including the brain.

The 'why' exceeds most people's imagination, mainly because creator
mode is somewhat alien to creature mode, and what is virtue for the
creator is not necessarily virtue for the creature and visa versa.

A 'good' Author will create 'good' stories consisting of good and
bad people. A story with only good people in it, would be boring to the
point of self termination.

Yet if a character were caught creating bad people, he would be
drawn and quartered. Kind of the way most people feel about God.

It's not OK for someone to have done this thing to someone else,
but it is OK to have done it to yourself.

Thus goodness in an Author and goodness in a character are not the
same thing.

Characters in fact fear authors for just that reason, they worry
about being part of a 'good' story, sometimes the good die young.

But the good also live forever, and in the end because no one
judges anyone but yourself, only the good end up in hell for a while,
because only the good feel guilty.

So its an interesting world out there, much more interesting than
our parents taught us.


Clearing has to do with aberration.

The primary source of aberration is carrying around a time track,
which is a spiritual facsimile recording of everything that one has
done, and experienced.

The problem with the time track is it records the FORCE which
impinged on the being at the time of the recording and the pain and
unconsciousness. Thus when the being reactivates a recorded incident on
the time track, the recorded incident can FORCE the being along with
pain and unconsciousness to do, think, feel or say something.

The time track itself is a fair chosen creation, it had its
purposes at the time, mainly to control the being during times of
extreme danger when the analytical mind could not think clearly.

But the utter idiocy of the thinking that takes place when the time
track is commanding the being is far worse and has ended everyone up in
the soup they presently find themselves in today.

It's all fair chosen with the twinkling of an eye, but its a long
slippery slope getting here, so you won't find a single moment of
responsibility for the entire mess, but many of them.

A time track is a recording of everything that has happened to one,
particularly moments of pain and unconsciousness.

The moments can restimulate during similar dangers in present time,
and when they do, they offer to the being 'solutions' to his present
predicament. These solutions are taken from the winning valence in the
past incident that is in restimulation.

Somewhere in the past you are bugging someone, and they hit you
over the head with a stone and kill you. They are the winning valence
in the recording.

Sometime in the future, someone is bugging you, and the past
incident comes over you and almost MAKES you pick up a baseball bat and
knock the brains out of the other. There is a moment of choice in there
though, when the present being thinks 'well this looks like a good
idea', WHAPP!

More often in civilized society these things happen at the level of
words and emotions, which similar results.

Maybe words can't kill, but they can kill a relationship.

Also such events are often regretted, and thus the being loses
faith in his own ability to deal and stay cool, and he doesn't
understand anymore he is getting long ago solicited 'help' from his time
track, because his time track is buried in unconsciousness and pain
which only reaches out to 'help' him determine what to do under moments
of extreme stress and danger.

At some point in the child's life, the continuous stress of living
around other aberrated people will result in the child CHOOSING an
incident in which he lost or was hurt, and begin to 'wear' that incident
full time.

Such incidents usually have a golden ally then them, someone who
defended the being during the original recording, against the contra
survival forces doing the child in.

So you get the hero, villan, victim triangle, where the being was a
victim, the golden ally was the hero, and the villan was the bad guy.

Father is beating up on child for spilling milk, mother is trying
to fend him off...

Mother is sticking knitting needle through fetus to abort it, and
aunt rushes in to stop her.

Psychiatrists are giving mother electric shock treatment while
unknowingly pregnant with early fetus. Spirits move in to protect the
fetus from the waves of electricity.

Sometimes a person can be his own golden ally from a past life.

Pregnant mother is trying to commit suicide by hanging, her father
rushes in and stops her. She has baby, father dies of old age on same
day, he comes back and takes over new baby body. Baby grows up haunted
that he will never find his one true friend that he has been looking for
all his life. It's him from his immediate past life.

Normally when such a sympathy incident comes into play, the present
time being will choose the valence of the winning villan, but if that
doesn't work well, he will choose his OWN valence of being a chronic
victim in order to entice others to become the golden ally again in
present time.

His computation is if he could just be the way he was when he was
last defended by the ally, the ally will materialize and come to defend
him again, or he might get someone else of similar sensitivity to
surrogate for the original ally.

At first it works, then it doesn't, then the guy is stuck with the
incident in chronic restim, because he has failed to confess the ploy.

And since the incident contains numbness and unconsciousness, he
won't remember either the incident when it first occurred, or the choice
to use it, let alone the choice to forget about it later.

Thus one has one's work cut out for one when trying to clear a
human being.

Being unclear says nothing about whether one is an OT or not, all
uncleared beings have a time track, and that time track will 'help' them
whether the OT is in creator mode or creature mode.

An aberrated creator mode being can be a real liability to have
around, for he starts to write BAD stories, rather than GOOD stories.

Word clear the above until you understand the difference:

Good story, bad story
Good character, bad character.

When clearing a being you need to get at the first moment of
murderous intention, anger and no sympathy, that's his worst valence,
and its source will be found to be in his most detested part of his time
track, the part that most never happened. If he is aware of it, it
ain't it.

He lost his class during that one, no more Mr. Nice guy, no more
friends with the universe, no more you are my brother, nope, your skin
will wear nicely on my wife's back.

But mixed in with all that murderous intention is regret, sometimes
he murders the wrong guy, some times the sad eyes of his victim really
get to him, you can feel sorry for anyone if they are doing bad enough,
and eventually he forms a murderous intention towards himself and his
own murderous intentions.

Then you got an unauditable ball of mental mass, the guy is at odds
with himself.

To BE or not to BE?

To KILL or not to KILL?

As long as he is stuck in an indecision on these matters, he will
be sprialling downward in life.

This state kind of parks him as an OT in the creature mode, because
he dares not have any power that could be used to harm anything or write
further bad stories.

Thus it is generally considered that a person needs to be cleared
first before one can work on getting them back into Author mode again in
order to better design their life's game.

Of course there is so much bad that comes from the aberrations of
being unclear, that just getting cleared will improve all but the most
crazy OT's life.

But crazy or not, once cleared, any OT can start rewriting better
stories for himself and his game mates, even stories in the wild beyond,
the undreamed dream come true.

So charge the guy at least $100/hour to get him out of his ball of
mass, BUT GET HIM OUT OF IT. Don't pansy around with this stuff, or he
will one day start to target you.

The greatest danger of auditing a murderer, is getting murdered,
and that's everyone.

No one has a track free of murder, and everyone has wished murder
off on so many others during this and other lifetimes he can't remember
it any more, and attempted murder counts as murder.

So you all have some clearing to do.


- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
Homer Wilson Smith The Paths of Lovers Art Matrix - Lightlink
(607) 277-0959 KC2ITF Cross Internet Access, Ithaca NY In the Line of Duty
Thu Apr 17 20:11:38 EDT 2008

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