Saturday, April 30, 2011



Desire is a fountain.

If you are an eternal, then desire connects you to the fountainhead
of source, from which all power flows, and from whence came your present

If you are a mortal or ephemeral, well then desire is a fountain.

There are desires on all 8 dynamics, self, family, groups, species,
life, MEST, spirit and the AllThatIs.

Desire puts havingness into the future. One can have merely by
wanting, but generally one desires to play the game of chasing to get
instead. Once one gets, then the game is over, and one has to get on
with the next desire.

Desire is fundametnally a dissatisfaction with the here now,
coupled to a vision of a more satisfactory there then. Once the there
then becomes the here now, the desire is fullfilled, and the next
dissatisfaction is targeted and pursued to completion. In this way a
being can stay busy and happy forever.

A 'sit' is the greatest dissatisfaction that the being can do
something about in present time.

Happiness though depends on the willingness to play, to engage in
the chase. Where there is no willingness to play, one can only play
under protest and that is not happiness.

Willingness to play depends on willingness to win or lose the
particular game in question. Once any game is won or lost, the *GAME*
is lost, and so there must be another game to play.

In a scarcity of games, one becomes unwilling to win or lose,
because there are no more games, and thus becomes unwilling to play, but
must play.

Having to play and being unwilling to play leads one to trying to
get others to play for you, which is called criminality, cheating in
other words.

A scarcity of games can be created by connecting the existence of
future games to the winning or losing of a present game. If you win the
present game, you get to play again. If you lose the present game,
that's it folks, no more games.

A worse scarcity of games can be created by having only one game to
play whether one wins or loses it. When its done, no more games.

A super scarcity of games can be created when the game one is
playing is 'won' only by extending its time of play, and eventually you
lose it anyhow no matter what. This game degenerates to only how long
one can keep the game going.

Staying alive for most meatballs is such a game.

Willingness to play is long gone.

There is,


NO desire does not mean an absence of desire but refers to the
pretense of no desire that results from suppression. NO is the 5th item
in the CDEINR scale of failure.

Curious about, Desire, Enforce, Inhibit, *NO*, Refused.

Although 'Desire' is also a level of the CDEINR scale, desire is
also its own item.

One can be curious about desire, desire desire, enforce desire,
inhibit (suppress) desire, pretend there is no desire, and refuse

More foramlly there is,


Desire for is desire for the presence of something, and desire
for not is desire for the absence (for the not presence) of something.

There is also,


People desire things that they wish they didn't desire but can't
help it. This is desire to not desire.

Desire to desire is a healthy desire.

In the process of chasing desires, a being can fall down the scale
of failure:


More technically it goes like this,

Starting state Starting state
1.) Desire to Have Desire to Not Have Desire
2.) Must have Must Not Have Enforce
3.) Can't have Can't Not Have Failure
4.) Desire to not have Desire to Have Inhibit
5.) Don't Have Have No
6.) Must not have. Must Have Refused

Must have and must not have are need, the being considers his
survival depends on having what he desires. Otherwise they remain
merely desires.

A being at the top of the scale will desire something, and at the
bottom will refuse it even if given to him.

A being failing to get what he originally desires will form a
substitute desire and failing that, form more substitute desires. The
being will continue to substitute forever, laying layer after layer of
failure on himself until he can't stand up any more.

There are two types of games, those that the being is willing to
play and which he enjoys playing, win or lose, and those which the being
is unwilling to play.

He can be unwilling to lose because the consequences are no more
games, we call these fragile immortalities. A fragile immortality can
live forever until he loses some particular game, then that's it for

He can be unwilling to win because that makes someone else lose,
again fragile immortalities can become a real problem to him.

He can also be in games where he and everyone else are going to
lose anyhow one day, we call these fragile mortalities. The game of
survival of the body is lost when the body dies, no matter how long one
managed to keep it alive.

Efforts to create biological immortality are efforts to kick games
of fragile mortality back up to fragile immortality.

However in the physical universe eventually all bodies are going to
die one day, no matter what.

If there is a finite probablitity of something happening, given an
infinite amount of time, it WILL happen.

You can only stay alive AS a physical universe entity for so long
before it eats you.

The game of how long can you keep the game going before you lose no
matter what and no longer have any more games to play is not a fun game
to play and will and has led to deeper cruelties on the whole track than
anyone can confront in present time.

Beings playing games they are not willing to win or lose, tend not
to play well, and accumulate charge as they do, and thus tend to lose
sooner than later.

When running the times of no desire and desire, one is not at all
interested in WHAT is desired or not desired. These just fixate the
pc's attenton on late on the chain substitutes for failure and will
cause him a loss. Certaintly let the pc talk about these various
desires and failures, but never ask him for them. You want to audit his
DESIRE, not what he does desire or has desired or not desired.

Desire is a fountain, if you audit NO desire and SOME desire, what
he desires will bubble up and spray all over the place.

Indoctrinate that desire is desire for change in present time,
namely to bring about a presence or an absence.

Indoctrintate that no desire does not mean absence of desire, but
suppression of desire to a point of pretense of no desire.

No desire will read in the presence of suppressed desire, and will
float in the true absence of desire which is native state.

Always run the NO item first, and the SOME item second.

Entire cases are bypassed by assessing for the item first and never
assessing for the NO item. Take any CS 53RJ or other assessment or
correction list, and run all the items on them as NO items and see what
you get. It will blow your socks off. Don't bypass NO DISASTER.

If the process stops running without major release, get back in
sync with the layering of failures by skipping a command.

No desire, desire, no desire, desire, no desire, no desire, desire
etc. Skip commands until the process starts running and reading again.
No desire, no desire, desire, desire, (reads), no desire, desire...

You may have to resync the process a number of times. These flows
are HEAVEY, you must run them at their behest.


Tell me about no desire.
Tell me about some desire.

Tell me about no desire to desire.
Tell me about some desire to desire.

Tell me about no desire to not desire.
Tell me about some desire to not desire.

What you are running out here is nothing less than the
fountainhead of source and the pc's reason for being.

You are running en mass, everything the pc has ever desired or is
desiring or will desire on the whole track past present and future.

This done, it will reconnect the pc with his fountainhead of source
(native state), and his original desire to manifest, which he is
presently pretending is a no desire to manifest.

He can start desiring again in present time as if he just came

E/P is being is brand new, in control and having fun.


Homer Wilson Smith The Paths of Lovers Art Matrix - Lightlink
(607) 277-0959 KC2ITF Cross Internet Access, Ithaca NY In the Line of Duty

Sat Nov 4 01:59:59 EST 2006
Homerwsmith-l mailing list

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