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There are two primary dramatizations that will get a thetan in
trouble as an OT, both of which violate the sovereign "while" in which
he has created a time stream.
The GPM goes as follows.
Nothing Forever (Native state, a timeless forever.)
Nothing Never (Impulse to create a permanent persistance.)
Something Forever (Created permanent persistance.)
Something Never (Death forever, a forever in time.)
They follow the standard Beauty Ugly staircase:
The Beauty of Nothing Nothing Forever
The Ugly of Nothing Nothing Never
The Beauty of Something Something Forever
The Ugly of Something Something Never
Notice Nothing Never is pretty much the same thing as Something
Forever. So you really have a cross of sorts.
Nothing Forever
Nothing Never------|----------Something Forever
Something Never
The guy starts off at the top of the cross, knowing what he is
doing, creates and spends his time on the cross bar of the cross, and
eventually ends up 'dying forever in the rigid apathy of MEST' at the
bottom of the cross, trying to not is everything out of existence.
Remember though. this is not a mistake on the part of the
thetan, it is fair chosen from beginning to end. At the top he
doesn't really want to die forever, but he is impishly happy at the
thought of creating a bear trap of magnitude for himself.
Its a game, he wants to know just how far he can dig himself
in before he get's saved inspite of himself.
The purpose of auditing is to get the guy to take full
responsibility for the whole cross again so he can operate it freely
once more.
Yes he will bury himself in tar again. There is a beauty to
It's not really forever because he knows there will always be
some goody two shoes auditor to get him out of his own ludicrous
demise, but he will try.
If he didn't have the Messiah postulate on the future track to
save his sorry ass, he wouldn't engage in trying to die forever.
The universe is made of whiles, not forevers, so there HAS to be
a way out of everything created eventually for everyone period. How
that is arranged in particular for each being is his personal Messiah
Postulate. Everyone has one, and everyone's is the same and
different, and recovering it for the pc allows them to operate it
smoothly with the auditor in front of him.
Without some agreement between auditor and pc on the operating
messiah postulate of the session, no auditing will take place. Help
that does not conform to the pc's messiah postulate will not be
acceptable and thus won't 'work'.
Thus it behooves the auditor to find the pc's messiah postulate
early on, then they will both find that the messiah postulate just
sort of runs the session to good results every time.
If there are session failures, then it is quite possible the
messiah postulate has gotten into conflict again, but of course it
could just be bad pc-ing or bad auditing.
Any pc who snarls at a good auditor likes tar more than freedom,
audit him on scarcity of tar and he will give that up immediately.
Any pc who snarls at a bad auditor likes freedom more than tar
and will eventually try to make the auditor into a tarcicle.
The most usual manifestaions of forevers and nevers are murder,
and damnation.
Nothing Forever is Eternal Sleep at the top or the Big Snooze.
Nothing Forever is not in time, it is not an infinite amount of
time of nothing forever. It is a timeless eternalness.
Something Never, it's opposite, is Death Forever in time at the
bottom. He is trying to be no more by seeking death *IN TIME*. Ask
him if the rocks will out live him. "They god damn better well out
live me, I paid a lot for my tombstone!" He is *DEPENDING* on it, so
the Messiah yet to come will know some day where to come dig him up to
restore him to sovereignty.
Something Never is an enforced Basic Truth on Nothing Forever.
He is sick of Being but can't figure out how to not Be without dying
forever *IN TIME*.
Persistence starts with there must never be nothing again, which
flows into there must always something forever more.
Nothing Never and Something Forever are both opposite sides of
the same coin, namely damnation or Hell Forever. Any state of ON or
BEING forever, whether pleasurable or painful is a Hell forever.
What he WANTS are cycles of sleep and manifestation, sleep and
manifestatoin. What he has created as a subset of that want is
infinite manifestation in time (hell forever) followed by infinite non
manifestation in time (death forever).
Notice that since he CAN'T die forever in time, his efforts to do
so are merely a part of his infinite manifestation in time and are
thus part of his continuing hell forever.
Don't worry, be happy, its just a game and gives you the auditor
something to do. Yeah, yeah, so charge more.
The primary dramatization then of forevers and nevers are
damnation and murder, hell forever and death forever.
Murder is the effort to destroy forever, it is Something Never,
at the bottom of the cross.
When creating a Murder Rundown you need to take into account 5
factors that may not happen in this order.
There is the first idea to murder.
There is the first accidental murder.
There is the first intent to murder.
There is the first attempt to murder.
There is the first accomplished murder.
Don't forget to audit pretenses on murder and being murdered
either. They often come before the real thing.
Notice that intent and attempt to murder have the same NO-NO
value as an actual accomplished murder.
We don't consider it that way legally, but emotionally, the first
time the guy develops the intent to murder, or attempts it, he is as
good as gone, as if he had done it.
You don't get away with murder and you don't get away with
violating your own Sovereign Desire or Sovereign While.
Notice we aren't talking about knocking off a body or two in an
otherwise on going game. We are talking about destroying the being
forever, period. At one time people knew that bodies were cars and
that beings in them would just get another car if the car got killed.
No big deal. But eventually the intent to kill THE BEING FOREVER
became the game, and that just turns the killer into a tarcicle.
The original intent to murder, either others or himself, will be
a surprise to him, "where did THAT come from?", and be regretted, for
it will act as a 'forever stain' on his beingness, and eventually he
will inevitably come to accept it as necessary to attempt and
But he will separate from the group mind as he can't continue
with the withhold and pretense that he is still pure of such stains if
everyone can read his mind or beingness.
If you come to the wedding with blood on your wedding dress,
everyone is going to know SOMETHING is up.
Once the intent has slipped through into his world and stained
him, there is no turning back without responsibility and
understanding. He created the surprise in his long ago as part of the
game, but no longer understands this, it is foreign to him to even
consider the possibility of it.
"Hey I am a pure good guy, why would I never set myself up to
such a corruption of my beingness, who needs that kind of surprise!?"
However that may be this is total no responsibility for
Run this on children early, for the child that has already
developed his first intent to murder is in deep trouble, even if he
manages to withhold it.
Be particularly wary of a child that was murdered in his last
life, only to meet the murderer again in his early baby life while the
murderer was still in his original body. This will create a
magnificent withhold of magnitude on the part of the child, because if
he lets on he knows, the murderer may murder him again.
People who murder you in one life, tend to be your baby sitter in
the next.
Don't forget to run when the child did it to others.
Sometimes the baby sitter or your mother is the one you murdered.
Notice it didn't happen to him BECAUSE he did it to others, and
if being murdered runs easily in the child then he may not have done
it to others, for those who are not guilty heal easily, on their own
and in auditing.
But if it runs like black obsidian glass, tar and crazy glue,
then he did it either before or after it was done to him, or both, and
is using his murder as both justification for having done it to others
either before or after it happened to him, and restraint to make sure
he doesn't do it again.
Remember that things the being uses to restrain committing
overt acts are ALSO used to justify overt acts already committed.
"What you did to me just now, justified what I did you earlier,
because it was right, but also cripples me to a point where I can't do
it again, because it is wrong." This combo of justification and
restraint creates a permanent overwhelm and an inability to think
about right and wrong clearly, not to mention a pendulum swing between
justification and doing it again, and regret and restraint and never
doing it again.
Get the regret off the cycle. The regret is intolerable, arises
from total irresponsibility, and creates a compulsion to justify and
E/P on murder rundown is humor and understanding about being a
victim forever with full capacity to mock the cross up again and not
get involved in other people's Something/Nothing Forever/Never
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
Homer Wilson Smith The Paths of Lovers Art Matrix - Lightlink
(607) 277-0959 KC2ITF Cross Internet Access, Ithaca NY
homer@lightlink.com In the Line of Duty http://www.lightlink.com
Mon Dec 5 00:06:17 EST 2005
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