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A being is something on the order of a total knowingness.
This doesn't mean that he knows everything, or everything that
everyone else has ever created or ever will.
For example he doesn't necessarily know all the digits of PI.
However he may or may not know all the digits of PI that have
ever been computed or ever will be computed in any universe.
But mostly being a total knowingness means he is quite capable
without futher education of knowing and not knowing things into and
out of existence, and basically everything he does is made of knowing
of one kind or another.
Total knowingness then means there is nothing more than knowing
to a being's abilities.
This leads to a rather odd aberration which is that his need to
believe that he knows everything necessary to know, regardless of how
unpleasant a crock of hell bound bull it is, exceeds his need to
believe something desirable.
He will say 'Thank you Lord for giving me the truth, even though
all my star bellied sneech friends are all going to hell forever, at
least I, without the star belly, am going to heaven, thank you for
Yet take this same guy and put him into session and run 'How do
you feel about that belief?' and see what happenes.
At first he will lie to you, he can't afford to admit discord
with the word of God, his God is a mean God and will send him to hell
along with all his star bellied sneech friends for doubt of canon,
which is heresy.
This guy is inaccessible, a lie factory, totally out of contact
with his own DESIRE.
You might as well run,
"Well if YOU were the Creator, how would YOU have created
Oh that's a dangerous one, why bother thinking about our desire,
what possible relevance can desire have to the what is?
Desire is at best a failing where it agrees with the AllThatIs,
and an outright sin where it disagrees.
So this guy is toast, he lives and breaths and teaches a detested
conception of the cosmic all, yet tries very hard to be 'good' lest he
go to hell forever at the hands of a seriously deranged God.
Teaching little kids about hell forever is actually a form of
child abuse, but the psychotic parent does it for the child's own
good, and his own. If he doesn't, the child might end up there and
God will surely take the parent to task for allowing that to happen
through mere lack of educating the child properly.
So we have a very sick society, people are BELOW knowing what
they desire any more and they are TERRIFIED crazy to find out.
Something or someone might take exception to it.
But how can a being get so low toned that he will sell his own
desire down the river just to believe that he has all the answers?
That's because a being can not stand NOT KNOWING.
A being is basically a total knowingness but at the top of the
tone scale, at native state, there is nothing to know, just resident
ability to know and not know.
So not knowing is top scale, and ALL ABERRATION is enforced basic
So when the being finds himself in a universe where he has no
clue where he came from, and no rememberance at all of choosing his
present condition, and UNABLE TO KNOW, he will do anything, include
sell his self, desire and integrity along with everyone else's too,
right down the river in order to believe that he knows again, even if
his knowing is the most horrible nightmare alive.
Nightmares are basically unproud knowledge.
Thus you have most of the planet believing that people go to hell
forever simply for having a star on their belly, while 'chosen' people
do not.
This view is SO HORRIBLE that it exceeds even the imagination
of the star bellied people that anyone could ever believe it unless
it were somehow true, and so you find some of the star bellies wanting
to convert to the non star belly's nightmare.
God won't send them to hell if they are right, will He?
A little laser surgery will remove the star they hope.
The issue here is DESIRE.
People believe they don't have what they desire, but they have
lost sight that they desired to not have what they desire. And that
loss of sight they desired.
So recovering for a person WHAT HE DESIRES in the way of an
operating AllThatIs, goes a long ways towards clearing a person.
He will go through a phase of coming back into contact with what
he really desires, but still suffer the self casting doubt that he can
have it.
These are the Qualms, otherwise known as 'too good to be true'.
Get him through it, not know is better than selling yourself and
everyone else you touch down the river out of cowardice for the
momentary relief of lies and illusion of knowing it all.
And guess what, he will be able to make friends again, oh will he
be able to make friends again, with EVERYONE.
He will FEEL, he will BOND, he will afford intimacy again.
Even with people who think he is going to hell forever for making
friends with everyone.
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
Homer Wilson Smith The Paths of Lovers Art Matrix - Lightlink
(607) 277-0959 KC2ITF Cross Internet Access, Ithaca NY
homer@lightlink.com In the Line of Duty http://www.lightlink.com
Sun Aug 5 22:04:46 EDT 2007
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